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nicoline patricia

belleza tropical




the bible of the opera




chloe clau

articles, shoot & SCOOP 10

fashion. the phenomenon



fashionable enough? are you?


karma konversation enjoy the fall




jfff 11th


be chocolat guilty pleasures


the skaters photo by repo


les femmes chocolat dewandra djelantik


heart kingdom midi-tation


to take care of... your friends


townSquare suites me fine


make up 101 by yeanne i do


fashion horoscope

golden fleece by natasha

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“To inspire and to be inspired” This month is a special time for the FAUVE Magazine because we have hit a milestone and are celebrating our second anniversary! 2 full years of FAUVE. We have come a long way from our humble beginnings, when FAUVE Magazine was only an idea, a distant dream that started in my mind before it became a name on the web. As far back as I can remember, I have been curious about the role of all these talented designers such as Sebastian Gunawan, Magali Pascal, BlackHeart, Priyo Oktaviano and so many others… in the indonesian fashion industry.

FAUVE is also a Model Agency that recruits the best models in town, I am so proud of my girls and guys ;) big kisses to all of you!

I would like to special thank Yeanne, best make-up artist in Indonesia that always been there for me and for Fauve! I love you Beauty ;)

A big thank to all the advertisers that support the magazine. I especially wanna thank Karol and Nick from 69slam, Magali Pascal, Christophe Hair Salon, Louise for Bamboo Blonde, Melanie for Motion, Daniela for Shivaloka and more… that supported FAUVE since it started.

I let you enjoy now the FAUVE Anniversary Issue!

I am also very grateful to all the amazing writers contributors (Katya, Samantha, Veronica, Swathimaa…) to give great contents columns every months!

Have a great time ;) And see you all at TownSquare Suites on the June 26th for Fauve Anniversary Event. Keep this evening free on your agendas to be among us! Xxx Fauve

Photography : Nicolin e Patricia HMU : Julhenry & Li ttle Leeyah

I long respect the work of famed photographers as Nicoline Patricia Malina, Dewandra Djelantik, Jason Reposar, Natasha, Jacky Suharto & Diego Verges. Their photos represent their fashion work for fashion magazine. Thanks to all of you to create the incredible imagery inside the Magazine.

FAUVE ADVICE: All Fashion Editorial images, created by an array of photographers and creative teams, printed within Fauve Magazine can also be viewed in their HIGHEST QUALITY online at www.fauvemagazine.com. Visit our website to see past and present shoots. Copyright © 2014 all right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without written permission from FAUVE, opinions expressed in “FAUVE” are the writer’s and not necessarily endorsed by FAUVE. FAUVE is not responsible or liable in any way for the contents (advertising included)

el Denim Outfits: Blackheart Lab

– fashion –

Every day is a fashion show & the world is your runway...

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BY katya Fashion. What comes to mind when you hear this word? Fashion is a very broad concept, a phenomenon so deeply integrated into our lives that it is almost implausible to imagine that there ever was a time when fashion didn’t exist. It might’ve been around even when cave men walked this planet - there definitely should have been those animal skins that were “in vogue” and various ways to wear bones in your hair which was “sooooooo last era”. These days the word “ fashion” is mentioned hither and thither at the speed of a few hundred times a minute, and it makes me wonder if we fully embrace its definitive meaning. So, what is fashion? The term “fashion” is usually generalized to clothing, but it’s much more than meets the dye. Fashion affects our lives whether we like it or not, and is a prominent influence on the everyday choices we make, whether we’re aware of it or not. It is absolutely not vital for our survival as biological species, but as a social species we tend to pay a great deal of attention to it. Within the social circles, it is a pinnacle of being judged upon. Fashion is a purely social thing; it is a form of self-identification and communication. Since the dawn of time, us humans would decorate the external appearance with body paint, jewelry, tattoos, clothes and particular hairstyles; in order to indicate their gender, social and economic class,

religion, group affiliation and so on. This self-decoration is a form of non-verbal communication that lets one express his or her identity, and provides other individuals with the surface information of one’s place in the system of social coordinates.

On the flip side, the fashion industry has also contributed to a current social conscious based on overconsumption, to the perversion of the ideal of woman’s body, to global pollution and to the support of superficial materialistic values of society.

As it is able to highlight the individuality, it also serves a totally opposite purpose – unifying individuals with others, satisfying that craving for the sense of belonging. This side of fashion is reflected through the concept of “mass uniform”. Youth subcultures are the best examples of “mass uniform”. The rock music culture, the hippy culture, the hipsters, and the surfers – they all have collective “uniforms”, that indicate their group affiliation and from which the individual can be distinguished when outside of their group.

Child labor and poor conditions for production workers has also been a very serious issue in the fashion industry, but many turn a blind eye to it as the profits keep coming in. The Fashion ‘magazine’ itself contains more than 60% of Ads in their pages, projecting an almost unachievable lifestyle, telling us what is cool and what is not, telling us what we want.

The democratization of fashion in 20th century turned it into a gigantic industry. Before, there were only few fashion houses that were producing exclusive items for a privileged layer of society. Most pieces have been hand made and usually it was only a single copy of particular style. The democratization brought fashion to the masses, made the quantities bigger and the prices lower. Fashion became accessible to everyone. This created many new job opportunities for creative people, places of work and a new income to the global economy. The models, fashion bloggers, the stylists, the fashion photographers – these professions are relatively new in relation to the ancient concept of Fashion and young bohemians now have a much wider spectrum of profession when choosing a career path.

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Fashion is a reflection of our everchanging world of duality. Its elusive, never stagnant, repeats itself once in a while, has its good and bad sides. It gives you tools to either show, or hide yourself – whichever you prefer. Fashion is an art, its inspiring and aesthetic. Just don’t fall a victim to it and never forget that in the end… its all about Style.

Photography: nicoline patricia | Assistant: Melvin roberto Model: gina fauve agency | Hair & Makeup : julhenry | Location: mexicola & salty seagull

– interview / photographer –

nicoline patricia malina la faiseuse d’images

Could you name some of the photographers that have inspired you and helped to shape your approach to fashion photography? BY jul I have been following Nicoline’s work for quite some time and it just keeps getting creative and exciting. She has a nack for fashion photography and it clearly shows. I decided to find out a bit about her and what her goals are for the future and current project. Nicoline, Can you tell us a bit more about yourself? Where do you come from? Where do you live? What led you to a career in fashion photography? Do you have formal training in your background? I was born in Surabaya, Indonesia, but currently living and working in Jakarta. I picked up my camera when I studied in Holland back in 2005, learned how to use that alien thing by myself and help from some friends and Google. I wanted to make fashion photos like what I saw from magazine pages by shooting my flatmates wearing their best outfits, did it for a year before I started to shoot real fashion models, and sent the portfolio to some magazines. It was 2006, and then from there, things got me further and further.

Peter Lindbergh and Ellen von Unwerth. I love their journalistic style in fashion editorial photos. Their photos seem honest and real. What would we find in your camera bag for a typical assignment in studio or on location? My sony a900 camera, a portrait lens and a zoom lens, a Fuji xe2, lots of memory cards. What is your approach to lighting? Do you prefer artificial or available light? The best lighting is 4/5pm sunlight on a clear day, but I use a couple of lights in my studio. What are your most used light modifiers and why? Reflectors! Easy and efficient and very useful. What style do you mainly shoot? I don’t know if I have any! But I love to tell stories in my photos, or to give characters to my models. If not fashion photography and videography, what

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would Nicoline is doing with her time? Reading, tending my garden, I want to have a little store that sells books, cakes and plants. What has been the best advice given to you by another photographer? I read this on one of Ellen von Unwerth’s interviews (I love reading her interviews). She said “find what you love, find what you want to say, find your style, and then go for it. Take pictures, as many as you can.” Who is your biggest Inspiration? My mom. You know that thousand handed goddess of mercy? When I was a kid I read a book about her and fell totally in love. You know when how kids love superheroes? I adore Guanyin. Then as I grow older, she reminds me a lot of my mom. THIS IS THE POINT WHERE WE ASK EXCITING AND ABSURD QUESTIONS. READY? If you were suddenly put totally in charge of Google, what’s the first thing you’d do? Asking Google, “what should I do first?”

If you were forced to sing every line you’d speak for the rest of your life, which singer’s voice would you choose to do it?

If you were stuck in a plat of a book for 2 weeks, what book would you pick?

The most important thing my mum taught me was… hold your grounds, believe in yourself.

Jack Kerouac, On The Road.

Jane Birkin bien sur!

If you were a Native American chieftain, what name would you give yourself?

The most important thing my dad taught me was… be patient, don’t be rude to people.

What’d you rather, not sleep for 3 days, or not bathe for 3 days? I did both on an assignment in Yunnan, it was a pretty hard shoot terrain. I’d rather not bathe, and spray lots of perfumes and avoid direct contact with people :D The lack of sleep made me cranky on the 36th hour, and I became very slow. Not effective. If humanity appointed you as its ambassador for momentous first contact with aliens, how would you introduce our species? Don’t judge us by the songs they play on our radio (I assume they would receive the transmission first).

The Dream Weaver PLEASE FINISH THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES Today I feel so much better because… boyfie gave me a morning kiss today.

It’s not good to believe in… your doubts. If I were to get stuck with Adrien Brody in an elevator, I’d say… “Hold my hands, I’m claustrophobic. Oh you may hold other parts too if you like” I hope that this year brings me more… Smile!

When I watch the news, I feel… concerned(?)

Thank you Nicoline for sharing a little bit more of yourself with us. We wish u continued success and to offer us these amazing photographs of yours!

Coffee goes well with… a nice ceramic cup

www.npmphoto.com www.nicolinepatricia.com

Sometimes I forgot that I’m… loved by so many people

I don’t like cats when they’re… smelly

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Photography: nicoline patricia | Assistant: melvin roberto | Model: helene Fauve Agency Make Up & Hair: Julhenry | couture creations: sebastian gunawan | location: bali agung theatre & la favela

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– interview / designer –

maria agnes blckhrt the label

BY jul How would you describe the ‘BLCKHRT’ Woman? She’s the woman that I strive to be: independent, sensible, and free-spirited. What are your basic design principles? My baseline is always contrast and polarity. Between feminine and masculine, dark and light, mature and playful, raw and refined. The challenge is in finding the place where they interface and holding them in balance. Where do you seek inspiration? I’m particularly open and inspired when I travel; I try and make sure that journeys are a big part of my life. But I find it everywhere really. The things I witness when I scuba dive or when I’m trekking. An artwork I see in a gallery somewhere that moves me; random things I see when I’m driving or walking and the design process starts from there. It’s just a question of being awake to it all.

Do you have a muse? No. But I find that a lot of the women I encounter help drive my creative process. They are not people I know intimately, so my mind sort of turns them into archetypes. This exquisite black girl I met in Harajuku, a graceful young artist in a yoga class, a sassy, streetwise model on the lower eastside. What does your average day entail? I wake up pretty early; do my morning meditation then yoga, breakfast. Then it’s work, lunch, more work. Then I walk my dog on the beach around sunset. Have dinner, meditation and sleep. I lead a pretty simple life really. But I try to do something new everyday in between activities. A raw cooking class, a sunrise trek or visiting a beach I’ve never been to before. What message do you try to convey with each collection? Well, it’s different each time. Each season, I come up with a theme and then riff off of that. But on a more practical level, I’m trying to be more conscious about how I produce and the materials I use. Starting this season, I’m going to stop using animal products like leather. Which is your preferred season, Spring or Fall and why? I like both. Once I’ve done one, then the next one feels refreshing. :)

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A lot of celebrities wear your gowns to big events. Does what they wear draw interest to the particular gown worn, or to the BLCKHRT brand as a whole? Both. It’s definitely valuable marketing. What has been your most memorable moment to date and why? I can’t remember anything in particular right now. I guess skydiving was pretty up there. Memorable moments usually happen when I travel somewhere new and beautiful, or when I’m doing something I’ve never done before. What do you love most about fashion? That it changes all the time. What do you hate most about fashion? That sometimes it feels like it’s moving too fast. What can we expect from your next collection? It will be better than the last one :) If you could give women one piece of fashion advice, what would it be? Have more fun :) www.blackheartlabel.net

Photography: nicoline patricia | assistant: melvin roberto | Model: maria-agnes & chloe fauve agency Make-Up & Hair: julhenry & little leeyah | stylist: maria-agnes for blckhrt | Location: taman ujung water palace


– interview / model –

chloe clau androgynous & graceful How do you define your style and what your favorite store to shop? Long pants, high sneakers / low boots, shirt, a jacket on top of the shirt and a cap! My favorites stores to shop are “Pull and Bear” and “Topman”

BY jul Today we introduce you Chloe. This Indonesian native has a passion for fashion and travel. Chloe’s passion led her to travel all around Asia. Now with a strong new look, Chloe is ready to walk the world and it will be a game on. How did you become a model, and what was your first breakthrough? It wasn’t actually planned. I was tricked into it, at first I was told by my older sister to drop off some stuff to the place, where a model’s audition was held. But once I reached the place I saw many of my friends there, joining the audition, so I sat there and talked to them till late afternoon. When the audition was closing, my sister grabbed me and asked me to exchange clothes with her. At that time that was the first time I wore heels in my entire life. And I bet I walked worse than a gorilla. Log story short, I passed the audition and joined the process till the end. Unexpectedly, I won the audition and then I moved to Jakarta. My first breakthrough was walking for Jakarta’s Fashion Week 2012; I was booked for 21 shows. How do you keep fit, what is your training routine and menu? Eat healthy and drink lots of water. For exercise, I play basketball or go to the gym on my free time.

What are your main interests & hobbies? Eating, watching movies, getting drunk, hahaha!! Oh and sleeping

What advice do you have for other aspiring models? Rule nr. 1: you have to have your own character to compete with other models. Especially there is a lot of really good models here to compete with. Who are some of your favorite fashion photographers? Still Glenn Prasetya and Nicoline Patricia Malina

What is the one fashion item that you can’t live without? A jacket

What does fashion mean to you? Fashion is where we can create and express our own selves.

What is your favorite place to stay? Where it is chill, peaceful and close to nature. With lots of trees and nice view

How has modeling changed other aspects of your life? It made me be more responsible; appreciate other people’s time, effort and hard work.

Who are some of your favorite models and designers, and why? Favorite model: Cara Delevigne, because she is unique, has great sense of humor and a very strong character.

Who inspires you in life as a person? My mom

Favorite designer: Yohji Yamamoto, because I like his design and style. Which fashion magazines do you like to read? Harper’s Bazaar. What’s your fashion mantra? “Don’t let anyone with bad eyebrows, tell you shit about life “ HAHA !!! Out of all of the photos the photographers took of you, which is your favorite and why? The ones that were taken by Glenn Prasetya and Nicoline Patricia Malina, because these guys have their own unique style in their photography.

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What’s the dream project you fantasize to do? Start my own label in fashion industry Through out your modeling career so far what is the best memory you have? When I got the show for Bin House, because there we got to express our real style, real selves. It was unlike any other shows where we have to follow client’s orders. But in every show there’s always something new and memorable that happens. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully by that time I have a few businesses running that I own. 5 words that describe yourself? - Boyish - Friendly - Hard worker - Adventurous - Neat

am u


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el Ev an


Ry an

Tan dya


Are you fashionable enough, fashion people? BY rai The fact is some people think they are fashionable enough when they wear labels, attend a prestige fashion week and or have a newfashion-boutique. Thus, they convince that they are cool enough to call as ‘fashion people’. Wait, are they? Once, I attended a new collection launch by labels in Bali. Again, I spot the same thing happen in every fashion events; how funny it is, when you figure out too many people stated that they are ‘fashion people’, while...okay, let’s the public judges. Correct me if I am wrong, but I see some people just too confident to put all stuff into one outfit and feel now they are fashionable enough. Then they started to talk about fashion; the trend and update, and the gossip behind, and etcetera. Do they just want to convince us that how to become what we are in the society called ‘fashion people’? Back to moment of few years ago, when most young women working outside fashion would not have necessarily been aware of the coolest items in the fashion industry. And then we can blame it on fashion magazine, or fashion blog, or social media who indulge us with up-todate images of model or public figure who look so chic, cool and amazingly beautiful. Then, so many women seem to be falling victim. They fight for coolest ‘it’ items, no matter what. Even it might be not suitable for the own taste and character. There are might be some things that they do not cover or figure out. Let me tell you.

Being fashionable doesn’t mean you have to copy exactly what you see on other people; for example wearing everything from top to toe with labels. Because, it will not make you look fashionable enough and becoming one of the fashion people. In fact, you will have a potentially risk to be the subject of bullying of fashion police (if only they are exist surround us). Maybe you wonder why some of them; editor, bloggers and model look great? I tell you, they got stuff for free from designer to make other people like us then have a desire to have and buy it immediately. It will be no problems if you are millionaire or rich enough, but if not, it will be not healthy. The solutions I could say is there are plenty of store out there that offer items that feature similar with the designer pieces. Thus, I suggest you not to be afraid to seek any store, and find something cool there because it’s everywhere. You might find cool blazer, some killer black leggings, and the perfect pair of skinny jeans in a store that people think not cool. Or go for fast-fashion haunts, dusty old thrift stores, and off-price heavens. You will not know what will surprise you there. And then, you have to know how to style yourself based on your own taste (not others). It might be the same blouse with other people wear. But choose the right one that fit on you; the size or the details on the blouse. Know how to mix-match it with skinny jeans, unbuttoned or extra button, rolled up sleeves or not, and added with some cool accessories. You got it?

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There is no great way to look fashionable enough except to go with your own style. That’s all? Not yet. I figure it out that those kinds of fashion people always try to look more ‘done’ than everyone else. They are trying so hard to impress by wearing rocking party dresses, having long beachy wave’s hair, and teetering on heels. Come on ladies, do not you know that looking little less ‘done’ will make you more stylish. You might have to try to change your mind that small things can make you have genuine style. For example, try to have chic skinny pantsuit or chop your hair into messy bob. That might be making you look much cooler than others. After all, the significant things still, some people do not understand labels that make them cooler. You think that 5,000 dollars floral dress and 10,000 dollars red clutch bag makes you are fashionable enough? Not really. Sometimes, you just need faded gray t-shirts and jeans and you might become a coolest person in the room. Why/ because you have confidence. I believe, again, those people just try to be trendy (follow up the trends) and want to be considered stylish. But one thing, they might not realize. The important thing is not the dress you wear or it’s a Louboutin shoes you have, if you can’t be look good and walk in them. Just wear the little less ‘done’ outfit and a comfortable heel that make you confident and it will make you look much cooler. *

ma r ket Shivaloka - Parinati Bracelet YOKII - Skull Sweat

intage m- V a l S 9



kody &k o

- se lfi e stic



al i pasc





Blamo Toys - The On e True King


Niluh Djelantik - Danny Shoes – 63 –

– Spotlight –

be chocolat Guilty Pleasures in Canggu

By Katie Lovers of hand-made chocolates can indulge their passion once more in Bali……………. Something you don’t expect to find amongst Canggu’s rural surrounds (is it a mirage?): a Euro-style boutique chocolate store. Not only Bali’s first artisan chocolate store, Be Chocolat is a brand new chocolate concept, where quality chocolates are hand-made daily and sold on-site at the minimalist retail premises – a miniscule 28-square metres! But never mind all that: Be Chocolat answers many expats prayers, craving authentic hand-made chocolates like those sold in chocolate heaven, Northern Europe. Masterminds

behind Be Chocolat are Belgian Michel Laline and Spanish partner, Titus Ruiz; their new venture may seem small, but the pedigree is lofty and legacy is huge. As per usual in Bali, Be Chocolat comes with a fascinating background story. Previously an architect in Spain, by his mid-forties, Michel realized what a stressful profession this was (and given Spain’s property market in the 1990s, that’s an understatement). So with a passion for chocolate (and as a Belgian, maybe in his blood), Michel reinvented himself as a Chocolatier. He and Titus established “Chocolat Factory” in 1997 – the first hand-made chocolate retailer in Spain– and a dream come true: their own high quality chocolate brand, produced in a factory, but hand-made by traditional methods, with quality cacao personally sourced from fair- trade African plantations. Originating in Barcelona, this award winning chocolate empire

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mushroomed into franchises and 40 small retail outlets in Spain, Europe and Asia. Offering something different from what was then available on the Spanish market, Chocolat Factory broke away from the decades-long tradition of purchasing chocolates: sold at cake shops and patisseries, traditionally-made by a master chocolate maker in different forms and flavours, presented in boxes and reserved only for special occasions. Chocolat Factory offered patron’s enjoyment combined with a guilty pleasure, to treat themselves or someone else to a “bit of what they fancy.” Their pioneering concept was also all about constantly researching new products, new ideas and diversity, coming up with variants on the classic box of chocolates. And with the founding partners an architect and interior decorator, design culture was a crucial element in defining Chocolat Factory customers’ experience of

purchasing and consuming chocolates: design and chocolate formed the core of business. All good but fast forward fifteen years from the launch; as regular visitors to Bali and the worsening Spanish economy, Michel and Titus decided to sell-up Chocolate Factory and two years ago, move to Bali full-time. Although Michel is “retired,” noticing there was no boutique artisanal chocolate store in Bali, they just couldn’t resist the challenge and opened Be Chocolat in Canggu. Along similar lines to Chocolate Factory – albeit on a much smaller scale and more a labour of love – Be Chocolat offers consumers “delicious moments of chocolate pleasure!” Different to Spain, here they produce fresh, hand-made chocolates daily in the small workspace at the rear; you can see them make the chocolates for sale – and smell the intoxicating aroma – as you walk in. These, all made with natural ingredients, no preservatives or artificial flavourings, with the core base of cacao, cocoa butter, cream and sugar. Unlike the other artisan chocolate producers on the island (which generally produce bars of chocolate), Be Chocolat sources cacao beans beyond Bali, from the islands of Java, St.Thomas, Madagascar and other previous African

sources. Why? “Because we believe they have a better taste,” explains Michel. “These beans are not so bitter, so strong, and we’re after something different.” Be Chocolat leans more toward the milk chocolate varieties, although cacao strength is measured by percentage. Their simply divine products, displayed openly with minimum packaging (if any), include strawberries on sticks lavished with white chocolate, chocolate lollipops, chocolate nibbles with a variety of nuts – such as macadamias and hazelnuts– chocolate with ginger slivers and chocolate snaps with almond and caramel. The antithesis of the brick-thick chocolate bar, they sell large thin chocolate pieces, super easy to snap-off and eat and chocolate with chili or sea salt, best accompanied with aperitifs or sweet wine. Arguably, La piéce de la résistance are rustic- crafted, but wickedly rich, fresh truffles (coated, uncoated, with alcohol, etc) made from 70 per cent cacao, cream and a “secret” ingredient: these are truly one of life’s guilty pleasures and far too sublime to share (if your lover has left you, who cares, after devouring a couple of these?) Michel’s architect eye and design obsession still lingers in the chocolate production. He and Titus

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are again constantly evolving new designs and innovations, creating custom-made products like edible chocolate vases, baskets and plates and providing bespoke restaurant and wedding commissions, renowned in Spain for gorgeous creations for wedding receptions, such as solid white chocolate decorated cakes. Look out for seasonal treats, such as Easter eggs and bunnies and Valentine’s Day and Christmas temptations, but anytime of year, for chocolate gift baskets for lovers or co-workers and delicious indulgences for yourself, children and significant others. Even the packaging is an antithesis of conventional chocolate brands, sustainable cardboard boxes with striking Be Chocolat logo. Future developments include breakfasts out on the evolving front patio, serving signature hot chocolate beverages, recreating the secret cacao recipes of the ancient Incas, as meticulously researched by Michel! Daily noon to 8pm, (breakfasts starting early check facebook.com/ bechocolat for details). Be Chocolat, #4 Jalan Subak Sari, Banjar Tegal Gundul, Brawa tel: 082237414584 bechocolatbali@gmail.com

Les femmes chocolat Photography: dewandra djelantik | art direction: julhenry | fauve Models: kris, gina, cristina, zahara & helene | M ake- U p & H air: little leeyah | special thanks to : be chocolat



friends by VERONICA After two years of talking what should we eat to be healthier, shinier and fitter, I thought, what part of our human life can we talk about on this anniversary edition? It would not be fair to say that there is any part of your body more important than other, they all need each other and have their own vital function. I wanted to write about something special. There is also a part of your life that is not connected physically with your body, but it seems to be very important and necessary to have a healthy and happy life for most people: YOUR FRIENDS. I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I lose a friend or have a fatal fight with one that breaks a wonderful friendship, I feel like I lost also a piece of my body or soul. And no matter the supplements, herbs or homeopathic pills you take, the yoga, meditation or martial classes that you go, sadness and pain will be there for a while. If you are a traveller and you are moving to different places to live or work, you can also experience how friendship is important to feel welcomed and become part of the new place each time that you arrive. But this is a hard job, it can be very difficult. To meet new people can be very easy, just go out one night, let the bubbles of a spirit go through your body and chatting will start quickly. But don’t feel disappointed if the next day the “nightclub new friend” ignores you when you cross him in the fruit section at supermarket. Not everyone has the same talent and skills to make and maintain friends. I am not referring to those “talking to everyone” that say “I have a lot of friends” just because they remember their names. I am talking about persons that are able to be there in the right moment, to call you when you were thinking “I need support”, to remember that you hate

butter or to make a five days trip to the other side of the world just to be at your wedding day. From my point of view, there are different type of friends, and I would like to propose a totally non scientific classification: - COLLEAGUES AT WORK I don’t talk about just a colleague in the office. Sometimes you really connect with someone at work. Of course, to be on the opposite side of the boss can create very strong bonds and solidarity to defend your interests. But also I observed that many times, a cigarette or coffee break and late hours in the office are an excellent “confession” scenario. I am sure some colleagues told me stories that they had hardly shared with anyone. What happen when you are fired or leave the company? No matter that most pronounced sentence on the farewell dinner was “we must meet often and repeat this wonderful moment, please!! I am going to miss you!”, probably you will never meet them again. Someone will take your place very soon. - HOBBY & COMMON INTERESTS FRIENDS With these friends you share unique moments. They are the only ones that can understand why you used all your savings when you were a teenager to buy the last sticker for your album or an old coin from last century, or why you purchased a vintage toaster through eBay. With them you can take a plane to watch a concert of the most trendy DJ in London and not feel guilty for spending your rent on it. Yoga, collection, music, food, sports, clothes, etc....anything can make you feel part of a group, understood and accepted. As long as you follow the trends and the rules.... - FAMILY FRIENDS This is my favorite category, maybe because I grew up in a traditional Spanish family. Here I would include your cousins, your uncles, brother, sisters, etc. It is wonderful if

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you are lucky enough to get a relative who can become a good friend. Because you didn’t choose to be family, but can choose to take advantage of destiny, who put someone special close to you. They are the only ones with whom you can make family jokes about your grumpy grandfather or the deaf auntie, or laugh reminding when you were a kid pulling that dirty pillow everywhere...they know you since ever, that complicity that family blood allows it is irreplaceable. - SCHOOL & CHILDHOOD FRIENDS There was one day that you thought you could not live without them. From elementary or high school, your football team or your neighborhood, you never imagined that your roads could take such separate paths when you became adults. I get extreme feelings with this category, either I see them absolutely far away from what I kept in memory and I can’t find any kind of connection. Or I get the feeling that time never passed and that we can continue our conversation from the last sentence we pronounced last time we met, ten years ago. - MY DEAR VAMPIRE FRIENDS These ones are experts in asking, begging, requesting, borrowing, taking and enquire. Maybe they arrived to your life through work, night, family, trip, school, hobby, internet.... But most of the time they are charming enough to put you in situations where you can’t say “NO”. You even would put your neck and let them bite your artery, you know you shouldn’t but you can’t avoid it... - PARTY FRIENDS These friends have a problem with day light. Could be mixed with the vampire one, but for different reasons. Any moment after midnight, flash lights, loud music and alcohol are the minimal basis to flourish this intense friendship feeling. Really, I felt already few times on the queue to go to toilet in a disco that I founded a great new friend, even I had exchanged intimacies while holding the bathroom door... But honestly,

in very rare occasions this excitement went further than next sunrise. Masks are popular during Carnival... - FACEBOOK FRIENDS About these ones ..... the real Facebook friend you never really met and you don’t want to meet anyway... Internet gives you the opportunity to increase this number as much as you want. For those on real need of fake popularity or lacking of real physical friends. - TRIP FRIENDS With these ones you feel an immediate and intense connection. A trip, excursion, tour, plane or train create the perfect environment for closeness. You know that the time is limited and want to share your life and experiences, specially anything regarding that specific trip. The best of this is that both of you are outside of your environment, nobody to judge, just you and your new friend. Some feel free to be as they really and naturally are; and others had faked a “traveller personality” that is far from the original person at home. I lived personally this situation few times when I visited some “trip friends” into their real habitat and I hardly recognize the same personality. - REAL FRIENDS These are the ones that we all want to have (or be). They make you laugh, exchange good energy but also share their worries when they are not feeling great. They understand and can feel when you are not on your best day just by your voice tone. They accept your imperfections and maybe even like them! They think often about you and sometimes show it with their actions. You feel good with them, they make you feel special and loved. You can count on them. But watch out, they are a rare specie and if you got a real one, you must do some exercises to keep the flame lighting. Don’t stop watering the flower of your friendship. It is also a love story that needs to be care of ;)

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MAKE-up 101


i do

Creating a romantic dewy bridal day look for this anniversary issue for bride to be that suits the tropical Bali weddings.

1. Clean face with Sensitive Foam Remover and moisturize with Day Time moisturizer.

2. Prime eyelid with creasefree Cover All Mix concealer to even out the skin tone. Highlight under brow with Microshadow Dessert. Fill in eyelid to create a softer day look with Microshadow Brown sugar.

3. Apply eyeliner with Black Pencil Liner as close as possible to the top lashes. Use Adhesive Clear on false lashes and apply it while adhesive is half dry close to the top lashes.

4. Prime face with oil free face primer. Apply Cover All Mix concealer under the eyes to conceal dark circles. Use color corrective concealer to hide skin imperfection.

5. Choose Liquid Foundation according to your own skin tone and one that is a shade darker to create shading on cheekbone and temple. Apply with a Dual Foundation Brush for a flawless finish. Set foundation with Loose Powder Natural.

6. Shade in cheek bone and temple and jawline with Micronized Compact Powder and highlight with Blotting Powder on nose, under the eyes and above the jaw line. Apply Bronzing Powder or Wonder Blush at the apple of your cheeks.

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7. Clean excessive fine hair under the eyebrow and shape eyebrow with Tribrow to match with your brow color.

8. Going back on the eye, create eye socket with Microshadow Choco d’or to create a darker crease on the eyelid. Apply Microshadow Choco d’or at the bottom of the eye from each end towards the front of the eye. Use Microshadow Brownsugar at the front tip of the eye to create a fresh day time look.

9. Define eyeliner with Gel Eyeliner and apply Long Lash Mascara for a fuller look.

10. Draw lip with Lippencil Old Rose and apply Lipstick Plump to the inside of the lips. Finish with Gloss Lips.

11. Here Comes the Bride…….A fresh summer bridal day look for you. Fauve model: Cristina Yeanne and Team www.yeanne.com

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golden fleece

Photography: natasha | Model: kris fauve agency | Hair, Makeup & styling: julhenry

dress: miss milne

left page, dress: miss milne, shoes: niluh djelantik | right page, dress: palma

top & short: k&i

left page, jacket: palma | right page, dress: palma


karma KONVERSATIONS Enjoy the Fall

by SWATHIMAA With the sweet joys of June finally here, you’ve set Pilates aside, for now — for righteous and joyous reasons — slipped gratefully into a luscious, new bikini, draped a cover-up over your tanned, taut shoulders, and set out on a sensual stroll along the beaches for a day of sun, wind, and surf…hopefully, to be accosted unaware by the man or woman of your dreams. It’s seriously summer, here in Bali, a time for love, adventure, and shopping, dancing, dining to your heart’s content. If you’re lucky enough to have arrived on our shores with your dearest mate, kerja bagus (good job)! If you’re luckier still, arriving here at the tail-end of your own Eat, Pray, Love story, you may find, without your notice, you’ll be swept up in the arms of a total stranger and start something that’ll knock your flip-flops off forever — or for the summer, whichever lasts the longest. We all love the heady, luxurious beginnings of Love. Wrapped in

new and infinite possibilities, as it certainly must (must!) be, romance always makes us melt, some of us, all the way down, ‘til we’re a drooling, squishy, happy mess. It all seems worth-our-while and worth contemplating, don’t you think? I’ll go first. Being in love is…lovely. Finding it, better yet, coming upon it, is something altogether wonderful. The first hint of new love wraps us in a powerful, overwhelming combo of innocence and desire. And, both are voracious. In the beginning, every second love lasts, we want as much as we can get. It’s said we feel most alive under two circumstances: when we’re in danger; and, when we’re falling in love. To some degree, they’re the same, especially if we get out alive; most especially, if we get out with our hearts — and our self-respect — in tact. Of course, the rest of the story may not be as sweet. But, for now, in Chapter One: As We’re Falling,

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that’s neither here nor there. Actually, it’s there — way out there in the distant future. Peace, joy, infinite light, and love may be the power of now, to coin a phrase, but the immediacy, the danger, and how it takes our breath away play a BIG part in keeping our attention locked on the here and now. The problem is, if we define feeling alive this way then we don’t actually get out alive, very often. 9 times out of 10, we stumble away heartbroken, which ain’t great. But, that’s for another day. Today, we’re sexy, hot, infinitely ripe, and available; and, so are the mateless-and-looking, newlyfound-and-delicious objects of our sandy-toed desires, standing right in front of us. We just have to pick one…or be picked. That’s what matters most: slathering our days in each other, not just sunscreen; lathering our nights in wild, wonderful romance then doing our best guiltless, nonchalant impression, when the maid comes to clean in the morning. Our mornings are about warm breezes, knowing

glances, soft touches and laughter, cool Bellinis, succulent fruit, and an assortment of mini muffins; midday is for splashing in the pool, the sun browning us as we languish on lounge chairs — with more Bellinis, more touches, laughter, and kisses for good measure. Everything means more Love. Late lunches, walks on the beach, the wind in our hair, laughing at kids chasing dogs or kids and dogs chasing kites, hawkers hawking, all mean more Love. There’s no cutting costs or caring about them, either. It’s all for Love and worth it. Don’t think I’m going to drop the other shoe here. Falling in Love is no time for caution, preemptive mom’s-voice-in-your-head, coitus interruptus I-told-you-so’s — at least, none that should stop you. Every intimate relationship starts with infatuation. Desire, lust are great natural motivators. There’s no sense denying it. Restricting them only makes them stronger. It doesn’t mean figuring out ways, if you must, to hide a condom in your bikini thong isn’t good common

sense. Falling head-over-heels or jumping without a net aren’t really how it all works, anyway; ending up in a crumpled mess — the inspiration behind any caution, in the first place — isn’t a territorial requirement of falling; it’s only an option.

can. The culprit is the misanthropic hubbub your mind may put you through, interpreting what everything means. That’s why the danger and immediacy of falling in love is so attractive. We don’t have to think. Our senses rule, not our monkey-minds.

Seduction is always involved. And, that takes time. Getting good at it is an art. Practice, of course, makes perfect. There’s no need to feel callous or jaded about it. As sexy and firm as the butt your holding onto while dancing may be, falling in love with the one its connected to is naturally more of a calculated fall. You don’t have to lose your mind. It’s actually better when you don’t. Marginal, temporary insanity — whether it’s chemical- or lust-induced — ain’t a bad thing. Actually, it can be quite nice.

Yeah, that’s what I said: our monkey-minds. They inspire us to jump and jump, thinking, thinking, thinking, angling for this and against that. We tell ourselves we go away to the tropics or wherever — to the most pleasant and accommodating places we can find — to temporarily vacate our lives. But, the truth is, we go to get a break from all the accumulated angst our monkey-minds burden us with back home. For that reasons alone, it is totally worth the trip, whatever happens. Enjoy falling, darlings!

If there’s a culprit in this, it’s not the alluring night-lights, the music, the fine wine, soft breezes, or the cute bottom you desire to play with it as much and as long as you possibly

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– fashion –

Jakarta Fashion & Food Festival 11th Indonesian Roots, Modern Look

BY rai In its 11th this year, Jakarta Fashion & Food Festival brings 11 young and talented Indonesian designers on stage. Among them are Ali Charisma, Barli Asmara, Deden Siswanto, Defrico Audy, Didiet Maulana, Itang Yunasz, Lenny Agustin, Musa Widyatmodjo, Stephanus Hamy, Sofie and Rafi Ridwan. In the beginning of the second decade event, Fashion Extravaganza presents the exploration of Indonesian roots and modern style of design. Rafi Ridwan, 12 years old designer stand calmly on stage. Standing next to him is Mari Elka Pangestu, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia. Known as the Indonesia’s Youngest Fashion Designer, Rafi will have shown his new collection entitled “Sirena del Sur”. It’s almost full-seat show with big fans of Rafi. They wonder what kind of collection that he will present this time. Despite being hearing impaired, Rafi sketches his designs and accessories using colours. His debut

is beginning after met Indonesian designer Barli Asmara at the Jakarta Fashion & Food Festival three years ago. Barli worked with Rafi to create a small collection which was shown at Canteen in Plaza Indonesia on July 2011. The small fashion show successful and propelled his career, Rafi then collaborate with Nonita Respati of Purana Batik and accessories designer Ariani Pradjasaputra. Together they showed a collection in Jakarta Fashion Week 2012. Tyra Banks took one of his designs for contestant of America’s Next Top Model cycle 20. After all the stories, no wonder Rafi gather many audiences. And most of them are already on their sit to enjoy the show which took place in Grand Ballroom, Harris Hotel &Conventions, Mall Kelapa Gading, Jakarta, on Sunday, (5/18). The young designers combine traditional weaving Bima and Troso from Central Java with embroidery accents and patterns of mussels and sea horse. Rafi said, he designed the sketches, full colour and then his partner will worked on it. This time his collection dominated by

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mini dress and party dress in red and orange. At a glance, from beginning to end, the collections look almost similar one and other. There are two rumours that then I heard about this young designer. That the sketches might be look best compare to the results that are being practiced in the runway models. And, Rafi should undergo education design first and got the right mentor before actually going forward on stage. I agree on that two of these rumours. The potential and talent of designer birth 20 July 2002 should be better get trained and embodied with precision. Exploration of traditional fabrics and Indonesian roots, like what Rafi did, seems still be the main spirit of the fashion show in Jakarta. After Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) and Indonesia Fashion Week (IFW) some time ago, JFFF (pronounced JF3), also did the same; featuring some of the designers who came back showing that the richness of the tradition of Indonesia. From a row of the name designers which appeared this year, some of them perform with this mission, such as Didiet Maulana with IKAT

Lenny Agustin

Rafi Ridwan

Indonesia, Lenny Agustin with Lennor cultivate batik Madura, and Stephanus Hamy that showcases the traditions of Sumatera and Sulawesi. Designer Musa Widyatmodjo also said that he would bring new collection that is inspired by the culture and the beauty of Bromo. Designer Didiet Maulana, on his label IKAT Indonesia presents “Indonesian Culture Lines” through women’s wear and men’s collections. Women’s collections were dominated by dress with detail without arms and show the curve of the body. He put some of motif in all design of the dress, or part of it. While for men’s wear, Didiet showed more casual with jackets, t-shirts, shirts, trousers and shorts. He also put his brand name IKAT in the mid of shirt or jacket. Stephanus Hamy took out some of traditional material with entitled of collection “Sumatera to Sulawesi”, two big islands in Indonesia. He combined traditional fabrics from the two island with the range of variety colours; red, blue, green, brown, orange. Hamy looks like play around with coat and outerwear, blouse and long skirt.

Stephanus Hamy

Lenny Agustin, funky designer who always try to have edgy collection for youth, this time was exploring batik from Madura. With the theme that she has in mind “Easy like Sunday Morning,” most of the collection look very natural and relax; loosely and colourful. Collections for women are blouse; shorts and dress, while for men’s are shirt and shorts with motif. Besides of three designers, two associations of Indonesian designers also have asked their member to show the artwork with the exploration of traditional fabric. They are Woevn Indonesian Textile or Cita Tenun Indonesia/CTI) and Indonesia Fashion Designer Association (or Ikatan Perancang Mode Indonesia/IPMI). Some designers from CTI are Ari Seputra, Auguste Soesastro, Barli Asmara, Chossy Latu, Didi Budiardjo, Era Soekamto, Priyo Octaviano and Stephanus Hamy. They have show on Saturday (5/17). And, IPMI designer has Barli Asmara, Carmanita, Era Soekamto, Mel Ahyar, Yogie Pratama and Yongki Budisutisna, shown on Sunday (5/18).

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Didiet Maulana

Among 11 designers that has a chance to show their collection, Sofie is one of the shining star at JFFF when he presented his one of the best collection “Urban Morphology” on Tuesday (5/20). His real name is Ahmad Soffiyulloh, but Sofie is quite provocative name (some audiences expect it must be a girl). Interestingly, he always has a fresh design, and this time, Sofie combined the traditional element to modern contemporary stylist and character. His designs appear with domination of black-white stripes of Zebra motif. Sofie then completely dress up the model from top to toe into a single package with the handbags and shoes, which indulge audiences’ eyes. From the beginning to end, he used the stripe lines of zebra motif. We love the dress, the bags and the shoes too. With his strong character of design, Sofie already steal the spotlight in the fashion event*

– style –

HEART KINGDOM MIDI-TATION (read: Midi Skirt Situation) BY AstriD

Surely we love our minis and maxis. Well, obviously have their time and places too but this time I’m introducing you to the midis - ending anywhere from just below the knee to a few inches above the ankle. It’s one of the secret weapon for this year’s fashion trend and it should become a staple in any wardrobe. Whether you option for a sleek or voluminous style. It can be flared or fitted it really doesn’t matter; length is truly the determining factor. A midi skirt is one that runs below the knee to mid-calf. It is usually made with a higher waistline and compliments almost all body types and that is why it is such a popular must-have piece in this time of the year.

Here some brief style 101 notes of why you need to get onto this midi skirt bandwagon. Teamed with pumps, a midi skirt’s the epitome of Mad Men polish and for those of you who live in eternal fear of a Marilyn Monroe-style moment of overexposure, fear not: in a calf-length skirt, you’re virtually guaranteed to keep everything under wraps, all while making your waist look teeny-tiny and your legs appear miles long. And lest you worry your look creep into overly ladylike territory, rest assured that below-the-knee skirts look equally fantastic combined with a casual top—like a graphic sweatshirt or worn-in denim jacket. I’d say it’s the easiest-to-style piece.

Here’s a few style tips to totally rock a midi skirt:

One. It’s impossible not to feel chic and collected in a voluminous floral skirt. Pairing it up with a slouchy logo sweater is so now!

Two. The kilt-inspired style is a cool option if you’re more grungy than girly. Androgynous. Ankle boots for extra quirk.

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Three. If prints aren’t your thing, a navy or black skirt can still make a statement if you hunt for a cool texture, like leather or a quilted fabric.

Four. Add points! Sleek pointy pumps are a dressy accompaniment to polish any midi, no matter the shape. Try nude or black to pareback a bright printed skirt.

Five. A highwaist pencil skirt is the perfect partner to a crop top. This is perfect for your evening outfit!

So there you go! I think I just styled you up from Monday to Friday! I wish you a great midi skirt week, girls! Love, Astrid

BAMBOO BLONDE FASHIONABLY LOUD EVENT AT THE STONE HOTEL On Saturday June 17th 2014, The Stones Hotel and Bamboo Blonde are hosting a fabulous sunset soiree of fashion, food and funky tunes to mark the beginning The Stones Hotel monthly poolside parties. Fashionably Loud; the event will showcase beautiful Bamboo Blonde’s latest collection together to the live beats of DJ Sterly Lee. The evening will also host a huge barbecue spread cooking up selection of smoky treats together with Happy Hour cocktails to be enjoyed poolside. The event starts at 4.30PM and continues through sunset until 7PM. For more information or reservation you can contact: +62 361 3005888 or email: fb.reservations@stoneshotelbali.com

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townsquare suites Suites me fine!

magnificent architectural design and size; enter via the funky lobby; sky-high glass and timber, and topped with glass roof water feature which results in an overall calming oceanic effect. BY KATIE TRUMAN

From the same stable as Jakarta’s TS (Town Square) Citos – a massive complex with around 60 restaurants, bars and retail outlets and the place to hang-out in the capital– comes the January 2014 launch of TS Suites; a hip ultra-contemporary boutique hotel with that distinctive TS lifestyle concept, but adapted to Bali and the tropical island life.

TS Suites features 90 rooms (starting from a generous-sized 45-square metres), 53 suites with spacious living area and outdoor balcony (nine arger suites cover 90-square metres) and twelve, two-bedroom villas, from 200 square-metres, accessed by stone pathway along an exclusive rooftop zone. These private, elevated sanctuaries – a divine find for Seminyak – come complete with open timbered deck and ample-sized swimming pool, semi-open living room and pantry and of course, fabulous urbanscape views. The largest villa, TStar, at 250-square metres, is the ultimate party pad, perfect for in-villa entertaining on the extensive open deck beside the infinity pool.

Injecting a welcome dose of Jakartacool and sophistication into southern Seminyak (and previously urban wasteland, Jalan Nakula), TS Suites simply stuns from the off with its

The TS owner contributed an obscene amount of time and soul to the TS Suites overall design and architecture, clearly evident throughout with meticulous attention

When your opening launch is filmed by Fashion TV, attended by Indo celebs and stretches to two days of non-stop partying, well, you must be a hot as a Korean barbecue commodity.

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to detail and premium materials. Interiors are sleek, earthy and natural, infused with neutral tones; all luxe rooms feature warm woods, including Brazilian timber for doors (edged with bare brickwork), polished hardwood floors and coffee wood beams displayed above beds, as well as eighteen varieties of Indonesian stone including terrazzo stone, bathroom floors crafted with quality Spanish marble and textured cream walls. All this blends with the latest appliances, including expansive LED TV screens; suites and villas boast 360-degree revolving TV screens which rotate round to beds or bathtubs for decadent TV viewing (send in your selfies to TS Suites Twitter account, then see your photos posted on the in-house screen). Of note are the super sexy bathrooms, with individual glass cubicle rain shower and toilets, and stand-alone bathtubs (some opening out to the bedroom), and in villas, a massive terrazzo stone tub opening out to the pool deck – some dens provide convertible indoor / outdoor Jacuzzis.

TS keeps to a promise of “endless indulgence;” all rooms, suites and villas are inclusive of complimentary soft drink mini-bar, WiFi access and services of Guest Relation, Guest Service and Guest Leisure officers, who can arrange anything and everything – including daily poolside activities notified by individual SMS texts. Guests also have exclusive use of top floor Leisure Club, a striking all glass-encased temple of leisure and dining open 24/7, host to amazing All Day Buffets – breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and late supper and super thoughtful, All Day Breakfast Concept (with inclusive a la carte breakfasts running from 11am to 11.45pm for die-hard revelers), game zone with pool tables, big screen for videos and sports, cute library with unlimited computer use, supervised toddlers corner and elevated gym. Phew! The Leisure Club leads out to a dazzling rooftop infinity pool – at 50m, Bali’s longest rooftop pool – with jaw-dropping 360-degree views of soaring volcanoes and Bali skyline. Along with the bar

and row of Bedouin-style, furnished cabanas, the pool is open all hours. The hotspot of many pool parties, get here for sunset time, cocktails in the Jacuzzi pool or Shisha pipes puffed on semi-submerged daybeds, perhaps later for a sensuous dip under the stars. Friday evenings are party nights (5-8pm) with resident DJs spinning chilled sounds, but more DJ nights are planned. No mere “hotel”, adjoining TS Suites is the ground-floor Courtyard, open to both guests and public, a hang-out zone TS Citos and Jakarta-style, but here in Bali, presenting just twelve carefully selected lifestyle venues edging a European piazza-like courtyard – complete with fountains and 8-metre rock water wall. Nighttime, the courtyard comes beautifully illuminated with fire beacons. Art markets, live entertainment and more events are in the pipeline; so far, new venues (with street access) include Eclectic Bar, famed Chinese restaurant chain The Duck King, Christophe C Salon and Bali’s hottest (yet coolest) new multi-concept nightspot, JENJA; its ultra-sleek

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restaurant, bar and club, already a huge hit for funsters. Even better, underground parking comes provided, a complete godsend in this congested area, and rounding off a very civilized night out in Bali – whether driving home or staggering back to the luxurious comfort of TS Suites. TS Suites, #18 Jalan Nakula Barat, Seminyak, Bali tel: +62 361 8469077 www.tssuites.com/bali

– spotlight –

Purpa Art Gallery Purpa Fine Art Gallery offers a unique collection of contemporary art by both established and emerging artists. Under the direction of I Nyoman Purpa, Purpa Fine Art Gallery opened its doors in 1970 at Jalan Raya Ubud then moved to Jalan Monkey Forest in Ubud. We have represented most of the artists, not only Indonesian artists but artists of all nationalities who live in Bali or spend time here. Some of the artists are now recognized worldwide such as Walter Spies, Antonio Blanco, Hans Snell, I Gusti Nyoman Lempad, Miguel Covarrubias, Arie Smit, Krijono and many others. Today, I Nyoman Purpa’s daughter, Ari Purpa, will continue this rich history and begin the next chapter of Purpa Fine Art Gallery. In 2014, we openned a new Gallery at Jalan Mertanadi in Seminyak area to organize exhibitions and increase our international visibility. It has been our goal to work with our artists for the long term, assisting them through their careers by exhibiting their works at our gallery and placing them in prominent collections. We strive to present works by emerging and mid career artists that inspire, excite, and intrigue our diverse clientele. GRAND OPENING Wednesday 18Th Of June, start 6 Pm Exhibition “FEMININE SIDE...” by Spanish Artist Mersuka Dopazo 13 - 31 August Special Opening Night with Mersuka Dopazo Wednesday 13Th Of August, Start 6 Pm PURPA ART GALLERY Jl. Mertanadi 97x, Kerobokan (100 m from the jail) Tel : + 62 819 99408804 Open Tuesday to Friday 10AM-6PM and Saturday 10AM-4PM www.purpagallerybali.com / ari@purpagallerybali.com

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– horoscope –


You can not only afford to let your inner Diva out, but you need to, making this a month that is about putting your own needs first and following your own heart. For with Venus, planet of desire and attraction spending her last full days in your sign she’s giving your intentions, desires and expectations for the coming year their final review. While your birthday month ended, it’s only now that you’re ready to know with conviction what you want from the future.


Due to return to your sign tomorrow, where she’ll take over from where the Sun left off last month and begin the final phase of getting your new solar year up to speed, Venus is urging you to make the most of her last full days in a nostalgic part of your chart. This is a month for letting your imagination wander, enjoying those escapes from reality that allow you to get lost in your daydreams as Venus takes your heart on a nostalgic trip down memory lane.


.As she spends her last full days in a social and serendipitous part of your chart Venus will be doing her best to make the most of the laws of attraction and synchronicity that are both in effect. This is a month for following your heart and your hunches, with fate working to put you in the right place at the right time. This is Venus’ last chance to orchestrate those serendipitous moments or encounters she is here to help orchestrate.


In her last full days in your career sector Venus is asking that you listen to your heart, trusting your professional desires and expectations. Yet another planet has an equally important agenda, with Mercury’s last full days in a reflective part of your chart needing time to hear yourself think, shutting out the nose and clutter of life to let your mind wander. This might be easier said than done, with lots of people wanting your time and attention.


There will be no road markers, banners or any physical signs that you have reached an important milestone, only a sense of conviction and confidence that is coming from within. For now, you reach a point where lucky Jupiter is now just 7 weeks away from your sign and the start of not only your luckiest year in over a decade, but the start of a new 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion. Trust a growing sense of anticipation and confidence.


Venus and Mercury have not only both reached an important and urgent month at the same front, they are each working to make their message count. As Mercury spends his last full days in your career sector, as important as it is to keep your head in the game, with the Moon returning ahead of the New Moon the only real urgency is about paying attention. Venus, in her last full days in your financial sector, is the more urgent voice, as you finalise and cement your financial desires and expectations for the coming year.


As she spends her last full days in your relationship sector Venus aligns with the South Node, a force that is not only able to get to the bottom of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, but of your own needs as well. As an important and at time challenging few months on the relationship front come to an end it’s your heart that needs to have the final say, along with giving you the power to move mountains if you have to.


In her last full days in your work sector Venus is asking that you listen to your heart, with a chance to get to the bottom of your real needs and expectations. You’ve long since passed the point where a job is just a job, with a much deeper meaning behind where and how you spend your time. While you can’t escape money being a main motivator, not with a New Moon in your financial sector, but on the work front money needs to come second to what your heart is telling you.

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In her last full days in a romantically charged part of your chart Venus is not prepared to go down without a fight, especially when it comes to letting life become all work and no play or for your relationships to get all your attention. It’s matters of the heart that need to come first today, despite the fact that the Moon is already in your work sector ahead of Venus’ return. There is also something building on the relationship front as well.


At the same time that Venus’ first full days in your home and family sector makes home not only where your heart is but where a lot of your focus needs to be, especially when it comes to establishing your priorities and where your work/life balance will lie, things are equally urgent on the work front. With powerful advocates on both sides of the fence, it comes down to knowing what you want and using that as a starting point.


Just 7 weeks to the day before lucky Jupiter is due to return to your relationship sector, kicking off your most important relationship year in over a decade Venus, planet of love is spending her last full days in your communication sector. Venus knows just how special and important the relationship opportunities ahead are and also how important communication is to your relationship success, pushing by whatever means to ensure the communication lines are open or even to push for a communication breakthrough.


In her last full days in your income sector Venus is working to not only define your income desires and expectations, along with cementing a sense of entitlement, she’s working to lay the ghosts of old financial tensions and challenges to rest. In her final day Venus will align with and move into opposition with the two forces that are keeping things grounded on the income and financial fronts, allowing you to see both sides of the fence with equal clarity.

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