The Official Newsletter of Texas FBLA
contents 03
2018 - 2019 STATE GOALS
Letter From The Editor
By Kyra Rose
Dear reader, Hello! My name is Kyra Rose and I am the editor, publisher, and co-writer of The Texan. I am so excited to finally get to share my first issue of The Texan with you. I hope you enjoy reading the wonderful articles I have filled this issue with. I would like to thank my fellow officers, Mrs. Crook, Mrs. Matlock, and my advisor, Ms. Turner - Gray, for helping me write articles, giving me this amazing opportunity, and providing me with endless support. Happy reading! Sincerely, Kyra Rose 3
Special message from the Board of Directors President! BY CARRIE TURNER - GRAY
Howdy! My name is Carrie Turner-Gray and I serve on the Texas Board of Directors as the Area 4 Representative and the President. I began advising the Johnson High School Chapter 6 years ago and steadily became more involved at the State level, taking over the vacated Area 4 Representative seat in 2017 and then ran for reelection for the 2018-2019 and
Not many students understand the
2019-2020 school years. I have been
role of the Board of Directors for a
honored and blessed to be a part of such
non-profit. Each year, a president,
an amazing organizations and have Mrs.
secretary, and treasurer are
Crook and Mrs. Matlock to thank for
nominated and voted for during our
encouraging me to get involved.
summer board meeting. This year, I had the honor to be nominated and voted in as President. As president, I am responsible for signing various paperwork, like contracts and budgets for Texas FBLA. I also run the bi-annual board meetings using Robert’s Rules of Order, the same way each chapter meeting is conducted. As a board, we are responsible for approving and discussion everything from fundraising, to financial matters and many other aspect that are required to handle the business of Texas FBLA. For information on this year’s board see http://fblatx.org/board-ofdirectors/.
Mountain Plains Region Vice President
A few words from our new VP... By Maddy Remington
Hello Texas FBLA! My name is I’m so grateful to serve as part of your national team Maddy Remington and I’m so
We are so jubilant to share all the upcoming projects
honored to announce I’m
and I do not take the
we’ve been working on for
serving as the 2018-2019
responsibility lightly. Since
this year! Texas FBLA is
Mountain Plains Region Vice
my election in June, I have
growing and I’m so excited to
President. I’m a Senior at
been valiantly working to
see the great new standard
Central High School in Keller,
increase resources and
our state chapter will set this
TX and I’m so excited to see
awareness of FBLA on behalf
year. It is an honor to be
what we, as Texans, will do this of our 200,000 members year to Create, Lead and Inspire. nationwide. This summer, I
serving FBLA at the national level and I can’t wait to see all
Ever since I joined FBLA, this
even ventured to the FBLA
the remarkable things you
organization has pushed to be a
national center, where the
and your chapter will
better version of myself. I’m so
national officer team spent
accomplish this year.
grateful to have been given the
the week creating an
opportunity to give back and
ambitious program of work
All the best,
truly embrace the motto of
for the 2018-2019 membership
Maddy Remington
service, education and progress. year. We also spent a great This past June, I traveled, along deal of time planning
FBLA Mountain Plains Region
with many of you, to Baltimore, immersive activities for our national fall leadership Maryland where I ran for my
fblampvp@fbla.org /
Vice President @fblampvp
conferences this November.
Dear 2017 - 201 State Officer Team,
We would love to thank our previous state officers for all their effort last year. Whether it was publishing the Texan, posting on social media, or putting on an amazing SLC, they all worked together to bring a successful year for FBLA. We are all excited to continue their legacy and bring another successful year for y’all! Sincerely, 2018 - 2019 State Officer Team
MEET YOUR NEW 2018 - 2019 OFFICER TEAM! PRESIDENT: QUYEN NGUYEN by Quyen Nguyen Hi Texas FBLA, my name is Quyen Nguyen and I am beyond grateful to serve as your Texas FBLA State President in this coming year. I hope that during my term, I will be able to help as many members as possible, “Explore New Frontiers,” and experience FBLA to its fullest potential. Beyond my position in and passion for FBLA, I am primarily a senior at Central High School in Keller, Texas. Within my school I am involved in National Honor Society, HOSA, and National Spanish Honor Society. Outside of my school, I work as a server at a restaurant, I am a frequent shopper at Target, a coffee enthusiast, and a follower of fashion trends. I love the color yellow, my lucky number is 17, I am scared of big roller coasters, my favorite music artist of the 21st century is Frank Ocean, I’m a bad movie watcher, I hope to travel to Japan one day, and I am so excited to be graduating this coming year. I hope this gave you some insight into who I am and thank you again for putting your trust in me to serve. Stay connected with me and all the other officers by following me on Twitter and Instagram @quyendnguyenn, and Texas FBLA on Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram @texas_fbla! Feel free to email me with any questions, comments, or concerns at president@fblatx.org. I can’t wait to see you all next March in the big and beautiful city of Houston, Texas!
Secretary: Alice Wang by Alice Wang Hey Texas FBLA members! My name is Alice Wang and I am your 2018-2019 Texas State Secretary. I am eternally grateful for this opportunity to be a part of your FBLA experience and am looking forward to working with the state action team in making this year our best one yet! Since I was little, my one dream was to make a difference in the world. However, the term “making a difference” is an ambiguous concept with even more ambiguous terms. Being in FBLA has allowed me to have a concrete start in this path. From competing as a freshman to serving as VP of Community Service in my local chapter, I have seen the direct impacts FBLA makes in members: ranging from making new contacts with diverse people to developing confidence in themselves and in their abilities. I personally have been extremely affected by FBLA, discovering newfound assurance in public speaking and in leadership. My high school life was certainly influenced by that one decision to join in freshman year, and the memories I’ve made, the friends I’ve met, and the lessons I’ve learned continue to inspire me to explore new frontiers in myself and in others. If there is one goal for me this year, it is to make the experience of FBLA as memorable and enjoyable for you as it has been for me. The State Action team is filled to the brim with ideas and can’t wait to implement them for a fresh new year! In my free time, you can catch me hanging out with friends, cooking new recipes (and eating them), and laughing at corny jokes. I’m an avid watcher of shows like Friends, The Office, Parks and Rec, How I Met Your Mother, any old DIsney shows or Pixar movies … the list goes on, so come find me if you need to make a reference and want someone to understand, because the pain otherwise is too much to bear. I also love dogs of all kinds and any action Fast and Furious-esque movies. I’m extremely excited to serve you guys as the State Secretary. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns or just want to say hi and crack a joke!
Reporter Historian : Kyra Rose by Kyra Rose Hey Texas FBLA! My name is Kyra Rose and I am so honored to be your 2018-2019 State Reporter-Historian! I am going on my third and final year in FBLA (cue crying emoji). This organization has taught me many things that will definitely help me accomplish great things in the future, which I am grateful for. The memories I’ve gained through FBLA will continue to hold a special place in my heart. Before I joined I would've never imagined the impact a couple of strangers in a classroom would have on my life. I started this journey my sophomore year of highschool, but I regret not joining my freshmen year. If I would have known what opportunities this organization presented, I would have joined sooner. I would like to thank FBLA (my support team) for just being what it is and changing the lives of students all around the world who are just like me! When I’m not investing my time in FBLA activities, I am also involved in other clubs such as, Key club, NHS, and Jack and Jill. In my spare time I enjoy volunteering, listening to audiobooks, shopping, watching Spongebob, or eating ice cream. One place I visit frequently is Hobby Lobby, expanding my horizons. Another cool fact about me, I have a huge creative bone in my body that will aid me in producing amazing Texan issues and co-planning an SLC that will be out of this world (hint hint)! I am looking forward to working side by side with my fellow state officers and FBLA community to bring new ideas and explore new frontiers!
Parliamentarian : Isabel Chapa by Isabel Chapa
Hello fellow FBLA members, My name is Isabel Chapa, a senior at Keller Central High School in Fort Worth, and I am greatly honored to serve as your 2018-2019 State Parliamentarian! I am excited to be part of your State Action Team and achieve a successful year. FBLA holds a very special place in my life. Before I joined, I was extremely timid with no assertive voice. With the effort I put forth, FBLA has helped me grow into a person I am proud to be today. FBLA can do the same for you so take advantage of it. You will not regret it! Other than FBLA, I am actively involved in HOSA, Mu Alpha Theta, National Art Honor Society and other organizations. In addition, I was lucky enough to snag an engineering internship with Siemens. In my free time, I’m either helping my friends with homework, studying, or working at Tropical Smoothie Cafe. In my totally unbiased opinion, the smoothies are amazing so try them out. When I first heard of FBLA, I thought it was simply for those interested in business. Here’s a secret: FBLA is for everyone regardless of interests. FBLA teaches us the soft skills we need to be successful no matter what field. Following on that note, you can be interested in agriculture, engineering, health science, etc; it does not matter. FBLA will help you grow into the best person you can be! So what does my position do? I am the person behind all our social media. Speaking of which, shameless plug, follow us at texas_fbla on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat! I enjoy seeing all of y’all post meeting information and having fun in your local chapters. (Tagging us would bring lots of attention if y’all want clout.) Besides social media, my other responsibilities include making sure Parliamentary Procedure is followed for our voting process and managing our monthly meetings. Finally, a message to you: I appreciate your membership in this great organization and I hope you enjoy this year. FBLA is more than a simple organization. It’s opportunities upon opportunities, interaction upon interaction. You will see yourself grow into a better person. See ya around!
Area 1 VP : Jackson Hisel by Jackson Hisel
Hello my name is Jackson Hisel and I’m a senior at Ropes high school in Ropesville TX. I’m 17 years old and I live with my parents on a vineyard just outside of levelland Texas. I go to a small school that has about 130 kids in it and all of them are hard workers as am I. I currently am in various extracurricular activities such as FBLA, UIL, football, basketball, track, NHS, and one act play. I grew up in Brownfield Texas and I loved just 30 miles down the road to Ropes when I was about 12 years old and ever since then I’ve lived on the vineyard outside of levelland. When I first started FBLA I was just a freshman and now I’m the state Vice President for area 1. The memories and experiences I’ve had with FBLA have taught me so much more about life than I could’ve ever asked for.
Area 2 VP : Natasha Reyes by Natasha Reyes
Hello Texas FBLA! My name is Natasha Reyes, and I am proud to be serving as your Area 2 Vice President. This is my fifth year as an FBLA member, and my passion, dedication, and love for the organization grows stronger everyday. I initially joined FBLA in 8th grade when I assisted in starting the very first Middle Level chapter in my area. Since then, I have held numerous positions in my chapter, established amazing friendships, and adventures in new cities through my FBLA experience. When I am not working on FBLA activities, I love helping out around my high school, taking pictures, editing videos, and hanging out with friends. I am extremely fond of finding new music and engaging in great conversations with new people. Please feel free to email me at area2vp@fblatx.org with absolutely anything you may need during my term, and I will be happy to be of any assistance!
Area 3 VP : Elena Gil by Elena Gil Hey Texas FBLA! My name is Elena Gil and I am thrilled to be serving as the Area 3 State Vice President for the 2018-2019 school year! I am a senior at San Marcos High School in San Marcos, TX and this is my 3rd year in FBLA. I started FBLA as a sophomore, as I was trying to gain more exposure to the business world and little did I know that it would bring so many amazing opportunities! At first, I was a bit hesitant about what FBLA was really about, but after my first State Leadership Conference in San Antonio, I knew that I was completely sold on everything the organization had to offer. From attending NLC in Anaheim, to being my chapter’s President, and now being a State Officer, FBLA has been an amazing part of my high school experience! In my last year in FBLA, I am excited to make new friends, try new things, travel to new places, and most of all, make memories with all of you! Outside of FBLA, I spend most of my time either on my school’s marching pad or in the band hall. I’ve played the flute since 6th grade and have had the honor of being Drum Major for the past 2 years! Other than band, I’m involved in student council and serve as Senior Class Vice President, and I’m member of National Honor Society. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, listening to music, and watching Netflix! I hope everyone has had a great start to this school year and I can’t wait for us all to Explore New Frontiers!
Area 4 VP : Corbin Lubianski by Corbin Lubianski Greetings Future Business Leaders! My name is Corbin Lubianski, I’m a junior at East Central High School in San Antonio, Texas, and I will be serving as your 2018-2019 Area 4 State Vice President. I am thrilled to serve as apart of the State Action team and to create an exciting Area 4 Workshop! FBLA was introduced to me in middle school. Although it was never an official chapter, I was still drawn to the exciting opportunities and knowledge that FBLA held. Sadly, when I got to high school, the chapter there became inactive and the opportunities for three thousand students vanished. I was determined to recharter my chapter. Alongside my peers, I was able to establish a presence of FBLA at East Central. Since then, I have gained so many opportunities such as traveling to places where I have dreamed of traveling to and gain skills and knowledge that will benefit myself and others. Alongside my involvement in Future Business Leaders of America, I am a member of Spanish National Honor Society, the Low Brass Section Leader in the band, and I compete in Odyssey of the Mind and Robotics. I also do farming activities and I love to read, play games, and play new instruments in my rare spare time! If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to approach me in conferences or by email. I look forward to completing all of our proposed goals and another successful year!
Area 5 VP : Prachi Shah by Prachi Shah
Hello Texas FBLA! I am Prachi Shah and I am proud to be serving as your 2018-2019 Area 5 Vice President. I look forward to working alongside this year’s amazing State Action Team and serving the incredible state of Texas! I am currently a senior at James E Taylor high school and this is my fourth year in FBLA. Being a part of this organization has changed my life forever, giving me the opportunity to meet new people, have more experiences, and grow into a person I never thought I could be. Starting out as a Freshman Ambassador at my local chapter to serving as Area Reporter-Historian and then becoming a State Officer, FBLA has taught me so many valuable skills and inspired me to step outside of my comfort zone. I have done things I would have never been able to do if it had not been for FBLA, and for that I will be forever grateful. My goal while being an officer is to serve Area 5 and to host a Fall Leadership Workshop and State Leadership Conference that is out of this world! I hope to increase the size of Area 5, increase community service in Area 5, and help the members of Area 5 succeed by serving them and helping them in anyway I can. In addition to FBLA, I am a Varsity Tennis player, a member in National Honor Society, and a Girl Scout. In my spare time, you can find me spending time with my family, playing tennis with my friends, and coming up with really bad jokes. My favorite movies are any of the Mission Impossible movies or a classic Disney movie. I am a huge Harry Potter and Percy Jackson fan, but enjoy reading a wide variety of genres. Some of my favorite music artist are Beyoncé, OneRepublic, and Fall Out Boy. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to meeting all of you!
Area 6 VP : Matthew Armstrong by Matthew Armstrong
Howdy! My name is Matthew Armstrong, and I serve as your 2018-2019 Area 6 State Vice President. I am honored to serve the members of Texas FBLA this year, and cannot wait to see all that we accomplish together. As a senior I, have spent the past three years making many memories, joining various organizations, and working to improve myself. This is my third year in FBLA, and has already been the best! From Officer Training to Nationals, I have met many new people and made lasting friendships. We have a lot planned this year and I know you will enjoy it all. While much of my time is spent with FBLA, I am involved within my community and school. Joining organizations similar to FBLA has enhanced my high school experience. HOSA, Student Council, National Technical Honor Society, UIL, Newspaper, Yearbook, and Cheer are some of the way I get involved throughout the year and leave my impact within my school and community. I encourage each member of Texas FBLA to branch out this year, and take a leap of faith. Try something new, meet new people, and leave your impact on FBLA.
Area 7 VP : Corinne McDuff by Corinne McDuff
Hello Texas FBLA members! My name is Corinne McDuff and I have the honor of being your 2018-19 Area 7 Vice President. I am currently a senior at Lamar High School in Arlington and involved in NHS, Science NHS, Key Club, Orchestra, Accounting UIL and Academic Decathlon. For as long as I can remember, I have been interested in business. Everything about it has always excited me. So when I found out about FBLA at the end of my sophomore year, I couldn't wait to join. I found a place filled with people that wanted to learn all about business like I did and it was amazing. After being involved for just a few months, I knew I wanted to dive and deeper so I could help others be as excited about business as I was. Being a part of FBLA has easily become one of my best high school experiences and I am happy to share it with all of you. Remember if you ever have any questions or information you’d like to share with me, you can always contact me.
By Alice Wang O F F I C E R
what we did and accomplished Good day, Texas FBLA! From June 18th to the 22nd, the State Action Team underwent Officer Training at Camp Copass in Denton, Texas. From the first day, one could tell that this would be an intense, yet rewarding journey. Rather than a slow ease into matters, it was more like a dive headfirst into FBLA and becoming a team. Without even dropping luggage off in rooms, officers and advisors as one made their way into the conference room, which would become “home” for the next week. At the get-go, the team was catapulted into decades’ worth of FBLA knowledge as we learned about its past, present, and future. In between presentations by the advisors, the team would briefly exit the conference room for rounds of ice-breakers that officers prepared at home. At the end of arrival day, everyone was considerably tired from the travel and the work, but there was an energy in the atmosphere, an anticipation for the week to come. And, oh boy, did the week deliver. A typical day lasted from dawn till dusk, with the officers continuing to navigate newfound information, learning skills such as presenting speakers and networking to form valuable relationships. The advisors put us through exercises that helped build confidence in ourselves as speakers and leaders, and, at the end of the day, would give us motivational presentations to keep the passion and fire going. Afterwards, the team would adjoin for the nightly session, where we planned goals and ideas for not only the State Leadership Conference, but also for the year in Texas FBLA. For a few days, we stepped out of the conference room and into nature, where we continued to push ourselves in rigorous team-building activities. This is not an exaggeration: we sweated a whole lot. However, as intense as it sounds, it truly was one of the most rewarding experiences one could ask for. Though the tasks ahead of us seemed daunting, our amazing state coordinators Mrs. Crooke and Mrs. Matlock were there the whole time to make everything more manageable and more doable. Of course, our advisors, our spectacular advisors who came all the way to camp for us, supported us the whole time and pushed us to learn more about ourselves and what we can effect in the world. Lastly, but certainly not least, the officers themselves were the ones who truly made this trip as incredible as it was. Through all the tasks we endured, through all the nights of sleep deprivation, through all the sheer extremities during the week, the team shared laughter, tears, parts of themselves with each other. We genuinely came together as a team and formed authentic friendships and bonds out of the experiences we shared. It’s crazy to think that it was only five days, but the memories we made will last a lifetime. We’d like to thank our amazing advisors and state coordinators and fellow members for their incredible support in getting here, and we have so many exciting things planned for this year. So get ready Texas FBLA for another unforgettable year!
2018 - 2019 STATE GOALS...
Find Your Workshop By Corbin Lubianski
Greetings Texan Members of Future Business Leaders of America! With the arrival of autumn and the outbreak into the new school year, our Area Vice Presidents are rapidly preparing for their annual Area Leadership Workshop for the 2018-2019 school year. As a fundamental aspect of Texas FBLA, I strongly encourage everyone to attend their inspiring and beneficial Area Leadership Workshop. The essential purpose of an Area Leadership Workshop is to educate, motivate, and inspire members to achieve excellence as they pursue business and leadership skills that will serve them in their chosen careers and in life. With each Area Leadership Workshop holds new lessons and skills to learn as an attendee of the workshop such as workshops with themes as “Texas FBLA...Discover Your Future” and “A Communications Celebration.” A characteristic that makes Area Leadership Workshops so special is how different the conferences will be from area to area! Of course, Area Leadership Workshops hold many fundamental characteristics that you should expect such as Keynote speakers, general sessions, workshops, prizes, and much more! Being ready for all the events that will truly make the conference one to remember! How do you become a part of an Area Leadership Workshop? Simply have your chapter fill out the registration form provided by the Area Vice President—with registration fees, contact information, and list of those attending—and attend the Conference! I wish to see you at one of the seven Area Leadership Workshops provided by the Area Vice Presidents. If you have any questions, please contact your respective Area Vice Presidents!
Find your area workshop down below.
Date: October 17th Time: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Location: Region 19 Head Start Center 11670 Chito Samaniego Dr El Paso, Texas 79936
Date: November 10th Time: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Location: Texas State University McCoy Hall, N Comanche St, San Marcos, Texas 78666
Date: October 27th Time: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm Location: East Central High School 7173 FM 1628 San Antonio, Texas 78263
Date: October 15th Time: 5:00 - 8:00 pm Location: Main Event Entertainment 6010 Marsha Sharp Fwy, Lubbock, Texas 79407
5 6
Date: October 24th Time: 9:00 am - 12:20 pm Location: Mount Pleasant High School 2110 N Edwards Ave Mount Pleasant, Texas 75455
Date: November 3rd Time: 7:30 am - 12:30 pm Location: James E Taylor High School, 20700 kingsland Blvd, Katy, 77450
Date: November 10th Time: 8:00 am - 12:30 pm Location: AISD Dan Dipert CTC 2101 Browning Dr, Arlington, Texas 76010
**Note: The information shown of the workshops may fluctuate**
Hope you enjoy and learn from your Area Workshops!
Did you attend NLC? Well, here is a recap! By Natasha Reyes
This past summer, Texas FBLA took on Baltimore, Maryland! The 2018 Future Business Leaders of America National Leadership Conference began June 28th and ended July 1st. The conference was conveniently located in the Baltimore Inner Harbor area, allowing for members to sightsee when not in a workshop or competitive event! The Inner Harbor is home to many local restaurants and stores. Members were able to walk along the water filled with historic ships, and shop for their Baltimore merchandise. All while enjoying exquisite tastes of Maryland seafood and crab. In addition to the Harbor area, our members enjoyed their day out in Washington D.C. for Texas Day. Just a short train ride away, chapters were able to see the profound monuments and buildings that have crafted our nation’s identity. Tours were conducted throughout the Lincoln Memorial, war memorials, and the Smithsonian museums. After a long day of learning about our great country, the state was able to relax and unwind in the fun environment of Dave and Busters! Everyone from members to advisers ended that day with more knowledge about America, and
Baltimore created an energetic atmosphere for
great memories with each other. In addition to city
everyone’s favorite part: workshops and
hopping, many chapters were able to root for the
competitive events.Your Texas State Officers
home team and attend a Baltimore Orioles baseball
presented on interview skills and team building. All
game! The ballpark food, exclusive merchandise, and
attendees were sure to take away something new
crowd were certainly something we will never forget.
for their hometown state. Competitive events were in full swing for two days. At the Award Ceremony, Texas was fortunate enough to watch some fellow members receive awards on the highest FBLA honor. Along with witnessing the induction of a Texan in to the 2018-2019 National Officer Team; Maddy Remington. Texas members showed their state pride with our brand new cowboy hat pins, and by teaching other states our “Yee Haw” chants! Throughout the entire trip, Texas FBLA experienced new ways to expand local chapters, complete challenges, and achieve greater tasks at the National level. Your State Officers are so excited for the opportunities this year has already brought and we look forward to seeing you at the NFLC in Charlotte! Congratulations to all the Texas NLC members, once again!
Congrats NLC Winners! 3D Animation - 4th: Emilio Contreras (South Hills High School) 4th: Luis Hernandez (South Hills High School) 4th: Rosio Frias (South Hills High School) 9th: Tamanna Sonthalia (Obra D. Tompkins High School) 9th: Yogita Marri (Obra D. Tompkins High School)
Mobile Application Development - 10th: Aayush Gupta (Cypress Woods High School) 10th: Govind Chada (Cypress Woods High School) Publication Design - 5th: Siya Patil (Seven Lakes High School)
Sales Presentation - Accounting - I 9th: Ricardo Vargas (Valle Verde Early College High School) 3rd: Brandon Meyers (R. L. Paschal High School - Alpha Chapter) Advertising - Spreadsheet Applications - 3rd: Akhila Venuturupalli (Obra D. Tompkins High School) 5th: Divya Mistry (Chapel Hill High School) 4th: Adrian Ramos (Obra D. Tompkins High School) Business Calculations - 1st: Alex Wang (Obra D. Tompkins High School) Business Communications - 9th: Bianca Chen (Obra D. Tompkins High School) Business Financial Plan - 9th: Benjamin Chong (James E. Taylor High School)
Website Design 10th: Lisa Le (Central High School) 10th: Vi Dang (Central High School) Word Processing 7th: Kenya Salinas (Mission High School)
Business Law - 5th: Skylour Winakur (Hightower High School) 9th: Aidan Cremins (Obra D. Tompkins High School) Community Service Project - 5th: Sonia Abraham (Seven Lakes High School) Cyber Security - 10th: Christopher Wood (R. L. Paschal High School - Gamma Chapter) Database Design & Application - 3rd: Daniel J Flores Alief Kerr High School E Business - 6th: Michael Yu (Seven Lakes High School) 6th: Utkarsh Singh (Seven Lakes High School) 6th: Vineet Paidisetty (Seven Lakes High School) Global Business - 7th: Sakshee Jain (Obra D. Tompkins High School) 7th: Shruti Bajaj (Obra D. Tompkins High School) Impromptu Speaking - 2nd: Karthick Arunachalam (Seven Lakes High School) Introduction To Business Procedures - 6th: Ananya Dhal (Seven Lakes High School) Job Interview - 9th: Riley Reep (Ropes Junior - Senior High School)
By Queen Nguyen and Elena Gil
  Over the summer, Texas FBLA Officers, Elena Gil (Area 3 Vice President,) Corinne McDuff (Area 7 Vice President,) and Quyen Nguyen (State President,) travelled to the beautiful city of Downtown Fort Worth to represent our student organization at the must- attend CTE event of the season: CTAT Summer! Your state officers spent 3 days in the central business district of Fort Worth, co-hosting workshops, running a booth, exploring the city, networking and promoting FBLA. As always, a goal for the state has always been to increase membership. With this in mind, the officers worked hard to recruit as many new chapters to join FBLA, and to recharter as many old chapters as possible! And if the Conference was any indicator of the success and growth of the organization in the next year, we forecast that 2018-2019 will be quite prosperous for Texas FBLA!
Thank you for reading!