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BENEMÉRITA ESCUELA NORMAL MANUEL ÁVILA CAMACHO ENGLISH V– Demonstratives (this, that, these & those) Jimena Murillo Arellano

Student’s name:_______María Fernanda Rocha Villagrana _____________________________ Date: _Wednesday 04th November 2020 Program: Preschool Semester:_____5th_______

A. Complete the charts with the correct word. Complete with this or these.

Complete with that or those.

___ this___ book ___ these_ books ____this __ house ____these_ houses ____these_ pencils

____that___ house ____those_ houses ____that___horse ____those_ horses ____that__ girl

_____these___ children _____these___ trousers _____this_____ tooth _____those ___ jeans _____this_____ men

___those__ boys ___those__ animals ___that____ man ___those___ people ___that____ car

B. Complete the sentences with this, that, these or those. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

____This_____ is my ball in my hand and ______that____ is your ball over there. ____This______ is my cup here and _____that_____ is your cup on the table over there. ____That______ is Sally's bike in front of the door and _____this____ is her coat here. ____That______ is Simon's pen on the floor over there and ___this___ here is his rubber. ____These______ are our parents and ____those______ are our neighbours over there. ____This______ is my sandwich here and ___that_______ is Tom's sandwich over there ____These______ are Tony's friends and ____those_____ are my friends over there ____These______ are't Johnny's books but ____those______ are his books under the table over there.

C. Complete the conversation with phrases from the box. Do you have it in red?

It’s too loose.

Thank you!

Yes, here you are.

How much is it?

Do you have any evening dresses?

The fitting rooms are right here.

Good afternoon, do you need any help?

Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk:

Good afternoon, do you need any help?________________________________ Yes, it’s going to be my graduation soon. Do you have any evening dresses?_ Yes, They’re on the other side of the store. I like this one, but purple is not my color. Do you have it in red?_____________ No, sorry. But we have it in blue and black. Can I try on the blue one in a size small? Of course. The fitting rooms are right here.____________________________ Thank you. It’s too loose._______. Do you have an extra small? Yes, here you are._____________.

Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer:

This one fits perfect. I love it! How much is it?____. $It’s 789.00. Never mind. It’s not that pretty. I’ll just keep looking. No problem. Thank you!________.

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