Fauquier Times October 31, 2018

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Fauquier Times | www.fauquier.com | October 31, 2018

UPCOMING EVENTS Send your events to asherman@fauquier. com at least a week in advance. Entries need to include address and contact number. Visit www.fauquier.com for more events.

Thursday, Nov. 1 Leadercast Women: 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. 500 Hospital Drive, Warrenton. Leadercast Women 2018 is the annual, one-day conference where you’ll be inspired and guided by women leaders who wish to share their insights, experiences, and revelations on how to be the best leader you can possibly be. Our world-renowned speakers will make a deep impression on your consciousness, call you to action, and show you how you can transform yourself into the most effective type of leader. Visit www. lfccworkforce.com. Contact: 540-868-7021

Friday, Nov. 2 Night Tour at the Library: 6-7:30 p.m. 102 The Plains Road, Middleburg. The National Sporting Library Museum’s secrets will be revealed in this special program taking place in the library’s lower level. The lower level houses some of NSLM’s rarest items, held in the F. Ambrose Clark Rare Book Room and Archives Room. $10 admission, free to NSLM members. RSVP to Anne Marie Paquette at apaquette@NationalSporting.or or 540-687-6542

Saturday, Nov. 3 Breakfast with Bunny at Buchanan Hall: 10 a.m. Author Linda Jane Holden will speak and autograph copies of her book, “The Gardens of Bunny Mellon,” at Buchanan Hall, 8549 John S. Mosby Highway. in Upperville. There is no charge to attend. For details go to buchananhall.com. For questions and advance purchase, send to whoanews@aol.com. Navigating the Maze of Caregiving Options – Care Enough to Know: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 318 S. West St. Culpeper at Culpeper Baptist Church. Are you caring for a family member or friend with a chronic, long-term illness? Caregiving is one of the most rewarding yet difficult jobs a person can face. Learning about resources can help make caregiving a little easier. Join Aging Together, AARP and the

Culpeper Star-Exponent on for a free program on “Navigating the Maze of Caregiving Options: Care Enough to Know.” The program will include sessions on community resources such as in-home care, assisted living, nursing homes, hospice and more, as well as useful tips on distributing personal possessions. The keynote speaker is Matt Paxton, founder of Legacy Navigator and formerly of TV’s “Hoarders” who will address decluttering and caregiving. Lunch, a gift bag and door prizes are all included. For more information, call Aging Together at 540-829-6405. Registration is required; call 877-926-8300 to register.

Sunday, Nov. 4 7th Annual Bodies in Motion 10K, 5K and Fun Run: 8 a.m. 800 Waterloo Road, Warrenton. Blue Ridge Orthopaedic & Spine Center announces its seventh annual Bodies in Motion 5K, 10K, and Fun Run - a race to give back to the community. It will take place on Sunday, Nov. 4, at the Warrenton Aquatics and Recreation Facility, in Warrenton and will begin promptly at 8 a.m. This is a rescheduled date due to Hurricane Florence. All registrations remain valid for the November date. Panera breakfast will be available to registrants at no cost, and activities for children (facepaint and Safari Bingo the clown), prizes and giveaways, race awards for placement, and entertainment from local artist Mo Safren will round out the event. Visit www.bodiesinmotionrace.com. Contact: 540-347-9298, ext. 270. Inside Cheyenne Mountain – How America’s Nuclear Command Center Worked: 1 p.m. 7134 Farm Station Road, Warrenton. The Cold War Museum, in cooperation with Old Bust Head Brewing Company, invites you to attend a presentation by retired U.S. Air Force Col. Jeff Caton on “War Games” for Real: A Look Inside Air, Missile, and Space Defense Within Cheyenne Mountain.” Cost: $25, including the presentation; a $7 coupon toward a craft beer draft, Kombucha or other drink; a $10 contribution to the Cold War Museum; and special access to the Museum. At the door $35, if available. Visit www.eventbrite. com. Contact 703-283-4124. Email jason@

coldwar.org if you’d like to access presentation via video. Sunday Sketch: 2-4 p.m. 102 The Plains Road, Middleburg. Free drawing session in the National Sporting Museum galleries led by local artists. Today join Lori Goll. All ages and artistic abilities welcome. Materials provided. Register with ABarnes@NationalSporting.org. For more details, visit NationalSporting.org Communities of Peace: 12 p.m. 32 Ashby St., Suite 205, Warrenton. You’re invited to a complimentary transformative inner journey titled, “It’s About Love – and You.” The journey will be facilitated by Gerry Eitner, a spiritual coach for many years. Sunday, Nov. 4, and/or Wednesday, Nov. 7. Please RSVP to communitiesofpeace@gmail.com

your customers, there will be a workshop for entrepreneurs to align your strategic goals to your organization. The Lean Operations Workshop, sponsored by the Mason Enterprise Center-Fauquier, will be held at the Warrenton-Fauquier Visitor Center. Speakers will be Gary Grenter and Bruce Sobczak, both leaders in business organizational development. $25 fee. To register, visit www. eventbrite.com Learn about Cybersecurity: 10:30-11:30. 430 E. Shirley Ave. Warrenton. You’re invited to the Fauquier County Triad Program presentation by the Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office on Cybersecurity at the Fauquier Senior Center. Lunch provided after for $1-3 per meal. Contact: 540-347-7729

Monday, Nov. 5

Saturday, Nov. 10

Celebrity Bartender Challenge: 5-7:30 p.m. 65 S. 3rd. St. Warrenton. Come join us for a night of drinks, appetizers and socializing at Claire’s at the Depot in Warrenton. Local celebrity bartenders will be there to serve you as you enjoy lively conversation with others in the community. The event is free, but bring your checkbook to “tip” our generous guest bartenders. All proceeds will benefit the Mental Health Association of Fauquier County and will help us provide mental health resources to our community! Visit www.fauquier-mha. org Contact: 540-341-8732

Casino Night Fundraiser: 7 to 10 p.m. 560 Broadview Ave., lower level, Warrenton. Innovative Physical Therapy and Wellness Studio hosts Casino Night Fundraiser to benefit Fauquier FISH. Casino games, hors oeuvres, open bar and raffle prizes. $50 per ticket or $90 per couple (includes $2,000 in fun money, five raffle tickets). Contact Lara at 540-3474005 or LBarrera@innovativeptllc.com

Tuesday, Nov. 6 Warrenton Chorale: 7-9 p.m. The Warrenton Chorale has begun rehearsals for the “Christmas in Music Concerts.” Past singers and new singers welcome. Rehearsals are every Tuesday from 7-9 p.m. at Heritage Presbyterian Church, Warrenton. Concerts presented on Nov. 29 (7:30 p.m.), Nov. 30 (7:30 p.m.) and Dec. 1 (3 p.m.) at Warrenton Methodist Church. Visit www.WarrentonChorale.org

Wednesday, Nov. 7 The Lean Operations Workshop: 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. 33 N. Calhoun St., Warrenton. If you are interested in learning how to manage your new business and to know the needs of

Sunday, Nov. 11 Grace Church Concert Series in The Plains The Dominto-Cafritz Young Artists: 5 p.m. A catered reception with the artists will follow in the parish hall. Tickets are $25, students $15, youth under 18 are free if accompanied by an adult. For additional information and tickets, please visit www.gracetheplains.org or call (540) 253-5177, ext. 107. Grace Episcopal Church, 6507 Main St., The Plains.

Saturday, Nov. 17 Annual Shrimp Sales: 9 a.m.-noon. 91 Garrett St., Warrenton. They’re coming from Savannah, Georgia! Warrenton Sunrise Lions Club Charities, Inc. hosts its annual shrimp sales fundraiser. Fresh off the boat, each pound has 20-22 shrimp. $15/pound. To put in your order, call Warrenton Lions Club president Erl Poulin at 540-347-4281

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Articles inside

Fauquier Faith Notes

page 30

Learn about winter birds

page 29


page 28

Our Communities: GOLDVEIN

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Our Communities: WARRENTON

page 26

Casting call for Shakespeare's 'As You Like It'

page 24

Fauquier Nightlife Calendar

page 23

Ruritans make communities better

page 23

Upcoming Events

page 22

Happy Halloween!

page 21

Armed with awareness about human trafficking

page 20

Preschoolers get a boost to early learning

page 19


page 18

Falcons rule the Northwestern District

page 17


page 16

Eagles, Falcons have plenty of Bird Bowl competition

page 15

Gabby Finan makes Cougar golf history

page 15


page 14

Home prices remain high as inventory falls

page 13

Brian bakes up a cookbook

pages 11-12

Sweet things are her forte

pages 11-12

'Fed up' after 11 years with Corey Stewart

page 9

LETTER: Vote Democratic to protect Medicare, Medicaid

page 9

EDITORIAL: Rep. Bob Wittman: My stance on health care

page 9

LETTER: Prepare yourself to fulfill an important task

page 8

LETTER: With so much at stake, vote on November 6

page 8

LETTER: Riggleman the outsider's choice for 5th district

page 8

LETTER: For thoughtful government – the way it used to be – vote for Kaine

page 8

Fauquier Flashbacks: From the Fauquier Times

page 7

OPINION: To heal our divisions: Vote, listen and look for common ground

page 7

Town of Warrenton announces fall leaf collections

page 6

Warner, longtime dean of the Virginia GOP, says he supports Cockburn

page 5

Sod farm owner, hauler file suit over new fill limits

page 4

With 8,000 postcards, 'Indivisibles' aim to sway midterms their way

page 3

Love it or hate it, Warrenton's first roundabout opens

pages 1, 4

Fast 5: Candidates split on health care, abortion

pages 1-2
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