Family Care NZ Issue 42

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FREE ONLINE YOGA Nikki Ralston tutorials MEAL OPTIONS Make it easy BELLYFUL Help at tough times LOVELY LUNCHES Something special ECO STRAWS Accessible options TAKE CARE Recovering from lockdown



books, learning, care to cook, gardening, useful things, reader stories, gifts + more!

TUIS! Rex's healing hobby

SUPPORT Register to help yourself or someone you care about!

Not for profits and community organisations have stepped up to offer help of all kinds as New Zealand recovers from Covid-19 Charities have united to support people needing a hand since March, providing everything from shopping to check-ins, medication deliveries, and connecting those needing advice and information to the best source to provide it.

"We're here to give a quick response to the issues people are grappling with escalating concerns to the right health or service organisations has been keeping us busy, along with matching volunteers to people wanting check-ins and a chat."

Partners IHC and Carers NZ have joined with other community networks to assist older people and those who are unwell, have a disability, or are caring for family members.

"Now we are moving into a different phase of Covid-19 - helping people access goods and services that can't wait any longer, such as food for those who can't shop for themselves. And delivering gifts and treats to people who have been stuck inside for weeks."

The country's sudden entry into isolation and Covid-19 lockdown left many without their usual supports. While supermarket operators like Countdown quickly launched services to give those in most need first option for delivery slots, it was a few weeks before these became available in sufficient numbers to meet demand. Through partnerships and community innovation, most people have got through lockdown well. and its partners have been providing a listening ear and a helping hand through this period of isolation. "We expect to continue offering support long-term," says IHC volunteer manager Sue Kobar. "The impacts of Covid-19 will be felt for some time and we have made a long-term commitment to be there to help anyone who is struggling, alongside the many other charitable and community organisations assisting across New Zealand." Moving to risk Level 1 will allow hundreds of IHC Police vetted volunteers to do more for those who have registered for help with, she says.

During April and May delivered hundreds of parcels of goodies from Kiwi bakery Molly Woppy, and gift cards from The Warehouse to tired Mums and Nanas who can buy themselves a well deserved Mother's Day pressie. IHC's redeployment of its national volunteer capacity to assist anyone of any age through Covid-19 is an amazing example of how not for profits come together when the country needs help. "We are a small not for profit but our partnership with IHC, New Zealand's biggest and oldest charity, shows the combined strengths we can pull together when needed," says Carers NZ CEO Laurie Hilsgen. "We can't solve every issue but we hope we have made a difference, person by person." Many issues arose for family carers during the lockdown. These have been captured in an historic survey, Caring During Lockdown. The Covid-19 survey report will be shared soon.

There is no cost to register with to request: Check-ins by phone or email Help with shopping and deliveries Linking you to local support Advice if you have a concern or need more help as New Zealand emerges from lockdown Help with tasks such as taking bins for kerbside rubbish collection if you're unwell or unable to leave the house It's also worth registering to receive updates for those with health or disability support needs, and family carers. As well as information we're sharing resources like Family Care, posting letters to isolated people who do not have the internet or email, and organising deliveries of treats through partnerships with Kiwi companies like gingerbread bakery Molly Woppy and The Warehouse. It takes just a minute to register for yourself or someone you care about at!

To register for help, visit or phone 0800 777 797

To register for help visit or phone 0800 777 797 The van den Bogaarts: Staying safe through Covid-19 Renee van den Bogaart spent her 19th birthday (2 April) in hospital undergoing day chemotherapy, in the midst of the Covid-19 lockdown. “Renee having to be at hospital for the day, with no cake, no visitors or presents from us, was difficult,” says her mother, Christel van Baalen. “We will make it up to her.” Renee, Christel, husband Anthony and their three dogs have been living in a shed on their land in Pukekohe while they build a new house. The date for moving in was meant to be 21 March, but for various reasons unrelated to Covid-19 this was also delayed. So as well as a belated birthday celebration, they have a housewarming party to look forward to, she says.

full force, so the household was already practising physical distancing and ward 27B was on lockdown.

in around 5% of all leukaemia diagnoses and she seems to be the only teenager with this in New Zealand (it is usually diagnosed in much younger children with Down Syndrome).

During Renee’s chemo treatment, when her immunity was low, Christel says the family was "pretty much self-isolating we are used to living in a bubble".

Renee’s current outlook is good, and she is still in remission.

Having to protect Renee, who is immunocompromised because of her cancer, the Covid-19 crisis has added another level of crazy, with simple tasks like shopping for groceries opening up all kinds of hazards for the family.

And as she metabolises medication differently than others would, due to having Down Syndrome, it was expected that she would have atypical reactions.

What sources of support did they turn to? It’s all been about connection.

Well before the lockdown, they were living in their own bubble anyway.

From the beginning of Renee’s treatment, Christel pretty much lived in the hospital with her daughter on weekdays, while Anthony did weekends.

Many carers have shared this sentiment with

Christel caught up with friends on her time off - a great source of comfort.

Renee, who has Down Syndrome, was diagnosed with B-cell ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) with Philadelphia-like chromosome last year.

During the weeks of Covid-19 lockdown, Christel’s family group on Messenger was her go-to, as many of her family live overseas in Holland.

Her diagnosis was a shock for the family. “I was going on a trip to Cambodia, but when the doctor called to let me know that Renee’s blood test results had come back and the diagnosis was leukaemia, I ended up in hospital with my own diagnosis of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also called broken heart syndrome. Needless to say the trip did not eventuate.” When Renee started her treatment last October, the measles epidemic was in

When treatment started, Renee was given an iPhone as a way of staying connected to family, and so Christel could update everyone about what was happening in hospital without having to repeat things multiple times. Renee uses the Messenger app to connect to her family. “During the lockdown, one of my friends suggested a Zoom get-together every couple of days and we could have a wine, each in our bubble, which was an excellent way to vent and catch up.” Renee’s diagnosis of B-cell ALL occurs

Because B-cell ALL is rare and so is Philadelphia-like chromosome, her haematologists and oncologists are having to liaise with overseas specialists to manage her treatment.

So far Renee's biggest challenges have been a staph infection and a deep vein thrombosis. “She has amazed everyone, and the staff love her,” says Christel. "Renee does experience very high procedural anxiety, especially when it comes to confronting new experiences and needles, and in the beginning of her treatment she did a lot of adult colouring as her way to find Zen." The realities of Covid-19 have added to an already challenging time, but the family has pulled together and come through. "People tell me that I’m amazing, that we’re amazing and my response is, actually, we don’t have a choice.” Renee loves The Lion King - while online shopping was closed down for all but essential supplies during the Covid crisis, deliveries are possible again. is sending Renee a selection of fun Lion King treats to support her recovery. All the best Renee, Christel, and Anthony!

Read more about Christel's journey, p55.

Everyone needs a friend to talk to St John Caring Caller is just a phone call away. A friendly phone call with a trained St John Volunteer who cares can make such a difference to your day. St John Caring Caller is a free service that connects you to someone with similar interests who’ll call you regularly for a chat. You too can enjoy the friendship that St John Caring Caller can offer you.

For more information or to support St John Community Programmes visit or call 0800 ST JOHN (0800 589 630)




this time features


38 One entry, all draws

Complete and return our easy entry form and you will be entered into every reader gift draw! One entry per person please. Just return your form to us and you’re in to win! SEE OUR GIFT ENTRY FORM ON PAGE 8

Reader Gifts! feature

One Entry for All Gift Draws!

Just complete and return this form and you will be entered into every draw from our latest issue! One entry per person please. We'd love to know more about what you like. Please tell us about yourself (tick any that apply)!    

I am a family carer for another/others I am a 'self carer' managing my own health and disability needs I care for a child or young person with a disability I have (or assist someone who has) these conditions or health issues:

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ I work in health and disability   I work for a community organisation  I share my magazine with others (if so, how many others see your copy of Family Care: _________ )

I would most like to win these reader gifts: 1. _____________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________

18 26 27 29 34 36 38 40 45 48 50

Awhi-at-home Connection through Covid

Cheeky Tui Stroke recovery Medicine Supply Keep it coming Pamper Yourself Take A Break Positive Spin Wellbeing ideas Find Your Centre With Nikki Ralston Staying Connected New coalition






Your Say Feedback

Books, Music, Film Watch, listen, learn

Useful Things

Aids, equipment, fun stuff


Carer friendly workplaces


Living with Dementia Adjusting routines Make It Easy Food and meal options

Mobile lifts in NZ?

I was interested to read your article on home lifts, having recently investigated the subject myself. I have had suppliers' representatives assess the possibilities, as well as an occupational therapist. But the topography of Wellington is such that installing a lift can be quite a challenge. Besides the options mentioned in your article, I discovered a mobile stairlift made in the US but also sold on the internet in quite large numbers from China, at a fraction of the cost of the normal chair/platform lifts. However, I could find no supplier in New Zealand, so have been unable to try one out to see if I could manage it up and down the stairs, indoors and outside, that I have to negotiate with my disabled partner. Theoretically it would answer all the problems, but I wonder whether I would have the strength to guide it up and down the various sets of stairs and steps. I wonder if there are any readers who have experience using a mobile stairlift and how easy or otherwise they find JANE DUDLEY, WELLINGTON it to use.

Bellyful Help at tough times Straws What's best for you? Lovely Lunches Make it special

Editor: Thanks for your letter Jane! Your web link to the US supplier of the chairlift you're interested in is your best clue, as they may have an agent in New Zealand. Contact them from the website or give them a call. There are so many lift and stairlift options in NZ these days. I installed one years ago for my partner at our home in the Far North. It allowed us to stay in the home he loved. Yes, our topography can be challenging, but I encourage you to work with local suppliers - if repairs or maintenance are needed, they are nearby, and any installation is covered by a warranty. We were lucky - our Stannah stairlift worked perfectly for 20 years and was still going strong when we sold the property!

Name ___________________________________________

Physical Address __________________________________

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Mailing Address (if different) ________________________

FamilyCARE 5




So here we all are – we’ve come through the strange, scary, action-packed weeks of Covid-19 lockdown into a period of … what exactly? For our community, it’s a mixed bag. Relief that they and someone they support who is frail, unwell, or has a chronic condition or disability have made it through. Exhaustion, because you may have coped on your own without services and worker visits for a long period. Gratitude, for the check-ins and help provided by so many sources; it has been truly heartwarming to hear from older people, especially, that they have received many calls and texts from organisations asking if they are okay. Concern, because in Carers NZ’s survey of family carers, Caring During Lockdown: How family carers came through Covid-19, a high number of people got no check-ins or help from anyone at all; how lonely lockdown must have been for them. Goodwill, for the Government’s swift response to help businesses, the economy, and all of us emerge as well as possible from the global pandemic. Thankfulness, toward charities like IHC that diverted its volunteers and money to help any New Zealander of any age get through Covid-19 through our partnership. Sadness, for those who lost loved ones or are still recovering. Hope, that we and our country can now rebuild and keep Covid-19 at bay until medical advances provide a solution to its ongoing threat. Joy, that so many of our country’s human values were reinforced by the response we collectively made to get through Covid-19. Thoughtfulness, at why yet again family, whānau, and aiga carers were simply not thought of or mentioned much in commentaries during the worst weeks, even though we rely on them so much; they deserve to be recognised … to be cared for too as the precious resource they are. Celebration, that we have got through this period together, and have opportunities to learn from errors and oversights in case we need to apply their lessons (heaven forbid) in the months ahead. I wonder if you have this same jumble of emotions as you look forward? We hope you enjoy this issue of Family Care and that its contents are helpful, or at least make you feel part of a large community of others experiencing the same mix of feelings. We’ll be adapting this digital issue to release an updated print edition in a few months. We’d love to hear your Covid-19 thoughts and suggestions, so do send them through! And if you need some advice or help, sing out – or phone 0800 777 797. Or, register for any help you need at - we're keeping this partnership going further into 2020. Don't forget that digital editions of Family Care allow us to embed video and live web and email links in most layouts. We are exploring how to use this capability for podcasts, video interviews, recorded Zooms, and other 'rich content' in future issues so you can watch, listen, read, share and learn. As we distribute this electronic edition of the magazine, New Zealand is heading into risk Level 1. We got here! Carers NZ thanks the Ministry of Social Development's Covid-19 funding for community organisations, for helping to make our Covid-19 edition possible. With warmest wishes,

Editor Laurie Hilsgen Contributors Rex Auty, Angelique Kasmara, Virginia Linton Advertising + Inquiries Phone (09) 360 7221 Publisher Family Care NZ PO Box 47385 Ponsonby, Auckland 1144 ISSN 1177-3340 Print 2230-4819 Digital Disclaimer Articles and opinions do not necessarily reflect the views of Carers NZ, Family Care, or advertisers. Winners of our giveaways will receive their gifts within 6-8 weeks of each draw. By entering a reader gift draw your details may be provided to the supplier of that gift. If you do not want your details to be provided, note this on your entry form. Copyright is owned by the creators of images and graphics used in Family Care; see individual credits below. Cover image Atlas Studio, Copyright Family Care. All rights reserved.

You'll find our entry form for all reader gifts on page 8! Send us your email address so we can notify you of gift draws, news, and provide a link to read Family Care online! Just complete our gift draw form on p6 and include your email address, or send your details to


Photo credits, unless specified otherwise: P1: Atlas Studio; P5: A Dragan, Benjavisa Ruangvaree Art, Ocskay Mark, Rex Auty; P7: Rook76, Miwa-In-Oz, Nataliia K; P8: Daisy Daisy; P9: Lisa S; P10: Monkey Business Images, Brian A Jackson, Sew Cream; P11: Tieryney MJ; P12: Kiefer Pix, Kiian Oksana, Debu55y,; P14:; P18-19: Rex Auty; P26: Yulia YasPe; P27-28: Mary Long, IHC, Vectors Market; P29-33: Benjavisa Ruangvaree Art, Evgeny Atamanenko, Maks Narodenko; P34-35: Nikki Ralston; P36: Lisima; P38: Ocskay Mark, Africa Studio, Halfpoint; P44-48: Anna Frajtova, Good Studio, Kitch Bain, SVA, Nadianb; P45: Bellyful; P46-47: Bogdan Sonjachnyi, Olga Dubravina; P50-53: Gerasimov Foto 174, Alexander Ryabintsev, Mavo.

6 FamilyCARE



Share your thoughts, or ask other readers for advice. Send your comments to, or post them to PO Box 47-385, Ponsonby 1144.

Best info ever!

I recently received the latest edition of the best ever magazine. I have been a support worker for 20 years now, and with some of your earlier issues have been able to gather more information to help my clients. Of late I have been a full-time carer for a 42 year old lady who is my friend’s daughter. She had her stroke just over a year ago and has been at home for six months. Looking back on some of your issues, the information has been paramount in helping her rehabilitate. Luckily she has a mother who is an expert in exercising the body. It amazes me how the human body works. For instance we have her up walking even though she has no feeling in her left side. I have also been involved with Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, West Auckland, and was the coordinator for the past 10 years. Having lost my husband recently I gave that position away but am still involved and that is where this edition gets passed around. Thank you so much and keep up the fantastic effort that is put into this magazine. DEBBIE HALL, EMAIL

Writing release

For about five years I was a carer in the community and grew to love my clients very much. I often started at 7am and finished 12 hours later. I had some amazing experiences with a crosssection of our community. I gave up work thinking I would have a little time off, as I got extremely tired and needed a


365 Xmas Cake My carer Margi and I found some recipes to make the traditional Christmas load lighter. This uncooked Christmas cake is a beaut. When serving I always say, “oh dear, I forgot to cook it", and the family groan and say “refresh the jokes, Mum". Enjoy! MEGAN SIMMONDS, TE PUKE


1 250g packet McVities digestive or Krispies biscuits 1 250g packet malt biscuits 1½ tsp mixed spice (or spice and essence to suit) ¾ cup icing sugar ¾ cup full cream milk powder (optional) 1 pkt Pascalls marshmallows cut with wet scissors 1 cup dried fruit mix ²/³ tin of evaporated milk (370 mls when full)

wee break. Then my husband had a serious accident at the age of 60. We did not know if he would survive. For eight years I looked after him. He never went back to work and over the years his condition deteriorated. Last year he was placed into full-time rest home care. I am relieved. It has been extremely difficult and nobody knows the problems one faces behind closed doors. I had help twice a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year and our workers were

This cake is fun to make year round. Place biscuits in a sealed plastic bag and roll to crush. Mix all ingredients. Add evaporated milk gradually. Mix to moisten. Line a sponge roll tin with cling film and leave enough to overlap the tin. Fold over the top of the mixture and press into the tin, then freeze. Remove the tin. Serve from the freezer. Keeps up to 8 weeks plus (not in our house though – too yummy)!

wonderful to me. I loved them so much and they gave me so much assistance. In the last few years I would take to my quiet place and write. I have over 500 poems and articles about the experiences I have been through, both good and bad. I absolutely love writing - I have kept these in a file and on my computer and occasionally share one or two with those who may need encouragement. It has been my outlet. HELEN BUTCHER, TAWA

Share your stories and advice with other readers! We’ll send a surprise gift for every letter we publish. Email your letters to or post them to PO Box 47385, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144.

FamilyCARE 7

One Entry for All Gift Draws! Just complete and return this form and you will be entered into every draw from our latest issue! One entry per person please. We'd love to know more about what you like. Please tell us about yourself (tick any that apply)!  

I am a family carer for another/others I am a 'self carer' managing my own health and disability needs  I care for a child or young person with a disability  I have (or assist someone who has) these conditions or health issues: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ I work in health and disability  I  work for a community organisation  I share my magazine with others (if so, how many

others see your copy of Family Care: _________ )

I would most like to win these reader gifts: 1. _____________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________

Mobile lifts in NZ?

I was interested to read your article on home lifts, having recently investigated the subject myself. I have had suppliers' representatives assess the possibilities, as well as an occupational therapist. But the topography of Wellington is such that installing a lift can be quite a challenge. Besides the options mentioned in your article, I discovered a mobile stairlift made in the US but also sold on the internet in quite large numbers from China, at a fraction of the cost of the normal chair/platform lifts. However, I could find no supplier in New Zealand, so have been unable to try one out to see if I could manage it up and down the stairs, indoors and outside, that I have to negotiate with my disabled partner. Theoretically it would answer all the problems, but am unsure whether I would have the strength to guide it up and down the various sets of stairs and steps. I wonder if there are any readers who have experience using a mobile stairlift and how easy or otherwise they find it to use. JANE DUDLEY, WELLINGTON

Editor Thanks for your letter Jane! Your web link to the US supplier of the chairlift you're interested in is your best clue, as they may have an agent in New Zealand. Contact them from the website or give them a call. There are so many lift and stairlift options in NZ these days. I installed one years ago for my partner at our home in the Far North. It allowed us to stay in the place he loved. Yes, our topography can be challenging, but I encourage you to work with local suppliers - if repairs or maintenance are needed, they are nearby, and any installation is covered by a warranty. We were lucky - our Stannah stairlift worked perfectly for 20 years and was still going strong when we sold the property!

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________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Mailing Address (if different)_________________________

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Update your details! Every form with an email address will go in the draw for a mystery prize. Email* ___________________________________________ Mobile___________________Phone___________________ * Please provide this information if you would like to receive our e-zines, bulletins, offers, and other online resources.

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8 FamilyCARE


Back to black Dogged by debt? So was Natasha. I was only 20 years old and already felt like I was drowning in a sea of debt. I wasn’t exactly sure how it happened. I guess it all started to go downhill when I turned 18 and, without proper budgeting skills, was a little too lavish with my finances. My income was minimal and, with a new child to support, I began putting more and more expenses on my credit card. I figured I’d just pay them off over time. But the longer this took, the more the interest debt I accrued. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get ahead in the money game, so slowly but surely I became completely overwhelmed by my liabilities. The debt collectors were growling at my door and it seemed that in addition to carrying a 5kg baby, I was also lugging 5kgs of debt and guilt around. Then one day while visiting Work and Income my whole life changed. “You really should try the budget advisory service,” I was told. I clearly couldn’t get out of this mess on my own, so I decided to take her advice. My budget advisor was amazing. We talked through all my incomings and outgoings and what my options were. In my case, the answer was a 'no assets procedure'. If you have between $1,000 and $40,000 of debt, and no assets to sell to reduce it, you may be eligible to have your debts consolidated and paid off on your behalf. After a year, I was able to start applying for loans again (but didn’t!) and after five years the procedure is struck from my record. Five years may seem like a long time but, for me, that’s

Women's work?

I just wanted to commend you on your editorial last time about paying family carers. Well said, I couldn’t agree more. If you might allow me one small criticism, sometimes it’s the male who is the caregiver and they can feel even more disenfranchised. But I agree that in the majority of cases, caring still falls to women. 10 years ago my then fit 56 year old husband had a profound stroke – no known risk factors, just cryptic clues, no definitive diagnosis. At that time we had four kids aged 8 -17, no income and a very uncertain future despite my husband having a doctorate in rehabilitation – the irony was not lost on us! It took the intervention of two MPs to get financial assistance from Work and Income as we didn’t fit a typical profile. Sorting all that out was more stressful than the bomb that dropped on us in terms of his altered health. Something we could well have done without, given all the challenges we were dealing with. Recently he had another stroke and seizure event and tests found he has had a hole in his heart since birth. It is a relief to know the cause at least. It wasn’t my cooking after all! I know your editor understands something of this journey through her own experience. My husband was discharged home late last year. I am already eligible for 25 days of carer respite per annum but have found it problematic to take it with the constraints in place. We will get some support at home but basically I will be ‘on duty’ the majority of the time

as long as a debtor’s red mark against me would have lasted anyway. At least now I was debt free without declaring bankruptcy. Without having to allocate money into what was ultimately a vacuum of interest, I was able to cope with my finances again and make intelligent decisions about what to spend my money on. Going to the budget advisory service was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. While a no assets procedure isn’t right for everyone, a free budgeting advice session is! After all, you’ve got nothing to lose - except all that debt. In New Zealand, a free session with a budget advisor is available to everyone – contact Work and Income or your local Citizen’s Advice Bureau to arrange an appointment. NATASHA R, CHRISTCHURCH

and as pensioners the body doesn’t cope as well as it used to. I will make it work because as caregivers we do ... but it is easy to feel very undervalued in this role. Even more invisible than is often talked about with ageing. Please keep pressing on with your mission. It is worthy and should have been a priority in New Zealand a long time before this. Ever hopeful of a good outcome for carers and their loved ones - sending encouragement. WENDY K, E-MAIL

Thanks Wendy, all the best to you and your family. The journey to recognise carers continues ... if only progress could be faster! WITH CARERS NZ | ISSUE

We gave out the 10 magazines you sent us quickly, our Field Worker distributed them to patients and their carers. It is good to have a couple here in the office for those that call in. A lot of our members with MS (including myself) have been feeling a bit down just lately, so the article on wellbeing and selfcare was particularly helpful. WENDE, E-MAIL

Help others, help yourself


just for you!


Self Care Stay well



, Be well

FOREST BATHING Immerse yourself HOME PRESERVING Delicious distractions



INNER HEALTH Lymph wellbeing FOR THE BIRDS Win them over


books, learning, care to cook, gardening, useful things, reader stories, gifts + more!


The charity behind NZ’s backyard bounty

FamilyCARE 9


Ways to make it stretch

feedback my parents aged 91 and 87 and would love to know the ins and outs of what's available to maintain their independence equipment-wise plus anything else they might be entitled to. We were told by our GP that they have arranged for someone to come and look at options for hand grips in the shower; unfortunately that was over two months ago. Thank you again for your valuable magazine. JT, WAIKATO

e-issue feedback

I recently received a print copy of Family Care, then got an email from Carers NZ with a link to read the magazine as an 'e-issue'. Marvelous! About two years ago Ultra Fast Broadband became available in my area. I had it installed and finally made the transition from dial-up. In the old days, downloading Family Care to read would have been impossible for me. I clicked on the link in the email and it downloaded quickly, in less than two minutes. It is big and beautiful. I’ve only got a modest plan but it's enough for me. On dial-up the download would have taken about 10 hours. The file was easily copied to my tablet. Extras such as the link to the trailer for the movie The Farewell worked fine on my tablet and my PC.


Thanks for making Family Care downloadable for those who have access to reasonable internet access and who want to read it on their devices. PETE NORTH, NAENAE

We're enjoying the digital world of Family Care too Peter. Many people still like to get a print copy, but these electronic versions allow us to embed video and make it easy to link straight to websites, and to send emails in a click. It made sense to provide this edition electronically so it could be widely shared as life gets back to normal after Covid-19. Hope you enjoy it!

Equipment wait

I've been reading a borrowed Family Care magazine. What a great read, with so much fabulous information. I support

I just received my first copy of Family Care from the foundation that supports families with the condition my daughter has. She is only 17 months old so I've always just thought of myself as a mother. However, due to her condition, we live in isolation, I feed her through a tube, give medicines and injections frequently and visit the hospital often. We can't do most things mothers and toddlers do and there's lots of things we do that others don't have to. Receiving your magazine helped me realise I am actually a carer as well as a mother. This has helped me be kinder to myself, especially on the tough days. I really appreciated the section on self-

10 FamilyCARE

Thanks JT, we hope you got the advice and equipment you needed before NZ locked down. You may want to check out your local mobility equipment suppliers. Call them for advice about temporary hand grips if you're still waiting for permanent ones to be installed. There are many amazing aids available to support safety and independence. It's also worth calling us on 0800 777 797 to request an information pack to learn about other sources of help. Or download one at

Energy boost

Most grateful to receive Carers NZ's infopack with the latest magazine. I loved poring over every page and found the articles informative. Your magazine gave me as a carer much hope in a variety of ways to self-care. Owning a retail business keeps us juggling many balls so energy can often feel depleted. Again sincere appreciation for this vital link – I don’t feel so alone and will relish each edition with much anticipation in the future. Abundant blessings to you all. MARYBETH


care. It was a nice reminder and had some great fresh ideas. Funny how a different label, a new realisation can give you a fresh perspective! I'd love to receive this magazine regularly, please let me know how I can do that. TANYA, CHRISTCHURCH

Thanks for your letter Tanya and we hope your family has come safely through the Covid-19 restrictions. Anyone who wants to receive Family Care regularly can just contact us and we'll send it to you by post or, if you have an email address, electronically. To request a subscription phone 0800 777 797 or email



Asking for help is a first step

I was thrilled to get your latest magazine. Not so long ago I had a total hip replacement. Family flew from overseas but can’t live back in NZ as their lives are now in USA, Australia and Canada. My hip did not heal and I was in pain at night so gave in to call the ambulance. I was stunned to be kindly asked who my caregiver was! I said I live alone, I look after myself and am 70. That gave me a fright. The latest x-rays show small bone growing on the hip. One assumes a spur. But the text was not clear and it said orthopaedics will be in touch in due course. Signed, My Doctor. Where I am leading is, doctors, kind as they are, assume you have people living with you, and that you can drop tools and rush to get immediate blood tests, pay medical bills (x-ray alone was $117) and that you can drive. I know Work and Income would help, but currently, other than the hip, I am fit, healthy, swim, volunteer, and belong to many groups. But I still don’t like to ask for help when I need it. Just saying - do others feel like this, too? SANDRA G

You're right Sandra, asking for help can be hard, but we hope you did get some support and are well recovered. Through we are encouraging anyone living on their own or supporting others to reach out if they would like a helping hand. Have a look at - we can stay in touch and help with practical things in the weeks ahead!

FamilyCARE 11



Did you ever have a swear jar growing up? Try this twist - drop a coin into a jar or container every time you catch yourself having a negative or unkind thought about yourself or someone else. You can spend the money on something nice or give it to a cause you care about.

Emerge Covid-19 self-revival!

Hair treats SLEEP RHYTHM

You may be struggling to sleep, or having vivid or dramatic dreams. Try putting on some music with a slow tempo and no lyrics before bedtime. Classical music is ideal for this, with its often regular rhythm, low pitches, and tranquil melodies.


One little thing you can do to practice self-care is put together your own emergency 'feel good' kit. Keep it handy for moments when you need to remind yourself to take a deep breath ... push the world aside ... enjoy something just for yourself. Include at least one of the following (Minties optional): Taste A favourite tea, a delicious chocolate

Touch A beautiful crystal or polished rock, a mini bottle of lotion Smell Perfume, essential oil, a lavender sachet See A favourite photo, a beautiful keepsake Hear A list of songs, an affirmation 12 FamilyCARE

Overripe avocado? Try this simple treatment! Natural plant oils like avocado will penetrate the hair shaft, working just as well as an oil-based conditioner. ½ ripe or overripe avocado ¼ cup of avocado or other plant oil 1-2 drops of essential oil such as rosemary or lavender (optional)

Mash the avocado, adding a stream of oil to form a thick paste (or throw it all in the blender). Add to damp hair for easy spreading, or dry hair for deeper absorption. Rinse with lukewarm water after 15-20 minutes.

“Beauty remains, even in misfortune. If you just look for it, you discover more and more happiness and regain your balance.” Anne Frank


Fun fact! 1949, in the midst of the polio epidemic (a disease that placed tens of thousands of children inside iron lungs, with thousands more quarantined at home) a young San Diego schoolteacher named Eleanor Abbott invented Candy Land, one of the most popular board games of all time. Abbott created the game inside a polio ward, as a patient herself, with the hope of giving the immobilised children around her a momentary sense of freedom and mobility. As a way of further connecting with the kids, Abbott featured on the game board an illustration of a boy with a leg brace. Milton Bradley was quick to buy the game from Abbott. Candy Land continues to be popular more than 65 years after the disease was eradicated. What interesting new things might come of this pandemic? At the least, it's been a good time to dust off and enjoy Candy Land!

Help if you care for a friend or family member Carers NZ produces many free resources. You can find them at or phone 0800 777 797 to order copies for yourself, or bulk copies for carers in your network. Many carers feel isolated and aren’t sure what help is out there for them. Our resources are designed specially for all carers including those supporting an older person, older carers, and young carers aged under 24.


Antipodes combines the highest quality ingredients sourced from New Zealand nature with science and innovation to produce high-tech certified organic and premium formulations. Its white jasmine fragranced Blessing Anti-Pollution Light Face Serum inhibits skin cell stress, while Antipodes Kiwi Seed Gold Eye Cream is a luxurious, illuminating eye cream to brighten and perfect the delicate skin of the eyes. Revolutionary antioxidant Vinanza® grape & kiwi helps brighten the under-eye area and addresses pigmentation. Learn about these and other Antipodes skin care products at


Contact Carers NZ if you need advice, have a question, or to request any of our resources. 0800 777 797 FamilyCARE 13


Lockdown loneliness

New initiative for parents through Covid-19. Within days of the Covid-19 Level 4 lockdown, IHC had swung into action to break through the loneliness and hardship of self-isolation for people with intellectual disabilities. After first locking down its shared homes to ensure that the 3000 people IHC supports were safe, it turned to helping families struggling to provide care 24/7 for young disabled children and to reach intellectually disabled people living in isolation in the community. IHC General Manager Janine Stewart says IHC mobilised its nationwide volunteer network and worked with partners in the disability sector to connect with people online and on the phone.


A major initiative was Awhi-at-home, a Facebook page where parents of disabled children could connect. It went live within a week of the lockdown, allowing families to share information and experiences and access online sessions with play therapists, music therapists and behavioural therapists. Awhi means 'embrace' and during the four-plus weeks of Level 4 lockdown many parents responded to the embrace. Posts on Awhi-at-home reached 54,400 people and 7500 people engaged with the posts. There were nearly 29,000 video views. Awhi-at-home is a community of parents coordinated by IHC and involves a wide range of organisations, including Parent to Parent, Explore Behaviour Support, the Ministry of Education, Parent Resource Centre, the Down Syndrome Association and skylight. Janine says it was clear from the latenight posts coming in between 11pm and 1am that parents were able to reach out only after their children had gone to bed. She says parents needed to connect beyond the hours of 9am to 5pm and were helping each other find solutions that worked for them. One of the Awhi team, Phil Clarke, Head of Library and Information Resourcing for IHC, says with no access to physical library resources, Facebook was the 14 FamilyCARE

Awhi-at-home parents were ‘honest, real’

TV school is on in the background, but during the Level 4 lockdown Kāpiti kids Sophia and Ryan Corlett would rather do a bit of self-directed learning. Sophia, 11, has autism. “On Awhi-at-home I enjoyed seeing real parents, who were honest about the challenges of rāhui/lockdown,” says Mum Rebekah Corlett. “Social media is jam-packed with ‘insta-perfect’ mums in their tidy houses, bragging about baking and clever craft projects with their kids and their home schooling ‘wins’ which I couldn’t relate to. The parents on Awhi-at-home were honest and real. It feels good to be able to nod your head in agreement, in solidarity with other parents, and feel less isolated.” obvious platform for Awhi-at-home. “It’s a place where parents can ask for help and we can ask them what they need.” An early breakthrough came when parents asked if they could take a child for a drive to settle them. IHC Director of Advocacy Trish Grant contacted Police and got the green light as long as parents stayed in their neighbourhoods. “That got huge engagement,” Phil says. Video interviews with parents and therapists by Christchurch film director and writer Fiona McKenzie – locked down with her disabled daughter Claudia and family – have been a hit with parents. “She is a parent who is living it – she can engage with parents,” he says. As well, Fiona collaborated with musician Marian Burns on a music video of Marian’s song Because of You with contributed footage from the Awhi-athome group. Phil says the team is being guided by

the parents. “We asked, 'what are your crazy ideas about respite? If you could do anything as we go through the levels, what would it be?’ That is the sort of thing that we could collate and pass on to other organisations that might be able to supply the respite and provide some of the solutions.”

Awhi Community

People with intellectual disabilities on lockdown in IDEA residential services didn't miss out on the online ‘embrace’ with their own Awhi Community. IHC Associations throughout the country contributed $300,000 towards making sure people could communicate with friends and families. Families have been anxious about not being able to see their family member. The funds helped IHC put additional devices into homes to ensure families could connect through Covid-19.

Nationwide Counselling Service Contacts A range of advisory and counselling services are available in New Zealand. Many of these can be accessed by phone, text, or email. Don’t feel alone if you’re struggling – reach out for help. 1737

Free call or text 1737 to speak with a trained professional counsellor at any time 24/7. Free counselling service: depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, feeling down or overwhelmed. Highly recommended as first point of contact for callers seeking help.

AIcohol Drug Helpline

0800 787 797 or text 8681 (24/7); online chat at If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s drinking or drug taking, the Alcohol and Drug Helpline can assist with information, insight and support.

Anxiety New Zealand

Helpline 0800 269 4389. Online therapy and Covid-19 help resources available.

Depression Helpline

0800 111 757 or free text 4202 to talk to a trained counsellor for support or to ask any questions

EAP Services

Employee Assistance Programme – providing practical assistance to employees when personal or work issues arise that may impact on their ability to do their job or affect their wellbeing (confidential counselling services across NZ and internationally). Freephone: 0800 327 669

Gambling Helpline

24-hour Freephone: 0800 654 655


0800 543 754 (0800 KIDSLINE). For young people up to 18 years of age 24/7.


0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE). Lifeline trained counsellors deal with many kinds of issues including psychological and emotional distress, financial and work issues, marriage and family/ whānau problems and with callers who are lonely, ill, depressed or the victims of violence or abuse. Text ‘Help’ to 4357

Rural Support Trust

Helpline 800 787 254. Chat to someone who understands, because they’ve been there.

Salvation Army

0800 53 00 00. Supporting families and individuals in need with budgeting advice, food and clothing assistance, life skills programmes and other comfort and support.


0800 726 666. Confidential, non-religious and non-judgemental support to anyone who may be feeling depressed, lonely, or may be contemplating suicide.


An interactive self-help online tool for young people with mild to moderate depression and anxiety: 0508 477 279 or free text to 3110

Suicide Crisis Helpline

0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)

Supporting Families in Mental Illness

Northern Region, 0800 732 825; Central North Island, 0800 555 434; South Island, 0800 876 682. Information and support for families/whānau.

The Lowdown

Free text 5626. Support and information for young people experiencing depression or anxiety.

Victim Support

0800 842 846. Free 24/7 support.

What’s Up

0800 942 8787 (0800 WHATSUP) For 5 - 18 year olds. Available 12.00pm – 11.00pm M-F or 3.00pm – 11.00pm weekends. Online chat is available from 5.00pm – 10.00pm daily at:


Mental Health and Addictions Service. Youthline works with young people, their families and those supporting young people. Call 0800 376 633; Free text 234; Email: or online chat at

In emergencies always phone 111

0800 777 797


Jeepers, don’t put up with it! You deserve to live a full life doing the things that you enjoy. If a bladder issue is stopping you, then get it sorted. And keep on pushing until it is sorted. But don’t wait twenty something years. Don’t miss out on life. Watch Emma's full story on Continence NZ's Facebook page or website

A quarter of New Zealanders are impacted by some form of incontinence. It’s time to talk about it. Our Continence Nurse Specialist is now available to take your calls from 9am to 5pm, Mondays and Tuesdays. Please give her a call with any continence questions or concerns you may have. You can also email any questions about continence to This is a free and confidential service and is available for all ages.

Call us on 0800 650 659 Continence NZ is proudly supported by:

books, music, film


Enjoy an at-home Kiwi film festival!


Hunt for the Wilderpeople w

HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE In Taika Waititi's awardwinning comedy, moody foster kid Ricky Baker is sent to live in the remote New Zealand bush with Bella and Hector. When Child Services try to take him back, Ricky refuses, sparking a national manhunt. Starring Julian Dennison and Sam Neill. It's easy to watch The Wilderpeople at no cost now on TVNZ On Demand:


Using real world scenarios, specialist child psychologist Dr Sarah Hughes delves into the emotional and behavioural development of children. She provides guidance about challenging behaviour, emotions and tantrums, confidence, social skills and friendships, anxiety, and parenting through separation and divorce. Order the e-book for $19.99 at or a hard copy for $29.99.


In the wake of his wife’s death, a rural community rallies around a farmer to help him deal with his grief. Actor Marshall Napier (Came a Hot Friday) plays a Northland dairy farmer, Ross, who is unable to express himself after his wife’s death (played by Anne Whittle in tantalising flashbacks). His son Bruce (Cohen Holloway) and friends such as Connie (Rachel House) attempt to reach out. Director and schoolteacher Hamish Bennett based his script on memories of growing up in Northland, and the thoughtful result shows how well he knows his subject matter. Watch Bellbird on iTunes and streaming services - you can view the trailer here:

Watch the Bellbird trailer w

DIAGNOSIS RARE DISEASE This book gives a stark glimpse into what life is like for families that have a member with a rare disease. Author Denise Crompton follows the journey of 13 families who have one or more children with a rare disease called Mucolipidosis. Denise captures the essence of living with a rare disease: the quest for a diagnosis, the fears, frustrations, heartbreaks, navigating the medical establishment, and the loss of loved ones. Recommended reading for health professionals and anyone who needs to understand this journey.


FamilyCARE 17


Cheeky Tui Photographing these native birds helped Rex Auty recover after his stroke.

"A stroke is like a bolt of lightning out of the blue, I really did not see it coming," Rex says. He describes going to bed one night in February 2016 as usual. When he woke up, he could no longer use his right side. "Somehow I got downstairs to my partner Carole’s bedroom, switched the light on to wake her, and realised I could not talk." Carole instantly understood what was happening and rang the ambulance. By the time it arrived, Rex could no longer walk or talk. He was whisked to Whangarei Hospital. Over the course of his recovery, Rex regained these abilities, although with limited functionality on his right side. 18 FamilyCARE

This meant he couldn’t hold a glass of water with his right hand, let alone use his camera. As photography was a huge part of his working life as part of his career in marketing, this discovery shook Rex to his core. "It was a big moment as it meant I could not do a simple task, and they do not make left handed cameras!" When Rex returned to work, he’d have to take a power nap every day to recharge his brain. And there were other challenges. "There are a million little steps that make up one normal step. Walking my dog for 3km a day was a goal when I got out of hospital and this taught me to walk again and have space by myself."



"I still remember throwing my shoes at the garage door and yelling at the top of my voice when I could not tie my shoelaces after five minutes of trying (I never got velcro shoes, as that would have felt like giving up)." Short-term memory loss is very hard to deal with, he says - a simple example being leaving the keys in the front door and being away for five hours. Over time, Rex's brain started rebuilding his memory banks. Being able to sleep as required helped with this, as well as spending time outdoors. "The deck of our house with the birds darting around was my happy place, as my brain felt 'fried' from my work and I needed to settle everything down again." A bird bath and sugar feeder were added to the deck to encourage visits from flocks of bird species. Rex also embarked on changing all his camera lenses to ones with image stabilisation capability, and he slowly learned to take sharp shots again. This period sparked a rebirth in Rex's photographic knowledge as he retaught himself techniques using modern photographic equipment. "I regained confidence in my general manner and realised I had to keep trying

at everything. It was very good for my brain to relearn photography as it is quite technical and you can see the results straightaway." "Although it’s only part of my journey, the stimulation (and despair) of taking the right shot has really helped my overall search to extract maximum potential from my new brain." It’s also led to the creation of his book,

Tui In Our Garden, a beautiful record of the birds who helped Rex during his rehabilitation journey. Rex even named some of his tui friends. "I have seen four tui together at the same time as hearing the distinctive call from their sentry posts." "Whether this changes every year with the parents kicking out the youngsters after awhile, I don’t know!"

READER GIFTS FROM REX Tui In Our Garden is a collection of beautiful photographs of the tui who regularly visit photographer Rex Auty’s Paihia backyard. The book also describes the plants and insects they snack on, the various stages of a young bird’s life, as well as information and tips about photographing birds (without overloading the reader with too much technical jargon). Capturing the images took Rex months of patience, given wildlife aren't easy to get into line for a perfect shot!

Rex's book is a great resource for bird and photography enthusiasts, as well as being a lovely reminder that beauty can be found in our own backyards. Purchase on TradeMe for $24.95.

4 copies to be won! Entry form p8. FamilyCARE 19

Useful things

Aids, equipment, and fun stuff to help you at home or out and about


Make it easier to get rid of single use plastics Kiwi company The Rubbish Whisperer's products are plastic-free or upcycled. Reusable stainless steel straws are handy to fit in your bag and come with a cleaning brush while Stojo collapsible coffee cups include a soft silicone straw perfect for hot or cold drinks. The cup collapses to fit in your bag or pocket!

5 prize packs to be won containing a collapsible reusable coffee cup and straw, plus 2 stainless steel straws + cleaner packs worth $45 each!


Self-watering technology and wicking system These raised gardening kits are a welcome addition for those who love growing their own veggies, but lack space or perhaps have mobility issues. Garden maintenance is minimal and watering is only required during the early stages of plant growth due to Vegepod's selfwatering technology and wicking system. The all-season cover accelerates plant growth and keeps bugs and birds at bay, while the waist height beds mean there’s no bending over. A perfect height for wheelchair users. With easy, portable setup, the kits are ideal for apartment dwellers, decks, and smaller spaces. Vegepod offers free programmes for educators and groups to use alongside its gardening kits!

Your own Vegepod and stand worth $268

GET YOUR MICROGREENS! PLANTER KITS Microgreens are miniature, supernutritious versions of veggies like kale and rocket. Now you can grow them in your own home, thanks to Micropod’s ingenious planter kits. Just add water! The kits come with mixed seedmats, which will grow six weeks' worth of microgreens. An added bonus – they’re a perfect fit for kitchen windowsills.

If you’d like to know more about the team behind Micropod, listen to the podcast:

1 of 6 Microgreens kits valued at $49 each!

Learn more about the team behind Micropod w


USEFUL COVID-19 THINGS ➔ Taking those first few steps towards better mental wellbeing can be the most difficult part of the journey. With this in mind, Just a Thought was designed for people with mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety and depression. Offering evidence-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) online, it teaches people how to control their emotions, thoughts and behaviour to improve their mental health. ➔ Parent to Parent has created this useful, illustrated resource for talking to your kids about Covid-19, including distancing tips for parents. https:// nz/info-for-kids-and-parents/ ➔ Skylight is offering free Covid-19 support packs to help with anxiety and stress. It has a good range of resources about maintaining relationships, illness and disability, and LGBTQI+ info. Particularly relevant for these times is How to strengthen children and teens against anxiety, after news of a world trauma Skylight also has free e-packs for adults. You’ll find them all at ➔ Medication Home Delivery If you take medications, now is a good time to look into having them delivered directly to your door. If you’ve built up a relationship with your local pharmacy, check with them to see what delivery options they can offer or try a digital pharmacy service. www.zoompharmacy. or https://pilldrop. can deliver meds to your doorstep nationwide, including rural. See our story about medicines, p 26.

help foR CarerS!

Do you support a friend or family member who is ill, has disabilities, or a chronic condition? Carers NZ offers useful information, and advice about available help around the country! We are a national not for profit that works with many other community, government, and charitable organisations to support those in caring situations. Carers NZ assists carers directly via its 0800 and email services, and acts as Secretariat for the New Zealand Carers Alliance of 45+ national not for profits who are working in unity to give carers public visibility and a voice in decision-making that affects them. Phone our National Resource Centre to request a free carer infopack or for a referral to a carer support network in your area. It's free to join our network (just call our 0800 helpline) or email You'll receive regular e-newsletters, email and posted updates, and we'll keep you informed about important news all carers should know about. We'll also let you know about learning and social events you might like to attend in your area, or online! You might also like to check out our web space that's just for carers. Visit the site regularly to see new articles, blog posts, and helpful information to support you in your role!

Visit Facebook Twitter #carersnz Pinterest CarersAir Phone Carers NZ's National Resource Centre Monday to Friday during business hours: 0800 777 797 FamilyCARE 21

Information for family/whānau carers 21 May 2020 Carers are important and make a significant contribution to the quality of the lives of the friends, family, whānau and aiga members they care for. Caring is at the heart of a compassionate community and underpins who we are and what we value. Carers’ work is of huge social and economic value to New Zealand. This resource provides current information, services and activities as at 21 May 2020, that are available to help you in your important role as a carer during the COVID-19 response. Information is being updated regularly so it is important to keep checking the recommended sites.

Carers are working hard in the COVID-19 response Carers’ roles have been more challenging during New Zealand’s response to the worldwide COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. You are performing a key frontline role in keeping things together in your families, whānau and aiga and we acknowledge and value you.

There’s lots of helpful information for carers We’ve brought this information together to make it easy for you to understand what support and advice the Government knows carers need at this time – so you don’t have to treasure hunt for links, advice, and answers. Information does change, so please check links supplied for the most up to date information and particularly at these government websites: and We know that you may be doing more than usual, so we are thinking of you in how we provide information, funding and how you access services and respite. Some of the answers are evolving and we will work with Carers NZ and the Carers Alliance to keep you informed.

Health and disability How to protect yourself and the people you care for Some people are more vulnerable to certain illnesses. This can include the people we look after as carers and some of us who are carers. There are simple steps you can take to protect you and your family, whānau and aiga. Good hygiene is very important - regularly wash and thoroughly dry your hands, and cough and sneeze into your elbow. It’s also important to stay home if you feel unwell. Physical distance from other people who we don’t know or see regularly, is also important. The idea of the ‘bubble of protection’ around vulnerable people, and those they have contact with, is vital in preventing and managing the risk of COVID-19 infection and its complications. In Alert Levels 3 and 4, we stayed home as much as possible and limited travel. Now bubbles can expand, we need to carefully manage our bubbles so that those who are more vulnerable can continue to be protected. More information about how to protect yourself and others is available here

22 FamilyCARE

People at higher risk Information for people considered at higher risk of the effects of COVID-19 and for their family, whānau and aiga is available here

Caring for yourself and others with COVID-19 at home Information on caring for yourself and others who have, or may have, COVID-19 at home can be found here

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) You may have thought about PPE (masks, gloves, gowns etc) and whether it’s needed to protect you, and the person you care for, from the virus. The good news is that the risk of community exposure to COVID-19 has fallen significantly and we are now in Alert Level 2. After extensive testing there is no evidence of community spread. PPE is not always needed. The first line of defence to reduce your risk of getting or spreading COVID-19 continue to be what we have done so well - physical distancing, good hand washing and drying, coughing or sneezing into your elbow, staying home if sick and carefully managing your protective bubble of people. If you regularly use PPE like gloves and aprons in your care for another person, carry on getting it in the same way. If you also want to use a mask, talk with the person or organisation you get your other PPE from. If you are unable to get a mask or other PPE from your usual supplier, you can order and purchase this through the non-government PPE ordering process at or from pharmacies and other suppliers. There are recognised standards (AS/NZS1716) that face masks must meet to be considered appropriate for use in health care and they must be worn correctly and in the appropriate context. If you choose to purchase and wear a mask, or make your own mask, it’s important to remember that if they are not used properly, they can increase the risk of infection. Masks should be put on and taken off in the right way and disposed of safely. Here you can find Frequently Asked Questions about PPE and how to wear it and information on PPE use in healthcare and latest updates Infection prevention and control advice, including about PPE, will be updated as needed, so please check the websites.

Caring for older people You can find information specifically for older people and their families, whānau and aiga during the COVID19 response here

Supporting a person with dementia Living with dementia at any time is challenging. There can be additional stress and pressure in the COVID-19 response. More information for family, whānau, aiga carers and supporters of people with dementia who are living at home on how to stay well under different Alert Levels is available here

Caring for disabled people Information for disabled people and their families, whānau, aiga and carers during the COVID-19 response, as well as links to accessible formats, is available here

FamilyCARE 23

Hospice patient and end-of-life care Guidance and information for people who receive hospice care in home and community settings to reduce the impact and spread of COVID-19 is available here

Parents A wide range of information and links to help you care for your tamariki, rangatahi and whānau including explaining COVID-19, Well Child Tamariki Ora, parents with babies, whānau Māori, advice, support and resources is available here

Alert Level changes and what they mean At each Alert Level, services open further, provided they can operate safely. Information on these changes will be available at each Alert Level and we will keep you informed. We are now in Alert Level 2.

Alert Level 2 Health and disability services Here you can find Alert Level 2 questions and answers and details of what is happening with Health and disability services at Alert Level 2

Getting disability support during COVID-19 There is plenty of information and guidelines for disabled people, and their families, whānau, aiga and carers, on disability support services at Alert Level 2. Information is available on: day services, respite, community residential services, people who employ their own support workers (individualised funding, personal budgets), home and community support services, choice in community living and supported living, hearing, vision, equipment, behaviour support and NASC appointments here More information on Carer Support, guidance for disabled people and whānau who employ their own support workers, paying resident family carers, Funded Family Care, what to do if your support worker does not turn up, and behaviour support services from Explore, is available here

Welfare and social sector support Food banks Food banks and food rescue organisations are continuing to operate at Level 2 while meeting social distancing, hygiene and contact tracing requirements. Some foodbanks also provide frozen cooked food that just needs to be heated thoroughly. To find your local foodbank, visit

Civil Defence and Emergency Management Food and Essential items Your Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group is working with food banks and other organisations to make sure that those in need are able to access food and other essential items. If you have an urgent need for items such as food, over-the-counter medications or cleaning supplies and you don’t have the means or transport to get it yourselves, you can contact your local Civil Defence and Emergency Group (CDEM) for help. This service is intended for people and whānau who don’t have any other options available to them. It operates 7 days a week from 7am to 7pm. You can find the number to your local CDEM here

Whānau Ora Whānau Ora is providing community support to the most vulnerable whānau and can be contacted here 24 FamilyCARE

Wellbeing A free national mental health and addiction support service is available 24/7- call or text 1737. Manaaki20 keeps whānau connected and informed:

Support for Work and Income clients Work and Income clients who have a payment card can access direct support through MyMSD. To see what kind of support you might be eligible for, log in to MyMSD here. Follow the steps and call the number you are directed to. If you need help you can call 0800 559 009. You may be eligible for financial help from Work and Income for: •


accommodation costs (rent, mortgage, board, emergency housing)

repairs or replacing appliances

emergency dental treatment

emergency medical treatment

health travel costs

water tank refill

Information related to COVID-19 support is available here Information on carer focused support is available here Information on the full range of financial help at Work and Income website can be found here

Employer Wage Subsidy If you have a paid job outside of your carer role, you may also be eligible for the wage subsidy scheme. Talk to your employer to see if they have applied for the scheme and if you are eligible for the payment. For more information on how the wage subsidy might apply to your place of employment is available here Employers who have been significant impacted by COVID-19 may qualify for an extension to the wage subsidy. This will be available from 10 June 2020 until 1 September. You can find out more here

Keeping up to date Please keep checking the key government sites for more information on the COVID response:

What other information do you need? If you have questions or other information you would like to see as a carer, please get in touch through:

FamilyCARE 25


Medicines supply during Covid-19 and beyond

Many of us rely on our community pharmacy to provide a consistent supply of prescription medicines. It's good to know what services your chemist provides at the moment - from delivery to health advice and useful products.

This will continue throughout the Covid-19 recovery period, as pharmacies and chemist shops remain an essential service. Some of these additional services may change, but your medicine supply will remain, as will other key services such as the influenza vaccination clinics many pharmacies now offer. Maintaining your relationship with your community pharmacist helps to ensure any new medicines are carefully checked against the current list of medicines they have on your file. What you may notice is a change in the way your pharmacy looks and the way you may be required to interact with your pharmacist. These changes are important to minimise Covid-19 risks; pharmacy staff

The area in blue highlights pharmacies who responded to the survey and provide free delivery services, while the red shows those who deliver for a cost of $5 or less. 26 FamilyCARE

have been planning and adjusting their services to best ensure they can provide you with the right support throughout the pandemic.

Changes during Covid-19

An increase in barriers and markings to keep a safe physical distance from one another is something we’re adjusting to. We’re also seeing an increase in the placement of perspex screens and the wearing of gloves and masks at some retailers. You may see some of these features in your community pharmacy, but you may also notice even more substantial changes to enable physical distancing. Some pharmacies are completely adjusting their entrances to provide a service desk system, and recently we’ve sought to understand how many pharmacies are enabling their patients and customers to receive medicines from within the comforts of their own home. This is particularly important to those over 70 years of age or who have otherwise identified as a vulnerable person during the Covid-19 outbreak. Of 158 responses to a rapid online survey, 99% of pharmacists said they have developed home delivery services for prescription medicines. Two thirds indicated this would be a free service and a quarter were able to provide

delivery for $5 or less (in addition to the Government’s $5 co-payment required for each prescription for the first 20 prescriptions each year). While not all pharmacies took part in this survey, it does indicate a promising sign that many Kiwis want their medicines to be home delivered as the country emerges from Covid-19 lockdown. If home delivery is a service you’d like to explore further, I recommend you contact your regular community pharmacy in the first instance to see what kind of service they can provide to suit your needs. If your regular community pharmacy doesn’t offer a delivery service and this is essential to you, it is important to explore alternatives to ensure your medicine supply can continue. This may include support from a recognised volunteer agency, or you may consider an alternative community pharmacy that does offer home delivery, or an online pharmacy such as Zoom or PillDrop. Dan Bernal, Associate Director of Allied Health in the Quality Improvement and Patient Safety team at Capital & Coast DHB, is also a pharmacist. He was previously Chief Pharmacist in Hawke's Bay. Keeping patients on top of their medications is a key focus of his work.

Pamper yourself or someone else!

Do you look after a person who has an intellectual disability or autism? All families, whānau and carers need a break to relax and put their feet up. IHC’s Take A Break With Us programme is open to those caring for someone who has an intellectual disability. A family can be referred to the programme by anyone – a friend, neighbour or support worker. You need to be a member of IHC to qualify for Take A Break. Membership costs $5 per year. If you are eligible, with travel again possible, you can look forward to one or two nights’ free accommodation at a participating Take A Break hotel. IHC may also be able to help with meals, leisure activities and transportation if needed.

At the moment, while travel is getting back to normal due to Covid-19, pamper packages are on offer for people who can’t get away but could do with a treat. While you are welcome to bring members of your family on a travel break, IHC is unable to provide additional care for your child or children through the programme while you are away. If you know somebody deserving of a break or need one yourself, message Suzanne.Downes@ihc. or phone her on (027) 299 2105.

A break for a boy who loves water Five year old Anakin Kingi thought all his Christmases had come at once. All of a sudden the family were packing into their car and heading to Hawkes Bay for a couple of days of fun at the National Aquarium in Napier and Splash Planet in Hastings. Anakin loves anything to do with water, so the break was designed to do as many activities involving water as possible. Thomas and Chante Kingi, Leisana, and Anakin had two nights in a Hastings motel. It was the family’s first visit to Napier and their first holiday in a motel, and they made the most of it. They started early from home in Palmerston North for the drive to Napier so they could take in the aquarium before check-in time at the motel in Hastings. “To be honest, we don’t get away that much," says Thomas. They got a good deal on tickets to Splash Planet and spent the entire day at the adventure park, from opening until closing time. “Our tickets were for full access to everything that was in the park. Anakin is a water baby and he just wanted to go swimming – he thoroughly enjoyed the whole of the park,” Thomas says.

“We made our sandwiches in the morning and we took our drinks and had a good picnic lunch.” Five years ago, Thomas faced the fact that his heart condition would no longer allow him to work. So he and his wife Chante swapped places. He stayed home to care for their children and Chante went back to full-time work. Looking back, Thomas has been happy to play the cards he was dealt. As it turned out Anakin, who was only a baby at the time, was to be diagnosed with autism and Thomas has been on hand to provide the support he needs. Anakin was non-verbal until he was three years old and is now slowly gathering words. He started school last year. “It has basically worked out well, just being able to be there for a lot of firsts – his first steps, first words. It is so rewarding just being there to nurture and coach him,” Thomas says. “I have little patience and he has got none. We are both learning off each other. He is teaching me patience and resilience and I am teaching him the basics." Thomas has a pacemaker and an ICD

(internal cardiac defibrillator) to manage his cardiomyopathy. "I have got a little battery pack that they inserted under my skin. It sends a charge through the wire to my heart to try to bring it back to a normal rhythm. It is like getting kicked in the chest by a horse." “I used to drink and smoke. I have given all that up – I had to if I wanted to see my son and daughter grow up." "I am not one to sit down in a corner and wait for the inevitable." "I want to be there as long as I can for my children and my wife." Thomas says he and his family were very grateful for their break. “It was so much fun – just the fact of something new.”

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Support and breaks for Pat Pat TeAu’s retirement in the tiny village of Mangaore in the foothills of the Tararua Range is not entirely restful. She is sharing it with three grandsons. She and other full-time carers have been offered breaks with IHC’s Take A Break With Us programme, sponsored by hotels and retailers to help carers like Pat have a bit of time out. Pat was one of the first to be offered the choice of a night away or a pamper package in recognition of her hard work. Pat, 77, looks after Jon, 10, Terence, 13, and James, 18. Despite her increasing age and failing health, Pat puts her energy into fighting for support for her boys and she fears what will happen when she can no longer look after them. “What support is going to be there for them? I have been fighting all the way through for them,” she says. “My hip’s gone. My back’s gone. I have got COPD [chronic obstructive pulmonary disease]. I am on a puffer. So I know my time is limited.” Still, Pat loads her walking frame into the car for daily trips to and from Shannon to deliver James to the school bus to Manawatu College in the morning and to collect him in the afternoons. Then there’s rugby practice twice a week in Foxton. There is no bus for that so he needs to pick up a lift in Shannon. Transport from the isolated village is her main problem, and she hopes James will soon be driving. “He has finally got his learner license. I am teaching him. There is nobody else to teach him,” Pat says. It’s a bit easier with the younger boys,

who get a school bus from Mangaore to Shannon School. The small, inclusive school operates as two flexible learning environments – a junior hub and a senior hub – with teacher aides assigned to learners with special needs. Jon and Terence are in the senior hub. “The boys get home in the afternoon and I then shoot down and grab James.” Pat says they have a good routine and stick to it. Lunches are made the night before school and the younger boys have their jobs to do in the morning while she is making her first trip to Shannon with James at 7.30am. “Terence’s job is to put the dog out and give him his biscuits. They make their beds – it takes them anything from half an hour to an hour to do that. They have breakfast at school – that helps me a lot.” She first came to Mangaore, near Shannon in Manawatu, 23 years ago to look after another grandchild, Page. Prices were cheap in the small village five kilometres up the valley from

Shannon and she rented one of the 30 workers’ houses left vacant after the building of the Mangahao hydroelectric power station in 1924. She then bought one two years later, in 1996. Pat raised eight of her own children and has been ready to step in whenever her grandchildren need a home. She has cared for eight grandchildren at different times since 1988 – “five full-time and four of those with special needs”. She says she has a combined total of 60 grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. Her regret is that she can’t give the same attention to all of them. “My whole life is the kids. You don’t have time for anything else and it makes it hard for the other grandkids because I have to put them on the back burner. You think, 'You don’t need me; you have got your Mum',” she says. But she says caring for three grandsons has its rewards – like finding a lovely note saying how good it was that she had taken them to live with her. “It’s their love,” Pat says.

Short Break Sponsors North Island

Copthorne Hotel & Resort, Bay of Islands

Copthorne Hotel Grand Central, New Plymouth

Kingsgate Hotel Autolodge, Paihia

Millenium Hotel, New Plymouth

Copthorne Hotel and Resort, Hokianga

Kingsgate Hotel The Avenue, Whanganui

Copthorne Hotel, Auckland City

Copthorne Hotel & Resort, Wairarapa

Grand Millennium, Auckland

Copthorne Hotel, Palmerston North

M Social, Auckland

Copthorne Hotel Oriental Bay, Wellington

Copthorne Hotel & Apartments Queenstown

Millennium Hotel and Resort, Taupo

South Island

Copthorne Hotel & Resort Queenstown

Copthorne Hotel, Rotorua

Kingsgate Hotel, Greymouth

Millennium Hotel, Queenstown

Millennium Hotel, Rotorua

Kingsgate Hotel, Dunedin

Kingsgate Hotel, Te Anau

Waipuna Hotel, Auckland

28 FamilyCARE


Positive SPIN!

The days rolled by when movement was limited. We've all had to be creative and think of ways to fill time, and appreciate our families, routines and hobbies, says Virginia Linton. In times of crisis, most of us just want to hold our loved ones close, get solace from our routines, check in with friends, and take pleasure from walks and fresh air. It’s a natural instinct, supported by science. From longevity to emotional wellbeing and surviving medical events, we enjoy better outcomes if there’s someone to hug us, cheer us on, lend an ear, share a joke or a meal with. But during the recent lockdown, most of what brings reassurance has been off limits. Although distancing is less important now, we’re still relearning how to get back to those human instincts (like hugging) that keep us going. The novel part of this experience is that we’re sharing sudden and scary times with the entire world. How do we maintain positivity when everyone is also feeling

vulnerable and anxious? How do we maintain our inner reserves of courage through feelings of isolation or loneliness? The ideas, activities and rituals that we will grasp onto in the coming weeks, the words or deeds that lift us out of the murk, come in as many shapes and sizes as we ourselves do. With this in mind, here is a virtual care package with ideas to share, tools to stay occupied and engaged, insights to hold, recipes to nourish, and words to inspire. Along with suggestions about how we can support and encourage each other. At its best, 'distancing' can be about gaining a fresh perspective in order to deal with things with a sense of renewed vigour and knowledge. Let’s work towards that. Together.


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Focus on the basics. Write down a schedule of your daily routine, but see this as a guideline rather than a regime. Get as much done on the list as you’re able to, but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get through it all. If you don’t manage to get even one thing done today, take comfort in the fact that sometime in your notso-distant personal history, you have achieved absolutely everything on this list!

If you're still in a 'bubble' your world might look something like this: 7:00 Wake up, get out of pyjamas and into an outfit ready to face the day 7:30 15 minutes of fresh air / exercise to a YouTube video (if it’s raining) 8:00 Brain time: NO ELECTRONICS Journal, books, study guide 9:00 Work - answering emails / getting through jobs list / study 12:00 Lunch

◆ ◆ ◆

12:30 Chores 13:00 Breathe, stretch, meditate 13:30 Work - answering emails / getting through jobs list / study 16:30 15 minutes of fresh air / exercise to a YouTube video (if it’s raining) 17:00 Dinner preparation

18:00 Eat, relax


Essential services have continued, with pharmacies and doctors operating as usual, and food available from supermarkets and dairies. An interesting legacy of Covid-19 is that many of us have been exploring new ways to access food and supplies:

◆ Consider continuing to shop online. You’ll be able to order exactly what you need, and staff dealing with the orders are well geared on best hygiene practices, all amounting to a smooth, contact-free transaction. ◆ Go shopping when there are less people around. This can be tricky to gauge, but if for instance a

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place you like has re-opened, or an important announcement has been made, wait a day or two before hitting the shops. Keep prescriptions up to date. Ensure you have extras of any medications needed. As things start to run out, add them to your shopping list. Then you won’t be making a last minute dash before the shops close when you discover you’ve run out of something. Add storage-stable food to your cart, plus a few easily prepared meals to save you having to make an urgent trip to the supermarket or online shop. Keep a checklist in a drawer or stuck to the fridge of seldom used but essential items. Pain relievers, antibiotic creams, and batteries can fall into this category. Before you leave the house, take a quick look to see if any of these need replacing. Keep another list of frequently bought items and use it in the same way. Items such as vegetables, fruit, legumes, meats, potatoes, pasta, rice, cleaning products. Online delivery programmes let you save a list of favourites to make your next shop easy.

If you’d like to learn how to prepare and preserve food that will ensure months of avoiding queues and loo paper hogging shoppers, listen to the elderly people in your life. They know what it’s like to have to ration, with many of them likely to have lived

through the Great Depression, the polio pandemic, World War II, and the lean years after. 90 year old Wellington writer Renée’s straight talking article kicks off with, “everything I read is screaming at me that I’m part of the most vulnerable in Covid-19” is hilarious, poignant, and a great reminder of how our elderly are our taonga, not a mere statistic (strong language warning). An amusing listen thanks Renée!


When the stuff churning around inside your head becomes overly negative or repetitive, it’s time to take a break. Regular meditation helps with stilling the mind. Place your hand on your diaphragm, and observe it rise and fall as you breathe. Direct your inhalations downwards so you can feel your chest and lungs opening and expanding. Sit in a quiet place, and observe whatever is happening around you: busy ants at your feet, clouds drifting above. Seek connections that take you outside your own sense of self - escape into a book, play music, watch a film online. Or, daydream! Letting our minds wander can often lead to renewed bursts of creativity, or help us find solutions that we’ve been unable to reach through conventional means of tackling a problem.


Keep moving

Many physical education classes have gone online to provide people with solutions to confinement. If you have active kids at home, try this one:



Our days in what we fondly remember as ‘normal life’ can seem like a blur when we look back on them. Because we’re so used to waking up and knowing exactly how our day is going to take shape, most of us will turn on the autopilot and forget to switch it off. Right now, we are still figuring out how each day is going to unfold. Use this time to keep a record of your experiences. It may be a journal, a blog, photographs, a film, paintings, a short story, or poems about your life. Each individual perspective is important as we emerge from our bubbles. Check in with others and see how they’re doing as your world takes shape post-lockdown. If you are going to compose a journal, make it something that you are able to do easily. You shouldn’t look at this as a chore to dread, but something that gives you relief, strength, and a sense of stability in unpredictable times. What comes of your reflections now will be fun to share and look back on later!

Carers NZ Online

We have many different resources to help you move forward and have 'mini breaks' at home. Our Take 1, Take 5 Weekly Planner is a tool to help you organise regular breaks each week, while our YouTube channel has some useful clips (click here to follow along with Anna Filliol's Stretch, Focus & Relax exercises, or Wayne Halkyard's Strength for Life 15 minute strength-building programme). Our Time Out Guide offers insights to help friends, families, whānau and aiga understand how important it is for those in caring roles to have regular breaks, even in the most challenging circumstances. There’s also information and ideas to initiate micro-breaks during the day - as even small amounts of respite can make a big difference to how you feel about and manage caring for yourself or others. All of our resources are free to view or download at

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Family ancestry

Would you enjoy tracing your lineage? The National Library has resources available for researching family history, through genealogy websites, old newspapers, or ships’ passenger lists: For those with an Auckland library card, is now temporarily available free from home through its website. Log into 'My Info' and use the usual link to Ancestry from within the Auckland Libraries website. If you aren’t a member, you can sign up for a free eMembership. This gives you access not just to but also ebooks, databases, enewspapers, and Beamafilm. Free movies for those with a library card:

Create a retreat


Turn your home into a haven. Working with the basic elements of earth (plants, landscaping), water (fountains), and fire (fire pit, candles), transform your outdoor living space into a destination. It may be difficult for awhile to source every item you’d like, so use this time to get creative. Unearth the hammock and add flowers to create a comfortable reading spot in the garden. Dining al fresco on a picnic blanket under a beach umbrella can be a great way to escape without leaving the comforts of home.


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Care for your immune system!

Meditation apps such as Waking Up and Headspace offer an accessible way to get started. Have a search for them through app stores such as To support your mental health, look for online help. Try which has online courses to manage anxiety and feelings of sadness. The courses have lessons, action plans, reminders and progress tracking.

With the current rules of physical distancing from others, here’s your chance to try some garlic recipes that you’d usually avoid out of courtesy to others! Garlic is a wonder plant. Thought to be native to Siberia, but now grown in just about every corner of the world, it is known to help reduce high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, and hardening of the arteries. It boosts immunity and adds an intense or sweet flavour to food, depending on how you cook it.


With international travel not possible, 'augmented reality attractions' may appeal, where you can travel the world without leaving home. The technology behind Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) has accelerated in recent years. VR refers to computer simulations which you can experience and interact with, requiring a headset and often other tools such as sensor-laden gloves. AR superimposes digital information on a user’s view of the world through devices such as smartphones. From walking tours around Europe, experiencing the Grand Canyon, Everest, trips back in time and to outer space, along with more traditional attractions such as rollercoasters, museums, and hotels, probably the only limit is how game you are to tackle these technologies! Many apps are free to download on iOS or Android, for those who’d like to dip their toes in. Or, take a stroll through Google Arts and Culture, which features free interactive content from over 2,000 museums and art galleries: We like this free online interactive Frida Kahlo exhibition: comproject/frida-kahlo For those who prefer audio experiences, there are podcasts galore about every imaginable topic. Dr Google will help you find podcast options of interest, most of which are free to listen to.


A flu fighter - makes about 5 cups 26 garlic cloves (unpeeled) 26 garlic cloves (peeled) 2 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp butter 2¼ cups sliced onions 1 tsp fresh thyme ½ cup grated ginger ½ tsp cayenne pepper 3½ cups stock (vege or chicken) ½ cup coconut milk 1 tsp fresh parsley 1 lemon, cut into wedges


Two bulbs of garlic (approx 120g) ½ tsp salt 500ml vegetable oil 4 tbsp lemon juice Peel garlic and blend in a food processor along with the salt. With the blade still running, slowly add 125mls of vegetable oil, then a tablespoon of lemon juice. Repeat until you have added all the oil and lemon juice. The result should be smooth and creamy.

1. Roast unpeeled garlic drizzled with the olive oil at 180°C degrees until soft (approx 30 minutes). Peel and put aside. 2. Melt butter in a heavy, large saucepan. Add onions, thyme, ginger and cayenne pepper. Cook until onions are translucent. 3. Add roasted and raw garlic and cook for 3 minutes. 4. Add stock, cover and simmer for 20 minutes until raw garlic is tender. 5. Blend until smooth. 6. Return to the saucepan, add coconut milk and bring to simmer. Season. 7. Pour soup into bowls, garnish with chopped parsley and serve with lemon wedges. Serves 4.

Garlic contains emulsifiers that coat droplets of fat, allowing them to become suspended in water, but the oil must be added very slowly for it to work. If the emulsion breaks, add egg white from one egg to the mixture and blend again. Toum is a perfect accompaniment to grilled meat, roasted vegetables or falafel. Or you may enjoy just eating it on toast, watching Netflix, alone.



Find your CENTRE For weeks, yoga and other fitness and wellbeing classes weren't possible. Even now, do you really need to 'go out' to attend them? Not with Nikki Ralston. Yoga teacher and manual therapist Nikki Ralston has been working with the human body for over 20 years. Combining her love of movement and yoga, she has developed her own method that focuses on making the practices of yoga, meditation and breath work safe, sustainable and accessible to all. Her clients range from high performance athletes and stressed out workers to those recovering from injury and trauma. “We’ve all heard about the health benefits of yoga, how it can improve balance, flexibility and muscle tone,” she says. “What a lot of people don’t know is that yoga can also play a great role in increasing self-esteem and confidence.” She is living testament to her belief that true confidence comes from an authentic and deep connection to yourself. Yoga is a systematised science that can provide the pathway towards this self-realisation. “Without self-confidence, we can tend to let fear take control of us and we can

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end up in some pretty awful situations." "My self-esteem was at an all-time low in 2004, and this led me to be in, and stay in, an abusive relationship for two years." "I became physically ill, and I also felt the weakest I have ever felt in my life. Getting out of the house and going to yoga was the only time I had a glimpse of my true self, as my view of myself at that time had become clouded and overshadowed by fear and insecurity." "Practising yoga helped to remind me that I was strong. It helped me to become clearer in my mind and slowly rebuild my broken spirit." This is partly why Nikki loves sharing her knowledge and experience to help others build their own confidence and selfesteem. As she’s acutely aware that many people are unable to attend classes in person, a great selection of her Ralston Method Yoga tutorials are free to watch and follow along on her website.

“Self-confidence helps us to not view fear as an obstacle, it helps us to accept the things we cannot change and gives us the courage to create the changes that we can," Nikki says. "The truth of the matter is that we cannot do everything, but this doesn’t mean that we should feel bad about having limitations."


Follow along with Nikki w "Anyone who has got on the mat realises that yoga is extremely humbling and can help you understand more about your mind as well as your body." "With yoga, you can become more aware of your limitations, as well as your potential." Through this awareness, we can better understand the limiting thoughts and actions that get in our way, Nikki says. "Meditation can help you grasp the concept that we are not our thoughts, feelings or emotions, that we are in fact the observer of these temporary states and they, like all things pass. When we stop trying to do everything and be everything to everyone else, we give ourselves the space to focus on ourselves and what is really important.”

Watch Nikki’s videos

Stand In Your Strength: Nikki’s 10 minute practice to help you build self-confidence and remember just how strong you are!


EASY DOES IT -------------------

Three simple things you can do to improve things for yourself or someone else.

1. Give yoga a try by following along with one of Nikki's online tutorials. 2. Search Google for some easy yoga stretches. 3. Breathe deeply!

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Staying connected

through Covid-19 A message from the New Zealand Coalition to End Loneliness

The Coalition to End Loneliness is a group of organisations who have agreed to work together to tackle loneliness and social isolation in New Zealand. This is something that we care about, because loneliness is an issue that affects many of the people we support. Our agencies are all working in different ways to ensure that people have the support, company, and connection that they need. We know that if you are reading this magazine, you may be living on your own or caring for another person. We also know that even in normal circumstances, this can be difficult and maybe isolating. These of course are not ordinary times. Life has changed very suddenly due to Covid-19, and normal patterns of interaction and support have been disrupted. This can be particularly hard for those already living with difficult challenges and responsibilities. As a Coalition we want you to know that our organisations are here for you, and that we care. We have all adapted our usual activities and service provision to respond to Covid-19. This has involved phoning around and checking in on our clients and members, adapting some of our face to face services so they could be delivered by phone or online, and developing new initiatives to solve problems that people are facing. An example is the Student Volunteer Army’s national volunteer response to Covid-19, which offers support with grocery shopping for people over 70 (call 0800 005 902 to find out more). If you need help, or are feeling isolated, we encourage you to call friends, family, health services, or trusted organisations such as ours. As members of the Coalition we are in the phone book and online. We may be able to offer help directly or provide information and advice about where to find the support you need. We also encourage you to treat yourself with care and gentleness during this time. This is more of a marathon than a sprint, and it will be some time before life returns to normal. Be compassionate with yourself, look after yourself physically, try to find a little time to do something you enjoy each day, and don’t be afraid to reach out if all you need is someone to talk to.

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This is not all about what we know - you may have some great ideas to combat loneliness. We'd love to hear what has worked for you or others you know. Meanwhile, we are about to launch our Let’s End Loneliness website - have a look and let us know what you think: Let’s End Loneliness together!

Living with dementia through Covid-19

We need to keep ourselves safe and well as we continue to unite against Covid-19. Here are some answers to get you started. For support, go to to find your local organisation or call 0800 004 001. The person with dementia I care for is getting stressed and agitated because they cannot attend their usual social activities. What can I do?

Sticking to regular routines as much as you can will help. Keep the person you care for engaged with activities they enjoy, or try a new one together. 38 FamilyCARE

Arrange a regular catchup with friends and relatives in a way that works for you both. Have a think about topics beforehand so you can involve the person with dementia as much as possible. If you can, get out into the garden for some fresh air, or go for a walk, making sure to maintain physical distancing guidelines. If the person with dementia continues to experience stress and agitation, stay calm and reassure them. Check that their needs are being met, any medication has been taken and they are not in any pain or discomfort. You should seek medical help if you are at all worried about the person’s health, especially if there is a sudden change in consciousness, or if the person is experiencing impaired attention, disturbance in their sleep-wake cycle or any unusual sensory experiences, as these could indicate delirium. Remember that normal health services continue to function and should be used if you have health concerns.

I am feeling stressed and tired. What can I do and who can I talk to?

Connect with people who make you feel safe and loved can help - a good chat with someone can make the day feel more manageable. To speak with a trained counsellor, you can also free call or text 1737 at any time. Taking care and being kind to ourselves during this time is important. That means eating well, getting plenty of rest and exercise and keeping ourselves occupied at home. Reach out to your GP if you are not coping. You can also talk to your local Alzheimers organisation for information on help and support available in your area.

What happens if one of us is unwell or gets Covid-19?

If you are at all worried that you or someone else has Covid-19, you should call Healthline’s dedicated Covid-19


TAKING CARE AND BEING KIND TO OURSELVES IS IMPORTANT - EATING WELL, GETTING REST AND EXERCISE, AND STAYING OCCUPIED. number on 0800 358 5453. For any other medical issues, contact your local health centre, or call 0800 611 116. In an emergency, dial 111. If anyone in your household is unwell, you must all stay at home and not visit anyone or go shopping even at essential services like supermarkets or pharmacies. Call your GP or Healthline (0800 611 116) and tell them what’s going on. They will be able to connect you with help and support. Make sure you have an emergency support plan in place containing essential information to help if your routine is disrupted. Visit to complete your plan.

How can I remind someone living with dementia about social distancing when we are out? Choosing a time and open areas close to home that are likely to be less busy can help. Gently explaining what’s going on before you leave the house can help too, as well as demonstrating how far we should be distancing. Hold the person’s hand or link arms if it’s comfortable, and remind them when people approach.

How can I keep in touch with someone living in residential care?

Being separated during this uncertain time will have been difficult for both of you. Talk to staff about the best way to stay connected. They might be able to help with setting up a regular time to talk over the phone, or supporting you both to use video calling if visits aren't possible. You could also email family photos and messages which they can pass on to the person if they don’t have computer access. More information on these issues and a range of other topics can be found at

Tips and suggestions to live well with dementia during the Covid-19 recovery, from Alzheimers NZ As a care partner for someone living with dementia, you may continue to find this uncertain time disruptive, stressful and challenging, despite the relaxed restrictions. You may be caring for the person at home or unable to visit them as you normally would if they live in a residential care facility. We all need to keep ourselves safe and well during this time. Despite these unique challenges, we also need to stay supported, loved and connected. Here’s a couple of suggestions to help you. Keep in touch with your local Alzheimers organisation. They are there to support you online, by phone and by email. Many are also offering online activity and support groups. Talk to them about what’s available. Connect with people who make you feel safe and loved in a way that works for you, through video calls, emails or the phone. Face to face contact with people close to you may now be possible - check out the latest information at If the person you care for is in residential care, talk to the facility about their current visiting arrangements, or other ways you can stay connected on a regular basis. Continue to use local neighbourhood help and support networks for day to day needs as required, for assistance with things like grocery and medication deliveries. If you are at all worried about you or someone else, you should still call your GP or

Healthline for support, and dial 111 in the event of an emergency. Look after yourself as best you can and try to stick to regular routines, particularly around sleep and meal. Enjoy the happy moments. Keep up activities at home, or have a memory day with the person with dementia. Listen to music, sort through photographs, or watch a favourite film together. Go to for information and support on a number of topics, including support for care partners, activity suggestions, and other useful links and resources.

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make it EASY As we navigate our way through easing of Covid-19 restrictions, change will no doubt remain a constant. Currently, access to food and supplies is improving for some, while for others doing the shopping themselves remains a struggle. Housing, transport, support, food, banking, companionship - we’re all sorting out life’s necessities in this new landscape. Our feedback through the lockdown period is that people have mostly been able to sort these things out with the help of family, community,

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Accessing food and supplies has changed during Covid-19. From supermarket shopping to meal prep and deliveries, there are more options than ever. By Angelique Kasmara

and government. As in other countries, the longer-term realities of Covid-19 include ensuring those who need it continue to have access to food and meals. Around New Zealand, Civil Defence has led regional responses to food for people who can’t easily access or afford supplies. Community networks have sprung into action, with many appeals underway to ensure New Zealanders are well catered for despite the lingering realities of the pandemic. Creative solutions to food and

meals are an interesting outcome of the coronavirus lockdown. With restaurants and cafes springing back to life, and meal deliveries as popular as ever, new services have joined those we are already familiar with - from fixed price food boxes to cookery kits to meet every foodie desire. Vegetables, meat, non-perishables, seafood, and household supplies are available in new ways, and this will no doubt evolve further in the months ahead. On the other side of lockdown, things are gradually returning to normal, including being able to share a meal with friends and family outside of those in our lockdown bubbles.

Items in abundant supply, and those where there’s been a noticeable shortage, can still be difficult to predict. First toilet paper and disinfectant products were scarce, then it was flour, yeast, cake mixes and, in some places, eggs. But the panic buying that New Zealand initially experienced appears to have halted. Online supermarket delivery slots are fairly easy to get, especially for those using Countdown’s Priority Assistance Service or the Student Volunteer Army’s buy and deliver service with New World. As we all adjust to a continued world of social distancing and self-protection to minimise the risks of Covid-19, the end of lockdown won’t mean sourcing food and supplies gets easier for those who may have been financially impacted, or people who need help to get these things due to vulnerabilities. Buying sanitisers, cleaning items, gloves, and masks has been another challenge, but these are also available again on retail shelves or online (having previously sold out as soon as they appeared), and stores are also restocked with things most of us previously didn't buy but may do going forward (like gloves). Typical household protective needs can be met from supermarket and chemist stocks, while food delivery options have allowed many to provide nutritious meals for themselves and / or their families. Meal kits and food deliveries are still routinely done on a 'contactless' basis and this may continue for some time. We've put together information about food and meal choices to help you navigate the many available options. Bon appétit!

Hassle free meals We’ve compiled a few options for times when you need a break from creating a meal from scratch. Or maybe you’re looking to gift a meal kit to a family member or friend who needs convenience or some help. Our list isn’t exhaustive by any means, and if we’ve left out your favourite service, do let us know! We love your suggestions and will share them with other readers. Angel Delivery Paediatric nurse Rebecca Cass began her business preparing and delivering care packages for new mums in Wellington. Now Angel Delivery has grown to provide gourmet hampers and care packages across New Zealand for everyone with new baby arrivals, illness, sympathy, birthdays … or just because. An Essential Family Meal Care Package starts from $150, while a Deluxe Care Package for One starts at $155. Phone 0800 826 435 or email Bargain Box Choose a Bargain Box with 3-5 meals per week for 2-6 people. Recipes and ingredients for each meal are included which you cook yourself. A mini Bargain Box starts at $87.99, which averages out to about $11 a meal. Phone 0800 227 424. Eat A Rainbow Naturally colourful foods are “packed with nutritiously balanced goodness”. A Frozen Pot Luck (7 x small meals) is $35, while Mac Cheese is priced at $5.90 - $6.90. Delivery is nationwide, excluding rural areas. or 022 043 1216. Eat My Lunch Now delivering care boxes to the elderly and vulnerable, the Eat My Lunch Care Box costs $104.95 (with a donation of 4 x lunches for Kiwi kids), and includes eggs, milk, butter, tea, fresh bread, bacon, tuna, sliced meat, seasonal fruit & veg, baked beans, soup, rolled oats, and other items which can vary due to supply. Delivery can be within 48 hours. Auckland and Wellington only. Find out more at the website, call 09 886 4644 or email

Eat Unlimited Home delivered meals, with no minimum order. There is a pickup option if you live nearby – Eat Unlimited is Wellington based, but deliveries are made across the country (excluding rural). Offering “wholesome fresh food that tastes exactly like it was cooked in your own kitchen”, a regular size Pickled Pork with bechamel sauce comes at $11.80, while the 5+5 Deal costs $75. Phone 04 560 1960 or email Foodbox This is a grocery delivery service rather than meal kits, featuring fresh seasonal food from the markets, unloading direct from fisherfolk and farms, packing and delivering all in the same day. Customise your box to leave out things you don’t like; add in things you want. Deals start at $95 for a Just Feed 1 box - everything you need to feed one person for a week. They deliver to main centres nationwide and other areas – check your area by calling 09 265 1054 or email Farro Farro's Family FoodKit costs $125, or $80 for a Breakfast Foodkit. Farro also offers ready to go meals - Meatballs Napoli costs $22.95. Ready to go meals are delivered in Auckland only, while foodkits are delivered nationwide including rural areas. Check the website for more details, or to find details for the store nearest to you. Fit Food This food and supplements company offers a range of gourmet meals and sports supplements. Fresh (not frozen) meals are delivered to homes and workplaces throughout New Zealand. With an emphasis on being health-led, Fit Food offers a Weight Management 6 Pack ($83.40). Or try other options, from a Low Carb 6 Pack ($85.40) to the Vegan 6 Pack ($89.40). Canterbury based. Phone 03 310 7179 or email

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Get Fed Partnering with local farmers and food producers who specialise in seasonal, fresh and natural produce, Get Fed is high welfare and sustainably sourced. You can subscribe to a weekly box of individual meals, a weekly Family Box plan, or just order from their As You Go service if you’re not into subscribing. They also have a ‘regular’ or ‘ravenous’ option, so a Brazilian spiced chicken with herbed pilaf will cost either $17.50 or $19. Currently delivering to five North Island centres – contact them on 0800 438 330 or HelloFresh Fresh seasonal produce delivered to your door. Choose from Veggie, Classic, and Family plans, with options for the number of recipes and servings per meal. HelloFresh allows more customisation than other food boxes, excellent for any picky eaters in your family. The Family Plan

is designed for families with young kids. HelloFresh’s Classic Plan works out at $9.49 a serving (and they’re currently offering discounts). Jess’s Underground Kitchen Jess’s Underground Kitchen (JUK) delivers to centres around the North Island. JUK Care Packages, starting at 4 Meals ($72), are delivered direct to the door, with the nice touch of a handwritten note. Contact JUK at 09 378 7711 / 09 522 7034 or email or remuera@juk. My Food Bag Does My Food Bag need an introduction? They’ve become so successful that they've branched out – Bargain Box, Fresh Start, and Made are also under its umbrella (we’ve featured its Bargain Box separately). Call 0800 269 366 or order through the website. Plate Up Paleo meal delivery service. Try the Dine In pack ($99), described as the Plate Up survival pack, will stock your fridge or freezer with 7 of its bestselling meals. Delivery is nationwide – for rural properties, check the rural deliveries question at the website. For info call 0800 PLATEUP or email

The Food Company Offering a combo of "expert nutrition with vibrant flavour to deliver Kiwi home style cuisine", The Food Company also has a good range of keto dishes. Its Isolation Meal Pack (8 Meals) is currently $99.95. A breakdown of each meal into calories, fat, carbs, and protein per serving is included. Delivery to all major town centres (no rural delivery at this stage). Email info@ or phone 0800 875 433 or 07 849 9943. The Kai Box Delivering vegan meals to your door, The Kai Box delivers nationwide, but do check its website for delivery days and times, and guidelines around rural delivery. They offer a Breakfast Box, Couples Box, Family Box and Kickstart Low Carb. The Family Box is $115 for a family of four, with a gluten free option at $120. To contact Kai Box, email Tomorrow’s Meals tomorrows-meals-full-range/ Tomorrow’s Meals offers a range of 8 full meals, 6 snack meals, and 2 desserts. Serving up Kiwi classics such as Slow Cooked Beef Casserole and Lamb Hotpot, a breakdown of all ingredients and nutritional information is available at the website. This range is available at selected Bin Inn, Countdown, Foursquare, New World and Pak N Save stores nationwide. Get in touch via Frozen Fresh, 07 571 2989, or at the website. WOOP WOOP (World On A Plate)'s Foodie Box includes recipes inspired from around the world, with prices starting at $87 (3 meals) for one adult. Ingredients come fresh and pre-prepared, and recipe cards are included to guide you with cooking the meals. Other options include the Balance Box, Classic Box, and Gluten Free Box. WOOP delivers to main centres around New Zealand – check its website to see if they can deliver to you. Email or phone 09 283 0400.

42 FamilyCARE


Choices galore

Expanding options to source food and supplies - a positive outcome of Covid-19.


We predict that grocery deliveries and online ordering will continue to surge as an outcome of Covid-19. Stocks of most items have normalised - you may want to consider more frequent deliveries which is easier on fixed budgets, now that more delivery slots are available. Countdown Countdown made a commitment to prioritise its online services for those that can’t physically get to the supermarket. This includes people over 70 years of age, people undergoing treatment for cancer and/or with blood conditions that make them more vulnerable to Covid-19, and people with chronic illnesses including respiratory conditions, heart conditions, high blood pressure, kidney problems and diabetes where these illnesses or conditions prevent you from going to the supermarket. People who are in mandatory self-isolation after returning from travel or coming into contact with someone confirmed to have Covid-19 are also eligible, along with people with disabilities where these prevent you from shopping in person. Sign up for Countdown's Priority Assistance Service by completing a short online form at, or call the Customer Care Team 0800 477 655 or email New World and SVA The Student Volunteer Army has expanded to include New World deliveries in many areas of the country. Visit to learn about its grocery service to make ordering and delivery of supplies easy for

older people and those who can’t easily shop in-store. 0800 005 902. Deliver Eats This handy database lists 1,096 independent businesses offering online ordering and deliveries. Updated daily for everything you can think of! Uber Eats The rise of Uber Eats has been so rapid that it’s astonishing to think they only launched in 2017 in Auckland. Now also available in Wellington, Christchurch, and Hamilton, more centres are opening up to the service. To use Uber Eats, download the app. Scroll through the feed for restaurants delivering in your area. When you find something you like, check all details are correct, then place an order. You can follow your order in the app from preparation to delivery. UNICEF NZ and The Salvation Army UNICEF NZ and The Salvation Army have joined with Countdown to reach out to vulnerable families with urgent food and hygiene supplies. Donate to help New Zealanders struggling due to Covid-19: you can gift a small family trolley for $30.49, a medium family trolley for $61.12 and a large family trolley for $91.14. Each trolley includes essential food supplies like canned goods, fruit and vegetables, and hygiene supplies like soap and toothbrushes. Other packages for donation can be viewed online. Countdown packs each trolley for delivery to a local Salvation

Army Foodbank Hub for delivery to families in that community. For more info go to To donate to foodbanks visit


Several farmers markets have worked to keep stallholders in business through online deliveries. Head online to to find one near you, and to check delivery options. Maker2u is a purely online market launched to support artisan food and beverage producers. Shoppers buy directly from the maker and goods are sent by courier. Wholesaler Bidfood has launched a home delivery service, BidfoodHome, which will deliver food, drinks and kitchen supplies to your door, as long as you spend a minimum of $200. The service launched in Auckland but is quickly rolling out nationwide. Commonsense Organics Commonsense Organics offers a wide variety of grocery, personal care, homeware and health items in its online shop. Its Fruit & Vege Box of seasonal,

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feature organic produce comes in three options - $30, $40, $50. Nationwide delivery. To get in touch, email deliveries@commonsenseorganics. or call 04 384 3314 or visit Food Together Food Together delivers fresh fruit and veges with two options available: The Kai Box $25 or the Whānau Box $40. Delivers to most cities and towns, and beyond. Check for your area by emailing info@ or visit Fruit Guys These guys deliver fresh fruit and veges to your door. A medium Fruit Box is $32, while a Fruit & Vege Box costs $44. Nationwide delivery. Phone 09 442 2915 or email or visit Naturally Organic Its wide range of grocery, health and personal care items includes food boxes a large Family Organic Mixed Fruit & Vege Box costs $80, and a Seasonal Organic Fruit Box is $30. They deliver to most North and South Island towns and cities. Call 09 914 2026 or fill in their enquiry form at Placemat Placemat is a meal planning service, rather than delivering meals per se. Set up your preferences at the website,

including allergies in your family, nutritional requirements and preferred diets. Then build your meal plan – choose from hundreds of seasonal recipes tailored to your family’s requirements. Then cook! Whether it’s about wanting to learn something new every night, or sticking to family favourites, this service takes the guesswork out of meal planning. A trial option is available. For info call 021 296 8948 or email Service Foods, a supplier for restaurants around the country, has launched Service Foods Home which offers a wide range of goods for door to door delivery. Visit the website to learn more: Solander Gourmet Seafood Seafood delivered to your door. Try the DIY Takeaways Pack for $59.90, or a Family Frozen Seafood Mix Box for $99.90. Or you can get fish delivered - they have a wide variety of species available (all subject to catch and availability). Nationwide

delivery. Contact them at seafood@, call 0800 555 584, or visit The Brand Outlet This online shop includes Harvest and Butchery boxes. A Medium Harvest Box - Fresh Mixed is $49.95 or a Medium Butchery Box is $69.95. Currently, Butchery boxes are only deliverable to towns and cities in the North Island. No rural delivery is available. Contact The Brand Outlet at webstore@thebrandoutlet. or visit The Market The Market has a wide selection of pantry and chilled goods in its online store. Try the Hyper Meat Family 3 Dinners Pack, $139.99. Delivers nationwide (excluding rural). They also have foodboxes which can be delivered to most main centres check about delivery to your area. Email the Customer Service Team at cs@ or Chat with them online:

1-2-3 -------------------------

Simple things you can do to improve things for yourself or someone else. 1. Make this time easier by trying meal kits and delivery options 2. Ask for help if food and supplies are a problem 3. Rediscover favourite old recipes!

44 FamilyCARE


Watch Bellyful founder Jacqui Ritchie's story w

Meal mates

Some of the best ideas are the most simple, especially at times like this. Bellyful cooks and delivers a few nights’ worth of meals to families with newborns, as well as families with young children who are struggling with illness where there is little or no family or social support. CEO Charlotte Delahunty says “it’s a very simple, direct way of helping families. And the feedback we get is that it’s never just about the meals, but the feeling of being supported by others. That there is someone out there who cares about and understands what you’re going through.” The organisation was founded by Pukekohe mum Jacqui Ritchie in 2009. “I saw Jacqui (Ritchie) on the Good Sorts segment of TV One News and found her story so compelling,” says Jacqui Jago, who herself went on to form Bellyful Karori. Eight years later she still feels passionate about the work they do. “Both my girls had reflux as babies and I had no family support in Wellington. Whilst I didn’t have any particular struggles beyond


Bellyful delivers homemade meals at tough times.

exhaustion, preparing meals was often more difficult than I would ever have thought. So when Jacqui talked about a charity that was helping with practical support at mealtimes it was something I could really relate to.” Volunteers around New Zealand lead and support their branch, cooking nourishing meals of macaroni cheese, tomato and lentil soup, beef lasagna, and pasta sauce in a monthly ‘Cookathon’. About a third of the families come through referrals from health professionals such as midwives, Plunket nurses or social workers. Others are nominated by friends or family, and some people self refer. Bellyful stresses that it’s more than okay to ask for and accept help – it can be a brave step, in fact. "I have to work hard to convince some Mums that it is okay to accept help or, better yet, ask for it.” At times Bellyful also works closely with families under extra stress, often due to postnatal depression or serious illness in either a child or a parent. “To have two young children that are both severely disabled is going to take me a long time to come to terms with, so having some cooked meals has been such a blessing when I haven’t been able to do anything other than look after my girls,” says the mother of one family who have been supported by Bellyful Karori. With a total of 23 Bellyful branches around New Zealand, and more opening regularly, it’s clear that this service answers a vital need. Its strength also lies within its philosophy, built on principles such as the importance of community and that well-supported families are less likely to struggle during times of stress. Visit Bellyfull at You can watch founder Jacqui Ritchie’s story here: FamilyCARE 45

IHC Family Whanau Liaisons “Connecting with your community”

The IHC Family-Whānau Liaison programme is a pilot programme running in Northland, Manawatū/ Horowhenua and Christchurch.

Supporting families of young people and children with intellectual disabilities to access funding and service support.

Visit our website: With thanks to the IHC Foundation

Carers NZ provides support and advocacy for anyone caring for friends or family members. All of our services and information are free to carers and those who support them. Please help to keep our 0800 helpline, email hotline, web and printed resources, and other services available to New Zealand’s carers at no cost. Thank you for helping us care for family carers.

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Please scan and email your completed form to or post it to Carers NZ, Freepost # 256234, PO Box 47-385, Ponsonby Auckland 1144 (no stamp required).

0800 777 797 l l

FamilyCARE 47


The case FOR STRAWS The drive to ban single use plastic straws gained much of its momentum from one powerful video. When footage of a sea turtle with a straw stuck up one of its nostrils went viral, people were horrified, and for good reason. The growing movement led to companies like Starbucks relinquishing straws, and in New Zealand many cafés and restaurants have swapped their plastic straws for paper ones. It’s easy to see why change has come about more swiftly than other environmental measures. 48 FamilyCARE

People can pat themselves on the back for doing their bit, without experiencing any real sacrifice. However, it’s a different story for those in the disabled community as well as many elderly people. Weakness, paralysis, swallowing problems or involuntary movements mean that using metal, bamboo, glass, acrylic, paper or pasta straws can add a higher risk of injury or choking. These straws are difficult to position and keep in place. “Targeting plastic straws has the unintended consequence of causing

A move away from plastic has led to changes in many products and habits, including drinking straws. But not all straws are created equal, says Angelique Kasmara. harm to disabled people that use them,” says Disabled Persons Assembly chief executive Prudence Walker. The harm is twofold, she says. "Firstly it reduces disabled people’s access to a necessary aid that enables them to hydrate independently and with dignity." "Secondly, by targeting plastic straws over other single use plastic, and the rhetoric often heard around straws of 'well, no one really needs them anyway', it indicates to the disabled community that their voice is again being unheard, or is being wilfully ignored."


There are many ways we can make our environment more sustainable without prioritising those that can negatively affect disabled people, says Prudence. The bendy single use plastic straw remains the yardstick as a great example of universal design. It’s extraordinarily useful for the very young, the very old, and those who have difficulties with swallowing. Initial sales of the 'Flex-Straw', invented by Joseph B Friedman in the 1930s, was mostly to hospitals. Nurses realised that bendy straws could help bedridden patients and were much safer than the glass tubes which were in common use at the time.

Making the best choice

Unfortunately there is not yet a viable alternative to plastic straws that is accessible to all disabled people, says Prudence. “What is more, reusable straws need to be frequently and thoroughly washed and sterilised, a process which in itself isn’t accessible to many disabled people.” The DPA states that some alternative straws do work for some disabled people – but these are individual solutions that need to be explored by individuals rather than a one size fits all approach. Finding an alternative is largely a case of trial and error after considering the various qualities of each alternative.

Types of straws Silicon These are very flexible, and come in different thicknesses for different liquids. Although they’re hard to recycle, and can be difficult to sanitise, they are a far more sustainable option than plastic. Metal Possibly the most environmentally sustainable product, but arguably the most unsatisfying to actually use. They are solid and durable, but lack flexibility and have been known to cause serious injury and even death. Paper The most environmentally friendly single use option. These are nonflexible, and likely to get soggy quickly. Pasta To be avoided if you have a gluten or wheat allergy. It’s a sturdy product, however, and you can boil

it and eat it afterwards - in theory at least! Bamboo Straws Very eco-friendly and biodegradable. However splinters may appear after 10 – 20 uses, and they are difficult to clean. Reusable Plastic Straws These are found coupled with a durable cup and lid, which is handy for reducing spillage. Biodegradable Plastic Straws Options include PLA (polylactic acid) and chitosan straws. Apparently these are just like using a plastic straw, which is a huge bonus. However, PLA only degrades quickly in a hot composter, so you don’t want them ending up in the ocean. Chitosan is made from crushed shells. Early reports suggest that these are safe for those with a seafood allergy, but apply caution in any case.

Hospitality recommendations

“An inclusive restaurant or café supplies plastic straws,” says Prudence. “A good option for a restaurant that values both environmental sustainability and social justice is to provide a stock of both plastic straws and an alternative such as paper, in a place easily accessed by customers." "This gives customers choice, and doesn’t stigmatise those who need to use a plastic straw.”


How to clean reusable straws What You’ll Need Hot water Dish soap A pipe cleaner or straw brush Baking soda (optional)

Rinse If you can, do this as soon as you’re done using your straw, so stuff doesn’t harden in there. Cap the bottom end with your finger and place the top end under hot running water from the faucet. Then release and let the water run through. Do this a few times. If you see something chunky in there (like bits from a smoothie), plug the bottom hole, fill the straw with water and blow through the opening at the top.

Scrub Add dish soap to your straw brush, then push it into your straw and scrub vigorously. Repeat from both ends of the straw. Don’t forget to clean the openings and the outside of the straw. Add baking soda If you still suspect or see debris, add the scrubbing power of baking soda. Sprinkle some onto your bottle brush, then scrub from the top and bottom. Rinse again When you’re done cleaning, run the straw under hot water to flush out any remaining soap or baking soda. You’re done!

FamilyCARE 49



Tasty, healthy lunch ideas from three fantastic books – enter our draw to win your own copies!

THE VEGGIE TREE SPRING & SUMMER COOKBOOK This cookbook by Northland chef Anna Valentine is great for all seasons. Catering for plant-based diets, most of the recipes provide vegan alternatives, as well as gluten-free or dairy-free options. Anna runs the popular Veggie Tree Cook School at her home in Kaeo, Far North. Buy her book at ($29.99).

Zucchini Cheesecake

"The versatile zucchini is a prolific grower in Northland, and indeed across the country. It’s nice to have a few recipes under your belt for zucchini. In my case my early memories of this vegetable are not great. So I have taken on a challenge to make super tasty zucchini dishes that are often disguised, as my kids tend to pick them out. This cheesecake is a nice alternative to a quiche and would be a great dish to share." Method and Ingredients Line a 25cm spring form tin with baking paper. For the base, measure the following into a food processor: ½ cup raw walnuts or pumpkin seeds ¾ cup sunflower seeds Whizz until finely chopped then add: 1 cup wholemeal, buckwheat or oat flour 100g butter, cubed and chilled Pulse together until it becomes one mass. Push the dough evenly into the lined tin and refrigerate while you get the filling prepared. Preheat oven to 150°C. Next, prepare: 4 zucchini, grated and squeezed to remove excess water Slice and marinate an extra 2 zucchini in 1 tbsp fresh thyme, roughly chopped, and 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil Slice on the diagonal into 1cm thickness, then chargrill on the barbecue or a smoking hot griddle. Push zucchini slices down onto the grill plate for one minute or so and when they are a good, dark, golden colour with char lines, flip them over and press down again with the back of a spatula.

50 FamilyCARE

For the cheesecake filling, measure into a large bowl or mixing bowl with a whisk attachment: 250g ricotta 250g cream cheese Beat until smooth, then add 6 eggs. Continue beating until light and fluffy. Mix together in a separate small bowl: 4 tsp cornflour 1 tbsp mustard powder ½ cup cream 1 tsp salt ¼ tsp cracked black pepper Reduce the beater speed, then pour the mixture from the small bowl into the main bowl and beat for another 30 seconds. Then fold into the mix the reserved grated zucchini plus 2 tbsp chopped chives, onion flower stems, or coriander. Add the filling to the chilled base, then bake for an hour or so. The filling should be set but retain a little wobble. The cheesecake may develop cracks, but don’t worry. Cool in the tin, then remove the outside ring and chill further before sliding the cheesecake out of the base. Top with chargrilled zucchini and fresh thyme flowers. Serves 12.

Your own copy!


Happy, Healthy & Speedy Salads To Make In Minutes By Alexander Hart Sometimes preparing your food for the day ahead can feel impossible. You opt for the easy way out: eating what’s quick and within arm’s reach. Often this is less healthy. The 5-Minute Salad Lunchbox makes prepping an exciting, nutritious lunch a total breeze. Expect myriad flavours from across the globe. $20.30 from

Corn & Bean Salad with Lime Dressing

If you have a little more time to make this salad, chargrill a fresh ear of corn instead of using tinned. Slice off the kernels and add to the remaining salad ingredients. 75g drained tinned sweet corn kernels 100g drained tinned cannellini (lima) beans Handful of grape or baby plum tomatoes 2 spring onions, sliced 1 tbsp grated parmesan Handful each of mixed salad greens and torn basil leaves Toss the salad ingredients together, then tip into your bowl or lunchbox. Combine the dressing ingredients in a small jar or container with a tight-fitting lid. Pour the dressing over the salad before eating and toss well.


Simple Nourishing Recipes for Busy Families ... with bonus healthy dinner and dessert recipes By Wick Nixon

Lime dressing Juice of ½ lime 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1 of 4 copies! Alexander Hart is a cook and food writer based in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney.


We love this small book packed with ideas for healthy lunches, dinners, and desserts. Wick's philosophy towards food is to keep it simple and easy, using fresh ingredients wherever possible. Her recipes are made from nourishing grains and flours and include minimal processed food or refined sugar. $29.95, or e-book $19.99, at

Wick Nixon’s Nut Free Protein Balls

4 medjool dates, pips removed (or 8 dried dates) and soaked in boiling water for 5 minutes, then drain ½ cup pumpkin seeds 1 cup desiccated coconut 1 tsp vanilla essence 1 tbsp pure maple syrup 2 tbsp cacao powder ¼ cup chocolate protein powder ¹/³ cup coconut oil, melted

Combine ingredients in a food processor and pulse until smooth. Form into balls using damp hands. Refrigerate for approximately 1 hour until firm. Store in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer. Makes 16-20 balls. Prep time: 10 minutes Chill time: 1 hour Suitable to freeze.

4 copies to be won!


FamilyCARE 51





Employers commit to being CareWise


Workplaces receive a CareWise welcome pack and recognition certificate


They test how carer friendly they currently are using our Self-Review


Carers NZ provides free resources for carers, updates, and fun things for CareWise workplaces


They learn how to be more carer friendly in five priority areas


NZ and global research and news about carer friendliness are regularly shared with CareWise employers


Our Action Plan template helps employers tailor steps to create a carer friendly workplace


Carers NZ supports working carers and their employers at an early stage, to help carers keep working and earning

Carer friendly workplaces Almost 90% of New Zealand’s family carers are working age, 15 to 65

1 in 8

NZ employees family carers

Often carers struggle to juggle the support they give to family members who are frail, unwell, or have a chronic condition or disability with earning an income. CareWise is a new workplace programme to help employers support their caring staff. Creating a country of carer friendly workplaces is a key aim of CareWise. About 10% of New Zealand’s carers give up work to care - CareWise helps carers keep working and earning with workplace-based support.

Carers NZ has launched CareWise, a nationwide programme that makes it easy for employers to be carer friendly. This is more important than ever as New Zealand emerges from the restraints of Covid-19 and everyone returns to normal working patterns. New Zealand is one of the first countries in the world to have a programme like CareWise, developed in association with Business NZ, employers, industry networks and associations, and government agencies. Supported by the Ministry of Social Development, CareWise gives employers the tools to help carers keep working and earning. Often carers feel they need to give up their jobs - early access to information, advice, and support can make all the difference. We’ll be announcing New Zealand’s first CareWise workplaces in our next edition of Family Care. Meanwhile, if you are an employer who would like to support the carers in your workplace, visit

EMPLOYERS COMMIT to being carer friendly at - visit the website to find out about the programme and sign up.

WORKING CARERS receive information, advice, and guidance to help them keep working and earning. We also provide individual support via the Carers NZ helpline, free infopacks, and more.

CARERS, SHARE YOUR STORIES! What are the realities of working while also caring for a friend or family member? Help to raise awareness by sharing your story!

Committing to be CareWise takes just a few minutes. Carers NZ will support you to be carer friendly every step of the way!

BECOME CAREWISE - BE A CARER FRIENDLY EMPLOYER Carers NZ will keep you informed about issues important to family carers, and provide practical one to one support for caring staff.

Contact us on 0800 777 797 or email

FamilyCARE 53


They are open to allowing carers to work flexible hours and work from home at times so they can better juggle work with caring responsibilities.

2. They allow carers to take and make care-related calls and messages at work, and make up this time. 3. They accommodate carers to attend key medical and other appointments, to be with the person they support at crucial times. 4. They plan the ‘what ifs’ with carers: what will happen if there is an emergency, or caring responsibilities increase? 5. They distribute helpful information in the workplace so carers can easily find it. Even non-caring staff will be interested, as they can share the information with carers in their lives. Everyone knows a carer! 6. They develop policies and practices that are carer friendly, and ensure caring staff and their colleagues know about them.

New research about work and caring in NZ Massey University researcher explores employment issues for carers Rachel Harris is analysing the experiences and support systems of working carers assisting older adults before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. She is talking to family carers for her Master of Science in Psychology at Massey University, choosing this topic after recognising there is little information out there about the large and growing population of New Zealanders who care for others while managing paid employment. “As our population ages and family structures shift, there are a large number of people juggling work while providing informal care, but research about them is limited. There is even less information about their experiences and support during a pandemic situation,” Rachel says. It’s a subject close to her heart because of her own personal experience of caring. Rachel supported her mother, who recently died from cancer. “It was such a privilege to be able to care for my mother while she was in the final palliative stages of cancer. I had many tears, laughs, and frustrations as well as precious moments of connection.” “It showed me the complexity of caring, and how immersive the experience is. It can be so physically, mentally and emotionally challenging.” She says that speaking to relatives and friends who work while providing care for a loved one highlighted how tricky it can be to find balance. “It isn’t always easy to negotiate the dynamics of changing

roles and relationships. But the care being provided can have considerable benefit for those receiving this help, reflected by enhanced outcomes, reduced avoidable hospital readmissions, and fewer formal care placements.” Rachel hopes what is learned from her research will be of interest and beneficial to working carers, and those who support people in caring roles, employers and social policymakers. “Hopefully it will create a space for carers, who can be invisible in our society, to be heard, and promote awareness of their support needs and the part they play in our society.” “Talking to carers will also shed more light on what they have experienced in their workplaces and with health and support agencies as well as the wider community.” She wants carers to know that what they have to say about their experiences is important. “In sharing their challenges, successes and joys they can highlight relevant issues.” “This project provides opportunity and a confidential safe place for participants to discuss their experiences of being in paid employment while also providing informal care before and during the pandemic lockdown.” Researcher Rachel Harris wants carers to know that what they have to say is important. Participate in her work by contacting Rachel: 022 464 0828, 022 320 7398, or email

Working with a broken heart Mum, family carer, employee - life was busy for Christel van Baalen while working as Auckland Down Syndrome Association’s Community Liaison Officer. When Christel’s family faced traumatic challenges, her boss, Angela Owen, kept things flexible and provided moral support at a time when this meant the world. Christel and her husband Anthony lost their daughter Alex in a car accident in November 2016. Christel was in hospital for nine days with broken heart syndrome, and this happened

again when their other daughter, Renee, was diagnosed with a serious health condition. “Angela came to visit me in Middlemore and did everything she could to accommodate our situation. One of the committee members also helped with meals when we were in Starship with Renee.” Having her employer’s support early on helped Christel keep working. Later, because of Renee’s need for ongoing treatment, Christel made the decision to leave paid employment, but praised her employer for the support she received.

“There was nothing they could have done any better. Having already lost Alex, Renee is all too precious for us, but I won’t forget my employer’s kindness.”

See Renee and Christel’s story about life during the Covid-19 lockdown, p3.

“What wiggle room can you provide at difficult times?” Auckland Down Syndrome Association chairperson Angela Owen says she empathised with Christel’s challenges, having experienced her own times of grief. Christel has been a linchpin of Angela’s charitable organisation, setting up its annual Buddy Walk and other initiatives. “I admire her.” It was difficult to watch Christel work through the aftermath of Alex’s death.

“Then, having regained her fighting spirit, it all came back when Renee was diagnosed with leukaemia. Even for someone as strong as Christel, I knew how isolating hospital stays could be. You want someone alongside to help you fight those battles.” Angela says being a carer friendly workplace makes business sense, helping carers with valuable skills like Christel stay in work for as long as possible, while also underpinning an organisation’s culture and values.

“As an employer, just put yourself in someone’s shoes. It’s a key thing any good employer should do. Look within your policies and guidelines to see what wiggle room you can give at difficult times, and keep the lines of communication open.” “Just work with staff who are carers as much as you possibly can. And if you have a policy supporting flexible work, why not use it?”

of general population

of working carers




Workers aged


Carers aged from 35 years to 64 years form a greater proportion of carers as a whole (61%) than people of the same age group in the general population (50%). Labour Market Characteristics of Unpaid Carers, 2006 Census

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