5 minute read
Website explosion
Retail shopping online has exploded globally since the onset of Covid-19. Under the steady guidance of the
Online Manager, Bradley
Govender, Hirsch’s have seen sales on their own online store skyrocket over the last 12 months, awarding Brad and his team Hirsch’s Branch of the Year for 2020!
We chatted to Brad about the online trend:
How was the online store doing before we went into lockdown? Have people started buying more large appliances online?
People are investing enormously in their homes and we have seen a major shift in shopping behaviour. In 2019 small appliances dominated the market. But in 2020/2021 this trend has really done a full 360 degree turn. The online environment has shifted overnight from small appliances to large appliances.
What are some advantages of online shopping?
Online shopping saves a lot of time. One can easily browse through different products to select whatever you want in the shortest possible time. With the help of the search icon, it is very easy to find your way around the website and get the specific goods you want within a few seconds.
A few tips when shopping online?
Always make sure your account is protected by a password (use a strong password). Always make sure the payment facility is 3D Secure (3D Secure authentication is a security protocol which adds a verification process to the payment layer by redirecting customers to a third-party page where they have to enter a SMS code or password to complete their online purchase). Make sure your computer has a good anti-virus (this helps to secure your passwords and other information). Subscribe to newsletters. You will be the first to receive discounts, specials and coupon codes.
What is the turnaround time for deliveries?
Our turnaround time for all orders is 48 hours. We try to process all orders on time and efficiently, and it helps that we work with amazing courier and freight companies who assist us with deliveries. H
We were running as an average online store, but with the implementation of lockdown, the situation changed. Literally overnight the number of orders quadrupled. This was great news, and made us re-evaluate the way we did things and the way we marketed our products. We focused more on digital marketing which has worked for us, enabling us to reach more potential customers.
THE HIRSCH FAMILY Allan Hirsch – Chairman Margaret Hirsch – Executive Director Richard Hirsch – CEO Luci Hirsch – Brand Manager
EDITOR Glenda Thompson
DESIGNER Kyle Griffin
ADVERTISING Devashen Govender
PHOTOGRAPHERS Mo – Blonde Zulu Photography (cover); Sean Brand; Shane Spencer; Glenda Thompson
COPYRIGHT: All material in this issue is subject to copyright and belongs to Famous Publishing unless otherwise indicated. No part of the material may be quoted, photocopied, reproduced or stored by an electronic system withour prior written permission from Famous Publishing.
DISCLAIMER: While every effort is taken to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this publication, neither the authors nor the publisher will bear any responsibility for the consequences of any actions based on information contained herein.
Published by Famous Publishing Printed by Novus Print (Pty) www.famouspublishing.co.za
Welcome home
Great reads
Heart of the home .................................... 10 Margaret’s new Vegan Cook Book............ 18 Carrol Boyes gift ideas.............................. 30 Kitchen capers ......................................... 32 The beauty of orchids................................34 Partnering with property developers............36 Health boosters..............................................40 Cool air-conditioners .....................................43 Make your home eco-friendly ......................45 Generation shopping habits.........................46 TVs – the best buy.........................................48
Making The Most Of Our Home Spaces
One of the many lessons this last 12 months has taught us is to learn to appreciate HOME! We caught up with three couples (including lovely Allegro Dinkwanyane and her son Elohim, pictured with me above) from three different provinces to find out what their treasured unwinding spot at home was after a busy day at work, and found that all three had a penchant for hanging out in their kitchens. Hence the reason, perhaps, that for potential home buyers, the kitchen is the room that can make or break the sale.
Being truly happy in our home space has meant making certain adjustments and making sure everything works for us aesthetically as well as regarding saving time and energy. This has prompted us to include some informational pieces on these topics in this issue. Whether it’s going the washer/dryer combo route to save space and energy, or cutting down on time but still producing nutritiously delicious meals by using those amazing little kitchen gadgets like the airfryer, juice extractors and smoothie makers, there’s something for everyone. Margaret’s newly launched Vegan Cook Book – look out for some tempting teasers on page 18 – is packed full of healthy meal ideas.
The New Luxury is the theme of this issue of SA HOMEOWNER, and we are so excited to be part of this magazine this June. Of course, At Home will also be available from all Hirsch’s stores. Luxury means different things to different people, and we are sure you will find something in both magazines that will appeal to your own sense of luxury!
Enjoy the read, and enjoy spending time in your own luxurious home space!
Glenda Thompson, Editor. www.getunoticed.co.za
Let’s shop
Airfryers .................................................... 16 Coffee machines.................... ................22 Kitchen luxuries........................................ 24 Washer/dryer combos ............................. 52
Final word
Website explosion ..................................... 1 Mobile phones......................................... 51 Networking entrepreneurs........................ 54 Giving back.............................................. 58 Stockists .................................................. 60