Fenuxe Magazine V7.15

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07.29.16 V7-15

sizzling summer beats

crafting the switch

R o c ks ta r z by richie arpino

FENUXE Contents


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r o c k s ta r z by richie arpino

PG 30








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TRIUMEQ is a once-a-day pill used to treat HIV-1. TRIUMEQ should not be used by itself in some people. Take TRIUMEQ exactly as your healthcare provider tells you. Is it time for you? Ask your doctor. APPROVED USES TRIUMEQ is a prescription HIV-1 (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-type 1) medicine used alone or with other antiretroviral medicines to treat HIV-1 infection in adults. HIV-1 is the virus that causes AIDS. TRIUMEQ is not for use by itself in people who have or have had resistance to abacavir, dolutegravir, or lamivudine. TRIUMEQ should not be used in children under the age of 18. TRIUMEQ does not cure HIV-1 or AIDS. You must keep taking HIV-1 medicines to control HIV-1 infection and decrease HIV-related illnesses. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION

you get any of the following signs or symptoms: yellow skin, or the white part of the eyes turns yellow (jaundice); What is the most important information I should know about dark urine; light-colored stools; loss of appetite for several days TRIUMEQ? or longer; nausea; pain, aching, or tenderness on the right side TRIUMEQ can cause serious side effects, including: of your stomach area • Serious allergic reactions (hypersensitivity reaction) that can • Worsening of hepatitis B virus in people who have HIV-1 cause death have happened with TRIUMEQ and other abacavirinfection. If you have HIV-1 and hepatitis B virus (HBV), your HBV containing products. Your risk of this allergic reaction to abacavir is may get worse (flare-up) if you stop taking TRIUMEQ. A “flare-up” much higher if you have a gene variation called HLA-B*5701. Your is when your HBV suddenly returns in a worse way than before. healthcare provider can determine with a blood test if you have Worsening liver disease can be serious and may lead to death. Do this gene variation. If you get symptoms from 2 or more of the not stop taking TRIUMEQ without first talking to your healthcare following groups while taking TRIUMEQ, call your healthcare provider, so he or she can monitor your health. provider right away: 1. fever; 2. rash; 3. nausea, vomiting, • Resistant hepatitis B virus. If you have HIV-1 and hepatitis B, diarrhea, or stomach pain; 4. generally ill feeling, extreme the hepatitis B virus can change (mutate) during your treatment tiredness, or achiness; 5. shortness of breath, cough, or sore with TRIUMEQ and become harder to treat (resistant). throat. Your pharmacist will give you a Warning Card with a list of these symptoms. Carry this Warning Card with you at all times. • Use with interferon and ribavirin-based regimens. If you’re taking TRIUMEQ and interferon, with or without ribavirin, tell your If you stop taking TRIUMEQ because of an allergic reaction, healthcare provider about any new symptoms. Worsening of liver never take TRIUMEQ or any other abacavir- or dolutegravirdisease that has caused death has happened in people infected containing medicines again. If you take TRIUMEQ or any other with both HIV-1 and hepatitis C who were taking antiretroviral abacavir-containing medicine again after you have had an allergic medicines and interferon. reaction, within hours you may get life-threatening symptoms Who should not take TRIUMEQ? that may include very low blood pressure or death. If you stop TRIUMEQ for any other reason, even for a few days, and you are • Do not take TRIUMEQ if you: not allergic to TRIUMEQ, talk with your healthcare provider before have the HLA-B*5701 gene variation taking it again. Taking TRIUMEQ again can cause a serious allergic are allergic to abacavir, dolutegravir, or any of the ingredients or life-threatening reaction, even if you never had an allergic in TRIUMEQ reaction to it before. If your healthcare provider tells you that take dofetilide (Tikosyn®) you can take TRIUMEQ again, start taking it when you are have liver problems around medical help or people who can call a healthcare What are other possible side effects of TRIUMEQ? provider if you need one. • People with a history of hepatitis B or C virus may have an • A buildup of acid in your blood (lactic acidosis). Lactic acidosis increased risk of developing new or worsening changes in certain can happen in some people who take TRIUMEQ. This serious liver tests during treatment with TRIUMEQ. Your healthcare medical emergency can cause death. Call your healthcare provider may do tests to check your liver function before and provider right away if you feel very weak or tired; have unusual during treatment with TRIUMEQ. muscle pain; have trouble breathing; have stomach pain with • When you start taking HIV-1 medicines, your immune system may nausea and vomiting; feel cold, especially in your arms and legs; get stronger and begin to fight infections that have been hidden in feel dizzy/light-headed; or have a fast/irregular heartbeat. your body for a long time. Tell your healthcare provider right away • Serious liver problems can happen in people who take if you start having new symptoms after you start taking TRIUMEQ. TRIUMEQ. In some cases, these serious liver problems can lead • Changes in body fat can happen in people who take HIV-1 medicines. to death. You may be more likely to get lactic acidosis or • Some HIV-1 medicines, including TRIUMEQ, may increase your serious liver problems if you are female, very overweight (obese), or have been taking nucleoside analogue medicines risk of heart attack. for a long time. Call your healthcare provider right away if Important Safety Information continued on next page. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088. Please see Important Facts about TRIUMEQ on the following pages. ©2015 ViiV Healthcare group of companies. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. 527405R0 October 2015

Not an actual patient. Testimonial is based on a collection of real patient experiences.

The most common side effects of TRIUMEQ include: trouble sleeping, headache, tiredness These are not all the possible side effects of TRIUMEQ. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away. What should I tell my healthcare provider before taking TRIUMEQ? • Before you take TRIUMEQ, tell your healthcare provider if you: have been tested and know whether or not you have a gene variation called HLA-B*5701 have or have had liver problems, including hepatitis B or C infection; have kidney problems; have heart problems, smoke, or have diseases that increase your risk of heart disease such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes; drink alcohol or take medicines that contain alcohol are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if TRIUMEQ will harm your unborn baby are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed if you take TRIUMEQ • You should not take TRIUMEQ if you also take: abacavir (EPZICOM®, TRIZIVIR®, or ZIAGEN®)

lamivudine (COMBIVIR®, DutrebisTM, EPIVIR®, EPIVIR-HBV®, EPZICOM, or TRIZIVIR) emtricitabine (Emtriva®, Atripla®, Complera®, Stribild®, or Truvada®) • Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines (for example, antacids or laxatives; vitamins such as iron or calcium supplements; anti-seizure medicines; other medicines to treat HIV-1, hepatitis, or tuberculosis; metformin; or methadone), vitamins, and herbal supplements (for example, St. John’s wort). Some medicines interact with TRIUMEQ. Keep a list of your medicines to show your healthcare provider and pharmacist. Do not start taking a new medicine without telling your healthcare provider.

your liver (steatosis). Call your HCP right away if you get any of the following signs or symptoms of liver problems: • your skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow (jaundice) ® IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT TRIUMEQ (TRI-u-meck) • dark or “tea-colored” urine The risk information provided here is not comprehensive. To learn • light colored stools (bowel movements) more, talk about TRIUMEQ with your healthcare provider (HCP) or • loss of appetite for several days or longer pharmacist. Visit www.TRIUMEQ.com or call 1-877-844-8872 to get • nausea FDA-approved product information, including the Boxed Warning and • pain, aching, or tenderness on the right side of your stomach area Medication Guide. You may be more likely to get lactic acidosis or serious liver What is the most important information I should know about TRIUMEQ? problems if you are female, very overweight (obese), or have TRIUMEQ can cause serious side effects, including: been taking nucleoside analogue medicines for a long time. • Serious allergic reactions (hypersensitivity reaction) that can • Worsening of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in people who have HIV-1 cause death have happened with TRIUMEQ and other abacavirinfection. If you have Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) containing products. Your risk of this allergic reaction to abacavir is and HBV, your HBV may get worse (flare-up) if you stop taking much higher if you have a gene variation called HLA-B*5701. Your TRIUMEQ. A “flare-up” is when your HBV infection suddenly returns, HCP can determine with a blood test if you have this gene variation. worse than before. Worsening liver disease can be serious and may If you get a symptom from 2 or more of the following groups while lead to death. To help avoid this, do not run out of TRIUMEQ. Refill taking TRIUMEQ, call your HCP right away to find out if you should your prescription or talk to your HCP before your TRIUMEQ is all gone. stop taking TRIUMEQ: Do not stop TRIUMEQ without first talking to your HCP. If you stop Group 1: fever Group 4: general ill feeling, taking TRIUMEQ, your HCP will need to check your health often and Group 2: rash extreme tiredness, or achiness do blood tests regularly for several months to check your liver. Group 3: nausea, vomiting, Group 5: shortness of breath, • Resistant HBV If you have HIV-1 and HBV, the HBV can diarrhea, abdominal cough, sore throat change (mutate) while you’re on TRIUMEQ and become harder to (stomach area) pain treat (resistant). Your pharmacist will give you a Warning Card with a list of these • Use with interferon and ribavirin-based regimens. Worsening of symptoms. Carry this Warning Card with you at all times. liver disease that has caused death has happened in people infected • If you stop TRIUMEQ because of an allergic reaction, never with both HIV-1 and hepatitis C virus who are taking antiretroviral take TRIUMEQ (abacavir, dolutegravir and lamivudine) or medicines and are also being treated for hepatitis C with interferon any other abacavir- or dolutegravir-containing medicines with or without ribavirin. If you are taking TRIUMEQ and interferon with (EPZICOM®, TIVICAY®, TRIZIVIR®, or ZIAGEN®) again. or without ribavirin, tell your HCP if you have any new symptoms. • Within hours of taking them, you could have life-threatening What is TRIUMEQ? symptoms like very low blood pressure that might lead to death. TRIUMEQ is a prescription HIV-1 medicine used alone or with other • If you stop TRIUMEQ for any other reason, even for a few days, and antiretroviral medicines to treat HIV-1 infection in adults. HIV-1 is the you are not allergic to TRIUMEQ, talk with your HCP before taking it virus that causes AIDS. TRIUMEQ contains 3 prescription medicines, again. Taking TRIUMEQ again can cause a serious allergic or lifeabacavir (ZIAGEN), dolutegravir (TIVICAY) and lamivudine (EPIVIR®). threatening reaction, even if you never had an allergic reaction to it TRIUMEQ is not for use by itself in people who have or have had before. If your HCP tells you that you can take TRIUMEQ again, resistance to abacavir, dolutegravir, or lamivudine. TRIUMEQ should not start taking it when you’re around medical help or people who be used in children under the age of 18. can call a HCP if you need one. TRIUMEQ does not cure HIV-1 infection or AIDS. You must keep • Build-up of acid in the blood, called lactic acidosis, can happen taking HIV-1 medicines to control HIV-1 infection and decrease in people who take TRIUMEQ. Lactic acidosis is a serious medical HIV-related illnesses. emergency that can cause death. Call your HCP right away if you get any of the following symptoms Who should not take TRIUMEQ? that could be signs of lactic acidosis: Don’t take TRIUMEQ if you: • feeling very weak or tired • feeling cold, especially in • have a certain type of gene variation called the HLA-B*5701 allele. Your • unusual (not normal) muscle pain your arms and legs HCP will test you for this before prescribing treatment with TRIUMEQ. • trouble breathing • feeling dizzy or light-headed • are allergic to abacavir, dolutegravir, or any of the ingredients in • stomach pain with nausea • fast or irregular heartbeat TRIUMEQ. See the full Medication Guide for a complete list of ingredients in TRIUMEQ. and vomiting • Serious liver problems can happen in people who take TRIUMEQ. • take dofetilide (TIKOSYN®). Taking TRIUMEQ and dofetilide (TIKOSYN) can cause side effects that may be life-threatening. In some cases, these serious liver problems can lead to death. Your liver may become large (hepatomegaly) and you may develop fat in • have liver or kidney problems. (continued on the next page)

IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT TRIUMEQ ® (TRI-u-meck) (cont’d) What should I tell my HCP before taking TRIUMEQ? Before you take TRIUMEQ, tell your HCP if you: • have been tested and know whether or not you have a particular gene variation called HLA-B*5701. • have or have had liver problems, including hepatitis B or C virus infection. • have kidney problems. • have heart problems, smoke, or have diseases that increase your risk of heart disease such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes. • drink alcohol or take medicines that contain alcohol. • are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if TRIUMEQ will harm your unborn baby. Talk to your HCP if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. • are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed if you take TRIUMEQ. You should not breastfeed if you have HIV-1 because of the risk of passing HIV-1 to your baby. What other medications might interact with TRIUMEQ? Tell your HCP about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Some medicines interact with TRIUMEQ. Keep a list of your medicines to show your HCP and pharmacist. You can ask your HCP or pharmacist for a list of medicines that interact with TRIUMEQ. Do not start taking a new medicine without telling your HCP. Your HCP can tell you if it is safe to take TRIUMEQ with other medicines. You should not take TRIUMEQ if you also take: • abacavir (EPZICOM, TRIZIVIR, or ZIAGEN) • lamivudine (COMBIVIR®, DUTREBISTM, EPIVIR®, EPIVIR-HBV®, EPZICOM, or TRIZIVIR) • emtricitabine (ATRIPLA®, COMPLERA®, EMTRIVA®, STRIBILD®, or TRUVADA®) Tell your HCP if you take: • antacids, laxatives, or other medicines that contain aluminum, magnesium, sucralfate (CARAFATE®), or buffered medicines. TRIUMEQ should be taken at least 2 hours before or 6 hours after you take these medicines. • anti-seizure medicines: • oxcarbazepine (TRILEPTAL®) • phenytoin (DILANTIN®, DILANTIN®-125, PHENYTEK®) • phenobarbital • carbamazepine (CARBATROL®, EQUETRO®, TEGRETOL®, TEGRETOL®-XR, TERIL®, EPITOL®) • any other medicine to treat HIV-1 • iron or calcium supplements taken by mouth. Supplements containing calcium or iron may be taken at the same time with TRIUMEQ if taken with food. Otherwise, TRIUMEQ should be taken at least 2 hours before or 6 hours after you take these medicines. • medicines used to treat hepatitis virus infections, such as interferon or ribavirin • a medicine that contains metformin • methadone • rifampin (RIFATER®, RIFAMATE®, RIMACTANE®, RIFADIN®) • St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum)

What are other possible side effects of TRIUMEQ? TRIUMEQ can cause serious side effects including: • See “What is the most important information I should know about TRIUMEQ?” • Changes in liver tests. People with a history of hepatitis B or C virus may have an increased risk of developing new or worsening changes in certain liver tests during treatment with TRIUMEQ. Your HCP may do tests to check your liver function before and during treatment with TRIUMEQ. • Changes in your immune system (Immune Reconstitution Syndrome) can happen when you start taking HIV-1 medicines. Your immune system may get stronger and begin to fight infections that have been hidden in your body for a long time. Tell your HCP right away if you start having new symptoms after you start taking TRIUMEQ. • Changes in body fat can happen in people who take HIV-1 medicines. These changes may include an increased amount of fat in the upper back and neck (“buffalo hump”), breast, and around the middle of your body (trunk). Loss of fat from the legs, arms, and face may also happen. The exact cause and long-term health effects of these conditions are not known. • Heart attack (myocardial infarction). Some HIV-1 medicines including TRIUMEQ may increase your risk of heart attack. What are the most common side effects of TRIUMEQ? • trouble sleeping • headache • tiredness These are not all the possible side effects of TRIUMEQ. Tell your HCP if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. This Medication Guide has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Manufactured for:


ViiV Healthcare GlaxoSmithKline Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Lamivudine is manufactured under agreement from Shire Pharmaceuticals Group plc Basingstoke, UK COMBIVIR, EPIVIR, EPZICOM, TIVICAY, TRIUMEQ, TRIZIVIR, and ZIAGEN are registered trademarks of the ViiV Healthcare group of companies. EPIVIR-HBV is a registered trademark of the GSK group of companies. The other brands listed are trademarks of their respective owners and are not trademarks of the ViiV Healthcare group of companies. The makers of these brands are not affiliated with and do not endorse the ViiV Healthcare group of companies or its products. ©2015, the ViiV Healthcare group of companies. All rights reserved. Issued: September 2015 TRM:3MG





Wednesday, August 3 Join Atlanta Pride for “It Happens to Us, Too,” a presentation and facilitated discussion on the dynamics of intimate partner violence in LGBTQ relationships. The discussion will touch on experiences, challenges and barriers involved, as well as current services available to help. This event is free and open to the public. 6 – 8 p.m., Rush Center Annex. 08: July 29, 2016

Saturday, July 30 Robert is turning 35 and still single, living in New York City. Surrounded by friends, all of whom have coupled off, he confronts his perpetual bachelorhood in a series of hilarious interactions – just in time to blow out his birthday candles. This gamechanging musical gets a modern makeover in Stephen Sondheim’s “Company” at Actor’s Express tonight at 8 MUSIC


Thursday, August 4 Pop songstress Meghan Trainor skyrocketed to fame in 2014 thanks to her smash single “All About That Bass”, the dancefriendly ode to self-confidence. In concert Trainor continues that upbeat sentiment with feel-good, dance-worthy pop anthems, winning over crowds with her killer voice, her shows with smiles as sweetly infectious as her songs. Chastain Park, 7pm





Sunday, July 17 “If you want to know a black woman, you touch her hair,” says Novelette, as she delves into the tresses and stresses of her clients to reveal their hidden stories. They come away with not just a new hairdo, but a lifted soul and a lightened heart. This musical tells their uncensored and unforgettable tales through dance, song and stories that will inspire & delight! 8pm. Horizon Theater


Tuesday, Aug 2 Although their new single “Bored to Death,” is topping the charts, when Blink 182 hits the stage at Lakewood Amphitheatre on Tuesday, August 2nd, it will electrifying. Touring in support of their upcoming album California, the band will bring enough pulsating energy to blast away any true punk rock fan. A Day to Remember and The AllAmerican Rejects will get things started, taking the stage first. $32-$82, livenation.com



August 9 - August 14 Out actor Anthony Rapp is part of the cast of the Tonynominated musical “If/Then,” opening at the Fox Theatre tonight at 7:30 p.m. With unforgettable songs and a deeply moving story by the Pulitzer Prize and Tony Awardwinning creators of Next to Normal, this “fascinating, ambitious, and original new musical which follows one woman’s two possible life paths, www.foxtheatre.org


Friday, July 29 Ready your taste buds & Instagrams for the ultimate foodie event in the heart of Atlanta. Downtown Atlanta’s highly anticipated Restaurant Week returns for its fourteenth year Saturday, July 23 through Sunday, July 31. The nine-day culinary event features a number of restaurants that are new, as well as the return of many classic eateries. $15, $25 or $35 for brunch, lunch, & dinner.



AUG 9 05.03.15








STRIDE INTO PRIDE Friday, Aug 12 Atlanta Pride presents the “Stride into Pride” at Six Flags beginning at 10 a.m. and lasting until midnight. Enjoy a day of fun by watching live show entertainment, eating tasty snacks and riding some thrilling rides! Once you have sufficiently screamed your head off, get ready for an exclusive party at 7 p.m., www.sixflags.com/ overgeorgia/special-events/ stride-into-pride




10: July 29, 2016





12: July 29, 2016




From the Pulitzer Prize & Tony Award-winning Creators of Next to Normal, the Director of Rent and the Producer of Wicked

ON SALE NOW! August 9-14

FoxTheatre.org/IfThen • 855-285-8499 FENUXE.COM : 13


14: July 29, 2016



Come View our Decorated Model Towns at Druid Hills

Townhomes from the low $500s For more information, please call Bakari Maxwell or Tarecia Johnson at 404.634.4485.

Limited Time Only! Purchase a To-Be-Built Home and Receive:



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*Available only when you close on a home in the Towns at Druid Hills community pursuant to a contract you sign on or between 7/15/16-8/31/16. Receipt of $20,000 credit or other seller contribution that is contingent upon use of CAM; $20,000 credit is subject to limits and is contingent upon buyer closing a loan with our affiliated lender, CalAtlantic Mortgage or, where permitted by seller, another seller preferred lender. Receipt of $7,500 in closing costs or other seller contribution that is contingent upon use of CAM and affiliate title; $7,500 in closing costs is subject to limits and is contingent upon buyer closing a loan with our affiliated lender, CalAtlantic Mortgage or, where permitted by seller, another seller preferred lender, and obtaining title insurance and closing services from our affiliated title agent, CalAtlantic Title of Atlanta, LLC. The offer to pay closing costs does not include payment of prepaid taxes, property or mortgage insurance, or mortgage installments. Pre-payments of HOA assessments are typically subject to lender limits. Seller provided credits may be applied to upgrades or options. Upgrades and options available solely through Seller’s Design Center. Availability of items may vary by community. Offer does not have any cash value. The combined value of seller incentives, credits and other seller contributions may exceed lender limits established for the loan program for which buyer qualifies. Buyer should ask his or her lender about the impact of such limits. Prices, plans and terms are effective on the date of publication and subject to change without notice. Depictions of homes or other features are artist conceptions. Hardscape, landscape and other items shown may be decorator suggestions that are not included in the purchase price and availability may vary. CalAtlantic Mortgage, Inc., NMLS# 203897 , Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee License #24225, 8660 E Hartford Drive, Suite 200A, Scottsdale, AZ; 1000 Mansell Exchange West, Suite 210, Alpharetta, GA License #68278. CAATL013



16: July 29, 2016



Come View our Decorated Model Towns at Breton Ridge Townhomes from the upper $300s For more information, please call Heather Isaac at 678.627.0772.

Limited Time Only! Purchase a To-Be-Built Home and Receive:



Use How You Choose Credits*


Up To



Toward Closing Costs*

*Available only when you close on a home in the Towns at Breton Ridge community pursuant to a contract you sign on or between 7/15/16-8/31/16. Receipt of $15,000 credit or other seller contribution that is contingent upon use of CAM; $15,000 credit is subject to limits and is contingent upon buyer closing a loan with our affiliated lender, CalAtlantic Mortgage or, where permitted by seller, another seller preferred lender. Receipt of $7,500 in closing costs or other seller contribution that is contingent upon use of CAM and affiliate title; $7,500 in closing costs is subject to limits and is contingent upon buyer closing a loan with our affiliated lender, CalAtlantic Mortgage or, where permitted by seller, another seller preferred lender, and obtaining title insurance and closing services from our affiliated title agent, CalAtlantic Title of Atlanta, LLC. The offer to pay closing costs does not include payment of prepaid taxes, property or mortgage insurance, or mortgage installments. Pre-payments of HOA assessments are typically subject to lender limits. Seller provided credits may be applied to upgrades or options. Upgrades and options available solely through Seller’s Design Center. Availability of items may vary by community. Offer does not have any cash value. The combined value of seller incentives, credits and other seller contributions may exceed lender limits established for the loan program for which buyer qualifies. Buyer should ask his or her lender about the impact of such limits. Prices, plans and terms are effective on the date of publication and subject to change without notice. Depictions of homes or other features are artist conceptions. Hardscape, landscape and other items shown may be decorator suggestions that are not included in the purchase price and availability may vary. CalAtlantic Mortgage, Inc., NMLS# 203897 , Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee License #24225, 8660 E Hartford Drive, Suite 200A, Scottsdale, AZ; 1000 Mansell Exchange West, Suite 210, Alpharetta, GA License #68278. CAATL013



18: July 29, 2016





20: July 29, 2016




crafting the


Matt Consola Is Building a Dance Music Empire One Smash at a Time Swishcraft is dedicated to bringing positivity and excitement back to the dance floor through uplifting vocal house tracks driven by powerful lyrics and melodies. It’s latest track, Toy Armada & DJ GRIND’s “One Night in Heaven” featuring Inaya Day just broke into the Billboard top ten. We spoke to Matt Consola about why he expects this will be the summer of Swishcraft.

22: July 29, 2016

FENUXE: Swishcraft certainly has an impressive roster of dancefloor greats like DJ GRIND, Joe Gauthreaux, Inaya Day, Abigail and Debby Holiday! MATT CONSOLA: Through my years in radio and DJing, I learned a lot about how artists get treated in this business and it’s not always nice or fair. I set out to make Swishcraft Music a company that felt like a family. Word has gotten out about how artists are treated here, as well as how we are not scared to try new ways of promoting and marketing to break through the clutter. Many come to Swishcraft through other artists we’ve worked with. Do you see a day when these artists can go beyond gay dancefloors & into straight clubs? Absolutely. As our world changes and being gay, lesbian, bi and transgender is more accepted, the need for music gays call our own and places to hear that music has become less necessary. We’ve already seen the effect on the gay club and bar scenes. Younger generations no longer feel the need to only go to gay establishments. They go where they enjoy the music. So it’s important that, as artists, we try to appeal to as large an audience as possible, while still being ourselves and writing from our personal perspectives. Who is one artist on Swishcraft that the world should be paying attention to now? (Laughing) There is no way I can answer that without putting myself in hot water with all the artists on my label. What I will say is if you comb through our releases, I hope you will see artists who are bringing fun and positivity back to the

dance floor. The club world and the circuit went through a very dark period of music for a while. Some of those tracks are classics today, while some were just angry, dark and bitter. And while the occasional bitchy track is always fun, months of bitchy tracks or wordless dubs are just depressing. There is no place for ‘depressing’ on my dance floor. Do you have advice for the gay clubs struggling to fill their rooms? The music industry has always been a swinging pendulum. We go from the in-thing being super clubs and festivals to smaller venues and boutique clubs. Right now, at least in America, we are in a huge shift towards smaller boutique clubs that happen once a month. I’d tell club owners to embrace it and don’t be afraid to have multiple producers come in and take over your weekend nights. Are you referring to traveling parties like Matinee? Yes. I’ve been a resident DJ for

“If you comb through our releases, I hope you will see artists who are bringing fun and positivity back to the dance floor.”

Bearracuda, the world’s largest traveling Bear party, for eleven years. We started in a tiny 75 person piano bar in San Francisco as a place for Bears and guys who like bears, to hang out, socialize, snack on food, see performers and listen to some cool, eclectic, nonmainstream dance tunes. The space didn’t even have a dance floor! Now we’re in 56 cities in 11 countries. What about those who call the festivals a passing fad? I don’t think they are a passing fad. Again, it’s the whole pendulum thing. I just came from playing a big four-day MANINFEST festival in Mexico City. In just four years, that event went from a two-day party to a four-day event. It attracts big global talent like DJs Tom Stephan, Ivan Gomez and Manual Carrera. Each night felt like a party in a different destination: one night in Spain, the next in Israel and then Portugal. When promoters do interesting events, and don’t just throw the same party with a different DJ, it makes a difference. In your opinion, what was last summer’s best dance song? 2015 saw the rise of vocal Deep House, Tech House and

Tropical House. It finally took over Progressive House and EDM. The big trend became slower, broodier, sexier tracks that did great on radio. Songs like ZHU’s “Automatic” and Kygo with “Firestorm” and pretty much everything that Sia put out. If I had to pick a favorite, it was Jess Glynne’s “Hold My Hand”, and not because Division 4 and I had an official remix on the American package. (Laughs) Also, “Let The Joy Rise” by Abigail feat Toy Armada & DJ GRIND is a special song. What do you expect will be the song for this summer? It’s too early to tell. I’m rooting for “One Night In Heaven” by Toy Armada & DJ GRIND featuring Inaya Day. However, Justin Timberlake, Calvin Harris & Rihanna, Pink and Sia are strong contenders. It’s going to be a tight race to the finish line. But no matter what the outcome, music is like a time capsule. You hear the track years later and it transports you right back in time to where you were when you first fell in love with that track. My wish for every release we do on Swishcraft is they become someone’s time capsules. Visit Swishcraftmusic.com. FENUXE.COM : 23


By Jimmy Newsum


You know that summer is in full force when all the biggest artists are releasing their hottest jams. So which will go down as 2016’s Song of the Summer? Of course we know the mainstream contenders: Justin Timberlake’s “Can’t Stop the Feeling”, Drake’s “One Dance” featuring Kyla and Wizkid, Meghan Trainor’s “Me Too”, Rihanna’s “This Is What You Came For” and Ariana Grande’s “Into You” are all ruling the airwaves. But what about the dance floor? Here are some of the top albums vying for 2016’s club song of the summer.

“TOUCH THE SKY” Division 4 (Swishcraft Music)

Australia’s Robert Ladič AKA Division 4 returns with his follow up to last winter’s club floor groover, “Shake It”. This latest is a decidedly smoother, indie house track complete with infectious hooks, heart pounding baselines, rhythmic permissions and retro throwback keyboards. The remix package includes mighty interpretations of the song including one from Barry Harris of Thunderpuss who carries the original into peak hour territory with progressive keyboard stabs, rolling pop tribal beats and pulsating baselines. Newcomer Raw Voltage takes the track in a darker deep house meets tech house direction with sultry vocals, swirling keyboards, warm baselines, and an infectious handclap driven classic house beat.


The latest discovery from American Idol music master Randy Jackson is the fierce, foxy foursome of identical quadruplet sisters known as FourEver1. These girls are proving that they are primed for the big time with their debut single, “All About Tonight”. This turn-down-the-lights and turn-upthe-heat club bumper is about where the mind goes and the body flows when Friday night arrives. Remixes are by powerhouse DJs Bimbo Jones, Giuseppe D., and Jose Nunez, guaranteeing these girls and their blazin’ Bahamian spice beats will be dominating dance floors all summer.

“PRIDE 2016”

Multiple Artists (Swishcraft Music) This year’s ultimate pride album features 18 of the summer’s biggest smashes including Inaya Day’s “One Night In Heaven”, Abigail’s “February (Our Last Kiss)” and Emoni Washington’s “My Heart Beats Faster”. In addition to the hits, there are a handful of treats that have never been made available to the public before. The album also features the Toy Armada & DJ GRIND 2016 pride mix of Tony Moran’s “The Promise”, a spectacular reimagining of the classic gem.

“MY HEART BEATS FASTER” Emoni Washington (Swishcraft Music)

This vocal deep house track featuring upandcoming songstress Emoni Washington has been getting a lot of attention in gay clubs this summer. The original, co-produced by Matt Consola and Leo Frappier, has a lively, pulsating beat that will get hearts racing on the treadmill and at afternoon tea dances. The remixes by London’s Rich B (Tech House/NuDisco), Australia’s Division 4 (Deep House), Germany’s Sven Kirchhof (Trance/Big room), America’s Dirty Pop (Progressive EDM), Argentina’s Cristian Poow (Deep House), and America’s Tweaka Turner all take the track into different hours of the night making this the perfect song to raise the energy with any time of the day.

“ALL OF THE TIME” Megan Vice (Peace Bisquit)

Eighties-freestyle lovers re-joice! Megan Vice is taking clubbers back to 1987 when Jodi Whatley was “Looking For a New Love” and a young Janet Jackson was preparing to take “Control”. Her groovilicious anthem about being into someone and owning the attraction with every fiber of your being is funky with a capital ‘f’. Music reviewers have been comparing Vice’s retro sound to Daft Punk and Chromeo but this girl’s tongue-in-cheek lyrical style and musical prowess are distinctly her own.



Latin Heat



26: July 29, 2016

that like? I had never been to Market Days so I honestly didn’t know what to expect! I remember being blown away by the production that the Neverland team created. The décor, the performers, the staging… the costumes for the gogo dancers were fierce and there was even a drum guy banging on the bongos! It was a fun night, for sure! I had never seen anything like it. It was all very entertaining. How was the crowd? Everyone had a fantastic time. I really connected with them. There were a couple of performances during my set but I didn’t have to stop the music, which I always appreciate. Did you get a chance to experience the day festival? Yes, I walked around Halsted, enjoyed the crowds, the live shows, all of it. What do you have planned for Imperial Harem? I’ve been working on new tracks to premiere and some new remixes like my rework of Ariana Grande’s “Into You” and Sam Smith’s “Naughty Boy”. You can expect lots of high-energy drums, plenty of peaks and other musical surprises! I promise to start the Market Days weekend off properly. For many, ‘harem’ connotes the idea of groups of attractive men with oiled bodies lounging nude by spas and pools. Is that where you imagine the night will go? (Laughing) Add to that some sexy grooves and beats and, for sure, that’s where we’re headed!

Market Days Weekend is a popular Chicago festival that features live bands and performances during the day, followed by late-night dance parties. In the Windy City, the weekend is even bigger than Pride. To celebrate, Neverland, the Chicago party known for its elaborate themes and production, is throwing its most extravagant event ever. Drawing inspiration from the costumes, the story, and the men of the blockbuster film, 300, Neverland’s IMPERIAL HAREM will take place at Club Metro. Mexico City-based DJ Alex

Acosta will headline the party, his first time since spinning the very first Market Days Neverland three years ago. We spoke to him to learn what he has in store. What do you like most about Chicago? Chicago is a unique city, very characteristic. The loop, the parks, the beach, the architecture... they’re all very unique. I tell people it’s where old classic meets modern. I have so many friends there. I love it. You headlined Neverland’s very first Market Days. What was

How do you measure a successful night? When there is a connection between the DJ and the crowd that allows us all to not care about the outside world. It’s just us: the people and the DJ. I love seeing the after-videos that fans post. I sometimes even weep tears of joy seeing everyone having a great time, reacting to the tracks I played. Have an amazing Market Days! We look forward to taking your journey at Neverland. Thank you! I can’t wait to see all the guys joining us from all over the US and the world. It’s going to be epic. IMPERIAL HAREM takes place Friday, August 12th at Club Metro (3730 N Clark St, Chicago). Tickets available now at www.NeverlandMarketDays.com. FENUXE.COM : 27


By: Terri Schlichenmeyer




our father taught you how to take a decent picture. He taught you how to tie a tie, too. Because of him, you know how to create a good meal out of almost nothing, how to keep a car running, and how to avoid being a jerk. You know a lot of things, thanks to the old man – but in the new book “In the Darkroom” by Susan Faludi, Dad doesn’t show you everything. On and off through most of her forty-some years, Susan Faludi had been estranged from her father. Even when he was in the picture, she was wary of him, a “household despot,” with a hairtrigger temper and a penchant for violence. She knew him, but she really barely knew him so, when she heard from her father for the first time “in years,” it was a surprise. So was the message: her father had become a woman. He was born in Hungary in 1927, a pampered son of well-to-do Jews who sent him away as a child for reasons Faludi could only surmise. He’d come of age during the Nazi occupation and, according to stories, had survived through wits and bravery and had saved several lives. Because of her father’s reticence and tendency to embellish, though, Faludi never knew if those stories told were true. In September, 2004, she boarded a plane to Hungary to meet her father, to learn who she really was, and to fill in the blanks about her. It was a prickly endeavor: never one to be forthcoming about her history, Faludi’s father dismissed most questions, refusing to discuss them, and she was reluctant to show Faludi any Budapest locales with familial significance. Father and daughter argued, Faludi gently prodded, her father pushed back, and she eventually gave Faludi names and places, important (sometimes falsified) documents, but scant insight. For many reasons, Faludi learned, her father was a damaged soul. She’d been abandoned, misunderstood, terrorized – or had she been? Was Faludi’s father a victim of all she’d endured… or was she “an extremely effective liar?” On the surface, “In the Darkroom” is a bit of a struggle to read. It’s quite wordy, first of all, and

filled with place names that may not mean much to readers who’ve never been to Hungary. I gave up trying to make sense of locales, but there’s no ignoring author Susan Faludi’s recreation of her father’s Hungarian accent. It’s everywhere in the text here, and not-so-charming after a few dozen pages. And yet, what Faludi finds, what her father admits, feels like a noir whodunit with a different kind of victim. There’s intrigue here, derring-do, a deep mystery that still seems unsolved, and a protagonist who’s ultimately worthy of surprising sympathy. That - the psychological heart of this book - arrives like a strobe in a photography studio, flash-flashflash with the overall picture remaining tantalizingly fuzzy. In the end, I found that irresistible tease was worth overlooking the irritations, so go ahead. Start “In the Darkroom,” try this story. See what develops.

By: Always Overbooked... Terri Schlichenmeyer The Bookworm Sez, LLC bookwormsez@gmail.com The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and she never goes anywhere without a book.


Spiritual Fitness:


What is LOVE? W

Love is an intense feeling or deep attraction. Love is very powerful and can be used in many ways. In this particular article information will be coming from My research in Psychology Today, the Bible and my personal experience. My progress is what I can contribute to you. In J.A. Lees book: “Colours of love”, there are 7 types of LOVE. They are as follows with its definition. I urge you to see which one you are familiar with. Maybe all! 1. Eros- this is a sexual or passionate love. In most cases Lust! We tend to lust over others based on particular qualities that they hold 2. Philia- a friendship love. “Best friend” dependable and companionship. Phobia can be born from Eros. 3. Storge- love between family and siblings 4. Agapeuniversal love, love for a stranger, Nature of God. Also helps to build the Psychological and social fabrics that serves as shields in our lives. 5. Ludusplayful or uncommitted love. One Night stands, flirty, no strings attached & When both parties are self sufficient 6. Pragma- love that’s founded on reason duty

28: July 29, 2016

and long term interest. Shared goals Compromise or turns the blind eye 7. Philantia- self love. Can be healthy or unhealthy. Unhealthy philantia is called hubris. Hubris is arrogant and tend to think they are above all and or God. They Disregards truth, and promotes injustice conflict and enmity. Healthy self love is Having self esteem and self confidence and in Control of their emotions. It is possible to have high self confidence and low self esteem. Typically performers, celebrities and people of high status carry this. Also this type of person tend to depend on externals such as income, status, and worship from others or they may lean on crutches like drugs, alcohol and sex. People with high self esteem are usually independent. They don’t fear failure or rejection. I have experience EVERY SINGLE ONE of these types of love including having high self confidence and low self esteem. I also have had some of these particular LOVES mixed up. Many addicts of drug, alcohol and sex tend to adapt the Eros or Lodus love because the drugs, alcohol and seX increase the unhealthy philantia love -hubris . Especially if they were robbed from or never really had that Storge



ro c k s ta r z By Richie Arpino

30: July 29, 2016

32: July 29, 2016

Hey Girl Hey! Holler Poodles! I know this will surprise many of my readers but in the interest of doing damage control, I must confess I was recently knocked up. Though I am still unclear on some of the details, it seems I had a very unconventional pregnancy. I was pregnant with two sets of twins at the same time. My doctor said because I was fat of my sheer size I would need to deliver after just 9 weeks. As worried as I was, he assured me it was normal for a bitch girl like me. He said it would be a special “vaganal” birth because he couldn’t tell my vagina apart from my bhole and while I was defended by this remark, I knew it was true. When I arrived at the animal hospital, I was immediately taken into a special pool delivery room to give birth. The doctor said I was diluted 90 proof and ready for contractions. Who knew I was gonna have to remember English lessons at a time like this? He said it was labor contractions and I replied I am not in a union, therefore, I ain’t signing nothing! He shrugged and said the first litter baby was ready. I was in so much pain but overjoyed too. He said to keep pushing and finally Hemrhoidia was born. Two minutes later his sister Herrhoidia was born. Sounds Greek doesn’t it? Finally, out popped the last two when I was rudely woken up by the Po Po who said I was drunk and disorderly and had publicly pooped on myself in the kiddie pool at the Piedmont park. Well, no more Goldschlager for me! (Although I thought I saw a glimmer of gold in Hemrhoidia’s eye). Love and Lashes,

Mary Edith Pitts Mary Edith Pitts

P.S. If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please contact me at maryedith99@gmail.com or @maryedithpitts on twitter!

Expert Dentist


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Rachel Hoff, the first out person to be part of the Republican National Convention’s platform committee, sees a brighter future for her party when it comes to LGBTI rights. Last week, during the GOP convention, she pushed back against fellow delegates insisting on including the following in the platform: support of conversion therapy, a call to repeal marriage equality, and antitransgender planks. While her pleas for inclusion and tolerance were ignored, Hoff has hope for the GOP. ‘Outside of the platform committee, our party is ready to move on,’ Hoff said in an interview with Think Progress. Hoff, a member of the Washington, DC delegation, noted how multiple party members came up to her last week to thank her for trying to move the party on LGBTI rights. ‘A huge number of people have come up

PASTOR WHO PRAISED ORLANDO MASSACRE RIDES WAVE OF FAME TO HOST ‘CONFERENCE’ Roger Jimenez, the pastor who praised the tragedy in Orlando, will be hosting a conference with other homophobic and controversial religious leaders. The ‘Red Hot Preaching Conference’ will feature a series of sermons over the course of four days in Sacramento, California from Baptist preachers, with Jimenez closing on the last day. One attendee notes: ‘How epic! Less than 100 miles from the sodomite capital of 38: July 29, 2016

and thanked me for being their voice in the room,’ Hoff said to Think Progress. ‘It’s especially touching when it’s fellow LGBT Republicans. Most of the people are just people who want to see our party either fully support pro-LGBT policies or move on from anti-LGBT policies.’ There is evidence to support Hoff’s idea Republicans are prepared to ‘move on.’ Donald Trump is the first Republican presidential nominee to offer support to the LGBTI community in an acceptance speech. ‘As your President, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens,’ the nominee said. Billionaire Peter Thiel is the first openly gay speaker in 16 years at the GOP convention. ‘I am proud to be gay,’ Thiel said. ‘I am proud to be a Republican. But most of all I am proud to be an

American.’ On Facebook, Gregory Angelo, head of Log Cabin Republicans pointed to the stark differences between what the party says it stands for and actual conversations with fellow Republicans. ‘GOP Platform: Most anti-LGBT in the Party’s 162-year history,’ Angelo wrote. ‘GOP Convention: Most pr-LGBT in the party’s 162-year history.

the world, San Francisco.’ ‘It will be red hot, I will tell you that,’ Jimenez told the Sacramento Bee, pointing out the sermons will focus on sin and punishment. ‘It will be controversial. I’m going to preach the Bible,’ Jimenez said. He has said he doesn’t know that will speak on yet. Besides Jimenez, the conference will feature other controversial speakers: like Steven Anderson, whose Arizona church has been called a ‘hate group’. In 2009 Anderson drew attention for claiming he prayed that President Barack Obama would die and ‘go to hell’. (They also believe gay people should be put to death.) In addition to praising the killings in Orlando, Pastor Jimenez called for more. ‘I wish the government would round them all up, put them up against a firing wall, put the firing squad in front of them and blow their brains out,’ he said. When asked ‘Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?’ Jimenez replied: ‘Um no. I think that’s great. I think that helps society. I think Orlando,

Florida, is a little safer tonight.’ He added: ‘The tragedy is that more of them didn’t die. The tragedy is I’m kind of upset he didn’t finish the job — because these people are predators. They are abusers’ The mayor of Sacramento made a special point that this pastor’s opinions and conference do not reflect the feelings of the state capital. Mayor Kevin Johnson said in a statement: ‘I join other faith leaders, officials and community members to clearly say: Sacramento does not have a welcome mat for hate.’ ‘It is unjustifiable for a Christian Minster to condemn people on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity,’ Reverend Jide Macaulay, founder & CEO of the House of Rainbow said ‘In the face of outright evil and terror, the only expectation of a faith leader is to stand in solidarity with the affected communities, in this case the gay community in Orlando.’ ‘Homosexuality is not a sin and the Bible and other sacred text has been taken out of context, used blindly, routinely and systematically to vilify lesbians, gays, bisexuals and other marginalised sexual minorities. In my opinion this is wrong.’


Gov. Pat McCrory is mad at the NBA and doesn’t care who knows it. The North Carolina governor went after the league for pulling its 2017 AllStar Game out of the state in protest of HB2, an anti-LGBTI law. The regulation, which is now being fought over in courts, prohibits local governments from passing anti-discrimination laws and requires transgender citizens to use public restrooms according to their birth certificate gender. The governor told Charlotte radio station WFAE the league’s decision was ‘total P.C. B.S.’ (‘P.C.’ is shorthand for political correctness.) ‘It’s an insult to our city,’ McCrory continued. ‘It’s an insult to our state. And I think it sets a dangerous precedent of the corporate sports elite basically asking for a quid pro quo on legislation or else they’ll deny their service.’ The game was scheduled to be played in Charlotte, home of the Hornets. Local tourism officials estimate the event was set to rank second in terms of economic impact for the city, behind the $164 million the Democratic National Convention brought in in 2012. The league’s statement about the cancellation included a comment about the impact on the city. ‘We are particularly mindful of the impact of this decision on our fans in North Carolina, who are among the most passionate in our league,’ the NBA statement said. An olive branch was offered. The league hinted the 2019 All-Star Game would be played in Charlotte ‘provided there is an appropriate resolution to this matter.’


Now there is a game out for all those people who were obsessed with catching and training Pokémon as kids can now (sort of) do it in real life as adults, it’s no wonder people are starting to use it for dating. PokéDates officially launched this week to enable singles everywhere to meet and hope to

be they’ll be chosen as a fellow trainer through life. Those interested in finding Pokémon together are matched based on a questionnaire about preferences. While the advertising has been pretty heteronormative, it does allow you to search as a gay or bisexual person. PokéDates then selects a match, finds a time based on members’ provided availability and selects a convenient PokeGym or PokeStop to meet. The first PokeDate is free, after which each date costs $20.


Times might be tough, but at least male escorts are reportedly making big bucks at the Republican National Convention. Closeted politicians and their colleague, delegates and dignitaries are seeking out gay prostitutes and it appears most hustlers can’t keep up with the demand. ‘Business has been great. I’ve seen 10 clients so far,’ said one hustler to the New York Post. ‘Most of them were first-timers. You could tell they were nervous, but once they became more comfortable, they seemed to be having a good time.’ One escort, who charges $250 an hour, said he’d been making around $800 a day since the beginning of the convention. Another claims to have made $1,600 from the GOP. ‘One of them was from Texas and visiting for the convention,’ one guy said when describing the clientele, noting most of them are white guys in their 40s. ‘He said he was a politician’. But the surge did not come as a shock, with one escort added: ‘When it comes to anything people aren’t supported to be doing, they like to do it.’ Oddly enough, when the New York Post asked female prostitutes, they said business was actually a lot slower than they were expecting. How unusual. The Republican party has adopted its most homophobic platform ever after presidential nominee Donald Trump named Indiana governor Mike Pence as his VP pick.

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