Fauquier Times October 31, 2018

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Fauquier Times | www.fauquier.com | October 31, 2018

FAITH NOTES Submit your religious news events to asherman@fauquier.com at least a week in advance for publication. Please include address/ contact information for your event.

Friday, Nov. 2 All-you-can-eat pancakes: The United Methodist Men’s Group at Midland United Methodist Church, 5435 Midland Road, Midland, will host an all-you-can-eat pancake event from 4:30-7 p.m. Silent Auction also included for local missions. Free-will donations. Contact Pastor Barbara at 540-827-8555.

Saturday, Nov. 3 Prayer, dinner and discussion offered: Are you called to pray for our nation, our community, our families and our neighbors? If so, please join us at Christ Church Anglican, 95 Green St., Warrenton, Saturday evenings. First for dinner/discussion from 6-7 p.m., followed by prayer and worship from 7-8 p.m. Ask and receive answers to your questions. RSVP by text to Chaplain Jim Craft at 703300-3479 or email to Chaplainjimcraft@ outlook.com by noon on Saturdays.

Sunday, Nov. 4 Celebrate Recovery at Liberty Community Church: On Sunday, Nov. 4, at 10:30 a.m., Liberty Community Church and Celebrate Recovery will be sharing stories of hope and encouragement for those who are or who love someone who is struggling with addiction. Celebrating the positive life change that comes with recovery and overcoming hurts, habits, and hang ups. The community is invited to attend. Liberty Community Church is at 11775 Morgansburg Road, Bealeton. Contact: 540-439-0500. Choral Evensong at Leeds Church: In celebration of All Saints’ Sunday, Leeds Church will offer a choral evensong Sunday, Nov. 4, at 5 p.m. Soloists from Shenandoah University Conservatory will join organist Fred Clyne, and the Leeds Church Choir to perform the music of H.H. Parry, Viderö, Ingegneri and Léon Boëllman. The service will be followed by a complimentary wine and cheese reception. Admission is free and all are welcome. The Episcopal Church of Leeds Parish is at

4332 Leeds Manor Road, Markham. Contact: 540-364-2849 or www.leedschurch.org. Trinity Lutheran Church holds services: Trinity Lutheran Church, 276 Cleveland St., Warrenton, is now holding services at 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Located next to Taylor Middle School and across from the Food Bank. The Right Rev. Dennis Di Mauro invites all to attend. Visit www.trinitylutheranva.org

Thursday, Nov. 8 Faith Christian Church to host Marriage Summit: Joi Decker H. Tapscott Sr. and the community of Faith Christian Church for Marriage Summit 2018. The event will be Thursday, Nov. 8, through Saturday, Nov. 10, 7:30 p.m. nightly and 10 a.m. Saturday. The church will be hosting special guest Bill Malone of Life Empowerment Ministries, Fredericksburg. Faith Christian Church is at 6472 Duhollow Road, Warrenton. The summit is free and open to the public. Register at www.gotfaithnow.com/summit. Contact: 540-349-0178.

Friday, Nov. 9 First Baptist to hold Harvest and Holiday Bazaar: The First Baptist Church Annual Harvest and Holiday Bazaar will be held on Friday, Nov. 9, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. and again on Saturday, Nov. 10, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Table spaces are available for $55 for the two-day event. Contact: 540-219-6954.

Sunday, Nov. 11 Salem Baptist Church celebrate Annual Usher’s Day: Salem Baptist Church, 4172 Rosstown Road, Marshall, invites you to join us as we celebrate our annual Usher’s Day at 3 p.m. Guest preacher will be the Right Rev. James Hughson, pastor of Greater Joy Baptist Church, Front Royal, who will be accompanied by his choir and congregation. Please come in uniform. Lunch will be served after the 11 a.m. service. All are welcome. The pastor is the Rev. Leroy H. Stewart. The First Baptists Church of The Plains celebrates Missionary Day: The Right Rev. T.M. Ahl Sr. and the congregation of The First Baptist Church of The Plains will celebrate Missionary Day at 3 p.m. The guest speaker for the afternoon service will be the Right

Rev. Jewell Simmons, pastor of Providence Baptist Church, Orlean, accompanied by his choir and congregation. All are welcome! The First Baptist Church is at 4195 Loudoun Ave., The Plains. Contact: 540-253-5567.

Tuesday, Nov. 13 Warrenton UMC hosts prayer beads event: Women of Warrenton United Methodist Church invites all to join in an evening of learning the history of Prayer Beads. Each person will make their own Prayer Beads; all materials will be provided. The event will be held from 7-9 p.m. in Memorial Hall. Contact Peg Carson at 540-347-9172 for more information.

Ongoing… 18th Annual Bethlehem Walk celebrates birth of Jesus Christ Dec. 8-9: Stroll among streets filled with costumed-reenactor citizens of ancient Bethlehem. Step aside as imposing Roman soldiers patrol. Marvel at skilled craft makers, haggle with shopkeepers, and sidestep demanding tax collectors during the 18th annual celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth. Hosted by Parkwood Baptist Church, 8726 Braddock Road, Annandale, this well-received yearly event is presented at no charge as a holiday gift to the Washington Metro community Dec. 8 and 9, 3 to 7 p.m. Features include a live nativity scene, including animals, continuous musical performances, crafts and activities for children and refreshments for all. Due to Bethlehem Walk’s popularity, visitors are encouraged to reserve timed tour tickets in advance, online at www.parkwood.org. Details are available by calling 703-978-8160. Warrenton Bible Fellowship’s winter coat drive underway: Warrenton Bible Fellowship’s annual Winter Coat and Apparel Drive is now underway. Donate gently used or new coats and winter apparel for distribution to folks in the area who have a need. Donation sites set up at Chick-fil-A Warrenton, WBF front porch (46 Winchester St.), Long & Foster Realtors and Union Bank. Coats will be made available to the public on Saturday, Nov. 17, from 8 a.m. - noon at WBF (enter through the lower-level side door).

TIME AND EXPENSE By planning ahead, consumers can reduce some of the expense involved with conducting a funeral. Waiting until the time of need to make important choices forces the family of the deceased to make funeral spending decisions while consumed by grief and short on time. As a result, they are not in any mood to comparison shop for the most appropriate services and the best prices. This is not the shopping behavior that most consumers exhibit while making other significant purchases. With this in mind, individuals are encouraged to take advantage of our policy of providing an itemized list of our products and services while they have the time and temperament to preplan a funeral. If your wishes are unknown when you die, your loved ones will be faced with making difficult decisions at a trying time. Will they know if you wish to be buried or cremated? Will they agree on an open or closed casket? Will they agree on how much to spend? Confusion and disagreements are common occurrences when there is no plan to follow. You can avoid this by leaving behind a plan. To learn more about preplanning a funeral, please call MOSER FUNERAL HOME at (540) 347-3431. Please stop by our tastefully appointed facility at 233 Broadview Ave., Warrenton, and be sure to ask about our BRIGHT VIEW CEMETERY, located just outside of Warrenton.

“Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to.” – Lao Tzu

Places of Worship Grace Episcopal Church • HOLY EUCHARIST: Sundays, 9 a.m. • SUNDAY SCHOOL: Children & Adults 10 a.m. 5096 Grace Church Lane, Casanova (1 mile off Meetze Road) The Rev. James Cirillo, Priest • (540) 788-4419


ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC CHURCH 271 Winchester St., Warrenton, VA 20186

540-347-2922 MASS SCHEDULE Weekday: 6:30am & 8:30am Saturday: 8:30am, 5pm & 7pm (Spanish) Sunday: 7:30am, 9am, 10:45am, 12:30pm & 5:30pm For Holiday Masses, please visit

www.stjohntheevangelist.org St. John the Evangelist Parish is a Catholic faith community committed to living God's message as given to us by Jesus Christ. We strive to encourage Christian love, faith & peace.

Father James R. Gould, Pastor


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Articles inside

Fauquier Faith Notes

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Learn about winter birds

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page 28

Our Communities: GOLDVEIN

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Our Communities: WARRENTON

page 26

Casting call for Shakespeare's 'As You Like It'

page 24

Fauquier Nightlife Calendar

page 23

Ruritans make communities better

page 23

Upcoming Events

page 22

Happy Halloween!

page 21

Armed with awareness about human trafficking

page 20

Preschoolers get a boost to early learning

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Falcons rule the Northwestern District

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page 16

Eagles, Falcons have plenty of Bird Bowl competition

page 15

Gabby Finan makes Cougar golf history

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page 14

Home prices remain high as inventory falls

page 13

Brian bakes up a cookbook

pages 11-12

Sweet things are her forte

pages 11-12

'Fed up' after 11 years with Corey Stewart

page 9

LETTER: Vote Democratic to protect Medicare, Medicaid

page 9

EDITORIAL: Rep. Bob Wittman: My stance on health care

page 9

LETTER: Prepare yourself to fulfill an important task

page 8

LETTER: With so much at stake, vote on November 6

page 8

LETTER: Riggleman the outsider's choice for 5th district

page 8

LETTER: For thoughtful government – the way it used to be – vote for Kaine

page 8

Fauquier Flashbacks: From the Fauquier Times

page 7

OPINION: To heal our divisions: Vote, listen and look for common ground

page 7

Town of Warrenton announces fall leaf collections

page 6

Warner, longtime dean of the Virginia GOP, says he supports Cockburn

page 5

Sod farm owner, hauler file suit over new fill limits

page 4

With 8,000 postcards, 'Indivisibles' aim to sway midterms their way

page 3

Love it or hate it, Warrenton's first roundabout opens

pages 1, 4

Fast 5: Candidates split on health care, abortion

pages 1-2
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