SPORTS: Hadden Frost rode Doc Cebu to a repeat International Gold Cup win. Page 18 u
October 31, 2018
Our 201st year
Vol. 201, No. 44
Sen. Tim Kaine (D)
Corey Stewart (R)
Vangie Williams (D)
Rep. Rob Wittman (R)
Leslie Cockburn (D)
Denver Riggleman (R)
1. Do you agree with the Trump Administration’s zero-tolerance policy on border crossers that has led to family separations?
No Yes** No No
2. On the Affordable Care Act, would you: fix it, repeal and replace it, or just repeal it?
Fix Repeal Fix Repeal Fix Repeal and Replace and Replace and Replace
3. Are more laws needed to prevent gun violence?
4. Is it possible to combat climate change with new legislation?
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
5. Where do you stand on abortion rights?
Pro-abortion Anti-abortion Pro-abortion Anti-abortion Pro-abortion Anti-abortion rights rights rights
No No
**Stewart supports Trump’s immigration policies but does not support separating families.
Candidates split on health care, abortion; but all oppose separating migrant families By Jill Palermo
Times Staff Writer
Virginia’s two candidates for U.S. Senate and the four candidates vying to represent parts of Fauquier County in the House of Representatives appear most deeply divided about the Affordable Care Act and wheth-
er women should retain the right to have an abortion. But despite their disagreements, all say migrant families should not be separated at the border and most see possible legislative fixes for climate change — even if they disagree on which policies will help. On gun violence, the Democratic
candidates and Rep. Rob Wittman, R-1st, see room for improvement in the nation’s gun laws. While Republicans Denver Riggleman, who is vying for the 5th District congressional seat, and Corey Stewart, the GOP nominee for U.S. Senate, said no more laws are needed. “We don’t need more regulations
on lawful gun ownership; we just need to enforce the laws we already have,” Stewart said. “More can be done, however, to allow individual citizens to defend themselves. Additionally, we must take action to secure our nation’s churches, schools and other currently-soft targets.”
See CANDIDATES, page 2
Love it or hate it, Warrenton’s first roundabout opens By James Ivancic Times Staff Writer
Warrenton’s new mini-roundabout has gotten mixed reviews so far from drivers who’ve driven it. “Too small” and “too tight” are most often the complaints describing the traffic circle at the intersection of Falmouth Street and East Shirley Avenue. It opened last week. “Way too small and hard to get in the lane to go to Walmart;” “Just watch a school bus navigate it;” and “Those can cause accidents if not done properly;” are a sample of posts concerning the roundabout on the Fauquier Times Facebook page. But drivers, not the design, are to blame, acINSIDE Business.............................................11 Classified............................................34 Communities......................................26 Faith...................................................30
cording to an opposing post: “I think the problem is not the traffic circle but the drivers who have no idea how it works … It is not that hard, people.” Warrenton At-Large Councilmember Sean Polster has seen the pro and con reviews. “I think it’s great,” he said. “It’s something new and people haven’t gotten used to it.” The mini-roundabout is meant move traffic more efficiently and with fewer potential points of contact between motorists. It’s doing that, he said. “When VDOT [Virginia Department of Transportation] presented it to us it was described as safer and for the same money” over time as a traffic signal, which would require maintenance, Polster said.
See CIRCLE, page 4
Family Time........................................19 Libraries.............................................29 Lifestyle..............................................21 Opinion.................................................7
Obituaries...........................................31 Puzzles...............................................10 Real Estate..........................................25 Sports.................................................14
Warrenton’s new roundabout has opened to mixed reviews from drivers. TIMES STAFF PHOTO/ KAREN CHAFFRAIX