Most Magazine - Fitness ISSUE NO.2

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Photo By: Mike



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Jenny Hadfield


Celebrity Trainer, Author & Fitness Expert

Jackie Warner


Autumn Calabrese


Fitness Model, Personal Trainer & Military Veteran

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Fitness Expert. Celebrity Trainer & Author


Trainer, Coach & Fitness Model


Celebrity trainer & creator of 21 Day Fix


Personal Trainer




Author, Coach & Running and fitness expert



Neil Napier Jenny Hadfield

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Amber Dawn Fokken Michele Levesque Presciano Former Top-10 World Heavyweight Contender

David Nino Rodriguez

94 Michele Levesque Presciano

44 Neil Napier





Colin Wayne


Patrice Berchery THE Fashion Ring


Fitness Model

Laetitia Tia Genet PACIFIC HIGHWAY

Photographer: Peter Soubbotnik




Yoga Instructor

Amber Dawn Fokken

Brian Landis

Jennifer Nicole Lee


Crystal Milana

154 PRO BODY SHOP By: Jessica Jessie

156 Fit to be Tried

By: Shanan Maynard David Nino Rodriguez


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Our first issue of MOST Fitness Magazine was a huge success. We want to thank everyone that contributed in all ways. We especially want to thank the readers and followers. We have received an enthusiastic welcome into the fitness world. We are honored by the support we have received and the interest for future issues.

Cameron Habashian

Jackie attacks a multitude of topics in her new book including metabolism, moods and menu planning. Our other fighter, David “Nino” Rodriquez is a 6 Belt Heavyweight Champion and former Top-10 World Contender with a record of 36-2-34 KOs. But Rodriquez is now using his fists to fight bullying. Autumn Calabrese, using the axiom, it takes 21 days to make something a habit, has created the program, 21 Day Fix. You will be inspired by her story and we hope you make your 21 day Fix a reality. Inspiration continues from Coach Jenny Hadfield. She will get you outside and take you for a run. She is a running and fitness expert with some travel training opportunities that will have you running way beyond your neighborhood. Amber Dawn Fokken tells us about her unique eating plan, If It Fits Your Macros and shows the success of the plan in her beautiful pictures.

We have received so much interest and positive feedback; this issue’s content will be published in two editions. There are so many fantastic people involved in the fitness industry and we are so happy to have the opportunity to showcase them with their great photographs. The photographs in our magazine are a source of pride for us and we want to thank the photographers for their amazing art. Our cover features Colin Wayne. Colin is a father and husband, with three tours in the Army National Guard. He has deployed in support of Operation Bright Star and Operation Iraqi Freedom and as a Defense Contractor during Operation Enduring Freedom. Darcy Tharp talks to him about his military success and survival, and his fitness training career.

Editor in Chief:

Biani Xavier Managing Editor & Associate Publisher:

Kelly Price Managing Editor:

Darcy Tharp Associate Editor:

Shanan Maynard Charles Dorsey Jr Contributing Editor:

Jessica Jessie Art Director:

Miriam Jave Director of IT & Creative Solutions:

Rajiv Ghangrekar Executive Director of Advertising:

Charles Dorsey Jr Contributing Designer & Writer:

Jenna Belt Celebrity Associate Director:

Rachel Alexandra Greiner

Our written articles will hide any hint of Canadian, “eh’s” from our two Canadians. Neil Napier preforms his yoga tree pose with perfect clarity and Michele Levesque-Presciano, is simply perfectly posed.

We have the great pleasure to also feature the impressive and lovely Jennifer Nicole Lee. Creator of “Strong is the New Skinny”, Jennifer will motivate you with her programs, pictures, and personality.

I want to again thank all of you for your support of MOST Fitness. Please follow us on our social media accounts where we provide additional fitness information that will help you along your journey.

You will also read about some real fighters in this issue. We have Jackie Warner, fitness expert, celebrity trainer and TV star. Jackie has written a new book, This is Why You’re Sick and Tired.

Be safe and fit.


Brian Landis Social Media Marketing Manager:

Brian Price Contributing Writers:

Sabina Bloom Elizabeth Price Denise Smith Austin Thomson Lilly Willner Editors/Proof Readers:

Mayelee Watts Marina Gulova Social Media Strategists:


You will find related information to this and previous issues by following us at: 6 ||

Contributing Associate:

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Most Magazine

Yvonne Fyne-Nsofor Marina Gulova Edna Jones Marina Gulova Mayelee Watts


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Celebrity Trainer, Author and Fitness Expert Instagram @JNLWorldwide Twitter: TheJNL www.MOST || FITNESS

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By Kelly Price

on’t judge eleven books or 77 magazines by their sexy covers. Jennifer Nicole Lee will surprise and delight you with her personality and intelligence. I had the wonderful opportunity to talk with the fabulous Jennifer Nicole Lee (JNL). This is a woman who is comfortable in her own beautiful skin. She is charming and an easy conversationalist. Jennifer is the head of the empire that is JNL Worldwide, Inc. She has the expert business acumen that has turned her body makeover into a worldwide phenomenon. Branding “Strong is the New Skinny,” Jennifer has motivated women to take care of themselves and take control of their lives. The JNL success includes her as a spokes-model, fitness expert and trainer, author, bikini model, and inspirational speaker. Jennifer also has a clothing line, JNL Collection by Elisabetta Rogiani, which includes workout clothes made of bold, bright colors that are a reflection of Jennifer’s personality. She is a master of leveraging online marketing and social media. She is the definition of worldwide in “www”. Jennifer was born in New York into a large Italian family. Her parents were Italian immigrants and she was raised with two older sisters and a younger brother. Jennifer’s mom raised them on her own, creating early images of a strong woman and mom. They moved to Tennessee where she said she and

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her siblings were raised, in a “hard knocks life.” Her sisters had a huge impact on her; she learned a lot from them and matured quickly tagging along with them. She describes her sisters as amazing, in no small part as they helped her get into Clubs early with a fake ID. She said, “I was able to get all the wild hairs out of my system.” She describes her younger brother as her big little brother. He must have also had a positive impact on Jennifer as all she ever wanted when it came to kids of her own was to have two boys. In 1998, she went to Miami for a weekend and fell in love with it. Her mom still lives in Tennessee, which is not too far from the “Northern Cuba” she calls home some 18 years later. The two boys she always wanted are native Floridians, Jaden age 14 and Dylan age 12. Jennifer says with her sons there is constant activity around their home. I asked her if her boys still love to hang out with her, and she proudly exclaimed, “Absolutely.” Jennifer has this great sultry, excited voice that just makes you smile when she’s excited about something, and when she is talking about her boys you can hear and feel her passion. Even though she loves the luxury lifestyle, Jennifer loves having boys. She loves to get dirty and play basketball with them. She and her boys perform community work by re-introducing native plants in a local South Miami park preserve on the weekends. What she seems to like best about having boys is that it makes her the queen of the house. If I made her queen, it would be the Queen of Hearts. She is so endearing, called me sweetheart, laughed at my jokes, and made me blush with compliments. I asked her what trait of hers do Jaden and Dylan most admire. Her response, “I don’t take

anyone’s BS.” She’s had a “kick ass” attitude from an early age, not taking anything. She says it is about self-respect and self-love; that women get too caught up in a popularity game. She thinks people are drawn to her because they like what she has to say, and maybe she ventures, “There is a success trait in my personality.” In her industry, one cannot be thin-skinned and has to train hard, always be on, and own an extreme work ethic. People have told her she selected an easy career, she disagrees, she says it selected her since she already had an incredible work ethic and a kick ass attitude from her early childhood. Jennifer believes her sons look up to her because of her self-respect and self-love that does not allow anyone to run over her life. We talked about her sons’ physical fitness and the quality of programs at their school. She is very happy with their programs, that they have more sports opportunities than which they could participate. One of the great things about living in the Miami area is you can always go outside. Her sons played soccer, football, and achieved brown belts in karate. She encourages them to run every other day, and if it’s raining their workout moves indoors. The whole family is athletic and the boys have never liked sweets or junk food. Kids learn what they live. I asked her if she thought she was a natural entrepreneur, or would she contribute her amazing success to her education or work experience. She thinks some people are born with certain traits or characteristics, “I don’t crumble under pressure, some people >>>


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like the security of a 9-5 job, I love the challenges of my career; I love to grow, have a different day every day. One day it might be a photo shoot, live TV, or interviews to awaken people to their personal power. I couldn’t live any other way.” Jennifer did go to college, not in the fitness field, but to bring home the point of what she is made of, she went to Law School. “Way too boring for me, I love the abstract energy, the endless vast ocean of business and being an entrepreneur and blending in technology.” She does hold on to some important lessons from Law School; she was taught to analyze things and in her industry, it is constantly changing and she has to stay ahead and keep up with the trends. “You can’t get stuck in a rut because your groove becomes a grave.” She loves the survival challenge of the fitness/modeling industry and how it is critical to be continually adapting. She loves the quote, “The only thing constant in life is change.” Jennifer says once you accept that, you will be a successful leader and visionary and be able to help people along the way. s we were talking about work ethics and success, I asked JNL what gets her on her soap box. Her reply, when people have an attitude of entitlement. She said there are a lot of people today that believe if they go to college they should get a job automatically. If they train three hours a day, eat certain foods and have a specific amount of body fat, they should have a magazine cover. But it is about hard work and always having a winning edge, these will set you apart. If you are not doing that, then she says you are part of the herd and invisible. I asked Jennifer why she is more than just beautiful, more than just sexy. She is a woman of integrity, hard work, and valor. She feels it is important to stand up for other people’s rights.

She naturally roots for the underdog because as she came up through the industry she was an underdog. “I like to give voice to those that will never have a platform.” She does this through her Fitness Model Factory, seminars, and workshops; gives voice to many unheard people who might never have the opportunity to be heard. By offering a platform for people to speak from, she believes is real internal beauty. I then had questions about her beautiful sexy body. How does she protect her skin in all those bikinis? She loves sunblock, but in order to get a certain tan for a fitness shoot, she will use a body bronzer that is more like skin paint. The bronzer she uses also has skin firming properties. She goes to the beach “all covered up.” But regularly >>>


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she does do controlled tanning in a tanning bed for about 7 minutes and again uses a very good cream that hydrates her skin. Overall skin quality is very important. She uses entomology that helps detox her skin, drain the lymph system and reshape/re-contour the entire body. She uses this regularly to keep her skin healthy. A nosey question about her skin. She’s lost 70 pounds and has had two babies; I asked, “No stretch marks?” She says it goes back to the treatment of her skin. She did receive good advice from her two older sisters. They told her two things: cocoa butter and hydrate. Jennifer says that Entomology also helps with stretch marks. She also used a belly band while pregnant to support her baby bump, so the bump didn’t stretch out her skin so much. ennifer has authored eleven books. She has one slightly naughty picture to promote her cookbook writing career. I asked what her Italian restauranteur grandfather would say about the picture where she is “au natural” behind her apron. She let out a great giggle and said, “Italian men are the worst. We all know that being sexy sells, and I think he would be very proud.” In regard to her writing process, she never uses ghostwriters because “I think that’s a big con in the industry. People just put their face and name on a book that they didn’t write. I disclose in the front of all my books that I write them myself.” She comes up with the table of contents and then goes back and writes each chapter. Her process is successful. She has written 11 books, one in Spanish, and one now being translated into German, available on Amazon. The feedback that she receives from everyone is that they love the content, and it helps them.

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There is no doubt that JNL Worldwide, Inc. is one fit corporation. Jennifer’s vision and success are because she is more than the face of the company, she is personally involved with all aspects including the clients, the creative process, ventures, workshops, etc. In 2014 her empire expanded with her cutting edge marketing and corporate team, which has proven not only to be relevant but in growth and expansion mode proving to lead the fitness industry. While she is the CEO, she is not a lone wolf succeeding at all of this, she is a leader of a great pack. She will be celebrating her 77th appearance on a magazine cover in May. Jennifer will grace Oxygen Magazine’s special Glute Collectors’ Issue. It will be available May 5th and will be available at all major newsstands for three months. And then in September she will have her third appearance on the cover of Status Magazine coming out in September. JNL also has a new digital program called She says JOLT’s success is because of the need for good information for women, whether a busy mom, 9-5’r, or college student, women need the right information. So she has put together a program that is an online community of non-judgmental people where women can go to connect. JoltofNJL also offers exclusive video content and workouts, motivational/ inspirational information and more. And if you want more of Jennifer, just wait, in May she will be in LA to film for a fitness app. She continues to embrace technology and lead us all to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

For more of JNL Worldwide Inc visit: Website Instagram @JNLWorldwide Twitter: TheJNL


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Fitness Expert. Celebrity Trainer. Author, Star of Bravo’s Work Out & Thintervention



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By Darcy Tharp

“I don’t always tell people what they want to hear in order to sell products. I tell people what they need to hear in order to have a better life.”

That honesty is exactly the reason entrepreneur, best-selling author, TV personality, and fitness extraordinaire Jackie Warner has been able to take her extremely successful fitness brand to new heights and change countless lives in the process. Throughout her own journey of various business ventures, depression, and immersing herself in all things fitness and nutrition related, Jackie discovered how to feel your happiest and best balanced self both inside and out and is passionate about teaching others to love themselves deeply. Working in health clinics and gyms and studying biology for many years, she became schooled in brain and body chemistry and the science behind it all, and she couples that knowledge with her personal training regimes. Jackie’s just released third book, This is Why You’re Sick & Tired addresses why society and poor diet and lifestyle choices have made most Americans both physically and mentally burnt out and gives a three week detox plan to stop this cycle and become renewed and revitalized. MOST Fitness caught up with Jackie to get her advice on physical ailments, food labels, supplements, techniques for staying on track with working out, and get a glimpse inside her motivations and recipes for attaining beauty and well-being.

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FMM: What are some key factors you believe are the reason many diets fail? JW: The number one factor is that the diet is not physiologically sound and not very good for you. I don’t try to just sell books, I try to change people’s lives by showing them that food is a drug and has a powerful pharmacological effect on the system. FMM How do you recommend people go about getting family members involved in a healthier lifestyle? JW: If you are the primary chef in your family, then you control the meals - if you are on a healthy program, sit down with your whole family and ask them to join you. Make it fun where you compete and challenge one another. After dinner, do something active as a family, even if it is walking around the neighborhood or biking. If you are a working man or woman, ask your close friends if they’d like to join you in your favorite group or fitness class and make a commitment to carpool together. FMM: What are some examples of ailments that people commonly treat with medication that could actually be remedied with simple diet and lifestyle changes? JW: In order of importance: Cancer is largely a lifestyle disease. We all have cancer cells in our bodies but generally people with healthy diets and regular exercise programs either don’t get it, or get it much later in life. Depression is another. Building muscle increases serotonin, dopamine and epinephrine production in your brain (these are the happy balancing chemicals). Any auto-immune disorder such as lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, psoriasis, or fibromyalgia- people with healthy lifestyles typically do not get autoimmune disorders or if they do, their symptoms can be decreased by positive and lifestyle choices. For those with

arthritis and spinal pain, functional training and foods containing amino acids really decrease the symptoms of any kind of joint and bone pain. FMM: Which do you think has more of an impact on the results of someone’s regimen: What you eat or when you eat it? What exercises you do, or the combination of exercises you do? JW: My method of training myself and my clients is called power circuit training - I combine several exercises into one large superset. This muscle training is cardiovascular and muscle building. Studies show that circuit training burns calories up to 12 hours after a workout is finished. An example of one of my favorite supersets is a heavy chest press with a heavy chest fly and a close bicep curl with a dumbbell bicep hammer curl. I do these with no rest in between. FMM: Whether or not they’re doing an exercise correctly is often a concern for beginners, especially when doing it on their own, rather than in a class or with a trainer; what do you recommend to ensure proper form and optimized results, specifically for those who are unfamiliar with a lot of exercises? JW: Follow the picture exactly, and read the descriptors. It’s also best if you perform movement in front of a mirror and remember to use the mind/ muscle connection. Focus intensely on the muscle you are trying to work. FMM: Many aspects of the fitness industry can be extremely controversial these days. Would you say you’ve encountered critics throughout your journey of building your brand? Elaborate on some of the hardships you’ve faced while being in the fitness spotlight. JW: I’ve been very blessed in that most of my experiences are positive. I’ve never had a client



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that wasn’t willing to give me his or her best. The only negative is the realization how little people know about their own bodies, about diets and about exercise. We have so much information but most of it out there is wrong and people get confused. FMM: What is your opinion on how trustworthy food labels are, specifically those that claim the item is “organic” or “free range”? What are some key words and phrases that you advise people look for, either to buy or to avoid? JW: I’ve spent my life trying to get people to eat organic and free range. If you’re eating organic and free range, then you are ahead and you’re doing a great job. This is how I eat, and I feel comforted by the decision not to put toxins in my system. Mislabeling mainly comes from processed food companies that suddenly try to create a healthy option in the marketplace by saying “all natural” or claiming their product is a “weight loss product.” Be very wary of companies with packaging that says all-natural, and companies that say no sugar added. What this means is that no additional sugar has been added outside of processed chemicals such as corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup. FMM: Are there any supplements you would endorse or recommend to help someone achieve their desired results, or do you believe strictly in dietary/exercise changes? JW: There are three must have supplements that I use that have high detox properties, boost the immune system, and help maintain muscle after workouts. They are cranberry extract, fantastic for skin and weight loss, branch chain amino acids, which are great for the immune system, toning and sleep, and curcumin, a powerful antioxidant that’s great for the immune system and for your stomach.

FMM: What was it that inspired you the most to begin educating yourself on nutrition, fitness, and everything else that a healthy lifestyle consists of? What made you decide to then spread your wealth of knowledge by becoming an author? JW: I had so many years of experience owning my own health clinic and gyms, working hand in hand with doctors to offer preventative care that I felt I had to just write down everything I had learned in research and science. I obsessively studied biological psychology and know more than any other trainer about brain and body chemistry. FMM: What are some techniques you use personally and/or would recommend to your readers when it comes to staying on track? Any tips specifically for the holidays, when people more often give in to the temptation of unhealthy foods? JW: “Bait and switch” in order to get amazing energy. Remove that afternoon coffee drink and instead drink one liter of water with a dash of lemon juice. Remove all processed and pre-packaged snacks and pack portable snacks instead (apple, handful of nuts, hard boiled eggs, celery and almond butter). Many people drink a glass of wine at the end of the workday as an oral fixation and to soothe. Alcohol is a big weight gainer and toxic to your body. Start buying your favorite fruit teas, add to a bag of green tea and drink it at night while you’re watching TV. It’s satisfying to the oral fixation. Add these three fab foods in to boost your metabolism: onions, artichokes, and brown rice. FMM: What are your thoughts on “cheat days” during a regimen? Necessary for success or a wasteful setback in progress? JW: Eventually you can have 5 days of clean eating with one cheat meal on Saturday and one



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cheat meal on Sunday, but first, you have to make a lifestyle change that is more permanent. It starts with foods that detox the cells, adrenals and regulates the sleep cycles. Once you feel your best and strongest, then you can reincorporate other foods. FMM: Do you have a favorite fitness quote or mantra, and if so what is it? JW: It’s not how long, it’s how strong. This means that the intensity of the exercise is more important than the time that you’re performing it. Increase your weights so you feel intense burning through each repetition. If you’re not sweating by the end of your session, then it is not intense. FMM: What are some potentially unexpected benefits a person is likely to notice after successfully completing the 3 week plan you’ve included in “This is Why You’re Sick and Tired”? JW: People who are consistent with the program will become more beautiful inside and out. Your skin texture and collagen is plumped, your hair will shine more, and your nails will get stronger. Your body will become more proportionate and pleasing, and psychologically, you will have a feeling of wellbeing as opposed to anxiety. FMM: What are the essential pieces of equipment you’d recommend someone purchase if deciding to work out at home, rather than at a gym or with a personal trainer? JW: Free weights and my DVDs for form! FMM: What is one fitness myth that you’d like to debunk, once and for all? JW: That weightlifting makes women bulky. Women do not have enough testosterone to get bulky like a man. You should be concerned with

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having less body fat with more definition and most importantly have a perfectly proportioned physique. Ask yourself what you want. Do you want fat underneath the jeans or nice beautiful toned legs and butt? It’s as simple as that. FMM: What are your aspirations for the future of your career and further building your brand? JW: I want to continue writing because I love it. I want to continue creating new workouts that help people. If the right TV project comes my way, I’d love to do it and most importantly, I want to open another gym this year. FMM: Based on your success as an author, your fans find you very likable and you do a great job explaining the science behind the information in a way that’s easy for readers to comprehend. What are some qualities that help your readers feel they can trust and relate to you? JW: My honesty-I don’t always tell people what they want to hear in order to sell products. I tell people what they need to hear in order to have a better life. FMM: What are some of your greatest accomplishments? JW: Each business that I started has been like having a baby and watching that child grow in to something fulfilling. Being a business owner is my greatest achievement and to be honest, so are my books. FMM: Is there anyone in your life that you would like to thank for helping you get to where you are today, and if so, how did they contribute to your success? JW: My investors, the people that always believed in me, and my concepts


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Celebrity trainer & creator of 21 Day Fix


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By Denise Smith

Autumn grew up in a small Italian neighborhood with a large Italian family. With her brother Bobby and sister Calie, home life was sometimes crazy. Their father owned an Italian restaurant most of her childhood, named Bobby Cal’s, where one could find homemade food made from family recipes. “I think watching my dad in the restaurant all those years is where my entrepreneurial spirit came from,” she recalls. Her dad always told them as kids, “If you do something you love, you will never work a day in your life.”

Autumn is especially passionate about working with kids after her struggle as a preteen, often being picked on for being chubby, she says, “There are so many misconceptions out there about what healthy is; I wanted to be able to teach people, show them that it does not have to be complicated.” We spent time getting to know the fitness expert and hearing of the steps she took to become just that.

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Their father instilled a strong work ethic and a value of respect in his children from an early age. He did this by putting them all to work at the restaurant: sometimes it was as simple as restocking the fridge or the chip rack, other times it was helping prep the pizza dough by hand. Bobby Cal’s has since closed and her father now works as a bus driver. Active as a child, she spent most of her time outside playing with siblings and cousins. She fondly remembers riding bikes, playing tag and >>>


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never sitting still. “When I was 13 I started dancing, and that became my life, I loved it.” She practiced all types of dance, ballet, tap, modern and jazz, jazz being her favorite. She spent all her free time at the studio. er dance teachers Lisa and Gina at the Spotlight Dance Center in Cleveland Ohio were the best teachers she ever had. They encouraged the fitness expert and pushed her to be and do better. Words of advice Autumn would put to good use. Once Autumn decided to go into the fitness field, she went to work sharpening her skills by completing two programs. She spent months studying and testing and now she holds personal training certificates from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and American Fitness Professional Associates (AFMPA). The NASM test is one of the harder detailed curriculums. That was her first certification, she then studied for eight weeks to test for the AMFPA.

Autumn has always been a competitor at heart. She competed in dance all through middle school, high school and continued on in college. “As a dance major, you’re always competing. Whether it was competing with your class for your teacher’s attention, competing for a spot in the next show or competing with yourself to do better. What attracted me most to bikini competitions is the fact that my performance is all in my hands.” How successful she would be, was ultimately up to her: “Did I train hard enough, did I stay on point with my nutrition, and did I practice my posing and listen to my coach?” She goes on to say, “I like being in control, when I take the stage, I’m in control of what the judges see.” Each time she takes the stage her only goal is to improve herself as a competitor, she says, “Yes, winning the trophy is fun but as long as I get up there knowing I prepped as best I could and have improved then I am proud of myself.” >>>


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After living in LA for a period, Autumn began giving in-home training. She initially began advertising her work by word of mouth and then moved on to seek other promotional options. When TV personality Brooke Burke started a new website she reached out. Autumn quickly received an email asking her to write for the site and a followup phone call one week later asking if she would be interested in shooting short workout videos with Brooke for the site. From there, she started training at Equinox, which is a very high-end gym with celebrity clients. “My reputation was growing, I had been written up in a few magazines and newspapers and had been on Brooks’ website for a few years, and people started asking for me.” fter training for ten years, she created a product that was designed to help people with portion control. The fitness company Beachbody saw it and was interested. They brought her in for a meet and greet and the rest is history. Three years later they have the fastest selling program in Beachbody history and the number one infomercial. “My goal with Beachbody is to help as many people as I can to lead healthy fulfilling lives. She hopes to teach what it means to be healthy, to workout smart and to

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start healthy, clean eating, “I want to inspire others, make a difference, and Beachbody is by far the best platform for me to do this.” Autumn’s personal workouts depend on what she is preparing for. Preparing for bikini competitions, for example, requires very specific workouts. “If I’m prepping to film a workout program I am usually doing the workouts that I have written and will be filming so that I am in peak performance for the shoot.” Autumn eats clean the majority of the time because, “[She] can get a call at any moment that I have a photo shoot in a day or two, so I always have to be on point and camera ready.” She also drinks Shakeology almost every day, “This isn’t a protein shake it is more of a meal replacement shake made by Beachbody.” Her personal favorite? Vegan Chocolate. She also uses amino acid BCAA and L-glutamine to help with muscle recovery. A rigorous workout and nutritional plan that serve Autumn well. The fitness expert never lets herself get too far off track, though she does allow herself a treat now and then. We talked to the personal trainer about the 21 day Fix and how it came to be. It takes 21 days to break a bad habit or 21 to create a new one. >>>

That is the point of this revolutionizing program. To break bad habits and instill better ones. It just so happens also to be a fantastic lifestyle which is why people continue to do multiple rounds of it. OST Fitness wanted to know why portion control is so important. Autumn tells us, “You can over eat even healthy food.” The fitness expert goes on to explain: “Putting too much food in your stomach at once is a problem whether it is healthy or unhealthy.” The more food you put in your stomach at once the more you stretch out your stomach, that means it is going to require more food the next time you eat to feel full. Seems simple enough. “Everything is supersized, oversized and family sized, the problem is so are we,” Autumn says. We do not need that much food to function. Food is fuel and energy; overfilling your gas tank will not make your car run any better than if you fill it up just enough. Your body is the same way and, “Overfilling your personal tank just slows you down.” The road to fitness can be a difficult one, so we asked the fitness model to speak to readers who are struggling to get started. “I always say take it one day at a time, one meal at a time, one workout at a time, one pound at a time.” You have to start somewhere; if you have fifty pounds to lose, you still have to lose the first pound first. She urges us to start there. “Sometimes it is overwhelming to look at the big picture so taking it in baby steps is a better option.” Autumn encourages MOST Fitness readers to take a deep breath and start where you stand. One foot in front of the other and before you know it you will be at your goal and setting new ones—sound advice worth following.

There are so many diets out there it can be overwhelming, resulting in an, “I’ll do a little from this diet and a little from that diet” mentality. Without a long-term commitment to a single plan it is hard to see results, which often leads to frustration and reversion back to ones original eating habits. In a multi-billion dollar industry with countless programs that promise healthy living, we asked Autumn what sets the 21 Day Fix apart: “I’ve taken the guesswork out of fitness and nutrition,” she told us. “21 Day Fix makes it so easy.” So how does the process work? “You fill the color coded containers with the food from the food list; you do one, 30-minute workout a day and you see results.” It is simple: “You get to eat the food you love in the right portion size. t the end of the day seeing results is the goal, “Someone puts time and energy into something; they want it to work. 21 Day Fix works.” Autumn says you can lose up to fifteen pounds in twenty-one days. Although she has seen people lose a lot more than that in the twenty-one days on the program. She stands by her product and is confident in the results. So what is next for the multi-talented entrepreneur? “There are always things in the works but I can’t talk about them just yet.” The readers of MOST Fitness are eager to see whatever comes next.


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When the personality of your space needs to be as varied and interesting as you are


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Photographer: Vince Trupsin


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By: Darcy Tharp

nter actor Neil Napier, who is currently starring on Syfy’s thriller Helix as Dr. Peter Farragut, who reveals his introspective side to MOST Fitness, saying that he in fact identifies in some manner with all the characters he portrays. The ruggedly handsome Canadian is a rough and tough athlete on the outside, but a soulful, softie on the inside, who loves his wife dearly, respects animals, and relishes a good story like none other. It is stories that make Neil come alive more than anything, and his story is as compelling and engaging as the ones he helps create through his performances. As a hockey, football, and rugby player growing up, Neil divulges how his athleticism and skills learned as an athlete greatly aid him in all areas of his life, especially the numerous physical and intense roles he often portrays. He also dishes on who he would love to invite to dinner and what made him become an actor, and gives us a behind the scenes look at what a typical day is like on the set of Helix. It “has me dropping my bag off in my trailer, getting a coffee and sitting in the hair and makeup trailer to start the day. I love this time, as I get to chat and goof around with our awesome artists. Other actors come in and out, and it is a nice time

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to touch base and ease into the workday.” From there the actors join the crew on set to quickly rehearse the scene they are about to shoot. Then after some lighting adjustments and possibly some small changes to the scene, they will spend a few hours shooting it. Once everyone is happy, they move on to the next. The crew then kicks into high gear to shift all the equipment to the next set, as the actors go off to begin preparing for the next scene. “This scenario repeats itself over and over until the day is done. In the midst of it, there is a lot of time for fun, and to take the time to enjoy the people I work with. It is a great job, and we are blessed with a fantastic cast and crew people I am grateful to have had the opportunity to get to know.” So how did a sports-loving boy born and raised in Montreal grow up to be the star of a hit show with numerous movie and TV credits already notched on his belt? Neil tells us that as a young kid, he was always interested in stories-“I loved to read, to put on little shows with my older siblings and run around in the woods by my house with my friends as we played out crazy narratives we spun. It was a free and exciting feeling to pretend we were explorers discovering new lands, or outlaws evading the law, the sound of the bloodhounds almost audible in our imaginations.” However, as Neil got older athletics took on a more prominent role in his life, and he focused most of his attention to that. He played sports across the calendar: hockey season gave way to rugby season which


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dovetailed into football season, which then overlapped back into hockey season. And repeat. “So, for the better part of my youth and well into adulthood, most of my stories were told on the pitch or the rink.” It was when he was 30 years old however, that Neil experienced a spinal surgery that put him out of commission for a few months, leaving him with a lot of couch time to think and re-evaluate his life. “The time around that surgery had been pretty scary; and now I had a fair amount of down-time to consider what the next chapter of life might look like. What did I want to do now that I had dodged a potentially crippling bullet, so to speak?” Good question, and so it seems to quite often be the case that a traumatic event causes people to remember to live life to the fullest and reignite their dormant passions. With Neil, it was his passion for telling stories and when an actor friend came to town for a few auditions, and they got to discuss the states of their lives, Neil resolved to do whatever it took to make his dreams a reality. And make his dreams a reality, he did. Perhaps now it is even surreal to Neil, as he has since starred in hit movies, done stage acting, been the voice of video games, and is one of the few people who can actually claim to truly love their job. Prior to playing Dr. Farragut in Helix, Neil played Lt. Karl Hagerman in IFC’s dark and dangerous comedy series, Bullet in the Face and had other TV turns in The Listener (CTV), Blue Mountain State (Spike), Zero Hour (ABC), The Business (IFC) and Naked Josh (Showcase). Neil quickly realized once he started working that his background in athletics and the years playing sports were not wasted as some of the skills and instincts he had developed as an athlete were helping him as an actor. Explaining, Neil says,

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“In a specific way, my history in athletics has instilled in me good body-awareness and a facility of movement and physical engagement. These things, along with a continued commitment to health and fitness, have proven indispensable to me.” This physicality shows through in many of the productions he has been in such as: Erased (Weinstein Company), Infected (SyFy), Immortals (Relativity), Riddick (Universal), and the blockbuster hit, X-Men: Days of Future Past (Fox Studios). ortunately for Neil, who says that he still misses playing rugby terribly, since he stopped eight years ago, his movies and roles give him a chance to combine his love for storytelling and sports, in a way that works. As he admits that rug by itself does not go very well with an acting career, saying “it is a brutal and beautiful sport. I will be honest though: my body does not miss Sunday mornings! I am 45 years old now and frankly, I am fortunate to have come away from so many years of punishment without any significant and long-term injuries (mostly just breaking my nose over and over). I am glad I stopped when I did.” One such time that he was able to have a blast in a very physical role was during a fight scene he had with Aaron Eckhart on the film Erased. Eckhart’s character beats Neil’s character well and truly. Describing that day, Neil tell us, “Well, after a few rehearsal days, Aaron and I did the fighting ourselves. He was throwing me around that hotel room for about 11 or 12 hours that day and by the end my face was actually a little bruised and battered from repeatedly bouncing off walls and tables. Given the down and dirty ferocity of the fight, the crazy thing is that Aaron managed to not actually kill me… It was a fun day!” He most


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likely gets plenty of exercise on sets it seems, but outside of work these days Neil gets his fitness in gentler places: yoga, tennis, running. “Hockey with friends is about as dangerous as it gets for me (although I still manage to break my nose a little sometimes - old habits die hard).” Not only a jock, but a nerd as well, Neil says he is in fact not a gamer at all, despite playing numerous roles on video games such as the villainous role of Charles Lee in Assassin’s Creed 3, the burned out old skater/guide, Bob in Shaun White Skateboarding, and the twins, Victor and Hugo in Assassin’s Creed: Unity. “I am entirely useless at games. It is a bit of a joke between me and some of my awesome geek friends in the gaming industry- they mock me mercilessly. Although many of my voice and performancecapture colleagues were drawn to it based primarily on their passion for gaming itself, I initially saw it as simply another mode of story-telling. But I have to say - it is some of the most absurd and enjoyable work I do!” verything keeps coming back to storytelling for Neil, which is a unique perspective on acting as a profession, even though it seems obvious. MOST Fitness had the privilege of learning from Neil as he delves into his mind as an actor, how he breaks down a character, and how he realizes the physicality and the inner workings and motivations of his characters. Although he makes it look seamless on-screen, Neil reveals that even for a fit and talented actor like himself, there is always a certain roles that provides unique challenges and can be particularly difficult to conquer. For him that would have to be the role of Aston in Harold Pinter’s classic play, The Caretaker. In the play, set in

the 1960s, Aston is a lovely and gentle character whose adolescence was filled with pain and misunderstanding. He is a schizophrenic, who in his youth, was put through the profound trauma of electro-shock therapy and eventually a lobotomy. He is a character with a deep trench of pain lying hidden from himself underneath a calm, quiet fog. Neil described that the emotional and intellectual challenges of the role were self-evident, but it was the physical demands that were surprising. “I had decided that, while his speech would be light, airy and quick, his movements would be slow, absolutely smooth, have no edges at all, and that his gait would be completely silent without seeming careful. Tuning my speech and physical rhythms to different speeds took some doing, but what made Aston the most physically demanding role for me was the degree of muscular exertion it took to move in that way. It was like doing Tai Chi for three hours at a time, eight times a week.” So how does one prepare for a role like this or for any such role in order to make it appear real for the viewer? Neil divulged for us that while much of it is intuitive, he also generally looks for as much information about the character as he can in the script. “This is key allowing me to start to understand what makes him tick; what his relationships are like, how he deals with conflict, joy. Then I take this information and use it in discovering his physicality; how does he carry his weight? Does he move slowly and deliberately or quickly and erratically? Or somewhere in between? I can tell you that once I get a feel for how he walks, I know I am on my way.” For his current role of Dr. Peter Farragut, “the physical challenge of portraying this sick, and then wholly transformed and creature-like guy,” was the most fun aspect of season one. For season


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2, Neil explains that the best part “is trying to get inside the head of such a conflicted and morally ambiguous man; to find his angels and devils. Peter’s motivations are fairly liquid in nature; he is a bit of an opportunist and he justifies and rationalizes a lot of his behavior. He is jealous, ambitious, disloyal and filled with resentment. He also has a great capacity for love and tenderness, but is equally cold and calculating, and capable of horrific acts of violence. “Folding all these elements into one man and finding a way to understand and inform all his choices in order to love him from within, is a deeply gratifying challenge-“ a challenge that Neil is more than ready to surmount. By identifying with all his characters, he is able to not only portray them to perfection, but learn things about his own character and the inner workings of his mind. “My job is to find those aspects of myself that are relevant to a particular character and to access and highlight them. I have played some sweet and loveable characters, but I also play some morally reprehensible cats. I like to think I fit more into the sweet and loveable category as a person, but it would be an incomplete picture if I did not recognize the less warm and fuzzy elements of my psyche. I need to see and recognize myself as a whole. To quote a Tom Waits song, ‘If I exorcise my devils, my angels may leave, too’. What is important is making sure it is the angels who are running the show (even though for a role, I may need to hand the reigns over to the devils…).” eil may play some morally reprehensible people, but as evidenced by his interview with us, we know the truth, that he is a sweet and lovable guy, who has figured out how to use his incredible talents for good. And speaking of Tom Waits, he just so happens to be

one of the five (living) people in the world that Neil would love to have dinner with if provided with such an opportunity-Tom made the cut, as Neil said that – “I love his music and his poetry, and he just seems like such an interesting character that it would be great to just sit there and listen to him tell stories.” A good narrative is another reason for one of his other dinner companion choices, Jon Krakauer – “I am a big fan of his books. I am always interested in documentary stories, and he brings to it an engaging narrative style.” His other three picks being: “Noam Chomsky - I would love to pick his brain about the state in which we find our world today and what he thinks we can do to save it. Sarah Silverman - Well, because she is awesome and hilarious and smart as hell. Paula Jean Hixson - Because I cannot have dinner with Jon Krakauer AND Sarah Silverman and not invite my wife! #GroundsForDivorce.” And if that was not the sweetest thing you have ever heard, wait until you read what his response to the question of what the best thing that has ever happened to him was. “The single best thing that has ever happened to me? That would be that my best friend and greatest ally agreed to marry me. Having my wife, Paula Jean as my teammate makes all the joys more profound, and all the obstacles seem merely like challenges to be met. And we laugh. We laugh a lot.” Laughter is the best medicine, and the best way to know you have found your best friend, which Neil clearly has. The likeable actor also admits that he has a great respect for those people who put their lives at risk to help others. “For deeply personal reasons, if I was not an actor, I would hope that I would be a firefighter.” Admirable indeed, and that’s not the only way Neil helps people as he is also actively


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involved in saying, “One of my best friends in the world, is a prostate cancer survivor and I am grateful for research into the disease, and the support that he has been able to access.” Furthermore, he is a supporter of The Humane Society of Canada and when asked why specifically he replied, “Animals are awesome. Pretty simple…I have always had cats in my life - in fact my two cats, Foster and Ray, are lying at my feet purring as I say this. I really have a great love and respect for all animals and am deeply saddened and outraged at the myriad of ways in which they are mistreated by human animals.” Probably one of the nicest, most down to earth, and refreshingly honest and genuine actors we have had in our magazine so far, it is fascinating to know the man behind the crazy characters he portrays and for us to be able to understand more about how an actor thinks and prepares for a role. To learn more about Neil’s causes and see how to help, check out the links below and catch him onscreen on Helix. Neil has teamed up with to help them publicize their Patagonia Expedition Race to raise funds for You can find more information or donate here: http:// One simple way to do better towards animals is to visit and see how you can help.

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Author, Coach, Running and fitness expert By Elizabeth Price & Kelly Price

unning can be difficult and there are endless amounts of research that tell us how to run, for how long, and how fast, but these techniques do not work for every person. Running and fitness expert, Jenny Hadfield, recognizes that we also have to balance work, life, kids, friends, pets, sleeping, and eating in our everyday lives and has worked to teach everyday mortals how to run their best lives. Hadfield has devoted herself to creating personalized training programs that evolve around people’s very busy lives, their active interests, and their unique fitness level. Hadfield has published Running for Mortals and Marathoning for Mortals, and has been featured in Women’s Health, Prevention, Health, Cooking Light, Forbes, Fitness, and Good Morning America. With every question, Hadfield has learned how to guide her runners, which is why she is a natural in the world of coaching. 56 ||


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FMM: Is a body either built to be a runner or not? JH: The human body is made to walk and run for survival. Some of us are better suited for speed, others can run forever, but we all have the capacity to run. FMM: What about large breasted women, what is your advice for them if they want to run? JH: The days of wearing an ace bandage for a support bra are well over. These days there are all sorts of bras for every type of activity in-cluding high impact sports like running. Smaller breasted women tend to prefer a compression style bra, while encapsulated bras are made for high impact sports for larger breasted women. The key is to find one that feels comfortable, fits well and survives the bounce test. When try-ing on bras, run in place to see how it feels at impact. If your girls are moving all over the place and it hurts, keep looking for another bra. Some great brands are Skirt Sports and Brooks - Moving Comfort. FMM: What about joints and running? JH: Weight bearing activity is actually a positive for maintaining our bone density. The key is to develop a running program that is suited to your personal fitness level, how your body responds to running workouts and your live schedule. Some runners do well to run 4-5 times per week, while others respond much better to 2-3 runs per week. Listen to your body and develop a personal plan that works for you. FMM: Is it important for runners to do weight training for their leg mus-cles? JH: Absolutely - yes! Because running is a repetitive motion (right, left, right left) there is a wear pattern that can cause muscle imbalance.

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This can cause create both muscle and joint tightness and weakness at the same time which can lead to aches and pains, especially if training for a long distance race like a half marathon. A full body strengthening pro-gram will aid in maintaining healthy muscular balance, and improved running form and overall life performance. This is especially important as we all age. This is why I created the Runner’s Strength 1.0 Workout on the PEAR Sports app. It’s a total body strength workout that can be done anywhere (on the road, at home, the office or the gym) and it is geared to the specific needs of a runner. FMM: Is there a point when a person runs too much? Or is it, if your body can take it, keep running? JH: We all have a maximal running threshold that if we push beyond it we can end up hurt. Like other sports, some people are set up with optimal anatomy and therefore running is less demanding on their bodies. An elite runner might cover 10 miles in an hour, where an everyday mortal might run it in an hour and forty-five minutes. That is 45 minutes more time on the body to cover the same distance which is significant. This is why I coach my runners by time rather than distance, as it allows every-one to gain the most from the time on their feet and dial in their running based on quality rather than quantity. FMM: For runners and walkers, what is the best way to take care of toenails and feet? JH: It is wise to keep your toe nails trim and get fitted for walking or running shoes at your local running retail store. Doing so will allow you to move in a shoe that will support your foot type and



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avoid issues related to toe nails, foot soreness and blisters. You should not have pain when you move in your shoes and that can be easily solved by finding the right shoes for you. FMM: You use the term gut research, how does a person know when to trust gut research or follow the science? JH: I coach runners to train by their body and listen to the signs. Science teaches us a lot, but many times it may not correspond with your gender or situation. For instance, much of the research in the past has been done on men, and we’re just now discovering the many differences in the two genders. Research is a great guide, but not all of it is well done. Your body will always tell you what works for you and what does not. That’s gut research - learning what works for you. FMM: In your running travels, what city offers the best road challenges, (e.g. hills), for running? and why? JH: I have traveled all over the world. In fact, I’m in route to Paris as I an-swer these questions. I love New York City because there are so many options for running. You can run hills, flat or trails just in Central Park alone! I love running in every city because it is such a fabulous way to get to know the culture and the vibe. Whether you’re running on the 18-mile and very flat lakefront in Chicago or the hills in Nashville. There are plenty of apps like WalkJogRun that can give you routes to run all around the world. FMM: What city offers the safest running environment for running? and why? JH: One of the safest is Chicago as it offers a well-lit flat path that runs along the lakefront and

all along the route is well traveled. But no city is completely safe, so it’s always wise to know the course, ask for safe places to run at local running shops or the hotel concierge, run with your eyes and ears uninhibited, and in groups. One of my favorite things to do is to join a group run in cities. These are easily found at local run-ning stores in most cities. FMM: On a scale of 1 to 10, how competitive are you? JH: I find my inner competitive energy varies. When I was in my twenties, I was a very competitive runner and adventure athlete. That was when I was pushing boundaries to see just how far I could go. Now that I’m in my forties, running and other activity are fuel sources for my well be-ing. My finish time does not matter to me, the journey and who I spend it with along the way matters most. FMM: Is your level of competitiveness good for career as a coach? JH: When I first started coaching in the running industry, it really was not a career. You could coach at the school level, but there were not jobs in the health and fitness industry. My coaching career started when I was the director at the Discover Card Fitness Center. I would help employ-ees develop training programs that fit their busy lives and it evolved from there. In a way I was competing with myself to make a career where there was none. Passion and healthy competition are helpful traits when build any career, and especially coaching. >>>


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FMM: With all of your running accomplishments, do you ever get that thrill from your first big running accomplishment? JH: I do - when I accomplish things that are outside my comfort zone - whether it be writing another book, climbing Mt Rainier or creating a new coaching platform with the PEAR Sports app. If it challenges me, it changes me and that is how I felt when I crossed the finish line of my first 5K. It gave me the confidence to reach for the next finish line. FMM: What does “running in color” mean? JH: That is at the essence of my coaching philosophy. Running in color means tuning into your body, listening to your breath and training by how your body feels on the given day. Runners get caught up in the numbers - whether it is pace or miles or even heart rate, but all of that is meant to be the outcome of the run, rather than your guide. When you run by the tune of your body, you’re always in the optimal zone based on the purpose of the workout and the many variables that can affect performance like heat, cold, wind, sleep, nutrition, stress, menstrual cy-cle and more. Running by pace is a little like trying to pick the winning lottery tickets or predict the weather. Sometimes you’re right, but many times you’re not - and it can lead to under or over training. Running by color is a super simple philosophy for running by your body. And it is fun. FMM: You with a running app Zero to Running from PEAR, why should someone download it? JH: I started working with PEAR sports several years ago. They are the first and only app that uses real coaches to create real coaching based >>>


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on what is going on in your body. The Zero to Running app is an app with-in the PEAR Sports system and is a ten week program geared to people who want to learn to run the fun way (in color). The PEAR Sports app allows me to create workouts like long runs, run-walking for newbies or speed workouts and truly coach you every step of the way. If you use the heart rate monitor (not required) I can even coach you based on how your body is responding in the moment. If you’re not pushing hard enough, I coach you to push harder. If you’re running too hard, I’ll coach you to slow down. Plus, there is an easy to follow fitness assess-ment that automatically determines your heart rate zones based on your current fitness. In order to do this in the past, you’d have to go to a sports lab and spend $150 on a test. It’s incredible technology, it’s real-ly motivating to hear a coach teach you how to run, how to improve your form and how to run in color. The PEAR Sports app is a free download and there are tons of free workouts so you can try it out and see what you think. There are workouts by the leading coaches in the world for many sports including cycling, running, yoga, strength, skiing, and even stand up paddle boarding! It’s a game changer. FMM: Do you offer running coaching for men? JH: I do and I always have. When I started my first coaching company, I hosted group training and there were 70% men and 30% women. With the growth of women in the sport that percentage has shifted so I coach about 70% women now and 30% men. It’s fun and interesting as men and women learn and train so differently and I get to coach in both worlds.

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FMM: How many hours a day do you spend with your husband? JH: It depends. We both travel together, separately and work from home. So we can be together 100% of the time when home or on the road, or not see each other for days. It’s our normal and we have come up with a system that works well for us. FMM: Are there any marital challenges working with your husband? Is there any part of your career that he does not specialize in? Are you two just a perfect match? JH: There can be. My husband and I have independent brands so we work most of the time on very different projects, but we also own a running vacation production company called The Running Cruise, where we host running vacations on cruise ships all over the world. Sometimes he has more experience, sometimes I do, and it ebbs and flows based on what we’re working on. We’re both entrepreneurial and I believe that has been key, as we both understand the challenges. Our strength is in al-lowing each other to grow and evolve personally and professionally. I have learned so much from him and respect the work he did to build his brand and following in the running industry. I’m grateful that he’s been a mentor and coach and we’ve had a lot of fun through the years. It’s hard not to when you’re around happy runners all the time though. The hardest part has been working on balance in life and finding down time for our bucket list items. We’re a work in progress, and enjoying every minute.


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Photographer: Sarah Lyons Picturegroove Photography

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Fitness Model, Personal Trainer & Military Veteran


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By: Darcy Tharp

Colin Wayne, the fitness model, personal trainer, and military veteran hailing from Alabama, strives to be his best every single day. The handsome muscle man has fashioned a successful fitness career for himself out of a love of training and a desire to help and inspire others to train and be healthy. Following an illustrious six year stint in the military and a traumatic incident in Afghanistan that caused him to be sent home with numerous injuries, Colin managed to get himself on multiple major fitness covers, create a massive social media following, and turn it all into a full time job. It must be the military training from a young age that instilled in him that drive and motivation to be better, which he now seeks to help others do through his online personal training packages, one on one coaching, and fitness tips and advice. That training started as early as high school when he joined JROTC, and at 17 years old he enlisted in the Alabama Army National Guard and shipped off to Basic Training and AIT (Advanced Individual Training) as a Military Police Officer. He has since deployed three times in support of the US Military, twice with the Army to Egypt and Iraq, and the last and most memorable one, as a DOD government contractor in 2012 to Afghanistan. Just recently married this March, Colin still took time to open

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up to MOST Fitness about how that tragic event changed his life, how he found a new career doing something he loves, what his next projects are, and how even a fitness model enjoys the occasional junk food. Gauging from that six pack, though, it is clear that Colin knows a thing or two about training and achieving physical perfection. FMM: “Train Insane or Stay the Same”-Did you come up with that as your personal motto? What other personal mottos do you live by? CW: I didn’t come up with the saying, “train insane or stay the same.” I found it on the Internet, but it’s definitely something that everyone should live up to in the fitness community to make changes. Push your body out of its comfort zone and the results will follow. FMM: How did the original transition into fitness modeling start and how did your first photo shoot come about? CW: My transition into fitness modeling was really something that I had no clue about what to do nor expected to be so successful at. I did my first photoshoot with Furious Fotog who lives in the same city as me in Huntsville, AL. I created a Facebook fan page with the images that we took, and my page started to go viral and within 4 months I had over 100k followers. Before I knew it I had a lot of opportunities come up based on my exposure from social media. >>>


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FMM: What was the most interesting model shoot you have ever done and why? CW: Shooting with Jason Ellis to me was a game changer. Within 4 photoshoots we landed 13 magazine covers and still continue to land cover after cover every time we shoot. He took my career to the next level with the images he took. However, I put in the leg work and 11/13 of those covers I reached out to the editors for the magazines and landed them by pitching the publication with his cover images. FMM: What was the most challenging aspect of switching from a career in the military to a career in the fitness world? CW: Everything is very structured in the military and transitioning into being a fitness model there isn’t a guide or anyone to just point you in the right direction to help you be successful. I just figured it out on my own and adapted to what worked and what didn’t. FMM: What do you miss about being in the active military? CW: There’s a lot about the military that I miss. I enjoyed all of the travel I did in the military including the multiple deployments I volunteered for, but I also miss the personal challenges that I had daily. As a Non Commissioned Officer (SSG) I had a lot of responsibility and weight on my shoulders with troops that depended on my judgment, so I really enjoyed the leadership roles. Whereas now, it’s just me overseeing my career and hiring third party personnel to do my web design, graphics design, videography, etc. FMM: Do you ever desire to return to any work in defense or military contracting? CW: Possibly, if things don’t work out for me in the fitness community, my goal is to be a US Marshall and be a part of the fugitive task force. FMM: How are you able to get up every morning and train 6 days a week? What do you do when

you are un-motivated? CW: For most people they work a normal 40+ hour work week, but I am fortunate enough to only be focusing on my career progression and staying in shape which isn’t a job because fitness to me is a lifestyle that I would follow even without it being my career. I do have days that I really don’t feel like training though, and then I’ll check my emails and Facebook messages, and I’ll see all of the people that are inspired by me and I don’t want to let them down. I also watch YouTube motivational videos to help motivate me and pump me up. FMM: How did the tragic experience in Afghanistan change your perspective on life and/or your priorities? CW: May 3, 2012 in Afghanistan is an experience that I will remember forever. Ironically, I was working out in the gym and a 107mm rocket impacted 3.5 feet from me, and I should have been killed, but survived by some force of a higher power because it was not my time to go. What I took out of that experience is to never take life for granted because you never know which day would be your last. FMM: If you could do any job other than what you are doing-what would that be? CW: I hinted on this a little bit earlier, but I have always wanted to be in Law Enforcement, so I would have to pick one of two jobs. 1- US Marshall, 2- State Trooper FMM: You offer a number of memberships and training programs through your websitewhat makes your programs unique from other ones? What sets you apart from other personal trainers? CW: Good question-what really sets my online coaching apart from anyone else is the constant communication with my clients. I think communication is the key to fully capitalizing on a client/trainer relationship for online coaching since >>>


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we aren’t face to face. So with that being said, I guarantee a response to ANY question for my clients within 24 hours.

unique and different. • How to Capitalize and Monetize on Social Media. • Autobiography

FMM: Top 5 favorite foods you love overall? Top favorite foods you love for a healthy meal? CW: Top Unhealthy Favorite Foods: Pizza, Burger King French Fries, fried chicken tenders with honey mustard, any type of Italian pasta, and Chicken wings with ranch

FMM: Tell MOST Fitness readers one personal training tip that they would get from your ultimate training package? CW: By signing up for my Ultimate Training package you will not only get personalized diet and training programs based on each individual, but you’ll also have constant communication access with me which most online coaches don’t honor or adhere to.

Top Healthy Foods: Lean ground turkey with quinoa, grilled chicken, almonds with asparagus, steak and sweet potato. FMM: What is the most rewarding aspect of your fitness career? CW: Being able to reach out and inspire so many people and try to be a good example to others. There are so many people out there that the youth look up to that are just not good role models. FMM: What future projects or gigs are you working on? Can you give us a sneak peek? CW: I’m currently writing two books; both are very

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FMM: Secret yearnings? CW: I want to have a little girl so I can spoil her and give her everything. FMM: What are your hobbies for when you have down time? CW: Spending time with my family


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|| JUNE 2015 || EDITION 1

Trainer, Coach & Fitness Model

By Denise Smith

OST Fitness had the great pleasure of getting to know a host of talented individuals who work within the fitness community. The highly educated, articulate, physically fierce Amber Dawn Fokken is no exception. We talked with the fitness model and personal trainer about all things health and her uncanny ability to inspire. Amber is from Wasilla, Alaska but moved to Oregon when she was seven. She spent 20 years there and now resides in Sioux Falls, South Dakota with her husband, Brandan Fokken. Her brother Aaron Orton, an NPC Body Builder and owner of Genuine Fitness, LLC, saw potential in her and persuaded her to compete after graduating college. Aaron and Amber have always had a good relationship. “Without his push and his seeing potential and believing in me, I would have never ended up in the position I am now.” He had a huge impact on the direction Amber’s life would take, and she will always be incredibly thankful for his influence and support. Growing up they had a typical brother-sister relationship. “Some days we loved each other, some days we hated each other.” They were very much alike in the fact that they both played a variety of team sports, including soccer and basketball. “I think we were both competitive from

a young age and it made me a tougher female.” Aaron joined the Marine Corps rright out of high school, which she believes was a pivotal point for him. When he was finished with his two tours in Iraq, he moved in with Amber. “I think his discipline and passion for health and fitness at that point definitely impacted me and I am grateful for the way he rubbed off on me.” MOST Fitness thanks Aaron for his sacrifice and service in the United States Marine Corps. We spoke to Amber about her competitive nature and where she got her internal fight. Her parents were always very active in their lives. Some of her earliest memories are of her mother working out at the Golds Gym in Alaska. “She would take us to the daycare center in the gym and an active lifestyle became the ‘norm’ for us kids.” Growing up with two older brothers made Amber more of a tomboy with an interest in competitive sports from a very young age. “I was always trying to ‘win’ some type of war with my brothers, whether it was over who could eat the most or who could jump the highest.” Amber can barely remember how she got involved in pageants, but she thinks someone along the way mentioned a Hawaiian Tropic regional pageant that she should enter. “I knew nothing about pageants, but I had some modeling experience and figured I would give it a shot.” Her >>>


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goal was to go to regionals and then she continued to enter local pageants until she qualified. “I then went on to win the regional title.” This fitness model is not just another pretty face! She received dual degrees, one in Business Administration with a focus on Finance and a separate Bachelor of Science degree in Economics. “I always thought that if I could learn finance, I could be successful.” She pictured her success as her working in a corporate setting with a window office. When she finally received what she thought would be her dream job, she was highly disappointed. She had pursued something that she thought would make her happy rather than looking for what she truly loved, Amber would soon quit to pursue her real passion full-time. e discussed some of the early steps Amber took after winning her first competition. That first win was amazing for her and garnered her lots of attention. “People were asking me for advice on how I transformed my body.” Feeling accomplished, she started to see the demand for education in the health realm. Continually being asked via social media to train followers, made her start to think about becoming a trainer. Amber is quick to point out that, “Just because someone wins a show, does not mean that person is educated to train another person.” Looking back she was naïve to the industry at this point in her career, and feels she has grown and matured since then. “Many people have a misconception that if you win a show you get funding or instantly get sponsors.” She clarifies that this is not always the case, especially at the region/local level of competitive bodybuilding. Even after winning her first show, it did not bring her financial security or success. After her win, she went back to the same job she had been working and continued to train, but quickly learned the struggle of the post-show mindset. She would gain weight and would no

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longer be comfortable in her body. “I knew I wanted to continue competing, so I set my sights on my next show, which happened to be the largest regional show in the nation.” A bold decision for the fitness model, but humbling experience to go up against some great competition and walk away with a thirdplace trophy. It had taken Amber five shows before she was able to quit her corporate finance job to pursue fitness full-time. “I feel I needed this time to make connections in the industry and more exposure.” She would leverage those things to grow in the industry once she decided to commit. At one point in her career she was competing between three and five times a year. But in 2013, Amber would take a step back from competing. Feeding her competitive nature, she was pushing herself to an unhealthy point to get onto the stage. She felt she could not beat the politics of bodybuilding competition and decided to pursue fitness modeling. “A lot of competitors have the misconception that, in order to make it into fitness magazines and land sponsors and endorsements, they need to compete, and they must receive their Pro Card. I am living proof that this is absolutely not true at all.” Last year, Amber landed the cover of Ironman Magazine alongside her husband, Brandan. She also landed a six-page spread in the August issue of Ironman, along with a sixpage workout spread in Oxygen. “I feel blessed to continue to land these opportunities regardless of whether or not I decided to compete.” We asked Amber to walk us through competition day and the mindset between other competitors. Every show carries a different dynamic. When you get to the national level, obviously every girl is there to win, so every girl has tunnel vision. “I have met some great girls at national shows that I still keep in contact with today, but most of them I met by reaching out or complimenting them.” She feels that, “ If you put yourself out there in a friendly manner, and >>>

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you show that you aren’t a threat, other girls will open up and quickly realize that you are all going through the same emotions, nerves, and anxiety. It is nice once you let your guard down and make friends and be genuinely happy for others’ success, even in a competition setting.” For those of us who are not familiar with the term Pro Card, we asked the fitness model to explain what this means. “A Pro Card means you have won a top place — typically a first, second, or overall, depending on the show — at a national level. Then you can compete on the IFBB Pro Circuit.” This Pro Card is your ticket into the next level of competition. “It is where the ‘big names’ of the industry typically get their start and where the athletes you see on the Olympia stage come from.” mber has a huge following on social media, so we touched on how this growing trend impacts her personal brand. “Social media has changed my life.” Late to Instagram, she was not introduced to the app until the Winter XGames in 2013. Persuaded to join, she learned how to use the app and began posting mostly fitness-related photos. “I noticed the attention some of my progress photos were getting and other larger pages would re-post my photos, allowing me to acquire new followers very rapidly.” She was up to 10,000 Followers within just a few short months of being on Instagram. The new “big” deal for her occurred when she was contacted by a corporate representative at Nike who wanted to send her free Nike gear to represent their brand as a “demo model” on Instagram. “You can’t really complain when six pairs of new shoes show up at your door.” Here is where Amber’s business background would come into play. She started thinking business strategy and starting trading shout-outs here and there and began focusing on photos that gained the most “likes” by her audience. She would go on to quadruple her Follower count. “Today I am at 83,000 Followers on Instagram alone.” Amber has landed multiple sponsorships through social media and

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currently holds 12 sponsors and two lucrative endorsement contracts. There is a huge demand for one-on-one personal training with the fitness expert and model. So much that she has had to hire a colleague. She feels people out, learns what they are looking for and then will either work with them herself or have them work with her colleague, Lauren Irick. Amber is unable to work with people with eating disorders or those battling hormonal issues. She feels medical advice is a better route for eating disorders than diet plans.

Photo Credit: Wainwright Images

er training style varies based on the individual goals of her clients. “I believe in mixing things up so that your body cannot adapt.” Concerning nutrition, she offers both structured meal plans and If-It FitsYour-Macros (IIFYM) Packages. Amber is a big believer in flexible dieting, preferring to take that route with her clients. With her extensive knowledge of nutrition and health, we asked Amber to explain what IIFYM. Pay attention readers, Amber is about to call this class to order. To really fully explain IIFYM, we need to back up to the very basics. So let’s start from the

beginning with Macros. What are Macros? Macros refers to macronutrients. There are only three macronutrients that account for every single thing you put in your mouth. Think of them as the atoms that make up the food you eat, and everything has to be composed of one or some combination of these three macronutrients (which are carbs, proteins, and fats). Macronutrients provide calories or energy. Nutrients are substances needed for growth, metabolism, and other body functions. Since “macro” means large, macronutrients are needed in large amounts. While each type of macronutrients provides calories, the amount of calories for each one varies. Carbohydrates and protein provide four calories per gram, while fat provides nine calories per gram. This means that, if you looked at the Nutritional Facts label of a product, and it said 12 grams of carbohydrate, 0 grams of fat, and 0 grams of protein per serving, you would know that this food has about 48 calories per serving (12 grams carbohydrate multiplied by 4 calories for each gram of carbohydrate gives you 48 calories). The only other substance that provides calories is alcohol. Alcohol provides seven calories per gram. Alcohol, however, is not a macronutrient because we do not need it for survival. IIFYM uses an “allowance” of macronutrient goals, in terms of grams, to reach on a daily basis. Many people have the wrong idea of IIFYM being an excuse to eat junk food or eat unhealthy, processed food items, but really it is a method to learn how to eat in moderation. For example, you have a daily “allowance” of 150G of carbs. That doesn’t mean you would want to eat two donuts (let’s say that these donuts each have 75G carbs and 8G Fat), because you would use all 150G of your carbs on those two donuts, leaving you hungry the rest of the day. Not to mention the micronutrients (e.g., vitamins and minerals) of those donuts are not going to benefit you, from an optimal health standpoint. So, if you hit the majority of your macros and meals with >>>


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healthy, micronutrient-dense foods during the day and then have some macros left (let’s say and you want to fit that latte or ice cream in because you have enough to accommodate) then it won’t set you back from your goals. Side note: another good way to fit “treats” in is post-workout, as your body will utilize a higher carb source easier. So, if you want to eat something higher in carbs postworkout, you could cut your carbs from your meals later in the day. Again, as long as your carbs at the end of the day are still within range of your set macros, then you’re golden! Another thing you need to keep an eye on is your fiber intake. MFP will automatically set a fiber goal for you depending on your other macronutrient goals. Fiber comes from plant sources and, therefore, you need to make sure you are hitting your fiber goal everyday to ensure eating enough nutrient-dense carbs.

opinions and feedback of which products she uses and why. She must remain relevant with her fitness exposure in terms of expositions and promotional campaigns. She also writes for Royal Sport Blog. The fitness trainer has additional sponsors such as Crazy Richards Peanut Butter, Myoatmeal. com, Grind Athletics, Nike, Royal Sport Ltd., Quest, GreenTeaX50, JustDrank, FitMark Bags, SmartShaker, IconMeals, 2ChicksAndACause, Thin Slim Foods, Root9, and the vitamin line of NutraSumma.

mber is currently endorsed by Royal Sport Ltd., a new line of supplementation. Royal Sport is a sister company to Cellucor and Neon Sport. As an endorsement athlete, Amber builds awareness of the products on her social media providing honest

Amber talked about having an agent to help with bookings. “I never had an agent for my fitness modeling.” She has always managed herself, but ever since she met her husband he has assumed that role. “He is an amazing agent, and I am very grateful for that.” >>>

“Juggling all these sponsors is awesome! I never sign with a company I don’t like or who’s product I don’t believe in.” She loves each and every one of her sponsors and what they bring to the table, so creating awareness through social media posts is easy. “I just post what I truly utilize and do each day.”


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As far as booking for different projects and campaigns, it really comes down to exposure and networking. Typically, Amber will meet someone working on a project she may be interested in and will reach out, and sometimes it goes the other way. Social media is great tool for contacting the fitness duo of Brandan and Amber. hen the conversation turns to binge-eating and her efforts to help those suffering from the disorder, she becomes passionate. “I strongly believe it is more rampant in the fitness industry than most people know and I have dealt with the hell of Binge Eating Disorder, personally. There is a great non-profit called Work of Heart that has shed some light on this subject and placed an emphasis on self-love and healing. So many girls in the industry are willing to destroy their mental state, physical health, and sanity, all for the sake of a plastic trophy, only to wind up miserable from their post-competition rebound.” She has started a blog campaign called “The Struggle Is Real” to shine some light on the “successful” competitors in this industry who may hold a story that could help someone else dealing with a similar situation. The campaign focuses on professional athletes and incredible transformations, but it unveils what was going on with them on the inside and behind the scenes. You can get more information on Amber’s blog at www.ADOFitness.Net. Amber’s level of success was not attained without a few setbacks. She has dealt with adrenal fatigue, low thyroid function, and low progesterone. It is extremely important to work closely with a hormone doctor when you are dieting to extremes. Adrenal fatigue can take years to recover from in certain cases. One of the other drawbacks in the industry is the constant pressure to stay lean, even when it is not in your best interest. Many girls lose their menstrual cycle from maintaining a too-low body fat for too long, which can be very damaging to

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female hormones and even cause setbacks in trying to conceive. “Personally, I took a step back from competing in 2013 to focus on allowing my body more rest and recovery.” She has been working with a hormone specialist for the last two years and has implemented short-term hormone replacements to help her body bounce back. She keeps her hormone levels regulated and makes sure to take time off when needed, even if that means putting on more weight than preferred for the long term benefit of creating a family someday.

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Wainwright Images

Clean living can be a difficult undertaking, so we asked Amber to talk about the discipline it takes to maintain. Just like any habit, if you begin to do something enough, it gets easier. Looking back, before she started her fitness journey, she was not a huge vegetable eater. “Now I absolutely LOVE them and honestly crave veggies.” Amber is obsessed with huge salads and color in her diet. You can learn to love the way nutritious food makes you feel and, over time, it becomes routine to make the better choice. “Now I by no means completely live a 100% ‘clean’ lifestyle.” The biggest piece of her success has been finding more balance between eating “non-clean” foods in moderation and not depriving herself. “Nobody is perfect and nobody should try and be perfect. You can be disciplined while still living your life to the fullest if you find a strategy and method that works for you.” Most people will take one look at Amber and see a beautiful woman who has met her fitness and health goals. We asked the model to speak to

those people who are setting goals versus setting a lifestyle. “I strongly believe that setting goals can facilitate change in your life. You should wake up each day with a goal that will allow you to grow as a person.” As far as fitness, she has definitely had a fair share of success in the industry and is very grateful to have done so in a short period. However, maintaining one’s physique is definitely more of an everyday personal goal than it is a short-term aesthetic goal, like a magazine photo shoot. “I wake up every day and work out because it makes me feel good. I want to be healthy, I want to feel strong, and it is a part of my lifestyle.” She sets small goals for herself, in order to reach the big ones and this helps to keep her focused and motivated. Amber so wisely said, “You can’t out-exercise poor nutrition.” Understanding that progress is not an overnight event, it all comes down to consistency on those hard days. People tend to think if they don’t see results, nothing is happening, >>>


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Location Portland Oregon

and they give up. This way of thinking drives the fitness expert crazy. “What is giving up going to do anyway? Put you back to where you started? If something feels hard, that is typically your body changing, and that is GOOD. In all aspects of life, you have to struggle to progress.” She even has days in prep where it feels impossible, and she does not see the changes in her body. “The only difference between me and the person who never reaches their goals is: I just keep going. You have to constantly remind yourself of this because this sport is so much more of a mental battle than anything else. So get started now and, if you fall off the wagon, just get back on.”

find them watching the Food Network, playing with their animal, or cuddled up on the couch watching movies.

The Fokkens share a love for fitness. Very much alike, they both have the same hobbies and have been fortunate enough to work side by side in this industry. When they are not involved with dieting or in the gym, they like to watch movies, go out to eat, take long walks outside together, and travel.

As our time with this competitor draws to an end, we asked what fitness means to her. “Fitness to me is living a life that is healthy in all aspects.” Just because someone looks healthy on the outside and is “fit” does not by any means mean she is healthy on the inside, too. “A balanced lifestyle is one without extremes. Fitness should be fun! It should be something you do for yourself and something you feel good about doing.”

They currently reside in South Dakota. “My husband grew up here and, although we travel all the time, this will always be home for him.” If we found the fitness duo at home, we might

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o what comes next for this talented competitor? She will be expanding her online training business with her husband, Brandan. They have some exciting projects in the works that keep them very busy. Amber would like to write a book, publish a recipe collection, continue to develop her website and, of course, start a family of her own. “I am excited to be a mom and implement a healthy lifestyle and training program while being pregnant and having children as well.”


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Personal Trainer

“That was the toughest part for me, the fact that I was living in a dream for a couple of years and didn’t prepare for what would come next. I was living day by day.” Fitness model, track and

field athlete, trainer, and former bikini competitor, Michele Levesque-Presciano reached the pinnacle of a famous fitness career but realized she wants and deserves much more. The blonde beauty from Montreal, who grew up loving sports and quickly rose to fame in the fitness world, is now a well-established personal trainer with her own programs, has a job she loves that allows for travel, and most importantly is happily married with a baby girl on the way. With humility and genuineness, Michele revealed to MOST Fitness in her candid interview how she discovered through her journey as an athlete, competitor, and model that it is important to plan for the future and that life has so much more to offer than fame. She also chats to us about staying healthy during pregnancy, how we can all take a step back from social media, and she divulges some of her hidden talents. With a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and her own successful online personal training business, Michele not only has the beauty and the brawn, but she has the brains to back it all up. FMM: What events did you do as a track and field athlete? MLP: I did 100 meter sprints, relays, and the 400 meters. When I stopped competing in track and field I switched to long distance running. You don’t

normally see sprinters switch to half marathons. I’ve trained for so long to be explosive and powerful on short distances, but my dad started training for a marathon and one day I thought I would join him for support, and it was surprisingly quite easy! I started off with 5 k, 10 k’s and 20 k’s. I always wanted to do a marathon, but I had such bad knees that I had to stop running for a while and have surgery. Running long distance gets me in a zone and makes me think; it’s such a high, and I love it. FMM: What was it like when you got the lifethreatening blood clot? Did that experience change your perspective on life? MLP: This was so random. It happened after a really bad ACL tear I did playing football with family in Connecticut. After a trip back home and my knee in a brace for 2 weeks, I started to complain about massive pain in my calf; it was triple in size and had turned purple. I went to see my doc, did an ultra sound, and was rushed to the hospital. They told me if I would have been on birth control, I would have not made it and that we stopped it right on time. It had been traveling up, making its way to my lungs pretty fast. It did for a little bit change my perspective on life. I was very thankful, and it made me realize that anything can happen to you, and to cherish life has much has you can. FMM: In addition to personal training you also work in the automobile industry. What do you do specifically and how did you end up working in that industry? MLP: I do! I’ve been in that industry for the last 4 years, and I love it. I am a product specialist for a >>>


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luxury brand, and I get to travel all over America to promote and talk about our brand. I got recruited by them through social media. It’s a whole new world I didn’t know existed! And I absolutely enjoy it :) FMM: You are six months pregnant-do you have a specific workout regime to stay healthy and fit during pregnancy? MLP: I am! Well, before I got pregnant I always said to myself I would try to stay as fit has I could during my pregnancy. But once you’re in it, it can be a whole different game. You can’t control how tired you’re going to be or feel, and you just have to go with the flow. However, I’ve been very blessed so far. Besides my 1st trimester where I was extremely tired, nauseous, and moody, the second trimester has been a breeze. I haven’t had cravings so I am able to eat very healthy. Of course I’ve adjusted my diet from what I usually do. I eat a very balanced diet, try to have dairy, fruits, carbs, fats, a little bit of everything, which I didn’t do before. I was very strict on not having dairy and fruits. I also go for 90% of the time with non GMO, organic and steroids free nutrients-no artificial sweeteners, barely any caffeine. You only have one shot at this, and every stage of the pregnancy is important for the development of your baby. So I want to give her the best. I have also had to modify my workouts; they are not as intense, they are moderate, and I mix cardio and weights 6 times a week while I can. I am also thinking of adding Yoga the last couple of weeks, as I am starting to have pain in my back and my hips so stretching wouldn’t be a bad thing for the last 2 months or so. I think working out and eating healthy are musts during your pregnancy if you can do it. FMM: What do you enjoy most about fitness modeling? MLP: Everything! First off, being in from of the camera is so much fun. Also, being a role model for so many people out there who admire you for >>>

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your hard work, who use you for motivation, who are inspired by you, is the best part of “fitness modeling” because you are a role model first. The glamour part and modeling part of it comes second. You also get to do many appearances and meet fans, and that is also one of the best parts. People saying, I lost 20 pounds because you motivated me. Everybody has their own story, and it’s wonderful to be part of it. FMM: Do you visit Canada often where you were born and grew up? MLP: Not really, unfortunately. I travel up there for work in the winter, but that’s when you don’t want to be there! I travel so much throughout the year for my job, that when it slows down during the summer, I just want to stay home! I grew up in the Montreal, Quebec, area, and I miss some parts of it. I miss speaking French :) But we can all agree that’s it’s hard to beat FLORIDA! FMM: What was the most difficult aspect of your career thus far? MLP: Realizing fitness is not really a career and soon enough it’s going to come to an end. If I could redo it all over again, I would do it differently. I went to school with a degree in kinesiology, and I wanted to pursue physical therapy, sports psychology, and have a master’s degree, but fitness quickly took over. I didn’t realize it back then since it was always a passion of mine, but you get sucked into some sort of dream that is so powerful that you want to accomplish it. I started competing in 2005, and I got so much attention out of my first show from the media, the fans, and it was something I would never expect. I did a couple shows winning the overall titles, then won fitness universe, fitness America, WBFF… all theses big shows will give you so much media and exposure. I quickly started fitness modeling for some of the biggest fitness magazines out there, got sponsorships, was traveling everywhere for appearances. You feel like a STAR! You are a star! To a lot of people you are so big, powerful,

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and strong, and you feel that you can accomplish anything. You have agents coming at you, you make television appearances, appear in movies, producers want to start new projects with you, etc. I went through all of this, but then what happens when you want to start a family, what happens when you want to settle down and focus on something else then just your body and your looks? All I did the past couple of years was appear on 50 different magazines, a few TV shows, and I have an X amount of fans.i am very happy with everything i’ve accomplished so far, i couldn’t be more blessed and i have no regrets. It was always a dream of mine to be a role model and a fitness model for others because i am so passionate about the fitness lifestyle. I wouldn’t have met my husband if i didn’t pursue fitness; everything happens for a reason ,and i can’t wait to teach my daughter to chase her dreams....You never know what is at the end of the rainbow . FMM: At what age did you know that you were passionate about fitness and desired to make a career out of it? MLP: At a very young age, since I was always involved in sports. When I got my first knee injury around 17, I knew then that I wanted to be either a physical therapist or a sport psychologist to help athletes overcome their injuries and the mental breakdown that can come with getting injured. Because I actually went through that, and went through a depression phase because I couldn’t workout or run for a while. I felt that a part of me was missing, and all I wanted to do is get on that track and run and train my butt off. So I started off with a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology; I didn’t have to leave my city to go to school. I got accepted into a few Universities for psychology, but I was not prepared to leave my family and friends to go study in a different city at that time. And because fitness took over my life, I never did pursue psychology after my bachelor’s degree. >>>


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FMM: Who is your inspiration/hero? MLP: I don’t really have a hero. I do get really inspired by people I meet throughout my life or I see on TV. Right now, I am really inspired by Noah Galloway, the Iraq veteran from dancing with the stars. The determination of this guy is unbelievable. I have a lot of admiration for people like this. FMM: Describe one time when you felt that your work made a difference in someone’s life. MLP: When I was working as a Kinesiologist in Montreal, I worked for about 1.5 years with this little boy. He was 5 years of age at the time and he had a condition that was slowly making his little body paralyzed. The doctor prescribed some massages, and light movements to keep his muscles awake as long as we could. The treatments definitely helped, and the best was the smile on his face every time he would see me. His face would light

up every time he walked into the room. I know I definitely made a difference in this little boy’s life :) FMM: Favorite place to travel? MLP: I love California. I recently visited San Diego and loved it! I also love Arizona and Colorado, and I miss the mountains, so for me the few out there is just beyond words. FMM: What are your non-working out hobbies and favorite pastimes? MLP: I love decorating and crafting. I planned my whole wedding myself, did a lot of the decorations, added my personal touch, and I had so much fun doing that and it was beautiful. Now, I am doing my future baby girl’s nursery room, decorating, and crafting to add a personal touch to the room. I assemble furniture, paint, and hang shelves. I do it all, and I don’t want any help! I also used to >>>


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FMM: Any guilty pleasures? MLP: Shopping- either for clothes, furniture/ decorations, makeup (I can spend hours at Sephora). And, I am a solo shopper; I like to take my time if I need to or rush. FMM: If you could change one thing about the world what would that be? MLP: The social media world, especially for the new generation-I feel they have less social skills, they are constantly on their phones, and they lack in the communication skills department. I think we need social media to a certain point, as it has a lot of positives, but it also has a lot of negatives. The fact that we can connect with people from all over the world is amazing, but where is our physical contact? I would try to tone it down a little.

Photographer: GREG KALEN

be a very good at drawing; I’ve been wanted to go back to it. Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones that make you do weird stuff! I also used to play music for many years, the flute, and I was thinking of going back to it as well.

FMM: Do you miss competing or do you love training other people? MLP: I sometimes do miss competing..i mostly miss the entertainment aspect of competing. There is nothing like having all that confidence and walking on the stage and show what you got ! The preparation it takes to get there, physically and mentally is what i miss the most and feeling like a billion dollars with all that crystal, make up and hair . But unfortunately, i find that the competing scene has gone in a very political direction. And that’s the turning point for me, it makes me realize I found my happiness of stage and i don’t need to be there anymore. I would rather get my body in shape for a photoshoot then a competition.

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Here is my email if you would like to request more info:


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Heavyweight Boxer

Photo Credit: Chad Alan

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by Rick Krusky

That was the early life-lesson heavyweight boxer David “Nino� Rodriguez most attributes the success of his career to. Of his 36 professional bouts, he has an impressive record of 34 KOs with 24 of them being in the first round, a number that relieved Mike Tyson of his legendary first-round record.

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Rodriguez was born in El Paso, Texas. He first hit the bags and began learning simple combinations at the early age of 5. At age 14 he had his first amateur fight against a Junior Olympic Champion. He was a bundle of nerves and was beat up badly in the first round; but in the second, knocked his seasoned adversary out cold. It shocked the tournament and garnered headlines. >>>

But more than that, Rodriguez had now been given the taste of blood, which only served to further fuel his passion for the brutal yet beautiful craft of boxing. The training was strict – a discipline that his life desperately needed. And he who would one day become the “Pride of the 915” had begun to succeed in turning his virtually inexpressible aggression into something greater than himself.

the ring. But in the last 10 seconds of the last round of a bloody fight he was edging out on the scorecards, David was knocked out cold. It was his first loss – ever – and cause for an entire reevaluation of his life. The “Pride of the 915” now knew he had to give himself a chance to heal, and so set down his gloves for a hiatus of undetermined length.

s Rodriguez took on more fights, he quickly drew attention by pummeling his opponents and progressively sparring veteran fighters. After contending at the amateur level for 7 years, David entered into his professional career. He beat out Manuel Alberto Pucheta by a TKO to win the WBA NABA Heavyweight Title. He defeated Owen Beck in El Paso to a sellout crowd and took the WBC Mexican Heavyweight Championship. And he crushed overmatched Byron Polley for the NABU Heavyweight Title.

Unable to sit idle, and with an ever-growing urge to assist his community, David began telling others about his story through an anti-bullying campaign that started organically but has now begun to pick up momentum. He speaks to detention facilities and school districts with a non-profit organization called “Lucid Love” (www., openly sharing the story of himself being bullied and in return becoming the bully. He speaks to the rage he carried into the ring and the roots from which it stemmed. He travels the country delivering a powerful and impactful message that is striking a nerve with countless who feel they have no voice. David has a newfound cause – and has taken his fight from the ring to the victims of this ever-increasing issue by raising awareness of bullying in its many current forms in our culture.

During training for the first of his 2011 fights, Rodriguez survived a brutal knife attack, the result of which was a near-death experience and a facial scar that runs clear from his ear to his chin. Shortly thereafter, he also suffered an injury to his knee, sidetracking what was intended to be an explosive, career-defining year. The now top-contender, ranked number 10 on the planet and perfectly poised to seize the title of Heavyweight Champion of the World, found himself at a crossroads. To fight or not to fight. It was a difficult decision – the most difficult of his career. The attack had taken its toll on him both physically and mentally. He struggled with the decision for months. But in the end, the natural-born fighter in him won out. And so, uncertain of his future and underestimating the trauma he’d sustained, he stepped back into

hen asked about his secret to such an outstanding boxing career, Rodriguez states, “When I enter the ring, I see through my opponent – I see right through to his heart and soul. I gather myself, remaining calm and calculated, and when the moment presents itself – unleash.” Whether David ever steps back into the boxing ring remains to be seen. But one thing is for certain: he will continue to fight – whether in the ring or out of it.


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FMM: At what age did you start boxing and at what age did you embark on your professional career? DNR: I began learning the craft of boxing through my Uncle Tom McKay who taught the Fort Bliss Army team. I was 5 years old. I started taking boxing more seriously as a teenager and used it as an outlet to help me “keep my nose clean,” since I was constantly getting into trouble as an adolescent. Boxing got me through my toughest years. I decided to turn pro at age 21. Looking back, it’s the only thing that saved me from a life of difficulty and conflict. It was my saving grace. FMM: Where do you see the state of boxing heading in the future? DNR: I see it being very promising but completely monopolized in the same way Dana White took over the UFC. I believe Al Haymon and Floyd Mayweather are teaming up to do the same. They are already bringing back boxing to the mainstream and on cable TV. I believe they are the future of boxing and will own the majority of it as the sport evolves. FMM: How would you want the boxing world to remember you as a fighter? DNR: Well, I do want to preface my answer with this, that although I am taking a hiatus right now, if the itch were to ever come back, I might just give it another run. That said, I would want to be remembered as being one of the best that never got a rightful title shot at the world heavyweight championship. I believe I was dodged and overlooked because I wouldn’t play the game the promoters and managers played. I was at one time the most talented heavyweight around. 36-0 was no joke.

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FMM: How did it feel to be on a winning streak of 36-0, with 34 knockouts, prior to the knife attack that almost took your life? DNR: The beginning of my career was just about my manager lining them up and me knocking them down. In the beginning, it was fun and purely raw. As my career progressed, I started to feel the pressure of being undefeated. The stress of maintaining an unbeaten record was intense – an unimaginable amount of stress for just one man. At least for me it was. I was a HispanicAmerican carrying the hopes of a country and my hometown. The ride was insane and I knew someday it would end, but I never would have dreamt it would end with me almost losing my life, especially to a knife. That event completely changed my priorities and values. FMM: How did the knife incident cause you to reassess your priorities? Do you feel the result was for the better or worse? DNR: During the months following, it was a living nightmare. I almost lost my life and I definitely affected my boxing career. I was at a crossroads. I could either sit in the corner hiding from life, or take a new direction and reinvent myself. There was no way giving up was an option. If I wasn’t going to fight in the ring, then I was going to fight for the unheard. I wanted to be a voice and continue the fight in another arena. That’s why I decided to pick up the fight for the bullied and weak. I want them to know that I’ve been there and that I’ve been through hell and back. The glory shifted from myself to helping others find their way. Hopefully my story and the experiences I share will do just that.

FMM: What message do you have for anyone being bullied or abused? DNR: Please speak out and be brave. Ask for help. Don’t hold it inside to the point where you end up hurting yourself. There is help out there and you are not alone. You would be surprised that some of the greatest of people have gone through traumatic and life-altering experiences; but it helped to strengthen and shape them into who they are today. FMM: Why bullying in particular? DNR: I was severely bullied as a child and it transformed into an inner rage as I got older in the ring. I took everything out on my opponents. You can only kick a dog for so long before it decides to bite and then discover the power it really has. I discovered my power as a ferocious fighter. The bullying transformed from me being bullied as a kid to certain managers and promoters bullying me in a different way by way of cheating and attacking my character when I didn’t want to play by their

rules. I saw a very dirty and unforgiving side of boxing. In many ways I’m glad I’m out of it. FMM: Would you recommend others become involved in the fight game? DNR: Only if you have the heart to train hard and stop at nothing. This is a dirty business and it can destroy the best and toughest of men. You have to endure hell and be willing to associate with cheaters and liars. There are some good people in boxing, but they are like finding a needle in a hay stack. You must love this sport with all your heart, but know you are in the flesh-peddling business. And you really must think of your future and health first. FMM: What do you miss most about boxing? DNR: I obviously miss the glory. But most of all I miss the kinship and camaraderie of my friends and team. I had an closeness at one point with my team and entourage that was like a second family. I sincerely miss the bond we all had before money and greed got involved.


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Model: Samantha Overturf (Bokaos Models)

Model: Montana Tsai (Bokaos Models)


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FMM: Do you feel you will ever get back in the ring and make that anticipated comeback? DNR: When I started boxing as a professional I promised myself that if I ever got severely knocked out or hurt I would reevaluate my situation. I’m not a quitter, but I do put my health first. Too many fighters stay in too long and then without any warning it’s too late. I feel I got my warning and now I’m thinking about my health. I don’t want to end up like the stereotype or statistic of a fighter that hung around too long. I’m open to new chapters. If I do decide to come back, it would be for something bigger than myself. Like the kids or God. I would really need to do some soul searching. FMM: Do you recommend boxing as a way of fitness for people trying to get in shape? DNR: The thing about boxing is that you have to incorporate everything. In training camp I ran every morning and spent 2-3 hours in the boxing gym training every day. By no means would I suggest that to anybody who’s not a professional. But I highly recommend the fitness aspect of hitting the bag and doing the mitt work. It’s good for getting out aggression and toning up, while also strengthening your heart and lungs. Many boxing trainers are fitness trainers and don’t know how to teach the science, but are good at getting people’s confidence up and getting them in shape. Good boxing trainers are extremely hard to come by and usually are busy training top fighters. FMM: Would you ever consider training fighters or people wanting to learn to box for fun? DNR: I already do. I train a few of my friends and they are already more advanced than some fighters I know. They already understand the

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fluidity of boxing and the angles I teach. Angles are everything in boxing. Boxing isn’t just punching. It’s slipping, weaving, footwork, and defense. You must be able to protect yourself while getting off your shots. That’s key. FMM: Do you recommend boxing for women’s self-defense? DNR: Yes, definitely. Punching is all technique. Kind of like the same way you hit a golf ball. If a woman learns the proper technique and combinations, she can be just as deadly as any male boxer. FMM: What are the thoughts that go through your mind from the dressing room into the ring, right before you are about to fight? DNR: I’m extremely terrified and confident at the same time. It’s a mixture of emotions that flood your body all at once. My adrenaline is peaked and it feels surreal. I can’t feel my legs and it feels like I’m walking on a cloud. Nothing seems real – like a dream. As I walk through the tunnel, into the flashing lights, I start to view the ring. I get a rush of fear and intense stimulation all at once. Once I’m in the ring, I hand my life over to God and remember deep down inside of all the hard work I put into training for the fight. I’ll never forget what it feels like to face the man looking at me in the opposite corner, and the realization of it all being so real at that very moment. It’s an interesting position to be in. It’s both liberating and terrifying. The time has come and there’s no denying to. You cannot run and you cannot hide. You now have to fight.

FMM: Can you tell us about what you’re up to these days? DNR: What I’m doing with my time now has nothing to do with self-glory anymore. Boxing gave me enough of that. As of now, I’m giving my time to help people get through their own individual battles by sharing my story in a powerpoint-style presentation. The one thing I didn’t lose from boxing is the ability to speak and articulate well, so I’m using it to my full advantage. I speak to alternative schools, detention centers, and high schools about bullying and the consequences it can have on someone’s life. The organization I’m a part of is Lucid Love ( The founder, Veronica Cabada, lost her son due to bullying. He took his own life. We believe this is a very serious problem not only facing our youth, but people in every walk of life. I want to be the voice for the unheard and weak. I have a strong relationship with God and I want to help. I’m also working with Face Forward (www.faceforwardla. org), an organization that helps raise money and awareness for severely disfigured people who have been assaulted in a violent crime or domestic abuse. I can relate to this because of my knife attack. I take both of these organizations very seriously and, since God allowed me a little more time on this earth, I want to give back in the best way I can. Helping others fulfills me more than boxing ever has.


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Model: Chloe Catherine (Bokaos Models)

Hair: Bokaos Salon | Makeup: Trisha Severud, Bokaos Salon Groomer: Montana Tsai, Bokaos Salon Models: Chloe Catherine | Samantha Overturf | Montana Tsai Publicist: Rick Krusky, MWPR Inc. |

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Patrice Berchery


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Photographer: Patrice Berchery Assistant: Yann Marquis Make up & Hair: Nadia Bouhou Stylisme: Akéla Model: Coralie Joss (VIP model’s) Location: Boxing Club La Corderie à Marseille

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Laetitia Tia Genet Blog : Portfolio :

Photographer: Peter Soubbotnik Swimsuit women secret, t-shirt vintage, board DHD FITNESS M A G A Z I N E || JUNE 2015 || EDITION 1

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By: Darcy Tharp rench model, Laetitia Genet has a basic mantra to always stay healthy, fit, and sexy. Based in Paris, but born in the south of France in the city of Bordeaux, she has discovered that exploring the world and traveling to new places keeps her open minded, brings her daily learning, and gives her inspiration from the good vibes and richness encountered on each journey. Her modeling work has given her ample opportunities to travel to many varied places and along the way, she has discovered a lot about herself. She says that, “hard training, fresh food, and positive thinking are my daily partners. So whatever happens, I try to stay focused on my goals and follow my instincts. I have learned to trust myself.” Laetitia challenges herself every day with her stay healthy, fit, and sexy principles. She became a vegetarian more than ten years ago, which got her into fresh food and healthier nutrition, but in the tasty way. She always comes back with ideas and recipes from her different travels, and right now she is experimenting with some raw food ideas she brought back from Cape Town. She also just created a blog magicbeansandhappiness.tumblr. com to share her experiences and everything

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that she loves about life. The blog includes her modeling beauty tips, her training routines, personal inspirations to keep going, healthy vegetarian and raw food recipes, her travels, and a best hotel list. Laetitia believes that, “life is such a gift that I feel the urge to encourage people to think positively and improve their personal state of mind.” She desires to make people aware about the connection of the body and mind and the benefit of keeping them both healthy by just making some simple changes. is a positive way of thinking and living through life, travel, sports and nutrition. Blog : Portfolio : Best Hotel & Spas:

Sweater Ripcurl, swimsuit Ripcurl, board DHD


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Visor Banana Moon, rash-top Quicksilver, swimsuit Etam, board Al Merrick

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Rash-top Quicksilver, swimsuit Etam, board Al Merrick


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Swimsuit Ripcurl, board DHD

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Sweater: Ripcurl, Swimsuit: Ripcurl


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Sweater Ripcurl, swimsuit Ripcurl, board DHD

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Swimsuit Ripcurl, board DHD

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Swimsuit Ripcurl, board DHD


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Blog : Portfolio : Best Hotel & Spas: Make up: By Terry Hair: Shu Uemura Model: Laetitia Genet Photographer: Peter Soubbotnik

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By Darcy Tharp

Brian entered the University of Maryland with the anticipation of majoring in engineering, but one semester into school he realized that was not at all what he wanted. The idea of advertising appealed to him so he switched his major to Advertising Design. This was not exactly what he thought it would be. The classes were more like graphic design with an advertising purpose. Having no artistic background, this was totally uncharted territory. Where Brian lacked hand illustration and painting skills, his ability to use the computer as a tool for layout and typography made up for it. After two years at College Park the State made drastic cuts to their curriculum and the Advertising Design program was eliminated. Forced to either switch majors again or leave College Park, Brian decided to transfer to UMBC where they had a graphic design program that was much more computer driven than College Park. The classes that Brian took at UMBC included photography. In this class his love for making images with a camera began with black and white film. This introduction to photography would later serve as the foundation for the world he would enter many years later.

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After completing his degree in graphic design, Brian went to work for a company called Capital Presentations which he and two other employees would eventually buy and run themselves. Capital served the Federal Government and DC area companies with graphics related services and computer generated visuals. Under their ownership the company transitioned with the rest of the world into website and interactive media development as the landscape of computer graphics continued to evolve. The use of Photoshop, along with most other computer graphics software became Brian’s daily work tools used at Capital. This would also benefit Brian in his later transition to photography in the digital world. After the dot com bust, Brian’s partners wanted to close up shop and go in other directions; but Brian continued to do interactive and web development work for a number of years as a freelancer. Brian continued to take more and more pictures using digital cameras and his favorite subject was his daughter. One day, his wife decided to send him with a friend to Yosemite National Park to take pictures purely for enjoyment. Upon his return the response he received from people was unanimous; this was what he should be doing with his life. The problem was that travel photography was not in the cards with a wife that works and small children. He looked to build his photography career in another direction. People were the direction he chose to go.

He started out doing shoots for trade with local models. It became apparent that he would need to learn how to work with lighting since control of light is the key to photographing people during the daytime hours (when he was able to do the shoots). Unless you are able to shoot in the golden hours around sunrise and sunset, you need to compensate for the strong, harsh lighting conditions outside. Model shoots led to shooting catalogs for some swimwear companies which then led to his first print publication American Curves Magazine. It was a glamour magazine with a fitness edge that was run by Robert Kennedy Publishing. That company also published Oxygen, Muscle Mag, Reps, Clean Eating, etc. It became clear that fitness was a logical next step. While building a very solid clientele of commercial clients in advertising, lifestyle, food, corporate head shots, etc., Brian continued to work

with people in the fitness field. His background in graphic design very much helped to push his photography work towards the commercial look that many magazines and companies look for. Fitness shoots continue to be steady work for Brian and his images have been published in many fitness magazines. This has led to a real niche of working with fitness competitors nationwide. Brian’s business continues to grow and the list of publications that his work has been published in as features, editorials, and advertising is now quite impressive. Brian’s work continues to evolve and advance in new directions with lighting and visual interest; there will always be something more to try. Good is just not good enough. Brian’s goal with every shoot is for people to see the images and say, “Wow”. Hopefully that is what you, as a reader are thinking looking at these images.


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FMM: How did you get started in photography? BL: I went to school for Graphic Design and took black and white photography classes there. It was my first experience doing what I love to do. FMM: Are you a self-taught photographer? How difficult was it to learn the skills on your own? BL: I did take photography classes in college, but interestingly enough they really talked more about being an artist and the black and white film development and printing techniques than anything else. I taught myself everything I know about light and shadow, exposure, using lighting and mixing my lights with ambient light. They never even broached that kind of thing in college. I have found that most of what I do is instinctual. It’s not rocket science, but you need to be a problem solver with vision. You cannot be lazy and just accept that good is good enough. You have to want perfection. FMM: Are you an exclusive fitness photographer or do you shoot other styles as well? How would you describe your style? BL: Far from it-I am a commercial photographer so I shoot advertising, food, products, head shots, etc. as well as fitness. I would describe my style as clean and commercial. I like to shoot and process my images so that they are bold, but with a clean look to them-lots of contrast and interest. I tend to shoot like a designer with layout or usage in mind when I shoot. I don’t generally just shoot and see what I will get. I really don’t shoot what I would call artsy style images either. I like my work to look like I actually know what I am doing. The intentionally strange looking images that are sometimes popular are not my style at all.

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FMM: Do you remember your first fitness shoot? BL: My first fitness shoot was with a fitness competitor who wanted to do some magazine submissions. She and I both wanted to push into the fitness magazines. It didn’t happen at that time though. It took a few tries before I got an editor to look at my stuff. Print space is a premium and editors do not give it out lightly. FMM: What do you look for in a perfect fitness model? BL: For a female fitness model I look for a combination of a great physique, a pretty face, and a good attitude. The perfect fitness body and the perfect mindset will produce beautiful images. FMM: Do you only shoot professional models? BL: Not at all-a lot of the fitness models that I shoot are not really models at all. They are athletes with the potential to model. I am good at getting new models to give me the poses and expressions I want in order to achieve whatever the goals are for the shoot. FMM: Are you mostly an indoor or outdoor photographer? BL: No. I shoot both indoors and outdoors. I have a studio in Millersville, Maryland where I shoot as well as in gyms and on location all over the world. However, my ability to light things the way I want and the control that a studio affords is why I love the studio. FMM: Do you teach photography in your studio? BL: I do. I have given one on one lessons as well as group photography workshops of all kinds in the studio and on location.

Ton Neidert


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Kari Keenan

Alicia Lewis

Melissa Brodsky

FMM: Have advances in technology made things easier? How much of your work is done in post-production? BL: The advances in technology over the last few years have made a huge difference. The cameras, the lights, the computers and software are all vital parts of the photography workflow and the things that they do now are much more advanced than ever before. I like to think that I take great shots in camera and make them better in postproduction. I think photo editing/retouching is vital to finish your work. I am not one of those people that takes a photo and turns it into something totally different. I think people that can do that are truly artists. I just don’t usually work that way. My images get cleaned up though with my unique style in Photoshop. 146 ||


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FMM: Do you have a favorite lens for fitness shooting and why? Prime or zoom? BL: I have gone back and forth with this over the last few years. I have had phases where I wanted to shoot my 85mm prime all the time and then I go the other way for a while and shoot with the 70200mm zoom. The zoom gives you more flexibility for sure. The prime has shallower depth of field and produces images that have a slightly different look and feel to them in my opinion. They are both always in my bag. FMM: Can you tell us the biggest obstacle or setback you had to overcome in your celebrity shooting? The most unexpected? BL: The biggest setback is really just scheduling.

Jessica Jessie

Melissa Brodsky

Carla Cipolari

Big named people tend to be very busy and getting their time is very difficult. The most unexpected thing with shooting celebrities has been their attitude. You expect a certain amount of diva or cockiness but my experience has generally been that they are not like that at all, which was a very pleasant surprise. FMM: Do you find social media now is a big part of your business? BL: Social media is a huge part of my business. I get a lot of referrals and name recognition because of it. I also have found that companies, magazines, etc. want to work with people that bring big social media followings to the table so it is important to build that base of followers. FMM: Future plans and upcoming projects BL: My future plans are really just to push myself hard into new projects and with new clients that challenge me. If you are not going forward with your work and your business you are going backwards because the best people will move past you. I want my work to be as high profile as possible. FMM: How can MOST readers find you? BL: MOST readers can find me at www. and contact me by email at

Eva Eig


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Byron A Moody

Joe Coffee

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Byron A Moody



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Photographer: Aneese Photography

By: Yoga Instructor Crystal Milana

ere in the Western part of the world, we are introduced to yoga first through the asana practice (postures). In reality though, there is a part of yoga that is much deeper and is actually the foundation to all of the yoga practices. The Yamas, & Niyamas, yoga’s ethical disciplines, teach us and give us a clear direction for how to live a joyful life. Yamas is a Sanskrit word that translates into restraints and there are five: ahimsa (nonviolence), satya (truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (non-excess)

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and aparigraha (non-possessiveness). These are guidelines for how we should interact with ourselves and with the world around us. Then there are five Niyamas, or “observances”, that allow us to explore within ourselves brining us into a deeper awareness of how we are living. There is saucha (purity), santosha (contentment), tapas (discipline), svadhyaya (self-study) and pranidhana (devotion). These ten guidelines are part of the eight limbs of yoga written by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. Patanjali does not tell us that we >>>

are “good” or “bad” if we do or do not follow these guidelines. Rather, the teaching is that we will suffer more if we choose to act in those ways, and we will not be able to end our own suffering if we are creating it around us. Now why is this important to know and understand as a yogi? And how can these guidelines help us through our practice? Our asana practice is a reflection of our lives, and each yama & niyama can be a lesson to us as they show up in our practice. Keeping awareness of any feelings, thoughts, and just how we are physically moving through our postures, allows us to check in and see where it may be showing up in our lives. Let’s first understand what some of these guidelines look like, and then see examples of how they may show up in our practice. Nonviolence means simply to do no harm to any of God’s creation, including ourselves. The way we treat ourselves is in reality, the way we treat others around us. So noticing in your practice when you may be pushing yourself too much or not having compassion for yourself. It may also show up as you having fear in your practice, and therefore, you will live in a vibration of fear and hate toward others. Truthfulness is acceptance of yourself and where you are in the moment and with others around you. Being able to hold that space in your heart will allow you and others to grow to your fullest potential. So in your practice when you take your focus into your heart, notice what comes up for you. Do you feel centered or are you running from something? Non-excess is translated into “walking with God”, living in balance, and pure bliss with what we have. When we are not overdoing or over indulging, we feel balanced and free and you can notice this with the energy that you are putting out. Do you feel grounded on your mat and are you moving with grace? Or

do you feel heavy and constricted? Contentment challenges us to be at peace with whatever is, even with the fact that one is presently not content. We tend to constantly look to what is next instead of just living in the moment, therefore we miss out on the beauty and abundance that life has to offer. This could show up in your practice simply by just thinking about what the next posture will be instead of experiencing the posture that you are in. It could also be comparing your practice to another persons and not valuing you own growth and where you are. Practicing gratitude daily helps us with finding contentment; I like to start my morning by expressing three gratitude’s for where I am and for what I have. To me Self-study and Devotion are two of the main foundations to each of my practices. Self-study is reflecting on our thoughts, beliefs and to our attachments we have with the world. Devotion is surrendering to the divine, letting go of ego, and trusting in the bigger picture at work. Each practice is a constant study of the self and a way to connect deeper to God and the universe. Through self- study on your mat, you begin to see and understand the bigger picture in life, and with that understanding you are able to surrender your ego and follow your heart. Through understanding these guidelines our asana practice becomes more then a physical practice; it is a practice of the mind, body, and spirit. It is a practice not only on our yoga mat; it is a practice in each moment of our day. These guidelines are a way of living, a way of being, and a way to live life fully in peace


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- Svarga or Dvijasana (Dvija means twice born and Svarga means paradise or heaven). Since we are in spring and everything is blooming, I thought this would be the perfect posture for this month. In this posture you experience the depth of renewal within the body by emulating a tropical flower, the bird of paradise. Birds also embody renewal as they are born twice, first as an egg then as a bird. I enjoy experiencing this posture because it demands my whole body to engage and work together. Grounded into the earth with my standing leg, I enjoy this position as my upper body opens and takes flight. This posture can be taken from a bound extended side angle pose or from a king chair pose as shown. First start in king chair pose, feet are six inches apart and bend your knees as you pull your weight back in your heels. As you drop your hips tuck your tailbone, lift your chest and extend your arms up. Challenge yourself as you continue to exhale dropping in your hips and inhale as you lift in your chest and arms. Next come into king chair prayer twist by bringing your hands to your heart center in prayer. Then twisting in your torso as you bring left elbow outside of right leg. Keep both knees aligned as you press your palms together for a deeper twist, lifting in your top shoulder. Find a deeper twist with each exhale.

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Full bound king chair is the next posture and there is a couple steps to get there. Keeping your king chair, split your arms in between your legs with right hand reaching to the sky and the left to the earth. Then take a half bind by bringing your right hand to your left lower rib cage and grab your upper thigh. Continue to drop your hips, keeping your knees aligned and twist from your lower torso. Next take your left hand and reach up to clasp your right, the lower you sink your hips the easier the bind will open. Finally, you can begin to press through the right foot to come up to standing with arms still bound around the left leg. Use your breath to lift as you squeeze your legs into the center of your body, engaging your core. Straighten your standing leg and press into all four corners of that foot to ground down. Then bring your crown of your head to the sky and squeeze shoulders together behind you. As you open through your chest begin to straighten your left leg to come into the fullest expression of this posture. To modify, keep left leg bent as shown. Benefits: Challenging balance that opens the hips, strengthens core and back and lengthens the hamstring.





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Master Personal Trainer, Certified Nutritionist & IFBB bikini pro

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Mother Theresa said, “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.” True. But we actually do know a lot about the power of a smile. Numerous studies have shown the health benefits derived from smiling and laughing. In fact, it can act as a mini workout by burning calories and engaging your abs. Laughter can also help blood flow, lower blood sugar levels, reduce stress, and improve sleep. Plus, it may raise the level of infection-fighting antibodies, helping boost your immune system. So the moral of the story is pretty simple. Smile!

Five reasons to smile The next time you’re stressed about work or realize that your favorite jeans feel a little snug, don’t freak out. Take a few deep breaths and smile! The Mayo Clinic has found that smiling can reduce the symptoms associated with anxiety. When you smile your brain is receiving a message that you are happy – even if you really aren’t – and your body will react by slowing down your breathing and heart rate. You want to avoid Botox and overpriced creams? Smile. The facial muscles used in a smile will help you remain looking younger. So how much younger are we talking about? A recent German study at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin asked 150 men and women to guess the ages of the faces from over 1,000 photographs. They found that “happy faces” were voted as the youngest looking with the pictures of smiling faces appearing two years younger on average.

Besides living a healthy lifestyle, exercising, and eating right, a simple smile can help boost your immune system. Studies have shown that on a biochemical level, smiling releases endorphins. These endorphins can act as natural painkillers for our bodies, and the more endorphins that our brain releases the more our bodies can fight off the symptoms of illness. Yes it does! Here’s a fun, five second experiment. Think of a happy thought that will make you smile. Now think of an unhappy thought while continuing to smile. Was it hard to do? Smiling feels so good that your brain sends a signal to your body that says everything is okay and that you should be happy. There is science behind all of this. You see, smiling releases serotonin. Serotonin acts as a natural antidepressant, and helps regulate our mood, sleep, and even the way we learn. But it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that smiling sure feels better than frowning! Believe me, it works. Since I was a little girl she warned me some people in this world will be darn right mean and nasty for reasons you will never understand. The trick is to take away their power. And the best way to do that is to smile. Smile at them when they are calling you names. Smile at them in the gym. Smile at them in passing. You can never smile too much. Mean people cannot defend themselves against random, unexplainable kindness. So next time you face negativity, don’t get sucked into it, just smack a smile right back at them!


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Fit to be Tried

My research revealed that there are several TRX classes that incorporate other specialty classes, such as a cardio mix, Pilates, and weight resistance training combined with the TRX class. While other classes strictly focus completely on suspension training.

TRX stands for Total Body Resistance Exercise. It’s a type of training that uses your own body weight and gravity to build strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, core, and joint stability. The TRX was originally designed by a former Navy SEAL who needed to stay in shape within a limited space using something he could easily take on his travels. Sort of the same concept of Kettlebells (we will be visiting this in another issue in Fit to Be Tried). TRX offers a cardio workout, a resistance workout, a muscle flexibility workout, and balance. TRX focuses on your core, however your core is not just made up of your abdominals. Your core includes your pelvis, back, and chest muscles. It is your core that is responsible for your body stability, flexibility, and balance, and let’s be honest, who doesn’t want a nice set of six pack abs and a toned mid-section!!

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TRX Suspension Training also markets their product for conditioning in sports such as golf, football, tennis, swimming, soccer, baseball, and triathlons. My initial fear was that the straps would break and I would take a face first bite into the hardwood floor, but once I got over that fear I was able to get into the movements without caution. You have the ability to make the class as hard or as easy as you like by moving closer to the center where the straps hang or further away from where the straps hang thereby allowing a variation of participants’ skill and strength levels. I didn’t think that I would sweat as much as I did nor did I think it would be as challenging as it was. Some of the movements left my body parts tapping out due to the burning and muscle fatigue. Of course, over time this would dissipate as I gain more strength. My personal favorite style of TRX class, out of all the TRX classes I attend, was

one that incorporated agility, strength, and core training. I am a big fan of functional training with overall health that includes strength combined with cardio. I am not a fan of strength training for a long extended period of time and then immediately following failure strength training having to jump on the treadmill or going back to the gym later that day to complete cardio and allow proper recovery time in-between. I think TRX training is a great class to take in addition to your regular workout regime. 24 hours after the workout, I was a little sore; it was the type of soreness that lets you know you had a good workout and didn’t overdo it. When researching for a studio or discussing a TRX class with your gym consultant, I would ask what format they follow (strictly strength movements, strictly core movements, strictly agility, or a combination of all). Many studios allow the option to try a class for yourself for free or to come and observe a class. I highly recommend that you take advantage of this option prior to signing up for an extended training commitment. If you already take Pilates or yoga classes I think you would really love TRX suspension training.

The instability of suspension straps can result in injury, especially if you have a history of joint or back injuries, or inadequate core strength. I also can see an issue for people who have weak wrists, elbows, shoulders, ankles and knees as the TRX Suspension requires functionality of these joints in order to ambulate effectively. Gyms generally charge $80.00 per class for gym goers who hold a membership and require a 6-8 week commitment. Private studios generally offer an introductory rate of $60.00-$80.00 and then offer more customized packages and the ability to take other classes offered for a reduced rate per class.


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Get Fit Now with


Jennifer Nicole Lee || FITNESS M A G A Z I N E || JUNE 2015 || EDITION 1

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