The Bridge - July 2018 Edition

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A Monthly Newsletter of First Baptist Church

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely. And may your spirit, soul, and body be kept sound and blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it. Brothers, pray for us also. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-25

Beyond the Superficial I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer because of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now. I am sure of this that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:3-6, HCSB.

was talking to a man in our church, and he said he was going to be praying for me even if I was no longer his pastor. I thanked him and told him I was still praying for Simpson Baptist Church, where we were when we were called back to First Baptist. Our hearts will always be knit to this church. We leave excited and full of faith regarding the future of the Lord’s work in your lives and this church, We are made for relationships. The but there is genuine grief in moving and family catechism we worked through a the change in the nature of our relationcouple of years ago reminded us that the ship with you in the future. We can all find chief purpose of man is to glorify God solace in the fact that the work of Christ and worship (enjoy) Him forever. There continues in and through the church. The are so many benefits we receive from Lord has known from all of eternity all that our earthly relationships that make our He plans to do here at First Baptist lives richer and fuller. These benefits are through this time of transition and the not restricted to the church or Christian ministry of the next shepherd He will relationships, but Christians can send. experience oneness and fulfillment unknown by the rest of this fallen world. Thank You… This oneness that we find due to our Thank you for letting me be your pastor. collective submission to Christ, our Not many churches are willing to make a Savior and Head of the church, and our staff member move his things into the mutual submission to one another. Our pastor’s study and take on that role. hearts are knit together as we labor Fewer are willing to respect, affirm, and together for the Kingdom, worship, and submit to the authority of his new office grow together. Christina and I have seen and humbly receive his instruction. There the Lord bring us into relationships with are so many times I have entered into many in our church who have been pastoral conversations or even stepped deep, God-glorifying, and edifying to our into the pulpit with fear and trembling, so spiritual growth. We believe the Holy unworthy to speak what the Lord had Spirit has used us in the life and ministry revealed in His Word and so fearful of of the church and used this church how it would be received. It may not have mightily in our lives and our family. always been received with joy, but it was First Baptist has never in my brief time still accepted with humility. here backed-up in her resolve to lift high Thank you for loving my family. I do not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I do not think it is possible for a family to expect her to do so now. Last week I

experience more love that we have within this church body. You have let my wife serve according to her giftedness and not according to stereotypical pastor’s wife expectations. You have been patient, loving, and affirming to my children. They have never known the critical eye of unrealistic expectations. They have been loved and nurtured in this church. It has been a blessing. Thank you for loving Jesus. This may sound simple, but obedient sheep are easy to shepherd. Our Lord is worthy, and most of you seem to recognize this. So many church members have asked me during my time here, “Can I do anything for you preacher or how can I bless you?” The best way a church can bless its pastor is by loving and pursuing Christ. I have truly been blessed here. We will be moving to Ruston, Louisiana and I will become the pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church. My last Sunday in the pulpit will be July 8. Many things will need to be done to move our family and set up housekeeping before the start of the new church year. We covet your prayers in this process and are trusting to the Lord’s provision. Your deacons and church leaders are already discussing and beginning the process of making decisions and putting together a plan for praying through this time of transition. The Lord has blessed this church with a solid group of Godly, mature, church leaders who are willing to seek the Lord’s will. Please join them in this effort.

Family Daily Discipleship Reading Plan: ❑ 1st 2 Samuel 11:1-9

Contact us 950 Self Street Franklinton, LA 70438 Phone: (985) 839-3427 Fax: (985) 839-3572 Prayer Line: (985) 839-3337 Office E-mail:

Prayer E-mail:


Facebook: First-Baptist-Church-Franklinton

Service Times: Sunday Worship Services Sundays at 8:15 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 10:45 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

Bible Study Groups Sundays at 8:15 a.m. & 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays 6:00 p.m. Ladies Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Preschool/Children’s Activities 6:00 p.m. Youth Activities

Prayer Times 7:30 a.m. Sundays in the Chapel 5:00 p.m. Sundays in the Sanctuary 7:00 a.m. Tuesdays in the Fireside Room 6:00 p.m. Wednesdays in the Sanctuary

24/7 Prayer Room

Choir Rehearsals Wednesdays 6:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir 7:00 p.m. Praise Team Rehearsal

❑ 2nd 2 Samuel 11:10-13

July 1st Memory Verse:

❑ 3rd 2 Samuel 11:14-22 ❑ 4th 2 Samuel 11:23-27

I did not hide your righteousness in my heart; I spoke about your faithfulness and salvation; I did not conceal your constant love and truth from the great assembly. --Psalm 40:10

❑ 5th 2 Samuel 12:1-10

July 8th

❑ 9th 2 Samuel 13:1-7

Memory Verse:

God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me. --Psalm 51:10

July 15th Memory Verse:

Your servant thought: May the word of my lord my king bring relief, for my lord the king is able to discern the good and the bad like the angel of God. May the LORD your God be with you. --2 Samuel 14:17

❑ 6th 2 Samuel 12:11-15 ❑ 7th 2 Samuel 12:16-23 ❑ 8th 2 Samuel 12:24-31 ❑ 10th 2 Samuel 13:8-14 ❑ 11th 2 Samuel 13:15-20 ❑ 12th 2 Samuel 13:21-29 ❑ 13th 2 Samuel 13:30-39 ❑ 14th 2 Samuel 14:1-8 ❑ 15th 2 Samuel 14:9-14 ❑ 16th 2 Samuel 14:15-18 ❑ 17th 2 Samuel 14:19-26 ❑ 18th 2 Samuel 14:27-33 ❑ 19th 2 Samuel 15:1-6

July 22nd

❑ 20th 2 Samuel 15:7-12

Memory Verse:

❑ 21st 2 Samuel 15:13-18

LORD, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty. I do not get involved with things too great or too wondrous for me. --Psalm 131:1

❑ 22nd 2 Samuel 15:19-29

July 29th

❑ 25th 2 Samuel 16:5-9

Memory Verse:

Trust in the LORD and do what is good; dwell in the land and live securely. --Psalm 37:3

❑ 23rd 2 Samuel 15:30-37 ❑ 24th 2 Samuel 16:1-4 ❑ 26th 2 Samuel 16:10-14 ❑ 27th 2 Samuel 16:15-23 ❑ 28th 2 Samuel 17:1-10 ❑ 29th 2 Samuel 17:11-14 ❑ 30th 2 Samuel 17:15-20 ❑ 31st 2 Samuel 17:21-23

Camp Fuego Report

REACHing In and REACHing Out in Student Ministry

Rev. Cody Thomas Student Pastor

Upcoming Student Ministry Events: Summer Dates Wednesday, July 4th NO Wednesday Activities

Monday, July 9th Summer Movie Night - Upstairs Youth Room

Help at Food Bank Thursday, July 12th at 8:00 a.m. Hike around Red Bluff Thursday, July 19th

Camp Fuego - 10th-12th Grade July 22rd - 27th

The summer months are when the Student Ministry kicks into high gear … and it's awesome. We’ve had a great start so far, and we are looking forward to the rest of the summer. Vacation Bible School averaged about 300 each day; that’s amazing! Our Student Ministry did an excellent job helping around VBS. A couple of weeks ago the 7th – 9th graders participated in Camp Fuego in Eunice, LA. There was a total of 31 of us who went to Camp Fuego. We had a wonderful time, and we saw the Lord work and move in our lives. Several of our students came to know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior while at Camp Fuego; that’s amazing! We’ve had a great summer thus far, but let us not get too caught up in the past where

miss what is in store for the future. Summer is a wonderful time in the life of the student ministry. Summer is an opportunity for students to revive or begin a relationship with Jesus. Pray for the student ministry this summer. Pray that during having fun we do not lose sight of who Jesus is and His calling for our lives — to bring Him glory. Pray for our group going to Camp Fuego July 22nd – 27th. Pray that we do business with the Lord as we seek to Remain in Him. Our group will be heading to East Texas Baptist University for Camp Fuego. Pray for safe travel and pray for a wonderful week at Camp Fuego. Thank you for all your support and prayers!!

Security Committee Formed After prayerful consideration, the Pastor and Board of Deacons recently approved the establishment of a special ministry committee identified as the “Security Committee.” This new seven-member committee selected by the deacons is made up of individuals with medical, safety, and security experience. The Pastor, Chairman of Deacons, and Chair of Buildings & Grounds will serve as ex-officio members of the security committee. In addition, the committee has selected a “security director,” Jason Garbo, to oversee and coordinate activities. The volunteer security director and security committee will be seeking additional qualified persons to serve on the FBC security team. This security effort is designed to improve church attendee safety, crime prevention, and a variety of security concerns. Areas to be addressed are child safety, accident prevention, first aid response, fire safety, and worship service safety. A key component of this security ministry is intercessory prayer for safety. It is important that the church work together to improve safety at FBC. If you would like to be a part of this security ministry or if you have suggestions, please contact our deacons, ushers, or security director Jason Garbo through the church office at (985) 839-3427. Security Committee Members: Darren Schilling

Casey Casanova Lance Schilling Kelly McElveen Mallory Thomas Paul Cruce Bob Kyger

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” – Jeremiah 29:11

Rev. Joey Miller Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care

Upcoming Events

NURSING HOME MINISTRY July 15th at 3:00 p.m. Worship at Good Samaritan

July 16th at 3:00 p.m. Worship at Heritage Manor

I never cease to be amazed at the faith evidenced by some of our nursing home residents who attend the monthly worship services that we conduct at our two nursing homes. One of the ladies recently reminded us of her favorite verse – For we walk by faith, not by sight. (II Cor. 5:7) In life, we choose where we will place our focus. We can focus on the circumstances we are in or on the promise of God that we have by faith. We can focus on our problems or our God. We can focus on the temporary in this messed up world or on the eternal where our Savior sits at the throne of God.

SENATOR MIZELL TO SPEAK Our July Adult 55+ Fellowship Luncheon will be at Sugar Shack on Friday, July 6th. Senator Beth Mizell will be our speaker. The bus will leave First Baptist at 10:30 a.m.

Our faith is in our God and His promises given in His Word. When God’s people were in captivity, God gave them a promise to hold on to and a challenge to embrace. God promised that He would return them to their homeland. He assured them that His plans for them were a secure future and a hope in Him. But His challenge to them was that they would find Him and His will for their lives when they searched with all their heart. (Jer. 29:13)

AUGUST LUNCHEON AT THE DINNER BELL We will make a road trip for our August 3rd monthly fellowship luncheon. We will be going to the ever-popular Dinner Bell in McComb. The bus will leave First Baptist at 10:00 a.m. Please sign up for this one too so that we can provide adequate transportation.

No matter where we are in our lives, God has a hope for us to embrace and a promise for us to believe. Life is not easy, and times can be hard. People can hurt us and disappoint us. Sometimes we may even feel that God has abandoned us. But, nothing could be further from the truth. We must remember the wisdom in the verse of our nursing home friend and walk by faith and not by sight surrendering our whole heart to the Lord.

WORLD WAR II MUSEUM TRIP We will be planning a day trip to the WWII Museum at our July luncheon. Many of you have indicated a desire to visit the museum. We are considering going in late July or early August. The group tickets will cost $20.50 plus tax. Please plan to sign up for the trip at the luncheon if you plan to go.

DEPOSITS DUE FOR PIGEON FORGE Please submit your $150 deposit for our Pigeon Forge trip to reserve your place. After the July luncheon, we will open registration to those outside First Baptist Church. We also welcome those within First Baptist who are not senior adults to sign up and participate in the trip with us. Brochures of the shows and attractions that we plan to visit as well as the trip flyer are available at the church office.

Happy Birthday to our

Commission! Of course, the Great Commission refers to the mandate that Jesus gave to His disciples in Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15.”


Mr. Wildmon goes on to share from the Barna Group’s survey that only 1 in 10 church-going young people age 22-27 (Millennials) say they have “heard of and remember the Great Commission.” Shockingly, they don’t know the central mission of the church! Again, from Mr. Wildmon’s article: “Have we reached the point at which Christian values such as liberty, equality, respect, and the sacredness of human life no longer carry weight in American society? Have these eternal truths been replaced by political correctness?”

For our Senior Adult Ministry (55+)

Verbie Box Harold Campbell Jennifer Fleming Patricia Kyger Lillian Stafford Telisa Sylvest Dale Westmoreland Gilda McCain Rickey Magee Bobby Hamilton Robert Schellinger IV Margaret Smith Kay McElveen Beverly Bailey Brit Dupre Travis Kilgore Janice Wallace Brian Fussell Joe Sandifer Carley Stokes Judy Dale Jeanne Burris Warren Cooke Brenda Miller Melvin Box Richard Morgan Vickie St. Pierre Kathy Lindsey Wayne McElveen Brenda Stahan Charles Morris Tana Burris Kim Kirby Jill Miller Syrenia Applewhite If your birthday is not listed, please let us know! Email:


or call the Church Office at


AFA has produced a video

(The Biblical Case for Cultural Engagement)

Rev. Butch Reviere Minister of Music

which attempts to answer these questions: • *What does it mean to be salt and light? • *Why does spiritual darkness prevail in a culture? • *Can the moral decay in America be reversed? • *What does the Great Commission have to do with cultural engagement?

With the month of July, of course, comes another traditional holiday. If you’re interested, you can find more As you contemplate what to do on info at your day off, take into consideration these excerpts from an article written URGENT: IMMEDIATE NEED FOR by Tim Wildmon, President of the VOLUNTEER (S) TO HELP WITH American Family Association. MEDIA IN BOTH A.M. AND P.M. “America is in serious spiritual WORSHIP SERVICES trouble, and Christians no longer have the luxury of staying out of the Recently, one of our volunteers fray when it comes to public policy stepped away from this ministry; and moral issues. Unless the and at the end of July, another will followers of Christ recommit to being take a break to focus on other areas of salt and light in our communities, our service, leaving only two people in the nation will be given over to godless Sunday morning rotation and NO ONE secularism…and sooner rather than on Sunday evenings. If you might be later. But the sad fact is that far too interested, please see Bro. Butch. many are not arming themselves with biblical weapons of battle. Many Some computer experience is don’t even seem to be reading their necessary, but we are happy to train Bibles or hearing trustworthy you in the particulars of our need here preaching and teaching. Is it any at FBC. The primary requirement, as in wonder the secular culture is all service to our Lord, is faithfulness. influencing Christians more than Christians are influencing the culture. Thank you for prayerfully considering A recent survey from Barna Group this opportunity. found that 51% of churchgoers don’t even know the term Great

SANCTUARY FUNDING COMMITTEE UPDATE & SANCTUARY DESIGN COMMITTEE REPORT If you were unable to be with us on Pledge Sunday or if you have not yet turned your Pledge Card in, please know that it is not too late. You may return your Pledge Card in the offering plate or to the church office. Pledge boxes are located in the foyer of the Sanctuary and on the Praying Hands table. Please continue to consider prayerfully how God would have you give.

Funds Raised Thus Far:



Some months, my Bridge article comes easily. It is often filled with information parents and church family needs to know about what is going on in the life of our Preschool and Children’s ministries. Those months, it is easier to write. My giftedness is in details…the who, what, when, and where of what’s going on. Some months, it is less easy to write. Those are the months when I am usually one of the last to turn in my article. Those months are usually more about something God has laid on my heart that I need to share. This is one of those months.

Kelly McElveen Director of Preschool/ Children’s Ministries

Happy Birthday! Christian McCain: 1st Grace Spears: 1st Hallie Garner: 2nd Johnny Lynn Miller: 4th MaKayla McCain: 5th Melody Thoeny: 6th Christian Fortenberry: 8th Khloe Becnel: 10th Newman Graham: 11th Sophia Harrison: 15th Allison Bell: 16th Jax Barber: 17th Kavin Hall: 18th Blaize Rogowski: 18th Jace Barber: 21st Emersyn Mayeux: 21st Adelaide Palmer: 23rd Karmen Stokes: 24th Khloe Courtney: 28th

July Events Monday, July 2nd: Return from CentriKid about 2:00 p.m.

Tuesday, July 3rd: I Love Tuesday Stays Up Late (at The Shrine on Airline) This event is for all ages and families are encouraged to attend. At 4:30 pm, we will be going to watch the New Orleans Baby Cakes take on the Oklahoma City Dodgers at The Shrine on Airline. The game starts at 7:00 p.m. and we will be staying late to watch the Independence Day fireworks display. I seldom handle loss well. I’m not sure Tickets cost $8, and each person will many of us do. I’m fiercely protective of need money for food and drinks at the my kids, and, if you know me well at all, game. A gift shop is also on site. you know that your kids are my kids. We will be home late but cannot pin They are also my friends. They are also down a time until the game is almost my brothers and sisters in Christ. I’m a over. bit of a sore loser, you could say. And, Wednesday, July 4th: this month, I lose three that I love so No Activities much. When I first heard the news that Bro. Paul had been called to another Tuesday, July 10th: church, it sort of shook me. But as I left I Love Tuesday the office on that day, the realization Gets Wet (at the Kroc Center) that they were leaving AND their kids This event is for the PK-6th grade, but were going with them, well, I cried. Not Preschoolers and Kindergarteners will the pretty tears of joy. Not the quiet require their own adult chaperone. tears of sadness. The big, ugly tears of Traditional swimsuit fabric is required great loss. for the Kroc Center. This must be non-cotton fabric per their policy. And, as much as I love them, I am Our Children’s Dept. policy for all ages reminded and comforted by the great prohibits two-piece bathing suits. love of our Heavenly Father. The One If a two-piece bathing suit is worn, one that knit us together. The One that MUST have a non-cotton, dark colored knows our deepest thoughts. The One t-shirt as a cover-up. We will be that knows our tomorrows. The One traveling to Biloxi for some indoor swim that guides the steps of us as a church time at the Salvation Army Kroc Center family and the steps of Bro. Paul and followed by lunch (provided). Each his family. I’m sorry those paths aren’t person will need to bring bottled water the same anymore, but happy to know, for the ride home. The cost is $12. that they still really are. The church is We will leave the church promptly at bigger than me and my selfish desires 7:30 a.m. and return to FBC about to have them still here every day, and 3:00 p.m. it’s bigger than just what’s happening at Tuesday, July 17th: First Baptist Church. The distance may I Love Tuesday separate us from one another, but I am Has An Animal Adventure comforted knowing that there is nothing (at the Institute for that can separate us from our Heavenly Marine Mammal Studies) Father’s love. I know that God is at This event is for the PK-6th grade, but work in the lives of the Watts family. I Preschoolers and Kindergarteners will see it, and I know it as firmly as I know require their own adult chaperone. We anything else in the world. But, I will will be traveling to Gulfport for an miss them. Terribly. exciting day of tours, petting exhibits of rays and fish, and a dolphin show. Because they have recently moved into new facilities and are in the process of updating their field trip format, the price has not been determined, but it is expected to $15 or less. Each person will need to bring a picnic lunch and an afternoon snack with bottled water. We will leave promptly at 7:30 a.m. and have a return time when they can finalize the details of our trip.

THURSDAY, July 26th: I Love Tuesday Lands On A Thursday This event is for the PK-6th grade, but Preschoolers and Kindergarteners will require their own adult chaperone. We will have a morning of miniature golf at City Park, followed by a picnic lunch, and an afternoon of exploring Storyland and the Carousel Gardens Park. The cost is expected to be $20. Each person will need to bring a picnic lunch and afternoon snack with bottled water. We will leave promptly at 8:00 a.m. and have a return time when they can finalize the details of our trip. Tuesday, July 31st: I Love Tuesday Summer Farewell This event is ONLY for 6th Graders that are promoting to the Youth. It will be a surprise and parents will be notified of the details as requested (email: There will be no cost for this event. We will meet at the church at 8:00 a.m. TRANSPORTATION FOR I LOVE TUESDAY EVENTS:

Whenever possible, we will be using the church bus and van. The church bus will allow for 25 children and 4 adults. The church van will allow preschoolers that require the use of a car safety seat and adults, up to 15 people. When the church bus and van are in use with another group, alternate transportation will be provided. On all of our trips, we have a very strict no eating/no gum chewing/no candy rule and the ONLY open drink allowed on the church bus and church van for Children’s Dept. trips is bottled water. This goes for both adults and children when in use for a Children’s Dept. activity. Additionally, all children are required to remain seated for the entire trip. This is all done with the safety of your children in mind. To parents, we ask that you go over these rules and their importance before sending your child.


Ministries of FBC Franklinton

Women in God’s Service

Discipling Others: Who is Pouring Into You and Who Are You Pouring Into When: July 28th, Saturday 10:00 a.m.—12:00 noon in the Family Life Center Speaker: Marilyn Osborn Purchase Tickets from a Hostess. Cost: $10 Call Leslie at 515-2210 for more information. Who: All ladies invited

Pack-A-Purse Project. It is a sad reality that thousands of women and children flee their homes due to unthinkable abuse, neglect, and violence. Most will flee with nothing more than the clothes on their backs and without warning.

Simulcast Planning and Prayer meeting Sunday, July 22nd at 5:00 p.m. Simulcast Planning and Prayer meeting in the Joshua Classroom in the Annex. Early Registration available on July 29th at 10:45 a.m., 11:45 a.m. and 6:45 p.m.

Have a purse at home that you no longer want? Fill it with items that would be a much needed blessing for a woman in that situation. The purses will be donated to the Southeast Spouse Abuse Program. Here are suggested ideas for your purse: Travel size shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, body wash, hairspray, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, feminine products, hair brush, barrettes, ponytail holder, or gift cards to fast food places, Wal-Mart, CVS, or Walgreens. Here is a great website with lots of good information. If you’d like to pack a purse, please do so and turn it in to the church office by July 29th.

Ministries Sponsored by & Ministries of FBC Franklinton

WASHINGTON PARISH FOOD BANK UPDATE Do not grow weary in doing good. ~ 2 Thessalonians 3:13 Wow! We have been having some extremely hot food choice shopping days. We were, however, fortunate to be able to close for the last week of May so that all volunteers could have some welldeserved time-off. Since we had been experiencing air conditioner problems for about a week and a half, it was a double blessing to be able to leave. We are blessed with very good landlords who had a new AC unit installed when we returned and even had resealed the parking lot which has made it easier on our shopping carts.

We have had about four lean months regarding the food we have been able to order from Second Harvest, but many of you and others who have heard of the need have again blessed us with boxes and carloads of the food we have so desperately needed for our families. Thanks to all of you who have so graciously provided. Another huge thank you goes out to the Vacation Bible School group from our church who once again collected an amazing amount of can goods, dried beans, and macaroni and cheese for us. You are all awesome!

By the time you read this, we will have completed two months of the annual recertification process required by Second Harvest for all members of the food bank. Hopefully, we will now be able to accept some new families who need our services and will also be able to receive more food from Second Harvest soon.

For June and July, there are several youth groups from our church and from Covington too who have called and scheduled a day or two to come and volunteer at the food bank. It is always a pleasure to have them help, and our families very much enjoy the time to interact with these young people. If anyone has thought about helping us in either the thrift shop or the food bank, please give me a call at 322-2017. We can always use extra help.

Beverly Cooke

To support Covenant Ministries of Franklinton financially go to:

and click on the “Support Our Ministry� button or you can designate your offering to Covenant Ministries through the church. Thank you for your prayers and any other support God leads you in. - Bro. Mike Drury

Celebrate Recovery Meets on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Senior Adult Center

Join us!

Welcome to the Family Our New Church Members First Baptist Church Office Contact Trevor Ceaser

Jason Fazekas

Sophia Harrison




950 Self Street Franklinton, LA 70438 Phone: (985) 839-3427 Fax: (985) 839-3572


Office Manager Natasha Burris

Office Assistant Katelin Allen

Financial Manager Leslie Varnado

Church Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Sunday Night Fellowship July 1st

Nursery July 1st

Wee Worship

Brittany Fussell & Renee Sandifer

July 1st

Barber, Cowart, Cruce, Fortenberry, Miller, Thoeny, Thomas, Varnado & Westmoreland

July 8th

Emily Phelps***

Sally Foy & Angela McVea

July 8th

July 8th

July 15th

Bell, Jenkins, Keaton, McElveen, Schilling, Thomas & Varnado

Emily Phelps & Linda Crain

Laura Varnado ***

July 22nd

July 15th

July 22nd Ann Hingle & Dianne Cruce

Courtnie Lindsey ***

Bankston, Burris, Galloway, Knight, McElveen, Sandifer, Schilling & Waskom

July 22nd Cooke, Creel, Mobley, Morgan, Sylvest, Lindsey & Branch

July 29


July 29


Pauline Bankston & Linda Richardson *If you would like to volunteer for the Nursery, please contact the church office at 985.839.3427. Volunteers must be a church member, at least 21 years of age, and willing to submit to a criminal background check.

Sierra Smith ***

July 15th

July 29th Volunteer Needed As a reminder, Wee Worship is for children who are over the age of 36 months up to children currently enrolled in Kindergarten.

*** 8:15 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Services

Whenever possible, nursery volunteers are encouraged to also help in our ever growing 8:15 a.m. service.


Our New Church Year Starts August 1st




Promotion Sunday will be August 5th

July 1st

July 1st

July 1st

John Burris

Hazel Varnado

Mike Hickman & Bruce Thomas

The Nominating Committee

July 8th

July 8th

July 8th

Needs Volunteers

Matt Westmoreland

Marie Varnado

Dennis Wager & George Cowart

July 15th

July 15th

July 15th

Warren Cooke

John Sumrall

Stephen McElveen & Hunter Knight

July 22nd

July 22nd

July 22nd

Brandon Lebo

Hazel Varnado

Dick Parish & David Sylvest

July 29th

July 29th

July 29th

Darren Schilling

Marie Varnado

Bobby Fortenberry & Charlie Corkern

For Sunday School Teachers Particular Needs are for teachers in:

Preschool Department Children’s Department

July 2018 Sunday





5:30 p.m. Outreach

7:00 a.m. Men’s Prayer Breakfast


4:30 p.m. I Love Tuesday The Shrine on Airline 6:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery


Youth Movie Night

2:00 p.m.

Reception for Rev. Paul Watts


5:30 p.m. Outreach


29 Pack a Purse Due to the Church Office 4:00 p.m. Deacons Meeting


13 8:00 a.m. Youth help at the Washington Parish Food Bank

14 9:30 a.m

SAM Committee Meeting

3:00 p.m. Good Samaritan


7:30 a.m. I Love Tuesday Has An Animal Adventure





Youth Hiking Trip

6:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery


Camp Fuego

5:30 p.m. GriefShare


10:30 a.m. SAM Luncheon (Adults 55+) at Sugar Shack

Office Closed No Regular Evening Activities

Camp Fuego

10th—12th Grade 10th—12th Grade 10th—12th Grade

5:00 p.m. Simulcast Meeting



July 4th



Camp Fuego



6:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery

5:30 p.m. GriefShare





3:00 p.m. Heritage Manor


7:30 a.m. I Love Tuesday Gets Wet

5:30 p.m. GriefShare

and Family



5:30 p.m. GriefShare




6:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery

26 Camp Fuego

Camp Fuego

10th—12th Grade

10th—12th Grade

8:00 a.m. I Love Tuesday Has a Day at City Park

10:00 a.m. Wings Tea


5:30 p.m. GriefShare

8:30 a.m. I Love Tuesday 6th Grade

Summer Farewell

6:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery

8:00 a.m. Youth help at the Washington Parish Food Bank PRSRT STD NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION

First Baptist Church Franklinton 950 Self Street Franklinton, LA 70438


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