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Basic Persian Lesson 1 câh
1. ân câh ast
that is a well
2. ân âb ast
that is water
3. câh âb darad
a well has water
4. âb âbi ast
water is blue
5. ân âb âbi ast
that water is blue
6. ân âbe câh ast
that is well water
he/she came
1. u jâ dârad
he/she has a place
2. u pâ dârad
he/she has foot
3. dud bu dârad
the smoke has smell
4. âb âbi ast
the water is blue
5. u zud âmad
he/she came early
Exercise 1.1 1. Learn the pronunciations of “a” and “â” by pronouncing them aloud. 2. Learn the meaning of the above Persian words and pronounce them aloud. 3. Copy the above example sentences five times.
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Lesson 2 âsân
I have
1. in dars âsân ast
this lesson is easy
2. ân dars âsân bud
that lesson was easy
3. kâre mâ âsân ast
our work/job is easy
4. ân âbe câh ast
that is well water
5. u pâ dârad
he/she has foot
6. man kâr dâram
I have work
7. darse man âsân ast
my lesson is easy
8. in darse man ast
this is my lesson
9. u zud âmad
he/she came early
10. ân câh âb dârad
that well has water
Forming Interrogative Sentences For forming an interrogative sentence add the word “âyâ” in the beginning of a declarative one. For a positive answer to an interrogative sentence, use the word “bale” and for a negative answer use the word “na”.
Excerice 2.1
Answer the Following Questions:
1. âyâ in dars âsân ast?
bale, in dars âsân ast
2. âyâ kâre mâ âsân ast?
bale, kâre mâ âsân ast
3. âyâ ân câh âb dârad?
bale, ân câh âb dârad
4. âyâ u zud âmad?
bale, u zud âmad
5. âyâ âb âbi ast?
bale, âb âbi ast
6. âyâ ân âbe câh ast?
bale, ân âbe câh ast
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7. âyâ dud bu dârad?
bale, dud bu dârad
8. âyâ u jâ dârad?
bale, u jâ dârad
Exercise 2.2
Read the Following Words Loudly and Distinctly: âsân - dars - mâ - in - bud - kâr - man - dâram
Lesson 3 asb
1. in asb ast
this is a horse
2. ân asb do guš dârad
that horse has two ears
3. in asb yek dom dârad
this horse has a tail
4. asbe mân do guš dârad
my horse has two ears
5. in dar ast
this is a door
6. u yek asb dârad
he/she has a horse
7. ân asb ast
that is a horse
8. in asbe mân ast
this is my horse
9. ân sag, yek dom dârad
that dog has a tail
10. in sage u ast
this is his/her dig
11. in labe mân ast
this is my lip
12. ân daste ust (ust = u ast)
that is his/her hand
13. u do asb dârad
he/she has two horses
14. man yek sag dâram
I have a dog
15. man do pâ dâram
I have two feet
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16. asb dom dârad
a horse has a tail
17. asb lab dârad
a horse has lips
18. u do dast dârad
he/she has two hânds
19. in sag do lab dârad
this dog has two lips
20. ân dar ast
that is a door
Exercise 3.1
1. Remember the pronunciation of “o” in the word “do (two)”. Pronounce this word several times. 2. Learn these combinations and make others similar to them: “abe câh” “kâre mâ” “do guš” 3. Put the following declarative sentences into interrogative: 1. u yek sag dârad
âyâ u yek sag dârad?
2. asb dom dârad
âyâ asb dom dârad?
3. ân sag ast
âyâ ân sag ast?
4. in asbe ust
âyâ in asbe ust?
5. ân sag do guš dârad
âyâ ân sag do guš dârad?
6. in âbe câh ast
âyâ in âbe câh ast?
7. ân câh âb dârad
âyâ ân câh âb dârad?
8. ân daste ust
âyâ ân daste ust?
Exercise 3.2
Put the following words in the right order:
1. dârad - yek - u - sag
u yek sag dârad
2. dom - asb - ân - dârad
ân asb dom dârad
3. man - sag - guš - dârad - do - e
sage man do guš dârad
4. asb - ast - ân
ân asb ast
5. man - in - ast - sage
sage man in ast
6. asb - u - do - dârad
u do asb dârad
7. pâ - do - man - dâram
man do pâ dâram
8. dârad - dom - asb
asb dom dârad
9. asbe - do - pâ - u - dârad
asbe u do pâ dârad
10. câh - âbe - ast - ân
ân âbe câh ast
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Lesson 4 mu
1. u do guše bozorg dârad
he/she has two large ears
2. daste man kucak ast
I have a small hand
3. sare man mu dârad
I have hair on my head
4. u yek damâqe bozorg dârad
he/she has a large nose
5. man do cašm dâram
I have two eyes
6. u yek dahan dârad
he/she has a mouth
7. man yek sar dâram
I have a head
8. u do pâ dârad
he/she has two feet
9. man yek dahân va/dahâno do lab dâram (dahan + o = dahâno)
I have one mouth and two lips
10. u do abru va/abruvo do cašm dârad (abru + o = abruvo)
he/she has two eyebrows and two eyes
11. sare man va/mano sare u mu dârand
he/she and I have hair on our heads
12. sare u kucak va/kucako guše u bozorg ast
his/her head is small and his/her ears are large
13. u do dast va/dasto do pâ dârad
he/she has two hands and two feet
14. daste u kucak va/kucako daste man bozorg ast
his/her hands are small and mine are large
15. sare šomâ bozorg ast
your head is large
Exercise 4.1
Answer the following questions: 1. âyâ daste man kucak ast? 2. âyâ sare u bozorg ast?
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3. âya asb dom dârad? 4. âyâ in sag do guš dârad? 5. âyâ in labe man ast? 6. âyâ in dar ast? 7. âyâ in dars, âsân ast? 8. âyâ man zud âmadam? 9. âyâ kâre mâ âsân ast? 10. âyâ man do pâ dâram? The plural of the majority of nouns is formed by adding "hâ" to the singular and sometimes by adding "ân".
Exercise 4.2
Add “hâ” to the singular nouns below to make them plural: câh
Read and learn the following pronouns: man
Lesson 5 Ìóëüòèÿ çûêîâîé ïðîåêò Èëüè Ôðàíêà www.franklang.ru
you have
you came
he/she went
we came
1. šomâ do ketâb dârid
you have two books
2. u yek qalam dârad
he/she has one pen
3. kelâse ma bozorg ast
our classroom is large
4. u se medâd dârad
he/she has three pencils
5. ma be kelâs âmadim
we came to class
6. u be xâne raft
he/she went to the house
7. asbe u bozorg ast
his/her horse is big
8. šomâ se medâd dârid
you have three pencils
9. medâde man âbi ast
my pencil is blue
10. u be kelâs raft
he/she went to class
11. man do qalam dâram
I have two pens
12. u yek damâq dârad
he/she has one nose
13. ketâbe u âbi ast
his/her book is blue
14. medâde man kucak ast
my pencil is small
15. u yek sage bozorg dârad
he/she has a big dog
16. u do medâde âbi dârad
he/she has a blue pencil
17. man do cašmo do abru dâram
I have two eyes and two eyebrows
18. u do dasto do pa dârad
he/she has two hands and two feet
19. ketâbe u kucak ast
his book is small
20. medâde man bozorg ast
my pencil is big
Exercise 5.1
Answer the following questions: Ìóëüòèÿ çûêîâîé ïðîåêò Èëüè Ôðàíêà www.franklang.ru
1. âyâ šomâ yek qalam dârid?
bale, šomâ yek qalam dârid
2. âyâ u do medâd dârad?
bale, u do medâd dârad
3. âyâ kelâse mâ bozorg ast?
bale, kelâse mâ bozorg ast
4. âyâ man do dasto do pâ dâram?
bale, man do dasto do pâ dâram
5. âyâ man do lab dâram?
bale, man do lab dâram
6. âyâ šomâ zud be kelâs âmadid?
bale, šomâ zud be kelâs âmadid
7. âya šomâ do dast dârid?
bale, šomâ do dast dârid
8. âyâ šomâ do guš dârid?
bale, šomâ do guš dârid
9. âyâ asb dom dârad?
bale, asb dom dârad
10. âyâ in daste man ast?
bale, in daste man ast
11. âyâ ân ketâbe man ast?
bale, ân ketâbe man ast
12. âyâ sag dom dârad?
bale, sag dom dârad
13. âyâ šomâ do pâ dârid?
bale, šomâ do pâ dârid
14. âyâ šomâ do cašm dârid?
bale, šomâ do cašm dârid
15. âyâ daste u kucak ast?
bale, daste u kucak ast
16. âyâ daste man bozorg ast?
bale, daste man bozorg ast
17. âyâ medâde man âbi ast?
bale, medâde man âbi ast
18. âyâ man do guš dâram?
bale, man do guš dâram
19. âyâ man do dast dâram?
bale, man do dast dâram
20. âyâ dars âsân ast?
bale, dars âsân ast
Negative Form of the Verbs The prefixes “na” or “ne” make the verbs negative: Examples: dâram — nadâram raft — naraft miravam — nemiravam There is a special case for the word “ast” (is). To make it negative the prefix “ni” is added instead of “na” at the beginning: Example: ast — nist
Exercise 5.2
Change the following positive sentences into negative: Ìóëüòèÿ çûêîâîé ïðîåêò Èëüè Ôðàíêà www.franklang.ru
1. in dars âsân ast
in dars âsân nist
2. kâre mâ âsân ast
kâre mâ âsân nist
3. ân câh âb dârad
ân câh âb nadârad
4. u do asb dârad
u do asb nadârad
5. in asbe ust
in asbe u nist
6. man do ketâb dâram
man do ketâb nadâram
7. u be kelâs raft
u be kelâs naraft
8. man se qalam dâram
man se qalam nadâram
9. šomâ do ketâb dârid
šomâ do ketâb nadârid
10. man do medâd dâram
man do medâd nadâram
11. ân ketâbe ust
an ketâbe u nist
12. man be kelâs raftam
man be kelâs naraftam
Numbers 1. yek
2. do
3. se
4. cahâr
5. panj
6. šeš
7. haft
8. hašt
9. noh
10. dah
Sentences 1. man dah ketâb dâram
I have ten books
2. u hašt qalam dârad
he has eight pens
3. âyâ šoma yek ketâb dârid?
do you have a book?
4. man šeš ketâbe âbi dâram
I have six blue books
5. u haft medâde âbi nadârad
he/she does not have seven blue pencils
6. mâ cahâr sag nadârim
we do not have four dogs
Combinations do pâ - panj câh - noh dars - haft asb - cahâr ketâb - šeš medâd - se xâne - hašt sag
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Lesson 6 âvardam
I brought
he/she brought
you brought
I took away
he/she took away
you took away
I saw
šomâ didid
you saw
1. man šomâ râ didam.
I saw you.
2. man u râ nadidam.
I did not see him/her.
3. šomâ u râ didid.
you saw him/her.
4. u marâ did.
he/she saw me.
5. man ketâbhâ râ bordam.
I took away the books.
6. âyâ u medâde šomâ râ bord?
did he/she take away your pencil?
7. âyâ šomâ qalame urâ be xâne bordid?
did you take his/her pen home?
8. šomâ mâ râ nadidid
you did not see us.
9. u ketâbhâ râ be xâne nabord.
he/she did not take the books home.
10. man cahâr medâde âbi be kelâs âvardam.
I brought four blue pencils to class.
11. âyâ šomâ qalame u râ âvardid?
didyou bring his/her pen?
12. âyâ u ketâbe šomâ râ be xâne bord?
did he/she take your book home?
13. âyâ u šomâ râ did?
did he/she see you?
14. man dah ketâb dâram.
I have ten books.
15. âyâ šomâ mâ râ didid?
did you see us?
16. u be kelâs naraft.
he did not go to class.
17. mâ zud be kelâs âmadim.
we came to class early.
18. âyâ šomâ ketâbe u râ be kelâs âvardid?
did you bring his/hr book to class?
19. man medâde šomâ râ nadidam.
I did not see your pencil.
20. u yek xâne dârad.
he/she has a house.
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Verb Conjugation Past tense of the verb: Didan
To see
man didam
I saw
to didi
you saw/thou sawest
u did
he/she saw
mâ didim
we saw
šomâ didid
you saw
išan didand
they saw Âvardan
To bring
man âvardam
I brought
to âvardi
you brought/thou broughtest
u âvard
he/she brought
mâ âvardim
we brought
šomâ âvardid
you brought
išân âvardand
they brought Bordan
To take away
man bordam
I took away
to bordi
you took away/thou tookest away
u bord
he/she took away
mâ bordim
we took away
šomâ bordid
you took away
išân bordand
they took away
Execrcise 6.1
Answer the following questions with positive and negative sentences: 1. âyâ šomâ marâ ( = man râ) didid?
na, man šomâ râ nadidam.
2. âyâ u ketâb râ bord?
bale, u ketâb râ bord.
3. âyâ medâde u dar kelâs bud?
na, medâde u dar kelâs nabud.
4. âyâ in qalame šomâ ast?
bale, in qalame man ast.
5. âyâ u mâ râ did?
na, u mâ râ nadid.
6. âyâ šomâ ketâbhâ râ bordid?
bale mâ ketâbhâ râ bordim.
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7. âyâ u ketâbe šomâ râ be kelâs bord?
na, u ketâbe marâ be kelâs nabord.
8. âyâ u be kelâs raft?
bale, u be kelâs raft.
9. âyâ šomâ medâde marâ didid?
na, man medâde šomâ râ nadidam.
10. âyâ u yek xâne dârad?
bale, u yek xâne dârad.
11. âyâ šomâ dah ketâb dârid?
na, mâ dah ketâb nadârim.
12. âyâ u do ketâbe âbi dârad?
bale, u do ketâbe âbi dârad.
13. âyâ šoma cahâr sag dârid?
na, mâ cahâr sag nadârim.
14. âyâ šoma panj medâd darid?
bale, mâ panj medâd dârim.
15. âyâ in dars âsân ast?
na, in dars âsân nist.
16. âyâ medâde man âbi ast?
bale, medâde man âbi ast.
Exercise 6.2
Put the following words in the right order: 1. medâde - do - âbi - u - dârad
u do medâde âbi dârad.
2. bozorg - ast - mâ - kelâse
kelâse mâ bozorg ast.
3. zud - be - man - âmadam - kelâs
man zud be kelâs âmadam.
4. pâ - do - šomâ - va - dârid - do - dast
šomâ do pâ va do dast dârid.
5. kucak - daste - ast - u
daste u kucak ast.
6. guš - šomâ - dârid - do
šomâ do guš dârid.
7. câh - âb - dârad - ân
ân câh âb dârad.
8. šeš - âbi - ketâbe - dâram - man
man šeš ketâbe âbi dâram.
9. yek - sag - dârad - u
u yek sag dârad.
10. ketâbhâ - bordam - râ - man
man ketâbhâ râ bordam.
11. be - xâne - bordid - šomâ - u - râ - qalame
šomâ qalame u râ be xâne bordid.
12. man - âbi - cahâr - be - kelâs - medâde âvardam
man cahâr medâde âbi be kelâs âvardam
13. qalame - âvardid - šomâ - u - râ - âyâ
âyâ šomâ qalame u râ âvardid?
14. ketâbe - u - šomâ - râ - bord - be - xâne
u ketâbe šomâ râ be xâne bord.
15. u - râ - didid- šomâ - âyâ
âyâ šomâ u râ didid?
16. u - xâne - yek - dârad
u yek xâne dârad.
17. ketâbe - šomâ - râ - u - kelâs - be - bord
u ketâbe šomâ râ be kelâs bord.
18. qalam - dah - nadâram - man
man dah qalam nadâram.
19. zud - xâne - be - šomâ - âmadid
be šomâ zud be xâne âmadid.
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20. do - man - cašm - guš - o - dâram - do
man do gušo do cašm dâram
Exercise 6.3
Read the following words aloud; then find their equivalents in English: kucak - bozorg - damâq - dahân - abru - sar - mu - dom - lab - guš - asb - sag - didid - bordam - zud - dud - âmad - âvard - did - bord - jâ - câh - âb- dârad - âbi - âsân - âvardid - didam - dars - ân - in bud
Lesson 7 xord
he/she ate
he/she told
I went
he/she bought
1. u be bâzâr raft.
he went to the bazaar.
2. u az bâzâr sib xarid.
he bought apples at the bazaar.
3. u sib râ xord.
he ate the apple.
4. man dar dânešgâh šomâ râ nadidam.
I did not see you at the university.
5. man az dânešgâh be xâne raftam.
I went home from the university.
6. u mâ râ dar bâzâr did.
he/she saw us at the bazaar.
7. ketâbe šomâ dar kelâs ast.
your book is the classroom.
8. u sibe šomâ râ naxord.
he/she did not eat your apple.
9. u be man goft.
he/she told me.
10. mâ be dânešgâh raftim.
we went to the university.
11. man ketâbe šomâ râ âvardam.
I brought your book.
12. u ketâbe šomâ râ be xâne bord.
he/she took your book home.
13. âyâ šomâ medâde marâ be kelâs âvardid?
did you bring my pencil to class?
14. man išân râ dar dânešgâh nadidam.
I did not see them at the university.
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15. u marâ dar kelâs did.
he/she saw me in class.
16. mâ šomâ râ nadidim.
we did not see you.
17. âyâ šomâ sibe marâ xordid?
did you eat my apple?
18. man ketâbe šomâ râ be dânešgâh nabordam.
I did not take your book to the university.
19. âyâ in medâde šomâst?
is this your pencil?
20. na, ân medâde man nist.
no, that is not my pencil.
21. âyâ ân medâde šomâst?
is that your pencil?
22. bale, an medâde man ast.
yes, this is my pencil.
23. in deraxte sib ast.
this is an apple tree.
24. in sib az ân deraxt ast.
this apple is from that tree.
25. ma sib râ az bâzâr xaridim.
I bought the apple from the bazaar.
26. u ketâb râ az man xarid.
he bought the book from me.
27. man be bâzâr naraftam.
I did not go to the bazaar.
28. âyâ šomâ sibe u râ xordid?
did you eat his/her apple?
29. na, man sibe u râ naxordam.
no, I did not eat his apple.
30. bale, man sibe u râ xordam.
yes, I ate his apple.
Verb Conjugation Past tense of the verb (in the negative form): Naxordan
Not to eat
man naxordam
I did not eat
to naxordi
you did not eat/thou didest not eat
u naxord
he/she did not eat
mâ naxordim
we did not eat
šomâ naxordid
you did not eat
išân naxordand
they did not eat Nagoftan
Not to say/Not to tell
man nagoftam
I did not say
to nagofti
you did not say/thou didest not say
u nagoft
he/she did not say
mâ nagoftim
we did not say
šomâ nagoftid
you did not say
išân nagoftand
they did not say Naxaridan
Not to buy
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man naxaridam
I did not buy
to naxaridi
you did not buy/thou didest not buy
u naxarid
he/she did not buy
mâ naxaridim
we did not buy
šomâ naxaridid
you did not buy
išân naxaridand
they did not buy
Exercise 7.1
Put the following verbs in negative form: bordam
Exercise 7.2
Answer the following questions: 1. âyâ šomâ yek qalame âbi dârid?
bale, man yek qalame âbi dâram
2. âyâ u zud be xâne raft?
na, u zud be xâne naraft
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3. âyâ kelâse mâ dar dânešgah ast?
bale, kelâse mâ dar dânešgah ast
4. âyâ ketâbe šomâ dar kelâs bud?
na, ketâbe mâ dar kelâs nabud
5. âyâ u sib râ az bâzâr xarid?
bale, u sib râ az bâzâr xarid
6. âyâ u ketâbe šomâ râ be kelâs âvard?
na, u ketâbe mâ râ be kelâs nayâvard
7. âyâ šomâ išân râ dar dânešgâh didid?
bale, mâ išân râ dar dânešgâh didim
8. âyâ šomâ medâde marâ be xâne bordid?
na, man medâde šomâ râ be xâne nabordam
9. âyâ ân ketâbe šomâst?
bale, ân ketâbe mâst
10. âyâ in sib az ân deraxt ast?
na, in sib az ân deraxt nist
11. âyâ šomâ ketâbe marâ dar kelâs didid?
bale, man ketâbe šomâ râ dar kelâs didam
12. âyâ in dars âsân ast?
na, in dars âsân nist
13. âyâ in qalame šomâst?
bale, in qalame man ast
14. âyâ šomâ ketâbhâ râ be kelâs bordid?
na, mâ ketâbhâ râ be kelâs nabordim
15. âyâ šomâ yek xâne dârid?
bale, mâ yek xâne dârim
16. âyâ šomâ yek sag dârid?
na, man yek sag nadâram
17. âyâ šomâ ketâbe u râ be xâne bordid?
bale, mâ ketâbe u râ be xâne bordim
18. âyâ šomâ zud be xâne raftid?
na, mâ zud be xâne naraftim
19. âyâ man zud be kelâs âmadam?
bale, šomâ zud be kelâs âmadid
20. âyâ ketâbe šomâ âbist?
na, ketâbe man âbi nist
Exercise 7.3
Put the following words in the right order: 1. zud - kelâs - be - man - raftam.
man zud be kelâs raftam.
2. sib - u - az - râ - xarid - bâzâr.
u sib râ az bâzâr xarid
3. dar - kelâse - mâ - dânešgâh - ast.
kelâse mâ dar dânešgâh ast
4. az - sibhâ - u - naxord - in.
u az in sibhâ naxord
5. ketâbe - man - šomâ - râ - âvardam dânešgâh - be
man ketâbe šomâ râ be dânešgâh âvardam
6. deraxte - ân - ast - sib
ân deraxte sib ast
7. dâram - yek - man - medâde - âbi.
man yek medâde âbi dâram
8. yek - sag - u - dârad.
u yek sag dârad
9. do - šomâ - dârid - guš.
šomâ do guš dârid
10. bozorg - ast - mâ - kelâse.
kelâse mâ bozorg ast
11. do - šomâ - pâ - va - dast - do - dârid.
šomâ do pâ va do dast dârid
12. dârad - âb - câh - ân.
ân câh âb dârad
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13. be - šomâ - xâne - âmadid.
šomâ be xâne âmadid
14. cašm - do - man - do - va - dâram - guš.
man do cašmo do guš dâram
15. cahâr - u - ketâb - kelâs - be - âvard.
u cahâr ketâb be kelâs âvard
Numbers 11 yâzdah
16 šânzdah
12 davâzdah
17 hafdah
13 sizdah
18 hajdah/hašdah/haž dah
14 cahârdah
19 nuzdah
15 pânzdah
20 bist
Lesson 8 Ranghâ = Colors rang
1. Medâde man syâh ast.
My pencil is black.
2. Ketâbe u zard ast.
His/her book is yellow.
3. Muye u syâh ast.
His/her hair is black.
4. Range in sib sabz ast.
The color of this apple is green.
5. Range ân medâd zard ast.
The color of that pencil is yellow.
6. Ketâbe u âbist.
His/her book is blue.
7. Ân sag syâh ast.
That dog is black.
8. Man yek medâde zard az bâzâr xaridam.
I bought a yellow pencil from the bazaar/market.
9. Išân šeš ketâbe sabz az bâzâr xaridand.
They bought six green books from the bazaar/market.
10. U yek qalame âbiyo yek ketâbe zard az bâzâr xarid.
He/she bought a blue pen and a yellow book from the market.
11. U medâde syâh nadârad.
He/she does not have a black pencil.
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12. Išân cašmhâye syâh dârand.
They have black eyes.
13. U yek medâde âbiyo do ketâbe zard be kelâs âvard.
He/she brought a blue pencil and two yellow books to class.
14. Âyâ in ketâbe zard dar kelâs bud?
Was this yellow book in the classroom.
15. Medâde sabze u dar kelâs nabud.
His/her green pen was not in the classroom.
1. Ân sib sorx ast.
That apple is red.
2. In deraxt, sibe sorx dârad.
This tree, has red apples.
3. Man az bâzâr cahâr medâde qermez xaridam.
I bought four red pencils from the market.
4. Range jâmeye/lebâse man qahveyist.
The color of my clothes is brown.
5. U do medâde banafš dârad.
He/she has two purple pencils.
6. Išân qalame xâkestari nadârand.
They do not have grey pens.
7. Range jâmeye/lebâse mâ xâkestarist.
The color of my clothes is grey.
8. Âyâ šomâ qalame xâkestari dârid?
Do you have a grey pen?
9. Range lebâse u qermez nist.
The color of his/her clothes is red.
10. Man yek qalame xâkestariyo do medâde banafš dâram.
I have a grey pen and two purple pencils.
Exercise 8.1
1. Put the following words in the right order:
1. medâd - range - ân - ast - qahveyiye - sir.
range ân medâd qahveyiye sir ast.
2. qalam - range - in - rowšan - zarde - ast.
range in qalam zarde rowšan ast.
3. ân - range - sib - qermeze - ast - sir.
range ân sib qermeze sir ast.
4. šeš - sabz - ketâbe - dârand - išân.
išân šeš ketâbe sabz dârand.
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5. sag - ast - ân - syâh.
ân sag syâh ast.
6. yek - zard - xaridam - man - medâde.
man yek medâde zard xaridam.
7. ân - range - zard - medâd - ast.
range ân medâd zard ast.
8. sage - syah - dâram - man - yek.
man yek sage syâh dâram.
9. syâh- išân - medâde - nadârand.
išân medâde syâh nadârand.
10. kelâs - medâde - sabze - u - dar - nabud.
medâde sabze u dar kelâs nabud.
2. Find the English equivalents of the following words: 1. rang
2. šânzdah
3. syâh
4. sepid
5. deraxt
6. sib
7. jâme
8. bist
9. didam
I saw
10. bordid
you took away
11. hašt
12. kelâs
13. sarhâ
14. išân
15. kucak
16. abru
17. mu
18. xordand
they ate
19. did
he/she saw
20. câh
a well
Lesson 9 Ìóëüòèÿ çûêîâîé ïðîåêò Èëüè Ôðàíêà www.franklang.ru
pâk kardan
to clean
taxteye syâh
1. Dar in kelâs nuzdah šâgerd ast.
There are nineteen students in this class.
2. Dar in kelâs yek ostâd ast.
There is one professor in this class.
3. šâgerdân ketâbo daftar dârand.
The students have books and notebooks.
4. Ostâd bâ taxtepâkkon taxteye syâh râ pâk kard.
The professor cleaned the blackboard with a duster.
5. Ân šâgerd do daftaro do medâd dârad.
That student has two notebooks and two pencils.
6. Range daftare man zardo range medâde man qermez ast.
The color of my notebook is yellow, and the color of my pencil is red.
7. Kâqaze daftare ân šâgerd sepid ast.
That student's notebook paper is white.
8. Ostâde mâ yek sandaliyo yek miz dârad.
Our professor has a chair and a table.
9. Kelâse mâ dar dânešgâh ast.
Our classroom is in the university.
10. Dar in kelâs yek taxteye syâho, mizo yek sandali ast.
There is a blackboard, a table, and a chair in this classroom.
Exercise 9.1
Put the following words in the right order:
ostâd - kelâs - dar - ast.
ostâd dar kelâs ast.
sandali - nadârand - šâgerdân.
šâgerdân sandali nadârand.
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medâde - nadâram - man - âbi.
man medâde âbi nadâram.
man - qalame - range - ast - syâh.
range qalame man syâh ast.
šagerd - ân - daftar - dârad - do.
ân šâgerd do daftar dârad.
do - bozorg - ostâd - dârad - ketâbe.
ostâd do ketâbe bozorg dârad.
nadârim - kâqaze - mâ - zard.
mâ kâqaze zard nadârim.
kelâs - dar - taxtepâkkon - in - yek - ast.
yek taxtepâkkon dar in kelâs ast.
ostâd - dârad - sandaliyo - yek - miz - yek.
ostâd yek sandaliyo yek miz dârad.
ketâb - nadârad - ostâd - daftaro.
ostâd daftaro ketâb nadârad.
Answer the following questions:
1. Âyâ šomâ dar xâne panj sandali dârid?
Bale, mâ dar xâne panj sandali dârim.
2. Âyâ dar in kelâs bist šâgerd ast?
Na, dar in kelâs bist šâgerd nist.
3. Âyâ šomâ taxteye syâh râ pâk kardid?
Bale, man taxteye syâh râ pâk kardam.
4. Âyâ ostâd qalame âbi dârad?
Na, ostâd qalame âbi nadârad.
5. Âyâ ostâd taxteye syâh râ pâk kard?
Bale, ostâd taxteye syâh râ pâk kard.
6. Âyâ range qalame man syâh ast?
Na, range qalame man syâh nist.
7. Âyâ range medâde šomâ zard ast?
Bale, range medâde mâ zard ast.
8. Âyâ šâgerdane in kelâs sandali dârand?
Na, šâgerdane in kelâs sandali nadârand.
9. Âyâ ostâd yek sandali dârad?
Bale, ostâd yek sandali dârad.
10. Âyâ šomâ zud be kelâs âmadid?
Na, man zud be kelâs nÂyâmadam.
Verb Conjugation Present tense of the verbs: Neveštan
To write
Man minevisam
I write
To minevisi
you write/thou writest
U minevisad
he/she writes
Mâ minevisim
we write
Šomâ minevisid
you write
Išân minevisand
they write
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To buy
Man mixaram
I buy
To mixari
you buy/thou buyest
U mixarad
he/she buys
Mâ mixarim
we buy
Šomâ mixarid
you buy
Išân mixarand
they buy Âvardan
To bring
Man miyâvaram
I bring
To miyâvari
you bring/thou bringest
U miyâvarad
he/she brings
Mâ miyâvarim
we bring
Šomâ miyâvarid
you bring
Išân miyâvarand
they bring
Present tense of the verbs: Bordan
To take away
Man mibaram
I take away
To mibari
you take away/thou takest away
U mibarad
he/she takes away
Ma mibarim
we take away
Šomâ mibarid
you take away
Išân mibarand
they take away
Exercise 9.2
1. Write the present tense of the following verbs: 1. Xordan = to eat
2. Raftan = to go
3. Istâdan = to stand
4. Kardan = to do
2. Write the equivalent of the following words in English: mixaram - miyâvardid - mibarim - minevisim - mibaram mixarid - miyâvarid - minevisand
Lesson 10 Ìóëüòèÿ çûêîâîé ïðîåêò Èëüè Ôðàíêà www.franklang.ru
in front of
1. Ketâbe ostâd ruye miz ast.
The professor's book is on the table.
2. Qalame šomâ zire sandalist.
Your pen is under the chair.
3. Medâde u derâz ast.
His pencil is long.
4. Qalame šomâ kutâh ast.
Your pen is short.
5. Man jelove mize ostâd istâdam.
I stood in front of the professor's table.
6. Pâye man zire miz ast.
My foot is under the table.
7. U tond miravad.
He goes fast.
8. Man tond be xâne raftam.
I went home fast.
9. U âheste be kelâs âmad.
He/she came home slowly.
10. Šomâ do medâde kutâh dârid.
You have two short pencils.
Exercise 10.1
1. Write the following sentences in Persian:
1. This pencil is long.
In medâd derâz ast.
2. That pen is short.
In qalam kutâh ast.
3. My book is on the table.
Ketâbe man ruye miz ast.
4. You have two long pencils.
To do medâde derâz dâri.
5. I stood in front of your table.
Man jelove mize šomâ istâdam.
6. She went to the class slowly.
U âheste be kelâs raft.
7. Your pen is under your table.
Qalame šomâ zire miz ast.
8. My hand is over the book.
Daste man ruye ketâb ast.
9. Your book was under this table.
Ketâbe to zire in miz ast.
10. Have you a red pencil?
Ayâ yek qalame sorx dârid?
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2. Put the following words in the right order:
1. sandaliye - syâh - ostâd - yek - dârad.
ostâd yek sandaliye syâh dârad.
2. yek - medâde - kutâh - dâram - man.
man yek medâde kutâh dâram.
3. qalame - ruye - syâh - ast - miz.
qalame syâh ruye miz ast.
4. sabz - medâde - zire - ast - sandali.
medâde sabz zire sandali ast.
5. šâgerd - yek - taxteye syâh - râ - pâk kard.
yek šâgerd taxteye syâh râ pâk kard.
6. u - marâ - daftare - âvard.
u daftare marâ âvard.
7. medâd - in - ast - kutâh.
in medâd kutâh ast.
8. ruye - taxtepâkkon - ast - sandali.
taxtepâkkon ruye sandali ast.
9. man - šomâ - râ - ketâbe - miz - ruye - didam.
man ketâbe šomâ râ ruye miz didam.
10. kelâs - šâgerdân - in - nadârand - daftar.
šâgerdâne in kelâs daftar nadârand.
3. Write the equivalents of the following words in English: 1. dârim
11. bozorg
2. jâ
12. sabze
3. dud
13. qahveyiye sir
4. âsân
14. daftar
5. dars
15. banafš
6. kâr
16. kâqaz
7. sag
17. šâgerdân
8. lab
18. bist
9. dast
19. nist
10. damâq
20. mu
4. Make a sentence for each of the following words: 1. jâme 2. deraxt 3. dânešgâh 4. dom
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5. guš 6. bâzâr 7. zard 8. miz 9. asb 10. kâr
5. Answer the following questions: 1. Âyâ ketâbe šomâ ruye mize ostâd ast? 2. Âyâ šomâ šâgerde in kelâs hastid? 3. Âyâ šomâ qalame syah dârid? 4. Âyâ šomâ az xâne be dânešgâh âmadid? 5. Cand ketâb ruye mize šomâ st? 6. šomâ cand daftar dârid? 7. Âyâ in medâd zard ast? 8. Âyâ šomâ zud be kelâs âmadid? 9. Âyâ range jâmeye šomâ xâkestarist? 10. Cand šâgerd dar in kelâs ast?
Lesson 11 1. dišab
last night
2. emšab
3. šab
4. diruz
5. emruz
6. ruz
7. ce?
8. daqiqe
9. sâat
1. Emšab sâate hašt dar xâne hastam.
I am home at 8 o’clock tonight.
2. Dišab sâate cahâr az dânešgâh be xâne raftam.
I left the university for home at 4 o’clock last night.
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3. Diruz sâate cahâr dar xâne budam.
I was home at 4 o’clock yesterday.
4. Âyâ šabhâ zud be xâne miravid?
Do you go home early every night?
5. Âyâ šomâ dišab dar xâne budid?
Were you at home last night?
6. Âyâ šomâ diruz sâate hašt be dânešgâh âmadid?
Did you come to the university at 8 o’clock last night?
7. Man emruz be dânešgâh naraftam.
I did not go to the university today.
8. Ruzhâ cand sâat dar dânešgâh kâr mikonid?
How many hours do you work at the university every day?
9. Man dišab zud be xane raftam.
I went home early last night.
10. Man emruz zud be dânešgâh âmadam.
I came to the university early today.
11. Dar yek ruz hašt sâat kâr mikonid.
You work 8 hours in a day.
12. Šâgerdân ruye kâqaze sepid minevisand.
The students write on white paper.
13. Man az bâzâr kâqazo daftar xaridam va be dânešgâh bordam.
I bought a paper and a notebook from the market and took to the university.
14. Âyâ šomâ ketâbe marâ be xâne bordid?
Did you take my book home?
15. Ostâde mâ emruz sâate hašt be dânešgâh âmad.
Our professor came to the university at 8 o’clock.
16. Ce sâatist?
What time is it?
17. sâat daho dah daqiqe ast.
It is ten minutes past ten.
18. sâat noho bist daqiqe ast.
It is twenty minutes past nine.
19. sâat hašto pânzdah daqiqe ast.
It is fifteen minutes past eight.
Numbers 21 bisto yek
30 si
22 bisto do
40 cehel
23 bisto se
50 panjâh
24 bisto cahâr
60 šast
25 bisto panj
70 haftâd
26 bisto šeš
80 haštâd
27 bisto haft
90 navad
28 bisto hašt
100 sad
29 bisto noh
1000 hezâr
30 si
Exercise 11.1
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1. Answer the following questions: 1. Âyâ šomâ emruz be bâzâr raftid? 2. Âyâ šomâ diruz be dânešgâh amadid? 3. Âyâ šomâ diruz az bâzâr sib xaridid? 4. Âyâ šomâ emruz az dânešgâh be xâne miravid? 5. Âyâ ketâbe šomâ dar kelâs bud? 6. Âyâ šomâ dar xâne deraxte sib dârid? 7. Âyâ medâde man ruye miz ast? 8. Âyâ šomâ ostâd râ dar dânešgâh didid? 9. Âyâ šomâ marâ diruz dar ke1âs nadidid? 10. Âyâ šomâ medâde marâ be xâne bordid? 11. Âyâ in dars âsân ast? 12. Âyâ šomâ medâde syâh dârid? 13. Âyâ medâde qermeze šomâ dar xâne ast? 14. Âyâ emruz zud be kelâs âmadid? 15. Âyâ muye man syâh ast?
2. Put the following words in the right order: 1. kâqaze - išân - nadârand - sepid 2. mize - ostâd - ruye - ketâb - panj - ast 3. az - xâne - u - dânešgâh - be - raft 4. miz - taxtepâkkon - ast ruye 5. šomâ - syâh - qalame - range - ast 6. sandali - nadârand - šâgerdân 7. ostâd - sandali - yek - miz - yek - dârad - va 8. man - zud - kelâs - be - âmadam - emruz 9. ostâd - râ - dar - diruz - nadidam - kelâs 10. âbi - ruye - miz - medâde - ast
3. Use each of the following words in simple sentences: 1. minevisam
2. šab
3. bastani
4. ce
5. daqiqe
6. sepid
7. kutâh
8. rang
10. 9. cehelo xâkestari haft
4. Put the following verbs into negative: 1. bordam
2. didid
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3. raftam
4. xordi
5. goft
6. xarid
7. mixaram
8. mibaram
9. miyâvaram
10. minevisand
Lesson 12 bâ
yek rob’
a quarter
half hour
1. Šâgerdân sâate hašto nim be dânešgâh miyâyand.
The students come to the university at eight thirty.
2. Ostâd ham hamân sâat be dânešgâh miyâyad.
The professor arrives at the university at the same time.
3. Ostâdo šâgerdân yek sâat dar kelâs hastand.
The professor and the students are in class for one hour.
4. Ostâd ruye taxteye syâh minevisad.
The professor writes on the blackboard.
5. Šâgerdân bâ medâd ruye kâqaz minevisand.
The students write on paper with pencil.
6. Sâate davâzdah az dânešgâh be xâne miravim.
I go home at twelve o’clock from the university.
7. Emruz yek rob’ be šeš be xâneye šomâ miyâyam.
I come to your home at quarter to six today.
8. Sâate hašto nim az xâne be dânešgâh miravim.
I go to the university from home at half past eight.
9. Ketâbe šomâ injâ nist.
Your book is not here.
10. Medâde šomâ diruz ânjâ bud.
Your pencil was there yesterday.
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11. Yek rob’ az hašt gozašte ast.
It is a quarter past eight.
12. Dah daqiqe az dah gozašte ast.
It is ten minutes past ten.
13. Bist daqiqe az dah gosašte ast.
It is twenty minutes past ten.
14. Yek sâat šast daqiqe ast.
An hour is sixty minutes long.
15. Yek daqiqe šast sâniye ast.
A minute is sixty seconds long.
16. Yek ruz bisto cahâr sâat ast.
A day is twenty four hours long.
17. Šomâ be dânešgâh beravid, man ham miyâyam.
Go to the university, I will also go.
18. Šâgerdân sâate hašt âmadand, ostâd ham hamân sâat âmad.
The students came at eight, the professor came at the same time.
Exercise 12.1
Answer the following questions: 1. Ce sâatist?
Sâat hafto nim ast.
2. Cand sâat dar ruz kâr mikonid?
Hašt sâat dar ruz kâr mikonam.
3. Âyâ nimsâat si daqiqe ast?
Bale, nimsâat si daqiqe ast.
4. Âyâ yek rob’ pânzdah daqiqe ast?
Bale, yek rob’ pânzdah daqiqe ast.
5. Âyâ šomâ sâate hašto nim be dânešgâh miravid?
Na, man sâate hašto nim be dânešgâh nemiravam.
6. Cand sâat dar hafte kâr mikonid?
Cehel sâat dar hafte kâr mikonam.
7. Âyâ emšab sâate hašt dar xâne hastid?
Bale, emšab sâate hašt dar xâne hastam.
8. Âyâ šomâ diruz be dânešgâh âmadid?
Na, man diruz be dânešgâh nayâmadam.
9. Âyâ ostâde mâ dar kelâs ast?
Bale, ostâde mâ dar kelâs ast.
10. Âyâ šâgerdân be kelâs raftand?
Na, šâgerdân be kelâs naraftand.
Verb Conjugation Present tense of the verb "to be": Budan
To be
Man hastam
I am
To hasti
You are/thou art
U hast
He/she is
Ma hastim
We are
Šomâ hastid
You are
Išân hastand
They are
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Negative: Man nistam
I am not
To nisti
You are not/thou are not
U nist
He/she is not
Mâ nistim
We are not
Šomâ nistid
You are not
Išân nistand
They are not
Past tense: Man budam
I was
To budi
you were/thou wert
U bud
He/she was
Mâ budim
We were
Šomâ budid
You were
Išân budand
They were
Present tense of the verb "to come": Âmadan
To come
Man miyâyam
I come
To miyâyi
thou comest
U miyâyad
he/she comes
Ma miyâyim
we come
Šomâ miyâyid
you come
Išân miyâyand
they come
Past tense: Man âmadam
I came
To âmadi
You came/thou comest
U âmad
He/she came
Mâ âmadim
We came
Šomâ âmadid
You came
Išân âmadand
They came
Negative: Man nayâmadam
I did not come
To nayâmadi
You did not come/thou didest not come
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U nayâmad
He/she did not come
Mâ nayâmadim
We did not come
Šomâ nayâmadid
You did not come
Išân nayâmadand
They did not come
Present tense of the verb "to go": Raftan
To go
Man miravam
I go
To miravi
You go/thou goest
U miravid
he/she goes
Mâ miravim
we go
Šomâ miravid
you go
Išân miravand
they go
Past tense: Man raftam
I went
To rafti
You went/thou went
U raft
He/she went
Mâ raftim
We went
Šomâ raftid
You went
Išân raftand
They went
Exercise 11.2 Conjugate the present and past tense of the following verbs: âvardan - bordan - didan - xordan - xaridan - goftan - neveštan
Exercise 11.3 Put the following verbs into the negative: bord - didam - xordam - xaridand - goftim - neveštand - rafti - hastim - budam - âmadand - miravam - raft - hast - didand - xordim - xarid - goftand - neveštand - bordim - âvardand - âvard - xordi xaridam - did - didam - neveštim - âvardim
Lesson 13 Šanbe
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1. Yek hafte haft ruz ast.
1. A week is seven days long.
2. Yek mâh si ruz ast.
2. A month is thirty days long.
3. Yek sâl sisado šasto panj ruz ast.
3. A year is three hundred and sixty five days long.
4. Yek sâl davâzdah mâh yâ panjâho do hafte ast.
4. A year is twelve months or fifty two weeks long.
5. Jom’ehâ mâ be dânešgâh nemiyâyim.
5. We do not go to the university on Fridays.
6. Jom’ehâ ostâdân be dânešgâh nemiyâyand.
6. Professors do not go to the university on Fridays.
7. Ruze šanbe šâgerdân be dânešgâh miyâyand.
7. Students go to the university on Saturdays.
8. Emruz Yekšanbe ast.
8. Today is Sunday.
9. Diruz šanbe bud.
9. Yesterday was Saturday.
10. Man ruzhâye Jom’e dar xâne hastam.
10. I am home on Fridays.
11. Man ruzhâye šanbe dar danešgâh hastam.
11. I am at the university on Saturdays.
12. Man ruzhâye Došanbe va Cahâršanbe be dânešgah miyâyam.
12. I go to the university on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Exercise 13.1
Put the following words in the right order: 1. šâgerdân - dar - sâat - yek - kelâs - hastand
šâgerdân sâate yek dar kelâs hastand.
2. kâqaz - šâgerdân - medâd - ruye - minevisand - bâ
šâgerdân bâ medâd ruye kâqaz minevisand.
3. šomâ - injâ - ketâbe - nist
ketâbe šomâ injâ nist.
4. šast - yek - sâat - ast - daqiqe
yek sâat šast daqiqe ast.
5. dânešgâh - miravim - be - šanbehâ - mâ
ma šanbehâ be danešgah miravim.
6. bud - diruz - Cahâršanbe
diruz Cahâršanbe bud.
7. dar - ruzhâye - Panjšanbe - nistam - dânešgâh
ruzhaye Panjšanbe dar dânešgâh nistam.
8. sâat - yekruz - ast - davâzdah
yek ruz bisto cahâr sâat ast.
9. sâl - yek - mâh - davâzdah - ast
yek sâl davâzdah mâh ast.
10. šâgerdân - medâd - bâ - kâqaz - ruye minevisand
šâgerdân bâ medâd ruye kâqaz minevisand.
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Exercise 13.2
Answer the following questions: 1. Emruz cand šanbe ast? 2. Diruz cand šanbe bud? 3. Hafte cand ruz ast? 4. Yek ruz cand sâat ast? 5. Yek sâat cand daqiqe ast? 6. Yek daqiqe cand sâniye ast? 7. Âyâ šomâ ruzhaye Došanbe be dânešgâh miravid? 8. Âyâ šomâ ruzhâye Jom’e dar xâne hastid? 9. Yek sâl cand ruz ast? 10. Yek sâl cand hafte ast?
Exercise 13.3
Find the negative form of the following sentences: 1. Emruz sâate hašt az xâne be bâzâr raftam. 2. Az bâzâr kâqazo medâdo qalam xaridam. 3. Sâate noh az bâzâr be xâne âmadam. 4. Dar xâne darse kelâs râ bâ medâd neveštam. 5. Sâate daho nim az xâne be dânešgâh raftam. 6. Sâate yâzdah ostâde mâ âmad. 7. Šâgerdân va ostâd be kelâs raftand. 8. Dar kelâs ostâd dars râ ruye taxteye syâh nevešt. 9. Mâ ham dars râ bâ medâd ruye kâqaz neveštim.
ADJECTIVES positive degree:
bozorg, kutâh, zibâ, bad
comparative degree:
bozorgtar, kutâhtar, zibâtar, badtar
superlative degree:
bozorgtarin, kutâhtarin, zibâtarin, badtarin
Lesson 14 zohr/nimruz
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kuk kardan
to wind up
out of order
to sleep
1. Dorost zohr ast.
It is exactly noon.
2. Dorost sâat dah ast.
It is exactly ten o’clock.
3. Sâate šomâ dah daqiqe tond ast.
You clock/watch is ten minutes fast.
4. Sâate man dar bisto cahar sâat panj daqiqe kond kar mikonad.
My clock/watch runs five minutes slow during twenty four hours
5. Man zohr sâatam râ kuk kardam.
I wound up my clock/watch at noon.
6. Man diruz sâatam râ kuk kardam.
I wound up my clock/watch yesterday.
7. Man šabhâ sâate dah mixâbam.
I sleep at ten o’clock every night.
8. Dar yek ruz hašt sâat kâr mikonam.
I work eight hours per day.
9. Yek sâat šast daqiqevo yek daqiqe šast sâniye ast.
An hour is sixty minutes, and a minute is sixty seconds.
10. In sâat kond kâr mikonad.
This clock/watch runs slow.
11. Sâate šomâ dar bisto cahâr sâat yek rob’ tond kâr mikonad.
You clock/watch runs fifteen minutes too fast during twenty four hours.
12. Sobhhâ be dânešgâh miyâyamo zohrhâ be xâne miravam.
I go to the university in the morning and I come home every noon.
13. In sâat xarâb asto kâr nemikonad.
This clock is out of order and does not work.
14. In sâat xarâb ast va dar bisto cahâr sâat panj sâat kond kâr mikonad.
This clock is out of order and runs five hours slow during twenty four hours.
15. Âyâ šomâ šabhâ sâate hašt mixâbid?
Do you sleep at eight o’clock every night?
16. Sâate šomâ xub kâr mikonad.
Your clock/watch works well.
17. Sâate man diruz bad kâr mikard.
My clock worked poorly yesterday.
18. Sâate man dorost asto bâ sâate dânešgâh yeki st.
My clock/watch is right and is the same as the university's.
19. Sâate šomâ dorost nist.
You clock/watch is not right.
20. Sâate man kucak ast.
My clock/watch is small.
Exercise 14.1
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Answer the following questions: 1. Cand sâat dar ruz kâr mikonid?
Man hašt sâat dar ruz kâr mikonam.
2. Âyâ šomâ šabhâ sâate noh mixâbid?
Na, man šabhâ sâate dah mixâbam.
3. Âyâ šomâ ruzhâ mixâbid?
Na, man ruzhâ nemixâbam.
4. Ce sâati mixâbid?
Sâate dah mixâbam.
5. Âyâ sâate šomâ dorost kâr mikonad?
Bale, sâate man dorost kâr mikonad.
6. Âyâ sâate šomâ kond kâr mikonad?
Na, sâate mâ kond kâr nemikonad.
7. Âyâ sâate šomâ tond kâr mikonad?
Na, sâate man dorost kâr mikonad.
8. Ce sâati ast?
Sâat panj ast.
9. Âyâ sobhhâ be dânešgâh miyayid?
Bale, sobhhâ sâate hašt be dânešgâh miravam.
10. Âyâ zohrhâ be xane miravid?
Bale, dorost zohr be xane miravam.
11. Yek sâat cand daqiqe ast?
Yek sâat šast daqiqe ast.
12. Yek rob’e sâat cand daqiqe ast?
Yek rob’e sâat pânzdah daqiqe ast.
13. Nimsâat cand dadiqe ast?
Nimsâat si dadiqe ast.
14. Yek sâl cand ruz ast?
Yek sâl sisado šasto panj ruz ast
15. Yek ruz cand sâat ast?
Yek ruz bisto cahâr sâat ast.
Exercise 14.2
Compare and categorize the following adjectives: xošgel/zibâ
Exercise 14.3
Put the following sentences into Persian: 1. Did you see us in the market?
Âyâ mâ râ dar bâzâr didid?
2. I have a red pen and two blue pencils.
Man yek qalame sorxo do medâde âbi dâram.
3. I am at home today.
Man emruz dar xâne hastam.
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4. I did not see him yesterday.
Man u râ diruz nadidam.
5. The students are in the class.
Šâgerdân dar kelâs hastand.
6. Our professor came to the class at half past eight.
Ostâde mâ sâate hašto nim be kelâs âmad.
7. I went home at a quarter past four yesterday.
Man diruz sâate cahâro rob' be xâne raftam.
8. It is ten minutes past six.
Sâat šešo dah daqiqe ast.
9. We do not come to the university on Fridays.
Mâ ruzhâye Âdine be dânešgâh nemiyâyim.
10. There are sixty seconds in one hour.
Yek sâat šast daqiqe ast.
Exercise 14.4
Learn the following combinations that denote possessive case: ketâbam
my book
your book/thy book
his/her book
our book
your book
their book
Exercise 14.5
Write the possessive cases of these nouns: medâd
medâdam (my pencil)
sarat (your head)
dastaš (his/her hand)
darsamân (our lesson)
daratân (your door)
sagašân (their dog)
kâqazam (my paper)
Lesson 15 Fasl
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this year
last year
baxš kardan
to divide
to become
1. Yek mâh si ruz ast.
A month is thirty days long.
2. Yek sâl davâzdah mâh ast.
A year is twelve months long.
3. Panjâho do hafte yek sâl mišavad.
A year is fifty two weeks long.
4. Emsâl tabestân dar Tehrân nabudam.
I was not in Tehran this summer.
5. Tâbestâne pârsâl dar Tehrân budam.
I was in Tehran this past summer.
6. Sisado šasto panj ruz ham yek sâl ast.
Three hundred sixty five days makes up a year.
7. Yek sâl râ be davâzdah mâh baxš kardeand.
A year is divided into twelve months.
8. Har fasl se mâh ast.
A season is three months long.
9. Bahâr, tâbestân, pâyiz, zemestân, cahâr fasle sâl hastand.
Spring, summer, autumn, and winter are the four seasons of the year.
10. Pârsâ1, tâbestân az Tehrân be Espahân raftam.
I went from Tehran to Ispahan last summer.
Exercise 15.1
Make a sentence for each of the following words: 1. šanbe 2. hafte 4. ruz 5. daqiqe 7. emsâl 8. fasl 10. diruz 3. bahâr 6. mâh 9. mišavad
Exercise 15.2
Answer the following questions: 1. Yek sâl cand fasl ast? 2. Yek ruz cand sâat ast? 3. Yek hafte cand ruz ast? 4. Sal râ be cand fasl baxš kardeand? 5. Har fasl cand mâh ast? 6. Har sal cand hafte ast? 7. Yek sâl cand ruz ast? 8. Emruz cand šanbe ast? 9. Diruz cand šanbe bud? 10. In fasl ce faslist (= fasli ast)?
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Exercise 15.3
Put the following words in the right order: 1. dar - Tehrân - nabudam - pârsâl 2. emsâl - az Tehrân - tâbestân - miravam - be Espahân 3. cahâr - yek - fasl - sâl - ast 4. dar - xâne - sâat - hastam - yek 5. sâat - dišab - xâbidam - noh 6. in âsântar - diruz - dars - az - ast - dars 7. yek - se - mâh - fasl - ast 8. diruz - ketâb - dah - bâzâr - az - xaridam 9. in - hafte - dânešgâh - sobhhâ - dar - dâram - kâr 10. man - sâat - sobhhâ - hašt - xâne - dar - nistam
Lesson 16 Mâhhâye sâl
The months of the year
Espand Nowruz
Iranian new year
1. Farvardin, Ordibehešt, Xordâd, se mâhe bahâr hastand.
Farvardin, Ordibehešt, and Xordâd are the 3 months of spring.
2. Tir, Amordâd, Šahrivar, se mâhe Tâbestân hastand.
Tir, Amordâd, and Šahrivar, are the 3 months of summer.
3. Dey, Bahman, Espand, se mâhe zemestân hastand.
Dey, Bahman, and Espand, are the 3 months of winter
4. Mehr, Âbân, Âzar, se mâhe pâyiz hastand.
Mehr, Âbân, and Âzar, are the 3 months of autumn.
5. Nowruz, naxostin ruze Farvardin ast.
Nowruz, is the first day of Farvardin.
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6. Bisto yekome mâhe Mârc ham naxostin ruze Farvardin ast.
The twenty first of March is also the first day of Farvardin.
7. Zemestânhâ havâ sard ast.
The weather is cold in the winter.
8. Tâbestânhâ havâ garm ast.
The weather is warm in the summer.
9. Dar mâhe Amordâd havâye Tehrân, garm ast.
The weather of Tehran is warm in the month of Amordâd.
10. Dar mâhe Bahman havâye Tehrân, sard ast.
The weather of Tehran is cold in the month of Bahman.
11. Yek sâl be cahâr fasl baxš mišavad.
A year is divided into four seasons.
12. Har fasl se mâh ast.
Every season is three months long.
13. Šeš mâhe naxoste sâl siyo yek ruz hastand.
The first six months of the year are thirty one days long.
14.Šeš mâhe dovome sâl si ruz ast.
The second six months of the year are thirty days long.
15. Har yek az mâhhâye bahâr siyo yek ruz ast.
Each of the spring months is thirty one days long.
16. Har yek az mâhhâye tâbestân siyo yek ruz ast.
Each of the summer months is thirty one days long.
17. Har yek az mâhhaye pâyiz si ruz ast.
Each of the autumn months is thirty days long.
18. Har yek az mâhhâye zemestân si ruz ast.
Each of the winter months is thirty days long.
19. Dar fasle bahâro pâyiz, havâye Tehrân, xub ast.
Tehran's weather is good during the spring and autumn seasons.
20. Dar fasle tâbestâno zemestan, havâye Tehrân, xub nist.
Tehran's weather is not good during the summer and winter seasons.
Exercise 16.1
Put the following sentences into negative: 1. Emruz havâ sard ast. 2. Diruz havâ garm bud. 3. Emsâl tâbestân havâ garm bud. 4. Pârsâl zemestân havâ sard bud. 5. Dar tâbestân havâye Tehran garm ast. 6. Dar zemestân havâye Tehrân sard ast. 7. Zemestânhâ man dar Tehrân hastam. 8. Emsâl tâbestân az Tehrân be Espahân raftam. 9. Diruz havâye xubi bud. 10. Emruz sâate šeš havâ sard bud.
Exercise 16.2
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Answer the following questions: 1. Âyâ emruz sard ast? 2. Âyâ diruz garm bud? 3. Âyâ dar Amordâdmâh havâye Tehrân garm ast? 4. Âyâ dar Bahmanmâh havâye Tehrân sard ast? 5. Âyâ tâbestânhâ dar Tehrân hastid? 6. Âyâ nowruz naxostin ruze sâl ast? 7. Âyâ bisto yekome mâhe Mârc ruze naxoste Farvardin ast? 8. Farvardinmâh cand ruz ast? 9. Tirmâh cand ruz ast? 10. Deymâh cand ruz ast?
Exercise 16.3
Make sentences out of the following words: 1. havâ - dar - garm - tâbestân - ast. 2. ast - havâ - sard - zemestânhâ. 3. naxostin - Farvardin - ruz - Nowruz - ast. 4. fasl - har - mâh - se - ast. 5. mâh - ruz - si - ast - yek. 6. sal - fasl - yek - ast - cahâr. 7. sâl - yek - hafte - panjaho do - ast. 8. naxoste - Šanbe - hafte - ruze - ast. 9. Tehrân - zemestânhâ - man - hastam - dar. 10. mâhe - naxoste - bahâr - Farvardin - aste.
Exercise 16.4
Write a sentence for each of the following words: 1. sard 2. naxost 3. sâat 4. zohr 5. garm 6. mâh 7. emsâl 8. havâ 9. sâl 10. emruz
Lesson 17 xoršid
to shine
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1. Xoršid be zamin mitâbad.
The sun shines on the earth.
2. Xoršid az zamin dur ast.
The sun is far from the earth.
3. Âftab zamin râ garm mikonad.
The sun warms the earth.
4. Âftab mâ râ garm mikonad.
The sun warms us up.
5. Mahtâb garm nist, va zamin râ garm nemikonad.
Moonlight is not warm, and does not warm the earth.
6. Xoršid bozorg asto setâregân kucak hastand.
The sun is large and the stars are small.
7. Xoršido mâho setâregân dar âsmân hastand.
The sun, the moon, and the stars are in the sky.
8. Šabhâ mâ xoršid râ nemibinim.
We do not see the sun at night.
9. Ruzhâ mâ setâregân râ nemibinim.
We do not see the stars during the day.
10. Šabhâ setâregân râ dar âsmân mibinim.
We see the stars in the sky at night.
11. Emruz havâ abrist, va xoršid râ nemibinim.
It is cloudy today, and we do not see the sun.
12. Diruz havâ âftabiyo garm bud.
Yesterday the weather was sunny and warm.
13. Zemestânhâ âftâb ziyâd garm nist.
The sunlight is not very warm in the winter.
14. Ruzhâye zemestâno šabhâye tâbestân kutâh hastand.
Winter days and summer nights are short.
15. Šabhaye zemestâno ruzhâye tâbestân boland hastand.
Winter nights and summer days are long.
Exercise 17.1
Put into Persian: 1. The sun is bigger than the earth.
Xoršid bozorgtar az zamin ast.
2. It was sunny yesterday.
Diruz âftâbi bud.
3. It is cloudy today and the sun does not shine.
Emruz abristo xoršid nemitâbad.
4. The sky is blue.
Âsmân âbist.
5. It is cold in winter.
Zemestân sard ast.
6. It was warm last summer.
Tâbestâne piš garm bud.
7. Autumn is a beautiful season.
Pâyiz fasle zibâyist.
8. There are four seasons in a year.
Sâl cahâr fast ast.
9. It is not cloudy tonight.
Emšab abri nist.
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10. Saturday is the first day of the week.
Šanbe ruze naxoste hafte ast.
Exercise 17.2
1. Name the days of the week. 2. Name the months of the year. 3. Count from twenty to a hundred. 4. Name the seasons of the year. Exercise 17.3
Answer the following questions: 1. Âyâ šabhâ xoršid râ mibunid? 2. Âyâ šomâ bozorgtar az man hastid? 3. Âyâ ruzhâ setâregân râ mibinid? 4. Âyâ dišab havâ abri bud? 5. Âyâ emruz hava âftâbiyast? 6. Âyâ xoršid bozorgtar az zamin ast? 7. Abr ce rang ast? 8. Âyâ ruzhâ mâh ra mibinid? 9. Âyâ zamin, kucaktar az xoršid ast? 10. Âyâ Nowruz, naxoste sâl ast?
Exercise 17.4
Make a sentence for each of the following words: 1. setâre 2. naxost 3. Amordâd 4. abr 5. durtar 6. bahâr 7. cehel 8. pârsâl 9. xâbid 10. Došanbe
Lesson 18 barf
to blow
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to rain
very/very much
1. Dar mâhe Amordâd havâye Tehrân besyâr garm ast.
Tehran's weather is very warm in the month of Amordâd.
2. Dar Bahmanmâh havâye Tehrân besyâr sard ast.
Tehran's weather is very cold in the month of Bahman.
3. Bârân dar bahâro pâyiz, va barf dar zemestân mibarad.
It rains in spring and autumn, and it snows in winter.
4. Bâd dar bahâro pâyiz va gâhi ham dar zemestân mivazad.
Wind blows in spring and autumn and sometimes in winter.
5. Emruz havâ kami abri ast.
The weather is a little cloudy today.
6. Tabestâne Tehrân besyâr garm, va zemstâne ân, besyâr sard ast.
Tehran's summer is very warm, and its winter is very cold.
7. Emruz havâye Tehrân abri bud, bâd âmad, abrhâ râ bord, havâ sâf šod.
Tehran's weather today was cloudy, the wind blew the clouds away and it became clear.
8. Pârsâl bârân zyâd nayâmad; vali emsâl ham barfo ham barâne zyâdi âmad.
Last year it did not rain very much; but this year it rained and snowed a lot.
9. Pârsâl yek ruz sobh meh âmad, vali zud raft.
Last year one morning it turned foggy, but it quickly cleared up.
10. Pârsâl, zemestân havâ besyâr sard našod.
Last year, winter the weather did not turn too cold.
Exercise 18.1
Answer these questions: 1. Amordâdmâh dar kodam fasl ast? 2. Ordibeheštmâh dar kodâm fasl ast? 3. Kodâm fasl garmtar ast? 4. Sardtarin fasl kodâm ast? 5. Dar ce fasli bâran zyâd mibârad? 6. Dar ce fasli bâd zyâd mibârad? 7. Kodâm fasl havâ zyâd sard mišavad? 8. Kodâm fasl havâ zyâd garm mišavad? 9. Ayâ dar bahâr bârân zyâdtar mibârad yâ dar pâyiz? 10. Ayâ barf dar zemestân mibârad?
Exercise 18.2
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Compare the following adjectives: 1. garm 2. sard 3. zyâd 4. arzân 5. gerân 6. boland 7. kutâh 8. zibâ 9. bad 10. bozorg
Exercise 18.3
Learn the following ordinal numbers: yekom/naxost/avval
hajdahom/hašdahom/haž dahom
bisto yekom
twenty first
bisto dovom
twenty second
siyo dovom
thirty second
cehelo sevom
forty third
panjaho cahârom
fifty fourth
šasto panjom
sixty fifth
haftâdo šešom
seventy sixth
haštâdo haftam
eighty seventh
navado haštom
ninety eighth
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Exercise 18.4
Write five simple sentences about winter. Exercise 18.5
Make sentences out of the following words: 1. ruz - Farvardin - naxoste - Nowruz - ast 2. havâ - tâbestânhâ - besyâr - mišavad - garm 3. âftâb - mikonad - garm - mâ - râ 4. mahtâb - nist - garm - va - nemikonad - garm - mâ - râ 5. setâregân - râ - dar - šabhâ - mibinim - âsmân 6. nemibinim - setâregân - râ - ruzhâ 7. havâ - âftâbi - diruz - bud 8. mitâbad - be - xoršid - zamin 9. dovome - bahâr - Ordibehešt - mâh - ast 10. mâh - Xordâd - bahâr - sevome - ast
Lesson 19 mâdar
Pedaram šasto se sâl dârad va dar dânešgâh dars midahad.
My father is sixty three years old and teaches at the university.
Mâdaram panjâhsâle asto dar xâne kâr mikonad.
My mother is fifty three years old and works at
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home. Har ruz sobh pedaram be dânešgâh miravad, va dar ânjâ dars midahad ammâ mâdaram dar xâne asto kârhâye xâne râ mikonad.
Every morning my father goes to the university and teaches there, but my mother is at home taking care of the house work.
Man se xâharo do barâdar dâram.
I have three sisters and two brothers.
Xaharâne man har se az man kucaktarand.
My sisters are all younger than me.
Yeki az xâharâne man šowhar dârad.
One of my sisters has a husband.
Do xâhare digare man dar xâneye pedaro mâdaram hastand.
My two other sisters live at home with my parents.
Barâdarâne man har do az man bozorgtar hastand va dar xâneye xodašân hastand.
My brothers are all older than me and live in their own homes.
Man har ruz be dânešgâh miravamo dar ânjâ dars mixânam.
I go to the university every day and study there.
Ruzhâye Jom’e ostâdân be dânešgâh nemiyâyand, man ham be ânjâ nemiravam.
On Fridays the professors do not go to the university and I do not go there either.
Dar dânešgâhe mâ zanâno mardân, doxtarâno pesarân bâ ham dars mixânand.
In our university women and men, girls and boys all study together.
Exercise 19.1
Give negative and positive answers to the following questions: 1. Âyâ šomâ har ruz be dânešgâh miravid? 2. Âyâ pedare šomâ dar dânešgâh dars midahad? 3. Âyâ šomâ barâdar dârid? 4. Âyâ šomâ xâhar dârid? 5. Âyâ barâdare šomâ az šomâ bozorgtar ast? 6. Âyâ xâhare šomâ az šomâ kucaktar ast? 7. Âyâ xâhare šomâ dar xâneye pedaratân ast? 8. Âyâ barâdare bozorge šomâ kâr mikonad? 9. Âyâ xâhare kucake šomâ dar xâne ast? 10. Âyâ xâhare bozorge šomâ šowhar dârad?
Exercise 19.2
Make sentences out of the following words: 1. man - pedare - dar - xâne - nist - ruzhâ 2. dar - mâdaram - xâne - mikonad - kâr 3. mâdar - besyâr - bozorgtar - va - pedaram - az - man - hastand 4. az - xâharâne - yeki - šowhar - man - dârad
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5. yeki - xâharân - kâr - man - az - xâne - râ - mikonad - e
Exercise 19.3
Learn the following pronouns: pedaram = my father
pedaramân = our father
pedarat = your father
pedaratân = your father
pedaraš = his/her father
pedarašân = their father
xodam = myself
xodamân = ourselves
xodat = yourself
xodatân = yourselves
xodaš = himself/herself
xodašân = themselves
ketâbe xodam = my own book
ketâbe xodamân = our own book
ketâbe xodat = your own book
ketâbe xodatân = your own book
ketâbe xodaš = his/her own book
ketâbe xodašân = their own book
Exercise 19.4
Correct these sentences: 1. išân az xâne be bâzâr raft. 2. man emruz sobh dar xâne hast. 3. u diruz be dânešgâh miravad. 4. pedare man az man kucaktar ast. 5. man az mâdaram bozorgtar hastam.
Lesson 20 šâm = supper
xorâk/qazâ = food
nân = bread
nâhâr = lunch
šir = milk
panir = cheese
sobhâne/câšt = breakfast
bidâr šodan = to wake
šostan = to wash
Sobhhâ sâate šeš az xâb bidâr mišavam.
I wake up at six o'clock every morning.
Dasto suratam râ mišuyam.
I wash may hands and face.
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Nâno paniro šir mixoram, va be dânešgâh miravam.
I eat bread with cheese and milk and head to the university.
Sâate hašto nim dar kelâs hastam.
I am in the classroom at eight thirty.
Ostâd be kelâs miyâyad va dars midahad.
The professor arrives at class and teaches.
Sobhhâ se sâat dars mixânam.
I study for three hours every morning.
Sâate yâzdaho nim az dânešgâh be xâne miravam.
I leave the university for home at eleven thirty.
Dorost sâate davâzdah nâhâr mixoram.
I eat lunch exactly at twelve o'clock.
Sâate dovo nim dobâre be dânešgâh miravam.
I again go to the university at two thirty.
Do sâat digar dars mixânam.
I study another two hours.
Pas az ân be xâne miravam.
After that I go home.
Dar xâne ham kami dars mixânamo kami kâr mikonam.
At home I study and work a little.
Sâate hašt šâm mixoramo sâate dah mixâbam.
I eat supper at eight and sleep at ten.
Exercise 20.1
Answer the following questions: Sobhhâ ce sâati az xâb bidâr mišavid? Âyâ šabhâ zud mixâbid? Âyâ dar zemestân dasto suratetân râ bâ âbe sard mišuyid? Âyâ dar tâbestân dasto suratetân râ bâ âbe garm mišuyid? Ce sâati sobhâne mixorid? Ce sâati nâhâr mixorid? Ce saati šâm mixorid? Šir ce rang ast? Dar zemestân xorâke sard behtar ast yâ xorâke garm? Šabi cand sâat mixâbid?
Exercise 20.2
Make a sentence with each of the following words: 1. pedaratân
2. xodaš
3. pedaram
4. gâhi
5. ammâ
6. setâregân
7. pas az ân
8. dobâre
9. mixâbam
Exercise 20.3
Correct these sentences: 1. U xodašân be man goft.
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2. Yeki az xaharâne man šowhar dârand. 3. Mahtâb mâ râ garm mikonad. 4. Nowruz, ruze naxoste Ordibehešt ast. 5. Havâ besyâr sard bud, tagarg mivazido bâd mibârid. 6. Dišab havâ sâf budo setâregân râ nemididim. 7. Emruz dorost sâate davâzdah šâm xordam. 8. Šomâ ketâbe xodetân râ be xâne bordand. 9. Zemestân havâye Tehrân besyâr garm ast. 10. Tâbestânhâ dar Tehrân barf mibârad.
Lesson 21 otâqe nešiman
otâqe xâb
otâqe nâhârxori
dining room
otâqe pazirâyi
Xâneye mâ panj otâq dârad, se otâqe ân bozorgo do otâqe an kucak ast.
Our house has five rooms, three of its rooms are large and two are small.
Yeki az otâqhâye bozorg, otâqe nešiman ast ke mâ dar ân minešinim.
One of its large rooms is the living room where we sit.
Yeki az otâqhâye kucak barâye xâb ast ke mâ dar an mixâbim.
One of the small rooms is the bedroom where we sleep.
Dar otâqe nâhârxori xorâk mixorim.
We eat food in the dining room
Dar otâqe pazirâyi az mehmân pazirâyi mikonim.
We entertain a guest in the guestroom.
Yeki az otâqhâye kucak barâye nowkaro kolfate mâst.
One of the small rooms is for the maid and the sevant.
Kolfato nowkare mâ zano šowhar hastand.
Our maid and servant are husband and wife.
Mâ âšpaz nadârim va xodemân âšpazi mikonim.
We do not have a cook and must cook our own food.
Sobhhâ ke az xâb bidâr mišavim har yek az mâ be rušuyi miravad va dast o surate xod râ mišuyad.
Every morning when we get up each one of us goes to the bathroom and washes his face and hands.
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Sâate hafte sobh barâye xordane sobhâne be otâqe nâhârxori miravim.
At seven o'clock we go to the dining room to have breakfast.
Barâye xordane nâhâr va šâm hameye mâ dasthâye xodemân râ mišuyim, pas az ân be otâqe nâhârxori barâye xordane xorâk miravim.
We wash our hands before lunch and dinner, then we go into the dining room to have our meals.
Pas az xordane nâhâr dobâre har yek be sare kâre After having lunch we return to our work. xod miravim. Šabhâ do sâat pas az xordane šâm hameye mâ mixâbim.
Every night we go to bed two hours after dinner.
Exercise 21.1
Write five simple sentences about your family. Exercise 21.2
Use each of the following words in simple sentences: 1. bozorgtar
2. haryek
3. hame
4. šostam
5. mard
6. bidâr šodam
7. âšpazxâne
8. otâqe nowkar
9. pazirâyi kardam
10. sobhâne
Exercise 21.3
Answer these questions: 1. Sobhhâ ce sâati az xâb bidâr mišavid? 2. Šabhâ ce sâati mixâbid? 3. Nâhâr râ ce sâati mixorid? 4. Ce sâati šâm mixorid? 5. Sobhhâ ce sâati sare kâr miravid? 6. Âyâ šomâ âšpaz dârid, yâ xodatân âšpazi mikonid? 7. Xâneye šomâ cand otâq dârad? 8. Šabi cand sâat mixâbid? 9. Âyâ šomâ šabhâ dir mixâbid? 10. Zemestân râ bištar dust dârid yâ tâbestân râ?
Lesson 22 mândan
to remain
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to cook
komak kardan
to help
Pariyo Kuroš dar dabestân dars mixânand.
Pari and Kurosh study at the elementary school.
Pari xâhare Kuroš ast va Kuroš barâdare Pari ast.
Pari is Kurosh's sister, and Kurosh is Pari's brother.
Pari kelâse dovomo Kuroš cahârom ast.
Pari is in second, and Kurosh is in fourth grade.
Sobhhâ bâham az xâne be dabestân miravand.
Every morning they go to school together.
Kuroš do sâl bozorgtar az Pari ast.
Kurosh is two years older than Pari.
Dar dabestân har do zabâne Pârsi, âmâreš, hendese, târix, va joqrâfi mixânand.
At school they both study Persian, arithmetic, geometry, history, and geography.
Šabhâ Kuroš dar xâne be Pari komak mikonad.
Every night Kurosh helps Pari at home.
Pedarašân ruzhâ sâate hašt be sare kâr miravado šabhâ sâate haft be xâne miyâyad.
Their father goes to work every day at eight o'clock, and every night he goes comes home at seven o'clock.
Mâdarašân dar xâne mimânado xâne râ pâkize mikonado barâye išân xorâk mipazad.
Their mother stays at home, cleans the house, and cooks meals for them.
Pariyo Kuroš pas az in ke kâre xod râ tamâm kardand be ašpazxâne miravando be mâdarašân komak mikonand.
Pari and Kurosh go to the kitchen after finishing their work and help out their mother.
Exercise 22.1
Answer the following questions: 1. Âyâ Pari xâhare Kuroš ast? 2. Âyâ Kuroš barâdare Pari ast? 3. Pari dar ce kelâsi ast? 4. Kuroš dar ce kelâsi ast? 5. Kuroš cand sâl bozorgtar an Pari ast? 6. Dar dabestân ce mixânand? 7. Âyâ šabhâ Kuroš be Pari komak mikonad? 8. Pedarašân ce sâati be sare kar miravad? 9. Ce sâati pedarašân be xâne bar migardad? 10. Madarašân dar xâne ce mikonad?
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Exercise 22.2
Write the infinitive of five different verbs. Exercise 22.3
Conjugate the present tense of the verb “budan”. Exercise 22.4
Conjugate the past tense of the verb “xordan”. Exercise 22.5
Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Man u râ didam. 2. Ostâd dar kelâs dars midahad. 3. Sâate hašto nim šâgerdân dar kelâs budand. 4. Mâdaram diruz be bâzâr raft. 5. Pedare šomâ dišab be xâneye mâ âmad.
Numbers 100 sad
600 šešsad
200 devist
700 haftsad
300 sisad
800 haštsad
400 cahârsad
900 nohsad
500 pânsad
1000 hezâr
Lesson 23 xošhâl šodan
to become happy
bidâr kardan
to waken
on foot
school bag
bâz mišavad
you have bought
to want
to reach
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Pariyo Kuroš dišab be pedarašân goftand: “Dabestâne mâ, ruze Cahâršanbe bâz mišavado hanuz šomâ barâye mâ ketâb, daftar, medâdo kâqaz naxarideid”.
Pari and Kurosh told their father last night: “Our school will open on Wednesday and you have not yet bought us any books, notebooks, pencils and papers.”
Pedarašân goft: “Fardâ ke Došanbe ast hame bâ ham be bâzâr xâhim raft”.
Their father said: “Tomorrow is Monday and we will all go to the market together”.
Bacehâ besyâr xošhâl šodando be otâqe xâbe xod raftand.
The children became happy and went to their rooms.
Fardâ sobhe zud har do az xâb bidâr šodando pedaro mâdar râ bidâr kardand.
The next day they woke up early and awakened their mother and father.
Pas az xordane sobhâne piyâde be bâzâr raftand.
After having breakfast they left for the market.
Dar xiyâbânhâ daste Pari dar daste mâdar, va daste Kuroš dar daste pedar bud.
In the streets Pari's hand was in her mother's and Kurosh's was in his father's.
Pas az nim sâat be bâzâr rasidand.
They reached the market after half hour.
Pedar barâye har do ketâb, daftar, qalam, medâdo kâqaz xarid.
Their father bought books, notebooks, pens, pencils, and papers for both of them.
Pari goft: “Pedar jân, man yek kif mixâham”.
Pari said: “Dear father, I want a school bag”.
Pedar barâye Pari yek kife qahveiyo barâye Kuroš yek kife siyâh xarid.
Their father bought a brown school bag for Pari and a black one for Kurosh.
Išân ketâb, daftar, qalam, medâdo kâqaze xod râ dar kifhâyašân gozâštando be xâne âmadand.
They put their books, notebooks, pens, pencils, and papers in their bags and came home.
Exercise 23.1
Answer the following questions: 1. Ce ruzi Pariyo Kuroš bâ pedarašân be bâzâr raftand? 2. Âyâ šomâ bâzâre Tehrân râ dideid? 3. Âyâ Pariyo Kuroš piyâde be bâzâr raftand? 4. Pas az cand sâat be bâzâr rasidand? 5. Âyâ dar xiyâbânhâ daste Pari dar daste mâdaraš bud? 6. Âyâ pedar barâye har do ketâb, daftar, medâdo qalam xarid? 7. Pari be pedar ce goft? 8. Âyâ kife Pari qahvei bud? 9. Âyâ kife Kuroš siyâh bud? 8. Âyâ Pariyo Kuroš ketâbo daftare xod râ dar kife xod gozâštand?
Exercise 23.2
Write the equivalent of the following words in English: 1. havâ
2. barâye
3. bace
4. zud
5. dir
6. xiyâbân
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7. otâqe pazirâyi
8. rasidan
9. piyâde
10. âmâreš
11. hendese
12. mixâham
13. devist
14. komak mikonad
15. mândan
16. dust dâštan
17. bištar
18. Pârsi
19. poxtan
20. târix
Conjugation of Verbs
Perfect tense: Xordan
To eat
man xordeam
I have eaten
to xordei
you have eaten
u xorde ast
he/she has eaten
mâ xordeim
we have eaten
šomâ xordeid
you have eaten
išân xordeand
they have eaten
Perfect tense: Rasidan
To reach
man rasideam
I have reached
to rasidei
you have/thou hast reached
u raside ast
he/she has reached
mâ rasideim
we have reached
šomâ rasideid
you have reached
išân rasideand
they have reached
Pefect tense: Raftan
To go
man rafteam
I have gone
to raftei
you have/thou hast gone
u rafte ast
he/she has gone
mâ rafteim
we have gone
šoma rafteid
you have gone
išân rafteand
they have gone
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Future tense: Amadan
To come
man xâham âmad
I shall come
to xâhi âmad
you will come
u xâhad âmad
he/she will come
mâ xâhim šniad
we shall come
šomâ xâhid âmad
you will come
išân xâhand âmad
they will come
Future tense: Didan
To see
man xâham did
I shall see
to xâhi did
you will see
u xâhad did
he/she will see
mâ xâhim did
we will see
šomâ xâhid did
you will see
išân xâhand did
they will see
Future tense: Xaridan
To buy
man xâham xarid
I shall buy
to xâhi xarid
you will buy
u xâhad xarid
he/she will buy
mâ xâhim xarid
we shall buy
šomâ xâhid xarid
you will buy
išân xâhand xarid
they will buy
Lesson 24 dust
stamp window
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post office
to realize
sandoqe post
to drop/to throw
Yeki az dustâne man, yek mâh ast ke be Landan rafte ast.
One of my friends has gone to London for a month.
Diruz sâate nohe sobh posti nâmeyi az Landan barâye man âvard.
The postman brought me a letter from London at nine o'clock yesterday morning.
In nâme râ duste man ferestâde bud.
My friend had sent me the letter.
Nâme râ xândam.
I read the letter.
Hangâmi ke fahmidam u sâlem be šahre Landan raside ast, xošhâl šodam.
I was happy when I realized he had safely reached the city of London.
Dišab pâsoxe nâmeye u râ neveštamo emruz sobh ân râ be postxâne bordam.
Last night I wrote an answer to his letter, and took it to the post office this morning.
Az yeki az gišehâ tambr xaridamo be pâkat casbândam, va nâme râ dar sandoqe post andâxtam.
I bought a stamp from a window, pasted it to an envelope, and dropped the letter in a mailbox.
Az postxâne be xâneye barâdaram raftam.
I went to my brother's place after the post office.
Barâdaram goft: “Sâate hašte sobh be xâneye šomâ telefon kardam, šomâ dar xâne nabudid.”
“I called your home at eight o'clock this morning, and you were not home”, my brother said.
Goftam: “dorost ast, man be postxâne rafte budam.”
“That is correct, I had gone to the post office”, I said.
Exercise 24.1
Answer the following questions: 1. Âyâ šomâ šahre Landan râ dideid? 2. Postxâneye Tehrân dar ce xiyâbâni ast? 3. Âyâ šomâ postxâneye Tehrân râ dideid? 4. Tambre post râ az kojâ mixarid? 5. Âyâ šomâ dusti dar šahre Landan dârid? 6. Hangâmi ke tambr râ be pâkat casbândid, pâkat râ kojâ miyandâzid?
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7. Sobhhâ ce sâati az xâne birun miravid? 8. Âyâ šomâ sobhhâ dir be xâne bar migardid? 9. Âyâ šomâ be dustâne xod ke dar Irân nistand nâme minevisid? 10. Âyâ šomâ pâsoxe nâmehâ râ zud minevisid?
Exercise 24.2
Conjugate the future tense of the verb: To Go = “Raftan” Exercise 24.3
Conjugate the perfect tense of the verb: To See = “Didan” Exercise 24.4
Put the following verbs into negative: man budeam
man xâham goft
man miravam
to budei
to xâhi goft
to miravi
u bude ast
u xâhad goft
u miravad
mâ budeim
mâ xâhim goft
mâ miravim
šomâ budeid
šomâ xâhid goft
šomâ miravid
išân budeand
išân xâhand goft
išân miravand
Lesson 25 havâpeymâ
to sit/to land
dast dâdan
to shake hands
the other
worth seeing
was coming
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Âqâye Edvârd Jânson va âqâye Yegâne bâ ham dust hastand.
Mr. Edward Johnson and Mr. Yeganeh are friends.
Âqâye Yegâne be mâ goft: “Emruz sobh sâate haft bâ yek tâksi az šahr be forudgâhe Mehrâbâd raftam.
Mr. Yeganeh told us: “This morning at seven o'clock I took a taxi from the city to the Mehrabad airport.
Âqâye Edvârd Jânson, yeki az dustâne man, az Nyu York be Tehrân miyâmad.
One of my friends, Mr. Edward Johnson, was arriving in Tehran from New York.
Yek rob’ be hašt, yek havâpeymâye Âmrikâyi be zamin nešast, duste man dar in havâpeymâ bud.
At quarter to eight, an American airplane landed, and my friend was on board.
Dare havâpeymâ bâz šod. Mosâferân hame be gomrok raftand.
The airplane door opened. All passengers went through customs.
Pas az nim sâat birun âmadand.
They came out after a half hour.
Duste man ham birun âmad, bâ u dast dâdamo hâle u râ porsidam.
My friend came out as well, I shook his hand and greeted him.
Barâdare man ham be forudgâh âmade bud tâ duste marâ bebinad. Bâ xordove u be šahr âmadim.
My brother had also come to the airport to see my friend. We left for the city in his car.
Âqâye Jânson yek hafte dar Tehrân mimânado dar Mr. Johnson will stay in Tehran for a week, as a xâneye mâ mehmân ast. guest in our home. Mâ az u pazirâyi xâhim kard.
We will entertain him.
Dar in hafte be jâhâye didaniye šahre Tehrân xâhim raft.
This week we will visit the interesting sights of the city of Tehran.
Pas az yek hafte u be šahrhâye digare Irân xâhad raft.”
After a week he will visit other cities around Iran.”
Exercise 25.1
Answer these questions: 1. Âqâye Jânson az kodâm šahr be Tehrân âmad? 2. Âqâye Jânson bâ otomobil be Tehrân âmad? 3. Âyâ âqâye Jânson bâ havâpeymâye Âmrikâyi be Tehrân âmad? 4. Ce sâati havâpeymâ be zamin nešast? 5. Mosaferân az havâpeymâ be kojâ raftand? 6. Âqâye Jânson dar Tehrân mehmâne kist? 7. Âqâye Jânson ce moddat dar Tehrân xâhad mand? 8. U pas az yek hafte be kojâ xâhad raft? 9. Âyâ Âqâye Jânson be jâhâye didaniye šahre Tehrân xâhad raft? 10. Âqâye Jânson bâ xodrove ke be šahr âmad?
Exercise 25.2
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Conjugate the perfect tense of the verbs: “Dâdan” = To Give, “Gereftan” = To Take Exercise 25.3
Translate the following sentences into Persian: 1. What day is it today? 2. Today is Tuesday. 3. What day was yesterday? 4. Yesterday was Monday. 5. What day will tomorrow be? 6. Tomorrow will be Wednesday. 7. It was cold yesterday. 8. It was warm in summertime. 9. It is cold in winter. 10. It was cloudy last night.
Lesson 26 be suye
zang zadan
to ring
sedâ zadan
to call
avaz kardan
to change
taxte xâb
andar/andarun šodan
to enter
râhnamâyi kardan
to guide
xošâmad goftan
to welcome
to show
anjâm dâdan
to finish
Xâneye Âqâye Yegâne dar xiyâbâne Taxte Jamšid ast.
Mr. Yeganeh's house is on Takht-e Jamshid Avenue.
Xodrove barâdaraš jelove xâne istâd.
His brother's automobile stopped in front of the house.
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Âqâye Jânson, Âqâye Yegânevo barâdarâš az xodrow piyâde šodand va be suye dare xâne raftand.
Mr. Johnson, Mr. Yeganeh, and his brother got out of the automobile and went towards the door.
Âqâye Yegâne zang râ zad.
Mr. Yeganeh rang the bell.
Nowkaraš dar râ bâz kard.
His servant opened the door.
Âqâye Yegânevo barâdaraš be Âqâye Jânson taârof kardand va u naxost andarune xâne šod.
Mr. Yeganeh and his brother gestured Mr. Johnson politely and he was the first to enter the house.
Âqâye Yegâne u râ be otâqi râhnamâyi kard va u andarune ân otâq šod.
Mr. Yeganeh directed him to a room which he entered.
Xânome Yegâne ham be in otâq âmad, be Âqâye Jânson xošâmad gofto taxte xâb, eškâf, hammâmo rušuyi râ be u nešân dâd.
Mrs. Yeganeh also entered the room, welcomed Mr. Johnson, and showed him the bed, the closet, the bathroom.
Nowkar ham jâmedanhâye Âqâye Jânson râ âvard va dar otâq gozâšt.
The servant brought Mr. Johnson's suitcases and placed them in the room.
Hame birun raftand tâ Âqâye Jânson dasto surate xod râ bešuyado jâmeye xod râ avaz konad.
Everyone left so that Mr. Johnson could wash up and change his clothes.
Pas az yek sâat Âqâye Jânson kârhâye xod râ anjâm dâdo duste xod Âqaye Yegâne râ sedâ zad. Har do be otâqe pazirâyi raftando ânjâ nešastand.
After an hour Mr. Johnson was finshed, and called his friend Mr. Yeganeh. They both went to the livingroom and sat there.
Exercise 26.1
Answer the following questions: 1. Xâneye Âqâye Yegâne kojâst? ( kojâ ast?) 2. Ke zange xâne râ zad? 3. Ke dar râ bâz kard? 4. Ke be Âqâye Jânson taârof kard? 5. Ke naxost andarune xâne šod? 6. Ke Âqâye Jânson râ be otâq râhnamâyi kard? 7. Xânome Yegâne be Âqâye Jânson ce goft va be u ce nešân dâd? 8. Ke jâmedânhâye Âqâye Jânson râ âvard? 9. Nowkar jâmedânhâ râ kojâ gozâšt? 10. Pas az ce moddati Âqâye Jânson kârhâye xod râ anjâm dâd? 11. Âqâye Jânson ke râ sedâ zad? 12. Âqâye Jânsono Âqâye Yegâne be kojâ raftando ce kardand?
Exercise 26.2
Make a sentence with each of the following words: 1. xâne 2. xiyâbân
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3. barâdaram 4. zang 5. bâz 6. andarun 7. eškâf 8. xodaš
Exercise 26.3
Correct the following sentences: 1. Man Âqâye Yegâne râ dar xiyâban did. 2. Âqâye Jânson mehmânhâye Âqâye. 3. Havâpeymâ sâate hašt be zamin nešastand. 4. U daste xod râ dar kelâs nadidand. 5. Sâate nohe šab posti nâmeyi barâye man âvardi. 6. Barâdaram nâme râ dar sandoqe post andâxtam. 7. Yeki az dustâne man yek mâh ast ke be Landan râfteand. 8. Xâharam dusti dar šahre Tehrân dârid. 9. Pedaram sobhhâ sâate hašt az xâne birun miravad. 10. Mâ kami zabâne Pârsi midânam.
Exercise 26.4
Learn the different parts of the following verbs: Infinitive
Present tense
Past tense
Past participle
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Lesson 27 aknun/inak
they are sitting
boland šodand
they raise up
gap mizadand
they were talking
in front of/before
šâne kard
he/she combed
they were eating
Âqâye Jânsono Âqâye Yegâne aknun dar otâqe pazirâyi nešasteando bâham gap mizanand.
Mr. Johnson and Mr. Yeganeh are now seated in the livingroom and talking.
Xânome Yegâne dar in hangâm dar âšpazxâne bud.
Mrs. Yeganeh was in the kitchen at this time.
Az âšpazxâne birun âmad, pišbande xod râ baz kard, dasto surate xod râ šost, jâmeye xâne râ avaz kard, sare xod râ šâne kardo be otâqe pazirâyi raft.
She came out of the kitchen, took off her apron, washed up, changed her clothes, combed her hair and entered the livingroom.
Âqaye Jânsono Âqâye Yegâne be ehterâme u az jâye xod boland šodand.
Mr. Johnson and Mr. Yeganeh rose up from their seats as a sign of respect for her.
Hangâmi ke Xânome Yegâne nešast, išân ham dobâre nešastand.
They sat down again when Mrs. Yeganeh took her seat.
Nowkare xâne câyo širini âvardo piše Âqâye Jânson bord.
The servant brought some tea and sweets and offered them to Mr. Johnson.
Âqâye Johnson yek fenjân cây bardâšto do tekke
Mr. Johnson picked up a cup of tea and dropped
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qand dar ân andâxt.
two pieces of sugar in it.
Pas az ân yek širini ham bardâšto kenâre na’lbaki gozâšt.
Then he picked up a sweet and placed it on the saucer.
Âqâvo xânome Yegâne ham câyo širiniye xod râ bardâštand va nowkar az otâq birun raft.
Mr. and Mrs. Yeganeh took their tea and sweets and the servant left the room.
Mehmâno do mizbân cây mixordando gap mizadand.
The guest and the two hosts drank tea and talked.
Exercise 27.1
Without referring to the translation tell what you read in your own words. Exercise 27.2
Answer the following questions with complete sentences: 1. Âqâye Jânson va Âqâye Yegâne aknun dar kojâ nešasteand? 2. Âqâye Jânsono Âqâye Yegâne ce mikonand? 3. Âya Xânome Yegâne jâmevo kafšhâvo jurâbhâye xod râ avaz kard? 4. Hangâmi ke âqâye Jânsono Âqâye Yegâne, Xânome Yegâne râ didand ce kardand? 5. Hangâmi ke Xânome Yegâne nešast išân ce kardand? 6. Nowkare xâne ce âvard? 7. Nowkare xâne câyo širini râ piše ke bord? 8. Âqâye Jânson ce bar dâšt? 9. Âqâye Jânson dar fenjâne cây ce andâxt? 10. Âqâye Jânson širini râ kojâ gozâšt?
Exercise 27.3
Put all the verbs in the sentences into present tense. Exercise 27.4
Translate the following sentences into English: 1. In doxtare man ast. 2. Doxtare man yâzdah sâle ast. 3. Pesare šomâ cand sâle ast? 4. Emruz havâ besyâr sard ast. 5. Âyâ šomâ dar Tehrân zendegi mikonid? 6. Yeki az barâdarâne man dar Espahân zendegi mikonad. 7. Dišab dir be xâne raftam.
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8. Nowruz, ruze naxoste sâle Iraniyân ast. 9. Havâye in otâq garm ast, yeki az panjarehâ râ bâz konid. 10. Yeki az dustânam be dânešgâhhâye Englestân rafte ast.
Lesson 28 gerd âmadand
they gathered
da’vat kard
he/she invited
gardeš kardan
to take a walk/browse/wander
kâšte budand
they had sown
negahdâri kardan
to take care
he/she asked
âmâde kardan
to prepare
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Âqâye Yegâne bâ pesare bozorgo Xânomaš va Âqâye Jânson ruze Âdine bâ xodrow az Tehrân birun raftand.
Mr. Yeganeh, his eldest son, his wife, and Mr. Johnson, left Tehran by car on Friday.
Pas az do sâat be yek deh rasidand.
They reached a village after two hours.
Dehnešinân ke didand xodrow andarune deh šode ast, dowre ân gerd âmadand.
The villagers gathered around the automobile after they saw it enter the village.
Yeki az išân ke pirmardi bud, išân râ be xâneye xod da’vat kard.
One of them, an old man, invited them to his home.
Išân ham xodrow râ dar kenâri gozâštando be xâneye pirmard raftand.
They left the automobile in a corner and went to the old man's house.
Âqâye Yegâne nâme pirmard râ porsid, pir-mard goft: “Nâme man Kuroš ast”.
Mr. Yeganeh asked the old man for his name, the old man replied: “My name is Kurosh”.
Pas az rasidan be xâne zane Kuroš išân râ be After reaching the house, Kurosh's wife directed otâqi râhnamâyi kardo pas az nim sâat cây âmâde them to a room and after a half hour prepared tea kardo barâye išân âvard. and brought it inside. Išân pas az xordane cây dar deh gardeš kardand.
They browsed around village after drinking their teas.
Âqâye Jânson goft: “Xânehâye deh mânande xânehâye šahr bozorgo zibâ nistand va kuce ham tango nâpâk ast”.
Mr. Johnson said: “The village houses are not as large and beautiful as the one's in the city, and the alley is narrow and dirty”.
Pas az dah daqiqe az deh birun raftando be keštzâr rasidand.
After ten minutes they left the village and reached a field.
Bištare zaminhâ râ gandomo jow kâšte budand.
Most of the field was planted with barley and wheat.
Dehnešinân az gâv, guspand, boz, xar, asb, morqo xorus negahdâri mikonand, zirâ in janvarân sudmand hastand.
The villagers take care of cows, sheep, goats, donkeys, horses, hens and cocks, because these are useful animals.
Exercise 28.1
Answer the following questions: 1. Âqâye Yegâne bâ ke az Tehrân birun raft? 2. Ce ruzi Âqâye Yegâne az Tehrân birun raft? 3. Pas az cand sâat be deh rasidand? 4. Ce kasâni dowre mâšin gerd âmadand? 5. Ke išân râ be xâneye xod da’vat kard? 6. Âyâ išân be xâneye an pirmard raftand? 7. Nâme ân pirmard ce bud? 8. Zane Kuroš ce kard? 9. Išân pas az xordane cây ce kardand? 10. Âqâye Jânson dar bâreye xânehâye deh ce goft?
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11. Âqâye Jânson dar bâreye kucehâye deh ce goft? 12. Âqâye Yegânevo digarân az deh ke birun raftand be kojâ rasidand? 13. Dar zaminhâ bištar ce kâšte budand? 14. Jânvarâni râ ke dar deh budand nâm bebarid? 15. Âyâ gâvo guspand sudmand hastand?
Exercise 28.2
Make a sentence for each of the following words: 1. deh
5. rasidan
9. sudmand
2. pir
6. râhnamâyi kardan
10. bozorgtar
3. da’vat
7. šahr
4. nâm
8. daqiqe
Exercise 28.3
Explain what you read in your own words without refering to the previous pages. Exercise 28.4
Put the sentences you created in Exercise 28.2 into negative. Exercise 28.5
Name five villages around Tehran. Lesson 29 asr
xoš gozaštan
to have a good time
I want
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I’m obliged
it means
bedrud goftan
to say goodby
Asre Âdine Âqâye Yegânevo hamrâhân az gardeš bar gaštand va sâlem be xâne rasidand.
Mr. Yeganeh and companions returned home fine on Friday evening.
Hame barâye xordane cây be otâqe pazirâyi raftand.
They all went to the livingroom for tea.
Âqâye Jânson be xânevâdeye Yegâne goft: “Man dar xâneye šomâ besyâr âsude hastamo dar injâ be man xoš migozarad.
Mr Johnson said to the Yeganeh family: “I am very comfortable at your home and am having a good time.
Vali man bâyad šahrhâye digare Irân râ ham bebinam.
But I have to visit other cities around Iran.
Naxost be šomâle Irân mixâham beravam va Âzarbâyjân, Gilâno Mânzandarân râ bâ Gorgân bebinam.
First I want to go north of Iran and visit Azerbaijan, Gilan, Mazandaran, and Gorgan.
Sepas mixâham safari be xâvare Irân ya’ni xorâsân beravam.
Then I want to take a trip to Khorasan in eastern Iran.
Pas az ân be baxšhâye jonubiye Irân mânande Kermân, Ba1ucestân, Pârso Xuzestân xâham raft va safari ham be bâxtare Irân xâham kard tâ Kordestân râ bebinam.
Then I will visit the southern regions like Kerman, Baluchistan, Pars and Khuzistan, and also take a trip to see Kurdistan in western Iran.
Sepas šahrhâye markazi, mânande Qom, Kâšân, Espahâno Arâk râ xâham did, tâ taqriban hameye Irân râ dide bâšam.
Then I will see the cities in the central region, like Qom, Kashan, Espahan and Arak, so that I would have visited the entire Iran.
Man gomân dâram yek ketâbe joqrâfi be zabâne Englisi dar bâreye Irân benevisamo barâye neveštane in ketâb nâcâram baxšhâye gunâgune Irân râ bebinam.
I have in mind to write a geographical book on Iran, and in order to do that I am obliged to visit the different parts of the country.
Fardâ sobh bâ šomâ bedrud xâham goft va bâ pâreyi dustâne Englisiye xod in safare duro derâz râ âqâz xâham kard.
Tomorrow morning I will say goodby to you all, and leave on this long trip with several of my English friends.
Exercise 29.1
Answer the following questions: 1. Key âqaye Yegâne va hamrâhânaš az safar bar gaštand? 2. Vaqti be xâne rasidand be kodâm otâq raftand? 3. Âyâ Âqâye Jânson dar xâneye Âqâye Yegâne âsude bud va be u xoš migozašt?
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4. Âyâ âqâye Jânson mixâst šahrhâye digare Iran râ bebinad? 5. Âyâ Âqâye Jânson mixâst naxost be šomâe Irân beravad? 6. Âyâ Âzarbâyjân dar šomâe Irân ast? 7. Âyâ Pârs dar jonube Irân ast? 8. Yeki az šahrhâye bâxtare Irân râ nâm bebarid? 9. Âyâ Âqâye Jânson mixâst yek ketâbe joqrâfi dar bâreye Irân benevisad? 10. Âyâ Âqâye Jânson mixâst baxšhâye gunâgune Irân râ bebinad?
Exercise 29.2
Fill in the missing words: 1. Cand ruz ast havâye Tehrân sard .......... ? 2. Diruz hâlam xub .......... va natavânestam be kelâs .......... 3. Emruz be bâzâr .......... va yek .......... kafš .......... 4. Dehnešinân dar .......... zendegi .......... 5. Diruz sâate šešo nim be xâneye šomâ .......... ammâ šoma .......... 6. Dišab .......... abri .......... 7. Espahân yeki az šahrhâye .......... Irân .......... 8. Tâbestânhâ havâye Tehrân .......... 9. Yek hafte .......... ruz .......... 10. Yek sâl .......... ruz ast.
Exercise 29.3
Write the plural form of the following sentences: 1. Man be Espahân raftam. 2. Âyâ barâdare šomâ dar Tehrân ast? 3. Ketâbe man ruye mize šomâ nabud? 4. Kuceye deh tang ast? 5. Man daste xod râ šostam. 6. U pas az xordane nâhâr az xâne birun raft. 7. Pâye man yax karde ast. 8. Šahrnešin dar šahr zendegi mikonad. 9. Sandaliye man qahveyi ast. 10. Daro panjareye in otâq bâz asto havâye otâq sard šode ast.
Lesson 30 Ìóëüòèÿ çûêîâîé ïðîåêò Èëüè Ôðàíêà www.franklang.ru
to cover
šokufe kardan
to blossom
black cherry
to shine
Bahâr naxostin fasle sâl ast.
Spring is the first season of the year.
Havâye in fasl molâyem ast.
The weather is mild during this season.
Na ziyâd sardo na ziyâd garm ast.
It is not too cold and not too warm.
Deraxtâne mive mânande sib, beh, anâr, holu, gilâs, âlbâlu, gowje, zardâlu, portoqâl, nârangiyo limu šokufe mikonand.
Fruit trees like apples, quinces, pomegranates, peaches, cherries, black cherries, plums, apricots, oranges, tangerines, and lemons blossom.
Šokufehâ, mivehâye tâbestâniyo pâyizi mišavand.
Blossoms turn into summer and autumn fruits.
Dar in fasl barfhâye kuh âb mišavad.
In this season snow on the mountains melt.
Âbe in barfhâ rudxânehâ râ por mikonad.
Water from the snow fills the rivers.
Kešâvarzân âbe in rudxânehâ râ be zaminhâye kešto bâqhâ mibarand va farâvardehâye xod râ âb midahand.
Farmers take the water from these rivers to their fields and gardens and water their crops.
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Gâhi abre siyâhi âsmân râ mipušânad, barq mizanad, sedâye tondar be guš mirasado pas az ân bârâne tondi mibârad, sepas havâ sâf mišavado xoršid dobâre midaraxšad.
Sometimes a dark cloud covers the sky, lightning strikes, and the sound of thunder is heard; then there is a shower and finally it clears and the sun shines again.
Exercise 30.1
Answer the following questions: 1. Âyâ bahâr naxostin fasle sal ast? 2. Havâye in fasl cegune ast? 3. Âyâ havâye in fasl ziyâd garm ast? 4. Havâye ce fasli ziyâd garm ast? 5. Havâye ce fasli ziyâd sard ast? 6. Deraxtâne mive dar ce fasli šokufe mikonand? 7. Âyâ deraxtâne portoqâl, narangiyo limu ham dar bahâr šokufe mikonand? 8. Rudxânehâ dar ce fasli por âb hastand? 9. Kešâvarzan âbe rudxânehâ râ ce mikonand? 10. Sedâye tondar dar ce fasli bištar be guš mirasad?
Exercise 30.2
Learn the following ordinal numbers: naxostin - dovomin - sevomin - cahâromin - panjomin - šešomin - haftomin - haštomin - nohomin dahomin
Exercise 30.3
Write five simple sentences about summer. Exercise 30.4
Fill in the missing words: 1. Xordâd mâhe .......... bahâr ast. 2. Šahrivar mâhe .......... tâbestân ast. 3. Mehr mâhe .......... pâyiz ast. 4. Dey mâhe .......... zemestân ast. 5. U .......... be xâneye man âmado mâ montazer .......... budim. 6. Zemestân fasle .......... asto .......... ziyâd mibârad. 7. Xoršid be zamin .......... va zamin râ .......... mikonad. 8. Setâregân .......... šabhâ dar .......... mibinam.
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9. Mahtâb .......... nisto mâ râ garm .......... . 10. Zamin .......... az xoršid ast. 11. Zemestân .......... fasl ast. 12 .......... garmtarin fasl ast. 13. Mâ .......... xoršid râ nemibinim. 14. Ruzhâ mâ setâregân râ .......... 15. Ruzhâye zemestâno šabhâye tâbestân .......... ast. 16. Yek sâat šast ..........o yek daqiqe .......... ast. 17. Yek šabâne .......... ruz sâat ast. 18. Man bâ gac .......... taxte syah neveštam va bâ .......... pâk kardam. 19. Yek sâl .......... ruz ast. 20. .......... ruze naxoste sâl ast.
Exercise 30.5
Translate the following sentences into Persian: 1. My pencil is longer than yours. 2. This room is the largest. 3. This boy is the tallest student in the school. 4. Shahreza is the widest street in Tehran. 5. My hand is bigger than yours. 6. I’m the shortest girl in the class. 7. Mount Damavand is higher than Alvand. 8. Please close this window, I feel a little cold. 9. The people mostly catch cold in winter. 10. This shoe is tight for me.
Lesson 31 šoxm zadan
to plough
ear of corn
kam kam
by and by
to ripen
sabz šodan
to peep out
âbyâri kardan
to irrigate
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derow kardan
to cut
xarman kardan
to heap up (corn)
bâd dâdan
to air
to thresh
ârd kardan
to grind into flour
jodâ kardan
to separate
xamir kardan
to make dough
Kešâvarzân dar pâyiz zamine kešt râ šoxm mizanando gandom mikârand. Gandom kam kam sabz mišavad. Barfe zemestâno bârâne pâyizo bahâr ân râ âbyâri mikonad. Gandom boland mišavad, xuše mikonado dar tâbestan mirasad. Kešâvarz bâ dâs gandom râ derow mikonad, va gandome derow šode râ xarman mikonad, tâ xub xošk šavad. Sepas ân râ mikubad, bâd midahado dânehâ râ az kâhhâ jodâ mikonad. Sepas gandomhâ râ pâk mikonado be âsyâb mibarad. Âsyâbân gandom râ ârd mikonando, ârd râ be nânvâyi mibarad. Xamirgir ân râ xamir mikonado mipazad. Mâ be dokâne nânvâyi miravim, pul midahimo nân mixarim, nân râ be xâne miyâvarimo bâ xorâkhâye gunâgun mixorim.
Exercise 31.1
Explain in your own words what you read. Exercise 31.2
Answer the following questions: 1. Kešâvarz ce hangâm zamin ra šoxm mizanad? 2. Pas az šoxm zadan ce mikonad? 3. Âyâ barfe zemestân barâye gandome xuše šode sudmand ast? 4. Âyâ kešâvarz dar zemestân gandom râ âbyâri mikonad?
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5. Gandom key boland mišavad? 6. Gandom key xuše mikonad? 7. Âyâ gandom dar tâbestân mirasad? 8. Bâ ce ciz kešâvarz gandom râ derow mikonad? 9. Dâne râ az kâh cegune jodâ mikonad? 10. Âsyâbân kist? 11. Âyâ âsyâbân gandom râ ârd mikonad? 12. Ârd râ be kojâ mibarad? 13. Xamirgir kist? 14. Nân râ ce mikonad? 15. Mâ nân râ az kojâ mixarim?
Exercise 31.3
Write a sentence for each of the following words: 1. pul
2. xorâk
3. kâh
4. xuše
5. mive
6. nânvâyi
7. âsyâb
8. bârân
9. kam kam
10. xaridan
Exercise 31.4
Put the following words in the right order: 1. dar - Tehrân - šomâl - dânešgâh - ast 2. az - dur - dânešgâh - xâneye - ast - man 3. dišab - xâbidân - bâd - man 4. dišab - xâne - âmadam - dir - be 5. diruz - havâ - sard - šod - asr 6. ast - mz - do - ke - garm - šode ast 7. man - barâdar - pariruz - raft - Espahân - be 8. do - digar - mali - Englestân - be - miravam 9. xâheš - an - panjare - - mikonam - bebandid 10. ostâd - dir - be - mâ - kelâs - âmad
Exercise 31.5
Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Kafšhâye man kohne šodeand, mixâham yek joft kafše now bexaram. 2. Pâye man bozorgo in kafš barâye pâye man tang ast.
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3. Agar be bâzâr raftid dah varaqe kâqaz barâye man bexarid. 4. Pesare šomâ dah ruz ast ke be dabestân nemiyâyad. 5. Yeki az dustâne xod râ pârsâl dar Âmrikâ didam.
Lesson 32 âxar
foruxte mišavand
they are sold
persian melon
a kind of melon
šenâ kardan
to swim
water melon
Tâbestân, dovomin fasle sâl ast.
Summer is the second season of the year.
Az âxare bahâr havâ kam kam garm mišavado miyâneye tâbestan havâ besyâr garm ast.
Little by little it starts getting warmer at the end of summer, and the weather is very warm in the middle of summer.
Garmâye Tehrân gâhi be cehel darajeye sântigrâd mirasad.
The temperature in Tehran can sometimes reach forty degrees Celsius.
Dar tâbestân dabestânhâ, dabirestânhâvo dânešgâhhâye Irân ta’til mišavand.
The elementary schools, secondary schools, and universities of Iran close down.
Bištare šâgerdâno ostâdân az Tehrân be šahrhâye digar yâ be jâhâye xonak miravand.
Most students and professors leave Tehran for other cities or cooler places.
Âdinehâvo ruzhâye digar ke ta’til ast mardome Tehrân bâ xodrow yâ otobus be kenâre daryâ miravand.
Fridays and holidays people of Tehran leave for the seaside by car or bus.
Dar âb šenâ mikonand, ruye šenhâ mixâbando
They swim in the water, lie on the sand, and get
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tanhâyašân râ âftab midahand.
some sun.
Dar šahre Tehrân ham estaxrhâyi barâye šenâ sâxteand va har kas mitavand bâ pule kami az in extaxrhâ bahremand šavad.
There have been pools built in the city of Tehran for swimming and anyone can use these pools for very little money.
Dar in fasl tâlebi, garmak, hendevâne, gilâs, gowje, zardâluvo angurhâye gunâgun mirasando dar bâzâr foruxte mišavand.
In this season there are melons, watermelons, cherries, plums, apricots, and various grapes sold in the market.
Mardom dar fasle tâbestân ziyad mive mixorand.
Everyone eats a lot of fruits in the summertime.
Âxare Šahrivarmâh havâ kam kam ru be xonaki miravado pâyize zibâ âqâz mišavad.
At the end of the month of Shahrivar the weather slowly cools off and the beautiful autumn begins.
Exercise 32.1
Answer the following questions: 1. Kodâm fasl garmtarin fasle sâl ast? 2. Kodâm fasl sardtarin fasle sâl ast? 3. Âyâ dar bahâr havâ molâyem ast? 4. Garmâye Tehrân dar tâbestân be cand daraje mirasad? 5. Barâye ce dabestânhâ va dabirestânhâ dar tâbestân ta’til mišavand? 6. Âyâ šomâ dar tâbestân dar Tehrân mimânid? 7. Mardome Tehrân tâbestânhâ be kojâ miravand? 8. Âyâ šomâ bâ otobus mosâferat kardeid? 9. Âyâ šomâ xub šenâ mikonid? 10. Âyâ šomâ daryâye Mâzandarân ra dideid? 11. Zardâlu ce rang ast? 12. Ce miveyi râ bištar az hame dust dârid? 13. Pâyiz zibâtar ast yâ tâbestân? 14. Tâbestân râ bištar dust dârid yâ zemestân râ? 15. Key havâ ru be xonaki miravad?
Exercise 32.2
Name the months of the year. Exercise 32.3
Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Man emruz xasteam va nemitavânam dars bexânam. 2. Darshâye Pârsi kam kam došvâr mišavand. 3. Emruz sardtar az diruz ast. 4. Xâheš mikonam yek varaqe kâqaz be man bedahid.
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5. Diruz hâlam xub nabud va be kelâse Pârsi nayâmadam.
Exercise 32.4 Fill in the missing words: 1. Ostâd bâ .......... ruye taxteye syâh nevešt. 2. Man bâ .......... taxteye syâh râ pak kardam. 3. Pedaram si sâl az man .......... ast. 4. Man yeke pas az nimruz .......... mixoram. 5. .......... dar deh zendegi mikonad. 6. Havâye bahâr va pâyiz .......... ast. 7. Daryâaye Mâzandarân dar .......... Irân ast. 8. Tehrân pâyetaxt .......... ast. 9. Mâ mitavânim kam .......... Pârsi bexânim. 10. Sobhhâ zud az xâb.......... .
Lesson 33 kešvar
Ž âponi
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Xoškihâye koreye zamin râ be panj baxš kardeand.
The land masses of the globe have been divided into five continents.
Nâme in panj baxš az in qarâr ast: 1. Asyâ 2. Orupâ 3. Âfriqâ 4. Âmrikâye Šomâli va Âmrikâye Jonubi. 5. Ostrâlyâ.
The names of these five divisions are: 1. Asia 2. Europe 3. Africa 4. North America and South America 5. Oceania.
Har yek az in baxšhâ be kešvarhâye gunâgun baxš šodeando dar har kešvari, mellati ke dârâye zabâno dine jodâ ast zendegi mikonad.
Every one of these divisions has been divided into different countries, and in each country lives a nation with its separate language and religion.
Irâni dar Irân zendegi mikonado zabânaš Pârsi ast.
An Iranian lives in Iran and his language is Persian.
Englisi dar Englestân zendegi mikonado zabânaš Englisi ast.
An Englishman lives in England and his language in English.
Frânsavi dar Frânse zendegi mikonado zabânaš Frânsavi ast.
A Frenchman lives in France and his language is French.
Rusi dar Rusiye zendegi mikonado zabânaš Rusi ast.
A Russian lives in Russia and his language is Russian.
Âlmâni dar Âlmân zendegi mikonado zabânaš Âlmâni ast.
A German lives in Germany and his language is German.
Âmrikâyi dar Âmrikâ zendegi mikonado zabšnaš Englisi ast.
An American lives in America and his language is English.
Tork dar Torkiye zendegi mikonado zabânaš Torki ast.
A Turk lives in Turkey and his language is Turkish.
Cini dar Cin zendegi mikonado zabânaš Cini ast.
A Chinese lives in China and his language is Chinese.
Ž âponi dar Ž âpon zendegi mikonado zabânaš Ž âponi ast.
A Japanese lives in Japan and his language is Japanese.
Mardome jahân dinhâye gunâgun dârand, be in šarh: Masihi, Zartošti, Brahman, Budâyi, Kalimiyo Mosalmân.
People of the world belong to different religions, as listed here: Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Brahman, Buddhism, Jewish and Muslim.
Exercise 33.1
Answer the following questions: 1. Šomâ ahle kodâm kešvar hastid? 2. Zabâne šomâ cist? 3. Ce dini dârid? 4. Âyâ šomâ zabâne Englisi midânid? 5. Âyâ šomâ zabâne fârsi râ mitavânid bexanid? 6. Âlmâni kojâ zendegi mikonad? 7. Englisi kojâ zendegi mikonad? 8. Zabâne mardome Cin cist? 9. Zabâne mardome Âmrikâ cist?
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10. Mardome Irân ce dinhâyi dârand?
Exercise 33.2
Write five simple sentences about the climate of Iran. Exercise 33.3
Translate the following sentences into Persian: 1. He is an Iranian, but he lives in U.S.A. 2. I learned Persian in Iran. 3. Is this the road to Isfahan? 4. His servant brought a letter for me yesterday. 5. We have studied thirty-three parts of this text.
Conjugation of Verbs Subjunctive mood of the verb: Xordan (To eat) Present
agar bexoram
agar xorde bâšam
agar bexori
agar xorde bâši
agar bexorad
agar xorde bâšad
agar bexorim
agar xorde bâšim
agar bexorid
agar xorde bâšid
agar bexorand
agar xorde bâšand
Negative agar naxoram
agar naxorde bâšam
agar naxori
agar naxorde bâši
agar naxorad
agar naxorde bâšad
agar naxorim
agar naxorde bâšim
agar naxorid
agar naxorde bâšid
agar naxorand
agar naxorde bâšand
Lesson 34 kamâbiš
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falls down
they pluck
a number
âdame barfi
they wear
dorost mikonand
they make
pâyân yâft
it is finished
Pâyiz fasle zibâyi ast.
Autumn is a beautiful season.
Dar in fasl kamâbiš hameye mivehâ mirasand.
In this season nearly all fruits ripen.
Mivehâye pâyizi mânande anâr, anjir, sib, portoqâl, nârangiyo limu farâvân ast.
Autumn fruits like pomegranates, figs, apples, oranges, tangerines, and lemons are abundant.
Barghâye deraxtân kam kam zard mišavando mirizand.
The leaves slowly turn yellow and fall down.
Kešâvarzan mivehâ râ az deraxtâne bâqhâye xod micinando dar anbâr negah midârand tâ az sarmâ xarâb našavand.
Farmers pluck the fruits off the trees in their gardens and keep them in storage so that they do not spoil.
Mardom jâmehâye pašmiye zemestâni mipušand.
People wear woollen winter clothes.
Mâhe âxare pâyiz havâ sardtar mišavado sepas zemestâne sard miyâyad.
It gets colder the last month of autumn and then the cold winter arrives.
Dar zemestân barf bâridan ravâ asto hame jâ râ sepid mikonad.
It usually snows in the wintertime and white covers everywhere.
Bacehâ barfbâzi râ dust dârando az barf, âdame barfi dorost mikonand.
Children love to play with snow, and make snowmen.
Šabhâye zemestân mardom kamtar dar xiyâbânhâye šahr dide mišavand.
People are seldom seen in the streets on winter nights.
Naxoste šab be xânehâye xod miravando kenâre boxâri minešinand.
At the beginning of the night they go to their homes and sit by the heater.
Pâreyi niz be sinemâ yâ teâtr miravand.
A number go to the movies or the theater.
Mâhe Espand havâ ziyâd sard nist.
The weather is not cold during the month of Espand.
Espand ke pâyân yâft havâ molâyem mišavado bâ
By the end of Espand the weather is milder, and
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âmadane bahâr deraxtân dobâre sabz mišâvand.
with the arrival of spring the trees turn green again.
Exercise 34.1
Answer the following questions: 1. Havâye pâyiz behtar ast yâ havâye bahâr? 2. Nâme cahâr miveye pâyizi râ beguyid? 3. Barge deraxtân key mirizand? 4. Kešavarzân mivehâyi râ ke cidand kojâ migozârand? 5. Cerâ mivehâ râ pâyiz micinand? 6. Jâmehâye tâbestâni ce rang ast? 7. Ce hangâm jâmeye pašmi mipušim? 8. Ayâ havâye zemestân sardtar ast yâ havâye pâyiz? 9. Dar ce fasli bištar bâd miyâyad? 10. Ayâ šomâ zemestân râ dust dârid?
Exercise 34.2
Explain your daily program in Persian. Exercise 34.3
Write the future tense of the verb “goftan”. Conjugation of Verbs Passive Voice - Indicative mood Present
xaste mišavam
xaste šodeam
xaste mišodam
xaste mišavi
xaste šodei
xaste mišodi
xaste mišavad
xaste šode ast
xaste mišod
xaste mišavim
xaste šodeim
xaste mišodim
xaste mišavid
xaste šodeid
xaste mišodid
xaste mišavand
xaste šodeand
xaste mišodand
xaste šode budam
xaste šodam
xaste xâham šod
xaste šode budi
xaste šodi
xaste xâhi šod
xaste šode bud
xaste šod
xaste xâhad šod
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xaste šode budim
xaste šodim
xaste xâhim šod
xaste šode budid
xaste šodid
xaste xâhid šod
xaste šode budand
xaste šodand
xaste xâhand šod
Lesson 35 vâpasin
the last
bahre bebarim
to make use of/take advantage of
pâyân dâdim
we finished
harf/gap zadan
to speak
worth reading
âšnâ šodan
to become familiar with
âqâz kardan
to begin
be âsâni
we can
nevešte šode ast
has been written
In dars vâpasin darse ketâbe naxost ast.
This is the last lesson of the basic text.
Sepâs xodâ râ ke in ketâb râ pâyân dâdimo aknun mitavânim kami Pârsi râ bexânimo benevisimo harf bezanim.
Thank God that we finished this textbook and can now somewhat read, write, and speak in Persian.
Pârsi zabâne širini asto, har kas mitavânad be âsâni ân râ yâd begirad.
Persian is a nice language, and anyone can easily learn it.
Agar yeki do sâle digar in zabân râ bexânim, mitavânim az ketâbhâyi ke be zabâne Pârsi nevešte šodeand bahre bebarim.
If we continue studying this language for another two years, we would be able to take advantage of the books written in the Persian language.
Šâerâne Irâni še’rhâye ziyâdi be zabâne Pârsi gofteand; dânešmandâne Irâni ketâbhâye ziyâdi dar reštehâye gunâgune dâneš be in zabân nevešteand; dâstânhâye Pârsi širino xândani
Iranian poets have written many poems in Persian; learned Iranians have written various scientific books in this language; Persian stories are nice and worth reading.
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hastand. Agar in zabân râ dorost yâd begirim, mitavânim hameye in ketâbhâ râ bexânimo bâ andišeye Irâniyân âsnâ šavim.
If we learn this language properly, we could read all these books and become familiar with Iranian thoughts.
Omidvârim betavânim cizi râ ke âqâz kardeim be anjâm rasânim tâ kušeše mâ bi farjâm namânad.
I hope we can finish what we have begun, so that our efforts would not be fruitless.
Exercise 35.1
Answer the following questions: 1. Cand mâh Pârsi xândeid? 2. Pârsi zabâne kodâm mellat ast? 3. Âyâ šomâ mitavânid Pârsi râ tond benivisid? 4. Âyâ šomâ mitavanid Pârsi harf bezanid? 5. Âyâ še’re Pârsi râ mitavânid bexânid? 6. Zabâne Englisi râ zudtar yâd gereftid yâ Pârsi? 7. Âyâ zabâne âlmâni az zabâne farsi došvârtar ast? 8. Âyâ šomâ Frânsavi hastid? 9. Došvârtarin zabân kodam ast? 10. Ce zabâni az hame âsântar ast?
Exercise 35.2
Put the following words in the right order: 1. došvâri - ziyâd - Pârsi - zabân - nist 2. Englisi - zabân - došvârtar - az - Pârsi - zabân - ast 3. u - Englisi - ast - pedar 4. zabân - man - Frânsavi - nemidânam - xub 5. xâharam - Pârsi - zabân - râ - behtar - man - az - harf - mizanad 6. Cini - zabâne - došvâri - besyâr - ast 7. hend - mardom - be - zabânhâye - harf - gunâgun - mizanand 8. mardom - hame - Englisi - Âmrikâ - harf - mizanand 9. zabâne - Pârsi - ast - širin 10. Rusi - zabâne - besyâr - došvâri - ast
Exercise 35.3
Write five simple sentences about the class room. Exercise 35.4
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Explain the difficulties you had in learning Persian. PERSIAN VERBS Persian verbs like the verbs of English and German languages have three Principal Parts:
I) Present root II) Past root III) Past participle All different tenses of the verbs are derived from the above three parts; and the auxiliary verbs used in conjugating the different tenses are: šodan, budan, xâstan. Let us take the verb “xordan” (to eat) as an example and show its different tenses.
I) Present root: xor II) Past root: xord III) Past participle: xordei I) Verbs Formed from the Present Root: xor 1. Subjunctive Mood Let me eat I may eat If I eat agar bexoram = ( be + xor + im ) agar bexori = ( be + xor + i ) agar bexorad = ( be + xor + ad ) agar bexorim = ( be + xor + im ) agar bexorid = ( be + xor + id ) agar bexorand = ( be + xor + and )
2. Indicative Mood I eat I am eating I shall eat mixoram = ( mi + xor + am ) mixori = ( mi + xor + i )
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moxorad = ( mi + xor + ad ) mixorim = ( mi + xor + im ) mixorid = ( mi + xor + id ) mixorand = = ( mi + xor + and )
Imperative Singular: xor/bexor Imperative Plural: xorid/bexorid Present participle: xorân
II) Verbs Formed from the Past Root: xord 3. Indicative mood: Preterite I ate xordam = ( xord + am ) xordi = ( xord + i ) xord xordim = ( xord + im ) xordid = ( xord + id ) xordand = ( xord + and )
4. Indicative mood: Imperfect I was eating/I used to eat mixordam = ( mi + xord + am ) moxordi = ( mi + xord + i ) mixord = ( mi + xord ) mixordim = ( mi + xord + im ) mixordid = ( mi + xord + id ) mixordand = ( mi + xord + and )
5. Indicative Mood: Future I shall eat Ìóëüòèÿ çûêîâîé ïðîåêò Èëüè Ôðàíêà www.franklang.ru
xâham xord = ( xâh + am + xord ) xâhi xord = ( xâh + i + xord ) xâhad xord = ( xâh + ad + xord ) xâhim xord = ( xâh + im + xord ) xâhid xord = ( xâh + id + xord ) xâhand xord = ( xâh + and + xord )
Infinitive mood: xordan Infinitive mood shortened form: xord Gerundive (adjective): xordani
III) Verbs Fomed from the Past Participle: xorde 6. Indicatice mood: Present I have eaten xordeam = ( xorde + am ) xordei = ( xorde + i ) xorde ast = ( xorde + ast ) xordeim = ( xorde + im ) xordeid = ( xorde + id ) xordeand = ( xorde + and )
7. Indicatice mood: Pluperfect (Past Perfect) I had eaten xorde budam = ( xorde + bud + am ) xorde budi = ( xorde + bud + i ) xorde bud = ( xorde + bud) xorde budim = ( xorde + bud + im ) xorde budid = ( xorde + bud + id ) xorde budand = ( xorde + bud + and )
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8. Subjunctive mood: Perfect I may have eaten xorde bâšam = ( xorde + bâš + am ) xorde bâši = ( xorde + bâš + i ) xorde bâš = ( xorde + bâš) xorde bâšim = ( xorde + bâš + im ) xorde bâšid = ( xorde + bâš + id ) xorde bâšand = ( xorde + bâš + and )
Passive Voice Infinitive: xorde šodan ( to be eaten ) 9. Indicative mood: Present xorde mišavam = ( xorde + mi + šav + am ) xorde mišavi = ( xorde + mi + šav + i ) xorde mišavad = ( xorde + mi + šav + ad ) xorde mišavim = ( xorde + mi + šav + im ) xorde mišavid = ( xorde + mi + šav + id ) xorde mišavand = ( xorde + mi + šav + and )
10. Indicative mood: Perfect I have been eaten xorde šodeam = ( xorde + šode + am ) xorde šodei = ( xorde + šode + i ) xorde šode ast = ( xorde + šode + ast ) xorde šodeim = ( xorde + šode + im ) xorde šodeid = ( xorde + šode + id ) xorde šodeand = ( xorde + šode + and )
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11. Indicative mood: Imperfect I would be eaten xorde mišodam = ( xorde + mi + šod + am ) xorde mišodi = ( xorde + mi + šod + i ) xorde mišod = ( xorde + mi + šod ) xorde mišodim = ( xorde + mi + šod + im ) xorde mišodid = ( xorde + mi + šod + id ) xorde mišodand = ( xorde + mi + šod + and )
12. Indicative mood: Pluperfect (Past Perfect) I had been eaten xorde šode budam = ( xorde + šode + bud + am ) xorde šode budi = ( xorde + šode + bud + i ) xorde šode bud = ( xorde + šode + bud ) xorde šode budim = ( xorde + šode + bud + im ) xorde šode budid = ( xorde + šode + bud + id ) xorde šode budand = ( xorde + šode + bud + and )
13. Indicative mood: Preterite (Past Participle) I was eaten xorde šodam = ( xorde + šod + am ) xorde šodi = ( xorde + šod + i ) xorde šod = ( xorde + šod ) xorde šodim = ( xorde + šod + im ) xorde šodid = ( xorde + šod + id ) xorde šodand = ( xorde + šod + and )
Ìóëüòèÿ çûêîâîé ïðîåêò Èëüè Ôðàíêà www.franklang.ru
14. Indicative mood: Future I will be eaten xorde xâham šod = ( xorde + šod + am ) xorde xâhi šod = ( xorde + šod + i ) xorde xâhad šod = ( xorde + šod ) xorde xâhim šod = ( xorde + šod + im ) xorde xâhid šod = ( xorde + šod + id ) xorde xâhand šod = ( xorde + šod + and )
15. Subjunctive mood: Present I may be eaten xorde šavam = ( xorde + šav + am ) xorde šavi = ( xorde + šav + i ) xorde šavad = ( xorde + šav + ad ) xorde šavim = ( xorde + šav + im ) xorde šavid = ( xorde + šav + id ) xorde šavand = ( xorde + šav + and )
16. Subjunctive mood: Perfect I may have been eaten xorde šode bâšam = ( xorde + šode + bâš + am ) xorde šode bâši = ( xorde + šode + bâš + i ) xorde šode bâšad = ( xorde + šode + bâš + ad ) xorde šode bâšim = ( xorde + šode + bâš + im ) xorde šode bâšid = ( xorde + šode + bâš + id ) xorde šode bâšand = ( xorde + šode + bâš + and )
Ìóëüòèÿ çûêîâîé ïðîåêò Èëüè Ôðàíêà www.franklang.ru
Active Voice Negative 17. Indicative mood Present
naxorde budam
naxâham xord
Subjunctive mood Present
naxorde bâšam
Passive Voice 18. Indicative mood Present
xorde nemišavam
xorde našodeam
xorde nemišodam
xorde našode budam
xorde našodam
xorde naxâham šod
19. Subjunctive mood Present
xorde našavam
xorde našode bâšam
Ìóëüòèÿ çûêîâîé ïðîåêò Èëüè Ôðàíêà www.franklang.ru