The Texan 2019-2020 Issue #1

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fall edition


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MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Howdy, Texas FBLA! My name is Alice, and I will be creating this year's editions of The Texan. I'm so excited to finally share my first issue with y'all and the many accomplishments of our members across the state.

Although we haven't caught up since last SLC, a lot has happened since. Local chapters celebrated their achievements with end-of-year dinners and banquets, our members traveled to the city of San Antonio for the annual National Leadership Conference over the summer, and chapter officers conducted first general meetings at their respective campuses.

Now that FBLA is kicking into full gear, I hope that everyone will make it a goal for this year to be their most active yet. Challenge yourself to attend those events you missed last year and participate in as many chapter activities as possible. Although Texas experiences a delay in adjusting to true fall weather, the cooler temperatures mean more volunteering with your chapter!

I hope that there is something for everyone in this newsletter and the ones to come. Thank you for taking the time to read this year's fall edition of the Texan, and I hope to see y'all soon!

Until next time,

Alice Alice Liang Texas FBLA Reporter-Historian



Area Workshops

MP VP 's Letter

Chapter Spotlight

Officer Training

NLC Recap

State Officers

NLC Winners

Goals & Service Project

American Enterprise Day


Giving Tuesday

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Gavin Stacey

Natasha Reyes

Lubbock Cooper High School

Eastwood High School

“Honestly, FBLA has changed

“When I joined FBLA, it was originally for

my life in more ways than one.

the opportunity to travel. With NLC

It has taught me what’s like to

hosted annually in June, I am fortunate

grow up and take responsibility

enough to have done just that. FBLA has

for what I want. It’s hard to

taken me across Texas and four other

know exactly as a teenager to

states across the nation. When I

understand those thoughts and

attended the NLC however, I soon

feelings; however, I along with

realized FBLA was more than the travel.

every member, not only in the

At every national conference I was able

state but in the entire nation

to make friends from every state, along

have overcome it. So thank you

with some international members. I am

FBLA! I couldn’t imagine where

still close to these people today. NLC

I would be without you!”

was also a chance to learn so much. The guest speakers and breakout sessions are inspiring. The competition is much harder, but it was simply a chance to learn through others. There is truly nothing like an NLC. That conference is FBLA at its peak. I hope everyone is able to put that conference as their goal.”


Salma Bora

Josue Guerrero

LASA High School

Eastwood High School

“My most memorable FBLA experience was my first ever SLC. It was one of the first times I have been away from home, but my friends made it worthwhile. I

"FBLA has given me many opportunities that make me extremely grateful to be in this organization.

remember practicing in our hotel

From the countless

room for out E-business

memories and the people I

presentation and how we ensured

have met, FBLA has had

each other that everything would

such an impact in my life,

be okay. After we completed the presentation, we walked out feeling so happy and relieved and telling out adviser how well it went. I also remember walking around at night looking at some of Dallas’ landmarks and exploring downtown because that is where our hotel was.”

it makes me extremely proud to be in this organization."

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Mountain Plains VP Hello Texas FBLA,, As your current Mountain Plains Vice President, I would like to welcome you to the 2019-2020 membership year! After months of planning, the time has finally come for FBLA to fulfill its Program of Work and make a lasting impact in the process. Join your National and State Officer teams as we all work together to explore a World of Opportunity in the year to come. As we jump into the new year, I urge you to look at the 12 months ahead of us and ask what you can do to better yourself as a member, a leader, and a person. But how can you achieve this goal? Luckily, with the programs and initiatives offered to you, the tenacity of an FBLA member, and the support of those around you, the most difficult part of this process is selecting the path you want to take. Do you want to give back to those around you? Reach out to non-profits in your community and work to develop a collaborative project with your local chapter to make an impact in your school. Are you exploring possible career options? Contact local businesses and organizations to set up job-shadowing opportunities for students to attend. Not only will you possibly find your passion, but you may assist someone else in finding their. Opportunities are endless if you pursue them, and I can guarantee there is a State or National Officer willing to be by your side if you ever need help along the way. If there's one tip I can give you this year, it's to leave your comfort zone and try something new. The only opportunities you regret are the ones you didn't take. You all have limitless potential, and I can't wait to see what you're capable of doing in the year to come. If you ever have any questions feel free to contact me or your state. I hope to hear from you in the near future!

Sincerely, Drake Vorderstrasse Mountain Plains Region Vice President


Officer Training by Induja Gautam

With plane tickets and itineraries in hand, all eleven state officers were on their way to Camp Copass, an outdoor camp area in Denton, TX, around an hour north of Dallas, Texas. We knew that over the next five days, we would become accustomed to the responsibilities and designations required from each of us as state officers. But the next five days would soon become the start of our journey together as officers, as a team, and finally, as a family. Over the next 120 hours, all eleven of us devoted our undivided attention (yep, they took our phones away!) to learn about each of our jobs and activities throughout the year. With the guidance of Mrs. Crook and Mrs. Matlock and our wonderful advisers, we practiced team-building exercises, proper business etiquette, and public speaking. We learned of the different ways that we as a team would work together to grow FBLA, collaborate with our areas, chapters, and members, and lastly, to plan our final masterpiece, the state leadership conference. Officer Training was also the first that we as a team brainstormed, debated, and made extremely important decisions for the upcoming year. We decided our goals, community service projects, color themes, and lastly our theme (stay tuned…)! It was our first time working together, planning out the ways that we would reach our goals and leave a legacy behind for the future of FBLA. We walked into officer training as students with a newly designated title to their names, but we walked away as confident and prepared leaders ready to serve our FBLA members, chapters, and state. We are so excited for this year and we hope you are too! See you soon, Texas FBLA.

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Meet Your


PRESIDENT: CORBIN LUBIANSKI Greetings Future Business Leaders!

My name is Corbin Lubianski, a senior at East Central High School in San Antonio, Texas. I will have the honor of serving as your state president for the 2019-2020 year. I am very excited to lead Texa FBLA with the state action team as my third and final year in FBLA.Late in my freshman year, a friend and I approached our business teacher about starting FBLA as a club. Well fast forward, I have served two terms as the chapter vice president, area 4 vice president, and now serving as state president. It is incredible how impactful FBLA has been on me. I traveled to places I have never gone before. Met and connected with people who I am so thankful for. And I gained skills to help me pursue my passions and achieve my goals.Outside of FBLA, I play the tuba and violin and I am a drum major in my high school’s marching band. I am the secretary for my NHS chapter. Besides that, I love to work with cattle, read, experiment, and playing games.This will be an amazing year for Texas FBLA as we embark on a journey which we know not of where we will end at. Please feel free to contact me anytime and I look forward to an amazing year!

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My name is Induja Gautam, and I’m a senior at Seven Lakes High School in Katy, TX. This year I am your 2019-2020 State Secretary. This is my fourth year as an FBLA member and I’m thrilled to serve my last year serving you along with the rest of the officers on the State Action Team! Joining FBLA in freshman year, I was overwhelmed with the plethora of activities including motivating workshops, interactive events, and exciting travel opportunities. As I grew as an officer within my chapter, I learned about what it truly means to be a team player and leader in my community. FBLA has taught me critical skills that I will use for the rest of my life and I’m incredibly grateful for all the memories I’ve made!While I’m not in the business hallway, you can find me spending my time on Talks on Innovation, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship (TILE), Varsity Choir, or Bharatnatyam (Indian classical) dance. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, trying out new restaurants, and listening to music! 2019-20 Texas FBLA is going to be a year to remember and I can’t wait to see you all at SLC! If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!



My name is Alice Liang, and I’m so excited to serve as yall’s reporter-historian this year! I love how FBLA doesn’t limit members to business; rather, it works to vitalize one’s passion with skills from the professional world. I love being able to capture everyone’s experience with FBLA and creating something generations later can look upon. I can’t wait to record the memories of all our members in Texas with Nick, my camera. I am also involved with Panorama Yearbook, Key Club, and Class Officers and have my personal brand for photography (if you want to check it out, my website is, and when I’m not out photographing or editing, you can catch me hanging out with friends (probably at boba haha), browsing Subtle Asian Traits, or watching a Studio Ghibli film. I also love to travel and am an avid fan of snails, puns, and all things cute. I can’t wait to capture the memories created as you embark on your journey with FBLA.

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My name is Gabriela Cortes and I am a senior at James E. Taylor High School in Area 5. I am anticipating a great year and can’t wait to help Texas FBLA alongside the State Action Team. I was introduced to FBLA my freshman year as I strived to explore the various clubs and organizations provided by my school. The members of my chapter were enthusiastic and supportive of one another which left a huge impression on me. I served as a chapter officer every year and helped our members succeed at conferences. FBLA has been a truly amazing experience because it has allowed me to see how students thrive outside of the academic environment. Due to its broad reach, I believe any student can benefit from joining the organization. While FBLA is my main priority, I am involved in other organizations. I participate in Mu Alpha Theta, National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, and Habitat for Humanity. I also make sure to find time to have fun by listening to music and podcasts and solving jigsaw puzzles. This year I will be in charge of managing social media for Texas FBLA.



My name is Hailey Pena I am your Area 1 President I am from Lubbock Texas and I am a senior at Lubbock Cooper High School. I have been in for 2 years going on 3! I started FBLA my sophomore year which is also when FBLA started at my school.FBLA has provided and given me a chance to take amazing opportunities that have gotten to me to places I never could’ve imagined possible! FBLA has given me a wonderful FBLA family and friends that have and will push me to keep going and to achieve my goals!I spend majority of my time I spend with my family and school/FBLA work! I play soccer and put a lot of time into church. ALong with FBLA I have started a Spanish Club the previous year to this one and have joined NTHS.I am super grateful and excited for the opportunity I have been given to serve my FBLA team and family. I can not wait to see what this upcoming year has in store for us! Feel free to contact me anytime!

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2 VP

AREA 2 VP: LAUREN TORRES Hello Fellow Texas FBLA Members,

My name is Lauren Torres and I am honored and thrilled to be serving as your 2019-2020 Area 2 Vice President. I am currently a senior at Eastwood High School in El Paso and have been a part of FBLA since the 8th grade. I joined FBLA in middle school and it was one of the best decisions I could have ever made. FBLA has helped me grow as a business leader and person. The out of town conferences and business related competitive events have given me skills I couldn’t have gained otherwise. Because of FBLA I want to continue to serve others and travel to new places and meet new people. In addition to FBLA, I am involved in Student Council and am also fluent in Spanish and a part of the dual language program at my school. I am a member of my schools golf team and enjoy playing whenever I have the opportunity. In my spare time, my favorite things to do are also spend time with friends and family and watch movies! I’m looking forward to working with the state action team in making this year our best one yet!



My name is Zenith Jahid and I am excited to serve as the 2019-2020 Area 3 State Vice President! This will be my third year in FBLA and my senior year at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy (LASA). I began FBLA when I was a sophomore, and I didn’t realize at the time how much of an impact it would have on my life. At first, I was unsure about FBLA and whether or not I wanted to enter business, but after embarking on my journey through FBLA, I realized there was so much more to offer through this wonderful organization. Throughout the years of FBLA and leadership positions held at my chapter, FBLA has granted me the opportunity to improve important skills, form leadership experience, and make exciting memories! Outside of FBLA, I am one of the Logistics leads for the TEDxYouth@Austin team, president of my local Teen Library Council, and teen volunteering lead at local nonprofits. Additionally, I am part of clubs such as Diversity Council and National Honors Society. In my free time I enjoy listening to music, spending time with my friends and family, and watching Netflix!I can’t wait to begin this journey with all of you!

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I am Amina Rose and I’m this year’s Area 4 Vice President. I am a junior at Johnson High School in San Antonio, Texas. This is my third year in FBLA and I’m so excited to see what new things this year brings. I initially got into FBLA because of my older sister Kyra Rose, and I stayed in FBLA because it is a fun, interactive organization that helps you grow in skills needed in life. Not only has FBLA helped me with public speaking skills, this organization has helped me meet so many interesting people in my own school, in Texas, and in the nation. Outside of FBLA I’m in multiple clubs including Key Club, Jack and Jill of America, and HOSA. I have been playing the piano for nine years and started in second grade when I was seven years old. I love competing in competitions with piano and have been competing for at least six years. I compete in a school competition called UIL, and have been for the last two years. I’m really excited to spend the year with all of y’all and can’t wait to see what new memories we make together.



My name is Benjamin Chong, and I am beyond excited to serve as your Area 5 Vice President!I first heard about FBLA as a young and crazy junior high kid when my sister attended her first NLC. Her opportunities to travel around the country sparked my interest to join FBLA, and the rest is history! Since joining FBLA in my freshman year, I have become a 2x National Finalist, all while cementing my passion to pursue a career for business. As a state officer, I hope to help others discover their passions within FBLA and discover their potential in doing awesome things!Outside of my FBLA shenanigans, I have 2 older sisters that support and bully me at the same time, but nonetheless a loving family that I will always be thankful for. In addition, I enjoy being with friends or making new ones, wearing my chacos, and most of all, I can never get enough of the comfort of being burrito-wrapped in blankets. Best of luck this year Texas FBLA, and let’s embark on this wild journey together!

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AREA 6 VP: TAYLOR WIMBERLY Hello My Fellow FBLA Members!

My name is Taylor Wimberly, I am your Area 6 Vice President. I am a senior at LaPoynor High School where I serve as chapter President. Along with FBLA I am in several other clubs including: Jr. Historians, UIL, Band, Softball, FFA, and FCA where I serve as Vice President. This is my 4th year in FBLA and it has truly changed my life for the better. FBLA has taught me several life skills including speaking through my competitive event impromptu speaking. With this skill I was able to do UIL persuasive speaking where I placed 3rd in my district and qualified for regionals where I placed 4th in my region. I also ran for FCA Vice President and now having been serving as such for two years. I enjoy doing photography on my farm in LaRue and spending time with my family and friends, whenever I get the chance. My favorite game to play when we’re together is cornhole. One of my favorite things to do in my spare time is to sit and talk with my Pop who served in Vietnam. He was the one who first encouraged me to run for state office and still encourages me to work hard every day, without his guidance and wisdom I would never had become the officer I am today.



My name is Chasten Musenda and I am proud to serve as this year’s Area 7 VicePresident for the state of Texas. I am an incoming sophomore from Paschal High School in Fort Worth who enjoys include programming, sports, and making music. Ever since I was in elementary school, I’ve been passionate about business and management. From selling bracelets in 4th grade to candy in 7th, personal responsibility and having a big impact were dreams that couldn’t be deferred and remain important to me to this day. FBLA has well beyond given me this opportunity. I have grown in many aspects and do not plan on stopping; I plan on doing my best to contribute to this amazing organization in any way. Join me as we embark on our journey through the 2019-20 year. If there are any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me. I’m very open and eager to help!

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Texas STATE GOALS Increase state membership by 15%

Increase website visits by 10%

Increase social media following by 20%

TOGETHER WE CAN by Taylor Wimberly

This year, Texas FBLA’s community service project is Together We CAN. The project’s main goal is to help combat hunger within Texas communities and help those truly in need. This project will work by local chapters all around Texas coming together and collecting cans. It is estimated 25,310 individuals are homeless in Texas and each of those people go hungry every day. The cans that the local chapters will be collecting and taking to the local food banks will help feed these people and so many more. Many homeless have been taken in by local shelters but many of these shelters limit the amount of food they give due to the shortage of food and the large number of homeless. With local chapters collecting cans, we can help to diminish the number of people going hungry in Texas. To participate, local chapters can go out and collect cans. After they collect a substantial amount of cans, they take them to their local food drive. Make sure to ask for the receipt that has the weight of all your canned goods as is what will be used as proof at SLC. You will also need an extra formed filled out with the receipt attached for your school’s donation to be accounted for. Both of these pieces are what will determine who the winners are and will be announced at state. SLC this year will be held in Galveston Texas on March 25-27.


Career & Technical Association of Texas

by Corbin Lubianski

The Career and Technical Association of Texas conference, better known as CTAT, is an annual conference that was held in the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Houston from July 16-19. CTAT was an excellent way to network and meet hundreds of teachers and administrators along with dozens of businesses. Not only was it a beneficial opportunity for teachers and administrators to attend workshops to better improve their schools, but the conference also served as an eye-opener for students to observe many parts of our education system that many never see.Texas Future Business Leaders of America was a vendor at the conference attempting to teach attendees about how impactful FBLA is in the lives of students and teachers. Many district administrators and teachers were very impressed with Texas FBLA and indicated their profound interest and starting a chapter at their school! Additionally, several businesses expressed interest in sponsoring Texas FBLA and providing benefits to the members of FBLA. Six Texas FBLA state officers attended the conference and worked diligently in advocating for our professional organization. The six state officers are: State President, Corbin Lubianski; State Parliamentarian, Gabriela Cortez; State Reporter-Historian, Alice Liang; Area 5 Vice President, Benjamin Chong; Area 6 Vice President, Taylor Wimberly; and Area 7 Vice President, Chasten Musenda. CTAT was an amazing experience for attendees and Texas FBLA. This conference provided many opportunities to schools and districts to improve their education and start new organizations, like Future Business Leaders of America. Texas FBLA wishes good luck to you all in this new and exciting year to embark on new journeys!

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Area Workshops by Benjamin Chong

The Area Workshop season is here! Join your respective Area Vice President in learning what it means to become a business leader, and allow yourself to get further involved in FBLA. The Area Workshop is a great opportunity for members to have their first experience of what a conference will be like, and will prepare you for the upcoming Area, State, and National Conferences held later in the year. Members will be able to further develop the essential business skills needed to excel in the corporate world, as well as elevate your business knowledge. The Workshops also present opportunities to network with other like-minded individuals, and can form connections of a lifetime. The State Officer Team invites you to come in with an open mind, and be prepared to be amazed at the exceptional speakers and presenters that will be there. We hope to see you there, you do not want to miss out on this experience!

Look for your area!



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Date: Monday, October 14th


Time: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Location: Lubbock Cooper HS - 16302 TX-493, Loop, Lubbock, TX 79423

Date: Saturday, October 26th


Time: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm Location: Eastwood HS - 2430 McRae Blvd, El Paso, TX 79925

Date: Saturday, October 12th


Time: 10;00 am - 2:00 pm Location: LASA HS - 7309 Lazy Creek Dr, Austin, TX 78724

Date: Saturday, October 5th


Time: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Location: Johnson HS - 23203 Bulverde Rd, San Antonio, TX 78259


Date: Saturday, October 19th


Time: 7:30 am - 12:30 pm Location: Taylor HS - 20700 Kingsland Blvd, Katy, TX 77450

Date: Thursday, October 24th


Time: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Location: LaPoynor HS - 13155 Hwy 175 E, Larue, TX 75770

Date: Saturday, October 19th Time: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm


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Location: Fort Worth PDC - 3150 McCart Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76110

We look forward to seeing y'all!



Eastwood High School by Lauren Torres

This past year the Eastwood High School Chapter reached out to their community to find a need and address it. In the fall of 2018 the Eastwood High School Chapter drafted a community service project to help migrants seeking asylum from countries like Guatemala and Honduras. Through communication with the Catholic Dioceses of El Paso, they set a goal to feed 100 people and donate 100 men’s winter coats (in preferably sizes small or medium) by December 16th (which was the day they volunteered). They asked for donations from organizations and students at Eastwood High School such as FBLA, NHS, SNHS, and Dual Language club. They also went to a total of 20 franchises such as Walmart, Ay Cocula Restaurant, and Savers to ask for any financial, food or jacket donations, by delivering a letter of request. Although they planned to cook the 100 meals themselves, Ay Cocula Restaurant was kind enough to donate and cook the meals. Walmart donated $80 in gift cards which allowed them to buy water, utensils, napkins and fruit. For desert, along with fruit, Krispy Kreme also donated 2 dozen donuts, and Dianna Wood’s family baked 100 cupcakes as well. For jacket donations they exceeded their goal with 120 jackets for men, where some were collected at school and others were bought at Savers with left over money from Walmart by receiving 50% off. On December 16th they had required at most 10 people to help overall, so 8 high school volunteers accompanied them which included Azurri Acosta, Vianca Toscano, Mitchell Martinez, Aaron Edens, Karelly Alvarado, Iliani Aguilar and Edgar Chavez. Overall they were able to reach and exceed their goal to feed 100 people and donate 100 men’s winter coats. They were also able to learn about immigration by how they’re coming to the United States from Guatemala and Honduras to seek political asylum and brought awareness to it. Since then both Lauren and Dianna’s family have returned to volunteer once again and other organizations have asked about volunteering with the annunciation house.

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National Leadership Conference

by Alice Liang

The annual National Leadership Conference, better known as NLC to members across the globe. In the midst of summer school, grad parties, mission trips, and family vacations, NLC was no doubt the best excuse to get away from the heat of it all (and the heat of the beating summer). A perfect elopement to San Antonio, Texas, this past week was not only filled with exploration of new skills and professional growth but was overflowing with moments shared and new memories made. The Henry B. Gonzalez Conference Center served as home base for a multitude of innovative workshops as well as the judging of competitive events from June 28 to July 2. With the conclusion of IFL came NLC. Officers led state chapters in prideful cheers as members traded pins and networked with those across (and even outside of) the nation. Coach Sherry Winn, a two-time Olympian and National Championship basketball coach led the opening session with her dynamic personality and interactive presentation. She shared with members the importance of maintaining one’s joy, and her ideas resonated in the minds of listeners throughout the remainder of the conference. The following three days were times of networking, interaction, and growth. The conference center was full of life, brimming with students pacing around in preparation for their competition, eager members waiting to hear the next best workshop presenter, national candidates explaining their platform to voting delegates, exhibitors informing students of opportunities, and laughter shared by everyone as memories were made. Even outside the conference center, members were able to take advantage of the many attractions dispersed around the city and the beauty surrounding the Riverwalk. Whether it was a day trip to Six Flags, strolling past the Alamo, cruising on the river waters, a visit to the Ripley’s Museum, shopping at the Riverside Mall, or relishing the infamous Tex-Mex cuisine, there was something for everyone to enjoy alongside conference functions. Maybe even an armadillo was spotted! Despite it being only a few days, this year’s NLC at San Antonio was one to remember. Members were not only able to walk away with awards for their hard work in their events, but they were able to take with them a whole new experience which propelled their professional growth. As farewell speeches were given and the newly elected national officers were inducted, members also received a sneak peek into the world of opportunity the National Fall Leadership Conference, known as NFLC, has to offer this November. Hope to see you there!


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“FBLA Nationals was a new experience like I never imagined. It was so amazing being able to host in our beloved city of San Antonio and present the epicenter of greatness in FBLA that Texas is. It was full of new experiences and friends that I never thought I would never make. From Colorado to New Jersey this program connected me to other prevalent perspectives and insights I never had thought of. It implemented a stronger drive to get to nationals again and to compete and work harder but holistically to create more connections and relationships with more of the FBLA community”

Joseph Decilos Harlingen High School South

“My first NLC will be a memory I will forever cherish. I not only grew relationships with the members of my chapter, but networked with so many FBLA members from all over the nation, and created lifelong friendships. Some of my favorite highlights from NLC include meeting the national officers, competing in publication design, and attending workshops that grew my leadership skills. My time in San Antonio showed me the peak of what FBLA has to offer and encouraged me to do more for my chapter!”-Mathew Dinh

Matthew Dinh Central High School

Paschal Alpha chapter advisor"FBLA NLC is always an amazing experience and this year was no different. San Antonio was a beautiful city to explore during the conference. The riverwalk is alway beautiful and the food is amazing. We got to explore the Natural Bridge Caverns and we had some wild interactions with an ostrich at the Wildlife ranch. The best part of NLC though is getting to see our FBLA members grow in their leadership and networking skills. I get to see our students build their confidence by competing, meet new friends when they exchange pins, and learn about great opportunities at the

Corie Griffin Paschal High School

workshops. NLC is always a memorable experience and this one was no different. I am looking forward to working with my students this year and enjoying NLC in Salt Lake City, Utah next summer."


Congrats to Our

by Gaby Cortes

This year the National Leadership Conference was hosted at San Antonio, Texas. Our state chapter as a whole did amazing with 31 total members placing in the top 10 and many more making finals. The Texas FBLA chapter overall received the first place award for State Recruitment of Chapters in the Mountain Plains Region. This means altogether we managed to accomplish the amazing feat of establishing the biggest amount of new chapters. Seeing that Texas had an amazing year in 2019, let’s keep up the momentum for 2020!

Brian Han - Advertising (9th) Abhinav Arumilli - Banking & Financial Systems (3rd) Michelle Chen - Business Communication (2nd) Vinaya Parimi - Business Ethics (2nd) Pavan Agrawal - Coding & Programming (6th) Sarvesh Chezhian - Coding & Programming (8th) Elizabeth Luu - Computer Game & Simulation Programming (1st) Ly Ha, Amal Gupta - Computer Game & Simulation Programming (4th) Steven Cheng, Tristan Wiesepape, Joshua Karim - Cyber Security (9th) Jacey McElveen - Database Design & Application (8th) Anusha Mantri - E Business (10th) Komal Bhargava, Simran Sidhu, Alex Lee - Global Business (2nd) Brandon Wang, Jeffrey You, Amy Chen - Insurance & Risk Management (3rd) Erin Xu - Introduction to Business (6th) MeiLin Hu - Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure (10th) Anthony Huo - Management Information Systems (10th) Daniel Nugroho, Dean Cuzela, Stephanie Trevino - Mobile Application Development (6th) Robert Johnson - Sales Presentation (6th) Rebekah Crane - Spreadsheet Applications (9th) Ryan Covington - Virtual Business Finance Challenge (10th) Luis Guizar, Nathaniel Marquez - Website Design (7th)

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American Enterprise Day by Zenith Jahid

Have you ever wondered why there are so many different brands of soap at the grocery store? Or why there are different companies creating similar products? The reason for this is Free Enterprise. But, you might be thinking, what is Free Enterprise? Free Enterprise is the legal system that is set in the US in which individuals and private businesses can control their economic measures without government involvement. This means that a consumer can choose which companies to invest their business in, and that every company has an equal and fair chance at success. FBLA-PBL celebrates American Enterprise Day to salute and publicize the American free enterprise system and to teach about it. The holiday was initially set in place after President Jimmy Carter, who first proclaimed Free Enterprise Day in 1980 to honor the system that comprises the backbone of the United States economy. Later that year, the Chevron corporation contributed a grant called, “Getting Involved” to FBLA to ensure that young people are learning about the United States’ economic system. Under FBLA, this day is dubbed as “American Enterprise Day,” and it is celebrated on November 15th every year. Chapters celebrate American Enterprise Day through a wide range of activities, projects, and festivities. Consider having business students write essays on the American enterprise system, and then publish winning entries in the school newspaper. Another activity is to stage a Monopoly® tournament with customized rules representing various economic systems. You could try to develop a workbook for eighth graders about free enterprise and the job market. The workbook should have information on how to fill out job applications, different occupations, and earnings. You could also conduct a free enterprise mystery game over the public address system- where each day for a week, students get one clue to help them guess the secret word chosen for American Enterprise Day. Texas FBLA looks forward to seeing and reading about your American Enterprise Day festivities!


by Amina Rose

Giving Tuesday, which is the Tuesday after U.S Thanksgiving Day, is a movement for giving charitable donations at the beginning of the holiday season. Giving Tuesday was founded in 2012 by New York’s 92nd Street Y in partnership with the United Nations Foundation. In July 2019, Giving Tuesday spun into its own organizations. Since 2012, Giving Tuesday has become the biggest giving movement in the world. Technology and social media has helped Giving Tuesday become a big, viral sensation. In the era of disconnection we needed new rituals for connecting us. Some ideas people can do to give for Giving Tuesday is give their time by volunteering, give money to nonprofit organizations, give goods by donating canned goods to a drive, give kindness by doing a small or big act, or give your voice by advocating for a cause you believe in. But that’s not all, there's so many ways to give back, to learn more go to This year's Giving Tuesday is on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019.



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