Have you ever planted tulips, daffodils and other spring bulbs in pots?
Any success?
I must admit I’ve had limited experience with this endeavor, only having tried it a couple of times. And I’ve had limited
success, but I’m thinking of trying it again. In my case, I simply planted the bulbs in outdoor pots in autumn, left them through the winter and watched the plants grow and bloom in spring. If I try it again, I might:
• Add more bulbs to the pot, to create a more dramatic, dense display;
• Potentially place the pots in a slightly warmer location (back porch, garage) through the coldest months and then move them back outside in late winter; and
• Dig up the bulbs after blooming and re-pot them the next autumn.
I say these things simply based on my experience. But many experts do
recommend these techniques. Better Homes and Gardens recommends using high-quality potting soil and large (24inch diameter) containers that will hold enough soil to insulate the bulbs. It offers tips for planting in various locations.
The Royal Horticultural Society advises spacing potted bulbs closely, only a bulb’s width apart, to fit as many as possible. Dutch Grown advocates digging up bulbs six weeks after blooming— whether in the ground or in pots—then letting them dry and replanting them in the fall.
Here are a few reasons that come to mind:
• To protect the plants from ravenous rabbits, scrounging squirrels and other interlopers. I gave up on growing tulips in open areas years ago because I have a terrible rabbit problem. Just as the flowers are forming, they bite off the tops…so what’s the point? Planting tulips in fenced areas or tall pots keeps the rabbits out. I have squirrels, too, but mesh placed over the top of the growing area, just below the surface, helps prevent digging.
• For more mobile and flexible options in the garden. A benefit of planting colorful bloomers in pots, obviously, is that you can move them around and readjust the display, as desired and as the plants bloom and fade.
• To maximize blooms and color in a small area. Spring bulbs by the door, in small display areas or nooks and crannies are made easier by using pots that fit in small spaces.
• As an experiment that you can adjust, based on experience. Part of what I enjoy about gardening is trying different plants, displays and techniques. Every garden is unique, and it’s fun to try new things in different seasons and from year to year.
Nothing is more cheery on a bright spring day than colorful, blooming tulips, daffodils, crocuses and other spring flowers. And growing them in pots simply expands the joy and the options.
For more information about the process and procedures for growing bulbs in pots, check out suggestions from Longfield Gardens. Have fun and good luck!
Beth Stetenfeld is an organic gardener, nativeplant enthusiast and garden blogger and writer. She’s also a master naturalist volunteer and instructor.
Awell planned space can completely change the function of your home. Space planning is all about maximizing function and beauty while utilizing the full potential of your home. There are many things to consider, whether you’re thinking about the flow of the floor plan or the arrangement of your furniture.
The following are tips and tricks to correctly space plan in your home:
Function is the most important part of space planning. Think about how you use each space. If you are building a new home, consider what you’ve had in the past; what you liked and what you did not like. Take those points to customize your floor plan into something that will function for you. If you’re simply looking to spruce up your current home, think about what it is that you are not happy with. If you feel like the space is just too cluttered, consider a simple change such as swapping out two end tables for a coffee or sofa table. Simple changes in furniture choices can make a large impact.
Locate all of your walkways or paths. You should not have furniture impeding your main walkways. Identify where the doors are located and how far they will swing into the room. Use these as parameters for furniture arrangements so your home can flow seamlessly from one space to another. Create walkways by pulling your furniture away from the walls. There is always a tendency to push sofas up against a wall. This can often cause issues with walking paths.
Create a focal point. In your family room this might be the fireplace. Next, locate the outlets in the room. It is a simple detail that is often overlooked, but is very important. Maybe you want to use a sofa table and place a lamp on it, but the nearest outlet is on a surrounding wall. There are other factors that might play into the furniture arrangement such as, ceiling lines, windows, and Feng Shu. Whatever it might be, consider all of these points before you rearrange your furniture. Pull your furniture items together using a rug. A rug can create a “space within a space”. For example, if you have one large great room and you aren’t sure how to separate your living space from the dining room, use a rug. This can create the illusion of separate rooms.
We have established the key points for consideration when thinking about space planning, whether it is a new construction or an existing home, but you still might need a little help.
Contact a local design company that has professional interior designers who can help you put arrangements together using their expertise along with the points listed above. A designer can walk through your home with you and pin point the issues you are having and exactly how to address them. As designers, we can assist you in selecting
the right furniture for your space and help you arrange it accordingly. Maybe you want to build a new home and a functional floor plan is most important to you. We can help you from start to finish.
Correct space planning is a simple way to change the functionality of your home. You can hire an expert to help with the process or you can use the points above to give it a shot yourself. Either way, have fun with it. A little change can go a long way.
The Design Element is located in Mankato, MN at 1711 Premier Drive.
Freshening up your home’s exterior is a rite of passage for spring. At some point, wear and tear will dictate that your house’s paint job needs to be addressed. But who should you hire? Here are a few tips on hiring the right
This job is typically too big, and might be too dangerous, for the average homeowner to tackle. Instead, look for experienced paint companies that specialize in exterior work. (Some painters focus solely on interior projects, so save those for when you need to update your kitchen.) Before
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reaching out to potential painters, take some time to familiarize yourself with the exterior surfaces of your home. Browse home improvement stores and design magazines to gather inspiration for your desired aesthetic. You might even consider gathering some paint samples to help underscore the kind of colors you prefer.
The cost of these exterior jobs reaches into the thousands of dollars, so conduct thorough research before you make a hire. Before inviting painters to assess your home, look for online reviews and neighbor recommendations. Get three to five preestimates for any work you plan on having done, and then carefully evaluate them. View examples of their previous work on other homes.
Reputable painters will visit a home to provide an individualized estimate. During this visit, they will inspect your paint job’s current condition while local climate. Ask each paint contractor about their years of experience in the industry. Make sure they are properly licensed and identifying any architectural challenges that may affect the project. This comprehensive evaluation helps them complete a more precise quote. Present your ideas regarding colors and seek their feedback. Their recommendations might include specific products or finishes that are more suitable for your insured, and ask about affiliations with professional associations. Pay close attention to their professional insights, but don’t be persuaded into choices that aren’t in line with your own budget or personal preferences. Following this discussion, the painter will provide a more detailed estimate. Review everyone’s quotes, paying attention to the variations among them, before making a final decision. Ask about guarantees on their work.
prevents plant displacement while shielding delicate plants from cold weather. Once the mulch has fully decomposed, it’s time to refresh or completely replenish.
There is a wide variety of mulch available for any type of flower bed or garden, including wood chips, bark, pine straw, rubber mulch, dyed wood, grass clippings and even newspaper. Select a type that complements the colors of your back. To complete the job, rake the mulch to create an even layer. your landscaping and home, and make sure it suits your local environment. If you choose dyed mulch, apply it during a period where it won’t rain for 24 to 48 hours to prevent staining nearby hard surfaces.
dries, the mold should dissipate. Exposure to sun and rain will cause your mulch to fade and break down, but that’s part of its purpose to enrich the soil. Turning the mulch will also help maintain its appearance for a longer period.
Did you know?
very thriving flower bed starts with a solid foundation of mulch. It provides a big aesthetic boost, of course, serving as a showcasing background for your plants and shrubs. More importantly, mulch also suppresses weeds,
soiled. If you have allergies, consider wearing a face mask for added protection. Use a wheelbarrow or cart along with a shovel to transport the mulch, and lift from your knees rather than your back. To complete the job, rake the mulch to create an even layer.
retains moisture and enhances soil quality.
If weeds begin emerging through the mulch, remove them manually or apply a weed and grass killer. Mold may develop in areas where the entire surface isn’t exposed
to air and light. Gently turn the mulch and evenly redistribute everything. As the mulch dries, the mold should dissipate. Exposure to sun and rain will cause your mulch to fade and break down, but that’s part of its purpose to enrich the soil. Turning the mulch will also help maintain its appearance for a longer period.
Apply mulch in the spring after planting your seasonal flowers and vegetables. Mulching around trees and other landscape features also enhances their visual interest. You’ll be putting the perfect finishing touch to your gardening efforts. Over the next few months, mulch will act as a protective layer that keeps weeds away. Into the winter, it
Wear gardening gloves when handling mulch to shield your hands from splinters and any dyes. Choose comfortable old clothing that you don’t mind getting soiled. If you have allergies, consider wearing a face mask for added protection. Use a wheelbarrow or cart along with a shovel to transport the mulch, and lift from your knees rather than your back. To complete the job, rake the mulch to create an even layer.
If weeds begin emerging through the mulch, remove them manually or apply a weed and grass killer. Mold may develop in areas where the entire surface isn’t exposed to air and light. Gently turn the mulch and evenly redistribute everything. As the mulch
Wood could be having a moment among modern home buyers. According to the real estate experts at Zillow, the term “cozy” appeared in 35 percent more real estate listings in 2024 than in 2023. Though various components can help to create a cozy vibe inside a home, wood has long been a go-to material when interior designers attempt to add warmth to a property. The home renovation experts at Houzz also cite wood-infused architectural warmth among its 10 most popular home trends in the coming year. Homeowners who want to capitalize on this trend before putting their homes on the market or those who simply love the idea of adding more wood-based warmth in their homes can consider installing ceiling beams, wood wall paneling or even wood trim throughout their homes.
hoses. Transform the interior of your garage door into valuable storage space by attaching metal brackets to securely hold lightweight sports equipment like fishing rods in a horizontal position.
Plastic storage bins help us all organize and separate things by season, sport or family member. But they can only be stacked so high – and that setup makes it very difficult to access anything but the top bin. Construct storage towers with plywood shelving so that individual bins can be removed and then returned after use. You can also store light-weight items in plastic storage bins up above by screwing T-shaped 2x2 pieces of wood into the ceiling and then sliding the bins in place. Take advantage of unused space in the garage by creating corner shelves in the existing studs.
Is your garage starting to overflow with household items?
garage door into valuable storage space by attaching metal brackets to securely hold lightweight sports equipment like fishing rods in a horizonposition.
Simple shelving units might not be enough to accommodate it all.
Turn to innovative storage solutions like these to optimize your available space:
Plastic storage bins help us organize and separate things by season, sport or family member. But they can
Fully customized garage storage
only be stacked so high – and that setup makes it very difficult to access anything but the top bin. Construct storage towers with plywood shelving so that individual bins can be removed and then returned after use. You can also store light-weight items in plastic storage bins up above by screwing T-shaped 2x2 pieces of wood into the ceiling and
systems are available, but it’s not necessary to spend tons of money to have a more functional space. Consider exploring yard sales, classified ads or resale shops for thriftier garage storage alternatives. Those who are open to items with minor cosmetic imperfections can find quality storage solutions that are sturdy enough to support your belongings but also far more affordable.
then sliding the bins in place. Take advantage of unused space in the garage by creating corner shelves in the existing studs.
If you want to clear out space on the floor of your garage, you can also look up. Items that are infrequently used can be stored in elevated
When floor space is at a premium, explore inventive ways to store items like bicycles, sports gear, and lawn equipment on the walls. Hooks are a common option. A modular wall-mounted slat storage system can also provide the flexibility to fit any specific need. You can enhance the slats with wire baskets or hooks to accommodate a wide range of items, from rakes to garden
areas. If you have a ladder available, installing a fixed overhead storage shelf is an easy option. Bicycle storage systems now incorporate a rope and pulley mechanism with hooks, allowing you to securely store them overhead. A similar pulley system can be employed to lift a metal shelf for storing items in plastic bins.
If you want to clear out space on the floor of your garage, you can also look up. Items that are infrequently used can be stored in elevated areas. If you have a ladder available, installing a fixed overhead storage shelf is an easy option. Bicycle storage systems now incorporate a rope and pulley mechanism with hooks, allowing you to securely store them overhead. A similar pulley system can be employed to lift a metal shelf for storing items in plastic bins.
are affected every year. Pollen is one of the main culprits, followed by various grasses, mold
into your home, and not just through open doors. Maintaining a clean and fresh environment also involves regular assessments of your home’s air. Consider investing in high-quality filters for your living areas.
Local HVAC technicians may also have additional recommendations that will
improve your home’s air quality. Bedding is particularly prone to accumulating dust mites and pollen. They can cause allergic reactions overnight while we are tucked in, or later in the day after attaching themselves to our hair or clothing. Wash your bedding in hot water at least once a week.
As you begin spring cleaning, consider one of the most common allergens found in our homes: Dust. Decluttering can quickly
Next, look down. Give your carpet a thorough spring cleaning. For the toughest jobs, it may be necessary to rent a commercial carpet shampooer from a nearby hardware store or hire a professional cleaning service. Remember that some carpet types are more prone to
homes. Remember that everyone spends a considerable amount of time in the bedroom, so focus on making this a safe zone that’s free from allergens associated with clutter. In addition to dusting, regularly
change out bed linens and pillowcases.
Spring brings an influx of pollen and other allergens into your home, and not just through open doors. Maintaining a clean and fresh environment also involves regular assessments of your home’s air. Consider investing in high-quality filters for your living areas.
Local HVAC technicians may also have additional recommendations that will improve your home’s air quality. Bedding is particularly prone to accumulating dust mites and pollen. They can cause allergic reactions overnight while we are tucked in, or later in the day after attaching themselves to our hair or clothing. Wash your bedding in hot water at least once a week.
Next, look down. Give your carpet a thorough spring cleaning. For the toughest jobs, it may be necessary to rent a commercial carpet shampooer from a nearby hardware store or hire a professional cleaning service. improve your home’s air quality. Bedding is particularly prone to trapping allergens and then releasing them into the air when disturbed. After a deep cleaning, make it a habit to vacuum at least once a week. Ensure that your air systems and ductwork are regularly cleaned. If any components are showing signs of wear and tear, dust and moisture can easily get inside your home.
trapping allergens and then releasing them into the air when disturbed. After a deep cleaning, make it a habit to vacuum at least once a week. Ensure that your air systems and ductwork are regularly cleaned. If any components are showing signs of wear and tear, dust and moisture can easily get inside your home.
The beginning of spring is cause for celebration. In many areas of the world, the start of spring marks the end of cold temperatures and hours spent indoors, a shift in conditions that is welcomed by millions each year.
Spring is a time of rebirth when flowers and trees bloom anew and animals bear new young. Spring is an exciting and busy time, and one that people can commemorate in many unique ways. Here are seven ideas to usher in spring this March.
Another critical safety device that requires maintenance is a fire extinguisher. You can’t just buy one and trust it will work forever. Regular inspections ensure its effectiveness. Check the pressure gauge located near the lever of your extinguisher, and look for any visible signs of
great opportunity to spotcheck the home’s various safety systems and components to ensure your family’s well-being.
damage or wear. Most highquality extinguishers have a lifespan of five to 15 years, but that period can differ depending on the manufacturer.
You might have overlooked everyday wear and tear, batteries might be running low or upgrades may be needed. This potentially life-saving equipment might be needed sooner than you think.
Investing in a home security system is one of the most effective strategies for protecting
e usually associate smoke detector maintenance with changing the batteries. But the detectors themselves should be replaced every 10 years, according to experts. Check the manufacturing date on the back of the detector to make sure yours is still within its decade-long lifespan. If you’re buying new ones, consider modern smoke alarm options that also detect C02 or synchronize through the home. Install them in each bedroom, outside every sleeping area, and at each of the levels of your home. Test your alarms at least once a month by pressing the designated button – and
out when the clocks change each spring for Daylight Saving Time.
your property. Many companies provide 24/7 emergency monitoring services that will notify you and the authorities if your alarm detects a potential threat. You’ll have peace of mind, whether at home or away. Inspect and replace locks around your home as needed. If their basic working integrity
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is compromised, whether on a door or window, you may be at risk of losing valuables and jeopardizing your family’s safety. Pay close attention to locks that are difficult to operate and windows that still move while locked. Both are indications that a replacement may be needed.
Another critical safety device that requires maintenance is a fire extinguisher. You can’t just buy one and trust it will work forever. Regular inspections ensure its effectiveness. Check the pressure gauge located near the lever of your extinguisher, and look for any visible signs of damage or wear. Most high- quality extinguishers have a lifespan of five to 15 years, but that period can differ depending on the manufacturer.
1. Fill a home or business with flowers. Collect some early tulip or daffodil blooms and place them around the house. Offer bouquets of dandelions to children or weave them into flower crowns.
2. Spend time in nature. It’s time to get outside, and there is no better time to do so than the beginning of spring. Soak up the sun and temperate climate, which can be good for your physical and mental wellbeing.
3. Visit a loved one. Bring some sunshine to an elderly relative by visiting with him or her. Take a stroll outside or sit on a bench and enjoy a picnic.
4. Prepare the garden by cleaning out weeds and tilling the soil. Some early spring preparation ensures everything will be ready when planting time arrives.
5. Prepare an outdoor feast. Whether it’s a picnic or a barbecue, serve up a warm-weather feast with salads, sandwiches and other dishes that are normally served outdoors.
6. Sow some seeds. Encourage each member of your household to pick a favorite plant or flower and sow it in celebration of the first day of spring. It’s possible to make a special spring garden with perennials that will bloom each year.
7. Make spring-related crafts. Colorful wreaths, centerpieces and garlands can bring some of the natural wonders of spring indoors.
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5:30; Sat. 9-4;
Investing in a home security system is one of the most effective strategies for protecting your property. Many companies provide 24/7 emergency monitoring services that will notify you and the authorities if your alarm detects a potential threat. You’ll have peace of mind, whether at home or away. Inspect and replace locks around your home as needed. If their basic working integrity is compromised, whether on a door or window, you may be at risk of losing valuables and jeopardizing your family’s safety. Pay close attention to locks that are difficult to operate and windows that still move while locked. Both are indications that a replacement may be needed.
The first day of spring is an opportunity to enjoy what makes the season so special. Celebrate the new season with plenty of creative ideas.
Birds are beautiful creatures that can make a lawn and garden feel even more serene. Providing snacks to supplement what birds naturally find in the wild guarantees up close and personal interactions with the scores of species that call neighborhoods home.
Bird feeders are particularly important in colder climates and during wintertime when food may be scarce. Keeping birds well fed helps them survive over winter and continue to repopulate in the spring. Bird feeding isn’t all for the birds, either. Ashley Dayer, an associate professor in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation at Virginia Tech, argues that feeding birds also is a benefit to humans because it stimulates compassion for the animals.
The type of bird feeder a person places in the yard determines which species may be drawn to the property. The following are various types of feeders to consider.
Suet cakes are high-energy food sources that attract birds like woodpeckers and nuthatches. They are particularly beneficial in colder months or regions where birds need extra fat for energy. These cage-like feeders snap around the rectangular suet cake and hang from a pole or tree.
Ground feeder
Ground feeders are simple screenbottomed trays that sit several inches off of the ground or on a deck to help keep seeds
and grain from coming in contact with droppings. Ground feeders are a favorite of juncos, sparrows, goldfinches, and cardinals, among others.
These feeders come in different shapes, from tubes to round dishes, and are magnets to hummingbirds. They typically have red coloring to be more attractive to those high-speed flyers.
Small birds like goldfinches love to dine on nyjer seeds, which are tiny, black thistle seeds. These feeders are tube-shaped mesh socks designed to hold this specific seed. The small feeding ports prevent seed waste and cater to the small beaks of finches.
These are the feeders many people think of when they envision bird feeders. Hopper bird feeders hold a large amount of seed and often have a roof or a design that mimics a house or barn. The covered design helps to keep seeds dry and might be the best hanging feeder for people who live in areas with a lot of rain. Hoppers will attract blue jays, grackles, cardinals, and blackbirds.
Tube feeders will attract an array of birds. They are cylindrical in shape with various ports to enable birds to perch and feed.
Not every farm is an organic farm. According to the USDA, certified organic foods are grown and processed according to
federal guidelines that pertain to, among other things, animal raising practices, pest and weed control and the use of additives.
The USDA says just about any agricultural product can be certified as organic products, including crops, livestock
and processed products. Any farm, ranch or business in the U.S. can apply for organic certification through the USDA. Before a farm or ranch can be certified as organic, it must stop the use of fertilizers and pesticides that are prohibited in organic production and handling. In general, only natural substances are allowed, but the USDA provides a specific list. The farm or ranch cannot use prohibited substances for three years before certification. The agency says some lands can be certified more quickly if you can show at least three years have passed since prohibited substances were used.
The USDA identifies several programs to help farmers and ranchers make the transition to organic. These programs offer both technical and financial assistance to make becoming organic as painless as possible. These programs are run by the Natural Resources Conservation Services, or NRCS.
Start the road to certification by choosing a USDA-accredited certifying agent and complete the application. The USDA authorizes agents to certify farms and ranches. The agent will provide an application packet and fee schedule. You will need to write an organic system plan describing how the farm or ranch practices meet organic standards. Next, the certifier will review the
completed application and schedule an inspection. An organic inspector will then visit the farm or ranch to assess organic practices and whether they match the submitted plan. Your certifier will then review the inspection report and determine compliance with organic standards. You will be allowed to make any changes and, when you are fully compliant with regulations, the agent will issue your organic certificate.
The USDA says the process usually takes about six months, but it can take longer depending on the application and growing season. Costs vary and are on a sliding scale based on the size of the operation. Once certified, the farm or ranch will be reinspected each year and there could be an unannounced inspection at any time.
Any changes to the management of your
The USDA’s Farm
The USDA says nearly 70% of young farmers will soon have college degrees, and farmers under the age of 35 accounted for almost 10% of the country’s 3.37 million producers in 2022.
Agency provides youth loans up to $5,000 for people 10-20 years old. The money can be used to start and operate income-producing projects in connection with participation in 4-H clubs, Future Farmers of America, a tribal youth group or other agricultural youth organizations.
Farm Credit has programs
for young and
These younger farmers are more interested in technology than their forebears, researchers say.
“ Those who are coming back to the farm are going to be more educated than their parents and grandparents before them,” Brett Sciotto, CEO of Aimpoint Research, told AgWeek. “They intend to do things differently. They grew
up in a disruptive era. They don’t necessarily have the same appreciation for the lifestyle that their parents and grandparents did. They don’t want to wake up one morning, work on the farm all day, eat dinner and do it again the next day. They want to run a very efficient operation, they want to make money. They want to have other interests and do other things.”
Several programs are available to help young producers get their footing.
The American Farm Bureau Federal has a Young Farmers & Ranchers program that includes people ages 18-35. It aims to grow and develop young Farm Bureau members and provide them opportunities and experience through growth in public speaking, issue advocacy, business development, networking, service leadership, media training and telling the story of agriculture.
The National Young Farmers Coalition is a nonprofit that works for justice and champions policies that encourage connections to the land and foster health in the face of climate crisis. It believes, “young farmers, when resourced and trained to share their stories with lawmakers, can remake the food system to be more equitable, just and in service to our communities and the land.” The group provides training and other resources in food safety, water usage and more.
The USDA’s Farm Service Agency provides youth loans up to $5,000 for people 10-20 years old. The money can be used to start and operate income-producing projects in connection with participation in 4-H clubs, Future Farmers of America, a tribal youth group or other agricultural youth organizations.
Farm Credit has programs for young and beginning farmers and ranchers that are 35 years old or younger, have 10 or fewer years of experience, and less than $350,000 in sales. These programs vary from branch to branch and can include training and seminars on topics such as transfer of family farms, risk management techniques, financial skills and establishing a business plan.
Earth Day is now a global event, but its origins are somewhat humble. Prior to the 1960s, awareness of the link between public health and pollution was minimal. However, according to EarthDay.org, the 1962 publication of Silent Spring by American marine biologist, writer and conservationist Rachel Carson was a watershed moment for the environmental movement. The book did much to raise awareness of the effects of pollution on public health. Indeed, the publication of Carson’s book proved a pivotal step toward the eventual establishment of Earth Day in 1970, which EarthDay. org characterizes as the dawn of the modern environmental movement.
Agritourism is expected to grow past $60 billion globally this year. Your farm can get a piece of that pie by offering agritourism activities on your acreage.
Agritourism is a commercial enterprise that adapts agricultural production to entertain or educate visitors, generating income for the farm or ranch, the USDA says. Tourists represent increased profits, and agritourism gives farmers and ranchers the opportunity to educate the general public on where their food comes from. According to the Penn State Extension, more than 50,000 farms in the U.S. reported at least part of $1 billion in profits as coming from agritourism.
Agritourism is expected to grow past $60 billion globally this year. Your farm can get a piece of that pie by offering agritourism activities on your acreage.
Agritourism is a commercial enterprise that adapts agricultural production to entertain or educate visitors, generating income for the farm or ranch, the USDA says. Tourists represent increased profits, and agritourism gives farmers and ranchers the opportunity to educate the general public on where their food comes from.
According to the Penn State
Penn State says there are a variety of issues to consider before starting an agritourism business. There will be start-up costs, such as permits, extra labor and more. The farm or ranch will need to be made safe for the public at large, including around animals. You may need to check with your insurance provider about increased coverage.
Consider your comfort zone, Penn State says, especially if you live on the property. How big of a crowd can you comfortably handle? How will you manage things such as parking?
Agritourism turns your working farm or ranch into a tourist destination. Some ideas to get you started are corn mazes, pick-your-own fruits and vegetables, farmers markets, animal displays, fishing, bed and breakfasts
Check whether local zoning laws allow you to offer agritourism. There may be tax consequences if your property is in a program that lowers property taxes for agricultural use.
Agritourism turns your working farm or ranch into a tourist destination. Some ideas to get you started are corn mazes, pickyour-own fruits and vegetables, farmers markets, animal displays, fishing, bed
and more. You can offer educational components, such as farm tours, seminars and camps.
and breakfasts and more. You can offer educational components, such as farm tours, seminars and camps.
Whatever you offer, make sure it’s not competing with other local tourism opportunities. If someone offers a corn maze already, maybe
Whatever you offer, make sure it’s not competing with other local tourism opportunities. If someone offers a corn maze already, maybe consider a pumpkin patch. Create an operation that is eyeappealing, easy to navigate and safe. Post clear signage that is easy to read. Have a marketing plan for reaching potential customers. You may need to spend money on advertising.
form causes less damage than petroleum diesel if it’s spilled or otherwise released into the environment. Being less combustible, it’s also safer.
Department of Energy says. Carbon dioxide released by the vehicle burning biodiesel is offset by growing the plants used to make the biodiesel. Furthermore, biodiesel in its pure form causes less damage than petroleum diesel if it’s spilled or otherwise released into the environment. Being less combustible, it’s also safer.
Biodiesel is used as blends from B5 (5% biodiesel) up to B100, or pure biodiesel.
iodiesel is a renewable, biodegradable fuel manufactured from vegetable oils, animal fats or recycled restaurant grease. It can fuel internal combustion engines just like petroleum diesel, the Department of Energy says.
Low-level blends, such as B5, are approved for safe operation in any vehicle that can run on traditional petroleum diesel. Higher-level blends, such as B20, may not be approved by all manufacturers for use in conventional diesel vehicles (check with your vehicle’s manufacturer for details).
B20 represents a good balance of cost, emissions, coldweather performance and compatibility, the Department of Energy says. Higher-level blends may qualify for biodiesel fuel use credits.
Farmers and ranchers can use biodiesel on the farm and even produce it themselves. Roger Rainville, a farmer in Vermont, can make biodiesel for about $1.70 per gallon. That’s in contrast to the average diesel price in 2024 of about $3.60 per gallon. Rainville
grows canola seed and uses it to make canola meal for his cows as well as biodiesel.
Some states provide incentives for using biodiesel, such as tax breaks. Colorado, for
About 100 pounds of oil or fat are mixed with an alcohol such as methanol to make 100 pounds of biodiesel and 10 pounds of glycerin or glycerol. Glycerin can be used to make pharmaceuticals or cosmetics.
instance, provides grants to promote biofuel usage. Georgia offers a tax credit for any business that manufactures alternative energy products for use in biofuel enterprises. Sales of personal property to an alternative fuel facility may be exempt from state sales and use tax.
Biodiesel use can reduce emissions, the
Biodiesel is used as blends from B5 (5% biodiesel) up to B100, or pure biodiesel. Low-level blends, such as B5, are approved for safe operation in any vehicle that can run on traditional petroleum diesel. Higher-level blends, such as B20, may not be approved by all manufacturers for use in conventional diesel vehicles (check with your vehicle’s manufacturer for details). B20 represents a good balance of cost, emissions, coldweather performance and compatibility, the Department of Energy says. Higherlevel blends may qualify for biodiesel fuel use credits.
Some states provide incentives for using biodiesel, such as tax breaks. Colorado, for instance, provides grants to promote biofuel usage. Georgia offers a tax credit for any business that manufactures alternative energy products for use in biofuel enterprises. Sales of personal property to an alternative fuel facility may be exempt from state sales and use tax.
fertilizer equipment, no- or reduced-till equipment, livestock facility air scrubber or waste treatment, or fencing equipment installation. The USDA says up to $400,000 can be available for farm operating loans to cover the cost of such equipment.
The FSA also offers microloans up to $50,000 and EZ
Guarantee Loans up to $100,000 to cover operating costs, including equipment. These loans are direct loans with a shortened application and reduced paperwork for loan amounts.
Eligibility requirements differ from loan to loan. Some examples of eligibility requirements include U.S. citizenship
with the legal capacity to obtain a loan, ability to show a good credit history and the training or experience to manage a farm or ranch effectively.
conventional bank loans. Native Americans are eligible for tribal loans through the FSA and those can also be used to buy equipment, as can emergency loans for farmers and ranchers recovering from natural disasters.
You may need a business plan describing financial and operational goals to help you evaluate progress. The plan demonstrates you’ve seriously thought about the future and that you understand all the parts of your proposed
USDA gives is a loan to purchase precision equipment such as strip till fertilizer equipment, no- or reduced-till equipment, livestock facility air scrubber or waste treatment, or fencing equipment installation. The USDA says up to $400,000 can be available for farm operating loans to cover the cost of such equipment.
The FSA also offers microloans up to $50,000 and EZ Guarantee Loans up to $100,000 to cover operating costs, including equipment. These loans are direct loans with a shortened application and reduced paperwork for loan amounts.
Eligibility requirements differ from loan to loan. Some examples of eligibility requirements include U.S. citizenship with the legal capacity to obtain a loan, ability to show a good credit history and the training or experience to manage a farm or ranch effectively.
operation. The USDA suggests the plan include:
FSA loans are either guaranteed loans or direct loans. Direct loans come from the FSA directly to the farmer, just as the name implies. Guaranteed loans are made by a USDA-approved traditional lender with FSA backing.
• A mission, vision and goals for your farm or ranch.
• Current assets and liabilities.
• What the farm or ranch will produce and how and where it will market and sell products.
The FSA offers loans to help farmers and ranchers implement climate-conscious practices and equipment. An example the
• Whether the amount of income your operation will generate will be enough to pay living expenses.
• A mission, vision and goals for your farm or ranch.
• Current assets and liabilities.
• What the farm or ranch will produce and how and where it will market and sell products.
• Whether the amount of income your operation will generate will be enough to pay living expenses.
You may need a business plan describing financial and operational goals to help you evaluate progress. The plan demonstrates you’ve seriously thought about the future and that you understand all the parts of your proposed operation. The USDA suggests the plan include:
FSome farms give guests the
to help with chores while others
to relax and enjoy the peace and tranquility of country life.
e University of Vermont o ers a 10-question assessment for deciding whether a farm stay program is right for your farm or ranch:
1. How comfortable are you talking with people you don’t know? Can you share your experience of what it’s like to be a farmer or rancher?
2. Can you see yourself as a host, educator,
Maple syrup is the sweet nectar of maple trees. Legend has it that maple syrup was rst discovered centuries ago by Native Americans during a time when food was scarce. Native Americans, as the legend goes, noticed a squirrel drinking “water” from a maple tree, and that squirrel had a lot of energy. ey determined that this substance was the source of the squirrel’s good health and began to rely on what would later come to be known as
tour guide, reservation clerk, cook and maid? If not, do you know someone who can do some or all these things for you?
During a farm stay, people sleep overnight on a farm or ranch and experience the lifestyle for a day, a weekend or even more. Some farms give guests the opportunity to help with chores while others encourage guests just to relax and enjoy the peace and tranquility of country life.
3. Do you know how your land is zoned? Can you build a cabin or cabins or add camping to your property? Have you spoken with the municipality about any regulations it has?
4. Do you have the cash to invest in a remodel, building or land grading, along with the furniture and amenities needed to host guests overnight?
The University of Vermont offers a 10-question assessment for deciding whether a farm stay program is right for your farm or ranch:
1. How comfortable are you talking with people you don’t know? Can you share your experience of what it’s like to be a farmer or rancher?
5. Do you know how many nights you will need to be booked to break even or make a pro t? What does your rate need to be?
6. Have you researched the competition, including what they charge, what they o er and how o en they are booked?
2. Can you see yourself as a host, educator, tour guide, reservation clerk, cook and maid? If not, do you know someone who can do some or all these things for you?
7. Have you thought about your legal structure and what you might need to know about insurance?
8. Do you understand how the internet works and how to use it as a marketing tool?
9. Do you have any training in the hospitality or tourism industry? Do you and relationships?
3. Do you know how your land is zoned? Can you build a cabin or cabins or add camping to your property? Have you spoken with the municipality about any regulations it has?
5. Do you know how many nights you will need to be booked to break even or make a profit? What does your rate need to be?
maple syrup.
4. Do you have the cash to invest in a remodel, building or land grading, along with the furniture and amenities needed to host guests overnight?
Maple syrup is no longer categorized as a beverage, but there is much to learn about this popular pancake topping. e following facts can shed a little more light on maple syrup.
e university says to consider what things will set your farm stay apart and leave a lasting impression on your guests as well as what you can manage on a working farm or ranch. ink about how you can accept reservations.
6. Have you researched the competition, including what they charge, what they offer and how often they are booked?
7. Have you thought about your legal structure and what you might need to know about insurance?
According to the travel experts at Trafalgar, most of the world’s maple syrup comes from Canada, notably the province of Quebec.
8. Do you understand how the internet works and how to use it as a marketing tool?
9. Do you have any training in the hospitality or tourism industry? Do you understand what is and is not acceptable for travelers?
Quebec is the largest producer of maple syrup, supplying approximately two-thirds of syrup exports worldwide. Vermont, Ontario, New York, and Maine are runners-up in syrup production.
policy, payment, cancellation policies, pets and children.
10. Have you included all family members living on the farm in the discussion? Is there a clear understanding of the commitment a farm stay will take in terms of time, energy and relationships?
Maple syrup has some nutritional value
Although it may seem like a sweetener, maple syrup is rich in the mineral manganese, which promotes healthy bones and connective tissue. Maple syrup also contains ribo avin and calcium.
Perhaps healthier than honey
When stacked up against honey, maple syrup may be the superior sweetener. It has fewer calories per serving, fewer carbohydrates, less sugar, more calcium, and a lower glycemic index, according to Maple from Canada. For those concerned about nutrition, maple syrup may be a better option than honey when consumed in moderation.
Maple syrup comes in di erent colors
ere are four grades of color for maple syrup that also are known as classi cations: golden, amber, dark, and very dark. e colors develop as the maple harvesting season progresses. Golden syrup is produced from the sap collected at the very beginning of the
Check with the local and state Departments of Health for any other regulations your farm or ranch may need to meet. ese could include land use permits or wastewater regulations.
The university says to consider what things will set your farm stay apart and leave a lasting impression on your guests as well as what you can manage on a working farm or ranch. Think about how you can accept reservations.
season. Dark maple syrup is produced later and very dark comes last.
Only three trees give maple sap
Think about how your farm stay policies will affect both your life as a farmer or rancher and your guests, set your rules accordingly. Consider check-in and out times, breakfasts other meals, a smoking payment, cancellation cies, pets and children. Check with the local state Departments of for any other regulations farm or ranch may need meet. These could include land use permits or wastewa ter regulations.
While there are many di erent types of maple trees, only the red maple, black maple and the sugar maple trees provide the maple sap (water) that is required for the production of maple syrup. Frigid temperatures followed by springtime conditions help the sap in these trees to ow, says Maple from Canada. erefore, maple syrup is produced exclusively in places where these trees thrive. 40 to 1 ratio
Trafalgar says it takes 40 gallons of maple sap to make a single gallon of maple syrup. O en it takes three healthy maple trees to produce that gallon. Is it any wonder that maple syrup is so coveted?
Maple syrup stockpile
Because weather plays a key role in maple syrup production, Canada has the Quebec Maple Syrup Producers Strategic Reserve. is reserve stores surplus maple syrup to use when demand exceeds production in the event of a poor harvest.
Maple syrup is a delicious product used in many recipes. It is primarily produced in the northeastern regions of Canada and the United States, and inspires many fairs and festivals in these regions.
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