2023 Faribault Area Veterans Gallery

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Veterans Day November 11, 2023

Photos submitted by friends & family of our local veterans

William Juvland Thompson Navy World War II

All American Veterans Memorial All All

Donald Coon Army Battle of the Bulge

Jack Luedke United States Navy Vietnam

Duane R. Ozmun US Army Vietnam 1967-1969

Leonard Duffney US Navy World War II

Elmer Ackman Marine World War II

Martin I. Mangold Air Force Persian Gulf

Col. Orv D. Berg Army Korean War

Elena M. Johnson Knudson Army WAC World War II

Arthur J. Roberts US Army Air Force World War II

Mel Patten Vigesaa Army 11th Armored Cav. Vietnam 1968-1969

Edwin O. Knudson Air Force World War II

Floyd “Ole” Stark US Army World War II

Dennis B. Nelson US Army Vietnam

Lloyd W. Nelson US Army World War II

Elmer Pulk PFC US Army World War II

Norman L. Ableman Army Korean War

Kim G. Christensen Army Vietnam

Leo E. Perron Army Air Corps World War II

Conrad Stearns Navy World War II

Thomas John Stearns Navy Vietnam War

Wallace Keith Matthies Navy 1956

Al Brodie Air Force Korean War

Francis C. Stine Army World War II

Floyd J. Caron Army 1957

Red Fitzpatrick Army World War II

Loren R. Aase Army Vietnam War

Everett H. Bendemuehl Army World War I

Art Amundson Army Medic at Battle of Bulge

Allen Bushman Army 1982-1986

Wayne Bushman Army Persian Gulf

Richard Krost Navy World War II

Rhody Yule Army World War II

Jason Bauer MN Air National Guard

Lester J. Kaderlik

US Navy Seabee

Steve Hofschulte Army World War I

Stewart Thibodeau Marines World War II

Stanley Nelson Army Invasion of Normandy

Nathan Wallace Army Special Forces Afghanistan – 2 tours

Bill Kalk Army 1940-1945

Charlie Burnett Army World War II

Sonny Benshoof Air Force 1988

Bill Fisher Army World War I

Bruce Kalk Marines Vietnam War

Operation Iraqi Freedom & Operation Enduring Freedom

Vietnam War 2 Tours

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