The Paper | Sep-Dec Issue 3 Vol 10

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TABLE CONTENTSOF Letter from Pastor Bob Online Ministry Update Why Why?ColoradoSing?ChallengeFindingHope & Meaning in Suffering Faith Family Highlight Financial Update Care & Connections2016141211654


Let’s love well, just as Jesus has taught us. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. Isaiah 40:8 In Christ,

in walking with others) as we live out our mission of restoring the world one relationship at a time.

I’m praying for each of you. For the ways in which you’ll help make Faith Church better, make people feel known, and be immersed into the body of Christ through the ways you serve the church and its people.

A new school year is underway, a new ministry season kicking off. With fresh starts come new connections. I’m challenging our leadership and ministry teams to be more intentional about our connections with others, making people feel known here at Faith Church. When we engage in conversation, our words make people feel more valued, motivated and cared for. Will you join me this season in helping others feel more connected and more excited about Faith Church? We want to care for our people well. One of the ways we can best know the needs of our congregation, the pulse of our people, is to provide a Spiritual Life Assessment. Everyone will be asked, myself included, to take part so we can better evaluate if and how we are gathering, growing, giving and going (our 4Gs). This Assessment will be anonymous - and will aid our leadership teams in knowing how we as a church can better equip and encourage our family in their spiritual growth. The results of this Assessment will be factored into a greater strategic plan for Faith Church. Our leaders are currently wrestling and praying for what’s next for our church, where God wants us to go in the next year, three years, five years, etc. My ask is that you’ll be truly honest with us in your responses at the time of the Spiritual Life Assessment, sometime in Lastly,October.I’mthankful that we are able to produce The Paper as an opportunity to hear and learn more from staff and members of our church. I would encourage you to take time to flip through these pages; from learning about the direction of our online ministry, to what it means to truly worship our heavenly Father, to learning the names of our Faith Kids leaders, each piece can help us in our walk with Christ (or aid us 4



1Dave Adamson, Metachurch: How to Use Digital Ministry to Reach People and Make Disciples (Cumming, GA: Orange, 2022), 88. 2Adamson, 89. 3Adamson, 39. 5


Dave Adamson, the former Online and Social Media Pastor at North Point Ministries (201320), quips that users search YouTube for “everything… from fixing their car to fixing their marriage.” 2 So, which digital tools can Faith leverage to “make disciples of all nations”? YouTube is one of those tools. Instagram is as well. What about TikTok? Of course. Society is asking questions that teachers at Faith can answer spiritually. To truly leverage those tools, we must place the answers to those questions in a “there” space to be found. Where do I go when I die? What do I do about anxiety? Was Jesus truly God? What can save THERETO my marriage? These are questions I know can be answered because I hear them answered weekly at Faith Church. I know because I see teachers looking to God’s Word and proclaiming Jesus and the Gospel as the only true cure for society’s ills. I try to do the same weekly at What if those asking these questions from our region found Faith Church’s teaching as a response? If we leverage the digital tools correctly, Lord willing, questions can be met with local answers. Here’s another perk: online engagement can actually drive more in-person visits, despite perception of the opposite effect. 3 Within our online ministry, Faith will see changes as we explore terms such as “microclipping”, “key-phrasing” and “search engine optimization”, among others. If you give financially to Faith Church, know this ministry is fully dedicated to reaching the disconnected in the place where we often find modern people: online. We desire, as Jesus said, to be witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8).

Ifelt a stirring. I knew God was leading me into something different than my place in worship ministry. Earlier this year, I was approached about leading Faith’s Online Ministry: It seemed like an exciting opportunity to reach people for Christ in a digital space, and so, with little more than a few small ideas, I started down the path. However, as the Lord does, while directing these online services early on, I caught His vision for a simple approach to online ministry that I would describe as here to there. Simply put, much of what we do as a church requires disconnected people to go from where they are – there – and come here to receive the Gospel. Even our webspace for online ministry,, is a destination: a here, if you will. I wrestled with this question: how can Faith Church leverage digital tools to deliver the Gospel from here to there, to reach people in the spaces they routinely visit? Google is the number one search tool in the world. Do you know where people ask the second-highest amount of questions online? YouTube. Eighty-one percent of adults actively use the video hosting site with, get this, 95% of people aged 18-29 using the social media platform!1 The questions asked on YouTube are wide-ranging.


“Someone has noted that when we pray, we are preoccupied with our needs. When we praise and give thanks, we are preoccupied with our blessings. But when we worship, we are preoccupied only with God.” Eddie Hyatt



When we dig into Scripture, we quickly see how worship has been profoundly integral to the church through the generations. When God’s people worshiped, battles were won (Joshua 6), chains were broken (Acts 16) and His presence filled the room (2 Chronicles 7). Worship is powerful and transformative! It is also something many of us don’t fully understand.

Why Sing?

There is an enemy seeking to destroy our marriages, family relationships and our church. We see it. We feel it. We may have even experienced it. Yet Psalm 8 says, “Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” The antidote for what threatens to take us out and tear us down is worship. Do you fill your home with worship music? Do you sing to God when you’re in your car? Do you utilize the most powerful weapon imaginable in this war that is constantly waging against our hearts and homes? This weapon of praise is available 24/7, anywhere you are, do you regularly tap into it? When we praise God in and through all things, we silence the enemy and the Lord is magnified within us. His power is made known in our weakness.

Have you ever wondered if our singing is important? With the Bible containing over 400 references to singing, our worship in song is very important to God and not to be something we casually do but rather something we intentionally engage in. When we are gripped by the reality of who our awesome God really is, we can’t help but sing. At the core worship is why we were created! It aligns our hearts with our Creator and gives glory to the One who deserves it! Worship is more than a suggestion or even an invitation. We are actually commanded to sing! When we do, we are walking in obedience to God, and nothing pleases a Father’s heart more than the obedience of His children.

One of my favorite verses is Ephesians 5:19, which instructs us to “be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.” When we corporately gather together for worship, we have no idea what is happening in the lives of those around us. The person in front of you may have received terrible news and needs to be reminded that God is still good (regardless of circumstances). Someone near you might be fighting depression and needs to know that God cares deeply about their struggle and will always be a faithful, sure foundation. Sometimes it’s not even the notes you sing, but the joy on your face which can bring hope to someone who is in desperate need of it. When we gather for weekend worship, we are doing more than what we even realize!


I believe our upcoming message series, Back to Worship, will help us discover what it means to worship God together with reverence. It will help us better prepare our hearts for worship as we begin to understand what it means to God when we praise His Name.

As we go back to school, back to our normal schedule, let’s also get back together to worship the One who has given us a hope and a future we could never have received on our own! He deserves our praise!

“Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!“


- Psalm 150:6


God receives glory and others receive the encouragement found in the truth of the lyrics we sing.

A magnificent picture of heaven is described in Revelation 7, in which all of creation is giving glory to God. There is always a connection between heaven and singing. Not just a passive “go through the motions” type of worship but an active reverent, awe-struck, face-down type of worship because that’s the response to a holy God, who has defeated the enemy and made all things right. We will one day join the multitude of every tribe, tongue and nation singing the song of the Lamb. Eternity awaits. Until then, I hope we can be a church that worships whole-heartedly. BEECHER | CEDAR LAKE | DYER | HIGHLANDBEECHER | CEDAR LAKE | DYER | HIGHLAND

MomsNation groups are tailored to the season of motherhood that you’re currently in. You will find community and encouragement from fellow moms who get it. Register today to save your seat!

MomsNation groups are tailored to the season of motherhood that you’re currently in. You will find community and encouragement from fellow moms who get it. Register today to save your seat!

Love Kids? MomsNation Kids is seeking loving, responsible individuals to provide childcare during our Mom of Littles and Moms in the Middle meetings. We need YOU! Have JesussharingfunwithKids! Only 2daysmonth!per Help momstiredgetabreak! Interested? Contact Trish! When? Sept 2022 - May 2023 8:30 - 11:15 AM or 6 - 8:45 PM Join MomsNation this fall, as we lean into the truth that God sees us as a beautiful work of His capable hands and remember that we are a work in progress; an Unfinished Masterpiece Join MomsNation this fall, as we lean into the truth that God sees us as a beautiful work of His capable hands and remember that we are a work in progress; an Unfinished Masterpiece

KICKOFF!SEP10/11 All Locations Faith Kids is a fun-filled environment for kids to worship Jesus at their level. We are blessed to partner with families to raise up the next generation together to shine for Jesus wherever they go! CEDARBEECHERLAKEDYERHIGHLANDMUNSTER MANDY PRICE MPRICE@WEAREFAITH.ORG RONDA HUISMAN RHUISMAN@WEAREFAITH.ORG MICHELLE PEREZ MPEREZ@WEAREFAITH.ORG SHAWNNA RUSSELL SRUSSELL@WEAREFAITH.ORG ANNE CONTERAS ACONTRERAS@WEAREFAITH. DIRECTORS


What was your biggest takeaway from the week that you’ve brought home with you and are applying to your life now?

Titan, Faith CL: My biggest takeaway is that I started to read the Bible more. Before the trip I basically never read my Bible, but after I went there I began to read my Bible almost daily and I am learning so much more about God than I ever did before.

Dylan, Faith Dyer: After the trip I have started to take time out of my day to just spend with God. A couple minutes during the day just to talk to Him. I’ve also brought home new relationships that will last a lifetime.


Jazmyn, Faith Dyer: Although I had many favorite parts of Colorado Challenge, my absolute favorite part would definitely have to be the chapel sessions and watching our generation come together as a group and worship our Savior. Also, white water rafting was super awesome.

Autumn, Faith CL : …while there, we had sessions and there was really good worship and after coming back from there, I feel so much more open to worship and that I experience God more in my worship.

During the week of June 19, 24 students and seven leaders from Faith Students ventured 1,100 miles away to Woodland Park, Colorado for the Colorado Challenge, a week of adventure and spiritual growth.

What was your favorite part about the Colorado ColoradoChallenge?

By: Faith Students

Marisa, Faith Beecher leader: My favorite part about the Colorado Challenge was seeing the Lord move in my own life as well as the lives of the students around me. One evening each person was asked to find a spot (across camp) to sit with the Lord. During this time, we cleansed our hands, feet, minds and hearts. It was powerful to hear about other students’ and leaders’ experiences through this moment and brought vulnerability and authenticity. How were you challenged during the week?

Lily, Faith Dyer: I was challenged to sit in silence for a long time in communication with God not just praying but listening. That is something I have not really done in the past and it was definitely a challenge.

From rock repelling and white water rafting, to worship and chapel sessions, we asked seven participants a series of questions about their experience, on how they were challenged both physically and spiritually.

Preston, Faith CL: I think the Holy Spirit was challenging me to be vulnerable in small group and gave me that feeling of conviction which is important for strengthening my growth in Jesus Christ.




ou don’t have to look far to find someone who is suffering. Maybe you are currently walking a painful journey due to loss, illness, abuse, disabil ity, or one of the many other reasons we experience pain and suffering. The world offers many suggestions for facing these unbearable times, but what do we see in God’s Word about how to trudge this difficult road? What is the expec tation of the Church and its members to walk alongside others who are suffering? We find these answers and more in the book of Psalms. David cries out to God, repeatedly asking, “how long?” We ache for relief, answers and healing when our suffering is long-endured. The book of Psalms reveals to us that God welcomes our honesty and invites us to cry out to Him in our despair. We repeatedly see that the Psalmist comes before the Lord, divulging his thoughts and concerns. Still, he never stays in this place of hopeless ness. There is a shift that takes place. While he is honest about his experiences and emotions, his time before the Lord ends in praise. He leaves the Lord’s presence with a final resolve to trust the Lord with every circum stance, relationship and heartbreak. The enemy desires to isolate us in our times of broken ness. We are desperate for God’s comfort, yet our reaction can be to retreat. To isolate and shut out the very indi viduals God has placed in our lives to walk along side us. We feel alone and broken, and we quickly forget our Savior, who knows our pain and can himself relate as a Suffering Servant. Being a Christian does not safeguard us from the trou bles of this world. So how do we enter a space of trust when it feels like our heart is being torn apart? How can we lean on those around us when our natural inclination is to with draw? Or, when life feels like we are basking in the sun at the highest mountain, how do we enter the valley with another and offer our support in a way that honors and glorifies Christ? We invite you to join us this fall as we open the book of Psalms and seek God for answers to these questions and more. We want to be a Church that loves well in every season and through all that life brings our way. I look forward to opening God’s Word with you and exploring the healing that is found in the community of God’s people.

Weekly in various ways. We are intentional in trying to get to know different people each week. Before and after each service we can be found mingling with the people. We like to write their names down so we can spend time praying for them throughout the week. With small groups getting underway, we are excited to join with others in a learning and discipleship venue as well.

PC’s first connection was when moving from Michigan to lead Young Life in South Holland with Jan Mulder (Beatty). Since then there have been small connections with Faith over the years. Most recently, it was from an invitation from Pastor Tim Huizenga and the Highland Leadership Team asking if we would consider being a part of the ministry.

We enjoy being a part of the community. PC enjoys coaching football for Highland. Eunice works as an accountant for Moody Bible Institute.





PC is originally from Michigan and Eunice is originally from the Dominican Republic. We currently live in Highland, Indiana. Our oldest daughter, Natalie, lives in Gig Harbor (Seattle area). Hailey attends Moody Bible Institute and Naomi has just started Wheaton.

From salvation to continual forgiveness, health, peace, security, life itself, a beautiful family, overcoming hardships, joy and love…each is a story that we hope to share with others, so by all means don’t wait for us to write it all down, come up and ask us after service someday.




Variety! There are so many things that happen from week to week that are showcasing people, ministries, talents, outreach, worship styles and preaching dynamics. The atmosphere is very rich and fertile for God’s presence to be felt. It is not only about what we are seeing externally, but it is also that we feel welcomed and appreciated.



WHAT HAVE YOU SEEN GOD DO AT FAITH CHURCH? Since being here we have seen God bring joy to the people from various backgrounds and abilities. We have seen how God has utilized the amazing staff and volunteers to bless people by making them feel seen, heard and loved. There is no small thing that is going on at Faith Church. God is moving in a mighty way!

Leroy (PC), Eunice, Natalie, Hailey & Naomi Childress


Well, this is a loaded question that would fill the remainder of this paper! How can we even begin to summarize all that God has done in our lives? Where does one begin when talking about the goodness of God and the so many things that He has blessed us with, spared us from, and allowed us to go through?

We are a part of the Highland location where PC serves as one of the pastors and Eunice serves on the worship team.

Fall EventsFall Events Christian Aid Golf Classic Tuesday, September 27 White Hawk Country Club Men’s Event Friday, October 28 Join us as we grow through worship, teaching and fellowship. 28OCT All Church Hymn Sing Sunday, October 30 Faith Dyer 30OCT


Growing Leaders: We currently have seven pastoral residents ( as part of our commitment to raising up leaders. Leadership development is crucial for the future of the church, so it’s our desire to train and grow leaders for the Kingdom.


Investing in our sites: Whether at the gas pump or grocery checkout, we’ve all felt the increase in costs of goods and services. In order to maintain our facilities and grounds, we, too, need to keep up with rising building and utility costs. We also want to be intentional in investing in our locations, keeping them well-maintained and inviting for guests of all abilities.

If you have any questions about Faith Church finances, please reach out to the deacons at your Faith location ( or email


3, 2, 1…Action: Have you seen a video testimony at Faith Church? A weekend announcement video? An event recap reel? A quarterly Facebook update from Pastor Bob? Storytelling and visual communication is crucial in today’s church outreach. Faith Church has historically seen value in video storytelling to share God’s story. We want to continue to invest in video production, to allow us to further support the needs of each of our sites.

Additionally, Faith Highland and Faith Cedar Lake are experiencing a lot of growth in their congregation and are in need of associate pastors. You can ‘meet’ Faith Highland’s associate pastor, PC, on page fourteen of this edition of The Paper.

Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine. Proverbs 3:9-10 At the end of June, we concluded our fiscal year. We are very thankful as giving, $7,566,434, exceeded our planned budget of $7,454,804. We praise God because our budget being met represents needs being met. As we share dollar signs, more importantly these figures represent lives impacted, whether during weekend services, events, ministry gatherings, mission funds, etc. Because of your faithful giving, together, following God’s direction and calling upon our church, we are restoring the world one relationship at a time. When one budget concludes, another begins and so we look to our 2022/2023 goal of $8,800,000. In the summer edition of The Paper, I laid out how the budget was compiled, starting with each location’s ministry goals and the review process. Our giving goal is significant but it has been prayerfully considered throughout the entire budget process, during every step. In addition to our normal operating costs, we are excited about investing in some strategic areas as well, as we seek to reach the disconnected and grow the connected:

Find us online: Be sure to read page five of The Paper as Andy Schultz, our online ministries coordinator, gives a great update as to the vision and forward thinking view of online ministry. In short, we are making an intentional commitment to producing a ministry that reaches and engages with people online. Our investment into outreach online requires video, editing, social optics - because as Andy puts it, “ engagement can actually drive more in-person visits…”

Know that in our financial strategy, we are ready for wherever God leads us - as we have financially prepared to be able to do just that, thanks to humble servants who help lead our church - and because of the generosity of our brothers and sisters in Christ.


Thu, Oct 27, 6:30-8:30 PM Sun , Sep 25, 1:30-3:30 PM Thu, Oct 27, 6:30-8:30 PM Wed, Oct 19, 6:30-8:30 PM Sun, Oct 2, 3-5 PM


JOIN OUR FAITH FAMILY Discover Faith is designed to help you learn more about Faith Church. Partner with Faith focuses on what it means to be a member and why you should consider that commitment. *BOTH CLASSES ARE REQUIRED FOR MEMBERSHIP | CELEBRATION WEEKEND, NOV 19/20 MUNSTERHIGHLANDDYERCEDARBEECHERLAKE

Thu, Oct 13, 6:30-8:30 PM Sun, Sep 11, 1:30-3:30 PM Thu, Oct 6, 6:30-8:30 PM Wed, Oct 5, 6:30-8:30 PM Sun, Sep 18, 3-5 PM

FAITH CHURCH | DYER DECEMBER 8 - 11 Tickets on sale November 7 | BEHOLDTHEWONDER.ORGNoon It’s the celebration of the year! Who will you invite to the party? THA NKSGIVING DAY THU, NOV 24 | FA ITH DYER 7-7:45 AM | Check-In 8 AM | Race Start Time Post-race enjoy complimentary food & beverage in the WEAREFAITH.ORG/GOBBLERAtrium18

THANKSGIVING SERVICES Beecher Wed, Nov 23 at 7 PM Cedar Lake Wed, Nov 23 at 7 PM Dyer Wed, Nov 23 at 5 & 7 PM Highland Wed, Nov 23 at 5 & 7 PM Munster Wed, Nov 23 at 7 PM OnlineWeAreFaith.TVMinistry Wed, Nov 23 at 5 & 7 PM Visit for Faith Kids & Reflectors availability CHRISTMAS SERVICES Beecher Fri, Dec 23 at 7 PM Sat, Dec 24 at 2 & 4 PM Cedar Lake Fri, Dec 23 at 7 PM Sat, Dec 24 at 2 & 4 PM Dyer Fri, Dec 23 at 7 PM Sat, Dec 24 at 2 & 4 PM Highland Fri, Dec 23 at 7 PM Sat, Dec 24 at 2 & 4 PM Munster Fri, Dec 23 at 7 PM Sat, Dec 24 at 2 & 4 PM OnlineWeAreFaith.TVMinistry Fri, Dec 23 at 7 PM Sat, Dec 24 at 2 & 4 PM Visit for Faith Kids & Reflectors availability

ALL CAMPUSES INVITED CARE Celebrate Recovery Celebrate Recovery (CR) is based on the original 12 steps of recovery and the Beatitudes-the actual words of Jesus. CR is open to everyone as a place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups and Mondays,habits. 6:30-8:30 PM Faith Cedar Lake Contact the munstercr@WeAreFaith.orgContactFaithThursdays,WeAreFaith.orgcelebraterecovery@ContactFaithTuesdays,WeAreFaithCR@gmail.orgteam7-9PMDyer|FSCommonsBill7-9PMMunsterCharles/Breanne Celebration Place Tuesdays, 6:45-9 PM Faith Dyer | Elementary Room. Contact Trish tmiller@WeAreFaith.orgat Celebration Place is designed for kids Kindergarten through 13 years of age whose parents attend Celebrate Recovery. We hope to make Jesus the foundation of their lives, break cycles of dysfunction and join their parents in forgiveness & healing. Food Assistance Mobile Food Pantry Faith Beecher Sep 27 | Oct 25 | Nov 29 | Dec 4:30-620 ContactPMMandy mandyp@WeAreFaith.orgat f Open to any Illinois resident Family Market Faith Dyer | East Hall Sundays, 8:30 & 10:30 AM Contact Carol AttendersForOpenFFM@WeAreFaith.orgat2nd&4thSundayDyerMembers/ Family Market Faith Openblhberr@att.netContactSundays,AgapeHighland/MunsterHouse12:30-1:15PMLisaorBobat1st&3rdSundays Fresh Hope Tuesdays, 7-8:30 PM Faith Munster | Agape,visitweekly Friendship Tuesdays, 7 PM Faith’sWordenjoyagreattimeofForacompleteofmeetingdatesvisitmost1st&3rd Grief Share Faith Dyer Tuesdays | 7 PM Faith Highland Thursdays | 7 PM Beginning Sep 6 Contact Rich familydeathencouragementGriefrbawinkel@WeAreFaith.orgatShareoffershelpandaftertheofaspouse,child,memberorfriend. NA-The Grace Street Recovery Meeting of FaithThursdays,AnonymousNarcotics7-8:30PMHighland|Great Room Contact Mike at (219) 214-0399 This is an open meeting where all are welcome, but only members are encouraged to speak. Meets weekly Our Hope Tuesdays, 7-9 PM Faith Dyer | Prayer Room Contact Jeri at MeetswomenGriefdarchsmom@gmail.comsupportgroupfor1st&3rdTuesdays Overcomers Mondays, 6:30 PM Faith Dyer | Atrium Contact Andy MeetswithandThisanearpass@WeAreFaith.orgatministryisforpatientscaregiversofpatientslife-alteringillnesses.2nd&4thMondays CONNECTIONS Book Club Thursday, 6:30 PM Contact Adrianna nottheMeetsawalters@WeAreFaith.orgatthe4thThursdayofmonth.BookClubwillmeetinNovorDec. Sep 22 - Among the Innocent by Mary Alford Oct 27 - When the Day Comes by Gabrielle Meyer Faithful Friends Monday, 1 PM | Faith Dyer Contact Sue theMeetslocation.fromFellowshipsuezarate@yahoo.comatforsingles65+anyFaithChurchthe2ndMondayofmonth Faith Singles 35+ Friday, 7 PM Faith Dyer | Room 144/145 Contact Connie theMeetsquiltpilot@yahoo.comorckubiak2010@yahooatSandyReitsmaatthe2ndFridayofmonth Faith Stitchers Thursday, 1-4 PM Faith(Sep-May)Dyer | Rooms 140/141 Contact Sharon theMeetsinWesharontlc756@hotmail.comatknit&crochetforthoseneed.the2ndThursdayofmonth CARE CTIONSCONNE& 20

Marriage Ministry Groups

Quilters Monday, 8:30 AM Contact Barb women’sbiblestudiesVisitMeetsinterestmeetAwondaals4@sbcglobal.netatgroupofwomenwhoaroundacommonofquilting.2nd&

Your marriage is the most important earthly relationship you have and we believe that being proactive is the key to success in your marriage. Here are some ways for you to thrive in your marriage.

Preparing for Marriage Class is offered twice per year on Wednesdays in the spring and fall for dating and engaged couples. Next class will be September 14-October 26. Information on the class and mentoring options can be found

The Ravines is a safe place to find healing and restoration for your marriage. “He makes springs pour water into the ravines.” Psalm 104:10 (219)Info@TheRavines.org864-5063 TheRavines and special events Marriage Repair Individual

A group for married couples who consider themselves young and are seeking to grow in their relationship through community with couples their age and in similar seasons of life. Young Couples gather on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:15, Sep 14Nov 30 with a holiday break and beginning again Jan 11-May 17. Marriage Enrichment

Young Couples

A group for all married couples meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:15, Sep 14-Nov 30 with a holiday break and beginning again Jan 11May 17. More information about times, curriculum


MOMSNATION A community for moms with children ages birth through high school. MomsNation.orgVisit for information on all our groups, meeting places and Contacttimes. Rebekah rmoore@WeAreFaith.orgat The Journey The Journey is a 22-week course designed to provide a safe place for a group of 7-10 people to slow down and be intentional about focusing on their relationship with Jesus and personal discipleship. To learn more, go to vp3-pathway/the-journey/ Contact Marilyn throughthemselves)toFaiththeformmiller@WeAreFaith.orgatmoreinformation.JoinhundredsofpeoplefromChurchwhohavecomeunderstandGod(andinanewwayTheJourney! 12.1 Running Club Saturdays, 8 AM Faith Dyer (Dec-Mar) Contact the office at (219) ErieSaturdays,Meets864-0300weekly7AMLackawanna Trail Kennedy Ave and Ridge Rd In Highland, IN (May-Nov)

You will see these icons throughout this edition, with stories related to how we are living out our 4Gs. OUR 4G’S

Faith Kids Fun Run Joni & Friends Family Retreat Faith Students Colorado Challenge The Global Leadership Summit Summer Worship Night

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