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fashion spread







FASHION FRENZY Astrid Soedjono-Astbury




budget fashionista





money OR DIE

articles & SCOOP 22



gossip bitch


to take care of... liver


heart kingdom Fall to Spring fashion musts


karma konversations Can Heaven Have a Price Tag?






fit & tips CARDIO


Looking fashionable can also be affordable





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“To inspire and to be inspired” Some people see fashion as a work of art where others view it as a religion but the latest fashion is where everyone has their focus on. Fashion is changing all the time. If you look back in time at the styles, you will notice that what once was old eventually returns as fashion. The skirt lengths have gone up and down and heels go from chunky to stiletto and back again and that will continue.

may be presented through different clothing each falling in different categories like; evening, gala, night, beach wear, etc. Today, everywhere you look, you see fashion. It’s inspired by the simple things like the sky, the earth. The way the wind blows, the way the waves crash against the rocks. Fashion mimics LIFE! We all get inspired by something we see. Sometimes it can be our escape from the world, our Utopia of all things beautiful. Beauty is not defined by appearance, but by what it is or what it represents. I can bravely say that Fashion is a way of thinking even more – way of life. But Fashion

When talking about fashion it is hard not to discuss clothing; and when speaking about clothes, it is hard to omit the influence of art. Thus, these three words go hand in hand to give meaning to each other. Art, clothing, and fashion influence each other and provide basis for us to understand each one. Anyone who has ever visited an art show or art museum can easily see that art comes in various forms. Art ranges from an oil painting hanging on the wall to a statue made out of diamonds. In the same way, fashion

FAUVE ADVICE: All Fashion Editorial images, created by an array of photographers and creative teams, printed within Fauve Magazine can also be viewed in their HIGHEST QUALITY online at www.fauvemagazine.com. Visit our website to see past and present shoots. Copyright © 2013 all right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without written permission from FAUVE, opinions expressed in “FAUVE” are the writer’s and not necessarily endorsed by FAUVE. FAUVE is not responsible or liable in any way for the contents (advertising included)

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could be nothing without Style. What is style? Put simply, it is the way something–anything–is done. There are no limits to how something can be expressed, designed or presented, whether that thing is a story, a staircase or a shoe. That’s why to me Fashion is what you are offered four times a year. Style is what you pick out of that fashion… It’s what you make of it once you’ve learned what to accept and ignore based on what looks good on and is comfortable for You! Xxx Fauve

– INTERVIEW / Photographer –

YASMIN SUTEJA THE NEW COOL TEAM / A CULTURE MACHINE I have been following YASMIN’s work for quite some time and it just amaze me always. She has a knack for fashion photography and it clearly shows. I decided to find out a bit about her and what her goals are for the future and current project

moment, I’m finding a great deal of inspiration in a trio of Australian photographers – Ryan Kenny, Byron Spencer and Gavriel Maynard. They all have a unique approach to fashion photography that has a pseudo-documentary feel.

YASMIN, can u tell us a bit more about yourself? Where do you come from? Where do you live? Where do you call home? Hi! I’m 21 years old. I recently graduated from the University of Technology in Sydney, where I studied Media Arts and Production. I moved back to Bali in May of this year and started a creative collective, CULTURE MACHINE. My dad is originally from Mengwi, and my mum is from Sydney. I grew up between Bali and Sydney, so I’m fortunate to call both places my home.

What would we find in your camera bag for a typical assignment in studio or on location? A Canon 7D, a 50mm 1.4, a 1755mm, a few pieces of clear plastic and some aluminum foil to play with light and experiment with lens whacking!

What led you to a career in fashion photography? Do you have formal training in your background? I was interested in photography from a young age. I remember loaning out all the photography books at the local library and spending hours flicking through pages, trying to imprint these images in my memory! As far as formal training goes, I took a photography elective at university that introduced me to analogue photography and dark room techniques. Could you name some of the photographers that have inspired you and helped to shape your approach to fashion photography? Helmut Newton has inspired me a great deal – I love his compositions and am particularly inspired by his use of mirrors are reflections. At the

What is your approach to lighting? Do you prefer artificial or available light? What are your most used light modifiers and why? I prefer available light, mostly because I don’t have much experience with studio lighting. As far as light modifiers go, I can’t go past a good soft box! What style do you mainly shoot? I think the style I gravitate towards is quite minimalistic. I like to play with shapes, depth and negative space. As you look through the viewfinder what is the most critical moment in the capture of your image? The moment the subject thinks they’re off the hook, and I’ve stopped pressing the shutter. If not fashion photography what would YASMIN be doing with her time? Yasmin would be trying to figure out what to do with her life.

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What has been the best advice given to you by another photographer? Just keep shooting. It sounds really clichéd, but it’s true. You’ll grow from experience – you’ll make mistakes, but you’ll also make awesome discoveries and it’s in this time that you will discover your own unique style. I think it’s also really important to keep yourself inspired – find inspiration in galleries, magazines, blogs and even in other mediums – look at paintings, sculptures, and watch films! Who is your biggest Inspiration? Annie Liebovitz Can you tell us more about Culture Machine and all the team around you? ;) CULTURE MACHINE is a collective of photographers, filmmakers, art directors and creative thinkers. The idea came to me in my second year of uni, after reading The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, as I developed a strong interest in the psychology behind popular culture and social trends. I’ve been organizing a range of different collaborations between Bali-based creative’s and people visiting the island. We focus mainly on fashion film and photography and our aim is basically to discover and coordinate talented teams for commissioned projects. Thank you YASMIN for sharing your thoughts and images we wish you continued success. Thank you! +62 812 361 200 28 contact@culturemachine.tv www.culturemachine.tv










The Evolution of Urban Style by DWAYNE Today wearers of urban and street style are enjoying looking into the fashions colourful history to borrow from the past and add to their look. Whilst it may seem today that this style is everywhere this wasnt always the case. Over the past 3 decades the style has grown and evolved and yet never lost its cutting edge feel. So as the urban style officially takes its place in mainstream culture lets look back at how the style has evolved since it first came to the attention of the masses. The 80s The 80s was the decade when hip hop first came to the worlds attention in a big way. The uniform worn by the artists who brought the sound of the streets to the masses was simple. Artist such as Run DMC popularised the tracksuit as an everyday look, but even in the beginning the swag was still there. It was important to be seen in a name brand but there was also a lot of customisation to add an individual flair. Footwear was also an important part of the look; trainers were white and high topped with chunky laces. But these artists also saw the importance of accessories to trademark their look. Whether it was a hat or sunglasses the right accessories could make you stand out from the crowd. The 80s also saw showed the effectiveness of jewellery,

from the oversized clock worn by Flavor Flav to the long gold chunky necklaces, your accessories could say a lot about your status. The 90s The 90s saw an explosion of colour into the urban fashion scene. Loud prints and brightly coloured jackets and bottoms were popularised by Will Smith on the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. It also saw a lot more denim coming into the mix; whether it was in the form of jeans or a jacket, and doing double denim wasnt out of the question either. It is also in this decade that we saw a greater emergence of women on the hip hop scene, girl groups such as TLC led the way for women to take the urban style and make it their own. As the look began its infiltration into the mainstream, artists such as P.Diddy launched their own clothing lines and showed that hip hop fashion was starting to become just as popular as the music. The 00s As the new millennium began hip hop only got bigger and bigger. Rappers became part of the musical elite and their influence was seen throughout everywhere. As hip hop music firmly established its place in society, its fashion broadened to

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become more ecliptic. The growth of wealth in the hip hop community has meant more bling and statement outfits. Rappers were seen on red carpets in designer suits and artists such as Kanye West leading the way towards a more sophisticated look. However, the more casual street style clothing still gained even more popularity and even made in on to the high street and runway shows. Bomber jackets and loose fitting trousers were still a vital part of the style but there was now no limit on colour or print. Today The current look mixes the best of the past with the future and stays true to the original urban feel. Accessories have still stayed a vital part of any outfit with the snap back cap becoming the most prominent. Whats great about todays style is the mix of old and new, borrowing the best elements of the past whilst still managing to be on the cutting edge of fashion. Wearers are now able to express their individuality more freely through their clothes, and anything goes as long as you have the style.


TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR... LIVER by VERONICA It is through your liver the main way to detoxify and cleanse your body. It is continuously filtering toxins contained in the blood entering through the digestive tract, skin and respiratory system. It is an organ that has important tasks. It is responsible for synthesizing proteins, cholesterol, detoxifying the blood, producing glycogen, produce bile, etc. But when the liver is overworked as a result of stress or excessive exposure to toxins, the entire system can become unbalanced, and your health can be seriously compromised. We can help this tireless worker just taking some plants that will aid your liver in various roles. These plants may be founded as

teas, pills or fresh ready to be added to your favorite salads. Some preparations of tea or pills are a combination of these herbs making it easier to use many at once: 1. CLEAN. Your liver accumulates daily large amounts of toxins. Some plants like boldo infusions, milk thistle and artichoke can help to clean it. In addition, taking milk thistle helps your body also to regenerate liver cells. 2. PURIFY: One of the main functions of your liver is to drain and destroy the toxins that accumulate in our body. Thanks to white nettle, wormwood and dandelion can help it to work properly.

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3. STIMULATE: Help to stimulate your liver function by taking yellow dock tea, sacred bark or fennel. They increase the flow of bile and further contribute to proper emptying of the gallbladder. And we got good news for caffeine addicts; finally someone told us that coffee is good for something! The coffee antioxidant properties are beneficial for liver cells. But just brewed coffee, because after 20 minutes (or reheat), it loses its properties and instead of helping the liver, it is intoxicating. When cooking and eating food, you can also pay attention and help at times this tireless organ: - Garlic . It contains compounds that activate hepatic enzymes responsible of washing organic toxins. Onion bulbs also contain nutrients that help to protect the liver from toxic damage and help the natural detoxification process. - Grapefruit . Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, it improves liver function by stimulating the production of liver detoxification enzymes. - Green tea. It helps remove fat from the liver, as it contains a type of antioxidant that has shown to have the ability to remove the buildup of fat in the liver. - Grapes. They enhance the liver’s blood tonic function. - Green vegetables. They cleanse the liver. Leafy greens like arugula, dandelion leaves, spinach, mustard greens and chicory, also contain compounds that help cleanse the liver and neutralize heavy metals in the liver. Also these vegetables also have the ability to help removing pesticides and herbicides.

- Avocados. They actively promote liver health by protecting against toxic overload and increasing cleaning power. Some research has shown that eating one or two avocados a week in just 30 days can help to repair a damaged liver. - Walnuts. They contain high levels of L - arginine, an amino acid, glutathione and omega -3 fatty acids, which also help to detoxify the liver diseases caused by ammonia. Nuts also help to oxygenate the blood and extracts from their shells are often used in liver cleansing formula . - Turmeric. One of the most effective foods to maintain a healthy liver, it has been shown to actively protects the liver against toxic damage and even regenerate damaged liver cells . Turmeric also increases the natural production of bile and improves the overall function of the gallbladder. Remember that a diet rich in fats and sugars, as well as alcohol, damage your liver , so keep a healthy diet and try to avoid alcohol. This is essential to maintain a healthy liver. Although it seems that I always repeat the same advice, it is best not to saturate the body with drugs, do not eat foods that harm , or at least not do it often, eat healthy and manage negative emotions best. A liver detox is an excellent tool for prevention and depending on the life style we have, it could be from every 6 to 24 months ( the longest range for vegetarians, for example). There are many liver cleansing methods that can be chosen, and even the simplest has proved to be successful. The basic principle behind the liver cleansing is always the same. Do not eat fatty foods or animal protein for several days to let the liver relax and take olive oil or unrefined oil. The increase of oil level in

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the intestines causes an explosive reaction of the gallbladder. The gallbladder expels build up bile discharging stored toxins or small stones if any. The best method to use is a matter of preference. One of the most popular is that of Andreas Moritz, which requires several days of preparation, as well as instructions and concrete steps. If you are interested, I would suggest you get his book , “The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse”, to follow all the process. But not less important, be aware that emotions like anger, lack of affection, enmity , hatred , bitterness and resentment are triggering factors of liver disease. In almost all cultures, traditional medicine recognizes that the liver is one of the most sensitive organs to anger. According to Chinese medicine anger experience triggers a heat enveloping layer in the liver that upsets its functions. Acupressure can release that excess heat through pressure to specific points.


karma KONVERSATIONS Minting the Mountaintop – Can Heaven Have a Price Tag? by SWATHIMAA If I had to pick, I’d say autumn has always been my favorite season. Robust harvest winds blustering, making thousands of brilliantlycolored castaways out of errant autumn leaves, literally leaving life and limb behind them. Not so much here in Bali, of course, since our little verdant isle basically consists of seasonal rice fields dotted by perennial jungles and the majority of green stuff that falls from the trees are coconuts. That said, I don’t think the intrinsic value of this most-favorite season of mine is dictated by one’s proximity to, say, Vermont or even which hemisphere you’re living in at the time. At its heart, now is a time of abundance, the harvest and reaping what ye

have sown, a time of inspiration. Sure, there’s also a smattering of pre-holiday holidays leading up to the shopping-sojourners’ gift-giving carnival that awaits us come winter. But, on behalf of being in the moment and enjoying it, I say we focus on abundance now, as the topic du jour. I’ll go first. For the most part, abundance ain’t about the money…but, then again, it is. There’s just no getting around it, right? When we think of Abundance in Life — both words punctuated with capitals because they’re so seriously important to all of us most of the time or to most

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of us all of the time — Money is a key that opens many, many doors, including some important doors of our own perception. Even though the paper it’s printed on and the metals it’s stamped on aren’t worth much, having Money crinkle and jingle in our pockets makes us feel secure, freer, bolder, more adventurous, even daring, certainly it offers a grander view of Life, lifting us higher up the mountain, closer to the top, where the big girls and boys play. Life is Good. And, if someone indiscreetly tries to point out how miserable some of those rarified air masters-of-theuniverse seem to be, the rest of us know that would NEVER happen to us. Life there, in other words, is Great. From a distance, the materialistic glow of it is all sparkly and bright. Up close, we might catch a glimpse of some occasional smoke and mirrors but no matter. As far as we’re concerned, it’s all do-able and we’re good-to-go. Drop us in the lofty land of material Abundance and let us wallow uniquely, thoughtfully, discriminately, altruistically, and altogether wisely. And, of course, we will. While most people are still under the opinion that spirituality is the polar opposite of materialism — except for fake spiritualism and fake godmen, who represent some of the worst in materialism — spirituality isn’t what it seems either. It’s not all loincloths and begging bowls. Even today, all though it seems like it, it’s not all about the downward dog pose and quasi-organic, pastel spandex, nor its environmentallyfriendly middle ground, a fragrant compost of full moon chantings, ecstatic dancing, holy sisterhood, Tantric sex, and Sanskrit tattoos. These are, in fact, just our modern preferences with regards to the materialistic side spirituality. There

also seems an unspoken affirmation to hedge one’s bets and make Money off it all. DVDs, yoga classes, clothing, and accessories, ancient teachings propounded, ancient practices revealed, ancient holy devotions pressed on CDs, for the truly blessed, they offer a good livelihood. Never mind the so-called ironies. So, questions remain. Is Abundance about having cool stuff and how we accumulate it? Is godliness or even God — that is to say, a conscious intention to connect with the Source — required? A materialistic component certainly seems to be the agreed-upon litmus test. But, who decides? Who defines the definition? In India’s spirituality, Satya (Truth), Dharma (Purpose), Shanti (Peace), Prema (Love) are the Four Divine Pillars. But, are they independent, singular and absolute, having their own indelible character and unquestionable effects, irrespective of who meets them finally? A sherpa was once asked, “Shall I touch the face of God when I reach the top of the mountain?” The sherpa replied, “In my experience, you will be straining for breath, worrying about falling, and searching for your camera in hopes of providing proof you made it there at all. The only face that will matter to you is your own.” Unromantic and disappointingly practical, perhaps, but you gotta give the guy credit. He clearly understands something. The point is, I’m guessing: you’re not going to see or experience anything of real grandeur or divinity — you’re not going to know real Abundance — if all you’re really thinking about is yourself. Spiritually speaking, we’re living in the Dark Ages, characterized by sin inspired by body-consciousness.

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Our bods rule! The Divine definition of “sin” and “evil” is the same: selfishness, pure and simple or complicated and diluted, it’s all part-and-parcel. Now, more than ever, we identify ourselves most as our bodies. Our strongest motivations are to satisfy and expand our desires related to them. Depending on our own personal tendency towards seeing the glass as half-full or half-empty, we promote our desires as joyous and lasciviously as we can and embrace our own bodies (and as many others as we can, too). At the same time, we’re repelled by the desires of those that don’t agree with and support our own. And, we all do this in the name of Abundance. But, the times, they are changing. The coin is flipping to the other side. At least, that’s the soulful SDSP prediction (see Four Pillars above). So, heads up, dear hearts! Of course, the jury is still out on it. But we, the current batch of adoring sinners and saints, are all IN! So, in abundance: be open to change, follow your heart, don’t hurt anyone and enjoyself! swathimaa@omshivaloka.com

– INTERVIEW / Style BLogger –

Astrid Soedjono-Astbury a fashion frenzy First of all, why fashion? Heard that you graduated from law school? Ha! How did you know that?! Yes, that’s right! Nailed it down with good grades. I’m actually very pleased and surprised with myself. I liked it, Law is very interesting actually. Yet………… It’s just not what I’m passionate about. How did you get your start in blogging? I’ve seen these fashion icons/ bloggers on the internet and they’ve inspired me to start my own as a creative outlet to express my love of fashion, extensive collection of clothes and to share with women as motivation for putting outfits and looks together.

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I used to blog. Ages ago. Now, I don’t really blog like I used to. Now, we have these social media(s) happening, so I’m using Instagram as my “blog”. At first, I was just doing it for fun! I like taking pictures of my #OOTD (Outfit Of The Day), and have asked by people what brands I’m wearing. I got more than 1k followers now. Which is great! They keep me going… How would you describe your own personal style? I incorporate personal items from my closet that range in price and I try and take a twist on styles I see on the street, runway or my favorite celebrities. I find inspiration everywhere!

– INTERVIEW / Style BLogger –

Living in Bali has changed my style a lot. I grew up in a big city and the way they dress is so different than here. A little bit sophisticated I guess.., I’m still like that though, depends on the occasion and the place I go to. But now, I’m a fun festival chick. A mixed of edgy and boho.

Industry affects who we are and how we view others, we also affect the Fashion Industry more than we may realize.

Who is your favorite blogger? Rumi Neely.

Shoes? I have loads of wedges, ankle boots and sneakers (New Balance or Vans – big fan!) But I do have a few Loubs for my sophisticated side and that special occasion.

One thing that you can’t go without before you leave the house? An eyeliner (I use Bobbi Brown Long Wear Eye Liner). I have narrow eyes, Without an eyeliner, people always say/have said that “oh you look so tired!” “Did you have a big party last night?” “You look so pale!” “Hangover?” – Pffft…. Okay, so what about hair? I shampoo every day; it’s awful. But I don’t feel like I’m fully ready for the day if I don’t shampoo. People are like, ‘What’re you doing? You’re ruining your life!’…. The concept of dry shampoo is really appealing, like, ‘I’m not going to wash my hair!’ But, I just like washing my hair. Oh I don’t brush my hair too – My hair is so straight, I’m very lucky I don’t have to spend loads of time to get my hair done. It falls naturally (I don’t mean to brag). What is the most common thing people ask you about clothes and the way to dress? It usually comes down to asking me whether I prefer this to that or what matches what. In your opinion, what is the crucial thing in being original about the way somebody dresses? Having the nerve, knowledge or….? You’ve got to have the nerve, individuality and not be discouraged by what other people think. By the clothing that we wear we create an identity that says something about who we are. We can also, just as easily, change our identity just by changing our style of clothing, hairstyle and makeup. The clothing we wear will establish our social identity because looks are the first thing we judge by; like I said.. despite what anyone may say. But even as the Fashion

Your favorite designer(s)? Alexander Wang, Balmain (Olivier Rousting), 3.1 Phillip Lim; BCBG Max Azria. Helmut Lang.

Your choice of bags? Bigger is better! But a must have: a classic Chanel bag. It’s like one of those key pieces that you spend a bit more but it’s worth it! And, what else are those key pieces? For me, Leather jackets and Black biker boots. When it comes to music, your top favorites are? I grew up listening to every genre(s). Any kinds. I love any kinds of music. (I’m really sorry but I have to say this.. except Dangdut.) The ones on my playlist are… Disclosure, SBTRKT, The Black Keys, Mount Kimbie, Ben Westbeech, Jamiroquai, Jay-Z, Daft punk, Breakbot… Oh so many!! The list goes on and on…. What is your perspective on music and fashion? Music and fashion has a tight relationship for sure. A Musician or a celebrity could also become a trendsetter in terms of fashion and style. Music and Fashion have always been inextricably linked. Music is a social phenomenon – something deeply entrenched in culture and the trends of the time. Similarly, fashion is a cultural phenomenon – we associate a particular silhouette with, let’s say remember about The Beatles fashion and hairstyles at the early 60’s? That day many youth in the world change their hairstyles and fashion styles to follow the Beatles. Without a doubt! Jay-Z’s track from his new album called “Tom Ford”… there must be an endorsement behind it.

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Have you seen Daft Punk on Yves Saint Laurent new campaign? I’m sure you have. So there you go. Can you describe the street style in the city you live in? High summer. Festival! What do you plan on doing in the future? To be honest, this is one of the most scariest questions one could ask, I hope to further develop my ‘blog’ and pursue my career in fashion, I want to travel a lot too. Who are your biggest supporter(s)? My family (especially Mom) and my husband. What do you spend most of your money on besides clothes? Shoes and Accessories. Same thing? Nah. Tell us what was your last purchase? Marc Jacobs’ Small Antonia bag in Beige. My middle name is Antonia, so this bag has my name on it and it has my name all over it!! Ha!! What do you do, when you’re not busy blogging? I have an 8 to 5 job. At Bamboo Blonde as Head of Accessories Buyer. That takes up most of my time. I hit the gym afterwards. I’m a married woman now, so I’d like to spend as much time as I can with my husband and my pitbull kid. What do you plan on doing in the future? To be honest, this is one of the most scariest questions one could ask, I hope to further develop my ‘blog’ and pursue my career in fashion, I want to travel a lot too. Instagram: @astridsoedjono

WILD AT HEART Photography: Rachel Mantiri Art Direction: Fauve Styling: Astrid Soedjono-Astbury & Aisha Zaidi All garments: Bamboo Blonde Model: SOFIA for FAUVE Agency

balithisweek .com Ultimate Guide

The easiest way for the public to find recommenda7ons on where and when to go or what to enjoy!

Balithisweek.com is the first website that features many aspects of Bali life style such as restaurants, bar-clubs, shops, spas or activities, showing their ambiance, setting and style with a short video clip... The website also compiles in the calendar section main events and news of what is happening in Bali including parties, concerts, festivals, and much more. Looking for a party? a restaurant? Just Click, Check and Go!


On Becoming a Budget Fashionista by KIMBERLY Every once in awhile we want to keep ourselves beautiful and trendy. Confidence simply can be built not only within oneself but most of all with our physical appearance. One may think that it is hypocrite to judge others through their looks but there is a truth to that, we are often judged first by how we look and what we wear. With that, one should be certain that looking good makes a very good foundation to boosting that self-esteem. However, we cannot just look beautiful without doing anything. Research and effort are indeed needed if you want to look noticeably fashionable.

A simple outfit could easily look fantastic when paired with accessories. Accessories definitely play a big role in fashion. A plain shirt and pants would look differently if you match it with a gorgeous chunky necklace or chic earrings. Investing in some few good accessories would go a long way. We would only need to accentuate our clothes and viola, one gets to have another transition from their plain boring clothes. If we are skimping on buying those expensive clothes then go for accessories. There are some cheap and great-looking ones that will definitely keep one looking flashy!

In the world today, we are filled with a lot of trends. Trends, which are changing always! Becoming a fashionista is not easy. However, we don’t need to keep up with what the latest designs when it comes to accessories and outfit. You could be your own self. We all love to flaunt around with those designer label items but then, there is also a more inexpensive way wherein one could show their fashion flare.

There are various shops selling adorable and glamorous accessories. The Internet is also a great tool to start looking for one. EBay and Amazon are one of the best sites to start with. There are also a lot of artists that showcase their arts in the net; some of it is even one of a kind. Not only will we find unique accessories there but we would be able to find ones that are within our budget. There are certainly many accessories on

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the web that will totally fit one’s image. Nevertheless, there are also some pre-loved items that are sold there. Furthermore, one might also want to check out some thrift and vintage stores. In there, we will find some one-of-a-kind pieces. If we want to stand out from the crowd with different kind of accessories then we should scavenge into these shops. Like the saying goes “One man’s garbage could be another man’s treasure”, for sure we will find great deals from them. One just needs to open their eyes to the possibility of having to become a fashionista without spending too much money on designer items by opening up to their creativity instinct. Everybody should be updated with what is happening in the various trends on the runway. America, Paris, London is just a click away from our television and Internet. We should check out some of the blogs from different fashion personas as well as from those bloggers who are updated with what is hype in the fashion world.



HOTEL AMOUR paris love in all the right places

Love reigns here at this hotel/ restaurant. From red lipstick to exposed lingerie and curvaceous puffs of smoke, one could almost ignore the food. But don’t. The Hotel Amour is located 8, rue Navarin close to the ‘Rue des Martyrs’ and Pigalle in the 9th district. At the the hotel, love is everywhere. Rooms designed for it and the courtyard in the middle of a thriving jungle, between fire red lipstick waitresses, lingerie for true-false Lolitas and plumes of smoke more cougars than gypsy women. In the plate? A mixed peas and beans to create a cheese bacon for the bottom, a strawberry shortcake for ... who cares, as long as we love each other! In the glass? A rasteau L’Andéol. In every rooms at the Hotel Amour own universe graphic black and white décor, bedroom or sixties atmosphere and bucolic poetry you get the choice according to your mood or your evening plans ... The rooms are rented by the hour or for the night.

ART & DESIGN. Opened in 2006, Hotel Amour has been designed in collaboration with Thierry Costes, Emmanuel Delavenne and Andrew. The rooms designated by Alexandre Betak, M / M and Pierre Le Tan, each have their own strong and unique identity. The decor, vintage exclusively, was meanwhile made ​​ with a stock of antique objects, unusual trinkets and antiques. Design and art all over this amazing place. At the Hotel Amour, no spa, pool or television in the rooms, but libertines objects and erotic magazines, vintage also scattered everywhere. No doorman, no spa, no porter at the Hotel Amour, but the staff is dressed in APC, erotic magazines, novels and fashions are available in your room. Rule number 1: as many sets as dwellings. Rule number 2: vintage furniture only. Rule number 3: the artists offered to white cards. Designed by three friends of the Parisian night (Andrew Thierry Costes and Emmanuel Delavenne), this represents a stopover trip to Blow Up. “

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“Under his Vintage inspiration, setting off a true spirit adopted by a fauna of the trends! The hotel offers the Love for a night, a trip to Paris “glam” and sensual where each object is intended to lead you to a sense of nostalgia. “ “Ideally located in the 9th district of Paris, close to Pigalle, Hotel Amour is unique, the perfect place for a romantic stay in the capital and especially discrete assignment close to the rue des Martyrs” 8, rue navarin 75009 paris 01 48 78 31 80 hotelamour@hotmail.fr www.hotelamourparis.Fr


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fashion facts by KATIE The fashion industry is at once the most visible and overlooked of cultural sectors. Malls, streets, magazines racks, television shows, and runways are filled with people making fashion statements—some angry, some extreme, some incoherent. But while designers, celebrities, publicists, and most young people in America understand the persuasive power of a fashion statement, most “serious” cultural critics give little evidence of noticing, much less engaging, the

often pathological and destructive messages that fashion trends and fads market. This is a mistake: fashion statements are often both influential and philosophyladen and, therefore, often need to be considered, analyzed, or challenged. One does not need to be a critic or designer to understand that fashion statements intend to send a message. The content of those messages is an increasingly important component of the state of our culture. There are several reasons why this is so.

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First, fashion helps define and shape popular culture, which, in turn, drives much of American culture writ large. The last few years have provided numerous examples of the influence fashion wields in shaping popular culture. Television and movies have, since their beginning, spawned fashion trends, but are increasingly institutionalizing their fashion influence. Models host their own television shows, open restaurants, and star in movies. All-fashion programs are making their appearance on cable stations and all-fashion networks are even emerging. Similarly, the music and fashion industries are growing ever more intertwined. Music magazines— Rolling Stone, Spin, Vibe, and others—often feature fashion spreads, in addition to the fashionconscious musicians they profile. VH1 offers the yearly VH1 Vogue Fashion Awards; MTV boasts the House of Style program. As far back as 1986, the Council of Fashion Designers of America gave MTV a special award for its influence on fashion. Fashion becomes an integral part of what young people consider cool, attractive, stylish, and entertaining. Even Newsweek admitted that “Style counts: Teen cliques are more fluid than adults thing, but each has its own distinctive tribal markings, from hippie chic to body art to buttoned down prep.” Indeed, virtually all cultural trends have a fashion component; one cannot adopt a role without looking the part. As fashion has grown more intertwined with popular culture, its reach and influence have extended to younger consumers. Children provide an emerging market for the fashion world, and prove an increasingly lucrative one. According to some studies, direct spending by teens and preteens has tripled since 1990; in 1998, children under twelve alone spent over $28 billion, much of it on clothes. Children are more susceptible to peer pressure and fashion fads than adults; their increasing purchase power is a sure sign that fashion advertising—and its institutionalized presence in much of popular culture—will target more and more marketing efforts toward children. As fashion grows more influential, it will direct its statements

toward the more easily influenced. The increasing clout and celebrity of those within the fashion industry has also yielded political access. A generation ago, it would have been difficult to imagine a model being invited to testify on Capital Hill; today, models have been asked to do everything from advise Congress on foreign affairs (as when the model Iman testified about slavery in Sudan) to lead public health campaigns (Lauren Hutton’s campaign for hormone therapy). Nor is the fashion industry’s political access limited to the United States. In 1998, when models Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss finished their photo shoot in Havana, on a lark they sent a note to Castro requesting a meeting. Castro met with them for a full ninety minutes— half an hour longer than he spared for the Pope. In addition, Cuba’s chief revolutionary showed himself to be fairly well acquainted with fashion trends, congratulating Miss Moss on starting the “revolution” toward smaller models. A third factor is that fashion is significant in its capacity to both reflect and affect larger historical trends. “Fashion is a mirror of history,” declared Louis IV. And David Wolfe, creative director of the fashion consulting Doneger Group, has stated: “Fashion is both a predecessor of what has taken place in larger society, and a predictor of what will take place.” There are numerous examples to prove their point: the end of the first World War and subsequent expansion of economic wealth and opportunity unleashed daring and expensive new fashions. The passage of the nineteenth amendment, extending the right to vote to women, coincided with the advent of pants, shorter skirts, looser-fitting clothing for women, and bobbed hair. The departure of flapper fashion from previously accepted norms was radical in and of itself, as well as reflective of seismic changes underway in the status and treatment of women. The shortening of women’s hemlines and advent of the dropped-waist dress (which eliminated the need for corsets) were vehemently criticized for being “unfeminine,” with the result that social concepts

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of femininity underwent alterations along with hemlines and haircuts. Fashion accelerated the movement of history—and not only by enabling women to walk faster. The adoption of new fashions became a social, even a philosophical statement, in some ways. Indeed, the most renowned author of the time, F. Scott Fitzgerald, penned his most famous short story “Bernice Bobs Her Hair” in a book titled Flappers and Philosophers. Finally, and most importantly, fashion statements are significant because they purport to define what an individual and/or society believes is and should be attractive, desired, and emulated. The fashion industry’s primary purpose is to glamorize a particular “look” and hold it up as something to be admired, purchased, and adopted. It is about endowing a certain appearance with glamour and encouraging others to aspire toward its emulation. As one critic noted, “In virtually all forms of fashion photography, there is a patina of glamour. Once anything is touched by the hand of fashion, it takes on an enticing glow and a secular and commercial appeal.” What we, as a society, consider attractive and stylish is no trivial matter, as it reflects significantly on what we value, what we consider beautiful, and how we wish to appear and be known. As such, fashion statements are, as their name suggests, invitations to a conversation—one that we would do well to take seriously.

L’Escapade Photography: Alexei Bazdarev (www.alexeibazdarev.com) Model: Maria Prohorova


Looking fashionable can also be affordable By Stephanie You don’t have to be rich to look good or fashionable. Globalization has impacted street fashion as well and there are more ways than one to get on the fashion bandwagon.

Everybody knows that peplum is here to stay. Blair Waldorf wouldn’t have been caught dead in something that didn’t set a trend immediately. But little did the main character of Gossip Girl know that her wardrobe would influence Sonam Kapoor’s wardrobe in Aisha in 2010. In New Delhi, the red peplum dress Kapoor wore in the film caught Tinky Ningombam’s fancy - the 27-year-old public relations manager marched to her local tailor and had the outfit stitched. Frugal finances don’t always need to come in the way of fashion. Apart from the price of the dress at a high-street brand, it is important to get the right fit,” says Ningombam who prefers to shop on the street, instead of hitting the malls. A walk through Delhi’s Janpath or Sarojini Nagar market or Colaba Causeway in Mumbai is all one needs in order to get a pulse on an eclectic, fresh, not-so-original but Seamlessly international phenomenon called street fashion. Apart from popular cinema, magazines and blogs are emerging as an important medium that seeks to guide fashion lovers of all backgrounds and budgets. “People are sharing ideas on social networking portals and blogs,” says Aaditya Walia, senior fashion stylist, Vogue India. But the numbers are small. Less than 30% people in India follow latest trends, points out Mumbai-based fashion blogger Gia Kashyap. She feels that Indians are far behind the

global benchmark of international street fashion compared to the Americans, European and Japanese counterparts. “In India, fashion is very subjective. You may find a girl wearing only western clothing in Mumbai, another girl in Jaipur may wear block print cotton kurtas. Both stylish, but different,” says Kashyap. Coloured denims, quirky prints, palazzo pants, crepe dresses with butterflies, polka and little hearts, boat shoes or wedge heels are in vogue this summer. Street fashion in India is evolving fast and is a reflection of Indian sensibilities, colours, designs, embroideries and textures from different states of the country, mixed with western fashion. “Indians mix East and West fashion instead of donning one look,” says Gauri Verma, fashion assistant at Elle magazine. An embroidered kurti paired with denims often leaves more impact that a plain western shirt, she adds. A few unique items such as the Nehru Jacket have become popular. “The jacket is not restricted to the wardrobes of politicians, even a young executive at an MNC or the guy hosting the IPL shows on TV is sporting the same jacket,” points out Sunil Sethi, president, Fashion Design Council of India. So while you have top designers in the country selling Nehru jackets for Rs 20,000, there are also those on the street that sell for Rs 500 per piece. RASTA-FASHION Naresh, a salesman at Janpath market in Delhi, spends around 12 hours a day wooing young girls to buy the latest stock from his shop. “Though negotiating with women on price is very stressful, I do not mind if it’s a pretty face,” quips Naresh, who is busy selling leopard print shirts in multiple colours, balloon trousers, lace shirts priced between Rs 150 to Rs 400. Since street fashion is generally associated with youth, affordability is the key. Street markets in India sell

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items like a shirt for as low as Rs 50 to a pair of funky pink cotton trousers for just Rs 200. “Instead of buying from brands like Zara or Mango, I go to my favorite shop in Lajpat Nagar where one can pick four different pieces, in four different colours, for the same amount of money,” says Natasha Sharma, a B Com student at Delhi University. These clothes come from a host of export houses in India, which supply garments to international fashion brands in India. Their rejects are dumped into markets like Janpath and Sarojini in Delhi, and Crawford market and Fashion Street in Mumbai. This allows shoppers in India access to the garments that were originally made for brands like Gap or H&M, which do not retail in India.”Exports surplus makes premium fashion affordable. I do not mind buying a Gap shirt for Rs 200 with a missing button or two. It’s easy to fix anyway,” says Neha Khedekar, a CA based in Mumbai. THAT FOREIGN HAND Another important source for western casuals selling on Indian streets are cheap imports from the US and Europe. “These clothes are brought into India, cleaned properly and then is sold across the country,” says Ravi Shankar Rao, managing director of Magenta Fashions, a Noida-based export house. There are also retail companies such as Shopper’s Stop, Pantaloon Retail and online firms like Yepme and Myntra that ink distribution deals with Bollywood production companies to roll out fashion clothing inspired by films. Once those designs reach the organized retail market, it does not only make fashion clothing accessible to consumers at an affordable rates, but also helps the unorganized or fake marketers to produce copies at even cheaper price.

– shopping –


Kody & Ko, Painting - facebook.com/k ody.ko.7

Shivaloka, Kartikeya Choker - www.om shivaloka.c


Zlaba, Art Shirt - ww w.zlaba.com

Blamo, Rice Baby www.blamotoy s.c

Motel Rocks, Black Bag - www.motel rocks.com


69 Slam, Bikini - ww w.69slam.com

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So… Snoop Lion happened. As someone whose best friend’s ex-college roommate works as Snoop’s personal photog and had done covers for Dazed and Confused etcetera I can honestly say this whole Lion this is a bit mis-guided. I mean, I had an I-tal chef once (that’s Rasta kosher) and smoked a lot at one point, but then I got over it. I even had dreads. Plus the sound system, direly needs to be switched out. Anyway. Snoop. God bless him. You guys on the other hand, went fucking insane. I know not all of you can afford to fly to Berlin, NYC and Cali all the time to listen to chic music but come now. That does not mean this is an excuse to go cray cray wear something that makes you look like a space geisha, get fucked up and fuck your best friend. Actually, it is. Nevermind, that’s every other weeknight in Bali. Ok, enough. I want to say what’s really bothering me. I remember when I was in Morocco one time, I was staying in the family of a very very rich Sheikh. I don’t know

Hayden Williams


where he was exactly, probably off in some oil field printing gold. However, his nine year old son was running rampant. As we were settling down to eat on the dais, he would very carefully lick the palms of each of his hands, staring directly at us. Then, as we started to lift the bread to take a bite, he would slap our cheek, and the bread would go flying. At one point, he had climbed up the latticework in the inner courtyard sending the entire household into quite a flurry, and was screaming in Morccocan Arabic, what I can only imagine was, “I hate you all. Get out of my house.” I wouldn’t say this is an isolated incident, but rather something systemic for the entire male species. But the man I’m dating just told me, “I love you.” I didn’t know what to say back, so I just said, “I love you

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too.” And like, introduced me to his mom and was really nice. And isn’t being needy or overbearing or anything. I feel like this is some sort of red flag. Yellow flag? I mean, he’s dating me and I love me, so… I think I’m just going to fake my death and wait until he leaves Bali and then come back re-incarnated at the god Shiva but with better accessories. Move to Ubud first. That’s basically dropping off the map. So now that October is here, remember to buy a raincoat, don’t stop having fun and f***ing each other, for God’s sake. Just because it’s off-season kind of does not mean you can act all boring. God bless. Don’t change. And just because I interrupt you to tell you I love you, doesn’t mean I’m not listening. Love you, babe.

– style –

Crop tops It’s been around for quite awhile, Sorry, but crop tops have cropped up again. Girls, you’ve got a few months to prepare. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


WHITE SKIRT Easy to mix and match! Your basic tops, printed tees, stripe jumpers and your pumps, boots or sneakers. Easy!

Fall to Spring fashion musts Designers have unveiled their Spring 2014 collections. It’s ‘90s trend takeover! 1) If it’s cropped tops you’ve been longing for, you won’t be disappointed. Styles range from cropped-to-the-waist shirts to the more abbreviated bra top. 2) Not for you? Other recurring runway themes included feminine, often wispy dresses, pretty florals and a twist of pastels. 3) Scores of sporty influences; think baseball jackets and track pants. Overalls, White, white and more white. Menswear-inspired silhouette combine with feminine fabrics mash up with sneakers. 1.


Oversized jackets Go home. Brush the dust off your underbed storage bins and dig deep into your parents’ closets! You might find the perfect oversized trench to go with your short dresses or even tailored pants.


Instagram: @astridsoedjono

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– style –



What a come back! Perfect to pair them with your high-neck crop top. Play it easy with denim overalls, or play it loud with printed ones, same print as your top? Don’t you worry about what shoes to wear, it sits back with any kinds of shoes! Game on!

Made popular by Nirvana and the Seattle grunge scene, flannel shirts in the ‘90s were worn every which way: Kurt Cobain tied his shirt around his waist, Wayne and Garth left theirs unbuttoned over rock ‘n roll tees and even Zack “Preppy” Morris tucked his flannel into belted, acid-wash jeans. Basically, it was the bomb, no matter how you rocked it. It showed up on everything from skirts to sweatshirts to pants and jackets.

I HEART: Pair this basic high-neck top with this oh-so cool faux leather overall – you can wear your heels or booties with this outfit. I’ll wear my pair of chucks! Never goes wrong, my friend :)

I HEART: This skirt is from 3.1 Phillip Lim, You can wear the designer version or… you can just grab one of your boyfriend’s plaid shirts and tie it around your waist!

69slam is the leading company in swimwear in Bali. When Tyra Banks and the America Next Top Models Boys and Girls came to the island to shoot their 20th edition, the brand was naturally chosen to be partner on one of their challenges. After one day of shooting the winners got the chance to be featured in the next 69slam ad campaign.

The 69slam challenge will be aired on CW Television Network in the US on the 18th of October. Don’t miss your favorite brand on TV and follow us on facebook @69slamofficial to get the latest news …

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1 dollar

or die

Photography: andrew C. I - M ag Art direction, Styling, hair & Makeup : Fauve Special Thanks : Orlanda & Elisabeth model: Mariam for Fauve Agency Location : Hotel A mour Paris



ALL GARM EN T: 1 DOLL A R MA RKET sunglasses : C ast Eyewear Feather Rose

– horoscope –


As Venus, planet of beauty spends her first full week in a passionate part of your chart there is likely to be a new sassiness about you emerging, no longer willing to sit on the fence in any situation, let alone on the fashion front. While this may challenge your confidence at times, causing you to fake it till you make it, a fearless new approach to change is emerging, with a desire for a makeover taking seed.


As you reach the end of a major 10 days period where major relationship forces have come together in a way that puts both the path and the future into context, you’re left with a much better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. This is when Venus, planet of love takes the lead and with everything out in the open you get to enjoy the benefits. Something has shifted and it is no longer okay to settle for less.


At the same time that any work/life balance issues or tensions that have come to a head over recent days are starting to ease back, Pluto’s direct turn in your work sector allows you to turn your back on the work tensions of recent months, creating a real turning point. On both the work and career fronts it’s by looking at the big picture and focusing on the journey itself that you’re able to use past challenges to your advantage, while appreciating that it’s time to move on.



In all Mercury will only spend 3 weeks in your income sector, giving you the smart head for money needed to take your power back and make a stand, anything that keeps you on your toes needing to be seen as an advantage. As the Moon makes his only visit to your financial sector while Mercury is in your income sector they move into opposition today, with your financial instincts and a smart head for money going head to head, providing some valuable wakeup calls on both fronts.


Where personal and/or relationship tension may have come to a head earlier in the week and then subsided, the Moon’s return to your relationship sector is likely to see a flare up. Yet where you find your emotional responses are being triggered, especially on the relationship front, you’ll also find the means to give this a voice. During the 3 weeks that Mercury, planet of communication will spend in your sign, this is one of the most important days for giving relationship matters a voice.

With the Moon already gone from your career sector after the Full Moon there few days ago and a powerful alignment between work forces already seeing the players start to go their different ways, the stranglehold that professional forces had on you is starting to loosen its grip. There is no way that you’ll lose your professional edge anytime soon and a new sense of resolve has been born on the work front, but you’re also starting to realise that life can’t be all work and no play. As Pluto turns direct in your relationship sector you’re finally able to put some challenging months behind you, with a chance today to shift your focus away from the past and onto the future. With the Sun in his final days in your communication sector this comes at a time when you have the resources to ensure the communication lines are open, but also that the focus is on the future and moving on. While you can learn from the past, it’s time to put it behind you.



While there is likely to be a lot going on at the moment, this is a day for remaining as professionally focused as possible. The Moon has returned for his only visit to your work sector during the 7 weeks that Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos will spend in your career sector, giving you a chance to get an intuitive read on work matters. This is a day for listening to your instincts, hunches, any Eureka moments and also what any work tension is telling you. If it evokes a response it’s valid and needs your attention. – 72 –


Pluto’s direct turn in your income sector today will do more than turn the tide on the income front and your back on some challenging financial months, but is likely to create a shift in confidence as well. With your focus on the rear view mirror over the last 5 months, as your gaze shifts to the road ahead you’re suddenly aware of how many options you have, not only on the income and financial fronts, but on the professional front as well.


At the same time that Pluto turns direct in your sign, giving you a chance to look to the future, the Moon, through your emotional responses, may once again bring any work/life balance issues to a head. On a day that is all about giving you a chance for a fresh start and with the most challenging months of the year now behind you, this gives you a chance to ensure you have the right balance as you prepare to move on.


As the Moon makes his monthly visit to your communication sector make the most of the opportunity this creates to ensure the communication lines are open. This is the Moon’s only visit to your communication sector during the 7 weeks that Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos is spending in your relationship sector, working together today this gives you a chance to ensure the communication lines are open. Work with the chance this gives you to give your emotional responses a voice.


As the Moon makes his only visit to your income sector during Mars’ 7 week visit to your work sector, this gives you the nose for money needed to sniff out new trails, but also to confirm what you already know. As the Moon aligns with Uranus, planet of surprise and synchronicity this is likely to trigger some Eureka moments, as well as strengthen a bond that has already been created between income and work forces. Any financial tension this creates is more a challenge to work with the smart head for money Mercury is giving you.

– SPORTs –


By Dushko Talking about the training of the heart and the lungs besides the “muscle training”? Yes, I am talking about the cardio training. The cardio training it’s a must for the human body, no matter who, professional body builder or a beginner - everybody will benefit. Fast metabolism, fat burning, coordination, increased body (mind) detox, freshness

throughout the day - you name it! If you are using a heart rate monitor, make sure that first you will test it on the specific cardio exercises that you will do later, so you can easily determine the maximum heart rate percentage. Knowing that, keep your heart rate from 75-95% approximately and you will get the best cardio training!

Note: testing your maximum heart rate on the bicycle is not the same maximum heart rate like the one on the running or different types of exercises.


The most famous cardio exercise ever! It’s simple, you can do it as a part of your HIIT (high intensity interval training), you can mix it with some strength exercises to boost fat loss and to keep the muscles lean and mean, and you can do it anywhere! Starting position: stand straight with the arms to the side. Jump laterally (left leg to the left and right leg to the right), simultaneously bring both hands up in the same manner - laterally, above the head. That’s it! Go at your own pace, and try to do it rhythmically. Remember, keep the core tight, glutes and abs squeezed. Test yourself :-)


Starting position: Standing, bring the right knee up in front of the abdomen and left elbow almost touching the knee. Jump, twist and switch the position - left knee and right elbow in front of the abdomen. Easier version of this exercise is do it without the jump.

Mountain Climbers

This is one of my favorite cardio - core exercises (combined with the Twisters is pure awesomeness!!). From high plank position (hands under the shoulders and legs straight), bring one knee close to the chest without the foot touching the ground, the other leg is back and straight. With a big abdominal contraction jump and switch the position. The pelvis remain upwards, and arms straight. Repeat at your own pace, but try to do at least 10 minutes non stop! Just joking :-)

Have a great workout, the Motion team is here for you! For more information check our webpage www.motionfitnessbali.com. If you need any equipment or you are interested in training with us call us on 08123 6108789.

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– catalogue –

book look

7 SHORES www.7SHORES.com

MOTEL ROCKS www.motelrocks.com

HEATHEN www.wearheathen.com

EBONY EVE www.ebonyeve.com.au

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w w w. r ac h e l m a n t i r i . c o m PHOTOGRAPHY / ILLUSTRATION / DESIGN

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