Twenty years ago, I was hired by the Park Authority to serve as Public Information Officer and spokesman for the agency. It’s been a grand adventure to say the least. Not a day has gone by that I have not learned something new. I have worked under several Executive Directors; some better than others, but all dedicated to improving our park system. I have come to expect the unexpected; the occasional crime or badly be haved park visitor; passionate testimony at public meetings; serial requestors of documentation and the occasional wildlife or farm animal destined to garner headlines. It’s been a blast!
Let me state without reservation that the Park Authority Board is rife with overachievers who love parks. I have seen them in action; making tough decisions, weighing the pros and cons of land acquisitions, policy, or fees, supporting Park Bonds, and meeting with constituents to determine community needs, expectations and hopes. So too, the many elected officials who support parks.
It’s been an honor working with dedicated and talented staff members. These are caring people who rise to the occasion. They won’t take no for an answer, they get their job done. They did the work that was needed to ensure system perfor mance, they went the extra mile, got the word out and made sure people were safe and able to enjoy our parks. They came to work during the pandemic. They plowed snow for weddings. They performed CPR when necessary. That’s how much they love their jobs, care about our park system and the people who come to our facilities.
Park volunteers are one of a kind. Be it protecting the environment, work ing at a golf course or in our pools with disabled swimmers; making masks during COVID-19 or advocating for parks – thank you for your service.
Alas, change is inevitable. In fact, it’s healthy for an organization. This year, dozens of long-time Park Authority managers and staff are retiring. It just worked out that way, but rest assured we leave you in good hands.
My colleagues and I have been privileged to work on behalf of the residents of Fairfax County. Thank you for the great memories, for the many blessings of a job well done and keep in mind the recent challenges we have all overcome together. We’ve done what we could to leave behind a legacy of excellence. Collectively we feel good about turning over the reins to another generation. It’s a beautiful park system – please enjoy it.
Jai’s Parks Tour of 420 Parks 2
Black History Month 3
Holiday Happenings in the Parks 4
Better Golfers are Made in the Fitness Center 5
Health Coaching: Change Starts Here!
Lifeguarding Is Ageless
Wheels Up in Fairfax County Skate Parks 6
Home on the Golf Range!
Hidden Gem: Barrel Bridge and Boxcars 7
Honors and Anniversaries
Volunteer Profile: Elly Doyle Awards
Adapted Recreation Services 16
Aquatics 18
Attractions and Amusements 29
Camps 30
Children’s Corner (Infant-5 yrs.) 35
Dance 40
Day Trips 43
Equestrian and Farm 44
Events 46
Exercise and Physical Fitness 49
Fine Arts and Crafts 55
Gardening 58
Golf 60
History 65
Ice Skating
Martial Arts and Self-Defense
Outdoor Recreation
Performing Arts 82
Science and Technology 84
Scout Activities 87
Sports and Leagues
With nearly 24,000 acres of parkland in the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) system it’s not surpris ing to find 420 parks located throughout Fairfax County, with parks in each magisterial district, each with distinct amenities. Some serve as neighborhood gathering spots, others are district parks or spe cial destinations such as our lakefront parks. What is surprising is that Park Authority Executive Director
Jai Cole has visited every single park in the system. All within the first year of her tenure.
She recently celebrated the completion of her park tour, a journey which allowed her to get a sense of each park, to meet staff and visitors alike, and to identify service gaps and opportunities for improvement. Cole, and about 100 volunteers and local officials took a few moments to celebrate the completion of her tour as well as to plant trees and pull invasive plants at Lake Fairfax on National Public Lands Day. It was a great time to be volunteering in any park.
“I grew up in Reston with Lake Fairfax as my backyard. That’s where I fell in love with nature and had the adventures that led me to become an ecologist. Fairfax County had such a significant influence on who I am that I was thrilled when I was chosen last year as the new Executive Director of FCPA. Not many people in my profession can lead, preserve, and enhance their childhood park system and I feel very honored to have been given this opportunity,” explained Director Cole.
Why go that extra mile? Cole noted, “I needed to see our parks to be their champion, but I also needed to see the surrounding neighborhoods. Parks in Franconia shouldn’t look exactly like parks in Vienna. Parks should reflect the community they serve, and different neighborhoods may value different ways to recreate. To get to know this park system and really start to understand the needs of our residents, I needed to see them – all of them.”
So, what did she find on her tour? “I’ve seen what I thought was impossible: a phenomenal park system with some of the best amenities any system in the country has to offer, but also with parks that are bursting with potential waiting to be imagined. The trip was fantastic,” Cole exclaimed. “I saw the many parks that we own and manage. I met people who work at the parks and who visit the parks. I saw its strengths and its weaknesses, I noted places that needed attention and care and investment, and I was wowed by both our facilities and our wonderful staff.”
Cole notes that the past year has been a learning experience but it’s just the start of a much bigger ef fort to ensure that every resident can experience all the FCPA has to offer, regardless of where they live, or their ability to pay. She expands on that sentiment, “My definition of racial equity in parks is “Where race and income does not predict the quantity and quality of parks in a specific area and Rec Centers and programs are affordable for all residents.” Parks and recreation centers are such a vital part of the lives of so many of our residents and I hope you can take some time for yourself and your family to get to one of our 420 parks soon.”
Jai Cole is the Executive Director of the Fairfax County Park Authority. Cole grew up in Fairfax County, residing in Reston for 25 years. She attended South Lakes High School where she played youth softball, basketball and field hockey. She then went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts in biology at the University of North Carolina Greensboro where she played Division I basketball.
To preserve local African American culture and history, the Park Authority joined with historians from other county agencies and the Fairfax County History Commission, to research and collect historical information. Started in January 2021, the new initiative, called the African American History Inventory (AAHI), was an ambitious project with the goal of gathering documentation in one place. The Park Authority’s Archaeology and Collections Branch staff was a major partner in contributing to the inventory. Committee members scoured printed materials such as newspapers, brochures, letters, photographic collections, maps, and collections of family papers found at local libraries, museums, and other repositories. African American churches and schools were identified as vital historic components of the communities. A wealth of digital information, such as websites, story maps, and videos tell the story of the African American communities in the County.
A draft of the AAHI was completed in late 2021. The AAHI is a living document that can be added to when further information is discovered. It is organized by supervisory district. The draft document was transferred to George Mason University for students to convert it into a searchable database.
This project helps the Park Authority acknowledge the significant contributions and the struggle for freedom by enslaved African Americans at sites that are now part of our park system. In February 2023 we will share the stories of the enslaved communities of Fairfax County to bring awareness to the new AAHI. Multiple parks and historic sites will feature programs so we can share what we have learned and what we are still researching:
The historic meetinghouse will be open each Saturday in February from 12-2 p.m. Established in the 18th century, the original congregation of the meetinghouse included enslaved and free Blacks, as well as slaveholding members.
Tours in the month of February will focus on the work of the enslaved community at Sully such as Madam Juba the Laundress. There will also be an exhibit of artifacts to view in the east wing.
The African Americans at Walney Walking Tour will be offered for participants to hear the stories of African American families who lived and worked at Walney Farm.
During the month of February, take a tour of the mill where you will hear the stories of enslaved workers. Learn how historians are searching for information to tell a more complete history of the Colvin Run community.
Join a historian for the Enslaved Lives and the Legacy of Slavery tour that examines the relationship of the Mason family to the Humphreys, as well as other enslaved people who lived and worked at Huntley.
Turn to the History section or visit Parktakes online for more details about these programs and to register. To learn more about the AAHI, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/history-commission/african-american-inventory.
From special events and day trips to winter craft workshops, historic and nature programs, the Fairfax County Park Authority offers something for every age and interest to make the holidays memorable this year!
Two popular holiday events are returning to Burke Lake Park this year, Winter Wonderland and Celebration Station. During the day, go to the Winter Wonderland, where you can take a train ride on the Holiday Express, ride the Carolers Carousel, play Gingerbread Man Mini Golf, and enjoy s’mores and cocoa by the fire. The festivities continue at night with Celebration Station when the park twinkles with thousands of holiday lights. After a magical train ride, children can take a spin on the festively lit carousel. Don’t delay purchasing your tickets in advance online to either event-both are expected to sell out.
Don’t miss your chance to snap a photo while the kids meet Santa! He will make the rounds at the parks, visiting Colvin Run Mill, Burke Lake Park’s Winter Wonderland, and Sully Historic Site. A delicious treat and festive craft will complete your little one’s day.
The Park Authority will help you get ready for the holidays with winter decoration and craft workshops for young and old. Winter wreath making workshops are being offered at Green Spring Gardens and Hidden Pond Nature Center. Other holiday décor and craft workshops are being held at Audrey Moore Rec Center, Green Spring Gardens, Hidden Oaks Nature Center, and Lewinsville House.
Travel back in time with a candlelight tour of Sully Historic site or a holiday lantern tour at Colvin Run Mill. Feast on delicious tea and treats at events offered at Historic Huntley, Green Spring Gardens, Colvin Run Mill, and E.C. Lawrence Park. Or take your children to Colvin Run Mill so they can shop for everyone on their list in the historic General Store and then gift wrap their purchases. Perhaps you’re feeling more adventuresome? Guided winter walks, lectures, wagon rides, and campfires are being offered in several parks, including E.C. Lawrence, Green Spring Gardens, Lake Fairfax, Riverbend Park, Frying Pan and Huntley Meadows.
No one can resist getting in the holiday spirit with a visit to Longwood Gardens as you walk amongst the beautiful and elegant holiday displays. Or be transported to colonial days with a trip to Williamsburg’s Grand Illumination. For a trip that the whole family can enjoy, board the Potomac Eagle North Pole Express train ride to help Santa save Christmas.
To find out more information about Holiday Events in the Parks, please turn to the Events section starting on pg. 46 or visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes/. Registration is required for most events.
If your body can’t do what you want it to do, the path to a better golf game may be long and frustrat ing. With that in mind, it’s extremely important for your golf swing coach to know what you physically can and cannot do. Golf fitness involves increasing strength, flexibility and stability all geared towards make it easier for your body to perform the swing mechanics.
A proper golf swing is an extremely complex movement and requires control of your body to achieve success. Getting it right and ultimately improving your game is probably the most underrated benefit of taking on a golf fitness routine. Researchers found that top tier professional golfers have one major difference from average golfers: physical conditioning. In fact, the most common cause of the amateur golfer injury is poor golf swing and body mechanics. Many golfers cannot make smooth, effortless swings because their bodies are unable. As with any sport, golf requires a personal invest ment in good nutrition and regular exercise that improves body mechanics and helps avoid injuries.
The bottom line is that most players love the game and want to play forever. We know golfers who stop playing due to injuries, health issues or when walking for extended periods is difficult. This is where your Rec Center and golf conditioning specialist come in to help you get where you need to be to perform well. Find out more about working one-on-one with a Golf Conditioning Specialist by emailing Laurie Strickland at Laurie.Strickland@fairfaxcounty.gov.
Sometimes the most difficult part of making a change is taking the first step. Have you ever known technically how to do something, but somehow you don’t seem to be able to get yourself to do it? Or maybe you don’t have a clue how to do it, but can’t bring yourself to take that first step? While some personal trainers are also certified health coaches, health coaching is very different than personal training. Personal trainers will show and tell you what to do. Health coaches will ask you questions and help you to get to the heart of your goals. What do YOU want and why is it important to you?
Behavior modification is the focus of a health coach. What are your barriers to change? Is your goal increased fitness, but you need help managing your schedule to make it happen? Is your sleep schedule (or lack thereof) holding you back? Does your lifestyle conflict with or reflect your priorities or serve what (or whom) is most important to you in this world?
You don’t need to be an elite athlete to be well-served by having a health coach. Athletes have long accepted the guidance of a coach to get and keep on track to achieve their goals. Everyone can benefit from working with a professional health coach. Even small changes over time can exponentially change your life.
The Park Authority offers many different types of fitness and wellness services. You don’t need to be a Rec Center member to meet with one of our health coaches, but a health coach can help you gain the greatest benefit from your Rec Center mem bership. There are health coaches available to meet at several of our Rec Centers, as well as convenient virtual sessions to serve you. Find out more about these services by reaching out to Laurie.Strickland@fairfaxcounty.gov.
Nationwide, lifeguards are in short supply. The team at Oak Marr Rec Center had to start think ing outside the box to address the shortfall. With that in mind, they looked to retirees – a vast new pool of potential applicants looking for part time work.
Clearly, it’s a different demographic but it’s been a highly successful approach with a more “ma ture” workforce in the making. One of these new recruits is Robert Brennen who joined Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) as lifeguard after a 40-year career where he served in the U.S. Marine Corps and the State Department in 2019.
“I’ve enjoyed acquiring new skills during training (water rescues, CPR, first aid, etc.), the flexi ble hours, and working with a super group of younger lifeguards. It’s also been great getting to know our FCPA patrons, whether the high school swim teams, the local diving clubs, or the numerous guests who use our pool to stay in shape” said Brennen who works about 15 to 20 hours per week. One of the perks: a free Rec Center membership which allows him to work out on his own in the pool a couple of times a week.
He added, “As an older worker I’ve enjoyed working with and mentoring younger lifeguards for whom working for FCPA is often their first job. It’s a daily responsibility to maintain the high stan dards that both FCPA and Jeff Ellis & Associates, the Park Authority’s water safety trainers/auditors re quire to keep the public safe while using our FCPA facility.” In fact, such high standards have allowed him to continue training and maintain his fitness at such a high level that he was able to expand his lifeguarding opportunities and spend this past summer as a beach lifeguard at Emerald Isle, NC.
For more information on becoming a lifeguard or swim instructor at any of the Park Authority’s pools or water parks, please visit our FCPA Aquatics jobs page Aquatic Certification Programs and Jobs at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/reccenter/aquatic-certification.
You don’t have to be Tony Hawk to enjoy the Park Authority’s two awesome skate parks!
Whether you’re an avid skateboarder who knows all the latest tricks or just a beginner, the skate parks are a great place to learn and work on your skills before taking them to the street.
Wakefield Skate Park was fully renovated and redesigned over the summer. The design of the park was a collaborative effort between local skate enthusiasts and professional designers. It’s awesome and caters to all skill levels of skateboarders, BMX riders, and other wheeled athletes. The new park offers a com petition-style bowl, multi-level jump line, hips galore, mini-ramp, spine, a-frame, ledges, euro, and many other exciting features. The $1.2 million project was funded via voter-ap proved Park Bonds and plans to reopen in late Fall or early Winter.
Those on the other side of Fairfax County can roll over to the Lake Fairfax Skate Park fea turing 15,000 square feet of skating area. The plaza obstacles include a shark fin, manual pad, and euro gap with ledges and rails. The ledges and rails are the low to medium type. The bowl consists of three sections at four, six, and eight feet, three high-to-low curved hips, and consistent eight-foot tranny radius throughout.
Jump into the fun but please follow safety protocols and all rules while using the skate parks. For more information visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/skate-parks.
If you haven’t made golf your thing yet, now is the time! Bring the family together for a fun outdoor experience. The Golf Fairfax ranges are enjoyable, relaxed places for all player levels to practice, exercise and socialize.
Keep your game warm over the winter with heated, covered top-rated ranges at Burke Lake and Oak Marr Golf Centers, com plete with LED lighting. Twin Lakes and Laurel Hill also offer ranges open year-round.
Did you know an hour at the range burns 200 calories on average? Stay on top of your fitness while un winding and taking in fresh air. Buckets at Burke, Oak Marr and Twin Lakes are as low as $4 each when you buy a range pass (good for two years). Pay one fee for the year with Laurel Hill range memberships.
Enjoy new food and beverage selections at the ranges including beer and wine. Be on the lookout for delicious snack choices. Having a par-tee? The ranges are also available for special events.
Don’t have clubs yet? Range loaner clubs are available.
No matter what stage of the game you are in, the shoulder season is a great time to fine tune your swing, test out new clubs or get started on your golf journey. For more information visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/golf .
The Lorton Reformatory is a former prison complex established in 1910 for the District of Columbia. The complex began as a pastoral prison farm called the Occoquan Workhouse for non-violent offenders serving short sentences, but it grew to include a 10-acre, somewhat notorious walled penitentiary constructed by inmates, until the site’s closure in 2001. The handiwork of the inmates remains.
Alongside Laurel Hill Golf Course, the Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail (GCCCT) meanders towards the Occoquan River and crosses Lorton Road. Just north of Lorton Road you’ll find the historic Barrel Bridge, a unique example of the craftsmanship of prison laborers. Constructed in 1946, the bridge was assembled by prison workers using bricks that were formed and fired at the prison’s brickyard. The Voussoir Arch-style bridge commonly referred to as a “barrel arch” bridge for its resemblance to the inside of a barrel, was constructed to overpass a spur of the Lorton & Occoquan Railroad line. The arch is one of the oldest and most durable structural forms. Constructed in a five-course common bond brick pattern, it is the only masonry and brick arch bridge of this kind in Virginia. Today, engineers seldom select the complex arch form for modern building projects and as such, arched bridges are increasingly vanishing features in the transportation landscape.
North of the Barrel Bridge sits the remains of an old wooden boxcar. It was likely used as a passenger car to transport prisoners from their dormitories to worksites, bring in food and coal supplies, as well as take shipments (such as inmate-produced bricks) out of the Lorton complex. The 40-foot-long car was probably obtained as a scrap car, with the metal ends and benches add ed later. In early 2006, a Park Authority archaeologist discovered the boxcar which was almost completely hidden under vines and grasses. The FCPA reclaimed the boxcar from the natural overgrowth and set about protecting and restoring it to its present condition.
Thousands visitors filled Lake Accotink Park on Saturday, Aug. 27, 2022, as the Fairfax County Park Authority marked the 60th anniversary of this popular lake front park, featuring free amusements, special programming, trail hikes, children’s activities and displays from local organizations. The celebration also drew several members of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, members of the Park Authori ty Board, the Friends of Lake Accotink Park and Park Authority staff.
Lake Accotink Park provides opportunities for outdoor recreation and enjoying nature across its 449 acres. Central to the park is a 55-acre lake, surrounded by wetlands and forest. The park offers opportunities to hike and bike miles of trails, fish from the shoreline, and observe the changing of the seasons. A miniature golf course, historic carousel and playgrounds provide amusements.
There were hundreds of people who turned out for the grand reopening and ribboncutting ceremony at Hidden Oaks Nature Center in Annandale on Saturday, July 16. The renovated and expanded facility featured a host of diverse programs, activities and performances, as well as remarks by local officials.
With funding from the 2016 Park Bond, Hidden Oaks Nature Center underwent $1,627,000 in renovations and expansions. The construction added an additional classroom, kitchen area and interpretive space. The restrooms were also renovated to current Americans with Disabilities Act standards. A new pond now graces the property, complimenting the outdoor public amenities in Annandale Community Park, including trails, the Wing Wall exhibit, the woodland carved tree and a butterfly-themed playground.
Pickleball enthusiasts attended the ribbon cutting and exhibition at Wakefield Park Pickleball and Tennis Complex in June. The $410,000 project was paid for with dedicated funding from Fairfax County for renovations of parks and facilities, as well as Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) funding aimed at providing full accessibility to the courts.
Improvements included reconstruction of tennis courts 9 and 10, practice tennis courts, removal of two platform tennis courts, and installation of two pickleball courts. Additional improvements include construction of ADA-compliant walkways and installation of bench pads.
Advertising: Paid advertising included in Parktakes does not imply endorse ment of the advertised goods, products or services by the Fairfax County Park Authority. To place an ad in Parktakes, contact Cindy Fortuno at cindy.fortuno@fairfaxcounty.gov.
Publication and Subscriptions: Free subscriptions are available for both printed and electronic formats through our registration office 703-222-4664 or by signing up online: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ptsubs.htm. Parktakes copies are also available at all staffed park locations, county libraries and government centers.
Postage: Periodicals postage paid at Fairfax, Va. (USPS 010-296).
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FCPA/Parktakes, P.O. Box 4606, Fairfax, Va. 22038-4606.
Photos: The FCPA reserves the right to photograph and videotape all its activities, events, classes, programs and facilities for promotional purposes. Vehicle safety audio/video systems may record program participants when they are being transported in Park Authority vehicles.
Fairfax County’s programs, services and facilities are available to all citizens regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
To request reasonable accommodations under the ADA, call 703-3248563 or TTY Va. Relay 711.
Audrey Moore
Cub Run 703-817-9407
G. Washington 703-780-8894
Lee District 703-922-9841
Mount Vernon 703-768-3224
Oak Marr 703-281-6501
Providence 703-698-1351
South Run 703-866-0566
Spring Hill 703-827-0989
Burke Lake 703-323-1641
Greendale 703-971-6170
Jefferson 703-573-0443
Laurel Hill 703-493-8849
Oak Marr 703-255-5390
Pinecrest 703-941-1061
Twin Lakes 703-631-9099
Burke Lake 703-323-6600
Clemyjontri 703-388-2807
Jefferson District 703-573-0444
Lake Accotink 703-569-3464
Lake Fairfax 703-471-5414
Laurel Hill 703-437-9101
M. L. King Jr. 703-324-8732
Mason District 703-324-8700
Nottoway 703-324-8700
Colvin Run Mill 703-759-2771
Ellanor C. Lawrence 703-631-0013
Frying Pan Farm 703-437-9101
Green Spring Gardens 703-642-5173
Hidden Oaks 703-941-1065
Hidden Pond 703-451-9588
Huntley Meadows 703-768-2525
Riverbend 703-759-9018
Sully Historic Site 703-437-1794
Turner Farm/ Observatory 703-324-8591
lAudrey Moore Rec Center
8100 Braddock Road Annandale 22003 • 703-321-7081
lCub Run Rec Center
4630 Stonecroft Blvd. Chantilly 20151 • 703-817-9407
lGeorge Washington Rec Center 8426 Old Mt. Vernon Road Alexandria 22309 • 703-780-8894
lLee District Park & Rec Center 6601 Telegraph Road Franconia 22310 • 703-922-9841
lMt. Vernon Rec Center
2017 Belle View Blvd. Alexandria 22307 • 703-768-3224
lOak Marr Rec Center
3200 Jermantown Road Oakton 22124 • 703-281-6501
lProvidence Rec Center
7525 Marc Drive Falls Church 22042 • 703-698-1351
Spring Hill Rec Center
1239 Spring Hill Road McLean 22102 • 703-827-0989
South Run Rec Center
7550 Reservation Drive Springfield 22153 • 703-866-0566
Braddock Park
13241 Braddock Road Clifton 20124 • 703-324-8702
Burke Lake Park
7315 Ox Road
Fairfax Station 22039 • 703-323-6600
Clemyjontri Park
6317 Georgetown Pike McLean 22101 • 703-388-2807
Frying Pan Farm Park
2709 West Ox Road
Herndon 20171 • 703-437-9101
Jefferson District Park
7900 Lee Highway Falls Church 22042 • 703-573-0443
Lake Accotink Park
7500 Accotink Park Road Springfield 22150 • 703-569-3464
Lake Fairfax Park
1400 Lake Fairfax Drive Reston 20190 • 703-471-5414
9500 Furnace Road
Lorton 22079 • 703-437-9101
Martin Luther King, Jr. Park
8115 Fordson Road Alexandria 22306 • 703-324-8732
lMason District Park
6621 Columbia Pike Annandale 22003 • 703-941-1730
lTurner Farm Park
925 Springvale Road Great Falls 22066 • 703-324-8702
lWakefield Park
8100 Braddock Road Annandale 22003 • 703-321-7081
Water Mine Family
lSwimmin’ Hole
1400 Lake Fairfax Drive Reston 20190 • 703-471-5414
Ellanor C. Lawrence Park
5040 Walney Road Chantilly 20151 • 703-631-0013
4603 Green Spring Road Alexandria 22312 • 703-642-5173
lHidden Oaks Nature Center
7701 Royce St. Annandale 22003 • 703-941-1065
Hidden Pond Nature Center
l8511 Greeley Blvd. Springfield 22152 • 703-451-9588
3701 Lockheed Blvd. Alexandria 22306 • 703-768-2525
l Riverbend Park
8700 Potomac Hills St. Great Falls 22066 • 703-759-9018
Cabell's Mill
5235 Walney Road Centreville 20151 • 703-827-0609
Clark House
6332 Barcroft Mews Drive
Falls Church 22041 • 703-827-0609
Colvin Run Mill
10017 Colvin Run Road
Great Falls 22066 • 703-759-2771
Dranesville Tavern
11919 Leesburg Pike Dranesville 20170 • 703-827-0609
9818 Georgetown Pike
Great Falls 22066 • 703-827-0609
9537 Courthouse Road Vienna 22181 • 703-827-0609
l Stone Mansion & Stoneybrooke Park 3900 Stoneybrooke Drive Alexandria 22306 • 703-827-0609
3650 Historic Sully Way Chantilly 20151 • 703-437-1794
Burke Lake Golf Center
6915 Ox Road
Fairfax Station 22039 • 703-323-1641
Greendale Golf Course
6700 Telegraph Road Alexandria 22310 • 703-971-6170
Jefferson District Golf Course 7900 Lee Highway Falls Church 22042 • 703-573-0443
Laurel Hill Golf Club
8701 Laurel Crest Drive Lorton 22079 • 703-493-8849
Oak Marr Golf Complex
3136 Jermantown Road Oakton 22124 • 703-255-5390
Pinecrest Golf Course
6600 Little River Turnpike Alexandria 22312 • 703-941-1061
Twin Lakes Golf Course
6201 Union Mill Road Clifton 20124 • 703-631-9372
12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 927, Fairfax 22035 • 703-324-8700
1. Find the color related to the Rec Center closest to you.
2. Look for the matching color in the list of schools, businesses and parks for classes near you.
3. The full name and address of locations appears next to its abbreviated name.
1 Audrey Moore Rec Center
2 Cub Run Rec Center
3 Lee District Rec Center
4 Mt. Vernon Rec Center
5 GW Rec Center
6 Oak Marr Rec Center
7 Providence Rec Center
8 South Run Rec Center
9 Spring Hill Rec Center
AnnandalePk Annandale Park 4030 Hummer Rd Annandale 22003
GrnSprGardn Green Spring Gardens Park 4603 Green Spring Rd Alexandria 22312
Hidden Oaks Hidden Oaks Nature Center 7701 Royce St Annandale 22003
Kings Pk ES Kings Park Elementary 5400 Harrow Way Springfield 22151
LkAccotinkPk Lake Accotink Park 7500 Accotink Park Dr Springfield 22151
LittleRun ES Little Run Elementary 4511 Olley Ln Fairfax 22032
Pinecrest GC Pinecrest Golf Course 6600 Little River Tnpk Alexandria 22312
Wkfld/Moore Wakefield RECenter 8100 Braddock Rd Annandale 22003
Woodson HS Woodson High School 9525 Main St Fairfax 22031
ArrowbrookPk Arrowbrook Park 2351 Field Point Rd Herndon 20170
Braddock Park Braddock Park 13451 Braddock Rd Clifton 20124
Chalet Wds Pk Chalet Woods Park 14912 Cranoke St Centreville 20120
Chantily HS Chantilly High School 4201 Stringfellow Rd Chantilly 20151
Cub Run ES Cun Run Elementary 5301 Sully Station Dr Centreville 20120
CubRunREC Cub Run Rec Center 4630 Stonecroft Blvd. Chantilly 20151
Deer Pk ES Deer Park Elementary 15109 Carlbern Dr Centreville 20120
ECLawrencePk Ellanor C. Lawrence Park 5040 Walney Rd Chantilly 20151
Frying Pan Pk Frying Pan Park 2709 West Ox Rd Herndon 20171
GreenbrW ES Greenbriar West Elementary 13300 Poplar Tree Rd Fairfax 22033
SullyCommCtr Sully Community Center 13808 Wall Rd Herndon 20171
Sully Sully Historic Site 3650 Historic Sully Way Chantilly 20151
TwnLk Golf Twin Lakes Golf Course 6201 Union Mill Rd Clifton 20124
VA Run ES Virginia Run Elementary 15450 Martins Hundred Dr Centreville 20120
Belle Vw ES Belle View Elementary 6701 Fort Hunt Rd Alexandria 22307
Bucknell ES Bucknell Elementary 6925 University Dr Alexandria 22307
Ft Hunt ES Fort Hunt Elementary 8832 Linton Ln Alexandria 22308
Frnconia ES Franconia Elementary
Beulah St
GWREC George Washington Rec Center 8426 Old Mount Vernon Rd Alexandria 22309
Greendale Golf Co Greendale Golf Course 6700 Telegraph Rd Alexandria 22310
HistHuntley Historic Huntley 6918 Harrison Ln Alexandria 22306
HuntMdws Huntley Meadows Park 3701 Lockheed Blvd Alexandria 22306
Lane ES Lane Elementary 7137 Beulah St Alexandria 22315
LeeREC Lee District Rec Center 6601 Telegraph Rd Franconia 22310
Sandburg MS Sandburg Middle School 8428 Fort Hunt Rd Alexandria 22308
Stone Mansion Stone Mansion
Clark House Clark House 6338 Barcroft Mews Dr Alexandria 22312
Jefferson Golf Jefferson Golf Course 7900 Lee Hwy Falls Church 22042
JRheeFlsCh Jhoon Rhee Falls Church 1136 West Broad St Falls Church 22046
MasonDistPk Mason District Park 6621 Columbia Pike Annandale, 22003
NOVA Fencers No. VA Fencers Club 3431-E Carlin Springs Rd Falls Church 22041
ProvREC Providence Rec Center 7525 Marc Dr Falls Church 22042
RndtreePk Roundtree Park 3411 Casilear Rd Falls Church 22042
Woodbrn ES Woodburn Elementary 3401 Hemlock Dr Falls Church 22042
BlkBltFfx Black Belt Academy Fairfax 10635 Braddock Rd Fairfax 22032
BurkeLakeGolf Burke Lake Golf 6915 Ox Rd Fairfax Station 22039
Burke Lake Pk Burke Lake Park 7315 Ox Rd Fairfax Station 22039
Card Fst ES Cardinal Forest Elementary 8600 Forrester Blvd Springfield 22152
CherryRun ES Cherry Run Elementary 9732 Ironmaster Dr Burke 22015
Hidden Pond Hidden Pond Nature Center 8511 Greeley Blvd Springfield 22152
Huntsman Lk Huntsman Lake 9150 Dorothy Ln Springfield 22153
Lk Mercer Pk Lake Mercer Park 9500 Silverbrook Rd Fairfax Station 22039
Laurel Hill GC Laurel Hill Golf Course 8701 Laurel Crest Dr Lorton 22079
LaurelHillPk Laurel Hill Park 8400 Lorton Rd Lorton 22079
OakVw ES Oak View Elementary 5004 Sideburn Rd Fairfax 22032
Orng Hnt ES Orange Hunt Elementary 6820 Sydenstricker Rd Springfield 22152
RollValy ES Rolling Valley Elementary 6703 Barnack Dr Springfield 22152
RoyalLakePk Royal Lake Park 5344 Gainsborough Dr Fairfax, 22032
SoRunREC South Run Rec Center 7550 Reservation Dr Springfield 22153
Clemyjontri Clemyjontri Park 6317 Georgetown Pike McLean 22101
ColvinRunMill Colvin Run Mill 10017 Colvin Run Rd Great Falls 22066
Dransvil Tvrn Dranesville Tavern 11919 Leesburg Pk Herndon 20171
GrtFlsGrange Great Falls Grange 9818 Georgetown Pk Great Falls 22066 LewinsvlleHse Lewinsville House/ Park 1659 Chain Bridge Rd McLean 22101 McLeanCntrlPk McLean Central Park 1468 Dolley Madison Blvd McLean 22102
RiverbendPk Riverbend Park 8700 Potomac Hills St Great Falls 22066
ScottsRnNat Scotts Run Nature Preserve 7400 Georgetown Pk McLean 22102
SpHillREC Spring Hill Rec Center 1239 Spring Hill Rd McLean 22102
TurnerFarmPk Turner Farm Park 925 Springvale Rd Great Falls 22066
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(6-12 yrs.) Prerequisite: Swimming 1 or equivalent skill proficiency. Students increase confidence and ability to perform swimming skills with and without assistance or flotation devices. Skills include blowing bubbles with face submerged under water, floating on front and back and gliding or swimming at least two body lengths us ing arms and legs. Parent participation may be required.
4AD 6--30 minute lessons--$91
In keeping with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Fairfax County is committed to giving all residents equal access to recreational opportunities. Park Authority activities, programs, camps and classes are inclusive, and reasonable accommoda tions are available for people with disabilities. ADA accommodations include sign interpreters, assistive listening devices, program modifications and inclusion support. To request accommodations, or for more information about adapted program opportu nities, call 703-324-8727. The Park Authority makes every attempt to provide accommodations; however, fulfillment of requests received with less than 10 days notice cannot be guaranteed.
The Fairfax County Park Authority offers parks and facilities that are accessible to all Fairfax County residents. For information on accessible features or issues associated with usage, call 703-324-8727 or visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks.
We suggest if it has been a month or longer since a student has participated in a swimming lesson, that they repeat the previous course completed. If you have any questions about which class is right for you or your child, please contact the Adapted Program Specialist at 703-324-8565. For safety reasons and to ensure customers get the maximum aquatic program benefits, the Park Authority reserves the right to remove students from an inappropriate class and either issue a refund or place them, when possible, in a class that better matches their ability.
Each student progresses at a different speed in learn ing aquatic skills. Students often repeat a level sev eral times before developing the endurance and skill proficiency necessary for advancement. Repeating a level does not constitute failure; it is to be expected. Mastering skills takes time, practice, and patience.
(3-5 yrs.) Through play and individual attention, pre schoolers and their parents work on adjusting to a new environment. Focus is on entry and exit skills, water safety, blowing bubbles and arm and leg propulsion on the front and back. Parent participation is required.
4AD 6--30 minute lessons--$91
4AE 7--30 minute lessons--$106
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC Sa 9:20am C0A.ZWFC 1/7 4AD
SoRunREC Sa 11:45am C0A.BNVQ 1/14 4AE
SoRunREC Su 12:15pm C0A.YXVG 1/15 4AE
Turn to parks for field trip and SOL-based programs.
Visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ parks/parktakes and search “Homeschool”
Adapted Swimming 1 (6-12 yrs.) Students engage in activities to overcome fear of water and gain basic swimming and water safety skills in a group setting. Skills include entering and exit ing water safely, blowing bubbles, floating, gliding and using arms and legs to swim with flotation assistance. Parent participation may be required.
4AD 6--30 minute lessons--$91
4AE 7--30 minute lessons--$106
4AF 8--30 minute lessons--$121
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC Sa 10am E4B.3CDL 1/7 4AD
ProvREC Su 11am E4B.9656 1/8 4AF
SoRunREC Sa 9:05am E4B.TJAF 1/14 4AE
SoRunREC Su 12:55pm E4B.QTSV 1/15 4AE
4AE 7--30 minute lessons--$106
4AF 8--30 minute lessons--$121
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Su 2pm 6D7.3CRR 1/8 4AF
OakMarREC Sa 10:40am 6D7.APSJ 1/7 4AD
ProvREC Su 11:35am 6D7.5CGY 1/8 4AF
SoRunREC Sa 9:45am 6D7.NLAR 1/14 4AE
SoRunREC Su 1:35pm 6D7.3CHL 1/15 4AE
(6-12 yrs.) Prerequisite: Swimming Level 2 or equiva lent skill proficiency. This class is designed to increase endurance and independent swimming skills. Skills in clude treading water, retrieving objects, and swimming front crawl and back crawl without flotation devices. Parent participation may be required.
4AD 6--30 minute lessons--$91
4AE 7--30 minute lessons--$106
4AF 8--30 minute lessons--$121
Location Day Time Code Begin $ CubRunREC Su 2:35pm 422.VHU5 1/8 4AF
OakMarREC Sa 11:20am 422.5GUJ 1/7 4AD
SoRunREC Sa 10:25am 422.MPZ5 1/14 4AE
(13-Adult) Classes take place in depths of less than five feet. Skills include entering and exiting water, floating, gliding on front and back, breathing techniques, and using arms and legs to perform front crawl and elemen tary backstroke. Parent/caregiver participation may be required.
4AD 6--30 minute lessons--$91
4AE 7--30 minute lessons--$106
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC Sa 12pm 03B.5SHE 1/7 4AD SoRunREC Sa 11:05am 03B.VWKF 1/14 4AE
Adapted Intro to Basic Strokes (8-Adult) Prerequisite: Students must be able to swim 15 yards independently. This class is designed to prepare students with disabilities for more advanced competitive swimming and focuses on the basic steps and progressions of the four competitive strokes.
4AN 6--45 minute lessons--$91
4AO 7--45 minute lessons--$107
4AP 8--45 minute lessons--$124
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 2pm E06.5NKC 1/7 4AN
LeeREC Sa 1:10pm E06.5RKA 1/7 4AN
ProvREC Su 12:15pm E06.VNV5 1/8 4AP
SpHillREC Sa 12pm E06.JXYH 1/7 4AO
Wkfld/Moore Sa 12pm E06.PWJQ 1/7 4AN
(8-Adult) Competitive swimming for individuals who may want to participate in Special Olympics. Swimmers must be able to swim 25 yards and do not need prior competitive experience. Students are coached in free style, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly.
4AI1 19--55 minute lessons--$284
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 3pm C26.CQ88 1/7 4AI1
LeeREC Sa 2pm C26.HDBH 1/7 4AI1
OakMarREC Su 2pm C26.DZ67 1/8 4AI1
SpHillREC Sa 1pm C26.SSET 1/7 4AI1 Wkfld/Moore Sa 2pm C26.XPKD 1/7 4AI1
(8-Adult) Competitive swimming for individuals who may want to participate in Special Olympics. Swimmers must be able to swim 25 yards while circle swimming with other students. Students are coached in freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly.
4AI1 19--55 minute lessons--$284
4AZ 8--55 minute lessons--$129
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 4pm B1D.94SF 1/7 4AI1
LeeREC W 7pm B1D.Q7FQ 1/4 4AZ
LeeREC Sa 3pm B1D.PEJM 1/7 4AI1
OakMarREC Su 3pm B1D.SXSC 1/8 4AI1
SpHillREC Sa 2pm B1D.PFZ2 1/7 4AI1
Wkfld/Moore Sa 1pm B1D.K2XW 1/7 4AI1
(13-Adult) This class is designed for individuals with intellectual disabilities who are comfortable in water depths over six feet. Classes provide personalized instruction focusing on water exercise and stroke development.
4AP 8--45 minute lessons--$124
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Su 3:15pm 70A.DM6V 1/8 4AP
(13-Adult) Students with physical disabilities (cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, MS, etc.) work at their individ ual ability levels as they pursue their personal fitness goals. Shallow water exercises and swim program improve body awareness and increase range of motion, flexibility and muscle tone. Wheelchair users wel come. Caretaker/family member participation may be required.
4AO 7--45 minute lessons--$107
4AP 8--45 minute lessons--$124
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Su 3:30pm 460.XS5X 1/8 4AO
SpHillREC Su 4:30pm 460.ZJPE 1/8 4AO Wkfld/Moore F 11am 460.WERD 1/6 4AP
(13-Adult) Designed for students who have mild intellectual disabilities who can participate in a class with a 4:1 ratio. Learn fitness and wellness skills in a fun and social environment. Class may include weight
room exercises, team games, yoga, swimming, outdoor activities and nutrition instruction. Students must be able to ambulate independently.
3EB 8--55 minute lessons--$100
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC T 5pm 76F.DG0G 1/10 3EB
(13-Adult) Designed for participants with mild intellec tual disabilities who can participate in a class with a 4:1 ratio. Learn safe and proper sports skills while enjoying the benefits of fitness conditioning and teamwork through a variety of activities such as beach ball volley ball, sports and games and outdoor activities.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$138
DSVR 10--55 minute lessons--$183
Location Day Time Code
Begin $
ProvREC T 4pm 5D9.MIHP 1/10 4EB
ProvREC T 5:15pm 5D9.2PO8 1/10 4EB
ProvREC T 6:30pm 5D9.3C4E 1/10 4EB
SpHillREC W 4pm K79.I574 1/11 DSVR
Class is designed for students with disabilities on the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum. Students learn basic kicking, punching, blocking and sparring skills and forms as they improve confidence and flexibil ity. Martial arts uniforms are required. Extra fee for belt testing.
DMVB 8--45 minute lessons--$115
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (5-10 yrs.)
LdbyExFrOks Sa 3pm A12.4JDL 1/14 DMVB (10-17 yrs.)
LdbyExFrOks Sa 4:15pm EEC.LZFY 1/14 DMVB (16-Adult)
LdbyExFrOks W 7:45pm 456.HHMP 1/11 DMVB
(6-12 yrs.) This slow-paced Sanowar Fitness class is designed for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Class aims to increase cardiovascular health and de velop balance, agility and coordination while learning developmental soccer skills.
DAVA 8--55 minute lessons--$141
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Mosaic ES Sa 9am 6C3.79RT 1/21 DAVA
Mosaic ES Sa 10am 6C3.6HGG 1/21 DAVA
This class for individuals with intellectual disabilities focuses on basic yoga positions to improve strength, balance and flexibility and introduces breathing tech niques for physical and mental relaxation. Please bring a mat. Parent/caregiver participation may be required.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$138
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (10-22 yrs.)
CubRunREC W 5pm 9F9.Y0JG 1/11 4EB (13-Adult)
ProvREC W 5:15pm D0E.U9JO 1/11 4EB
SoRunREC Th 6pm D0E.8LA7 1/12 4EB
SpHillREC F 5:15pm D0E.J9FE 1/13 4EB
(13-Adult) This class for individuals with intellec tual disabilities stimulates body awareness in a fun, creative way. Various dance styles, from hip-hop to line dancing, cultivate fine and gross motor skills, encourage attention, cooperation and self-expression in a safe, structured environment.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$138
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Th 5pm 522.HULB 1/12 4EB
SpHillREC F 4pm 522.DYTI 1/13 4EB
to learn more.
All programs and activities will follow
Fairfax County Park Authority aquatic facilities offer something for all ages and levels of swimming ability.
Monthly calendars listing pool hours are available at the Park Authority’s nine Rec Centers and online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks.
We suggest if it has been a month or longer since a student has participated in a swimming lesson, that they repeat the previous course completed. If you have any questions about which class is right for you or your child, please contact the aquatic staff at your favorite Rec Center. For safety reasons and to ensure customers get the maximum aquatic program benefits, the Park Authority reserves the right to remove students from an inappropriate class and either issue a refund or place them, when possible, in a class that better matches their ability.
Each student progresses at a different speed in learning aquatic skills. Students often repeat a level several times before developing the endurance and skill proficiency necessary for advancement. Repeating a level does not constitute failure; it is to be expected. Fairfax Mastering skills takes time, practice and patience.
When enrollment is low, course levels may be combined to avoid class cancelations.
For more information about practicing healthy swim habits, please visit: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ rules/pool/pool-health
Rec Centers offer small-group lessons. This lesson option complements the Park Authority’s other swim instruction offerings:
• Private Lessons for students ages 3 to adult offer one-on-one instruction solely based on the student’s skill level.
• Semi-private lessons for students ages 3 to adult offer instruction between two participants of similar ability and one instructor.
• Small-group lessons offer the same curriculum as the larger, traditional group lessons but to a small er group of swimmers. Small-group lessons lower student-to-teacher ratios, offer more personalized instruction and more practice time than largegroup lessons.
Traditional group lessons offer a comprehensive curriculum for participants ranging in age from 6 mos. to adult.
safety protocols.
(3-Adult) Children must leave parent willingly, be comfortable in the water, and be able to follow simple directions. Private swim lessons are a great way to improve swimming skills and water safety techniques of any level. With one-on-one swim lessons, an instructor can spend more time helping overcome obstacles which may require more time or dedication than a stan dard swim lesson. Lessons are also available for adult swimmers. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons. See website for details and times.
(6 mos.-18 mos.) Register your baby for this class designed for babies and their parent(s), or other favorite adult who want to learn water adjustment and aquatic skills together in a fun environment. Learn how to enter and exit the water in a safe manner, feel comfortable in the water and explore submerging to the mouth, nose and eyes. Explore buoyancy on front and back, change body position and learn safety information. Two adults may participate with each child. Babies must wear tight-fitting swim diaper and plastic pants under bathing suit.
4AC 5--30 minute lessons--$75
4AD 6--30 minute lessons--$91
4AE 7--30 minute lessons--$106
4AF 8--30 minute lessons--$121
Location Day Time Code Begin
CubRunREC Sa 9am 665.9HGM 1/7 4AE
CubRunREC Sa 10:10am 665.2ZIC 1/7 4AE
CubRunREC Su 9am 665.0WK9 1/8 4AE
CubRunREC Su 10:10am 665.TOLG 1/8 4AE
GWREC Sa 10:15am 665.XYFS 1/7 4AF
GWREC Su 10:55am 665.DXON 1/8 4AF
LeeREC Sa 10:30am 665.WLUQ 1/7 4AE
LeeREC Su 10:30am 665.PAQ2 1/8 4AE
OakMarREC W 9:30am 665.NOF9 1/4
OakMarREC F 9:45am 665.AOQ7 1/6 4AC
OakMarREC Sa 9am 665.OHNO 1/7 4AD
OakMarREC Su 10am 665.S87V 1/8 4AF
ProvREC Sa 8:15am 665.J8R0 1/7 4AF
SoRunREC M 11:15am 665.ZMD5 1/2 4AF
SoRunREC Sa 10:25am 665.U8E6 1/7 4AF
SoRunREC Su 10:15am 665.D1NQ 1/8 4AF
SpHillREC M/W 6:05pm 665.DGCB 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC M 10:40am 665.BHRA 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC F 10:40am 665.CUND 1/6 4AF
SpHillREC Sa 9:55am 665.1GD7 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Su 10:30am 665.99SR 1/8 4AE
Wkfld/Moore Sa 10:10am 665.MCCO 1/7 4AE
Wkfld/Moore Sa 11:25am 665.P3E5 1/7 4AE
Toddler & Me Swim (19 mos.-2 yrs.) Register your toddler for this class designed for children and their parent(s) or other favor ite adult(s) who want to learn water adjustment, basic swimming and safety skills in a fun environment. Up to two adults may participate with each child. Children not toilet trained must wear tight-fitting swim diapers and plastic pants under their bathing suit.
4AC 5--30 minute lessons--$75 4AD 6--30 minute lessons--$91 4AE 7--30 minute lessons--$106 4AF 8--30 minute lessons--$121
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 9:35am FAB.HD1B 1/7 4AE
CubRunREC Sa 11:20am FAB.WZCY 1/7 4AE
CubRunREC Su 9:35am FAB.R390 1/8 4AE
CubRunREC Su 11:20am FAB.YXJK 1/8 4AE
GWREC W 9:30am FAB.DADR 1/4 4AF
GWREC Sa 10:55am FAB.D7L8 1/7 4AF
GWREC Su 10:15am FAB.9FU6 1/8 4AF
LeeREC Sa 9:45am FAB.BHNW 1/7 4AE
LeeREC Sa 12pm FAB.NP5S 1/7 4AE
LeeREC Su 9:45am FAB.0QNZ 1/8 4AE
LeeREC Su 12pm FAB.Y8F1 1/8 4AE
OakMarREC W 9:30am FAB.0BCP 1/4 4AF
OakMarREC F 9:45am FAB.4GBO 1/6 4AC
OakMarREC Sa 9:35am FAB.5JZR 1/7 4AD
OakMarREC Su 10:40am FAB.BO4S 1/8 4AF
ProvREC Sa 8:50am FAB.YZXL 1/7 4AF
SoRunREC W 10:40am FAB.AT5K 1/4 4AF
SoRunREC F 10:40am FAB.D7IS 1/6 4AF
SoRunREC Sa 11am FAB.R1AG 1/7 4AF
SoRunREC Su 10:30am FAB.H6DH 1/8 4AF
SpHillREC M 10:05am FAB.447H 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC F 10:05am FAB.9QTS 1/6 4AF
SpHillREC Sa 10:30am FAB.1NV6 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Su 9:55am FAB.TVCZ 1/8 4AE
SpHillREC M/W 6:05pm FAB.AYIY 1/30 4AF
Wkfld/Moore Sa 9:35am FAB.9E49 1/7 4AE
Wkfld/Moore Sa 12pm FAB.H99N 1/7 4AE
(3-5 yrs.) Register your preschooler for this class de signed for children and their parents(s) or other favorite adult(s) who want to learn water adjustment, basic swimming and safety skills in a fun environment. Up to two adults may participate with each child. Children not toilet trained must wear tight-fitting swim diapers and plastic pants. This class is designed especially for children who have limited group social experience and are reluctant to leave their parents. All teaching is done through the adult. Skills: Same as Pee Wee Paddler I.
4AD 6--30 minute lessons--$91
4AE 7--30 minute lessons--$106
4AF 8--30 minute lessons--$121
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 10:45am D6F.CSSU 1/7 4AE
CubRunREC Su 10:45am D6F.ZIN3 1/8 4AE
GWREC Sa 12:05pm D6F.L69T 1/7 4AF
LeeREC Sa 11:15am D6F.6AJH 1/7 4AE
LeeREC Su 11:15am D6F.FOKP 1/8 4AE
OakMarREC T/Th 5:40pm D6F.5H9B 1/3 4AF
OakMarREC M/W 5:40pm D6F.T9M7 1/4 4AE
OakMarREC W 10:05am D6F.D76W 1/4 4AF
OakMarREC Sa 10:10am D6F.2EEH 1/7 4AD
OakMarREC Su 11:15am D6F.3552 1/8 4AF
OakMarREC M/W 5:40pm D6F.1SVW 1/30 4AF
OakMarREC T/Th 5:40pm D6F.I7ZU 1/31 4AF
ProvREC Sa 9:25am D6F.QYIA 1/7 4AF
SoRunREC Sa 9:35am D6F.YIQD 1/7 4AF
SpHillREC M 11:15am D6F.OPIV 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC F 11:15am D6F.GWZZ 1/6 4AF
SpHillREC Sa 11:05am D6F.L1ZT 1/7 4AE
Wkfld/Moore Sa 10:50am D6F.22EN 1/7 4AE
(3-5 yrs.) Prerequisite: Child must leave parent willing ly, be comfortable in the water, follow directions and function well in a group. When possible, children are grouped by ability. Class emphasizes helping children gain basic aquatic skills including entering and exiting the water safely, blowing bubbles with mouth and nose submerged, submerging under water. With assistance students learn to float and glide on front and back, rolling from front to back and back to front, swimming using arms and legs on front and back at least two body lengths. For safety reasons, flotation devices may be used. Flotation devices are used for all Pee Wee I classes at Audrey Moore and Lee District Rec Centers.
LeeREC M/W 6:15pm 4EC.02GM 1/4 4AE
LeeREC Sa 9am 4EC.NIAF 1/7 4AE
LeeREC Sa 12:30pm 4EC.JNWA 1/7 4AE
LeeREC Sa 12:30pm 4EC.QR0S 1/7 4AE
LeeREC Su 9am 4EC.QHNF 1/8 4AE
LeeREC Su 12:30pm 4EC.EANA 1/8 4AE
LeeREC Su 12:30pm 4EC.JS7I 1/8 4AE
LeeREC M/W 5:30pm 4EC.89NV 1/30 4AF
LeeREC M/W 6:15pm 4EC.ZZZP 1/30 4AF
LeeREC T/Th 6:15pm 4EC.T3JO 1/31 4AF
LeeREC T/Th 7:45pm 4EC.2JIN 1/31 4AF
OakMarREC T/Th 5:40pm 4EC.8ITE 1/3 4AF
OakMarREC Sa 9am 4EC.AX40 1/7 4AD
OakMarREC Sa 10:50am 4EC.SB81 1/7 4AD
OakMarREC Sa 11:25am 4EC.ZEXM 1/7 4AD
OakMarREC Su 10am 4EC.UPTR 1/8 4AF
OakMarREC Su 11:55am 4EC.DSV4 1/8 4AF
OakMarREC Su 12:30pm 4EC.PTE5 1/8 4AF
OakMarREC T/Th 5:40pm 4EC.626E 1/31 4AF
ProvREC W 5:45pm 4EC.V9AM 1/4 4AF
ProvREC Sa 8:50am 4EC.8UR9 1/7 4AF
ProvREC Sa 9:25am 4EC.W14U 1/7 4AF
ProvREC Su 9am 4EC.RYUY 1/8 4AF
ProvREC Su 10:10am 4EC.87ZS 1/8 4AF
ProvREC Su 12:25pm 4EC.VA00 1/8 4AF
ProvREC M 6pm 4EC.UEKN 1/9 4AE
SoRunREC M/W 6:05pm 4EC.S8OV 1/2 4AF
SoRunREC M 10:40am 4EC.51D3 1/2 4AF
SoRunREC T/Th 6pm 4EC.DGIX 1/3 4AF
SoRunREC W 11:15am 4EC.TBNP 1/4 4AF
SoRunREC F 9:30am 4EC.F4HG 1/6 4AF
SoRunREC F 11:15am 4EC.VVUT 1/6 4AF
SoRunREC Sa 9am 4EC.7LGT 1/7 4AF
SoRunREC Sa 11:15am 4EC.80LY 1/7 4AF
SoRunREC Sa 11:35am 4EC.FMVO 1/7 4AF
SoRunREC Su 8:30am 4EC.VDJR 1/8 4AF
SoRunREC Su 9:05am 4EC.YKQZ 1/8 4AF
SoRunREC Su 11:05am 4EC.U83U 1/8 4AF
SoRunREC F 5:30pm 4EC.5ZJY 1/27 4AC
SoRunREC M/W 6:05pm 4EC.RWAI 1/30 4AF
SoRunREC T/Th 6pm 4EC.4RYH 1/31 4AF
SpHillREC M/W 4pm 4EC.HJE3 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC M/W 4:35pm 4EC.G8PK 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC M 6:40pm 4EC.ZVE7 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC M 9:30am 4EC.9NI1 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC T/Th 4:50pm 4EC.4116 1/3 4AF
SpHillREC F 9:30am 4EC.EEYN 1/6 4AF
SpHillREC Sa 9am 4EC.9PNO 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Sa 9:35am 4EC.XUFF 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Sa 10:10am 4EC.RNQ0 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Sa 10:45am 4EC.KV21 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Sa 11:20am 4EC.5BJ6 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Su 9am 4EC.XJ2N 1/8 4AE
SpHillREC Su 10:45am 4EC.9S3Q 1/8 4AE
SpHillREC Su 11:20am 4EC.DUSZ 1/8 4AE
SpHillREC Su 11:55am 4EC.W4A4 1/8 4AE
SpHillREC F 4pm 4EC.E9HB 1/27 4AC
SpHillREC F 5:45pm 4EC.DT1S 1/27 4AC
SpHillREC M/W 4pm 4EC.FR1O 1/30 4AF
SpHillREC M/W 4:35pm 4EC.11FE 1/30 4AF
SpHillREC M/W 7:15pm 4EC.P147 1/30 4AF
SpHillREC T/Th 4:50pm 4EC.MBFL 1/31 4AF
Wkfld/Moore Th 6pm 4EC.R5VX 1/5 4AF
Wkfld/Moore Sa 9am 4EC.P3WT 1/7 4AE
Wkfld/Moore Sa 10:25am 4EC.YWIK 1/7 4AE
Wkfld/Moore Su 9:35am 4EC.V8UQ 1/8 4AE
Wkfld/Moore Su 12pm 4EC.08VN 1/8 4AE
Wkfld/Moore M/W 5:30pm 4EC.FBMX 1/9 4AD
Wkfld/Moore M/W 5:30pm 4EC.L5CJ 1/30 4AF
CubRunREC M 5pm 33C.4ZCQ 1/2 4ANF
CubRunREC T 5pm 33C.4JNF 1/3 4ANF
CubRunREC W 5pm 33C.YVXT 1/4 4ANF
CubRunREC Th 5pm 33C.ZW8X 1/5 4ANF
CubRunREC F 4:30pm 33C.LPDI 1/6 4ANF
(3-5 yrs.) Prerequisites: Pee Wee Paddler I or equivalent skill proficiency. Class emphasizes helping children increase independence in their skill performance while continuing to increase comfort in the water. Skills include bobbing, floating and gliding on front and back with and without assistance, swimming on front and back at least three body lengths with and without assistance. Flotation devices may be used.
4AC 5--30 minute lessons--$75
4AD 6--30 minute lessons--$91
4AE 7--30 minute lessons--$106
4AF 8--30 minute lessons--$121
4ANF 8--30 minute lessons--$187
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 9am 7D6.YIB7 1/7 4AE
CubRunREC Sa 10:10am 7D6.1Q9I 1/7 4AE
CubRunREC Sa 11:20am 7D6.FBCO 1/7 4AE
CubRunREC Su 9am 7D6.D7RK 1/8 4AE
CubRunREC Su 10:10am 7D6.JY3I 1/8 4AE
CubRunREC Su 11:20am 7D6.9HCN 1/8 4AE
GWREC T 1:45pm 7D6.P35A 1/3 4AF
GWREC T 10:05am 7D6.X2O1 1/3 4AF
GWREC W 1:45pm 7D6.6G2U 1/4 4AF
GWREC W 10:05am 7D6.LY4N 1/4 4AF
GWREC Th 1:45pm 7D6.B3QB 1/5 4AF
GWREC Th 10:05am 7D6.2LRI 1/5 4AF
GWREC Sa 9:05am 7D6.S6UJ 1/7 4AF
GWREC Sa 9:40am 7D6.EUBR 1/7 4AF
GWREC Sa 11:30am 7D6.XALE 1/7 4AF
GWREC Su 9:40am 7D6.OYU5 1/8 4AF
GWREC Su 12:05pm 7D6.ZJP7 1/8 4AF
LeeREC T/Th 7:45pm 7D6.TEFD 1/3 4AF
LeeREC M/W 5:30pm 7D6.KGB1 1/4 4AE
LeeREC M/W 6:50pm 7D6.YSL2 1/4 4AE
LeeREC Sa 9am 7D6.ELB9 1/7 4AE
LeeREC Sa 10:45am 7D6.NZSU 1/7 4AE
LeeREC Su 9am 7D6.5O25 1/8 4AE
LeeREC Su 10:45am 7D6.GKI1 1/8 4AE
LeeREC M/W 5:30pm 7D6.XI21 1/30 4AF
LeeREC M/W 6:50pm 7D6.1QBP 1/30 4AF
LeeREC T/Th 7:45pm 7D6.IS3Y 1/31 4AF
OakMarREC T/Th 6:15pm 7D6.8F8K 1/3 4AF
OakMarREC M/W 5:40pm 7D6.S356 1/4 4AE
OakMarREC Sa 9:35am 7D6.S3SG 1/7 4AD
OakMarREC Sa 11:25am 7D6.8858 1/7 4AD
OakMarREC Sa 12:05pm 7D6.JUC4 1/7 4AD
OakMarREC Su 1:05pm 7D6.N2HK 1/8 4AF
OakMarREC Su 10:40am 7D6.5VQS 1/8 4AF
OakMarREC Su 12:30pm 7D6.B9KV 1/8 4AF
OakMarREC M/W 5:40pm 7D6.HTYY 1/30 4AF
OakMarREC T/Th 6:15pm 7D6.AO5R 1/31 4AF
ProvREC T 6pm 7D6.QR8R 1/3 4AF
ProvREC W 6:20pm 7D6.YH95 1/4 4AF
ProvREC F 4pm 7D6.N5F7
SoRunREC Sa 9:50am 7D6.R13C 1/7 4AF
SoRunREC Su 9:05am 7D6.A1G7 1/8 4AF
SoRunREC Su 9:40am 7D6.DKDS 1/8 4AF
SoRunREC Su 10:10am 7D6.LYMM 1/8 4AF
SoRunREC Su 10:50am 7D6.U957 1/8 4AF
SoRunREC F 6:55pm 7D6.XZW3 1/27 4AC
SoRunREC M/W 6:40pm 7D6.NUR7 1/30 4AF
SoRunREC T/Th 6:55pm 7D6.HTLQ 1/31 4AF
SpHillREC M 4:35pm 7D6.74FP 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC M/W 5:15pm 7D6.UAKD 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC M 7:15pm 7D6.VXKM 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC T/Th 5:25pm 7D6.A4YJ 1/3 4AF
SpHillREC Sa 9am 7D6.RJHL 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Sa 9:35am 7D6.E4US 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Sa 10:10am 7D6.29Z7 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Sa 11:20am 7D6.9AEB 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Su 9:35am 7D6.EL83 1/8 4AE
SpHillREC Su 10:10am 7D6.DNMX 1/8 4AE
SpHillREC Su 12:30pm 7D6.SEVK 1/8 4AE
SpHillREC F 5pm 7D6.7U39 1/27 4AC
SpHillREC F 6:20pm 7D6.IKU7 1/27 4AC
SpHillREC M/W 4:20pm 7D6.JB26 1/30 4AF
SpHillREC M/W 5:20pm 7D6.CJ73 1/30 4AF
SpHillREC T/Th 4:15pm 7D6.U0PD 1/31 4AF
Wkfld/Moore T 6pm 7D6.0NB3 1/3 4AF
Wkfld/Moore Th 6pm 7D6.BVW4 1/5 4AF
Wkfld/Moore Sa 9am 7D6.XEKG 1/7 4AE
Wkfld/Moore Sa 10:25am 7D6.SLLV 1/7 4AE
Wkfld/Moore Su 9:35am 7D6.0Y10 1/8 4AE
Wkfld/Moore Su 12pm 7D6.SER4 1/8 4AE
Wkfld/Moore M/W 5:30pm 7D6.H1I9 1/9 4AD
Wkfld/Moore M/W 5:30pm 7D6.MTBU 1/30 4AF
CubRunREC M 5pm 591.OWHP 1/2 4ANF
CubRunREC T 5pm 591.6MCW 1/3 4ANF
CubRunREC W 5pm 591.S1JY 1/4 4ANF
CubRunREC Th 5pm 591.2RVT 1/5 4ANF
CubRunREC F 5pm 591.PLBN 1/6 4ANF
Pee Wee Paddler III (4-6 yrs.) Prerequisites: Pee Wee II or equivalent skill proficiency. Class emphasizes helping children gain basic swimming propulsive skills and increase endur ance and distance without assistance or using flotation devices. Skills include jumping in chest deep water, submerging and holding breath five seconds, bobbing, treading water, swimming front crawl 10 yards, and on back five yards.
4AC 5--30 minute lessons--$75
4AD 6--30 minute lessons--$91
4AE 7--30 minute lessons--$106
4AF 8--30 minute lessons--$121
4ANF 8--30 minute lessons--$187
CubRunREC Sa 9:35am E4E.98W6 1/7
CubRunREC Sa 10:45am E4E.KBC6 1/7
CubRunREC Su 9:35am E4E.GTOB
CubRunREC Su 10:45am E4E.AYXT
GWREC T 2:20pm E4E.94L8
GWREC T 10:45am E4E.8YQ7
GWREC W 2:20pm E4E.RND1
LeeREC Su 9am E4E.3GIS 1/8 4AE
LeeREC Su 9:30am E4E.EL8J 1/8 4AE
LeeREC Su 10:45am E4E.ODZJ 1/8 4AE
LeeREC M/W 6:10pm E4E.4W8F 1/30 4AF
LeeREC T/Th 7pm E4E.J9V1 1/31 4AF
OakMarREC M/W 6:15pm E4E.WGRW 1/4 4AE
OakMarREC Sa 10:10am E4E.FYJK 1/7 4AD
OakMarREC Sa 10:50am E4E.LOCX 1/7 4AD
OakMarREC Sa 12:05pm E4E.V5A0 1/7 4AD
OakMarREC Su 1:05pm E4E.5N5Z 1/8 4AF
OakMarREC Su 11:15am E4E.WIYF 1/8 4AF
OakMarREC Su 11:55am E4E.C800 1/8 4AF
OakMarREC M/W 6:15pm E4E.D37H 1/30 4AF
ProvREC T 6:30pm E4E.UBJN 1/3 4AF
ProvREC W 6:55pm E4E.YMW9 1/4 4AF
ProvREC F 4:35pm E4E.IEQN 1/6 4AF
ProvREC Sa 8:15am E4E.ZTFD 1/7 4AF
ProvREC Sa 12:15pm E4E.USUJ 1/7 4AF
ProvREC Su 9:35am E4E.6BS5 1/8 4AF
ProvREC Su 10:10am E4E.Z1O5 1/8 4AF
SoRunREC M/W 6pm E4E.QC2A 1/2 4AF
SoRunREC M 9:30am E4E.XBDF 1/2 4AF
SoRunREC T/Th 6:55pm E4E.1Y8B 1/3 4AF
SoRunREC W 9:30am E4E.0VOG 1/4 4AF
SoRunREC F 2:10pm E4E.PE38 1/6 4AF
SoRunREC F 9:30am E4E.AAEV 1/6 4AF
SoRunREC Sa 9:50am E4E.UDDJ 1/7 4AF
SoRunREC Su 8:30am E4E.9MBE 1/8 4AF
SoRunREC Su 10:45am E4E.V5JA 1/8 4AF
SoRunREC Su 11am E4E.10WE 1/8 4AF
SoRunREC F 7:30pm E4E.ZKWE 1/27 4AC
SoRunREC M/W 6pm E4E.BD1N 1/30 4AF
SoRunREC T/Th 6:55pm E4E.KE9B 1/31 4AF
SpHillREC M 5:10pm E4E.G554 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC M/W 5:30pm E4E.HGP9 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC T/Th 4:15pm E4E.6VDI 1/3 4AF
SpHillREC Sa 9am E4E.02RE 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Sa 10:25am E4E.A5TB 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Su 9:35am E4E.UQUI 1/8 4AE
SpHillREC Su 11am E4E.H2JC 1/8 4AE
SpHillREC F 5:10pm E4E.GOTQ 1/27 4AC
SpHillREC M/W 5:30pm E4E.HK59 1/30 4AF
SpHillREC M/W 7:50pm E4E.R5C3 1/30 4AF
SpHillREC T/Th 5:25pm E4E.MUJZ 1/31 4AF
Wkfld/Moore T 6:35pm E4E.DKZ3 1/3 4AF
Wkfld/Moore Th 6:35pm E4E.IBFU 1/5 4AF
Wkfld/Moore Sa 9am E4E.UMG1 1/7 4AE
Wkfld/Moore Su 9am E4E.Q895 1/8 4AE
Wkfld/Moore M/W 5:30pm E4E.PSR5 1/9 4AD
Wkfld/Moore M/W 5:30pm E4E.AWUQ 1/30 4AF
CubRunREC M 5:35pm 667.BTHI 1/2 4ANF
CubRunREC T 5:35pm 667.7YUZ 1/3 4ANF
CubRunREC W 5:35pm 667.OO4X 1/4 4ANF
CubRunREC Th 5:35pm 667.EDG8 1/5 4ANF
CubRunREC F 5:30pm 667.APIH 1/6 4ANF
SoRunREC F 10:05am 7D6.6NVP 1/6
SoRunREC Sa 9am 7D6.YCZV 1/7
SoRunREC Sa 9:50am 7D6.0ERV 1/7
GWREC W 10:45am E4E.PFBF
GWREC Th 2:20pm E4E.QCRT
GWREC Th 10:45am E4E.VJ6Z 1/5
GWREC Sa 9:05am E4E.FCR4 1/7
GWREC Sa 10:55am E4E.V7XQ 1/7
GWREC Sa 12:05pm E4E.T9IJ 1/7
LeeREC T/Th 5:30pm E4E.0G6M 1/3
LeeREC T/Th 7pm E4E.OTJU 1/3
LeeREC M/W 6:10pm E4E.8MJJ 1/4 4AE
LeeREC Sa 9am E4E.1WBC 1/7 4AE
LeeREC Sa 10:45am E4E.6K93 1/7 4AE
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Pee Wee Paddler IV (4-6 yrs.) Prerequisite: Pee Wee Paddler III or equiva lent skill proficiency. Class emphasizes helping students continue to improve their endurance and water tread ing skills, front crawl and back strokes. Skills include swimming front crawl 15 yards, elementary backstroke and back crawl five yards, diving (sitting and kneeling) from side of pool in deep water and treading water for 20 seconds.
4AC 5--30 minute lessons--$75
4AD 6--30 minute lessons--$91
4AE 7--30 minute lessons--$106
4AF 8--30 minute lessons--$121
4ANF 8--30 minute lessons--$187
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 9:35am 198.107K 1/7 4AE
CubRunREC Sa 10:45am 198.LCZ9 1/7 4AE
CubRunREC Su 9:35am 198.KHFD 1/8 4AE
CubRunREC Su 10:45am 198.T7VW 1/8 4AE
GWREC Sa 10:55am 198.Y42W 1/7 4AF
LeeREC M/W 7:30pm 198.52NK 1/4 4AE
LeeREC M/W 7:30pm 198.GLJD 1/30 4AF
LeeREC T/Th 5:30pm 198.O7TK 1/31 4AF
OakMarREC T/Th 6:15pm 198.O5T1 1/3 4AF
OakMarREC M/W 6:15pm 198.FIY2 1/4 4AE
OakMarREC Sa 10:45am 198.UUV3 1/7 4AD
OakMarREC Sa 10:55am 198.DBV0 1/7 4AF
OakMarREC Su 10am 198.RBDD 1/8 4AF
OakMarREC M/W 6:15pm 198.00OZ 1/30 4AF
OakMarREC T/Th 6:15pm 198.2TYF 1/31 4AF
ProvREC T 5:45pm 198.OMU2 1/3 4AF
ProvREC F 4:35pm 198.GWU6 1/6 4AF
ProvREC Sa 8:15am 198.DM1O 1/7 4AF
ProvREC Sa 11:40am 198.C5WZ 1/7 4AF
ProvREC Su 9am 198.DC88 1/8 4AF
SoRunREC F 2:45pm 198.T21W 1/6 4AF
SoRunREC Su 11:20am 198.7OPM 1/8 4AF
SpHillREC M/W 6:40pm 198.MS6Z 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC Sa 9:50am 198.AS07 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Su 9am 198.OSEU 1/8 4AE
SpHillREC F 6:30pm 198.N1LV 1/27 4AC
SpHillREC M/W 6:40pm 198.9TUY 1/30 4AF
Wkfld/Moore T 6pm 198.NYTH 1/3 4AF
Wkfld/Moore Th 6:35pm 198.414I 1/5 4AF Wkfld/Moore Sa 12pm 198.B2ZI 1/7 4AE
Wkfld/Moore Su 9am 198.ZEIC 1/8 4AE
Wkfld/Moore M/W 6:05pm 198.27HZ 1/9 4AD
Wkfld/Moore M/W 6:05pm 198.HHH6 1/30 4AF
CubRunREC M 5:35pm 9DB.0KJP 1/2 4ANF
CubRunREC T 5:35pm 9DB.AJUU 1/3 4ANF
CubRunREC W 5:35pm 9DB.178Y 1/4 4ANF
CubRunREC Th 5:35pm 9DB.EY7D 1/5 4ANF
OakMarREC Su 10:55am 631.D4US 1/8 4AF
ProvREC F 4pm 631.LXX1 1/6 4AF
ProvREC Sa 12:15pm 631.ZPHQ 1/7 4AF
ProvREC Su 12:25pm 631.0LFD 1/8 4AF
SpHillREC M/W 6:40pm 631.SP99 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC Sa 10:25am 631.WFX3 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Su 9am 631.X89W 1/8 4AE
SpHillREC M/W 7:50pm 631.EEOO 1/30 4AF
Wkfld/Moore T 6:05pm 631.PUGD 1/3 4AF
Wkfld/Moore Sa 12pm 631.8VY3 1/7 4AE
Wkfld/Moore M/W 6:05pm 631.V8EA 1/9 4AD
Wkfld/Moore M/W 6:05pm 631.YQCL 1/30 4AF
CubRunREC M 6:10pm 166.UZ7L 1/2 4ANF
CubRunREC T 6:10pm 166.FPEA 1/3 4ANF
CubRunREC W 6:10pm 166.1TT6 1/4 4ANF
CubRunREC Th 6:10pm 166.DG7Y 1/5 4ANF
(4-7 yrs.) Prerequisite: Pee Wee Paddler V or equivalent skill proficiency. Class emphasizes improving swimming stroke proficiency and endurance. Skills include swim ming front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke and breaststroke 25 yards, butterfly stroke 10 yards. and treading water for 30 seconds.
4AD 6--30 minute lessons--$91
4AE 7--30 minute lessons--$106
4AF 8--30 minute lessons--$121
4ANF 8--30 minute lessons--$187
CubRunREC Sa 11:55am FC3.U0IQ 1/7 4AE
CubRunREC Su 11:55am FC3.102V 1/8 4AE
OakMarREC Sa 9am FC3.K2UN 1/7 4AD
OakMarREC Su 11:30am FC3.SZ6N 1/8 4AF
SpHillREC M/W 7:50pm FC3.IH19 1/2 4AF
SpHillREC Sa 12pm FC3.XT0X 1/7 4AE
SpHillREC Su 9:35am FC3.34CI 1/8 4AE
SpHillREC M/W 6:40pm FC3.2ELI 1/30 4AF
Wkfld/Moore M/W 6:05pm FC3.AP4A 1/9 4AD Wkfld/Moore M/W 6:05pm FC3.X3DG 1/30 4AF
CubRunREC M 6:10pm F47.2VT1 1/2 4ANF
CubRunREC T 6:10pm F47.DF0E 1/3 4ANF
CubRunREC W 6:10pm F47.T26N 1/4 4ANF
CubRunREC Th 6:10pm F47.A7Q4 1/5 4ANF
Swimming I for Children (6-12 yrs.) Prerequisite: Children must be able to function in a group setting. Class emphasizes helping participants gain basic swimming and water safety skills and overcome fear of water. Skills include entering and exiting water safely, blowing bubbles through mouth and nose. With assistance students learn to float on front and back, glide on front and back, roll over from front to back and back to front and swim at least two body lengths on front and back using arms and legs.
4AN 6--45 minute lessons--$91
4AO 7--45 minute lessons--$107
4AP 8--45 minute lessons--$124
4APF 8--45 minute lessons--$201
CubRunREC Sa 9am 48D.PNQ3 1/7 4AO
CubRunREC Sa 10:40am 48D.7WP2 1/7 4AO
CubRunREC Su 9am 48D.UMCP 1/8 4AO
CubRunREC Su 10:40am 48D.E2ZC 1/8 4AO
GWREC Sa 9:05am 48D.M93Y 1/7 4AP
GWREC Sa 11:50am 48D.MGQE 1/7 4AP
LeeREC T/Th 6:30pm 48D.VA96 1/3 4AP
LeeREC M/W 7:30pm 48D.Z7WU 1/4 4AO
LeeREC Sa 9:45am 48D.BMI0 1/7 4AO
LeeREC Sa 11:30am 48D.X6HN 1/7 4AO
LeeREC Su 9:45am 48D.9C4V 1/8 4AO
LeeREC Su 11:30am 48D.GG3Y 1/8 4AO
LeeREC M/W 7:30pm 48D.13T5 1/30 4AP
LeeREC T/Th 6:30pm 48D.4BGT 1/31 4AP
OakMarREC T/Th 6:50pm 48D.G6LQ 1/3 4AP
OakMarREC Sa 9am 48D.JMAB 1/7 4AN
OakMarREC Sa 11:20am 48D.6Q5C 1/7 4AN
OakMarREC Su 10:40am 48D.RLGM 1/8 4AP
OakMarREC Su 12:25pm 48D.Z4Y6 1/8 4AP
OakMarREC T/Th 6:50pm 48D.WYRA 1/31 4AP
ProvREC T 5:10pm 48D.XG92 1/3 4AP
ProvREC W 5:45pm 48D.64W0 1/4 4AP
ProvREC F 5:10pm 48D.Z3OE 1/6 4AP
ProvREC Sa 10am 48D.T3XC 1/7 4AP
ProvREC Sa 10:50am 48D.B1R3 1/7 4AP
ProvREC Su 10:45am 48D.UT72 1/8 4AP
ProvREC Su 11:35am 48D.ZDYX 1/8 4AP
SoRunREC M/W 6:35pm 48D.IFYK 1/2 4AP
SoRunREC T/Th 6:05pm 48D.OEFF 1/3 4AP
SoRunREC Sa 9am 48D.8VGA 1/7 4AP
SoRunREC Sa 10:10am 48D.CD7W 1/7 4AP
SoRunREC Su 9:20am 48D.5T2Z 1/8 4AP
SoRunREC M/W 6:35pm 48D.MSPT 1/30 4AP
SoRunREC T/Th 6:05pm 48D.VLLB 1/31 4AP
SpHillREC M/W 5pm 48D.M7FF 1/2 4AP
SpHillREC T/Th 5:10pm 48D.PA92 1/3 4AP
SpHillREC Sa 9am 48D.SKHU 1/7 4AO
SpHillREC Su 11:05am 48D.UVUJ 1/8 4AO
SpHillREC Su 11:35am 48D.5H3C 1/8 4AO
SpHillREC M/W 5pm 48D.E59C 1/30 4AP
Wkfld/Moore T 7:10pm 48D.0EHX 1/3 4AP
Wkfld/Moore Th 7:15pm 48D.D79O 1/5 4AP
Wkfld/Moore Sa 11:10am 48D.37J1 1/7 4AO
Wkfld/Moore Su 3pm 48D.DB70 1/8 4AO
Wkfld/Moore Su 10:20am 48D.HV6L 1/8 4AO
Wkfld/Moore Su 11:10am 48D.CEH3 1/8 4AO
Wkfld/Moore M/W 6:40pm 48D.50BO 1/9 4AN
Wkfld/Moore M/W 6:40pm 48D.8LHM 1/30 4AP
CubRunREC M 6:45pm E21.VFOM 1/2 4APF
CubRunREC T 6:45pm E21.UXTJ 1/3 4APF
CubRunREC W 6:45pm E21.LLP2 1/4 4APF
CubRunREC Th 6:45pm E21.1ZA2 1/5 4APF
CubRunREC F 4:30pm E21.DQGJ 1/6 4APF
(6-12 yrs.) Prerequisite: Swimming I or equivalent skill proficiency. Class emphasizes increasing confidence and ability to perform skills with and without assistance or use of flotation devices. Skills include: jumping in chest deep water, blowing bubbles with face submerged under water, floating on front and back, gliding on front and back at least two body lengths, rolling over from front to back and back to front, swimming on front and back at least three body lengths using arms and legs and treading water.
Location Day Time Code Begin
CubRunREC Sa 9am F13.O3DJ 1/7 4AO
CubRunREC Sa 10:40am F13.A29Y 1/7 4AO
CubRunREC Su 9am F13.5B08 1/8 4AO
CubRunREC Su 10:40am F13.QRYE 1/8 4AO
GWREC Sa 9:05am F13.ILMD 1/7 4AP
GWREC Sa 11:50am F13.QLYK 1/7 4AP
LeeREC T/Th 5:30pm F13.D80E 1/3 4AP
LeeREC M/W 6:30pm F13.F0T1 1/4 4AO
LeeREC Sa 9:45am F13.H7Q4 1/7 4AO
LeeREC Sa 11am F13.A8T1 1/7 4AO
LeeREC Su 9:45am F13.00Z5 1/8 4AO
LeeREC M/W 6:30pm F13.2R84 1/30 4AP
LeeREC T/Th 5:30pm F13.9J7H 1/31 4AP
OakMarREC M/W 6:50pm F13.WIXX 1/4 4AO
OakMarREC Sa 9:50am F13.SGMY 1/7 4AN
OakMarREC Sa 12:10pm F13.AHU0 1/7 4AN
OakMarREC Su 1:15pm F13.BHN8 1/8 4AP
OakMarREC Su 11:30am F13.3TV7 1/8 4AP
OakMarREC M/W 6:50pm F13.AAGS 1/30 4AP
ProvREC T 6:20pm F13.MMDC 1/3 4AP
ProvREC W 6:35pm F13.LTLT 1/4 4AP
ProvREC F 5:10pm F13.925S 1/6 4AP
ProvREC Sa 10am F13.RGE6 1/7 4AP
ProvREC Sa 10:50am F13.1FP9 1/7 4AP
ProvREC Su 9:50am F13.NIOS 1/8 4AP
ProvREC Su 10:45am F13.3LT1 1/8 4AP
ProvREC Su 10:45am F13.04BK 1/8 4AP
ProvREC Su 11:35am F13.LATY 1/8 4AP
ProvREC M 6:35pm F13.H6NH 1/9 4AO
SoRunREC M/W 7:25pm F13.O111 1/2 4AP
SoRunREC T/Th 6:35pm F13.ZMA1 1/3 4AP
SoRunREC Sa 9:35am F13.AQDZ 1/7 4AP
SoRunREC Sa 10:25am F13.L0KB 1/7 4AP
SoRunREC Su 8:30am F13.4J78 1/8 4AP
SoRunREC Su 9:40am F13.OAPD 1/8 4AP
SoRunREC F 7:05pm F13.HOFN 1/27 4AM
SoRunREC M/W 7:25pm F13.16E9 1/30 4AP
SoRunREC T/Th 6:35pm F13.C99V 1/31 4AP
SpHillREC M 5:50pm F13.WSMM 1/2 4AP
SpHillREC Sa 11:40am F13.XAHA 1/7 4AO
SpHillREC Su 9:05am F13.3FTE 1/8 4AO
SpHillREC F 5:40pm F13.K36L 1/27 4AM
SpHillREC M/W 5:50pm F13.MFCI 1/30 4AP
Wkfld/Moore T 7:10pm F13.CRP6 1/3 4AP
Wkfld/Moore Th 7:15pm F13.9U5N 1/5 4AP
Wkfld/Moore Sa 9:35am F13.LAYZ 1/7 4AO
Wkfld/Moore Sa 11:10am F13.08JK 1/7 4AO
Wkfld/Moore Su 3:55pm F13.CS1A 1/8 4AO
Wkfld/Moore Su 10:20am F13.64CP 1/8 4AO
Wkfld/Moore M/W 6:40pm F13.0LC7 1/9 4AN
Wkfld/Moore M/W 6:40pm F13.XSV2 1/30 4AP
CubRunREC M 6:45pm B5F.3CWZ 1/2 4APF
CubRunREC T 6:45pm B5F.2279 1/3 4APF
CubRunREC W 6:45pm B5F.JIHM 1/4 4APF
CubRunREC Th 6:45pm B5F.4JFM 1/5 4APF
CubRunREC F 5:15pm B5F.0029 1/6 4APF
(6-12 yrs.) Prerequisite: Swimming II or equivalent skill proficiency. Class emphasizes increasing endurance and independent swimming skills performance. Without assistance or flotation devices, students safely enter, exit, swim and tread water in deep water, tread water 15 seconds, push off in a streamlined position on front and back then flutter kick at least four body lengths. Skills also include rotary breathing, swimming front crawl, elementary backstroke and back crawl at least 15 yards.
4AM 5--45
CubRunREC Sa 9:50am 7E0.KY8N 1/7
CubRunREC Sa 11:30am 7E0.Q19T 1/7 4AO
CubRunREC Su 9:50am 7E0.E47J 1/8 4AO
CubRunREC Su 11:30am 7E0.CU8C 1/8 4AO
GWREC Sa 9:55am 7E0.UINT 1/7 4AP
(6-12 yrs.) Prerequisite: Swimming III or equivalent skill proficiency. Class emphasizes improving confidence, skill proficiency, distance and endurance. Skills include diving progression from side in deep water, swimming under water three body lengths, swimming front crawl, elementary backstroke, back crawl and breaststroke 25 yards, lap swimming techniques and safety and treading water for 30 seconds.
4AM 5--45 minute lessons--$77
4AN 6--45 minute lessons--$91
4AO 7--45 minute lessons--$107
4AP 8--45
minute lessons--$206
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 9:50am A7C.6OR9 1/7 4AO
CubRunREC Sa 11:30am A7C.RVEW 1/7 4AO
CubRunREC Su 9:50am A7C.RC7A 1/8 4AO
CubRunREC Su 11:30am A7C.5UOF 1/8 4AO
GWREC Sa 9:55am A7C.FPU4 1/7 4AP
LeeREC Sa 11am A7C.3SS2 1/7 4AO
OakMarREC T/Th 6pm A7C.YXBL 1/3 4AP
OakMarREC M/W 6pm A7C.VMA4 1/4 4AO
OakMarREC Sa 9am A7C.XC9F 1/7 4AN
OakMarREC Sa 10:55am A7C.6FMC 1/7 4AN
OakMarREC Su 1pm A7C.6KIM 1/8 4AP
OakMarREC Su 10am A7C.7TIR 1/8 4AP
OakMarREC M/W 6pm A7C.QAKE 1/30 4AP
OakMarREC T/Th 6pm A7C.CIGL 1/31 4AP
ProvREC Sa 9:10am A7C.C9CT 1/7 4AP
LeeREC M/W 5:30pm 7E0.TZ56 1/30 4AP
OakMarREC T/Th 6:50pm 7E0.A42Y 1/3 4AP
OakMarREC M/W 6:50pm 7E0.LSOZ 1/4 4AO
OakMarREC Sa 9:35am 7E0.3YTK 1/7 4AN
OakMarREC Sa 11:05am 7E0.8RLS 1/7 4AN
OakMarREC Su 10am 7E0.K8CW 1/8 4AP
OakMarREC Su 12:10pm 7E0.KOOO 1/8 4AP
OakMarREC M/W 6:50pm 7E0.W9HS 1/30 4AP
OakMarREC T/Th 6:50pm 7E0.R953 1/31 4AP
ProvREC Sa 10am 7E0.L4A5 1/7 4AP
ProvREC Sa 10:50am 7E0.2D1S 1/7 4AP
ProvREC Su 9am 7E0.CZCR 1/8 4AP
ProvREC Su 10:45am 7E0.XPY4 1/8 4AP
ProvREC Su 11:35am 7E0.2HWR 1/8 4AP
ProvREC M 6:20pm 7E0.IQQG 1/9 4AO
ProvREC F 6pm 7E0.TSLU 1/27 4AM
SoRunREC M/W 7:15pm 7E0.6RF1 1/2 4AP
SoRunREC T/Th 6pm 7E0.X6YV 1/3 4AP
SoRunREC Sa 9am 7E0.5YI2 1/7 4AP
SoRunREC Sa 9am 7E0.C8QI 1/7 4AP
SoRunREC Sa 11am 7E0.P6HI 1/7 4AP
SoRunREC Sa 11:25am 7E0.DCU0 1/7 4AP
SoRunREC Su 9:20am 7E0.ZLKY 1/8 4AP
SoRunREC Su 11:20am 7E0.XTJS 1/8 4AP
SoRunREC M/W 7:15pm 7E0.1FRU 1/30 4AP
SpHillREC M/W 5:50pm 7E0.667U 1/2 4AP
SpHillREC Sa 9:35am 7E0.EI34 1/7 4AO
SpHillREC Su 10:10am 7E0.MES2 1/8 4AO
SpHillREC F 5:40pm 7E0.OATW 1/27 4AM
SpHillREC T/Th 6pm 7E0.OTPG 1/31 4AP
Wkfld/Moore Sa 6:40pm 7E0.LF2K 1/7 4AO
Wkfld/Moore Su 4:50pm 7E0.PZCE 1/8 4AO
Wkfld/Moore Su 11:10am 7E0.PPCO 1/8 4AO
Wkfld/Moore M/W 6:40pm 7E0.8W1E 1/9 4AN
Wkfld/Moore M/W 6:40pm 7E0.3XAX 1/30 4AP
CubRunREC M 7:35pm C0C.EJT2 1/2 4AQF
CubRunREC T 7:35pm C0C.HPF9 1/3 4AQF
CubRunREC W 7:35pm C0C.067V 1/4 4AQF
CubRunREC Th 7:35pm C0C.3O5H 1/5 4AQF
ProvREC Sa 12pm A7C.FBGR 1/7 4AP
ProvREC Su 9am A7C.6CL3 1/8 4AP
ProvREC Su 11:50am A7C.A8GU 1/8 4AP
ProvREC M 7:25pm A7C.OE0N 1/9 4AO
ProvREC F 6pm A7C.CO5F 1/27 4AM
SoRunREC M/W 6:10pm A7C.XOAS 1/2 4AP
SoRunREC T/Th 6:50pm A7C.R02E 1/3 4AP
SoRunREC Sa 9:50am A7C.WGA1 1/7 4AP
SoRunREC Su 8:30am A7C.VVJK 1/8 4AP
SoRunREC Su 10:10am A7C.MM64 1/8 4AP
SoRunREC F 6:05pm A7C.FRJU 1/27 4AM
SoRunREC M/W 6:10pm A7C.S84X 1/30 4AP
SoRunREC T/Th 6:50pm A7C.T5FF 1/31 4AP
SpHillREC M/W 6pm A7C.FK6V 1/2 4AP
SpHillREC T/Th 6pm A7C.IS40 1/3 4AP
SpHillREC Sa 9am A7C.71SC 1/7 4AO
SpHillREC Su 10:10am A7C.4CJB 1/8 4AO
SpHillREC F 7:05pm A7C.NZ6B 1/27 4AM
SpHillREC M/W 6pm A7C.MY2S 1/30 4AP
SpHillREC T/Th 5:10pm A7C.9UPQ 1/31 4AP
Wkfld/Moore T 5:50pm A7C.VQCM 1/3 4AP
Wkfld/Moore Th 5:50pm A7C.7D1K 1/5
10am A7C.GJ0B 1/7
11:10am A7C.SU5B 1/8
Wkfld/Moore M/W 5:45pm A7C.A5J1 1/9
(6-12 yrs.) Prerequisite: Swimming IV or equivalent skill proficiency. Class emphasizes increasing endurance and swimming stroke proficiency. Skills include treading water one minute, swimming front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke 50 yards, elementary backstroke 25 yards, open turns, circle swimming in lap lane, bi-lateral breathing for front crawl, butterfly arms and legs, breaststroke pull out and standard sculling 30 seconds.
4AW 5--55 minute lessons--$80
4AX 6--55 minute lessons--$97
4AY 7--55 minute lessons--$112
4AZ 8--55 minute lessons--$129
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 12:20pm D55.38GP 1/7 4AY
CubRunREC Su 12:20pm D55.TBZN 1/8 4AY
LeeREC M/W 7pm D55.G6X9 1/4 4AY
LeeREC Sa 9am D55.0FUW 1/7 4AY
LeeREC Sa 10:50am D55.OQ09 1/7 4AZ
LeeREC M/W 7pm D55.SWXW 1/30 4AZ
OakMarREC T/Th 6:50pm D55.DB9Y 1/3 4AZ
OakMarREC M/W 6:50pm D55.9K6X 1/4 4AY
OakMarREC Sa 9:50am D55.TJ2Q 1/7 4AX
OakMarREC Sa 11:45am D55.WFVQ 1/7 4AX
OakMarREC Su 1pm D55.1THD 1/8 4AZ
OakMarREC Su 10:55am D55.WK1G 1/8 4AZ
OakMarREC M/W 6:50pm D55.25QJ 1/30 4AZ
OakMarREC T/Th 6:50pm D55.N7H5 1/31 4AZ
ProvREC T 7:10pm D55.NW4X 1/3 4AZ
ProvREC Sa 10am D55.ATE5 1/7 4AZ
ProvREC Su 9:50am D55.9AVV 1/8 4AZ
SoRunREC M/W 7pm D55.ISOT 1/2 4AZ
SoRunREC T/Th 7:30pm D55.U1K2 1/3 4AZ
SoRunREC Sa 10:25am D55.433H 1/7 4AZ
SoRunREC Su 8:30am D55.8S0H 1/8 4AZ
SoRunREC F 6:05pm D55.NCOV 1/27 4AW
SoRunREC M/W 7pm D55.YO0E 1/30 4AZ
SoRunREC T/Th 7:30pm D55.D5VV 1/31 4AZ
SpHillREC M/W 6:50pm D55.X5OE 1/2 4AZ
SpHillREC T/Th 6:50pm D55.HJBO 1/3 4AZ
SpHillREC Sa 9:50am D55.RT7U 1/7 4AY
SpHillREC Su 11am D55.VQ74 1/8 4AY
SpHillREC M/W 6:50pm D55.X44Z 1/30 4AZ
SpHillREC T/Th 6:50pm D55.HAW8 1/31 4AZ
Wkfld/Moore T 6:40pm D55.KKNT 1/3 4AZ
Wkfld/Moore Th 6:40pm D55.P94A 1/5 4AZ
Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am D55.JRG4 1/7 4AY
Wkfld/Moore Su 10:05am D55.667W 1/8 4AY
Wkfld/Moore M/W 6:35pm D55.W495 1/9 4AX
Wkfld/Moore M/W 6:35pm D55.2YC9 1/30 4AZ
(6-12 yrs.) Prerequisite: Swimming VI or equivalent skill proficiency. Class continues to refine swim strokes and increasing endurance. Skills include swimming front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke 100 yards, sidestroke and butterfly 25 yards, an introduction individual med ley (IM), treading water for two minutes and flip turns.
4AW 5--55 minute lessons--$80
4AX 6--55 minute lessons--$97
4AY 7--55 minute lessons--$112
4AZ 8--55 minute lessons--$129
CubRunREC Sa 12:20pm DF4.QACZ 1/7 4AY
CubRunREC Su 9am DF4.P6TC 1/8 4AY
CubRunREC Su 12:20pm DF4.YF3G 1/8 4AY
LeeREC M/W 7pm DF4.QXUO 1/4 4AY
LeeREC Sa 9am DF4.9YC2 1/7 4AY
LeeREC M/W 7pm DF4.45L8 1/30 4AZ
OakMarREC T/Th 7:50pm DF4.64TT 1/3 4AZ
OakMarREC Sa 11:55am DF4.TTHL 1/7 4AX
OakMarREC Su 11:55am DF4.O3SN 1/8 4AZ
OakMarREC T/Th 7:50pm DF4.BCLA 1/31 4AZ
ProvREC W 7:25pm DF4.A0GX 1/4 4AZ
ProvREC Sa 11am DF4.EDBR 1/7 4AZ
ProvREC Su 10:50am DF4.V07H 1/8 4AZ
SoRunREC M/W 6pm DF4.Q49L 1/2 4AZ
SoRunREC T/Th 7pm DF4.1GZW 1/3 4AZ
SoRunREC Sa 10:40am DF4.063X 1/7 4AZ
SoRunREC Su 9:30am DF4.LA9C 1/8 4AZ
SoRunREC M/W 6pm DF4.TYQS 1/30 4AZ
SoRunREC T/Th 7pm DF4.9EU5 1/31 4AZ
SpHillREC Sa 11am DF4.6OD2 1/7 4AY
SpHillREC Su 10am DF4.1I6T 1/8 4AY
SpHillREC F 6:30pm DF4.WU3M 1/27 4AW
Wkfld/Moore T 7:40pm DF4.QHUJ 1/3 4AZ
Wkfld/Moore Th 7:40pm DF4.A1AM 1/5 4AZ
Wkfld/Moore Sa 11:55am DF4.RPOU 1/7 4AY
Wkfld/Moore Su 9am DF4.JI2T 1/8 4AY
Wkfld/Moore M/W 7:35pm DF4.YO45 1/9 4AX
Wkfld/Moore M/W 7:35pm DF4.WC51 1/30 4AZ
Home School Learn to Swim Level 1 & 2 (7-17 yrs.) This course combines the learn-to-swim lev els I & II and targets children who are home schooled, but is open to any child. Children work on basic swimming skills such as breathing, floating on front and back, and swimming on front and back.
4AP 8--45 minute lessons--$124
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC W 2:30pm CAC.MXCP 1/4 4AP
Home School Learn to Swim Level 3 & 4 (6-17 yrs.) Prerequisite: Swimming II or skill profi ciency to swim unassisted on front and back at least three body lengths using arms and legs, and to blow bubbles through mouth and nose with face submerged underwater at least three seconds. This course com bines Swimming III & IV skills and targets children who are home schooled, but is open to any child with the appropriate skill level. For more information about skills taught in this class see descriptions for Swimming III and Swimming IV.
4AP 8--45 minute lessons--$124
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC W 1:40pm 8B2.MQT5 1/4 4AP
Home School Learn to Swim Level 5 & 6 (6-17 yrs.) Prerequisite: Swimming IV or skill proficien cy to enter deep water safely, tread water 30 seconds; swim front crawl, elementary backstroke and back crawl at least 25 yards, and breaststroke at least 15 yards. Class emphasizes helping students increase endurance and skill proficiency for Swimming V and Swimming VI level skills.
4AZ 8--55 minute lessons--$129
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC W 12:30pm A75.2RJL 1/4 4AZ
Homeschool Stroke & Swim (9-17 yrs.) This class is for swimmers who can swim at least 25 yards non-stop on front and back. Class is designed to help swimmers improve techniques such as breathing, kicks, strokes and fitness level. Students are divided into groups by ability when possible.
4AZ 8--55 minute lessons--$129
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC W 10:30am AFC.78SF 1/4 4AZ
SoRunREC W 11:30am AFC.22FM 1/4 4AZ
(13-Adult) Class emphasizes helping students gain basic swimming and safety skills and overcome fear of water. Skills include entering and exiting water, floating on front and back, gliding on front and back, breathing techniques, rolling from front to back and back to front, swimming at least two body lengths on front and back using arms and legs.
4AW 5--55 minute lessons--$80
4AX 6--55 minute lessons--$97
4AY 7--55 minute lessons--$112
4AZ 8--55 minute lessons--$129
Location Day Time Code Begin $
GWREC Sa 10:50am 7D5.1NIZ 1/7 4AZ
LeeREC T/Th 7:30pm 7D5.0MRH 1/3 4AZ
LeeREC Sa 9am 7D5.74F5 1/7 4AY
LeeREC T/Th 7:30pm 7D5.5AB3 1/31 4AZ
OakMarREC T/Th 7:40pm 7D5.Y1C5 1/3 4AZ
OakMarREC M/W 7:40pm 7D5.0Z8F 1/4 4AY
OakMarREC F 10:20am 7D5.EGEB 1/6 4AW
OakMarREC Su 9am 7D5.VKZ3 1/8 4AZ
OakMarREC M/W 7:40pm 7D5.JI2R 1/30 4AZ
OakMarREC T/Th 7:40pm 7D5.BFEE 1/31 4AZ
ProvREC Sa 11:40am 7D5.UZ8P 1/7 4AZ
ProvREC M 7:40pm 7D5.6MAZ 1/9 4AY
SoRunREC M/W 8:05pm 7D5.UYWD 1/2 4AZ
SoRunREC Th 1pm 7D5.5CJJ 1/5 4AZ
SoRunREC M/W 8:05pm 7D5.BWPR 1/30 4AZ
SpHillREC M/W 7:15pm 7D5.KS0C 1/2 4AZ
SpHillREC Sa 11am 7D5.D0D5 1/7 4AY
Wkfld/Moore Su 3pm 7D5.WGOG 1/8 4AY
Wkfld/Moore M/W 7:35pm 7D5.Z4FH 1/9 4AX
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Swimming I or skill proficiency to blow bubbles with face submerged at least three seconds, float on front and back at least three seconds, swim on front and back using arms and legs at least two body lengths. Class emphasizes performing skills with out support or flotation devices. Skills include floating on front and back, swimming on front and back at least three body lengths and rolling over from front to back and back to front. Treading water is introduced.
4AW 5--55 minute lessons--$80
4AY 7--55 minute lessons--$112
4AZ 8--55 minute lessons--$129
Location Day
LeeREC T/Th 7:30pm 75A.XIO9 1/3
LeeREC Sa 9am 75A.ST4O 1/7
LeeREC T/Th 7:30pm 75A.MTY8 1/31
OakMarREC T/Th 7:40pm 75A.JX54 1/3
OakMarREC M/W 7:40pm 75A.EX9Y 1/4
OakMarREC F 11:20am 75A.33BP 1/6
OakMarREC Su 9am
face in water for at least three seconds. Class emphasiz es increasing endurance and independent swimming skills. Skills include rotary breathing, entering deep water safely, treading water 15 seconds, and swimming front crawl and elementary backstroke 15 yards, and swimming back crawl five yards without assistance or support.
4AW 5--55 minute lessons--$80
4AY 7--55 minute lessons--$112
4AZ 8--55 minute lessons--$129
OakMarREC M/W 7:50pm 346.LBDP 1/4 4AY
OakMarREC F 12:25pm 346.GQJU 1/6 4AW
OakMarREC Su 9am 346.41OY 1/8 4AZ
OakMarREC M/W 7:50pm 346.IE1O 1/30 4AZ
ProvREC W 7:25pm 346.65DV 1/11 4AZ
SoRunREC Th 11am 346.84CN 1/5 4AZ
SpHillREC T/Th 6:50pm 346.DQBE 1/3 4AZ
SpHillREC T/Th 6:50pm 346.8FKE 1/31 4AZ
Wkfld/Moore W 6:30pm 346.PB9S 1/4 4AZ
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Swimming III or skill proficien cy to safely enter deep water, rotary breathing, treading water 15 seconds, swimming front crawl and elemen tary backstroke 15 yards. Class emphasizes developing confidence, improving skill proficiency and increasing distance and endurance. Skills include diving from side in deep water, swimming under water, treading water 30 seconds; and swimming front crawl and elementary backstroke 25 yards; and back crawl and breaststroke 15 yards.
4AX 6--55 minute lessons--$97
4AY 7--55 minute lessons--$112
4AZ 8--55 minute lessons--$129
OakMarREC W 11:45am 915.M73E 1/4 4AZ
OakMarREC Sa 12pm 915.3934 1/7 4AX
OakMarREC Su 9am 915.DI6U 1/8 4AZ
OakMarREC M 10:30am 915.IE1Q 1/9 4AY
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Swimming IV or skill proficien cy to enter deep water safely, tread water 30 seconds, and swim front crawl, elementary backstroke and back crawl at least 25 yards; and breaststroke 15 yards. Class emphasizes helping students to increase endurance and skill proficiency for treading water one minute; and swimming front crawl, back crawl, elementary back stroke and breaststroke 50 yards. Butterfly and open turns are introduced.
4AY 7--55 minute lessons--$112
4AZ 8--55 minute lessons--$129
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC W 10:45am 7CA.TQGK 1/4 4AZ OakMarREC Su 9am 7CA.TPWJ 1/8 4AZ
OakMarREC M 11:30am 7CA.DERN 1/9 4AY
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Ability to tread water for one minute; continuously swim 50 yards. combined stroke using freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. Student must have a competitive style swim suit (one piece) and goggles. Students with long hair may be required to use a swim cap. Class emphasizes improv ing swimming strokes and turn efficiency for fitness, competition, and/or triathlon competition. Participants improve breathing techniques and stroke mechanics for freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and turns. Butterfly is introduced.
4AHI 7--55 minute lessons--$114
4AHJ 8--55 minute lessons--$131
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore W 8:05pm BEE.68VT 1/4 4AHJ Wkfld/Moore Th 7:30pm BEE.JG2Z 1/5 4AHJ Wkfld/Moore Su 12:15pm BEE.D5YF 1/8 4AHI
(6-12 yrs.) Prerequisite: Swimming 6 skill level; ability to tread water for one minute; continuously swim 50 yards freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke, and 15 yards butterfly. Student must wear a one-piece competitive-style swim suit and goggles. Students with long hair may be required to wear a swim cap. Class emphasizes refining freestyle, backstroke and breast stroke skills. Swimming drills are introduced, and lane etiquette is practiced.
4AHB 6--45 minute lessons--$92
4AHC 7--45 minute lessons--$109
4AHD 8--45 minute lessons--$126
Day Time Code Begin $
12pm 2C5.YCH1
Wkfld/Moore M/W
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Swimming
unassisted on front and back at
three body lengths using arms and legs, and
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Stroke Mechanics II (6-14 yrs.) Prerequisite: Must have completed Stroke Mechanics I and be able to tread water for one minute and to swim freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly using proper techniques and timing, continu ously swim 100 yards freestyle and backstroke, 50 yards breaststroke, and 25 yards butterfly. Student must wear a one-piece, competitive-style swim suit and goggles. Students with long hair are required to wear a swim cap. Class emphasizes refining and improving freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke skills focusing on USA Swimming standards. Interval training, relays, starts, turns and finishes are introduced.
4AHH 6--55 minute lessons--$98
4AHI 7--55 minute lessons--$114
4AHJ 8--55 minute lessons--$131
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 11am 6D4.1N84 1/7 4AHI
CubRunREC Su 11am 6D4.JERC 1/8 4AHI
LeeREC Sa 10am 6D4.Z308 1/7 4AHI
OakMarREC M/W 6pm 6D4.NKBJ 1/4 4AHI
OakMarREC Sa 10am 6D4.7TVC 1/7 4AHH
OakMarREC Su 10:55am 6D4.FTGE 1/8 4AHJ
OakMarREC M/W 6pm 6D4.XFQ9 1/30 4AHJ
ProvREC Th 6:50pm 6D4.PRSU 1/5 4AHJ
ProvREC Sa 10am 6D4.W64I 1/7 4AHJ
ProvREC Su 9:50am 6D4.47RQ 1/8 4AHJ
SoRunREC T/Th 6pm 6D4.RAHY 1/3 4AHJ
SoRunREC T/Th 6pm 6D4.UVA9 1/31 4AHJ
SpHillREC M/W 6:50pm 6D4.QYKH 1/2 4AHJ
SpHillREC Sa 10:50am 6D4.ECMW 1/7 4AHI
SpHillREC M/W 6:50pm 6D4.ZFJ8 1/30 4AHJ
Wkfld/Moore Sa 9am 6D4.AYG2 1/7 4AHI
Wkfld/Moore Su 9am 6D4.7YLB 1/8 4AHI
(9-15 yrs.)
Prerequisite: Experienced swimmers who have completed Stroke Mechanics II, can tread water for one minute and swim continuously at least 150 yards freestyle, 100 yards backstroke, 50 yards breaststroke, and 25 yards butterfly. Students must wear a one-piece, competitive-style swim suit and goggles. Students with long hair are required to wear a swim cap. Class empha sizes increasing swimming endurance and distances through interval training and pace clock use and further refines swim strokes, starts and turns. Individual Medley (IM) is introduced and practiced.
4AHH 6--55 minute lessons--$98
4AHI 7--55 minute lessons--$114
4AHJ 8--55 minute lessons--$131
CubRunREC Sa 9am E57.9KY0 1/7 4AHI
CubRunREC Su 9am E57.8UGA 1/8 4AHI
OakMarREC T/Th 6:50pm E57.7RV5 1/3 4AHJ
OakMarREC Sa 11:05am E57.MT09 1/7 4AHH
OakMarREC Su 11:55am E57.0TA2 1/8 4AHJ
OakMarREC T/Th 6:50pm E57.Z7GU 1/31 4AHJ
ProvREC Th 7:50pm E57.QOPZ 1/5 4AHJ
ProvREC Sa 11am E57.IBEA 1/7 4AHJ
ProvREC Su 10:50am E57.TF76 1/8 4AHJ
SoRunREC M/W 7pm E57.QR1X 1/2 4AHJ
SoRunREC T/Th 8pm E57.6J3A 1/3 4AHJ
SoRunREC M/W 7pm E57.NGZS 1/30 4AHJ
SoRunREC T/Th 8pm E57.QI6G 1/31 4AHJ
SpHillREC T/Th 6pm E57.UC23 1/3 4AHJ
SpHillREC Su 9am E57.F5KI 1/8 4AHI
SpHillREC T/Th 6pm E57.5OPY 1/31 4AHJ
Wkfld/Moore Su 10:05am E57.QCSO 1/8 4AHI
(11-18 yrs.)
Prerequisite: Must have a high endurance level to swim an intense workout each class and be able to tread water for one minute, swim continuously 200 yards each freestyle and backstroke, 100 yards breast stroke, 50 yards butterfly, and 100 yards IM. Students must wear a one-piece, competitive-style swim suit and goggles. Students with long hair must wear a swim cap. Class emphasizes high-intensity interval workout and refines freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, starts, turns and finishes.
4AHH 6--55 minute lessons--$98
4AHI 7--55 minute lessons--$114
4AHJ 8--55 minute lessons--$131
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 10am 2F3.0UU3 1/7 4AHI
CubRunREC Su 10am 2F3.944L 1/8 4AHI
OakMarREC M/W 7pm 2F3.9GLJ 1/4 4AHI
OakMarREC Sa 12:05pm 2F3.JS62 1/7 4AHH
OakMarREC Su 1pm 2F3.CIZO 1/8 4AHJ
OakMarREC M/W 7pm 2F3.G3SN 1/30 4AHJ
ProvREC Sa 12pm 2F3.RH0B 1/7 4AHJ
ProvREC Su 11:50am 2F3.VWFO 1/8 4AHJ
SoRunREC M/W 8pm 2F3.2TPJ 1/2 4AHJ
SoRunREC M/W 8pm 2F3.I4CS 1/30 4AHJ
SpHillREC T/Th 7pm 2F3.CW13 1/3 4AHJ
SpHillREC Su 11am 2F3.I47S 1/8 4AHI
SpHillREC T/Th 7pm 2F3.HQEW 1/31 4AHJ Wkfld/Moore Su 11:10am 2F3.LEOP 1/8 4AHI
Lap Swim (13-Adult) This class focuses on increasing your physical endurance and swim distance. Workouts are designed to meet class abilities and to improve overall physical fitness through lap swimming. Students are also taught to design a personal workout and to use the pace clock.
5--55 minute lessons--$80
minute lessons--$129
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC T/Th 7:50pm 41A.85LE 1/3 4AZ
OakMarREC W 11:30am 41A.3W21 1/4 4AZ
OakMarREC F 10:30am 41A.FMZ5 1/6 4AW
OakMarREC Sa 9am 41A.SOG5 1/7 4AX
OakMarREC Su 9am 41A.ZGUZ 1/8 4AZ
OakMarREC M 9:30am 41A.X76S 1/9 4AY
OakMarREC T/Th 7:50pm 41A.TKE4 1/31 4AZ
ProvREC F 6:50pm 41A.6061 1/27 4AW
SoRunREC T/Th 9:30am 41A.FSEA 1/3 4AZ
SoRunREC T/Th 9:30am 41A.JTKN 1/31 4AZ
SpHillREC F 6:55pm 41A.16CT 1/27 4AW
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Ability to swim at least 25 yards on front and back. This is the perfect class for peo ple who want to start swimming laps or for those who have not been a lap swimmer for an extended time. Learn techniques needed to swim laps, improve swim ming skills and proficiency, increase your confidence, endurance and distance swimming.
4AW 5--55 minute lessons--$80
4AZ 8--55 minute lessons--$129
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC F 11:30am C96.S10X 1/6 4AW
SoRunREC T/Th 10:30am C96.QHNN 1/3 4AZ
SoRunREC T/Th 10:30am 96.4T2W 1/31 4AZ
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Butterfly & Breaststroke Clinic II
(7-18 yrs.) Prerequisite: Ability to swim 15 yards of butterfly and breaststroke with breathing technique. Clinic emphasizes refining butterfly and breaststroke to increase efficiency and swimming distances. Starts and turns for these stokes are reviewed.
4AY 7--55 minute lessons--$112
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 12pm 2D5.BRCJ 1/7 4AY SpHillREC Su 12pm 2D5.W5WO 1/8 4AY
Freestyle & Backstroke Clinic I (6-14 yrs.) Prerequisite: Ability to swim freestyle and backstroke 15 yards using arm and leg action. Class emphasizes developing backstroke elements using arm and leg actions while implementing breathing techniques. Starts and turns for these strokes are introduced.
4AP 8--45 minute lessons--$124
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore Th 5:50pm 9D9.E5S3 1/5 4AP
Freestyle & Backstroke Clinic II (7-18 yrs.) Prerequisite: Ability to swim 25 yds. freestyle with side breathing and backstroke. Clinic emphasiz es refining freestyle and backstrokes using drills to increase stroke proficiency. Starts and turns for these strokes are also reviewed.
4AY 7--55 minute lessons--$112
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 12pm 40A.5ZUV 1/7 4AY
(13-Adult) The ultimate swimming workout that helps students refine strokes to increase efficiency, endurance and swim distance. Students are taught how to adjust their personal workout to keep interest and gradually increase their workout to make it more challenging.
minute lessons--$80
Swim Team Prep (6-12 yrs.) Get the competitive edge and prepare for swim team season with this swimming skill tune up. This class helps swimmers who have swim-team experience and want to get their competitive skills and swimming strokes ready for the next swim team season.
4AL 4--45 minute lessons--$63
4AP 8--45 minute lessons--$124
4AX 6--55 minute lessons--$97
4AY 7--55 minute lessons--$112
4AZ 8--55 minute lessons--$129
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Customers have three different options for partici pating in aqua exercise classes.
• Best for the customer with a busy schedule or who wishes to try a new program.
• Daily drop-in rate to attend aquatic exercise classes, space permitting.
• Allows entry into any Park Authority water exer cise class, space permitting.
• Valid for four months from date of purchase, Aqua Exercise Flex Passes are sold at all Rec Centers and online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ parks/passe sonline.htm in increments of 10, 20 or 30 visits.
• Pricing based on the per-class fee for coded classes. Senior pass rates are available. Early registration discounts and scholarships are not available for the Aqua Exercise Flex Pass.
Registration guarantees a space in the class.
Your class registration entitles you to attend only the class for which you registered. Missed classes cannot be made up.
(13-Adult) This shallow-water class provides cardiovas cular workout and increases muscle tone, strength and endurance.
4ABA 11--55 minute lessons--$150
4ABC 13--55 minute lessons--$177
4ABH 26--55 minute lessons--$355
4ABM 39--55 minute lessons--$527
4ABN 10--55 minute lessons--$137
4AGF 38--55 minute lessons--$536
Location Day Time Code Begin $
GWREC T/Th 5:05pm 3AD.RFNH 1/3 4ABH
GWREC M/W/F 8:30am 3AD.FRIM 1/4 4AGF
LeeREC T/Th 6:35pm 3AD.A05H 1/3 4ABH
LeeREC F 8:30am 3AD.JQ9C 1/6 4ABC
OakMarREC T/Th 9am 3AD.XLOB 1/3 4ABH
OakMarREC T/Th 10am 3AD.Y1W8 1/3 4ABH
OakMarREC F 9am 3AD.6XYV 1/6 4ABN
OakMarREC Su 4pm 3AD.V5D6 1/8 4ABA
ProvREC T/Th 8:30am 3AD.RZNL 1/3 4ABH
ProvREC T/Th 9:30am 3AD.YJ58 1/3 4ABH
Location Day Time Code Begin
Butterfly & Breaststroke Clinic I
(6-14 yrs.) Prerequisite: Ability to demonstrate arm and leg actions for both breaststroke and butterfly for six yards. Class emphasizes developing arm and leg actions for these strokes while coordinating timing and breath ing. Starts and turns for these strokes are introduced.
4AP 8--45 minute lessons--$124
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore Th 6:40pm 8DD.D8YW 1/5 4AP
CubRunREC F 6pm E8D.2KA9 2/3 4AL
GWREC Sa 11am E8D.1PDA 1/7 4AP
GWREC Sa 11:50am E8D.NEZV 1/7 4AP
OakMarREC Sa 10:55am E8D.K0O9 1/7 4AX
OakMarREC Su 11am E8D.ZKAU 1/8 4AZ
SoRunREC Su 5pm E8D.T2V4 1/15 4AY
SpHillREC Su 12pm E8D.YKDF 1/8 4AY
(13-18 yrs.) Get the competitive edge and prepare for swim team season by coming in for a tune up of your swimming skills! This class helps swimmers who have been on a swim team in the past and want to get their competitive skills and swimming strokes ready for the next swim team season.
4AY 7--55 minute lessons--$112
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SoRunREC Su 4pm 246.VYNO 1/15 4AY
ProvREC M/W/F 7:30am 3AD.GPF2 1/4 4AGF
ProvREC M/W/F 10:30am 3AD.0CKU 1/4 4AGF
ProvREC Su 9am 3AD.VV0R 1/8 4ABC
SoRunREC M/W/F 9am 3AD.6A4L 1/2 4ABM
SoRunREC T/Th 9am 3AD.46G3 1/3 4ABH
SpHillREC M/W 7:30am 3AD.PF6T 1/2 4ABH
SpHillREC F 7:30am 3AD.5ID7 1/6 4ABC
Wkfld/Moore T/Th 9:05am 3AD.RDE5 1/3 4ABH Wkfld/Moore M/W 8:50am 3AD.ACYG 1/4 4AGF
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(13-Adult) This high-energy, cardio-intensive class uses water resistance to give you maximum fitness benefits. This program is for the experienced water aerobics stu dent who wants a more intense workout and for anyone who wants to cross-train or enhance overall fitness.
4ABC 13--55 minute lessons--$177
4ABH 26--55 minute lessons--$355
4ABI 25--55 minute lessons--$342
4ABN 10--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC T/Th 8am 40C.27DE 1/3 4ABH
OakMarREC F 8am 40C.C8NS 1/6 4ABN
ProvREC M/W 6pm 40C.20JW 1/4 4ABI
ProvREC Sa 9am 40C.WVJY 1/7 4ABC
SpHillREC M/W 8:30am 40C.KIHC 1/2 4ABH
SpHillREC F 8:30am 40C.6G70 1/6 4ABC
(13-Adult) This low-impact and low-intensity workout is taught in shallow water. You increase muscular endur ance while you tone muscles and improve flexibility.
4ABN 10--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC M/W 8:30am AA8.GTWN 1/4 4ABN
(13-Adult) This class focuses on building strength, balance, and endurance using the water’s buoyancy and support. Designed for those new to water exercise or those looking for a new fitness opportunity, this fun-filled class focuses on using aqua fitness to progress individual health goals.
4ABC 13--55 minute lessons--$177
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC Sa 8am 2A9.P88T 1/7 4ABC
SpHillREC T 10am 2A9.RSIN 1/3 4ABC
(13-Adult) Zumba in the water incorporates dance themes combined with dynamic music to make your exercise experience feel more like a party. Join the fun and let the party begin!
4ABC 13--55 minute lessons--$177
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LeeREC T 9:45am 62B.TMCF 1/3 4ABC
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Students must be able to swim at least 25 yards continuously. Deep water exercise can increase muscle strength, endurance and cardiovascular fitness. Exercises also provides a challenge for align ment and posture, balance and coordinated movement. All students wear a flotation device.
4ABI 25--55 minute lessons--$342
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC M/Th 12:30pm 250.IFYO 1/5 4ABI
(13-Adult) Shallow-water exercises using water’s buoy ancy and resistance helps improve your overall range of motion, joint mobility and muscle strength. While this class is designed for students with arthritis, it is open to those who have other physical limitations.
4ABC 13--55 minute lessons--$177
4ABG 24--55 minute lessons--$328
4ABH 26--55 minute lessons--$355
4ABM 39--55 minute lessons--$527
4AGF 38--55 minute lessons--$536
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC T/Th 9am 9E8.UEF8 1/3 4ABH
GWREC T/Th 8am 9E8.VUOF 1/3 4ABH
GWREC T/Th 9am 9E8.XWG4 1/3 4ABH
GWREC M/W/F 11:30am 9E8.68UF 1/4 4AGF
LeeREC M/W 9:45am 9E8.DTQN 1/4 4ABG
OakMarREC T/Th 11am 9E8.A1RG 1/3 4ABH
ProvREC T/Th 11:30am 9E8.JPOV 1/3 4ABH
ProvREC M/W/F 11:30am 9E8.HQP0 1/4 4AGF
SoRunREC M/W/F 10am 9E8.C42W 1/2 4ABM
SoRunREC M/W/F 10am 9E8.CRWX 1/2 4ABM
SoRunREC T/Th 11am 9E8.QWMQ 1/3 4ABH
SpHillREC M/W 10:40am 9E8.WNQ2 1/2 4ABH
SpHillREC F 10:40am 9E8.JY0S 1/6 4ABC
Wkfld/Moore T/Th 11:05am 9E8.TJCV 1/3 4ABH
Deep Water Exercise (13-Adult) Prerequisite: Students must be able to swim 25 yards continuously. Take the plunge for a no-impact workout. You use a variety of deep water exercises and running techniques to get the maximum benefit from water’s natural resistance.
4ABA 11--55 minute lessons--$150
4ABB 12--55 minute lessons--$167
4ABC 13--55 minute lessons--$177
4ABH 26--55 minute lessons--$355
4ABI 25--55 minute lessons--$342
4ABK 33--55 minute lessons--$451
4ABM 39--55 minute lessons--$527
4AGF 38--55 minute lessons--$536
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC T/Th 10am B8B.6109 1/3 4ABH
GWREC T/Th 11am B8B.DDLK 1/3 4ABH
GWREC T/Th 12pm B8B.WIFM 1/3 4ABH
GWREC M/W/F 7:30am B8B.1DLD 1/4 4AGF
GWREC M/W/F 9:30am B8B.03O6 1/4 4AGF
GWREC M/W/F 10:30am B8B.JJCT 1/4 4AGF
LeeREC Sa 10am B8B.ZR2C 1/7 4ABA
OakMarREC T/Th 9am B8B.J6I1 1/3 4ABH
OakMarREC M/W/F 9:10am B8B.7EKJ 1/4 4ABY
OakMarREC Su 5pm B8B.NY81 1/8 4ABA
ProvREC T/Th 5:50pm B8B.FNP0 1/3 4ABK
ProvREC T/Th 6:50pm B8B.7D5G 1/3 4ABK
ProvREC M/W/F 8:30am B8B.GFG8 1/4 4AGF
SoRunREC M/W/F 8am B8B.09NW 1/2 4ABM
SoRunREC T/Th 8am B8B.EWWX 1/3 4ABH
SpHillREC M/W 9:40am B8B.3X46 1/2 4ABH
SpHillREC T 9am B8B.UMHX 1/3 4ABC
Wkfld/Moore T/Th 11am B8B.DWCM 1/3 4ABH
Wkfld/Moore M/W 8am B8B.M4AJ 1/4 4ABI
Wkfld/Moore M/W 11am B8B.V4SY 1/4 4ABI
Wkfld/Moore F 11am B8B.RQBB 1/6 4ABB
Wkfld/Moore Su 11am B8B.BIOG 1/8 4ABA
(13-Adult) Deep water Aquatic Boot Camp (ABC) is a fast-paced, deep-water workout that targets cardio and core. Build strength, agility and balance while maximiz ing deep-water resistance by using aqua equipment. This high-intensity class uses a variety of equipment to target all muscle groups and combines short bursts using different movements as well as longer durations to build endurance. Prerequisite: can swim 25 yards continuously and confidently without stopping and can tread water for one minute without flotation assistance.
4ABA 11--55 minute lessons--$150
4ABY 35--55 minute lessons--$478
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LeeREC Su 3pm 4A8.09Z6 1/8 4ABA OakMarREC M/W/F 10:10am 4A8.NDG9 1/4 4ABY
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Students must be able to swim 25 yards continuously. An excellent full-body workout that is more intense than the Deep Water Exercise class. This class is for the experienced deep water exerciser looking for a more challenging workout.
4ABC 13--55 minute lessons--$177
4ABH 26--55 minute lessons--$355
4ABI 25--55 minute lessons--$342
4ABY 35--55 minute lessons--$478
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC T/Th 8:30am B79.V7EB 1/3 4ABH
OakMarREC M/W/F 8:10am B79.O7Z3 1/4 4ABY
ProvREC M/F 9:30am B79.P3N2 1/6 4ABI
SpHillREC F 9:40am B79.VEUV 1/6 4ABC
(13-Adult) Experience the water’s natural support and resistance while you increase your body’s range of motion and challenge and strengthen core stability and control. Build abdominal and back strength, flexibility and muscle tone while maintaining core stabilization, posture alignment and balance.
4ABC 13--55 minute lessons--$177
4ABH 26--55 minute lessons--$355
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC T 11am 7F0.LSM2 1/3 4ABC
SoRunREC T/Th 12pm 7F0.QZWZ 1/3 4ABH
www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/jobs to
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Students must be able to swim 25 yards continuously. Take the plunge for a workout that is no impact. Use Pilates moves in the deep water to help you increase your range of motion, challenge and strengthen core stability and control and build ab dominal and back strength, flexibility and muscle tone.
4ABA 11--55 minute lessons--$150
4ABC 13--55 minute lessons--$177
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Th 11am 08B.99KR 1/5 4ABC
LeeREC Su 4pm 08B.BUQQ 1/8 4ABA
ProvREC W 9:30pm 08B.DY1V 1/4 4ABC
ProvREC M/Th 1:30pm 08B.GFMW 1/5 4ABC
effects of walking without adding stress to muscles and joints. Instructors guide participants in different types of walking in water to benefit all parts of the body.
4ABC 13--55 minute lessons--$177
4AGF 38--55 minute lessons--$536
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC T 10:30am 7B5.JSNL 1/3 4ABC
Wkfld/Moore M/W 10am 7B5.2SKS 1/4 4AGF
(15-Adult) Don’t let your American Red Cross (ARC) Lifeguard certificate expire. This 20-hour course renews your certificates for Lifeguarding, CPR and First Aid. The fee does not include textbook. Bring the ARC Lifeguard Training textbook to class or purchase one at the site for an additional fee. Prerequisites: Must have an unexpired ARC Lifeguard Training certificate. If certificate is expired, student must register for the full Lifeguard Training course. Must be able to swim 300 yards continuously, and swim 20 yards using front crawl or breaststroke; dive 7-10 feet and retrieve a 10 pound object, return to surface and swim 20 yards back to starting point and exit the water without use of ladder or stairs. Class renews Lifeguard, First Aid, and CPR certificate for two years.
Prerequisite: Students must be able to swim 25 yds. continuously. Treat yourself to this unique workout designed to enhance cardiovascular fitness while strengthening and toning muscles. Students need to provide their own fins for a challenging workout utilizing fins, kickboards and float belts. Class is held in the deep end of the pool.
4ABA 11--55 minute lessons--$150
4ABC 13--55 minute lessons--$177
Location Day Time Code Begin $
GWREC Th 10am 83P.P5U3 1/5 4ABC
LeeREC Sa 9am 83P.GKE3 1/7 4ABA
(13-Adult) This class is designed to improve muscle tone and aerobic fitness. Ideal for those who want the
(15-Adult) This course is for the person who wants to be a lifeguard at a community pool. Skills and knowledge necessary to respond to aquatic emergen cies are covered, including first aid and CPR for the professional rescuer. Students must be at least 15 years old before course completion (no exceptions). Must be able to swim 300 yards continuously using front crawl or breaststroke; swim 20 yards, dive 7-10 feet, retrieve 10 pound brick, surface and then swim 20 yards back to starting point and exit the water without use of ladder or stairs; tread water two minutes. Students who pass the class receive a certificate valid for two years. Note: This program does not qualify you to be a lifeguard for the Park Authority. For information about becoming a Park Authority lifeguard call 703-324-8548.
4ACJ 4--7 hour 30 minute lessons--$388
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Sa/Su 9am 202.CJQA 1/14 4ACJ
4ACE 2--10 hour lessons--$225
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Sa/Su 9am 297.GYU9 2/11 4ACE SoRunREC Sa/Su 9am 297.8H16 2/25 4ACE
(6-Adult) Prerequisite: Must be able to swim at least 25 yards. Class emphasizes an introduction to the four main dive components: approach, takeoff, flight and entry. Students are also introduced to forward and back dives.
4AZ 8--55 minute lessons--$129
Location Day Time Code Begin $ ProvREC Sa 1:05pm 5B5.QA3T 1/7 4AZ
Springboard Diving-Intermediate (6-Adult) Prerequisite: Must be able to swim at least 25 yards and have completed, or have skill level for Spring board Diving-Beginner. Class emphasizes developing the four main dive components: approach, takeoff, flight and entry and the four basic diving positions: layout, pike, tuck and free.
4AZ 8--55 minute lessons--$129
Location Day Time Code Begin $ ProvREC Sa 2:05pm 8A5.RICX 1/7 4AZ
What better place to celebrate than in your favorite park? With an array of birthday party options and star attractions, there’s a party style to suit every child. For party particulars, check the listings at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ parties or call the sites directly.
Audrey Moore Rec Center 703-321-7081
Cub Run Rec Center 703-817-9407
Ellanor C Lawrence Park 703-631-0013
Frying Pan Park 703-437-9101
Green Spring Gardens 703-642-5173
George Washington Rec Center 703-780-8894
Hidden Oaks Nature Center 703-941-1065
Hidden Pond Nature Center 703-451-9588
Huntley Meadows Park 703-768-2525
Jefferson District Park and Golf Course 703-573-0443
Lake Fairfax Park 703-471-5414
Lee District Rec Center 703-922-9841
Mt. Vernon Rec Center 703-768-3224
Oak Marr Rec Center 703-281-6501
Pinecrest Golf Course 703-941-1061
Providence Rec Center 703-698-1351
Riverbend Nature Center 703-759-9018
South Run Rec Center 703-866-0566
Spring Hill Rec Center 703-827-0989
Sully Historic Site 703-437-1794
If you live in Fairfax County, there’s a good chance there’s a nature trail close to your backyard. Let the Park Authority’s Trail Buddy mapping tool be your guide.
Visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/trails.
Extending from Lorton in the south to Great Falls in the north, the 40-mile Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail runs through the heart of Fairfax County. The trail offers recreation, exercise, opportunities for contact with nature and history, and the “green” option of walking or biking instead of driving to work, to shopping centers or to Metro stations.
For GCCCT maps, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ parks/trails/cross-county-trail.
• Carousel recessed to ground level
• Picnic pavilion with tables that accommodate wheelchairs.
• Trackless train for children and adults
The park is open year-round from 7 a.m. to dusk.
Parks offer exciting features for your family, company, club or church picnic. Attractions may include pedal boats, a carousel, an ice cream parlor, miniature golf, tennis, athletic fields, tour boats, train rides, swimming, volleyball and nature trails. Some special features are available year-round, others are offered seasonally. To check availability, picnic site features and to schedule your picnic, call 703-324-8732 or visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/picnics.
Owners of wellmannered canines can take their pets to fenced, off-leash dog parks for free play, a good run or a friendly romp with other dogs.
FCPA has eleven established dog parks:
• Baron Cameron, 11300 Baron Cameron Ave., Reston
• Blake Lane, 10033 Blake Lane, Oakton
• Chandon, 900 Palmer Drive, Herndon
• Dulles Station Community Park , 13707 Sayward Blvd, Herndon
• Grist Mill, 4710 Mt. Vernon Memorial Hwy, Alexandria
• Lenclair, 6725 Lenclair St., Alexandria
• Mason District , 6621 Columbia Pike, Annandale.
• Monticello Park , 5315 Guinea Road, Burke
• Rock Hill District Park , 15150 Old Lee Road, Centreville.
• South Run, 7550 Reservation Drive, Springfield
• Westgrove, 6801 Fort Hunt Road, Alexandria
Most of the Park Authority dog parks are public/ private partnerships, developed in cooperation with sponsoring organizations of pet owners.
Volunteers assist with monitoring and cleaning up the facilities, making users aware of dog park rules and regulations and reporting maintenance needs to the Park Authority.
Slides, a “river” current and other fun features turn the indoor leisure pool at Cub Run Rec Center into a water playground. Rec Center admission includes the leisure pool.
For more information and hours, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/recenter/cub-run/ leisure-pool or call 703-817-9407.
The carousel operates daily Memorial Day – Labor Day, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Mon.- Fri.; 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. weekends.
Open weekends only in September and October, 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
The picnic pavilion may be reserved for a fee; additional picnic tables are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Dog parks are open year-round from 7 a.m. to 30 minutes after sunset on weekdays and from 8 a.m. to 30 minutes after sunset on weekends and Federal holidays. Neither Fairfax County nor the Fairfax County Park Authority is liable for any injury or damage caused by any dog in the off-leash area. For off-leash dog park rules and regulations, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ parkrules/dogpark. htm, or call 703-324-8594
Off-Leash Dogs Parks Come to the Parks for Picnics2022-2023
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Workday Camps
• Refunds/transfers must be requested at least 14 days prior to the camp/workshop start date. All but $25 will be returned for those approved refunds. Refund/transfer requests made within 13 days of the start of the camp/workshop will only be approved for medical emergencies with doctor’s note. Send requests to camps@fairfaxcounty.gov.
• An Emergency and Pick-Up Authorization must be completed and brought on the first day. These forms may be obtained in the Camp Par ent Handbook on the camp webpage at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/campforms
• Full-day camps, bring snack, lunch and drink daily.
(7-14 yrs.) Take center stage in this Moonlit Wings two-day camp inspired by your favorite films and plays. Explore short skits, improv games, musical numbers and get in the spotlight. Bring swimsuit/towel for a pool break.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
Prov REC Th-F 9am-4pm Q7Z.19Y9 1/26-1/27 $129
SoRun REC Th-F 9am-4pm Q7Z.R3WQ 1/26-1/27 $129
(7-14 yrs.) Become a Broadway star in this Moonlit Wings two-day camp inspired by your favorite musicals. Explore hits like Aladdin and Wicked, dive into character creation, improv games, musical numbers and celebrate everything Broadway. Bring swimsuit/towel for a pool break.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
SpHillREC Th-F 9am-4pm ZI8.YKPJ 1/26-1/27 $129
Wkfld/Moore Th-F 9am-4pm ZI8.IC58 1/26-1/27 $129
(7-14 yrs.) Featuring new activities! In this Hamilton-in spired 4-day camp by Moonlit Wings Productions, campers blast back to 1776 and become musical show stoppers. Write original scenes and explore music from “Hamilton” and other Broadway shows while creating your own characters from heroes to foes. Campers’ original work will be featured at the mini-performance on the final day. Bring swimsuit/towel for an afternoon swim break.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
Prov REC Tu-F 9am-4pm TV2.6Z90 12/27-12/30 $255
SoRun REC M-Th 9am-4pm TV2.PVZ3 12/19-12/22 $255
(7-14 yrs.) In this 4-day camp by Moonlit Wings, young performers channel their favorite pop stars like Dua Lipa, Olivia Rodrigo, Justin Bieber and Harry Styles. Explore singing and dancing to your favorite hits and act in original scenes and improvised skits. Parents are invited to a mini-performance on the last day. Come enjoy acting, music, improvisation games and new theatrical surprises every day! Bring swimsuit/towel for an afternoon swim break.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
Frying Pan Tu-F 9am-4pm 2BJ.T3A2 12/27-12/30 $255
SpHillREC M-Th 9am-4pm 2BJ.630S 12/19-12/22 $255
All Sports Camp with Alpha Sports (6-10 yrs.) Want to try a sport but not sure which one? Learn the fundamentals of multiple sports including soccer, flag football, volleyball, track, badminton, pick leball and basketball (weather permitting). Campers enjoy participating in scrimmages, tournaments and an afternoon swim break. Camp is held outdoors in the field house. Dress for the weather.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
SoRunREC M-Th 9am-4pm LT7.IUIA 12/19-12/22 $229
(6-12 yrs.) Get up close with our exhibit animals. Feed the critters, check their health, weight and size and record findings in your vet notebook. Enjoy hiking the park (weather permitting), making animal crafts, and playing fun games. Bring a snack, lunch and drink. Wear clothes that can get messy.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
ECLawrncePk Tu-F 9am-4pm L8C.UVKP 12/27-12/30 $260 ECLawrncePk Th-F 9am-4pm L8C.O7FO 1/26-1/27 $140
NEW! Artist Empowerment Zone (8-13 yrs.) Create photos and other artwork while tap ping into your creative side. Get inspiration and ideas for painting, drawing, paper crafts and photography. Bring sketch books, pencils, pens and cameras if you have them. A professional artist will assist campers who get stuck or want a lesson. Campers will design and put on a show on the last day.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
OakMarrREC M-Th 9am-4pm E9U.FGPF 12/19-12/22 $265
NEW! Awesome Art w/Kidcreate Studio (5-12 yrs.) Explore the coolest art materials while learning drawing techniques, creating with clay, and painting on real canvas boards. We’ll even create a beach scene out of candy! 1/26-1/27 is a 2-day teacher workday camp.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
HunterHouse M-Th 9am-12pm PM2.73RD 12/19-12/22 $195 SpHillREC Th-F 9am-12pm PM2.ATQA 1/26-1/27 $99
(5-8 yrs.) Play some of the best PE games ever invented! Try your hand at knockout, extreme kickball, handball, capture the flag, modified dodgeball, ultimate frisbee, floor hockey, and soccer. Our goal is to motivate each player to become a team player and to promote a positive attitude towards self and others.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
SpHillREC Th-F 9am-4pm K94.FMWJ 12/27-12/30 $230
SpHillREC Th-F 9am-4pm K94.NDAF 1/26-1/27 $120
Wkfld/Moore Tu-F 9am-4pm K94.MDKS 12/19-12/22 $230
(6-12 yrs.) Players will develop a love for basketball and tennis as they learn the fundamentals with JST. The camp includes confidence-building drills and matches incorporating skills learned. Activities include dribble tag, hot-seat, and ultimate knockout. Bring racket, lunch, drink and swimsuit/towel for an afternoon swim break if the pool is available.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
SpHillREC M-Th 9am-4pm HTA.LHPD 12/19-12/22 $225
Wkfld/Moore Tu-F 9am-4pm HTA.LKOX 12/27-12/30 $225
Basketball & Sports Winter Camp (7-12 yrs.) A combination of positive, energetic and fundamentals-based coaching while maximizing the fun of real game action daily. Learn and refine skills with one-on-one basketball coaches. Campers will enjoy an afternoon swim break on days the pool is available. 1/26-1/27 teacher workday camp.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
SpHillREC Tu-F 9am-4pm 99A.CUGS 12/27-12/30 $239
SpHillREC Th-F 9am-4pm 99A.7K6W 1/26-1/27 $139
Wkfld/Moore M-Th 9am-4pm 99A.VOYM 12/19-12/22 $239
Wkfld/Moore Th-F 9am-4pm 99A.ZDKS 1/26-1/27 $139
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(8-12 yrs.) Boys and girls will learn basic hand tech niques and sewing machine operation. Campers will enjoy making projects such as a basic pillow, tote bag and/or apron. A supply fee of $35 is due on the first day (covers a personal sewing kit, fabric, patterns and notions).
Location Days Time Code Dates $
Prov Rec M-Th 9am-4pm KAW.8LUA 12/19-12/22 $335 Wkfld/Moore Tu-F 9am-4pm KAW.UT8F 12/27-12/30 $335
(6-12 yrs.) Challenger Sports international soccer coaches provide a great camp experience, lending their knowledge and expertise on skill development, tactical awareness and fun. Camp is held mostly outdoors so dress for cold weather. Bring cleats, snack, lunch, water bottle and swimsuit/towel (some indoor swim time may be offered).
Location Days Time Code Dates $
SpHillREC M-Th 9am-4pm PL5.9KX6 12/19-12/22 $230
(5-12 yrs.) All levels are welcome to learn and play chess with Magnus Chess Academy (formerly Silver Knights), the world champion’s academy. Lessons range from overview of the rules to tournament strategies. Includes non-chess activities during breaks. 1/26-1/27 teacher workday camp.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
CubRunREC Tu-F 9am-4pm GLN.HKAB 12/27-12/30 $315
SoRunREC M-Th 9am-4pm GLN.DW40 12/19-12/22 $315
SpHillREC M-Th 9am-4pm GLN.7WD7 12/19-12/22 $315
SpHillREC Tu-F 9am-4pm GLN.AOD3 12/27-12/30 $315
SpHillREC Th-F 9am-4pm GLN.K1Y2 1/26-1/27 $159
(5-10 yrs.) Each day Tiny Chefs will start with recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner items, but the real chal lenge is when the secret ingredients are introduced. Campers will learn how secret ingredients can change the entire taste or look of a recipe.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
HunterHouse Tu-F 9am-4pm XX2.JS7B 12/27-12/30 $330
SpHill REC Tu-F 9am-4pm XX2.I6Q8 12/27-12/30 $330
(6-12 yrs.) In this combined camp by Stemtree, campers will learn engineering by applying basic science, construction, computer programming and problem-solving skills. Explore STEM concepts through hands-on activities that reinforce key concept. Create and develop computer programs (games, stories, etc.) and combine multimedia elements to create and share interactive stories, animations, games, music and art.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
OakMarrREC M-Th 9am-4pm VFS.8B45 12/19-12/22 $305
ProvREC M-Th 9am-4pm VFS.RVUV 12/19-12/22 $305
(5-10 yrs.) Chefs staff teach cupcake basics like measuring, mixing, baking and frosting then move on to the baking battle! Small teams will face off with one another to compete for the title of “Best Cupcake!”
Location Days Time Code Dates $
Th-F 9am-4pm ILS.HVXP 1/26-1/27 $165
Prov REC M-Th 9am-4pm ILS.K36H 12/19-12/22 $330
SoRunREC M-Th 9am-4pm ILS.LC0C 12/19-12/22 $330
NEW! Dance Camp: Adventures of Elsa & Anna (4-7 yrs.) Join Elsa, Anna and friends as they embark on a new journey to find out more about Elsa’s powers in this magical dance camp! The adventure is filled with amazing new songs, beautiful dancing, activities, costumes and crafts. This Art in Motion camp ends with a special performance for parents.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
CubRun REC Tu-F 1pm-4pm 31G.HZ7G 12/27-12/30 $159
Prov REC M-Th 1pm-4pm 31G.ZK4J 12/19-12/22 $159
SoRun REC Tu-F 1pm-4pm 31G.YALI 12/27-12/30 $159
SpHillREC M-Th 9:30am-12:30pm 31G.EEXA 12/19-12/22 $159
Dance Camp: Ballet & Butterflies
(4-6 yrs.) Start the foundation of dance with ballet. Envision Dance campers learn ballet and creative movement fun through learning activities. Children also enjoy games, arts & crafts and learning the butterfly cy cle through storytime. Campers put on a performance on the last day.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
MtVernREC M-Th 9am-12pm YV5.OGJ0 12/19-12/22 $119
(4-7 yrs.) Join Clara, Fritz and all their friends as they dance their way to the Kingdom of Sweets. Learn short versions of dances from your favorite holiday ballet, Nutcracker! Campers will love the adorable crafts, beautful costumes, inspiring music, story time, activities and the magical dancing. Bring snack and water bottle. This Art in Motion camp ends with a special perfor mance for parents.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
CubRun REC Tu-F 9:30am-12:30pm CW2.WSGO 12/27-12/30 $159
Prov REC M-Th 9:30am-12:30pm CW2.6AZK 12/19-12/22 $159
SoRun REC Tu-F 9:30am-12:30pm CW2.FWEC 12/27-12/30 $159
SpHillREC M-Th 1pm-4pm CW2.CL3H 12/19-12/22 $159
(4-6 yrs.) Start the foundation of dance with ballet. Envision Dance campers learn ballet and creative movement through fun learning activities, games, arts & crafts and princess story time. Campers put on a performance on the last day.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
MtVernREC M-Th 1pm-4pm I0X.REPQ 12/19-12/22 $119
(8-11 yrs.) Discover what engineers do and the process they use to create functional products. Join other “fu ture engineers” to research, test and create a solution to a real-world problem.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
MtVernREC M-Th 9am-12pm BPR.VG4Q 12/19-12/22 $259 OakMarrREC Tu-F 9am-12pm BPR.8193 12/27-12/30 $259
(7-12 yrs.) Join us in the eSports lab to work on gaming technique and strategy using NBA2K, Madden, FIFA, NHL, Gran Turismo and more. We’ll put your skills to the test with the End-of-Camp Championship. Bring swimsuit/towel for an afternoon pool break.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
SpHillREC Tu-F 9am-4pm S3C.NB7Q 12/27-12/30 $239 Wkfld/Moore M-Th 9am-4pm S3C.0TFO 12/19-12/22 $239
NEW! ExStream Exploration Camp (7-11 yrs.) Venture on an in-depth look at the water ways and landscapes of Hidden Pond and the Pohick Stream Valley during the winter. Explorers will conduct a hands-on study of the geology, aquatic life and surrounding woodlands. Come dressed for the weather. Wear shoes that can get wet and keep your feet dry.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
HiddenPnd Tu-F 9am-4pm UWG.OVYV 12/27-12/30 $260
(5-8 yrs.) Explore the world of fossils and geology with The Science Seed. Erupt your own volcano, create and excavate a dino dig, explore real fossils, and make a cast of a real fossil! Round out the day with an outside break, a science-related story time and a daily journal entry.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
CubRunREC M-Th 9am-4pm QF8.04O2 12/19-12/22 $279
(6-10 yrs.) Come explore the fundamentals of aerody namics in this Mad Science camp. See how Newtons Laws of Motion help explain how things move and how rockets fly. Campers will love building parachutes, kites, rubber-band powered planes and a gravity simulator.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
Wkfld/Moore Tu-F 9am-4pm 3U7.97VW 12/27-12/30 $305
Prov Rec M-Th 9am-4pm 3U7.OZB2 12/19-12/22 $305
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
w/ Kidcreate Studio
(5-12 yrs.) Create hand-crafted gifts for the holidays!
Great gifts for members of the family or a favorite. Enjoy making picture frames, clay trinket boxes, snow globes and more.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
HunterHouse M-Th 1pm-4pm EMW.CS7B 12/19-12/22 $195
(8-12 yrs.) Boys & girls will learn basic hand techniques and sewing machine operation. They’ll enjoy making projects such as a square pillow and matching pillow sham. An additional supply fee of $35 will be collected prior to the first day of the Sewing Camp (covers a per sonal sewing kit, fabric, patterns and notions).
Location Days Time Code Dates $
Lee Rec Tu-F 9am-4pm AI8.0ZT0 12/27-12/30 $335
Wkfld/Moore M-Th 9am-4pm AI8.BQQJ 12/19-12/22 $335
(6-12 yrs.) Join Abrakadoodle as we create fabulous artwork and learn how powerful trailblazing artists influence the visual arts! See how famous artists tell stories, use striking imagery, advocate for equality and highlight different cultures. Explore Ringgold’s textile imagery, Morisot’s impressionist paintings and Mitch ell’s amazing abstractions. The inspirational artists offer innovative, fun viewpoints to the arts!
Location Days Time Code Dates $
SoRun REC Tu-F 9am-4pm 6KM.UV5F 12/27-12/30 $275
Join Play-Well staff on your LEGO journey as we de fend the Wookies on Kashyyyk, repair the Rebel shield generator on Hoth and rescue Baby Yoda. Join us as we use LEGOs to build engineer-designed projects, explore a galaxy far, far away and learn fundamental STEM conceptslike which “force” is actually with us.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
(5-6 yrs.)
(10-13 yrs.) Girls will enjoy exploring different topics such as self-confidence, leadership and character development. Art projects, team-building activities and cooperative games provide opportunities for self-ex pression. Bring swimsuit/towel for an afternoon swim break.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
OakMarrREC Tu-F 9am-4pm 2EK.6KPH 12/27-12/30 $235
(5 1/2-12 yrs.) Campers will flip head over heels in this Metro Movement gymnastics camp. Build skills and learn to master the balance beam, bars, floor and vault. Bring swimsuit/towel for an afternoon swim break. A signed waiver is required to participate.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
Lee REC M-Th 9am-4pm E5H.ROB5 12/19-12/22 $239 Wkfld/Moore Tu-F 9am-4pm E5H.LDB8 12/27-12/30 $239
(6-12 yrs.) Learn the most popular street dance styles through high energy games and movement techniques. Bust out your moves at the end of camp dance battle. Bring snack, lunch, water bottle and swimsuit/towel for an afternoon swim break if pool is available.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
Lee Rec Tu-F 9am-4pm JQ3.F6FV 12/27-12/30 $225
SpHillREC M-Th 9am-4pm JQ3.A9XA 12/19-12/22 $225
(7-12 yrs.) Get ready to exercise your creative muscles and explore a whole new world of artistic adventures! Join us for a camp full of clay and play while letting our creativity run wild. Be ready to get your hands dirty creating coil and pinch pots (stoneware), fired bisque ware and modeling clay.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
SpHillREC M-Th 9am-4pm KMW.3X6V 12/19-12/22 $315
SoRun REC Tu-F 9am-4pm KMW.Z76U 12/27-12/30 $315
(8-14 yrs.) Unlock the power of ROBLOX Studio in this Black Rocket camp. Learn how to build 3D models and create an adventure in your own world. Bring characters to life and get introduced to Lua through a visual block coding system. Unleash game design concepts, coding and fun! Young entrepreneurs will also learn how to navigate ROBLOX fast-growing marketplace to publish their games.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
OakMarrREC M-Th 9am-4pm GQY.JS24 12/19-12/22 $359
(6-12 yrs.) In this combined camp by Stemtree, camp ers will learn engineering by applying basic science, model construction, computer programming and problem-solving skills. Hands-on activities reinforce key concepts. Campers also enjoy our math curriculum incorporating exercises and physical manipulatives to gain a better understanding of the fundamentals of math.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
OakMarrREC Tu-F 9am-4pm J5C.PW15 12/27-12/30 $305
Prov REC Tu-F 9am-4pm J5C.UM4D 12/27-12/30 $305
Wkfld/Moore M-Th 9am-12pm 9QU.7VDT 12/19-12/22 $175 (7-12 yrs.) Master Engineering Wkfld/Moore M-Th 1pm-4pm S7D.TYVO 12/19-12/22 $175
(8-14 yrs.) Join the Kids Kitchen team for an exciting winter break camp combining cooking classes, healthy lessons and games to teach kids how to eat smart and play hard.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
Lee REC Th-F 9am-4pm GBO.ORXD 1/26-1/27 $185
(6-12 yrs.) Take the WeDo 2.0 LEGO robot challenge in this SK Robotics two-day camp. You’ll build and pro gram Sumo wrestling bots, bots that play ball and bots that compete in a demolition derby!
Location Days Time Code Dates $
SoRunREC Th-F 9am-4pm LZZ.6FN7 1/26-1/27 $179
(5-8 yrs.) Explore how things move and learn about sinking, floating, flight and balance with The Science Seed. We’ll also experiment with gravity, magnets, fric tion and simple machines. Campers also enjoy outdoor recess, story time tied to the day’s science, free reading, exploration and a daily journal entry.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
SoRunREC M-Th 9am-4pm 6Z4.UWFE 12/19-12/22 $279
Parktakes subscription,
(6-10 yrs.) Discover how things move with Mad Science. Take apart pellets to see what an owl cannot digest. Become camper engineers and build bridges, domes, cubes and pyramids. Assemble and control pulleys, levers, catapults and simple machines. Make you own sidewalk chalk, crystal gardens and chroma tography-dyed T-shirt.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
Wkfld/Moore M-Th 9am-4pm V30.RV12 12/19-12/22 $305
Prov Rec Tu-F 9am-4pm V30.LSS1 12/27-12/30 $305
SpHillREC Tu-F 9am-4pm V30.MWLQ 12/27-12/30 $305
(5-12 yrs.) Explore S.T.E.A.M. (Science-Technology-En gineering-Art-Math) concepts in creative ways during this 2-day camp. Campers will design mini playgrounds, learn about Escher and Picasso, and make a lava lamp.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
SpHillREC Th-F 1pm-4pm K33.NU0T 1/26-1/27 $99
NEW! STEM Challenge & JEDI with LEGOs® (7-12 yrs.) Join Play-Well instructors and gear up for a full-day LEGO camp packed with hands-on STEM fun! Immerse yourself in the Star Wars universe and learn about both kinds of “The Force for LEGO fanatics as you use your creativity to build engineer-designed projects.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
Prov Rec Th-F 9am-4pm 43Z.UJ4O 1/26-1/27 $129
Wkfld/Moore Tu-F 9am-4pm 43Z.HCQU 12/27-12/30 $249
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Stem exCEL Gamer Adventures (6-12 yrs.) Learn the fundamentals of programming, art and level design to create a video game from the ground up. Using a game engine with integrated art software and an easy-to-use events system, campers have the freedom to create a product that is truly their own. Campers will leave with a digital copy of their work so they can continue to create at home. 1/26-1/27 teacher workday camp.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
OakMarrREC Th-F 9am-4pm NFQ.RQ9P 1/26-1/27 $155
SoRunREC Tu-F 9am-4pm NFQ.UB3U 12/27-12/30 $310 Wkfld/Moore M-Th 9am-4pm NFQ.QY1N 12/19-12/22 $310
(6-12 yrs.) Minecraft becomes more than just a game in this camp where campers will use programming fundamentals to design and implement large-scale Minecraft modifications. Learn functions, variables, conditionals and vital concepts, then use our easy dragand-drop interface to create programs, solve problems and make games.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
Lee REC M-Th 9am-4pm RSD.TB4W 12/19-12/22 $310
SpHillREC Tu-F 9am-4pm RSD.ENWG 12/27-12/30 $310
(6-13 yrs.) In this camp, directed by Coach Rich, camp ers will play their favorite sports and games. Activities include basketball, indoor hockey, indoor soccer, European handball, capture the flag, indoor track and field and volleyball. Campers also enjoy pool time each afternoon (bring swimsuit/towel daily).
Location Days Time Code Dates $
LeeREC M-Th 9am-4pm 3F5.QIEI 12/19-12/22 $235
LeeREC Tu-F 9am-4pm 3F5.CU4K 12/27-12/30 $235
(5-12 yrs.) Learn Now Music introduces campers to a variety of musical instruments and concepts through musical games, crafts, musical listening excerpts, and related projects. Campers are issued an instrument to borrow for at-home exploration that will be returned at the end of camp (rental agreement required). Instru ments differ between morning and afternoon sessions (a.m. session is piano and drum; p.m. session is violin and guitar). Campers in both sessions are supervised during a lunch break. 1/26-1/27 teacher workday camp.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
OakMarrREC M-Th 9am-1pm E8C.MPZI 12/19-12/22 $209
OakMarrREC M-Th 1:30-5:30pm E8C.9U9M 12/19-12/22 $209
OakMarrREC Th-F 9am-1pm E8C.5JVO 1/26-1/27 $119
OakMarrREC Th-F 1:30-5:30pm E8C.X34C 1/26-1/27 $119
SpHillREC Th-F 9am-1pm E8C.85WJ 1/26-1/27 $119
SpHillREC Th-F 1:30-5:30pm E8C.9IKF 1/26-1/27 $119
Wkfld/Moore Tu-F 9am-1pm E8C.DM5N 12/27-12/30 $209
Wkfld/Moore Tu-F 1:30-5:30pm E8C.XI0S 12/27-12/30 $209
(6-12 yrs.) Get outside and explore the wild side of plants and animals through nature hikes and reflec tive art projects. Campers will explore printmaking, painting, sculpting and drawing along with written art forms like storytelling and comic making. Build a nature journal to take home with you and engage in fun exper iments and games. Program will have outside activities so dress for the weather.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
ECLawrncePk M-Th 9am-4pm LOK.YNHX 12/19-12/22 $285
NEW! Winter Lakeside Nature Discovery Camp (6-10 yrs.) Enjoy hands-on activities and connect with nature indoors and outdoors. Join our naturalists for activities including guided nature hikes, birding, crafts and games.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
LakeAccotinkPk M-Th 9am-4pm W0V.IZ1L 12/19-12/22 $260
Winter Survival Camp (6-12 yrs.) Learn to survive and have fun with nature’s most challenging season. Campers will make fire, build shelter, and track animals during this wonder-filled adventure into winter wilderness.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
HiddenPnd M-Th 9am-4pm 5DC.WYVY 12/19-12/22 $260
(6-12 yrs.) Campers will explore water dynamics with stream studies, conduct snow and ice experiments and learn how winter affects wildlife and their habitats. They will also create a snowstorm, make crystal snow flakes, enjoy fun games and go on outdoor adventures.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
HuntMeadwsPk Tu-F 9am-4pm 8D8.5TGO 12/27-12/30 $260
(6-9 yrs.) Join our naturalists to learn about how ani mals prepare for winter by caching food, finding shelter and preparing to hibernate. Practice skills humans use to stay safe and warm when adventuring in the cold outdoors. Play games, enjoy hands-on activities and engage in cool experiments.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
HuntMeadwsPk Th-F 9am-4pm 191.5YDS 1/26-1/27 $140 LewinsvilleHse Th-F 9am-4pm 191.N1XX 1/26-1/27 $140
Join Play-Well staff as we explore the magic of Harry Potter using LEGOs. Build engineer-designed projects like Platform 9 3/4, the Hogwarts Express and a Hun garian Horntail Dragon. Travel to a world of wizardry and hone your magical skills while using LEGO to learn about STEM.
Location Days Time Code Dates $ (5-6 yrs.)
Frying Pan M-Th 9am-12pm 1ZG.TEHU 12/19-12/22 $175 (7-12 yrs.)
Frying Pan M-Th 1pm-4pm 81P.7YTD 12/19-12/22 $175
(6-14 yrs.) Learn chess with Magnus Academy (former ly Silver Knights), the world champion’s program. This online camp offers two hours of live games and lessons daily over Zoom with a break in the middle. Lessons are tailored to the skill level of the students. No equipment beyond a computer is required.
Location Days Time Code Dates $
Virtual FCPA
Virtual FCPA
Does your child need support through an accommodation? We are here to help! Please fill out the ADA Services and Accommodations Request Form or call 703-324-8565, TTY VA relay 711.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Our specialized programs introduce babies and preschoolers to creative concepts and fun activities designed to promote coordination and social skill development. Classes and programs for preschoolers and older children also are listed in Nature, History and Gardening and other Parktakes sections. Some classes may have supply fees so check class descriptions for details. Any supply fees are payable to instructor at first class and are non-refundable.
(3-5 yrs.) Registration for our popular preschool is ongoing. This licensed program, which runs September – June, includes a theme-based curriculum packed with fun, engaging and educational activities. Children must be potty trained and of the appropriate age by Sept. 30. For more details, please call Lee District or Spring Hill Rec Centers.
Locations: Lee District Rec Center 703-922-9841 Spring Hill Rec Center 703-827-0989
(3, 4, 5 yrs.) Learning is done through play at this popular preschool, held in the schoolhouse on the farm. Children will visit the farm animals, take nature walks, make crafts, sing songs and play games. Social, emotional, and verbal skills are developed to prepare students for kindergarten. Children must be potty trained. This program is administered by Katy did, Inc. and licensed by the Virginia Department of Education. Physical exam and immunization record are required. The preschool follows Fairfax County Public Schools holiday and inclement weather schedule. Classes begin after Labor Day. Students are accepted all year on a space-available basis. Visits can be scheduled by phone: 703-689-3104 or e-mail: info@katydidkids.com. For more information, visit www.katydidkids.com. 9-11:45 a.m. MW, TR, TRF, MTWF 12:30-3:15 p.m. TRF, TWR, MTWRF
Teach what you love! Instructors are needed for story time, music, arts and crafts, sports, gymnastics and tumbling. Weekday/weekend classes, flexible sched ule. Contact your local Rec Center or email instructors@fairfaxcounty.gov for an application.
ABCs and 1-2-3s (2-3 yrs.) Learning can be fun when teaching children their letters and numbers through hands-on crafts. Kids learn how to associate a sound with each letter and number from the craft they make in class. Parent must attend class with the 2-to-3 year-old age group. Additional supply fee payable to instructor.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
4TC 8--45 minute lessons--$92
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC T 11am 378.H3KF 1/17 4TC
LeeREC Sa 9:15am 378.AF5N 1/14 4TA
LeeREC M 9:30am 378.63RL 1/16 4TA Wkfld/Moore T 10am 378.Z19L 1/17 4TC Wkfld/Moore T 11am 378.XTV9 1/17 4TC
(3-5 yrs.) Children will get an extra dose of happiness by exploring art in this colorful Abrakadoodle class! Little ones have fun with color mixing, collage and 3D art while learning about artists and art styles. A $30-$40 materials fee is due at First Class (checks payable to Abrakadoodle).
DTVW 8--45 minute lessons--$153
Location Day Time Code Begin $ CherryRun ES Th 5pm 4YD.CRFX 1/19 DTVW
Learn more at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks /wp-parties.htm
(3-6 yrs.) Your child’s imagination will ignite while using real artists’ materials, including tempra paints and oil pastels. Carefully designed lessons help children develop skills while enhancing creativity. A $30-$40 materials fee is due at first class (checks payable to Abrakadoodle).
DTVW 8--45 minute lessons--$153
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 10:30am 498.HI2P 1/14 DTVW
CubRunREC Th 11am 498.DLL3 1/19 DTVW
OakMarREC M 11:15am 498.UKKE 1/9 DTVW
OakMarREC W 11:15am 498.ZAKP 1/11 DTVW
SoRunREC Sa 12:30pm 498.JKD7 1/14 DTVW
SoRunREC T 11:15am 498.GKMC 1/17 DTVW
SoRunREC W 4pm 498.MN5I 1/18 DTVW
SpHillREC Sa 1:30pm 498.GZXL 1/7 DTVW
SpHillREC T 11am 498.E0LX 1/10 DTVW
Wkfld/Moore Th 2pm 498.OCEN 1/19 DTVW
(20-36 mos.) Little ones will experiment with painting, gluing, sticking, printing and creating while developing fine-motor, language and self-help skills. This Abraka doodle class, for toddlers and their parents, inspires creativity while emphasizing an I-can-do-it spirit! A $30$40 materials fee is due at first class (checks payable to Abrakadoodle).
DTVW 8--45 minute lessons--$153
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 9:30am F2D.KCSQ 1/14 DTVW
CubRunREC Th 10am F2D.BNKS 1/19 DTVW
OakMarREC M 10:15am F2D.LBDS 1/9 DTVW
OakMarREC W 10:15am F2D.VH8J 1/11 DTVW
ProvREC Th 10:45am F2D.N9BU 1/12 DTVW
SoRunREC Sa 11:30am F2D.HV5C 1/14 DTVW
SoRunREC T 10:15am F2D.TLD9 1/17 DTVW
SpHillREC Sa 2:30pm F2D.AJBZ 1/7 DTVW
SpHillREC T 10am F2D.N818 1/10 DTVW
Wkfld/Moore Th 10:30am F2D.4IPI 1/19 DTVW
(2-5 yrs.) Children enhance fine and gross motor skills in this class featuring a different animal each week. Activities include animal crafts, animal songs, animal stories and acting like an animal.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
4TC 8--45 minute lessons--$92
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Child only
LeeREC M 11:30am 0F1.FCYN 1/16 4TA
Parent & child
CubRunREC T 10am KHI.K16N 1/17 4TC
(2-5 yrs.) Children will delight in exploring their artistic abilities through projects that build self-confidence and encourage self-expression. Class projects and art media progress with age. Additional art supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
4TC 8--45 minute lessons--$92
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC M 11am 0A7.LP0E 1/16 4TC
LeeREC T 9:15am 0A7.MV83 1/17 4TA
(2-3 yrs.) Get ready for preschool by working on social ization and fine and gross motor skills. Concepts such as sharing, taking turns, following directions, colors and counting are introduced. Children will learn through a variety of music, instruments, play equipment, dancing, singing and stories. Adult participation is required.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC M 10:30am 2BC.66G7 1/16 4TA
LeeREC T 10:15am 2BC.FFFQ 1/17 4TA
LeeREC Th 9:30am 2BC.39AP 1/19 4TA
Enjoy arts and crafts, songs, stories, puppets, circle time and other activities related to the theme of the week with your child. Class includes fine and gross motor skills to enhance learning. Classes are held in the Schoolhouse in front of the carousel. A $5 supply/ ride fee is due the first day of class. Parents and children can visit the farm after class on their own or with new friends..For information call 703-689-3104.
DTVM 8--45 minute lessons--$129
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (18-28 mos.)
Frying Pan Pk Th 9:30am 443.WF6Y 1/12 DTVM (24-42 mos.)
Frying Pan Pk Th 10:30am 55F.LYMK 1/12 DTVM
Frying Pan Pk F 10:30am 55F.E5O7 1/13 DTVM
Frying Pan Pk F 9:30am 55F.FR2L 1/13 DTVM
(3-5 yrs.) In this class, children experience a variety of classes in art, music and movement. A perfect way to sample our children’s programs. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LeeREC Sa 10:15am F75.CVGJ 1/14 4TA LeeREC Th 10:30am F75.7SYT 1/19 4TA
(4-6 yrs.) In this class, offered by Tiny Chefs, students learn how to create the cuisines of multiple countries. Children will discover fabulous flavors while learning cooking techniques and about the unique ingredients. Any supply fee payable to instructor at class. Not recom mended for children with food allergies. Supply fee of $15 payable at first class.
4TC 8--45 minute lessons--$92
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore Th 11am B2E.BGJ4 1/19 4TC
(3-5 yrs.) Students will learn how to make some of their favorite desserts, such as cupcakes, pudding, brownies, pancakes and ice cream. , Easy recipes will make for fun cooking and yummy eating. Adult must participate with child. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
4TC 8--45 minute lessons--$92
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Th 11:30am TDK.T13U 1/19 4TA Wkfld/Moore Th 10am TDK.D07Z 1/19 4TC
Children will create colorful treats while learning basic baking skills. Additional supply fee payable at first class.
4TC 8--45 minute lessons--$92
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (3-5 yrs.)
CubRunREC T 12pm 53D.HICD 1/17 4TC
LeeREC T 11:30am 53D.ZBOI 1/17 4TA (4-6 yrs.)
LeeREC Sa 11:30am 1D4.I77G 1/14 4TA
(2-4 yrs.) This class is for the youngest ballerinas. Adult must participate with child.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
DTVP 8--45 minute lessons--$152
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Belle Vw ES Sa 9:30am B1C.DA4K 1/14 4TA
LeeREC F 10:30am B1C.G5NT 1/20 4TA
MtVernREC Sa 9:30am B1C.3Z7B 1/14 4TA
LeeREC Su 9:15am YDT.9EWK 1/15 DTVP
Students are introduced to the basic movement ele ments to build a foundation for progression in ballet. Classes ignite students’ imagination through creative games and stories while focusing on muscle develop ment, coordination, music and fun.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
DTVA 10--45 minute lessons--$132
DTVQ 10--45 minute lessons--$161
DTVR 8--45 minute lessons--$107
Belle Vw ES Sa 12pm PMD.7S4G 1/14 DTVQ
CubRunREC M 1pm PMD.N6IL 1/16 DTVR
LeeREC Th 9:15am PMD.CPFU 1/19 DTVQ
LeeREC M 9:30am PMD.CR80 1/23 DTVR
MtVernREC T 1pm PMD.1L05 1/17 DTVR
OakMarREC Su 10:50am PMD.K9SS 1/8 DTVA
OakMarREC W 9:30am PMD.MB6L 1/11 DTVR
OakMarREC M 11:45am PMD.MJZQ 1/23 DTVR
SoRunREC Su 9am PMD.87NK 1/15 DTVR
SoRunREC M 3:15pm PMD.5IYY 1/16 DTVR
SoRunREC F 10:30am PMD.1V5Q 1/20 DTVQ
Belle Vw ES Sa 10:30am 1B1.2480 1/14 4TA
MtVernREC Sa 10:30am 1B1.6VU8 1/14 4TA
SoRunREC Su 9am PYX.VYLD 1/15 DTVR
Introduction to basic ballet and tap steps and move ments. This is not a parent/child class.
DTVA 10--45 minute lessons--$132
DTVF 8--45 minute lessons--$133
DTVP 8--45 minute lessons--$152
DTVQ 10--45 minute lessons--$161
DTVR 8--45 minute lessons--$107
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (2-3 yrs.)
LeeREC Su 10:15am 5F8.FA0H 1/15 DTVP
LeeREC Th 10:15am 5F8.P0JY 1/19 DTVQ
(3-5 yrs.)
Belle Vw ES Sa 9am AD3.YOKN 1/14 DTVQ
Belle Vw ES F 5:30pm AD3.UJRI 1/20 DTVQ
CubRunREC Su 2:30pm AD3.VJCQ 1/15 DTVF
CubRunREC Su 12:30pm AD3.2IZ9 1/15 DTVF
CubRunREC M 2pm AD3.NEUB 1/16 DTVR
LeeREC Sa 11am AD3.KEOP 1/14 DTVQ
LeeREC F 1pm AD3.EDVO 1/20 DTVR
LeeREC F 9:30am AD3.N438 1/20 DTVR
LeeREC M 10:20am AD3.KMGR 1/23 DTVR
MtVernREC F 5:30pm AD3.12GT 1/20 DTVQ
OakMarREC Su 10am AD3.6LU6 1/8 DTVA
ProvREC Sa 1pm AD3.4ML9 1/14 DTVQ
ProvREC Sa 9:50am AD3.MP8I 1/14 DTVR
ProvREC T 9:55am AD3.WX41 1/17 DTVR
ProvREC F 5pm AD3.SMKM 1/20 DTVQ
ProvREC F 10:45am AD3.EP94 1/20 DTVR
SoRunREC W 10:30am AD3.LZP1 1/18 DTVQ
SoRunREC Th 10:30am AD3.M7UP 1/19 DTVR
SpHillREC Su 9am AD3.GXSP 1/8 DTVQ
SpHillREC T 3pm AD3.U0G3 1/17 DTVQ
SpHillREC W 5pm AD3.U3FK 1/18 DTVQ
Wkfld/Moore Sa 9am AD3.9C6D 1/14 DTVA
Wkfld/Moore W 11:45am AD3.UEPU 1/18 DTVA
(3-5 yrs.) Students learn the basic fundamentals of ballet and hip-hop as well as coordination, flexibility, and dance terminology.
DTVR 8--45 minute lessons--$107
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC T 9am CMH.SL2A 1/17 DTVR
ProvREC Th 5pm CMH.T13L 1/19 DTVR
SoRunREC Th 11:30am CMH.QQ4V 1/19 DTVR
(3-5 yrs.) Tots are introduced to basic hip hop steps and combinations. Class focuses on creativity, coordination, flexibility and fun. All moves are set to age-appropriate music.
DTVA 10--45 minute lessons--$132
DTVQ 10--45 minute lessons--$161
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
DTVR 8--45 minute lessons--$107
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Sa 1pm 370.0UUG 1/14 DTVQ
OakMarREC Su 12:45pm 370.43LR 1/8 DTVA
OakMarREC W 10:30am 370.8MPO 1/11 DTVR
SoRunREC W 11:30am 370.GMCW 1/18 DTVQ
SoRunREC F 11:30am 370.O23H 1/20 DTVQ
SoRunREC Th 9:30am 370.WTY7 1/19 DTVR
SoRunREC Th 4pm R5S.EZDK 1/19 4TA
SpHillREC Su 11am 370.JFCX 1/8 DTVQ
Wkfld/Moore F 4:30pm 370.HDMX 1/20 DTVA
(4-6 yrs.) Bollywood is a vibrant and entertaining style of dance from India featuring a combination of contem porary, hip hop and fusion moves. Students learn the grace and joy of rhythm to the latest Bollywood songs. Dress in loose-fitting clothing.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Su 10am N2F.DNKU 1/8 4TA
For questions or for a free Parktakes subscription, call 703-222-4664.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(4-5 yrs.) Two of our most popular classes are com bined into one! Step into the beat and break a sweat while having a dance party with Zumba. New dances and games are introduced every week to keep classes fun and exciting.
DTVQ 10--45 minute lessons--$161
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Th 11:15am 5E1.2H01 1/19 DTVQ
SpHillREC Th 5pm 5E1.QWT0 1/19 DTVQ
Let your child develop an appreciation for the arts in this combination class that progresses from simple tap and ballet moves to more advanced steps. Techniques in placement and flexibility are covered. Tap and ballet shoes, leotard and tights may be needed.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (2-3 yrs.)
Orng Hnt ES Sa 11am 9ZM.VWQC 1/14 4TA (4-5 yrs.)
Orng Hnt ES Sa 10:05am 2A4.UKJX 1/14 4TA
SoRunREC T 3:30pm 2A4.B5EJ 1/17 4TA
SoRunREC W 4pm 2A4.VYXZ 1/18 4TA
(2-3 yrs.) Youngsters dance and move in this class focusing on coordination, rhythm and creative play
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC T 9:15am 43B.ZQTE 1/17 4TA
Orng Hnt ES Sa 9:15am 43B.CRW9 1/14 4TA
SoRunREC T 2:30pm 43B.IS2H 1/17 4TA
(1-5 yrs.) Discover the joy of family music. Mixed-age grouping encourages siblings to interact togeth er in positive playful ways. Come sing, dance, play instruments and meet other young families. This is a parent-child interactive course.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC T 10:15am F1E.3K1L 1/17 4TA
Wkfld/Moore Sa 10am 962.YI16 1/14 4TA
Wkfld/Moore Su 9am 962.NWTQ 1/15 4TA
(2-5 yrs.) Students and parents are introduced to in strumental music through a group learning experience in this Learn Now Music class. Learn to read musical symbols and play songs in a relaxing, age-appropriate environment. $20 supply fee for instruments and music is payable to instructor at first class.
DTVC 10--30 minute lessons--$176
DTVN 8--30 minute lessons--$140
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Belle Vw ES Sa 10am 1F0.1GRK 1/14 DTVN
LeeREC Su 10am 1F0.4AU0 1/15 DTVC
MtVernREC Sa 10am 1F0.LQX4 1/14 DTVN
OakMarREC Su 10am 1F0.YPFQ 1/8 DTVN
ProvREC Su 10am 1F0.T4UV 1/8 DTVC
SoRunREC Sa 2:30pm 1F0.LPTX 1/14 DTVC
SpHillREC Su 4:30pm 1F0.5VP1 1/8 DTVC
Wkfld/Moore Su 2:15pm 1F0.Y2U1 1/15 DTVC
(2-5 yrs.) In this Learn Now Music class, students and their parents explore fun topics such as the farm, cooks in the kitchen, the sea, birds, animals, and parts of the body. Musical activities reinforce language repetition, speech development, greetings and goodbyes, verbal and physical counting, memory and reaction exercises, gross and fine motor skills, rhythm exercises and listen ing. $20 supply fee for instruments and music is payable to instructor at first class.
DTVC 10--30 minute lessons--$176
DTVN 8--30 minute lessons--$140
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Belle Vw ES Sa 10:35am T39.WEYQ 1/14 DTVN
LeeREC Su 10:35am T39.UI4J 1/15 DTVC
MtVernREC Sa 10:35am T39.N709 1/14 DTVN
OakMarREC Su 10:30am T39.JL1Y 1/8 DTVN
ProvREC Su 10:45am T39.5BS6 1/8 DTVC
SoRunREC Sa 3pm T39.OYUO 1/14 DTVC
SpHillREC Su 5pm T39.UI0B 1/8 DTVC
Your toddler will explore upbeat and mellow move ments, major and minor song keys, in a wide variety of genres, time signatures, and rhythms. Children and grown-ups sing, play percussive instruments and dance with props including parachutes, ribbons and scarves as they learn to express themselves through music. $5 supply/ride fee.
DTVM 8--45 minute lessons--$129
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (18-30 mos.)
Frying Pan Pk T 9:30am 326.SNZE 1/10 DTVM
Frying Pan Pk W 9:30am 326.N1RW 1/11 DTVM (24-42 mos.)
Frying Pan Pk T 10:30am 71E.XXO7 1/10 DTVM
Frying Pan Pk W 10:30am 71E.2VMD 1/11 DTVM
Kids develop gross motor skills and build self-confi dence, attention span and listening skills in a fun learn ing environment. Martial arts uniforms are required. Extra fee for belt testing.
4TC 8--45 minute lessons--$92
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
DMVE 10--30 minute lessons--$102
DMVF 10--45 minute lessons--$103
(4-6 yrs.) Prerequisite: Little Ninjas I or equivalent. Uniforms are required.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC Sa 2pm 4AF.J35Q 1/7 4TA
Fun is guaranteed when you and your tiny tot blast off in our play environment. Children love the games, songs and fingerplays. A great way to introduce young sters to interactive play. Adults must attend class. Socks required for everyone.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
4TC 8--45 minute lessons--$92
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (13-18 mos.)
LeeREC Sa 10:15am 334.UXNE 1/14 4TC
LeeREC Th 9:15am 334.080E 1/19 4TA (18-24 mos.)
LeeREC Sa 9:15am ABC.EUUY 1/14 4TC
LeeREC W 10:15am ABC.RRH9 1/18 4TA
Students are introduced to basic dance elements such as body, time, space, energy and action in a fun, positive environment. Classes ignite students’ imagination through creative games and stories, while focusing on muscle development, coordination, music and fun.
DTVQ 10--45 minute lessons--$161
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (2-3 yrs.)
LeeREC Sa 10am C6B.BPB7 1/14 DTVQ
SoRunREC W 9:30am C6B.W1EP 1/18 DTVQ
SoRunREC F 9:30am C6B.RL2E 1/20 DTV1 (3-5 yrs.)
SpHillREC T 4pm AFF.CYZA 1/17 DTVQ
A high-energy, adult/child activity class that includes songs, stories, parachutes, games, balls, and music. De velop coordination, muscle tone, balance, socialization and language skills. It is recommended that your child be walking. Adult participation is required.
DTVM 8--45 minute lessons--$129
Begin $ (3 yrs.)
Location Day Time Code
LdbyExFrOks Sa 11am 943.4P8U 1/14 DMVE (3-5 yrs.)
BlkBltFFX M 5:15pm 1B7.JH2H 1/9 DMVE
BlkBltFFX T 5:15pm 1B7.732M 1/10 DMVE
BlkBltFFX W 5:15pm 1B7.BN5L 1/11 DMVE
BlkBltFFX Th 5:15pm 1B7.GYKH 1/12 DMVE
LdbyExFrOks F 4:30pm 1B7.JXUL 1/13 DMVF (4-6 yrs.)
CubRunREC Su 10:15am TSJ.RBP9 1/15 4TC
OakMarREC Sa 1pm TSJ.7DYX 1/7 4TA
LdbyExFrOks T 6pm 415.O65C 1/10 DMVF
LdbyExFrOks W 4:30pm 415.CDO3 1/11 DMVF
LdbyExFrOks Th 6pm 415.8ZYV 1/12 DMVF
LdbyExFrOks Sa 11:30am 415.2J4G 1/14 DMVF
ProvREC Su 2pm 415.WCJ4 1/8 DMVF
SoRunREC Sa 11:15am 415.SL15 1/14 DMVE
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (11 mos.-4 yrs.)
SpHillREC Su 9:15am 61F.AKP6 1/8 DTVM
SpHillREC Th 9:15am 61F.TPXH 1/12 DTVM (1-2 yrs.)
SpHillREC Su 10:05am D21.9BP8 1/8 DTVM
SpHillREC Th 10:05am D21.IQKL 1/12 DTVM (2-3 yrs.)
SpHillREC Su 11am 504.591C 1/8 DTVM
SpHillREC Th 11am 504.JGJP 1/12 DTVM
We are hiring! Visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/jobs to learn more.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(2-5 yrs.) Children love this best-of class combining Let’s Make Music and Zoom Around the Room for a healthy dose of movement with songs and games. Activities include circle time, parachute, dancing, musical instrument exploration, obstacle courses and toddler games. Activities develop motor skills, balance, socialization and music appreciation.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC T 11:15am D66.ODLM 1/17 4TA
LeeREC Th 11:15am D66.X2CQ 1/19 4TA
SoRunREC W 10am D66.VEB7 1/18 4TA
Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am D66.NQ43 1/14 4TA
(2-5 yrs.) This fun Baroody Camps program fuses two things children love most-music and movement. Tots will have a blast developing their basic motor and social skills while participating in activities such as parachute, dancing and obstacle courses.
DTVQ 10--45 minute lessons--$161
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am UO4.8F3T 1/14 DTVQ
Wkfld/Moore W 9:30am UO4.A5TP 1/18 DTVQ
Wkfld/Moore F 9:30am UO4.DHJG 1/20 DTVQ
(2-5 yrs.) In this fun Baroody Camps program the pos sibilities are endless. Kids will traverse obstacle courses and play unique games tangled up in song. Adults must join in the fun and be present throughout the classes. Socks are required, fun ones recommended.
DTVQ 10--45 minute lessons--$161
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore Sa 12pm 01M.K3CA 1/14 DTVQ Wkfld/Moore W 10:30am 01M.IODX 1/18 DTVQ Wkfld/Moore F 10:30am 01M.461I 1/20 DTVQ
In this fun and safe environment, kids love the obstacle courses and creative games that are intermingled with songs and fingerplays. Lee REC classes held in unique soft play room. Adult must attend class. Socks required.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
4TC 8--45 minute lessons--$92
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (2 yrs.)
LeeREC Th 10:15am 421.28K0 1/19 4TA (2-5 yrs.)
LeeREC Sa 11:15am A7B.QS74 1/14 4TC
LeeREC W 9:15am A7B.UREA 1/18 4TA
LeeREC W 11:15am A7B.CZRA 1/18 4TA
LeeREC F 9:15am A7B.FGDO 1/20 4TA
Wkfld/Moore Su 11am A7B.8TZO 1/15 4TA
(3-5 yrs.) Children love making discoveries while conducting hands-on experiments. Projects encour age self-exploration of science. Additional supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
4TC 8--45 minute lessons--$92
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC M 10am 661.NWD0 1/16 4TC
(3-6 yrs.) This series of classes introduces children to science in fun, interactive and age-appropriate ways. Children learn about geology, chemistry, biology and nature through activities to ensure that children have fun and build a foundation for a love of science and learning. Each class includes a note for the parents about what was taught and how lessons can be contin ued at home.
DTV9 8--55 minute lessons--$177
DXVJ 6--55 minute lessons--$131
CubRunREC Sa 10am YMM.78KE 1/14 DXVJ
ProvREC Su 10am YMM.NURQ 1/8 DTV9
Wkfld/Moore Sa 10am YMM.OKRG 1/21 DTV9
Beginning Athletes in Team Sports (4-5 yrs.) This high-energy class introduces kids to a variety of sports including soccer, basketball and flag football, and an assortment of other activities. Kids have fun learning new sports while emphasizing teamwork.
DTVF 8--45 minute lessons--$133
DTVQ 10--45 minute lessons--$161
CubRunREC F 10am FC7.3IV2 1/20 DTVF
LeeREC M 10:30am FC7.AQLZ 1/16 DTVQ
RollValy ES Su 11am FC7.7G72 1/15 DTVF
SoRunREC M 10am FC7.KE2Y 1/16 DTVQ
SoRunREC F 10am FC7.MVTP 1/20 DTVQ
SpHillREC W 6pm FC7.VBIC 1/11 DTVQ
Woodbrn ES Sa 9am FC7.POWD 1/7 DTVQ
Children will learn basketball skills and techniques including passing, shooting, dribbling and other fundamentals. Class includes scrimmages to reinforce teamwork. Classes held at schools may be indoors.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$119
DTVD 10--55 minute lessons--$132
DTVF 8--45 minute lessons--$133
DTVI 10--45 minute lessons--$136
DTVM 8--45 minute lessons--$129
DTVQ 10--45 minute lessons--$161
Belle Vw ES Sa 9am EFA.HGXV 1/14 DTVQ
Cub Run ES Sa 10am EFA.Q2G9 1/14 4SM
Cub Run ES Sa 12pm EFA.PK6K 1/14 4SM
Kings Pk ES Su 9am EFA.NZRF 1/22 DTVM
LeeREC M 9:30am EFA.SG8K 1/16 DTVQ
Oakton ES Sa 10:30am EFA.KPVW 1/7 DTVQ
Oakton ES Su 10am EFA.S47B 1/8 DTVQ
Orng Hnt
Orng Hnt
Sa 9am EFA.NJ3W 1/14 DTVQ
9am EFA.VJKH 1/15 DTVQ
5pm EFA.4O4B 1/12 DTVD
Kids kick into action in this class emphasizing coordina tion through skill development and teamwork. Athletic shoes required. Bring a ball. ProvRec and classes held in the schools may be held indoors using soft soccer balls.
4TC 8--45 minute lessons--$92
DTVD 10--55 minute lessons--$132
DTVF 8--45 minute lessons--$133
DTVQ 10--45 minute lessons--$161
SoRunREC Sa 2pm 4BE.BL21 1/14 4TC
SoRunREC Su 10am SFC.4WXX 1/15 DTVF
SoRunREC T 9:30am SFC.Y81E 1/17 DTVF
SoRunREC W 10am SFC.3VTG 1/18 DTVF
Sully CommCtr F 11am SFC.1CP8 1/13 DTVF (4-5 yrs.)
SoRunREC Sa 1pm 5C6.I0VT 1/14 4TC
CubRunREC Th 4:30pm 39V.A6NU 1/19 DTVF
LeeREC M 11:30am 39V.LRGA 1/16 DTVQ
Oakton ES Sa 2:30pm 39V.CNSO 1/7 DTVQ
RollValy ES Sa 11am 39V.NIZC 1/14 DTVQ
RollValy ES Su 9am 39V.8LDY 1/15 DTVQ
SoRunREC Su 11am 39V.XLW3 1/15 DTVF
SoRunREC T 10:30am 39V.ALEW 1/17 DTVF
SoRunREC W 11am 39V.UAID 1/18 DTVF
SpHillREC Sa 9am 39V.VZ7M 1/7 DTVD
SpHillREC Sa 10am 39V.N3PY 1/7 DTVD
SpHillREC Su 9am 39V.M258 1/8 DTVD
SpHillREC Su 10am 39V.J6FZ 1/8 DTVD
SpHillREC M 4pm 39V.H9RY 1/9 DTVD
SpHillREC T 4pm 39V.UEDT 1/10 DTVD
Sully CommCtr Th 10am 39V.343B 1/12 DTVF
(2-3 yrs.) In these “Cubs” classes, soccer is used to help develop balance, agility, coordination, color recognition and numerical learning. Students will increase confi dence and social skills in a fun and relaxed environ ment. Focus is on core technical foundations, receiving the ball, passing, and dribbling. These core foundations provide the building blocks for future success. Parent Participation is preferred.
6pm EFA.MDT5 1/13 DTVF (4-5 yrs.) Parent & child
CubRunREC F 11am 176.3K2R 1/20 DTVF
LeeREC Sa 9:30am 176.WGBR 1/14 DTVI
Wkfld/Moore Sa 10am 176.P291 1/14 DTVD
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(3-4 yrs.) In these “Lions” classes, soccer is used to help develop balance, agility, coordination, color recognition and numerical learning. Students increase confidence and social skills in a fun and relaxed environment. Focus is on the core technical foundations, receiving the ball, passing, and dribbling. Technical areas are also integrat ed such as differing foot surfaces for kicking, team play, shooting and throwing/catching.
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Sa 10:05am 38C.696F 1/14 DTVJ
LeeREC W 10am 38C.U04L 1/18 DTVJ
Challenger International Soccer Academy (4-6 yrs.) Players will get to train with our coaches and work on core skills such as shooting, dribbling and pass ing while working on balance, coordination, agility and teambuilding. Practices only have one goal--to develop and improve each player both on and off the field, with no emphasis on winning, Practices are taken from our age-specific developmental curriculum designed by experts from around the world.
DTVJ 8--55 minute lessons--$149
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LeeREC Sa 11:05am E08.XH9Q 1/14 DTVJ
Little Tennis I (3-5 yrs.) Kids learn tennis basics and coordination through skill development and teamwork. Tennis shoes and racquets required.
Location Day Time Code Begin $
RollValy ES Sa 9am KUB.GMKA 1/14 DTVQ
SoRunREC M 9am KUB.8T5I 1/16 DTVQ
(18 mos.-3 yrs.) Class focuses on flexibility, body awareness and coordination. Designed to enhance the physical and mental well-being of children. Parent must participate with child.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LeeREC F 11:30am 1E3.WGTV 1/20 4TA
(18 mos.-3 yrs.) Youngsters are introduced to floor exercises and balance beam moves that incorporates creative movement, listening skills, and gross motor development . Equipment varies at each site. An adult must participate with the child
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
DTVL 10--45 minute lessons--$187
DTVP 8--45 minute lessons--$152
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC T 9:15am 088.KN21 1/17 4TA
Wkfld/Moore Sa 3pm 088.J174 1/14 4TA
Wkfld/Moore Sa 9am 088.K1D6 1/14 4TA
Wkfld/Moore Su 3pm 088.Q9W3 1/15 4TA
LeeREC Sa 9:15am IBA.A8NL 1/14 DTVP
LeeREC Su 10:15am IBA.XU8P 1/15 DTVP
LeeREC W 10:15am IBA.8ZN5 1/18 DTVP
ProvREC Sa 9am IBA.NLMY 1/7 DTVL
ProvREC Sa 12pm IBA.OGT1 1/7 DTVL
Wkfld/Moore Sa 12pm IBA.6Y4K 1/14 DTVP
An exciting challenge for children interested in gym nastics that incorporates creative movement, listening skills, and gross motor development. Youngsters will be introduced to floor exercises and balance beam moves. Equipment varies at each site.
DTVQ 10--45 minute lessons--$161
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109
4TC 8--55 minute lessons--$92
DTVL 10--45 minute lessons--$187
DTVP 8--45 minute lessons--$152
CubRunREC Sa 10am 2B8.9287 1/14 4TC
CubRunREC Th 10am 2B8.FQIV 1/19 4TC
LeeREC Sa 8:30am 2B8.HXMZ 1/14 4TA
MtVernREC Sa 8:30am 2B8.17Y9 1/14 4TA
OakMarREC M 10:35am 2B8.6L3G 1/9 4TA
OakMarREC M 11:25am 2B8.8CE4 1/9 4TA
OakMarREC F 10:40am BWO.FKXT 1/13 DTVL
OakMarREC F 11:30am BWO.LR3G 1/13 DTVL (3-5 yrs.)
LeeREC T 10:15am E42.51YU 1/17 4TA
OakMarREC M 12:15pm E42.5ZJ8 1/9 4TA
Wkfld/Moore Su 10am E42.6IS7 1/15 4TA
LeeREC Sa 10:15am UR8.OELC 1/14 DTVP
LeeREC Sa 12:45pm UR8.2S19 1/14 DTVP
LeeREC Su 9:15am UR8.7BT4 1/15 DTVP
LeeREC W 9:15am UR8.EOJS 1/18 DTVP
OakMarREC F 12:20pm UR8.2YO6 1/13 DTVL
ProvREC Sa 10am UR8.RR83 1/7 DTVL
SoRunREC Su 1:30pm UR8.I36B 1/15 DTVP
Wkfld/Moore Sa 10am UR8.ZPDA 1/14 DTVP
Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am UR8.FF5J 1/14 DTVP (4-5 yrs.)
CubRunREC Sa 11am 094.1LGO 1/14 4TC
CubRunREC Th 11am 094.3PYV 1/19 4TC
LeeREC Sa 9:30am 094.351K 1/14 4TA
LeeREC Sa 10:30am 094.QWMS 1/14 4TA
LeeREC T 11:15am 094.4YZ1 1/17 4TA
MtVernREC Sa 9:30am 094.CXZ6 1/14 4TA
MtVernREC Sa 10:30am 094.GWHU 1/14 4TA
OakMarREC M 1:05pm 094.STP5 1/9 4TA
OakMarREC M 9:45am 094.SDLK 1/9 4TA
Wkfld/Moore Su 2pm 094.R0GQ 1/15 4TA
Wkfld/Moore Su 12pm 094.VK24 1/15 4TA
OakMarREC F 9am M3Q.GLDP 1/13 DTVQ
OakMarREC F 9:50am M3Q.OJ91 1/13 DTVQ
ProvREC Sa 11am M3Q.TIZ5 1/7 DTVL
SoRunREC Sa 1pm M3Q.RJBA 1/14 DTVP
(4-6 yrs.) Children roll right into this stimulating class that introduces them to basic tumbling moves and skills. A great way to reinforce social concepts of taking turns and following directions with skill-oriented activi ties that enhance balance, strength and coordination.
4TA 10--45 minute lessons--$109 DTVL 10--45 minute lessons--$187 DTVP 8--45 minute lessons--$152
Wkfld/Moore Sa 1pm D57.YA2O 1/14 4TA
Wkfld/Moore Sa 2pm D57.CP24 1/14 4TA
Wkfld/Moore Su 1pm D57.AXGW 1/15 4TA
LeeREC M 4:15pm RD2.24X3 1/16 DTVP
LeeREC W 11:15am RD2.0HC5 1/18 DTVP
ProvREC W 6pm RD2.DK9R 1/11 DTVL
We are hiring!
www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/jobs to learn more.
• All dance instructors have different teaching styles.
• Ballet classes require ballet attire (leotard, tights and appropriate shoes.)
• For other classes, be sure to wear comfortable clothing. Any clothing requirements will be discussed at the first class.
• Check the listings for information on couples-only classes.
• Instructional aids, publications and tapes may be available for optional purchase in some dance classes.
• Some classes may have supply fees so check class descriptions for details. Any supply fees are payable to instructor at first class and are non-refundable.
(13-Adult) For students who have danced before or those who wish to learn. This class is a unique combina tion of ballet fundamentals and stretching.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Bucknell ES Th 8pm 61A.CMAT 1/19 4PA
MtVernREC Th 8pm 61A.DHSG 1/19 4PA
(5-7 yrs.) Introduction to basic ballet positions. Frequent shifts between ballet activities, creative movement and other activities keep children engaged in learning.
DPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$91
DPVK 10--55 minute lessons--$173
DPVJ 10--55 minute lessons--$144
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Deer Pk ES Th 4:30pm HLE.JEA5 1/12 DPDA
LeeREC Sa 12pm 408.G07N 1/14 DPVK
Wkfld/Moore Sa 9:55am 408.JJ85 1/14 DPVJ
Basic ballet fundamentals help develop self-confidence, posture and body awareness. It is recommended that students purchase shoes, leotard and tights after the first session.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
CPVF 8--55 minute lessons--$115
DPDA 8--55 minute lessons--$91
DPVJ 10--55 minute lessons--$144
DPVK 10--55 minute lessons--$173
DPVN 8--55 minute lessons--$138
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (5-7 yrs.)
Belle Vw ES Sa 11:30am S5F.0F4E 1/14 4PA
MtVernREC Sa 11:30am S5F.OUZ1 1/14 4PA
SoRunREC W 5pm S5F.3OSN 1/18 4PA
Belle Vw ES Sa 10am 2BE.U53I 1/14 DPVK
Belle Vw
Sandburg MS W 5:30pm 2BE.X7BR 1/18 CPVF
SoRunREC Su 12pm 2BE.TQED 1/15 CPVF
SoRunREC M 4:05pm 2BE.YEIU 1/16 CPVF
SpHillREC W 6pm 2BE.B36V 1/18 DPVK (6-12 yrs.)
Deer Pk ES Th 5:30pm 5KA.AFCK 1/12 DPDA (10-14 yrs.)
Deer Pk ES Th 6:30pm 96S.HMEF 1/12 DPDA (13-Adult)
Wkfld/Moore T 8pm 63B.ZP4R 1/17 4PA
Ballet & Tap (6-8 yrs.) Introduction to basic steps and movements.
CPVF 8--55 minute lessons--$115
DPVK 10--55 minute lessons--$173
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC Sa 10:40am 116.ABW7 1/14 CPVF
SpHillREC Su 10am 116.E4HE 1/8 DPVK
Students are introduced to dance forms such as ballet, jazz and tap.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
CPVF 8--55 minute lessons--$115
CPVL 8--55 minute lessons--$157
DPVJ 10--55 minute lessons--$144
DPVK 10--55 minute lessons--$173
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (5-8 yrs.)
LeeREC Su 11:15am 3A9.FIE1 1/15 CPVL
OakMarREC Su 11:45am 3A9.K3EU 1/8 DPVJ
SoRunREC Su 11am 3A9.YHE6 1/15 CPVF (6-12 yrs.)
Bucknell ES Th 6pm 3EE.RNGD 1/19 4PA
MtVernREC Th 6pm 3EE.XG10 1/19 4PA
Orng Hnt ES Sa 12pm 3EE.IE04 1/14 4PA
SoRunREC T 4:30pm 3EE.TTEP 1/17 4PA
SoRunREC W 6pm 3EE.GLX0 1/18 4PA
(8-12 yrs.)
Belle Vw ES Sa 1pm 764.B8XS 1/14 DPVK
Belle Vw ES Sa 11am 764.D08D 1/14 DPVK
MtVernREC W 7:30pm 764.VHR4 1/18 CPVF
Sandburg MS W 7:30pm 764.ICRR 1/18 CPVF
Get into the beat with the latest street dances. These routines are great for exercise, coordination, balance and flexibility.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
CPVF 8--55 minute lessons--$115
8--55 minute lessons--$157
10--55 minute lessons--$144
10--55 minute
(5-7 yrs.)
LeeREC Sa 9am 209.GKLZ 1/14
MtVernREC W 6:30pm 209.OPMA 1/18 CPVF
OakMarREC Su 1:35pm 209.B8VH 1/8 DPVJ
ProvREC Sa 2pm 209.3UAI 1/14 DPVK
ProvREC F 6pm 209.F5XV 1/20 DPVK
Sandburg MS W 6:30pm 209.6YBT 1/18 CPVF
SoRunREC Su 10am 209.R6DA 1/15 CPVF
SoRunREC M 5:05pm 209.HZ6B 1/16 CPVF
SpHillREC Th 6pm 209.ETEG 1/19 DPVK Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am 209.E36M 1/14 DPVJ
Wkfld/Moore T 6pm 209.U47Q 1/17 DPVK
Wkfld/Moore F 5:30pm 209.3T4G 1/20 DPVJ (8-13 yrs.)
LeeREC Su 12:15pm 085.JYZG 1/15 CPVL
OakMarREC Su 2:35pm 085.JWWO 1/8 DPVJ
ProvREC Sa 3pm 085.J2IE 1/14 DPVK
ProvREC F 7pm 085.7HIQ 1/20 DPVK
SoRunREC M 6:05pm 085.KTX3 1/16 CPVF
Wkfld/Moore Sa 12pm 085.7FCK 1/14 DPVJ
Wkfld/Moore T 7pm 085.VUZY 1/17 DPVK
Wkfld/Moore F 6:30pm 085.SG4P 1/20 DPVJ (8-17 yrs.)
Bucknell ES Th 7pm B4A.W0ON 1/19 4PA
MtVernREC Th 7pm B4A.00EJ 1/19 4PA
(13-Adult) Street Jazz combines jazz, hip hop and funk. Students learn a new, upbeat choreo each week set to pop music influenced by jazz technique and street dance grooves.
DPVJ 10--55 minute lessons--$144
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore F 7:30pm 5MC.I6L7 1/13 DPVJ
(13-Adult) For students with some experience. A more complex class than Tap I.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Su 7pm D94.QI9H 1/15 4PA
(13-Adult) Learn to be light on your feet through basic steps, tap combinations and routines. This adult tap dance class provides exercise, rhythm and fun.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Su 6pm C3B.K2RK 1/15 4PA
(13-Adult) This class introduces you to traditional American ballroom dance basics. Learn proper dance position and how to lead and follow. Dances include foxtrot, waltz, rumba and cha-cha. Each student must register.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Singles & Couples
Wkfld/Moore T 6:30pm 162.I592 1/17 4PA Wkfld/Moore F 6:30pm 162.HX8T 1/20 4PA
LeeREC Th 8:10pm A6D.WSPR 1/19 4PA
SoRunREC F 6pm AD6.ZIJR 1/20 4PA
SpHillREC Su 3pm A6D.3T3G 1/8 4PA
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Ballroom I or equivalent. Each student must register.
2PA 6--55 minute lessons--$76
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Singles & Couples
SoRunREC F 7pm 956.LHFR 1/20 4PA
Couples only
Frying Pan Pk T 7pm 25B.92MX 1/10 2PA
LeeREC Th 8:10pm 25B.M8FN 1/19 4PA
SpHillREC Su 4pm 25B.VRKH 1/8 4PA
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Ballroom II or equivalent. Each student must register.
2PA 6--55 minute lessons--$76
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC F 8pm
Frying Pan
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Ballroom III or equivalent. Each student must register.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Couples only
LeeREC M 8:10pm DAD.SI5G 1/16 4PA
(13-Adult) This fun and exciting class combines low, moderate and high energy dance routines from differ ent decades. No experience or partner necessary.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
DPVK 10--55 minute lessons--$173
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore M 6:30pm 7D2.1DDC 1/16 4PA
SpHillREC T 11am W7D.FI3J 1/10 DPVK
SpHillREC F 6pm W7D.MS2F 1/13 DPVK
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Level I. Take your line dance skills up a notch with fun dances from many decades that include more complex choreography. Building on the skills learned in Level I, this class will improve agility, reaction time, and balance. No partner is necessary.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC T 7:30pm 6L5.BINA 1/17 4PA Wkfld/Moore M 7:30pm 6L5.0V0B 1/16 4PA
(13-Adult) Designed with the non-dancer in Learn waltz, rumba, foxtrot, tango, swing, cha-cha and merengue basics. Partners encouraged, singles wel come. Each student must register.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
DPBC 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$136
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Card Fst ES Th 8:30pm 6D1.Y7OK 1/12 DPBC
ProvREC Th 7:30pm 6D1.IPN4 1/12 4PA Woodson HS T 7pm 6D1.031P 1/10 DPBC
Social Dance-Basic Survival II (13-Adult) Prerequisite: Social Dance Basic Survival I, Ballroom I or equivalent. Continue expanding skills learned in level I. Partners encouraged, singles wel come. Each student must register.
DPBC 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$136
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Woodson HS T 8:30pm 7A3.NG4Y 1/10 DPBC
(13-Adult) For those who have completed Social Dance/Basic Survival II, Ballroom Dance II or equivalent. This class introduces additional advanced-level patterns in all dances plus additional dances. Each student must register.
DPBC 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$136
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Card Fst ES Th 7pm 50D.BJXG 1/12 DPBC
(13-Adult) This program allows students the oppor tunity to practice dance steps learned in your classes.
Each week will feature a different dance beginning with a brief review. Week 1 is Ballroom-Beginners. Week 2 is West/East coast swing. Week 3 is Latin Dance-Salsa, Bachata, Merengue. Week 4 is Ballroom-All levels.
2PC 4--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$52
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore Th 6:30pm MKQ.F73R 1/19 2PC Wkfld/Moore Th 6:30pm MKQ.OMAM 2/16 2PC
(13-Adult) Learn basic swing and jitterbug steps. Each student must register.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $ ProvREC Th 6:30pm 35B.NHFQ 1/12 4PA Wkfld/Moore Sa 4pm 35B.JR3V 1/14 4PA
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Swing Dance I or equivalent. Each student must register.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC Su 4:30pm 64A.UDOJ 1/8 4PA
West Coast Swing (13-Adult) Danced to slower blues music, this slotted dance allows for more freedom and playfulness while
We are hiring! Visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/jobs to learn more.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Bachata (13-Adult) Learn this popular, Dominican Republic dance that combines movements and turn patterns with some of the most exciting Argentine tango, chacha and salsa elements.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC Su 5:30pm 872.SDL5 1/8 4PA Wkfld/Moore Sa 5pm 872.YU2O 1/14 4PA
Latin Dancing I (13-Adult) Learn the basic figures and turns from the three most popular dances at salsa clubs - salsa, meren gue, and bachata. Students will learn how to distinguish each dance’s music and how to add a little bit of style into your dancing. For singles or couples, each student must register.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $ ProvREC Sa 5pm 7BF.Y3IM 1/7 4PA SpHillREC Su 2pm 7BF.6VGA 1/8 4PA
(13-Adult) Learn salsa basics and dance to current Latin hits. Each student must register.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC Su 6:30pm 375.7SCS 1/8 4PA Wkfld/Moore F 7:30pm 375.T0DG 1/20 4PA
Hula Dance-Beginning (13-Adult) Learn basic hula foot and hand motions and incorporate them into dances. Students should wear loose-fitting skirts.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
dancing with your partner, especially for the women who do expressive swivel walks and hip swings. Singles are welcome, partners are recommended.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC Su 3:30pm FEF.69E5 1/8 4PA Wkfld/Moore T 7:30pm FEF.BX15 1/17 4PA
(13-Adult) Learn the latest in basic country dancing in this fun, relaxed setting. Singles and couples welcome.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Sa 3pm 706.QKV2 1/14 4PA
Beginning I (13-Adult) A variety of country and western line danc es. Singles and couples welcome.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk W 6pm 607.94DQ 1/11 4PA
LeeREC Sa 4pm 607.4ZHD 1/14 4PA
OakMarREC Su 3pm 607.20X5 1/8 4PA
Beginning II (13-Adult) Prerequisite: Country & Western Line Dance Beginning I or equivalent.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Frying Pan Pk W 7pm C8C.E83M 1/11 4PA LeeREC Sa 5pm C8C.RDPL 1/14 4PA OakMarREC Su 4pm C8C.G6YI 1/8 4PA
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Country & Western Line Danc ing Beginning II or equivalent.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC Su 5pm 742.BO3X 1/8 4PA
Intermediate II (13-Adult) Prerequisite: Country & Western Line Danc ing Intermediate I or equivalent.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC Su 6pm 81E.OF0K 1/8 4PA
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC Su 2pm DA9.KP0B 1/8 4PA
Hula Dance-Intermediate (13-Adult) Prerequisite: Hula I or equivalent. Wear loose-fitting skirts.
4PA 10--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC Su 3pm FAF.JT73 1/8 4PA
(13-Adult) Join the fun and get in shape while learning the magic and mystery of the oldest dance form.
CPVF 8--55 minute lessons--$115
Location Day Time Code Begin $ ProvREC F 11:30am Y21.8PHW 1/20 CPVF
Bollywood Style Dance (6-12 yrs.) Bollywood is a vibrant and entertaining style of dance from India featuring a combination of contemporary, hip hop and fusion moves. Students learn the grace and joy of rhythm to the latest Bolly wood songs. Dress in loose-fitting clothing.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$100
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC Su 11am OB4.JD5G 1/8 3PA
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(The following tours were advertised in the Fall Parktakes and are not eligible for early registration discounts.)
Saturday, December 3
Fee: $229 Code: SV1.06FK
(5-Adult) Every winter, the Potomac Eagle Scenic Railroad brings families the journey of a lifetime on a magical Christmas train ride. Experience the holidays with newfound joy as you and your children board our train and get whisked away to the North Pole and pick up Santa Clause to save Christmas. From caroling, to milk and cookies, hot cocoa and cider, everyone can relive the magic this winter. Come see what else you’ll experience when you ride the North Pole Express train! Bus pickup/return schedule: Lee District Rec Centerdepart 12 p.m., return 10 p.m.; Fair Oaks Mall - depart 12:30 p.m., return 9:30 p.m. Trip cancellation deadline: November 18, 2022.
Wednesday, December 7
Fee: $129 Code: BB3.1DFQ
(Adults) Longwood Gardens’ holiday wonderland sparkles with more than 500,000 twinkling lights, spec tacular performing fountains, festive floral displays, and live music. Includes motor coach, garden admission, and tour. Meals are BYO or at the site cafe. Bus departs from Green Spring Gardens at 11 a.m. and returns at 11 p.m. Trip cancellation deadline is November 23, 2022.
For departure and return schedules, weather related information and/or schedule changes, call the Tours Hotline at 703-324-8687 (703-324-TOUR) for recorded information. Email tours@fairfaxcounty.gov and au tomatically receive a list of upcoming tours or call the Program Coordinator at 703-324-5611 and leave your name and address.
Transportation: Transportation is either by char tered motor coach equipped with reclining seats and restroom or by a small bus or van. Arrive at your departure location 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time a location and do not wait for the bus inside businesses or nearby establishments. Call 703222-4664 for additional details and tour reservations.
Bus Seating: Registered participants may select seats on a first-come first-served basis. Usually, two seats adjacent to the driver are reserved for the trip escort and a tour guide (if needed) as well as a few other seats for interpreters (when needed), in the rare case of a defective seat or for persons who may experience mo tion sickness. The trip escort will try to accommodate requests for special seating when possible. Bus seating will be socially distanced, and masks will be required while riding on the bus.
Age Parameters: All minors must be accompanied by an adult. Only children age 5 and older may travel by motor coach.
Alcohol: No kegs, opened cans or glass containers are allowed on the bus. No large coolers are allowed unless the cooler can be positioned on the back seat
Saturday, December 10
Fee: $239 Code: SP1.KCX6
(5-Adult) Celebrate the winter holidays with candle filled streets and decorated store fronts throughout Colonial Williamsburg. The unforgettable night features fireworks, music and candlelit buildings. All events are outdoors so dress appropriately for the evening weath er. Includes motor coach. Bus pickup/return schedule: Fair Oaks Mall- depart 9 a.m., return 12 a.m.; Lee District Rec Center - depart 9:30 a.m., return 11:30 p.m. Trip cancellation deadline: November 25, 2022.
so that it does not take away a seat from any passen ger. Damage or spillage from a cooler can stain coach seat upholstery and compromise bus cleanliness and appearance.
Registration: Tour reservations may be made by phone at 703-222-4664, through Parktakes online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes, or complet ing the form in the back of Parktakes to register by mail or fax. Payment can be made by check, or by Master Card, Visa or Discover. Registrations are accepted on, a first-come, first-served basis until the trip is filled.
Discounts: Early registration discounts apply only to tours first advertised in this issue of Parktakes. Senior discount fees do not apply to tours. The class scholar ship policies also do not apply to tours.
People with Disabilities: Participants requiring ADA accommodations must call 703-324-8563 at least 10 business days in advance of the scheduled activity. TTY Va. Relay 711.
Cancelations: The FCPA reserve the right to cancel a trip due to low enrollment and/or other circumstances. If a trip is canceled, all registrants will be notified, and all fees will be refunded to your Parktakes account. Trips are not canceled due to inclement weather unless you are notified by phone. Call 703-324-TOUR (8687) for emergency weather instructions.
Refund Policy: Refunds, credits or transfers for day trips are allowed up to 14 days prior to the trip date. Cancelation/refund requests received 13 or fewer days prior to the trip date will not be granted because of bus company and vendor deadlines. For trips requiring de posits, the deposit is nonrefundable. You can, however,
(The following tours are new in this issue are eligible for early registration discounts.)
Includes motor coach and admission.
The annual PHS Philly Flower Show is back inside! The Philadelphia Flower Show is the nation’s largest and longest-running horticultural event. It features stun ning displays by some of the world’s premier floral and landscape designers. Immerse yourself in the spec tacular and decadent floral displays and the exciting, energetic and passionate side of flowers, gardens and horticulture. Bring a lunch or enjoy the atmosphere and food at the Reading Terminal Market located across the street. Trip cancellation deadline: February 17, 2023.
Saturday, Mar. 4 Fee: $223 Code: 4E0.KY7F
Friday, Mar. 10 Fee: $223 Code: 4E0.KYOI
Mar. 4 and Mar. 10 .Bus pick-up/return schedule: Fair Oaks Mall-depart 7 a.m., return 8 p.m.; Mason Govern ment Center-depart 7:30 a.m., return 7:30 p.m.: Lee District Rec Center-depart 8 a.m., return 7 p.m.
Monday, Mar. 6 Fee: $159 Code: A19.21KH
Mar. 6 Bus pick-up/return schedule: trip departs Green Spring Garden Gardens at 8 a.m. and returns at 8 p.m.
Wednesday, Mar. 8 Fee: $159 Code: A19.YJT1
Mar. 8 Bus pick-up/return schedule: trip departs Green Spring Gardens at 10 a.m. and returns at 10 p.m.
For more information, email tours@fairfaxcounty.gov.
substitute another person in your place.
The FCPA retains the right to decline, accept or retain any person as a member of a trip when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the health, safety or general welfare of the tour group or the individual concerned.
Schedule times are approximate. Reasonable substi tutions for some items included in the printed trip description may be necessary in certain cases. Refunds are not given for delays or changes in the itinerary due to weather, traffic, security delays, crowds, mechanical breakdown, or other factors beyond the Park Authori ty’s control. FCPA is not liable for cost of tickets, meals or expenses due to schedule changes.
Confirmation and Itinerary: The week before a trip, you will receive an itinerary in the mail.
Fair Oaks Mall
(lot #1 across from the Marriott Hotel in the Macy’s lot), Rts. 66 and 50, Fairfax
Green Spring Gardens 4603 Green Spring Rd., Alexandria
Lee District Rec Center 6601 Telegraph Rd., Franconia (park in lower parking lot by gym)
Mason Government Center (park along the fence) 6507 Columbia Pike, Annandale
All programs and activities will follow
safety protocols.
2709 West Ox Road Herndon, Va. 20171 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/frying-pan-park 703-437-9101
• Indoor and outdoor riding arenas
• Jump equipment
• Dressage ring
• Cross-country course
• Brand-new sound system
• Horse shows
• State-of-the-art barns with stalls for 150 horses. Due to the heavy use of indoor riding arena, please call for availability and cost. Frying Pan Farm Park does not have horses for rent. For show schedules, entry forms and rental details visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ fryingpanpark.
9500 Furnace Road Lorton, Va. 22079
• Large, multi-purpose outdoor arena with all-weath er footing
• Stadium jumps and dressage markers
• Trails for horse and bicycle riding
• Available dawn to dusk
• Private lessons, horse schooling and riding practice allowed
• Reservations are not required
• Use of the equestrian center is free of charge
• There are currently no horses for rent on the
• property
Please note that if you are unable to attend class, you must notify the stable at least one day in advance. Please check with the stable; a make-up fee may be charged. For safety reasons, students must wear riding helmets and hard-soled shoes with a heel, not athletic shoes.
All classes at Frying Pan Farm Park are taught by Spirit Open Equestrian Program, Inc. (www.spirite questrian.org) and offer a safe and fun equestrian program for people of all ages and abilities. Classes are held outdoors and indoors depending on facility availability. All riders should arrive 15 minutes prior to class, wear long pants, shoes or boots with heels and dress for the weather. Helmets are mandatory, you may bring your own or one will be provided. All participants must fill out paperwork prior to the first class. Download forms at www.fairfaxcounty. gov/parks/fpp/equest.htm. Classes will be con ducted with current, appropriate health and safety precautions.
(4-Adult) Class is open to new and returning students and is for riders with developmental, emotional, neu rological and physical disabilities. Therapeutic riding contributes positively each rider’s well-being, teaching safe and effective horsemanship in a group setting. Each lesson is tailored to the rider’s abilities and focuses on development of balance, gross and fine motor skills, confidence and communication. A medical form is required by SPIRIT for participation.
DHAF 8--45 minute lessons--$799
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk M 6pm 1F7.5TWY 1/9 DHAF
Frying Pan Pk T 6pm 1F7.R3U2 1/10 DHAF
Frying Pan Pk Th 6pm 1F7.Z594 1/12 DHAF
(4-Adult) Prerequisite: Students must have taken Therapeutic Horseback Riding I for three consecutive sessions. Advancement is based on the rider’s abilities, needs and personal progress. Each lesson is tailored to the rider’s abilities. A medical form is required by Spirit for participation.
DHAF 8--45 minute lessons--$799
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk M 7pm JIJ.3NMN 1/9 DHAF
Frying Pan Pk T 7pm JIJ.K3X8 1/10 DHAF
Frying Pan Pk Th 7pm JIJ.3M7T 1/12 DHAF
925 Springvale Road Great Falls, Va. 22066 703-388-2807
• Former dairy farm
• Almost 40 acres of open fields enclosed by perime ter fencing
• Open for general riding
• Novice-level, cross-country course
• Water, ditch and bank complexes
• Round pen
• Large multi-purpose outdoor arena
• All-weather footing
• Stadium jumps
• Dressage markers
• Reservations are not required
• Use of the equestrian center is free of charge
• Available dawn to dusk
• May be reserved for shows or events
• There are currently no horses for rent on the
• property
(8-14 yrs) For the student who has never taken lessons and wants to learn the basics.
DHAF 8--45 minute lessons--$799
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk M 6pm 15F.Y2LJ 1/9 DHAF
Frying Pan Pk M 7pm 15F.UK8E 1/9 DHAF
Frying Pan Pk T 6pm 15F.WH1N 1/10 DHAF
Frying Pan Pk T 7pm 15F.BBZ1 1/10 DHAF
Frying Pan Pk Th 6pm 15F.X6W7 1/12 DHAF
Frying Pan Pk Th 7pm 15F.42KS 1/12 DHAF
Horseback Riding-Advanced Beginner (8-14 yrs.) Prerequisite: Students must have taken Horseback Riding Beginning for three consecutive sessions. Riders will build on skills learned in level I.
DHAF 8--45 minute lessons--$799
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk W 6pm GR4.5GN2 1/11 DHAF
Frying Pan Pk W 7pm GR4.BNGS 1/11 DHAF
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Farm Skills - Dairy (7-14 yrs.) Come learn about Dairy cows on one of the last working Dairy farms in Fairfax County! See our cow get milked, feed our cows, dive into the history of Dairy farming, and what it takes to get milk to make your favorite dairy products.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Frying Pan Pk Sa 3:45pm V35.9KTA 1/28 $8/child
Animal Tea Party (4-7 yrs.) Join us for a cozy tea party on the farm! Bring your favorite stuffed animal, help us decorate for the party, and read a story. We will enjoy drinks and cookies in a special environmentally friendly tea set and meet one of our animals.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Frying Pan Pk Su 2:30pm M3W.OXYH 2/5 $8/child
Frying Pan Pk Su 4pm M3W.N7QG 2/5 $8/child
(14-Adult) Few things changed the life of the farm family more than the radio did in the 1920’s. Join us for a tour through history using the sounds of our antique radios. Learn how the radio impacted farmers, how they changed family life and listen to famous moments in radio history.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Frying Pan Pk Sa 5pm SND.6B2I 1/21 $10/ea.
Frying Pan Pk Sa 6:30pm SND.RAR1 1/21 $10/ea.
2709 West Ox Road
Herndon, Va. 20171
Meet draft horses, chickens, peacocks, rabbits, sheep, goats, cows and pigs at Kidwell farm, Frying Pan Farm Park’s 1930’s era working farm. Pet the friendly farm animals, take a wagon ride or watch the farm hands at work. At the Kidwell Farm House, you can sit for a spell on the porch or take a tour to see how farm families lived in the 1930s. Kidwell Farm is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. More information about the park’s historic schoolhouse, blacksmith shop and meeting house is available on the web. Groups are welcome, and school programs are avail able by appointment. Call for tour information.
Located in the former Vocational Agriculture Shop (c.1920), the Frying Pan Country Store is a one-stop shop with something for everyone - books of all kinds, toys, snacks and drinks, decorative items for the home and unique gifts. The county store is open Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and Friday-Sunday 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Little Hands on the Farm
Join us to learn about a different element of farm life each week. Children will get to spend time with a different farm animal each session. Other activities can include, story time, creating crafts, and introductory level farm chores. One adult must attend with each child. Please limit one parent to attend with each child.
Location Day Time Code Date $ (2-3 yrs.)
Frying Pan Pk M 9:45am 58A.8I5W 2/6 $10/child
Frying Pan Pk T 9:45am 58A.FHH6 2/21 $10/child (3-5 yrs.)
Frying Pan Pk M 11am 100.H8ZG 2/6 $10/child
Frying Pan Pk T 11am 100.PFPV 2/21 $10/child
(7-14 yrs.) Sheep are important animals to livestock farmers as they can provide milk, meat, and fiber. Learn to wash fleece by hand and discover how to prepare wool for spinning by using a drum carder. Then make a hand spun wool bracelet or felted wool flower. One adult must accompany each registered child in this program.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Frying Pan Pk Sa 3:45pm 18C.M8SE 2/25 $8/child
Friday & Saturday, December 2-3 & 9-10 5:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. $10 per person, (All Ages) Come celebrate the holidays at Frying Pan Farm Park with an evening of wagon rides, indoor activ ities, food, animal interactions, and campfires! Wagon Rides are $10 a person and s’mores will be provided to everyone who buys a ticket. Bring the whole family and see the farm in a new, festive way! For times and to register, visit Parktakes online, or call the site directly.
MLK Service and Learning Day (4-Adult) Introduce your young ones to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as we gather at the Frying Pan Farm Park Visitor Center to learn about Martin Luther King and the importance of giving back to our community. Rotate through stations to hear about the Civil Rights Movement, participate in a service project, and reflect on the power of community cooperation. The program runs from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Instruction will be split into age groups with participants able to choose between the younger group (ages 4-9) and the older group (ages 10-18). If you are able to donate an unused hygiene product, such as soap or deoderant, we will be donating collected items to a local shelter. For more information, call 703-437-9101
Location Day Time Code Date $
Frying Pan Pk M 10:30am F2C.V0Y5 1/16 $8/ea.
(14-Adult) Recommended for members of the BIPOC community and allies ages 14 and up. Frying Pan Farm Park is hosting an evening of refreshments and speakers on the topic of BIPOC farming and outdoor recreation. Join in a thoughtful discussion and leave with tools for positive change. After the presentation, park employees will host a volunteer fair with fun activities. If you are interested in gardening and nature, learn about the volunteer roles of garden captains, forest monitors and photographers. We will also paint garden signs and start seedlings. If you are interested in outdoor recreation, learn about the volunteer role of recreation ambassadors. Discover the unique rec equipment FCPA has to offer (such as Farm Olympics, gaga ball, and lifesized foosball) and have fun trying some!
1--1 hour 30 minute program
Location Day Time Code Date $ Frying Pan Pk F 5:30pm 6OU.5UA5 2/3 $8/ea.
Friday & Saturday, Dec. 2-3 & 9-10
5:30 – 9 p.m. $10 per person
(All Ages) Come celebrate the holidays at Frying Pan Farm Park with an evening of wagon rides, indoor activities, food, animal interactions, and campfires! Wagon Rides are $10 a person and s’mores will be pro vided to everyone who buys a ticket. Bring the whole family and see the farm in a new, festive way! For times and to register, visit Parktakes online, or call the site directly.
Frying Pan Farm Park 2709 West Ox Road, Herndon, Va. 703-437-9101
hiring! Visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/jobs to learn more.
Kidwell Farm at Frying Pan Farm ParkChildren’s Holiday Shopping at Historic Colvin Run Saturday & Sunday, December 3-4, 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Reservations required, $5 per child (5-12 yrs.) Children will be accompanied by a secret shopper to assist them with purchasing holiday gifts at the Colvin Run Mill General Store. After they have shopped, assistants will help children wrap and tag gifts. Cost of gifts not included. Adults are welcome to tour the site and visit the Miller’s House exhibit while waiting. For times and to register, visit Parktakes online, or call the site directly.
(3-Adult) Experience old-fashioned holiday fun at Colvin Run Mill. Visit Santa in the Mill, tour the Miller’s House decorated for the holidays, roast a marshmallow, and enjoy cocoa. Festive music and children’s crafts completes the ex perience. Most families spend about an hour at this event.
ColvinRunMill Sa 3pm 1ED.FEHC 12/10 $10/ea.
ColvinRunMill Sa 3:30pm 1ED.6GFS 12/10 $10/ea.
ColvinRunMill Sa 4pm 1ED.SHC1 12/10 $10/ea.
ColvinRunMill Sa 4:30pm 1ED.Q0JG 12/10 $10/ea.
ColvinRunMill Sa 5pm 1ED.WNG6 12/10 $10/ea.
ColvinRunMill Sa 5:30pm 1ED.NCY5 12/10 $10/ea.
ColvinRunMill Su 3pm 1ED.M3U0 12/11 $10/ea.
ColvinRunMill Su 3:30pm 1ED.BDC7 12/11 $10/ea.
ColvinRunMill Su 4pm 1ED.UJUJ 12/11 $10/ea.
ColvinRunMill Su 4:30pm 1ED.GTRY 12/11 $10/ea.
ColvinRunMill Su 5pm 1ED.P7IG 12/11 $10/ea.
ColvinRunMill Su 5:30pm 1ED.9JZ0 12/11 $10/ea.
Winter Wonderland Event at Burke Lake (2-Adult) All aboard for a train ride on the Holiday Express! Take a spin on the Carolers Carousel, play Gingerbread Man Golf or warm yourself by the fire and cook s’mores as you usher in your holidays. Familes will enjoy a visit with Santa, hot chocolate and candy canes. There are two options to purchase passes for the event-$15 passes will be on sale through the Wednes day before the event or passes can be purchased day of event for $20. Passes can be picked up at ice cream parlor the day of the event. No refunds, unless event is cancelled. Children age 10 and younger must be accompanied by an adult registered for the same ride package. Children younger than 2 ride free but must pay for other activities. Limited activity tickets available day of event at the park. Online registration ends two days before day of the event.
1--6 hour pass
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 11am B7A.89SB 12/3 $15/ea.
Burke Lake Pk Su 11am B7A.9PLD 12/4 $15/ea.
Burke Lake Pk Sa 11am B7A.JVF2 12/10 $15/ea.
Burke Lake Pk Su 11am B7A.R9U9 12/11 $15/ea.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Holiday Lantern Tour
Holiday on the Farm
A Visit With Santa
Children’s Holiday Shopping
Holiday on the Farm
Fridays & Saturdays, December 2-17
$10 per person, 20 minute ride and event (2-Adult) When the sun goes down we turn the lights up! Burke Lake’s train station magically transforms into the Celebration Station on select nights this holiday season. The park’s train station, carousel and train tracks will be festively lit for a unique experience filled with lights and memories. Train rides are scheduled every 20 minutes. Due to train capacity, walk-up tickets may not be available so please purchase in advance. Each ticket includes one train ride and one carousel ride. Each passenger must purchase a ticket to ride the train. Children under two are free with a paying adult but must ride in the adult’s lap. Children sitting alone require a ticket. No refunds, unless event is cancelled. Online registration ends two days before day of the event. Visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes/ and search for “Celebration Station” to purchase tickets.
Colvin Run Mill pg 65
Frying Pan Farm Park pg 45
Saturday, December 3
Sully Historic Site pg 68
Colvin Run Mill pg 46
Frying Pan Farm Park pg 45
Potomac Eagle North Pole Express Day Trip pg 43
Winter Holiday Art with Artisans
Hidden Oaks Nature Center pg 55
Winter Trees and Landscapes Sketch Hike Huntley Meadows pg 78
Children’s Holiday Shopping
Family Wreath Making
Holiday STEM Challenge
Colvin Run Mill pg 46
Hidden Pond Nature Center pg 76
Hidden Oaks Nature Center pg 84
Wednesday, December 7
Getaway - Longwood Gardens Holiday Lights Day Trip pg 43 Thursday, December 8
Floral Design Workshop - Holiday Sparkle Green Spring Garden online Friday, December 9
Holiday on the Farm
Candlelight Holiday Tour
Essential Oils Gift Workshop
Frying Pan Farm Park pg 45
Saturday, December 10
Sully Historic Site pg 68
Lewinsville House pg 80
Garden Exploration - Secrets of Winter Green Spring Garden pg 58
Grand Illumination Day Trip pg 43
Holiday Deer Jingle
Kids Holiday Gift Making Workshop
Santa at the Mill
Santa’s Critters & Craft
Winter Bird Walk
Frying Pan Farm Park pg 45
Lake Fairfax pg 79 Holiday on the Farm
Lewinsville House pg 80
Colvin Run Mill pg 46
Hidden Pond Nature Center pg 76
Ellanor C. Lawrence Park pg 73
Winter Wonder Campfire Lake Fairfax pg 75
Holidays at Walney Farm
Winter Tree Decorating
Santa at the Mill
Christmas Tea at the Harrisons
A Very Mason Christmas
Candlelight Holiday Tour
Ellanor C. Lawrence Park pg 66
Lewinsville House pg 80
Colvin Run Mill pg 46
Historic Huntley pg 67
Saturday, December 17
Historic Huntley pg 67
Sully Historic Site pg 68
Family Fun - Excellent Evergreens
Holidays at Walney Farm
Jingle Bell Tea Party
Winter Waterfowl Hike
Winter Solstice Evening Walk
Green Spring Garden pg 58
Ellanor C. Lawrence Park pg 66
Colvin Run Mill pg 65
Riverbend Park pg 80
Tuesday, December 20
Huntley Meadows pg 77
Wednesday, December 21
Winter Solstice Celebration In the Garden
Winter Bird Walk
Holiday Concert – IONA
Green Spring Garden pg 58
Ellanor C. Lawrence Park pg 73
Friday, December 30
Sully Historic Site pg 68
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(3-Adult) Enjoy activities including guided star gazing, looking through the telescope, and listening to ancient stories about the constellations around the campfire. Participate in other activities and games throughout the evening. Hot chocolate and snacks available for purchase. Canceled if raining or snowing.
Location Day Time Code Date $
TurnerFarmPk Sa 5pm 4DF.95NM 12/10 $10/ea.
TurnerFarmPk Sa 5pm 4DF.P0BU 1/14 $10/ea.
TurnerFarmPk Sa 5:30pm 4DF.68U4 2/11 $10/ea.
(3-Adult) Enjoy activities including guided star gazing, observing the night sky through the lense of a telescope, and listening to ancient stories about the constellations around a campfire. Participate in other activities and crafts as you enjoy the beauty of the night sky. Canceled if raining or snowing.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 5pm F8F.8C21 2/18 $10/ea.
Burke Lake Pk Sa 5:30pm F8F.684R 2/18 $10/ea.
Burke Lake Pk Sa 6pm F8F.F9HC 2/18 $10/ea.
Burke Lake Pk Sa 6:30pm F8F.HJZY 2/18 $10/ea.
(5-Adult) Meet up with local geocachers in the area and take the opportunity to share tips and tricks, swap geocaching anecdotes, and look for event-only geo caches. Pop in to say hello or stay a while and enjoy the festivities that range from making your own tradeable item to signing the special event logbook to searching for the geocaches stashed all over the park.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 10am 96C.8RKS 2/26 $8/ea.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Our Fitness and Wellness team is dedicated to putting fun in fitness. Whether you pay the daily Rec Center admission fee or purchase a longer-term pass, your admission entitles you to the variety and conve nience of more than 300 drop-in classes a week. Rec Centers also offer specialty classes for an additional registration fee.
• No initiation fee. Convenient pass options avail able. Visit http://go.usa.gov/5TK for a list of rates.
• More than 400 drop-in fitness classes per week. Visit http://go.usa.gov/52S to see the list.
• Access to eight, fully equipped fitness centers with Cybex machines, treadmills, ellipticals.
• Pass privileges also include use of pools and admission to selected special events.
• For more information, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks or your Rec Center.
Our trainers’ expert guidance and education can re move obstacles and help you reach your potential by:
• Using the latest training techniques to overcome plateaus and jumpstart your workout.
• Providing accountability and motivating you on the fast track to your desired results.
• Helping with a specific illness, injury or conditions.
• Providing sports-specific training to improve your performance.
Invest in your future fitness and enjoy the healthy payoff of working with one of our dedicated trainers. Small-group and private lessons in Pilates/reformer, yoga, TRX suspension training, and sports-specific conditioning available. For more information visit http://go.usa.gov/5Tg or call your local Rec Center.
(Adults) This class focuses on developing successful be haviors to support weight management. Class involves group discussion and physical activity.
3EX 8--55 minute lessons--$126
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SoRunREC Sa 10am 856.3VIQ 1/7 3EX SoRunREC W 4pm 856.LFMB 1/11 3EX
(13-Adult) A lighter total body workout open to all lev els of participants, this class focuses on general muscle conditioning.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC Th 8am 8B3.JX9E 1/12 4EB
(13-Adult) BODYPUMP is the original barbell class that strengthens your entire body. Challenge all of your major muscle groups by using the best weight-room exercises like squats, presses, lifts and curls. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons.
4ECA 11--55 minute lessons--$157
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Su 8:05am A90.84UM 1/8 4ECA
ProvREC M 6pm A90.DF4L 1/9 4ECA
ProvREC W 6pm A90.WV64 1/11 4ECA
SoRunREC Sa 8am A90.1GRT 1/7 4ECA
SoRunREC M 7pm A90.ZCXT 1/9 4ECA
SoRunREC W 7pm A90.4RJP 1/11 4ECA Wkfld/Moore W 6pm A90.QPN8 1/11 4ECA
(16-Adult) This specialized program delivers a fe male-friendly fitness makeover.
4ED 11--55 minute lessons--$139
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC Su 5pm 41C.XM0Q 1/8 4ED
(16-Adult) Learn proper techniques, safety and stretch es to give you a great workout using free weights. This class focuses the upper body.
4EW 5--55 minute lessons--$81
4EX 11--55 minute lessons--$172
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 8am 52C.L929 1/7 4EX
SpHillREC Su 6pm 52C.0M92 2/19 4EW
(13-Adult) For the golfer who wants a better, allaround game through a golf-specific fitness program. Improve your strength, flexibility, balance, posture, stabilization and endurance training.
3ED 8--55 minute lessons--$104
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Pinecrest GC Sa 9am 83D.5UV8 1/7 3ED
(16-Adult) Kettlebell training is an excellent way to burn fat while building strength and power with just the right amount of controlled, explosive movement. Learn how to safely execute kettlebell technique and how to make appropriate modifications that work every major muscle group.
4ED 11--55 minute lessons--$139
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC T 7pm 81F.062F 1/10 4ED
(13-Adult) TRX suspension training uses individual body weight, gravity and suspension tools in an exciting way to get a whole new workout. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons.
4ECA 11--55 minute lessons--$157
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC Th 7pm 35C.WOB3 1/12 4ECA Wkfld/Moore M 9am 35C.BCIN 1/9 4ECA Wkfld/Moore Th 7pm 35C.6MBS 1/12 4ECA Wkfld/Moore W 7pm 35C.MY8M 1/11 4ECA
(16-Adult) Basic weight-circuit safety, techniques and orientation are covered. A great place to start if you are new to fitness rooms.
4EW 5--55 minute lessons--$81
4EX 11--55 minute lessons--$172
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 9am BB2.UZEG 1/7 4EX SpHillREC Su 6pm BB2.HUGX 1/8 4EW
Weight Training for Women I (16-Adult) Learn basic weight circuit safety, techniques and orientation.
4EX 11--55 minute lessons--$172
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC F 12pm 9EA.YOUV 1/13 4EX
(13-Adult) This class incorporates ballet exercises, bar res and light weights to help you tone and define your muscles. Learn the secrets of dancers for a totally toned body. Barre techniques class highly recommended prior to this program. Socks required.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC T 7:30pm 3BF.GMIT 1/10 4EB SoRunREC W 11:30am 3BF.OKSL 1/11 4EB
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(13-Adult) This is a high-energy, martial arts-inspired, non-contact workout. Punch, kick and strike your way to fitness! Please bring a water bottle and towel to class.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC T 6:30pm 45Q.EE2J 1/10 4EB
LeeREC Sa 10am 45Q.YQHO 1/7 4EB
(13-Adult) This high-energy cardio class tones your entire body plus teaches you self-defense tactics. No contact required. Bag gloves are recommended.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC T 6:30pm 7C5.I65T 1/10 4EB
(13-Adult) Ride your way to a stronger, leaner body. This group exercise program using stationary spin bike for a great cardio workout. Please bring a water bottle and towel to class.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC W 5:30pm EUJ.IBJI 1/11 4EB
SoRunREC Su 3:45pm EUJ.MREX 1/8 4EB
(13-Adult) HIGH transforms old school aerobics by adding easy to follow modern fitness techniques like plyometrics and high impact interval training. The class alternates between cardio peaks and toning tracks to
bring your heartrate up. Modifications are made for all fitness and comfort levels.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Sa 9am CAP.X5ZZ 1/7 4EB
SoRunREC W 7pm CAP.U4U3 1/11 4EB
(13-Adult) Dance themes combined with dynamic music turn fitness into a party! Maximize caloric output and tone your body using easy-to-follow dance steps. All levels welcome.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Sa 9am 69F.0EUS 1/7 4EB
SoRunREC W 9am 69F.ZWIN 1/11 4EB Wkfld/Moore F 9am 69F.U0ZG 1/13 4EB
(13-Adult) Learn to improve your posture, flexibility and coordination while relieving pain, tension and movement restrictions using the gentle Feldenkrais Method. Move better, feel better and look better.
4EE 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$205
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC Th 11:15am F85.2GHS 1/12 4EE
(13-Adult) Learn safe weight-bearing exercises to increase and maintain bone health. This class uses im
pact exercises designed to reduce stress on vulnerable joints while building bone strength, balance and overall health.
4EE 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$205
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC Th 2:30pm 519.KAZN 1/12 4EE
(13-Adult) This gentle yoga class is for those who are unable to get up and down off the floor or who want the extra support of a chair. Students coordinate breath with movement and perform stretches, relaxation tech niques and meditation/concentration exercises while using a chair for support.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC Th 12pm ED6.LN2K 1/12 4EB
SoRunREC Th 11am ED6.GSP6 1/12 4EB
SpHillREC W 11:05am ED6.5ZOK 1/11 4EB
Wkfld/Moore M 1pm ED6.ELXA 1/9 4EB Wkfld/Moore T 10am ED6.A2A8 1/10 4EB
(13-Adult) Gentle stretches, yoga postures and breathing techniques increase flexibility and strength for those desiring a slower pace. This gentle practice may be suitable for individuals returning from illness or injury or those with physical challenges.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC W 10am 21C.YDGA 1/11 4EB
LeeREC Su 4pm 21C.W63Q 1/8 4EB Wkfld/Moore T 6pm 21C.GXAE 1/10 4EB Wkfld/Moore T 10:30am 21C.O1IM 1/10 4EB Wkfld/Moore F 11am 21C.9EXR 1/13 4EB
(13-Adult) Learn basic yoga postures as you gain more strength and flexibility while using different breathing techniques. This class is designed to help improve your posture and bring you relaxation. Please bring a mat and towel to class.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
4EE 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$205
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC W 8:45am C21.86YK 1/11 4EB
LeeREC Su 10am C21.57O7 1/8 4EB
LeeREC F 9:30am C21.5ZKY 1/13 4EB
OakMarREC Su 10:30am C21.WZ1B 1/8 4EE
OakMarREC T 6pm C21.7AXR 1/10 4EE
OakMarREC Th 10:15am C21.84TM 1/12 4EE
ProvREC M 6pm C21.QCJH 1/9 4EE
ProvREC Th 5:30pm C21.HO0H 1/12 4EB
SoRunREC T 9am C21.NRWC 1/10 4EB
SoRunREC W 10am C21.QKSB 1/11 4EB
Wkfld/Moore T 12pm C21.8UDY 1/10 4EE
Wkfld/Moore W 7pm C21.VH92 1/11 4EE
Hatha Yoga II (13-Adult) Prerequisite: Hatha Yoga I or equivalent. Please bring a mat and towel to class.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
4EE 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$205
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Th 7pm 19F.ES7X 1/12 4EB
ProvREC T 5:30pm 19F.Y871 1/10 4EB
Wkfld/Moore Th 7pm 19F.49WG 1/12 4EE
Hatha Combo
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Focus on basic yoga postures. Practice includes varying levels with modifications to postures based on student experience. Please bring a mat and towel to class.
4EE 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$205
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Frying Pan Pk M 7pm F3F.1TLC 1/9 4EE
(13-Adult) This style of yoga involves a combination of short exercises, breathing techniques, deep relaxation and meditation. The exercises coordinate breath and movement providing increased flexibility and muscle strength. The deep relaxation and meditation following the exercises provide a sense of well-being and are excellent for reducing stress. Bring a mat and towel to class.
4EE 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$205
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC W 1pm V9P.DP9X 1/11 4EE
(13-Adult) Focus and calm your mind with breathing exercises that release tension. Centered mindfulness relaxes the physical body for overall wellbeing, concen tration and positive energy.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $ CubRunREC T 8:30pm 7C4.Y2MS 1/10 4EB
(13-Adult) Loosen the joints and spine and create new movement opportunities gently. This class is designed to support special needs and abilities of the practi tioner. Use basic Pilates principles, working from the inside out and integrating mind, breath and body to leave this class renewed and reinvigorated.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC W 3:30pm F82.POFV 1/11 4EB
(13-Adult) Practice classical exercise sequences based on Pilates method. Focus on core control, alignment and breathing to properly execute exercises that strengthen and lengthen the body.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LeeREC W 5:30pm 16E.H7OR 1/11 4EB
OakMarREC W 9am 16E.BUX1 1/11 4EB SpHillREC T 6pm 16E.G7GJ 1/10 4EB
SpHillREC Th 10am 16E.UMJB 1/12 4EB
(13-Adult) Pilates lessons on a special apparatus that provides various resistance levels within a full range of motion. These gentle lessons help loosen the joints and spine and create new movement opportunities, balance, and flexibility. This class is designed to support the special needs and abilities of the practitioner. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons.
4EAA 11--55 minute lessons--$223
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC Sa 11am 78C.RK2V 1/7 4EAA SpHillREC F 11am 78C.0417 1/13 4EAA
(13-Adult) Pilates lessons on a special apparatus that provides various levels of resistance within the full range of motion. Private lessons stretch and strengthen your entire body and help you develop body muscle balance, flexibility, agility and bone density. Intro to Pilates Mat recommended. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons.
4EAA 11--55 minute lessons--$223
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC T 5:45pm 08E.08VM 1/10 4EAA
CubRunREC T 9am 08E.P12M 1/10 4EAA
CubRunREC T 10am 08E.CAL8 1/10 4EAA
LeeREC Su 5:30pm 08E.OHBL 1/8 4EAA
LeeREC M 6:30pm 08E.ABPO 1/9 4EAA
7:30pm 08E.C5HS 1/9 4EAA
4:30pm 08E.4GIK 1/10 4EAA
6:30pm 08E.4T9D 1/11 4EAA
6pm 08E.U92P 1/10 4EAA
10am 08E.9YMD 1/10 4EAA
11:30am 08E.MY8P 1/11 4EAA
10:30am 08E.H9RK 1/12 4EAA
11:30am 08E.1MTN 1/12 4EAA
6pm 08E.GYNI 1/9 4EAA
11:30am 08E.JDNY 1/10 4EAA
4pm 08E.K05L 1/11 4EAA
9am 08E.WSFD 1/7 4EAA
6pm 08E.0WY9 1/11 4EAA
6pm 08E.BEMP 1/12 4EAA
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(13-Adult) Pilates lessons on a special apparatus that provides a workout with complex exercise variations and longer sets. The movements develop coordina tion, strength and flexibility while the concentration required improves the mind-and-body connection.
Prerequisite: Pilates Allegro Reformer I. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons.
4EAA 11--55 minute lessons--$223
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC T 7pm 5B6.AUWZ 1/10 4EAA
CubRunREC Th 5:45pm 5B6.H1RP 1/12 4EAA
LeeREC W 7:30pm 5B6.Q1JK 1/11 4EAA
ProvREC T 5pm 5B6.6WJB 1/10 4EAA
SpHillREC Sa 8am 5B6.FATM 1/7 4EAA
SpHillREC M 6:30pm 5B6.FOB1 1/9 4EAA
SpHillREC W 8am 5B6.K14E 1/11 4EAA
SpHillREC W 9am 5B6.3NXV 1/11 4EAA
SpHillREC W 10am 5B6.CLO5 1/11 4EAA
SpHillREC F 10am 5B6.QTW1 1/13 4EAA
(13-Adult) Previous experience with Pilates reformer is required. Students rotate through Pilates equipment stations including mat, reformer, chair, tower and spine corrector for a total body workout. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons.
4EAA 11--55 minute lessons--$223
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC W 6:30pm X1Q.8ZZB 1/11 4EAA
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Pilates Allegro Reformer I or Pilates Mat. This full-body workout uses Allegro Reform ers and Towers, mat work and props. Lessons enhance core strength, flexibility, neuromuscular coordination and balance. Improve body awareness as you learn the essentials of working on the towers. Senior discount does not apply to these lessons.
4EAA 11--55 minute lessons--$223
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 10am A40.KUNO 1/7 4EAA
SpHillREC W 7pm A40.C6T1 1/11 4EAA
SpHillREC Th 7pm A40.Z2OH 1/12 4EAA
(13-Adult) This exciting express format adds aerobic elements to your Pilates reformer program through the use of a jumpboard attachment. Participants will also perform a variety of additional strength and stability exercises. Students should be able to do level 2 class work.
4EAC 11--30 minute lessons--$111
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC W 11am 719.RULQ 1/11 4EAC
SpHillREC W 11:30am 719.KAIA 1/11 4EAC
(13-Adult) Looking for a safe and effective way to improve flexibility, endurance and muscle tone? Mat fusion encompasses the Eastern philosophy of yoga, the holistic approach of Pilates and the application of floorbased exercise techniques.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC T 7pm 34B.OBOH 1/10 4EB
(13-Adult) Tai Chi promotes flexibility, balance and physical control. This low-impact mind/body class is based on ancient Chinese exercises to increase energy flow while decreasing stress.
3EB 8--55 minute lessons--$99
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC T 5pm ED9.X5FS 1/10 4EB
Frying Pan Pk Th 8pm ED9.ZNTM 1/12 3EB
LeeREC Th 6pm ED9.EEJ0 1/12 4EB
ProvREC T 10am ED9.F8OY 1/10 4EB
ProvREC W 1pm ED9.8BDW 1/11 4EB
SpHillREC Sa 9am ED9.RZHT 1/7 4EB
SpHillREC M 7pm ED9.2Q01 1/9 4EB
Tai Chi II (13-Adult) Tai Chi I strongly recommended.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
4EE 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$205
CubRunREC T 7pm 630.8XZY 1/10 4EB
ProvREC T 9am 630.Z0YJ 1/10 4EB
ProvREC W 2pm 630.KPUK 1/11 4EB
SpHillREC Sa 10am 630.I1A3 1/7 4EE
SpHillREC M 7pm 630.WW5W 1/9 4EB
Tai Chi III (13-Adult) Tai Chi II strongly recommended.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC T 6pm 156.SYGL 1/10 4EB
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Tai Chi II or equivalent. For the continuing tai chi practitioner interested in learning the tai chi fan. Equipment is available for purchase from instructor or bring your own with instructor permission.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC W 7pm CF1.1I4Z 1/11 4EB
Yin Yoga (13-Adult) Yin Yoga incorporates seated and supine postures that are held for longer periods (1-5 minutes each), targeting connective tissues, joints, and fascial networks. In this relaxing class, you will stretch all major muscle groups to help improve flexibility, regain range of motion, reduce pain, and prevent injuries. It will also help calm the mind, reduce stress, activate the para sympathetic nervous system and improve concentra tion. Bring a mat and a towel to class.
4EE 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$205
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC Th 6pm KXS.I72T 1/12 4EE
(Adults) This class features a gentle introduction to the Vinyasa method which helps participants increase the strength, flexibility and endurance necessary for gardening. Class held indoors.
3EB 8--55 minute lessons--$99
Location Day Time Code Begin $ GrnSprGardn M 9:30am 6E6.6TXN 1/9 3EB
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(13-Adult) The stress of everyday life can create body tension and stiffness and can also affect mood and energy level. This class combines yoga postures and stretching with breathing and relaxing meditations restoring positive energy and renewing an overall sense of wellness.
4EE 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$205
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC Su 5pm D01.N8OA 1/8 4EE
(13-Adult) Chill out vinyasa style in this upbeat class that fuses classic yoga poses and flows with popular music. Movement, music and breath are used to open the body’s energy centers so energy can flow freely through the body. No previous yoga or dance experi ence needed.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore M 7pm 49D.MG7B 1/9 4EB
(12-15 yrs.) Learn proper equipment use, techniques and safety along with stretching, strength and endur ance exercises. Students who complete a final test are issued a weight room pass (to be used with admission) that entitles them to use the weight room without adult supervision.
4EW 5--55 minute lessons--$81
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC Th 5pm E8B.TWBO 1/12 4EW
ProvREC W 4pm E8B.LUQ9 1/11 4EW
SpHillREC Su 5pm E8B.ICOH 1/8 4EW
SpHillREC Su 5pm E8B.P6D8 2/19 4EW
SpHillREC Su 6pm E8B.GLMK 2/19 4EW
(12-17 yrs.) Prerequisite: Weight Training for Teens. Expand your knowledge of cables, dumbbells, weight plates, benches and bars to enhance your skills and technique with more challenging exercises.
4EW 5--55 minute lessons--$81
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC Su 6pm 9A8.6ZBV 1/8 4EW
(60 yrs.+) For the senior who is just returning to exercise or has been recently released from a hospital exercise program. Beginning muscular strengthening exercises with hand weights, easy aerobics and stretch ing are taught to get you moving safely.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC W 2pm F73.KMHI 1/11 4EB ProvREC W 12pm F73.LGP4 1/11 4EB
(60 yrs.+) This class is for the active senior who is beyond a beginner but not quite advanced. Muscle strengthening with hand weights, low impact, moder ate intensity aerobics and stretching are taught.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC F 9:30am C1D.LXS9 1/13 4EB
(55 yrs.+) Certified balance and mobility specialists help you enhance mobility, strength and flexibility. Advanced techniques from the FallProof fall prevention program are incorporated to improve overall wellness.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC W 11am FDD.7DUX 1/11 4EB
ProvREC Th 1pm FDD.ILRM 1/12 4EB
Wkfld/Moore T 1:30pm FDD.QDQU 1/10 4EB
Wkfld/Moore Th 11am FDD.BEGM 1/12 4EB
(60 yrs.+) Exercises designed to improve and main tain body strength, range of motion and flexibility. Variations are offered for those who wish to stand. Relaxation techniques and light cardio conditioning are included.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC M 11:05am 3A4.R1KN 1/9 4EB
(60 yrs.+) Class is designed to help students build greater strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endur ance by using weights, bands and low-to moderateintensity aerobics.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
4EC 22--55 minute lessons--$272
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC T/Th 8:30am 1A0.FA2G 1/10 4EC SpHillREC T 12pm 1A0.IXMX 1/10 4EB SpHillREC F 11am 1A0.7L9L 1/13 4EB
(55 yrs.+) Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) is a twelve-week evidenced-based strength, balance and fitness program designed to help seniors with balance issues or a history of falls. Students meet twice weekly with a certified SAIL instructor who leads exercises to improve overall fitness while focusing on improving balance. Exercise is done standing up.
4EVA 24--55 minute lessons--$270
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC T/Th 10:15am E98.BJXZ 1/10 4EVA
(60 yrs.+) For active seniors who want to add variety to their exercise program. Improve agility, balance and coordination, while increasing endurance and strength.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC M 12pm F0C.NC3B 1/9 4EB
OakMarREC T 9:30am F0C.WTLY 1/10 4EB
OakMarREC W 12pm F0C.YQ88 1/11 4EB
OakMarREC Th 10:30am F0C.6JGC 1/12 4EB
(60 yrs.+) Learn safe, effective and proper techniques for using weight-training equipment to increase strength and improve health and fitness.
4EX 11--55 minute lessons--$172
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC Th 12pm 503.0B6S 1/12 4EX
Yoga - Senior (60 yrs.+) Designed for those desiring a slow-paced introduction to yoga.
4EE 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$205
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC W 2pm 6E5.C5AQ 1/11 4EE
(50 yrs.+) This yoga class is mindful of the maturing body while challenging the experienced participant. A special focus on balance, joint health, restoration and concentration is emphasized for enhancing practice and aging well.
4EE 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$205
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC T 12:30pm 358.D7H0 1/10 4EE
Zumba Gold (60 yrs.+) Class features the same great Latin music and dance styles as Zumba but at a slower pace. This is a safe, easy way to do a great total body workout.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC M 10:30am 8F6.IC8L 1/9 4EB
ProvREC W 10:30am 8F6.VON8 1/11 4EB
ProvREC F 11am 8F6.OF0T 1/13 4EB
SpHillREC Th 10am 8F6.HXIB 1/12 4EB Wkfld/Moore Th 9am 8F6.SODC 1/12 4EB
(13-Adult) Physical, total-body training that may include calisthenics and weight exercises. Class takes place outdoors.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC M 7pm 6YY.86FL 1/9 4EB
SoRunREC W 7pm 6YY.MRLH 1/11 4EB
(60 yrs.+) Beginning muscular strengthening exercises with hand weights, easy aerobics and stretching are taught to get you moving safely. Class takes place outdoors.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC T 8am VTM.KDND 1/10 4EB
OakMarREC F 8am VTM.IINH 1/13 4EB
Outdoor Running for Fitness (13-Adult) Master the basics of running to reduce your chances for injury. This class builds confidence, im proves your form and increases your fitness. Beginners welcome! Class takes place outdoors.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Sa 8:30am EC2.0ZXC 1/7 4EB
www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/jobs to learn more.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Outdoor Tai Chi I (13-Adult) Tai Chi promotes flexibility, balance and physical control. This low-impact mind/body class is based on ancient Asian exercises to increase energy flow while decreasing stress. Class takes place outdoors.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC M 6:30pm FRQ.2R0Q 1/9 4EB
Outdoor Tai Chi II (13-Adult) Build on the movements learned in Tai Chi I for a longer sequence of movement patterns for better flexibility and balance. Tai Chi I recommended. Class takes place outdoors.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC M 5:30pm I89.VV0J 1/9 4EB
Outdoor Tai Chi III (13-Adult) Build on the movements learned in Tai Chi II for a longer sequence of movement patterns for better flexibility and balance. Class takes place outdoors.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC M 3:15pm R6B.HSUH 1/9 4EB
Outdoor Tai Chi Yang Style (13-Adult) Learn six choreographed forms of Tai Chi consisting of 108 postures that are often described as “moving meditation”. Traditional martial arts warm-up exercises are included in all classes. Class takes place outdoors.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore Su 9:30am VR0.YS50 1/8 4EB Wkfld/Moore Su 10:30am VR0.H76C 1/8 4EB Wkfld/Moore T 9:30am VR0.XPMH 1/10 4EB
Outdoor Vinyasa Yoga (13-Adult) This active invigorating flow style of yoga helps develop strength, flexibility and breath awareness while leaving the body energized and mind at peace. Class takes place outdoors.
4EE 11--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$205
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC M 6:30pm WKW.U1UC 1/9 4EE
Outdoor Zumba (13-Adult) Great Latin music and dance styles turn fitness into a party! Maximize caloric output and tone your body. Class takes place outdoors.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC M 8pm YSU.JDOQ 1/9 4EB
SoRunREC W 8pm YSU.KG4L 1/11 4EB
SoRunREC W 9am YSU.M4IX 1/11 4EB
Virtual Cardio Kickboxing (13-Adult) This high-energy cardio class tones your entire body plus teaches you self-defense tactics. No contact required. Bag gloves are recommended. This class will be delivered online using Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Class registrants will be emailed a link to the class meetings prior to the start of class.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code
Begin $
Virtual FCPA Th 6:30pm AY4.0I4V 1/12 4EB
Virtual Chair Yoga (13-Adult) This gentle yoga class is for those who are unable to get up and down off the floor or who want the extra support of a chair. Students coordinate breathing with movement and perform stretches, relaxation techniques and meditation/concentration exercises while using a chair for support. This class will be delivered online using Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Class registrants will be emailed a link to the class meetings prior to the start of class.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Virtual FCPA Th 11am IIY.9IJW 1/12 4EB
Virtual Gentle Yoga (13-Adult) Gentle stretches, yoga postures and breathing techniques increase flexibility and strength for those desiring a slower pace. This gentle practice may be suitable for individuals returning from illness or injury or those with physical challenges. This class will be delivered online using Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Class registrants will be emailed a link to the class meetings prior to the start of class.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Virtual FCPA T 1:30pm 3LF.2W90 1/10 4EB
Virtual FCPA Th 10am 3LF.R9MY 1/12 4EB
Virtual Hatha Yoga I (13-Adult) Learn basic yoga postures as you gain more strength and flexibility while using different breathing techniques. This class is designed to help improve your posture and bring you relaxation. You will need a mat and towel. This class will be delivered online using Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Class regis trants will be emailed a link to the class meetings prior to the start of class.
3EB 8--55 minute lessons--$99
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Virtual FCPA Sa 8:30am KG2.QKJA 1/7 3EB
Virtual FCPA M 5:30pm KG2.A7TN 1/9 3EB
Virtual FCPA M 7pm KG2.LMAJ 1/9 3EB
Virtual FCPA M 9:30am KG2.DFLR 1/9 3EB
Virtual FCPA T 9am KG2.0PIQ 1/10 3EB
Virtual FCPA W 7pm KG2.H627 1/11 3EB
Virtual FCPA W 10:30am KG2.L1KP 1/11 3EB
Virtual Meditation (13-Adult) Focus and calm your mind with breathing exercises that release tension. Centered mindful ness relaxes the physical body for overall wellbeing, concentration and positive energy. This meditation class will be delivered online using Microsoft Teams
or Zoom. Class registrants will be emailed a link to the class meetings prior to the start of class.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Virtual FCPA M 9:30am GM8.P5TV 1/9 4EB
Virtual FCPA Th 2:50pm GM8.35UJ 1/12 4EB
Virtual Pilates (13-Adult) Practice classical exercise sequences based on Pilates method. Focus on core control, alignment and breathing to properly execute exercises that strengthen and lengthen the body. This class will be delivered online using Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Class registrants will be emailed a link to the class meetings prior to the start of class.
4EC 22--55 minute lessons--$272
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Virtual FCPA T/Th 8:30am IS8.FVHZ 1/10 4EC
(13-Adult) Tai Chi promotes flexibility, balance and physical control. This low-impact mind/body class is based on ancient Chinese exercises to increase energy flow while decreasing stress. This class will be delivered online using Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Class registrants will be emailed a link to the class meetings prior to the start of class.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Virtual FCPA M 1:15pm XF2.5X9V 1/9 4EB
Virtual Tai Chi II
(13-Adult) Build on the movements learned in Tai Chi I for a longer sequence of movement patterns for bet ter flexibility and balance. Tai Chi I recommended. This class will be delivered online using Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Class registrants will be emailed a link to the class meetings prior to the start of class.
4EB 11--55 minute lessons--$137
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Virtual FCPA M 12pm MXS.V0AA 1/9 4EB
For questions or for a free Parktakes subscription, call 703-222-4664.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(5-10 yrs.) Children create gifts for friends or family. When the projects are finished, students can create their own wrapping paper or use ours to gift wrap the presents so they can be taken them home ready to be given for holidays, birthdays or any special event. Please bring a 4”x6” photo to be used for one of the gifts. All materials are included.
RGWF 1--3 hour workshop --$26
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore Sa 9am HDL.PPTJ 12/17 RGWF Wkfld/Moore Sa 1pm HDL.F3Y0 12/17 RGWF
(6-10 yrs.) Artisans United, located in the Packard Center in Annandale Community Park, will showcase local artists and help children create artistic wonders for holiday giving. All materials provided for at least three projects.
RG08 1--1 hour 30 minute program--$10
Location Day Time Code Begin $
HiddenOaks Sa 3pm U5A.Q8Z0 12/3 RG08
(6-12 yrs.) This mixed-media class offers a variety of fun projects including drawing and painting. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
4FA 10--55 minute lessons--$119
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Sa 3:15pm EB5.OHF5 1/14 4FA Wkfld/Moore M 5:30pm EB5.09DJ 1/16 4FA
(6-12 yrs.) Explore fabulous artist tools and products. Create colorful paintings, imaginative drawings, and unique sculptures using watercolors, modeling com pounds and paints. Practice “masking” while painting an abstract forest, take an imaginary tour to New England and paint Lighthouse scenes. Hear the buzz while sculpting busy bees.
DFVW 8--55 minute lessons--$165
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 11:30am PRL.KU2L 1/14 DFVW
ProvREC W 5:30pm PRL.88CU 1/11 DFVW
SoRunREC W 5:30pm PRL.7QKB 1/18 DFVW
SpHillREC Sa 3:30pm PRL.Z3XR 1/7 DFVW
(13-Adult) This course teaches fundamental drawing skills through various techniques and projects. Students need to bring an 11”x14” sketch pad and two drawing pencils (HB & 6B). Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
DFVH 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$218
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Woodson HS M 7:30pm E5M.D56K 1/23 DFVH
(6-12 yrs.) Calvin & Hobbes, Spongebob Squarepants, Bugs Bunny, and other cartoons come to life in this fun Baroody Camps program developed and taught by pro comic book and children’s book creator, Arsia Rozegar (credits include Marvel’s Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, X-Men and more). Using simple methods with shapes and lines, as well as tricks, tips and techniques, students learn that drawing cartoons is easier than you can imag ine! Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
DFVK 8--55 minute lessons--$153
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Woodson HS M 6:30pm WA0.YZNG 1/23 DFVK
Students learn about various aspects of drawing and creating comics, such as emotive faces, anatomy, char acter development, and important elements in sequen tial story-telling in this Baroody Camps class geared towards those interested in creating their own personal comic books. Not just limited to the super-hero genre, this program developed and taught by pro comic book creator Arsia Rozegar (credits include Marvel’s Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, X-Men, and more) delves into the hands-on fun of creating sequential art. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
DFVK 8--55 minute lessons--$153
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-12 yrs.)
Mosaic ES Sa 9am 7KT.MMM2 1/21 DFVK Woodson HS T 6:30pm 7KT.8GPY 1/17 DFVK (13-Adult)
Mosaic ES Sa 10am LEH.GDAJ 1/21 DFVK
Woodson HS T 7:30pm LEH.GU3T 1/17 DFVK
(Adults) Drawing mandalas can reduce stress and improve well-being. Students mandala drawing basics, then explore the endless possibilities of this art form. This class focuses on the connection between art and wellness. Any supply fee payable at first class.
DFBA 6--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$138
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LeeREC T 9am O78.L51Q 1/17 DFBA
(Adults) This class is for art students of any level who want to understand and manage perspective skills in their drawings and paintings. Work on pieces in your preferred medium that explore basics of perspec tive, helping artists to learn concepts of depth, sense of space, proportions and dimensions. Perspective concepts to be covered include one point perspective, vanishing point and horizon line. Recommended art supply list will be sent via email before start of class.
3FA 8--55 minute lessons--$96
Location Day Time Code Begin $ ProvREC W 10am SSQ.8QIS 1/11 3FA
Nature Sketch Hike (13-Adult) Join a naturalist for a hike focused on observing the shapes and colors found in nature. Learn sketching techniques to enhance observation skills.
DFAJ 1--2 hour lesson--$26
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Burke Lake Pk Su 11am 72F.9ITC 1/8 DFAJ Burke Lake Pk Sa 11am 72F.H23J 2/4 DFAJ
Abrakadoodle Kids on Canvas (6-12 yrs.) Students will Imagine a fantastic world inspired by nature as they learn about shapes, create 3D buildings, explore maps, and mix colors. Once regis tered, download camp forms from website.
DFVW 8--55 minute lessons--$165
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC F 5pm ZBL,DCNH 1/20 DFVW Wkfld/Moore Th 5pm ZBL.HDAW 1/19 DFVW
(Adults) Students are introduced to watercolor techniques and color basics. Concepts such as wet on wet, dry watercolor, color layering and blending are explored. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
3FC 8--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$190
4FB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$179
DFGA 8--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$228
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk W 9:30am BC7.RM1K 1/11 DFGA
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(Adults) Prerequisite: Watercolor Painting I or equiva lent. Continue sharpening basic skills and techniques. Develop brush styles and individual approaches to projects and exercises. Students need to bring supplies.
3FC 8--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$190
4FB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$179
DFGA 8--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$228
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk W 9:30am 9E5.LRZA 1/11 DFGA
ProvREC T 6:15pm 9E5.RI7V 1/10 3FC
Wkfld/Moore M 12:30pm 9E5.7SEX 1/16 4FB
(Adults) Prerequisite: Watercolor Painting II. Students need to bring supplies to class.
3FC 8--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$190
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC W 10am 151.MHJ5 1/11 3FC
ProvREC Th 10am 151.40C6 1/12 3FC
(Adults) Artist Marni Maree will teach you techniques for painting various furry textures with watercolor on paper. You can bring in pictures of your favorite furry friend to paint in class. A supply list will be emailed before class. Bring a lunch.
CFAK 1--6 hour lesson --$110
Location Day Time Code Begin $ GrnSprGardn Sa 9:30am 3I9.0XEB 1/21 CFAK
(13-Adult) Class introduces you to acrylics in a fun and pressure-free way. Learn to make simple paintings using acrylic paints on canvas as you explore color, texture, composition and design. Supply fee of $30 payable to instructor at first class.
DFGB 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$138
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC T 6pm 4VW.KGKJ 1/10 DFGB
SoRunREC M 6:30pm 4VW.2TOG 1/23 DFGB Wkfld/Moore T 6:30pm 4VW.9TH9 1/17 DFGB Woodson HS Th 6:30pm 4VW.TJHD 1/19 DFGB
(Adults) Paint under the instruction of a proficient artist to improve your skills and build confidence as an artist. For beginning to advanced students. More expe rienced painters may bring their supplies. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
3FD 8--2 hour 55 minute lessons--$286
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC T 1pm 009.AZ4G 1/10 3FD
ProvREC T 9:30am 009.3UP5 1/10 3FD
(6-12 yrs.) Learn to sculpt using a variety of modeling compounds and papers along with other items such as wire, wood, clay, aluminum, plastic, string in this Abrakadoodle class. We’ll mold, bend, twist, and stretch while we design each three-dimensional creation. Learn about a variety of amazing artists while creating eight 3D artworks that are dynamic, creative and fun.
DFVW 8--55 minute lessons--$165
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CherryRn ES Th 6pm EH9.YU2E 1/19 DFVW
ProvREC Th 5:30pm EH9.4LU1 1/12 DFVW
SpHillREC W 5pm EH9.HC4E 1/11 DFVW
(6-12 yrs.) The magic of clay is awesome! Whether it’s jewelry for mom, animals in the wild, a garden of flow ers and bugs, keychain emojis or new additions to an old mug, if you can think it, chances are we can make it. The possibilities are endless in this Baroody Camps pro gram. Each day students will use their clay craft tool kit to tackle projects with clay and see how creative they can be. Materials are included in the price of the class.
DFVR 8--55 minute lessons--$124
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-12 yrs.)
Mosaic ES Sa 12pm OAQ.HIP9 1/23 DFVR
Introduction to clay and the pottery-making process using hand-building methods. Make pinch pots and learn coiling, slab work techniques, painting, glazing and firing.
DFP3 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$202
DFP4 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$101
(16-Adult) Introduction to intermediate instruction using pinch, slab and coil methods to create either functional or abstract pieces. Glazing and techniques for textures and other decorations are included. Class fee includes 25 lbs. of clay and three hours of lab time.
DFP2 10--2 hour 55 minute lessons--$364
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore T 9am BE7.8E9X 1/17 DFP2
Wkfld/Moore Th 6pm BE7.ZOLF 1/19 DFP2
(13-Adult) There’s more to photography than just us ing the automatic setting. Topics include your camera’s controls, resolution, flash, composition, stop motion, and close ups. Course includes weekly assignments with reviews. Software and printing are also covered. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
3FB 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$143
4FB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$179
Begin $ (6-9 yrs.)
Location Day Time Code
Wkfld/Moore Sa 9am Q7L.G96I 1/14 DFP3
Wkfld/Moore M 4pm Q7L.PPQ7 1/16 DFP4 (9-12 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore Sa 10:45am AZ5.VJHY 1/14 DFP3
Wkfld/Moore M 4pm AZ5.2YVO 2/20 DFP4
(13-17 yrs.) Create beautiful pots and clay forms by hand using only simple tools, not the pottery wheel. Ex plore hand building with the three most common forms of creating hand-built pots: pinch pot, coiling, and slab techniques. Then paint, glaze and kiln fire your pieces. Bring hand tools to the first class meeting or purchase a set during class.
DFP1 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$269
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore Sa 12:45pm D8C.GRI5 1/14 DFP1
(16-Adult) Introduction to the potter’s wheel with em phasis on clay preparation, centering, firing and glazing. Attendance at first class is essential. Class fee includes 25 lbs. of clay and three hours of lab time. Bring hand tools to the first class meeting or purchase a set during class.
DFP2 10--2 hour 55 minute lessons--$364
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore Su 3pm A6F.J229 1/15 DFP2
Wkfld/Moore M 6pm A6F.N1CL 1/16 DFP2
Wkfld/Moore T 1pm A6F.OKYO 1/17 DFP2
Wkfld/Moore Th 9am A6F.6O5U 1/19 DFP2
(16-Adult) Refine and develop your clay preparation, throwing, trimming and glazing skills. Attendance at first class is essential. Class fee includes 25 lbs. of clay and three hours of lab time. Bring hand tools to the first class meeting or purchase a set during class.
DFP2 10--2 hour 55 minute lessons--$364
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore Sa 3pm 54E.BNQO 1/14 DFP2
Wkfld/Moore T 6pm 54E.SYZZ 1/17 DFP2
Wkfld/Moore W 6pm 54E.5561 1/18 DFP2
Wkfld/Moore W 9am 54E.OJNM 1/18 DFP2
4FC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$237
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk W 7pm F54.XUKD 1/11 3FB OakMarREC T 6:30pm F54.0QOZ 1/10 4FB SpHillREC Th 7pm F54.QNXP 1/19 3FB Wkfld/Moore T 7pm F54.DIUV 1/17 4FC
(13-Adult) Smartphones have tremendous power to take great photos if you know what you are doing. In this class, we will explore the wonders and push the limits of cell phone photography. We will cover how to create photos with depth, stop and capture motion, editing, and how to take good photos in low light.
3FB 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$143
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC T 6:30pm ZEC.N7Y3 1/10 3FB
(13-Adult) Get the most of your camera while captur ing important memories and legacies for your family archives. This class teaches you how to adjust your camera’s settings for various situations while creating a series of photos that memorialize important people and events for generations to come.
3FF 4--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$96
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC T 4pm A5A.LY13 1/10 3FF
(16-Adult) Prerequisite: Digital Photography I or equiv alent experience. This class explores the world of food and flowers through the lens, applying camera basics to food photography from macro to light to exposure on four Saturday morning field trips to a local farm, farmers’ markets or other sites. Control of DOF, shutter manipulation and use of flash will also be covered. Bring your camera to the first class. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. Class itinerary will be provided before first class.
3FG 4--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$71
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Oakton ES Sa 9:30am D7B.EF8M 1/14 3FG
For questions or for a free Parktakes subscription, call 703-222-4664.
(16-Adult) Prerequisite: Digital Photography I or equivalent experience. Architectural, close-up, color and black and white techniques are the main topics cov ered in class and applied on field trips to local historical sites. Control of DOF, shutter manipulation, and use of flash will also be covered. Bring your camera to the first class. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class. Class itinerary will be provided before first class.
3FG 4--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$71
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Woodbrn ES Sa 9:30am 66A.URQN 2/11 3FG
(Adults) Explore different collage techniques and styles while learning a bit about the history of this fun and in triguing art form. Use scissors, adhesives, papers, mixed media and found objects to create satisfying works of art. Supply list available at class.
DFBA 6--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$138
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LeeREC T 12pm 86C.76EZ 1/17 DFBA
(8-Adult) Create beautiful greeting cards using paper quilling techniques. Quilling, also known as filigree, is the art of coiling strips of paper rolls and then shaping them into beautiful works of art. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
DFAR 1--3 hour lesson--$39
Location Day Time Code Begin $ ProvREC Su 3pm 4ZV.J8GI 1/29 DFAR
(13-Adult) Explore gel printing and printmaking. Learn how to use a gel plate as well as printmaking tech niques to create simple and fun works of art. Supply fee of $20 payable to instructor at first class.
4FG 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$89
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SoRunREC W 6:30pm ESU.CU5F 1/18 4FG
(13-Adult) Learn how to transform a small piece of fur niture in this workshop. All you need is a little paint and wax to give an old piece of furniture a lovely new look. Skills include prepping, sanding, and painting. A supply fee may be payable to the instructor at the first class.
DFVY 4--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$85
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore W 6:30pm 4W7.XVYW 2/22 DFVY
Do You Wanna Build a Felted Snowman?
(16-Adult) Needle Felting is a recent craft with a rich history. Learn to combine wool and other fibers to create a cute snowman with personality. Supplies for the project are included in the class fee. Class meets two Thursday nights.
DFAQ 2--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$45
Location Day Time Code Begin $ ColvinRunMill Th 7pm 4CR.44W4 1/19 DFAQ
(13-Adult) Master knitting basics. Students learn knit ting techniques, terminology and choosing materials.
4FC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$237
4FG 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$89
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC F 10:30am 8AD.2I8T 1/20 4FG
ProvREC W 10am 8AD.P3UD 1/11 4FC
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Knitting I.
4FC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$237
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC T 10am FD8.HIFR 1/10 4FC
(13-Adult) Learn modern quilt construction basics. Subjects covered include fabric and thread selection, rotary cutting methods and piecing methods. Also included are instructions for finishing a quilt including sandwiching, quilting and binding. This is an ongoing class with students at all stages of their chosen project.
DFCC 10--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$276
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk Th 12:30pm 285.VQRS 1/12 DFCC
(12-Adult) In this class, offered by My Last Gift Sewing Institute, students learn basic sewing skills including using the ruler, proper measuring and how to read a pattern. Course also covers sewing machine use and maintenance. Skills are put to use creating a variety of projects. No previous experience necessary. Sewing machines and a sewing primer are provided. Supply fee of $35 is payable to instructor at first class and includes kits for creating pillow and tote bags (or other projects if student has made these already).
DFVC 4--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$209
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC M 6:30pm 3B2.SZU4 1/9 DFVC Wkfld/Moore W 6:30pm 3B2.HENI 1/4 DFVC
(12-Adult) Prerequisite: Sewing 101 or equivalent. In this class, offered by My Last Gift Sewing Institute, students build on skills learned in Sewing 101 to create more advanced projects including neck pillows and backpacks. Sewing machines and a sewing primer are provided. Supply fee of $35 is payable to instructor at first class and includes project kits.
DFVC 4--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$209
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC M 6:30pm EEE.HNCA 2/6 DFVC Wkfld/Moore W 6:30pm EEE.ZU7E 2/1 DFVC
(12-Adult) Prerequisite: Sewing 102 or equivalent. In this class, offered by My Last Gift Sewing Institute, students build on skills learned in Sewing 102 to make a variety of more advanced hand and machine sewing projects. Sewing machines and a sewing primer are provided. Supply fee of $35 is payable to instructor at first class and includes project kits.
DFVC 4--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$209
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore W 6:30pm 85C.KJ1Z 3/1 DFVC
(9-Adult) In this class workshop, by My Last Gift Sewing Institute, you learn techniques for altering garments such as hemming by hand or machine, taking in/ letting out waistlines, shortening sleeves and changing buttons. Skills include measuring using a ruler and tape measure, using commercial patterns, hand and machine sewing and fabric structure. Supply fee of $15 is payable to instructor at the workshop.
DFVD 1--3 hour lesson--$66
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC Sa 12pm 912.4OVR 1/21 DFVD
ProvREC Sa 12pm 912.EDM5 1/28 DFVD Wkfld/Moore Sa 10am 912.54NG 1/7 DFVD
(9-Adult) In this workshop, offered by My Last Gift Sewing Institute, you will learn techniques for altering tailored garments such as hemming by hand or machine, taking in/letting out waistlines, shortening sleeves and changing buttons. Skills include measuring using a ruler and tape measure, using commercial pat terns, hand and machine sewing and fabric structure. Supply fee of $15 is payable at the workshop.
DFVD 1--3 hour lesson--$66
Location Day Time Code Begin $ ProvREC Sa 12pm 79E.WOCM 2/25 DFVD Wkfld/Moore Sa 10am 79E.Y8YQ 2/4 DFVD
Sewing Workshop-Decorative Pillows (8-Adult) Students will learn basic sewing skills includ ing using a ruler, proper measuring and how to read a commercial pattern, as well as how to use and maintain a sewing machine. A variety of other hand and machine techniques taught will be put to use making a decora tive custom pillow or pillow sham. A supply fee of $15 covers colored handouts, fabric and notions.
DFVD 1--3 hour lesson--$63
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LeeREC Sa 9am 5XG.5XG 2/11 DFVD
Sewing Workshop-Home Decor (9-Adult) In this workshop, offered by My Last Gift Sewing Institute, learn techniques for creating decor for your room or home such as pillow shams, curtains, pillow cases and pillows. Skills include measuring using a ruler and tape measure, using commercial patterns, hand and machine sewing and fabric structure. Supply fee of $15 is payable to instructor at the workshop.
DFVD 1--3 hour lesson--$66
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Sa 9am EDC.9AV7 1/14 DFVD
Sewing Workshop-Machine Fundamentals (9-Adult) In this workshop, offered by My Last Gift Sewing Institute, learn about sewing machines includ ing threading, bobbin-winding and placement, parts of the machine, making a buttonhole, basic stitches and operation. This class is not a prerequisite for all sewing classes, but a great course for those interested in learn ing how to sew. Bring your machine to class or use one of ours. Supply fee of $15 is payable at the workshop.
DFVD 1--3 hour lesson--$66
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Sa 9am E49.657Y 3/11 DFVD
OakMarREC Sa 9am E49.OUG2 2/18 DFVD
Wkfld/Moore Sa 10am E49.Q2S1 3/4 DFVD
to learn more.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
4603 Green Spring Road
Alexandria, Va. 22312 703-642-5173
Visit Green Spring Gardens for ideas and inspiration for gardening in the Washington metro area. Gardens feature trees, shrubs, vines, perennials, annuals, bulbs and vegetables that grow well in our region.
• 22 themed gardens
• Private garden tours
• Art exhibits
• Nature walks
• Horticulture Center
• Glasshouse
• Library
• Plant Shop
• Event rental space
• Gift Shop
To book a private garden tour, call 703-941-7987. Cost is $12 per person for a group of two to 19; $10 per person for a group of 20 or more.
Hours and Admission:
Horticulture Center open Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Sunday, 12-4:30 p.m.
Plant Shop reopens in April, 2023.
Gift Shop open Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sunday, 12-4 p.m.
Park grounds open dawn to dusk daily.
Washington Gardener Seed Exchange
(Adults) Washington Gardener Magazine is co-hosting the annual seed exchange at Green Spring Gardens with lectures and a face-to-face seed swap. Bring your extra seeds to swap and leave with a bag full of seeds, new garden friends, and expert planting advice. $15 for veri fied Friends of Green Spring members and Washington Gardener subscribers; $20 for guests.
Location Day Time Code Date $
GrnSprGardn Sa 12:30pm C1E.0IPQ 2/4 $15/ea.
GrnSprGardn Sa 12:30pm C1E.8Z4K 2/4 $20/ea.
Garden Sprouts Winter - Nature Playgroup (3-5 yrs.) Your preschooler will enjoy nature-themed activities while you meet other playgroup parents one Monday a month. Through games, songs, activities and a garden walk, we will explore seasonal topics.
Location Day Time Code Date $
GrnSprGardn M 10:30am DC0.W3LA 1/9 $10/ea. GrnSprGardn M 10:30am DC0.LB6N 2/13 $10/ea. GrnSprGardn M 10:30am DC0.EVYL 3/13 $10/ea.
Garden Exploration - Secrets of Winter (4-Adult) Join one of our educators and explore the corners of the garden that are often overlooked but full of stories to tell! In this session we will discover how nature flourishes and evolves even in the cold of winter. All attendees, including parents, must be registered for the program.
Location Day Time Code Date $ GrnSprGardn Sa 2pm FL1.AG7Q 12/10 $8/ea.
Family Fun - Excellent Evergreens (5-Adult) Learn about the wonderful world of ever green trees and plants that really stand out this time of year. Enjoy a seasonal walk through the gardens and make an evergreen craft to decorate your home. All attendees, including parents, register for the program.
Location Day Time Code Date $ GrnSprGardn Sa 10am 4FD.OMUL 12/17 $10/ea.
For questions or for
Winter Solstice Celebration in the Garden (5-Adult) Join us to celebrate the rebirth of the sun and the beginning of winter. Learn about one of the most ancient rituals in the world with legends, crafting and games. All attendees, including parents, must be registered for the program.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ GrnSprGardn W 4pm 8ED.9TWP 12/21 $10/ea.
(5-Adult) Escape the cold winter weather and transport yourself to the tropics. Explore our glasshouse and learn about the plants in our collection and their warm native environments. Create your own mini glasshouse with seeds to take home. All attendees, including parents, must be registered for the program.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ GrnSprGardn Sa 1pm O1L.KP97 1/21 $10/ea.
(5-Adult) Thinking about your spring garden? Come explore the sensational world of seeds. We examine our seed collection, dissect seeds to see what’s inside, and learn how they grow into the plants that fill our gardens. Then plant some seeds to grow at home. Transplant them outside in your garden in spring. All attendees, including parents, must be registered.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ GrnSprGardn Sa 1pm E8F.ZTG9 2/25 $10/ea.
Family Fun - Forcing Flowers (7-Adult) Flowers in winter? Discover the science behind blooms and how to coax them out, even in winter. Create an early bouquet including pussy willow and forsythia branches to bloom indoors. All attendees, including parents, must be registered for the program.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ GrnSprGardn Sa 1pm 2L0.2YN2 3/11 $10/ea.
Garden Talk - Winning Plants for Containers (Adults) Whether it’s flower pots, hanging baskets or window boxes, container gardens are beautiful, easy and rewarding for winter gardening. Learn how to create a dazzling display with eye-catching colors of perennials and annuals. Join Extension Master Gardener docents to gain information for your container.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ GrnSprGardn F 1:30pm D0C.4PO0 1/13 $12/ea.
Garden Talk - Best Perennial Vines for Your Garden (Adults) Elevate the beauty of your garden, even your lamp post, with vines. Vines bring attractive foliage and fragrant flowers to eye level and beyond. Extension Master Gardener docents teach you how to select appropriate vines, resulting in happy plant.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ GrnSprGardn F 1:30pm RVO.436F 2/24 $12/ea.
Parktakes subscription, call 703-222-4664.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(Adults) If you have never grown a vegetable garden before, then this is the year to start! Extension Master Gardener docents show you how to plan a vegetable and herb garden that will conserve water, reduce waste, and reduce grocery bills.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ GrnSprGardn Sa 10:30am HBR.SJC0 3/11 $12/ea.
(Adults) Certified floral designer Betty Ann Galway will lead you through creating a winter floral arrange ment that feels like a walk through nature. Register for both the class and the $35 supply fee. Please pick up your floral supplies at Green Spring Gardens prior to the class, either the day before or morning of the program. A Zoom link will be emailed prior to the program.
1--1 hour 30 minute program
Location Day Time Code Date $
Virtual FCPA W 1pm G3S.PTBX 1/11 $40/ea.
(16-Adult) Enjoy the outdoors inside by creating a beautiful terrarium. Begonia enthusiast Johanna Zinn provides information on this versatile genus and teach es you techniques for creating the perfect terrarium. A terrarium, plants, soil and care instructions are provid ed. Register for both the class and the $30 supply fee.
1--1 hour 30 minute program
Location Day Time Code Date $ GrnSprGardn Sa 1pm 9C2.K3LC 2/11 $40/ea.
(16-Adult) Grow flowers, vegetables and herbs from seed and expand your garden. Be inspired by Green Spring staff members as they discuss potting mixes, containers, seed treatments, lighting, fertilization,
watering, seed sources and timing. Then take home a few seeds to start your own collection.
Location Day Time Code Date $ GrnSprGardn Sa 10:30am J1V.T698 2/18 $23/ea.
Intro to Tree and Shrub Pruning (Adults) Did your hydrangea fail to bloom? Nervous about shaping your specimen tree? Green Spring Gardens staff will teach you about timing, tools and techniques for pruning common woody plants to keep them healthy and looking their best.
GrnSprGardn Sa 10:30am 7CT.WGJH 2/25 $19/ea.
Winter Lecture - Backyard Pollinator Oasis (Adults) Are you dreaming of next year’s garden? Would you like to create an environment that hosts pollinators and wildlife while creating less work for you? Join pollinator expert Heather Andrews in this virtual discussion on how to create a sustainable organic oasis that will invite in an army of good bugs to reduce pest pressure and improve your veggie and fruit yield. A Zoom link will be emailed prior to the program.
Location Day Time Code Date $ Virtual FCPA Su 1:30pm H3T.564R 1/15 $12/ea.
Winter LectureMaking Green Spring Greener (Adults) Green Spring Gardens site manager Judy Zatsick and horticulturist Adam Bucher discuss how the funds from the 2021 FROGS annual appeal, “Making Green Spring Greener,” were used around the site and will discuss the exciting new updates to the garden coming in the Fall! This program will be held in person.
Location Day Time Code Date $ GrnSprGardn Su 1:30pm EWI.P4MR 1/22 $12/ea.
Tropicals for Temperate Landscapes (Adults) Tropical and subtropical plants can create incredible energy and excitement in temperate land scapes and provide strong design elements through the toughest and hottest months of the growing season. Using five memorable categories from her new book “Tropical Plants and How to Love Them” and a host of design tips, Marianne Willburn will focus on incorporat ing some spectacular examples in containers and beds – many of which are remarkably easy to overwinter. A plant list will be provided. This program will be held in person. Book signing after lecture.
Location Day Time Code Date $ GrnSprGardn Su 1:30pm 8LN.YWHJ 1/29 $12/ea.
Winter Lecture - A History of Hedges (Adults) Hedges – high and low – have been in our gardens for over 2,000 years and are part of our cultural heritage. Explore the fascinating history of hedges, from rural hedgerows to classic garden design features with Green Spring Historian Debbie Waugh. Consider
their practical, ecological and ornamental value and what they can tell us about the people who planted them. View spectacular hedges from around the world, reflecting myriad purposes and styles, and hear about Green Spring’s own historic hedge. This program will be held in person.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ GrnSprGardn Su 1:30pm RO5.FV0M 2/5 $12/ea.
(Adults) Join celebrated landscape designer and winner of the 2021 Philadelphia Flower Show “Best in Show” Wambui Ippolito for a virtual exploration of the history of American gardening through the lens of the immigrants who helped cultivate practices and plant life that are still used today. A Zoom link will be emailed prior to the program.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
Virtual FCPA Su 1:30pm QXD.Z9Y3 2/12 $12/ea.
(Adults) Join landscape architect Preston Montague for a virtual discussion on how to avoid common gardening practices that cause unnecessary stress and reduce the ecosystem potential of our landscapes. Learn ways to keep gardening healthy for us and the environment. A Zoom link will be emailed prior to the program.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ Virtual FCPA Su 1:30pm QIW.U0H2 2/19 $12/ea.
We are hiring! Visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/jobs to learn more.
6915 Ox Road
Fairfax Station, Va. 22039 703-323-1641
• 18-hole, par-3 course, 2,843 yards.
• Putting green and chipping area.
• Burke Lake Golf Academy group and private lessons: 703-324-9719.
• Short game holes from 90-200 yards.
• Clubhouse offers food service, clubs and golf supplies.
• Pull carts and clubs are available for rent.
• Two-level driving range with 64 hitting stations; 24 are heated and covered.
6700 Telegraph Road Alexandria, Va. 22310 703-971-3788
• 18-hole regulation, par-70 course, 6,237 yards.
• Bermuda grass fairways and several water hazards.
• Practice putting green.
• Clubhouse offers food service and golf supplies.
• Power carts, golf clubs and pull carts are available for rent.
• Private golf lessons and outing pack ages are available.
7900 Lee Highway
Falls Church, Va. 22042 703-573-0444
• 9-hole, par-35 executive course, 2,415 yards.
• Practice putting green and chipping area.
• Great walking course for all ages.
• Clubhouse offers food service and golf supplies.
• Pull carts and power carts are available for rent.
• Additional features: 18-hole miniature golf course, lighted basketball and tennis courts.
8701 Laurel Crest Drive
Lorton, Va. 22079
• 18-hole, par-71 championship course, 7,102-yards.
• 30-station driving range.
• Putting green, chipping area and practice bunkers.
• Power carts, golf clubs and pullcarts are available for rent.
• Clubhouse offers food service, event catering and golf supplies.
• Eisman Golf Academy offers private and group lessons: 703-919-3056.
• Lessons for ages 7-18 through
• The First Tee: 202-479-2588.
Oak Marr Golf Center
3136 Jermantown Road Oakton, Va. 22124
• 9-hole, par-3 course, 1,456-yards.
• Large practice area for chipping, putting and sand shots.
• Lighted, 78-station driving range with target greens, sand bunker and grass tees.
• Covered and heated driving range stations allow for practice in all weather conditions.
• Everybody Golf School offers private and group lessons: 703-255-5396.
• Additional instruction for ages 7-18 through The First Tee: 202-479-2588.
6600 Little River Turnpike Alexandria, Va. 22312
• 9-hole, par-35 executive course, 2,462 yards.
• Putting green and 10-outdoor practice nets.
• Indoor practice bays and TrackMan 4 golf simulator.
• Clubhouse offers food service and golf supplies.
• Pinecrest Golf Academy offers private and group lessons: 703-941-1061.
• Golf clubs, pull carts and power carts are available for rent.
• AFGL-certified, 18-hole, par-60 Foot Golf course. To reserve a FootGolf tee time, call the course.
For questions
4715 Pleasant Valley Road Chantilly, Va. 20151 703-222-7900
• Upscale, 18-hole, daily fee course and driving range.
• Owned by Fairfax County Park Authority.
• Independently operated by a private golf management company.
• For fees, tee time procedures and operating hours, call 703-222-7900.
6201 Union Mill Road Clifton, Va. 20124
Two courses; two golf experiences; one location.
• The Oaks Course, 18-hole, par-71, 6,715 yards.
• The Lakes Course, 18-hole, par-72, 6,695 yards.
• Putting green, chipping area and driving range.
• Clubhouse offers food service, special event catering, clubs and golf accessories.
• Eisman Golf Academy offers private and group lessons: 703-919-3056.
call 703-222-4664.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Cart rental and greens fees vary by site. Call the course of your choice for information. Metal golf spikes are prohibited at all Fairfax County Park Authority golf courses. Senior and Junior rate avail ability varies by course.
Golf Fairfax is committed to encouraging juniors to learn, practice, play and enjoy the game. Golf is an excellent family sport that promotes good manners, builds friendships and can be enjoyed for a lifetime. Juniors ages 5-17 receive discounted greens fees and range balls at all courses. Classes, camps and lessons are also available for ages 5 and older. To learn more, call the course of your choice.
Handicap services are provided at Greendale, Jefferson, Pinecrest, Twin Lakes and Laurel Hill golf courses. The hands-on system allows you to enter your own scores and get an updated handicap, which you receive twice monthly. The Handicap Index is computed under the USGA Handicap System. By enrolling, you are eligible to participate in Virginia State Golf Association events. Handicap services are available year-round. Contact any Park Authority golf course for more information.
Starting New at Golf (SNAG)
(5-7 yrs.) Course covers basic golf elements in a modified form for kids. Children have fun using larger and more colorful clubs to increase confi dence and coordination. All equipment is provid ed. Athletic shoes are recommended. Classes at Pinecrest are held indoors.
4GB 5--55 minute lessons--$152
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Pinecrest GC Sa 12pm C5A.UMZJ 1/7 4GB
Pinecrest GC Su 1pm C5A.PX5S 1/8 4GB
(5-7 yrs.) Prerequisite: SNAG I. Students review and expand upon fundamentals learned in SNAG I using additional training aids to reinforce proper technique. All equipment is provided and athletic shoes are recommended.
4GB 5--55 minute lessons--$152
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Pinecrest GC Sa 12pm D71.JDKM 2/18 4GB
Pinecrest GC Su 1pm D71.2X7Z 2/19 4GB
(7-12 yrs.) This PGA-developed class introduces students to golf in a fun and friendly environment. Class focuses on fundamentals and step-by-step drills. Topics include grip, stance, target and bal ance. Range balls are included in the class fee and loaner clubs are available.
4GB 5--55 minute lessons--$152
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Pinecrest GC Sa 10:30am 8C0.5JMY 1/7 4GB
(7-12 yrs.) Group lessons covering additional rules, course etiquette, club grip, putting, stance and golf swing. Range balls are included in the class fee and loaner clubs are available.
4GB 5--55 minute lessons--$152
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Pinecrest GC Sa 10:30am 265.NXOV 2/18 4GB
(13-Adult) This PGA-developed class introduces game fundamentals to new golfers. Grip, stance, set up and ball position are taught for putting, chipping and iron play along with hitting tee shots with hybrids and woods. A basic knowledge of golf equipment is included. Range balls are included in the class fee, and loaner clubs are available. Final class is held on the golf course.
4GB 5--55 minute lessons--$152
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Pinecrest GC Su 12pm AEE.6J8B 1/8 4GB
Ladies only Pinecrest GC Su 11am 219.DRVJ 1/8 4GB
Get Golf Ready II (13-Adult) Prerequisite: Get Golf Ready I. This course covers advanced topics for beginning golf ers. Aim and alignment are introduced to putting, chipping and iron shots, and hybrids and woods are hit without a tee. Range balls are included in the class fee, and loaner clubs are available. The final class is held on the golf course.
4GB 5--55 minute lessons--$152
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Co-ed
Pinecrest GC Su 12pm F2A.TDJ6 2/19 4GB
Ladies only Pinecrest GC Su 11am 46F.RNJF 2/19 4GB
Golf-Long Game Lessons Parent/Child (7-17 yrs.) Both the parent and the child participate. Course focuses on the clubs used in the long game such as irons, hybrids, fairway woods and drivers. Range balls are included in the class fee and loaner clubs are available.
4GF 4--55 minute lessons--$155
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Burke LakeGC Su 3pm F86.KXSX 1/8 4GF
Burke LakeGC Su 4pm F86.FWG9 1/8 4GF
Burke LakeGC Th 5pm F86.VDZ5 1/12 4GF
Burke LakeGC Th 6pm F86.WG0G 1/12 4GF
Burke LakeGC Su 3pm F86.BCUI 2/12 4GF
Burke LakeGC Su 4pm F86.UY4F 2/12 4GF
Burke LakeGC Th 5pm F86.UUU2 2/16 4GF
Burke LakeGC Th 6pm F86.LI32 2/16 4GF
Course focuses on the clubs used in the long game such as irons, hybrids, fairway woods and drivers. Range balls are included in the class fee and loaner clubs are available.
4GC 4--55 minute lessons--$128
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (7-12 yrs.) Co-ed
Burke LakeGC Su 1pm 32C.W6DD 1/8 4GC
Burke LakeGC Su 2pm 32C.8UXI 1/8 4GC
Burke LakeGC M 5pm 32C.G50J 1/9 4GC
Burke LakeGC T 5pm 32C.IF41 1/10 4GC
Burke LakeGC T 6pm 32C.K6F5 1/10 4GC
Burke LakeGC Su 1pm 32C.61J7 2/12 4GC
Burke LakeGC Su 2pm 32C.N2TU 2/12 4GC
Burke LakeGC M 5pm 32C.Y7KB 2/13 4GC
Burke LakeGC T 5pm 32C.OCUK 2/14 4GC
Burke LakeGC T 6pm 32C.GRV7 2/14 4GC (13-Adult) Ladies only
Burke LakeGC Sa 1pm AB2.OQQI 1/7 4GC
Burke LakeGC Sa 2pm AB2.JEZF 1/7 4GC
Burke LakeGC W 2pm AB2.2G5P 1/11 4GC
Burke LakeGC W 3pm AB2.F0R4 1/11 4GC
Burke LakeGC W 5pm AB2.TKYO 1/11 4GC
Burke LakeGC W 6pm AB2.11KV 1/11 4GC
Burke LakeGC Sa 1pm AB2.YYQT 2/11 4GC
Burke LakeGC Sa 2pm AB2.FN4S 2/11 4GC
Burke LakeGC W 2pm AB2.BT5S 2/15 4GC
Burke LakeGC W 3pm AB2.6R5G 2/15 4GC
Burke LakeGC W 5pm AB2.RUR0 2/15 4GC
Burke LakeGC W 6pm AB2.TGAT 2/15 4GC (13-Adult) Co-ed
Burke LakeGC Sa 3pm 49C.BN7W 1/7 4GC
Burke LakeGC Sa 4pm 49C.F4TV 1/7 4GC
Burke LakeGC M 6pm 49C.XFAP 1/9 4GC
Burke LakeGC M 7pm 49C.LNNV 1/9 4GC
Burke LakeGC Sa 3pm 49C.598B 2/11 4GC
Burke LakeGC Sa 4pm 49C.OR6H 2/11 4GC
Burke LakeGC M 6pm 49C.KUCS 2/13 4GC
Burke LakeGC M 7pm 49C.Y6MA 2/13 4GC
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Beginner Golf Ready or equivalent. Lessons focus on proper setup, club selection and recovering from trouble situations in addition to course management. Burke Lake uses uneven ramps on its heated, covered driving range to simulate course conditions.
4GC 4--55 minute lessons--$128
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Burke LakeGC Sa 11am A6E.VRAH 1/7 4GC
Burke LakeGC Sa 12pm A6E.BK30 1/7 4GC
Burke LakeGC T 2pm A6E.HFID 1/10 4GC
Burke LakeGC T 3pm A6E.J3JJ 1/10 4GC
Burke LakeGC Sa 11am A6E.9MZF 2/11 4GC
Burke LakeGC Sa 12pm A6E.LGZJ 2/11 4GC
Burke LakeGC T 2pm A6E.6PVF 2/14 4GC
Burke LakeGC T 3pm A6E.KY95 2/14 4GC
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Course focuses on improving shots that will lower your score such as pitch shots, flop shots, 60 yards and in, as well as the distances for each shot type. Range balls are included in the class fee and loaner clubs are available.
4GC 4--55 minute lessons--$128
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (13-Adult) Co-ed
Burke LakeGC Su 11am D23.VIMC 1/8 4GC
Burke LakeGC Su 12pm D23.7KTM 1/8 4GC
Burke LakeGC T 1pm D23.2OYH 1/10 4GC
Burke LakeGC T 12pm D23.TBOG 1/10 4GC
Burke LakeGC Su 11am D23.GKUU 2/12 4GC
Burke LakeGC Su 12pm D23.R0MV 2/12 4GC
Burke LakeGC T 1pm D23.29NQ 2/14 4GC
Burke LakeGC T 12pm D23.2A60 2/14 4GC (13-Adult) Ladies only
Burke LakeGC W 1pm J5P.B0LQ 1/11 4GC
Burke LakeGC W 1pm J5P.KMZX 2/15 4GC
3 Club Fall Classic Scramble – NEW! Sunday, October 23 8 a.m.
Burke Lake Golf Center 703-323-1641
(7 yrs. +)Teams of two compete in an 18-hole scramble format. Each golfer is allowed to choose ONLY three clubs for the scramble. Closest to the pin contests. Prizes for first, second and third place teams. Limited to first 48 teams. No rain dates. Cost: $85/team. Fee due at time of registration, includes lunch. Registration begins 30 days prior to event.
Thursday, November 17 9:30 a.m. Greendale Golf Course 703-971-6170 (18 yrs.+) Join us for our 10th Annual Turkey Cup, winners bring home Thanksgiving dinner and des
sert! Tournament format is a two-player captain’s choice. Prizes awarded for first and second place per division, as well as Closest to the Pin. Registra tion closes Thursday, November 10. Cost is $110 per team; cost includes lunch, greens fee, power cart and prizes. Fee due at time of registration.
Sunday, November 20 10 a.m. Pinecrest Golf Course 703-941-1061
(7 yrs.+) Teams of two players compete in a 9-hole scramble format. Closest to the pin contest. Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams in two age divi sions: Adult/Jr. 7-17; Adult/Adult. Limited to first 24 teams. No rain dates. Cost: $75/team. Fee due at time of registration, includes lunch. Fee due at time of registration.
hiring! Visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/jobs
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
7315 Ox Road Fairfax Station, Va. 22039
(3-Adult) Join us in celebrating the Lunar New Year with crafts, traditional Chinese snacks, and a discussion about the history and culture behind the Lunar New Year. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Saturdays & Sundays, December - Febraury, 11 a.m., 12 p.m., 1 p.m. & 2 p.m.
Reservations recommended, 1 hour program
$10 Adult, $8 Senior/Student/Youth, Under 5 yrs.
10017 Colvin Run Road
Great Falls, Va. 22066
www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/colvinrun mill
• Featuring an operational 19th century, wa ter-powered gristmill, recreational and education al activities for all ages through tours, school field trips, scout programs and special events
• 200-year-old miller’s house
• On the National Register of Historic Places
• Listed on the Virginia Landmark Register
• Accredited by the American Alliance of Museums
• Colvin Run General Store c. 1900 features a selection of gift items, toys, whole wheat flour, cornmeal and grits ground at the mill (selection varies, call ahead to check supply)
General Store open Thursday-Sundays, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Miller’s House open most Saturdays-Sundays, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
(All Ages) Enjoy a tour of historic Colvin Run Mill c.1811. The Mill is a tribute to industrial and mechanical innovation, and to the working people who made it happen. You will learn the importance of the Mill to the multifaceted, surrounding community. Explore why our operational, water-powered gristmill is a prime example of how people, technology, and society rely upon each other for survival and success. You will see how the miller continues to make flour and cornmeal today. The tour covers the main grinding floor and the basement, including the gear pit. This tour is ADA compliant. Private tours available upon request. Please contact the site for details. Individual tour tickets available at Parktakes online.
Friday, December 2, 7:30 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Reservations required, 1 hour, 30 minute tour
$12 Adult, $10 Senior/Student/Youth, Under 5 yrs.
(14-Adult) Tour beautiful Colvin Run by candlelight. Discover how different a 200-year old mill looks at night and visit the miller’s house decorated for the holidays. Learn how the families of the mill spent the winter months and enjoy some holiday treats. Space is extremely limited. Tour tickets available at Parktakes online.
What We Know -
Enslaved People of the Mill
Saturday, February 4, 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m. & 2 p.m.
Reservations recommended, 1 hour, 30 minute tour
$12 Adult, $10 Senior/Student/Youth, Under 5 yrs.
Free (All Ages) For much of the mill’s operational history, chattel slavery was legal in Virginia and historical
records show there were enslaved people connected to the mill owners. On this tour, you will hear the stories of some of those people and learn how historians are searching for more information to tell a more complete history of the Colvin Run community. Tour tickets avail able at Parktakes online.
(3-Adult) Children can bring their parent, grandparent or other adult to this merry holiday tea. Put on your festive clothes and come to the Mill to enjoy tea, savory and sweet treats, and holiday games. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $ ColvinRunMill Sa 2pm ATA.PN4Y 12/17 $15/ea.
(3-Adult) Bring your child to the mill and celebrate Valentine’s Day with this heart-themed tea party. We’ll have tea, savory and sweet treats and play 19th century parlor games. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
ColvinRunMill Sa 2pm YRW.GPZ8 2/11 $15/ea.
(6-Adult) The sap is rising and the maple trees are tapped. Now its sugaring time! Bundle up, brave the weather, and watch and learn as sap is boiled down into delicious, sweet syrup over an open fire. Sample the delicious combination of maple syrup over cornbread, made from Colvin Run cornmeal. While supplies last. This is an outdoor event, dress appropriately.
Location Day Time Code Date $
ColvinRunMill Su 2pm 8GQ.9FHE 2/19 $8/ea. ColvinRunMill Su 11am 8GQ.8PD6 2/19 $8/ea. ColvinRunMill Su 12:30pm 8GQ.ALFH 2/19 $8/ea.
ColvinRunMill Su 2pm 8GQ.K12J 2/26 $8/ea.
ColvinRunMill Su 11am 8GQ.NL0Y 2/26 $8/ea.
ColvinRunMill Su 12:30pm 8GQ.7PTS 2/26 $8/ea.
(Adults) A series of three workshops, led by Colvin Run Mill staff and Bryn Cooley, Collections Manager at Tudor Place Historic House & Garden, will help you protect and preserve your family and personal history. Attend one session or all three. Session 1: Preserving Stories will discuss oral history best practices and strategies for interviewing family and friends, and how to record what you learn. Session 2: Papers will focus on caring for documents, newspapers, letters, photographs and books. Session 3: Other Items (in March) will demon strate how to care for textiles, silver, household items and other objects.
Location Day Time Code Date $
ColvinRunMill Th 7pm MH1.WGEA 1/12 $15/ea.
ColvinRunMill Th 7pm MH1.KMEX 2/16 $15/ea. ColvinRunMill Th 7pm MH1.7L01 3/16 $15/ea.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Exploring Teas - Advanced Workshop (16-Adult) Test your taste buds and tea knowledge as we taste a selection of teas “blind” in this fun and informative seminar. An exploration into unique teas-by process, terroir, and/or scarcity. For those who have attended past basic tea seminars. Tea infused treats and a take home tea sampler included. With Certified Tea Specialist Laurie Bell of Great Falls Tea Garden.
Location Day Time Code Date $
ColvinRunMill Sa 1pm BVN.8Z1T 1/21 $45/ea.
(Adults) Join us for good books, great discussions, and treats. The third Tuesday of each month, we’ll meet to discuss a different book connected to Colvin Run Mill’s history. We’ll read fiction and non-fiction, classic and new books. January’s book is The Grand Idea: George Washington’s Potomac and the Race to the West by Joel Achenbach. In February the book is, All That She Carried: the Journey of Ashley’s Sack, a Black Family Keepsake by Tiya Miles. More book club meetings in the spring.
Location Day Time Code Date $ ColvinRunMill T 7pm YTU.G3N7 1/24 $8/ea. ColvinRunMill T 7pm YTU.OYO3 2/21 $8/ea.
(1-3 yrs.) Bring your toddler to explore history through sight, sound, smell and touch. Seasonal program includes indoor and outdoor activities. Adults must be able to participate with children. Topics vary with seasons: January-Toys, February-Love.
Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk W 9:45am 058.B122 1/11 $10/child ECLawrncePk W 11am 058.NG8F 1/11 $10/child
ECLawrncePk W 9:45am 058.53PC 2/8 $10/child ECLawrncePk W 11am 058.WK31 2/8 $10/child
(4-Adult) Celebrate the winter holidays with the fami lies that lived at Walney Farm. Take a holiday food walk, learning about preservation for the new year and meals for the holiday. Create a holiday ornament, play historic games and enjoy treats and cider around the campfire.
Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Su 3pm 14D.IY4E 12/11 $9/ea. ECLawrncePk Sa 3pm 14D.I2FF 12/17 $9/ea.
(7-Adult) Explore the lives of the men and women during the Revolutionary War who passed along secrets and information and the technology they used in dangerous times. Try your hand at a little spy craft to take home.
Location Day Time Code Date $ ECLawrncePk Sa 10am 1EF.FTI9 1/14 $9/ea.
(8-Adult) Hear the names and stories of many African American families who lived and worked here at Walney. Learn about slave tenancy, stories of resistance and survival.
Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk M 2:30pm 775.LROU 1/16 $8/ea. ECLawrncePk Sa 11am 775.C19C 2/4 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Crank ice cream and discover how ice was harvested in this 19th century farm. Try using ice tongs. Children must be accompanied registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Su 2pm AC3.R71U 1/29 $9/ea. ECLawrncePk Sa 2pm AC3.NT4Y 2/25 $9/ea.
2709 West Ox
Herndon, Va. 20171
Saturdays, February 4, 11, 18 & 25, 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Reservations Required, Free (3-Adult) In honor of Black History Month, the Frying Pan Baptist Meetinghouse will be open each Saturday of February from 12-2 p.m. Established in the 18th century, the original congregation of the meetinghouse included enslaved, free Black, and slaveholding mem bers. Join us to explore a different facet of Black history in Floris and Herndon each weekend. Stay for a few minutes or a couple hours! Please be sure to register by visiting Parktakes online.
Toast to a Forgotten President (21 yrs.+) This President’s Day weekend, join us for cocktails and the story of one of our most maligned presidents: Herbert Hoover. During the Roaring 20s, American farmers experienced their own Great Depression. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover attempted to help them recover, and in 1928 Americans elected him president in a landslide. In 1932, Hoover’s reelection campaign was defeated in a landslide. What happened? Alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages and light refreshments will be served.
Drill like a Soldier (6-Adult) Our Continental Army, formed in 1775, was created from colonial volunteers. Farmers and tradespeople learned to march and fight as one unit. Join us as we practice drilling and talk about the Army’s struggles and successes around the campfire.
Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Su 1pm 5XV.5PRG 2/12 $8/ea.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
explore candid diary pages of the rich, famous and powerful, along with meaningful first-hand accounts of ordinary people.
Tasting - Teas for Winter Health (Adults) A steaming cup of tea offers warmth, comfort and health benefits throughout cold and flu season. Sample a variety of the best teas and herbal infusions to boost immunity and cure the winter blues. Learn about their medicinal properties and discover new healthful brews to enjoy year round. Take home a sample.
(7-13 yrs.) Supplement your historical studies with a fun day of exploring, interpreting and making maps. Try your hand at orienteering, learn about different types of maps from around the world, and take home a personalized map of your life.
1--2 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ HistHuntley W 10am C5B.DA7H 2/15 $14/ea.
4603 Green Spring Road
Alexandria, Va. 22312
www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ greenspring/historic-house
Families occupied the 1784 Historic House until the mid-20th century when Green Spring became a public park. Features include:
• Historic House and garden
• Lectures
• English tea programs
• Tasting parties
• Workshops
• Changing art exhibits
• Historic photo exhibit and informational videos
• On the National Register of Historic Places
• Listed on the Virginia Landmarks Register
• Tea-themed gift shop
Historic House is open Wednesday-Sunday, 12 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Grounds open dawn to dusk daily.
A traditional English tea follows each lecture. Full tea includes finger sandwiches, pastries and scone with cream and jam. Programs are by reservation only.
Call 703-941-7987, TTY 703-324-3988
Sunday, January 15
1-3 p.m.
$38 (program + tea; $15 (program only)
History is made every day! Discover what happened on this day in history as we explore historical events that occurred on January 15 in years past. From royalty to politics, crime to the arts, many events – some tragic, some comical – proved pivotal to human history.
Sunday, January 29 1-3 p.m.
$38 (program + tea); $15 (program only)
Explore the fascinating history of the glasshouse, a gardening innovation that enabled people to grow exotic plants at home. Learn how the Victorians made growing under glass fashionable, and view spectacular glasshouses, orangeries and conservatories. Take a brief tour of the tropics in Green Spring’s own glasshouse.
Sunday, February 26
1-3 p.m.
$38 (program + tea); $15 (program only)
Diaries reveal how people from all walks of life reacted to the events and mores of their times. Discover why personal writings are important to historians as we
1--1 hour 30 minute program
Location Day Time Code Date $ GrnSprGardn Sa 10am DZJ.3HHO 1/7 $25/ea.
6918 Harrison Lane Alexandria, Va. 22306
www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ historic-huntley
The Huntley Villa, built circa 1825 and connected to the Mason family, is listed on the National Regis ter of Historic Places and the Virginia Landmark’s Register. Historic Huntley is a three-acre park containing the Federal style villa, a brick privy, an ice house, root cellar, an additional residence and cultural landscape features. December-February the building is only open for scheduled programs, open houses and special events. See the sites main page for more details.
A Very Mason Christmas (8-Adult) Many of the Christmas traditions we cele brate today began in the 1850s. Join us for a Christmas celebration the Mason family might have enjoyed. Taste a non-alcoholic syllabub, make your own luminary, and create a holiday decoration or small gift to bring home.
1--2 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ HistHuntley Sa 3:30pm 861.PEUL 12/17 $15/ea.
Colonial Life for Homeschool (6-12 yrs.) Did you know that Huntley Meadows Park was once part of George Mason’s holdings? Discover this forgotten Founding Father as you make your own candle, design your own stencil to mark crops, write with a quill pen and decide the future of the colony.
1--2 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ HistHuntley W 10am 925.HN6C 1/18 $14/ea.
The Art of Calligraphy (12-Adult) Mary Teichman says, “calligraphy is a great antidote to modern life.” Explore the connection of Huntley’s past residents to the beautiful art of writing. Try your hand at a variety of pens and brushes. Supplies included.
1--1 hour 30 minute program
Location Day Time Code Date $
HistHuntley Su 2pm YTNZ8U 1/15 $12/ea.
Twilight Hilltop Tour (Adults) Historic Huntley sits high upon a hill over looking Hybla Valley and Huntley Meadows Park. It’s a dramatic setting made all the more stunning by the setting sun. Join us after hours for a special tour and see the house in a different light. Light refreshments served afterward. Dress appropriately for the weather.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
HistHuntley Su 4:30pm D3E.0NTT 12/11 $10/ea.
Christmas Tea at the Harrisons (Adults) December in the late 1800s might have includ ed a Ladies Housekeeping Society tea hosted by Mrs. Harrison. The halls of Huntley will be decked and we’ll share some Christmas history with you as you enjoy teas, scones, fruit and a light savory.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HistHuntley F 2pm C33.25PC 12/16 $35/ea.
Enslaved Lives and the Legacy of Slavery (Adults) Join a historian for a tour of Huntley that ex amines the relationship of the Mason family to slavery and recovers insights into the lives of the Humphrey family and other enslaved people whose labor main tained Mason wealth and social status.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HistHuntley Su 2pm BF1.SARC 1/8 $10/ea.
Civil War at HuntleyDivision and Endurance (16-Adult) Fairfax was as divided as the nation in 1861. Yet these divisions help to explain how Huntley endured the war. This program will examine Huntley through the Civil War through the experiences of the Mason family, their neighbors, and an occupying army. Includes a tour of Historic Huntley.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HistHuntley Sa 2pm 4NZ.KJYG 1/21 $10/ea.
(Adults) Enjoy an afternoon tea circa 1830 much as Betsey Mason would have with the gleam of polished silver and proper tea etiquette. Sample a menu of tasty treats appropriate to the period in an historic setting as you brush up on your tea history. Includes a tour of Historic Huntley.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HistHuntley T 2pm 87A.TPMZ 1/24 $35/ea.
(16-Adult) How does Historic Huntley’s architecture connect to America’s hard-won independence? Who designed it and for what purpose? Join a historical guide on a walking tour of this Federal style villa and related outbuildings to discover how architecture from the past speaks to us today.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HistHuntley Sa 2pm 093.3RS5 2/11 $10/ea.
(Adults) Indulge in all things chocolate, including the tea! Then enjoy a tour, including the romantic view from Historic Huntley. May be canceled in case of inclement weather.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HistHuntley T 2pm F59.LF5B 2/14 $35/ea.
(16-Adult) A society matron, an enslaved wife and mother, a farmer’s daughter, a military wife - Historic Huntley has been home to some interesting women and has seen the lives of women change dramatically since the house was built in 1825. See Huntley from a refreshingly different view as we stroll the house and grounds.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HistHuntley Su 2pm F12.LSVA 2/26 $10/ea.
(Adults) Take a stroll with us on the less-visited side of the park to uncover the history of spies, espionage and how the Cold War struggle between the US and the USSR shaped Huntley and the Fairfax County we know today. Meets at South King Highway entrance includes a 2.4 mile walk over flat terrain.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws F 10am F8B.WZMF 12/9 $10/ea. HuntMdws W 10am F8B.CLD7 2/22 $10/ea.
(7-13 yrs.) Supplement your historical studies with a fun day of exploring, interpreting and making maps. Try your hand at orienteering, learn about different types of maps from around the world, and take home a personalized map of your life.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws W 2pm C5B.UZ52 1/4 $14/ea.
Thursday-Sunday, December - February, 11 a.m., 1 p.m. & 3 p.m.
$10 Adult, $8 Senior/Student/Youth, Under 5 yrs. Free
45 minute tour, Reservations recommended (All Ages) Enjoy a 45-minute tour of the 1794 dwelling, built for Richard Bland Lee, Northern Virginia’s First Congressman. On your tour, hear about Thornton, an enslaved cook, Madam Juba, a laundress; George, a blacksmith, the fate of Elliet, a child and the others who lived and worked at Sully. African American history is not just one month, it is part of the history of the house and people who lived at Sully including the Lee family.
Saturday, December 10 and 17, 2022 Tour times between: 4:45 p.m.-7 p.m.
$12 Adult, $10 Senior/Student/Youth, Under 5 yrs. Free
(All Ages) Enjoy an elegant walk-through tour of Sully, the 18th century home of Richard Bland Lee, Northern Virginia’s first congressman. Tour by the glow of real candlelight as it illuminates the house. Hear about a Christmas tree from 1885 and how a little girls’ recol lection lives on today. In the laundry, learn about the Lee’s enslaved people Thornton, a cook, Madam Juba, a laundress and other enslaved men, women and children and their labors. Make a holiday craft and enjoy a hot beverage and cookies based upon a historical recipe.
All-American Girl - Living Dolls (5-9 yrs.) Pack up your favorite doll for the morning and explore the life of an American girl from an era in history. Bring these times to life with your doll through fun activities, costumes, crafts and themed games in a beautiful historic setting. Each day offers a different time period. Bring snack and drink.
1--2 hour lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $ Sully F 9am 887.9UYS 1/27 $30/ea. Sully Sa 9am 887.OIUZ 2/18 $30/ea.
3650 Historic Sully Way Chantilly, Va. 20151 703-437-1794
The 1794 home of Northern Virginia’s first congress man, Richard Bland Lee, combines aspects of Geor gian and Federal architecture. Guided tours highlight the early 19th century Lee family, the enslaved community, and other families who lived here before it became a park in 1959. Features include:
• Historic house
• Original outbuildings
• Slave quarter cabin
• Heirloom garden
• Squirrel’s Nest gift shop
• Accredited by the American Alliance of Museums
• On the National Register of Historic Places
• Listed on the Virginia Civil Wars Trail
3701 Lockheed Blvd. Alexandria, Va. 22306 703-768-2525
www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ huntley-meadows
• Part of the Underground Railroad Network to Freedom
Hours and Admission
Gift shop Open Thursday-Sunday, 11 a.m.- 4 p.m. and by appointment Monday-Wednesday
For questions or for
A Visit With Santa (2-Adult) Come kick off the Christmas season! Bring your camera to take a picture with Santa in front of a real, open-hearth fire. When you mingle with Kringle, you will have a chance to tell Santa Claus your Christmas wishes, then make a festive ornament to deck your own halls and enjoy some refreshments. All attendees must register, including accompanying adults. For more infor mation, call 703-437-1794.
1--4 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ Sully Sa 12pm 215.X0LD 12/3 $9/ea.
Holiday Concert – IONA (5-Adult) One of the top-rated pan-Celtic groups in the world treats its audience to high energy entertainment featuring Scottish fiddling, percussion, and vocals. Re freshments served in the 18th century kitchen. Limited seating.
1--45 minute concert
Location Day Time Code Date $
Sully F 1pm 0F0.FI1W 12/30 $15/ea. Sully F 2:15pm 0F0.Y4M4 12/30 $15/ea.
free Parktakes subscription, call 703-222-4664.
For yoga, meditation, Pilates, qigong and tai chi classes, see the alternative exercise listings in the Exercise and Fitness section.
For martial arts classes:
• Testing, conducted on and off site for an additional fee, may be required to advance to the next martial arts level. Testing dates are announced at the start of class.
• Uniforms are required for classes at all locations. Uniforms may be purchased through any source and may be available from the instructor for a sepa rate fee. Since specific uniforms may be mandatory for testing/advancement in certain classes, it is recommended that you check with the instructor before buying.
• Separate fees may be charged for tournaments, protective gear and belts, if required for advancement.
Aikido & Self-Defense I (13-Adult) Japanese concept of circular motion to neu tralize an attacker’s power by moving with it. Defense against grabbing, choking and striking attacks are covered. Emphasis is on techniques that are effective without causing serious or permanent injury to the attacker.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
4MG 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$239
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Sa 4pm 78D.YIP2 1/14 4MG
SpHillREC Su 3pm 78D.57PG 1/8 4MA
SpHillREC Su 4pm 78D.TJVL 1/8 4MA
Aikido & Self-Defense II (13-Adult) Prerequisite: Aikido and Self-Defense I or permission of instructor.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC Su 5pm CF6.BNB3 1/8 4MA
(13-Adult) Students learn the ancient samurai sword arts stances, postures and movements, including Iaijutsu sword-drawing and cutting techniques and paired-student kenjutsu exercises. Equipment is provid ed for beginning students.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore Su 6pm 90A.ELQU 1/15 4MA Wkfld/Moore W 7pm 90A.RRJR 1/18 4MA
(13-Adult) Class focuses on the Japanese marital art of jodo, uses a 50-inch hardwood staff and is based on the Shindo Muso Ryu martial tradition. Class covers basic jodo techniques as well as a series of interactive drills and kata that comprise the art. All levels welcome and all equipment provided.
3MA 8--55 minute lessons--$97
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Th 7pm 60E.DMR8 1/19 3MA
Judo (13-Adult) Learn the most efficient use of mental and physical energy for defense through judo techniques including throwing, choking, holding and joint locking.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC Su 5pm 5F3.G0F7 1/7 4MA
(13-Adult) Self-defense typified by grab escapes, throwing and submission holds.
4MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$180
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC Su 3:30pm E32.33SM 1/8 4MB
Martial art that combines tang soo do, jujitsu and kick boxing. Learn a wide range of skills that cover blocking, striking, kicking, grappling, sparring, weapons defense and traditional armed fighting.
3MA 8--55 minute lessons--$97
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
Location Day Time Code Begin $
(6-12 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore Sa 10am 9BA.5H22 1/14 4MA
Wkfld/Moore W 6pm 9BA.ZFQW 1/18 4MA (6-Adult)
CubRunREC Sa 11am 28A.M8NV 1/14 3MA (13-Adult)
Wkfld/Moore M 6pm 11F.WY6N 1/16 4MA
Jung Su Advanced (6-Adult) Prerequisite: Jung Su Beginning or equiva lent.
3MB 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$144
4MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$180
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 11am 563.8HX1 1/14 3MB
BlkBltFFX M 5:30pm 4XF.92Y8 1/9 DMVF
BlkBltFFX T 5:30pm 4XF.KIES 1/10 DMVF
BlkBltFFX W 5:30pm 4XF.X10U 1/11 DMVF
BlkBltFFX Th 5:30pm 4XF.UXU8 1/12 DMVF
BlkBltFFX F 4:45pm 4XF.DK97 1/13 DMVF
ProvREC Su 12pm 4XF.PL3D 1/8 4MA (13-Adult)
BlkBltFFX T 8:45pm LYL.EVZ7 1/10 DMVF
BlkBltFFX Th 8:45pm LYL.HZV8 1/12 DMVF
ProvREC Su 1pm LYL.BWV5 1/8 4MA
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Karate II (6-Adult) Prerequisite: Karate I or equivalent.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LeeREC Sa 11am 964.DMBV 1/14 4MA
Karate III (13-Adult) Prerequisite: Karate II or equivalent.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC W 8pm 210.JT8D 1/18 4MA
(6-Adult) This class gives family members an opportu nity to participate together. Students learn self-defense, gain confidence and build leadership and indepen dence. Each student must register individually.
3MA 8--55 minute lessons--$97
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk Th 7pm D2F.9TJT 1/12 3MA
LeeREC Sa 10am D2F.HQAP 1/14 4MA
LeeREC Sa 12:30pm D2F.K3L0 1/14 4MA
LeeREC M 7pm D2F.5ULD 1/16 4MA
LeeREC T 6:30pm D2F.JIEH 1/17 4MA
LeeREC W 7pm D2F.KMNO 1/18 4MA
LeeREC F 7pm D2F.FK5Y 1/20 4MA
OakMarREC Su 4pm D2F.PK0C 1/8 4MA
(13-Adult) Class focuses on teaching proper goju ryu technique with applications rather than extensive physical training. Kihon (basics), kata (forms) and bunkai
(applications) are covered. Sparring is introduced as an option for interested students.
3MA 8--55 minute lessons--$97
Location Day Time Code Begin $ CubRunREC Su 11am 8E5.A6I6 1/15 3MA
Shotokan Japanese Karate I (6-Adult) Learn self-defense through techniques such as blocking, punching, striking and kicking in combina tion with other related movements.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 10am 31A.TNBK 1/7 4MA SpHillREC W 6pm 31A.DE5L 1/11 4MA
Shotokan Japanese Karate II (6-Adult) Shotokan Japanese Karate I strongly recom mended.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 9am 454.EG3G 1/7 4MA
SpHillREC T 7pm 454.9V1A 1/10 4MA SpHillREC W 7pm 454.2FPA 1/11 4MA
Shotokan Japanese Karate III (6-Adult) Shotokan Japanese Karate II strongly recom mended.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 9am 3E5.YUY9 1/7 4MA SpHillREC T 7pm 3E5.TPWZ 1/10 4MA SpHillREC W 7pm 3E5.2QAR 1/11 4MA
(6-Adult) Learn self-defense through techniques such as blocking, punching, striking and kicking in combina tion with other related movements.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 8am 481.FZG0 1/7 4MA
SpHillREC M 7pm 481.6WW9 1/9 4MA
Success by complete discipline, physical defense, high personal standards, respect for others, positive attitude, confidence, leadership and control.
3MA 8--55 minute lessons--$97
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
4MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$180
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-Adult)
OakMarREC Sa 3pm 9CF.NQNW 1/7 4MA
OakMarREC Sa 4pm 9CF.KOPS 1/7 4MA
SoRunREC Sa 10:15am 9CF.K4R9 1/14 4MA (13-Adult)
CubRunREC Th 7pm 889.5MEM 1/19 3MA
MtVernREC M 7:30pm 889.8KHC 1/16 4MB
MtVernREC W 7:30pm 889.0LZW 1/18 4MB
OakMarREC W 7:30pm 889.R968 1/11 4MB
SoRunREC Th 6:05pm 889.UFA8 1/19 4MB
Waynewd ES M 7:30pm 889.LPVQ 1/16 4MB
Waynewd ES W 7:30pm 889.YRQY 1/18 4MB
Traditional art of Japanese fencing using a bamboo sword-shinai. Supply fee of $35 for classes at Lee District.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (8-Adult)
SpHillREC T 7pm 3F3.BO64 1/17 4MA (13-Adult)
LeeREC F 7pm 48C.0E5O 1/20 4MA
Kendo II (8-Adult) Prerequisite: Kendo I or equivalent.
4MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$180
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC T 7pm 357.702J 1/17 4MB
Kung Fu (6-Adult) This traditional northern-style utilizes the empty hand, kicking and weapons training of Chinese Martial Arts. Additional fee for class t-shirt and pants.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC T 7pm 9DF.LV2N 1/10 4MA
SpHillREC Th 7pm 9DF.DUBN 1/12 4MA
SpHillREC Sa 9am 9DF.356V 1/7 4MA
(6-Adult) Prerequisite: Kung Fu I. This traditional northern-style utilizes the empty hand, kicking and weapons training of Chinese Martial Arts. For beginners to intermediate levels of white to green sash. Additional fee for class t-shirt and pants.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC T 7pm CA6.TJT9 1/10 4MA
SpHillREC Th 7pm CA6.7FXS 1/12 4MA
SpHillREC Sa 9am CA6.JFBB 1/7 4MA
(6-Adult) Prerequisite: Kung Fu II. For intermediate and advanced green to black sash students with continued training on long fist and short hand and northern kicks, as well as weapons training in staff, broadsword, straight sword and spear. Sparring and light contact drills offered as preparation for tournament competi tion.
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Sa 8am 9TG.9NXD 1/7 4MA
(13-Adult) Unique combination of Chinese gungfu and Indonesian pentjak silat offers a modern hybrid of the fighting arts. Training includes single- and multiple-at tacker exercises, forms, solo drills, weapons, and body conditioning.
4MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$180
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Sa 11am 6B2.WWDZ 1/14 4MB
SoRunREC Th 7pm 6B2.3RTO 1/19 4MB
(Adults) Kushin Itto-Ryu is a martial arts system that starts with aikijujutsu and then advances to uses of wooden bokken and other types of wooden practice weapons. Students will need to purchase a gi, bokken and hakama (for advanced practice).
3MB 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$144
Location Day Time Code Begin $ CubRunREC T 6:30pm MLJ.OZKX 1/17 3MB
Tae Kwon Do I
Korean martial art that teaches traditional self-defense techniques including kicking, punching, blocking, spar ring and forms through individual and partner training. These classes are taught by our private vendor partners.
3MA 8--55 minute lessons--$97
4MA 10--55 minute lessons--$120
BMVA 6--45 minute lessons--$91
CMVF 8--45 minute lessons--$85
DMVF 10--45 minute lessons--$106
JRheeFlsCh T 5:15pm
JRheeFlsCh W 6pm 6MJ.FQKR 1/11
JRheeFlsCh F 5:15pm 6MJ.QMUW 1/13
LdbyExFrOks T 4:30pm 6MJ.MKTQ 1/10
LdbyExFrOks W 6pm 6MJ.8W47 1/11 DMVF
LdbyExFrOks Th 4:30pm 6MJ.MGBY 1/12 DMVF
LdbyExFrOks F 5:15pm 6MJ.KX30 1/13 DMVF
SoRunREC Sa 12pm 6MJ.4TMU 1/14 DMVF
SoRunREC W 5:30pm 6MJ.O083 1/18 BMVA (6-Adult)
CubRunREC Su 11am 31F.X8YX 1/15 3MA
CubRunREC W 7pm 31F.T7G6 1/18 3MA
SpHillREC M 5:30pm 31F.PN96 1/9 4MA
LdbyExFrOks Sa 12:15pm BAZ.SHQT 1/14 DMVF (13-Adult)
BlkBltFFX T 7:45pm FM7.4EMT 1/10 DMVF
BlkBltFFX Th 7:45pm FM7.EW48 1/12 DMVF
Frying Pan Pk Th 6pm 31F.MEC7 1/12 3MA
JRheeFlsCh M 7:45pm FM7.48OU 1/9 CMVF
JRheeFlsCh Th 7:45pm FM7.PPU2 1/12 CMVF
LdbyExFrOks T 8:30pm FM7.S18I 1/10 DMVF
LdbyExFrOks W 6:45pm FM7.9UWV 1/11 DMVF
LdbyExFrOks F 6:45pm FM7.3LL8 1/13 DMVF
Tae Kwon Do II (6-Adult) Prerequisite: Tae Kwon Do I or equivalent.
3MA 8--55 minute lessons--$97
4MC 20--55 minute lessons--$239
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Su 12pm 2B9.KLKF 1/15 3MA SpHillREC M/W 6:30pm 2B9.C4J3 1/9 4MC
Tae Kwon Do III (6-Adult) Prerequisite: Tae Kwon Do II or equivalent.
4MC 20--55 minute lessons--$239
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC M/W 7:30pm B14.SD8K 1/9 4MC
Shoshinkan Martial Arts (13-Adult) Learn principles, techniques and self-de fense applications of traditional Karate, Kobudo (weap ons) and Jujitsu.
4MB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$180
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore Su 4:30pm E5D.1ZYF 1/15 4MB Wkfld/Moore Th 6:30pm E5D.0KCC 1/19 4MB
(13-Adult) Learn proper use of strategy and tactics to defend yourself against attack. Course covers physical and psychological training, environmental awareness, verbal strategies, use of weapons and empty-handed defense.
4MF 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$92
CMVA 6--55 minute lessons--$91
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Sa 4pm UBC.NPJH 1/14 CMVA
SoRunREC W 5:30pm UBC.TJ56 1/18 CMVA Wkfld/Moore Th 7pm UBC.SOK6 1/19 CMVA
SoRunREC T 7pm 158.GVO2 1/17 4MF
Self-Defense for Women II (13-Adult) Prerequisite: Self-Defense for Women I or equivalent.
4MF 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$94
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SoRunREC T 7pm 077.HYLJ 2/21 4MF
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(8-Adult) Learn to use clues like buds, bark and fruit to identify and enjoy the winter beauty of some of our park's native trees.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ Burke Lake Pk Sa 1pm 97A.88CW 1/21 $8/ea.
(6-Adult) Learn about animals who hibernate and those who don't. Walk in the park and visit the lake to find out how different animals survive until spring.
Burke Lake Park is over 800 acres and home to the largest lake in Fairfax County. This lake is around 218 acres and hosts a wild variety of wildlife. Surrounding the lake is an oak-hickory forest which includes streams, meadows and vernal pools. All these unique habitats are a great resource for our nature programs. Park grounds are open dawn till dusk daily.
(3-6 yrs.) Preschoolers and their accompanying parents can come explore the diverse ecosystem of the park’s lakefront. Join naturalists in a 4-week class packed with hands-on crafts, games, and activities designed to teach children about the various plants and animals that inhabit the park.
4--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk T 10am N4F.Q484 1/10 $40/child
Burke Lake Pk T 11am N4F.DW4O 2/7 $40/child
(3-8 yrs.) These wild members of the dog family are a common sight in our neighborhoods. Learn about their lives through activities and practice yipping like a fox. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 4pm 7YG.HCFN 1/22 $10/child
(4-12 yrs.) Celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday with a reading of The Lorax. Make a Lorax craft and learn how trees help people.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 2pm 1BC.KXNP 2/4 $8/child
(2-12 yrs.) Pick up an icing bag and join a naturalist in decorating your very own sugar cookies. Give the decorate cookies as gifts to friends and family members along with a personalized note. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 1pm W6R.NKMA 2/12 $8/child
(4-Adult) Take a hike with a naturalist in the early morning to view the stunning first sunrise of the year as it crests over the lake. Rejuvenate as you walk along the park trails and signal in the new year. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 7am NAU.HWZE 1/1 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Take a hike with a naturalist in the evening to view the stunning first sunset of the year as it sets over the lake. Rejuvenate as you walk along the park trails and signal in the new year. Children must be accompa nied by a registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 5:30pm MMU.QIZZ 1/1 $8/ea.
(3-Adult) Enjoy a stroll along the lake shores and learn about the constellations, their stories and other nightsky features. Our astronomical naturalist identifies the stars for you and will have some telescopes for you to use. The program concludes with a campfire. S'mores ingredients provided; hot dogs welcome. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 5:30pm 395.XOOU 1/7 $10/ea. Burke Lake Pk Sa 6:30pm 395.8HML 2/25 $10/ea.
(4-Adult) Hike through the winter woods to learn some useful tips for identifying winter trees. Afterwards, appreciate season's beauty with a winter-themed craft.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 2pm XMC.GTK6 1/8 $8/ea.
(9-Adult) With every season there are different blooms, leaves, roots, seeds and mushrooms that you can iden tify and eat. Learn how to do this safely and ethically as you join a Naturalist on a walk by the Lake.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 10:30am 8Y3.EUSD 1/14 $10/ea.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 3pm RYX.7AKH 1/21 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Join us for an evening campfire with the whole family. During the program we will explore the wonders of our natural world. Our programs may include nature walks, interactive activities, animal pre sentations, or other opportunities to learn about nature. Includes S’mores. Topics vary by date. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $ Burke Lake Pk Sa 5pm UJU.WKB5 1/28 $10/ea. Burke Lake Pk Sa 5:30pm UJU.LQAR 2/11 $10/ea.
(4-Adult) Take a hike through the woods with a naturalist to listen and look for the Park’s winter avian residents and migrants. Find out what birds do to survive the winter weather.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 9am 4F9.R3GU 1/29 $8/ea. Burke Lake Pk Sa 9am 4F9.3ORO 2/18 $8/ea.
(2-Adult) Bring your empty milk jugs and/or two liter soda bottles to make bird feeders. We discuss tips for feeding birds and learn to identify common birds that visit home bird feeders. Dress for the weather and bring binoculars. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk F 4:30pm 420.C72E 2/3 $8/ea.
(3-Adult) Animals communicate in many ways. Learn how to express your affection in chimpanzee, toad, wolf and more on this outside Valentine’s Day walk and talk. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 2pm Q4J.G7J8 2/11 $10/ea.
(4-Adult) The animals may be hibernating in the winter, but that does not mean that there is no sign of them. Join a naturalist as they help you to identify the various signs of animal life in the woods. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $ Burke Lake Pk Sa 4pm PCP.IRWN 2/25 $8/ea.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Geology and Hydrology Hike (12-Adult) Walk with a naturalist to learn how the lake was formed and where the water is going.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 11am F0M.LW55 1/7 $8/ea.
(16-Adult) Bring your significant other along and join a naturalist for a new and unique date night activity. Spend quality time with your favorite person and take the opportunity to strengthen your relationship.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk F 6:30pm AP3.9I7V 1/13 $20/ea.
Burke Lake Pk F 7pm AP3.LC2V 2/17 $20/ea.
(12-Adult) Even though the trees have dropped their leaves and the plants and animals are hibernating, there is still life to be found in our winter woods. Join a natu ralist as they point out our winter time residents.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 2pm SR0.7AXC 2/5 $8/ea.
(12-Adult) Sip some mint tea with your best friend or significant other as a naturalist helps you pen your own love poems based off of famous love poems. Practice your penmanship while learning some helpful calligra phy tips to give your poems a more personalized feel.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Su 10am OJ5.B7BO 2/12 $15/ea.
Critter Crawl (2-6 yrs.) Walk with a naturalist and your child as we investigate the critters who make this park their home.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Th 10am 6A8.8F2H 12/15 $10/child
ECLawrncePk Th 10am 6A8.U77M 1/19 $10/child
ECLawrncePk Th 10am 6A8.GC49 2/23 $10/child
(1-3 yrs.) Bring your toddler to explore nature, through sight, sound, smell and touch. Program includes indoor and outdoor activities. Adults must be able to partici pate with children. Topics vary with seasons: Jan.-Snow and Ice; Feb.-Wind and Mud.
Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk W 9:45am 9C5.ED3P 1/4 $10/child
ECLawrncePk W 11am 9C5.O2UM 1/4 $10/child
ECLawrncePk W 9:45am 9C5.2BS3 2/1 $10/child
ECLawrncePk W 11am 9C5.NBMP 2/1 $10/child
(3-6 yrs.) Explore the parks through books. Hear a sto ry, enjoy nature activities, take a short hike, and finish with a craft. Topics will change seasonally. A parent must accompany each registered child in the program.
Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Th 10am Z48.JCLL 1/5 $10/child ECLawrncePk Th 10am Z48.CKF4 2/9 $10/child
(4-13 yrs.) Join a naturalist as they demonstrate how we feed our site display animals. Make a birdfeeder to take home and use. Search for worms and insects and assist in serving dinner. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Sa 10am 605.XII2 1/21 $8/child
ECLawrncePk Sa 10am 605.X55T 2/18 $8/child
(4-12 yrs.) Learn the story behind Groundhog Day and interesting facts about this animal. Visit the home of the Walney garden groundhog and play some groundhog games. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
ECLawrncePk Th 3pm 93F.IAPV 2/2 $7/child
(All Ages) Get your family into the great outdoors with a personalized naturalist or historian led program. This choose your own exploration can investigate topics like, Stream Life, Pond Life, Animal Habitats, and Survival Skills. Once you register, we will reach out to you to plan your family exploration. Visit ParkTakes online for available times or contact the site directly to make arrangements.
(4-Adult) Take a hike through the woods with a naturalist to listen and look for the park’s winter avian residents and migrants. Find out what birds do to survive the winter weather.
Location Day Time Code Date $ ECLawrncePk Sa 10am 4F9.Y52I 12/10 $7/ea. ECLawrncePk W 10am 4F9.LJV1 12/21 $7/ea.
(2-Adult) Bring your empty milk jugs and/or two liter soda bottles to make bird feeders. We discuss tips for feeding birds and learn to identify common birds that visit home bird feeders. Dress for the weather and bring binoculars. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ ECLawrncePk Su 2pm 420.II1T 1/15 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Learn the different ways the park's squirrels and their Sciuridae family relatives, chipmunks and groundhogs, survive the winter. Take a short hike to look for signs of these animals and their winter homes.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ ECLawrncePk Su 2pm E04.L8CS 1/22 $7/ea.
(8-Adult) Explore Walney Creek with a naturalist to meet some of the small creek critters (macroinverte brates) that call it home. Learn why so many different types of macroinvertebrates are active in winter streams. The naturalist will demonstrate winter collect ing and participants can help pick, sort and learn to identify these magnificent critters.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ ECLawrncePk Sa 1pm 9A6.DRRB 2/18 $8/ea.
(6-12 yrs.) Nothing says “I love you” more than a homemade card. Use natural materials to create your own card just in time for the holiday. Materials will be provided for cards that kids can make. Stay for a little while, or the whole time.
Location Day Time Code Date $ ECLawrncePk Sa 3pm RR5.2181 2/11 $9/child
Campfire Night Hike - Predators at Night (4-Adult) Enjoy a night hike to learn about nocturnal hunters. Listen to taped calls of owls and coyotes and possibly catch a glimpse of them in the forest. End the evening with s'mores round the campfire. Children must be accompanied by an adult registered in the program.
Location Day Time Code Date $ ECLawrncePk Sa 4pm 02D.YLII 12/17 $8/ea. ECLawrncePk Sa 4pm 02D.Z7TZ 1/7 $8/ea. ECLawrncePk F 6pm 02D.QULW 2/17 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Bundle up and discover animal strategies for surviving winter. Meet some exhibit animals and find out their strategies. Enjoy s'mores.
Location Day Time Code Date $ ECLawrncePk Sa 6pm CDE.R34B 1/21 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Vernal pools are one of our parks most fascinating and elusive ecosystem. Join us after hours as we hike the trails and search for signs of new amphibian life. Learn about the life cycle and early development of local amphibians. Hike the trails at night and end with roasting s'mores over a campfire. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour 30 minute campfire
Location Day Time Code Date $ ECLawrncePk Su 5:30pm 721.6GYO 2/26 $10/ea.
greens; Dec. 19-Animals Getting Ready for Winter; Jan. 9-Wily Woodpeckers; Jan. 23- Birds in Winter; Jan. 30Hibernation; Feb. 6- Groundhogs; Feb. 13- Snowflakes & Feb. 27- Twinkle, Little Star.
HiddenOaks M 10am 392.UG29 12/5 $10/child
HiddenOaks M 10am 392.F5ZV 12/12 $10/child
HiddenOaks M 10am 392.82ZD 12/19 $10/child
HiddenOaks M 10am 392.O1CE 1/9 $10/child
HiddenOaks M 10am 392.4KGG 1/23 $10/child
HiddenOaks M 10am 392.BAQE 1/30 $10/child
HiddenOaks M 10am 392.BSD2 2/6 $10/child
HiddenOaks M 10am 392.CMB5 2/13 $10/child
HiddenOaks M 10am 392.Q27V 2/27 $10/child
Animal Pajama Party (3-7 yrs.) Put on your pajamas and come to the nature center to hear bedtime stories, meet animals and wish goodnight to the center's live animals. Bring your favorite stuffed animal with you. One adult only per registered child.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 6:45pm 6CC.8VKK 12/3 $10/child
HiddenOaks Sa 6:45pm 6CC.7RQH 1/14 $10/child
HiddenOaks Sa 6:45pm 6CC.TFDH 2/18 $10/child
craft feathers, beads, seeds and more. All materials included. Bring sharp scissors. Suitable for beginners.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 10am JU5.MRSW 12/10 $15/ea.
Wonder of Crows and Jays (6-Adult) Join Diva Crows and site manager Michael McDonnell who sing the praises of crows, blue jays and other backyard birds. Meet Apollo, an unreleasable crow which is an accomplished author and painter. Get close to other live unreleasable backyard birds who are under the care of trained rehabilitators. Learn natural and cultural facts about crows, and jays and why these birds have undeserved bad reputations.
Location Day Time Code Date $ HiddenOaks Sa 1:30pm 03P.L8NY 12/10 $10/ea.
(4-Adult) Join a naturalist calling in these amazing night gliders and look for flying squirrels at roosting boxes near the nature center. Learn how you can en courage flying squirrels to visit your yard. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Located in Annandale District Park, the newly ren ovated and expanded Hidden Oaks Nature Center is nestled among woodland trails and creeks with a pond, gardens and a butterfly-themed playground nearby. Center features include:
• Nature Playce outdoor exploration center
• Self-guided interpretive trail
• Live animal displays
• Interactive urban woodlands exhibit
• By-request programs
• Meeting rooms reservable for private functions
Visit the Winged Wonders wall to compare your “wingspan” to that of wild animals and take a photo next to the woodland wildlife tree sculpture.
The Nature Center is open daily 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (closed on Tuesdays). Grounds open dawn to dusk daily.
(2-5 yrs.) Preschoolers and their accompanying adult share nature's wonders in this interactive class.Experi ences include finger plays, stories, meeting animals and weather permitting, outdoor exploration. One adult per child only please and no siblings not registered in the program. Topics: Dec. 5- Polar Animals; Dec. 12- Ever
Kaleidoscope Art Weaving (7-10 yrs.) Be inspired by the colors in nature to create a unique weaving. After learning several techniques, use a forked tree branch to weave yarn, ribbon, fabric, craft feathers, beads, seeds and more. All materials included. Bring sharp scissors. One adult per registered child must attend to assist child with the project.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 12:30pm QND.RGAR 12/10 $10/child
Drawing Outer Space with Oil Pastels (7-10 yrs.) Learn fun facts about outer space and how moon craters form with a hands-on activity. Explore using oil pastels to draw your own nebula, planets, and stars on black paper. One adult may attend with registered child. All materials are included.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 1pm FMS.ZWFX 1/14 $15/ea
Dino Puppet Show & Activities (4-8 yrs.) Dinosaurs once roamed all the Earth, places far and near. How do we know that they were here? En joy a puppet show and crafts along with fun fossil facts. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 1pm C97.AYGW 1/21 $10/child HiddenOaks Sa 3pm C97.4YEM 1/21 $10/child
Kaleidoscope Art Weaving (16-Adult) Be inspired by the colors in nature to create a unique weaving. After learning several techniques, use a forked tree branch to weave yarn, ribbon, fabric,
HiddenOaks Sa 5pm 8E6.CGH6 12/10 $7/ea. HiddenOaks Sa 6:45pm 8E6.VI2J 1/7 $7/ea. HiddenOaks Sa 7pm 8E6.V0K5 2/4 $7/ea.
(4-Adult) How fun would it be to have a dinosaur friend over for tea? May be more complicated than you planned. Join us for a ferociously fun tea party high lighting Cretaceous creatures, a puppet show and a sit down tea. Children must be accompanied by an adult who is also registered in this program.
Location Day Time Code Date $ HiddenOaks Su 2pm 5RQ.TWOP 12/11 $15/ea.
(4-Adult) Enjoy a brief presentation and demonstration by our animal caretaker staff. At least one snake, two turtles and a toad will be fed. Children must be accom panied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 1pm EFC.0X7X 12/31 $7/ea. HiddenOaks W 3pm EFC.26SV 1/25 $7/ea.
(4-Adult) Celebrate Chinese New Year with games, stories and crafts. Participate in a Ribbon Dance and a Dragon Parade. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Su 2pm E75.6PAC 1/22 $8/ea.
(5-Adult) Learn about the natural and cultural science of stars including fun facts about our own star and the most easily viewed stars. Learn how you can further explore stars as a family. Children must be accompanied by an adult registered in the program.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 6:30pm BCD.CA5C 1/28 $7/ea.
(5-Adult) What is out there rotating around our sun? Learn about the planets, moons and their effect on us and the rest of the solar system. Learn how your family can enjoy investigating the universe together. Children must be accompanied by an adult registered
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 3pm 127.9OF2 2/11 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Enjoy a late afternoon walk to learn why winter is the best time to go owl-ing. Enjoy a story, learn to identify local owl calls, discover why owls are nick named flying tigers of the night and enjoy a woodland stroll. Children must be accompanied by an adult who is also registered in the class.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 5pm 7X8.M9BD 2/11 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Barred owls inhabit our stream valley parks. Learn to identify these owls from other native owls while enjoying the campfire. Toast marshmallows over the embers. Canceled in case of inclement weather. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks F 7pm 232.PX0D 1/6 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Enjoy an evening around the campfire, toast ing marshmallows over the embers and learn about flying squirrels that live in our area. Cancelled in case of
inclement weather. Children must attend with an adult and all attendees must register.
HiddenOaks Sa 6pm 4F5.2AZG 1/21 $8/ea.
HiddenOaks Sa 6pm 4F5.TCVJ 2/25 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Several bat species flit in the Virginia sky. Look for them as we head to our campfire where you learn fun bat facts and lore plus enjoy an American Indian story. Toast marshmallows over the embers. Cancelled in case of inclement weather. Minimum age to attend program is 4 yrs. Children must attend with an adult and all attendees must register.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Su 7pm 62D.CERP 2/5 $8/ea.
(16-Adult) Learn fun facts about outer space and how moon craters form with a hands-on activity. Explore oil pastels to draw your own nebula, planets, stars and more on black paper. All materials are included.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 10am MIK.WW3E 1/14 $20/ea.
(16-Adult) The sky can be peaceful or dramatic and it is ever changing. Learn how to creatively add weather data to your nature journal. Discover techniques for drawing and painting skyscapes, clouds, rain and snowflakes. Media discussed will include watercolor, oil pastel, watercolor pencils, ink and gel pens. Many materials will be available to borrow in class.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Sa 9:30am 2ZN.19UM 2/4 $60/ea.
Homeschool at the Pond (7-11 yrs.) This program, based on the Pohick Rangers series. is geared to meet some homeschool science requirements. Topics vary. Meets every other week.
5--1 hour 30 minute programs
Location Day Time Code Date $ HiddenPond T 1pm 8A7.8U08 1/3 $70/child
Science and Nature Explorers (5-7 yrs.) Supplement your child’s science education. Students will participate in science experiments and activities exploring the Virginia science standard of learning, as they relate to nature and the outdoors. This program focuses on grades K to 1. Classes for this program meet every other week.
4--1 hour programs
Location Day Time Code Date $ HiddenPond W 4:30pm 555.4TDR 1/11 $32/child
Nature Quest (3-6 yrs.) Be a part of the long-running naturalist pro gram designed for preschool-age explorer. From field to stream and everything in between, children learn about many of our local animal species hands-on and in the field. Program topics vary each week.
4--1 hour programs
Location Day Time Code Date $ HiddenPond Th 11:30am 741.ED8Q 1/12 $40/child
(6-10 yrs.) This hands-on program will cover the rock types and allow the participants to become familiar with our local geology. Program includes fossils and their formation, uses of rocks and mineral, and activities to help reinforce what is being covered.
4--1 hour 30 minute lessons
Location Day Time Code Date $ HiddenPond T 4:30pm 124.D1US 1/24 $54/child
(2-12 yrs.) Come meet Santa and his merry band of crit ters. Bring your camera to take a picture with Jolly Saint Nick, his elves and their animal friends.
1--2 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ HiddenPond Sa 10am 5BF.AP1F 12/10 $12/child
(All Ages) Make your own seasonal wreath out of vines decorated with greens, cones, dried flowers and ribbons. Register one adult to reserve the supplies for yourself and/or your family. One wreath per registrant. Please register another adult per additional wreath.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenPond Su 2pm 980.E48Q 12/4 $25/ea.
(3-Adult) It's dinner time at the nature center and worms and insects are on the menu. Help our naturalist care for and feed the nature center's animals.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenPond W 4:30pm 46D.BCJZ 12/14 $8/ea.
HiddenPond W 4:30pm 46D.1X6T 1/18 $8/ea.
HiddenPond W 4:30pm 46D.FMTT 2/15 $8/ea.
(3-Adult) Join us for an evening campfire the whole family can enjoy. We will explore the wonders of our natural world. Our programs may include nature walks, interactive activities, animal presentations, or other opportunities to learn about nature and our place in it. Includes S’mores. Topics vary by date. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenPond F 6pm 546.3Y8Q 1/20 $10/ea.
HiddenPond F 6pm 546.U06D 2/17 $10/ea.
Minecraft in the Woods (6-12 yrs.) Get wood, build a shelter, find food, and survive the monsters! Learn to take your Minecraft skills out into the real world with this adventurous program.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws W 1pm 1F6.NT0V 1/25 $12/child
HuntMdws Th 10am 1F6.7N2G 2/16 $12/child
(4-Adult) How did the Powhatan Native Americans use the plants and animals you see every day for their medicine, grocery store, clothing and fun? Immerse yourself in a way of life 400 years ago. Grind corn, make a clay pot, master corn darts and go on a guided tour to see the park from the perspective of a Virginia Indian.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Th 9am 147.L7JO 12/1 $12/ea.
HuntMdws Sa 1pm 147.4FST 12/10 $12/ea.
HuntMdws Su 10am 147.SGEY 2/12 $12/ea.
(4-Adult) Sip hot cocoa and join a naturalist for a spe cial winter wonder wetland tour after dark. We look for signs and listen for sounds of beavers, owls, deer and other nocturnal animals. We encourage program partic ipants to bring their own mug to help us reduce waste. Children must be accompanied by registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 4:15pm 756.VPYG 12/10 $10/ea.
3701 Lockheed Blvd., Alexandria, Va. 703-768-2525
www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ huntley-meadows
One of Fairfax County Park Authority’s largest parks (1,500 acres), Huntley Meadows offers opportunities for some of the best wildlife watching around! Features include:
• Wetland boardwalk
• Interpretive trail
• Observation platforms
• Forests, meadows, streams and ponds
• Auditorium
• Exhibits
HuntMdws Su 4:30pm 756.N2R2 1/8 $10/ea.
HuntMdws Sa 4:45pm 756.L2T5 1/21 $10/ea. HuntMdws Sa 5pm 756.FETQ 2/4 $10/ea.
(5-Adult) Join a park naturalist to sip hot cocoa with marshmallows and learn the basics of drawing in this family friendly program. Then try your hand at drawing some of our taxidermy animals like a fox, owl, beaver, duck or raccoon. This program is great for all skill levels. Drawing materials will be provided.
(4-Adult) Enjoy a naturalist guided walk through the forested trails and wetland boardwalk. Look and listen for seasonally active wildlife like birds, frogs, turtles, dragonflies, muskrats and more. Touch biofacts like turtle shells and snakeskin. Each season brings different wildlife into view, what will you discover? Children must be accompanied by registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws T 3pm 65A.KLMS 12/13 $9/ea.
HuntMdws F 3:30pm 65A.PDTS 1/6 $9/ea.
HuntMdws M 12pm 65A.7S4L 1/16 $9/ea.
HuntMdws T 1:30pm 65A.MC2Y 2/7 $9/ea.
(5-Adult) Have you ever seen a shooting star? Join park naturalists for a special opportunity to be in the park after dark and delight in the magic of the geminid meteor shower. Peer through the telescope and enjoy an astronomy talk with a park naturalist. Bring a yoga mat or blanket and find a comfortable spot on the boardwalk to gaze at the night sky while you sip hot cocoa. Bundle up and space out with us on this crisp winter evening.
1--2 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws T 8pm TBM.27KM 12/13 $12/ea.
(5-Adult) Celebrate the first day of winter and shortest day of the year with a Park Naturalist for an outing into the forest and wetland at sunset on this evening walk. We will look and listen for signs of nocturnal wildlife.
1--1 hour 30 minute program
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws T 4:15pm 8CF.HKSW 12/20 $9/ea.
(6-Adult) Join a park naturalist for a guided walk along the forested paths to the wetland and experience the park as it transitions from day into night. Watch and listen for beavers, owls and other nocturnal residents.
Location Day Time Code Date $
• Visitor Center
• Outdoor classroom Hours and Admission
Visitor Center open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Tuesday) and weekends, 12 p.m.-5 p.m. All programs require reservations. Private programs also available upon request. For more information visit the website or call the park directly. Park grounds open dawn to dusk.
Homeschool Wilderness Skills-Winter (7-12 yrs.) Join a Park Naturalist to learn how to survive in nature’s most challenging season. Learn skills hu mans use to stay safe and warm like preparing a winter survival kit, avoiding getting lost, building a fire in wet conditions and keeping a healthy mindset when faced with a challenge. Any supply fee payable at first class.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws F 2pm 20E.9QY3 1/20 $72/child
HuntMdws Su 1pm 579.7OYN 12/11 $12/ea.
HuntMdws Su 3pm 579.QDXY 2/12 $12/ea.
(4-Adult) Grab a net and join us for a special day with a park scientist to see, touch, and study wetland creatures up close. Use magnifying lenses to study their unique characteristics. What critters live in the wetland? What can these little animals tell us about their home? This rare opportunity to dip-net in the wetland is possible through the guidance of our park naturalists.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws T 12pm F81.HWVV 12/13 $10/ea.
HuntMdws W 12pm F81.8ZV4 12/21 $10/ea.
HuntMdws T 12pm F81.V7Z0 1/3 $10/ea.
HuntMdws M 2pm F81.FJZJ 1/16 $10/ea.
HuntMdws Su 2pm F81.413V 1/22 $10/ea.
HuntMdws Th 2pm F81.3G7G 2/16 $10/ea.
HuntMdws F 2:30pm F81.GWEA 2/24 $10/ea.
HuntMdws Sa 4:30pm 343.TE5U 1/7 $10/ea. HuntMdws W 5pm 343.4VVM 2/1 $10/ea. HuntMdws Sa 5:15pm 343.P6CD 2/11 $10/ea. HuntMdws Th 5:15pm 343.G21Z 2/16 $10/ea.
www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/jobs to learn more.
(6-Adult) Discover the secret world of owls. Learn what makes these raptors excellent night predators with a presentation followed by a trail hike to hopefully hear or spot one of Huntley's resident owls. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour 30 minute program
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Su 4:45pm A78.IDAR 1/22 $9/ea. HuntMdws Su 4:45pm A78.QIXA 2/19 $9/ea.
(6-Adult) Take a naturalist-guided walk through Huntley Meadows Park, and learn how to draw simple and cute renditions of the wildlife you see. Drawing tools will be provided. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
1--2 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ HuntMdws Th 1pm 907.4IZP 2/2 $12/ea.
(6-Adult) Come for an evening walk through the woods to one of the park's large meadows. Listen for the call of the male woodcock and hopefully see his amazing courtship display and flight. Bring a flash light. Approximately 1.5 mile walk on uneven terrain. Canceled if rain. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Meets at the South Kings Highway entrance to the park.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 5:30pm 3C9.GNX5 2/25 $9/ea.
(12-Adult) Join park naturalist and artist Margaret Wohler on a walk through the park to learn about the techniques of drawing winter trees and landscapes. Drawing supplies included.
1--2 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 10am FC1.99O1 12/3 $18/ea.
(Adults) These nocturnal raptors are pair-bonding and looking for nesting sites at this time of year. Prowl the park after dark to listen for and learn about our local owls and possibly see a barred owl. Meet at the Visitor Center and dress for the weather and standing off trail.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 4:15pm 68B.UT6W 12/3 $10/ea.
(Adults) Join park naturalists for a relaxing stroll through the park's forest and wetland paths. Look and listen for wildlife settling down or waking up during the transition of day to night.
1--2 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 4:15pm F3C.Y0I8 12/17 $10/ea. HuntMdws Sa 5pm F3C.53D0 1/28 $10/ea.
(10-Adult) Join local artist and naturalist, Margaret
Wohler, to learn all about lichen, this hybrid organism, identify those greenish patches seen on trees and rocks and learn how to draw the textures defining lichen colo nies. Keep a complimentary field sketch book and draw ing materials, courtesy of the RunningBrooke Fund.
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 10am 830.QF60 3/4 $18/ea.
presentations, or other opportunities to learn about nature and our place in it. Includes S’mores. Topics vary. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkAccontkPk F 5:30pm 546.13IN 1/20 $8/ea.
LkAccontkPk F 5:30pm 546.SRUO 1/27 $8/ea.
LkAccontkPk F 6pm 546.K0EK 2/17 $8/ea. LkAccontkPk F 6pm 546.G8IL 2/24 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Enjoy a late afternoon walk to learn why winter is the best time to go owl-ing. Enjoy a story, learn to identify local owl calls, discover why owls are nick named flying tigers of the night and enjoy a woodland stroll. Children must be accompanied by an adult who is also registered in the class.
Location Day Time Code Date $
7500 Accotink Park Road, Springfield, Va. 703-569-0285
Homeschool at the Lake Winter (7-12 yrs.) This program for school children focuses on nature and history. A different topic and hands-on activities are covered each month. January- Hibernation and February- Snow.
Location Day Time Code Date $ LkAccontkPk Th 2pm 3B1.LRG1 1/19 $8/ea. LkAccontkPk Th 2pm 3B1.75DV 2/2 $8/ea. LkAccontkPk Th 2pm 3B1.LFYP 2/16 $8/ea.
(4-9 yrs.) Help feed your feathered friends this winter by making and taking home your very own pinecone bird feeder. What birds stay around all winter long? Find out what those familiar bird calls are as we discuss common birds you may see visit your feeder.
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkAccontkPk Su 1pm 942.TN5T 1/22 $10/child LkAccontkPk Su 1pm 942.MB94 2/26 $10/child
(4-Adult) Take a hike through the woods with a naturalist to listen and look for the Park’s winter avian residents and migrants. Find out what birds do to survive the winter weather.
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkAccontkPk Th 3pm 4F9.B8F2 1/5 $8/ea.
LkAccontkPk Su 10am 4F9.J9U1 1/22 $8/ea. LkAccontkPk F 3pm 4F9.3069 2/3 $8/ea.
LkAccontkPk Su 10am 4F9.TLJ3 2/26 $8/ea.
(3-Adult) Join us for an evening campfire the whole family can enjoy. During the program we will explore the wonders of our natural world. Our programs may include nature walks, interactive activities, animal
LkAccontkPk Su 4pm 7X8.05UK 1/29 $8/ea. LkAccontkPk Sa 4pm 7X8.SD1J 2/25 $8/ea.
1400 Lake Fairfax Drive, Reston, Va. 703-471-5415
Lake Fairfax Park is a 476-acre park, boasting fully wooded campsites surrounded by more than five miles of trails. The 18-acre lake is home to many species of waterfowl, fish, and reptiles. The lake is surrounded by a forest. The unique habitats around the lake provide resources for nature programs and is a popular spot to learn about wildlife
(3-6 yrs.) Be a part of the long-running naturalist pro gram designed for preschool-age explorer. From field to stream and everything in between, children learn about many of our local animal species hands-on and in the field. Program topics vary each week.
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk W 10am 741.MSVO 12/7 $10/child
LkFairfaxPk W 10am 741.G022 12/21 $10/child
LkFairfaxPk W 10am 741.YYSD 1/4 $10/child
LkFairfaxPk W 10am 741.TA5E 1/18 $10/child
LkFairfaxPk W 10am 741.ON24 2/1 $10/child
LkFairfaxPk W 10am 741.6W15 2/15 $10/child
(3-6 yrs.) Preschoolers and their accompanying parents can come explore the diverse ecosystem of the park’s lakefront. Join naturalists in a 4-week class packed
For questions or for a free Parktakes subscription, call 703-222-4664.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
with hands-on crafts, games, and activities designed to teach children about the various plants and animals that inhabit the park.
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk W 10am N4F.4RAC 12/14 $10/child
LkFairfaxPk W 10am N4F.T5C3 12/28 $10/child
LkFairfaxPk W 10am N4F.MNVY 1/11 $10/child
LkFairfaxPk W 10am N4F.BKS7 1/25 $10/child
LkFairfaxPk W 10am N4F.VUMW 2/8 $10/child
LkFairfaxPk W 10am N4F.664W 2/22 $10/child
Groundhogs Day for Kids! (5-8 yrs.) Celebrate Groundhog Day with science ex periments. Learn how Groundhog day came to be and explore lots of fun activities like shadow play games and experiments, groundhog songs, and groundhog cut-outs. Will your groundhog see it’s shadow?
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Sa 10am 5H1.ZOVE 2/4 $12/child
Homeschool Wilderness Skills-Winter
(7-12 yrs.) Join a Park Naturalist to learn how to survive in nature’s most challenging season. Learn skills hu mans use to stay safe and warm like preparing a winter survival kit, avoiding getting lost, building a fire in wet conditions and keeping a healthy mindset when faced with a challenge. Any supply fee payable at first class.
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk M 10am 20E.3M7O 12/12 $72/child
(6-Adult) Come learn about our local cousins to Santa's reindeer! Learn the similarities and differences between reindeer and white tailed deer and play deer games.
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Sa 10am 9HR.5O79 12/10 $8/ea.
(6-Adult) Enjoy nature's tranquil beauty and the night sky under a full moon. Your naturalist guide points out signs of creatures that glide, fly and tiptoe through the woods in the dark. Enjoy a campfire after the hike with s'mores provided. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk F 5pm 193.16E9 1/6 $10/ea. LkFairfaxPk Su 5pm 193.USW4 2/5 $10/ea.
(4-Adult) Learn park critters by the signs they leave behind. Tracks and scat are just a few of the clues left by animals in the park. Join a naturalist on a hike to look for and identify different animals. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour 30 minute program
Location Day Time Code Date $ LkFairfaxPk Su 10am 18F.J21C 1/8 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Enjoy a late afternoon walk to learn why winter is the best time to go owl-ing. Enjoy a story, learn to identify local owl calls, discover why owls are nick named flying tigers of the night and enjoy a woodland stroll. Children must be accompanied by an adult who is also registered in the class.
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Sa 4:30pm 7X8.GCAW 1/14 $8/ea.
LkFairfaxPk Su 4:30pm 7X8.21RK 2/26 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Beaks, feathers, nests and talons are exam ined to explore the avian world that surrounds us. Find out about bird life cycles, migration patterns and adap tations that make these creatures fascinating. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Su 11am 6ED.NC5Y 1/22 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Join us to learn about different aspects of nature and history as we go on the hunt for themed objects around the park and in the historic house. All attendees, including parents, must be registered for the program.
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Su 11am RIQ.3ZMZ 1/29 $8/ea.
(8-Adult) Learn to use clues like buds, bark and fruit to identify and enjoy the winter beauty of some of our park's native trees.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Sa 2pm 97A.J8PT 2/4 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Come celebrate National Feed the Bird Day! Explore various bird species, bird calls, learn what they eat and do during the winter. Create a feeder to bring home.
Location Day Time Code Date $ LkFairfaxPk Su 2pm XDG.TYOF 2/5 $12/ea.
(6-Adult) Come learn about the ways different animals make it through the chilly months. Go on a guided walk with a naturalist to look for burrows, dens, and other winter homes.
Location Day Time Code Date $ LkFairfaxPk Sa 11am HWJ.V1C8 2/11 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Grab a net and join us for a special day with a park scientist to see, touch, and study wetland creatures up close and personal. Use magnifying lenses to study their unique characteristics. What critters live in the wetland? What can these little animals tell us about their home? This rare opportunity to dip-net in the wetland is possible through the guidance of our park naturalists.
1--1 hour 30 minute program
Location Day Time Code Date $ LkFairfaxPk Su 10am F81.GJMJ 2/12 $10/ea.
How to Say “Be Mine” in the Animal World (3-Adult) Animals communicate in many ways. Learn how to express your affection in chimpanzee, toad, and wolf on this outdoors Valentine’s Day walk and talk. Children must be accompanied by an adult who is also registered in the class.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ LkFairfaxPk Su 2pm Q4J.F0MP 2/12 $10/ea.
Tree ID-Bark & Buds
(14-Adult) You may know how to identify tree species in the spring, summer and fall. But how about when the leaves and fruit are gone? Join us as we flex our tree ID muscles this winter and get to know a different side of our local trees.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ LkFairfaxPk Sa 2pm BD1.ZJ93 12/17 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Bundle up and discover animal strategies for surviving winter. Meet some exhibit animals and find out their strategies. Enjoy s'mores.
Location Day Time Code Date $ LkFairfaxPk Sa 5pm CDE.FK1Y 12/10 $10/ea.
Campfire Night Hike - Predators at Night (4-Adult) Enjoy a night hike to learn about nocturnal hunters. Listen to taped calls of owls and coyotes and possibly catch a glimpse of them in the forest. End the evening with s'mores round the campfire. Children must be accompanied by an adult registered in the program.
Location Day Time Code Date $ LkFairfaxPk Su 5pm 02D.BQHI 1/15 $10/ea.
to learn more.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(3-Adult) Enjoy a stroll along the lake shores and learn about the constellations, their stories and other nightsky features. Our astronomical naturalist identifies the stars for you and will have some telescopes for you to use. The program concludes with a campfire. S'mores ingredients provided; hot dogs welcome. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour 30 minute campfire
Location Day Time Code Date $ LkFairfaxPk Sa 5:30pm 395.GLIY 2/25 $10/ea.
(5-8 yrs.) Celebrate Groundhog Day with science ex periments. Learn how Groundhog day came to be and explore lots of fun activities like shadow play games and experiments, groundhog songs, and groundhog cut-outs. Will your groundhog see it’s shadow?
1--1 hour 30 minute program
Location Day Time Code Date $ LewnsvillHse Sa 10am 5H1.V01Z 1/28 $12/ea.
(6-12 yrs.) Nothing says “I love you” more than a homemade card. Use natural materials to create your own card just in time for the holiday. Materials will be provided for cards that kids can make. Stay for a little while, or the whole time.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ LewnsvillHse Sa 10am RR5.2U21 2/11 $9/child
(3-6 yrs.) Be a part of the long-running naturalist pro gram designed for preschool-age explorer. From field to stream and everything in between, children learn about many of our local animal species hands-on and in the field. Program topics vary each week.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ LewnsvillHse W 10am 741.RL7F 1/25 $10/ea.
(8-12 yrs.) Drop your kids off for a holiday gift making workshop. We will print designs and patterns on flour sack towels, create a custom mug, or homemade hand scrub. Kids will have the option to get these wrapped up with a card so they’re ready to give. Stay for a little while, or the whole time.
1--1 hour 30 minute program
Location Day Time Code Date $ LewnsvillHse Sa 10am YKL.HE2P 12/10 $15/ea.
(6-10 yrs.) Enjoy the world of winter by creating winter themed art. Learn how to make frozen colored ice globes, create nature confetti, and design suncatchers.
Location Day Time Code Date $
LewnsvillHse Sa 10am 42M.4XW8 1/14 $12/child
Treasure Hunt & Hot Cocoa
(5-8 yrs.) Come join us and search for hidden treasures in an old historic house from 1745. Use clues to find the treasures hidden throughout the house. Enjoy a fun game of hide-and-seek. After the games, enjoy a nice warm cup of hot cocoa.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ LewnsvillHse Sa 11:45am 9J3.1CJA 1/14 $9/child
(6-Adult) Bring your winter wonder and join a natural ist in creating your own winter tree decorations for you to use at home on your own trees. Let your creativity flow as a naturalist discusses the history of tree decorat ing. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a registered adult.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ LewnsvillHse Su 10am DH0.5GT7 12/11 $8/ea.
Winter Tree Detectives (8-Adult) Learn to use clues like buds, bark and fruit to identify and enjoy the winter beauty of some of our park's native trees.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $ LewnsvillHse Sa 11:30am 97A.1M7O 1/7 $8/ea.
(4-Adult) Join us to learn about different aspects of na ture and history and go on the hunt for themed objects around the park and in the historic house. All attendees, including parents, must be registered for the program.
1--1 hour program
Location Day Time Code Date $
LewnsvillHse Sa 1pm RIQ.D3WW 1/21 $8/ea.
(12-Adult) From lip balms and salves to scented lotions, craft your own custom gifts using essential oils. Homemade crafts make the perfect gift and are just in time for the holidays!
1--1 hour 30 minute program
Location Day Time Code Date $ LewnsvillHse Sa 1pm 3TD.KFEH 12/10 $15/ea.
8700 Potomac Hills St., Great Falls, Va. 703-759-9018 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/riverbend
Fairfax County Park Authority’s only riverfront park has 418 acres of forest, meadows and ponds. Nature highlights include:
• Extraordinary river views
• Spectacular wildflowers and birds
• 10+ miles of trails
• Potomac Heritage Trail
• Kayak, canoe and jon boat rentals
• Fishing
• Visitor Center with snack bar, gift shop and exhibits
Visitor Center open Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Tuesday) and Saturday & Sunday, 12 p.m.-5 p.m. Enjoy the riverside picnic area with grills or relax on the deck overlooking the Potomac River. The park’s picnic shelter and sun deck are available by reservation.
(4-Adult) Learn the science and art of building a fire and then test your skill with primitive fire bows and modern fire-making techniques. Use your new skills to roast some s'mores at the end. Children must be accom panied by a registered adult.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Riverbend Pk Sa 12pm 9DC.ZGW0 12/3 $10/ea. Riverbend Pk Sa 12pm 9DC.6EVU 1/7 $10/ea. Riverbend Pk Sa 12pm 9DC.3EQK 2/4 $10/ea.
(5-Adult) Prepare a winter meal with your family using colonial and indigenous cooking techniques around the centuries old campfire. Bring a flashlight and warm clothes. Food and drink provided. Space is limited.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Riverbend Pk Sa 2:30pm 9EB.9BU7 12/3 $15/ea.
Riverbend Pk Sa 2:30pm 9EB.OPH4 1/7 $15/ea. Riverbend Pk Sa 2:30pm 9EB.JXX7 2/4 $15/ea.
Winter Waterfowl Hike (8-Adult) Hike with a naturalist to search winter water fowl along the Upper Potomac River. Bring binoculars and spotting scopes.
Location Day Time Code Date $
Riverbend Pk Sa 9am 259.YD31 12/17 $10/ea. Riverbend Pk Sa 10am 259.LPI9 1/21 $10/ea. Riverbend Pk Sa 10am 259.GPTI 2/18 $10/ea.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Burke Lake Park
7315 Ox Road Fairfax Station , Va. 22039
Burke Lake’s expansive park offers a wide range of activities for all ages.
• Boating
• Fishing (Va. fishing license required)
• Camping
• Trails
• Mini golf
• Volleyball
• Miniature train
• Carousel
• Ice cream parlor
• Picnic areas with grills
• Playgrounds
• Disc golf course
Sailboats, gasoline motors, kayaks (unless used for fishing) and swimming are prohibited. Park grounds and restrooms are open daily, closed only on Dec. 25. Rowboat rentals available. For hours and fees, visit the website or call the park.
1400 Lake Fairfax Drive
Reston, Va. 20190
www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/lakefairfax Home of the Water Mine Family Swimmin’ Hole, Lake Fairfax is for outdoor lovers of all ages!
• Boating
• Fishing (Va. fishing license required)
• Camping
• Trails
• Picnic areas with grills
• Athletic fields
• Skate park
• Pump track
• Carousel
• Boat rentals
• Water Mine Family Swimmin’ Hole
Pavilion shelters and picnic areas with grills may be reserved by calling 703-324-8732. Sailboats, gasoline motors, electric-powered boats and swimming in the lake are prohibited. For hours and fees, visit the website or call the park.
Birding at Huntley (12-Adult) Over 200 species of birds have been iden tified in the forests, meadows, and wetland habitats of Huntley Meadows Park. Each season brings new feathered residents, for brief or extended stays. Grab your binoculars and join a park naturalist on your next birding adventure! All skill levels welcome.
RDCP 1--2 hour program--$15 each
Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws Su 9am S5Y.B1WW 1/29 RDCP HuntMdws W 9am S5Y.V2JX 2/8 RDCP
(12-Adult) Learn about the park’s birds and some basic identification skills. Program begins with a bird identification discussion. Children age 12 to 16 must be accompanied by a registered adult.
4BCA 1--1 hour 30 minute program--$12
FEE H 1--3 hour program--$19
Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws Sa 8am A4F.353F 12/31 FEE H HuntMdws Su 8am A4F.QDBD 2/19 FEE H LkFairfaxPk Su 9:30am A4F.XTZ2 12/18 4BCA
(8-Adult) Join us for a tour of caches throughout Fair fax county. Hunt for hidden treasures throughout our park system using a GPS. Join one class or sign up for them all! Equipment provided.
4NJ 1--2 hour lesson--$23
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LkFairfaxPk Sa 1pm K98.ZL1E 2/11 4NJ
7500 Accotink Park Road Springfield, Va. 22150
Nestled in Springfield, Lake Accotink is a hidden gem bursting with fun for the whole family!
• Boating
• Fishing (Va. fishing license required)
• Trails
• Picnic areas with grills
• Bike rentals
• Kayak and pedal boat rentals
• Playground
• Mini Golf
• Carousel
Pavilion shelters and picnic areas with grills may be reserved by calling 703-324-8732. Sailboats, gasoline motors, swimming, paddleboarding and windsurfing are prohibited. Park grounds are open year-round. For facility hours and fees, visit the website or call the park.
8700 Potomac Hills Street Great Falls, Va. 22066
A park steeped in Native American history, Riverbend Park is a tranquil setting on the Potomac River that offers outdoor recreation and wildlife.
• Boating
• Fishing (Va. or Md. fishing license required)
• Trails
• Forest
• Meadows
• Kayak and canoe rentals
• Boat launch
• Riverside picnic areas with grills
• River view observation deck
• Visitor center
Beginning Spring 2023, the Fairfax County Park Authority and Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources with a grant from the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF) will provide free fishing rods, reels, and tackle (live bait not included) at these four locations:
Burke Lake Park 703-323-6600
Lake Accotink Park 703-569-3464
Lake Fairfax Park 703-471-5414
Riverbend Park 703-759-9018
Rods and tackle will be for day use only and a short survey from VDWR is required for using a free rod. Please call the sites for more details.
Fishing bait and tackle, rod rentals and snacks are available at the visitor center. Grounds open from 7 a.m. to dusk. A boat launch is provided for kayaks, canoes and jon boats ($5 per boat or $40 for annual launch pass).
• All instructors have different teaching styles.
• Wear comfortable clothing. Any clothing require ments will be discussed at the first class.
• All music classes are group instruction.
• Music books or any other instructional aids are available for purchase at the first class.
• Students must have their own guitar, banjo or harmonica for use in class.
• Piano students need to have access to a piano for practice out of class.
• Some classes may have supply fees so check class descriptions for details. Any supply fees are payable to instructor at first class and are nonrefundable.
(7-14 yrs.) In this Moonlit Wings class, young per formers act in original scenes inspired by Disney’s “Encanto” and other musical favorites. Parents are invited to a mini-performance during the final class, plus a cast party celebration for the students. Moonlit Wings award-winning programs are jam-packed with acting, music, improvisation games and new theatrical surprises every week. (Supply fee of $15 payable to the instructor at first class.)
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CherryRn ES T 6:30pm V5C.NJGD 2/7 DPVD
CubRunREC W 6:30pm V5C.KL3R 2/1 DPVD
Ft Hunt ES M 5pm V5C.2YMX 1/30 DPVD
Lane ES W 5pm V5C.DGZE 2/1 DPVD
Oakton ES Su 10am V5C.HSVA 1/29 DPVD
ProvREC Sa 11:30am V5C.FOVE 2/4 DPVD
SpHillREC Th 6:30pm V5C.NR3C 2/2 DPVD
Va Run ES F 5pm V5C.CHHU 2/3 DPVD Wkfld/Moore Sa 3:30pm V5C.G219 2/4 DPVD
(7-14 yrs.) In this Moonlit Wings class, young perform ers act out stories inspired by their favorite shows and explore hilarious new improv games each week. Parents are invited to a mini-performance during the final class, plus a cast party celebration for the students. Moonlit Wings award-winning programs are jam-packed with acting, music, improvisation games and new theatrical surprises every week. (Supply fee of $15 payable to the instructor at first class.)
DPVD 7--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$131
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CherryRn ES T 5pm 73E.TZUP 2/7 DPVD
CubRunREC W 5pm 73E.ZREY 2/1 DPVD
Ft Hunt ES M 6:30pm 73E.7OEB 1/30 DPVD
Lane ES W 6:30pm 73E.U80F 2/1 DPVD
Oakton ES Su 11:30am 73E.JI98 1/29 DPVD
ProvREC Sa 10am 73E.HQ58 2/4 DPVD
SpHillREC Th 5pm 73E.F5BV 2/2 DPVD
Va Run ES F 6:30pm 73E.OBH1 2/3 DPVD
Wkfld/Moore Sa 2pm 73E.MW79 2/4 DPVD
(14-18 yrs.) In this Moonlit Wings class, teens learn acting, singing and dancing skills to help prepare for
Broadway or college performing arts program audi tions. From monologues to scenes and songs, aspiring actors interested in pursuing a triple-threat training will explore mock auditions each week with lessons inspired by Broadway open-calls and college program admissions. Moonlit Wings award-winning programs are taught by industry professionals and packed with helpful resources for each performer to shine. Supply fee of $15 payable to the instructor at first class.
DPVD 7--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$131
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frnconia ES T 5pm PEK.OVIG 1/31 DPVD
GreenbrW ES Th 5pm PEK.A9P9 2/2 DPVD
Oak View ES W 5pm PEK.2OTV 2/1 DPVD
(14-18 yrs.) In this Moonlit Wings class, teens interest ed in acting on-camera learn how to get started and audition for film and television roles. Aspiring actors discover how to submit for local and Hollywood audi tions, where to find a talent agent and explore scene study to help you book roles. Moonlit Wings award-win ning programs are taught by industry professionals and packed with helpful resources for each performer to shine. Supply fee of $15 payable to the instructor at first class.
DPVD 7--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$131
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frnconia ES T 6:30pm TH0.W49S 1/31 DPVD
GreenbrW ES Th 6:30pm TH0.M8Y0 2/2 DPVD
Oak View ES W 6:30pm TH0.XYPG 2/1 DPVD
(16-Adult) This class introduces students to the world of music and prepares them for playing instruments. Fo cus is on the basics of music theory, rhythmic patterns and chord charts, as well as reading notes on staff. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
CPPA 6--55 minute lessons--$71
Location Day Time Code Begin $ CubRunREC Sa 11am PQ8.VVNT 1/14 CPPA
Guitar I
Learn to play, tune and care for your guitar. Students must furnish their own instrument. Any supply fees are payable to instructor at first class.
3PPA 8--55 minute lessons--$97
4PPA 10--55 minute lessons--$121
Location Day Time Code Begin $
(6-10 yrs.)
CubRunREC Sa 10am DFD.KS0L 1/14 3PPA
SoRunREC Sa 10:05am DFD.68OZ 1/14 4PPA
SpHillREC Sa 4pm DFD.L3O5 1/7 4PPA
Wkfld/Moore M 6pm DFD.WGH7 1/16 4PPA (10-Adult)
CubRunREC Sa 10am 128.HRMG 1/14 3PPA
SoRunREC Sa 10:05am 128.PCM8 1/14 4PPA
SoRunREC M 5:30pm 128.LN5N 1/16 4PPA
SpHillREC Sa 5pm 128.M19E 1/7 4PPA (16-Adult)
ProvREC W 8:15pm 1BF.FJN7 1/11 3PPA
ProvREC W 11am 1BF.75ZB 1/11 3PPA
Wkfld/Moore M 8pm 1BF.NZHC 1/16 4PPA
Prerequisite: Guitar I or equivalent.
3PPA 8--55 minute lessons--$97
4PPA 10--55 minute lessons--$121
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-12 yrs.)
SoRunREC Sa 11:05am 641.I3WS 1/14 4PPA
Wkfld/Moore M 7pm 641.TAXL 1/16 4PPA (10-Adult)
ProvREC W 7:15pm 030.K16R 1/11 3PPA
ProvREC W 10am 030.EXA5 1/11 3PPA
SoRunREC Sa 11:05am 030.Z19C 1/14 4PPA
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(10-Adult) Prerequisite; Guitar I or equivalent, this is not a beginners course. Students should be familiar with and efficient at playing the basic guitar cords. Course introduces some 12-bar blues rock rhythm studies using the E, G and A major scales as well as simple blues concepts. Students expand their guitar playing using a variety of rhythm fills along with the triads, sus, and add9 cords. Students must furnish their own instrument.
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC M 7pm FGZ.SIM2 1/16 4PPA
(6-12 yrs.) In this Learn Now Music group instruction class, students learn to play, tune and care for their gui tar. $20 supply fee for instruments and music is payable to instructor at first class. Equipment rental agreement must be signed at first class.
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC F 6pm 2C2.BXP9 1/20 DPVK
OakMarREC W 6pm 2C2.Y5RU 1/11 DPVK
ProvREC M 6pm 2C2.6Z83 1/9 DPVK
SpHillREC Th 6pm 2C2.0UTC 1/12 DPVK
Group instruction. Learn fundamentals including reading music and keyboard skills. Students must have access to piano or keyboard for practice. Supply fee $10$15 payable to instructor at first class.
DPPA 8--55 minute lessons--$92
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-9 yrs.)
Mosaic ES Sa 9am F66.YQTQ 1/21 DPPA (6-12 yrs.)
Mosaic ES Sa 10am 69C.304P 1/21 DPPA (16-Adult)
ProvREC Th 11:30am NK6.9APS 1/12 DPPA
Group instruction for students who have some piano experience. Improve fundamentals including reading music and keyboard skills. Students must have access
to piano or keyboard for practice. Supply fee $10-$15 payable to instructor at first class.
DPPA 8--55 minute lessons--$92
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-12 yrs.)
Mosaic ES Sa 11am A0C.19F9 1/21 DPPA
Mosaic ES Sa 12pm A0C.7T2B 1/21 DPPA (10-15 yrs.)
Mosaic ES Sa 1pm 023.E4XU 1/21 DPPA (16-Adult)
ProvREC Th 10:30am 91D.57F3 1/12 DPPA
Group instruction. Learn fundamentals including reading music and keyboard skills in this online class. Students must have access to piano or keyboard for practice. We will email the Microsoft Teams link for the class as well as the information to purchase the required piano book which will cost about $10.
DPPA 8--55 minute lessons--$92
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-12 yrs.)
Virtual FCPA Sa 10am JTQ.LIIC 1/7 DPPA
Virtual FCPA F 5:30pm JTQ.QRDE 1/13 DPPA (10-Adult)
Virtual FCPA Sa 9am WZX.LQ1T 1/7 DPPA
Group instruction for students who have some piano experience. Improve fundamentals including reading music and keyboard skills. Students must have access to piano or keyboard for practice. We will email the Micro soft Teams link for the class as well as the information to purchase the required piano book (about $10).
DPPA 8--55 minute lessons--$92
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-12 yrs.)
Virtual FCPA F 6:30pm BHQ.B5RG 1/13 DPPA (10-Adult)
Virtual FCPA Sa 11am COU.6FJM 1/7 DPPA
LNM Piano-Beginning I (6-12 yrs.) In this Learn Now Music group instruction class, students learn piano fundamentals including reading music and keyboard skills. Students must have
access to piano or keyboard for practice. $20 supply fee for instruments and music is payable at first class. Equipment rental agreement must be signed at first class.
DPVK 10--55 minute lessons--$231
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC F 5pm DCF.R6XR 1/20 DPVK
OakMarREC W 5pm DCF.WR60 1/11 DPVK
ProvREC M 5pm DCF.9HW2 1/9 DPVK
SpHillREC Th 5pm DCF.364H 1/12 DPVK
Wkfld/Moore Su 2:50pm DCF.NQP8 1/15 DPVK
Wkfld/Moore M 6pm DCF.63B1 1/16 DPVK
(10-Adult) Learn music Aloha style. Class covers instrument playing basics including chord progres sions, single-note playing and right-hand strumming techniques. Numerous styles are taught. Students must bring their own instrument.
4PPA 10--55 minute lessons--$121
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Su 1pm A61.ED9L 1/8 4PPA
Learn more at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks /wp-parties.htm
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Some classes may have supply fees so check class descriptions for details. Any supply fees are payable to instructor at first class and are non-refundable.
(6-10 yrs.) Junior scientists experiment with engineer ing principles to foil the biggest gusts of the notorious wolf or Mother Nature. Hands-on activities for STEM fun and learning.
FEE Y 1--1 hour program--$10/child
Location Day Time Code Begin $
HiddenOaks Su 1pm H5D.3AJH 1/8 FEE
(8-Adult) This presentation will cover an introduction to sky coordinates, how astronomical objects are repre sented on maps of the sky, and how to read star maps. The talk will be illustrated by a variety of star atlases. The classroom discussion is followed by an observatory session with telescopes, weather permitting. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory at Turner Farm Park.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8
Location Day Time Code Begin $ TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm 837.14JH 1/11 FEE B
(6-10 yrs.) The holiday season abounds with magic, but some mysteries can be explained by science and engineering principles. We may not figure out how San ta flies his sleigh but children will delight in hands-on STEM fun with a holiday twist.
FEE Y 1--1 hour program--$10/child
Location Day Time Code Begin $ HiddenOaks Su 1:30pm 3T3.PIE7 12/4 FEE Y
(6-12 yrs.) Join park naturalists to study the branch of biology that studies and observes mammals. Learn how mammals interact with their habitats, other wildlife, and their contributions to the ecosystem. We will also discuss anatomy and physiology. Use scientific instru ments to enhance your observation skills. Examine preserved specimens followed by outdoor exploration into their natural habitat.
STAA 1--2 hour program--$14
Location Day Time Code Begin $ HuntMdws M 12pm BM2.2TFL 2/6 STAA
Homeschool ScienceEnvironmental Engineers (6-12 yrs.) Learn about what a keystone species is, the beavers life cycle, adaptations and impact on the environment. We use outdoor exploration, observation and lab skills to explore this topic.
STAA 1--2 hour program--$14
Location Day Time Code Begin $ HuntMdws W 12pm 981.EZWH 2/15 STAA
Homeschool Science-
(6-12 yrs.) Explore how bird adaptations allow birds to live in their chosen ecosystem. Study the parks collection of preserved specimens. Followed by outdoor observations and exploration using field tools to learn identification and classification.
STAA 1--2 hour program--$14
Location Day Time Code Begin $ HuntMdws M 1pm F32.K824 12/12 STAA HuntMdws M 12pm F32.TDRJ 2/13 STAA
(8-Adult) Now that you have received a new telescope, how do you set it up and use it? Or are you considering buying a telescope? This course goes into introductory basics of astronomy, observing the sky, and what you need to know to setup and use your telescope. Class will provide hands-on use of telescopes and observing objects in the sky in the Roll-Top Observatory if the weather allows. Attendees can bring their own tele scope for assistance and advice. Advance registration required, no walk-in registration available.
FEE T 1--1 hour 30 minute program--$11
Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm 58B.RTV6 1/18 FEE T
Introduction to Astronomy (8-Adult) This course provides a general introduction to some fundamentals of astronomy and the uni verse we see in the sky around us. We will discuss the basic types of astronomical objects from the small to the large, the motions of the planets and stars, and interesting phenomena in the night sky. The classroom discussion is followed by an observatory session with telescopes, weather permitting. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory at Turner.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8
Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm C83.8UQT 12/14 FEE B TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm C83.5M6H 2/8 FEE B
(8-Adult) The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. JWST is now returning images and data that promise to
revolutionize our understanding of galactic evolution and atmospheres of exoplanets, among other things. We will review the steps to deploy the JWST and discuss the scientific significance of selected images. The class is followed by an observatory session with telescopes, weather permitting. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory at Turner Farm Park.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LewnsvillHse M 7:30pm 4L3.3NL8 2/6 FEE B
Kitchen Science (6-10 yrs.) Enjoy fun science experiments in our own kitchen lab. From edible slime, DIY butter, tasty sand art, and ice cream in a bag, these STEAM activities are sure to be the topic at the dinner table.
STAC 1--2 hour program--$16
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LewnsvillHse Sa 1pm ZZT.J9FE 1/14 STAC
Meteorites-Exploring Visitors from Space (8-Adult) This class is an introduction to the myste rious world of meteorites. Participants will be able to examine actual meteorites including specimens from the Moon and Mars. The discussion is followed by an observatory session with telescopes, weather permit ting. The course will be held in the Roll-Top observatory classroom at Turner Farm Park.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8
Location Day Time Code Begin $ TurnerFarmPk M 7:30pm C90.RK9R 2/13 FEE B
NASA Space Discovery (8-12 yrs.) In this SciGenius class, students learn about living in space, gravity, space phenomena and building rockets in this hands-on class, bringing them closer to the stars, planets, and comets.
DXVQ 10--55 minute lessons--$212
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC Th 6pm 7K2.QHQA 1/12 DXVQ
National Opposite Day Fun (6-10 yrs.) Come celebrate opposite day with STEAM enriched activities to learn about opposites. Explore the opposite poles, play with contrasting flavors, observe differing sounds, and conduct sink or float experiments.
Fee AK 1--1 hour 30 minute program--$12
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LewnsvillHse Sa 10am 90N.JALG 1/21 Fee AK
Night Sky Tour at the RollTop Observatory (8-Adult) This program is a fun tour of planets, con stellations, stars, nebulas, and galaxies in the night sky that can be seen with the eye and in telescopes at the Roll-Top observatory at Turner Farm Park. If inclement weather, we will discuss and show images of objects that could be observed in clear skies. No knowledge of astronomy is needed. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory at Turner Farm Park.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8
Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk M 7:30pm S84.2WSX 12/5 FEE B
TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm S84.4NLB 1/4 FEE B
TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm S84.7K9Z 2/22 FEE B
For questions or for a free Parktakes subscription, call 703-222-4664.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
(8-Adult) Mars has had a long and fascinating history as revealed by spacecraft orbiting the planet and rovers traveling on its surface. We will review the discoveries made by past and current missions and what they say about the possibility of life on Mars. The discussion is followed by an observatory session with telescopes, weather permitting. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory at Turner Farm Park.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8
Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm DF5.VEUA 12/7 FEE B
(6-Adult) Enrich your understanding of various science and engineering topics using scientific investigations, observations, and lab skills with the guidance of a park naturalist. Each outdoor class will focus on a different science theme. All supplies included. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Fee AJ 1 hour program--$10
Fee AK 1--1 hour 30 minute program--$12
Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws M 11am JDI.7AND 1/9 Fee AJ
HuntMdws W 1pm JDI.X1PJ 1/11 Fee AK
HuntMdws W 1pm JDI.7NE4 2/1 Fee AK
HuntMdws Th 3pm JDI.3SNG 2/9 Fee AJ
HuntMdws T 4pm JDI.BS5I 2/14 Fee AJ
HuntMdws W 12pm JDI.WXOZ 2/22 Fee AJ
(6-10 yrs.) There are six simple machines that operate alone or together to make work easier. Come exper iment with wheels and axels, levers, inclined planes, pulleys, wedges and screws for a morning of fun work.
Fee AK 1--1 hour 30 minute program--$12
Location Day Time Code Begin $ ColvinRunMill Sa 10am H5R.OC4C 1/28 Fee AK
(8-10 yrs.) Join us and learn about how snowflakes form and the types of shapes that snowflakes are com posed of. Explore shapes and create fun experiments that are snow themed.
Location Day Time Code Begin LewnsvillHse Sa 1pm RV1.LS7F 1/28 STAA
(8-Adult) This course covers the basics of observing the night sky and objects with a telescope and astron omy resources. For beginner and less experienced telescope users. Class will provide hands-on observing with telescopes if the weather allows. Attendees can bring their own telescopes to use. Supplements the “Introduction to Telescopes” class but can be taken independently. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory at Turner Farm Park.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8
(6-10 yrs.) Explore the wonders of winter using science experiments. Enjoy making your own “snow”, creating a snowstorm, frozen bubble experiments, and even DIY snow slime! This class will warm up a cold winter’s day with all the STEAM creativity and fun.
STAC 1--2 hour program--$16
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LewnsvillHse Sa 1pm UNZ.RG9Z 2/11 STAC
In this Cybertek Academy class, students are intro duced to basic 2D and 3D animation techniques using Minecraft characters and stages. Kids expand their perception, observation, and timing skills, as well as exercise their imagination and storytelling by studying motion in reality, then apply these skills to animation. Students learn how animators work by completing a variety of short animation exercises and projects.
DXVG 6--55 minute lessons--$165
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-10 yrs.)
SpHillREC Th 5:30pm 2XP.XC1F 1/12 DXVG
Woodbrn ES F 5:30pm 2XP.N70P 1/13 DXVG (10-14 yrs.)
SpHillREC Th 6:45pm 8KL.HLNR 1/12 DXVG Woodbrn ES F 6:45pm 8KL.RWIB 1/13 DXVG
This program is a tour of the planets and moons of our Solar System which are viewable in the current night sky. The classroom discussion is followed by an observatory session of planets and the stars be yond in telescopes, weather permitting. No knowledge of astronomy is needed. The course is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top Observatory at Turner Farm Park. Children need to be accompanied by a registered adult.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8
Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk M 7:30pm 8PM.WDZD 12/19 FEE B
TurnerFarmPk M 5pm 8PM.W4VF 1/16 FEE B
(6-Adult) This course will teach people how to see phenomena in the day or night skies such as rainbows, haloes and glories. We will explore sunrises and sun sets, and why the sky is blue and sunsets are orange. The class is held rain or clear skies in the Roll-Top observatory classroom at Turner Farm Park. It is recom mend parents accompany younger children. Advance registration required, no walk-in registration available.
FEE B 1--1 hour program--$8
Location Day Time Code Begin $
TurnerFarmPk M 7:30pm 855.U180 2/6 FEE B
(6-9 yrs.) In this Baroody Camps class, students create potions and exciting chemical reactions. Erupt a volca no, make indoor snow, step inside a giant bubble, grow a giant crystal or blast a rocket into the air while learn ing about the states of matter and how things change with mixtures, solutions, and chemical reactions.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$134
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC M 5:30pm ED0.D4EN 1/9 DXVE
SoRunREC Th 5pm ED0.2V73 1/19 DXVE
Location Day Time Code Begin $ TurnerFarmPk W 7:30pm 12U.DPS2 2/1 FEE B
The Science Seed (6-8 yrs.) Children will be introduced to geology, chemistry, biology and nature through activities to en sure that build a foundation for a love of science. Each class includes a note for the parents about what was taught and how lessons can be continued at home.
DXVI 8--55 minute lessons--$170
DXVJ 6--55 minute lessons--$126
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 11am 76J.BFAW 1/14 DXVJ
ProvREC Su 11am 76J.DM31 1/8 DXVI Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am 76J.CEWV 1/21 DXVI
(5-10 yrs.) Kids love science when they learn with engaging hands-on activities. Share the love this Valentines’ Day!
FEE Y 1--1 hour program--$10/child
Location Day Time Code Begin $
HiddenOaks M 6pm GYM.OA24 2/13 FEE Y
Wildlife Biology Kids (6-12 yrs.) Join a park naturalist to explore the exciting lives of the animal kingdom. Each class covers a differ ent animal’s amazing abilities through outdoor nature hikes, hands-on activities and the use of scientific instruments.
STAA 1--2 hour program--$14
Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws F 3pm OSU.OZBR 12/16 STAA
HuntMdws Th 10am OSU.6EC9 1/5 STAA
HuntMdws M 1pm OSU.SA65 1/30 STAA
HuntMdws T 1pm OSU.MNH8 2/21 STAA
Students learn programming concepts using a dragand-drop platform in the MIT-developed Scratch program. Students use pre-made art or createu their own, then program them to walk, talk and interact with objects while learning logic and visual programming then create a simple 2D video game in this Cybertek Academy class.
DXVG 6--55 minute lessons--$165
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-10 yrs)
FtHunt ES Th 5:30pm 7F9.SA61 1/12 DXVG (10-14 yrs)
FtHunt ES Th 6:30pm C3A.CR25 1/22 DXVG
In this Cybertek Academy class, students use a custom mod called “Computercraft” to program robots called “Turtles” inside the world of Minecraft. Students program their robots to complete various tasks and objectives such as automatically building, mining, and crafting items and structures. Students are introduced to programming using Lua, a simple scripting language.
DXVG 6--55 minute lessons--$165
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-8 yrs)
Oakton ES M 5:30pm 9CC.EPAP 1/23 DXVG
LittleRun ES W 5:30pm 9CC.V7DU 1/18 DXVG (9-13 yrs)
Oakton ES M 6:45pm 71A.BF26 1/23 DXVG
LittleRun ES W 6:45pm 71A.AU4E 1/18 DXVG
(8-14 yrs.) In this Youth Technology Network course students learn about the engineering design process using virtual reality system and software applications.
DXV8 6--55 minute lessons--$186
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Th 4pm G1Y.WEPE 1/19 DXV8
to learn more.
(6-12 yrs.) This Stem exCEL Intro to Bitcoin STEM class introduces children to Bitcoin and its many applica tions. Topics include Bitcoin technology fundamentals of decentralization, mining and consensus. Python programming basics like functions, variables and loops used in Bitcoin blockchain programming also provide context for other pursuits like 3D modeling and Game Design. Using hands on learning, with Bitcoin wallet software and node and mining hardware and behind the laptop, students will learn about cryptography in American history, and its current and future technolog ical impact.
DXVG 6--55 minute lessons--$165
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Su 1pm YGF.H6RW 1/22 DXVG
Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am YGF.5RX8 1/21 DXVG
Intro to Computer-Aided Design (8-14 yrs.) In this Youth Technology Network course students learn to use computer-aided design software and design thinking methods to create, customize, prepare, and print digital objects.
DXV7 4--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$181
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Th 5pm N62.ZRKN 1/19 DXV7
Intro to Game Design (6-12 yrs.) In this STEM exCEL class, students learn the fundamentals and concepts of game design with a real game engine. Students will design and build their game from the ground up while learning 2D game art and programming logic.
DXVF 6--55 minute lessons--$138
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Sa 1pm 766.TIBY 1/21 DXVF
SoRunREC Su 11am 766.HQI9 1/22 DXVF
SpHillREC Sa 1pm 766.VY60 1/21 DXVF
(5-8 yrs.) This SciGenius class combines the exciting world of LEGO with programming. Students work in teams through a series of challenges to program and manipulate their own robots. Skills are enhanced across science, engineering, technology and coding through project-based activities. The unique combination of the LEGO brick, classroom-friendly software and inspiring, standards-based science projects results in a resource that builds students’ confidence.
DXVJ 6--55 minute lessons--$126
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC W 6pm 8CV.76VB 1/11 DXVJ
(5-8 yrs.) Make LEGO® WeDo 2.0 AquaBots in this Baroody Camps robotics class. Each day students build and code a different water-themed robot using LEGO® gears, pulleys, axles, motors and sensors. Make boats, seaplanes, ocean explorers and robotic denizens.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$134
DXVL 10--55 minute lessons--$168
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC M 6:30pm XZ7.O913 1/16 DXVE
SoRunREC T 5:30pm XZ7.4ZDR 1/17 DXVE
Wkfld/Moore Th 6pm XZ7.VFEI 1/19
questions or
(8-12 yrs.) This SciGenius class combines the exciting world of LEGO with programming. Students work in teams through a series of challenges to program and manipulate their own robots. Skills are enhanced across science, engineering, technology and coding through project-based activities. The unique combination of the LEGO brick, classroom-friendly software and inspiring, standards-based science projects results in a resource that builds students’ confidence.
DXVQ 10--55 minute lessons--$212
SpHillREC T 6pm FX5.44Z9 1/10 DXVQ
In this Baroody Camps program, students develop engineering design skills as they investigate ways of defining problems, brainstorming solutions, and testing and refining prototypes. Students then refine their problem-solving skills as they create a solution to a problem that has constraints, and improve on others’ ideas while building fun and out of the ordinary creations.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$134
DXVL 10--55 minute lessons--$168
and collaborating. Students learn to advance their programming skills writing and implementing large scale Minecraft modifications. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
DXVF 6--55 minute lessons--$138
Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC Sa 1pm 9B4.P2E5 1/21 DXVF
SoRunREC F 6pm 9B4.TVNS 1/20 DXVF
(6-12 yrs.) In this Stem exCEL Minecraft Programming class students learn important problem-solving and de sign skills with Command Block and Redstone. Coding concepts are instructed for all kinds of amazing projects that include flying machines, large-scale rollercoasters, and water elevators.
DXVG 6--55 minute lessons--$165
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Sa 1pm TRE.APRT 1/21 DXVG
ProvREC Su 1pm TRE.SGV9 1/22 DXVG
Location Day Time Code
Begin $ (5-7 yrs.)
SoRunREC Sa 12:30pm TML.UA42 1/14 DXVE (8-11 yrs.)
CubRunREC M 7:30pm QUS.VQQX 1/16 DXVE
SoRunREC Sa 2pm QUS.RVGK 1/14 DXVE Wkfld/Moore Th 7pm QUS.NBR1 1/19 DXVL
LEGO WeDo 2.0 JurassicBots (8-11 yrs.) In this Baroody Camps class, students revive the prehistoric world by to building dinosaur themed robots with walking mechanisms. They will learn how to convert rotational motion into translational motion, increase force with levers, gears and belt drives, and work with motion and tilt sensors. The robots will be animated using special programming software. In every lesson young engineers will build and learn about a dif ferent dinosaur robot, each with a unique functionality.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$134
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Su 3pm CHO.T66N 1/15 DXVE
SoRunREC T 7pm CHO.XXP4 1/17 DXVE
LEGO Zooland (5-8 yrs.) In this Baroody Camps class, students bring their favorite zoo animals to life. Each week, students build and code a different animal robot using axles, timing belts, gears, laptops and coding blocks while learning fun facts about these animals. The creations will be animated using special programming software. This program provides fun learning experiences while helping to develop skills such as confidence, creativity and collaboration.
DXVL 10--55 minute lessons--$168
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore Th 5pm P1X.9WEG 1/19 DXVL
(6-12 yrs.) In this class offered by STEM exCEL, Mine craft Modding and Java programming are tied together to allow students more customization in their mods.
At the same time, this course teaches students how to solve problems in a multiplayer game while building
(6-12 yrs.) This Stem exCEL Roblox Game Design class teaches students how to create an obby, as well as game design concepts with the popular game engine Roblox Studio. Students create amazing 3D games while learning about 3D modeling and programming logic.
DXVG 6--55 minute lessons--$165
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Su 11am JYR.SNHH 1/22 DXVG
OakMarREC Sa 1pm JYR.QPCV 1/21 DXVG
In this Cybertek Academy course, students will learn how to use coding fundamentals to strategically engineer an immersive, imaginative cosmos for one of the fastest-growing gaming platforms in the world. “Ro blox, Imaginative Game Design” provides students with hands-on experiences in innovation and the underlying mechanics of 3D gaming.
DXVG 6--55 minute lessons--$165
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-9 yrs.)
FranconiaES Th 5:30pm AKM.CQGF 1/19 DXVG
SpHillREC Sa 1pm AKM.BSWZ 1/14 DXVG (10-14 yrs.)
FranconiaES Th 6:45pm 6CI.ICQX 1/19 DXVG
SpHillREC Sa 2:15pm 6EI.01R9 1/14 DXVG
(5-8 yrs.)
In this Baroody Camps class, students use a curriculum powered by LEGO Educational group which includes fun robotics projects using LEGO bricks to build robots. Projects help students improve their math, physics and engineering skills while having a ton of fun.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$134
Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC Th 5:30pm GW9.9XQ9 1/19 DXVE
SoRunREC Su 1:30pm GW9.UBX7 1/15 DXVE
SoRunREC M 5:30pm GW9.ZZGT 1/16 DXVE
Parktakes subscription, call 703-222-4664.
All programs and activities will
Complete some or all requirements to earn your scout badges in Fairfax County Parks! Programs offered at Rec Centers, nature centers and historic sites, and some offer flexible scheduling options. For program details and requirements or to request a program on your schedule, call the site of your choice. See pages 10-11 for contact information. Early registration discount and out-of-county fees do not apply. BSA Scouts are required by Scouting BSA to bring a blue card signed by their Scout master to any merit badge program. Pre-work and program details available at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/scouts.
Daisy Girl Scouts (5-7 yrs.)
This class meets the requirements to earn all 3 DGS-Cybersecurity Badges.
1--2 hour lesson includes supplies
Location Day Time Code Date $
CubRunREC W 1pm 583.NYAP 12/21 $15
1--3 hour lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $
CubRunREC M 1pm 26A.848P 1/16 $23
Science In Nature Badge Combo
This program satisfies most of the requirements to earn the Numbers in Nature, Shapes in Nature & Design with Nature Badges.
1--1 hour 30 minute lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Su 3:30pm E5E.R6NA 2/5 $11
Start Your Journey 5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers
1--1 hour lesson includes supplies
Location Day Time Code Date $ ECLawrncePk Sa 9:30am 502.502L 1/28 $8
1--1 hour lesson includes supplies
Location Day Time Code Date $
CubRunREC Sa 10am 4CA.S8UC 1/21
CubRunREC F 10am 4CA.EW2Z 3/3
1--1 hour 30 minute lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $ ECLawrncePk
Playing the Past
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
1--1 hour 30 minute lesson includes supplies
Location Day Time Code Date $
HistHuntley Su 2pm 87E.C7WP 1/8 $15
1--4 hour lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $
CubRunREC M 12:30pm FC5.N6FE 1/23 $36
1--2 hour lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $
CubRunREC M 1pm 609.JO4D 2/20 $14
1--1 hour 30 minute lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk T 11am R41.2NVU 12/20 $11
1--2 hour lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Th 10:30am C79.ABW6 12/22 $14
1--3 hour lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $
CubRunREC T 12pm 684.2JW4 12/20 $23
CubRunREC W 12pm 684.OM5W 12/28 $23
CubRunREC T 1pm 684.A3JT 1/24 $23
CubRunREC M 9:30pm 684.C87O 2/20 $23
1--1 hour 30 minute lesson includes supplies
Location Day Time Code Date $
HistHuntley Su 1pm 155.SIEZ 12/18 $12
CubRunREC F 1:30pm 155.GN9C 2/24 $12
1--2 hour lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Th 1:30pm F93.CP9Q 12/22 $14
ECLawrncePk Sa 4:30pm F93.VV0N 1/14 $14
Outdoor Art Apprentice
1--2 hour lesson includes supplies
Location Day Time Code Date $ ECLawrncePk Su 9:30am 909.T06S 1/29
1--2 hour lesson
Location Day Time Code Date
LkFairfaxPk Su 10am 340.C14Z 2/19
F 6pm 340.CK8V 2/24
1--1 hour 30 minute lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $ LkAccontkPk Sa 10am E85.VACV 3/4 $11
Start Your Journey-Sow What? -SGS
1--2 hour lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $ LkFairfaxPk Su 1pm 6A3.ETOJ 12/18 $14
1--1 hour lesson includes supplies
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk F 5pm A25.GMNA 1/20 $8
Geocaching & Orienteering
1--2 hour lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 1pm 40E.PAN3 1/28 $14
1--1 hour lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $ LkFairfaxPk F 2pm LCO.J1C7 12/30 $7
1--1 hour lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $ LkFairfaxPk W 1pm 40E.LL1B 12/28 $7
Kitchen Scientist
1--2 hour lesson includes supplies
Location Day Time Code Date $ LewnsvillHse Sa 10am 62A.PWJK 2/25 $15
1--1 hour lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $ LkFairfaxPk W 2pm 1FF.P8K8 12/21 $7
Kitchen Scientist
1--2 hour lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $ LewnsvillHse Sa 1pm 53B.ZEBN 2/25 $15
Kitchen Scientist
1--3 hour lesson
Location Day Time Code Date $ LewnsvillHse Sa 9am CB0.R449 2/11 $23
For questions or for
Campfire Safety for Girl Scouts (5-Adult) Learn how to safely build and enjoy a camp fire using fire safety skills and receive the Smokey Bear Pledge certificate. Enjoy a brief woodland walk and toast marshmallows. Children must be accompanied by adult.
1--1 hour campfire
Location Day Time Code Date
2pm AC7.9LFZ 1/21
Skills for Scouts - Fire Building (10-Adult) This program covers common badge requirements and serves as good practice for Scouts BSA rank requirements.
1--1 hour 30
Location Day Time Code Date
1pm XSL.6XAS 12/11
Fur, Feathers and Ferns-Bear
1--1 hour
Location Day Time Code
Earth Rocks-Webelos Elective
1--1 hour 30
free Parktakes subscription, call 703-222-4664.
Day Time Code Date
1F8.3FMO 1/22
Into the Wild-Webelos Elective
1--1 hour 30 minute lesson
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Location Day Time Code Date $ ECLawrncePk Sa 3pm 3A7.H9MC 2/11 $11
1--4 hour Merit Badge
Location Day Time Code Date $
HistHuntley M 10am FE4.3XOZ 1/16 $48
Sully Sa 10am FE4.3209 1/21 $48
Location Day Time Code Date $
Sully Su 10am 91F.U4MM 1/8 $48
Location Day Time Code Date $
HistHuntley Sa 10am 04C.RN3C 2/25 $60
1--5 hour Merit Badge
Location Day Time Code Date $
HistHuntley M 10am E7A.5SBV 1/2 $60
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 1pm 3DD.JB4J 1/21 $36
Location Day Time Code Date $
Riverbend Pk Sa 4pm 2FE.NKC9 1/28 $48
Location Day Time Code Date $
LkFairfaxPk Sa 10am 642.6JII 12/3 $60
LkFairfaxPk M 10am 642.YEJW 1/16 $60
LkFairfaxPk Sa 10am 642.SQ12 2/18 $60
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 10am A71.UJO8 1/7 $48
HuntMdws Sa 10am A71.535C 2/4 $48
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Sa 10am FE0.4T4Q 12/3 $48
HiddenOaks T 8:30am FE0.M8U5 12/20 $48
Sully Sa 10am FE0.IBK5 1/14 $48
ECLawrncePk M 9:30am FE0.B3FZ 1/16 $48
HuntMdws Su 9am FE0.A4XM 2/5 $48
HiddenOaks M 8:30am FE0.OO08 2/20 $48
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks T 1pm 38A.JDGQ 12/20 $48
HistHuntley F 10am 38A.2ALK 12/30 $48
HuntMdws Sa 9am 38A.MU03 2/11 $48
Sully Sa 10am 38A.95LD 2/11 $48
ECLawrncePk M 9:30am 38A.BLYO 2/20 $48
HiddenOaks M 1pm 38A.5NF1 2/20 $48
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws Su 10am DDB.W2QH 12/11 $60
HiddenOaks M 12pm DDB.3QQJ 12/19 $60
HiddenOaks Su 12pm DDB.5JKQ 2/19 $60
Sully Sa 10am DDB.9K8S 2/25 $60
HuntMdws Su 10am DDB.C9YM 2/26 $60
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks T 12:30pm 5BE.HJ92 12/27 $48
HiddenOaks M 1pm 5BE.TFTT 1/16 $48
Sully Su 10am 5BE.ROON 1/22 $48
HuntMdws Sa 9am 5BE.R89K 2/18 $48
1--4 hour Merit Badge
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks F 12:30pm 9F8.Z2AV 1/27 $48
Environmental Science
1--5 hour Merit Badge
Location Day Time Code Date $ ECLawrncePk Sa 9am FFA.8C10 2/25 $60
1--4 hour Merit Badge
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks F 9am 8E9.WS5Q 12/23 $48
1--3 hour Merit Badge
Location Day Time Code Date $
Frying Pan Pk W 4pm 767.VGHX 2/15 $36
First Aid
1--5 hour Merit Badge
Location Day Time Code Date $
HuntMdws T 10am 869.IIPY 12/20 $60
1--4 hour Merit Badge
Location Day Time Code Date $ CubRunREC M 1pm 5E3.XSOX 12/19 $48
1--2 hour Merit Badge
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks W 9:30am 160.A73G 12/28 $24 HuntMdws Su 12pm 160.I0OJ 1/29 $24
1--4 hour Merit Badge
Location Day Time Code Date $ HiddenOaks Th 12:30pm A5E.95LU 1/26 $48
1--4 hour Merit Badge
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks W 12:30pm 0A1.OAXZ 12/28 $48
1--4 hour Merit Badge
Location Day Time Code Date $
HiddenOaks Th 12:30pm 435.1CA0 12/29 $48
HuntMdws Sa 11am 435.Y84S 1/14 $48
HuntMdws M 12pm 435.GU4W 2/20 $48
Wilderness Survival
1--5 hour Merit Badge
Location Day Time Code Date $ HuntMdws Su 9am CCC.7NXN 2/12 $60
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Golf facilities, classes and tournaments are listed in the Golf section.
• Two courts available 4 - 6 p.m.
• Four courts available 6 - 10 p.m.
• An informal ladder is maintained
• No age or gender restrictions
• Competition level ranges from beginner to expert Saturday mornings
8 - 10 a.m. - Advanced racquetball players gather to challenge opponents at similar skill levels.
• Open to men and women.
• No ladder.
• No appointment necessary.
Sunday afternoons
1 - 3 p.m. - Racquetball players compete against intermediate and advanced-beginner skill levels.
• Choose singles, doubles or cutthroat games.
• No ladder.
• Court fees are waived for racquetball league mem bers; you pay Rec Center admission only.
Kids love this high-energy class that introduces them to a variety of sports and activities each week including soccer, basketball and flag football. Have lots of fun with teamwork as you learn new sports.
DSVR 10--55 minute lessons--$183
DSVP 8--55 minute lessons--$121
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-8 yrs.)
SpHillREC W 7pm FOZ.FYJI 1/11 DSVR
Woodbrn ES Sa 10am FOZ.CLXQ 1/7 DSVR (6-12 yrs.)
Mosaic ES Su 9am JEE.APFO 1/22 DSVP
Mosaic ES Su 12pm JEE.OHSC 1/22 DSVP
Children learn basketball skills and techniques including passing, shooting, dribbling and other fundamentals. Class includes scrimmages to reinforce teamwork.
4SA 10--55 minute lessons--$160
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$127
DSV1 8--55 minute lessons--$145
DSVK 10--55 minute lessons--$155
DSVR 10--55 minute lessons--$183
DSVP 8--55 minute lessons--$121
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-8 yrs.)
Belle Vw ES Sa 10am 0F7.FU6I 1/14 DSVR
Kings Pk ES Su 10am 0F7.IQ8X 1/22 DSVP
LeeREC Sa 10:30am 0F7.68E3 1/14 DSVK
LeeREC Su 9:30am 0F7.MGL4 1/15 DSVK
Oakton ES Sa 11:30am 0F7.BBLP 1/7 DSVR
Oakton ES Su 11am 0F7.KWG3 1/8 DSVR
Orng Hnt ES Sa 10am 0F7.I1DY 1/14 DSVR
Orng Hnt ES Su 10am 0F7.K6YL
SpHillREC Sa 10am
SpHillREC Su 9am
SpHillREC Th 6pm
SpHillREC F 7pm
Sully CommCtr Su 10am
Learn to move without the basketball on offense. Practice different defensive and offensive sets in this advanced class.
4SA 10--55 minute lessons--$160
DSVR 10--55 minute lessons--$183
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (8-12 yrs.)
Oakton ES Su 2pm 988.UBN9 1/8 DSVR (12-14 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore Sa 3pm 94C.N20W 1/14 4SA
(8-12 yrs.) Students learn basketball skills and tech niques including passing, shooting, dribbling and other fundamentals. Class includes scrimmages to reinforce teamwork.
4SA 10--55 minute lessons--$160
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Su 10am 924.DI6Y 1/8 4SA
SpHillREC Su 11am 924.JO74 1/8 4SA
SpHillREC T 5pm 924.Q78H 1/10 4SA
SpHillREC T 6pm 924.A3F1 1/10 4SA
Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am 0F7.LXCK 1/14 4SA
Wkfld/Moore M 6pm 0F7.N87A 1/16 DSVR
Wkfld/Moore Th 5:30pm 0F7.UCPR 1/19 DSVR (8-10 yrs.)
Belle Vw ES Sa 11am 134.4HTM 1/14 DSVR
Cub Run ES Sa 11am 134.9TX3 1/14 4SM
Kings Pk ES Su 11am 134.TB5D 1/22 DSVP
LeeREC Su 10:30am 134.IGKT 1/15 DSVK
LeeREC M 5:30pm 134.C3QE 1/16 DSVK
Oakton ES Sa 12:30pm 134.M7NY 1/7 DSVR
Oakton ES Su 12pm 134.4TMO 1/8 DSVR
Orng Hnt ES Sa 11am 134.JAT4 1/14 DSVR
Orng Hnt ES Su 11am 134.7F5T 1/15 DSVR
SpHillREC Sa 11am 134.M5QY 1/7 4SA
SpHillREC M 7pm 134.YYED 1/9 DSVR
Sully CommCtr Su 11am 134.ZW3N 1/8 DSV1
Wkfld/Moore Sa 12pm 134.37IK 1/14 4SA
Wkfld/Moore M 7pm 134.CWZC 1/16 DSVR
Wkfld/Moore Th 6:30pm 134.U1WW 1/19 DSVR
Woodbrn ES Sa 11am 134.MYE7 1/7 DSVR (11-13 yrs.)
Cub Run ES Sa 9am 188.IOPX 1/14 4SM
Kings Pk ES Su 12pm 188.6YRN 1/22 DSVP
LeeREC M 6:30pm 188.031F 1/16 DSVK
Orng Hnt ES Sa 12pm 188.6FJ8 1/14 DSVR
Orng Hnt ES Su 12pm 188.R4MC 1/15 DSVR
Wkfld/Moore Sa 1pm 188.308I 1/14 4SA
Wkfld/Moore Th 7:30pm 188.YP7Q 1/19 DSVR
Woodbrn ES Sa 12pm 188.LGM1 1/7 DSVR
Learn a variety of offensive and defensive strategies in this intermediate class.
4SA 10--55 minute lessons--$160
DSVR 10--55 minute lessons--$183
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (8-10 yrs.)
SpHillREC T 7pm 919.0S90 1/10 4SA
SpHillREC Th 7pm 919.V3X9 1/12 4SA (8-12 yrs.)
Oakton ES Sa 1:30pm 58D.OY95 1/7 DSVR
Oakton ES Su 1pm 58D.3EQV 1/8 DSVR (10-12 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore Sa 2pm 680.KB5P 1/14 4SA
(10-16 yrs.) Shooting is the most essential skill in basketball. With modern offenses geared towards five perimeter players, shooting has become paramount on all teams at all levels. Focus will on reworking shooting mechanics for maximum accuracy, developing a light ning-quick release and discovering the mindset and training required to become an amazing shooter.
DSVU 4--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$106
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore Su 12pm 3LV.OK2B 1/15 DSVU
(5-6 yrs.) This U6 league introduces 5 and 6-year-olds to basketball and teaches them the rules and basic game fundamentals. Fee includes uniform shirt.
DSV2 8--55 minute lessons--$188
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC Sa 9am 086.OXU5 1/7 DSV2
Co-ed Basketball League (6-7 yrs.) This U7 league is for advanced 6- and 7-yearolds. Course introduces participants to basketball and teaches them the rules and basic game fundamentals. Fee includes uniform shirt.
DSV2 8--55 minute lessons--$188
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC Sa 10am 403.VRAI 1/7 DSV2
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Coach Rich’s Co-ed Basketball League
(7-13 yrs. Co-ed) 3-on-3 basketball is a great format for incorporating multiple skills and ensuring players are involved in every phase of the game. Games will be played on Saturdays. Upon registration, you will be contacted with further information regarding schedules and important dates. The number of players registered will determine the schedule, approximately 40 minutes of game play each week. There is no need for parent volunteers and no weekly practices. The fee includes one evaluation session and nine games.
DSV9 10--2 hour 15 minute lessons--$188
Location Day Time Code Begin $ LeeREC Sa 11:45am CD5.E0UC 1/14 DSV9
Game Time Basketball
(5-6 yrs.) This U6 league introduces 5 and 6-year-olds to basketball and teaches them the rules and basic game fundamentals.
DSVK 10--55 minute lessons--$155
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC F 5:30pm A55.UTN1 1/20 DSVK
This coed class is a perfect complement to skill-building basketball classes and camps and focuses on core team concepts, game strategies, and basketball fundamen tals. Class incorporates full-court game play.
DSVK 10--55 minute lessons--$155
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (7-9 yrs.)
LeeREC F 6:30pm 097.NK1N 1/20 DSVK (10-13 yrs.)
LeeREC F 7:30pm 45C.9HGD 1/20 DSVK
(8-Adult) Learn fencing basics such as proper foot work, attack-and-defense actions and basic strategy.
DSVM 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$164
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC F 5:30pm 217.7TDA 1/13 DSVM
Known as the physical game of chess, fencing provides a physical and mental workout for students of all athletic abilities. This course primarily uses the foil, a light sport weapon, and introduces the sabre (modern equivalent of the cavalry sword) and epee (modern equivalent of the rapier). An equipment fee of $49 is payable at the first class.
DSVC 6--55 minute lessons--$83
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (9-13 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore Sa 12pm D7D.4MKH 1/14 DSVC
Wkfld/Moore W 6pm D7D.SIX0 1/18 DSVC (13-Adult)
Wkfld/Moore Sa 1pm 0D1.JST7 1/14 DSVC
Wkfld/Moore W 7pm 0D1.3ZDT 1/18 DSVC
(9-Adult) This class offers a continuation program for students who have completed the VAF Beginning Fencing class or have previous fencing experience. Students will learn and utilize advanced techniques and strategies, and be introduced to competitive bouting
using electronic equipment. An equipment fee of $49 is payable at first class.
DSVC 6--55 minute lessons--$83
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC F 8pm PZQ.2PYW 1/13 DSVC
Wkfld/Moore Sa 2pm PZQ.GT53 1/14 DSVC
Wkfld/Moore W 8pm PZQ.I98M 1/18 DSVC
Introduction to Olympic Sport Fencing through drills, games and exercises done in pairs. Learn basic foot movements such as advances, retreats and lunges, as well as basic hand movements including thrusts and blocks. An equipment fee of $29 is payable at first class.
DSVC 6--55 minute lessons--$83
DSVP 8--55 minute lessons--$121
LeeREC M 5:05pm JBN.19PH 1/16 DSVL
LeeREC T 6:05pm JBN.TMBH 1/17 DSVL
OakMarREC Sa 10am JBN.6HAQ 1/7 DSVH
OakMarREC Sa 11am JBN.ZS3U 1/7 DSVH
ProvREC Sa 1pm JBN.X04Q 1/7 DSVH
ProvREC W 7pm JBN.TRIW 1/11 DSVH
SoRunREC Sa 3pm JBN.IDMI 1/14 DSVL
SoRunREC Su 3:30pm JBN.IEAN 1/15 DSVL
Wkfld/Moore W 5:30pm JBN.LQDS 1/18 DSVL
Gymnastics II (6-12 yrs.) Prerequisite: Gymnastics I.
DSVL 8--55 minute lessons--$165
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Su 12:15pm ZA4.R402 1/15 DSVL
LeeREC M 6:05pm ZA4.KOK3 1/16 DSVL
Wkfld/Moore W 6:30pm ZA4.QGAT 1/18 DSVL
Location Day Time Code
Begin $ (7-13 yrs.)
NOVA Fencers M/W 4pm 30E.GOEZ 1/9 DSVP
NOVA Fencers M/W 6pm 30E.51LA 1/9 DSVP
NOVA Fencers T/Th 6pm 30E.UMO2 1/10 DSVP
NOVA Fencers M/W 4pm 30E.MUKJ 2/6 DSVP
NOVA Fencers M/W 6pm 30E.ZNJ4 2/6 DSVP
NOVA Fencers T/Th 6pm 30E.ZELO 2/7 DSVP
ProvREC F 6pm 30E.6XRL 1/13 DSVC (13-Adult)
NOVA Fencers M/W 7pm 9C1.CFGQ 1/9 DSVP
NOVA Fencers M/W 7pm 9C1.6UTO 2/6 DSVP
ProvREC F 7pm 9C1.0E57 1/13 DSVC
Intro to Golf (6-12 yrs.) Learn the basic foundations of golf. Students must bring their own clubs. Class is indoors until the final two sessions which will take place at a nearby driving range.
DSVP 8--55 minute lessons--$121
Location Day Time Code Begin
Mosaic ES Su 10am MAY.CNIU 1/22 DSVP
Mosaic ES Su 11am MAY.IYQM 1/22 DSVP
Gymnastics for Girls (5-7 yrs.) Skill-oriented class includes strength work, conditioning, beam, bars, floor and vault.
DSVH 10--55 minute lessons--$206
DSVL 8--55 minute lessons--$165
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Su 11:15am C0F.4ZC8 1/15 DSVL
LeeREC T 5:05pm C0F.28ZI 1/17 DSVL
Introduction to gymnastics through floor exercise, balance beam, uneven bars, vaulting and springboard jumping. Low student-to- teacher ratio enhances the learning process.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$127
DSVH 10--55 minute lessons--$206
DSVL 8--55 minute lessons--$165
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-9 yrs.)
OakMarREC T 5:35pm 8D7.X2YW 1/10 DSVH
SoRunREC Sa 2pm 8D7.A9DB 1/14 DSVL
SoRunREC Su 2:30pm 8D7.EIC8 1/15 DSVL (6-12 yrs.)
CubRunREC Sa 9am 0D9.NV8V 1/14 4SM
LeeREC Sa 1:40pm JBN.F4CQ 1/14 DSVL
LeeREC Sa 11:15am JBN.M97O 1/14 DSVL
Pickleball I (Adults) Pickleball is a fun, easy-to-learn, mini tennis-like game that combines elements of tennis, badminton, table tennis and racquetball. Participants learn basic pickleball skills and how to play doubles while being active and improving fitness. Paddles and balls provided.
DSP2 5--55 minute lessons--$83
DVP1 5--55 minute lessons--$92
DSP1 8--55 minute lessons--$132
DVP2 8--55 minute lessons--$146
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC M 9am 931.DISB 1/16 DSP1
LeeREC T 9am 931.H4XC 1/17 DSP1
LeeREC Th 9am 931.QMVM 1/19 DSP1
SpHillREC T 10am 931.OKZ4 1/10 DSP1
SpHillREC T 11am 931.T0ZV 1/10 DSP1
Wkfld/Moore M 9:30am 931.VBRW 1/16 DSP1
Wkfld/Moore T 6pm 931.MWNE 1/17 DSP2
Wkfld/Moore W 9:30am 931.SFS4 1/18 DSP1
Wkfld/Moore Th 6pm 931.DKOW 1/19 DSP2
Wkfld/Moore T 6pm 931.GRHG 2/21 DSP2
Wkfld/Moore Th 6pm 931.DN0K 2/23 DSP2
SpHillREC T 5pm B6O.I965 1/10 DVP2
SpHillREC W 9am B6O.ABGS 1/11 DVP2
SpHillREC W 10am B6O.D2HW 1/11 DVP2
SpHillREC Th 9am B6O.OHVT 1/12 DVP2
SpHillREC Th 11am B6O.W0DE 1/12 DVP2
SpHillREC F 9am B6O.4CSV 1/13 DVP2
Sully CommCtr T 9:30am B6O.YIB2 1/10 DVP2
Sully CommCtr T 10:30am B6O.WOR0 1/10 DVP2
Sully CommCtr W 9:30am B6O.N67J 1/11 DVP2
Wkfld/Moore M 5pm B6O.LML6 2/6 DVP1
LeeREC M 10am A17.1XAE 1/16 DSP1
LeeREC T 10am A17.RFGB 1/17 DSP1
LeeREC Th 10am A17.U4MC 1/19 DSP1
SpHillREC T 1:15pm A17.KUIX 1/10 DSP1
SpHillREC T 12:15pm A17.XOI6 1/10 DSP1
www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/jobs to learn more.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Wkfld/Moore M 10:30am A17.H0O1 1/16 DSP1
Wkfld/Moore T 7pm A17.CP95 1/17 DSP2
Wkfld/Moore W 10:30am A17.4ACB 1/18 DSP1
Wkfld/Moore Th 7pm A17.5STF 1/19 DSP2
Wkfld/Moore T 7pm A17.FZ45 2/21 DSP2
Wkfld/Moore Th 7pm A17.5HD6 2/23 DSP2
SpHillREC T 6pm QJ3.IRBL 1/10 DVP2
SpHillREC W 5:30pm QJ3.98XI 1/11 DVP2
SpHillREC W 11am QJ3.826K 1/11 DVP2
SpHillREC W 12pm QJ3.PS1A 1/11 DVP2
SpHillREC Th 10am QJ3.4WJZ 1/12 DVP2
SpHillREC Th 12pm QJ3.55LJ 1/12 DVP2
SpHillREC F 10am QJ3.HO7T 1/13 DVP2
SpHillREC F 11am QJ3.8V8C 1/13 DVP2
SpHillREC F 12pm QJ3.R68F 1/13 DVP2
Sully CommCtr T 11:30am QJ3.5S0C 1/10 DVP2
Sully CommCtr W 10:30am QJ3.IQXV 1/11 DVP2
Sully CommCtr W 11:30am QJ3.GDZ8 1/11 DVP2
Wkfld/Moore M 6pm QJ3.5MMF 2/6 DVP1
(Adults) Prerequisite: Pickleball II. Class focuses on Doubles strategy and execution.
DSP2 5--55 minute lessons--$83
DSP1 8--55 minute lessons--$132
LeeREC M 11am 58E.JLWZ 1/16 DSP1
LeeREC T 11am 58E.0KX0 1/17 DSP1
LeeREC Th 11am 58E.Z3XW 1/19 DSP1
SpHillREC T 2:15pm 58E.TJZW 1/10 DSP1
Wkfld/Moore M 11:30am 58E.WHQT 1/16 DSP1
Wkfld/Moore T 8pm 58E.PAR9 1/17 DSP2
Wkfld/Moore W 11:30am 58E.GBH8 1/18 DSP1
Wkfld/Moore Th 8pm 58E.GMEY 1/19 DSP2
Wkfld/Moore T 8pm 58E.6DL6 2/21 DSP2
Wkfld/Moore Th 8pm 58E.LTRS 2/23 DSP2
(65 yrs.+) This slower paced class focuses on basic pick leball skills and how to play doubles while being active and improving fitness. Paddles and balls provided.
DPV1 5--55 minute lessons--$92
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore F 9:30am W14.ZTXZ 2/10 DPV1
(65 yrs.+) Prerequisite: previous pickleball class or ex perience. This slower paced class focuses on improving essential skills including dinks, volleys, forehands, back hands and the serve. Doubles strategy is introduced. Paddles and balls provided.
DVP1 5--55 minute lessons--$92
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Wkfld/Moore F 10:30am NGG.PDOM 2/10 DVP1
Students are introduced to ping pong grips, positions and basic strokes. Students practice exercises and games to improve hand-eye coordination. Students may bring their own paddles, or an official supply set is available for purchase from instructor for $25.
4SA 10--55 minute lessons--$160
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (8-12 yrs.)
SpHillREC Sa 2pm 393.VA04 1/7 4SA (13-Adult)
SpHillREC Sa 3pm AAF.6COR 1/7 4SA
Basic instruction geared for beginning players. Empha sis is on soccer skill development including kicking, dribbling and goal-keeping. Bring shin guards and a soccer ball. Classes held at schools are indoors using soft soccer balls.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$127
4SA 10--55 minute lessons--$160
DSVR 10--55 minute lessons--$183
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-8 yrs.)
Mosaic ES Sa 11am 29D.SCDA 1/21 4SM
RollValy ES Sa 12pm 29D.Y9OA 1/14 DSVR
RollValy ES Su 10am 29D.7JSP 1/15 DSVR
SpHillREC Sa 11am 29D.S9AY 1/7 4SA
SpHillREC Su 11am 29D.04FD 1/8 4SA
SpHillREC M 5pm 29D.HUYZ 1/9 4SA
Wkfld/Moore Sa 9am 29D.HDON 1/14 4SA
Wkfld/Moore Su 9am 29D.UJ55 1/15 4SA (8-12 yrs.)
Mosaic ES Sa 12pm F64.FNFJ 1/21 4SM
Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am F64.JKRI 1/14 4SA
Wkfld/Moore Su 11am F64.GPRW 1/15 4SA
Prerequisite: Soccer I. Bring shin guards and a soccer ball. Classes held at schools are indoors using soft soccer balls.
4SA 10--55 minute lessons--$160
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-8 yrs.)
Mosaic ES Sa 1pm 580.D7ID 1/21 4SM
SpHillREC Sa 12pm 580.OC6K 1/7 4SA
SpHillREC Su 4pm 580.98LY 1/8 4SA
SpHillREC Su 12pm 580.DVRH 1/8 4SA
SpHillREC M 6pm 580.NQM6 1/9 4SA
SpHillREC Th 6pm 580.KFKN 1/12 4SA Wkfld/Moore Su 10am 580.YX8H 1/15 4SA Wkfld/Moore Sa 10am 580.FE6L 1/14 4SA (8-12 yrs.)
Mosaic ES Sa 1pm DA0.39N7 1/21 4SM
SpHillREC Sa 1pm DA0.656F 1/7 4SA
SpHillREC Su 1pm DA0.D0CQ 1/8 4SA
SpHillREC T 5pm DA0.NSRM 1/10 4SA
Wkfld/Moore Su 12pm DA0.DF20 1/15 4SA Wkfld/Moore Sa 12pm DA0.DKWL 1/14 4SA
In this class, Sanowar Fitness introduces students to Small Goal Soccer which is played five-on-five using smaller goals. Students build skills and self-confidence in a fun environment.
DSVR 10--55 minute lessons--$183
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-8 yrs.)
SpHillREC Su 3pm 816.4S88 1/8 DSVR
SpHillREC Th 5pm 816.EEQ0 1/12 DSVR
Wkfld/Moore Sa 2pm 816.FRS9 1/14 DSVR
Wkfld/Moore Su 2pm 816.3H3K 1/15 DSVR (9-12 yrs.)
SpHillREC Sa 2pm 3C5.CEED 1/7 DSVR
SpHillREC Su 2pm 3C5.FLHT 1/8 DSVR
SpHillREC T 6pm 3C5.CJYQ 1/10 DSVR
Wkfld/Moore Sa 3pm 3C5.15AD 1/14 DSVR
Wkfld/Moore Su 3pm 3C5.DMT6 1/15 DSVR
T-Ball (5-7 yrs.) Get a head start on the spring T-ball season. Skill development includes base running, hitting off tee,
throwing and catching. Bring a baseball glove.
DSV1 8--55 minute lessons--$145 DSVR 10--55 minute lessons--$183
RollValy ES Su 12pm 3E1.7VBA 1/15 DSV1
SpHillREC M 6pm 3E1.B0EL 1/9 DSVR
An introduction to the basics: forehand and back hand drive, serve, footwork, rules, scoring and court etiquette. Emphasis is on correct form. Students need a tennis racquet and 2 cans of balls.
4SA 10--55 minute lessons--$160
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$127 DSVR 10--55 minute lessons--$183
RollValy ES Sa 10am MKL.HN9L 1/14 DSVR
SpHillREC Sa 3pm MKL.4UBC 1/7 4SM
SpHillREC Sa 3:30pm MKL.LYY7 1/7 DSVR
SpHillREC Sa 4:30pm MKL.4N5H 1/7 DSVR
Wkfld/Moore Sa 10am MKL.4GH7 1/14 4SA (9-12 yrs.)
SpHillREC Sa 4pm N0B.QDFL 1/7 4SM
Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am N0B.0JKI 1/14 4SA (10-17 yrs.)
SpHillREC Sa 1pm A49.7N7P 1/7 4SM
SpHillREC Sa 2pm A49.712S 1/7 4SM
(Adults) Keep up with your tennis skills during cold winter months. Class includes skill development, stroke improvement, video and tennis drills. Students need a tennis racquet and 2 cans of balls.
4SM 8--55 minute lessons--$127
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore T 9am CC6.SP7W 1/17 4SM
Wkfld/Moore T 10am CC6.2OI9 1/17 4SM
Wkfld/Moore T 11am CC6.4IVQ 1/17 4SM
Wkfld/Moore Th 9am CC6.L2VE 1/19 4SM
Wkfld/Moore Th 10am CC6.C32K 1/19 4SM
Wkfld/Moore Th 11am CC6.WSTR 1/19 4SM
Learn basic volleyball skills through drills and games. Class covers scoring, serving, bumping, spiking and team play.
4SA 10--55 minute lessons--$160
DSVF 8--55 minute lessons--$141
DSVT 10--55 minute lessons--$169
DSVY 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$176
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (8-12 yrs.)
SpHillREC Th 6pm V0E.940T 1/12 DSVY
Sully CommCtr Su 9am 8D1.1QYF 1/8 DSVF
Wkfld/Moore M 6pm 8D1.6PHI 1/16 DSVT
Woodbrn ES Su 1pm 8D1.X96X 1/8 4SA
Woodbrn ES Su 10am 8D1.WFQI 1/8 4SA (12-17 yrs.)
Sully CommCtr Su 10am BA8.6LS7 1/8 DSVF
Wkfld/Moore M 7pm BA8.STB3 1/16 DSVT
Woodbrn ES Su 2pm BA8.JT3J 1/8 4SA
Woodbrn ES Su 11am BA8.WCOZ 1/8 4SA
Woodbrn ES Su 12pm BA8.39OU 1/8 4SA (16-Adult)
Sully CommCtr Su 11am CR8.39OG 1/8 DSVF
Sully CommCtr Th 11am CR8.C37J 1/12 DSVF
Sully CommCtr F 12pm CR8.SQLN 1/13 DSVF
Wkfld/Moore M 8pm CR8.EPMM 1/16 DSVT
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Bridge II (13-Adult) Further develop your defensive bridge skills. Designed for students with bridge knowledge. Learn to be offensive on defense. Sessions include a review of basic Standard American Bidding System.
4XL 8--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$195
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Cooking Sweet & Savory (6-12 yrs.) Just like the name suggests, each meeting of this Baroody Camps class features a sweet treat that will go perfectly with dinner and one savory dish that is sure to become a family favorite! Students learn new baking skills such as creaming, whisking and melting as well as cooking skills such as stewing, stir-frying, and sautéing.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$140
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC M 6:45pm NFM.U8N9 1/9 DXVE
SoRunREC Su 4:30pm NFM.VATC 1/15 DXVE
SoRunREC Th 6:30pm NFM.DJKT 1/19 DXVE
Bridge I (13-Adult) Designed for beginning players and for students who would like to improve. Stresses bidding and basic defense. This course provides an excellent brush-up for players returning to the game.
4XC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$243
4XL 8--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$195
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC M 7pm DF7.T7OR 1/9 4XL
SoRunREC M 7pm DF7.YS3L 1/16 4XC
ProvREC M 1pm 70C.ENW1 1/9 4XL
Bridge III (13-Adult) Further develop your defensive bridge skills. Learn how to communicate with your partner with the card you play on each trick and to set your opponent. Sessions include a review of the play of the hand and Standard American Bidding System.
4XC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$243
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Su 1pm 348.1QXX 1/15 4XC
Brush-Up Bridge (13-Adult) Not for beginners. Must be playing bridge and want to update your skills. Modern Standard Amer ican opening bids and responses are emphasized. After demonstration hands, class shuffles and deals.
4XC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$243
Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Su 3pm 615.QCQX 1/15 4XC
SoRunREC M 1pm 615.1TK1 1/16 4XC
Chess by Magnus Chess Academy (5-11 yrs.) Learn chess with Magnus Chess Academy! They’ve taught 100,000 children to play, from state and national champions to beginners looking to learn a new skill and have fun. Class time is divided between lessons and practice games. Lessons range from the basic rules to advanced tournament strategies. Students will have the opportunity to play in tournaments. All chess supplies provided. All skill levels are welcome.
DXVE 8--55 minute lessons--$140
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Belle Vw ES W 6pm 2PM.V5QL 1/11 DXVE
CubRunREC W 6pm 2PM.TJ5M 1/18 DXVE
LeeREC T 6pm 2PM.E5TU 1/31 DXVE
OakMarREC M 6pm 2PM.YOH4 1/23 DXVE
ProvREC Th 6pm 2PM.ME5O 1/12 DXVE
SoRunREC M 5pm 2PM.HVTK 1/16 DXVE
SpHillREC M 6pm 2PM.84VU 1/16 DXVE
Wkfld/Moore M 6pm 2PM.0HXX 1/16 DXVE
(13-Adult) Learn to play American Mah Jongg. Learn the tile names, play procedures and game rules from the Mah Jongg League in New York. We provide hand outs and you have opportunities to play as you learn. Supply fee of $10 payable to instructor at first class.
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC Th 10am 2E5.WCT9 1/12 4XM
ProvREC Th 10am 2E5.DZP6 2/16 4XM
(13-18 yrs.) This workshop, offered by JST, is designed to help motivated teens discover self-empowering tools to achieve their own personal purpose and vision of success. Young adults are enlightened through thought-provoking questions, exposure to real life scenarios, and guided participation in practices of self-reflection.
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC T 7pm ZMF.S28H 1/17 DXVB
LeeREC T 7pm ZMF.S7AK 2/14 DXVB
ProvREC Th 6pm ZMF.NL0F 1/19 DXVB
ProvREC Th 7pm ZMF.ARP1 1/19 DXVB
ProvREC Th 6pm ZMF.L4QZ 2/16 DXVB
ProvREC Th 7pm ZMF.2C2S 2/16 DXVB
Woodbrn ES Sa 1pm ZMF.1RXN 1/14 DXVB
Woodbrn ES Sa 2pm ZMF.Q24Q 1/14 DXVB
Woodbrn ES Sa 1pm ZMF.SRIE 2/11 DXVB
Woodbrn ES Sa 2pm ZMF.JEJF 2/11 DXVB
We are hiring! Visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/jobs to learn more.
www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes. Browse online listings, check class enrollment and register.
Mon. – Fri., 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Please have class activity codes handy when you call.
Registration processing begins November 1 for faxed forms. Forms received prior to November 1 are held un til that date. Sorry! Due to volume, we cannot confirm fax receipt. Allow 3-5 days for processing.
Send completed forms to FCPA/Parktakes, P.O. Box 4606, Fairfax, Va. 22038.
Mailed registration processing begins November 1. Forms received prior to November 1 are held until that date. Allow 3-5 days for processing.
Walk-in registration begins November 15. Visit our Walk-in Registration Office in the Herrity Building, 12055 Government Center Parkway Suite 105. Hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday.
• Go to the Parktakes Online website, and click the Create Account button on the top right of the screen.
• Fill in the New Customer form.
• After completing the form, click on Create Account.
• Go to the Parktakes Online website, and click the Login button on the top right of the screen.
Follow the on-screen link to Recover Your Account. Then, simply enter your email address in the field. Check your inbox for a message with a temporary password. You can then use your email address and temporary password to log in, create a new password and update your information.
• If your email address is not on file, you will receive a message stating the email address you entered in the system is not found or is invalid.
If you are unable to reset your password, you may need to add an email address to your account. For assistance, please email PTOnline@fairfaxcounty.gov for assistance.
Confirmations are sent by email to customers who register online. To check your registration status, click on Your Account then Your Signups at Parktakes online or call 703-222-4664. Refunds are not given for a missing/lost/not received confirmation.
Any exception to regular schedules will be announced by the instructor at the first class.
The Park Authority follows Fairfax County Govern ment closures, rather than public school closures.
• Classes held at school locations may be canceled, even when classes at Rec Centers and other Park Authority and Government locations are running. To check for weather related cancelations, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks or call the Park Authority inclement weather information line: 703-324-8661.
• Cancelation information is also communicated via local TV and radio stations and Fairfax County government cable channels 16 and 21.
• Cancelations for classes held at vendor locations are made independently. Please call the location where the class is being held.
• For tour cancelation information, call the tours hotline, 703-324-8687.
• FCPA will automatically post a full credit to your account when a class or program is canceled in its entirety. If the FCPA cancels individual meetings due to inclement weather or other circumstances, your account will be credited at the end of the program session for any classes not made up.
• FCPA will issue a full refund when a class or pro gram is changed by FCPA, and the change makes it impossible for the customer to continue with the class.
• Refunds or class credits are not issued for missed individual meetings for classes, camps, workshops, programs, or trips due to personal schedule conflicts or illness.
When a customer cancels a registration, the following fees apply per registration:
• Request received 14 or more days prior to the start date - full refund.
• Request received 13 or fewer days prior to the start date - $15 processing fee applied.
• Request received on class start date - refund minus cost of one class and $15 processing fee.
• Request received after start date - prorated refund based on number of classes and $15 pro cessing fee.
• Requests for refunds must be submitted prior to the end of the session.
• Transfer and refund requests must be received 14 days prior to the camp start date. A $25 process ing fee per session will be deducted.
• Request received 13 or fewer days prior to the start date - no refund.
• Request received 14 or more days prior to the trip date - full refund.
• Requests received 13 or fewer days prior to the trip date - no refund.
Not the right class? Call for transfer options before the second class meets: 703-222-4664
Please Note: Classes, Camps, programs and Workshops are subject to change without notice.
Fairfax County and Fairfax city residents age 65 or older get a 35% discount. This applies to CODED activities only. Not included: Day Trips and Tours, Pilates lessons, FallProof, gravity lessons, per family fees and programs priced $45 or less.
Does not apply to activities without catalog ID’s, events, re-advertised tours, scout programs, camp extended care, per family fees or classes priced $45 or less.
Scholarships for one coded class per quarter are available for dependent children of Fairfax Coun ty residents who receive public assistance. A $15 processing fee applies for each scholarship class and is refundable only if Fairfax County cancels the program. Students must pay any supply fees.
Note: No scholarships are offered for camps, workshops, day trips/tours, vendor-provided pro grams, FallProof, TRX or Pilates Allegro lessons.
Required documentation: A verification letter from the assisting agency must accompany the scholarship request form and include eligibility dates and the name of the family member who will receive the scholarship. Eligible forms of public assistance are:
• Medicaid
• Free lunch verification from Fairfax County Public Schools
• SNAP (food stamps)
• Head Start
1. Complete a scholarship eligibility form at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/scholarships and submit it online, by fax or by mail.
2. Once you receive a scholarship confirmation receipt to your account, you may register for classes via phone, fax, mail, in person or online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes.
Senior adults and adults with disabilities who meet the following income guidelines are eligible to receive a scholarship for one class per quarter:
• $16,700/one person
• $22,500/family of two
• $28,300/family of three
• $34,100/family of four
• $39,900/family of five
• $45,700/family of six
For each additional person, add $5,800 to deter mine maximum annual income for eligibility.
to FCPA. A $50 fee will be charged for returned checks.
add $2 for programs priced $45 or less.
Out-of-County Registration Fee: Add $15 per catalog ID for activities priced $46 and up;
Deduct House Account Credit: Deduct any credits received on this line
SUBTOTAL Line 3 minus line 4
= 4 downloaded from the Park Authority web page, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks and search “registration form”
calculate 9 TOTAL (PAY THIS AMOUNT): Total lines 5-8. Pay this amount. Make checks payable
3 or
re-advertised tours, scout programs or classes priced $45 or less.
marked if mailed) by early registration date. Does not apply to programs without catalog ID,
Early Registration Discount per Class: Deduct $8 for each activity code submitted (post
SUBTOTAL Line 1 minus line 2
Tours, Pilates lessons, FallProof, Gravity lessons or classes priced $45 or less. See senior
2 FairfaxFoundation will send written confirmation of a tax deductible donation of $10 or more. +
Fee(s): For 8 Class Scholarship Donation: Add any amount you wish to donate. Fairfax County Park
of Fairfax County and Fairfax City age 65 or older are eligible. Not included: Day Trips and
35% senior discount. Do NOT round off cents. Write result in line 3. Only residents
discount section on next page. Line 1x 0.35 =SeniorsOnly
County Senior Discount (classes with activity code): Multiply line 1 by 0.35 to
all 1st choice programs
Call 703-324-8563 or TTY: Va. Relay 711 at least 10 working days in advance of the date services are needed.
dations include sign interpreters, assistive listening devices, program modifications and inclusion support.
opportunities are provided in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act in all Park Authority programs, classes and camps. ADA accommo
Fairfax County in committed to giving all residents equal access to recreation and leisure opportunities. Reasonable accommodations and inclusion
Mail: FCPA/Parktakes, PO Box 4606, Fairfax, Va. 22038-4606 • Phone: 703-222-4664 • Fax: 703-631-2004 Subscribe to Parktakes! It’s FREE! o Mail Parktakes to street address below. o I want to consider the environment. Send Parktakes to my e-mail address. Fill out the form completely and legibly, including a valid household email address. WINTER 2023 REGISTRATION FORM • Registration starts at 9 a.m. Nov. 1 • Register by Nov. 14 and SAVE $8 * Participant’s Name (Last, first) Date of BirthMonth/Day/Year Gender 1ST CHOICEActivity Code Activity Name StartDate StartTime ListedFee 2ND CHOICEActivity Code Sample, Joey 3/15/13 M 33C.D5A7 Pee Wee Paddler 1 6/23 2 pm $91 33C.9CE4 / / / / / / / / PLEASE PRINT q Check if change of address Primary Account Holder Date of Birth Address Street Apt. City State Zip Phone #s Home Work Cell Email CNStaff use only# PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1 Total +
Fairfax County Park Authority 12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 927 Fairfax, VA 22035-5500
A Fairfax County, Virginia,
The Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) is developing the Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Access (PROSA) Strategy and we need your input. The PROSA Strategy will provide a framework for equitable access to FCPA parks and the park system. Building on the 2017 Parks & Recreation System Master Plan, Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2019 – 2023, and One Fairfax, the Strategy will provide a roadmap for improved park access and a balance of recreational experiences to meet the diverse needs of Fairfax County residents. Additionally, the PROSA Strategy will examine the following:
• Identify 10-minute walk access gaps to FCPA parks
• Evaluate complete park experiences
• Analyze habitat connectivity between environmental corridors
• Analyze and prioritize recreation needs and projects with an equity lens
Your input is important, and it will help shape the future of FCPA parks. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts and insights with us by visiting the PROSA project website and taking our survey:
Please contact us with any comments or questions about PROSA at PROSA@Publicinput.com.