The Bridge - February 2018

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A Monthly Newsletter of First Baptist Church

Love One Another Join a

Care Team Ministry and

Love on God’s People

Care Team Ministries Bereavement Ministry This ministry is directed towards grieving families when a church member passes away. They coordinate with and provide a meal to the family. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact Angela McVea or Jean Wales. Casserole Ministry

Church Usher The service of this ministry group is collecting the offering, handing out bulletins, and counting the attendance. The ushers also assist in locating seats and seating families and responding to special needs of the people. If interested in this ministry, contact Richard Morgan. Greeter Ministry Our greeters minister to our guest and church members by greeting them on Sundays in the church foyers. They direct to places, staff, and answer questions visitors may have. If you are interested in this ministry, contact Richard Knight.

Do you enjoy cooking? We need your help! The casserole ministry provides meals for people in times of need. (i.e., families blessed with newborns, members who are sick, or have been Hospitality Ministry hospitalized, etc.) How does it work? This committee ministers to our church when we You prepare a casserole or soup at home and have special events. They coordinate and plan pack it in a freezer safe bag or container. Please refreshments for the events. If interested in this include the recipe that lists the ingredients and ministry, contact Marsha Newman. cooking instructions. Bring your prepared dish to the church kitchen. A sign-in sheet is located on Nursery Ministry the freezer. Please write the name of the dish, This group of volunteers minister to the babies date donated, and your name. and toddlers of our church and their families by When you hear of someone in need or the Holy volunteering to help in the nursery on a quarterly rotation basis. To help with this ministry, please Spirit lays someone on your heart, go by and contact Kelly McElveen at 985.839.3427. pick up a casserole to deliver to them. Remember: when you pick up a dish, please Wee Worship Ministry sign the sheet to indicate who you deliver the This group of volunteers ministers to our Wee meal to and the date delivered. This will insure Worshipers (age 3 to Kindergarten) and their one person does not get too many casseroles families by volunteering to teach Wee Worship delivered at one time. two services per year. To help with this ministry, Thanks for your help! Please contact Ms. Susan please contact Kelly McElveen at 985.839.3427. Barber for more information.

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The Bridge - February 2018 by First Baptist Church Franklinton - Issuu