The Paper | January-May Issue 8 Vol 1

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VO LU M E 8 ISSUE 1 J A N - M AY 2 02 0 1

CONTENTS 5 Faith Family Highlight 9 Missions Update 11 Faith Church Strategic Plan Points Toward Bright Future 12 4Gs 14 2020 Faith Budget 16 Care & Connect 18 Beecher 20

Cedar Lake










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2020 An Inspiring Worship Experience for ALL Moms! FRIDAY | JULY 24 | FAITH DYER

MomsNation is dedicated to encouraging, equipping & empowering YOU in motherhood! Join us any time throughout the year! We trust you'll find a place for connection & belonging.

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FAITH FAMILY HIGHLIGHT THE NOORDERMEERS HOW DID YOU FIRST GET CONNECTED TO FAITH CHURCH? We first started attending Faith Dyer in 2004, shortly after we moved here from Michigan. When the Schererville campus was launched, we decided to see if it would be a good fit for our family and we have been attending here ever since the first service. WHAT HAVE YOU SEEN GOD DO AT FAITH CHURCH? When we first started attending, Faith Dyer was the only campus. Since then, we’ve been able to witness the launching of all the multi-sites. Membership has grown exponentially and it’s been wonderful to see all of the lives that have been impacted through Faith. WHAT DO YOU ENJOY ABOUT THE WORSHIP SERVICES?

Marcel & Shelly Noordermeer and family


Crown Point, Indiana

We enjoy the heartfelt music and practical, down to earth messages that are preached every week. It is easy to apply what we learn in our daily life. WHERE DO YOU SERVE AT FAITH CHURCH? Marcel serves as a deacon and on the security team. Shelly and the girls serve in Faith Kids.


HOW DO YOU CONNECT WITH OTHERS AT YOUR CAMPUS? We have gotten to know people better through various small groups and bible studies over the years. One of our favorite things about the Schererville campus is that you truly can come just as you are. We have been blessed to make new friendships with families that are similar to ours and they have been a huge support to us. WHAT HAVE YOU SEEN GOD DO IN YOUR LIFE? We have seen God’s faithfulness throughout our lives. We were both fortunate to have been raised in Christian homes and have been blessed to see the legacy of faith that has been carried on throughout the generations. Our life has taken some unexpected turns along the waybut God has been there with us through it all. Looking back over the years, we can see that thestruggles we went through were actually for our good. Marcel and I began tossing around the idea of becoming foster parents many, many years ago. It was always discussed as “someday, when our kids are older” but never seriously looked into. Late in 2016, I forwarded an article about fostering to Marcel through Facebook Messenger and noticed the last message I had sent him (2 years earlier) also related to foster care. I said to him maybe that meant something. The very next day a newspaper was on our front porch. We had never gotten a paper before and haven’t gotten one since. The front page story was about the tremendous need for foster parents in Indiana. We definitely felt a nudge from God then! A few days later, while visiting a local church, we sat down and were immediately greeted by a friendly face; within the first few sentences, he explained that he and his wife were foster parents, and mentioned how many more were needed. After that, all our doubts went away. This was where God was leading us and we had no excuses left. We jumped in.

We were officially licensed in the late summer of 2017 and very shortly afterwards accepted placement of a baby girl, who we recently adopted. When we started this, we had no idea what to expect, and have learned a lot about ourselves and others in the two years since. We live in a broken world, full of hurting people. Nowhere is that more evident than in the foster care system. I made a promise to myself to treat everyone that crossed our paths with kindness and respect, in the hopes that they would feel the love of Jesus through our interactions with them. I reminded myself that if the circumstances of our lives were any different, this could very easily be me, and if the roles were reversed, I would want to be treated with grace and kindness. This experience has shaped and changed our family. Our kids have learned empathy and compassion, not just in the abstract sense, but in the practical day to day living out the meaning of those words. Our prayers are very different now than they were two years ago. Our hearts have grown to love not only our sweet daughter but many other children along the way. We have learned how difficult and freeing it is to truly place everything into God’s hands, and trust that His plan for their lives is good. We stepped out of our safe and comfortable life, and entered into the pain of others, in the hopes that we could see lives restored. We chose to do it because that is exactly what Jesus has done for us. We look forward to the day when all will be made new, and there will be no more pain or sorrow. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.


HOLIDAY FAITH KIDS Nursery ONLY (Infant-2 yrs) will be available the following weekends: MARCH 28/29


MAY 23/24

JAN 4/5-MARCH 21/22 Full Faith Kids APRIL 4/5 - PALM SUNDAY Full Faith Kids *Kids sing in church APRIL 11/12- EASTER Full Faith Kids APRIL 18/19-MAY 16/17 Full Faith Kids SUMMER FAITH KIDS NURSERY & PRESCHOOL ONLY MAY 30/31-AUG 29/30 *No Faith Kids at Faith Dyer on Saturday evenings HOLIDAY FAITH KIDS JULY 4/5 Nursery Only (Infant-2 yrs)


FIVE-WEEK MISSION WORKSHOP A collaborative effort among Northwest Indiana churches designed to engage individuals and families to be on mission in our communities and around the world. Sundays Starting February 9, 4-6 PM Bethel Church, Crown Point Campus -orMondays Starting February 10, 6-8 PM Liberty Bible Church, Valparaiso Campus Cost: $30/individual $50/Family, Childcare provided under 12 For information and to register ENCOUNTERGODSHEART.COM Questions? Email




This has been an incredible year of impact with our partnership in Brazil. The First Presbyterian Church of Manaus (IPM) continues to have exponential growth throughout the Amazon region and it is a joy to be a small part of their ministry. Our tithes and offerings are literally going to reach those that live in the furthest reached jungle areas along the Amazon River who have never had the opportunity to hear the gospel before. Faith Church Missions values relationship through partnership around the world and we are thankful for the many touchpoints we’ve been able to have over this past year with our friends in Brazil. Through vision trips, mission trips, and our kids and families running to raise funds for water wells, we have been able to see the fruit of growing on mission together. Most recently, Tim Huizenga, Associate Pastor of Faith Highland, was able to spend a week in Brazil learning about the mission and vision of IPM. He shares a few highlights from his experience below.



“This past November, I was able to visit one of Faith Church’s Mission Impact areas: Manuas, Amazonas in Brazil. It was an amazing trip that encouraged me so much! I was in a completely different part of the world and saw people passionately worshipping the same God that I do. I was impacted by many things: IPM, the church that Faith Church partners within this area of Brazil, is missional to its core. Can you believe that 80% of their budget goes to mission outreach and evangelism?! This includes the outreach to the indigenous people along the Amazon River, a medical boat ministry to reach remote villages, and an inner-city ministry to the homeless and refugee families. Pastor Francisco shared that IPM is not trying to grow a church, rather they want to build a missional movement to reach people for Christ! I love that! As two of the missionaries and I walked through one of the remote villages, we met two women outside their home. We were invited to rest for a while. As we conversed with these women, I witnessed the Holy Spirit at work because both of them accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Wow! We asked if they would be willing to be a host home for a Bible study group for that village and they responded, “Yes!” It was very powerful to see God at work. These women, open to sharing their new faith, will be used to minister to others. We pray the small group grows into a worshipping community in that village. Rodrigo is an elder at IPM and has started a ministry called the Potter’s House. It is a halfway house for people on the streets to have breakfast, a shower, Bible study, lunch and a place to connect; it serves around 60 people a day. At one point he shared his frustration of people who come into a church and complain about trivial things. He encouraged each of us to be the change-makers that seek out and love people in our communities. He said, “If people want to see God do miracles, then go out and help someone because I see miracles on a regular basis!”



Faith Church’s relationship with World Vision began in 2007. We partnered together for a community development project in Karaba, Rwanda. Rwanda, which is a land locked country, is struggling and still trying to recover from the 1994 genocide in which over 800,000 people were slaughtered in 100 days. 2019 marks the 25th anniversary of the genocide. World Vision partners with the local church to identify areas of need as well as provide training to indigenous people to empower communities to become self-sustaining. In response to this partnership, Faith Church, you have run for clean water and have built caregiver kits for those serving people with HIV/AIDS. Through child sponsorships, you have supplied healthcare, medicines and education, and have built schools. In addition you have supported programs that include grief and forgiveness counseling, micro-financing for agriculture and women, and support the local church. In 2015, Karaba was evaluated for sustainability, which it was! Over the course of two years, World Vision and Faith slowly withdrew out of Karba, however World Vision continually evaluates the area to ensure the people remain self-sustaining. World Vision continually evaluates Karaba to assure that the people remain self-sustaining. Though we were sad to say good-bye to our sponsored children and friends made on our

visit in 2011, I am happy to report the people of Karaba are doing well and remain self-sustaining! As we transitioned out of Karaba in 2017, our partnership moved to Simbi, Rwanda. Here, we are using the same blueprint of partnering with the church and training indigenous people to assist Simbi to become self-sustaining. Though we are just two years into this new endeavor, we have already made an impact. Faith Church runners raised almost $300,000 for clean water, and 573 children have been sponsored and supplied with over 500 promise packs filled with school supplies. Faith Church, I am overwhelmed by how you love your Rwandan neighbors and how you have defended the weak and the fatherless and uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed! (Psalm 82:3) What’s next? In 2020, the plan is to return to Rwanda to visit Simbi with a videographer. This will help you see the impact your miles of running and donations are making, as well as give insight to what still needs to be done. We also hope to have a promise pack event, an interactive walkthrough Market, and again be part of the Chicago Marathon. Please keep all these events, the church and the people of Simbi in your prayers! Thank you!


FA I T H C H U RC H S T R AT E G I C P L A N P O I N T S TO WA R D B R I G H T F U T U R E Peter Drucker, once dubbed by BusinessWeek magazine as “the man who invented management,” asserted that “Strategy is a commodity, execution is an art.”

• 51% of people serving once

For the most part that quote from Drucker holds true for the Church, too, with one additional caveat: We are God’s people called to do the work He’s called us to, all for His glory! So, it’s His “strategy” and we’re invited by Him to execute it according to our giftedness. That drives our motivation for the work we do together as Faith Church, which we root in our 4Gs: Gather, Grow, Give and Go. After all, everything is from God; every idea, every goal, every strategy, every tactic, every accomplishment, every person . . . and the list goes on.

• 11% annual increase in

a month at church

• 1-3 new worshipping

communities: plant, enfold or launch new campuses people serving outside our walls

on connecting with one disconnected person and invited them to a Sunday service

• Read one chapter of the

Bible and prayed each day

• Took a step toward leading

a ministry or encouraging someone else with leadership gifts to consider additional training in leadership

• Increased their giving at

in a group

least one percent each year

• 51% of people increase their generosity by giving more

• Seriously committed to becoming active in a small group

• 51% of people connected


• Intentionally focused

gathering on weekends

leadership development


Remember that Drucker said, “execution is the art.” The 1:1 Initiative will be hugely successful if you participate, which will magnify our art offering to our Lord. Imagine if every person who calls Faith Church their home church:

• 1,001 new people

• 201 people engaged in

These are just a few practical ways for you to display your art. Would you kindly join us in participating in the 1:1 Initiative? Our help is in the name of the Lord! All praise and honor to Him as we labor together to affect The Region of NW Indiana and the Chicago Southland.

But now the work begins, where the execution of the 1:1 Initiative will come by way of your artistry, as one of the many “artists” that God has provided to Faith Church.

To refresh your memory, the plan includes eight overarching goals, including:

growing through spiritual disciplines

At this point, you might be saying, “it looks great on paper, but . . .” If that’s your thought, let’s fill in the sentence:

You might recall from September 2019, Pastor Bob Bouwer introduced to you, The 1:1 Initiative, Faith Church’s 2020-2022 Strategic Plan. We believe this plan is a gift from God or a commodity as Drucker would call it. It has great value because it gives our church a vision for our work for the next three years. We’re fully convinced God is doing an incredible work through Faith Church and these are exciting times, to say the least.

• 11% increase in people

• Gave of their time to serve in

one ministry or began serving for the first time, even once per month

• Committed to going outside the church walls on one serve project, either locally or globally




NATASHA’S STORY “I grew up in church but became disconnected in my late 20s. When I moved to Hammond in 2014, I decided it was time to return. I was looking for a church and a co-worker told me good things about Faith Hammond (now Faith Munster). I checked it out, and I’ve been there ever since. The experience was very different from what I was used to, but I knew God was calling me into this fellowship.

BY MARILYN MILLER You’ve read much on these pages about the 4G life, which Faith Church is calling us to. Where are we seeing our individual commitment to Gather, Grow, Give and Go? While there are many examples throughout our six campuses, take a look into the lives of some individuals (and a campus) who have walked into the 4Gs and the difference God has made in their lives as a result. We had already bonded, but a crisis took those relationships to a new level – it catapulted us into a new stratosphere of friendship. My life forever changed on May 28, 2019 when my husband, James (age 48), went in for a routine surgery. He had a heart attack and passed away less than a month later. Those weeks in the hospital were so difficult for my two young sons and me. Yet my small group was with me every step of the way. Prayers, texts, late night to early morning visits were commonplace. I was heartbroken and very frightened – yet never alone. I was in a fog because of what was happening all around me, but these friends were there to help me see things clearly. They walked with me, and they continue to do so. Honestly, I’m not sure I would have made it without them. Natasha Simmons, Faith Munster

I joined the church when the campus was located at a school near downtown Hammond. I began serving in Faith Kids, where I continue to serve today. I also enjoy serving as a greeter. In 2018 I was invited to join a small group. We were a unique group from different backgrounds and personality types. Our variety made our time together fun. Getting to know these people helped me to realize how important it is to connect with other believers on a genuine level. While I can tend to be a loner, this group helped me to grow and became a source of fuel to go out into the world and be a light.


Even though he didn’t understand most of what was being said due to the language barrier, Ricky Tants attended an Eastern Orthodox Church as he was growing up. Their babysitter invited Ricky and his family to attend Faith Cedar Lake about a year ago. They decided to try it.

“It was a complete culture shock,” Ricky says of their first visit. “It was so foreign to me to be able to understand what was being spoken and sung.” And he was impressed by the friendliness of everyone – from the greeters to the coffee servers. Initially, Ricky felt a bit guilty for being there, struggling with leaning away from the traditions he had always known.

But he kept coming back. “I was ‘that guy’ standing there while everyone was singing and worshipping – determined that I would never join in. Boy was I wrong!” Ricky prayed about his anxieties. He realized his relationship with Jesus was growing after years of sensing a desire to know more about God. “My wife was making friends through the nursery and a MOPS group, and I saw how much that was meaning to her,” says Ricky. But he wanted to meet new people,


too. When the Transformed groups were announced, he joined. Ricky made a strong connection with his Transformed group. Because of that experience, he is now spending time daily with God. “When I was invited to transition into a Journey group, I knew it was the next step for me,” says Ricky. “I can’t wait for Tuesday nights!” Ricky Tants, Faith Cedar Lake


BETTER TOGETHER Our Schererville campus wanted to find a way to bring their Faith Kids ministry under the same roof as the worship area. They realized having the children close by was the most convenient and comfortable setting for the parents. The leadership saw an opportunity that could provide a solution, as well as meet some other needs. Campagna Academy (the facility where Faith Schererville rents space) had a great big room – about 1,600 square feet, which is part of the newly revised rental space. If divided up, there would be ample space for Faith Kids plus room to expand the kitchen area and coffee ministry. But this re-purposing was not in the budget. There were no funds for what appeared to be a great solution. Schererville leadership presented the vision to the congregation. What would it look like if the Schererville family came together to fund this project (plus a few other building related issues)? These funds needed to be in addition to their regular giving.

The people of Faith Schererville responded with excitement AND generosity. Within eight short weeks, they raised more than $20,000. “This is an exciting time for our campus,” says Elder Steve Dykstra. “We have met many of our needs as a church and also we’ve been able to bless the Campagna organization.” • A big-screen television was donated for Faith Kids. • Volunteers gave more than 100 hours to paint and adapt the space for the campus needs. • A fridge was purchased for use in the kitchen area. • Replacement of the gym lights and permanent stage lighting is underway. • Landscaping improvements will take place in the spring. “It’s always exciting whenever we see people give so generously to meet the needs of ministry and to be able to bless our community, especially since these improvements also benefit Campagna,” says Pastor Aaron Klein. “Our hope and prayer is for many more people to come to know Jesus as a result.” Faith Schererville



We “go” everyday...we go to work, to school, out into the world. We have the opportunity to shine the light of Jesus wherever we are. Dale and Janet Brink decided to “go” to another level by joining a Faith Church medical team to Brazil. Each of the 19 servants returned home with stories of God’s work through them and God’s work in their own lives. Here are the reflections of just 2 of those 19. Dale and Janet joined a team traveling to Manaus, Brazil in August 2019 to encourage the church ministering to people living in remote areas along the Amazon River. Dale’s work as a podiatrist helped to equip him for the experience. Stationed on the medical ship, The JJ Mesquite, Dale’s role was to work in the medical clinic on the boat, along with some trips inland to care for people who could not get to the boat on their own. Janet worked with children through Vacation Bible School and door-to-door evangelism. Janet was walking with one of the leaders, Leah, to work with some village children. Along the way, Leah noticed a woman who seemed very sad. Leah stopped to care for this woman, to ask why she was sad and to offer her the hope of Jesus. When Leah returned to Janet, she told howthis woman had accepted Jesus. “Are you serious? Just like that?” responded Janet. So often we think we’re not theologically prepared to reach out to someone. In this case, just noticing her sadness and caring for her

was all that was needed. One nighttime visit to the top deck of the boat was memorable for Dale. The night sky was brilliant, far from any light pollution. As the captain shone the light on surrounding vegetation along the river shores, the penetrating light brought a fresh awareness of the spiritual and physical needs of people in Brazil and back home. People need the light of Jesus. “I live in a fast-paced environment,” shares Dale. “After early hospital rounds, I’m back in my office running from room to room – assessing, diagnosing, then again and again.” “After the trip I met with a patient who had lost both legs because of diabetes. He sat crying in his hospital bed, unsure of his future. I took some extra time to sit with him, listening and caring. Before the trip, I probably would have just hurried out of the room. But I am trying to see people more fully now.” Feet are messy, dirty and smelly. “As a foot doctor, I must kneel in front of my patients in order to really see what is wrong. This servant posture is necessary to do my job,” Dale explains. “Jesus exemplified this servanthood when He washed the feet of his disciples. This trip has heightened my sensitivity to my patients. Now I take more time with them, learn more about their lives. This is my mission field and I take great joy in it.” For who is greater, the one who reclines at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines at the table? But I am among you as the one who serves. Luke 22:27 Dale and Janet Brink, Faith Dyer

2 0 2 0 FA I T H Since we are one church with multiple locations, we have one budget for all of Faith Church. We want to give you more insight both into how the budget process works at Faith Church and also about the 2020 budget.



The budget process really begins in the fall with our Church Board (called the Consistory) approving the budget for the coming year at the November meeting. Something that can make the budgeting process a bit tricky is that much of our giving is received at the end of the year (around 20% in the last month). In light of this factor, we look at the past 12 months of giving to see patterns and also help us as we think through what our budget should be for the coming year. For example, we received around $7,260,000 in giving between October 2018 and September 2019; this number was about 6% higher than the previous 12 months (October 2017-September giving was $6,850,463).


CHURCH BUDGET BY BRIAN DENNERT While we have one budget, there are areas in the single budget for each campus and also a giving goal for each campus. Deacons at each campus work on their budgets and staff who oversee various areas make budget requests to the deacons. Those requests are gathered by the deacons, Director of Finance, Executive Pastor and Executive Director of Operations; meetings are held to review, discuss and come to a budget for the whole church. A budget is submitted to the Stewardship Team deacons for recommendation to the Church Board (Consistory). This is how the budget works, but what is the budget for 2020 and what is in the budget?


The budget for 2020 is $7,575,000, which is about $300,000 (4%) higher than the 2019 budget of $7,269,600. • The largest portion of our budget is for staffing (salary and benefits), as it is about 57.4% of the budget. • Another significant portion of our budget is support of partnerships - missionaries, missions organizations and initiatives Christians Schools and institutions, and the local, regional and national bodies of our denomination. This is around 11.5% of our total budget, so know that over 10% of what you give to Faith Church does not stay here but is invested in the work of these partners. • The remainder of the budget (about 21%) goes towards ministry programming and support, including facilities in which to do ministry. Our mortgage (Dyer and Cedar Lake) and rental

(Schererville) payments in 2020 are around 5.7% of our total budget, which is down because we only have payments budgeted for the Dyer mortgage for part of the year because it will be paid off (and we hope to pay it off earlier!). We are thankful we have a low amount of our budget towards mortgages and rent and make that a priority in our budgets. One thing to note for our 2020 budget is that our churchwide giving goal is a bit higher than our budgeted expenses - that goal is $7,700,001. We wanted to have a higher goal to provide cushion and create space for savings for various needs, such as building repairs, expansion and new ministry opportunities. Just like a family, we have savings in reserve to handle any unforeseen situations, and we also have funds available for major building repairs and for launching new worship communities.


These details can cause us to lose perspective on the big picture of the budget; it is not about a number but about using the resources God has blessed us with as His people to honor Him and make His name known here in the region as well as around the world. The leadership of the church takes this call seriously in how we construct the budget and monitor the budget throughout the year. As a reminder, the deacons look at expenses each month and also have an outside firm conduct an independent review of our finances. Thank you for your faithful generosity and giving of your treasures to God and the advance of His kingdom through Faith Church.




If you have a prayer request you would like included in the campus prayer letter, please contact your campus office. Celebrate Recovery Celebrate Recovery (CR) is based on the original 12 steps of recovery and the Beatitudes-the actual words of Jesus. CR is open to everyone as a place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. Mondays, 6:30-8:30 PM Faith Cedar Lake | Community Cntr Contact Jim/Brenda Thursdays, 7-9 PM Faith Munster Contact Jim P at Tuesdays, 7-9 PM Faith Dyer | The Garage Contact Jim C at Celebration Place Tuesdays, 6:45-9 PM Faith Dyer | K5 Room Contact Beckie at Celebration Place is designed for kids Kindergarten through 13 years of age whose parents attend Celebrate Recovery. We hope to make Jesus the foundation of their lives, break cycles of dysfunction and join their parents in forgiveness & healing. CrossCurrent Mondays, 7-9 PM Faith Munster Meeting Dates TBD Contact Jen at CrossCurrent is an 8 week, closed support group, of teaching, healing and prayer in the area of relationships and sexuality for adults only. Crosscurrent offers an opportunity to better view your relational wholeness from a Christian perspective. Because CrossCurrent seeks to help each participant in deep and challenging areas of their lives, we each need to take responsibility in making the group a safe and healing place for all of us. Meets Weekly Fresh Hope Wednesdays, 7-8:30 PM Faith Highland

Contact Vinnie at Fresh Hope is our Mental Health Support Group. This group is for individuals who have a mental health challenge AND their loved ones (family members, close friends). Friendship Tuesdays, 7 PM Faith Highland Contact Amy at Friendship Ministry is a place where adults with special needs can gather to learn from God’s word and enjoy a great time of fellowship. Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month

Contact Jeri at Grief support group for women Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays Overcomers Mondays, 7 PM Faith Dyer | Rooms 144/145 Contact Marlys at This ministry is for patients and caregivers of patients with life-altering illnesses. Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays


Hurting Moms, Mending Hearts Hurting Moms, Mending Hearts is a ministry for moms who are hurting because of the choices their adult child/children are making.

Card Connection Thursday, 6:30 PM (Sep-May) Faith Dyer | Room 140 Contact Jeri Meets the last Thursday of the month to make cards for the Faith Church family.

Mondays, 6:30-8 PM Faith Dyer Feb 24-Apr 20 Contact Karyn at

Mondays, 6:30 PM Beecher Campus Contact Mary at Meets the 3rd Monday of the month

Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 PM Faith Highland | Room 201 Contact Lynea at

Faith Singles Wednesdays, 6 PM | Faith Dyer Contact Jan at Follows the Wednesdays schedule

Mobile Food Pantry Faith Beecher Jan 28 | Feb 25 | Mar 24 | Apr 21 | May 26 4:30-6 PM Contact Leanne at Open to any Illinois resident

Thursday, 7 PM | Faith Highland Contact Sandy at Visit the “calendar tab” at for information about social activities. Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month

NA-The Grace Street Recovery Meeting of Narcotics Anonymous Thursdays, 7-8:30 PM Faith Highland | Room 201 Contact Deena at (219) 742-5029 This is an open meeting where all are welcome, but only members are encouraged to speak. OA- Overeaters Anonymous Fridays, 10-11 AM Faith Highland | Room 101 Contact Barb Russo at (219) 742-3397 Steps and Traditions study style with guest speakers every week. Meets weekly Our Hope Tuesdays, 7-9 PM Faith Dyer | Prayer Room

Faith Stitchers Thursday, 1-4 PM (Sep-May) Faith Dyer | Rooms 140/141 Contact Sharon at We knit & crochet for those in need. Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month Marriage Ministry Groups Contact Gina at Your marriage is the most important earthly relationship you have and we believe that being proactive is the key to success in your marriage. Here are some ways for you to thrive in your marriage. Preparing for Marriage Wednesdays, 7-9 PM Mar 4-Apr 15 Faith Dyer | Rooms 144/145

This class is offered twice per year on Wednesdays in the spring and fall for dating and engaged couples. The Register at marriage. Marriage Enrichment Wednesdays, 7-8:15 PM Faith Dyer | Rooms 146/147 Put your marriage first by attending this group and connecting with other couples to grow together. Register at Marriage Repair Individual marriage mentoring is available when you are in need of support and encouragement for your relationship on a more personal level. Visit Marriage Support at Young Couples Wednesdays, 6 PM Faith Dyer Garage Contact Dave at or text “YC” to 84576 For married couples who consider themselves young seeking to grow their relationship through community. Meets weekly MOMSNATION A community for moms with children ages birth through high school. Visit for information on all our groups, meeting places and times. Contact Christie at Pass It On Hockey Sundays, 6:40 AM Homewood-Flossmoor Ice Arena Contact Carl at Men of all ages welcome. Meets weekly through April

The Journey The Journey is a 22-week course designed to provide a safe place for a group of 7-10 people to slow down and be intentional about focusing on their relationship with Jesus and personal discipleship. To learn more, go to Contact Marilyn at for more information. Join the hundreds of people from Faith Church who have come to understand God (and themselves) in a new way through The Journey! 12.1 Running Club Saturdays, 8 AM Faith Dyer (Dec-Mar) Saturdays, 7 AM Erie Lakawanna Trail in Highland (Gazebo at Kennedy & Ridge) (Apr-Nov) Contact Yvonne at Meets Weekly W.O.W.S (Widow or Widower Seniors) Monday, 1-3 PM Faith Dyer | Atrium Contact Sue at Group time includes devotions, speaker, games & light refreshments. Meets the 3rd Mondays of the month

January 23rd


by Elizabeth Byler Younts

February 27th

March 26th

Collateral Damage

Suffer Strong

by Lynette Eason

by Katherine & Jay Wolf

April 23rd

May 28th

More Than We Remember

Star of Persia

by Christina Suzann Nelson

by Jill Eileen Smith

Book Club - meets the 4th Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM


Quilters Mondays, 8 AM-3 PM Faith Dyer | Rooms 142/143 Contact Barb at A group of women who meet around a common interest of quilting. Bring your own UFOs to work on along with your own machine and supplies. Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays Stitchin Sisters Tuesday, 9:30 AM Faith Beecher Contact Marietta at Meets 1st Tuesday of the month

The Bright Unknown


17 (219) 864-5063

BEECHER PASTOR’S NOTE If you’re reading this publication, you must be curious about the life and culture of Faith Church - who we are, what we believe, and how we are involved and on mission in our community. Since opening the Beecher Campus in 2012, our Gospel focus has been reaching the 20,000 people who live in the rural communities of Beecher, Grant Park and Peotone. We are incredibly grateful to God for the sincere, deepening relationships within our church family, but most notably, those outside our walls - with the public schools and local government officials in our area. If you are looking for a church family that is active in the community (even if you live outside our focus area!), we would be honored to have you at one of our Sunday morning services - 9 & 11 AM - and welcome you into the ebb and flow of weekday ministry. Come as you are and we’ll learn together about the truth, love and grace of Jesus Christ through biblical teaching and real-life application as we serve God and others throughout the week. We hope you’ll join us! Pastor Nathan Prairie

WORSHIP 201 E Church Road Beecher, IL 60401 (708) 946-2545 Office Hours: Tues, Thurs, Fri: 9 AM-4 PM If you need assistance on Weds, please call Leanne at (219) 864-0300. FaithChurchBeecher Service Times: Sunday, 9 & 11 AM Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th grade) Sundays, 9 & 11 AM *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: The Connections area in the back corner of the Worship Center is open after all weekend services. Want to serve? Want to be connected? Have prayer needs? Need more information about Faith Beecher or any classes/events? Complete the tear-off portion of the

weekend program & submit to Pastor Nathan or go to the Connections Center.

CONNECT ● WOMEN Women’s Bible Study (daytime) Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer (resumes Jan 14) Tuesdays, 1-2:30 PM Contact Judy at or Ima at Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesdays ● MOMSNATION A community for moms with children aged birth through high school Visit to register, for a calendar of events or for more information on the following groups: Moms of Littles Thursdays, 9-11 AM Contact Megan at Meets twice monthly Ends May 7

Moms in the Middle Fridays, 9-11 AM Contact Lisa at Meets twice monthly Ends May 8 Card Connection Monday, 6:30 PM Contact Mary at Meets 3rd Monday of the month No Meeting in March Stitchin’ Sisters Tuesday, 9:30 AM Contact Marietta Koster (708) 258-6450 or Meets 1st Tuesday of the month Ends May 5 ● MEN Men’s Bible/Book Study Wednesdays, 7-8:30 PM Contact Marty at Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays


Men’s Bible/Video Study Saturdays, 7 AM Contact Dave at or Marty at Meets 2nd & 4th Saturdays ● ADULTS (MEN & WOMEN)


Partner with Faith (Class 2) Wednesday, Jan 29, 6:30-8:30 PM Wednesday, Mar 11, 6:30-8:30 PM Membership & Baptism Celebrations March 15 | May 17 Register at or pick up a paper registration form from the Connections area.

Smit/Teykl Group Ann Smit

Getting Married? Contact Becky at to begin your wedding journey.

Marriage Ministry Groups See Care & Connections on page 16

Financial Peace University Wednesdays, 6:30 PM Jan 22-March 18 Contact Mark at

● STUDENTS Faith Beecher Students Contact Scott at Fridays, 6-8:30 PM Meets most Friday evenings Winter Retreat Feb 28-Mar 1 SpringHill Camps in Evart, MI Register at ● CARE Mobile Food Pantry Faith Beecher parking lot Jan 28 | Feb 25 | Mar 24 | Apr 21 | May 26 4:30-6 PM - Please note change in time Invitational flyers as well as sign up to volunteer available at the Connections Center. Open to any Illinois resident. See page 16 for additional care groups. ● CLASSES & EVENTS Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith. Discover Faith (Class 1) Wednesday, Jan 15 | 6:30-8:30 PM Wednesday, Feb 26 | 6:30-8:30 PM Wednesday, May 27 | 6:30-8:30 PM

SpringHill Day Camp 2020 July 6-10 Registration opens February 14.

SERVE There are many ways to get involved at Faith Beecher. Contact the following ministry leaders for more information about serving on one of these teams. Coffee Ministry Contact Christa at Faith Kids (Infant-5th grade) Contact Mandy at or Rebecca at Faith Students (6th-12th grade) Contact Scott at Frontline Team Contact Frank at Medical Team Contact Nick at Mobile Food Pantry Contact Leanne at Moms Nation Contact Christie at Prayer Team Contact Bob at Security Team Contact John at Worship - Are you an instrumentalist or vocalist interested in serving? Contact Scott at Tech - To serve with sound, lights media or stage design. Contact Nick at

CEDAR LAKE PASTOR’S NOTE Welcome to Faith Church. I am excited you are here! It is our hope as you join us on the journey through life that you find places of deep connection with Jesus and others in this community. It has personally been life giving for me to be a part of the Faith Church family for the last 20 years. My wife, Karla, and I and our four kids are living proof that ordinary, imperfect people can belong in this community of believers. If you have some “baggage” from your past, are dealing with some issues or even just trying to figure out your next steps in life, Faith Church welcomes you! As we get to know each other, it is our desire the relationships that are formed are meaningful and caring. There are many ways to connect through small groups and serving, and we would be glad to assist you in any way we can. I look forward to meeting you! If you would like to contact me, please email me at Pastor Dave Weemhoff



6729 W 133rd Ave Cedar Lake, IN 46303 (219) 374-6309


Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs: 8 AM-4 PM Fri: 8 AM-2 PM If you need assistance on Wednesdays, please call Sue at Faith Dyer (219) 864-0300. FaithChurchCedarLake Service Times: Beginning Jan 5 8, 9:30 & 11 AM *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th Grade) Sunday, 9 & 11 AM Reflectors Worship (Disability Ministry) Sun, 11 AM *No Reflectors Programming March 29

Women’s Bible Study Finding God Faithful by Kelly Minter Tuesdays, 6:30 PM Begins Jan 14 Contact Dea at Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesdays Women’s Bible Study Crazy Love by Francis Chan Saturdays, 9-10:30 AM Contact Hope at Meets weekly Moms Prayer Group Wednesdays, 9:30 AM Contact Denise at Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays ● MOMSNATION A community for moms with children ages birth through high school. Visit to register, for a calendar of events or for more information on the following groups:

Moms of Littles Thursdays, 9-11 AM Contact Danielle or Kelsey at Meets twice monthly Moms in the Middle Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30 AM Contact Melissa or Kathy at Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays ● MEN Bible Study Saturdays, 7-8:30 AM Contact Terry at or Rob at Meets weekly Bible/Book Study James by Max Lucado Wednesdays, 6:30 PM Contact Matt at Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays ● ADULTS (MEN & WOMEN)


New Small Groups are forming. If you are interested in being part of a small group, please contact Kristen Fennema at Marriage Ministry Groups See Care & Connections on page 16 Young Adults (Ages 18-early 30’s) Thursdays, 6:30 PM Contact Jeremy at Meets weekly ● STUDENTS Faith Cedar Lake Students Wednesdays, 6:30-8 PM Contact Jeremy at Middle School Wednesdays, 6:30-8 PM Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays High School Wednesdays, 6:30-8 PM Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays Stay connected with us & our activities via: Instagram: @FaithStudentsCL For text updates, send the message @fclyouth to 81010. ● CARE CELEBRATE RECOVERY Mondays, 6:30 PM Contact Jim/Brenda at CR is open to everyone as a place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. Meets weekly Faith CL Care Team Looking for someone to walk alongside you during a difficult time? Our Care Team is here for you! If you battle depression, have lossed a loved one, struggle with marital issues, illness or any other difficult life circumstance, you do not need to walk that path alone! We have both a men’s and women’s team. Please contact our Care Team at or contact the Cedar Lake office. Faith Family Market Mondays, 10 AM-Noon (closed the 5th Monday) Contact Beckie at Additional Market Needs: paper towels, toilet paper, detergent, pasta, spaghetti sauce, cereal, mac ‘n cheese, sloppy joe mix

Reflectors Ministry Sundays, 11 AM Contact Becky at This ministry exists to help people with any disability grow in their relationship with Jesus at their own level and to be enfolded into the church community. Kids Worship buddies and prayer partners are available to help make church more accessible to participants and their caregivers. Please contact us if you know of anyone who could be blessed by this ministry or if you have an interest in serving in this capacity. See page 16 for additional care groups. ● CLASSES & EVENTS Prayer Gathering Wednesday | 7 PM Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith. Discover Faith (Class 1) Sunday, Jan 12 | 1:30-4 PM Tuesday, Feb 25 | 6:30-9 PM Partner with Faith (Class 2) Sunday, Jan 26 | 1:30-4 PM Tuesday, Mar 10 | 6:30-9 PM Contact Bonnie at or register at Baptism Class Tuesday, Jan 28 | 6:30-7:30 PM This class is for parents who wish to have their child/children baptized and have never attended a baptism class. Contact Pam at or register at Membership & Baptism Celebrations March 15 | May 18 Getting Married? Contact Becky at to begin your wedding journey.

SERVE Kids Hope Would you like to help change a child’s life? Kids Hope USA is in need of mentors for kids. Children are paired with a caring church member who serves as their mentor. The mentor and child meet for one hour a week, each week of the school year. Mentors spend time reading, playing games and being a “friend” to a child who needs one. The Cedar Lake Campus serves the children of MacArthur Elementary School. If you are interested or want to know more, contact Jennifer LeRose at Additional Opportunities There are many ways to get involved at Faith Cedar Lake! Contact the following ministry leaders for more information or if you’d like to serve on one of these teams! Card Ministry Marcy at Faith Family Market Becky at Faith Kids (infant-5th grade) Ronda at Faith Students (Middle School, High School) Jeremy at Frontline Team (includes greeters, welcome center, coffee service) Karla at Photography Team Matt at Praying Moms Ministry Denise at Prayer Team Denise at Technical Arts Caleb at Worship Team Caleb at

Financial Peace University Thursdays, 6:30 PM Feb 6-Mar 26 Contact Nick at SpringHill Day Camp 2020 June 22-26 Registration opens February 14.


All proceeds go toward Scholarships for SpringHill Day Camp for Cedar Lake

DYER PASTOR’S NOTE When I started serving Faith over 25 years ago, we were a family of six. My wife, Laurie, our four children, plus their spouses and children now number 17. In comparison, Faith Church has grown from one church with 250 people to now having six sites with thousands of wonderful people. God is a God of fruitfulness and reproduction. Laurie and I have found joy in every season of life. We are currently “empty nesters,” which allows us to cherish our loving grandchildren in all their wonder. This season also provides unique opportunities for us to serve God’s world in its beauty and in its gospel impact. God is moving in mighty ways at Faith Church and I am excited to see where He will lead! Pastor Bob Bouwer



100 W 81st Avenue Dyer, IN 46311 (219) 864-0300


Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30 AM-4 PM FaithChurchDyer Service Times: Saturday, 5 PM | Sunday, 9 & 11 AM *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th Grade) Saturday, 5 PM Sunday, 9 & 11 AM Reflectors Worship (Disability Ministry) Sun, 11 AM *No Reflectors Programming March 29 The Vine Bookstore and Faithful Grounds Coffee Shop are open before and after all weekend services.

Bible Studies Study guides may be purchased in the Vine. God Of Covenant by Jen Wilkin Fridays, 9-11 AM | Meets off campus Contact Sara at Begins Jan 10 Meets weekly through March 20 Card Connection Thursday, 6:30 PM (Sep-May) Room 140 Contact Jeri Meets the last Thursday of the month to make cards for the Faith Church family. Faith Stitchers Thursday, 1-4 PM (Sep-May) Room 140/141 Contact Sharon at Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month to knit & crochet for those in need. Hurting Moms, Mending Hearts Mondays, 6:30-8 PM | Office Feb 24-Apr 20 Contact Karyn at Hurting Moms, Mending Hearts is a

ministry for moms who are hurting because of the choices their adult child/children are making. Meets weekly for 10 weeks. Quilters Mondays, 8:30-3 PM | Rooms 142/143 Contact Barb at A group of women who meet around a common interest of quilting. Bring your own UFO’s to work on along with your own machine and supplies. Meets the 2nd & 4th Monday of the month. Prayer Group Mondays, 11 AM | Room 144 Contact Julie at Meets weekly ● MOMSNATION A community for moms with children ages birth through high school. Visit to register, for a calendar of events or for more information on the following groups: Moms of Littles (Morning Group) Thursdays or Fridays, 9-11:15 AM Contact Rebekah or Liz at Meets twice monthly Moms of Littles (Afternoon Group) Fridays, 12:15-2:15 PM


Contact Rebekah at Meets twice monthly

Clausing Group John Clausing

Moms of Littles (Evening Group) Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 PM Contact Kristy at Meets twice monthly

Dalach Group Mike Dalach & Rich Wondaal

Moms in the Middle (Morning Group) Thursdays, 9:15-11:15 AM Contact Christina at Meets twice monthly Moms in the Middle (Evening Group) Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 PM Contact Cherilyn at Meets twice monthly ● MEN Men’s Bible Study, Prayer Group & Fellowship Wednesdays, 8 AM | Prayer Room Contact Philip at A Bible study to pray for the cares and concerns of the Faith family and to have fellowship together. Meets weekly Men’s Bible Study Saturdays, 6:30 AM | The Garage Contact Dante at Meets 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Saturdays ● Adults (Men & Women) Connections Contact Dave at This is a group for young adults, married or single, who are looking for a place to belong and grow in their walk with Christ. W.O.W.S (Widow or Widower Seniors) Monday, 1-3 PM Faith Dyer | Atrium Contact Sue at Group time includes devotions, speaker, games & light refreshments. Meets 3rd Monday of the month


If you would like information about other small groups, please visit the “Find A Group” page on our website at steps. Belford Group Jim & Casey

Faith Singles Group Jan Krediet Farmer Group (Wed) Randy & Sue Farmer Dominikovich Group John Dominikovich Lakie Group/Dennert Group Brian & Beth Dennert Liszka Group Joe & Kim Liszka Jeanor (Most Awesome) Group John & Kathie Jeanor Nearpass Group Andy Nearpass Pierce Group Rich & Nancy Pierce VanBaren Group Bob VanBaren VanDrunen/Hamstra Group Elmer VanDrunen & Al Hamstra Varela Group Lee Varela Wille Group Trudy Wille Marriage Ministry Groups Contact Gina at

Your marriage is the most important earthly relationship you have and we believe that being proactive is the key to success in your marriage. Here are some ways for you to thrive in your marriage. Preparing for Marriage Wednesdays, 7-9 PM Mar 4-Apr 15 Faith Dyer | Rooms 144/145

This class is offered twice per year on

Wednesdays in the spring and fall for dating and engaged couples. The Register at Marriage Enrichment Wednesdays, 7-8:15 PM Faith Dyer | Rooms 146/147. Put your marriage first by attending this group and connecting with other couples to grow together. Register at Young Couples Wednesdays, 6 PM | Faith Dyer Garage Contact Dave at or text “YC” to 84576 For married couples who consider themselves young seeking to grow their relationship through community. Meets weekly. For more information and resources, visit and the Marriage Ministry FB page @ faithmarriageministry. ● STUDENTS Middle School (6th-8th grade) Sundays, 5-7 PM | Garage Contact John at Meets weekly High School (9th-12th grade) Sundays, 5-7 PM | Atrium Contact John at Meets weekly ● CARE Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays, 7-9 PM | The Garage Contact Jim at A place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. Meets weekly Childcare for Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays, 6:45 PM Contact Beckie at Ages infant-5 yrs Celebration Place Tuesdays, 6:45 PM Contact Beckie at Designed for kids Kindergarten-age 13 whose parents attend Celebrate Recovery. We hope to make Jesus the foundation of their lives, break cycles of dysfunction, and join their parents in forgiveness & healing. Meets weekly


Faith Family Market Sundays, 8:45 AM-12 PM | Room 128 Contact Ann at Provides assistance to those who have grocery needs. Please shop & receive care before the 11 AM service; you may stop in and pick up your groceries after the service. Open 2nd & 4th Sundays Marriage Repair and Support Contact Gina at As a couple/individual providing Marriage Support and guidance through the Faith Church Care Team. Overcomers Mondays, 7 PM | Rooms 144/145 Contact Marlys at For patients and caregivers of patients with life-altering illnesses. Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays Our Hope Tuesdays, 7-9 PM | Prayer Room Contact Jeri at Grief support group for women Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays Reflectors Sundays, 11 AM-12 PM | Rooms 140-147 Contact Pam at There are multiple classrooms that function similar to special education classrooms but also promote inclusive activities. Volunteers are trained and have had background checks. Typical elements include modified Bible lessons, crafts, games, singing and other interactive activities. Children: ages 3-12 Gold Room | Room 140/141 Orange Room | Reflectors Room Lower Level Teen Rooms: 6th grade through age 18 Purple Room | Room 143 Green Room | Room 146/147

If you have further questions, contact Vinnie at See page 16 for additional care groups. ● HEALTH & WELLNESS 12.1 Running Club Saturdays, 8 AM Faith Dyer (Dec - Apr) Saturdays, 7 AM Erie Lakawanna Trail in Highland (Gazebo at Kennedy & Ridge) (May-Nov) Contact Yvonne at Meets Weekly ● CLASSES & EVENTS Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith. Discover Faith (Class 1) Sunday, Jan 12 | 3-5:30 PM Thursday, Feb 27 | 6:30-9 PM Sunday, May 31 | 3-5:30 PM Partner with Faith (Class 2) Sunday, Jan 26 | 3-5:30 PM Thursday, Mar 19 | 6:30-9 PM Contact Bonnie at or register at Baptism Class Sunday, Feb 9 & April 26 at 9 AM Room 147 This class is for parents who wish to have their child/children baptized and have never attended a baptism class. Contact Pam at or register at

SERVE God has created each one of us with unique gifts and talents. When we use those gifts to serve others, we become participants in God’s plan to transform the world. Lives are changed-not just the lives of those we help but also our own. When we do what God designed us to do and when we love others the way God loves us, we get closer to being who God intended us to be. Get connected serving at Building & Grounds Looking for willing volunteers to serve building and grounds needs throughout the year. Needs such as setup and take down of tables and chairs, light cleaning, electrical, plumbing and HVAC, etc Contact Bryan at Landscape Maintenance Help is needed to keep the grounds at our Dyer Campus looking beautiful. If you are willing to serve in this way, Contact Bryan at Kids Hope USA Would you like to help change a child’s life? Kids Hope USA is in need of mentors for kids. Children are paired with a caring church member who serves as their mentor. The mentor and child meet for one hour a week, each week of the school year. Mentors spend time reading, playing games and being a “friend” to a child who needs one. The Dyer Campus serves the children of Bibich Elementary School in Dyer. If you are interested or want to know more, contact Jennifer at

Membership & Baptism Celebrations March 14/15 | May 16/17

Adult Rooms: ages 18 and up Blue Room | Room 144 Small Group | Room 145

Getting Married? Contact Becky at to begin your wedding journey.

Quiet /Sensory Room | Room 142

Financial Peace University Wednesdays, 6:30 PM Jan 22-March 18 Contact Chris at

Tim Tebow Foundation’s Night to Shine Friday, Feb 7, 6-9 PM | Faith Dyer Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs Ages 14 and older. Faith Church will be one of over 500 churches around the world hosting this event. Visit to register.

Volunteer Appreciation Party Wednesday, May 6 | 6:30 PM

Strassburg Beautification Day Saturday, Feb 22 Contact Dave at Ash Wednesday Service February 26 | 7 PM

24 24





HIGHLAND PASTOR’S NOTE Thanks for checking out Faith Highland! Our goal is for people to meet Jesus Christ and be transformed by his amazing grace. We want to be a place where you feel comfortable to be on that journey at your pace. We want to help however we can. Please take advantage of the groups and opportunities listed on these pages that are fitting for where you are. Finally, please know that we are all on our journeys too. None of us has it completely figured out yet. If there is any way we can help, please let us know. Pastor Jason DeVries

WORSHIP 8910 Grace Street Highland, IN 46322 (219)-838-6231 Office Hours: Tue-Fri: 9 AM-2 PM FaithChurchHighland

W2W-Women to Women Mentoring Group Contact Maryanne at Open to those who want to mentor and to those who want to be mentored. Hurting Moms, Mending Hearts Wednesdays, 6:30-8 PM Contact Lynea at

Service Times: Sunday, 9 & 11 AM


* Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request:

A community for moms with children aged birth through high school. Visit to register, for a calendar of events or for more information on the following groups:

Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th Grade) Sunday, 9 & 11 AM

CONNECT ● WOMEN’S SMALL GROUPS Bible Studies Study guides may be purchased in the Vine or here at Faith Highland. Bible Study Thursdays, 9:30-11 AM Contact: Judyat O’Quinn Small Group Wednesdays, 6:30-8 PM Contact Marian at

Moms of Littles Tuesdays or Wednesdays, 9-11 AM Contact Jen or Deanne at Moms in the Middle Wednesdays, 9:15-11:15 AM Contact Kristy or Teresa at ● MEN’S SMALL GROUPS Promise Keepers Fridays, 6 AM Round the Clock-Highland Contact Fred at

Men’s Small Group Thursdays, 7 PM Contact Tim at ● MIXED SMALL GROUPS Highland Small Group Sundays, 5 PM | Room 104 Contact Rich at Marriage Ministry See Care & Connections page 16 ● SMALL GROUPS At Faith Church, we believe God designed us to be in relationship with Him and with others. But it’s unlikely we will develop deep and meaningful relationships if all we do is attend a weekend service. Below is a list of the kinds of groups we offer: 20-30’s Women 20-30’s Men Couples Families Grief Share Journey-22 week intensive study For more information, contact Tim at ● STUDENTS Middle School (6th-8th grade) Mondays, 6-8 PM | Great Room High School (9th-12th grade) Sundays, 6-8 PM | Great Room


Follow our Social Media Accounts to keep up to date with everything we are doing for Faith Students, including fun events, any change of meeting times and holiday breaks. Instagram: FaithstudentsMH Facebook: FaithStudentsMH Contact: Abdiel at ● CARE Celebrate Recovery Meets at Faith Munster Campus 8411 Columbia Avenue Thursdays, 7-9 PM Contact Jim at CR is based on the original 12 Steps of recovery and the Beatitudes and is open to everyone as a place of rescue, restoration, safety, and renewal for those seeking God’s healing. FFM-Faith Family Market Located at Faith Munster Campus 8411 Columbia Ave For hours of operation contact Munster Office: (219) 838-3929 *You may drop off food donations at Faith Highland Fresh Hope Wednesdays, 7 PM Contact This group is both for individuals who have a mental health challenge AND their loved ones (family members, close friends). For more information, visit

speak.OA-Overeaters Anonymous Fridays, 10-11 AM | Room 101 Contact Barb at (219) 742-3397 Steps and Traditions study style with guest speakers every week. Prayer Ministry Sundays, before & after service Contact Gary at Do you have needs, concerns, worries or praises? Stop in the Prayer Room for prayer and support. See page 16 for additional care groups. ● CLASSES & EVENTS Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith.

Worship Team Contact Andy at Hospitality Contact Tim at Security Contact Lori at

Partner with Faith (Class 2) Sunday, Feb 2 | 2:30-2:30 PM Tuesday, Apr 7 | 6:30-8:30 PM Membership & Baptism Celebrations March 15 | May 17 Register online at or contact Highland office for more information. Getting Married? Contact Becky at to begin your wedding journey. Financial Peace University Thursdays, 6:30 PM Jan 23-March 19 Contact Ed at

Grief Share Thursdays, 2 PM Contact Rich at Help and encouragement after the death of a family member or friend.

Kids Hope USA Would you like to help change a child’s life? Kids Hope USA is in need of mentors for kids. Children are paired with a caring church member who serves as their mentor. The mentor and child meet for one hour a week, each week of the school year. Mentors spend time reading, playing games and being a “friend” to a child who needs one. The Highland Campus serves the children of Southridge Elementary School. If you are interested or want to know more, contact Jennifer at Arts Contact Trent at

NA-The Grace Street Recovery Meeting of Narcotics Anonymous Thursdays, 7-8:30 PM | Room 201 Contact Deena at (219) 742-5029 An open meeting where all are welcome, but only members are encouraged to

Faith Students Contact Abdiel at

Discover Faith (Class 1) Sunday, Jan 19 | 12:30-2:30 PM Tuesday, Mar 24 | 6:30-8:30 PM

Friendship Oct-May Tuesdays, 7 PM Contact Amy at Friendship Ministry is a place where adults with special needs can gather to learn from God’s word and enjoy a great time of fellowship.

Habitat for Humanity Local building opportunities Contact Tim at

Faith Kids Contact Melissa at



MUNSTER PASTOR’S NOTE My name is Charlie Contreras and I am the campus pastor at Faith Munster. My wife, Anne, and I have been at Faith Church for over 13 years. We have two children, Gabriel (14) and Gracie (12). Anne works for Faith Church as the Faith Kids 3-5 year old Director and Munster Faith Kids Director. It is a joy to be a part of a church where we see God transforming lives with the love of Jesus. We are excited to see people growing in their faith and reaching out to serve in the church and their community. We love that God empowers us to go out and love people in our diverse world, to share the love of Christ with them and help them connect in His church. We are looking forward to an awesome year of growth both spiritually and with new people coming alive in Christ! Pastor Charlie Contreras

WORSHIP 8411 Columbia Ave Munster, IN 46321 (219) 838-3929 Office Hours: Tue-Fri: 9 AM-12 PM and 1-4 PM FaithChurchMunster Service Time: Sundays 9 & 11 AM *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th Grade) Sundays 9 & 11 AM

CONNECT God never intended for us to do life on our own. At Faith Munster, we have a number of ministries to get involved in. For more information on connecting at Faith Munster, please contact Linda Kruszynski at ● WOMEN Ladies DIY Classes Saturdays at 6:30 PM Jan 25 Feb 1 March 7 April 4

May 9 Contact Jill at Class details will be announced as the dates approach. ● MEN Men’s Group Saturdays, 7-8:30 AM Contact Bob at Meets the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Saturdays ● ADULTS (MEN & WOMEN) SMALL GROUPS Listed below are Small Groups for Faith Munster; please contact the leaders for more information on their group. For more information on small groups, please visit adults/small groups. Band of Brothers Group John Jeanor Berridge Group Bob or Lisa Berridge Friday Women’s Group Elizabeth Eizenga, Anne Contreras or Sandy Vree

Ipema Group John & Julie Ipema Mitchell Group Charles & Breanne Mitchell Tuesday Women’s Group Marianne Eenigenburg Van Baren Group Brian Van Baren Young Adults Group Collin Gallagher Jeff Davis Marriage Ministry Groups See Care & Connections on page 16 ● STUDENTS Middle School (6th-8th grade) Mondays, 6-8 PM Meets weekly at Faith Highland High School (9th-12th grade) Sundays, 6-8 PM Meets weekly at Faith Highland Follow our Social Media Accounts to keep up to date with everything we are doing for Faith Students, including fun events, any change of meeting times and holiday breaks. 28 Instagram: FaithstudentsMH

Facebook: FaithStudentsMH

May 17 | August 30

Contact: Abdiel at

Contact Bonnie at or register at

● CARE Celebrate Recovery Thursdays, 7-9 PM Contact Charles & Breanne at faithmunsterCR@gmailcom Celebrate Recovery (CR) is based on the original 12 steps of recovery and the Beatitudes, the actual words of Jesus. CR is open to adults, 18 yrs and older as a place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. Meets weekly. Childcare is available. CrossCurrent Mondays, 7-9 PM | Faith Munster Meeting dates TBD Contact Jen at CrossCurrent is an 8-week closed support group of teaching, healing and prayer in the area of relationships and sexuality for adults only. Crosscurrent offers an opportunity to better view your relational wholeness from a Christian perspective. Because CrossCurrent seeks to help each participant in deep and challenging areas of their lives, we each need to take responsibility in making the group a safe and healing place for all of us. Meets Weekly Prayer Ministry Sundays, before & after service Contact Bob at Do you have needs, concerns, worries or praises? Stop in the Prayer Room for prayer and support. Prayer and Worship Nights Join us as we learn about prayer and worship. See the church calendar or Facebook for upcoming dates. See page 16 for additional care groups. ● CLASSES & EVENTS Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith. Discover Faith (Class 1) Sunday, Feb 23 | 3-5 PM Sunday, May 31 | 3-5 PM

Getting Married? Contact Becky at to begin your wedding journey. Financial Peace University Tuesdays, 6:30 PM Jan 21-Mar 17 Contact Robert at

SERVE God has given to each one our own unique set of strengths, talents, and passions. There are many different ways to serve and contribute to the building of Christ’s kingdom. We would love to help you find your place to serve, see opportunities below. For more information on sering at Faith Munster, please contact Linda at Faith Kids (Infant - 5th Grade) Contact Anne at Kids Hope USA Would you like to help change a child’s life? Kids Hope USA is in need of mentors for kids. Children are paired with a caring church member who serves as their mentor. The mentor and child meet for one hour a week, during the school year. Mentors spend time reading, playing games and being a “friend” to a child who needs one. Faith Munster serves the children of Kenwood Elementary School. If you are interested or want to know more, contact Jennifer at ShoutOut (4th grade & up) Contact Anne at Faith Technical Arts Team Do you like serving behind the scenes? Maybe you’d be interested in serving on our Technical Arts Team? For more information, contact Jill at Worship Team & Choir We would love to add to our worship team and choir. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, contact Jen at

Partner with Faith (Class 2) Sunday, Mar 15 | 5 PM Sunday, Jun 28 | 3-5 PM Membership & Baptism Celebrations


SCHERERVILLE PASTOR’S NOTE Welcome to Faith Church Schererville! My name is Aaron Klein and I have the privilege of pastoring our Schererville location. My wife, Nicole, and I moved to the area in 2017 with our four children: Adriana (17), Nathaniel (15), Gabriel (13) and Samuel (11). It’s been a joy to be a part of such a warm and welcoming church. We’ve served at churches on the East Coast (Pennsylvania) and in the Southeast (Florida), but it’s great to be back home where our roots are here in the Midwest region. Throughout our ministry, we’ve had a passion for living a missional lifestyle through relationships, and so it’s been awesome to see how well we’ve fit with Faith Church’s belief in restoring the world one relationship at a time. If you’re the type of person who’s felt “hurt by the church” or “burned by the church;” or if you’ve just been “wondering about this whole God thing,” we promise you’ll find a diverse community of people who love to walk together in relationship. And we do so recognizing that we’re an imperfect people trying to follow a perfect God. We love our campus and we invite you to come join us at 10 AM at Campagna Academy. Come see how we’re growing people deep in their walk with Jesus and wide in their witness to the world. I’m looking forward to meeting you soon! Pastor Aaron Klein

WORSHIP The Gym at Campagna Academy 7403 Cline Avenue Schererville, IN 46375 FaithChurchSchererville Service Times Sunday, 10 AM * Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th Grade) Sunday, 10 AM Visit us in the Community Cafe before each service for coffee. ● Messages Missed a message? Weekend messages can be found @faithchurchschererville.


Women’s Bible Study Contact Sue at Join us as we grow together in our walk with Christ. ● MEN Men’s Group Contact Tim Niehof at Join us as we grow together in our walk with Christ. ● ADULTS (MEN & WOMEN) SMALL GROUPS Various times and locations. Contact Michelle at Live into community and grow in your walk with Christ through a small group. Marriage Ministry Groups See Care & Connections on page 16 ● STUDENTS Wednesdays, 6:30-8 PM | Campagna Gym Contact Mel Bendle at A place for middle and high school students looking for community and a

place to connect. Meets weekly ● CARE Mid-Week Prayer Night Thursdays, 5 PM | Campagna Chapel Contact Gordon at We believe in the power of prayer! Please join us to lift up prayer requests. Meets weekly Sunday Prayer Ministry Sundays | Prayer Room Contact Gordon at We believe in the power of prayer and want to pray for you! Meets before and after each Sunday service in the prayer room adjacent the Worship Center. Care Line (219) 440-2678 We want to care for you! This number is available to make our leadership teams aware of any need you may have. Please leave a message and we will return your call within 24 hours. See page 16 for additional care groups.


● Classes & Events All classes held at Campagna Chapel Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith. Discover Faith (Class 1) Thursday, Jan 9 | 6:30 PM Campagna Chapel Partner with Faith* Classes Thursday, Jan 30 | 6:30 PM Campagna Chapel

Coffee Ministry If you have a heart for serving others and can make a pot of coffee , the Coffee Ministry need you! Contact Laurie at Faith Kids The time you invest in a child matters! Join our ‘orange-shirt wearing’ Faith Kids Team as we fuel the faith of the next generation. Serve once a month with either infants, nursery or elementary kids. Contact Jeanne at

Membership & Baptism Celebration is March 15. Contact Bonnie at or register at Getting Married? Contact Becky at to begin your wedding journey. Free Garage Sale Saturday, Apr 25 | 8 AM-Noon Campagna Academy Gym

SERVE Technical Arts We’ll teach you to run sound, lights, camera or graphics. Serve one Sunday a month with our behind the scenes crew. Contact Luis at Set-Up/Tear-Down Help transform a simple gym into a lovely worship space. No extraordinary muscles needed; a willing heart, pair of hands and a smile will get the job done. Families are encouraged to make this a once a month serving celebration. Set-up is at 4 PM on Saturdays. Contact Sue at Worship Team Can you sing or play? Our Worship Team is looking for instrumentalists and vocalists.Contact Dee at Frontline If you have a great big grin and a hearty handshake the Frontline Team needs you! Serve once a month by just loving people. Contact Mel at

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