Fauquier Times | | October 31, 2018
Rep. Rob Wittman: My stance on health care Last week, this publication attempted to describe my position on health care. However, they got it wrong and I feel the need to set the record straight. They are correct in that I have voted to repeal or amend the Affordable Care Act. Why? I was there when Nancy Pelosi stood at the front of the House Chamber and told us we had to vote for the law to know what’s in it. That bill passed without a single vote from House Republicans, and the law has been a failure from the beginning. Although I didn’t, and still do not, support
the ACA I have long supported several principles included in it; actually, before they were included in the ACA. Those provisions include protecting coverage for those with pre-existing conditions, allowing young people to stay on a parent’s plan and eliminating lifetime caps for insurance coverage. I have met with countless constituents, providers, and administrators across the 1st0 Congressional District and they have told me how the ACA has failed to deliver on its promises to lower costs, increase access to care,
Vote Democratic to protect Medicare, Medicaid Medicare and Medicaid were enacted in 1965 and are funded by a payroll tax deduction. Civilian workers and military members have been paying in for their entire working life and are entitled to benefits when they retire. The 2019 Republican budget includes a Medicare cut of $537 billion! Anyone who currently uses Medicare or who has planned to use it should be outraged. The bill also calls for privatization with a voucher to purchase private insurance. Is this what you bargained for? What happened to campaign promises not to cut Medicare? The new budget has large cuts to Social Security predominantly affecting the disabled and has large cuts to Medicaid, predominantly affecting children, the disabled and low-income people. The new budget also has major changes to the Affordable Care Act with cuts in subsidies, resulting in
increased premiums and putting those with pre-existing conditions in jeopardy. The Medicaid expansion would be repealed, resulting in 1417 million people losing their coverage. There were empty campaign promises to do something about reducing drug prices. Medicare is currently banned from negotiating prices with pharmaceutical companies by the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003. It ought to be easy to eliminate this ban, but repeated attempts by the Democrats have been blocked by Republicans. If you are interested in reducing drug costs and keeping Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and ACA benefits for yourself or others who rely on them, vote Democratic on Nov. 6 and elect Tim Kaine and Leslie Cockburn. Anne Burhans Broad Run
and expand choice. We need a health care system that empowers individuals and families to make decisions for themselves based on what best fits their needs, wants, and budget. I support a path forward for repealing and replacing the ACA with patient-provider centered reforms that expand choices for consumers, increase access to care, and reduce health care costs. Rep. Rob Wittman (VA-01)
‘Fed up’ after 11 years with Corey Stewart
I’m a life-long Virginian who moved to Prince William County in 2007, when Corey Stewart became chairman of our board of supervisors. As a political independent, I’m fed up with the misleading campaign rhetoric, empty promises and divisive scare tactics that Corey Stewart — and some other candidates from both major parties — use to try to hide problems with their character, lack of accomplishments or failed leadership. As a result of Chairman Stewart’s failed leadership, Prince William County has the most overcrowded classrooms in all of Virginia, some of the most congested roads in the nation, increasing crime, an inadequate commercial tax base, massive county debt and other major problems. And our problems are getting worse. Stewart has chosen to sacrifice our quality of life to satisfy his own self-interest in election campaign contributions from new home developers and related special
interest groups. Details about these and other countywide problems, including the source of our facts, are in “The REAL 2018 State of Prince William County,” published on the Citizens Alliance of Prince William website ( I founded this nonpartisan organization almost two years ago to fight out-of-control rezoning and new home development, raise awareness of our county’s problems and encourage citizens to begin to fix them by electing new county supervisors in 2019. This satisfies what I feel to be my obligation to expose what I’ve learned during 11 years of experience with Corey Stewart. Please vote on Nov. 6 for the future of your family and Virginia. Doug Widener Gainesville
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