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jason reposar

24 blog off:


julia kotuleva

42 suave duel

70 rebel gal

78 teatro

articles & SCOOP 10

fashion party


to take care of your nose


asian designers who steal the spotlight


make up 101 eye line


favourite swimwear style


karma konversations playing with god


surf the stage zahara


knitwear & masculine style fall 2014


indonesian fashion scene part 1


jenja game on


teatro gastroteque part 1


summer horoscope

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“To inspire and to be inspired”

Fauve put together a mag full of the hottest girls lensed by talented Photographers, dressed by our amazing designers and the most interesting real-life reads.



We have come a long way from our humble beginnings, when FAUVE Magazine was only an idea, a distant dream that started in my mind before it became a name on the web.


Until next time we wish you an amazing Summer full of joy ;)

Thanks very much to all of you that sponsored, supported Fauve Model Agency Event we attended at TS Suites. Fauve want to especially thank Adrian from Mexicola for his support during the event (he is the one who made u drunk) Sharon from Kody & Ko, 69slam, IOCO & Mistinguett!

Ph ot og ra ph y: Na ta sh a HM U: Ju lh en ry & Ye an ne

All my love goes to My Fauve Girls who are always ready to rock it and to Metta (my half) Yeanne & Dewandra Djelantik & team.

FAUVE ADVICE: All Fashion Editorial images, created by an array of photographers and creative teams, printed within Fauve Magazine can also be viewed in their HIGHEST QUALITY online at www.fauvemagazine.com. Visit our website to see past and present shoots. Copyright © 2014 all right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without written permission from FAUVE, opinions expressed in “FAUVE” are the writer’s and not necessarily endorsed by FAUVE. FAUVE is not responsible or liable in any way for the contents (advertising included)

out fits : Mag ali Pas cal

– fashion –

2nd Anniversary What-a-fabulous Fashion Party!

BY rai It’s not just a party. Fauve Model Agency 2nd anniversary showed what fashion people expect to have; free cocktails, nice foods, and spectacular fashion show with great designers and beautiful models! The sun just goes down and the TS Suite hotel in Seminyak, Bali on Thursday, June 26, begins gathering the crowd. One by one of the guests appear with their best dressed ever; chic and stylist girls and guys. Fauve 2nd anniversary backdrop is welcoming them at the gate. Hundreds and more come in and the big U-shaped runway becomes the spotlight. While guests entering the Courtyard, some people are busy in the back of the stage. Models are everywhere. Makeup artist and hair stylist give their best. Choreographer and music director are ready to have a show and prepare their final preparations. After spending time with the great

foods, drinks and cocktails, all attendances seems cannot wait any longer to see the show. It’s not surprising since 3 promising designers were said to show their new and fun collection this time. Who doesn’t know Sebastian Gunawan. As one of Indonesian favourite and famous designer, Sebastian Gunawan presented his collection “Blissful Blush”. Then followed by Ika Butoni, Indonesian designer who also well-known as the Hong Kong Star, presented “Timeless” collections. Last but not least, the very first fashion shows of Magali Pascal, French designer who show her new collection “Nuage”(Cloud). What a lucky to see! Blissful Blush by Sebastian Gunawan is feminine and elegant; long dress made of silky passing and sprinkling glitter embellishment dominance in soft colours. Those are typical design of Sebastian Gunawan that any woman would feel pretty while wearing it. Bianca Belnadia Lie, Brand Manager of Sebastian Gunawan said that the dominance of pink is the personal

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preference by designer. “We do the fashion show quite often, but this time for Bali, we decide to show feminine and sensual touch for girls.” Ika Butoni shakes through a striking collection of mini dress, dominated by playful colours and patterns. Some of items are A-line, mermaid, and backless, give the impression of a collection. For her presentation this time, Ika was adding a distinctive headpieces with have similar motif and colours. Overall, the collection succeed and more memorable. Ah, do you see the blue boots with transparent dress? I guess, it will stick in your head like I do. “Bali is related to its beauty of nature and that is why I choose many colours for this collection. And these are collector’s item,” she said. Then at last, Magali Pascal, a French designer who convince more about feminine appearance and sensual could be anytime and any occasion. The collections are dominated by white and black colours (classic as she said as timeless). Magali’s design showed the curve of the body

as well as transparent. It seems we have nothing else to say about the collections. What a well-craftsmanship. Magali Pascal makes the fashion show in celebration of the second anniversary of a Fauve Model Agency more impressive. Haven’t gone it feels breathless since the first show, backless dresses and low chest make reluctant to depart until the show ends. A number of invited guests who attended the event were arguably lucky to be witnessed for the first time show of collections Magali Pascal in Bali. I notice that since the show begins, most of the guests seems cannot stand not to take photos, even with their smart-phone. Blitz everywhere, now and then, almost for every single item of the collections. And we just realize, the show is full seat and full of amazed.

pretty as well. They are Helene, Katya, Gina, Salvita, Kris, Zahara, Cristina, Alba, Anya, Drina, Dara, Winny, Julia and Chloe. Some of the face you might see them as cover of Fauve magazine. Recognize one? Their perfect appearances exist with the help of Yeanne & Christophe Hair Salon. And if you fall in love with the shoes, the salutation may goes to Niluh Putu Ary. How about the place? They said, the amazing bar was built by Mexicola especially for the event. Those make sense by now if the guests stay there a bit longer rather than move around. And if you taste the food, I believe you will agree to have it more and more.

On the backstage

Metta Djelantik and Julhenry founder of Fauve Models Agency said this second anniversary event is not just about the show, but also want to introduce their model to the broad audiences. It might be not only for Bali, but also Jakarta and another country. They believe in the future, more models will have got promising attentions.

It’s not just the collections are great; we have to admit that the models are

“We are so proud to have the tree designers in the event, Sebastian

And it can be said almost all the collections presented are dazzled and impressed. I guess, you will agree to keep one of them one your wardrobe.

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Gunawan has a taste of elegancy, Ika Butoni’s fresh and so does Magali Pascal, we believe everyone will love it too,” she said. The party is belonging to everyone. One of the Fauve model, Katya said she was having so much fun at the party. The whole team is fantastic, very supportive and treat her like a family. To that opinion, Helena and Kris agreed. Regarding their appearance on the runway, we have nothing to ask. We just cannot stop to stare and want have more. Among the fabulous guests who come to the party, there is Nicoline Patricia, a famous fashion photographer. She looks so impressed and even gives a compliment. “What a well-packaged of the show!” she said. The night is not yet over after the show. The guests have a Hip Party at the new hottest club Jenja. And it seems, no one want to go back home. Let’s just have a party, then! *

monaco Photography: evgeny fist www.evgenyfist.ru | Model: kate grace | styling & hmu: yana fisti retouching: alexei bazdarev

top, skirt, bag and shoes: Chanel | necklase: Christian Dior | jacket: Valentino

dress: Kaufmanfrano | shoes: YSL | watch: Harry Winston | earrings and necklace: Graff

dress: Valentino | bracelett: Accessoires | earrings: Patek Philippe | bag: Christian Dior

dress: Victoria Beckham | blazer: Valentino | leeather leggings: Balmain | necklace: Zara | earrings and ring: Patek Philippe | hand bracelett: Accessoires | shoes: Guzeppe Zanotti Design | bag: Beavaldes

blouse: Christian Dior | sweater and shoes: Chanel | shorts: Carven | ring and earrings: Cartier | bag: Louis Vuitton

dress: Christian Dior | Blazer: Chanel Tiger Vintage | bag: Chanel |earrings: Chanel

dress: Philippe Plein | jacket: Valentino | watch: Audemar Piguet

– interview / photographer –

these days. One day I might be shooting a clothing range for 16 – 20 year old girls and the next resort wear for older ladies. I’m pretty versatile when it comes to photography. I find it helps attract a wider variety of clients. My own personal projects tend to be on the dark side. Not evil but gritty, a little sexy and if it all comes together in the way I want it too, very rock & roll. What type of camera do you shoot with? These days I’m shooting a Canon 5D MK3 and a Leica M240. What is your favorite photography accessory other than your camera? A secret Japanese lens made in the 60’s

jason reposar

How important is Photoshop in your final images? For me it’s not important at all. If I get a good image then it should speak for itself without making any adjustments after it leaves the camera. For some clients however…. Are you MAC or PC lover? I’m a lover of women and a user of Mac.

provoking thought

How do you educate yourself to take better photos? Make mistakes and learn from them. Try new things outside of my comfort zone. Read. Look. Feel. Connect.

BY FAUVE We are delighted to feature an interview with the very talented photographer who captures such amazing imagery.

What is your favorite recent image you have shot recently? Religion Clothing campaign I just shot in London makes me pretty happy when I look at it.

His name is Jason Reposar and he takes the best of them, fuses’em with amazing lightings; and believe me when I say his work will make you get addicted to photography. He was kind enough to answer some questions for us, and we don’t think we have ever seen a photographer this passionate about his craft...

A website or a blog that you visit often? Gaurdian.co.uk

Tell us a bit about yourself? I was born in Liverpool, UK and spent the first 14 years of my life there. My family moved to Malibu, California in the 80’s. Since then I’ve worked a lot of different jobs; Waiter, pizza delivery, crab fisherman, carpenter, graphic designer and now a photographer. I began my career in photography shooting surf and working at Transworld Surf Magazine up until 2009. Since then I have explored portrait photography, music and fashion. Where is home? Bali Did you go to school to study photography? No. I like to read a lot so I read photography books and assisted well known photographers in LA.

The first photographer that comes to your mind and why? Natasha. She’s my girlfriend and it’s a joy to watch her passion blossom and grow with each new shoot she does! If not photographer, what would you have been? Very unhappy at a blue collar job. Is there anybody or anything you would love to photography? One day I’d like to explore war photography. Most of the other things I’d like to photograph I have already or I am planning to photograph in the forseeable future. I’m saving war photography for last so if I get taken out while I’m doing it then… whatever! Adios amigos!

How long have you been a photographer? Around 15 years.

What would you like to be doing in 5 years? Counting my money, photographing interesting people, interesting places and teaching kids about photography.

How would you describe your style? I’m still trying to figure that out. I shoot all kinds of styles


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Photography jason reposar bloggers sahara ray & mimi elashiry model helene for fauve agency styling soheila for motel M a k e - Up & H a i r j u l h e n r y & l i t t l e l e e y a h

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unlike anything else

– fashion –

Asian Designers Who Steal the Spotlights in Fashion

BY rai From Steve Jobs’s black turtle neck signature attire, Michelle Obama’s chiffon and velvet gown at Presidential Inaugural Balls, to Jennifer Lawrence’s velvet gown at premiere X-Men Days Future Past in New York. Tell us one thing in common? Yes, they are all wearing the clothes that made by designer whose roots are in Asia. Mid May 2014, Jennifer Lawrence broke her Dior-only red-carpet when she chooses to wear floor-length crushed velvet Jason Wu gown for the New York premiere of X-Men: Days of Future Past. And then, anyone wonder who is Jason Wu?

Born on September 27, 1982, Wu is a very talented young TaiwaneseCanadian fashion designer that becoming popular nowadays. He was based in New York City, and before Lawrence, he is most famous for designing dresses of the First Lady of USA, Michelle Obama. There is a story that Michelle Obama bought four dresses from Wu and wears them in some occasions. First, she wore Wu’s design at Barbara Walters Special before election 2008. Then, the First Lady wore a custom-designed one-shoulder, floor length white chiffon gown at the inaugural balls on the night of President Barack Obama’s first term inauguration. Michelle Obama then appeared on the cover of Vouge with Wu’s magenta silk dress. She also wore

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a silk dress was that was designed by Wu upon her arrival in London 2009. Again, she wore a Wu coat during her visit with the Queen Elizabeth. She paired a traditional looking Wu dress with a bluepatterned cardigan designed by Junya Watanabe on her visit to the Royal Opera House. And once again, she wore a dress by Wu, a ruby red velvet and chiffon design at the 2013 Presidential Inaugural Balls. Seems, Michelle Obama already fall and cannot go out without Wu’s design. If Jason Wu impressed Michelle Obama, Issey Miyake has a good relationship with Steve Jobs. Have you noticed the black turtlenecks that being signature attire of Job’s? Yes, it is Miyake.

Issey Miyake, Japanese fashion designer, is widely popular for his unfailing use of state-of-the-art of technology and age-old Japanese craft in his design. His latest collection showed the made use of Washi paper and the Itajime hand-dyeing technique. Washi is a traditional paper made from the long inner fibres of three native plants. To show his innovation, Miyake has treated, coated and woven it into a hat. Meanwhile, he also revived the traditional Itajime technique, a methodical process involving the folding, binding, and clamping of fabric to physically resist dye in order to create a rhythmic pattern. Another name from Japan that we cannot ignore is, Yohji Yamamoto. He is being considered as a master tailor and is known for his avantgarde tailoring featuring Japanese design aesthetic. His debut was in Paris on 1981. By now, his line Yohji Yamamoto and Y-3 are available at his flagship stores in New York, Paris, Antwerp, and high-end department store worldwide. There is one interesting thing about Yohji Yamamoto. When Yamamoto in 2008, established Yohji Yamamoto Fund for Peace, he is in a mission. Each year, the program of the Fund is awarding an emerging Chinese designer with a two-year scholarship to a fashion college in Japan or Europe, and a male or female Chinese fashion model will be selected to make a runway debut during the Paris prêt-à-porter season. Imagine for the next five or ten years from now? Japan has the woman behind the brand Comme des Garçons; Rei Kawakubo. Born in Tokyo Japan, she has started the brand since 1975 and then on 1981 already started presenting her fashion lines in Paris each season. Every season is a breath of fresh air, whether you find it in the silhouettes, constructions, textures or even colours. In her debut Comme des Garçons at Paris fashion show, some journalists labelled her clothes ‘Hiroshima chic’ amongst other things. Lately, her designs have inspired many other late designers like the Belgian Martin Margiela and Austrian designer Helmut Lang.

Almost look-alike Jason Wu, Alexander Wang is young talented designer that every young designer wanted to be. He was born December 26, 1983 in San Fransisco, California to ChineseAmerican parents. About his women’s ready to wear collection Resort 2012, Vogue says although Alexander Wang is not design uniform for the 1012 Olympics, his phone will likely ring off the hook next time around now that this collection’s out. At such a young age, he has already claimed a massive success many designers can only dream of. Now, at 30, he heads the house of Balenciaga as creative director, debuting a strong Fall 2013 collections. On April 2014, Wang was announced will be the next designer to create a collection for Swedish based fashion retailer H&M. From all around Asia, there is 30 years old Indonesian designer who break the silence with the bridal dress that wore by Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss on the Hunger Games,Catching Fire movie. The man behind the bridal dress is Tex Saverio. For that dress, Perez Hilton even said, Tex Saverio creation is absolutely glorious in its opulence and it’s almost makes us sad to know that it will ultimately get completely burned off. The wedding dress is covered in Swarovsky crystals with the mental cage extended to signify fire while the volumnious skirt is covered in Mockingjay-esque chiffon. In official site of Hunger Games, Saverio said, to have a globally successful label is the dream of all designers including him. Considering the dynamic and positive developments of the fashion industry in Indonesia, it’s high time for Indonesian designer to go global. Besides the Hunger Games, Saverio is actually get covered when one of his works has been worn by international artist such as Lady Gaga, who chose to wear Saverio for her Lady Gaga Fame advertising campaign and was photographed in a sheer black-laser-cut and sequined dress for Harper’s Bazaar in 2011. Tex Saverio then, has been described as the “Alexander

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McQueen of Indonesia.” Talking about shoes, we cannot ignore designer from Malaysia, Jimmy Choo. His name is actually Dato’ Jimmy Choo, born 15 November 1961 and based in United Kingdom. He became known for its handmade women’s shoes. Thanks to Lady Diana, Princess of Wales, who wear the Jimmy Choo’s shoes in 1990 and further placed him on the map by placing his work upon their royal heels. Choo made his mark when Vogue featured his shoes in a record 8-page full back in 1988. After that, he got more attention and conferred an OBE, Order of the British Empire, in recognition of his services to the shoe and fashion industry in UK. Last but not least, Asian designer that steal the spotlight in fashion is Prabal Gurung. Born in 1979, Gurung is one of the young and talented designers that almost every international celebrity looks for. Oprah Winfrey, The Duchess of Cambridge, Lady Gaga, Anne Hathaway, Sarah Jessica Parker, Scarlett Johansson and many more ever wear Gurung’s design. Prabal Gurung was born in Singapore to Nepalese parents and raised in Kathamandu Nepal. He began his designing career in New Delhi, India, and move to Melbourne, London and then New York City. He interned for Donna Karan while attending Parsons School of Design. Gurung then launched his own collection Prabal Gurung during New York Fashion Week in February 2009 and then the rest is a history. Jason Wu, Issey Miyake, Yohji Yamamoto, Rei Kawabuko, Alexander Wang, Tex Saverio, Jimmy Choo, and Prabal Gurung. There are just few Asian’s designer names that, by now, seems stealing the spotlight in fashion. They bring Asian wave in fashion and seem no one cannot ignore.* (images:wwd/vogue/wikimedia/ telegraph/latitudes)

– interview / model –

julia kotuleva sassy soul

How did you become a model, and what was your first break? I always wanted to be a model but took me a while to get my guts to finally give it a shot. And since then I just enjoy it more and more.

BY jul It’s time to select another super sexy girl as our model of the month. This month we’ve chosen Julia Kotuleva has quickly become an it-girl of today’s fashion scene since she began modeling. We were fortunate to seat down with Julia to discuss about her modeling career and a sneak peek into her life. This is what transpired.

How do you keep fit, what is your training routine and menu? I always jump to the pool whenever I can, even I don’t really swim that much but at least I move a lot because I feel fresh and always trying to be active. I like to eat vegetable and fruit,my body just want it all the time. How do you define your style and what your favorite store to shop? Simple and comfortable, I shop anywhere as long it suits me and makes me relax. I shop from famous brands to street market.

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What are your main interests & hobbies? I spent my free time close to nature and drawing, I also make accessories and I also love swim and dance. What is the one fashion item that you can’t live without? I can’t live without my boots and my leather jacket. What is your favorite place to stay? My favorite place to stay in holiday is Waka Gangga located in Bali, but nothing feels better then to be home. Who are some of your favorite models and designers, and why? My favorite model is Coco Rocha, she’s full of energy... my absolut favourite designer Jean Paul Gaultier, I love when elegance come with creativity.

Which fashion magazines do you like to read? Honestly I don’t read fashion magazine that much, I love to read books and travel with my mind. What’s your fashion mantra? Form Follow Function. Out of all of the photos the photographers took of you, which is your favorite and why? It’s a hard question because every shoot give me new emotions and experience. What advice do you have for other aspiring models? Whatever you do, do it with love. Who are some of your favorite fashion photographers? My favorite photographer is Nicoline Patricia Malina, I learn a lot from her work .I also love work of Davy

Linggar and Hadi Cahyono,I t’s such a joy to work with them. What does fashion mean to you? Fashion for me is individual expression of live style. How has modeling changed other aspects of your life? Modeling make me stronger and I do my best to keep in balance every side of my life What inspires you in life as a person? Life it’s self is inspiration for me. What’s the dream project you fantasize to do? I dream to make my own clothing line for woman and children...and hopefully one day I can open my own orphan house, where I can raise kids like a big family.

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Through out your modeling career so far what is the best memory you have? All of my best memories in modeling,been given to me by harper’s bazaar indonesia with Michel pondaag... I’m very thankful for all beautiful time they gave me. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I don’t really trying to see that far ,I just enjoy my life and going towards my dream... any thing what will come in 10 years I will except it with happiness and respect. 5 words that describe yourself? Positive, Love, Energy, Spontaneous and Forgiving. Optional: tell us something that nobody knows yet about you ;) I’m afraid of dark.

Photography: Natasha | Models: Julia K & Kris for Fauve Agency HMU: Julhenry & Yeanne | PH Assistant: Vans Theo | Styling: Julhenry Wardrobe: Magali Pascal | Shoes: Niluh Djelantik | Location: Corner House Bali check the video by Leone Stave: www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r1Ka_HJRUw


Your Favourites Swimwear Style This Summer

BY rai Thinking about swimsuit, there are plenty of new and exciting options this summer. What you need to do is just step out from your comfort zone. Why not try a high-waisted bikini, playful board shorts or matching pareo. Take a look at these three favourite swimsuit styles, and find one or more that suit you! Some friends of mine just like bikini a lot for their swimwear. “It does just never go wrong”, they say. It’s true. Classic string bikini, in solid or patterns, black or colour, there is never go wrong with it. You can even mix one colour on top with another on the bottom. It’s easy to find and go! But, you may need to look to various style of bikini, with their new and exciting options. Whether it’s just for fun or you might need it to show your character. Take a look at sporty

swimsuit; with a mesh, zippers, or bold colour. It could be the way to show your athletic side. You may wear this for perfect coverage of volleyball without fear of a wardrobe malfunction. And then, there is a high-waisted bikini. It is suitable for you, who want to look a bit retro with a highwaisted bikini, by crossing the body at the smaller part of your waist. The silhouette sometime is surprisingly flattering. Still no find what you like, take a look at underwire bikini; string bikini offers with a pattern or ruffle. Yes, it’s going to be just for fun and flirty a bit under the sun. Another style is a strapless, a ruffle, a front-tie, or long-line bustier bikini. It well said that strapless bikini will suit to them who want to have a classic bandeau and that is easy way to avoid awkward tan lines. And long-line bustier bikini? Yes, why not. It can compromise with

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smaller bottom or high-waisted bottom to mix proportions. Have I said about playful colours and breakthrough? You should not miss that one too for sure. And for some options of those bikinis, you may take a look of NLP collections designed by Nikki Lee Penny. This brand is one of among women swear label well-known by now, for their iconic swimwear styles and innovative use of neoprene and rubber fabrications. Have any idea in mind already or what about board shorts? Board shorts may identical as men’s swimwear, but it does not mean women cannot wear it thought. While the popularity of board shorts rising, some brands also release some sexy and fun women’s board shorts as well. Board shorts is a loose-fitting, with a Velcro and lace-up tie front, and much longer legs than regular swimming trunks. It’s often

made with a light-weight and quickdrying materials. At first, these shorts were designed with surfers in mind. They said, the double tie system in front is designed so that the shorts will not fall or be pulled off by strong waves when the surfer is pulled underwater by waves, and the longer legs protect leg hairs from being ripped off when he sits on the wax-covered board. Today, there are some types of board shorts; from standard, retro, modern, to baggies styles. The standard board shorts are the type of board shorts most surfers prefer, as they have a long inseam, about 22 inches, and are very loose, while still being secure around the waist. This allows them to straddle the board while sitting in the water, and perform complicated tricks while riding the waves. While, the “retro” in retro board shorts perhaps refers more to the tight fit of men’s swimwear in general. This kind of style was popular around 1950s and 1960s, but it looks that some of us want a throwback to earlier designs. These types of board shorts have a shorter inseam, around 16 to 18 inches and are tight-fitting all around. And then, the modern board shorts, is a cross between the standard and retro style, the modern board shorts

are a good compromise between the two extremes. These shorts feature a slim fit, without being skin-tight, and an inseam between 18 to 22 inches. Besides all of three, there are baggies board shorts. Many men like the long length and loose fit of board shorts, but feel uncomfortable with the rigid waistband. Baggies sometimes become an alternative since its is an elastic waist, front drawstring ties, and an inner mesh for comfort and security. Still confuse which one board shorts you like? Check the 69 Slam collections. They have plenty of sexy and fun board shorts and I bet, one will not enough. At last, what about try to find a matching Pareo style! The pareo or sarong, originally was used only to refer to women’s skirt. But today, it is applied to any piece of cloth worn wrapped around the body, worn by women and also men. It said that pareo is the word from Cook Island and Tahitian for a warparound skirt. It’s also related to the Malay sarong and Pacific Islands such as the islands of Hawaii and Fiji. For some of us today, it seems difficult to imagine summer without it, because there are many advantages of the pareo, especially for its versatility. Pareo can turns into

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a simple scarf or a real beach wear; depend on how you tie a sarong dress. Besides, pareo has bright, stylish and practical beach accessory to attracts a lot of attention at the beach. And not to mention, it could hide the flaws of the body as well. The more people fall in love with pareo, they creat more styles. There are some stylish ways how to tie and wear a pareo, like skirt, sarong dress, strapless, one shoulder, short and pareo style on top. Perhaps the easiest and most common way to tie a pareo is the skirt. You just need to put it on your hips, connect the two ends together, make a knot and done. Comfortable and stylish! You could also turns it into an elegant beach dress by wrapping it around the back and place both ends in the centre of the chest, twist, cross and slide the head, tie a bow around the neck. Voila, here you go! If you want to find a bright and stylish pareo, take a look at Roberto Cavalli’s collections. They might attract you too. All in all, a pareo or sarong is an easy swimwear to pack and can turn your day at the beach or pool into much more. And why not make every ladies envy when you put on your matching pareo! SO, what are you waiting for. Grab your favourite swimwear now. *

surf the stage photography: Angga Pratama | model: Zahara for Fauve agency graphic design: Janina Limantara

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– interview / model –


BY katya It is hard to deny that Indonesia has a respectable fashion scene now. All kinds of creative individuals have been breeding here for quite a few years, and it was just a question of time for the local designers to become noticed and recognized by the rest of the world. Jakarta Fashion week has become more impressive every season, showcasing not only unique styles of gowns, but also the show itself is becoming quite a spectacle on its own. Prio Oktavio’s show at the latest Jakarta Fashion week left the owner of this magazine so impressed and breathless, he even mentioned that Paris has something to learn from it. Coming from a Parisian, it was quite the compliment. So now, let us introduce you to a few of Indonesia’s most interesting and creative designers.

Sebastian Gunawan It all started from fashion illustration. Young Sebastian happened to show a great deal of talent in this field and eventually moved from drawing to creating stunning gowns. He began his studies at the Institute of Design in Jakarta and further continued his education in LA and Milano. His first fashion show in 1995 called “ A Life Portrait” determined his style, which he carries along his designing career – Seba creates extremely detailed and absolutely gorgeous couture gowns that make women look divine and regal. His design has a strong European touch. By now Sebastian Gunawan is simultaneously working on a few different lines: Sebastian Gunawan – luxury couture line; SebastianRed – more affordable, but nevertheless a lux and premium fashion label; SebastianSposa – wedding gowns; and Votum – a readyto-wear line, more cocktail dresses, then evening gowns, that he creates together with his wife and partner Cristina Panarese.

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Tex Saverio Dubbed as the “Alexander McQueen of Indonesia” this is one of the local designers who really managed to put Indonesia on the global fashion map. Back in 2005 he won the Mercedes-Benz Asia Fashion Award, which gave him his first public recognition and it began to escalate from there. In 2010 Tex officially launched Tex Saverio Prive, which received the “Inspiring People Award” in 2011 and was recognized as the most talented young designer by Amica Indonesia. Lady Gaga wore his gown in a Harper’s Bazaar fashion spree; Kim Kardashian favors his creations too. Furthermore, Katniss Everdeen - played by Jennifer Lawrence - shined in a wedding gown by Tex in Hunger Games: Catching Fire. In 2013 he presented his first Paris fashion show at the Paris Fashion Week, being the only designer from his country to do so. The brand’s success has grown exponentially, and we are looking forward to more of his unexampled creations.

Ika Butoni This Hong Kong based designer was raised and educated on our beloved island of Bali and her heritage is reflected in all her designs. She has spent quite some time in Europe, exploring the art of design, but Asia has always been deeply rooted in her heart, so Ika returned and settled down in Hong Kong; its here where she founded her design and manufacture company. Being an extremly charming woman herself she recognises the importance of woman’s personal style and pays great attention to relaxed comfort and femininity, Each collection is different, reflecting Ika’s constant flow of creativity and new ideas. She was selectively chosen by her peers to showcase her design collections all over the globe. Ika is ‘hands on’ with her brand, participating in every aspect of the process. She constantly experiments with embroidery, researches different fabrics and various techniques. In her own words, she draws most of her inspirations from her travels and meeting people from different cultural backgrounds.

Priyo Oktaviano Following a similar path as his colleagues - mentioned above - Priyo received his design education abroad in Esmond Paris, from which he had graduated with great recommendation. He then spent a few years working at the House of Balenciaga, continuing and developing his own personal style, winning quite a few European design awards along the way. His design is a combination of western couture with strong Asian influence. The latest is particularly expressed in his obvious love for traditional Indonesian woven textiles. Priyo’s style is very unique; you’ll hardly find anything remotely similar to it. This symbiosis of modern and old culture is what defines Oktaviano’s style, something that definitely makes him stand out from the rest.

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overall: designer Dimitris Ordoulidis | shoes: Tribute Two 105 Pump in Black Leather by Yves Saint Laurent snapback | cap: New Era

rebel gal Photography: Alexei bazdarev www.Alexeibazdarev.com | Model: lisa lima | make up: tatjana rein

overall: designer Dimitris Ordoulidis | shoes: Tribute Two 105 Pump in Black Leather by Yves Saint Laurent snapback | cap: New Era

overall: designer Dimitris Ordoulidis | shoes: Tribute Two 105 Pump in Black Leather by Yves Saint Laurent snapback | cap: New Era

leather playsuit: Phillip Lim | sunglasses : aviator mirror effect by Ray Ban | body: Instyle

tshirt: Bershka | body: American Apparel | accesoires: H&M

red lingerie: Philippe Matignon | high waist jeans: topshop | sneaker: Ash

bra: american apparel | body with hood: Anas Fashion

– Spotlight –

TEATRO GASTROTEQUE A CLASS ACT A theatrical-like feast for eyes and tastebuds in downtown Seminyak

By Katie truman The name “Teatro Gastroteque” gives you a taster of what you are about to experience – gastronomic cuisine served theatrical-style. Which explains the restaurant’s open-kitchen, on display to the street in downtown Seminyak; the gleaming kitchen filled with cutting edge appliances revealing to the world a team of young chefs fully absorbed in culinary preparation. But this Jakarta-owned restaurant (Mandif Warroka) has some surprises up its sleeve. Teatro may create think-outside-the-box modern cuisine that keeps foodies, discerning din-

ers and gastronomes satisfied, with an award-winning Executive Chef at its helm, Jakarta native Daniel Edward. But this comes served in a refreshingly “casual fine-dining” setting – no starched tablecloths or airs of pretensions here. The restaurant is also deliberately intimate – seating around 32 max – with the concept of being welcomed into a fine home (repeat reservations who book ahead find they are greeted by name). The dinner-only format, a series of Degustation set menus of three, five and seven and 10-course Chef Degustation Menu, as well as a 12-course Discovery Menu – all which can be paired with carefully selected fine wines – are also well-suited to the intimate red and slate-grey plush surrounds. Executive Chef and his team visible in the kitchen like at home, working at creating you a dinner to remember: this just wouldn’t work the same with a cavernous dining floor.

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The sophisticated cuisine style can be summarized as “French modern cooking with Asian flavours and twists” where theatrical and playful creations are presented like exquisite art forms on ultra-stylish, grey ceramic serving dishes. Many of the ingredients are locally sourced especially produce from their organic farm up in Bedugal, but as this is essentially fine dining cuisine, the finest, premium ingredients such as foie gras, lamb and beef are imported in. But the cuisine is so gentle in its creation; it accommodates most diet sensitive folks and regimes. This all contributes to dining menus that are not exactly cheap (ranging from Rp 675,000 to Rp.1.5m++) but here you really do pay for the quality you get (and think what it would cost back home!).

LET THEM ENTERTAIN YOU! Sit back in your velvet armchairs for the first act. There’s an unusual amount – three sets – of complimentary amuse bouches (here called “Aperitifs”); adhering to the Teatro concept, this is where Edward and chefs really go to play on different textures and deceptive illusions, but simultaneously, aiming to give the customer extra value for money. Menus do tend to rotate every few weeks so regulars (of which there are many) can try new creations. Aperitifs this month included a take on Indonesian rice-flour crackers, rolled up like cigars, and curiously resting on a roll of wire mesh, and what appeared to be dark chocolate truffles, but turning out to be miniscule Dim Sum. Our three-course set menu featured Caramelized Atlantic Scallop, succulently fresh and literally melting in the mouth with Jimbaran Bay prawn and cauliflower puree.

Showstopper Yoghurt Lime Sorbet, served in a covered dome-shaped bowl, not only cleansed the palette, as is intended, but showcased some of the high-tech methodology executed in the kitchen; freezing the yoghurt into small aerated particles, resulting in a foam-like bubbly consistency infused with chili and lime. Dig underneath to find dessert-style tangy apple confit with lemongrass. The Duck Breast was not as tender as I had hoped, but the insanely soft foie gras made up for this, both balanced on top of braised red beans, onion emulsion and beetroot – nicely accompanied by a fine Californian red wine. The last act, Caramelia Chocolate, subtly infused with Earl Grey tea, was playfully presented on a green tea sponge, resembling a lawn, scattered with almonds. The final curtain of three mignardises (AKA Petit Fours) kept the surprises coming, like the mini white chocolate truffle filled with green tea and chocolate almond cake with savoury thyme.

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This may be casual fine-dining but the waiting staff are far from casual; in fact some of the most savvy I’ve experienced on the island, attentive but discreet and not prone to whipping dishes away at inappropriate moments. Teatro is also noteworthy for special occasions, like birthdays and anniversaries, with chefs throwing in more delightful surprises and customized touches to the menu. But don’t forget to book ahead, Teatro plays to a full house most nights. Teatro Gastroteque, Blok C #1-2, Kayu Aya, Seminyak, tel: +62 361 8700078 www.teatrobali.com Daily 6.30-11pm.

Photography: dewandra djelantik | art direction: julhenry | fauve Models: kris, gina, cristina, zahara & helene | M ake- U p & H air: little leeyah | special thanks to : be chocolat

ma r ket 69 Slam - flamenco bordshort

Shivaloka - haranam Bracelet

kody ko -


& kody

t YOKII - smiley Swea


al i pasc





Niluh Djelantik - sandra Shoes



nose by VERONICA The nose, I think it is the part of the face that has more personality, it’s own personality. There is not one nose equal to each other, and the best of all is that most people is not happy with this part of the body. Big, eagle shape, flat, small, thin, wide, not matter your shape of size, you always want to have different. It is one of the most common operations in plastic surgery and it’s modification can change amazingly the appearance of a face. I got few friends that have been operated, some really improved their appearance, but for some of them I got a very nostalgic feeling reminding the “old unique nose”. Specially a male friend of mine, I swear he got a very sexy nose, big and firm, elegant and straight, that was adding a strong feature to his personality and masculinity. Without previous notice, last time we met, he had operated his nose, nooooo!!!! I never told him, but from that day I stopped having fantasies about him :O... Forgetting superficial and esthetic details, I must highlight that this small element is basic on the process of feeding your body during the most vital and unconscious action that keeps

you alive: BREATHING. Yoga and breathing exercises can help you to get the best of this daily gesture, to better oxygenate your body completely full your lungs. Most people pay null attention to this part of the body, except in the mirror to find the right profile for photos. But a right hygiene and some care can help to prevent or minimize some issues as well as get a healthier nose. Sinusitis This common inflammation of the membranes inside the bone cavity of the nose, causes pain, blocked nose feeling and headaches to those who suffer it. There are some natural remedies that can help to alleviate and prevent these symptoms. Vapor with eucalyptus: heat water in a pot and add the leaves or few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus. Cover your head with a towel and breath the vapor creating a sauna effect. Herbal tea: boil grated Ginger + leaves of eucalyptus in one litter of water for 15 minutes. Strain the water and add lemon + honey. Include garlic and onion in your diet, since they help to decongest. The carotene in carrots also makes stronger mucosa and increases immune system.

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Ayurveda Nasal Irrigation Original from India, Ayurveda science (that is also a way of living), suggests the hygiene of the nose as part of the daily cleaning ritual of the body. Simply using salted water, the aim is to get water to flow into one nostril, around the area inside the nose and sinuses, and out the opposite nostril. Recommended to anyone, it is especially beneficial for people with chronic respiratory congestion, frequent colds, and sinus headaches or pressure. Ayurveda also beliefs that the nose is the doorway to your brain and the doorway to consciousness. Many administration of medication in Ayurvedic is done through the nose (called Nasya). Big pores It looks like most people who get some atopic skin, very often get big pores and even black spots on the nose. This is not very attractive and also can give the false impression of a “no so clean face”. Daily deep face hygiene helps a lot, morning and night cleansing with the appropriate soap according to your skin type, follow with the toner. Once a week exfoliate the area to eliminate the bacterias and dead skin: mix 1/4 cup ground oats + 1/4 cup

cold chamomile tea + 2 spoons hot honey + 2 drops almond oil. Massage on your skin, leave 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. Can use vapor to open the pores to clean after. Take a big bowl with hot water and add few drops of peppermint essential oil. Cover your head with a towel and breath the vapor for 10 minutes.

In some ancient cultures, nose had also the meaning of masculinity and fertility very often related to the size of the sexual organs and strength. Next time you pay attention to a nose, remember that there are not ugly or beautiful ones, all have their own personality and matching partner face, it drives the air to your body. Look at the mirror and love your nose.

Smells The nose is also the organ used to perceive the senses of SMELL. If you have a big sensitive nose like mine, you can’t deny that this is an absolutely vital sense in many moments of your life. When you were a baby, it was the way to recognize your mum, perceiving her smell knowing that she was there taking care of you. It plays an important role on “first dates”, if your nose does not approve the “candidate”, there is nothing to do. Scents bring you to childhood, to places, past memories that makes you feel happy, sentimental or excited. There is also a huge business that needs this piece to survive, PERFUMERY. Many companies spend a lot of money in investigating fragrances and combinations of flowers, plants, spices and oils aiming to get that unique perfume that would be a selling hit.

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MAKE-up 101


Eye Line

Creating a romantic dewy bridal day look for this anniversary issue for bride to be that suits the tropical Bali weddings.

1. Prime eyelid with Make Up Store Anticreace concealer. Fill eyelid with Microshadow Brown Sugar to create a bronzed look, also for under the eye from outer to inner eyes.

2. Line eyeliner using Gel liner is Black from inner to outer eyes with a longer slant at the end of the eyes.

3. Use black pencil liner for the bottom eye from outer to inner eye. 4. Apply Waterproof Black Marcara on top and bottom lases.

Fauve model: Cristina Yeanne and Team www.yeanne.com

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karma KONVERSATIONS Playing with God in Bali by SWATHIMAA

As I walked my darling little doll-ofa-dog, Prema, along the Seminyak beach this morning, those words all but winked at me from the back of a surfer’s t-shirt. Bali is a yogi-surfer’s paradise. Sunny days set the sands on fire and the night sky rocks. Whether you come here to glide across the blue waters, coco-butter your body bronze, do Downward Dog to your heart’s content, or slip off your heels and sip cocktails at KuDeTa while you languish on a plush, California-King sized lounger with a dozen new close friends, you can’t beat Bali in the summer. That being said, it’s only right and just to shower praise on some of our island gems — the yogis among us — don’t you agree? After all, our sweet little land is fast becoming known as the spiritual heaven of the South Seas, so let’s give them their sacred due. I’ll go first. Not long a go, when I stepped through the doors of one of L.A.’s most popular yoga studios, I was awakened to the call of the yogi butt…literally. It’s the mark, I was told, as I signed up for class, of a dedicated practitioner of the Eastern art of the asana, yogic postures. There, you can find them aplenty. The bodies are as lithe as the spirit is abundant. Yet, L.A. has nothing over our beautiful Ubud, which is the heart of the spiritual landscape in this corner of the universe. Instructors come from all over the planet to Surya-namaskaram thousands of students into full Lotusfilled harmony and bliss. A graceful jaunt up Jalan Hanoman, one of our quaint village’s main thoroughfares, reveals malas and yoga mats strategically placed within easy

reach just inside the doorways of every other shop, along with the requisite pastel or black stretch pants, crop-tops and muscle-T’s for Yoga’s scantily clad, bare-footed, back-bending initiates. For less than fifty dollars, you can treat yourself to a mani-pedi, massage, and a yoga class on any clear summer morning; then peddle or scoot your way to one of the two-dozen organic raw, juice & veggies bistro-warungs. Ubud may be the spiritual core of the island but the sacred apples still fall a ways from the tree…. all the way from Agung mountain to the sun-drenched shores, NorthSouth-East-and-West. From Uluwatu to Lovina, resorts dedicated to bringing you peace and less poundage abound. I’m not being facetious when I tack on that last little soundbyte. In Bali, yoga is a digambara thing, open to the elements. You sweat as you embrace the soul within. But, cool, fresh libations and natural snacks are always on hand. So, there’s no need to starve yourself into divine submission. Mother Nature’s bountiful and kind! There’s no need to think the celebration of Life starts and stops at the yoga mat. Yogis and yoginis dance and sing ecstatically along side all shapes and sizes of sinners and saints in the clubs and at villa parties that are more easily sought after and found than enlightenment yet sometimes seem just as joyous. Although, it’s just as likely you’ll find them enjoying quiet, private bliss alone — or with a special someone (or some ones) of like mind-body-and-spirit — enjoying dinner at sunset or under the stars late at night. Even after dark, Bali’s views are breathtaking. Now and then, they may inspire you to stop doing Pranayama and open your eyes for one more glimpse of the Infinite, as a reminder that God

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does extraordinary work outside as well as in. There’s no downside to the yogiwithin awakening in you. Others may get a bit miffed by the growing traffic and the waiting one must bear behind a huge tour bus parked in the middle of a onelane road, endlessly unloading road-weary travelers. Dreams of the soothing sounds of nature may be bludgeoned, from time to time, by the blare of car and motorbike horns or the barking of hopeful taxi drivers and the snarling of street dogs, which sometimes are hard to tell apart. But, the yogi feels these like waves upon a vast ocean, like a candle in a windless place, like the sun — the light, which outshines all others. They just aint a big deal. The upside is more than a fine and shapely buttocks. It may not include everlasting peace, at least not in the beginning, but yoga consistently offers amazing vitality, strength, stamina and a sense of inner inspiration, if you stick to it and don’t over-extend yourself. It’s wonderfully habit-forming. Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, one of the West’s most famous Kundalini Yoga instructors is in her late 60’s and has a body to die for. It’s a beautiful, sacred, joyous plus that we don’t have to. All it takes is daily yoga practice as part of a healthy lifestyle. Healthy. Happy. Holy. That’s the sacred song. You don’t need a Sikh turban or a Punjabi to appreciate that…just a little Truth, Light, Peace, and Love. When you come to Bali, take care of your Self. Refresh, revitalize, relax, recline and relate to others as you do to your divinely inspired yogi’s bottom — appreciate them for the fine and shapely, wondrous creatures they are. We are what we love. Keep nurturing the love. swathimaa@omshivaloka.com

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– fashion –

Knitwear and the Masculine Style


fall 2014

BY rai The idea to explore knitwear seems more interesting, and not to mention the masculine style that seems to take the lead. From Céline to Stella McCartney, Marc Jacobs, and Calvin Klein, knit style should not be always too big or boring, but it could be in many varieties. Try to take a look. Back to 1916 when the first time Coco Chanel use jersey in her hugely international suits, it was a turning point for knitwear. Since then, knits became associated with the woman. Lana Turner and Jane Russel wore the iconing body skimming- sweaters, Missoni introduced colorful zigzag knitwear, and Sonia Rykiel who dubbed as the “Queen of Knitwear” showed her vibrant striped sweaters and her clingy dresses. Then 1980s, knitwear emerged from the realm of sportswear to dominate high fashion, and audience will not forget the Ralph Lauren’s floor-length cashmere turtlenecks. Nowadays, many contemporer knitwear

designer join the club. For fall season 2014, knits are not too big or too intricate. From oversized and man-style trousers Celine, cosy pants at Marc Jacobs and warm varieties at Stella McCartney, the sweater is no longer identical to the top or accessories. And not to miss the knit style by Calvin Klein as well. Once, to Style,designer Phoebe Philo from Celine said she very much wanted women in men’s clothes, but it was a complex idea so they brought it back to a quite feminine silhouette. In fact, there are masculine elements in the collections, such as the oversize and man-styled trousers. She preferred to emphasize the tenderness of the clothes and put very much crafted by hand rather than manufactured. Meanwhile, after leaving Louis Vuitton as Creative Director, Marc Jacobs seems back to his own taste. This fall, he shows a powerful collection in a fresh and soft way rather than aggressive. For example, a clingy melange knit v-neck which was so impressive. And after all, from beginning to end, he used almost all neutrals and soft pastels.

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Then, here Stella McCartney with chunky knit pajama-style pants which are one of fall’s key trends. Do not you agree? McCarney seems bring the definition of sexy back to her collection this time, by emphasizing her collection on handwork, zipper details and mountaineering rope on boxy jackets, also oversize sweaters. Couldn’t be more masculine than ever? Sweater dressing seems taking the lead when Calvin Klein just try to convince us with their collection for this fall. Fransisco Costa, the designer, even made more than 85 percent of the collection was knits. He approached the idea of sweater dressing with the same experimental mind-set that he used to tackle his avant-garde tailoring. The trend of knit style, we also have Sonia Rykiel and Missoni for this fall. They must guarantee us about knitwear more than others. And yes, they did. Sonia Rykiel, showed her flattering knits. The man behind the brand, artistic director Geraldo da

Calvin Klein


Conceicao seems avoid doing many tricks. The collections straighforward and minimalism. From long ribbed sweaters topped, to robbed-knit pants, the collections are dominated with monochromatic look. For sure, we will fall into knit skirts with matching sweaters and scarves. While, Missoni with man-styled outerwear, bring 80 percent of the collection knitted, even when it looked like fabric. This brand must be doing a lot research into texture and the knit structure, since the Missoni’s collection undoubtedly creative. They are not only playing with colour, but also texture. Missoni seems has been looking for a way into the future of knitwear. One of a bit surprising on this fall, Alexander Wang brings Balenciaga into knit style as well. And it’s fresh! Wang is a young creative designer who always shows his best. This time as well, he found a way with knit in his creative way. Being imaginative and technologically innovative, it seems that he was trying to manipulate the humble art of knit. It was moulded and sculpted to arc and flow around the body, slicked with latex, and

Marc Jacobs

embroidered with glass bead rhinestones and pearls. Some items are great cocoonshaped in felted wool with chunky and industrial-strength zippers running up on sleeve, and the coats with leather-knitted pouch pocket. Wang also brings knit dress with big stripes in orange and navy, or purple and black, asymmetrical jackets and coats in lilac and crimson, or in the color of black and yellow. Who knows that the first thing come about knitwear is the health movement and sporting lifestyle, since knit wear fits the body and its breathability. Knitted fabrics, both jersey and less finely knitted varieties, were universally praised as sportive materials. But for now, knit wear was no longer about socks, body belts, helmets and anything else that would bring warmth and comfort. It seems, knitwear convincing us too that discussing about masculine style is not about a black outfit or coat only. This Fall some designer show that style is just more than that.

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Stella McCartney

Define masculine style means the silhouette follows the rules of man’s haute couture: geometries and proportions are perfectly tailored. It’s the triumph of a sensuous androgynous woman. After all, mix and match with accessories like sandals or spectator shoes. Get ready! *

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– style –


Say buh-bye to the skort, and make room for a major new mini! As temperatures are dropping, hemlines are ironically rising, thus popularizing an abbreviated version of the look known as the envelope mini. Last summer, Zara skyrocketed the skort (Short in a skirt or the other way around?) to popularity. Can’t you see how popular it was? Everyone got to have it! Everyone got to wear it! The skort was pin pointing the world!

Let’s move on from the skort... Now, a new offshoot has taken center stage. The envelope skirt sits at the hip and is defined by its zigzag hem, which gives it a wraparound appearance and a structural origami-like quality. Basically: This is not your standard skater silhouette. I love this trend, hence, I truly wonder how on earth I haven’t written about it so far…But you know what they say, better late than never. What I dedicate this post to is the voguish and über cool, origami inspired envelope

skirt. Its asymmetrical shape makes it interesting, and the ‘simple yet exciting’ vibe that goes with it, by my opinion, makes it a perfect choice for both day and night. The distinct shape is perfect for both the school day and holiday parties. Since its layered fabric makes it slightly bulkier, select something slim-fitting on top. Try pairing it with a tucked-in white button-down shirt for a relaxed daytime look, and slip on platforms and a party-ready necklace for a more festive vibe. The verdict? Whatever the occasion, this is one bottom you need to own right now.

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Here are my winners! I love them in prints but definitely must-have a plain black one. I guarantee, people won’t notice if you have wore it 10,000 times.

Here are a few smart ways I’d rock this leg-lengthening trend for the real world and also, without people noticing that’s the same skirt you wore to work!

Change your top. Switch your Birks to Stilettos. Pretty up yourself with a little bit of glam glittery eye shadow, hot red lipstick and yes you can add a bit of Mascara. Minimize yourself by putting your things to a smaller bag because remember you might hold a drink on the other hand!

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You want to look casual and relax during the day but yet you want to look slightly cool. I feel you.

Your welcome, Astrid.


jenja GAME ON

BY KATIE TRUMAN New kid on the block JENJA has made already made quite the grand entrance bursting onto the scene this year. A sophisticated Jakarta-style nightclub from the same stable behind Petitenget’s Mint Club and welcome addition to southern Seminyak (and indeed Bali), JENJA is establishing itself as one of the island’s hippest nightspots – a one-stop dining, bar and clubbing destination. Housed within Jakarta-owned, stylish new hotel complex, TS Suites, but with its own separate (Jalan Nakula) street entrance, JENJA’s ultra-sleek,

split-level venue welcomes with an upper-level restaurant-bar, designed with a low-ceilinged space overhung with 12,000 teak battens assembled on-site, and multi-coloured signature wall inspired by sea snakes, handcrafted from thousands of glass tiles from recycled bottles. A good spot as any to try JENJA’s mixologist cocktails, concocted with real fresh juices and honey substituting sugar for a healthier, natural approach. Try house signatures, Elegantini (black grape, purple basil, longon blooms, ciroc grape vodka), or treat yourself to a Tropical Tickle – that is, pineapple, lemon basil, lemongrass, lime, cotton blooms and Tequila. While here, don’t miss some of Bali’s most authentic Middle-eastern cuisine; traditional dishes from around the Arabian region created at the floor-length open kitchen by someone who knows her stuff, female executive chef, Selma Abualia

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–‘‘Top Chef Middle East Winner 2012.” Born and raised in Saudi Arabia, and living in Jordan and other Middle-east parts, Selma’s predominately Arabian-based dishes embrace diverse Middle-eastern cultures, flavours and culinary styles, but mainly, rustic (“Dishes you’d find in someone’s home”) with contemporary twists and personal stories relating to this young chef’s life. Asian-influenced dishes and inspirations feature; not surprising, as Asia shares similarities with Middleeastern cuisine, like dependence on fresh herbs and spices (local Indonesian produce used here) and typically, sharing. Thus the upper-floor comes dominated by a lengthy bench-like table geared for communal dining and socializing, with dishes for sharing ranging from small “teaser” appetizers to larger, for-two types, such as iconic Slow-roasted Australian leg of lamb,

deliciously marinated in coffee cardamom and dates with couscous salad (Rp 450,000). This month’s newly revised menu sees stronger emphasis on the Arabian experience and flavours (literally) with more traditional Middle-eastern dishes introduced, focusing on homecooking recipes from the region, such as slow-cooked tasty chicken stews. Other dishes include red snapper Fish Kebabs, delicately flavoured with cinnamon and fennel contrasting with a mighty spicy mango and tomato salad. Certainly all appreciated in what is essentially, the culinary wasteland of south Seminyak-Legian. GET DOWN AND BOOGIE After 11pm, totter downstairs to a surprisingly intimate, atrium-style club zone, again low-ceilinged and dimly-lit with a large square, sit-up bar – especially singles-friendly. Although only open Wednesdays

through to Saturdays, for die-hard partygoers and clubbers, JENJA is a hit for several reasons, including hassle free-parking in the hotel underground parking area, very late closing hours (4 to 5am) and dedicated music nights with resident and guest international DJs (sounding even better with Spanish DAS sound system equipped throughout). Set weekly events cover Wednesday night Hip Hop, R&B and Funk sounds – I’m informed, probably the best Hip Hop on the island – with Ladies-only, 50 per cent discount off cocktails; Nu-Disco and House on Thursdays and kick-starting the weekend, Techno and House, the busier Friday and Saturday nights. Check out JENJA’s regular hosted events with international DJs on their Facebook page, jenjabali. Worth noting there is a first-drink club charge Fridays and Saturday’s and the fifteen or so VIP tables edging the dance floor are strictly personal

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bottle service only (with wines starting from Rp 360k and pricier whiskies and cognacs, from Rp 1500k), which smacks of typically Asian nightclubstyle. An expansive outdoor patio on the upper floor makes an ideal “quick breather,” furtive smoke break and check-out-the-talent zone. Casual chic JENJA attracts Bali’s cooler nightlife crowd, an eclectic cross-section of ex-pats, tourists and local Indonesians, with refreshingly, eighteen-plus entrance policy (meaning no out-of-place “Schoollies”) and, for the most part, lack of pretentiousness and ageist discrimination! JENJA, TS Suites, 18 Jalan Nakula, Seminyak, Bali, tel: 0361 8827711; www.jenjabali.com Restaurant: daily 6pm-midnight. Club: Wednesday-Saturday, 11pm4am/5am

– horoscope –

summer HOROSCOPE Aries Are you in the mood for love Aries? Well, ready or not, here it comes! You are the luckiest sign of them all this summer when it comes to romantic potential. That’s because on July 16 Jupiter will enter your 5th House of Fun and Pleasure and will remain there for 13 months. A dazzling New Moon on July 26 in the same area of your chart will swing open the door for you to meet someone special if single. Even if you’ve been married forever sparks will fly everywhere! Expect the romantic delights to get even sweeter from August 12-September 5 you’ll feel like you’re living the most incredible fairy tale possible. It’s time to fall in love with love! Taurus Securing a love in your life that you can rely on will continue to be of paramount importance to you throughout the summer. Saturn, the planet of commitment, has been touring your partnership sector since late 2012 teaching you significant lessons about what it takes to relate. On August 1 love planet Venus will be at a supportive angle to Saturn helping you to appreciate what you have. Acknowledge that the type of partnership in your life now reflects what you’ve been willing to put into it. If you know there’s still work to do, be honest. If you are in love and it’s working then be grateful. If single, September 5-28 will be your most auspicious weeks to find romance thanks to Venus moving through your romance sector. September 14 might be especially captivating. Gemini If you’re dating someone special or playing the field, sexy love is yours until July 25 thanks to Mars

continuing to move through your 5th House of Romance and Pleasure. You’ve had Mars in this part of your chart for months and likely dealt with more than one problem in your love life over that stretch of time. For the duration of the summer however, Mars will motivate you to pursue pleasure without all the hiccups. After September 13 Mars will begin to tour your 7th House of Committed Relationships. If you’re married or in a monogamous partnership you might end the summer with a heated quarrel. Thankfully, since the ruler of your 7th house, Jupiter, will be in your communication sector from July 16 on, you’ll have no trouble talking things out. In fact, the quality of communication with your mate will grow tremendously with this energy. Talk it out! Cancer Radiance. That will be your keyword from July 18-August 12 thanks to Venus touring your sign. Your ability to attract -even magnetize -- others will be extraordinary now so be sure to put your best foot forward and know that it’s your time to receive the love you deserve. On July 25 sexy Mars will enter your romance sector and until September 13 your sex life will receive a delicious boost. Saturn has been in this part of your chart since late 2012 and as a result, you might have experienced a dry spell in the bedroom. Now, Mars will help kick start your love life. If you are single and haven’t dated in a while, this could be your summer for love. Or a fling. You decide. Leo Are you ready for the most AMAZING summer you’ve had in -- oh -- maybe the last twelve years or so? Good! Jupiter, the planet of expansion,

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abundance and all good things, will enter your sign on July 16. This signals a year ahead of incredible opportunity, personal growth and yes ... FUN! With Jupiter in your sign you can expect to forge incredible new relationships both on the personal and business level. In terms of love, since Jupiter rules your romance sector, you have the potential to make this summer one of nonstop joy. The pleasures of dating, entertainment and true romance are about to return to your world, much to your delight. A brilliant New Moon on July 26 in your sign, followed by Venus entering Leo on August 12 (until September 5) will only add to your ability to manifest whatever you want this summer. Exciting! Virgo A Full Moon in your romance sector on July 12 will shine a light on your love life. How are things going between you and someone you’re dating? It’s all or nothing in the romance department and if your lover can’t meet your requirements, you’re likely to lose interest. With the events near July 12 however, you might decide to let go of an unhealthy romantic attachment or, declare your undying love for someone special. Much depends on where you are at that time. A Full Moon in your partnership sector on September 8 will require the same thing if you’re married or in a committed relationship. On September 5 and through September 29 you’ll enjoy Venus in your sign. This will enhance your powers of attraction and add to your ability to relate to others more harmoniously. You might feel extra romantic on September 10. Allow yourself to be swept off your feet by your mate and don’t over analyze the situation.

Libra Use the time you have left with action planet Mars touring your sign, to go after what you want in love and partnership! Until July 25 you’ll have this edge and it’ll truly benefit you if you courageously pursue the type of relationship you’ve always wanted. Your partner will be pleasantly surprised at your capacity to initiate. It’s sexy! On August 10 a Full Moon in your true love sector might lead single Leos to let go of an unhealthy pattern relating to love. If there is someone you’ve been dating with whom you know in your heart the relationship is going nowhere. Now is the time to be honest with yourself and end it. Move on as friends. Scorpio You might focus more on your stellar career opportunities this summer instead of love. Although the aspects you’ll enjoy to help boost your professional life will be truly remarkable, that doesn’t mean your love life will suffer. In fact, you will have a few gorgeous aspects you’ll want to take advantage of. On July 25 Mars will enter your sign where he’ll remain until September 13. During this time you’ll have more stamina and sex appeal. Use it well. When Mars connects to a perfect trine to Neptune on August 7 you’ll have the potential to make a sexual and romantic fantasy come true. Love will be divine! Then, on September 5 love planet Venus will enter your friendship sector, remaining there until September 29. A friend may turn into a lover. Sagittarius You might feel puzzled about the status of your relationship as summer begins. That’s because Mercury will be retrograde in your

partnership sector until July 1. Thankfully, after this time you and your mate will clear the air and talk out any misunderstandings. If single, an unexpected love connection is possible near August 1. The problem however, is that, although exciting, it appears fleeting. If you’re up for a one night stand go for it. If you’re dating someone, you or your mate might throw a tantrum and demand more freedom. Mars will enter your sign on September 13 and at that point, your sex appeal will be off the charts. Capricorn A Full Moon in your sign on July 12 might leave you feeling emotionally sober. If there are any troubles between you and your partner, this lunation will prompt you to address them. If you feel as if your emotional needs aren’t being met in a relationship, it will challenge you to consider that feeling fulfilled is really “on you” and not anyone else. Fortunately, when Venus enters your partnership sector on July 18 you’ll have an extraordinary opportunity to enjoy an extra phase of harmony with your love. This will last until August 12 allowing you to connect with each other in the most tender, beautiful way. Aquarius Romance might be a sticky situation until after July 1. Mercury will continue to travel retrograde in your true love sector until this date and you might feel frazzled about miscommunication with a lover. You may also feel torn about whether or not to reconnect with an old flame. After July 1 you’ll have the clarity you need to make the right decision. If you’re in a relationship and it’s good, after July 16 it’ll get very, very good. But if you’re in

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a rocky marriage or partnership, any problems might blow out of proportion. Jupiter will enter your relationship sector and will remain in this part of your chart until next year. Commitments made during this time will benefit you and if you have a relationship you want to work on, it’ll be a great time for counseling. Pisces There’s still time to enjoy a whirlwind romance if it has managed to elude you so far this year. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, will continue to tour your true love sector until July 16. Although Jupiter will leave this part of your chart and not return for twelve years, that doesn’t mean you’re in for a dry spell. A promising New Moon will illuminate your 5th house of Pleasure on June 27. Then, love planet Venus will slide right into the same area of your chart from July 18-August 12. As you can see, there really is a stunning opportunity for you to fall in love this summer. If you’re in a relationship, September 8-29 will allow you and your mate to connect beautifully, fortifying that you can always count on each other.

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