FS Italiane Group for the people
16.6% 13.7%
The turnover rate was 16.6%, compared to 12.9% in the previous year. The increase was due to the higher number of incoming employees in 2021 compared to 2020.
12.9% 2.0%
10.9% 19.5% 3.7%
Women Men
RECRUITMENT AND HR MANAGEMENT (102-8, 102-35, 102-36, 102-41; 201-3; 401-1, 401-2; 404-2; 405-1, 405-2)
| RECRUITMENT 2021 saw the Group advance its commitment in all talent acquisition and recruitment activities based on the principles of merit, transparency and equal opportunities, with a view to diversity and inclusion. In continuity with the promotion of professional diversification and development of the Group’s resources, each recruitment process for professional targets and middle management jobs involved a preliminary job posting, resulting in
267 processes, with over 753 positions filled for corporate and intercompany mobility. Recruiting on the market was also more innovative and digital in 2021, with a total of 1,440 recruitment processes carried out at Group level on different targets. Specifically, FS planned and ran 15 online recruiting days to recruit recent university graduates mainly as engineers, economists and legal experts. FS’ database has more than 406,000 CVs, of which 16,000 were screened for job postings.
Over 124,000 candidates were pre-screened and over 23,000 underwent technical/motivational interviews. In addition, 11 assessments were made and over 700 online candidates were found, 59 of whom through the Group’s fruitful collaboration with the network of universities. In the external recruitment of professional and operational personnel, each company followed its own specific procedures while upholding the Group’s principles and guidelines.
89) The data refer to the following companies: FS Italiane S.p.A., RFI, Trenitalia, Ferservizi, Italferr, FS Sistemi Urbani, Mercitalia Logistics, Mercitalia Rail, Mercitalia Intermodal, Busitalia Veneto, Busitalia Rail Service, Busitalia Campania, Grandi Stazioni Rail, Grandi Stazioni Immobiliare, Terminali Italia, Italcertifer, Nugo, FS Technology, Cremonesi Workshop, FS International and Ferrovie del Sud-Est. The total number of employees in this scope of analysis is 62,301, approximately 76% of the Group’s total workforce.