Le Sueur County Guide 2025

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county profile

Le Sueur County is located in both rich agricultural land and a diverse lake country, one of southern Minnesota’s true gems. Located about an hour south of the Twin Cities, it is now considered part of that metropolitan statistical area. But with its rolling hills, prime farmland and over 100 lakes, there’s more of a country, small-town atmosphere.

Lake Washington, the county’s largest, covers over 1,500 acres.

Population swells during the summer and fall months, as Le Sueur County sports great shing, water recreation and thousands of campsites. Visitors ock to Le Sueur County from the Twin Cities, other regions of rural Minnesota, and throughout the U.S. to enjoy camping, boating, shing and a variety of watersports. In the winter,

many of the lakes boast great ice shing and host clusters of ice houses, a great opportunity for relaxation and camaraderie.

Le Center, as its historic name boasts, is the county seat with a population of about 2,500. The historic Le Sueur County Courthouse’s architectural signi cance looms large in the heart of Le Center. Built in 1896 of brick and local Kasota stone, it is part of the Richardsonian Romanesque revival which dotted the Le Sueur County landscape during that period. Atop the courthouse tower is the Lady Justice gure. The Le Sueur County Board comprises ve commissioners.

For more information, visit lesueurcounty.gov. Le Sueur County is the 38th largest of Minnesota’s 87 counties, with a population of 29,255, according to 2023 census estimates. The county’s 10 cities have distinct personalities and feature a number of celebrations, festivals and events throughout the year.

New Prague, the county’s northernmost city, is its largest, with a population of 8,240 (2023 est.), though only about 3,100 reside in Le Sueur County. The city is split between Le Sueur County to the south and Scott County to the north. New Prague has a variety of arts, entertainment and historic offerings for residents and visitors alike.

The city of Le Sueur is next largest with a population of 4,221 (2023 est.). Previously known as the historic home to the Minnesota Valley Canning Co., a precursor to the Green Giant Company, it remains a vibrant manufacturing hub in the county. Still, the community continues to honor its historic ties to the famous Jolly Green Giant and company during Le Sueur’s annual Giant Celebration, with a buttery corn feed and festive events. City of cials revamped Main Street and the Valley Green Square Mall downtown.

Montgomery is the third largest city in the county, with a population of 3,508 (2023 est.). Its widelycelebrated Kolacky Days celebrates Montgomery’s Czechoslovakian heritage and culture. The celebration is named for the small, roll-like pastry lled with a variety of fruits or poppy seeds. Visitors can enjoy colorful Czech dancers and singing groups of all ages, as well as a host of other fun events.

Le Sueur County also maintains a strong agricultural economy. Estimates place the number of farms in the county at just under 900, totaling almost 250,000 acres. Major crops include corn and soybeans, while livestock production includes hogs, turkeys and chickens, beef and dairy cattle. Le Sueur County farms provide more than $239 million in agricultural products, with an estimated 65% in crop commodities and 35% in livestock.

In 2019, Le Sueur County unveiled its largest facilities project in history with a new Justice Center building, just off Hwy. 99 on Le Center’s southeast side. Another major infrastructure project got started in 2020, with the Hwy. 112 stretch of roadway between Le Center and Le Sueur being

turned back by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Construction on that project nished in 2021.

County Of ces

88 S. Park Ave., Le Center



Assessor: 507-357-2251

Auditor-Treasurer: 507-357-2251

Emergency Management: 507-357-6255

Environmental Services: 507-357-2251

Highway Department: 507-357-2251

Human Services: 507-357-8288

Le Sueur County SWCD: 507-357-4879, lesueurswcd.org

License Bureau: 507-357-2251 (Road tests appointments in Le Center, call 507-344-2799)

Parks: 507-357-8201

Public Health: 507-357-8246

Recorder: 507-357-2251

Sheriff’s Of ce: 507-357-4440 (non-emergency)

U of M Extension: 507-357-8230

Veterans Services: 507-357-8279


Le Sueur County is named after French explorer, Pierre Charles Le Sueur, who in 1700 was the rst white man known to have ventured up what is now called the Minnesota River.

Le Sueur’s group was impressed with the high hills, prairies lled with buffalo herds, thick virgin forests, rippling waters, and bluffs of limestone and sandstone.

It would be another 150 years before pioneers came to settle and build up their farms, homes and businesses in the “Big Woods.”

In 1853, the territorial legislature of Minnesota passed an act establishing a number of counties along the Minnesota River. Le Sueur County was among them. The earliest settlements in Le Sueur County took place along the river, which, as a navigable stream, provided a highway into this part of the Minnesota Territory.

The rst permanent settlers had already arrived by steamboat in 1851 and established a site that would become the county’s rst town, Kasota.

Designated as the county seat, Le Sueur Center was changed to Le Center in 1930. The Le Sueur County Courthouse was built in 1896-97 with extensive remodeling taking place in 1974-75 and again in 1994-95. A new Le Sueur County Justice Center opened in 2019.

Le Sueur County began with four settlers in a board house on the site of Kasota. Today, 29.153 (2022 est.) residents in 10 cities and 14 townships call Le Sueur County home.

Sources: Le Sueur County History compiled by the late County Historian John Zimmerman (1922-2008) and excerpts from the book, “Le Sueur, Town on the River.”

Photo Credit - Scott County Historical Society
Photo Credit - Le Sueur County Historical Society

outdoor recreation

Le Sueur County Parks

Of ce: 515 South Maple Ave, Le Center (Highway Department)

507-357-8201 (Parks Of ce Phone) lesueurcounty.gov/165/Parks

Outdoor Recreation

Mountain Biking: Ney Nature Center Mountain Bike Trail

Paddling: Canoe, Kayak, or Paddleboard on a number of lakes within the county

Le Sueur County has one state park, 12 county parks, and public access ramps to nearly three dozen lakes and the Minnesota River, a 332-mile long tributary of the Mississippi. Three parks have self-guided trails. For more information on outdoor recreation, visit lesueurcounty.gov and under “Residents” click on “Parks and Recreation”.

County Parks WHAT TO DO

Camping: Lake Washington Regional Park & Campground, Clear Lake Park

Cross-Country Skiing: Ney Nature Center and Lake Washington Regional Park groomed trails, ungroomed trails at Bradshaw Woods, Ray’s Lake Park, Richter Woods

Picnic Areas: Clear Lake Park, Geldner Saw Mill & Park, Henderson Station River Access & Park, Lake Jefferson Fishing Pier, Ney Nature Center, Ray’s Lake Park, Richter Woods Park, Lake Volney Park, Lake Washington Regional Park & Campground

Playgrounds: Richter Woods Park, Lake Washington Regional Park & Campground

Facility Rentals: Lake Washington Regional Park & Campground, Ney Nature Center, Richter Woods

Fishing: Fishing piers at Clear Lake Park, Geldner Saw Mill Park, West Jefferson Lake Fishing Pier, Ray’s Lake, along with MN DNR Fishing Piers at German Lake and West Jefferson Lake. Shore shing at Lake Emily, Gorman Lake, Minnesota River, Sabre Lake, Lake Volney, Lake Washington

Hiking: Bradshaw Woods, Lake Washington Regional Park, Ney Nature Center, Ray’s Lake Park, Richter Woods

Snowshoeing: Bradshaw Woods, Lake Washington Regional Park, Ney Nature Center, Ray’s Lake Park, Richter Woods


Located in Le Center near the fairgrounds, this 29 acre wooded park is full of native big woods trees including Basswood, Elm, Maple, and more. Within the woods you can nd nearly a half mile trail loop and park benches. If you are looking for a quick getaway to explore the quiet and native big woods, or enjoy the changing colors of the leaves in the fall, this is the perfect park. An Archery Range is located on the SE corner of the park with 4 targets and the ability to shoot between 10-40 yards.

Clear Lake Park

Located on the west side of Clear Lake near the boat ramp, this quiet park and campground sits on a hill that overlooks the lake. The park consists of over 2 acres of land, 550 feet of shoreline, and a oating shing pier. The campground consists of 4 primitive campsites with a picnic table and re pit, and are available on a rst come, rst served basis for $15 per night.

35194 Clear Lake Lane, Le Center

outdoor recreation

Lake Emily Park

This 1.5 acre park on the south side of Lake Emily features a shing dock and 1,000 feet of shoreline that provides shing for bluegill, crappie, largemouth bass, northern pike, and yellow perch.

33016 Lake Emily Road, St Peter

Geldner Saw Mill & Park

Located along Beaver Dam Road, the 4.5 acre park features a historic saw mill that is the last steam powered saw mill that is still standing in the state of Minnesota. The park is located on a bay of East Jefferson Lake and provides a shing pier and shoreline for shing, which is popular amongst anglers in the spring months.

46542 Beaver Dam Road, Cleveland

Lake Gorman Park & Access

Within the 8 acres of this park is a road that leads to a dam on the south side of Lake Gorman, as it ows into the Cannon River. This provides a year round shore shing location for multiple species of sh, along with a launch point for canoes and kayaks.

Lake Jefferson Fishing Pier

With 600 feet of shoreline, a oating shing pier, paved sidewalk, and picnic tables, this is a popular location to spend the day shing for pan sh. The park can also be used as a launch point for canoes and kayaks.

28211 470th Street, Madison Lake

19634 Gorman Lake Park Lane, Kilkenny

Henderson Station River Access & Park

On the banks of the Minnesota River near Henderson sits a 52-acre park that features a covered picnic shelter, picnic tables, and an opportunity to shore sh along the Minnesota River for its multiple species. The park also provides an access point to the river for canoe and kayak launches.

29030 River Street, Le Sueur

Ney Nature Center

28238 Nature Center Lane, Henderson 507-357-8580 • www.neycenter.org info@neycenter.org

Ney Nature Center is home to 446 acres of all the natural world has to offer: forests, prairie, meadows, bluffs, creeks, and a variety of wildlife. The center is open sun up to sundown daily for hiking or walking the trails, cross-country skiing, bird watching, snowshoeing, viewing wildlife, and enjoying the peace of nature.

The Education Building and of ce are open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday for visitors. The center offers a number of programs, naturalist-led hikes, day camps and more throughout the year to enjoy. There is truly something for everyone.

Ney Nature Center has been a favorite for weddings and reunions, and the Education Building can be rented for gatherings and events.

Ray’s Lake Park

This beautiful park overlooks Ray’s Lake while featuring several areas of native willow and cedar trees, prairie, and mowed trails within the park. The 9.5 acre park consists of 3,000 feet of shoreline on Ray’s Lake, a shing pier, and launch area. It is a popular park amongst people looking to shore sh for a wide range of species including pan sh, largemouth bass, and northern pike.

1395 1st Street North, Elysian

Richter Woods Park

An 80 acre park located 1.5 miles west of Montgomery, the park is heavily wooded and reminiscent of the native “big woods.” The park features a basketball hoop, volleyball net, re pit, and playground. There are 2.5 miles of trails that are popular for hiking, snowshoeing, and cross country skiing. While hiking the trails, make sure to keep your eyes and ears open for abundance of wildlife, vegetation, and birding! The park is home to a unique barn that is available to rent for small gatherings and events. To reserve the barn for your event, please call 507-357-8201.

35674 173rd Ave, Montgomery

Lake Volney Park

Located on the south side of Lake Volney next to the boat ramp, this 3 acre park features 600 feet of shoreline, a large sand play area, sand volleyball court, picnic tables, and a path to access the sandy bottom lake just beyond the restored shoreline. This park is a good location for a day of outdoor recreation, enjoying a lake, the sand, or having a picnic. 18608 Beach Lane, Le Center

Lake Washington Regional Park and Campground

This 164 acre regionally designated park and campground is located on one mile of Lake Washington’s shoreline. The campground caters to non-seasonal campers and features 27 RV Sites with electric hookups, 1 non-electric RV site, 3 primitive tent sites, and 1 group camping site with 4 electric hookups. Each site comes with a spacious gravel pad, re ring, and picnic table. The campground also has a dump station, shower house, and 5 water spigots. The park has 3.5 miles of trails of varying terrain that can be enjoyed by hiking, walking, jogging, snowshoeing, and cross country skiing; along with 1.5 miles of paved trails with exploration stops, and a small beach area.

There are 2 different playgrounds located within the park, along with an open air picnic shelter and a year round building that can be rented out for gatherings and events.

For more information or for reservations, please call 507-995-1161.

47102 Washington Park Road, Kasota

Sakatah Lake State Park

50499 Sakatah Lake State Park Road, Waterville 507-362-4438 • dnr.state.mn.us

Situated to the south of Sakatah Lake, immediately east of Waterville, the park is open year-round. Beautiful to explore in any season, it features one of Minnesota’s eight old-growth deciduous forests, picnic grounds, boat access and a campground with 62 drive-in and 14 electric sites.

outdoor recreation

Sakatah Singing Hills Trail

Jump on or off the 39-mile long converted railtrail that lies between what was once the “Big Woods” and the vast prairies. It’s great for biking, in-line skating, horseback riding, skiing, hiking and snowmobiling. The trail, which joins the Minnesota River Trail in Mankato, passes through 3 miles of Sakatah Lake State Park and ends on the east at Interstate 35 in Faribault. It is generally level and wheelchair accessible.

Snowmobiles with studded tracks are prohibited, except from Waterville to Faribault. Passes required for horseback riding and cross-country skiing. Snowmobilers need a state trail sticker. Call 1-888-646-6367.

Lakes and rivers

Snowmobile trails

At least 100 lakes, from zero to more than 1,500 acres, dot the Le Sueur County landscape. About three dozen have public access ramps. Fishing, both during warm weather months and when the lakes are covered with a thick coating of ice, remains a popular pastime. Le Sueur County lakes feature a variety of species, from bullhead to walleye to crappie.

There are three public access ramps to the Minnesota River in Le Sueur County, in Henderson, Kasota and Ottawa.

FNB Le Center Mobile App

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• Deposit checks

• View account activity

Le Sueur County is home to a vast network of snowmobile trails; about 150 miles are the responsibility of the Le Sueur County Snowmobile Trails Association.

County snowmobile trail map: lesueursnowtrails.org

New Prague area snowmobile trail map: newpraguesnowdrifters.com

• Transfer funds

• View your account balance

Go to your app store and download the FREE app!

G t stor d downlo d th FREE app!

701 Ash St NE Lonsdale, MN 55046

507-744-4400 www.fnblecenter.com

10 W. Minnesota St. Le Center, MN 56057 507-357-2273

134 N. Kilkenny Rd. Kilkenny, MN 56052


Sueur County

Bethany Whittier, D.D.S. Kyle J. Rasmussen, D.D.S.

Email: info@lesueurcountyhistory.org

Facebook: LCHSHISTORY www.lesueurcountyhistory.org/

The mission of the Le Sueur County Historical Society is to collect and preserve the story of Le Sueur County, telling its story through historic sites, a research center, collections, exhibits and educational programming.

Genealogy Center

301 NE 2nd St, Elysian, MN 56028

Open spring, summer, fall, Friday & Saturdays, 1:00 to 4:00 Other days by appointment made in advance.

Ottawa Stone Church

Village of Ottawa, 39024 Whittier St, Ottawa, MN 56058

exploreminnesota.com/pro le/historic-ottawa-stonechurch/2696

Listed as one of the seven remaining Native Limestone buildings in the village dating back to the mid 1800s. It is listed on the National Register of Historic places as one of the oldest Methodist churches in the state.

The Ottawa Historians and Le Sueur County Historical Society operate the Ottawa Stone Church together. The facility is open as a rental for weddings, reunions,

Le Sueur County Fairgrounds

Old Settlers Log Cabin located in the Heritage Building with artifact exhibits and District #75 one room Schoolhouse.

Historic Sites

W.W. Mayo House 118 N Main St, Le Sueur, MN 56058

Geldner Saw Mill

46542 Beaver Dam Road, Cleveland, MN

Listed on Natural Register of Historic Places

Lake Washington Regional Park and Campground 47102 Washington Park Road, Kasota, MN

Shanaska Creek Bridge

Montgomery Historical Society

P.O. Box 176

Montgomery MN 56069

Email: montymnhistory@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/MONTYMNHS

The mission of the Montgomery Historical Society is the collection, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge about the history of the Montgomery area

historical societies

and to relate that history to that of the County of Le Sueur and the State of Minnesota.

Museum fundraising is underway. Contact the Society for more information.

Historic Sites

Commercial Historic District listed on the National Register of Historic Places since April 9, 2021.

Hilltop Hall and Westerman Lumber Of ce & House now Pizzeria 201 buildings are also listed on the National Register.

New Prague Area Historical Society

400 Main Street East

New Prague, MN 56071

Email: npareahistory@gmail.com

Phone: 952-758-3153

Website: www.npareahistory.com

The mission of the New Prague Historical Society is the collection, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge about the history of the New Prague area and to relate that history of the State of Minnesota.

Centennial Log Cabin and History Shed located in Memorial Park



First National Bank Building, Church of St. Wenceslaus, and the Hotel Broz are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Park Avenue Gallery in Le Center

Edward S. Curtis Native American photography exhibit. An 1880s Le Sueur County, Cordova & Elysian resident. 100 enhanced archival prints at Park Avenue Gallery in Le Center. Open January through December 2025. Hours are Tuesdays 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and Fridays 1-3 p.m


Cleveland Public School

A community where students and relationships matter

Mascot: Clippers

K-12 School: 400 Sixth St., Cleveland, 507-931-5953, https://www.isd391.org/

Community Education: 507-931-5953, https://www.isd391.org/page/community-education

Early Childhood Family Education: 507-931-5953, https://www.isd391.org/page/earlychildhood-family-education-ecfe


Falcon Ridge Elementary: 1200 Columbus Ave., 952-758-1600

Raven Stream Elementary: 300 11th Ave. NW, 952-758-1500

Community Education: 952-758-1734, https://npace.npaschools.org/

Early Childhood Family Education: 952-758-1734, https://npace.npaschools.org/apps/ pages/early-learning/ecfe

Preschools: 952-758-1674, https://npace.npaschools.org/apps/pages/kidscompany/preschool-WRAP

Little Clippers Preschool: 507-931-5953, https:// www.isd391.org/page/little-clippers-preschool

Le Sueur-Henderson Public Schools

Mascot: Giants

Le Sueur-Henderson Elementary: 100 Kingsway Dr., Le Sueur, 507-665-4700, park.isd2397.org/o/lshe

Le Sueur-Henderson Middle/High School: 901 Ferry St., Le Sueur, 507-665-5800, hsms.isd2397.org

Hilltop ALP: 700 South St., Henderson, 507-665-5900

Community Education: 706 Turril St., Le Sueur, 507-665-4620

Early Childhood Family Education: https:// communityed.isd2397.org/o/ce/page/early-childhood

Little Giants Preschool: 115 N. Fifth St., Le Sueur, 507-665-4620

New Prague Area Public Schools

Mascot: Trojans

High School: 410 Central Ave. N., 952-758-1700, npaschools.org

Middle School: 721 Central Ave. N., 952-758-1400

Eagle View Elementary: 25600 Nevada Ave.,

St. Peter Public Schools

Mascot: Saints

High School: 2121 W. Broadway Ave., 507-984-4212, stpeterschools.org

Middle School: 100 Lincoln Dr., 507-934-4210

North Elementary: 815 N. 9th St., 507-934-3260

South Elementary: 1405 S. 7th St., 507-934-2754

Rock Bend ALC: 801 Davis St., 507-934-5420

Community Education: 600 S. Fifth St., 506-934-3048

Early Childhood Family Education: 507-934-3048

Little Saints Preschool: 1801 Broadway Ave., 507-931-4314

Tri-City United Public Schools

Mascot: Titans

High School: 700 4th St NW, Montgomery, 507364-8111, https://www.tcu2905.us/

Le Center Pre-K-8 School: 150 W. Tyrone St., 507-357-6802

Lonsdale Pre-K-6 School: 1000 Idaho Ave., 507-744-3900

Montgomery Pre-K-8 School: 101 Second St. NE, 507-364-8119

Community Education: 507-364-8107

Early Childhood Family Education: 507-364-8107

Little Titans Preschool: 507-364-8107

Waterville-Elysian-Morristown Public Schools

A respectful, responsible, positive and safe place to learn

Mascot: Buccaneers

High School: 500 E. Pacquin St., Waterville, 507-362-4432, wem.k12.mn.us

Middle School: 23 Ann St., Morristown, 507-685-4222

Elementary School: 500 E. Paquin St., Waterville, 507-362-4439

Community Education: 507-362-4403, https://www.wem.k12.mn.us/community-education/ Early Childhood Family Education: 507-362-4403

Elysian Area Learning Center: 101 Fifth Street NW, 507-267-4373

Need information about daycares in Le Sueur County?

Go to co.le-sueur.mn.us/214/daycare and click ‘Daycare Provider Search’ for a full listing of licensed providers.

The Le Sueur-Henderson Public Schools Believe:

That collaboration between the home, the school, and the community has a positive impact on student success;

That everyone deserves a safe and respectful school environment;

That all students deserve the opportunity to learn and succeed, including our new programsAviation, Agriculture, Nursing;

That diversity enriches the individual, school, and community;

That educational excellence requires effective leadership, high expectations, and teamwork;

In up-to-date facilities and the responsible utilization of resources, including the new Pre K - 5 Elementary Building;

In educating the whole child - academically, socially, physically and emotionally;

In continuous improvement and a growth mindset;

In an individualized, rigorous, and relevant academic experience; Every Student Every Day.

to USA News,

MARCH 2025

Feb 27 – Elementary K-4 Exhibit, Montgomery Arts & March 16

8 St. Patrick’s Queen Candidate Talent Show, American Legion Club, Le Center, 3 p.m.


into Spring – Montgomery Chamber’s Second Annual Beer, Wine, and Spirit Tasting

Egg Hunt & ECFE Vehicle Fair, West Park, Le Center, 12:45 p.m.

Historical Society Annual meeting, 6 p.m.

Sueur County Fairgrounds, 4-H Building.

Genealogy Center, Elysian, MN, Opens for Summer hours on Fridays and Saturdays 1-4 pm, April-September, or by appointment 25-26-27 48th Annual Pioneer Power “The Original Swap Meet”, 7 a.m. –5 p.m. each day, located 6 miles East of Le Sueur, MN on Co Rd 26 & 33

APRIL 2025

26 Tree Jamboree, Ney Nature Center

26 Spring Shop Hop, Waterville

27 Hilltop Happenings, 4 p.m., Hilltop Hall, Montgomery

TBD Citywide Garage Sales, Le Center

TBD Easter Egg Hunt, Montgomery

MAY 2025

1-3 Le Center Citywide Garage Sales

3 TCU Prom 3 Citywide garage sales, Montgomery 4 Annual May Day Celebration, Heritage Park, Montgomery *In the event of inclement weather, it will move to May 10* 6 Early Childhood Annual Vehicle FairTCU High School parking lot

8 Ladies Night Out, New Prague

9 Classic Car & Motorcycle Roll-in, Cleveland

9-10 Citywide Garage Sales, Cleveland 9-10 Citywide Garage Sales, Elysian 16 Pops Concert - TCU High School

17 Spring Fling, Waterville

Hilltop Happenings, 4 p.m., Hilltop Hall, Montgomery

TCU District Band Concert Grades 5-8, TCU High School PAC, 7 p.m. 20 TCU District Choir Concert Grades 5-8, TCU High School PAC, 7 p.m.

20 Classic Car Roll-In, Downtown Montgomery, 4-7 p.m.

22 Hot Summer Nights, Waterville

22 Kick Off to Summer in the Park, Le Center 22-July 5 Anne Tuma Pexa Quilts, Montgomery Arts & Heritage Center

17 Citywide Garage Sales, Waterville

26 Ottawa Historic Stone Church, Opens for Summer Hours on Sundays 1-4 p.m., through Labor Day 29 Music in the Park, Memorial Park, Montgomery 30 TCU High School Graduation, HS gym, 7 p.m.

31 SAL BBQ Contest, American Legion, Le Center

TBD Le Center Area Fireman’s Dance, American Legion Club, Le Center

TBD Le Sueur Night Out & Art Hop

JUNE 2025

5 Music in the Park, Memorial Park, Montgomery 6-8

Bullhead Days, Waterville

7 WFD Big Bass Tournament, 6:30 a.m. – . 2:30 p.m., Waterville City Beach


JUNE 2025


Summer Camps Week 1, Ney Nature Center

12 Music in the Park, Memorial Park, Montgomery

13 Classic Car & Motorcycle Roll-in, Cleveland

13-14 Cherry Creek Days, Cleveland

13-15 Le Sueur County Sherriff’s Mounted Posse Trail Ride/Ranch Rodeo, Le Center

16-19 Summer Camps Week 2, Ney Nature Center

17 Classic Car Roll-In, Downtown Montgomery, 4-7 p.m.

19 Summer in the Valley: Music, Food, Activities, Downtown Main Street, Le Sueur, 5 p.m.-8 p.m.

19 Music in the Park, Memorial Park, Montgomery

21 Montgomery Fire ghters Dance, Montgomery Fire Hall, 3:30 p.m. – 12:30 a.m.

23-26 Summer Camps Week 3, Ney Nature Center

26 Hot Summer Nights, Waterville

26 Music in the Park, Memorial Park, Montgomery

28 Annual Street Dance, Kasota

29 Hilltop Happenings, 4 p.m., Hilltop Hall, Montgomery

30-July 2 Summer Camps Week 4, Ney Nature Center



2-6 July Fourth Celebration, Elysian

4 Historical Elysian 4th of July Genealogy Center Open – Refreshments under maple trees on History Hill

Music in the Park, Memorial Park, Montgomery

21-24 Summer Camps Week 7, Ney Nature Center

24 Hot Summer Nights, Waterville

Annual Kolacky Days Festival,

in the Park, Memorial Park,

Great Le Sueur Treasure Hunt


1-3 Giant Days, Le Sueur 2 Giant 5K, Le Sueur 5 National Night Out, Cleveland 5 National Night Out, Kasota 5 National Night Out, Montgomery 7 Czech Out New Prague 7 Music in the Park, Memorial Park, Montgomery 7 Le Center Chamber Golf Outing

4 Summer Social on the Hill, Genealogy Center, Hruska Building and Behlen Shed Open to Public

8-11 Summer Camps Week 5, Ney Nature Center

10 Music in the Park, Memorial Park, Montgomery

1-Aug 30 Duane Jindra Collection, Montgomery Arts & Heritage Center

11 Classic Car & Motorcycle Roll-in, Cleveland

11 Le Sueur County Relay for Life, Le Center

14-17 Summer Camps Week 6, Ney Nature Center 15 Classic Car Roll-In, Downtown Montgomery, 4-7 p.m.

Classic Car & Motorcycle Roll-in, Cleveland

Kilkenny Fireman’s Annual Fundraiser ATV Ride

We Are Water Exhibit Opens, Ney Nature Center

Music in the Park, Memorial Park, Montgomery

Meet in Montgomery Event Featuring Local Businesses & Organizations, Memorial Park 14-17 Le Sueur County Free Fair, Le Center 14-17 Visit the Old Settler’s Cabin inside the Heritage Building next to the District 75 Schoolhouse & Pioneer Log Cabin at the Le Sueur County Free Fair, Le Center 16 Henderson Hummingbird Hurrah 19 Classic Car Roll-In, Downtown Montgomery, 4-7 p.m. 21 Music in the Park, Memorial Park, Montgomery

22-23-24 52nd Annual Pioneer Power Show, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. each day, located 6 miles East of Le Sueur, MN on Co Rd 26 & 33 28 Hot Summer Nights, Waterville

Music in the Park, Memorial Park, Montgomery


31 Hilltop Happenings, 4 p.m., Hilltop Hall, Montgomery

TBD Kilkenny’s Free School Supply Give-away, Kilkenny Library



Sept 1 – Oct 7 We Are Water Exhibit, Ney Nature Center

4 – Nov 4 Storm Chasing Plus Jarrod Schoenecker, Montgomery Arts & Heritage Center



6 Kasota Fire Department Dance, Kasota

7 Ottawa Stone Church, Harvest Service 12:30 p.m., and Picnic in the Park

2 Classic Car & Motorcycle Roll-in, Cleveland

13-14 Half-Way to St. Paddy’s Day Celebration, Kilkenny

16 Classic Car Roll-In, Downtown Montgomery, 4-7 p.m.

18-20 Dozinky festival, New Prague

19 Classic Car Cruise, New Prague

20 Fall Festival, Ney Nature Center

25 Hot Summer Nights, Waterville

28 Hilltop Happenings, 4 p.m., Hilltop Hall, Montgomery

29-30 Day of the Dead, Arts & Heritage Center, Montgomery

2 New Prague Ladies Night Out


Fall Citywide Garage Sales, Le Center

5 WFD Fire Prevention Open House – Waterville

5 Dad’s Belgium Waf e Breakfast, Montgomery Fire Hall, 8 a.m. – noon

18 Dovednost, Arts and Crafts Market, Raven Stream Elementary, 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., New Prague

Creatures of the Night, Ney Nature Center

Trunk or Treat, Downtown Waterville

Trick or Treat Drive-Through, Memorial Park, Montgomery 26 Hilltop Happenings, 4 p.m., Hilltop Hall, Montgomery

31 Spook Trail, Elysian

TBD Le Center PTO Kids Halloween Party, American Legion

TBD Fall Concert, TCU High School, PAC

TBD Halloween Camp Er’ Treat, Lake Washington Regional Park & Campground

By Appt

TCU Early Childhood Screening, FallLocation TBD



6-Jan 31

Holiday Shopping Opener, Waterville

Holiday Boutique, Montgomery

Arts & Heritage Center 11

TCU Veterans Day Programs at all TCU School Buildings

20 Give to the Max Day – Consider donating to the Historical Society for focused restoration areas on LCHS Museum, The School on the Hill that keeps Teaching. GiveMN.org/gtmd

Small Business Saturday, Elysian

Small Business Saturday, Montgomery

Small Business Saturday, New Prague 29 Hollydaze Winter Festival/Parade, Le Center 29 Magic On Main, Waterville

30 Hilltop Happenings, 4 p.m., Hilltop Hall, Montgomery

TBD Fall Fling, Ney Nature Center

TBD Cleveland Toys for Tots

TBD Fall Musical – TCU High School PAC


4 Montgomery Torchlight Parade and Fireworks

5 Christmas in the Valley: Holiday Lights Parade, Tree Lighting Ceremony, Santa, Fireworks, Le Sueur, 5 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

5 Holiday Parade of Lights & Celebration, New Prague

6 Holli Stories IX, at Revival on Main, Fundraiser for Arts & Heritage Center, Montgomery

6 Christmas in Elysian

6 Breakfast with Santa - TCU High School

7 Svatý Mikuláš (St. Nicholas), Montgomery

20 Ney Winter Bird Count, Ney Nature Center

29-31 Winter Break Camp, Ney Nature Center

TBD Cleveland Police and Cleveland Fire & Rescue

Santa Parade

TBD Santa at the Library, Kilkenny

TBD TCU Le Center, Grades 5-8 Choir Concert, 7 p.m., TCU High School PAC

TBD TCU Montgomery, Grades 5-8, Choir Concert, 7 p.m., TCU High School PAC

TBD TCU Lonsdale Band & Choir Concert, 7 p.m., TCU High School PAC

TBD TCU Le Center Band Concert, 7 p.m., TCU High School PAC

TBD TCU Montgomery Band Concert, 7 p.m., TCU High School PAC

TBD Winter Concert-TCU, 7 p.m., TCU High School PAC

TBD Le Center Sportsmen Club Soup/Chili Feed



Waterville City Beach opens – mid-June to mid-August


Czech Heritage Club sponsored free public programs held in Czech Country Minnesota, dates to TBD. Check www. czechheritageclub.com or our Facebook page for updated information. Tentative programs being planned are:

March – Bohemian Triangle Presentation

April – TBD

May – Author Tom Kajer

June – Ghost Tales/Haunted Prague

October – Slovak Band & St. Paul Czech and Slovak

8 – Feb 21 Toys from the Past, Montgomery Arts & Heritage Center


1 American Legion Lake Francis Ice Fishing Contest, Elysian

13 Candlelight Event, Ney Nature Center

15 Annual Masopust Celebration, Montgomery

19 W(h)ine About Winter, Waterville

26 – May 16 Student Art, Montgomery Arts & Heritage Center

By Appt TCU Early Childhood Screening, Spring –Location TBD

Folk Dancers, Dance Party

November – The Czech Baker, Misa Kotek

December – Svatý Mikuláš (St. Nicholas) Celebration

COUNTY: https://mn-lesueurcounty.civicplus.com/ AgendaCenter


FAIR: https://www.lesueurcountyfair.org/


• Every Saturday (May to Oct) from 8 a.m. to Noon. 100 Block of 2nd Street, Le Sueur.

• Every Thursday (May to Oct) from 4 to 7 p.m. in Memorial Park, Montgomery. There will be no market on Thursday, July 24.

• Saturdays, May – Oct. Farmers Market, East Town Plaza, New Prague

• Fridays, July to September, 3-6 p.m., Waterville Farmers Market on Common Street near the high school football eld.


Check https://www.lesueurcountyhistory.org/calendar for LSC Historical Society News & Events.


Waseca-Le Sueur

Check www.artsandheritagecenter.org for events. Arts & Heritage Center programs made possible by grants from Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council and local donors.

Check https://www.npareahistory.com/ for events in New Prague.

Ottawa Stone Church is open as a Rental for Weddings, Reunions, Birthdays or special events. Contact Ottawa Historians or LCHS Board. https://www. lesueurcountyhistory.org/ottawa-stone-church

Edward S. Curtis Native American photography exhibit. An 1880s Le Sueur County, Cordova & Elysian resident. 100 enhanced archival prints at Park Avenue Gallery in Le Center. Open January through December, 2025. Hours Tuesdays 11 a.m.- 2 p.m., Fridays 1- 3 p.m.

Library Events can be found at: https:// wasecalesueurlibraries.com/events/ Elysian: https://www.facebook.com/elysianpublib

Kilkenny: https://www.kilkennymn.com/library

Le Center: https://www.facebook.com/lecenterlibrary

Le Sueur: https://www.facebook.com/ LeSueurPublicLibrary

Montgomery: Check https://www.facebook.com/ MontgomeryMNPublicLibrary/ or https://www. cityofmontgomerymn.com/montgomery-public-library for all Library events.

New Prague: https://www.scottcountymn.gov/2153/ Library

Waterville: https://www.facebook.com/ watervillepubliclibrary


For a full line-up of family activities at Lake Washington Regional Park & Campground and other Le Sueur County Parks, please check our Facebook pages at Facebook.com/LeSueurCountyParks and facebook.com/ LakeWashingtonRegionalParkCampground


Thursday, May 8 - household hazardous waste collection from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Le Sueur at the City Shop (1213 Hazel St.)

Saturday, June 7 - tire, appliances, electronics, mattress collection from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Le Center at the Le Sueur County Highway Shop.

Saturday, Oct. 4 - tire, appliances, electronics, mattress collection from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in St. Peter at the Fairgrounds (400 W. Union St.)


Incorporated: 1904

City Of ce: 205 4th Street, P.O. Box 309, Cleveland MN, 56017, 507-931-6380 clevelandmn.govof ce2.com

Post Of ce: 309 Broadway Street, Cleveland MN, 56017, 507-931-4360

Senior Center: N/A

Facebook pages: Cleveland MN; Cleveland Police Department; Cleveland Fire Rescue; Cleveland Muni


City Wide Garage Sales happen every year on the same weekend in May as the shing opener. You can nd details on the City of Cleveland website and Facebook page when the event gets closer.

Cherry Creek Days - An annual celebration set for June 13-14, 2025, includes a car show, teen dance, grand parade, kid’s carnival, open house at the re hall with pork chop dinner, bean bag tournament, kids water ghts and street dance. Visit the Cherry Creek Days Facebook page for additional information.

Classic Car & Motorcycle Roll-ins - Show off your classic car, or just come to look and talk with other car and motorcycle enthusiasts from around the area. Roll-ins are scheduled the 2nd Friday of the month at 5 p.m. May through September. Visit the Cleveland Muni Facebook page for additional information.


Santa Parade - In December, the Cleveland Police and Cleveland Fire & Rescue will hold their Annual Santa Parade. Information will be on the city website and Facebook page as the date grows closer.

Toys for Tots - During the holiday season, the Cleveland Police and Cleveland Fire & Rescue continue the tradition of the Toys for Tots Toy Drive in honor of Everly Hewitt. Information can be found on the Cleveland Police and/or Cleveland Fire & Rescue Facebook pages.

Christmas Lighting Contest - In December, head to Cleveland and check out the residential Christmas Lights. Every year we hold a Christmas Lighting Contest, so come to town to see all the wonderful Christmas holiday lights decorating.


Church of Christ - 900 State Hwy 99, Cleveland, MN 56017, 507-931-5924

Church of Nativity - 45 Main Street, Cleveland, MN 56017, 507-931-2560

Our Saviors Lutheran Church - 305 6th Street, Cleveland, MN 56017, 507-931-1564


Anders Early Learning Center - 309 10th Street, Cleveland, MN 56017, 507-931-0077. In the summer of 2022, Anders added a brand new addition to the Learning Center due to the ever-growing need of child care.

Le Sueur County


Population: 744

Incorporated: 1884

City Of ce: 110 West Main Street, 507-267-4708, elysianmn.com

Chamber of Commerce: 100 Third Street SW, 507267-4708

Library: 132 East Main Street, 507-267-4411

Post Of ce: 120 East Main Street, 507-267-4477


Fourth of July - Features one of the largest parades in southern Minnesota, turtle races, vintage car, truck and motorcycle show, kids shing contest, street dances, medallion hunt, pancake breakfast, kids pedal pull, bingo and silent auction, volleyball tournament and reworks. Concession and beer garden. Visit www.elysianmn. com Visit the Le Sueur County Historical Society at the Genealogy Center.

Summer Social on the Hill - The Genealogy Center, Hruska Building and Behlen shed OPEN to public.

Spook Trail - Sakatah Singing Hills Trail comes alive October 31 with ghosts and goblins as families trick-ortreat along the trail. After, enjoy hot dogs and chips at the re hall.

Elysian’s Small Business Saturday

- Saturday, November 29 – Come shop and support local vendors. Lots of unique gifts just in time for Christmas gift giving.

Christmas in Elysian - Held the rst Saturday in December. Start off at the Fire Hall with a pancake breakfast, shopping with Mr. and

Le Sueur County

Mrs. Claus, and fun games and activities for children up to Grade 4 and their families. In the evening, a parade lights up Main Street followed by BINGO in the re hall.

American Legion Lake Francis Ice Fishing Contest - February 1, 2026 – Compete for prizes, participate in drawings and eat homemade stew at the event held the rst Sunday in February. Hosted by the American Legion SAL Post 311.

Sakatah Singing Hills State Trail – Resurfaced in 2020. In 1991, a group of 25 Elysianites began a fouryear effort to lobby local legislators to fund blacktopping of the 39-mile trail. A wayside rest built along the trail in Elysian is reminiscent of an earlier train depot there. Visit dnr.state.mn.us.

City Park and Beach - Updated playground, sand volleyball courts, ball eld, beach and picnic shelters on the south shore of Lake Francis. Parking and restrooms.

Lake Tustin Park - Quiet dog-friendly park with picnic shelter, horseshoes and non-motorized public access to Lake Tustin.

Sunset Park - 4+ acre park with picnic tables and Veteran’s Memorial.

Genealogy Center - 301 NE 2nd St, Elysian, MN. OPEN on Fridays and Saturdays 1-4 pm, April-September. Visit and discover your family legacy at the top-rated Genealogy Center in the Nation! Become a member and volunteer to bring history alive in the county! Le Sueur County History begins with the Native Americans and early settlers. Pioneers built a farming and tourism legacy for the area around the

lakes starting in the mid 1800’s. Come visit and discover the Stepping Stones of Le Sueur County through History.


Archery Range to open on Main Street. Check our City Facebook Page for more information!

Watch for new shing pier coming to Lake Francis Beach Park. Spring of 2025

Le Sueur County Historical Society Museum - 301 NE 2nd St, Elysian, MN. Under restoration, renovation, and preservation. Stay tuned.


Bethlehem Lutheran Church - 200 NW Park Ave., 507-362-8381

Elysian United Methodist Church - 201 NW Fourth St., 507-234-5350

St. Andrew’s Catholic Church - 305 Park Ave. NE, 507-267-4928


City Name: Heidelberg

Population: 134

Incorporated: 1894

City Of ce: PO Box 253, 31552 181st Ave., New Prague, MN 56071, 952-290-0567, cityofheidelbergmn.com


The Heidelberg Park Pavilion is available for rent April through October. Includes access to the baseball eld, tennis court, volleyball court, horseshoe pit and playground area. The pavilion has a full kitchen with indoor/outdoor

tables & chairs. Contact Tracy Odenthal for more details at 507-364-5766.


St. Scholastica Catholic Church - 31511 - 181st Avenue, 952-758-4642

Population: 982

Incorporated: 1854 (founded 1878) City Of ce: 600 Main St., 507-248-3234, henderson-mn.com


Post Of ce: 500 Main St., 507-248-3636 Chamber of Commerce: henderson-mn.com/ chamber.html

Library: 110 S Sixth St., 507-248-3880


Joseph R. Brown Minnesota River CenterOn the second oor of the Henderson Community Building, center houses exhibits of Henderson and Minnesota River Valley history.

Sibley County Historical Museum - An 1884 brick house at 700 Main St. serves as a museum. Displays range from artifacts immigrants brought from Europe to turn-of-the-century items.

Sauerkraut Days - Held annually on the last weekend in June. Features a car cruise, tractor rides, a kiddie parade, car show, a softball tournament, coronation of Miss Henderson and a sauerkraut-eating contest. Visit kraut.hendersonmn.com.

Hummingbird Hurrah - This unique celebration is held the third Saturday in August and offers information about the amazing little birds, attracting them and keeping them happy. Great for birders and photographers. Visit hendersonhummingbirdhurrah. com.

Heritage Days - The annual event is held the third weekend in September. Visit https:// hendersonnyhistoricalsociety.com/henderson-heritageday/

Classic Car Roll-ins - 5 to 8 p.m. every Tuesday from late May through September. Visit hendersonrollin. com.

Allanson’s Park - Fifteen developed campsites, a picnic shelter with restrooms and showers, playground and walking trail. 500 South St.

Bender Park - The community’s two softball parks are nestled just west of the Minnesota River.

Tiger Park - Youth baseball teams play here

Ney Nature Center - County park offers 446 acres of exploration, programs and education, facility rentals, panoramic overlooks, picnic areas, native wildlife, historic farmsteads and more. Find Ney Nature Center on Facebook or at neycenter.org.


Centennial Lutheran Church - 701 Locust St., 507-248-3888

Jehovah’s Witnesses - 501 S Ninth St., 507-248-3865

Countryside Christian Church - 29517 381st Lane, 507-248-3865

Redeemer Lutheran Church - 14226 W 280th St., 507-665-2932

St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church - 31624 Scenic Byway Rd.


Minnesota New Country School - 210 Main St., 507-248-3353, newcountryschool.com


Sibley Medical Clinic - 505 Main St., 507-248-3433


Population: 714

Incorporated: 1858

City Of ce: 200 N Webster St., 507-931-3290, kasotamn.govof ce2.com

Post Of ce: 140 Cherry St., 507-931-5720


Firemen’s Dance - Annual event set for September 6, 2025 celebrates the Kasota Fire Department’s anniversary. Music, food and refreshments through the evening. Visit Kasota Fire Department on Facebook.

Kasota Prairie Scienti c and Natural Area - Situated on a rock terrace 70 feet above the Minnesota River Valley is this 42-acre scienti c natural area. About 2 miles south of Kasota on 367th Avenue. Visit dnr.state.mn.us/snas/detail. html?id=sna000961.

Kasota Prairie - Ninety acres of native prairie and another 30 acres of restored prairie on land owned by Unimin Corp. The area has been preserved as a public scienti c, educational and recreational resource, and includes 120 acres of woods, marsh, grassland and a large beaver pond between the bluffs and the Minnesota River. Maintained parking and trails. Approximately one mile south of Kasota on Township Road 140. https://www.dnr.state. mn.us/snas/detail.html?id=sna00961

Chankaska Creek Ranch and Winery - Vineyard and winery sits on the bank of Chankaska Creek, offering wine tastings and events, many with live music. Visit chankaskawines.com.

Drive a Tank - The only place in the world to drive a tank and shoot a fully automatic historic machine gun not owned by a government entity. Visit driveatank.com.

National Night Out - August 5, 2025 at the Community Center, food and activities.

Annual City Street Dance - June 28, 2025 in front of the Community Center

Parks - Visit our two parks and stop by the zoo to feed the goats.


Kasota Presbyterian Church - 141 S Rice St., 507-931-2100

City Name: Kilkenny

Population: 155

Incorporated: 1883 (founded 1856)

City Of ce: 156 S. Laurel Ave.; 507-595-3999; City Cell: 507-491-6597; kilkennymn.com

Community Center/Library: 288 S. Laurel Ave. Post Of ce: 156 S. Laurel Ave.; 507-595-2700



Kilkenny Fireman’s Annual ATV Ride/Raf e Fundraiser - Held on Saturday, August 9, 2025 with registration at Little Irishman’s Park at 10 am and leaving on a route to be determined around noon. A raf e for a brand new 4-wheeler will be held in connection with the ride. The drawing for the raf e winner will be held at the end of the ride. Please check the City website for details closer to the event for any possible changes.

Halfway to St. Paddy’s Day Celebration - Held on September 13th & 14th for the formal twinning with our sister city, Kilkenny, Ireland! Activities start with a 3-mile fun run/walk, followed by a car show, parade, the famous toilet bowl races and nish up with the best reworks show around. There are craft and food

vendors and entertaining bands throughout the day. If you don’t have any Irish in you when you come, you will by the time you leave!

Free School Supply Giveaway - Sponsored by the Cannonville Community Church. Free school supplies for all grades while supplies last. This will be held at the Library one Saturday in August. Please check the City website for dates and details.

Santa at the Library - The Kilkenny American Legion and Auxiliary, along with the Kilkenny Fire Department sponsor this event in December. Check the City website for date and details closer to the event. Besides getting to visit with Santa, the kids get a goodie bag and can complete a Christmas craft while they wait.


Church of St. Canice Catholic Church183 W. Maple St.; 507-595-2561

le center

Population: 2,517

Incorporated: 1890

City Of ce: 10 W. Tyrone St., 507-357-4450, cityo ecenter.com

Police Department Of ce: 200 E. Bowler Ave., cityo ecenter.com, Dispatch (non-emergency) 507-357-4888

Post Of ce: 91 N. Park Ave., 507-357-4979 Chamber of Commerce: 10 W. Tyrone St., 507-357-4450

Public Library: 10 W. Tyrone St., 507-357-6792 • https://www.cityo ecenter.com/community-resources/ page/library

Municipal pool: 205 E. Derrynane Ave, 507-357-6344


2025 Le Sueur County St. Patrick’s Celebration

- Follow on Facebook for the most current information as well as any changes to events @lcstpats. Queen Candidate Talent Show, March 8, Le Center American Legion. Queen Coronation, Friday, March 14, Le Center American Legion. Saturday, March 15, Parade & Rally, parade begins at 2 p.m. with rally following at the Le Center American Legion

Easter Egg Hunt and ECFE Vehicle Fair - The dual events are held the Saturday before Easter. Line up for the hunt is at 12:45 p.m. with 1 p.m. start at the West Park. Sponsored by the Le Center Lions Club and other local organizations. The vehicle fair is hosted by Tri-City United Early Childhood Family Education. Visit Tri-City United Early Childhood Programs on Facebook.

Le Center Area Fireman’s Dance - This is held every year in May. This event is hosted by the Le Center Fire Department, in which the members go door-to-door selling tickets.

Le Sueur County Sheriff’s Posse Trail Ride - Held

Father’s Day weekend, this event draws horseback riders from across the county. Includes ranch rodeos, trail rides, dinner, and a dance, and is open to the public. For more information, call Sheriff Brett Mason, 507-357-8152.

Le Sueur County Free Fair - The home of the Le Sueur County Fair, held every

summer in August. What is a summer without a county fair? The annual event brings all you would expect and more to Le Center: animal exhibits, tasty treats, carnival rides, music, demo derbies, tractor pulls, and even talent shows. For more information visit lesueurcountyfair.org.

Pioneer Power - The annual Le Sueur County Pioneer Power Days, opens one of the most complete farm displays in the county to the public, in late August. The organization also

hosts a swap meet/ ea market each April. Both are north of Le Center on County Road 26. Visit pioneerpowershow.com.

Hollydaze Winter Festival - Held the Saturday after Thanksgiving, the parade is hosted by the Le Center Chamber of Commerce and kicks off the holiday season. Businesses, families, and organizations build lighted oats, and the parade is highlighted by a visit from Santa, who ends the evening in the Courthouse Park Pavilion visiting with children.

le center


St. Mary’s/St. Henry’s Catholic Church -165 N. Waterville Ave., 507-357-4838

St Paul Lutheran Church - 232 W. Minnesota St., 507-357-2212

Seventh Day Adventist Church - 190 S. Park St., 507-357-6161


Central Health Care - 444 North Cordova Ave –507-357-2275

Horizon Place - 510 Commerce Drive –507-357-2262

Carriage House Senior Living - 175 East Derrynane – 507-357-0100

Centennial Plaza - 76 South Lexington Ave.–507-357-6444

le sueur

Population: 4,221

Incorporated: 1853

City Of ce: 203 S. Second St., Le Sueur, MN 56058, cityo esueur.com

Community Center: 821 East Ferry Street, Le Sueur, MN 56058

Chamber of Commerce: PO Box 111, Le Sueur, MN 56058

Library: 118 Ferry St., Le Sueur, MN 56058

Post Of ce: 202 N. Main St., Le Sueur, 56058


Giant Celebration - A three-day annual community celebration that takes place on the rst full weekend in August. All three days many activities are planned for young and old. Sunday crowds line the 90+ unit Giant Celebration Parade at 1:00 p.m. After the parade is the Giant Corn Feed. Approximately 8-10 tons of corn donated by Seneca rolled into butter donated by Crystal Farms is served. Giant Celebration would not be the success it is without the help of all the people who put it together.

Summer in the Valley - Held the third Thursday of June from 5-8 p.m.

Christmas in the Valley - Holiday Lights Parade, Tree Lighting Ceremony, Santa, and Fireworks – the rst Friday of December.


St. Anne’s Catholic Church - 217 N 3rd St. 507-665-3811

First Lutheran Church - 116 Inner Dr., 507-665-2615

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church (WELS)229 S. 6th St. 507-665-3477

United Methodist Church - 730 S. 6th St., 507-665-2314

Word of Life Church - 890 Kingsway Dr., 507-665-6393

Britta Hansen Brown O.D.
Emma Panning O.D.

Iglesia El Cordero De Dios - 404 Turril St., 651-230-5245

Zion United Methodist Church of Christ240 Elmwood Ave., 507-665-6441


Le Sueur Nursery School, Inc. - 812 S 6th St., 507-665-2028

St. Anne’s Catholic School - 511 N 4th St., 507-665-2489


le sueur

Ridgeview Le Sueur Medical Center - 621 S 4th St., 507-665-3375


French Meadow Place - 105 Plum Run, 507-665-2499

Hillside Court, 220 Risedorph St.507-665-3932

Oak Terrace Senior Living of Le Sueur811 S 4th St., 507-593-8500

Sunrise Plaza - 600 S. 5th St., 507-665-8660

St. Peter 100 N. Minnesota Ave (Hwy 169 & 99) 507-934-8964


Mon - Sat 8 am - 10 pm Sunday 11 am - 6 pm


Ridgeview Le Sueur Nursing & Rehab.621 S 4th St., 507-665-8695


Population: 3,508

Incorporated: 1858

City Of ce: 201 Ash Avenue SW, Montgomery, MN 56069, 507-364-8888, cityofmontgomerymn.com

Chamber of Commerce: PO Box 193, Montgomery, MN 56069, 507-291-5466, montgomerymnchamber.com

Library: 104 Oak Ave SW, Montgomery, MN 56069, 507-364-7615

Post Of ce: 156 Elm Ave SE, Montgomery, MN 56069, 507-364-8777


There are many things to see and do in Montgomery, from the award winning, one of a kind “Beatles” themed golf course to the historic downtown. The downtown area was added to the registry of historic places in 2021. The Downtown area also features two individual buildings that are listed on the National Registry of Historic Buildings – Hill Top Hall, located at 206 1st Street N and the Westerman Lumber Building, now housing a pizzeria, at 201 1st Street S. While strolling downtown, stop at the Montgomery Mural depicting the history of Montgomery. Or have your picture taken at one of the many “butter y” wings on display on various buildings in the downtown. The mural, located at 204 1st Street S., was funded and sponsored by the Montgomery Area Community Club, Montgomery Arts and Heritage Center, Montgomery Community Foundation, and Montgomery Historical Society.

at 6 p.m. and going until 8 p.m. Also in Memorial Park is the historic log cabin, dating back to 1928. The cabin was restored with a new roof and other work in 2022. The project was completed by the Montgomery Historical Society with assistance from the Montgomery Area Community Club and nancial assistance from the City.

Northside Park features two upgraded tennis courts and four pickle ball courts. Watch youth softball or baseball or enjoy the new play structure featuring facilities for children of all ages. In the winter, come out to the newly renovated hockey rink.

Enjoy the outdoors at one of the many city parks for year-round activities. Memorial Park, located at 500 5th St. SE is one of the city’s main park facilities. During the summer, enjoy a Mallards baseball game. Pitch horseshoes or play sand volleyball in one of three courts. On Thursdays starting in late May, visit the Farmers Market from 4-7 p.m. then stay for some entertaining free music in the park starting

Our newest and largest park by area is North Ridge Recreational Area. This area has about 2.5 miles of looping trails though restored prairie and soon

to be restored wetlands. In the winter, strap on your snowshoes or skis, or bring your sled for some exciting rides down the sledding hill.

Montgomery is also home to many celebrations and events highlighting the area’s Czech history and heritage.

Annual Czech May Day ‘Prvni Maj’ celebration - A celebration welcoming spring, featuring the raising of a traditional Czech May Pole. Enjoy music, food, and traditional ribbon dancing around the May Pole. The event generally takes place the rst weekend in May in Heritage Park.


Kolacky Days is the City’s premier festival celebrating its Czech heritage and takes place on the last full weekend in July. This event runs for three days and culminates in the Grand Day Parade. Visitors can enjoy a wide variety of activities from the classic car show, food, and bands on Friday and Saturday night in the park. There is a bohemian tractor pull, a regular tractor pull, and a Kolacky eating contest. A 5k run, the “Bun Run”, and the “Tour de Bun” where bikers can choose a route from 12 to 50 miles weaving through “Czech” country. Visit montgomerymn.org for more information.

Torchlight Parade and Fireworks - Lights and music ll the air as the parade, held the Thursday after Thanksgiving, winds its way through downtown on December 4, 2025. The smell of kettle corn abounds at the end of the route where the reworks begin. Set to holiday music, the display is a spectacular way to end the evening. You can visit https://www.montgomerymn. org/torchlight to learn more.

Svatý Mikuláš (St. Nicholas) celebrated on the rst Sunday of December, when the tradition of St. Nicholas, the Angel, and the Devil continues. These three characters quiz children and all good children are given a bag full of treats. Music, dancing, door prizes, and Czech foods are there for everyone’s enjoyment. Highlighting the event is the “Czech Country Market” with Czech merchandise and a bakery.

Masopust is the Czech Mardi Gras celebrated the weekend before Ash Wednesday. The Masopust king reigns over the celebration where a goodbye is said to meat for Lent. Activities include polka music, costume ball, silent auction, a traditional Czech skit is held and, of course, the coronation of the King. A good Czech meal is served. Visit montgomerymn. org/masopust for more information.

Ms. Czech-Slovak Minnesota Pageant - This annual pageant takes place in the spring with contestants of Czech, Slovak, and/or Moravian descent competing for over $1,000 in cash and prizes with a chance to compete in the national pageant in Wilber, NE in August. Visit https://www. missczechslovakminnesotapageant.com/

Boulevard of Flags and Veterans Memorials - Flags, in tribute to area veterans, line Boulevard Avenue and First Street North. This route is designated ‘Veterans Memorial Way’. In addition, tributes to many area veterans are af xed to buildings lining First Street. Be sure to stop and visit the displays and tributes at the Veterans Memorial about a block from State Highway 13 on Boulevard Avenue NW.

Music in the Park - The Montgomery Park Advisory Board hosts free music in Memorial Park. Events occur every Thursday starting in late May through August, except for the week of Kolacky Days. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy a wide variety of music. Visit cityofmontgomerymn.com for information on the 2025 schedule.

Car-roll-in - The Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce hosts a monthly ‘car-roll-in’ on First Street. The event has traditionally been held on the third Tuesday of the month starting in May and running through September. Area establishments have food specials and there is music. Additional information can be found at montgomerymnchamber.com.

Meet in Montgomery - Meet in Montgomery is a fun, family-friendly event featuring businesses and organizations in the Montgomery area community. Held in partnership with the Montgomery Farmer’s Market, this event typically takes place on the second Thursday in August from 4-7 p.m. Join us for music, activities, and food. Find more information at montgomerymnchamber.com.

Franke’s Kolacky BakeryMontgomery’s oldest family business celebrating over 100 years of business in the same location. Home to delicious baked goods of all kinds and world-famous Czech kolacky.

Montgomery Brewery - Located in the original brewery building that is over 130 years old, they serve small batch craft beers by the glass or growler.

Montgomery Orchard - Located about 1-mile south of town is the Montgomery Orchard. They offer nature walks, hayrides, apple picking, entertainment, a ciderhaus and annual corn maze in the fall. Visit

Montgomery National Golf Club - Open to the public. World’s only “Beatles” themed championship 18-hole course and boasts a new simulator on site. Montgomery National Golf Club, where a passion


for golf, music, and the Beatles, create a unique experience. While there, check out the yellow submarine. Greens fees for 9 and 18 holes. Visit montgomerynationalgolf.com.

Next Chapter Winery - Located about 1-mile north of town is Next Chapter Winery. This boutique winery crafts barrel-aged wine and offers events from wine tastings to evenings lled with musical entertainment. Visit nextchapterwinery.com


Most Holy Redeemer Catholic School - 205 Vine Ave. W. – 507-364-7383


Mayo Clinic Health System Montgomery - 501 4th St. NW – 507-364-5600

Geoffrey Iverson, DDS - 223 1st St. S. – 507364-7424


Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church - 206 Vine Ave. W., 507-364-7981

St. John Lutheran Church - 105 Spruce Ave. NW, 507-364-5002

Montgomery Family Chiropractic - 317 1st St. S. – 507-364-7500

Montgomery Family Dental - 110 1st St. N. –507-364-8001



Traditions of Montgomery - 399 Lexington Ave. NW, 507-364-5585

Population: 8,240

new prague

Incorporated: 1877 • Settled: 1856 City Of ce: 118 Central Ave. N., 952-758-4401 ci.new-prague.mn.us Community Center/Ice Arena: 100 12th St. NW, 952-758-7825

New Prague Fitness and Aquatic Center: 410 Central Ave. N., 952-758-1753 Chamber of Commerce: 101 E Main St., 952758-4360 • newprague.com

Library: 400 E Main St., 952-496-8026

Post Of ce: 124 Main St. E., 952-758-7678

are local demonstrations and many local businesses showcasing what they have to offer to the local community with interactive activities. It’s fun for the whole family! The New Prague Chamber will once again be partnering with the New Prague Arts Council on the event and bring music into the park for part of their music series.


Ladies Night Out - Ladies Night Out will take place in the spring and fall of 2025! Join us on Thursday, May 8th and Thursday, October 2nd in 2025 for a fun night of shopping, prizes, and dressing up!

Czech Out New Prague - New Prague’s business and community expo will take place on Thursday, August 7, 2025, from 5 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in Memorial Park, sponsored by the New Prague Chamber. The New Prague Fire Department organizes a Jr. FireFighter Challenge, where there

Classic Car Cruise - The Car Cruise features approximately 400 vintage cars and trucks. Following the cruise, many of the cars are displayed on Main Street. After, there’s a beer garden with live music on Central Ave N. The event will take place on Friday, September 19, 2025.

Dozinky Festival - Czech harvest festival, patterned after the “old country” original, is held September 18-20, 2025. Festivities will center on Main Street, which will be closed to traf c. The event kicks off with Chamber bingo, Dožínky Zero K, and Classic car cruise on Friday evening and continues with a parade and many activities on Saturday. The Parade of Farm Pride begins at noon. Booths, demonstrations, kid’s activities, and the Czech Heritage Village will line Main Street. Ethnic bands, singers and dancers perform on three stages. Visit

new prague

newprague.com, Dozinky Festival and Car Cruise, and the New Prague Chamber of Commerce on social media @newpraguechamber.

New Prague’s Holiday Parade of Lights & Celebration - The event takes place in New Prague on the rst Friday in December every year as a kickoff to the shop local holiday promotions. In 2025, the event will be held on Friday, December 5th starting with a parade at 6:30 pm along Main Street and ending in Memorial Park for Santa, tree lighting, hot cocoa, and reworks. St. Wenceslaus will feature a live nativity scene prior to the festivities.

Historic downtown - Home to many historic buildings, three are on the National Register of Historic Places: St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church, First National Bank, and the recently renovated Hotel Broz, all located on Main Street. The church, completed in 1907, is named for a former Duke of Bohemia and is based on a church in Prague, Czech Republic. The hotel, a Georgian-revival structure, opened in 1898. The bank is a renaissance revival and known for its terra cotta façade. Downtown is also home to a number of building murals that depict scenes from the city’s heritage. A historic context study and downtown historical reconnaissance survey are at ci.new-prague.mn.us. A full reconstruction of Main Street in the downtown area occurred during 2020/2021 with nishing touches completed in 2022 along with the brandnew Central Plaza on the corner of Central Ave. N. and Main Street.

Farmers Market - Provides locally grown, inseason produce, baked goods, jams, jellies, and honey. Open Saturdays from May to October in the East Town Plaza parking lot.

Parks and trails - Nine city parks include ball elds, renovated and expanded 12-hole disc golf course, a skate park and even an archery range. New Prague has over 7 miles of walking trails and 24 miles of sidewalks. Scott County’s Cedar Lake Farm Regional Park, located on the south shore of Cedar Lake, is a picturesque site for picnicking, swimming, and shore shing. Kayaks and canoes are available for rent Friday through Sunday and holidays from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Camper cabins are also now available to rent year round. Visit threeriversparks. org/parks/cedar-lake-farm.aspx.

New Prague Golf Course - An 18-hole, municipal golf course in Memorial Park has been a xture for over 90 years. Visit newpraguegolf.com.


Household Organics Site - The City of New Prague opened a household organics site in October of 2023 that is open to all residents of Scott County and LeSueur County. There is no cost to use the site which is located at 1503 Columbus Ave. N. To receive a key to use the site and for more information, visit ci.new-prague.mn.us/ index.asp?SEC=45403617-5029-4035-A38A465867105FD4. This site was made possible with the assistance of the Scott County Local Recycling Development Grant and the Brass Tacks Initiative. Towering To Our Future - The Towering To Our Future art installation was recently restored, rebuilt and relocated and now sits in front of the New Prague Memorial Library at 400 Main Street E. Project artist Kiersten Dahl-Shetka worked with various community members to create this wonderful artwork which now has a very prominent location for all to see.


Calvary Church - PO Box 185, 952-758-4862

Community Baptist Church - 500 County Road 37, 952-758-3287

FaithPoint Lutheran Church - 1051 W 270th St, 952-758-6297

Friedens Evangelical Lutheran - 28983 181st Ave., 952-758-2828

HillSpring Church - 200 E. 280th St., 952-758-4151

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church - 1300 Main St. E, 952-758-3513

NewDay Church - 1201 1st St. NE, 952-758-5683

St. John’s Catholic Church - 20087 Hub Dr., Union Hill, 952-758-4642

St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church - 215 E. Main St., 952-758-3225

Spirit of Life Church - 530 W . 280th St., 952-758-2894

Word of Life Church - 830 4th Ave SW (507) 665-6393

House of Grace Biblical Church - 201 Central Ave. N .


Holy Cross Catholic School - 6100 37th St. W., Webster, MN 55088, 952-652-6100, holycrossschool.net

St. Wenceslaus Catholic School - 227 Main St. E., New Prague, 952-758-3133, swsaints.org


New Prague - Mayo Clinic Health SystemsHospital/Urgent Care - 301 2nd St. NE, 952-7584431; Clinic - 212 County Road 37, 952-758-4461 Parkview Medical Clinic - 1400 1st St. NE, 952-758-2535



Mala Strana - 1001 Columbus Ave. N., 952-395-3100

Praha Village - 1100 1st Street SE, 952-855-8855


Early Childhood Academy - 1501 1st St NE, New Prague, 952-758-5437

st. peter

Population: 12,361

Incorporated: 1873 (founded 1853)

City Of ce: 227 S. Front St., 507-934-4840

Community Center: 600 S. Fifth St., 507-934-0667

Chamber of Commerce: 101 S. Front St, 507-9343400, stpeterchamber.com

Library: 601 S. Washington Ave., 507-934-7420

Post Of ce: 300 S. Third St., 507-931-1950

Senior Center: 600 S. Fifth St., Suite 219, 507-934-7434


Old-Fashioned Fourth of July - Parade, picnic in Minnesota Square, food, activities, music, classic cars and reworks. Visit stpeterchamber.com/4th-of-july.

Nicollet County Free Fair - The 2025 fair is tentatively scheduled for August. Features often include a rodeo, demo derby, tractor pull, talent show, rides, 4-H exhibits and livestock. Visit nicolletcountyfair.com.

Rock Bend Folk Festival - Two-day celebration with non-stop music of all genres at the free festival in September at Minnesota Square Park. Visit rockbend.org.

Arts Center of Saint Peter -Exhibitions, performances, classes and outreach. Public galleries. Visit artscentersp.org.

Treaty Site History Center - Exhibits tell stories of the 1851 treaty and relationships between the Dakota and the white settlers, as well as agriculture and commerce. Visit nchsmn.org.

Oktoberfest - The St. Peter Ambassadors hosts the annual Oktober celebration at the Nicollet County Fairgrounds. See stpeterchamber.com or the St. Peter Ambassadors Facebook page.

Ambassadors Blues Fest - The Ambassadors hosts a one-day blues festival in June.

Winterfest - The mid-winter festival, generally end of January and beginning of February, includes a medallion hunt and a Nicollet County Sheriff’s Of ce’s Polar Plunge, bene ting Special Olympics. Visit stpeterchamber.com.

E. St. Julien Cox House - A fully restored Victorian treasure, the 1871 home is an example of Gothic Italianate architecture. Events year-round, tours by appointment. Visit nchsmn.org.

Gustavus Arboretum - At Gustavus Adolphus College, features acres of prairie, woodlands, ponds, gardens and trails. Visit gustavus.edu/arboretum.

Riverside Municipal Campground - Tent sites and 11 electric campsites at the city-owned campground. Visit saintpetermn.gov/camping.


Church of St Peter Catholic - 1801 Broadway Ave, 507-931-1628

First Lutheran Church - 1114 W Traverse Road, 507-934-3060

Holy Communion Episcopal Church - 118 N Minnesota Ave., 507-934-2542

Jesus Assembly of God - 722 Sunrise Dr., 507-934-1468

River of Life Lutheran Church - 830 Sunrise Dr., 507-519-1204

St. Peter Calvary Baptist Church - 516 W. Jefferson St., 507-931-4567

St. Peter Lutheran Church - 427 W Mulberry St., 507-931-1866

Trinity Lutheran Church - 511 S Fifth St., 507-934-4786

Union Presbyterian Church - 730 S Third St., 507-934-4602



River’s Edge Hospital - 1900 N Sunrise Dr., 507-931-2200

Mayo Clinic Health System St Peter1900 N Sunrise Dr, Suite 200, 507-931- 2110

John Ireland School - 1801 Broadway Ave., 507- 931-2810

Saint Peter Lutheran School427 W. Mulberry St., 507-931-1866

Mankato Clinic Daniels Health Center1900 N. Old Minnesota Ave., 507-934-2325


Benedictine Living Community - 1907 Klein St., 507-934-2203

Benedictine Senior Living - 1906 N Sunrise Dr., 507-934-8817

Ecumen Prairie Hill - 1305 Marshall St., 507-934-2200

Ecumen Sand Prairie - 700 Knight St., 507-931-4375

Heritage Meadows - 1302 W Traverse Rd, 507-931-8545

Pheasants Ridge - 1807 Sunrise Dr., 507-931-0966

Realife Cooperative - 500 W. Jackson St., 507-934-2902

Sunview - 1727 N. Fifth St., 507-364-5312


City Name: Waterville

Population: 1752

Incorporated: 1898

City Of ce: 200 Third St. S., 507-362-8300, cityofwaterville.com

Chamber of Commerce: 507-461-8700, watervillemn.com

Library: 210 Paquin St. E., 507-362-8462

Post Of ce: 125 Third St. N., 507-362-4648


Bullhead Days - The annual summer celebration, from June 6-8, includes reworks, bingo, carnival rides, great food, kids shing contest and several sporting events. Visit watervillemn.com

Hot Summer Nights - May 22, June 26, July 24, August 28, September 25-- Features a car and bike roll-in on Main Street. Bring lawn chairs, dancing shoes and enjoy outdoor music. Food, drink specials. Businesses open late.

Annual Firemen’s Fire Prevention Open House is on October 5.

Holiday Season Shopping OpenerNovember 1-2.

Sakatah Singing Hills State Park/Trail - The 39mile trail runs through the park/campground just east of town. Sixty-two drive-in campsites, 14 electric sites, 5 bike in sites, 2 group campsites and 1 camper cabin. Visit dnr.state.mn.us

Waterville Area Fisheries - Located just west of town, it offers presentations on sheries management, aquatic environment and related topics. Visit www. dnr.state.mn.us.

Farmers Market - Open 3-6 p.m. Fridays from July to September on Common Street near the high school football eld.

City Beach - Open mid-June to mid-August. Located at 617 Reed St N.

WFD Big Bass tournament - June 7, 2025 from 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. prizes for the biggest sh and biggest 5 sh. Location: Waterville City Beach


Cannonville Community Church - 20092 Tetonka Lake Rd., 507-461-2690

First Baptist - 14534 State Hwy. 60, 507-362-4314

Holy Trinity Catholic - 506 Common St., 507-362-4311

St. Andrew’s Episcopal - 210 Lake St. W, 507-362-8073

Trinity Lutheran - 415 Lake St. W., 507-362-4454

Waterville Evangelical United Methodist - 319 Main St. E., 507-362-4379


Northern Lights Dental - Dr. William Struve, 204 S. 4th St., 507-362-8474



Traditions of Waterville - 117 Paquin St. E., 507-362-4155

area churches

217 N. 3rd St. Le Sueur, MN 56058

Phone: 507-665-3811

Pastor: Rev. Christopher Shofner

Masses: Saturday 5:15 pm Sunday 8:00 am & 10:30 am (Tuesday School Mass 10:00 am during school year)

Reconciliation: Saturday 9:00-10:00 am and 4:00-4:45 pm

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-4:00 pm www.stanneschurchlesueur.org www.facebook.com/ stannescatholicchurchlesueur.org





Hiking & Bird Watching Snowshoeing & Nordic Skiing

Education Programs & Camps

Panoramic Overlooks & Great Places to Picnic

Preserved Historic Buildings

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Field Trips & Group


Prairie Restoration, Big Woods Remnants, & Famous Frog Pond

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