1 minute read
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Swimming IV for Children
(6-12 yrs.) Prerequisite: Swimming III or equivalent skill proficiency. Class emphasizes improving confidence, skill proficiency, distance and endurance. Skills include diving progression from side in deep water, swimming under water three body lengths, swimming front crawl, elementary backstroke, back crawl and breaststroke 25 yards, lap swimming techniques and safety and tread ing water for 30 seconds.
10--45 minute lessons--$154
For questions or for a free Parktakes subscription, call 703-222-4664.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Swimming V for Children
(6-12 yrs.) Prerequisite: Swimming IV or equivalent skill proficiency. Class emphasizes increasing endurance and swimming stroke proficiency. Skills include treading water one minute, swimming front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke 50 yards, elementary backstroke 25 yards, open turns, circle swimming in lap lane, bi-lateral breathing for front crawl, butterfly arms and legs, breaststroke pull out and standard sculling 30 seconds.

4AAA 9 --55 minute lessons--$145
4AAB 10--55 minute lessons--$162
4AX 6 --55 minute lessons--$97
4AY 7--55 minute lessons--$112
4AZ 8 --55 minute lessons--$129
Swimming VI for Children
(6-12 yrs.) Prerequisite: Swimming VI or equivalent skill proficiency. Class continues to refine swim strokes and increasing endurance. Skills include swimming front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke 100 yards, sidestroke and butterfly 25 yards, an introduction individual medley (IM), treading water for two minutes and flip turns.

4AAA 9 --55 minute lessons--$145
4AAB 10--55 minute lessons--$162
4AX 6 --55 minute lessons--$97
4AY 7--55 minute lessons--$112
4AZ 8 --55 minute lessons--$129