The Paper | September Issue 4 Vol 4

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ISSUE 4 VO LU M E 4 S E P T E M B E R 2 01 6

CONTENTS 4 Who are The Caceras’s? 6 Reach Project Update 8 The Global Leadership Summit 10 Restoring The World One Relationship At A Time 14 Tapestry 18 Faith Santo Domingo Update

19 Beecher 20 Cedar Lake 22 Dyer 24 Hammond 25 Highland 26 Schererville 27 Valparaiso

Content deadline is due the 7th of each month for the next issue. Submit to:

Whether you’ve been attending Faith Church for a long time or you are a first time visitor, THE PAPER is here to help! Being a part of this church family is a partnership in growth, so we encourage you to be involved in 3 ways:

1 | WORSHIP ON THE WEEKENDS Gather with others to listen to a message from God’s Word, sing, pray and lift up the name of Jesus. Attend a service at one of our campuses. Faith Kids (infants5th grade) is a safe place where kids can worship Jesus at their level. Don’t miss the opportunity to gather with others and worship each week. Invite a friend.

2 | CONNECT IN COMMUNITY Being a follower of Jesus was never meant to be done alone. Sole-ranger Christianity usually means discouragement and failure. God has provided a better way- Biblical community. Community keeps us encouraged, helps us build meaningful friendships, and most importantly, helps us grow as Christians. This can be through a Mini-Church, Bible Study or Serving Team. No matter what your age, God does not intend for you to walk through life alone. Be real. Be known.

3 | SERVE OTHERS Join a weekend Serving Team at one of our campuses, serve in your neighborhood or around the world! God has gifted each of us to do something special. Discover the joy of serving.


WHAT ARE YOUR NAMES? Jesenia and Osvaldo Caceres

WHERE ARE YOU FROM? Jesenia was born in Santo Domingo, D.R. and Osvaldo was born in San Francisco de Macoris (in the northern region of the island), but grew up in Santo Domingo.

HOW DID YOU GET CONNECTED TO FAITH CHURCH? We were invited to a small group gathering by some friends. We enjoyed the fellowship so much that we started attending Sunday worship services about two years ago.

WHAT HAVE YOU SEEN GOD DO AT FAITH CHURCH? We have seen miracles and deep healing in our personal lives and marriage. We can truly attest that God answers prayer and that He alone can restore our brokenness to wholeness. Not only did God begin to heal our strained relationship (we were at the point of divorce) but God also opened doors for Osvaldo by providing him with a long sought-out job.

WHAT DO YOU ENJOY ABOUT THE WORSHIP SERVICES? We are amazed by how we always feel the presence of the Lord, by the vibrant fellowship of believers and newcomers, by how the songs of praise inspire us toward deeper discipleship, and by how we witness the hand of God touching the lives of those who visit us and who diligently seek Him.

WHERE DO YOU SEVE AT FAITH CHURCH? We serve in multiple capacities. For example, Jesenia serves in the Finance Team and leads a women’s small group, and Osvaldo volunteers as an usher and helps with maintenance and small repairs.

HOW DO YOU CONNECT WITH OTHERS AT YOUR CAMPUS? We connect through house prayer meetings, small group gatherings and celebrations (birthdays, outings, etc.)

WHAT HAVE YOU SEEN GOD DO IN YOUR LIFE? God has set us free from spiritual bondage, has stabilized and healed our emotional and relational wounds, has given us a true sense of purpose and direction in life to the point where we continue to share freely and passionately the love of God to neighbors, co-workers and friends and invite them to our small group gatherings and to church. Jesenia suffered from severe bouts of depression but has experienced the transforming work of the Holy Spirit renewing her day by day. Osvaldo was practically raised in the streets (never into drugs) and has experienced God healing the scars from his emotional wounds and helping him to the point where he is a much better father to his daughter and husband.

ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANT TO SHARE? We would have to say that we are profoundly grateful unto the Lord for this great salvation, for our pastors who love us and encourage us to be the faithful disciples that God calls us to be, for the laughter and inspiration from our fellowship at Faith, and we can honestly say that we have found a loving and supportive family at Faith Church. By God’s grace!

IPM IN MANAUS, BRAZIL “To reach” means to stretch out in a specific direc-

so are you. By participating in the REACH Project,

tion in order to touch or grasp something. The REACH

your funds are going to IPM to help the people of

Project is a lifelong story of how Faith Church stretch-

Brazil flourish mentally, physically, and spiritually.

es out in order to touch lives and grasp hearts that are hurting and broken so they might find restoration

The Amazon is home to over 10,000 villages with

in Christ. We are not the only ones reaching, however.

poor education, teachers, and training leaving

Just as we are extending our hand, IPM, a church

students with insufficient knowledge and skills to

in Manaus, Brazil, is reaching out to grab ours.

hold a decent job. IPM purchased land in Itapea-

Because of your generosity, the REACH Project

cu using funds from the REACH Project with inten-

allowed a relationship and a vision to build.

tions to build adequate schools on this land. These schools will teach programs ranging from English,

IPM and Faith Church connected through the Re-

computer, and agriculture classes, all the way to

formed Church in America in early 2015. With similar

dance, discipleship, sewing, and cooking. Fighting

hearts for evangelism, we were overwhelmed to hear

against addictions, insecurities, and weakened

of the incredible work God had done through this

hearts are ways these schools will strengthen the

tiny church in the Amazon. 30 churches in the city

people of Brazil.

of Manaus and over 100 churches along the Rio Negro and Amazon River were planted with the

We are now in halftime for the REACH Project and

guidance and heart of Pastor Djard and IPM.

half way to our financial goal. Let us finish strong with hearts set on fulfilling our purpose as follow-

As followers of Christ, our purpose is to share His love

ers of Christ. We are not in halftime of furthering

across all nations and to the ends of the earth. The

God’s Kingdom, for our purpose is a lifelong call

RCA encouraged Faith Church to support IPM in the

and not simply a temporary space in our budgets.

upcoming years with financial and missionary pro-

Be encouraged to stand by Faith Church and IPM

visions. We accepted this call with open arms and

for we are in this with a unified vision and heart.

BOOK CLUB September 26, 6:30-8:30pm

October 24, 6:30-8:30pm

Book: Fervent - $12.99

Book: If I Run - $10

Room 146

Room 146

Sat, Sept. 17

9-11 am in Faithful Grounds at Faith Dyer Artist: Jessica Smit

Cost: $15

(includes cocoa, snacks and supplies for a finished product)

Register at Any questions contact Beth at




“Everyone wins when the leader gets better” That was the opening line of Bill Hybels, Founder and Senior Pastor of Willow Creek Church, for the 2016 Global Leadership Summit (GLS). And doesn’t that ring true in our lives? When the leaders of our companies, churches, families get better, we all certainly win. There is no downside. What does “getting better” mean? On August 11 and 12, almost 126,000 people gathered at 514 US sites to try to answer that question. Two full days, 16 speakers, and more than 500 people gathered at Faith Church. In addition to people from Faith, we welcomed area business people, community and civil servants and guests from other churches and ministries. The teaching faculty came from all walks of life - church, ministry, business, education and philanthropy - and they each brought a different perspective on how we can lead better. For Pastor Bob Bouwer, there were many takeaways. “Bill

“A good leader doesn’t run too far ahead without looking back to see if anyone is following. Being totally goal oriented means you will leave some behind.” Lynne Dalach, Dyer Campus Retired Teachers’ Aid “The Summit impacted me on a deeply personal level. I have renewed my commitment to strengthen my relationship with God and others.” Don Woo, Dyer Campus | Educator “Jossy Chacko reminded me to keep a God-sized vision, and to become a ‘passionary’ instead of just a ‘visionary.’ He also talked about embracing ‘risk as a friend.’”

Hybels talked about the four lenses of leadership, how we need to intentionally view our ministry from different perspectives. That resonated with me,” says Pastor Bob. “We were challenged to check our passion. Are we truly working out of our passion or have we fallen into auto-pilot mode? It’s a question we all need to keep asking.” “Leadership is an area each of us needs to keep investing in,” says Pastor Brett Dood of the Schererville Campus. “If you are following Jesus, He considers you a leader. The Leadership Summit is a unique opportunity. Anyone who longs to lead better can, if they are willing to invest in themselves.” Often a favorite Summit speaker, Patrick Lencioni talked about the “complete team player.” He encouraged us to look for the individual who is humble, hungry and “people smart.” Bestselling author Chris McChesney encouraged us to “limit our goals.” While a fan of big and “wild” goals, he cautioned against having too many goals which can weaken our focus and spread our energies too thin.

“This grabbed me” “Ministry leader Jossy Chacko said, ‘Heaven doesn’t need our talents or spiritual gifts. They were given to us to use here - not to be buried.’ Pastor de Jesus encouraged us to ‘engage in society or we will drift as a culture.’” Terry Conley, Cedar Lake Campus Construction Manager

“I didn’t know what to expect. I’m already trying to figure out how to incorporate some ideas from the Summit into what I do. I’m thankful to have attended.” Kevin Margraf, Hammond Campus Deputy Fire Chief, Hammond, IN

Kurt Koster, Cedar Lake Campus Executive Director, Legacy Leadership Forums

“Greatest leadership voices of our day” Pastor Bob has attended all 22 Summits. “I want to be the best leader I can be, so why wouldn’t I take advantage of a gathering of some of the greatest leadership voices of our day!” If you attended, Pastor Bob has a recommendation (based on experience), “Work hard to put into practice what you learned as quickly as possible. It will make a difference in your work, your service and your mission.”

A personal note: On Friday morning of the Summit, I learned a dear friend had died the night before. Randy Reese understood leadership and he understood people. His deep commitment to Jesus resulted in the development of VantagePoint3, known around Faith as “The Journey.” As anyone who has worked through The Journey knows, we each have a part to play in God’s magnificent story. I pray experiences like The Leadership Summit are helping you find your role in His great work - Marilyn Miller




id you ever wonder why Jesus walked everywhere He went? I mean, He is God, so why not roll around in a chariot or at least ride a horse? I think the answer is simple: Jesus invested in relationships. To ride along past people would have saved Him time and no doubt ener-

gy; it would have been more efficient. But Jesus knew that to engage people with the life He offered, He would have to build the kingdom one relationship at a time. I have always admired our mission statement: “To reach the disconnected and grow the connected.” It embodies the Great Commission in Matthew 28 and I can dig that. I think we all agree that as Christians we are called to reach people who are far from God with the gospel and disciple those who follow Him to be even more fruitful. But HOW? Often we hear, “invite them to church, invite them to MOPS, invite them to Celebrate Recovery.” These are all good things, but often that invite is the lowest relational collateral WE have to put in the game. God uses the power of personal invitation to begin many stories, but He always uses the power of personal people to keep those stories going. To reach the disconnected and grow the connected we will need to do what Jesus did and engage people “one relationship at a time.” It’s not easy, efficient, or fast, but it’s worth it. As each one of us owns this simple approach, we are following in the steps of the Master who took His time to invest in people. What does restoring the world one relationship at a time mean to me? It means I get the chance daily to live as Jesus did, valuing people and investing in their eternal story. So if you are running fast to get the next thing done, slow down and look for the footprints of Jesus. They may just lead you on a journey with someone that culminates in that person walking with Christ in eternity.

















BY: VINNIE ADAMS /’tapestrē/ noun Something felt to resemble a richly and complexly designed cloth. “The history of the church’s interaction with the disabled is at best an ambiguous one. Rather than being a structure for empowerment, the church has more often supported the societal structures and attitudes that have treated people with disabilities as objects of pity and paternalism. For many disabled persons, the church has been a ‘city on a hill’ – physically inaccessible and socially inhospitable.” (Nancy Eiesland, 1994) More than half of the stories that I hear (in a blog, from a friend, or even first-hand) about families impacted by disability regarding their experience with the local church involve some element of rejection, shame, or hurt. It’s not everyone’s narrative, but I hope we can agree that it shouldn’t be anyone’s narrative. So, when the Reflectors Ministry began at Faith Church, there was a clear goal to change this narrative – to create a space where individuals with disabilities and their families feel welcomed, accepted, and loved. But there’s more. In our attempt to change the narrative for these families, the reality is that they have changed (and are actively changing) ours. It’s a journey that has run parallel with one of the core, shaping documents of the ministry: The 5 Stages of Disability Attitudes. Ignorance → Pity → Care → Friendship → Co-Laborers (Learn more @ I’ll be honest: our initial vision landed in Stage 3 (that Faith Church would be a place that primarily cares for folks with special needs and their families). But think about this: fully belonging to a community includes more than people just caring for you. It involves you caring for them. It involves

SEPTEMBER Book/Bible of the Month

being an active participant in the life of that community. This is the Stage 5 reality (co-laboring), which brings to life what Paul is talking about when he says, “there are many parts, yet one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you,’ nor again the head to the feet, ‘I have no need of you.’ On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable.” (1 Cor. 12:20-22) This is the true, unfolding beauty of this ministry. There’s so much I’d like to tell you regarding what God is doing right now; but I also know the best is yet to come. So, what does this mean? And where are we going? It’s a radical thought, but I find myself in alignment with Michael Beates when he says, “in the end, a successful measure of disability effectiveness in a local church would be that it would not need to have a disability ministry. Outreach to and inclusion of people with disabilities would become so second nature that those who are disabled would be involved, included, and assimilated into the fabric of the church to the point that they would need no special attention as a population group.” Now, I’m not suggesting my job at Faith Church be eliminated (even if just for selfish reasons), but the principal is this: people with disabilities, in Christ, are part of the body. Each part has a purpose and active role in the body, and every other part gets to benefit from that. The more we all embrace this, the more beautiful the tapestry of Christ’s church (the body) will become.

Book: The Daniel Prayer Bible: Tiny Bear’s Bible

OCTOBER Book/Bible of the Month

Book: The Pursuit of Holiness Bible: ESV Daily Light Devotional Bible



Tuesday, Oct. 11

6:30 - 8:30 pm in Faithful Grounds at Faith Dyer

Artist: Jan Krediet | Cost: $25

(includes coffee, snacks & supplies for a finished product)

Register at Any questions contact Beth at




(6TH - 12TH GRADE)



The Parent CUE app provides simple CUES throughout the week that remind you to pause and make the most of everyday moments.


FAITH SANTO DOMINGO UPDATE Hi everyone! David, Ylva and our 3 girls returned from vacation in NYC and we had a blast! The girls (Esther, Sarah and Ruth) had not seen their family in nearly 3 years. We were refreshed and have returned with even greater vigor and determination to see this new church plant blossom and expand its impact in Santo Domingo and beyond. The folks who substituted for us in our absence did a phenomenal job! We are blessed because an indigenous leadership is being shaped and have stepped up in many areas of ministry. We are excited by the new believers who have embraced the Christian faith so passionately and by their resolve to get baptized and share the gospel with others. We have begun Beginners’ Class with four disciples who have made a commitment to be baptized and to grow in Christ. Although we have another 12 or so believers who attend worship services and want to get baptized, we continue to encourage them to first get married. (One of the challenges in the Dominican is that people live with

their partners rather than get married). So we are gently walking alongside these new believers in love and sharing with them God’s purpose and design for marriage. Our four small groups continue to grow strong and new people are joining these groups. We are readying ourselves by honing in to a more robust discipleship program for all believers. As such, an intentional discipleship program to raise up a new crop of leaders is underway. We hope to open up this fall the School of Disciples to train and equip potential small group leaders and future church planters. We are on target to open up another six small groups by late winter / early 2017. We need your continued prayers in the exciting work of seeing people transformed by the power of the Cross! And also pray for a potential ‘Hard Launch’ in the very near future. “May the God of all grace…restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”

BEECHER WORSHIP 201 E. Church Road Beecher, IL 60401 FaithChurchBeecher Service Times: Sun, 9 & 11 am *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th grade) Sun, 9 & 11 am Resumes Sept 11 The Vine bookstore is open after all weekend services. Want to serve? Want to be connected? Have prayer needs? Need more information about Faith-Beecher or any classes/events? Complete the tear-off portion of the weekend program and submit it to the Welcome & Hospitality Center.


Tuesdays, 9:30 AM Contact Marietta Koster at 708.258.6450 | Resumes Sept 6 Meets 1st Tuesday of each month ● MEN Men’s Bible Study (Plug/Hofstra) Thursdays, 7 PM Contact John at Resumes Oct 6 Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs, of each month Upcoming Group Event: Overnight trip - Sept 16/17 See The Ark, the latest addition to the Creation Museum. Contact Bob at 708.257.7772 for registration info.

journey on Wednesdays beginning Oct, 26 through Nov. 16. Register or contact for more information. ● STUDENTS Faith Beecher Students Contact Heidi at Middle School (6th-8th grade) 2nd & 4th Fridays, 6-8 PM | Begins Sept 9 High School (9th-12th grade) 1st & 3rd Sundays, 5-7 PM Begins Sept 4 ● CARE Faith Family Market Thursdays, 6-7 PM (No appointment needed) Contact Stephanie at Open 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month ● CLASSES & EVENTS

Outdoorsmen for Christ Small Group Sundays, 5 PM – Meet at Church Contact John at or Jeff at bro_ Next meeting Sept 11 Typically meets 1st Sunday evening of each month

Discover Faith | Partner with Faith Contact Leanne at Both classes below are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith.


Discover Faith (Class #1 - Inquirer’s Class) Wednesday, Sept 21, 7-9:30 PM

Small Groups Contact Anne at ● WOMEN At Faith Church, we believe God deWomen’s Daytime Bible Study signed us to be in relationship with Him Tuesdays, 1:00-2:30 PM and with others. But it’s unlikely we’ll Contact Ann at cultivate deep and meaningful relationships if all we do is attend a weekend | Begins Oct 11 | Meets 2nd & 4th Tues. of each month. We’ll be studying Colos- service. We encourage you to become sians (Discover the New You). Books are part of a small group where you can regularly be with people who get you, available in the Vine for $9.99 understand your challenges and concerns, and can help you explore your Women’s Evening Bible Study questions and your doubts. If you have Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 PM questions regarding finding the group Contact Barb at that’s right for you, please contact Anne or Heather at at the email listed above. Resumes Sept 14 | Meets 2nd & 4th Wed. Marriage Ministry Groups of each month.We will be studying A Contact Gina at Perfect Mess by Lisa Harper. Books are in the Vine for $13.50. The Marriage Ministry is available for you to get connected as a couple. “PreMOPs- Mothers of Preschoolers paring for Marriage” classes are avail(Infant through Kindergarten) able twice per year at Faith Dyer. In need of Repair? Check out WeAreFaith. Thursdays, 9-11 AM | Contact Megan org for more information. Marriage Enrichment will resume on WednesBegins Sept 15 | Meets twice monthly day Sept 7-Oct 12, 7-9 PM. Register at through Sept 6. Cost is MITM- Moms in the Middle $25. (Moms of School-Age Children) Fridays, 9-11 AM Marriage Enrichment Opportunity – Contact Katie or Rachel at Follow up with our friend Andy Savage as we discover what Song of Solomon Begins Sept 16 | Meets twice monthly can teach us about healthy intimacy Stitchin’ Sisters in our Marriages. Join us for a 4–week

Partner with Faith (Class #2 – Membership Class) Wednesday, Oct 5, 7-9:30 PM

SERVE There are many ways to get involved at Faith - Beecher. Contact the following ministry leaders for more information about serving on one of these teams. Faith Kids (Infant - 5th grade) Leah at or Rachel at Faith Students (6th-12th grade) Heidi at Frontline Team (includes greeters, coffee service, Connectors, etc.) Contact Frank (basile.f@sbcglobal. net); John ( or Beth ( Prayer Team Contact Bob at Moms Nation (MOPS/Moms in the Middle) Contact Christie at cpostma@WeAreFaith. org Faith Family Market Contact Stephanie at Care & Share Team (card & meal ministry) Contact Marietta at

CEDAR LAKE WORSHIP 6729 W. 133rd Ave Cedar Lake, IN 46303 FaithChurchCedarLake Service Times: Sun, 9 & 11 am *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th grade) Sun, 9 & 11 am Resumes Sept 11 Reflectors Worship (Disability Ministry) Sun, 11 am

CONNECT ● WOMEN MOPs - Mothers of Preschoolers (Infant through Kindergarten) Thursdays, 9-11 AM Contact Angie at Begins Sept 8 Meets twice monthly MITM - Moms in the Middle (Moms of school-age children) Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30 AM Contact Michelle at Begins Sept 7 Meets twice monthly NEW! Bible/Book Study Group – Entrusted by Beth Moore Tuesdays, 7-9 PM Contact Karla at Starts Oct 11 Meets every other Tuesday Women’s Worship Night! Join us for a night of worship & inspiration! Friday, Oct 7 6:00-6:45 - Light supper (optional) 7:00 - Worship RSVP to Sue at

Bring a friend!

for more information.



Bible Study Saturdays, 6:30-8:30 AM Contact Greg at Meets weekly

Faith Cedar Lake Students Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM Contact Jason at

Bible/Book Study Act Like Men by James MacDonald Wednesdays, 6:30 PM Contact Matt at Begins Sept 7 Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month

NEW THIS YEAR! Middle School (6th-8th grade) Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays

● ADULTS (MEN & WOMEN) Small Groups Contact Anne at At Faith Church, we believe God designed us to be in relationship with Him and with others. But it’s unlikely we’ll cultivate deep and meaningful relationships if all we do is attend a weekend service. We encourage you to become part of a small group where you can regularly be with people who get you, understand your challenges and concerns, and can help you explore your questions and your doubts. If you have questions regarding finding the group that’s right for you, please contact Anne at the email listed above. Marriage Ministry Groups Contact Gina at The Marriage Ministry is available for you to get connected as a couple. “Preparing for Marriage” classes are available twice per year at Faith Dyer. In need of Repair? Check out for more information. Marriage Enrichment will resume on Wednesday Sept 7-Oct 12, 7-9 PM. Register at through Sept 6. Cost is $25. Marriage Enrichment Opportunity Follow up with our friend Andy Savage as we discover what Song of Solomon can teach us about healthy intimacy in our Marriages. Join us for a 4–week journey on Wednesdays beginning October 26 through November 16. Register at or contact

High School (9th-12th grade) Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays Stay connected with us & our activities via: Instagram: @FaithStudentsCL For text updates, send the message @ fclyouth to 81010 ● CARE Faith Family Market Mondays, 10 AM-noon (closed the 5th Monday) Contact Beckie at If you’re looking for a great place to serve the community and you’re available on Monday mornings, the Family Market team is a great place to start. We are looking for some extra hands to love the community. Reflectors Ministry Sundays, 11 AM Contact Ronda at This ministry exists to help people with any disability grow in their relationship with Jesus at their own level and to be enfolded into the church community. Kids Worship buddies and prayer partners are available to help make church more accessible to them and their caregivers. Please contact us if you know of anyone who could be blessed by this ministry or if you have an interest in serving in this capacity. ● CLASSES & EVENTS Discover Faith | Partner with Faith Contact Sue at Are you interested in learning more about Faith or becoming a member? Sign up at for one or

both of the classes below. Note: Both classes are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith. Discover Faith (Class #1 - Inquirer’s Class) Tuesday, Sept 20, 6:30 PM Partner with Faith (Class #2 – Membership Class) Tuesday, Oct 4, 6:30 PM

SERVE Free Lunch A free lunch is served in the Lower Level Community Center on the last Saturday of each month. If your minichurch or group of friends is interested in helping, contact Dawn Wester at Bless Our Community Get ready to impact the Cedar Lake community for Christ! Men of Faith is looking for MEN AND WOMEN to help meet the needs and serve those in our community. Can you help with small repair work, painting, deep cleaning, etc.? Meet on the last Saturday of each month from 8:30 AM – noon. Contact Greg at with any questions.

Would you like to help change a child’s life? Kids Hope USA is in need of mentors for kids. Children are paired with a caring church member who serves as their mentor. The mentor and child meet for one hour a week, each week of the school year. Mentors spend time reading, playing games and being a “friend” to a child who needs one. The Cedar Lake Campus serves the children of MacArthur Elementary School. If you are interested or want to know more contact Jennifer LeRose at Additional Opportunities There are many ways to get involved at Faith Cedar Lake! Contact the following ministry leaders for more information or if you’d like to serve on one of these teams! · Faith Kids (infant-5th grade): Ronda at · Faith Students (6th – 12th grade): Jason at · Mom’s Nation (MOPs/Moms in the Middle): Christie at *Mops - Angie

MomsNation is dedicated to supporting, encouraging, and equipping moms at all stages.

Motherhood is a journey full of joys and challenges. No matter where you are on your journey, Faith Church has a group to suit your needs. Group meetings kick-off in September! Visit our website for group descriptions, times, & locations *Moms in the Middle - Michelle at · Frontline team (includes greeters, welcome center, golf cart, coffee service): Karla at · Prayer Team: Jerry at · Technical Arts or Worship Team: Jason at · Faith Family Market: Beckie at · Security: Nick at · Card Ministry: Marcy at · Saturday Lunch: Dawn at · Landscape Team: Bob Calabrese at

DYER WORSHIP 100 81st Avenue | Dyer, IN 46311 FaithChurchDyer Service Times Sat, 6 pm & Sun, 9 & 11 am *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th grade) Sat, 6 pm & Sun, 9 & 11 am Resumes Sept 10/11 *Labor Day Weekend Availability: Sunday services only: Infant-2 yrs Reflectors Worship (Disability Ministry) Sun, 11 am The Vine bookstore and Faithful Grounds Coffee Shop are open before and after all weekend services.

CONNECT ● WOMEN Women’s Bible Study: You Are Forgiven Mondays, 9:15 AM - Rm 145 Begins September 12 Contact Tori at Study material provided Meets weekly Beth Moore - Entrusted (a study on 2 Timothy) Mondays, 6:30 PM - Rm 142 Oct 3-Nov 21 Contact Sue at Study material can be purchased in The Vine | Meets weekly Card Connection Thursday, 6:30 PM - Rm 141 Contact Jeri Meets the last Thursday of the month to make cards for the Faith Church family. Courageous Love Monday, 6:30 PM - Garage Prayer Rm Contact Karyn at

This confidential ministry provides love, encouragement, support and hope to moms of LGBT children. Meets the 3rd Monday each month Faith Stitchers Thursday, 1-4 PM - Room 140/141 Contact Carol at 708.367.0283 We knit & crochet for those in need. All are welcome. Meets the 2nd Thursday each month MomsNation *Visit for exact dates for each group.

cost to attend. ● MEN Prayer Group Wednesdays, 8 AM - Prayer Room This Men’s Prayer Group meets weekly to fellowship and pray for the cares and concerns of the Faith family. Men’s Bible Study Saturdays, 6:30 AM - The Garage Contact Dante at Meets 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Saturday

MOPs- Mothers of Preschoolers (Infant - Kindergarten)

● Adults (Men & Women)

Thursday Morning MOPs 9:00-11:15 AM - Atrium Sept 8 & 22 | Oct 6 & 20 Contact Julie at Meets twice per month

Choir Monday, Sept 19, 7-8 PM - Rm 142/143 to sing Sept 24/25 weekend Monday, Sept 26 & Oct 10 to sing Oct 15/16 weekend Contact Jen at

Friday Morning MOPs 9:00-11:15 AM - Atrium Sept 9 & 23 | Oct 7 & 21 Contact Julie at Meets twice per month Thursday Evening MOPs 6:30-8:30 PM - Garage Sept 8 & 22 | Oct 6 & 20 Contact Amy at Meets twice per month Moms in the Middle (MITM) (Moms with 1st-12th graders) Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 AM - Room 144/145 Sept 8 & 22 | Oct 6 & 20 Contact Christy at Meets twice per month Moms of Empty Nests (Moms with late high school to adult children) Mondays, 6:30-8:30 PM - Room 144/145 Sept 19 | Oct 3 Contact Debbie at Author and Speaker Sandy Ralya will be our guest for the evening on September 19. Sandy brings her message of hope and encouragement to women everywhere. Her topic will be Building Joy in a Low-Joy World. There is no

Young Adults (18-30 something) Contact Ben at We love being in community! Keep up with everything we’re doing together: Interested in being connected in a small group for 18-30 somethings? Contact Ben at email above. Faith Singles Thursdays, 7-9 PM - Room 146 Contact Sandy Reitsma at Meets weekly Marriage Ministry Groups Contact Gina at The Marriage Ministry is available for you to get connected as a couple. “Preparing for Marriage” classes are available twice per year. In need of Repair? Check out for more information. Marriage Enrichment will resume on Wednesday Sept 7-Oct 12, 7-9 PM. Register at through Sept 6. Cost is $25. Marriage Enrichment Opportunity – Follow up with our friend Andy Savage as we discover what Song of Solomon can teach us about healthy intimacy in our Marriages. Join us for a 4–week journey on Wednesdays beginning October 26 through November 16. Register at or contact for more information.

Small Groups Contact Anne at At Faith Church, we believe God designed us to be in relationship with Him and with others. But it’s unlikely we’ll cultivate deep and meaningful relationships if all we do is attend a weekend service. We encourage you to become part of a small group where you can regularly be with people who get you, understand your challenges and concerns, and can help you explore your questions and your doubts. If you have questions regarding finding the group that’s right for you, please contact Anne at the email listed above. ● STUDENTS Faith Students: Middle School (6th-8th grade) Wednesdays, 6:30-8:15 PM The Garage | Contact John at Meets weekly High School (9th-12th grade) Sundays, 6:30-8:15 PM - The Garage Contact Tory at Meets weekly | NO MEETING on Labor Day weekend ● CARE Overcomers Mondays, 7 PM - Room 144/145 Contact Marlys at This ministry is for patients and caregivers of patients with life-altering illnesses. Meets the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month Our Hope Tuesdays, 7-9 PM - Prayer Room Contact Jeri at Grief support group for women Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays, 7-9 PM - The Garage Contact Jim at Celebrate Recovery is open to everyone on Tuesday nights as a place of rescue, restoration, safety, and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Meets weekly Celebration Station Tuesdays, 6:45 PM - Farm/Jungle Room Contact Beckie at Celebration Station is designed for kids 5 to 13 years old whose parents attend one of the Tuesday care groups. We hope to make Jesus the foundation of their lives, break cycles of dysfunction, and join their parents in forgiveness and healing. Divorce Care Tuesdays, 7 PM - Clubhouse Room Resumes September 13 | Contact Charlie at 219.374.6041 | Meets weekly

Fresh Hope Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 PM Meets at the Highland Campus Contact Vinnie at Fresh Hope is our Mental Health Support Group. This group is both for individuals who have a mental health challenge AND their loved ones (family members, close friends). For more info visit: care-support/mental-health

bounce houses, food, and more! RSVP online

Faith Family Market Sundays, 8:45 AM-12 PM | Room 128 Contact Kelly at The Market provides assistance to those who have grocery needs. Please shop & receive care before the 11 am service; you may stop and pick up your groceries after the service. Market closes at noon. Open the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month


Reflectors Sundays, 11 AM-12 PM Rooms 140-147 Contact Vinnie at There are multiple classrooms that function similar to a special education classroom but also promote inclusive activities. Volunteers are trained and have had a background check. Typical elements include: modified Bible lessons, crafts, games, singing, and other interactive activities. Orange Room (Reflectors Room Lower Level)- Children, ages 3-12 Small Group (Rm 145) Adults, ages 18 and up Rooms with 1-to-1 volunteer-toparticipant ratio: •Gold Room (Rm 140/141) Children, ages 3-12 •Green Room (Rm 146/147) Teens, ages 13-18 •Blue Room (Rm 144) Adults, ages 18 and up •Quiet /Sensory Room (Rm 142)All ages Joni & Friends Walk-N-Roll Saturday, Sept 3, 10 AM - 2 PM @ Central Park West (Oak Brook, IL) Come join tons of our friends from the Reflectors Ministry at this big event for one of our partners, Joni & Friends-Chicago. It will be a time of fun and fellowship for everyone! Please register at Reflectors Super Hero Party Friday, Sept 23, 6-9 PM - Faith Dyer This is a big outreach event for children with special needs and their families, including games, prizes, limo rides, “The Hat Guys,” fire trucks, police cars,

Reflectors on Wednesdays Faith Dyer | Wednesdays, 6-8 PM Launching September 28 Programming for individuals with special needs while parents participate in “Wednesdays” meal and small group time. Meets the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month

12.1 Running Club Saturdays, 7 AM Erie Lackawanna Trail, Highland, IN On Kennedy, under Ridge Road Contact Louie & Mary Cioe at Meets Weekly Pass It On Hockey Sundays, 6:50 AM at Resumes September 25 Homewood-Flossmoor Ice Arena Contact Carl at Men of all ages welcome. Meets weekly ● CLASSES & EVENTS Discover Faith | Partner with Faith Contact Bonnie at Both classes are required for membership. The following classes will be held at Faith Dyer in the coming months: Discover Faith (Class #1 - Inquirer’s Class) Thurs., Sept 22, 6:30 PM - West Atrium Partner with Faith (Class#2 - Membership Class) Thurs., Oct 6, 6:30 PM - West Atrium

SERVE Musicians wanted! Are you an instrumentalist or vocalist interested in serving? We would love to get to know you! At the moment, we are especially looking for string players - those who play violin, viola, cello, and bass - but all are welcome. For more information, please contact Tammy in the Worship Office at Would you like to help change a child’s life? Kids Hope USA is in need of mentors for kids. Children are paired with a caring church member who serves as their mentor. The mentor and child meet for one hour a week, each week of the school year. Mentors spend time reading, playing games and being a “friend” to a child who needs one. The Dyer Campus serves the children of Bibich Elementary School. If you are interested or want to know more, contact Jennifer LeRose at jlerose@

HAMMOND WORSHIP Hammond Arts Center (HAC) 5832 Hohman Avenue Hammond, IN 46320 FaithChurchHammond Service Time: Sunday, 9 & 11 am *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th grade) Sun, 11 am Resumes Sept 11

CONNECT ● WOMEN Faith Stitchers Thursdays, 1:00-3:30pm Contact Ginni at Faith Stitchers gathers to crochet & knit baby and toddler blankets for a local woman’s shelter. We provide hats and scarves for the people of Hammond. We are making new friends as we pray and stitch together. Meets the 4th Thursday year round ● MEN Bible Study Saturdays, 7-8:30 am Contact Bob at Meets the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sat of each month ● ADULTS (Men & Women) Small Groups Contact Anne at At Faith Church, we believe God designed us to be in relationship with Him and with others. But it’s unlikely we’ll cultivate deep and meaningful relationships if all we do is attend a weekend service. We encourage you to become part of a small group where you can regularly be with

people who get you, understand your challenges and concerns, and can help you explore your questions and your doubts. If you have questions regarding finding the group that’s right for you, please contact Anne at the email listed above. Marriage Ministry Groups Contact Gina at The Marriage Ministry is available for you to get connected as a couple. “Preparing for Marriage” classes are available twice per year at Faith Dyer. In need of Repair? Check out for more information. Marriage Enrichment will resume on Wednesday Sept 7-Oct 12, 7-9 PM. Register at through Sept 6. Cost is $25. Marriage Enrichment Opportunity Follow up with our friend Andy Savage as we discover what Song of Solomon can teach us about healthy intimacy in our Marriages. Join us for a 4–week journey on Wednesdays beginning October 26 through November 16. Register at or contact for more information. ● CARE Prayer Ministry Sundays, before & after service Contact Bob at Do you have needs, concerns, worries or praises? Stop in the Prayer Room for prayer and support. Faith Family Market Sundays, following both services Contact Lisa or Bob at The Market provides assistance to Faith members and regular attenders in need of groceries and basic necessities. Open 1st & 3rd Sunday Celebrate Recovery Fridays, 7-9 pm Contact Jim at Celebrate Recovery (CR) is based on the original 12 steps of recovery and the Beatitudes-the actual words of Jesus. CR is open to everyone as a

place of rescue, restoration, safety, and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Meets weekly Fresh Hope Wednesdays, 7-8:30 pm Meets at the Highland Campus Fresh Hope is our Mental Health Support Group. This group is both for individuals who have a mental health challenge AND their loved ones (family members, close friends). For more information, visit mental-health/ or email Overcomers Mondays, 7-8 pm Meets at the Dyer Campus Contact Andy at This group is for patients and caregivers of patients facing life-altering illnesses. Meets the 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month ● CLASSES & EVENTS Community Art Classes For class information and registration, go to

SERVE Faith Kids Contact Bethany at Join us - Think Orange (don’t miss the article in this edition)! Be part of the church (yellow) shining the light of Jesus on kids and families at our campus each weekend! More information at Would you like to help change a child’s life? Kids Hope USA is in need of mentors for kids. Children are paired with a caring church member who serves as their mentor. The mentor and child meet for one hour a week, each week of the school year. Mentors spend time reading, playing games and being a “friend” to a child who needs one. The Hammond Campus serves the children of Kenwood Elementary School. If you are interested or want to know more contact Jennifer LeRose at

HIGHLAND WORSHIP 8910 Grace Street | Highland, IN 46322 FaithChurchHighland Service Times Sunday, 9 & 11 am | 5 pm * Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th) Sun, 9 & 11 am Resumes Sept 11

CONNECT ● WOMEN Women’s Bible Study Gospel of Mark Thursdays, 9:30 AM - Great Room Begins Oct 6 Contact Judy Nearpass at Meets 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month. We will be using the Discover your Bible series. Study guides may be purchased in the Vine. MOPs- Mothers of Preschoolers (Infant through Kindergarten) MOPS OPEN HOUSE: September 6, 9-11 AM Tuesdays, 9-11 AM – Great Room Contact Larissa at 219-314-8704/ MOPS is a group where moms of infants to kindergartners come to connect and grow with other moms in the same stage. Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month ● ADULTS (Men & Women) Marriage Ministry Groups Contact Gina at The Marriage Ministry is available for you to get connected as a couple. “Preparing for Marriage” classes are available twice per year at Faith Dyer. In need of Repair? Check out for more information. Marriage Enrichment will resume on Wednesday Sept 7-Oct 12, 7-9 PM. Register at through Sept 6. Cost is $25.

Marriage Enrichment Opportunity – Follow up with our friend Andy Savage as we discover what Song of Solomon can teach us about healthy intimacy in our Marriages. Join us for a 4–week journey on Wednesdays beginning October 26 through November 16. Register at or contact for more information. Small Groups Contact Anne at At Faith Church, we believe God designed us to be in relationship with Him and with others. But it’s unlikely we’ll cultivate deep and meaningful relationships if all we do is attend a weekend service. We encourage you to become part of a small group where you can regularly be with people who get you, understand your challenges and concerns, and can help you explore your questions and your doubts. If you have questions regarding finding the group that’s right for you, please contact Anne at the email listed above. Highland Small Group Sundays, 5 PM - Room 104 Contact Rich Krooswyk at Follow-up discussion on the topic of the morning message. Meets 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month Morgan Small Group (40 Somethings with Kids) Mondays, Early Evening Contact Bill Morgan at Wydra Small Group (Married Couples in their 20’s and 30’s) Thursdays, 7:30-9:00 PM Contact J.R. Wydra at Meets every other week ● STUDENTS Faith Students-Highland beginning soon! Junior High (6th-8th grade) High School (9th-12th grade) Stay tuned for details. ● CLASSES & EVENTS Discover Faith | Partner with Faith Contact Lori at

Both classes are required for membership. The following classes will be held at Faith Highland in the coming months: Discover Faith (Class #1 - Inquirer’s Class) Thursday, Sept 22, 6:30-9:00 PM Partner with Faith (Class #2 - Membership Class) Thursday, Oct 6, 6:30-9:00 PM ● CARE Friendship Tuesdays, 7 PM – Great Room Contact Vinnie at or 219.864.0300 x197 Friendship Ministry is a place where adults with special needs can gather to learn from God’s Word, sing songs, play games, eat snacks, and enjoy a great time of fellowship. All are invited to come join the community! Resumes this fall. NA-The Grace Street Recovery Meeting of Narcotics Anonymous Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 PM - Room 201 Contact Rob Pettit at 219.381.6768 This is an open meeting where all are welcome, but only members are encouraged to speak. OA-Overeaters Anonymous Fridays, 10-11 AM - Room 101 Contact Barb Russo at 219.742.3397 Steps and Traditions study style with guest speakers every week. Meets weekly Fresh Hope Wednesdays, 7 PM Contact email: This group is both for individuals who have a mental health challenge AND their loved ones (family members, close friends). For more information, visit mental-health/ or email us. ● HEALTH & WELLNESS Faith & Fitness Class Mon, Wed & Fri, 9-10 AM Meets in the Great Room Contact Karen at 219.616.0187 Weight training for 50+. Bring your own weights. $3 per session Aerobic Class Mon, Wed & Fri, 10:15-11 AM Meet in the Great Room Contact Karen at 219.616.0187

SCHERERVILLE WORSHIP The Gym at Campagna Academy 7403 Cline Avenue Schererville, IN 46375 FaithChurchSchererville Service Times Sunday, 9 & 11 am * Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th grade) Sun, 9 & 11 am Resumes Sept 11 Chapel open every Wednesday for prayer from 6-7 pm. Join us in the Community Cafe after each service for coffee and refreshments.

CONNECT ● WOMEN Small Groups Contact Michael at Are you interested in connecting deeply in 2016 at Faith Schererville? Contact Michael to check out a small group. Marriage Ministry Groups Contact Gina at The Marriage Ministry is available for you to get connected as a couple. “Preparing for Marriage” classes are available twice per year at Faith Dyer. In need of Repair? Check out for more information. Marriage Enrichment will resume on Wednesday Sept 7-Oct 12, 7-9 PM. Register at through Sept 6. Cost is $25. Marriage Enrichment Opportunity – Follow up with our friend Andy Savage as we discover what Song of Solomon can teach us about healthy intimacy

in our Marriages. Join us for a 4–week journey on Wednesdays beginning October 26 through November 16. Register at or contact for more information. ● STUDENTS Student Small Group Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM Campagna Gym Contact Michael at A place for middle and high school students looking for community and a place to connect. Meets weekly ● CARE Prayer Nights Wednesdays, 6-7 PM Campagna Chapel Please join us to lift up prayer requests. Meet weekly Care Line (219) 440-2678 We want to care for you! This number is available to make our leadership teams aware of any need you may have. Please leave a message and we will return your call within 24 hours. Prayer Ministry Contact Jan Krediet at Meets before and after each Sunday service in the Prayer Room located in the Worship Center. Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays, 7 PM Meets in the Garage at Faith Dyer Fridays, 7 PM Meets at the Hammond Arts Center (5832 Hohman, Hammond, IN 46324) Meets weekly ● CLASSES & EVENTS Free Garage Sale Saturday, Oct 1 - Campagna’s Gym 8-9 AM: Single parents with children under 25 years of age 9 AM - Noon: Open to the Public Donations Needed! No furniture, all items must be in

good condition. Donations accepted beginning Sunday, Sept 25 @ Faith Schererville Many volunteers Needed! Sign at the Welcome Center or email Pat Vanderbilt at Discover Faith | Partner with Faith Contact Selena at Both classes are required for membership. The following classes will be held at Faith Schererville in the coming months: Discover Faith (Class #1 - Inquirer’s class) Wednesday, Sept 21, 6:30-9:00 PM Partner with Faith (Class #2 - Membership class) Wednesday, Oct 5, 6:30-9 PM ● Sermons Missed a sermon? All of our sermons can be found on Facebook or Vimeo!

SERVE Technical Arts Looking for a place to serve? We need YOU to help set up the gym at 4 PM on Saturdays. Give an hour of your time, serving once a month, on a Saturday night. We also need help tearing down after the 11 AM service. This is a great way to make a difference! To connect, contact Luis Garcia at Worship Team Our Worship team is looking for instrumentalists and vocalists. To connect, contact Dee Wilson at Faith Kids Contact Selena at Join us as we Think Orange! Be part of the church (yellow) shining the light of Jesus on kids and families at our campus each weekend! More information at

VALPARAISO WORSHIP 1155 S. Sturdy Road Valparaiso, IN 46383 FaithChurchValpo Pre-Worship Prayer Huddle Everyone is invited to join us in the Prayer Room on Sundays at 9:30am to lift up our worship service, leaders, campus & region. Service Time: Sunday, 10 am *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th grade) Sun, 10 am Resumes Sept 11 The Vine bookstore and Community Café are open before (9:30-10 am) and after the worship service.

CONNECT ● WOMEN Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays, 7 PM Contact Jana at Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month Valpo Moms (Moms with kids of all ages) Wednesdays, 9-11 AM Contact Kim at or Amelia at Begins meeting Sept 21 Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month At Faith Church, we believe God designed us to be in relationship with Him and with others. But it’s unlikely we’ll cultivate deep and meaningful relationships if all we do is attend a weekend service. We encourage you to become part of a small group where you can regularly be with people who get you, understand your challenges and concerns, and can help you explore your questions and your doubts. If you have questions regarding finding the group that’s right for you, please contact Anne at the email listed above. Marriage Ministry Groups Contact Gina at The Marriage Ministry is available for you to get connected as a couple. “Preparing for Marriage” classes are available twice per year at Faith Dyer. In need of Repair? Check out for more information. Marriage Enrichment will resume on Wednesday Sept 7-Oct 12, 7-9 PM. Register at through Sept 6. Cost is $25. Marriage Enrichment Opportunity – Follow up with our friend Andy Savage as we discover what Song of Solomon can teach us about healthy intimacy in our Marriages. Join us for a 4–week journey on Wednesdays beginning October 26 through November 16. Register at or contact for more information. Will resume Oct 6 No meeting on Oct 20 due to “Fall Fest” event Meets 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month ● CLASSES & EVENTS First Sunday Lunch – Downstairs, following the worship service. Join us on the following first Sundays each month: September 4 October 2 November 6 Discover Faith | Partner with Faith Contact Leanne at Both classes below are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith. Discover Faith (Class #1 - Inquirer’s Class) Thursday, Sept 22, 6:30-9:00 PM Partner with Faith (Class #2 - Membership Class) Thursday, Oct 6, 6:30-9:00 PM Reflectors “Fall Fest” Friday, Oct 21, 6:30 - 8:30 PM @ Faith Valpo This is will be our first ever social / outreach night for the special needs community in Valparaiso, including food, a costume contest, games, and lots more! To participate (and/or attend), please sign-up online at or call Vinnie at 219-864-0300 ext. 197



Contact Eric at Watch the weekend program for upcoming events and scheduled meetings.

Faith Kids (infant-5th grade) Contact Jaime at or Ami at



Men of Faith Saturdays, 7 AM Upstairs Adult Classroom Contact Bob at Meets weekly

Reflectors Ministry Sundays, 10 AM Contact Brent at Meets 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month

Other serving teams looking for additional help include:

● Adults (Men & Women) Small Groups Contact Anne at

Friendship Groups Thursdays, 6:30-8:00 PM Contact Brent at

Technical Arts Frontline Prayer Team The Vine bookstore If interested in serving in any of these areas, go to the Welcome Center for more information or contact Pastor Brad at

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