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A L T h



359 03/2019

Mario Gutierrez, M.D. Family Medicine

Laredo Medical Center


L e t t e r f r o m t h e e d i t o r We’re pleased to be back for yet another special edition of Health Today/RIO. While we strive to commend the medical professionals in our community and keep the public in tune with the latest and greatest in the world of health, we feel utterly privileged to be the medium you rely on to stay on task with what’s happing in the Laredo health scene. For this issue, Dr. Mario Gutierrez from the Laredo Medical Center graces our cover. Dr. Gutierrez is Board Certified in Family Medicine and has over 31 years of experience. As always, it’s no secret that health definitely goes beyond the realm of medicine. For that reason, we also feature guides and interviews with local fitness enthusiasts, psychologists, and doctors to give you a dose of inspiration to meet your goals. As always, we highlight various events including WBCA’s Founding Fathers 5k, LAPS ‘Spayghetti’ Fundraiser & Dinner, STAT Emergency Center groundbreaking ceremony and more. On behalf of the Health Today/RIO team, we wish you endless positivity and hope that this issue brings you one step closer to a healthier you.

All my best, Alejandra Cantu


Ninfa Cantú Deándar publisher

Alejandra Cantú Editor

Rafael S. Gutiérrez art coordinator

Alan Reyna

cover photography

Mario Lopez Jamine Speer Scarletth Merkley Erick Treviño Contributors

Javier Carreon ad design



Photos by: Scarletth Merkley

Laredo Morning Crew Yezmin Salazar, Eloisa Mascorro, Clarissa Fomseca, Cindy Leyendecker, Homero Gonzalez and Julia Wheeler

Vanessa Rios and Isaura Reyes

Founding Fathers’

5K Fun Run & Health Fair On Feb. 16th, athletes gathered at Laredo Medical Center to participate in a 5K run and health fair during the Washington’s Birthday Celebration. A beautiful, sunny day in Laredo, the finish line and hydration booths were located in the main entrance of the Medical Center. Participants received medals for running and were very proud to show them off. Mothers and children, high school teammates, and even coworkers ran together to bond and to exercise. The annual event is sponsored by LMC and the City of Laredo Parks and Leisure Services Department with in-kind sponsor, McDonald’s of Laredo.

Hugo Uresti

Belinda, Sean, Katelyn and Adam Soria

Analisa Garza, Kimberly Casarez and Mel Leal

Alejandro J Labrado, Dominic Molan, Eric De La Garza, Renaldo Villastrigio and Jose De La Garza

Evangeline Garcia and Claudia Hinojosa


event WBCA

Photos and editorial by Erick TreviĂąo


Tasting Gala On February 9th, the Boys and Girls Club Wine Tasting Gala was hosted at the Laredo Country Club. This black tie fundraising event allowed guests to taste a wide array of different wines and cuisines from all over the world. The event was presented with live music where guests were encouraged to dance, wine

Rogelio & Minerva Santos, Zaiera and Edward Romero

and dine, and enjoy themselves all while serving a good cause and donate towards the Boys and Girls Club of Laredo. Members auctioned off items, such as paintings and hunting equipment to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Laredo.

Albert Torrez and Sergio Sanchez

Roman Cizneros, Jimmy Savage and Ruben Solis

Jeremy & Melissa Peters, Rose & Edward Glassford and Kevin & Sandy Romo

Sigifredo Perez III, Elizabeth Perez and Joe Arciniega

Sigifredo Perez III, Elizabeth Perez and Joe Arciniega

April Lucas, Vine and Kara Marbibu

Lucy and Fernando Montemayor

Lance and San Juanita Price


eventHelping Hands

Photos by Mario Lopez

Board members of LAPS

LAPS ‘Spayghetti’ Fundraiser & Dinner On February 26th, the Laredo Animal Protective Society (LAPS) celebrated World Spay Day with their annual ‘Spayghetti’ event at the Laredo Center for the Arts. This lovely evening invites locals to raise money to help LAPS further their efforts and make a difference in the lives of the forgotten animals in our community. Guests enjoyed dinner and a silent auction. 100% of the proceeds from this event benefited LAPS. The nonprofit organization is now a no-kill shelter and is concentrating on addressing this overpopulation crisis by sponsoring low-cost spay/neuter clinics in cooperation with the city and the county. Some of the clinics are held at the city facility and others at the animal shelter. As funds allow, they will become more frequent. LAPS encourages the public to visit the shelter at 2500 Gonzalez to see the changes taking place and to see the wonderful dogs and cats just looking for a second chance.

Christine Villarreal and Sonia Vidal Anita Guerra, Eduardo Chapa, Audrey Martinez and Olivia Glass

Alan Jones and Claudia Peters

Michelle Alvarado, Angelica Valdes and Samantha Torres

Rebecca and Jose Rodriguez

Daniel Lopez and Jaime Urrabazo

Curly Castillo and Oscar Lopez

Kennia Lopez, Irene Leyendecker and Leila Charu


Photos by Alejandra Cantu

Groundbreaking Ceremony

On March 19th, STAT Emergency Center held its groundbreaking ceremony to commemorate the latest expansion. STAT Emergency Center’s governing board in partnership with local

Andrea Valdes and Teresa Ramirez

physicians and providers announced the develop-

Ashley Durbin and Mariana Loya

ment of Stat Specialty Hospital-Laredo at 2502 NE Bob Bullock Loop. Attendees learned about the expansion and the new addition to the ER, the Vantage Titan Zen edition MRI scanner. Doctors and attendees enjoyed a nice lunch hosted by the emergency center.

Laura Aguilar, Hilda Cavazos and Priscilla Salinas




Abiel, Luis Fernando, Laura e Irma Canales

L lE n at e d e e n e r g I a



l pasado 16 de febrero Abiel Energy invito a la comunidad de Laredo a su anual Open House a entrenar gratis. Los asistentes pudieron ver de primera mano las dife-

rentes clases que ofrece Abiel Energy, reconocido como ABEN, así el equipo de cardio y pesas. Fueron alrededor de 5 horas de ambiente motivador y lleno de energía. Al finalizar el evento se realizo una rifa donde hubo diferentes premios e incentivos. ABEN Energy ofrece clases de spinning, HIIT, y entrenamiento personal. Para mas información visite ABEN ubicado en 6548 Springfield Ave #8 en Laredo, Texas o llame al (956) 764-0406.

Fotos por Mario Lopez

Fabiola, Ericka y Alma Rosa Canales Sofia y Rosalinda Martinez

Familia Martinez


Beauty Look and feel beautiful with

luxurious s

p a









tanding out above the rest, Vanish Me-

fat and reduces those hard to get “love handles”

diSpa, by Dr. Jose Vazquez-Vicente, is the

and other unwanted fatty areas. This is a simple

only medi spa with a board certified phy-

and painless procedure with amazing and per-

sician on site to ease your anxiety and answer

manent results.

your frequently asked questions. Offering the

Their weight management treatment focuses on

latest state of the art technology in the industry,

a medically supervised hCG diet. With this diet,

Vanish Medi Spa specializes in laser tattoo and

you can lose up to 30 lbs in a month. Furthermore,

hair removal. Their full spectrum laser is able to

no medispa would be complete unless it can offer

treat all skin types and tattoo colors, making us

a life changing and long lasting treatments. For

the only laser clinic in the region that can safely

that reason, they offer Biote. Biote is a bioidentical

and effectively treat everyone.

hormonal replacement treatment. Our medical

Dr. Vazquez-Vicente, creator of Vanish MediSpa,

director is one of the region’s leading expert in

is also a board-certified obstetrician and gy-

both men and women’s hormonal balancing. By a

necologist in Laredo, Texas who specializes in

simple blood test, their board certified physician

providing gynecology, obstetrics, and aesthetics

can customize a personal hormonal treatment

services to women of all ages.

plan that will make you feel younger, erase years

Vanish offers a full line of premium skin care

from your life, revitalize you, reenergize your sex

products, Vampire PRP therapy and facials, and

life, and recharge your energy.

facial aesthetic treatments like Botox and Der-

Vanish Medi Spa provides successful results by

mal fillers. In addition, Vanish offers a nonsurgi-

using the latest state of the art technology in la-

cal and noninvasive alternative to liposuction,

ser tattoo removal, Coolsculpting, and laser hair

Coolsculpting. This technique works by freezing



Visit their office conveniently located at Laredo Medical Center 4th floor suite B495 Dr. Jose Vazquez-Vicente and his friendly staff are eagerly waiting to assist you. Call Vanish Medi Spa to schedule your appointment at 956-508-4247



By Erick Treviño Photos by Alejandra Cantu and Alan Reyna

livers e d t a h t g clin Indoor cy

s e l i m s d n a t a e sw M

oon Cycling Studio

in being a welcoming and

is a modern take on

fun environment where you

spinning that relies

come to exercise in a place

on rhythm and music to create

that doesn’t feel like exercise.

a fast-paced environment that

Many customers claim that

encourages people to push

Moon Cycling is their “happy

past their limits. “I went to col-

place” and find it hard to leave

lege and came back a little

after a class because they feel

overweight. I shed the pounds

like they’re hanging out. Some

super quick with spinning and

clients will even host their

I enjoyed doing it,” says Ale-

birthday parties there and

jandra Luna, owner of Moon

have their friends take a class

Cycling Studio. Her positive

and after they get to lounge

experience encouraged her

in the lobby. The instructors

to get certified to be a spin-

motivate you to push you past

ning instructor and wanted to

your limits and once you start

bring the new techniques she

seeing the results, they say

had learned to Laredo.

many become addicted to

Moon Cycling prides itself


Each instructor has their own style of music and spinning ranging from Spanish music, reggaeton, rap, Pop EDM, and everything in between. The instructor’s main goal is using music that will make you want to dance on the bike to keep people’s

“You need to come try it!” is what Alejandra Luna hopes to get

momentum going. While they may have different styles, the in-

across—that once you try it, you will become addicted. Moon

structors all agree that the one thing their classes have in com-

Cycling offers their first class free, and for those 21 and over, Fri-

mon is that they are giving their 100% every time. “The energy

days are happy hour and you can enjoy a drink after your spin

is what we bounce off of,” Diego Mounetou who is one of the

class. Luna wants everyone to get a chance to experience their

instructors said, claiming that the instructors try to personalize

class and why so many people have been committed to spin-

each class for the people and environment.

ning ever since.



Graceful Journey to Inner Peace:

Sivananda Yoga with Hector Teran By Jasmine Speer

There is no needed skill to

ation, proper diet, and posi-

practice or enjoy this form of

tive thinking and meditation.

yoga. All it requires is your

It is his third time visiting Lar-

positive engagement.

edo to teach and he loves it.



This year’s group of Sivanan-

brings him the most fulfill-


da yoga students will visit the

ment in his work, he replied,

beautiful place of Isla Mujeres

“When you teach you learn,

for a yoga retreat this year. It is

when you teach it becomes

clear that he truly loves what

a part of you.” He becomes

he does and wants to share

very happy when he gets to

this way of experiencing the

witness just how this yoga im-

world with others. It is a great

proves people’s lives.

thing that he has decided to

He expressed, “What we

spread this tradition here in


beautiful Laredo, Texas.









peace… inner peace and calmness of mind is the most essential.” It is his belief that


yoga in general definitely

t is not uncommon to

iera, his hometown. Hector

improves your body’s health

be stressed over work,

found that he was “captivat-





worried over family, or

ed” by Manny’s way of being

Hector always initiates his

staying up to date with an

able to connect with others

workshops by stating the

everchanging world of tech-

with words and presence. It

five points of yoga, which

nology and social media

was his practical wisdom, and

are, proper Exercise, proper

posts. Relentless pressure

the simplicity of the philoso-


can worry the mind and get

phy that provided Hector with

us out of the present state

a powerful sense of clarity.

and project us into states

He recalls thinking, “One day,

of stress. Sivananda Yoga is

I would like to make some-

a form of yoga founded by

body else feel the same way

Swami Sivananda in the year

that I feel right now”.

1936 built on the principles

In 2007, he started his journey

of love and the cultivation of

and training, fast forward to


now and he has created a life



Hector Teran is a yogi who has

wherein he can spread the

been practicing the teach-

traditions of Sivananda yoga.

ings and methods of Sivana-

For Hector, Sivananda yoga

nda Yoga for over 13 years.

is more about the attitude the

His journey into becoming

person has towards the prac-


an instructor all started when

tice. If you do it with a “pure

Instagram: @hectorteranyoga

an Indian yogi named Manny

heart” you will see your life


from India came to Maya Riv-

improve in a myriad of ways.




Photos by Alan Reyna

Laredo Medical Center welcomes

Mario Gutierrez, M.D. Family Medicine


aredo Medical Center is proud to welcome Mario Gutierrez, M.D. to Laredo

and to its medical staff. Dr. Gutierrez is a bilingual (English/ Spanish) physician licensed in the state of Texas. He is Board

Certified in Family Medicine with 31 years of experience, seven of which in Family Medicine. Family medicine is the medical specialty that encompasses a broad spectrum of diseases and medical conditions. Dr. Gutierrez received his Medical Degree from the University Autonoma de Nuevo Leon in Monterrey, Mexico, in 1981. He has extensive training in different disciplines of medicine. He received his Family Medicine degree from the University of New Mexico in 2011.

Dr. Gutierrez has a particu-

ence in the management

Dr. Gutierrez is author of

rienced physician with a

lar interest in healthy diets

of acute and chronic medi-

the book, “Understanding

clear understanding of dif-

and wellness, as well as in

cal conditions, as well as in

Low Back Pain� and other

ferent cultural backgrounds,

diabetes and overweight

wound care and hyperbaric

research papers. He is a

especially of the Hispanic

problems. He has experi-


compassionate and expe-


Dr. Gutierrez is now accepting new patients, ages 18 and up. His office is located at Primary Care Associates of Laredo, 4151 Jaime Zapata Highway, Suite 205. His office phone number is (956) 796-3140.

28 By Amanda Montoya Photos by Alan Reyna and courtesy photos



bout a year ago, I was to travel with my husband for

that we’d have a weekend away from the kids!)

a few days sans children for a wedding. Before leav-

As the miles accumulated, I took out my iPad and began to type

ing, I found myself trying to explain to my 4 year old

my feelings into words. I had this idea lingering in the back of

that we’d be back soon and she would only have to endure two

my mind since my daughter’s first days of preschool. However,

short nights without me.

I never found the time to fully immerse myself into the theme of

After a deep interrogation by my child, we gained the courage

what would eventually become my official children’s book. As

to drive off leaving our two little ones in good hands. Not long

my husband was jamming away, I kept writing my story through

after those hard goodbyes, I found myself looking out the car

tears because of the raw feelings that took over me. I wrote this

window in a complete funk, feeling absolutely guilty of leaving

sentence that I kept reflecting on about being a mother: “My

them behind.

heart, more open and out of my body than ever before, as I

(Mind you, two days before we left, we were jumping for joy

watch them grow and take a piece of me everywhere they go.”

The theme of the story was to be about a mother’s heart. My chal-

to help me create a Title for it and a rhythm to my sequence. He

lenge was to explain to a child how distance, time, and circum-

went from Boom Boom, to Bam Bam, to Thump Thump and that

stance can never interfere a mother’s presence and ultimately a

was it, Thump Thump! Thump Thump is the sound of a mother’s

mother’s love. I began to recall those first days as I dropped off

heart. I was no where near done after that but I decided to put

my daughter at school for the first time. The feeling of separa-

the iPad away and enjoy our time together as we approached

tion and unknown territory was difficult for both of us to handle.

our destination.

Once again I began to explore, how I could explain to my child

Literacy in every childhood is important, picture books in

that I could physically feel what she is going through? How could

particular allow a child see themselves in a character to help

I explain to her that although I am not physically there, my heart is

them overcome challenges and give them the confidence to

there? I delved into three or four other scenarios where she had

face their fears. Writing this book has allowed me to connect

felt that yearning for love and confidence and ultimately chose

on many levels with my daughter. Now we write our own mini-

the sequence that she could best relate to. After all, my intention

stories as she draws the pictures based on something that

to write this story was purely for her.

happened in our day. It allows me to empathize with her and

After about two hours of driving and writing, my husband

hopefully teach her a lesson that she can understand. The truth

tapped my shoulder and asked, what I was up to?! So I read

is that everyone has a story to tell that is unique to their lives, I

him what I had, and he was moved by the story. So I asked him

simply chose to tell mine.

Thump Thump is now available at: Follow : @behindthecake_


! e m i t y a l P It’s

Kids By Alejandra Cantu

This playground is for babies who are 6 months old and up to 6 years old. The owners always make sure that they are providing a safe and clean environment. Little Tots general admission is $5.95 per kid per


hroughout history, kids

of playtime has been reduced

grees, which makes it almost

day plus $1.95 per adult per

have spent hour after

both at school and at home, ac-

impossible to play outside.

day. Three-day pass is $14.95,

hour playing with par-

cording to the AAP.

Little Tots indoor playground is

five-day pass is $24.95 and ten-

ents, siblings, babysitters, and

Every mom can agree that hav-

the perfect place for your child

day pass is $49.95, where you

friends. Play is so important in

ing a go-to indoor play space

to play and be comfortable.

can use it any day that is conve-

child development that many

can be a lifesaver when you

The play space includes a

nient to you. Play is essential to

psychologists and The Ameri-

need to get out of the house,

soft play playground, tunnels,

development because it con-

can Academy of Pediatrics

but not necessarily outdoors.

teeter-totters, slides, a kitchen,

tributes to the cognitive, physi-

have recognized it. Over the

During the summer, Laredo’s

a small playground area for

cal, social, and emotional well

last few decades, the amount

weather can get up to 110 de-

babies and educational toys.

being of children.

Make sure you visit Little Tots indoor playground located at 1701 Peaceful Meadows Ct A4 and is open Tuesday-Saturday from 12-7pm and Sunday from 12-4 pm.





Dear Ms. M: My primary care physician recommended I take my

Dear Ms. M: My

daughter to see a therapist. I’m not familiar with the counseling pro-


cess and wanted to know if I can be present in the sessions. Are par-

class rarely has recess.

ents allowed to attend counseling sessions with their children?

This is causing him to not

Dear Child Therapy: Parental involvement is welcomed and encour-

want to go to school because

aged by most therapists to help their child’s progress in treatment. Be-

he said he misses playing and be-

ing present in the therapy sessions, though, depends on several factors

ing able to spend time with his friends.

- the issue being addressed, their age, and treatment modality. Dur-

I spoke to the teacher and was told that

ing the initial meeting, parents can attend the session along with their

recess is a reward and there are days they

child to discuss the situation and learn about the counseling process,

may not be able to play. My son is active and

confidentiality and its limits, and other pertinent issues. You can ask

needs that time outside. How do I help him?

the therapist what your child will be expected do to during and in be-

Dear Recess: To begin, recess is mandated

tween the sessions, what they will talk about (topics), and what kind of

and not a reward. Help your son with tak-

evidence-based activities can be expected. After the intake/initial ses-

ing this matter to a school administrator as

sion, you may not be allowed to be present in the counseling session.

soon as possible. Request a meeting to find

The therapeutic relationship between therapist and client is crucial for

out why your son’s class is staying indoors. I

various reasons. This relationship or therapeutic bond forms from trust

also suggest you speak to school counselor

and confidence that develops over time talking about personal mat-

to inform them on how this is affecting your

ters which are meant to help the client meet their treatment goals. Have

child’s mood so they can assist. Your son and

confidence that the therapist is doing what is best for your daughter

his class should be enjoying time outdoors

which may include having you wait outside versus being in the session.

while in school and you should be informed

Keep the communication open with the therapist to stay informed on

as to circumstances why and when your child

her progress and express your desire to be active in your daughter’s

can’t enjoy play time.You should inform your-


self on the benefits of play and its crucial role


in your child’s development as there is a vast amount of literature and studies by leading experts, in Psychology, Education and Medicine available to you online. Recess is especially helpful to kids because it is ‘free play’ which is different than PE class which helps kids relax and enjoy. Free play is needed for healthy brain development, creativity and imagination, and developing the brain’s executive functions. School officials are wellinformed and will know how to handle this matte with the teacher. Keep communication open with your son, his teacher, counselor and school official to assure this matter gets resolved quickly.

Ms. M. offers her opinion on a variety of subjects. They are expressing personal and professional opinions and views. These opinions or views are not intended to treat or diagnose; nor are they meant to replace the treatment and care that you may be receiving from a licensed physician or mental health professional. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional psychological or medical help, you should consult with a trained and qualified

specialist in the area of concern. Ms. M. is not responsible for the outcome or results of following the advice, in any given situation, for you are completely responsible for your actions. Myrthala Alejo is the senior counselor of non-profit organization, PILLAR. The nonprofit organization service the youth of the community of Laredo and surrounding areas who are victims of bullying, have attempted suicide, or are struggling with suicidal thoughts.


[ P s y c h o l o g y]

By Ema Anguiano

The Power



of Mercy the

shelter mostly come to insult

I was awestruck by the mag-

upon women is an epidemic


the women here and they of-

nitude and power of their

all over the world, which so-

Against Domestic Vi-

ten refer to them using words

paintings and was surprised

ciety altogether seems to

olence, 1 out of every 4 wom-

like ‘victims’ or call them

to find that they had never

sweep under the rug. Sadly,

en have been victims of se-

‘damaged,’” she told me. This

before painted in their lives,

the only time people take

vere domestic violence by an

saddened me quite deeply

thus illustrating the therapeu-

notice or discuss the issue

intimate partner in their life-

that people could be so igno-

tic value that painting can

openly is when it is too late

times. Many cases of abuse

rant as to degrade and dimin-

have on them. Because they

and someone has tragically

go unreported for a fear of

ish the power of these strong

are able to freely express

lost their life. We hear about

retribution. For too long their

beautiful souls. The stigma at-

emotions which

this time and time again re-

voices have remained in the

tached to the issue of domes-

they have repressed for so

peated by anchors on night-

darkened shadows of relative

tic violence that these women

long it is as if they are voic-

ly news broadcasts. Women


are victims or damaged is

ing their inner anguish for

are the backbone of soci-

Recently I visited the lo-

one which needs to be eradi-

the first time through art. Si-

ety and must be treated as

cal women’s shelter, Casa

cated front our society.

lence is a tool that abusers

such. They are our mothers,

Misericordia, to better un-

Soon after my conversa-

often utilize as a means to

our daughters, and our sis-

derstand the perspective of

tion with Sister Rosemary, I

control those who they inflict

ters. We can no longer turn a

women who have directly

was given a tour of the shel-

violence upon, and through

blind eye to such egregious

endured and overcome these

ter and was taken to a room

this creative outlet they are

acts of terror enacted upon

challenges head on. Upon my

filled with paintings created

given a newfound freedom.

the givers of the greatest gift

arrival, I was greeted by the

by many of the women there.

Freedom to women who have

of all, life itself. According

director of the facility, Sister

Some were vibrant and filled

been held captive and shack-

to a recent article published

Rosemary Welsh.



with color and others were

led by the reigns of torment

in the Huffington Post, more

After speaking briefly with

dark and portrayed tragedy,

is something that the major-

women were killed by cur-

her, I got the sense that she

yet one commonality that

ity of us take for granted on a

rent or ex male partners than

was skeptical of my pres-

they all shared was that they

daily basis.

soldiers perished in the Iraq

ence there. “Other women

told a story about each of


who come and speak at our







and Afghanistan war combined.


[ P s y c h o l o g y]

CBD vs THC : E x pl o r i n g t h e B e n e f i t s and Losing the Stigma By Scarletth Merkely



may help reduce chronic

to its anti-inflammatory prop-

commonly known as

pain by impacting endocan-

erties.” This is good news for

many ways. The government

CBD, is the chemical

nabinoid receptor activity,

men and women who have

classifies hemp as any plant

compound found in the canna-

reducing inflammation and

problems with self-esteem

of the cannabis family that

bis or marijuana plant. Its pain

interacting with neurotrans-

because of their skin.

contains less than 0.3% THC.

relieving properties is what

mitters.” All


Another great benefit of CBD

It classifies “marijuana” as

makes the plant so attractive

medical terms mean that CBD

is how versatile it is. CNN re-

any plant of the cannabis fam-

to medics around the world.

reduces the swelling of your

ports that some restaurants

ily that contains greater than

THC, officially named Tetra-

nervous system so you stop

and bars have chosen to add

0.3% THC.

hydrocannabinol, is the com-

feeling immense pain around

the cannabinoid to their food

Hemp cannabis plants have a

pound that gives the euphoric

your body.

and drinks. CBD comes in oils

high amount of CBD and low

high feeling.

CBD has also been linked to

that can be used on the skin

THC, making them the most

helping treat anxiety and de-

or to ingest.

efficient plant for CBD pro-


The thing that makes mari-


family making them similar in

juana such an important de-


bate is the fact that it contains

So the bottom line here is, if

good chemicals but also has a

your CBD comes from hemp,

criminal reputation because

it is legal. CBD made from

of the drug aspect.

“marijuana” with high levels

What many people do not re-

of THC, is only legal if your

alize is that you can separate

state has legalized marijuana.

the two compounds. You can extract CBD- the good, legal, and health beneficial com-

No matter what side you sup-

pound- to use it on its own.

port in the legalization of mar-

CBD has been credited with

pression and many issues that

helping people who suffer

arise with those mental disor-

So, is it legal in Texas?

buttals for siding against CBD

with chronic migraines, body

ders. CBD oils helped insom-

The legality depends on the

for medical uses. The benefits

and bone aches, and even

nia patients reach a calm state

source of the CBD.

outweigh any argument. Med-

those with severely serious

to be able to sleep. People

While hemp-derived CBD is

ical innovations and allowing


feel less anxious, and all this

legal in all 50 states, ‘marijua-

more people to have access

Jillian Kubala, a registered di-

without the “high” feeling

na’-derived CBD is not legal

to this beneficial substance

etitian with a Masters Degree

from the THC.


would change the way Ameri-

in Science, wrote for Heath-

HeathLine also stated, “CBD

Both marijuana and hemp

cans live their daily lives.

Line online about how “CBD

oil may help treat acne due

are members of the cannabis

ijuana debate, there are no re-

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Divinas Manos


“Care that is simply Divine”


ver the past 6 years, Divinas Manos Home Health

Professional Nurses on Call and Available 24 Hours a day

has boasted compassionate, personal care for area residents in need of assisted living services.

The staff at Divinas Manos Home Health provide personalized services designed to meet the needs of every patient. The dedicated health professionals offer the assistance you need while respecting your independence. Divinas Manos Home Health is a licensed care provider with the State of Texas. Their services are dedicated to a holistic approach in the care they deliver to their clients. It is their goal to incorporate all the elements of care to include engaging family, respecting spiritual preference, protecting the client’s dignity, education and teaching in conjunction with formulating and revising their clients plan of care. Anyone with an illness, surgery, disability, in need of Occupational, Physical, and Speech Therapy is eligible for Home Health Care. Studies have shown that being at home health care can speed up the healing process and patients can be with their loved ones. Services are provided by registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists,

Admission for services will not be influenced by race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, marital status, military status, gender preference, source of payment or disability. Medicare - Private Insurance - Self Pay

1103 Corpus Christi Laredo Texas 78040

speech therapists, and medical social workers.

For more information you can contact Divinas Manos at 956-728-8322. The home health care is located at 1103 Corpus Christi St.

Ph: (956) 728-8322 Fax: (956) 728-8353



H ealth and wellness

Por Emma Treviño

C e l e b r a H o s p i ta l S a n A n g e l


10º Aniversario

on una diversidad de ofertas para sus pacientes y la población de los Dos Laredos, el Hospital San Ángel festeja su 10º Aniversario. Fue en el 2000 cuando el matrimonio formado por el Dr. Guillermo Castaño Ruiz, cirujano plástico, y la Profra. Claudia Papadópulos de Castaño al evaluar los servicios y características de los hospitales existentes, pensaron en uno y fue ahí en donde iniciaron este gran proyecto.

las normas de salubridad. Aunque se llevó su tiempo entre permisos y otros papeleos, en el 2005 se empezó su construcción y concluyó en el 2009 por lo que fue el primer hospital de la ciudad en recibir la Certificación del Consejo de Salubridad General, máximo órgano rector de las instituciones médicas en México. Sobre la certificación, el Dr. Castaño agregó: “Lo hicimos bajo todas las normas, pensando como ya dijimos

La idea nació en el 2000; no había muchas opciones y como cirujano plástico necesitaba tener un hospital que tuviera todo lo que yo necesitaba porque ir a un hospital no es nada más ir a operarte; uno quiere la seguridad para el paciente”, comentó el Dr. Castaño.

Destacó que para lograr este sueño pasó por varios procesos, ya que él quería uno que cumpliera con todas

en la certificación, y hacerlo conlleva que tengas todos los procesos necesarios en la seguridad y atención para

tu paciente, que el personal que tenemos y el que te va a aplicar un medicamento sea un enfermero, un licenciado en enfermería, porque antes no se llevaba esto y cualquiera podía ser enfermera y/o enfermero, y al hacerlo lo hicimos con todas las indicaciones de salubridad, desde el tipo de pared que debe haber, porque aquí hacemos limpieza exhaustivas en cada quirófano”. Para la certificación deben cumplirse más de 4 mil procesos que establece el Consejo de Seguridad General; esto incluye la salud de los trabajadores. Al ser certificados tiene la garantía que se están realizando los procesos adecuados para darle una atención con calidad y de seguridad al paciente. Además, el personal está capacitado en RPC (Reanimación Cardiopulmonar), contando con cinco equipos rojos ubicados en los desfibriladores, los electrocardiogramas, sala de choque y el medicamento

Profesora Claudia Papadópulos de Castaño, Directora Administrativa.

para atender a las personas infartadas, entre otros. También cuenta con cuarto de aislado, un área especial para las personas con enfermedades de alto contagio como es la tuberculosis, con calefacción independiente a los cuarto del resto del hospital y un equipo especial de protección para el personal de salud que los atiende. “De la fecha en la que se fundó, a la actualidad, hemos crecido agigantadamente. Contamos con todas las especialidades, sala pediátrica, encamados para adultos, gineco obstetricia, cuatro quirófanos, tococirugía y seguimos creciendo”, puntualizó.


Rio MAg


H ealth and wellness By Verónica Ibarra

Imp r o v e y o u r h e a lt h a n d a pp e a r a n c e w i t h

Translation by Alejandra Cantu





But it is not exclusive for ath-

F and -180 ° F for up to three

known as Cryother-

letes, it is also for all of those


apy, is beginning to

suffering from muscle aches,

The method was first used in

gain popularity in the United

tendonitis, joint


Japan in 1978 to treat rheu-

States and Europe. Cryother-

tion and arthritis. These ser-

matic disease. Since then,

apy, practiced for centuries in

vices can be found at Cryo-

numerous studies have been

various ways (cold compress-

Health Recovery, located at

conducted and have shown

es, ice ...), in recent years and

5517 McPherson Ste 20. Dr.

that cryotherapy is a powerful

thanks to technology, has now

Jorge Coronado talked to RIO

treatment to reduce inflam-

been developed in cabins

about the advantages of tak-

mation and pain symptoms

that allow the simultaneous

ing these therapies that pro-

associated with a wide range

cooling of the entire body at

vide multiple benefits. Whole

of chronic conditions, as well

extremely low temperatures.



as to increase metabolism,

Scientific studies on its ben-

is a cold therapy treatment

lose weight, help decrease

eficial effects on health are

method (uses liquid nitrogen)

some psychological ailments,

beginning to come to light.

where the skin is exposed to

increases energy and accel-

Cryotherapy improves the

temperatures between -100 °

erates recovery.


immune system, circulation, muscle recovery, aerobic and anaerobic capacity of athletes, has beneficial effects on anxiety & depression and can improvement atopic dermatitis and cellulitis. In a 3-minute session, clients can burn up to 500-800 calories. It is also effective in relieving muscle pain, headaches and sleep disorders. In sports, it is already being used by many NBA and NFL elite athletes.

INFRARED SAUNA CryoHealth Recovery also offers an infrared sauna, which uses light to create heat, which eliminates 7 times more toxins than a traditional sauna. It enters the fat cells and eliminates 20 times more toxins compared to a traditional sauna that only removes 3 percent of toxins. At the infrared sauna you will relax, detoxify and lower stress, and burn 300-600 calories in a 30-minute session. In addition, it is an excellent option for muscle pain. The sauna is for 1-2 people. The infrared saunas penetrate deep into the body to heal it from the inside. In this method, the blood vessels open when the heating of the infrared wavelengths penetrates into soft tissue. The muscles relax and the pain begins to disappear.

Helps with: • Stress • Fatigue • Depression • Multiple sclerosis • Osteoporosis • Sore muscles • Rheumatoid arthritis • Weight loss and more • Restores collagen and elastin Benefits: • Increased metabolism • Weightloss • Pain relief • Detoxification • Immunity boost • Low blood pressure • Cellulite reduction • Relief of joint pain • Increased flexibility • Stress reduction • Healthy skin • Restores collagen and elastin

H ealth and wellness I want to express my sincere gratitude to Andy’s Mobility Van & Lift Sales & Service. The sales and service team were very professional and helpful throughout the entire process. They installed a new lift for my daughter, Melinda Garcia, who was born with Spina Bifida. Thanks to this lift, we are able to take her anywhere including San Antonio to see her doctor. Andy’s Mobility Van & Lift Sales & Service went above & beyond. We would highly recommend Andy’s Mobility Van & Lift Sales & Service to anyone needing mobility solutions. Angel H. Garcia

Revolutionizing t h e L i v e s o f La r e d oa n s a n d B e yo n d By Alejandra Cantu Andy’s Mobility Van & Lift Sales

Andy’s Mobility Van & Lift Sales

in Laredo for people with dis-

& Service offers products in-

& Service offers a wide variety

abilities, and for all their cus-



of equipment for the different

tomers who want to enhance

innovative features enabling

needs of each person. From

their mobility in all areas of

consumers to achieve the high-

installing hand control driving

their lives.

est quality of life and mobility

aids to offering the best wheel-

goals. Their services include

chair lifts for vehicles.

installations, repairs, and main-

They are committed to help

tenance of lifts and ramps.

their clients with whatever

The company has more than

they need. At Andy’s Mobility

40 years in the business and

Van & Lift Sales & Service, their

20 years in their international

mission is to make the lives of

branch in Mexico. They are the

their clients better. “Our mis-

only authorized dealer to sell

sion is to provide the best mo-

BraunAbility products in Laredo

bility installations and mainte-

and Mexico. “We also offer our

nance to all of our clients and

products and services to the Rio

make sure they are satisfied

Grande Valley and many cities

customers,” said Jhon.

in Mexico,” said Sales Repre-

Andy’s has been the leading

sentative John Achord.

provider of mobility products

Sales Representative

John Achord

Andy’s Mobility Van & Lift Sales & Service is located at 1502 Santa Ursula Ave. It is open Monday-Friday from 8am to 6pm. For more information contact Sales Representative John Achord at (956) 763-3841.



H ealth and wellness G at e w ay C o mm u n i t y H e a lt h C e n t e r :

Your Family Medical Home G

ateway Community Health Center, or “La Clinica” as it’s affectionately called, has served Webb County since 1963.

Initially, Gateway cared mainly for migrant workers and their families but soon expanded to be the healthcare safety net for the community, turning no one away. Such is the case today with the doors wide open to all who need assistance and care. The mission statement, “To provide quality care for everyone”, is upheld by all team members; medical providers and staff alike. One would think the key word in the mantra is “care”, but it is clear that the focus is “quality” and “everyone”. All forms of in-

Services Offered:

* Adult Primary Care * Pediatric Care * Dentistry * Pediatric Dentistry * OB/ GYN Care * Breast and Cervical Cancer Screenings * Behavioral Health * Podiatry * In-house Pharmacy * In-house Laboratory * Urgent Care Clinic * Diabetes Self-Management Courses * Nutritional Education

surance and payment are accepted. What’s more, those who are privately insured and choose Gateway Community Health Center, directly reinvest in the healthcare of their community. From infant to grandparent, private insurance, to no insurance, Laredo Gateway Community Health Center would be honored to be your Family Medical Home.

Choosing a Family Medical Home is important because it keeps the entire family healthier by utilizing preventive medicine and being a one stop shop for the entire family’s needs. To schedule an appointment you can call 956-795-8100 or stop by their Central Clinic at 1515 Pappas, their South Clinic at 2007 S. Zapata Highway, or their North Clinic at 208 Shiloh Dr. Gateway accepts Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurances and are happy to accommodate other methods of payment. For more information, call 956-795-8100.

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