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MALCOLM FOULKES Living boldy in Faith & Business 14 Our Style Our Way 16 The Mountain Movin’ Generation 17 Down 21lbs in 3 weeks Valtinique Tufi Gilberta Thompson Keithra Morley Teja Jospeh Garnitra Pinder Gia D.

18 Our Millennial Honorees

Millennials are the age group with the worst reputation. They label us as nothing more than social media trolls, attention seeking zombies and the generation that’s running away from the church. Now, its not what people say about you, but what you think and say about yourself. I declare that my generation, generation y, are not running away from church but rather running to the four corners of the Earth raising the blood stained banner of Jesus. We are the ones with the most brilliant minds, the ones asking why. Why are we not living out purpose, why are we not taking dominion and why are we not living in abundance? I believe we won’t just ask the questions but I believe we’re the answer to them. This issue is a salute to a generation of mountain movers and change agents. A salute to millennials.

Writer: Decorey Gray

ness for 40 years, I’m sure Joshua thought to himself that this doesn’t make sense. Why are we settling for the wilderness when the land of promise is there for our taking. They are not settling for a 40 year job and then retirement. This generation believes that the possibilities for wealth creation is too vast. Because of this Joshua mindset, as millennials move into leadership in every sector of society they will fearlessly shake up the status quo. Millennials are not just motivated by money and power as with previous generations. The two biggest questions for this generation is: What is my purpose? and How can I impact the world?

When you think about Millennials (Born 19811996), what are some ways you would describe them? Some people would say “entitled”, others may say “lazy”, more may say “impatient”. If you were to do a poll and ask Generation X (Born 1966 – 1980) and Baby Boomers (1945 – 1965) if those words were accurate in describing Millennials you would get an overwhelming yes. Life in many ways reflects your perspective. Is the glass you see half full or half empty? Every generation had its own theme that helped to shape a particular time in history. If I could describe the Baby Boomer generation, I would say it was a generation of founders. Many companies, countries and organizations were founded by the generation. The foundation for many things was laid out by this generation. Generation X I would describe as a generation of builders. They took the foundation left by the Baby Boomers and built on it. Companies, countries and organizations started by Baby Boomers were built up and made bigger and better by Generation X. If I could describe Millennials, I would describe them as the generation of Innovators. Millennials are taking what Generation X has built and are finding new ways to take it to the next level.

Millennials are a Joshua Generation. A generation of people who are willing to go further than the previous generation. As Israel walked around in the wilder-

Interest in entrepreneurship is at an all time high with the millennial generation. Regardless of where they are in their career or education, most people in this generation plan on eventually owning their own business. As a result of this, we are seeing and influx of innovative new businesses in this generation. In this digital age brick and mortar businesses are becoming a pariah. In today’s world multiple businesses can be managed remotely from a laptop. The limitations of time and distance are becoming less of an inhibitor. Innovations by millennials are changing the way we live our day to day lives. We all know of the obvious innovations to social media such as Facebook and Instagram. Innovation to transport came through Lyft. Airbnb has changed the way many people book their vacations. There are other innovations in the works such as the edible water bottle and many others. One thing that is constant with this generation and is change. Change makes some people uncomfortable. But the world is continuing to change, and millennials are the catalyst for this change. This generation of innovators are ready to venture into the unknown and change the world. After walking in the wilderness aimlessly for 40 years and watching a generation die off, it was time for Joshua to lead his generation into the promise land. God told Joshua “Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them.” This is the Joshua generation. The generation of innovation.

Being a mom in this day and time is very tough. I’m battling against what they watch on television, read in books, what’s on the online world, what they’re exposed to among their peers, not to mention I’m trying not to drown them in my own fears and insecurities. It feels like I’m the one drowning. “I often battle with whether or not the traditions of the generation before us, the ones I grew up with should be implemented in their lives today or should I just parent my way?” As I pondered this I finally came to one conclusion I’m a millennial which means I do things differently! So moms, whatever way you decide to parent your children be confident in it. Don’t let others or society dictate or pressure you into a style of parenting. One thing I’ve admired about my parenting style is that I put God first when it comes to my role as a mom and I try to parent my kids God’s way. No I don’t ram religion down their throats, but I let them know constantly that God is the reason for our very existence. I’m not perfect and sometimes I make many mistakes parenting my kids. Like the days I’m super stressed and my patience is very thin, I may lash out prematurely or the days I want to shelter them from the fears I have about their safety, I say no to them going out with friends, or the days when money is very tight and I have to say no to a want they desire so bad. While some are ashamed of these flawed moments I embrace them, these things make us better parents. I want to share with you three (3) staples that help me parent my kids.

We serve God together and in the days of our youth. Joshua 24:15, Ecclesiastes 12:1 One thing I’m stern on and I enforce to the best of my abilities without question, is my kids being in the House of God and understanding the importance of serving him. I was raised by this principle and believe that it’s a tradition that needed to be passed on to my kids. I am a parent first, friend later. Listen, my kids are my little best friends, but they understand without a doubt that I am Mom first and I make sure they don’t confuse the two. We are very close and they can’t wait to tell me all the latest “tea” as they would call it, but they don’t ever cross the line or disrespect me as their mom. I told them when they become adults then I’ll turn the parent-meter down. I don’t hide my past mistakes from them. I think this point is the reason we are so close because I didn’t hide who I was from them. I wrote a memoir detailing some of my past sins and I allowed the older kids to read it. Why? Because I want them to look at my mistakes and walk a different path. I think when we shelter our kids we continue the same cycles we are shielding them from. These are just some of my parenting staples. We all were bought up differently, all have different experiences and obviously this is a new and different generation of children we’re dealing with, so our style of parenting will be different. But one piece of advice I want to leave with you is to put God first and raise your kids to fear God. Trust Him and He will show you how to deal with them. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Writer: Keithra Morley

Navigating through life can be difficult. You would often hear a young adult say “I don’t feel like adulting today” or sometimes ask if there’s a road map for life. Doubt, fear and uncertainty are common emotions when facing a situation but for the millennial that gripping fear can be magnified when trying to be bold in our faith, business and life decisions.


Malcolm Foulkes a young entrepreneur and business coach is no stranger to those feelings. In our candid conversation Malcolm told us of a time when he to be bold in his faith. While pursuing his degree from the University of the Bahamas, he started a campus ministry that met twice a week. The ministry began by evangelizing to students around the campus through small events. Malcolm recalled the terror he felt before the club’s first event. He was utterly horrified to openly share his faith with fellow students. Many of us when we become saved go through the same fear. We know that our peers know the past us but the present us is compelled to share the light and live out our purpose in Christ. The conflict is rarely easy to navigate but Malcolm said through God's grace, he was able to minister to the students and the event ended up being a great success. All because he leaned on God and put his trust in God over the fear of people. “Faith is simply believing in what God said. We must be willing to be bold for Christ even

when our flesh tells us that it makes no sense. I believe that our lives should be a walk of faith, and each day we must seek God's plan and will.”, He said. Malcolm added that the key to being bold in your faith is cultivating the right thoughts. He suggests that if you have a Godly mindset that is based on the word of God, you will be able to be strong in your faith and gave Romans 8:28 as a reference "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

He adds, “Every believer will face resistance for walking in faith from someone at some time. The key is to always love and never use Christ for an excuse to hate. Yes, your environment may be toxic, and you may feel alone. But, you must always be like a thermostat and never as a thermometer.” It’s inevitable that in this life we will always encounter people, situations and environments that are toxic but it is our responsibility to, “Be the change in toxic environments and always show the nature of Christ. Jesus wants to be glorified in every setting. He will provide the protection to get his job done.” Malcolm added. “We know that no matter what happens in the life of a believer, God will use it for a higher purpose. Never fear a man when you are walking with God. Men can only kill the body, but God can kill both body and soul (Matthew 10:28)!”, He said.

Malcolm’s passion for the Lord merged with ministry and sparked the Business Marketing Community Institute (BMCI). Business and economics was always a passion for him growing up. As his mind was always reeling with excitement about the process of starting a business. “Before the Business Marketing Community Institute (BMCI), I would assist friends and family with

business plans for free. My vision was always to be a successful entrepreneur and assist others on the same journey to do the same. One day at church, the vision came to me for the Business Success Summit.,” He said The plan was to bring top business leaders in the country together and facilitate seminars that would benefit entrepreneurs. “We later added our signature "pitch day", where entrepreneurs would be able to pitch their business ideas to investors.” He added.

lieves it is a great way to advance your business, ministry or career. He says that networking should be focused on making great connections and being a person of value to others.

“You become a person of value by having the capacity to offer a benefit to others that sets you apart.”

Through this initiative, Malcolm and his team were able to assist 300 entrepreneurs with either business training or financing. The institute has featured speakers like Elaine Pinder, Sir. Franklyn Wilson, Nathaniel Beneby, Raymond Winder, Gowon Bowe, Lincoln Deal, and Gil Cassar. Now when it comes to networking Malcolm differs from the belief that ‘that your network is your net worth’. “I believe that your worth comes from God and he has the power to do whatever he wants in your life at any time. Don't get me wrong, relationships are very important in life. However, the focus should always be to glorify God and bring more persons into his Kingdom.”, He said. Now he maintains that there inherently is nothing wrong with networking as he be-

Adding, “You connect with others through relating, being genuine and being authentic. You become a person of value by having the capacity to offer a benefit to others that sets you apart.” Whether navigating networking or trying to figure out how to be bold in your faith lean on God, He’ll direct your every move.

Writer: Teja Jospeh

Ready. Set. Spring. Spring 2019 MUST HAVE’S … See the 10 spring trends for 2019 that you should stock up on! 1. Bold & colorful tees that matches everything 2. Colored bottoms (Skirts, pants, shorts) 3. Neon colored everything!! (Let ‘em see ya from a mile away) 4. Comfy but colorful culottes 5. chic coordinating sets (Prints, patterns and bright colors) 6. Anything that’s snake printed (Go crazy with it! It’s a big deal right now!) 7. Pastel colored blazers 8. Colorful stripes (Leave the black and white for fall) ) 9. A state- making maxi dress (It’s maxi season! Let your dress be remembered!)

10. Prints, prongs & more prints! (This what spring is for, after all!)

Step into Spring in Your Favorite Brands~ Spring 2019 Collections

GIRL BO$$ A Girl Boss is someone who has big dreams and is willing to work hard for them. Here’s a few inspirations to keep you fashion-forward as you pursue your ambitions!

EVERYDAY DRIP There’s no denying that Millennials are the most ‘drippiest’ age group! Stay drippy everyday in these easy to pair combinations that’s already in your closet!

SPRING WEDDINGS LOOKBOOK Remember those mid-year millennial wedding proposals last year? Well, it’s time! Here’s a few ideas to keep you chic and elegant for the upcoming I Do’s!

Writer: Gilberta Thompson


hen the topic of millennials is brought up, many

people refer to this grouping as the microwave generation. The generation that yearns to achieve quickly. The generation that would like to build Rome in a day. The generation that believes in the now. Well I would like to change that narrative and claim our generation as the mountain moving generation. Yes that’s right! Mountain moving. But wait! You may be asking how can anyone move a mountain? This is a great question and there is only one way to move a mountain. By faith, of course. You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." -Matthew 17:20 If you and I are truly going to live up to this new narrative. If we are truly going to be mountain movers, faith has to become our lifestyle. It cannot just be a jolt that we feel when we want to accomplish a particular task, but it has to be exercised consistently. Imagine going to the gym only when you wanted to fit into an outfit. I can most certainly guarantee that the gym would be the most horrendous experience. Not to mention, you probably would not last very long. However, suppose you went to the gym all year round. Suppose working out became your lifestyle. Naturally this would guarantee that when you needed to fit the look of a particular outfit, you would already be ready. This is what a lifestyle of faith does. By exercising your faith every day, whether it is for a pair of socks, lunch on the job, gas in your vehicle, no matter how

little, you are building your faith for when you will really need it. You are building faith for the bigger goals or what some people even call impossibilities. Once faith has become your lifestyle and your culture, as a mountain mover, your responsibility is to guard your faith. Guard yourself from people that do not speak faith. Stay away from any environment that sucks the faith out of you. Avoid anything that would seek to deposit doubt into your heart. Doubt will hinder your ability to move mountains (James 1:6-7). This is the only way to keep your faith tank on full. By being careful to maintain your faith, a beautiful exchange takes place. The mountain that was once unmovable now has to move, while the you that was once easily moved has been firmly planted by faith. Whatever your personal mountain may be, whether it is a career change, a relational challenge, or a financial hurdle, always keep alert concerning your faith. As the mountain moving generation, we have a responsibility. We must not keep this faith to ourselves, but we must pass it on to those around us. As God gives us wisdom and we grow in faith, it is our responsibility to ensure the next generation is also ready to move mountains. It is our responsibility to show them that there are no impossibilities when it comes to faith. It is our responsibility to ensure that this great faith transcends throughout time. Today is the day to live a lifestyle of faith, guard your faith, and share your faith. Today is the day to move mountains‌.

Hey guys!!! Can you believe that there are just four more days left in the month of March??? 2019 is rolling away so quickly! Before we know it, it will be December 31st and 2019 would be on it’s way out!! It’s important that you keep knocking at goals because time is definitely not waiting for us! Speaking of goals, as you guys know, weight loss was a major goal for me this year, it was one of my big 3 goals for 2019 and I have an update. In the month of March, I lost 21 lbs in 3 weeks. YES, YOU HEARD THAT CORRECTLY, 21 lbs in 3 weeks. I bet you are wondering how!! Well, I tried Keto. This was not an easy decision because I read so many mixed reviews about going on the Keto diet and I had the reaction that I normally get when I google symptoms when I am sick…. I deduced that Keto was surely going to result in my death based on the information that I was reading. WELL, a friend of mine, purchased my very first Keto grocery haul and she helped to keep me accountable while I attempted this lifestyle of eating and can I tell you that I AM SOLD!!! Not only did I lose 21 lbs but I also lost 11.8 inches all over my body, 3 from my waist! I am totally freaking out about my results especially because I really

couldn’t find the time to exercise. I am also pleased to report that I started my exercise regimen 2 days ago. I am excited to continue Keto in April because I am learning so much and I have been feeling SOOOOOO good lately. I am going to continue with my exercise routine as well! I have been jumping rope yall!! I will tell you all about my exercise routine in a later post! Well that’s it for now. If you want more information about EXACTLY what I did to lose my weight, leave me a comment or send me a message on one of my social media platforms!! See you later fam!

Social Media Platforms: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JustGiaD/ Fitness Ig: https://www.instagram.com/justgiad/ Website: giademeritte.com

Karrington McKenzie is a young passion-

Jonathan Farrington’s genuine

ate creative who comes from a long line of singers. His passion for music can clearly be seen when he hots the stage to sing or takes to the streets to rush in junkanoo. Karrington is passionate about using his gifts and talents to impact his community.

love for music and performing landed him on stages around the world. He placed first runner up on the Canadian singing show “The Shot” and most recently he’s sung on the Apollo stage. This contemporary gospel artist is pursing his passion all while fulfilling his purpose of glorifying God.

Anishka Ramsey is a nail technician by trade and a passionate follower of Christ. She owns Simply Beautiful Nail Spa and on any given day you can find Anishka ministering to those who walk through her doors. Her clients say that though you may come for a mani and pedi you may leave with a motivational word and a warmed heart.

Shaquille Hanna is a father, husband, entrepreneur and most important a representative of God. He’s the founder of God Squad Universal which is a kingdom lifestyle brand. We are most known for our apparel but we also host events, publish blogs, inspire persons via social media and take prayer request from persons worldwide via godsquaduniversal.com He’s been nominated four times for Marlin and Prayze Factor awards.

Denise Francis is an educator, beautician and the founder of the “Self-Awareness” book club. Whether she’s making wigs on her page Beauty and Beat or inspiring young women to follow her dreams Denise has resolved that she will not only speak about the goodness of God, but allow His love to shine through in her actions.

Jaquay Adderley is a young and energetic creative that has been in the acting and entertainment arena since 2010. He is a comedian that goes by the name of ‘Bertrum Oh Bubbler’. He is the founder of an amazing movement called Unorthobox, which is a platform for young gifted teens to have a space to grow and flow in their craft while being a light and inspiration to the world. Jaquay is also a social media sensation. Through his relatable yet hilarious comedy video, he has won the love of The Bahamian people. There is never a dull moment with Jaquay Adderley.

Shakeisha Johnson is

a wife, mother, author and life coach. Known as coach Keish, this phenomenal woman is the founder of Cross My Heart Ministries an organization focused on empowering young women. Shakeisha’s life’s goal is to change the world, one heart at a time!

RayAndra Nairn is the owner of the MTM Brand (formerly Metamorphosis Productions). They specialize in portrait photography and believe a photo is worth a thousand words. They believe their clients deserve images that not only capture the essence of their brands but also tell a captivating story to their audience.

Travis Robinson is the current MP for the Bain and Grants Town constituency. He is one of the youngest people to have been elected to parliament in the Bahamas. He’s won numerous awards and accolades including being named the 2018 Young Politician of the Year.

Katherine is the founder of ‘Purpose Made Me Do It’, a faith-based, non-profit organization that includes The ‘Girl Bosses Empowerment Party’, The Authentic Woman and the Project Gideon which is a philanthropic arm focused on community engagement, outreach, and building hope through service.

Minister Felicia Archer began delivering motivational speeches from the age of 12 years old. A respected prophetic voice, life coach, entrepreneur, mentor, motivational speaker and author of the book “She found herself”, She is known as the “Firestarter” because of the uncommon and dynamic way in which the Lord uses her in ministry and in the prophetic. Minister Archer is a prophetic trailblazer and one that God has raised up from the pits to deliver a message of hope to the Nations. In the words of Minister Archer “I am who I am only because of God so to Him be all of the glory”.

Tanya Duncombe

was born on May 4th, 1984 in Nassau, Bahamas. From childhood, the call of God has been evident on her life. She is a minister of the gospel, mentor, humanitarian, entrepreneur, world changer, recipient of local and international recognitions, but most of all, a Jesus Girl. Min. Duncombe dedicates her life to the things of God and His people. Her life long aim is to make Jesus famous!

Zemi Stewart is the founder of Wife HER! (Wife Healed, Empowered, Restored!), a ministry for marriage-minded singles, brides and wives. She has a servant's heart and desires to see women overcome their hurts and circumstances to become the women God always intended for them to be. Zemi is a certified Eve's Journey Life Coach She is the author of a book of poems entitled “I Gave It to the Pages”, a series of mathematics workbooks under the brand “Math with Miss Zemi” and, most recently, an eBook entitled "Pretty Pennies", which aims to help women get on the path to financial wellness. Her 2019 slogan is "Born to help. Born to inspire."

Pastor Glen C. Russell has his Bachelor’s Degree in Theological Studies with emphasis in Christian Counseling. He was ordained and installed as the Senior Pastor of New Destiny Kingdom Center in February 2016. This new fresh and kingdom movement is growing at the speed of God. Pastor Glen is married to Minister Mikara Russell. He’s the author of four books and fully believes that “If God placed you there, He is God enough to sustain you there.”

Davian Chase has been singing from he was a child. He has performed and numerous events and takes great pride in singing for the Lord. He is a worship leader whose heart’s desire is for the church to seek the face and not just the hands of God during worship. He said, "When we stop expecting something from God when we worship and worship Him because He deserves it, that's when we truly see God in all His majesty." The mandate on Davian's life is to restore the culture of True Worship.

Ken and La’Donya Pratt are the Bahamas' funny couple. They started recording videos soon after their wedding in May 2015 focusing on travel vlogs of their honeymoon, vacations and everyday life. They then transitioned to comedy skits and shorts about hilarious things couples do and endure in a relationship. The couple has been nominated for 2 Elevation Awards and own Such A Pratt Studios where the couple continues to write, direct and produce documentaries, stage plays and shows. They are currently working on a teen-drama series called Rise Or Fall that tackles everyday issues teenagers endure in school and home.

Shavonne Strachan is the founder of the We

Brandon Kemp is a young entrepreneur with a vision of

Life Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides programs, encouragement, food and other daily necessities to persons living in the inner communities around the world. Their community events such as Christmas in the Community, Annual Backpack Giveback, and an Annual Grocery Giveaway Event, attracts hundreds of families who come out for encouragement, hot food and lots of prizes and surprises.

using business to improve people's quality of life. he joined Operation Mobilization, a non-profit Christian organization dedicated to sharing knowledge, help, and hope around the globe. Brandon's 4.5 years on board involved him travelling to over 30 countries. Brandon returned home after a 6-month assignment in Mexico to see what God had in store for him. His passion for business led him into a partnership to create a mobile tourism app, Dux, as well as start a downtown street festival called the Nassau Night Market. Both businesses have the goal of equipping local businesses with the exposure and opportunities needed to grow their businesses.

Johnny B. is a 25 year old rapper, known for his music technicality and raw versatility. As an avid music lover, who loves God even more, Johnny B. started rapping to help lead people to truth and hope. He continues to view music as a tool to build and inspire. Johnny B. is a founding member of Christ Gang. He has worked with many talented artists, producers and videographers including Lyrically Blessed, Najie Dun, Stacs, Sii, DJ Elevator, Shaddy, NDO Films, Jiggy Productions and Cyclical West.

Shaniqua Hanna-Thurston’s booming voice has landed her on stages around the world. As a worship leader at her local assembly she is able to passionately live out her purpose of bringing God glory.

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