Fenuxe Issue 125

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Shrink your waistline in just 2 weeks...

Reveal YOUR True Body

Contact Robert at 678-705-1052 or revealmezerona@gmail.com


What is STRIBILD? STRIBILD is a prescription medicine used to treat HIV-1 in adults who have never taken HIV-1 medicines before. It combines 4 medicines into 1 pill to be taken once a day with food. STRIBILD is a complete single-tablet regimen and should not be used with other HIV-1 medicines. STRIBILD does not cure HIV-1 infection or AIDS. To control HIV-1 infection and decrease HIV-related illnesses you must keep taking STRIBILD. Ask your healthcare provider if you have questions about how to reduce the risk of passing HIV-1 to others. Always practice safer sex and use condoms to lower the chance of sexual contact with body fluids. Never reuse or share needles or other items that have body fluids on them.

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION What is the most important information I should know about STRIBILD?

• Worsening of hepatitis B (HBV) infection. If you also have HBV and stop taking STRIBILD, your hepatitis may suddenly get worse. Do not stop taking STRIBILD without first talking to your healthcare provider, as they will need to monitor your health. STRIBILD is not approved for the treatment of HBV.

Who should not take STRIBILD? Do not take STRIBILD if you: • Take a medicine that contains: alfuzosin, dihydroergotamine, ergotamine, methylergonovine, cisapride, lovastatin, simvastatin, pimozide, sildenafil when used for lung problems (Revatio®), triazolam, oral midazolam, rifampin or the herb St. John’s wort. • For a list of brand names for these medicines, please see the Brief Summary on the following pages. • Take any other medicines to treat HIV-1 infection, or the medicine adefovir (Hepsera®).

What are the other possible side effects of STRIBILD?

STRIBILD can cause serious side effects:

Serious side effects of STRIBILD may also include:

• Build-up of an acid in your blood (lactic acidosis), which is a serious medical emergency. Symptoms of lactic acidosis include feeling very weak or tired, unusual (not normal) muscle pain, trouble breathing, stomach pain with nausea or vomiting, feeling cold especially in your arms and legs, feeling dizzy or lightheaded, and/or a fast or irregular heartbeat.

• New or worse kidney problems, including kidney failure. Your healthcare provider should do regular blood and urine tests to check your kidneys before and during treatment with STRIBILD. If you develop kidney problems, your healthcare provider may tell you to stop taking STRIBILD.

• Serious liver problems. The liver may become large (hepatomegaly) and fatty (steatosis). Symptoms of liver problems include your skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow (jaundice), dark “tea-colored” urine, light-colored bowel movements (stools), loss of appetite for several days or longer, nausea, and/or stomach pain. • You may be more likely to get lactic acidosis or serious liver problems if you are female, very overweight (obese), or have been taking STRIBILD for a long time. In some cases, these serious conditions have led to death. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have any symptoms of these conditions.

• Bone problems, including bone pain or bones getting soft or thin, which may lead to fractures. Your healthcare provider may do tests to check your bones. • Changes in body fat can happen in people taking HIV-1 medicines. • Changes in your immune system. Your immune system may get stronger and begin to fight infections. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any new symptoms after you start taking STRIBILD. The most common side effects of STRIBILD include nausea and diarrhea. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effects that bother you or don’t go away.

What should I tell my healthcare provider before taking STRIBILD? • All your health problems. Be sure to tell your healthcare provider if you have or had any kidney, bone, or liver problems, including hepatitis virus infection. • All the medicines you take, including prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. STRIBILD may affect the way other medicines work, and other medicines may affect how STRIBILD works. Keep a list of all your medicines and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist. Do not start any new medicines while taking STRIBILD without first talking with your healthcare provider. • If you take hormone-based birth control (pills, patches, rings, shots, etc). • If you take antacids. Take antacids at least 2 hours before or after you take STRIBILD. • If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if STRIBILD can harm your unborn baby. Tell your healthcare provider if you become pregnant while taking STRIBILD. • If you are breastfeeding (nursing) or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed. HIV-1 can be passed to the baby in breast milk. Also, some medicines in STRIBILD can pass into breast milk, and it is not known if this can harm the baby.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088. Please see Brief Summary of full Prescribing Information with important warnings on the following pages.

STRIBILD is a prescription medicine used as a complete single-tablet regimen to treat HIV-1 in adults who have never taken HIV-1 medicines before. STRIBILD does not cure HIV-1 or AIDS.

I started my personal revolution Talk to your healthcare provider about starting treatment. STRIBILD is a complete HIV-1 treatment in 1 pill, once a day. Ask if it’s right for you.

Patient Information STRIBILD® (STRY-bild) (elvitegravir 150 mg/cobicistat 150 mg/emtricitabine 200 mg/ tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 mg) tablets Brief summary of full Prescribing Information. For more information, please see the full Prescribing Information, including Patient Information.

• Do not stop taking STRIBILD without first talking to your healthcare provider • If you stop taking STRIBILD, your healthcare provider will need to check your health often and do blood tests regularly for several months to check your HBV infection. Tell your healthcare provider about any new or unusual symptoms you may have after you stop taking STRIBILD


Who should not take STRIBILD?

• STRIBILD is a prescription medicine used to treat HIV-1 in adults who have never taken HIV-1 medicines before. STRIBILD is a complete regimen and should not be used with other HIV-1 medicines. • STRIBILD does not cure HIV-1 or AIDS. You must stay on continuous HIV-1 therapy to control HIV-1 infection and decrease HIV-related illnesses. • Ask your healthcare provider about how to prevent passing HIV-1 to others. Do not share or reuse needles, injection equipment, or personal items that can have blood or body fluids on them. Do not have sex without protection. Always practice safer sex by using a latex or polyurethane condom to lower the chance of sexual contact with semen, vaginal secretions, or blood.

Do not take STRIBILD if you also take a medicine that contains: • adefovir (Hepsera®) • alfuzosin hydrochloride (Uroxatral®) • cisapride (Propulsid®, Propulsid Quicksolv®) • ergot-containing medicines, including: dihydroergotamine mesylate (D.H.E. 45®, Migranal®), ergotamine tartrate (Cafergot®, Migergot®, Ergostat®, Medihaler Ergotamine®, Wigraine®, Wigrettes®), and methylergonovine maleate (Ergotrate®, Methergine®) • lovastatin (Advicor®, Altoprev®, Mevacor®) • oral midazolam • pimozide (Orap®) • rifampin (Rifadin®, Rifamate®, Rifater®, Rimactane®) • sildenafil (Revatio®), when used for treating lung problems • simvastatin (Simcor®, Vytorin®, Zocor®) • triazolam (Halcion®) • the herb St. John’s wort Do not take STRIBILD if you also take any other HIV-1 medicines, including: • Other medicines that contain tenofovir (Atripla®, Complera®, Viread®, Truvada®) • Other medicines that contain emtricitabine, lamivudine, or ritonavir (Atripla®, Combivir®, Complera®, Emtriva®, Epivir® or Epivir-HBV®, Epzicom®, Kaletra®, Norvir®, Trizivir®, Truvada®) STRIBILD is not for use in people who are less than 18 years old.

What is the most important information I should know about STRIBILD? STRIBILD can cause serious side effects, including: 1. Build-up of lactic acid in your blood (lactic acidosis). Lactic acidosis can happen in some people who take STRIBILD or similar (nucleoside analogs) medicines. Lactic acidosis is a serious medical emergency that can lead to death. Lactic acidosis can be hard to identify early, because the symptoms could seem like symptoms of other health problems. Call your healthcare provider right away if you get any of the following symptoms which could be signs of lactic acidosis: • feel very weak or tired • have unusual (not normal) muscle pain • have trouble breathing • have stomach pain with nausea or vomiting • feel cold, especially in your arms and legs • feel dizzy or lightheaded • have a fast or irregular heartbeat 2. Severe liver problems. Severe liver problems can happen in people who take STRIBILD. In some cases, these liver problems can lead to death. Your liver may become large (hepatomegaly) and you may develop fat in your liver (steatosis). Call your healthcare provider right away if you get any of the following symptoms of liver problems: • your skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow (jaundice) • dark “tea-colored” urine • light-colored bowel movements (stools) • loss of appetite for several days or longer • nausea • stomach pain You may be more likely to get lactic acidosis or severe liver problems if you are female, very overweight (obese), or have been taking STRIBILD for a long time. 3. Worsening of Hepatitis B infection. If you have hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and take STRIBILD, your HBV may get worse (flare-up) if you stop taking STRIBILD. A “flare-up” is when your HBV infection suddenly returns in a worse way than before. • Do not run out of STRIBILD. Refill your prescription or talk to your healthcare provider before your STRIBILD is all gone

What are the possible side effects of STRIBILD? STRIBILD may cause the following serious side effects: • See “What is the most important information I should know about STRIBILD?” • New or worse kidney problems, including kidney failure. Your healthcare provider should do blood and urine tests to check your kidneys before you start and while you are taking STRIBILD. Your healthcare provider may tell you to stop taking STRIBILD if you develop new or worse kidney problems. • Bone problems can happen in some people who take STRIBILD. Bone problems include bone pain, softening or thinning (which may lead to fractures). Your healthcare provider may need to do tests to check your bones. • Changes in body fat can happen in people who take HIV-1 medicine. These changes may include increased amount of fat in the upper back and neck (“buffalo hump”), breast, and around the middle of your body (trunk). Loss of fat from the legs, arms and face may also happen. The exact cause and long-term health effects of these conditions are not known. • Changes in your immune system (Immune Reconstitution Syndrome) can happen when you start taking HIV-1 medicines. Your immune system may get stronger and begin to fight infections that have been hidden in your body for a long time. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you start having any new symptoms after starting your HIV-1 medicine.

The most common side effects of STRIBILD include: • Nausea • Diarrhea Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away. • These are not all the possible side effects of STRIBILD. For more information, ask your healthcare provider. • Call your healthcare provider for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. What should I tell my healthcare provider before taking STRIBILD? Tell your healthcare provider about all your medical conditions, including: • If you have or had any kidney, bone, or liver problems, including hepatitis B infection • If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if STRIBILD can harm your unborn baby. Tell your healthcare provider if you become pregnant while taking STRIBILD. - There is a pregnancy registry for women who take antiviral medicines during pregnancy. The purpose of this registry is to collect information about the health of you and your baby. Talk with your healthcare provider about how you can take part in this registry. • If you are breastfeeding (nursing) or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed if you take STRIBILD. - You should not breastfeed if you have HIV-1 because of the risk of passing HIV-1 to your baby. - Two of the medicines in STRIBILD can pass to your baby in your breast milk. It is not known if the other medicines in STRIBILD can pass into your breast milk. - Talk with your healthcare provider about the best way to feed your baby. Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements: • STRIBILD may affect the way other medicines work, and other medicines may affect how STRIBILD works. • Be sure to tell your healthcare provider if you take any of the following medicines: - Hormone-based birth control (pills, patches, rings, shots, etc) - Antacid medicines that contain aluminum, magnesium hydroxide, or calcium carbonate. Take antacids at least 2 hours before or after you take STRIBILD - Medicines to treat depression, organ transplant rejection, or high blood pressure - amiodarone (Cordarone®, Pacerone®) - atorvastatin (Lipitor®, Caduet®) - bepridil hydrochloride (Vascor®, Bepadin®) - bosentan (Tracleer®) - buspirone - carbamazepine (Carbatrol®, Epitol®, Equetro®, Tegretol®) - clarithromycin (Biaxin®, Prevpac®) - clonazepam (Klonopin®) - clorazepate (Gen-xene®, Tranxene®) - colchicine (Colcrys®) - medicines that contain dexamethasone - diazepam (Valium®)

- digoxin (Lanoxin®) - disopyramide (Norpace®) - estazolam - ethosuximide (Zarontin®) - flecainide (Tambocor®) - flurazepam - fluticasone (Flovent®, Flonase®, Flovent® Diskus®, Flovent® HFA, Veramyst®) - itraconazole (Sporanox®) - ketoconazole (Nizoral®) - lidocaine (Xylocaine®) - mexiletine - oxcarbazepine (Trileptal®) - perphenazine - phenobarbital (Luminal®) - phenytoin (Dilantin®, Phenytek®) - propafenone (Rythmol®) - quinidine (Neudexta®) - rifabutin (Mycobutin®) - rifapentine (Priftin®) - risperidone (Risperdal®, Risperdal Consta®) - salmeterol (Serevent®) or salmeterol when taken in combination with fluticasone (Advair Diskus®, Advair HFA®) - sildenafil (Viagra®), tadalafil (Cialis®) or vardenafil (Levitra®, Staxyn®), for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). If you get dizzy or faint (low blood pressure), have vision changes or have an erection that last longer than 4 hours, call your healthcare provider or get medical help right away. - tadalafil (Adcirca®), for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension - telithromycin (Ketek®) - thioridazine - voriconazole (Vfend®) - warfarin (Coumadin®, Jantoven®) - zolpidem (Ambien®, Edlular®, Intermezzo®, Zolpimist®) Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of all your medicines and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine. Do not start any new medicines while you are taking STRIBILD without first talking with your healthcare provider. Keep STRIBILD and all medicines out of reach of children. This Brief Summary summarizes the most important information about STRIBILD. If you would like more information, talk with your healthcare provider. You can also ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for information about STRIBILD that is written for health professionals, or call 1-800-445-3235 or go to www.STRIBILD.com. Issued: October 2013

COMPLERA, EMTRIVA, GILEAD, the GILEAD Logo, GSI, HEPSERA, STRIBILD, the STRIBILD Logo, TRUVADA, and VIREAD are trademarks of Gilead Sciences, Inc., or its related companies. ATRIPLA is a trademark of Bristol-Myers Squibb & Gilead Sciences, LLC. All other marks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners. © 2014 Gilead Sciences, Inc. All rights reserved. STBC0109 10/14



11 12 22


Calendar: 8 fun things to do OUT & ABOUT PHOTOS 2015’s top 10 health foods


The power of massage


3 places to let it all go


Revealing Your True shape


savannah bound


hey girl hey

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Dino Thompson-Sarmiento - Senior Writer Dustin Shrader - WRITER D. David Kinney - Digital editor Mike stone - publishing assistant Mark Cook - fashion production


Jeff Anderson | 404.835.2016 - Sales Manager

National Advertising Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 sales@rivendellmedia.com

To advertise, please call 404.835.2016 email info@fenuxe.com or visit www.fenuxe.com Published by TW Media Group Š 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1599-A Memorial Drive, STE 167, Atlanta GA, 30317 Phone: 404.835.2016 | Fax: 404.835.2356 Opinions and claims made by advertisers are those of the advertisers only. Fenuxe accepts no liability for any claims made by advertisers. The views and opinions expressed in this issue are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any agency of TW Media Group.

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DigiTour The digital world comes to life with some of YouTube’s biggest performers coming together live at The Tabernacle, February 21 at 4:00. Featuring Hayes Grier, Sam Pottorff, Rickey Thompson, Twaimz, Dylan Dauzat, Luke Korns, Danny Edge, Paul Zimmer, Sebastian Olzanski, Alexia Raye and many more!

Broadway’s smash hit musical about a misunderstood witch keeps on defying the odds as the touring group comes to the Fox. Winner of over 50 major awards, including a Grammy and three Tony Awards, Wicked is “Broadway’s biggest blockbuster” Opening Feb. 18



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Ruby Redd’s Bird Cage Bingo Join the fabulous and multitalented Ruby Redd on February 18 for a night of outrageous fun, with all fundraising going towards the AV200 and the AIDS/ LifeCycle ride. 8:30-10:30 PM at The Hideaway, 1544 Piedmont Avenue.


2nd Annual GLBT Career Fair & Technology Center Expo Sponsored by Meak Productions, this free GLBT expo is for anyone seeking equality with employment opportunities. Hosted by The Hyatt Atlanta on February 26th.

maroon 5 One of pop music’s biggest acts and the super sexy Adam Levine return to Atlanta with some of their biggest hits. The band kicks off at 7:30 at Phillips Arena on February 19th.




Romeo + Juliette, VDay

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Rigoletto at The Atlanta Opera Verdi’s Rigoletto is returning to The Atlanta Opera for only four performances, beginning Friday, Feb. 28. Not seen on The Atlanta Opera in almost 15 years, Rigoletto will be performed at Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre to rejoice in the Opera house’s 35th year of live productions. Tickets are available for purchase at atlantaopera.org.

Out & about

12: February 13, 2015





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Out & about

14: February 13, 2015


Callanwalde art festival PHOTOS BY: SHER PRUITT

Out & about


Superbowl @ ten PHOTOS BY: SHER PRUITT


Out & about

16: February 13, 2015


superbowl party @ woofs PHOTOS BY: SHER PRUITT


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Out & about

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By Dustin Shrader

2015’S Top 10 Health Foods

A s we move further into the New Year, everyone’s weight-loss resolution can either slack or kick into overdrive. Not only do you have to spend time in the gym to reach your goal-weight, you have to fuel your body with the right, healthy sources. The saying, “abs are made in the kitchen” is true. A six-hour gym session doesn’t mean squat (pun intended) without a well-balanced, nutritious diet. If you are not sure what foods to stock up on in order to obtain those sculpted, washboard abs, fret not. Here are the top ten health foods of 2015 proven to get you in super-model shape in no time.

Beet Greens Uh oh, move on over kale for there is another new green ready to shine this year. Beet greens are Vitamin A filled. Even if you hate beets, you can still use the leafy greens as a substitute for chard or spinach. Great for smoothies, juices, soups beet greens are highly versatile.

Blueberries Ya know what they say, big things come in small packages. These tiny, purplish-blue, plump berries are bursting with phytonutrients known to help prevent chronic diseases (heart, diabetes and even some cancers). And if you are worried about aging, blueberries stimulate graceful, healthy aging with a daily intake. As a low-calorie source blueberries are the perfect snack.

Heirloom Beans Tired of the same ole black or pinto beans? Need a new source of protein other than meat? Well, grab some heirloom beans the next time you are at Trader Joe’s. These beans pack a punch with an abundant source of fiber and protein. Chef Ray Whitlock of The Georgia Club says heirloom beans “make the best bean liquid to cook with.” Heirlooms are ideal for vegans and gluten-intolerant folks. 22: February 13, 2015

Grass-fed Dairy & Meats grass-fed varieties of your favorite cuts and slices are all the rage right now. These meats and cheeses originate from clean, steroid free livestock, giving you a pure source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Grass-fed products are often pricier than their regular counterparts are, but places like Costco carry them in bulk at a cheaper rate.



Is another ancient whole grain you should add to your grocery list similar to quinoa. The new (old) grain was first cultivated in Ethiopia. It is high in calcium, fiber, iron and protein. With a sweet and nutty flavor, Teff works well in any dish. It’s naturally gluten-free and can also act as a substitute for cornmeal.

Are small, tear-shaped nuts exploding with nutrients such as fiber, riboflavin, iron, calcium and magnesium. One simple serving has over 22 milligrams of calcium alone! This one simple, serving even provides the Recommended Dietary Allowance of Vitamin E. Almonds are also known to help lower blood cholesterol through the monounsaturated fats they produce.

apples Yes, apples. One may think apples are boring and have been around forever, yet sadly apples are consistently overlooked in the health food department. They taste impeccable in Grandma’s homemade apple pie; however, it is their raw form in which they should be consumed daily. Fresh apples give consumers a soluble fiber source and Vitamin C. This antioxidant protects your body’s cells from any outside damage or intake of toxic, processed foods or even illnesses.

matcha Green tea in its truest and rawest form. Meaning powdered tea, matcha originates from Japanese tencha leaf and then is stone ground to produce a vibrant- fine powder. According to research specialists, matcha is said to have a higher concentration of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) than regular, store-bought green tea. For all hardcore, new year’s dieters, matcha increases lipolysis (breakdown of fat) and halts adipogenesis (the formation of fat cells, especially in the belly area). And to further knock your socks off, one serving of matcha has four grams of protein!



A popular cousin to the turnip, rutabagas are a root vegetable widely overlooked due to their odd shape and color. As a cross between a turnip and cabbage, rutabagas are full of essential nutrients. Vitamin C, Zinc, fiber and protein all play a part in stabilizing a wonky metabolism, excellent for slimming the waistline.

Even though kale was the “it” food of 2014, this leafy, green veg is being reincarnated in the form of the kalettean offspring of kale and Brussels sprouts. These cabbage-looking hybrids are frilly and taste less bitter than its parents. A mere 45 calories, kalettes deliver 120 percent of everyone’s required daily value of Vitamin K. This new sensation is available at Trader Joe’s and Wholefoods all over.


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By Dustin Shrader

The Power of A


re you one of those people who have always felt massages are more of a wanton luxury as opposed to an advantageous necessity? Well, my friends, you are not alone. Before speaking with out & proud Certified Massage Therapist Frank Santore, I too, was guilty of this gross misconception. During my conversation with Frank; however, he enlightened me on all the wonders therapeutic massage has to offer. Throughout our chat, Frank offered a lot of knowledge surrounding massage and gave me the deets on all those questions one may have prior to seeing a professional CMT. Check it out: A small insight to massage history

is helpful in immune function. The

FS: Massage is an old profession. It

by massage. It helps with blood

began over 3000 years ago within

pressure, heart disease, these types

Chinese medicine as a form of care.

of ailments etc., even the digestive

We’re actually now just understanding

system. People who are chronically

its basic benefits to health. There’s

constipated or have other issues,

growing evidence that it aids immune

massage has been shown to help.

function, heart rate, lowers blood

Improvement of posture is also an

pressure. Massage improves asthma,

added bonus. Almost every area

lung function and increases oxygen

of medicine you can think of, there

intake into the body. Even with

has been a study, which shows how

premature babies who have received

massage is helpful in each of those

massages gain weight faster. There are

specific areas.

circulatory system is greatly affected

a lot of benefits from massage. Shared client reasonings for

Frank has been providing body work and massage therapy to metro Atlanta since 1996. He continues to provide personalized therapy, specifically catered to each individual that comes through his door.

Book Online: FrankSantore.com

obtaining massages


FS: In my practice people that come a

here, it’s a way to de-stress or detach

compounding effect. The more often

form the day and rigors of life. I find

you get it, the more benefits you

that the benefit and mood seems to be

receive. It improves muscle memory,

a very big factor in why people come.

so you remember you’re supposed to

I have many regular clients, many who

be relaxed. So, for those times you feel

come once a week. One of my clients

your shoulders up in your ears with

owns a large catering house in the city

that horrible feeling of stress, muscle

and is constantly under a great amount

memory works in these situations. You

of stress. During his appointment, it is

can teach, the body to be in a state of

just his hour and a half a week to relax,

relaxation and open to the state you

de-stress, focus and get his mind

want to be.

back together. I’ve been seeing him

A lot of the systems of

for over 18 years, every Monday at 1

the body are affected by massage:

o’clock. I have another client who has a


large marketing/advertising company,


Frank Santore

Long-term benefits of Repeated






and he feels it helps him with his

stress reduction. Many are

tissue. I do a lot of stretching

such force. So, you would use

creativity. It allows him to detach,

athletes who are constantly

routines also. People who

something more soothing. Not

quiet down his mind in order to start

working out and lifting. Their



everyone is a large body builder.

to creative function and thinking of

bodies are producing toxins

Joint Disorders (TMJ, TMD),

With neuromuscular therapy,

new ideas. He’s also been a client

aka lactic acid. When you

have difficulty opening their

we reduce trigger points. Trigger

of mine for over 18 years every

are sore after a workout, the

jaws and the therapy I use can

points are the knots (knots in

Thursday at 6.

lactic acid in your muscle

help alleviate the pressure.

neck, shoulders) these knots are

Massage increases energy

created by fibers, a collection

levels. Many of my clients come

of fibers to form fascia, which

in and report a lack of energy or

makes up the muscle. I.e. your

sluggish feelings. It also helps with the healing process if you have an injury or surgery. The increased circulation from the massage will help speed up healing, especially

“The increased circulation from the massage will help speed up healing, especially if your injury requires a lot of down-time.”

if your injury requires a lot of down-time.



bicep is composed of all these tiny fibers, which elongate and contract the muscle based upon the information received from the brain via the nervous system. Mental, physical stress, repetitive


tissue causes those feeling,

Types of massage and

movement, lifting heavy weights

sleep disorders also benefit from

massage will help release that

problem areas

causes these fibers to be stuck


from the body. The muscles

FS: There are different types

together, and they don’t elongate

are like a sponge, so it is very

of massages just like there

as well as they should. They form

important to get that out of

are different types of clients.

this bundle or this knot. With

FS: There are many different types

the tissue.

You wouldn’t use deep tissue

neuromuscular massage, it is

of clients as there are types of



massage on an older person.

almost like taking a comb through

massages. Mostly people come for

nerve pain, adhesion, scar

Their bodies can’t handle

(Continued on Page 29)

Types of clients




Out & about


The Armorettes @ the Hideaway | Photos by MIKE STONE

your hair. When you reach a knot and rake

I went to the New Life School of Massage,

people who don’t like being touched or are

through it, the next couple of strokes are

it was started by a husband and wife

insecure about their bodies, find there’s

a lot less resistant, it becomes more fluid.

who were both chiropractors. It was the

nothing to fear. Massage is for everyone.

As you do, you are increasing circulation,

only school in the whole country at the

decreasing pain from these knots.

time that taught neuromuscular therapy.

a note to all the massage

My massages are straightforward.

I actually moved from New York State to

newbies out there

I don’t do hot towel or hot stone treatments.

go to school. And I like to tell this story, I

FS: I’m always taking on new clients. I

My work is more neuromuscular, deep

graduated, wrote my rent check the same

always have room for new clients. Sunday

tissue. I do the stretching routines. I have a

morning, had $16 in my bank account and

is my only off day.

release type stretching designed to stretch

went straight to work. It was a good time to

not only the muscle itself but the tendons

graduate and work. I’ve been here since and

How to make appointments

as well. I don’t do more spa treatments, as I

built a large clientele. It’s been successful.

FS: You can visit my website www. franksantore.com I accept all forms of

focus on therapeutic massage. Favorite part of his job

payment, you can pay online or in person

Debunking the negative attitude

FS: My favorite thing is to work on clients

An hour session goes for $75. Or you

FS: A lot of people think of massage as a

who have never had a massage before. I

can book 90 minutes for $100. I also

luxury, but it really is a necessary thing in

enjoy seeing how amazed they are after

sell massage packages. For every four or

this active lifestyle we all live. My clients

a session, realizing the full potential and

more that you buy you get a percentage

range from doctors, lawyers, athletes etc.

rewards of a massage. It can become quite


and they all feel massage helps them in

addictive. For anyone who is sensitive

their day-to-day tasks.

about being touched or ticklish will find that a massage isn’t ticklish at all. I use a

How he got started

broad base, which is more receptive to the

FS: I’ve been in practice for 18 years now.

nervous system and the body. I get many

Proudly servi ng o ur co mmu nity since 2004

Fre e Esti mat es & De si gn C on su lt ati on Visit o ur w ebsit e at:


28: February 13, 2015




Remede Spa at the St. Regis 88 West Paces Ferry Rd, Atlanta, GA 30305 stregisatlanta. com/atlanta-spa

Remede Spa lives up to its well-deserved 4 star rating. Known for its unique customization techniques, each guest’s visit is personalized from start to finish. No two treatments are the same. Remede provides 10 relaxing and spacious treatment rooms in order to cater to their distinctive business model. After spending every weekday slaving

Spread out across 15,000 square feet of the Four-Star Mandarin Oriental Atlanta, this massive has 14 treatment rooms! Each room is elegantly equipped with heated waterbed tables dressed in linen and silk, serving decadent luxe at its finest. Beautiful chandeliers, dark wood accents and lavish design carry over from the hotel onto

Okay, so this next place isn’t in a 4 star hotel. It isn’t lavishly decorated. The paint may be peeling on the wall and it might be faily small (and extremely hard to find!) but, if you’re looking for one of the best massages in Atlanta and to experience deep relaxation (that also helps your skin glow), then you need to check out Flo2s. They recommend you

30: February 13, 2015

The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Atlanta 3376 Peachtree Road Northeast, Atlanta, Georgia 30326 mandarinoriental. com/atlanta/luxuryspa/

endulge in their amazing 90 minute deep tissue massage and then experience one of the most unique sensory-depriving experiences you will ever experience. You float in water that is soaked in salt in a room deprived of light and sound all designed to completely and totally relax you. Trust us - you will not be disappointed.

away at work, only to then wind up in bumper to bumper traffic for a few hours each afternoon, nothing fades away the stress faster than one of Remede’s micro-exfoliating pedicures complete with an amino acid peeling mask designed to soothe aching toes or a simmering hot stone massage guaranteed to unknot those pesky kinks.


the two-floor spa. Ancient Chinese medicinal practices profoundly inspire the spa’s therapeutic methods. Similar to The Remede Spa, The Mandarin Oriental allows guests to customize each treatment to their own desired wants and needs.

FLO2S 427 Moreland Ave Northeast #800, Atlanta, GA 30307 (678) 856-8060 (Behind Abadabas)




RevealING Your True Shape When it comes to improving the health and style of people all around Atlanta, Salon Skanda in Buckhead is leading the pack with a body-contouring treatment called Zerona.

As seen on daytime television like “The Dr. Oz Show” and “Rachel Ray,” Zerona has become the first treatment of its kind to be cleared by the FDA. Salon Skanda’s coordinator Robert Ballew says it’s all about working with the business’ clients to come up with the right plan for them.

“We talk about what their goals are, what they’re looking for, and we try to bring it to the most realistic point for them,” Ballew said. “There are definite benefits so most every guest, even apprehensive ones, are excited about it.”

Salon Skanda’s guests ready for Zerona, to ensure a successful experience, with Ballew working closely to accommodate any questions that may arise.

“I take measurements beforehand, we do before pictures then A lot of work goes into getting we decide what we’re going to fo-

Frustrated that diet & exercise aren’t revealing those washboard abs? Zerona can literally melt inches off your waist and give you that sexy look you want.

32: February 13, 2015

“I start to see results after the 3rd time,” he said. “About the 4th time I start to hear ‘my jeans fit different, everything feels a little different,’ so guests are seeing progress.”

cus on,” Ballew said. The process itself is mostly painfree, and guests can choose which area to focus on, including thighs, arms and the midsection, which Ballew says is one of the most popular among male clients. He went on to emphasize that those who might still be worried about negative long-term effects should rest assured when it comes to Zerona’s safety. “It’s a class-two laser, so there is no real damaging effects, there’s no heat, no cold and no sensation,” Ballew said, “it’s not going to cause any permanent damage.” Something so simple might come off as skeptical to some, but Ballew assures that Zerona’s process is one that will be beneficial to anyone looking to rid themselves of excess flab. The only thing he advises guest not to do is stare into the light while they undergo the treatment. “It’s a photonic light, so the photon is set at a specific frequency like a phone number, it ‘calls’ the fat cell which has its own number, and basically tells it to open up the door,” Ballew explained. “The liquid inside the fat cell is released, and liberated into the system, where it is processed out of the lymphatic system.”

Most diet or exercise programs require a pretty large commitment to fitness, which is where Zerona differs. Guests who don’t normally work out only need to worry about taking a 15 minute walk every day and drink plenty of water in order to keep flushing out their systems. The whole treatment takes a minimum of 6 treatments done every 2-3 days, but Ballew says guests should expect to see results rather quickly. “I start to see results after the 3rd time,” he said. “About the 4th time I start to hear ‘my jeans fit different, everything feels a little different,’ so guests are seeing progress.” With packages starting at $1200, Salon Skanda looks to carve out a safe, affordable way for its guests to reach the goals they set for themselves, eliminating stress and bringing amazing results.

Salon Skanda is located at 3003 1st Street Northeast, Atlanta, GA 30305. They can be reached at (678) 705-1052 or online at salonskanda.com


SAVANNAH BOUND When I get the urge to get out of town for the weekend my mind usually wanders to Hartsfield-Jackson and cities like Seattle, Denver, San Diego or San Francisco. However, there is no shortage of fantastic weekend getaway spots to explore right here in Georgia.


didn’t grow up in Georgia. However, I’m a proud Atlantan now and I love exploring the great cities scattered throughout our state. Over the past few months my job has taken me to Savannah several times. However, with deadlines and tight schedules I rarely explore the city beyond my hotel. So when my friends and I started planning a quick change of scenery I suggested a trip to historic Savannah. Building on the city’s storied past there is a decidedly and purposefully eclectic vibe that floats in juxtaposition to its historical bones. And, honestly, would you expect anything less from the home of SCAD? If you’re looking to jump into the local art scene skip past the Paula Dean tourists and check out the scores of interesting and often one-of-a-kind art galleries by the riverfront.

Spanish moss drenches the trees all over Savannah, GA

With thousands of pieces ranging from modern works to American classics, the Telfair Museums in Savannah should be at the top of your list if you’re looking for an artful experience. During our weekend jaunt we visited the Jepson Center which houses the Telfair’s contemporary collections and exhibitions. The Jepson always has fantastic exhibitions, but one of their current exhibitions called “Katja Loher: Beeplanet” really stood out and is something that I won’t soon forget. It is at the Jepson Center

until April 15 and is the featured exhibition for the 2015 PULSE Art + Technology Festival. Loher, a swiss-born video artist, turns the video medium as we know it on its head forcing us to question what we’re actually seeing. Is that a bee pollinating a plant inside of a glass blown pill? Wait… does that bee have a human face? Is it really a bee or a…? After diving head first into Savannah’s artistic side, one of the only things that can make your weekend getaway even better is to stay in one of the city’s beautiful and historical properties by the river. For me there is little question about where to stay when I’m in Savannah. Kimpton Hotels is an uber gayfriendly hotel group and they have a beautiful property in Savannah called The Brice. The hotelier renovated an existing historic property by the riverfront and since opening last year they have received a very warm reception from locals and tourists alike. The Brice is a gorgeous hotel that blends the historical charm of Savannah with the city’s taste for modern comfort and decor. The property is relatively unassuming from the outside. However, like the geode featured in the beautiful main lobby, it is what is on the inside of The Brice that counts. Walk up to the hotel’s main doors and a seersucker clad doorman is there to warmly welcome you

Savannah, GA

The Lobby @ The Brice

The Brice Hotel

to this uniquely Southern take on the Kimpton Hotels experience. The Kimpton brand was founded by Bill Kimpton in San Francisco where he pioneered the concept of the “boutique hotel” and that feeling lives on at The Brice. Pull yourself away from the dapper doorman and take a moment to stand in awe of the hotel’s incredible decor. I’m not sure who came up with the concept for The Brice, but I gladly tip my hat to them. It’s kind of funny to watch guests enter the hotel for the first time. It takes them a moment to soak up the bustling atmosphere and shut their now dropped jaw. One of my favorite design features that is built into the main lobby is a winding bookcase filled with all white books on top and all grey books on the bottom. It’s simple but striking. Beyond the public spaces in the hotel, the guest rooms maintain the tastefully whimsical feeling of the hotel with all of the expected appointments. And what happens if you’re missing that something special that would make your stay perfect? The entire staff at The Brice is willing to go above and beyond to ensure your stay is comfortable. So let your hair down at The Brice and soak up the Savannah art scene for the weekend! Plus, it couldn’t be easier to find. Just take I-85 South to I-16 East and you’ll be there in under four hours. If you leave right after work on Friday evening you’ll be in the city in time for a relaxing late dinner.

hey girl hey

Holler Poodles! This week I was very excited to check out another new and and upcoming spa Fenuxe sent me to in Midtown called the Pampers Day Spa. Located across from Piedmont park, it is centrally located amongst the gay mecca that is midtown. I wasn’t quite sure what to think when I walked in but was pleasantly greeted by a cute twink behind the desk named Travis. He got up to give me a hug and it was then I noticed he was wearing a diaper. Oh! Duh!! Pampers Day Spa. I get it! What have I gotten myself into? Travis led me back to a changing room with adult sized changing tables and asked me to get undressed. I was more than a little nervous because I had let my berber carpet grow out like shag for the winter, thus hiding my lady dick in dreadlocks luxurious locks. Travis noticed my dingleberries predicament immediately and ushered me into a shower with a depilatory which effectively clogged washed all my body hair down the drain. I now looked like a cross between the Michelin Tire guy and the Pillsbury dough boy with my light switch turned on. Travis noticed my lady boner and said it was quite normal and don’t be shy. He then laid me on my back and said just relax and let go. I thought he meant pee so I let a stream loose and he screeched “What the hell are you doing?” My stream cut off immediately and my lady parts went back inside my body to finish hibernating for the winter. He then placed me in a diaper and ushered me into the spa room with others in the same attire. Wow, people were just sitting around getting various massages and engaging in casual conversations with the intermittent grunt, frown and facial release. Suddenly, I felt a warmth overcome my body and jolted up. I awoke from my drunken stupor nap abd realized Fenuxe magazine had asked me to write about day spas and pampering. Oops. The alcohol must have caused me to have fantasies nightmares. I don’t give a damn apologize if the above content offended you. Love and lashes,

Mary Edith Pitts Mary Edith Pitts PS. If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please email me at maryedith99@gmail.com or on twitter @maryedithpitts I’m so happy to recommend Dr. Thomas Sparkman, DDS for all your dental needs. I recently went in for some work and was so pleased by my experience I just had to share it with you. First and foremost, his offices are impeccably clean and use the absolute latest in technology which means everything can be done in the office. His staff are warm and welcoming not to mention he has the best disposition of any doctor I know. More importantly, he gives back to the community on a regular basis and is just a great guy. Please give him a call for your next dental appointment located near Perimeter mall. (770) 396-8061 FENUXE.COM : 38

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Gay News At A Glance by dustin shrader

Is Gay Sex Not Intercourse? The Florida Supreme Court has been asked to determine if the true definition of sexual intercourse regarding a test of a law requiring HIV-positive people to inform their sexual partners of their health status. The case originates from Gary Debaun’s ill actions in 2011. The Key West native lied to a man about having HIV before engaging in intercourse. Monroe County Circuit Judge Wayne Miller stated state law defines “sexual intercourse” as between one man and one woman, thus dismissing the case. Arguing that Judge Miller’s decision violates the 1986 law, which mandates all HIVinfected people to inform their partners, either heterosexual or homosexual, the state is persisting this outcome cover all sex acts. Miller’s ruling was overturned by a district appeals court, seeking the Supreme Court to intervene. “The Florida Legislature and this court have always identified penile-vaginal union as ‘sexual intercourse’ and distinguished it from all other sexual contact,” assistant public defender Brian Lee Ellison, representing Debaun, said in his brief to the high court. “The plain meaning of the term is therefore clear and unambiguous,” he added, stating that, according to Florida law sexual intercourse “does not refer to homosexual acts or oral sex.” Assistant Attorney General Joanne Diez suggested in her brief that “the lack of a definition of ‘sexual intercourse’ ... did not render the statute ambiguous or unclear.” A final decision on this matter could take months.

Way to Stand Your Ground, John! John Legend recently backed out of a headlining event due to his adamant support of gay rights. L.A. Confidential Magazine originally had planned for the soulful crooner to be the cover star at its entertainment industry party inside the Beverly Hills Hotel. The hotel is infamously known for owner Sultan of Bruei’s anti-women and anti-LGBT politics. Legend’s publicist released the following statement regarding John’s decision. “John Legend will not be attending the L.A. Confidential party at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Thursday, February 5th in light of the horrific anti-women and anti-LGBT policies approved by the hotel’s owner, the Sultan of Brunei. These policies, which among other things could permit women and LGBT Bruneians to be stoned to death, are heinous and certainly don’t represent John’s values or the spirit of the event. John does not, in any way; wish to further enrich the Sultan while he continues to enforce these brutal laws.” Despite Legend’s absence the magazine carried on with the party, although John’s absence did spur a drop in the guest list.

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Married Crusaders

40: February 13, 2015

Former boybander and recent newlywed Lance Bass revealed on his E! wedding special, Lance Loves Michael his reasons why he remained in the closet for so long. Lance states he knew he was gay his entire life but didn’t publicly acknowledge his orientation because of his rising pop career. “I was afraid to tell anyone mainly because of ‘N Sync. You know, if I told one person I knew someone would tell someone else and it would go around and the group would be over. The guys would hate me, and they would leave the group and be like ‘We’re not going to be in a group with a gay guy.’” Although Lance is over the moon about being a newlywed, the road to the altar wasn’t a cakewalk. Before he could walk down the aisle, the singer had to tackle quite a personal obstacle. “Coming out in the south, your family has to come out also,” Bass exposed on the Meredith Vieira Show. “People forget about that. So my family went through it…My mom would go to the grocery store and strangers would be like, ‘I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.’ Like I died or something.” When asked about politician Patricia Todd’s threats to out her fellow congressmen’s same-sex affairs, both Lance and Michael had shared opinions. “I am never about outing people at all, but when it comes to voting against my rights to live my life the way I want to and my pursuit of happiness, then I am all for it,” Lance deadpanned. “Out them, yes.” With as much unyielding gusto, Michael backed his husband’s view, “If you are going to work to suppress a group of people and yet you are living an equally, in your eyes, immoral life, you can’t do that.”

11th Circuit Delays Action The U.S. Supreme Court’s upcoming decision on legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide is already having a trickling effect on individual states. Recently, an Atlanta federal appeals court states it will not rule on appeals in same-sex marriage cases before the U.S. Supreme Court officially hands down a final ruling. This order came directly from the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The 11th Circuit Court conducts all of Alabama, Georgia and Florida’s federal appeals.

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Prepare For Battle

Georgia Representative Teasley plans to introduce HB 218, a new version of the Religious Freedom Restoration (RFRA) soon. The purpose of this bill is to allow businesses and individuals a “license to discriminate” against any LGBT Georgia residents under the falsity of the alleged religious freedom act. This isn’t the first anti-LGBT bill Georgia’s congress has been subjected to over the past few months since equality for marriage rights have sky-rocketed. According to the Washington Blade, “Many of these bills, named Religious Freedom Restoration Acts, have the stated purpose of prohibiting the government from burdening an individual’s exercise of religion except to achieve a compelling interest, and only if that burden is the least restrictive means of reaching that interest.” The true meaning of these bills hides behind the “thinly disguised” wording of right to religious protection. Anti-LGBT groups are using any and every excuse imaginable to block the forward movement of gay acceptance in Georgia. Eunice Rho, advocacy and policy counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union says, “Some of these bills single out same-sex couples for discriminatory treatment, and we believe that poses a potential constitutional problem. But it also obviously violates the principle that you’re being paid by the public, you’re being paid by taxpayer dollars, you should be serving all taxpayers.” With its neighboring state Alabama heading in the right direction of marriage equality, the fight for acceptance in Georgia is more important now than ever.

Although this order affects all pending appeals in Alabama and Florida, it will not have a negative outcome on the denied stay in Alabama, already previously overturned. Florida’s same-sex marriage ceremonies will also proceed without airs. A case presently in front of a Georgia federal judge will now hold off on all future appeals, however. The U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments in April, issuing a decision in June. Atlanta’s federal appeals court will solidify any unresolved matters 21 days subsequent to the national ruling.

“This partnership represents a monumental step forward for LGBT business in Georgia,” said AGLCC President Andria Towne, in a statement. “We are excited to be working with the local district office of the SBA and the National Gay Lesbian Chamber of Commerce to further expand business certification opportunities for LGBT-owned businesses.”

Our atlanta chamber is first in the nation to sign an alliance with the SBA On January 23 our Atlanta Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce made history when they signed a Strategic Alliance Memorandum agreement with the federal Small Business Administration’s Georgia District Office. It’s important because it’s the first agreement between a gay chamber of commerce and the SBA.

There are around 2 million LGBT-owned businesses in the U.S. according to the SBA and they have been working on initiatives to help these businesses get loans as either start up or to expand their businesses. “These are exciting times for moving the economic needle in the LGBT business community. I am very proud of and commend the Georgia District Office and the AGLCC.” said Eugene Cornelius, Jr., the deputy associate administrator, Office of Field Operations, U.S. Small Business Administration.


Biceps, Bulges & Briefs

Even though Beverly Hills, 90210 has been off the air for 15 years, it remains one of the most iconic shows of all time. Not just for the die-hard fans but also for the stars that played those characters we know and love so well. Over the years, the cast have had its difficulties. Yet, one alum in particular, Ian Ziering, hopes for a reunion soon. During a recent interview, Ziering laid out his plans to get the beautiful bunch back together. “I tried to produce [a reunion show] a couple years back. I was going to have dinner at Ian’s where I was going to invite the whole gang over,” he revealed. “Of course, this was landscaped, not scripted. There would be cameras all over the place, and we would just talk about specific moments around the dinner table.” Why didn’t this blast from the past happen? No one wanted to invest! “I couldn’t get any of the networks to buy it,” he confessed. “You know, maybe I should put a little Kickstarter thing together and make it happen.” Yes please!

Can Cristiano Ronaldo just be naked all the time, please? The gorgeous soccer stud is stripping down to his skivvies for the new campaign (and my personal benefit) of his underwear line, CR7. Saying Ronaldo looks okay is an abysmal understatement. In the photos, he rocks several, skin-tight, red, black and blue briefs looking bronzed, with abs so tight they could cut glass. He poses among fitness equipment and workout gear, proving that he is in impeccable shape. When asked about his new line, Ronaldo says, “I love vibrant colors and underwear is a great way to experiment with different looks. The bright pink and red in the new collection and the bold patterns gives it a distinctive look for Spring/Summer. I like to make sure that the collection stands out! I’m really proud of it.” Well, based off the photos a lot more stands out than those brightly-colored undies! Renowned fashion photographer Rankin photographed the campaign. The new line of underwear is available for pre-order at Ronaldo’s website.

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Bring Back Steve Sanders!

Justin Bieber is finally taking notice of his less than stellar behavior. Within a week’s time, Justin stopped by the Ellen Degeneres Show to have a little heart to heart with the beloved host. In referencing his demeanor, Ellen asked, “So, Justin was here for my birthday show, and you said that you were nervous and then you posted a video. Tell me about that and tell me why you were so nervous and why you posted that.” Beiber’s explanation was surprisingly honest, “It was the first time I was on television for a long time, and I just was worried about what people were thinking about me. Like I said last time, I did a lot of things over the past few years that I’m not proud of.” Although Justin didn’t rehash past events deigning the time and place inappropriate—he said, “I was just nervous to be in front of people again and talk in front of them. Remember?” For all those who feel Bieber does not care what the haters say, according to him, he actually does. “People often forget that, even with their comments and stuff, they think it doesn’t get to me. But it gets to me. Things that people say bother me and I gotta be strong enough to just keep it pushing. That’s why I just wanted to make a video to just let people know that I’m human. I love people. I love love. I’m passionate about things and I’m passionate about being better and growing, so I think that this is going to be an awesome chapter in my life and I’m so glad that I have you guys supporting me.” 42: February 13, 2015

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Bad Boy Going… Good?

Fifty Shades of Mean Girls

Fifty Shades of Grey director Sam Taylor-Johnson is spilling all the tea on what it was like to direct the highly anticipated film. Sexual tension wasn’t the only thing getting everyone hot under the collar while onset - Fifty Shades author E.L. James was also a bit difficult to work with. “We definitely fought, but they were creative fights and we would resolve them. It was about finding a way between the two of us, satisfying her vision of what she’d written as well as my need to visualize this person, but, you know, we got there.” When asked about her relationship with James, Taylor-Johnson merely shook her head and moved on to the next question. As for her reasoning she admits, “I knew how it should be made and I felt a certain responsibility to make it the right way. It’s an incredible story- like a dark twisted fairy tale, very romantic, and it was interesting how romance and the darkness interweaved.” Fifty Shades of Grey hits theaters Feb. 13.

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