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Class of

Le Sueur-Henderson High School

2017 Commencement Ceremony

Sunday, May 28 2:00PM Le Sueur-Henderson High School Gymnasium

Le Sueur News-Herald May 2017


Class of


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Ryan Bach

Grant Becker

Parents: Tom and Robbie Bach

Parents: John and Sara Becker

Future Plans: University of Minnesota major in biology.

Future Plans: St. John’s University, Collegeville

Class Colors:

Blue and Gold

Class Flower: White lily

Class Motto:

“Yesterday is history. Today will be a memory. Tomorrow is a mystery; It’s all awaiting you and me.” — LS-H 2017 class officers

Alexandra Beneke Parents: Alisa and Brad Beneke

Baillie Bergman T Parents: Shelley and Gary Bergman Future Plans: St. Catherine University for nursing

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Haley Beseke

Trevor Block

Antoinae Blythe

Parents: Donald Beseke and Kristine Knoll

Parents: Steve Block and Wanda Quick

Parents: Corey and Anishia Blythe

Future Plans: U.S. Navy

Future Plans: Attend college for law enforcement.

Future Plans: University of St. Thomas, majoring in biology


No Photo Available

Tiian Brown-Smith

Jordan Carlson

Duvelza Castillo

Parent: Twyla Smith

Parents: Barb and Mark Carlson

Parents: Maria Castillo and Narciso Montes

Future Plans: Work at Radermacher’s Fresh Market deli

Future Plans: St. Scholastica College for athletic training or business and technology

Look for this section on A special project of the Le Sueur News-Herald 101B Bridge Street, Le Sueur, MN 55058 Publisher CHAD HJELLMING

Managing Editor SUZY ROOK

Advertising Consultants MISSY DASCHNER


LE SUEUR-HENDERSON HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION, May 2017 is distributed to subscribers and readers of the Le Sueur News Herald at no additional charge. All advertising contained herein is the responsibility of the advertisers. All rights reserved. ©2017.

Future Plans: Undecided

Partnering with

Congrats to the Class of 2017!

LSH Schools

To prepare tomorrow’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics leaders

1409 Vine St. Le Sueur, MN www.LeSueurInc.com

Congrats to the Class of 2017!

Mac’s Green Mill Bar Mac & Barb McMillen & staff 132 South Main • Le Sueur, MN 507-665-3282



Matthew Clark

Courtney Coats

Ellyse Donahue

Amanda Enz

Parents: Sam and Monica Clark

Parents: Don and Rachael Grinde, and Ryan Skogen

Parents: Sarah Hallmark and Jesse Donahue

Parents: Jim and Kimberly Enz

Future Plans: South Central College for generals then transfer to Minnesota State University, Mankato to major in social work.

Future Plans: Ridge Water College to become a registered nurse

Alyssa Eotvos

Mikayla Falkman

Emmelia Faltin

Molly Feist

Parents: Michael and Alicia Eotvos

Parents: Marcia and Charlie Schaaf

Parents: Ann and Richard Johnson and David Faltin

Parents: Karen Wagner and Timothy Feist

Future Plans: Attend Hamline University

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato

Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota Duluth

Congratulations to our Class of 2017 graduates! May you continue to achieve great success in all of your future endeavors. We believe in you™

Wednesday, May 17, 2017



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Future Plans: Attend South Central College

Hats off to the Graduates!

Good Luck Class of 2017!


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Future Plans: Attend Bethel University in St. Paul for K-12 visual arts education

Future Plans: Undecided

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Store Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:00 - 6:00, Sat. 8:00 - 4:00, Sun. 9:00 - 1:00

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Daniel Felmlee

Esmeralda Flores

Ann Fraser

Parents: Dan and Kelli Felmlee

Parent: Juanita Flores

Parents: Don and Karen Fraser

Future Plans: University of Alabama, Huntsville

Future Plans: Taking a gap year, than going to South Central for my generals.

Future Plans: South Central College


Alexandria Fulghum Parents: Melissa Randall and Paul Fulghum Future Plans: South Central College

Are you having joint pain? Anthony Gamez Parent: Sanjvana Torres Future Plans: Attend SMSU for exercise science

Drew Gilman

Janine Greger

Christopher Healy

Parents: Parent: Jerry Gilman and Kari Bauer Susan Greger Join Dr. Kyle Swanson, orthopedic surgeon, for aPlans: FREE seminar to learn about and Future Futurehip Plans: knee replacement and about OrthoEdge, Attend University of Minnesota South Central College for my the and patient-centered jointand replacement studying pre-vet majoring in EMT to be a paramedic program animal sciencesat The Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic and River’s Edge Hospital.

Parents: Dave and Robyn Pfarr, and Jennifer and Joshua Palma Future Plans: University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse and to wrestle

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Congrats to the Class of 2017!



Dylan Hermel

Jose Hernandez

Marta Hladysh

Erika Hoppe

Klaire Hudson

Parents: Holly Spiess and Josh Hermel

Parent: Elodia Hernandez

Parents: Olekandra Braun and Yaroslav Hladysh, and David Braun

Parents: Kyle and Deb Hoppe

Parents: Trent and Melissa Hudson

Future Plans: Attend South Dakota State University

Future Plans: Attend South Dakota State University to study engineering.

Future Plans: Attend University of WisconsinRiver Falls.

Future Plans: Attend Southwest State University majoring in social work

Future Plans: Minnesota State University, Duluth major in communications and minor in international studies. After graduating, I hope to be accepted into the Peace Corps.

Jesse Kaelberer

Victoria Ladd

Amanda Lamp

Douglas Lang

Kylee LaPierre

Parents: Melissa and Lincoln Hooper, and Mark and Rhonda Kaelberer

Parents: Donna Beseke and Steve Ladd

Parents: Brad and Lisa Lamp

Parents: Heidi and Jason Lang

Parents: Vikki Smith and Lawrence LaPierre

Future Plans: Major in psychology

Future Plans: Attend Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington, to major in film studies with a minor in advertising. I hope to go into a field where I can put those skills to good use.

Future Plans: Attend Normandale Community College for a year and then transferring into the University of Minnesota for landscape architecture

Future Plans: Undecided

Congratulations graduates! We congratulate you and your fellow graduates on a job well done! Chuck Frauendienst, FIC MN Lic. 140889 137 Windsor Dr., Le Sueur, MN 507-665-3225

Wednesday, May 17, 2017



Class of

Grant Miller

Your future starts today, and we wish you all the best! Congratulations, Graduates!

WintersPlumbing & Heating Inc. 0 erry S • Le Sueur • -507-665-3056 •

Future Plans: Finish AA degree at South Central College, then transfer to Gustavus Aldolphus College to double major in mathematics and statistics and minor in economics to become an actuary.

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and to the Class of 2017!

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017



Austin Lovelace

Courtney Lucht

Jordyn Macias

Brett McConnell

Parents: Barry and Tammy Lovelace

Parents: Tabitha Stanford and Jeff Lucht

Parents: Rick Macias and Carrie Ernsting

Parents: Mike and Deanne McConnell

Future Plans: Employment

Future Plans: Go to college for elementary education

Future Plans: Undecided

Future Plans: Study mechatronics at South Central College

Madelynn McLain

Madison Meyer

Grant Miller

Parents: Angela and Michael McLain

Parent: Becky Meyer

Parents: Jamie and Kendra Miller

Seth Lawrence Miller

Future Plans: Attend University of St. Thomas for pre-medicine.

Future Plans: Music Education

Future Plans: U.S. Air Force

Good Luck Class of 2017! Friendly Personal Service!

Corner Drug Health Mart 204 Valley Green Sq | Le Sueur, MN (507) 665-3301 Find us on facebook

Parents: Michael and Stacy Miller Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato

Congratulations, Class of 2017! Le Sueur Family Dental.com 219 South 2nd Street Le Sueur 507-665-6812 “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” Harriet Tubman

Hats off to the Class of 2017! Congratulations! from all of us at “The CornerStone of your Financial Future.”


415 N. Main Street Le Sueur, MN 56058 - (507) 665-4200



Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Marissa Milless

Dawson Molter

Keon Naranjo

Jordan Notto

Parents: Tanya and Rick Riemann

Parents: Alan Molter and Joyce Rosin

Parents: Tomasita Naranjo and Jason Heyn

Parents: Jim and Julie Notto

Future Plans: Attend Bethany Lutheran College to get a degree in legal studies, while competing on cross country, and track and field teams.

Future Plans: Work then go to a two-year school.

Future Plans: Wrestle at Minnesota West Community and Technical College

Future Plans: Go to professional wrestling camp

No Photo Available

Congrats to the Class of 2017! Wolf Motors HWY 169 North, Le Sueur 507-665-6476 | 1-800-569-8331 | www.wolfmotors.com

Kathleen O’Brien

Dylan Pauly

Shahailey Payne

Cole Pengilly

Parents: Michael and Sara O’Bien

Parents: Drew and Deah Pauly

Parents: Autumn and Michael Payne

Parents: Victor and Julee Pengilly

Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College

Future Plans: Attend South Dakota State University for a degree in mechanical engineering

s of Clas

Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College

Here’s hoping all of your dreams come true! Your hard work and dedication have taken you to this point, and we know you’ll continue to achieve great things in the future. Keep up the great work. Best wishes, Class of 2017!


“ C ong ratulations Dy lan Pauly and T ay lor Witte! ”

Dick Kent Barry

101 Bridge Street Suite B | Le Sueur, MN 507-665-3332

507-593-0143 | 304 Valleygreen Square | Le Sueur | haemigfamilydentistry.com W e are a D elta D ental P P O / P remier P rovider

www.lesueurnews-herald.com like us on facebook

Wednesday, May 17, 2017



Hunter Pfarr

Luis Puente

Caleb Radloff

Harrison Redmann Kayla Regenscheid

Parents: Liz Voss and Joe Pfarr

Parents: Luis and Yolanda Puente

Parents: Bill and Lisa Radloff

Parents: Todd and Christine Redmann

Parents: Glen and Tammy Regenscheid

Future Plans: Attend South Central Technical College

Future Plans: Attend South Dakota State University

Future Plans: Bethel University, then go to PT school

Future Plans: Attend University of Minnesota, Duluth, College of Science and Engineering

Future Plans: Employment and attend South Central College

Mikayla Reinhardt

Trenten Rogich

Breanna Schug

Jack Schwartz

Janie Schwartz

Parents: Greg and Lynn Reinhardt

Parents: Rick and JoAnn Rogich

Parents: Tim and Ann Schug

Parents: Terry and Melissa Schwartz

Parents: Terry and Melissa Schwartz

Future Plans: Attend College of Saint Benedict. Major in integrative health sciences as well as enter into the pre-medicine program

Future Plans: Attend a four-year college studying agriculture

Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College and major in elementary education or nursing

Future Plans: University of Wisconsin, River Falls, majoring in sales and marketing, will also run cross country and track

Future Plans: Attend Hamline University


atulatio ngr ns o C f o 201 ass 7! Cl

Class of 2017! From the Staff at Minnesota Valley Vet 500 Doppy Lane Le Sueur • 665-2371

O n your graduation day, we’ d lik e to c ongradulate you and wish you good luc k as you em bark up on new and ex c iting endeav ors. M ay good fortune and good health be yours as you c ontinue to ac hiev e great things.

We’ve watched you come this far, and now the sky is the limit. Hold fast to your dreams, and don’t be afraid to reach for the stars. We know you can do it!

Congratulations on your im pressive academ ic achievem ent, graduates. W e know you’ ve worked hard to earn your diplom a, and now a world of opportunity is at your feet. Y our ex periences at school have shown you the power of hard work and dedication, and now you have the power to m ake all of your dream s com e true. May every road lead you toward success and happiness!

Moske’ s Auto Service, Inc. 825 Main St • Le Sueur 507-6 6 5-4 3 3 3

Congrats to Allison Spinler and to the Class of 2017! Best Wishes! 309 N Main Street, Le Sueur, MN 56058-1502 • 507-665-6411



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W e’ re p roud of you, graduates. Congratulations and best wishes!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Allison Schwarz

Abby Simota

Matthew Skelley

Daniel Sosa

Parents: Greg and Joan Schwarz

Parents: Elline and Michael Simota

Parents: John and Kristin Skelley

Parents: Fabiola Sosa-Santana and Martin Sosa

Future Plans: University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire for a bachelor’s degree, then seminary for master’s in divinity.

Future Plans: Attend South Central College, majoring in medical assisting

Future Plans: Attend South Central College for automotive service

Allison Spinler

Carson Stepka

Kallie Steuck

Mason Straub

Parents: Joe and Amy Spinler

Parents: Daniel and Rhya Stepka

Parents: Richard Steuck, and Lana Steuck and Tyler Peters

Parents: Micah and Rebecca Straub

Future Plans: Attend Argosy University, Twin Cities for dental hygiene.

Future Plans: Major in management and leadership in the Dahl School of Business at Viterbo

Future Plans: Grand Canyon University or Adrian College to further my hockey career along with studies

Future Plans: Attend South Central College for business management and marketing

Future Plans: South Dakota State University in Brookings for construction management

Follow Your Dreams!

That diploma is your ticket to a bright and promising future. If you believe in yourself and pursue your dreams, anything is possible.

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Congratulations and Best Wishes on your Graduation!


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Class of 2017!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017



Rhett Streeter

Amanda Stutsman

Matthew Thoele

Zackery Thomson

Parents: Roger and Lorie Streeter

Parents: Jeff and Marilyn Stutsman

Parents: Michael Thoele and Andrea Thoele

Parents: Tiff and Kyhl Thomson

Future Plans: Run Division I track at the University of Montana in Missoula, and major in business marketing and minor in art and design.

Future Plans: Learn how to be a missionary in the field of other countries.

Elizabeth Tiegs

Frank Turek

Kayla Weiers

Parents: Jim and Fran Tiegs

Parents: Megan and Terry Turek

Parents: Dave and Pam Weiers

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato

Future Plans: Attend North Dakota State University

Future Plans: Gustavus Adophus College to major in biology with plans of doing medical research

Future Plans: Work as a heavy equipment operator

Future Plans: Attend Riverland Community College

Way to go Grads!

As you make your next step...

Your determ ination and hard work hav e p aid off today as you p rep are to ac c ep t your dip lom a. K eep striv ing for suc c ess, and it will m eet you at ev ery c orner. C O N G R A T U LA T I O N S T O

please know we’re behind you all the way. May you make the world a better place!

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Congratulations to the Class of 2017! LE

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Luke Wilson

Cole Wobbrock

Angela Youngren

Lilyanna Zeglin

Parents: Scott and Mary Wilson

Parents: Michael and Kimberly Wobbrock

Parents: Tim and Cheri Youngren

Parents: Katyana Miller and Andrew Zeglin

Future Plans: Augsburg College, major in medical field, compete in wrestling

Future Plans: South Central College, welding program

Future Plans: Further my education by attending a four-year university.

All the Best at Graduation! Le Sueur-Henderson Students -Mikayla Falkman -Tiian Brown-Smith -Lilyanna Zeglin Belle Plaine Student -Natalie Hillstrom - MNCS Student -Evelyn Sandstede and the Graduating Class of 2017!

125 N. Main • Le Sueur | 507-665-2630 www.radermachers.com

Future Plans: Minneapolis College of Art and Business and major in animation

Congratulations to all employees graduating this spring!

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