Past of be was were Actividad 1

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BENEMÉRITA ESCUELA NORMAL MANUEL ÁVILA CAMACHO ENGLISH A2 - Past of be Jimena Murillo Arellano María Fernanda Rocha Villagrana Student’s name:____________________________________________________________ Date: _September 30, 2020___ Program: _____Preescolar___ Semester:______5TH_____


Complete with the past simple of the verb to be (was/were).

It was a great weekend! Sally was seventeen last year. She ___was____ at a Secondary school in Lisbon and as well as the rest of the students she had good marks at the end of the year. She ___was____ very happy and so ____were___ her parents. Therefore Sally and the other students ___were__ready to spend a weekend at the beach as a reward. It ___was___ a fantastic experience! Many other foreign students ___were____ there too. They ____were___ from different countries. It ____was____ good to meet people from different cultures… It____was___ fantastic being there. The program __was___ great! What a weekend!


Answer the questions using complete sentences.


How old was Sally last year?

She was seventeen.

...................................................................................................................... 2.

Was she a good student then?

Yes, she was.

...................................................................................................................... 3.

Why was Sally so happy at the end of the school year?

Because she was ready for spend a weekend at the beach as a reward. ......................................................................................................................

4. Were Sally´s parents happy, too?

Yes, they were.



Complete with the past simple of the verb to be (was/were).

Wedding anniversary Last weekend we ____were___ in New York with Paula and John. It ___was___ their wedding anniversary and there ___was____ a party to celebrate it on Saturday. Tom and Susan weren’t at the party because Susan’s mother ____was___ in the hospital, but they ___were___ for lunch on Sunday. The party ____was___great. There were a lot of people and there was a lot of food, too. However, Paula and John ____were____ a bit sad because their daughter wasn’t at the party. She ___was____. in London on a school trip. Tony, our son , wasn’t with us. He was in Dublin with his girlfriend. Anyway, it ___was___a nice weekend and we ____were___ really happy there.


Answer the questions using complete sentences.

1. Where was the wedding anniversary?

It was in New York.

......................................................................................................................................... 2. Why weren’t Tom and Susan at the party?

Because susan's mother was in the hospital.

....................................................................................................................................... 3. Why were Paul and John a bit sad?

Because her daughter wasn't at the party, she was in London on a school trip. ....................................................................................................................................... 4. Were the people happy there?

Yes, they were very happy.


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