1 minute read


The project

To make a garment that is made using Supreme Green Cotton which is a farmer supported programme supporting Greek cotton farmers to use non GMO seeds. Jump the Hedges founder Siofra Caherty chose 100% cotton for thread, self fabric for the neckline and therefore avoiding elastic which is normally found in t-shirts. This project is not 100% proven to be circular however it offers solutions for end of life in recycling and potentially composting.

Where Virtual open studio/ video

Target audience

Fashion students, educators, consumers


Virtual event showcasing the journey of the project, featuring video footage from the Greek cotton mill, Portuguese fabric weaver, and garment manufacturer. Flyer explaining the process and QR code linking to the journey will be included with the t-shirt.

How did it go?

The event is aimed to educate and raise awareness about supply chain transparency, and targeted fashion students, educators, and consumers. It will be shared through the creator’s social media platform and newsletter, with a combined reach of over 10k people supported by Fashion Revolution Open Studio. It is an opportunity to educate consumers about the cotton industry and encourage them to make informed decisions.


Hosting a virtual event allowed people from anywhere to join and learn about the project, expanding the reach and impact of the showcasing efforts. It’s a way to demonstrate the journey of the cotton from farm to garment and providing a QR code to trace its origins increased consumer awareness and informed decision-making. Going forward, the plan is to continue focusing on education, product development, and maintaining transparency in the business practices.

Opportunities to showcase the film and garment at sustainability-focused events and engage with fashion students are anticipated. The next steps involve establishing a preorder system and expanding educational efforts through newsletters and blog posts on the website.

Website www.jumpthehedges.com

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