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Velvet Two Stripes
If you weren't in Velvet Two Stripes, what would youbedoingatthemoment?
Sophie:It’shardtothinkofalifewithoutVelvetTwo Stripes. I’d probably do what I do now when we’re not on the road or in the studio which is working in myartstudioforexhibitionsandopencalls.
Franca: If I weren’t already playing in some other band I probably would start one right away and dreamaboutbecomingacoolrockband.
Sara: Haha yeah I have to agree with Sophie, it’s almostunimaginabletothinkofalifewithoutVelvet TwoStripes.MaybeIwouldworkandliveinawildlife sanctuarysomewhereinthewilderness.
What is the most valuable material asset you have?
If you could blink and be somewhere you like bestnow,wherewouldthatplacebe?
Sophie: Somewhere sunny, I don’t care where! The weather here has been awful the last couple of weeks.
After fifteen years in the music industry, what frightensyou?
Sophie: To burn out. It’s impossible to go with the pace of the industry without damage. Writing and recording a good song takes time and shouldn’t be rushedjustforprofitandopportunities.
Sara: I fear running out of creativity someday. After every album I feel that I won’t be able to write another riff or idea for a song. Luckily, up until now there’s always been a new idea just around the corner, sometimes you just have to look a little bit harderandpushyourselftotrynewthingsaswell.
Franca: There is still not much happening to seriously promote women in music and offer them properopportunities,andunfortunatelythereisstill alongwaytogotoachieveequalityinmusic.
What is the one song you wish you could have writtenyourself?
Franca: Via con me by Paolo Conte.
Sara:SevenNationArmybyTheWhiteStripes,Ijust find it fascinating how this song transpired into so manydifferentworlds.
Sophie: I guess that we tour in more countries than currently Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. But who knows to what new places the new album will takeus.