FAITH NOTES Faith United Methodist Church 300 Ninth Street NW North Canton, Ohio 44720 Phone: 330.499.6040 Fax: 330.305.1600 E-mail: Website:
February 2013 Go! “Go” is found in the Bible 1,431 times Throughout the scriptures, people are on the go. Why? At what cost? For what purpose? Most of the time they go because they hear or sense God calling them to go. Abram heard God call him to go to a land God would show him (Gen. 12:1). God spoke to Moses from a burning bush calling him to go back to Egypt to speak to Pharaoh (Ex. 3-4). Esther with the help of her cousin Mordecai discerned a call to go before the king, risking her life to speak on behalf of her people (Esther 4). Ruth, a Moabite widow, against all norms and logic, followed her heart that insisted she go with her mother-in-law to live with her people the Israelites who hated the Moabites (Ruth 1). Jonah was called to go to Nineveh (an enemy city known for its brutal terrorism) to preach repentance and God’s grace (Jonah 1). Jesus called his disciples to go proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal, taking nothing with them for the journey (Luke 9:1-6). Jesus himself felt called to go to Jerusalem knowing he would suffer there and be crucified (Mat. 16:21). Three days after Jesus died on the cross, Mary Magdalene felt led to go to the tomb where Jesus was buried. Ananias heard God call him to go to Saul (a persecutor of Christians) and pray for him (Acts 9:10-20). In every one of these stories God did amazing and wonderful things when God’s people were called to go and they did. Abram became Abraham and with Sarah they became the parents of a chosen people who were the first to believe in one God – monotheism begins. Because Moses did go to Pharaoh, the Israelites were freed from 400 years of slavery in Egypt. Because Esther was willing to go before the king, tens of thousands of Jews from 127 provinces were saved from destruction. Because Ruth followed her heart to go with Naomi, she became the great-grandmother of King David, an ancestor of Jesus the Messiah. Because Jonah – after several attempts to avoid God’s call – finally did go to Nineveh, the whole city repented and was transformed. Because Jesus was willing to go to the cross, we are an Easter people, a forgiven people who live according to the Good News of the resurrection, Jesus’ victory over death itself. Because Mary Magdalene did go, she was the first to report that the tomb was empty. Because Ananias, in spite of his fear, did go to Saul, Saul was baptized and became Paul, the greatest missionary ever. Today, God still calls people to go. In 2011 FUMC’s Scout Troop 12 felt called to go to the Dominican Republic where they helped people in need. Every year at FUMC 40-50 youth and 10-20 adults sense a call to go on a week-long mission trip. This year they will go to Rockford, Illinois June 29-July 6. On the last Saturday of every month typically 30+ FUMC members go down to Canton to serve a hot meal and provide groceries and clothing to brothers and sisters in Christ because they feel called to go. On January 27, Youth Sunday, three women were commissioned to go. Pastor Cara, Teresa Purses and Sue Bell felt God calling them to go to the Camphor Mission in Liberia. They will serve alongside United Methodist Liberians in support of Bishop Hopkin’s 3-Cs Initiative (Churches, Classrooms and Clinics). Please pray for them and for Liberia as they continue to rebuild since 2003, the end of the civil war in Liberia. For more information go to Cara, Teresa and Sue will be in Liberia February 2-18. This is the third time FUMC has been present in Liberia since our 2-20-10 Visioning Summit with Don Lefelar when we made it a goal to begin regular international mission trips. Where is God calling you to go? Where is God calling FUMC to go? What amazing and wonderful things are about to happen for God’s kingdom as we individually and collectively prayerfully discern and accept a call to go?
In Mission and Ministry together with you,
Feb. 11- Circle of Faith will be meeting at 9am at Jan Baker's home. Please contact Esther Brunt for more information on their plans at 330-499-7293 Feb.13 - Lydia Circle will meet 12n Robinson Hall to listen to a presentation by Eileen Conley on what it is like to live in a senior center. All are welcome. Please call Carol Shipman with questions 330.4977516 Feb 28 - Circle of Love will meet in the Parlor at 7pm. We will be assembling our goodie boxes for our college students. If you would like to join us please contact Patti Deems at 330-494-7168.
Men meet each Thursday at 7:15 AM at Susanna’s on Main St. in North Canton. All men welcome. No reservations required. Social coordinator is Dale Walters.
UMW Sunday is February 10th! Mark your calendars for March24th. UMW will be serving Brunch after each service. YUM!! Attention, Attention!! UMW is looking for someone who would like to chair or co-chair the All Daughter Banquet for May 6th. There is a list growing of people who are willing to help. If interested please call Kim Wallick at 330-497-2462 for more information.
The February will be on Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 8:30 am in the Chapel. You are invited to come see what Betsy Douce will share with us about matters of the heart. We will worship God, pray for others, and be refreshed ourselves by journeying in faith with friends. Then on Tuesday, March 5th Matt Hart will lead us in worshipping together. Please join us! Many of us go out for breakfast afterwards. It’s a great beginning of the day and the month .
THANK YOU to Nancy Blanchard, Sharon Jacot, and Sue Wheeler for their help in setting up the beautiful Nativity Exhibit which was in the Gathering Area all through the Advent Season. Thank you as well to all those who shared their nativities for a meaningful display. Jan Baker
Remember the scene in The Wizard of Oz when Toto pulls back the curtain and reveals the Great Oz at work? In February, we're pulling back the curtain on Faith Church's pipe organ and revealing how Bill Kaiser does his magic. Don't miss it! Date: Tuesday, February 12th Time: 11:45 am to 2:00 pm Program: Bill Kaiser, Organ Crawl Cost: $5/person Please call or email Betsy Douce with your reservation (330.494.3337 or no later than Thursday, February 7th. MARK YOUR CALENDAR: March 12, 2013, Joanne Fox, Rafting the Colorado River .
Canton Calvary Mission requests Toilet Paper For February The Mission feeds over 500 families monthly and appreciates all donations of non-perishable foods, personal hygiene and paper products. A marked box is located in the gallery for contributions to the Food Pantry. Thanks for your generous support!
We have some wonderful Valentine's gifts in chocolate, tea and coffee. Every purchase supports hardworking independent farmers in their aspirations for a better life for their families. See the table in the Gathering area.
Our Youth Mission Team would like to thank all of the families who have supported our 2013 trip already by donating their ACME Community Cash Back food receipts. By your donations, we have already raised $220.00 and just think, we only had to buy our groceries to earn the free money. But there is still time to donate, so please do not forget to purchase ACME/Food Club grocery items from your local ACME store as we can continue to earn more free funds for our Youth Mission Trip. The program runs through February 9th and all receipts need to be placed in our collection boxes at the church by Monday, February 25th. Just remember to look for the Community Cash Back amount written on the bottom of your receipt and don't forget to turn it in at the church.
I would like to thank all the individual families, Sunday Schools, Scouts, and fellowships who adopted families this year. Thanks to your generosity 33 families of 38 adults and 64 children ranging in age from newborn to 17 years had food and gifts for a Merry Christmas. Its not what we give, but what we receive thru sharing God's gifts and love. There are cards from the families that were adopted this year on the table by the mailboxes. Bless you all, Nancy
The next meeting will be Thursday, February 7th at 2:00 in the parlor. Anyone who would like to help knit or crochet prayer shawls is welcome.
Sunday School at Faith UMC “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!” – 2 Peter 3:18 We offer Sunday School classes for ALL AGES at 9:45 and 11:00 AM every Sunday. Join us as together we grow and learn to KNOW, LOVE & SERVE the Lord!
Children: Faith Nursery, Room 18, 8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 Babies and Woddlers (birth through age 2) are cared for in a nurturing environment where little ones experience God’s love.
Preschool Ages 3-5, Room 20, 9:45 & 11:00, Following Children’s Message Preschool children grow their faith by leaps and bounds as they experience fun activities and Bible stories just for them!
Elementary Students Grades K-2, Room 6, Grades 3-5, Room 8, 9:45 & 11:00, Following Children’s Message February’s Theme: The Way – Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus
Youth: Middle School & High School, Youth Room, 11:00 am February’s Theme: The Way – Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus th
Confirmation Class (8 grade students & mentors) – Robinson Hall
Opportunities to Enrich Your Faith Retreats Emmaus Walk Men’s – March 7-10 Women’s – March 14-17 Contacts: Pam & Tom Wig, Ruth & Dale Zimmerman Retreat, Refresh, Renew by the Living Water Presenter: Patrick Cleary-Burns, Sponsored by East Ohio UMC CEF April 15 & 16 Contact: Kathy Schmucker
Faith Bible Class, Conference Room, 9:45 am, Facilitator: Bob Snyder Faith Meets Life, West Parlor, 9:45 am, Facilitator: Kim Reynolds and Steve Golden
Vacation Bible School
Join the Team! Faith’s Education Ministry Team is looking for persons interested in helping to vision, plan, and coordinate the following ministries: Wednesday Night Faith Connections, Opportunities to assist with children & adult programs, 6:00 – 8:00 pm, meal included!
Faith-based Summer Literacy Program Nursery Volunteers Are you our next partner in ministry? Prayerfully consider how God is calling you to make a difference in the lives of our children & youth! Contact Sandy Vaughn, Heather Andrews, or Kathy Schmucker or Kristin Krach for more information!
Wednesday Night Faith Connections Weaving Faith into Life Fun & Faith for Kids and Families every Wednesday! 6:00 pm, Dinner served by our amazing meal team! 6:30 pm, Faith Kids for kids in grades K-5 helps kids learn about God and live what they learn! Join us for games, skits, music, mission projects 6:30 pm, Faith Parents, Adult Bible Study and Small Groups! Lenten Experiences begin 2/13/2013 The fun begins in Robinson Hall! All are welcome! Check our website for registration information. Invite your friends, come join the fun and get connected at Faith!
Lent ~ Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. Lent is the forty day period (not counting Sundays) between Ash Wednesday and Holy Saturday (the day before Easter) in which we are called to open our hearts before God for honest examination in a spirit of confession, penance, and redirection as we approach the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday. The word Lent comes from an old word for spring. Lent is a season of renewal. It’s a time of rebirth in nature and spiritual rebirth within ourselves as we renew our commitment to God and strengthen our faith. Christians gather for a special worship service on Ash Wednesday to guide us in beginning our Lenten preparation for Easter. The worship service usually includes the Imposition of Ashes, the marking of the worshipper’s forehead with ashes in the form of a cross. In the Bible, sprinkling oneself with ashes was traditionally a sign of one’s sorrow for having committed sins. Ashes are a powerful symbol of our mortality. They are also a sign of repentance, purification, & reconciliation. The purpose of Ash Wednesday is to help us develop a spirit of humility and sacrifice as we look to the cross. Fasting and giving up something can be a part of Lenten preparations, but so can taking on some things. This Lent our church will be focusing on means of grace, spiritual practices that help us make room in our lives for God. In what ways might you focus on your relationship with Jesus this Lent? Daily Bible reading and prayer, worship, study and fellowship with other Christians, reflecting on the ways you give of your time, talents, and resources, reaching out to others in service and mission for the glory of God are all ways in which we can focus more fully on our spiritual lives and experience grace during this holy, sacred season. Incorporating these types of spiritual practices into our lives during Lent can help us grow closer to God by cutting out distractions and helping us to refocus our time and talents. Devoting more time to God and His work can help build and renew our faith. Check out the opportunities and resources available at Faith UMC to guide you in this year’s Lenten journey. Prayerfully consider what God is calling you to set aside or take up as you begin the journey to the cross this Lent. “Return to LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.” Joel 2:13
Ash Wednesday Services at Faith UMC —February 13 @ 12:00 pm & 7:00 pm Labyrinth will be available in the Family Life Center from 10:00 am – 8:30 pm Lent Devotionals & Resources: We have several devotional booklets & resources for individuals and families available to guide you in daily Scripture reading and reflection for the season of Lent. Please see the literature racks in the Gathering Area or outside the Family Life Center for more information. Means of Grace resources can also be found on our faith formation blog: Visit Faith’s Library/Media Center to explore additional resources to help you dig deeper into the sermon messages, small group studies, and our Act of Grace theme!
Wednesday Night Lent Experiences Intergenerational opportunities for Faith UMC to help people of all ages grow in faith and experience the love and grace of Christ more fully this Lent. Join us each Wednesday Night during the season of Lent as we explore, discover, and experience spiritual practices that lead us to open ourselves to grace! Each week will focus on a different means of grace with activities for adults, youth, and children. Come and explore prayer and pretzels, experience God’s word, create clinging crosses, walk the labyrinth. Dinner begins at 6:00pm in Robinson Hall. Lenten programs begin at 6:30pm.
Small Groups at Faith UMC! Monday: Jesus’ Parables of Grace, Women’s Small Group, alternating Monday’s, 9:00 am, at Samantha’s Restaurant Contact Person: Lauralee Stiffler Covenant Bible Study, 7:00 pm, Room 16 Contact Persons: Rob & Tory Christian Study of the Gospel of John – January 28-March 25, 7:00 pm, West Parlor Facilitator: Bob Kuchner
Meditation Group, 7:00 pm, Room 8 Facilitator: John Buchanan
Tuesday: Men’s Prayer Group: 6:00 am, Balcony Facilitator: Ron Crowl Faithful, Abundant, True: Three Lives Going Deeper, Women’s Bible Study, 6:30 pm, West Parlor Facilitators: Sue Bell and Laura Luikart “First Tuesday Prayer Service” – February 5, 8:30 am First Tuesday is a monthly gathering for worship and sharing with reflections focusing on a variety of seasonal topics. The group enjoys singing, praying for others and sharing concerns and celebrations! Contact Person: Jan Baker
Wednesday: Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted, Women’s Bible Study, 9:15 am, West Parlor Facilitator: Linda Reynolds Parenting with Purpose and Grace: Wisdom for Responding to your Child’s Deepest Needs Faith Connections dinner begins at 6:00 pm, Faith Parents begins at 6:30. Childcare is available.
Thursday: The Challenge of Jesus, Thursdays beginning February 7, 7:00 – 8:30 pm, Room 8 Facilitators: Steve and Becky Moore Lenten Study beginning Thursday, February 14 at 10:00 am, Facilitator: Kathy Schmucker
Saturday: That's Why I'm Here by Chris Spielman, Men's Life Study Group, February 9 & 23 7:00 am at Variety’s Restaurant Facilitator: Kim Reynolds
Sunday: Refuge for Parents: Exploring Confirmation, Sundays at 6:30 pm, West Parlor Facilitator: Kathy Schmucker, Director of Christian Education & Spiritual Formation
Adult Sunday School Classes meet at 9:45 & 11:00 on Sunday mornings! Want to learn more about nurturing your faith? For more information or questions about faith formation opportunities and resources or about starting or getting involved in a small group, prayer group, or Bible study experience at Faith UMC, visit our website or contact Kathy Schmucker, Faith’s Director of Christian Education & Spiritual Formation. 330-499-6040,
WE NEED A DOZEN! If twelve people will give $25 to our fund this month, we will be able to pay the 2013 school fees for our eight students at the New Horizon School in Lambare, Paraguay. Checks should be made to the church with Pennies for Paraguay on the memo line. Of course, we always value your gifts of coins, so keep them coming! Thank you for making a difference in the lives of these young people.
Are you or someone you know in need of a job and would like to be added to our prayer list? Submit name and skill/trade/field for which employment is sought to Carmie Johnson at or by calling 330.499.6040. Each month we will update our list with those members and friends of members in need of employment so that we can keep them in our prayers:
Matthew Smith—Communications/Marketing On February 2nd, Sue Bell, Cara Stultz Costello, and Teresa Purses will be headed to Liberia for 2 weeks. We asked each of them: Why Liberia? Why now? What are you most excited for? And what can we pray for during your trip? Sue: We have heard about the people there, their country, and the struggles they have endured. The conference 3Cs awareness brought Liberia to my attention and I feel a need to connect with the people at Camphor Mission and hear their stories and let them know that we care about them. I am most excited about meeting the people, seeing the country, and tasting their food. Please pray for safe travel, good health, and a willingness to go out of my comfort zone to understand the needs of the people of Liberia. Cara: A missionary is one who is observant of how God is at work and then goes far and wide to tell that story. The ways in which I have been privileged to witness God at work through other missionary endeavors has shaped the way I live, and move and have my being. I am excited to be a witness to God at work among the Liberian people. I have heard it said that the Spirit of God is stirring up a revival on the continent of Africa. I expect not only to minister but to be ministered to. And then, when I return to North Canton I can share that revival spirit with the body of Christ at Faith and the greater Canton area. In this way all God’s children come to the same table having shared the same spiritual food in the name of the sustainer, Jesus. Please pray that we will have eyes to see and ears to hear, mouths to tell and hearts that are open. Teresa: After I faced a challenging life experience and had an amazing answer to my prayers – being healed – I felt that I needed to do two things: find a way to show God’s love to others through Christian care and get out of my comfort zone and take a true faith journey. Liberia is a chance for me to do both! I am excited to meet our brothers and sisters at the Camphor Mission Station and to have the opportunity to continue to nurture the strong relationships that have been developed over the years by other Faith UMC volunteers. We truly appreciate all the volunteers who helped sew kits or donated items and funds to support some of the great needs at Camphor Mission. Please pray: that our travels are safe, the connections are smooth and we all stay well; that our desire to serve meets the true needs of the people; that we may develop strong relationships with all we meet; that all fear of the new and the unknown be overcome by the power of the promises of God’s word. But most of all, please pray that our team may show the love of Christ every day in all we do!
MEMBERSHIP CARE Dale Walters, February 5th, 93 year old Doris Ashley, February 22nd, 97 years old Deaths: Larry Brail died January 11, 2013 Lela Patterson died January 13, 2013 Jim Moore, brother in-law of Warren Morrison, died January 18, 2013 Elizabeth Aitkin, mother of Beth Starke, died January 19, 2013 Karl Naumann, Sr, father of Lynn Shimko, died January 21,2013 Jeanne Schwane died January 25, 2013
This month we received thanks you notes from: Doris Ashley, Ann Everetts, Bob & Mary Jo Boettler, Libby Aitken, Dorothy and Glenn Myles, Louise McCarty, Laura Tabacchi, Jeanne Pickett, Maxine Pierce, Joan Morrison. THANK YOU Notes are located on the bulletin board in Robinson Hallway.
Communications Ministry Team is Developing and needs your help! We are looking for help with the following areas in the developing Communications Ministry Team: Social Media, Bulletin, Alcove & Display Cases, Faith Notes, Living Faith, Teen Tech Team, Holiday Communications (Advent/Christmas & Easter), and Website. If you are interested in being part of any of these areas or have talent/skills in graphic design, photography, videography, photo/video editing, or other new and exciting ways of sharing the Good News, please contact Communications Coordinator, Carmie Johnson at 330.499.6040 or
We had a wonderful time celebrating with our Young Adults at our annual Christmas Dinner in January. Fifteen young adults attended and shared with us some of the exciting things they have been doing over the past year. Such as: delivering a baby, making pizza rolls into a soup that was eaten with a knife, found a new exciting job, went white water rafting on class 5 rapids, went to Canada, met Leigh Howard Stevens, went on a real date, crashed the car, passed the CPA exam, stole a car, was invited back to an internship, learned how to sew, got a puppy, went into the wrong car, and was arrested. What a crazy and exciting year! We are excited about expanding our Young Adult ministry this year and anyone interested in helping with the ministry for our Young Adults is invited to attend a lunch meeting on February 24th at 12:30pm in the Parlor. Lunch will be provided from Jimmy Johns and RSVPs are requested by February 22nd.
Attention Men! Think Spring – Summer – Fall, Think Golf! Watch for the March Faith Notes for our upcoming organizational meeting. New league members welcome no matter what your handicap is. We have fun! Questions? Call Dale Miller at (H) 330.497.1974 (Cell) 330.904.2043
The Faith UMC family is invited to attend a concert of religious and classical music on Sunday, March 17th at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. Vocal and instrumental soloists, ensembles and the Joy Unlimited Choir will perform. Refreshments will be served in the Gathering Area after the concert. We hope to see you there! FYI - Can your taxes go to Faith Church?
The recent “fiscal cliff” legislation passed by Congress provided two provisions of importance to some of us. Those over 70 1/2 year of age are able to transfer funds directly from their IRA’s to the church and have serious tax benefits for 2013.Contact your tax advisor to see whether you and Faith Church can benefit by these regulations.
Are You Connected to a Bigger Story? Our students have recently gone through a new series entitled write.rewrite focusing on the stories of our lives. Here is a snapshot of this series, “We are all drawn to great stories - whether that's on the big screen, small screen, in a book or elsewhere. But we may be completely unaware of one simple truth -that our lives are a story as well. The decisions we make every day are shaping the plot. The things we do, believe and trust determine what is being written. And for many of us, the story we are scripting could be so much more if we let God write, or even rewrite, our story. It’s the story we long for, the one our hearts truly desire.” Each week includes a discussion question/point that our parents and their students are encouraged to wrestle through together. The first week’s discussion questions read as follows, “What are some of your favorite stories (in movies, books, etc.)? What specifically about those stories do you love? Read Ecclesiastes 3:11. Do you ever wish your life was “more” than what it is now? If yes, why?” Read the full story at So what about you, what stories connect with your soul and ignite your passions? Do you feel as though your life could/should be “more?” Do you see how you connect to God’s larger story in your life? My challenge to you this week is to look at what elements of stories connect to your heart and seek to live those out in your personal relationship with God.
As our students prepare for their mission trip to Rockford, Illinois in the summer of 2013 they have already started earning their service/fundraising hours during the past few months. We have had students participate through: Helping with the “Sewing for Mission’s Workshop” on Saturday, January 12 Labyrinth Clean Up from Los Posadas Service Assisted with the taking down of Christmas decorations Leading our children on Wednesday evenings with Faith Kids Our students are always looking for opportunities to serve others throughout the year. If you know of a service opportunity, feel free to contact Susan Arnold ( or Donny Bell
Did you know that we received some wonderful gifts for the Library from Faith's Memorial Committee as well as memorial books from a circle and a small group? Stop by the library and see if you recognize these gifts. We are most appreciative of such thoughtfulness. Come and check out all of the choices in books and reference materials. You will certainly find some good winter reading! Thanks for your support.
Sunday, February 3, 2013: Mark your calendars for the Annual Scout Sunday Service. Scouts from Troop 12 will be at all three services to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of Scouting.
Sunday, February 10, 2013: Pancake Breakfast This breakfast of pancakes, sausage and drinks will be our first fundraiser for our summer 2013 High Adventure Trip. This year we will be adventuring onto the high seas in the Florida Keys. We will be spending ten beautiful days on the open seas in the Gulf in sailing ships. We will be learning to work together as a cohesive sailing team, we will be snorkeling, fishing, swimming and of course THE most important thing – resting up - before we begin another hectic year of school and scouting. Breakfast Served: After each Church Service - from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm Location: Robinson Hall Cost: Generous Donations
Update from the Finance Ministry Team Current figures show an increase in online shopping over previous years. Why do people choose to shop this way? Certainly one of the major reasons is convenience. We now are able to offer the same convenience here at Faith UMC! Direct withdrawal from a bank account is one way, using PayPal is another. We now offer online donations through PayPal on our website:, click Resources on the home page, scroll down to Donate and over to Online Giving OR scan the QR code below with your smart phone. If you don't have a PayPal account, its free and easy to set up at Contact Sharyl Syler for details:
On Sunday January 13 Worship Arts Study Group was commissioned along with other church officers in all three services. The group was formed in response the strategic workshop held in December 2011 under the direction of our consultant Hugh Ballou. The group has begun meeting and is seeking to fulfill its mandate to “study the nature of worship, identify Faith Church’s core values related to worship, explore ways in which we might build on our music and arts strengths to further enhance the worship experience and research various models and systems for how vital and transformational worship is designed, organized and carried out.” Study Group members are: Bob Snyder, Bryan Stehura, Candy Ziegler, John Buchanan, Kathy Schumcker, JoEllen Klco Tom Strauch, and Jim Skinner. Jim is serving as convener and working with Pastors Steve and Cara to plan the agendas and direct the study. During February and early March, the group will be visiting other churches to observe worship and learn about their worship planning process.
Staff In-Service Days will be February 14th and 28th. Staff in the office will use these days from 9:00-3:00 to give focused attention to advancing ministry goals. To that end, the Office Ministry Team (Office Volunteers) will be responding to phone calls and visitors. Urgent needs and pastoral emergencies will still be addressed promptly by the pastors or appropriate staff. In-Service Days will generally be scheduled for the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. Thank you for supporting our staff by honoring these scheduled In-Service days. Philip Bell, SPRC Chair
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Faith United Methodist Church 300 Ninth Street NW North Canton, OH 44720
Worship with Us: Sunday Services: 8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 & 11:00
Get to Know Us: Reverends Steve & Cara Stultz Costello, Co-Pastors Sharyl Syler—Dir. of Administration & Finance Carmie Johnson—Communications Coordinator Kathy Schumucker—Dir. of Christian Ed. & Spiritual Formation Matt Hart—Dir. of Youth Ministry Lauralee Stiffler—Coordinator,Congregational Development Jan Bilek—Treasurer Susan Arnold—Youth Anministrator Alina Dorto—Dir. of Faith Friends Preschool
Contact Us: Phone: 330.499.6040 Fax: 330.305.1600 Email: Website:
Mailed January 31 2013
Feb 13 ASH WEDNESDAY 10:00A-8:00P Labyrinth Experience 12:00p ASH Wednesday Service 7:00p ASH Wednesday Evening Service 8:00p Confirmation Ash Service Feb 10 UMW SUNDAY Guest Speaker Angie Scavuzzo 8:30 Trio: Sue Hirschman, Kathy Schirra & Cindy Wilcox 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Carol & Cherub Choirs 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School Pastor Steve preaching 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Chancel Choir 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School
Feb 3
Boy Scout Sunday Communion
Feb 24 LENT II Pastor Cara preaching 8:30 Joy Unlimited 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Chancel Choir 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School Feb 17 LENT I Pastor Steve preaching 8:30 Celebration Bells 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Chancel Choir 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School
Jim and Libby Blake
Jerry and Judy Carneal
Jim, Charolette, James and Jessica Finley
Dick and Jean Baughman
David Coombs
Lorrie Goss
Beth Starke
Cindy Maxim
Fri 1
Sat 2 8:00-12:00 District Leadership Training
5:50 Joy Unlimited 6:30 REFUGE Youth 6:30 REFUGE Parents
3 Boy Scout Sunday 4
Communion Pastor Steve preaching 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Chancel Choir 11:00 Confirmation 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School 5:00 Joy Unlimited
7:00p “Gospel of John” 7:00p Covenant Bible Study 7:00p Meditation Group 7:00p Men’s Basketball
6:00a Men’s Prayer Group 8:30a First Tuesday 9:00a Quilts to Share 9:30 Celebration Bells 6:30p Women’s Bible Study 7:00p Ministry Council 7:00p Boy Scouts
13 8a-8p Labyrinth Experience
Guest Speaker– Angie Scavuzzo Scout pancake breakfast 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Carol & Cherub Choirs 11:00 Confirmation 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School
9:00a Circle of Faith 9:00a Women’s Morning Study 7:00p “Gospel of John” 7:00p Covenant Bible Study 7:00p Meditation Group 7:00p Men’s Basketball
6:00a Men’s Prayer Group 9:00a Quilts to Share 9:30 Celebration Bells 11:45a Second Wind 6:30p Women’s Bible Study 7:00p Boy Scouts
9:15a Women’s Morning Study 12:00p ASH Wednesday Service 12:00p Lydia Circle 5:00p Carol & Cherub Choirs 6:00p Wed. Night Dinner 6:30p Faith Kids & Faith Parents 7:00p ASH Wednesday Service 7:30p Chancel Choir
8:30 Office Staff In-service 12:00p Library Volunteers 2:00p Faith Stitchers 6:30p Small Group Study 6:30p Stephen Ministry 7:00p Stewardship Ministry
Pastor Steve preaching 8:30 Chancel Choir 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Joy Unlimited 11:00 Confirmation 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School
7:00p “Gospel of John” 7:00p Covenant Bible Study 7:00p Meditation Group 7:00p Men’s Basketball
6:00a Men’s Prayer Group 9:00a Quilts to Share 9:30 Celebration Bells 6:30p Finance Meeting 6:30pWomen’s Bible Study 7:00p Boy Scouts 7:00p Nomination Leadership Development
9:15a Women’s Morning Study 12:00p Staff Meeting 5:00p Carol & Cherub Choirs 6:00 Wed. Night Dinner 6:30p Faith Kids 6:30p Faith Parents 6:30p Sewing for Missions 7:30p Chancel Choir
12:00p Library Volunteers 1:00p Alzheimer’s Support Grp 2:00p Faith Stitchers 6:60p Small Group Study 6:30p Stephen Ministry training 7:00p Trustees Meeting
Pastor Cara preaching 8:30 Joy Unlimited 9:45 Praise Team 11:00 Confirmation 11:00 Chancel Choir & Bells 9:45 & 11:00 Sunday School 12:00 Young Adult Gathering
9:00a Women’s Morning Study 7:00p “Gospel of John” 7:00p Covenant Bible Study 7:00p Meditation Group 7:00p Men’s Basketball
6:00a Men’s Prayer Group 9:00a Quilts to Share 9:30a Celebration Bells 6:30p Women’s Bible Study 7:00p Boy Scouts
9:15a Women’s Group 12:00p Staff Meeting 5:00p Carol & Cherub Choirs 6:00 Wed. Night Dinner 6:30p Faith Kids 6:30p Faith Parents 7:30p Chancel Choir
8:30a Office Staff In-Service 12:00p Library Volunteers 2:00p Faith Stitchers 6:30p Small Group Study 6:30p Stephen Ministry training 7:00p Circle of Love
6 9:15a Women’s Morning Study 12:00p Staff Meeting 5:00p Carol & Cherub Choirs 6:00 Wed. Night Dinner 6:30p Faith Kids 6:30p Faith Parents 6:30p Sewing for Missions 7:30p Chancel Choir
12:00p Library Volunteers 2:00p Prayer Shawl 6:30p Small Group Study 6:30p Stephen Ministry
9 7:00a Men’s Life Study
23 FAITH KITCHEN 7:00a Men’s Life Study