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Benjamin Bajramović


Biblioteka MESS Benjamin Bajramović: ITAKE Naslov originala: ITAKE Izdavač: J.U.MES - Međunarodni teatarski festival - Scena MESS Za izdavača: Nihad Kreševljaković Prijevod: Aida Spahić Lektura i korektura: Hana Bajrović Urednik: Recenzenti: Nihad Kreševljaković Dizajn: Bojan Mustur DTP: Sanja Kulenović Štampa: OFF-SET Tuzla Tiraž: 300 Rad J.U. MES - Međunarodnog teatarskog sporta Kantona Sarajevo

Benjamin Bajramović


Sarajevo, 2018.

Ovaj komad je pokušaj artikulisanja osjećanja jedne generacije. To osjećanje je, po meni, duboka rezignacija prostorom i društvom u kojem živi. Naravno, komad gleda kroz oči njegovog autora što znači da je u suštini subjektivan. Samim tim, ostavljen je prostor za diskusiju. Nemam iluziju da će tekst promijeniti nešto u stvarnosti. Nadam se da će čitaocu i eventualnom gledaocu biti prostor za introspekciju. Ovdje se svi, čini mi se, suočavamo sa sličnom odlukom.

Benjamin Bajramović

OSTATI ILI OTIĆI PITANJE JE SAD! Nijemo posmatramo egzodus mladih ljudi dok naše vlasti, poput običnih pisara, samo bilježe cifre koje se iz godine u godinu uvećavaju. Nezaposlenost u našoj zemlji je skoro četiri puta veća nego u zemljama EU. Stopa nezaposlenosti među ljudima starosti između 15 i 30 godina je skoro 60%. Statistika je još gora kada su u pitanju mlade žene. Živimo u vremenu kada našu zemlju svake godine napusti broj ljudi koji čini grad srednje veličine. Vlasti u BiH nemaju konkretne korake da zadržave stanovništvo i kao da ne shvaćaju da bismo uskoro mogli postati zemlja staraca. Ni jedna od brojnih struktura vlasti u BiH nije se ozbiljno pozabavila ovom problematikom. Upravo zbog svega toga važno je da Biblioteka MESS ima priliku publicirati tekst Benjamina Bajramovića, „Itake“. Ono čime se ne bave ljudi čiji je to posao, bavi se Benjamin, mladi sarajevski glumac, koji iza sebe već ima zavidnu biografiju, ali ne i zaposlenje. Po tome se ne razlikuje od većine njegovih kolega i kolegica. Tekst koji tematizira nezadovoljstvo mladih u Bosni i Hercegovini, a čija je posljedica da mladi svakodnevno napuštaju svoju zemlju u potrazi za boljim životom, prije svega je izvanredno estetizirano svjedočanstvo o vremenu u kome živimo. Panoptični pogled autora obuhvaća sve finese odnosa mladih ljudi svojstveno nekome čije je to i osobno iskustvo. Benjamin u potpunosti razumije, ne samo problem, već i ljude iz vlastitog okruženja. Benjamin Bajramović sa dramom „Itake“ otkriva nam svoj spisateljski talenat. Još zanimljivije, on ne zapada u zamke pesimizma, ne tone u ospkurne slike, već sa čak određenom dozom humora izdiže se iznad situacije i visoko iznad, baš kako i izgleda, pokazuje samim sobom pravac izlaza. Taj izlaz je upravo i poruka koju autor artikulira kroz tekst i samostalno realiziranu predstavu, čime jasno daje do znanja da smo živi dok nas crnilo ne proguta. Dakle, osim što je sjeo i napisao tekst, Benjamin je zajedno sa kolegama i kolegicama po istom tekstu režirao i predstavu koja je premijerno izvedena

2017. godine a nakon čega je nastavila igrati. Ovaj tekst opisan i kao „meditacija mladih ljudi o vlastitoj relevantnosti“ uzbudljivo je putovanje u Benjaminov osobni svijet, svijet njegovih likova i svijet mladih ljudi iz našeg okruženja. Njihovo prisustvo podrazumijevamo takvim kakvo jeste, bez ideje da im je potrebna pomoć. Logičnim se to čini u zemlji gdje u odsustvu svega smatramo da je njihova mladost vrijednost kojom trebaju da se zadovolje.„Itake“ nadilazi mentalitetski pesimizam društva i ima jednu uzbudljivu intelektualnu energiju koja, nasuprot temi, gradi unutarnji optimizam. Umjesto upiranja prstom u društvo i vapaja za pomoći, autor piše! Svojim djelovanjem bori se protiv aždaha realnosti u kojoj živi. Ostanemo li gluhi na ovakve priče, mladi ljudi bi mogli nestati iz našeg okruženja. Tada ćemo, valjda, napokon shvatiti kako je svijet bez njih puno ružniji!

Nihad Kreševljaković


LICA JAKOV (27) – pisac, donio odluku. NEĆKO (27/28) – filozof, mrzi odluke. MAŠA (25) – studentica slavistike, voli sanjati. DELBOJ (30) – samo ime kaže. MIKI (70) – jedini stvarni lik. MJESTO Kafana.

Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

1. (Maša, Nećko) MAŠA Dobio je. NEĆKO Kad? MAŠA Jučer došla obavijest. Poštom. Tako je rekao. NEĆKO Dobio. MAŠA Smrljavio mi to na telefon. NEĆKO Meni ništa nije rekao. MAŠA Nije nikome. Meni javio jer sam žensko. NEĆKO Mislio sam ovdje slaviti. MAŠA Šta? NEĆKO Rođendan. MAŠA Kakav rođendan?


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

NEĆKO Moj rođendan. Dvadeset i sedmi. MAŠA Znam koji je po redu. Mislim da je ovo sad važnije. NEĆKO Od čega? MAŠA Od rođendana. NEĆKO Ništa nije važnije od rođendana. MAŠA Hajde onda da razgovaramo. NEĆKO Mislio sam da budemo nas četvero. MAŠA I Miki. NEĆKO Četvero s Mikijem. MAŠA A gdje je tu Jakov? NEĆKO U Njemačkoj. MAŠA Sereš.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

NEĆKO Mislio sam nešto tematski. Imam neke ideje, ali su glupe. MAŠA Nije te zvao jer zna da smo ovdje zajedno. NEĆKO Nemam pojma, nismo se čuli petnaest dana. MAŠA Uvrijeđena mlada. NEĆKO Mislio sam zvati još nekog. Da bude puno ovdje. MAŠA Ovdje? NEĆKO Puno. MAŠA Koga? NEĆKO Možda Gumenog da zovemo. MAŠA U svađi ste. NEĆKO Boki? MAŠA Pegla.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

NEĆKO Zuba? MAŠA Zvat ću ja neke ribe. NEĆKO Ti znaš neke ribe. MAŠA Jebi se. NEĆKO Nemam koga zovnuti, jebo te. MAŠA Doći će Miki. NEĆKO Možda da ja njega nazovem. MAŠA Mikija? NEĆKO Jakova. MAŠA Nazovi. NEĆKO Ma jašta ću. Jakov se uspeo svojim ljestvama. MAŠA Šta je tebi?


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

NEĆKO To je iz Biblije. MAŠA Poslat ću mu poruku. NEĆKO Još pada kiša. Nek se ispada. MAŠA “Čestitamo, uspeo si se ljestvama”. Potpisat ću i tebe. (tišina) MAŠA Kako će se zvati rođendan? NEĆKO Zvati? MAŠA Kao prošlih godina: “Der-nek”, “Omatorenje”, “Naguzdan”? NEĆKO Koga zaboli. MAŠA Ja mislim da je ovo dobro. Sad je valjda sretan. NEĆKO Ili misli da je sretan. MAŠA Sretan je.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

NEĆKO I reći ćeš mu to, naravno. Reći ćeš mu: “Ti si sretan”, i onda će on i biti sretan. Osjećat će se obaveznim da to bude ili čak slobodnim da to bude. Oboje je podjednako loše. MAŠA Zavisi za koga. NEĆKO Ti baš nemaš muda da ga povrijediš. Ili nemaš muda da on povrijedi tebe. MAŠA To si ti shvatio, je li? NEĆKO Kad mi je stalo.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

2. (Maša, Nećko, Delboj) DELBOJ Ja predlažem šeširiće. NEĆKO Prepade me, jebo te. DELBOJ Nisam znao da se primjećujem. NEĆKO Je li tebi Jakov javio da odlazi? DELBOJ Nije. MAŠA Vidiš. DELBOJ Poslao mi poruku. NEĆKO Eto, a Nećka ko jebe. MAŠA Dramiš. NEĆKO Šta ti pričaš, tebi je lično javio. DELBOJ To ništa ne znači.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

NEĆKO Kako ne znači. Sad je njihov trenutak. Sad ili nikad. MAŠA Nisi zanimljiv. NEĆKO Ne može vas više niko gledati. Svemir vrišti. DELBOJ Jest Boga mi. NEĆKO Šta će raditi tamo? MAŠA Valjda konobarisati. NEĆKO Mogao je i ovdje konobarisati. DELBOJ Ovo je eminentan lokal. Ne primamo svakoga u radni odnos. NEĆKO Volio bih da radi ovdje i mene služi. MAŠA Jedete govna obojica. (tišina) DELBOJ Treba učiti turski. To je perspektiva. Turaka na čaršiji ko termita. Svi oni tutkuni u radnjama znaju reći “hoš geldiniz”.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

MAŠA Šta je to? DELBOJ “Dobro došli”. Piše na onoj tabli na Ilidži. “Hoš geldiniz, općina Ilidža”. NEĆKO I nekim čudom naučiš turski, i? DELBOJ Turizam. Ima ovih agencija, čovječe. Uvališ se tu, vodiš ture po Bosni, a onda jednog dana vodiš ture po Turskoj. Iduće godine u ovo doba bit ćemo milioneri. Jest ćemo u restoranima. NEĆKO Vidim žulja tetkina sofra? Trideset godina u guzici, a ni kučeta ni mačeta. DELBOJ Ko mi kaže. NEĆKO Meni je tek dvadeset sedam. Ja sam mlad i perspektivan. DELBOJ Turski, vjeruj mi. NEĆKO Turci, kurci, palci. MAŠA Šta si se čovjeku naklatio na kosti. On bar razmišlja. Turski pa turski.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

NEĆKO Onaj će biti potrčko u nekoj vukojebini u Njemačkoj, ovaj će učiti turski, a ti ćeš završiti te slavistike kad… Ma ne znam, ovdje sam jedini ja normalan. MAŠA Dosta je nećkovštine za danas. DELBOJ Hej, rastjera mi mušterije. NEĆKO Dobro, šta vam je, zezamo se… MAŠA Trebamo mu kupiti poklon. NEĆKO Šta? MAŠA Knjigu. Voli knjige. NEĆKO Ima knjiga trista. DELBOJ Koliki je budžet? NEĆKO Kad mu tepamo kažemo da je sužen. DELBOJ Evo cener.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

MAŠA Ja imam petaka. NEĆKO Zaokružimo na trideset. DELBOJ Može sat za to izaći. MAŠA Knjiga ljudi. NEĆKO Sat za tri banke? DELBOJ Imam šemu. Satovi mu vrište. Neki i bukvalno. NEĆKO Nećemo kupovati poklon onoj picajzli od tvojih drugova šanera. DELBOJ Nije šaner. Pristojan čovjek. Nabavlja satove iz Švice. NEĆKO Majke ti? DELBOJ Majke mi.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

3. (Delboj, Maša) DELBOJ On u ovu kafanu više neće prismrditi. MAŠA Šta je bilo? DELBOJ Rekao mi je da sam glup i otišao. MAŠA Mokar si. DELBOJ Uzeo je kišobran. Moj kišobran. (smijeh)


DELBOJ Trčao sam po kiši. Promočile mi tene. (snima ga mobitelom)


DELBOJ Evo vidi, samo što nisu zinule. Odveo sam Nećka kod čovjeka za satove. Znači, frajer je dao specijalnu cijenu, dva za tri banke. Sad, nije Rolex, ali liči boga mi. On počeo da pizdi, te ukradeno je, te gdje si me doveo. Ja se crvenim pred čovjekom, izvinjavam se, on me i dalje bruka. Kaže ode u antikvarnicu. Jebla ga antikvarnica. Reče da sam glup i pobježe s kišobranom. Nemoj me snimati.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE



Ma presmiješno. MAŠA Ti si smiješan. Mokar i ljut. DELBOJ Kako neću biti vidi na šta mi tene liče, od tetke sam posudio pare da ih uzmem. (smijeh) (smijeh)


Pa dobro, šta fali knjizi. DELBOJ Ne fali ništa, ali sat je sat. Još dva za tri banke. (smijeh)


DELBOJ Ti misliš Delboj primitivac, neobrazovan. Znam ja šta je knjiga. (smijeh)


Čitam ja.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

MAŠA A šta čitaš? DELBOJ Ono što me zanima. MAŠA Mali oglasi se ne pikaju. DELBOJ E jebo ga ti, neću ni pričati sad. MAŠA Izvini. DELBOJ Šalim se. Otkud ti? Mislio sam da nema nikog. MAŠA Eto, ima. DELBOJ Hoćeš neki sok? MAŠA Trebala bih kući na ručak. DELBOJ Hajde neki sok. MAŠA Hajde. DELBOJ Jesi vidjela Jakova?


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

MAŠA Nisam. DELBOJ Znači niko ga još nije vidio. MAŠA Nije. DELBOJ Trebao je Nećku javiti. MAŠA To je između njih dvojice. DELBOJ Znam, ali glupo je. MAŠA Obojica su tvrdoglavi, a ne mogu živjeti jedan bez drugog. DELBOJ Nekad se te stvari mijenjaju. MAŠA Ovdje ne. DELBOJ Jakov ode, to je neka promjena. MAŠA Bit će sve isto. DELBOJ Još nije ni otišao, a već nije sve isto. Evo, ti. Otkako je Jakov dobio tu dozvolu, stalno si ovdje. Kući ideš samo da jedeš.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

MAŠA Mnogo ti brineš za mene. (tišina) DELBOJ Mašo jesi dobro? MAŠA Moram ići.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

4. (Delboj, Nećko, Maša, Jakov, Miki) DELBOJ Pivo? NEĆKO Pivo. DELBOJ Pivo? MAŠA Pivo. DELBOJ Pivo? JAKOV Vodu. DELBOJ Nema vode. JAKOV Kolu. DELBOJ Nema. Ima sok od jabuke. JAKOV Sok od jabuke. (preklapanje dijaloga)


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

NEĆKO Ima li kod tebe ikad vode? DELBOJ Nije do mene. NEĆKO Do koga je? DELBOJ Do “Vodovoda”. Bude vode, samo treba uhvatiti momenat. MAŠA Znači, dozvola je tu. JAKOV Tu je. MAŠA Kako izgleda? JAKOV Samo papir s pečatom. MAŠA Hoćeš pisati na njemačkom tamo? JAKOV Kad ga usavršim. Onda ću potražiti par izdavača koji izdaju Balkance. (kraj preklapanja) DELBOJ To je super. Vjeruj mi, voli Švabo da čita i čitat će i tebe ako ništa bar da vidi šta je to.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

MAŠA Jesi našao smještaj? JAKOV Ne još. DELBOJ Velike su ti gore kirije. JAKOV Imat ću taj posao za početak. NEĆKO A gdje ono radiš izvini? JAKOV To je kao neka knjižara i kafana. DELBOJ Šta? JAKOV Knjižara i kafana. NEĆKO Ja bih rekao da je to više kafana nego knjižara. DELBOJ Švabe čitaju i kad piju pivu. MAŠA Kako utrefe slova? NEĆKO Kako se zove taj elitni objekat?


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

JAKOV “Lorelaj”. (smijeh) MAŠA A šta ćeš ti raditi tamo? DELBOJ Konobarisati. JAKOV Ne znam još. Moram se dogovoriti s poslodavcem. NEĆKO Ima li poslodavac ime? JAKOV Ima. NEĆKO Kako se zove? JAKOV Nije bitno. NEĆKO Hajde, hajde. JAKOV Nurudin. (smijeh) NEĆKO Staro njemačko ime, Von Nurudin.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

DELBOJ Možda je jedino Ibrahim starije. MAŠA (na mobitelu) Evo ga, “Lorelaj”, sve fino piše. NEĆKO Jebi ga, na njemačkom. A gdje su knjige? DELBOJ U podrumu. JAKOV Pušite ga. Ne znate ništa o tom poslu niti o tom čovjeku. MAŠA Smiješno je Jakove, izvini. DELBOJ Malo se zajebavamo. NEĆKO Znači, ima da dirinčiš za dijasporsko dupe. MAŠA Šta ti znaš o dirinčenju? DELBOJ Realno. Nisi požurio ima godina. NEĆKO Čekaj, nailazi. Tvoje dupe dirinči za dijasporsko dupe koje dirinči za njemačko dupe koje dirinči za evropsko dupe koje dirinči za korporativno dupe od kojeg ti opet kupuješ nešto za svoje dupe. To se zove kruženje dupeta u prirodi.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

DELBOJ Dobro je, oprasmo čovjeka. JAKOV Mogao sam i pretpostaviti da će ovako ispasti. NEĆKO Ustajte, prezreni na svijetu, vi sužnji koje mori glad. Hajde Jakove. JAKOV To razum grmi u svom gnjevu. Kraj u ognju bukti sad. JAKOV Hajde, hajde. DELBOJ Ne znam tekst. JAKOV Prošlost svu zbrišimo za svagda. DELBOJ Prošlost svu zbrišimo za svagda. NEĆKO (brzo, Delboju) Ustaj roblje, diži se. JAKOV Ustaj roblje, diži se. DELBOJ Ustaj roblje, diži se. NEĆKO Sav svijet iz temelja se mijenja!


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

DELBOJ Dobro je Nećko. Gdje ćeš slaviti rođendan? NEĆKO U kafani i knjižari “Lorelaj”. (smijeh) JAKOV Ako nemate ništa pametnije, odoh ja. NEĆKO Jest osjetljiv. Njemačka ga je potpuno promijenila. MAŠA Dosta je Nećko. NEĆKO Slavim ovdje. Svi ste pozvani. Jakove, ako si slobodan, naleti i ti. DELBOJ Trebamo zaliti i ovo tvoje. Red je. JAKOV Zalit ćemo. NEĆKO Onda ćemo spojiti slavlja. Jao, Mašo! Nailazi. Dvoslavlje. Zvat će se “Dvoslavlje”. MIKI U jednom dijelu unutra u bučnoj kafani pognut nad stolom sjedi jedan starac: s novinama ispred sebe, bez društva.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

I sa prezirom prema bijednoj starosti razmišlja kako se malo radovao godinama kada je imao i snagu, i rječitost, i ljepotu. Zna da je ostario jako; to osjeća, to vidi. A ipak ono vrijeme kad je bio mlad izgleda mu kao juče. Kako kratak interval, kako kratak interval. I razmatra kako ga je Mudrost prevarila; a on, kako joj je vjerovao uvijek – kakva ludost! Toj lažljivici koja je govorila: “Sutra. Imaš mnogo vremena.” Sjeća se strasti koje je gušio; a koliku je radost žrtvovao. Njegovu razboritost nerazumnu svaka izgubljena prilika sada ismijava. Ali od tako mnogog razmišljanja i prisjećanja starcu se zavrtilo u glavi. I on zaspi na kafanski je položivši sto. (aplauz) Bravo Miki!


DELBOJ Kako je omladino? MIKI Šta je? Pustio vas starački dom za vikend. NEĆKO Pobjegli smo mladiću. MIKI I sakrili se u ovaj lokal A kategorije.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

DELBOJ Treba biti realan. Ovo je visoka B klasa. MIKI Šta dumate penzioneri? NEĆKO Organizujemo jednu proslavu. MIKI Lijepo je vidjeti da u starcima ostaje još dovoljno života da se bave tricama. JAKOV (smijeh) Ne bismo se usudili da Vas pozovemo. MIKI Ej pisac. Pozvat ću se sam. Takvi smo mi sujetni starci. DELBOJ Neko piće, Miki? MIKI Kafu. DELBOJ Nema vode. MIKI Ovolika kiša i nema vode. DELBOJ Nema.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

MIKI Jebem ti život ovakav. NEĆKO Ne očajavajte Miki. MIKI S vama govnarima nikad na zelenu granu. DELBOJ Kolu možda? MIKI Neću kolu, hoću kafu. DELBOJ Jedino da sa zogera nacijedim. MIKI Hvala lijepo. JAKOV Gdje ćete Miki? MIKI Da nađem kafu. Ne mogu zaspati ako je ne popijem. NEĆKO Ima na pumpi ona hladna, iz konzerve. MIKI Mrš! JAKOV Gdje je Maša?


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

NEĆKO Pojma nemam. DELBOJ Pivo? NEĆKO Pivo!


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

5. (Jakov, Maša) JAKOV Sve u redu? MAŠA Da, vratila sam se po nešto. JAKOV I jesi našla? MAŠA Nisam. JAKOV Hajde da potražimo. (traži)


JAKOV Bilo bi lakše kad bi mi rekla šta tražimo. MAŠA Nije bitno. Džaba sam se vratila. Ostali otišli? JAKOV Nećko se naroljao. Delboj ga odveo. Mada, nije ni on baš trijezan. MAŠA Dva udarnika. Ti ostao.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

JAKOV Ne ide mi se još kući. Čekam da moji legnu. MAŠA Moja mama je već legla. Ali ona je u penziji. JAKOV U koja ste doba? MAŠA Standardno. JAKOV Ništa se nije mrdnulo? MAŠA Ni cenat. JAKOV Jebi ga. MAŠA Zašto nećeš kući? JAKOV Tražit će da im ponovo pričam sagu o tome kako sam dobio dozvolu. Je li prirodno da čovjek blizu tridesete živi sa roditeljima? MAŠA Zato si ovdje sam. JAKOV Očigledno nisam, jelde?


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

MAŠA Aha, izvini. JAKOV Stani, šalim se. MAŠA Pazi da ti ja ne razbijem pičku. (smijeh) MAŠA Jesi se krenuo pakovati? JAKOV Znaš li da ako pred spavanje popiješ sok od jabuke snovi postaju življi. MAŠA Nisam znala. JAKOV Jedno litar. Što više. MAŠA Probat ću to. JAKOV Ispričat ćeš mi šta si sanjala. MAŠA Možda budem sanjala budućnost. JAKOV Glupa riječ. Budućnost. Zar nema neke bolje riječi za to? Šta ja znam, rduz.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

MAŠA Ili nevrm. JAKOV Ragulih. MAŠA Saparapa. JAKOV Sopok. MAŠA Visklif.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

6. (Nećko, Miki) NEĆKO Meni ovo nije normalno. MIKI Šta? NEĆKO Kiša. MIKI Lijepa je. NEĆKO Jeste li vidjeli kolike su bare? MIKI Zato što ne popravljaju asfalt. NEĆKO Stari hoće da me zaposli. MIKI Gdje? NEĆKO U svojoj firmi. Ili, ako neću, onda kod svog druga. Isto firma. MIKI Šta bi radio?


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NEĆKO Ništa. Šta ja znam raditi. Ali bi za deset godina postao suvlasnik, stari bi mi ostavio firmu i umro sretan. MIKI To je neka sigurnost. NEĆKO Miki, poznajete me bolje. Izdržao bih dva mjeseca, onda bi me šutnuli iz firme, a iz kuće također. Ovako imam džaba stan i hranu. MIKI Šta mama kaže? NEĆKO Šuti. Ona je nagovorila starog da me pusti na Filozofiju pa sad ispašta zbog toga. MIKI Šta ćeš sad? NEĆKO Možda upišem još jedan fakultet. Sad će prijemni. MIKI Koji? NEĆKO Sinologija, Indologija, Orijentalistika, Slavistika… možda Šumarstvo. MIKI Nećeš ništa da radiš? NEĆKO Ima jedan lik, zove se Sioran. On je sve shvatio i odustao od plaćenog posla.


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MIKI I umro gladan? NEĆKO Umro bogat i slavan. MIKI Kurac je on shvatio.


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7. (Delboj, Jakov) (tiho repa)


Od kiše nisam dobar, Mozak mi je modar. Da hoće jednom prestat I sva voda nestat! Ne moš’ razmišljat, Meni stvarno treba plan Jer ja novi biznis pokrećem Skoro svaki dan. Milion - dva zaradit to je vel’ki cilj moj. Dobro veče, dobro došli, Ime mi je Delboj. (Jakovu) Sjedim i pišem po čitav dan Nikom ne kažem ni dobar dan. Dok sanjam o njemačkoj vladi, njemačkoj pravdi Tamo ću da radim. Bolja budućnost tamo mene čeka, Ne moš’ ovdje ostati do vijeka. Sretat ćemo se u Makarskoj na moru Kad vam budem dolje glumio dijasporu. Ali vas nikad zaboraviti neću Dok kod gazde Nurudina budem tražio svoju sreću. Knjižara il kafana, više nije bitno…


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JAKOV … Moram otići odavde hitno! DELBOJ Hoću da te častim pićem. JAKOV Stvarno? DELBOJ Jednom pitam. JAKOV Popit ću onda kafu. DELBOJ Nema vode. JAKOV Delboj. DELBOJ Glupo mi je nazdravljati s kafom. JAKOV Ne znam. Kolu onda. DELBOJ Uvijek zaboravim da još nisi punoljetan. JAKOV Kako ide turski? DELBOJ Prešao sam na arapski.


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JAKOV Otkud sad arapski? DELBOJ Imam rođaka koji je prodao zemlju nekim Arapima. Pa, ja bih njima predložio da uzgajaju prepelice. A ja da vodim posao. Samo ne znam arapski. JAKOV Možda rođak zna. DELBOJ On i bosanski natuca. JAKOV Možda oni znaju engleski. DELBOJ Znaju, dabome da znaju. JAKOV Pa šta je onda problem? DELBOJ Ako znaš arapski odmah vide da hoćeš da upoznaš njihovu kulturu i običaje. Prije će pristati i bolje plaćaju. Sve će nas kupiti jednom. JAKOV Šta ti znaš o prepelicama? DELBOJ Nose jaja i legu se iz jaja. Dovoljno je. JAKOV Ako ti tako kažeš. Šta je s tom kolom?


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DELBOJ Sad će, sad će. Vjeruj mi, ovo je dobitna kombinacija. Iduće godine u ovo doba… JAKOV Bit ćemo milioneri. DELBOJ A što ne bi bili? Treba samo pokušati. JAKOV Kao ono sa kovanicama? Tražićeš stare kovanice. A našao si samo minu iz Drugog svjetskog rata. DELBOJ Izgledala je kao velika kovanica. JAKOV Mogao si poginuti čovječe! DELBOJ Nije bila aktivna. Dao sam je muzeju. JAKOV Ili oni tvoji krastavci? DELBOJ Kornišoni. Nisu se dobro ukiselili. Previše sirćeta. JAKOV Poenta je da ti ništa do sad nije uspjelo. DELBOJ Samo treba naći pravu ideju.


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JAKOV Jebo te, osvijesti se. Nećeš nikad biti milioner čovječe, a pogotovo ne iduće godine. To je glupi citat iz glupe serije. DELBOJ Koji ti je kurac? Ti si krenuo prema nekom svom snu i šta? Niko drugi ne smije da sanja? JAKOV Ne, samo treba sanjati realnije. DELBOJ I ti mi neki umjetnik. Sanjaj realno. Kako se to sanja realno? JAKOV Znaš šta Delboj? Zaboravi kolu. Daj mi sok od jabuke. DELBOJ Jebi ga, ja već otvorio. JAKOV Hajd’ nema veze. Živio. DELBOJ Živio. Vidi čovječe, ja tebe poštujem. JAKOV Molim? DELBOJ Htio bih da pričamo. O Maši. JAKOV Šta o Maši?


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DELBOJ Nije dobro. JAKOV Možda zbog mame. DELBOJ Nije. Ti ode. Svi se pravimo da je ok. Ona se pravi da je ok. Ali nije ok. Zavlačiš je. JAKOV To nije tvoja briga. DELBOJ Ja samo prijateljski. JAKOV I šta sad? Da ostanem? Zbog Maše? DELBOJ Nisam to rekao. Treba da ideš. Meni je drago zbog tebe. Ostvarit ćeš svoj san. JAKOV Hajde sa mnom. DELBOJ Zajebavaš me. JAKOV Ozbiljan sam. DELBOJ Ma bježi.


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JAKOV Zašto nećeš? Zbog ove rupe? Tetke? Zašto nećeš? Zašto? Zašto? DELBOJ Nisam spreman. Treba se svašta uraditi. Moram reći tetki. Moram reći gazdi. Moram se spakovati. Uostalom, ja volim Sarajevo, meni se sviđa ovdje. Zadovoljan sam. JAKOV Bojiš se. DELBOJ Nemoj zajebavati. JAKOV Ozbiljno. Bojiš se da će se tamo tvoji snovi ostvariti. DELBOJ Ti se bojiš da će se tvoji snovi ostvariti ovdje. JAKOV Šta se ovdje može ostvariti? DELBOJ Ništa. JAKOV Javi se ako se predomisliš.


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8. (Maša, Miki) MAŠA Sanjala sam oca Miki. Mislim, nisam mu vidjela lice, ali znam da je to bio on, to se u snovima zna. Prevela sam ga preko nekakve vode, išla sam ispred njega, vodila ga za ruku. Htjela sam da ga pitam je li mu dobro tamo gdje je i okrenula sam se i to više nije bio otac. Bio je Jakov. Osjetila sam kako su mi hladna stopala i probudila sam se. MIKI I noge su ti bile otkrivene. MAŠA Jeste. Prozor je bio otvoren. MIKI Jesi li ispričala san mami? MAŠA Ne pričam joj ništa, odavno. Dođem samo na obrok i spavanje. MIKI Sigurno imaš dobar razlog. MAŠA Mama mi je često govorila kako sam zamalo umrla pri porodu. Bila sam sva plava. Ona se uspaničila i zamolila Boga da me spasi. Ja sam živa potvrda njene vjere. A i njeno najveće razočarenje. MIKI Zašto?


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MAŠA Jer ne vjerujem u Boga. MIKI A u ljubav? MAŠA Šta s njom. Ići će to svojim tokom. Te budalaštine o ljubavi odumrijet će do srednjih godina. Do tad treba stisnuti zube. Šta je to; dvadesetak godina. Svjesno sahraniti ljubav, to je heroizam. MIKI Vrlo dramatično. Ti ustvari uživaš u svojoj patnji. MAŠA Šta mi ostaje? Moje godište je potpuno impotentno za revoluciju. Ostaje Njemačka. MIKI Kao Jakov. MAŠA Kao Jakov. On ima uvjerenje o svom potencijalu koje je besramno iskreno. Njegov bijeg je pokušaj da se ostvari. Ali čak i ako uspije da pobjegne, neće mu ništa pomoći. Postoje dvije sarajevske kotline. Ova u glavi je zajebana. Nećko, Delboj i ja smo brodski orkestar što je ostao da svira do kraja.


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9. (Maša, Delboj) MAŠA Ja uopšte ne bih trebala biti ovdje. DELBOJ A gdje bi trebala biti? MAŠA Trebala bih učiti. DELBOJ Učiti? MAŠA Fakultet i to. DELBOJ Ruski jelde? MAŠA Slavistika. DELBOJ Nikako da utrefim. MAŠA Imam ispit iz Poetike ruskog romana. Opet ću roknuti godinu, ko da gledam. DELBOJ Ma hajde, godina gore dole, šta fali.


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MAŠA Haj’ ti to mojoj staroj objasni. I ovako ne pričamo. DELBOJ Evo, ja na primjer. Vidio sam da mi ta ekonomija ne ide. Nisam bio za tog sistema. Ubijao mi je kreativnost. Onda sam postao slobodan poduzetnik. (smijeh) Baš si mi poduzetan.


DELBOJ Ovo je samo privremeno. Ako ne ostvaruješ vlastite snove, neko drugi će te angažovati da ostvaruješ njegove. Bill Gates je to rekao. Jesi znala da ni on nije završio fakultet? Frajer samo jedan dan odlučio: idem da pokrenem svoju firmu. I puf. Zaradi prvi milion, pa drugi, pa treći i tako. Dalje priču znamo. On sad može dijeliti milione, kurčiti se, al’ šta je njemu milion, ko meni marka. A sve je počelo samo od jedne ideje, Mašo, jedne ideje. To je sve što mi treba, samo jedna ideja. (pušta muziku) Dođi.


DELBOJ (šuti) MAŠA Dođi. DELBOJ Ne znam ti ja ovo. (plešu)


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10. (Delboj, Miki) DELBOJ Znate li Vi šta o kristalima Miki? MIKI Kakvim kristalima? DELBOJ Ljudi ih kupuju, kristali, minerali. Vi ste iskusan čovjek. Možda znate šta o tome. MIKI Ti bi se tim bavio? DELBOJ Što da ne? Eno ljudi uzgajaju pčele, maline, masline, smilje, lavandu, magarce. Ubiše paru. MIKI Da li bi se ti bavio ičim poštenim? DELBOJ Sve je to pošteno Miki. To je kapitalizam. MIKI Kapitalizam sa ljudskim licem. DELBOJ Samo treba originalna ideja. Onda Delboj lijepo napusti ovaj eminentni lokal i otvori slastičarnu u centru grada, posadi one tuje u baštu, to je moderno. Kafa, kolač, gospodski. Ali ništa margarin, samo puter. Kod mene samo organik. Onda ko zna, ne može se vječno hraniti kod tetke. Možda neka ženidbica,


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djeca, folovi golovi. Sin, kćerka, meni to uopšte nije bitno. Mada, Miki, ne znam jesam li do kraja pošten. Jednom me tetka naložila da idem u Švedsku da živim od socijale. I ja sam to ganjao. Nije to neko poštenje. MIKI To je ona smislila. DELBOJ Jest fakat, ne pomjerio se. MIKI I odbili te. DELBOJ Od sramote nisam ni do ambasade dotjerao. (smijeh) MIKI Ipak si pošten.


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11. (Nećko, Jakov) NEĆKO Sjedi. JAKOV Ne mogu. NEĆKO Zašto? JAKOV Došao sam samo… Nije važno. NEĆKO Ti baš ne želiš ostati sam sa mnom. JAKOV Nije to. NEĆKO Onda sjedi. Hajde, kao nekad. Šta ima? JAKOV Znaš šta ima. Odlazim. NEĆKO Hoćeš šta piti? Ja sam konobar dok nema Delboja. JAKOV Neću dugo ostati. NEĆKO Kisela možda.


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NEĆKO Od sve ove vode napolju nisam žedan. NEĆKO Ja ću pivu. JAKOV Bio sam na groblju. Obišao djedove. Pozdravio se. Oprostio, ako hoćeš. Čudno se opraštati s ljudima koje nikad nisi sreo. Ispričao sam im šta sam imao, oni nisu odgovorili. To su neki nepoznati, nezabilježeni životi. Kao naši, moj i tvoj. Moj djed imao je nekog koga je zvao “ljubavi” ili “šećeru”, “mišu”, “cico”, poklanjao je muzičke kutije, fotografije, imao najdražu pjesmu ili knjigu, imao rukopis, jebo te, ru-ko-pis. Za pedeset godina to ide paf, pravo u ambis. Ide u ništa. Nestaje sa ljudima koji su te poznavali. NEĆKO Morao si mi ovo ispričati. JAKOV Morao sam nekome ispričati. NEĆKO Pa sam se ja tu našao. JAKOV Znaš da nije tako. NEĆKO Vidi ovo lice Jakove. JAKOV Tvoje lice, šta?


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NEĆKO To je lice čovjeka kojeg ništa ne dotiče. JAKOV To nije istina. Samo dramiš i tražiš pažnju. NEĆKO Pa imam li je konačno? JAKOV Imaš, jebo te. Reci. NEĆKO Jakov se vratio iz Harana i goni pred sobom stado ovaca. JAKOV Šta to znači? NEĆKO To je iz Biblije. Znači da si šupak. (Jakov izvadi tekicu, zapiše nešto i vrati je u džep) NEĆKO Šta si zapisao? JAKOV Boli te briga. NEĆKO Daj da vidim. JAKOV Ne dam.


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NEĆKO Daj. (koškaju se, Jakov ga odgurne) Ma boli me kurac. Ionako je sve što ti napišeš kurac. JAKOV Ne misliš to. NEĆKO Mislim. I to se neće gore promijeniti. JAKOV Nisi nikad maknuo iz ove rupe, kako znaš? NEĆKO Bacio sam grah. JAKOV A da stvarno probaš? NEĆKO Šta? JAKOV Hajde sa mnom. NEĆKO Hoću, ako se zarati. JAKOV Ozbiljno te pitam. NEĆKO Koji kurac ću ja gore?


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JAKOV Ma ja. Sjedi ovdje, uzmi još jednu pivu, čitaj Siorana i žali što si rodjen, dok trošiš pare od svog starog. NEĆKO Da znaš da hoću. JAKOV Vidimo se na “Dvoslavlju”.


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12. (Delboj, Nećko, Maša, Miki) DELBOJ Hoćeš kafu? NEĆKO Imaš kakvog alkohola? DELBOJ Da nije malo rano? NEĆKO Da se dozovem od sinoć. Ona spavala ovdje? DELBOJ Jest. NEĆKO A što? DELBOJ Valjda problemi kod kuće, s mamom. A i ovo sad. NEĆKO Šta sad? DELBOJ Bit će ok, samo da se naviknemo. Dolazit će Jakov svako malo. Ostat ćemo drugovi. NEĆKO Nikakvi smo mi drugovi.


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DELBOJ Jesi to njemu rekao? NEĆKO A šta ako jesam? (udara u Mašinu stolicu) Dobro jutro! Šta je? Opet te mama izbacila iz kuće? MAŠA Nije. NEĆKO Šta je onda? Posvađale se? Ti otišla demonstrativno? Spavaš u kafani jebo te. MAŠA Ne budi kreten. NEĆKO Znaš li ko spava po kafanama? MAŠA Ovo se tebe ne tiče. NEĆKO A je li? Odjednom se mene ništa ne tiče. DELBOJ Nemoj Nećko, popusti. NEĆKO Otjerala si Jakova, otjerala si mamu, sad tjeraš mene, vidiš li ti tu neki šablon? MAŠA Šta je?


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NEĆKO Razgovaramo malo. Jesi ikad pomislila da je do tebe? Da ima neki razlog što ljudi bježe od tebe? Mama te se skoro odrekla, jebo te. Možda je ona u pravu? Možda i nisi ni za šta. Je li ti vidiš svoj život onako u cjelini? Gdje to ide? Šta hoćeš ti? Jebo te, krpa si od čovjeka. E pa da. I da plačeš, to sam zaboravio. DELBOJ Dobro je, Nećko. NEĆKO Evo i viteza da odbrani damu. Milioner sa inteligencijom majmuna. Tebe se ovo ne tiče. Ili tiče, je li Mašo? Možda se samo njega tiče izgleda. A znaš zašto? Zato što ti on ne govori istinu. Ja ovdje jedini govorim istinu. I to vam smeta i zato me isključujete. DELBOJ Niko te ne isljučuje brate, smiri se, popij pivu. Sve se poremetilo i pokušavamo se nositi s tim. NEĆKO Ništa se nije poremetilo. Samo se tek sada vidi kakve živote vi vodite. DELBOJ Sad je dosta. NEĆKO Šta ćeš? Hoćeš me udariti? DELBOJ Neću te udariti. NEĆKO Hajde udari me.


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MAŠA Hajde izađi. NEĆKO Jebite se i jedno i drugo. Evo ti za pivu, zadrži kusur. I malo pospremi ovdje, izgleda kao ćumez. DELBOJ Tebi je sve s grane palo, a sereš. Ako se praviš da si nešto što nisi, nemoj drugima soliti pamet. NEĆKO Kad smo kod toga možda bi se trebali prestati praviti da smo prijatelji. DELBOJ Onda ništa od slavlja. NEĆKO Ne, ne, slavit ćemo. Slavit ćemo naš raspad.


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INTERMEZZO MIKI Dobro veče. Na ovom mjestu je napisan Intermezzo i ja bih to iskoristio da kažem par riječi. Ja sam u cijelom ovom cirkusu ono, što bi se reklo, jedini stvaran lik. Miodrag Miki Trifunov, glumac u penziji. Tako da sam ja i malo ovamo, s ove strane, a malo i tamo s te strane. Pošto sam u penziji, više sam s te tamo strane. Šalim se. Prelazimo na stvar. Ova mala skupina bandita koja me okružuje ili, bolje reći, ja okružujem njih, oni su fina djeca. Kažem djeca, iako po godinama to možda i nisu, oni su to ipak iznutra, negdje duboko. Ustrašena djeca koja bojažljivo proviruju iza svojih namrštenih lica i ciničnih osmijeha. Vidi se to po velikim riječima koje koriste, ispaljuju riječi ljubav, sloboda, smrt, vrijeme. Zamišljeni ogromnim mislima, mislima većim od njih samih, o smrti, duši, prošlosti, budućnosti. A samo ih je strah, jedno od drugog, od sebe samih. I onda povrijedjuju jedni druge, povrijedjuju sami sebe. A jebi ga. Šta ćeš. Ćeraj dalje. Elem, u ovoj predstavi u kojoj se nije bog zna šta ni desilo, ima još da se bog zna šta ne desi. Stoga, nastavljamo.


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13. (Nećko, Delboj, Maša, Jakov, Miki) NEĆKO Kasni. MAŠA Svakako neće doći. DELBOJ Kako znaš? MAŠA Tako, neće. NEĆKO Doći će. Ako ništa, doći će zbog tebe. MAŠA On treba doći zbog sebe. Samo ti to u svojoj sujetnoj glavi ne možeš da shvatiš. NEĆKO Ti malo popiješ… Muzika. Ostali kunjaju, svjetla su prigušena, on te uzme za ruku i plešete stiskavac. Šapne ti misao dugo skrivanu i ti crveniš. Voliš ga, ne znaš kako da odoliš, u svakom slučaju ga voliš. MAŠA Ti si sadista. DELBOJ Mogu li ja nešto reći?


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MAŠA Šta je? DELBOJ Čovjek stoji na vratima. JAKOV Slavi se punom parom. NEĆKO Jakov je sišao s brda. Ne, to je Mojsije. Jebi ga. MAŠA Jakove. DELBOJ Šta? NEĆKO To je iz Biblije. MAŠA Koliko stojiš tu? JAKOV Od sadiste. (smiješak) Delboj, laže li on?


DELBOJ Fakat je stigao tada. (smijeh)


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JAKOV Nije valjda bilo nešto što nisam smio čuti? MAŠA Nećko je svirao Ibricu Jusića. (smijeh) JAKOV Sretan rođendan. NEĆKO Šta je ovo? JAKOV Zato sam kasnio. NEĆKO Maša mislila da se nećeš pojaviti. JAKOV Kako ne bih. Ovo je “Dvoslavlje”. NEĆKO Da otvorim? JAKOV Otvori. NEĆKO Cigare. DELBOJ Cigarillosi. “Montecristo” jarane, nije zajebancija.


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NEĆKO Otkud ti znaš? DELBOJ Moj rođak zna tipa koji ima tobako šop na aerodromu. NEĆKO Hvala Jakove. JAKOV Ništa. DELBOJ Šta piješ? JAKOV Kolu. DELBOJ Kola za Jakova. (smijeh) JAKOV Za Nećka i njegov rođendan.. Živio! SVI Živio! JAKOV Moraš održati govor. DELBOJ Nemoj, molim te. JAKOV Mora govor.


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NEĆKO Što se mora nije teško. Dakle, sve je počelo davno kad je moj otac bio u JNA… DELBOJ Jakove, jebem ti sve. (smijeh) NEĆKO Ne, sad ozbiljno. Suza bi mi kanula ali su mi umjesto srca ugradili budilnik. Prijatelji moji, hvala vam od srca. Na kome bih se ja iskaljivao da nema vas. (aplauz)


NEĆKO Ali. Kad smo već kod ima – nema, postoji još jedan povod ovom mnogopoštovanom skupu. Jakov, sveti Jakov, patrijarh Jakov odlazi boriti se protiv vjetrenjača, talasa sudbine i dijasporskih manira. U to ime nazdravimo za Jakova, koji se hrvao s Bogom…. MAŠA Čekaj, čekaj, imamo nešto za tebe. DELBOJ U šanku je. NEĆKO Jesi se potpisala? MAŠA Aha.


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NEĆKO Ti Delboj? Jesi stavio svoj iksić? DELBOJ Nabit ću ti iksić u dupe. NEĆKO Još ja. Ima li ko olovku? MAŠA Nemam. DELBOJ Jok. NEĆKO U kafani nemaš olovku. Kako pišeš, šta ja znam, račune? DELBOJ Pamtim. NEĆKO Jebi ga, druže, morat će bez mog potpisa za sad. Kad isfinansiramo olovku i moje će ime zasjati pored ovih akademika. JAKOV Hvala. Hvala, ljudi. NEĆKO A sad, zdravica. Vidi mu kole, ubit ću se. Dakle, za Jakova koji se hrvao s Bogom i…. DELBOJ Evo i đuturuma. Pardon. Starog gospodina.


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MIKI Slavi se nešto? NEĆKO Moj rođendan. MIKI Sretan rođendan. NEĆKO Hvala. MIKI Koji po redu? NEĆKO Dvadeset osmi. MIKI Majko moja. MAŠA Slavimo i to što Jakov odlazi. MIKI Zar se odlasci slave? Nikad čuo. NEĆKO Šta je s poklonima Miki? MIKI Kada kreneš na put za Itaku zaželi da dug to bude put pothvata pun, opasnosti i saznanja Lestrigonaca, Kiklopa i srditog Posejdona ne plaši se.


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Na takve nikada naići nećeš sve dok misao je tvoja uzvišena i dok birana se osjećanja tiču tvoga duha i tvog tijela. Niti Lestrigonaca, nit Kiklopa niti divljeg Posejdona ti susresti nećeš ako ne nosiš ih u samome sebi i ako ih duša tvoja ne iznosi preda te. Zaželi da dug bude to put svitanja ljetnjih pun u koja ćeš – kolike li radosti – ulazit u luke prvi put viđene. Pred feničkim zastani tezgama i snabdij se finim stvarčicama sedefom, koraljom, ambrom, slonovačom; uzmi svakovrsnih razbludnih mirisa, što više upravo raskošnih mirisa. Podji u mnoge gradove misirske da učiš, i da poučiš se kod mudraca njinih I na umu uvijek Itaku zadrži. Stići na nju tvoja je sudbina Al’ nipošto ne žuri na tom putu Bolje neka mnogo godina potraje da na otok pristaneš ko starac bogat onim što na putu stekao si ne očekujući da Itaka bogatstvo ti dadne. Ona ti je dala divno putovanje Bez nje ne bi ni krenuo na put. No ništa ti više ona nema dati. A ako je siromašnom nadješ, znaj prevarila te nije. Mudar kakvim si postao i s tolikim iskustvima shvatićeš već šta Itake znače.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE


(aplauz) Bravo, Miki.

MIKI Eto, to je poklon za obojicu. JAKOV Hvala Miki. NEĆKO Hvala Miki. Donesite kafu čovjeku! Da nastavimo zdravicu. Dakle, za Jakova, koji se hrvao s Bogom i pobijedio. DELBOJ Za Jakova i Njemačku, mjesto gdje Bosanci idu kad umru. (smijeh)


Ima li neke muzike? DELBOJ Naložit ću ja neku zikamu. Želje? NEĆKO “Bosiok se s rosom zamjerio”. DELBOJ Gdje to iskopa. MAŠA Ne slušaj ga Delboj.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

DELBOJ Nema tog bosiljka svakako. Druga numera. NEĆKO “Kroz Vakuf tri telala viču”. DELBOJ Jarane za tu ne zna ni Nada Mamula. Evo prava. (Ide pjesma “Something’s gotten hold of my heart” od Gene Pitneya. Miki pleše.) MIKI Živjeli! SVI Živio Miki! NEĆKO Miki, mi smo se kladili u to koliko Vi imate godina. MIKI Jel’ ti to mene zajebavaš? JAKOV Hajde da se igramo jedne igre. MAŠA Kakve igre? JAKOV Zove se Kineski rulet. DELBOJ Čuj Kineski rulet.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

NEĆKO Otkud ti to majke ti? JAKOV Gledao u jednom filmu. MAŠA Kako se igra? JAKOV Podijelimo se u dva tima. U filmu je bilo po četvero u timu, a nas će biti po dvoje. Miki, Vi ste moderator. MIKI Amen. JAKOV Jedna ekipa izabere osobu, a druga pokušava pogoditi koja je to osoba. Postavljaju pitanja tipa: kad bi ta osoba bila kovanica ili životinja koja bi bila. NEĆKO Recimo zamislim Hitlera. JAKOV Osoba mora biti iz ove prostorije. Od nas. NEĆKO Glupost neviđena. JAKOV U filmu su svi imali po dva pitanja, dakle mi imamo po četiri. I još jedno pride, zajedničko. Sve skupa devet. DELBOJ Đasvi mi se ovo. Kineski rulet.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

MAŠA Ja igram. NEĆKO Ja ne. DELBOJ Hajde, šta si se uketario. MAŠA Ne smiješ? JAKOV Igrat će on. MAŠA Da izvlačimo timove? JAKOV Nema potrebe. Evo, ja i Delboj, ti i Nećko. A Miki, gdje je Miki? (smijeh) Dosadili smo mu.


DELBOJ To je džin u ljudskoj koži, kažem vam. JAKOV Dobro, šta da se radi. Evo mi smišljamo osobu. (reakcija na muziku) JAKOV Počnimo!


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

MAŠA Šta je? NEĆKO Stvarno misliš da će ovo biti bezazlena igrica? MAŠA Zašto ne? JAKOV Mi smislili. DELBOJ Možete početi s pitanjima. (šuti) (šuti)


Hajde neko. NEĆKO Ništa mi ne naumpada. MAŠA Kad bi ta osoba bila jednoćelijski organizam. DELBOJ Jebo te Mašo, odmah da se diskvalifikujem. MAŠA Evo, kad bi ta osoba bila planeta, koja bi bila?


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

DELBOJ Mars. NEĆKO To je jedina koju znaš. JAKOV Sunce. MAŠA Sunce nije planeta. (smijeh) JAKOV Baš zato. NEĆKO Kad bi ta osoba bila hemijski element, koji bi bila? DELBOJ Vi samo po nekoj biologiji. Da mene sjebete. JAKOV Helijum. DELBOJ Srebro, ali ono što potamni kad dugo stoji. NEĆKO Smori me ovo. MAŠA Kad bi ta osoba bila poznata građevina, koja bi bila? JAKOV Kosi toranj u Pizi.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

DELBOJ Vijećnica. NEĆKO Kad bi ta osoba bila superjunak, koji bi bila? DELBOJ Wolverine. JAKOV Two Face. NEĆKO Opa! MAŠA Kad bi ta osoba morala izabrati, ali baš morala, jednu osobu ovdje koja će umrijeti, koja bi to bila? NEĆKO Kakvo je to pitanje? MAŠA Malo da začinimo. (smijeh) JAKOV Jakov. DELBOJ Jakov. NEĆKO Kad bi ta osoba jako željela da neka osoba ovdje umre, koja bi to bila?


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

JAKOV Jakov. DELBOJ Jebo te, ne znam. NEĆKO Delboj. DELBOJ Ne znam. SVI Delboj! DELBOJ Dobro, Jakov! NEĆKO Vrlo zanimljivo. JAKOV Što se pališ? To je samo igra. MAŠA Kad bi ta osoba bila boja, koja bi bila? NEĆKO Glupo pitanje. On hoće nešto drugo. Da li bi ta osoba htjela ići u Njemačku? JAKOV Da, sigurno. DELBOJ Pa bi.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

NEĆKO Oj sunce vam jebem. JAKOV Još jedno pitanje. DELBOJ I zajedničko. MAŠA Je li ta osoba pizda? JAKOV Itekako. DELBOJ Boga mi, ko da jest. NEĆKO Svi ste se urotili protiv mene. JAKOV Smiri se. DELBOJ Paranoišeš. NEĆKO Hoćeš pitanje? Evo ti pitanja. Da li je ova igra smišljena unaprijed kako bismo svi mi učestvovali u nekakvoj perverziji koja bi trebala biti neka verzija nekakve istine, a ustvari je samo poniženje za sve nas? DELBOJ Pijan si Nećko.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

NEĆKO Odgovori Jakove. Valjda je po pravilima igre da se odgovori. JAKOV Uglavnom je tako kao što si rekao. NEĆKO Ti misliš da smo mi glupi? Misliš da niko ovdje nije shvatio šta pokušavaš? Svi su shvatili, ali pristaju i prave se mutavi. Zašto? Jer su ti prijatelji jebo te. Pravi prijatelj bi došao, pogledao nas u oči i rekao: “Jebi ga ljudi, ja idem, izvinite.” A ti se još igraš s nama. Da bi šta? Da bi nas ponizio? A što si ti različit od nas? Misliš da si nešto posebno? Tona je takvih kao ti tamo gdje ideš. Tona je talentovanijih i pametnijih, posebnijih od tebe. Ti i tvoj potencijal. Ja imam potencijal. Mi imamo potencijal svi. Svuda ima potencijala i kad to shvatiš, to tamo će ti postati jednako zagušljivo kao što ti je bilo ovdje. Zapravo neće biti mjesta na planeti gdje ti neće biti zagušljivo jer ćeš odbijati da sebi priznaš da si mediokritet koji samo osjeća malo više od drugih mediokriteta. MAŠA Nećko dosta je, nemoj. NEĆKO Evo vas dvoje. Koliko se dugo to vuče? Evo potencijal, tu pred vama. Volite se jebo te. Mi pripadamo skupa. JAKOV Jebe mi se za to. Gledaš li ti oko sebe? Shvataš li gdje živiš? Nema vode od ponoći, ne možeš srati kad hoćeš. Oko tebe niču viletine ljudi koji se zaklinju da će štititi svoj narod, a zajebati tuđi dok njihova derišta gaze ljude u svojim audijima. Grad pun fakultetlija i akademskih građana, a Torabi napuni Zetru nudeći čudotvornu vodu. Ovaj grad je mauzolej. I vi ste dio tog mauzoleja i volite što je tako. Vi ste se sebe odrekli. Ne znate


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

šta život može biti. Jadni ste. Volite što ste mrtvaci. Sretni ste kad se osjećate bijedno. To smo genetski mi. Uživamo u svojoj patnji. Uzroke patnje mrzimo, ali su nam sveti jer održavaju patnju sasvim dovoljnom da se u njoj može biti zadovoljan. Vi ste ljuti na mene što ja to neću. E, pa neću. Neću da struhnem ovdje s vama. NEĆKO Jakove, pogledaj me. DELBOJ Nećko. MAŠA Nemoj. NEĆKO Pogledaj me. Nemoj ići. (tišina) Nemoj ići. Jebo to. (tišina). Je li to toliko bitno? To tamo? (tišina) Nemoj ići, molim te. (tišina) Volim te čovječe. JAKOV Ja tvoju ljubav ne želim. Sve si nas potrovao tom ljubavlju. Tebi bi najdraže bilo da ostaneš okružen svojim okamenjenim prijateljima za vijeke vjekova. Da svi završimo kao propalice. Kao ti. (Udarac. Delboj hvata Nećka) NEĆKO Kući. DELBOJ Odvest ću ga kući. MAŠA Izabrao si sebe.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

JAKOV Pogodila si. MAŠA Nije nuklearna fizika. JAKOV Nećko se upecao. MAŠA Uništio si ga. Nećko je htio da te udari. Nećko tebe. Sad će se bičevati danima zbog toga. JAKOV Neće se ni sjećati. MAŠA Sjebao ti je plan. Nisi očekivao da će se raspasti. Zato si sve ovo spremio da nam pokažeš koliko smo jadni i koliko su naši životi uzaludni. Koliko smo mi mrtvi, a ti živ. Stvarno misliš da si ti jedini u kome nešto kuha? Slijep si. Ti si najveća pizda ovdje. Ovim sranjem spremaš sebe. Spremaš se za tamo našim poniženjem. JAKOV Nisam htio da te ponizim. Htio sam te pitati da ideš sa mnom. MAŠA Nekad bi mi bila vrhunska sreća samo sjediti ovako s tobom. Ti i ja. Sad vidim da se nikad nije radilo o nama, samo o tebi. Ja sam tebe fakat voljela. Sad mi se gadiš. JAKOV Dolazit ću što manje.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

14. (Maša, Nećko, Delboj) MAŠA Potopit će sve. NEĆKO Padaj kišo, saperi uvrijeđene duše. DELBOJ Vidio sam par riba bacakaju se po Titovoj. (smijeh)


Baš si me udesio. DELBOJ Nije bilo namjerno. NEĆKO Ne moraš ti svojima lagati da si pao niz stepenice. DELBOJ Izvinio sam ti se. NEĆKO Hoće li to vratiti moj zub? Neće. DELBOJ Samo zato i imaš pristup ovoj kafani. NEĆKO Moram naći posao.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

DELBOJ Posao? NEĆKO Moram finansirati zubara. Stari mi je rekao da mi više neće davati pare. DELBOJ Čuj to? Ovdje ne dajemo na veresiju, samo da znaš. (smijeh) NEĆKO Nešto nam je golubica šutljiva. (šuti)


Golubice? (šuti)


A šta ja znam o ljubavi. DELBOJ Kažeš treba ti posao? NEĆKO Ne treba, nego hoću. DELBOJ Uleti sa mnom u ove kristale.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

NEĆKO Kakve kristale? DELBOJ Govorio sam ti. Ima bruka kolekcionara, skupljaju te kristale. Za gajbu možeš uzeti pet, šest hiljada. Dovoljno da napraviš zube. NEĆKO Neka je to delbojština. DELBOJ Ozbiljno čovječe. Kopa se gore kod Fojnice. Upad je cener da uzmemo ćevapa i pive. Ali moraš imati svoju kuku. NEĆKO Kakvu sad kuku? DELBOJ Kuka za kristale. Mora biti od rosfraja. Sve obične kuke kad udare u kristal čuje se bum, samo od rosfraja kad udari čuje se ping. A i ne oštećuje kristal. NEĆKO Budalaština nad budalaštinama. DELBOJ Kupi kuku, imaš u onom centru kod tunela. Krećemo prekosutra. NEĆKO Prvoklasna budalaština, ali da jebe rak raka kopat ćemo te kristale. Možda se i obogatimo. DELBOJ Iduće godine u ovo doba, vjeruj mi.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

(smijeh – izlazi)


A ti? MAŠA Ne znam držati lopatu. DELBOJ Ne to. MAŠA Ništa. Završiti fakultet. Naći stan. (šute) DELBOJ Da li bi ti izašla sa mnom? (smijeh)


Šta je smiješno? MAŠA (smijeh) Neprežaljeni ljubavnik je otišao u inostranstvo i ostavio me ucviljenu i bespomoćnu. I ti bi sad da zauzmeš njegovo mjesto jer sam ja u modusu daj šta daš. DELBOJ Nije to.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

MAŠA Šta je onda? DELBOJ Ja sam ozbiljan. MAŠA Vjenčanje, djeca i te stvari? DELBOJ Šta je tu pogrešno? MAŠA Sve je tu pogrešno. (šuti) (šuti)


Nije otišao. DELBOJ Šta? MAŠA Jakov nije otišao. Nurudin je ispao neki mutan tip. Uhapšen je. Jakovu su oduzeli radnu dozvolu. DELBOJ U pizdu materinu. Kako ti to znaš? MAŠA Nije bitno.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

DELBOJ Šta će sad? MAŠA Ne znam. Nije me briga. Nemoj govoriti Nećku. Saznat će svakako, ovo je mahala. DELBOJ Neću. MAŠA Nije to razlog zašto neću da izađem s tobom.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

15. (Miki, Jakov) MIKI Kad sam bio mali, želio sam da letim. Ukrao sam od oca kišobran i popeo se na vrh stoga slame. Tad nije bilo kišobrana koliko hoćeš. Ako se slomi, morao si ga popravljati. I taj kišobran sam ja gore ponio, stao na stog visok 5 metara, otvorio kišobran i skočio. I letio sam tri, četiri sekunde. Poslije su me jedva sastavili. Išao sam na operaciju bruha i još sam fasovao zbog kišobrana. JAKOV Pobjegli ste s proslave. MIKI Prokletstvo nas staraca je potreba da stalno intervenišemo. Ponekad se najbolje ukloniti. Jeste li se lijepo izigrali? JAKOV Bilo je katarzično. MIKI Tvoji prijatelji misle da si otišao. JAKOV Vrlo brzo će saznati da nisam. Ali su me i onako u svojim glavama prekrižili. MIKI Svi vi skupa mnogo znate šta se dešava u glavama drugih ljudi. JAKOV Poklonili su mi Geteovog “Fausta”. Drugi dio.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE



Da. MIKI Koliko se sjećam, u drugom dijelu ima nešto o iskupljenju. JAKOV Čisto smeće.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

16. (Jakov, Nećko) JAKOV Nisi potpisao knjigu. NEĆKO Daj.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE



Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

O AUTORU Benjamin Bajramović rođen je 9. januara 1989. godine u Zenici. Diplomirao je Glumu na Akademiji scenskih umjetnosti u Sarajevu, u klasi prof. Ermina Brave, 2011. godine. Njegov diplomski rad “1984”, rađen prema romanu Georgea Orwella, uvršten je u repertoar Sarajevskog ratnog teatra SARTR-a, gdje je igrao do 2014. U produkciji Sarajevskog ratnog teatra, gdje je bio pripravnik i stalni saradnik četiri sezone, igrao je u predstavama “Bio je lijep i sunčan dan”, rediteljice Tanje Miletić Oručević, “Tajna džema od malina”, rediteljice Selme Spahić, “Životinjska farma”, reditelja Dine Mustafića, te “Djeca s unca”, rediteljice Selme Spahić. U produkciji Internacionalnog teatarskog festivala - Scene MESS igrao je u predstavi “What is Europe?”, reditelja Andrasa Urbana. U Bosanskom narodnom pozorištu Zenica igrao u predstavama “Moja Fabrika” i “Romeo i Julija”, u režiji Selme Spahić. Učestvovao je u međunarodnim koprodukcijama: “Muški – ženske, Ženske – muške” u autorstvu i režiji Bacača sjenki (Hrvatska), zatim “Bolero”, reditelja Michaela Pinchbecka (UK), te “Battlefield Memory” reditelja Hans- Werner Kroesingera i rediteljice Regine Dura (Njemačka). Dobitnik je nagrade za najboljeg mladog glumca u predstavi “Bio je lijep i sunčan dan”, na Festivalu bh. drame u Zenici, te nekoliko kolektivnih glumačkih nagrada. “Itake” je njegov prvi dramski tekst. Živi i radi u Sarajevu.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITAKE

------------------------------------------------------------------CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji Nacionalna i univerzitetska biblioteka Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo 821.163.4(497.6)-2 BAJRAMOVIĆ, Benjamin Itake / Benjamin Bajramović ; [prijevod na engleski jezik Aida Spahić]. - Sarajevo: Međunarodni teatarski festival - Scena MESS, 2018. - 103, 103 str. ; 19 cm. - (Biblioteka MESS) Nasl. str. prištampanog prijevoda: Ithakas. - Tekst na bos. i engl. jeziku štampan u međusobno obrnutim smjerovima. ISBN 978-9958-506-16-1 COBISS.BH-ID 26678022 -------------------------------------------------------------------




Benjamin Bajramović


MESS Library Benjamin Bajramović: ITHAKAS Title of the Original: ITHAKAS Publisher: MES - International Theater Festival – MESS Scene On Behalf of the Publisher: Nihad Kreševljaković Translator: Aida Spahić Editor: Reviewers: Nihad Kreševljaković Design: Bojan Mustur Layout: Sanja Kulenović Print: OFF-SET Tuzla Number of Copies: 300 Public institution MES – International Theater Festival and Sports of Canton Sarajevo

Benjamin Bajramović


Translated from Bosnian by Aida Spahić

Sarajevo, 2018

This play is an attempt to articulate the feeling of a generation. In my opinion, that is the feeling of deep resignation about the environment and society. Of course, the play is in its core subjective as it represents the view of its author. Thus, it leaves space for discussion. I do not have any illusions that this text will change anything. I hope that it will serve as an introspective space for the readership or possible audience. Here, we all seem to be facing the same decision.

Benjamin Bajramović

TO STAY OR TO GO, THAT IS THE QUESTION! We silently observe the exodus of our youth while our authorities, in the manner of an ordinary scribe, keep recording the yearly growing numbers of those leaving. In our country, unemployment is four times larger than in the EU. The unemployment rate of people aged 15 to 30 is almost 60%. Statistics is even grimmer with respect to young women. We live in times when the annual number of people who leave can fill a medium sized town. The authorities in BiH do nothing to retain the population – as if they do not understand that soon we could become a country of old people. None of the numerous governance structures in BiH addresses this problem seriously. That is why it is important that MESS Library publishes Ithakas by Benjamin Bajramović. What those whose job it is to do something are not doing is confronted by Benjamin, a young Sarajevo actor with an already impressive biography but without employment – something that does not make him stand out from majority of his colleagues. The text, which is about the dissatisfied youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina who leave the country every day in pursuit of a better life, is primarily an extraordinarily aestheticized testimony of our times. Author’s panoptic view catches all the nuances of the relations between young people, the view characteristic to those who harbour the relevant personal experience. Benjamin understands not only the problem but the people in his surroundings. Ithakas reveals Benjamin Bajramović’s writing talent. Interestingly, he does not fall in the traps of pessimism or drown in obscure images, he rather transcends the situation, with a certain doze of humour, and while high above it he points to the way out. The way out is articulated through author’s text and an independently staged performance, which make it clear that we are alive for as long as the dark does not swallow us. Thus, not only did Benjamin write the text, he directed a performance which premiered in 2017 and is still being staged. This text, also described as a

“young people’s mediation on their own relevance”, is an exciting journey into Benjamin’s personal world, that of his characters and of young people around us. Their presence is taken for granted without a clue that they need help. It only seems logical in a country in which, in the absence of everything, we think that their youth is a value sufficient in itself. Ithakas transcends the mentality-related pessimism and brings an exciting energy which, in contrast to the topic, builds internal optimism. Instead of pointing a finger at the society and crying for help, the author writes! By his actions, he fights the monsters of his reality. If we stay deaf to such stories, young people might disappear from around us. Then, I guess, we would realise that the world without them is much uglier! Nihad Kreševljaković


CHARACTERS JAKOV (27) – a writer, made a decision. NECHKO (27/28) – a philosopher, hates decisions. MASHA (25) – a student of Slavic Studies, likes dreaming. DEL BOY (30) – the name speaks for itself. MIKI (70) – the only real character. PLACE A bar.

Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS

1. (Masha, Nechko) MASHA He got it. NECHKO When? MASHA The notice came yesterday. By post. That’s what he said. NECHKO He got it. MASHA He just mumbled it over the phone. NECHKO He said nothing to me. MASHA He didn’t say anything to anyone. He told me because I’m a girl. NECHKO I thought about celebrating it here. MASHA What? NECHKO The birthday. MASHA What birthday?


Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS

NECHKO My birthday. Twenty-seventh. MASHA I know which one it is. I think this other thing is more important. NECHKO Than what? MASHA Than the birthday. NECHKO Nothing is more important than birthday. MASHA Let’s talk then. NECHKO I was thinking the four of us. MASHA And Miki. NECHKO The four and Miki. MASHA And where’s Jakov? NECHKO In Germany. MASHA You’re full of shit.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS

NECHKO I was thinking to make a theme party. I got some ideas but they are stupid. MASHA He didn’t call you because he knows we are here together. NECHKO He has no idea where I am, I haven’t heard from him in fifteen days. MASHA Vain little mouse. NECHKO I thought about inviting other people as well. To have a full place. MASHA Here? NECHKO Full. MASHA Who? NECHKO Maybe Rubber. MASHA You two are not speaking. NECHKO Boki? MASHA Tedious.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS

NECHKO Zuba? MASHA I will invite some chicks. NECHKO As if you knew any chicks. MASHA Fuck you. NECHKO I have no one to invite, fuck. MASHA Miki will come. NECHKO Maybe I should call him. MASHA Miki? NECHKO Jakov. MASHA Call him. NECHKO No way. Jacob climbed his own ladder. MASHA What is it with you?


Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS

NECHKO It’s from the Bible. MASHA I will send him a text. NECHKO It is still raining. Let it pour out. MASHA “Congratulations, you have climbed the ladder”, I will put your name as well. (silence) MASHA What will the birthday party be called? NECHKO Called? MASHA Like in the previous years: “Beer-up”, “The Great Decline”? NECHKO Who cares. MASHA I think this is good. I guess he is happy now. NECHKO Or he thinks he is happy. MASHA He is.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS

NECHKO And you will tell him that. Of course. You will say “You are happy” and he will be happy. He will feel obliged to be happy or even free to be happy. Both are equally bad. MASHA Depends for whom. NECHKO You really don’t have the balls to hurt him. Or you don’t have the balls for him to hurt you. MASHA That much you were able to conclude, right? NECHKO Well, I care.


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2. (Masha, Nechko, Del Boy) DEL BOY I think it should be hats. NECHKO Man, you startled me, fuck. DEL BOY I wasn’t aware people even notice me. NECHKO Did Jakov tell you he is leaving? DEL BOY No. MASHA See. DEL BOY He sent me a message. NECHKO See. Who gives a shit about Nechko. MASHA You’re a drama queen. NECHKO What are you talking about, he let you know in person. DEL BOY That doesn’t mean anything.


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NECHKO What do you mean it doesn’t. Now it’s their moment. Now or never. MASHA You’re so boring. NECHKO No one can stand you any longer. The universe is screaming. DEL BOY It’s true, I swear. NECHKO What is he going to do there? MASHA Be a waiter, I guess. NECHKO He could have been a waiter here too. DEL BOY This is an eminent establishment. We don’t employ just anyone. NECHKO I’d like to see him work here and serve me. MASHA You’re both full of shit. (silence) DEL BOY Turkish is the thing. It has perspective. Turks are like termites in the old town. Any simpleton in a shop can now say hoşgeldiniz.


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MASHA What is that? DEL BOY Welcome. That’s what the sign on Ilidža says. Hoşgeldiniz, Ilidža Municipality. NECHKO And you just learn Turkish, just like that, and what then? DEL BOY Tourism. There are these agencies, man, you start business with them, lead tours over Bosnia, and then one day you lead tours over Turkey. This time, next year, we will be millionaires. We will eat in restaurants. NECHKO Your aunt’s sofa started sagging, did it? Thirty years in your ass and you got nothing. DEL BOY Look who’s speaking. NECHKO I am only twenty-seven. I am young and promising. DEL BOY Turkish, trust me. NECHKO Turks, berks, jerks. MASHA Leave him alone, will you. He’s thinking, at least. If it’s Turkish, Turkish it is.


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NECHKO That one will be an errand boy in some godforsaken place in Germany, this one will study Turkish, you will graduate from your Slavic studies when… I don’t know, I am the only normal person here. MASHA Enough of Nechkoism for today. DEL BOY Come on, you’re chasing my guests away. NECHKO Alright, what is it with you, we are messing around… MASHA We should get him a gift. NECHKO What? MASHA A book. He likes books. NECHKO He’s got three hundred of them. DEL BOY What’s the budget? NECHKO It is narrow, to put it mildly. DEL BOY Ten from me.


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MASHA I have five. NECHKO Let’s round it to thirty. DEL BOY It can suffice for a watch. MASHA A book, people. NECHKO A watch for three tens? DEL BOY I have a guy. Screaming watches he’s got. Some of them literally. NECHKO We will not be buying a gift for Mr. Hard-to-Please from you thief mates. DEL BOY He is not a thief. He is a nice man. Procures watches from Switzerland. NECHKO Seriously? DEL BOY Cross my heart.


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3. (Del Boy, Masha) DEL BOY He will never get close to this bar, ever again. MASHA What happened? DEL BOY He said I was stupid and left. MASHA You are wet. DEL BOY He took the umbrella. My umbrella. (laughs)


DEL BOY I ran in the rain. My trainers are wet. MASHA (she films him with her phone) DEL BOY See, the sole almost came off. I took Nechko to the man with watches. I mean, the guy gave a special price, two for thirty. Well, it’s not Rolex but it’s close, I swear to God. He started going crazy, it’s stolen, where did you bring me. I got all uncomfortable, I apologised to the man, and this one continues embarrassing me. He said he is off to an antiquarian shop. Fuck his antiquarian shop. He said I was stupid and ran off with the umbrella. Stop filming me.


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Yes, real funny. MASHA You are funny. Wet and angry. DEL BOY Well no wonder, look at my trainers, I borrowed money from my aunt to get these. (laughs) (laughs)


MASHA OK, what is wrong with a book. DEL BOY Nothing, but a watch is a watch. Two for thirty, no less. (laughs)


DEL BOY You think Del Boy is primitive and ignorant. I know what a book is. (laughs)


I read, you know.


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MASHA What do you read? DEL BOY What interests me. MASHA Classified ads don’t count. DEL BOY Fuck that, I will not talk about this. MASHA Sorry. DEL BOY I am joking. What brings you? I thought there was no one here. MASHA Well, there’s me. DEL BOY You want a juice? MASHA I should go home for lunch. DEL BOY Have a juice. MASHA OK. DEL BOY Have you seen Jakov?


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MASHA No. DEL BOY So, nobody has seen him yet. MASHA No. DEL BOY He should have told Nechko. MASHA It’s between the two of them. DEL BOY I know, but it’s stupid. MASHA Both are stubborn and they can’t live without each other. DEL BOY Sometimes those things change. MASHA Not here. DEL BOY Jakov is leaving, that’s a change. MASHA Everything will be the same. DEL BOY He hasn’t even left yet and things are not the same. Take yourself as an example. Since Jakov got that permit, you are here all the time.


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You only go home to eat. MASHA You worry about me too much. (silence) DEL BOY Masha, are you alright? MASHA I have to go.


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4. (Del Boy, Nechko, Masha, Jakov, Miki) DEL BOY Beer? NECHKO Beer. DEL BOY Beer? MASHA Beer. DEL BOY Beer? JAKOV Tap water. DEL BOY There’s no water in the tap. JAKOV Coke. DEL BOY No Coke. There’s apple juice. JAKOV Apple juice then. (dialogue overlap)


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NECHKO Do you ever have tap water here? DEL BOY That’s not up to me. NECHKO Who is it up to then? DEL BOY The water company. Sometimes there’s water, you just need to catch the moment. MASHA So, the permit is here. JAKOV It’s here. MASHA What does it look like? JAKOV It’s just a paper with a stamp. MASHA Will you be writing in German when you’re there? JAKOV When I master it. Then I will look for publishers who publish authors from the Balkans. (end of overlap) DEL BOY It’s a great plan. Trust me, Germans like to read, they will read


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your work too, if nothing else than to see what it’s about. MASHA Did you find a place to stay? JAKOV Not yet. DEL BOY Rent is expensive up there. JAKOV I will have that job to start with. NECHKO And where will you be working? JAKOV It’s like a bookstore and a café. DEL BOY What? JAKOV Bookstore and a café. NECHKO I would say it’s more of a café than a bookstore. DEL BOY The Germans read even when they drink beer. MASHA How do they see the letters?


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NECHKO So, what’s the name of this elite establishment? JAKOV Loreley. (laughs) MASHA What are you going to do there? DEL BOY Be a waiter. JAKOV I don’t know yet. I have to arrange it with my employer. NECHKO Does the employer have a name? JAKOV He does. NECHKO What is his name? JAKOV It doesn’t matter. NECHKO Come on, tell us. JAKOV Nurudin. (laughs)


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HKO An ancient German name, Von Nurudin. DEL BOY Perhaps the only older one is Ibrahim. MASHA (on the phone) Here it is, Loreley, it’s all there. NECHKO Fuck, it’s in German. And where are the books? DEL BOY In the cellar. JAKOV Fuck you all. You know nothing about this job or this man. MASHA It’s funny Jakov, sorry. DEL BOY We are just joking. NECHKO So, you will toil for some diaspora ass. MASHA Whatever would you know about toil? DEL BOY True. You haven’t even hurried up in a year. NECHKO Wait, it’s coming. Your ass is toiling for some diaspora ass which in turn is toiling for some German ass which is toiling for some


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European ass which is toiling for some corporate ass from which you buy stuff for your own ass. This is called ass circulation in nature. DEL BOY Let it go, we are pushing the man over. JAKOV I could have assumed things will turn out this way. NECHKO Arise ye pris’ners of starvation.1 Arise ye wretched of the earth. Come on Jakov. JAKOV For justice thunders condemnation. A better world’s in birth! JAKOV Come on, come on. DEL BOY I don’t know the text. JAKOV No more tradition’s chains shall bind us. DEL BOY No more tradition’s chains shall bind us. NECHKO (quickly to Del Boy) Arise, ye slaves, no more in thrall. JAKOV Arise, ye slaves, no more in thrall. DEL BOY Arise, ye slaves, no more in thrall. Adaptation of Charles H. Kerr’s translation from the original, for The IWW Songbook (34th Edition). Source: 1


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NECHKO The earth shall rise on new foundations! DEL BOY It’s enough, Nechko. Where will you celebrate your birthday? NECHKO In the bookstore and café Loreley. (laughs) JAKOV If that’s all you got, I’m off. NECHKO So sensitive. Germany changed him completely. MASHA It’s enough, Nechko. NECHKO I will celebrate here. You are all invited. Jakov, if you’re free, stop by. DEL BOY We need to celebrate your thing as well. We should. JAKOV We will. NECHKO Then we can join the two celebrations. Masha! It’s coming. Double-Trouble. It will be called Double-Trouble. MIKI In a corner of a noisy bar an old man sits leaning over the table:


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newspapers in front of him, no company. And with scorn for the wretched age he reflects on how little he rejoiced in the years when he had the strength, eloquence and handsomeness. He knows he has gotten very old, that he sees. But still the time he was young seems like yesterday. Like a short interval, like a short interval. And he ponders on how Wisdom tricked him; and he, how he used to always believe – what nonsense! This liar that used to say: “Tomorrow. You have plenty of time.” He remembers the passions he suffocated; the joy he sacrificed. Every lost opportunity now laughs at his unreasonable reason. But from all this contemplation and reflection the old man got dizzy. And he fell asleep laying his head down on the bar table. (applause) Bravo, Miki!


DEL BOY How is it going young lad? MIKI What is it? The home for the elderly gave you a leave? NECHKO We escaped, young lad.


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MIKI And hid in this A category establishment. DEL BOY One should be realistic. This is a high B. MIKI What are you scheming, senior citizens? NECHKO We are organising a celebration. MIKI It is nice to see so much life left in old people that they can focus on such trivia. JAKOV (laughs) We would not dare invite you. MIKI Listen, writer. I will invite myself. That’s us, vain old men. DEL BOY A drink, Miki? MIKI Coffee. DEL BOY There’s no tap water. MIKI So much rain and no water.


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DEL BOY No water. MIKI Fuck this life. NECHKO Don’t despair, Miki. MIKI It’s always something with you lot. DEL BOY Coke? MIKI I don’t want Coke, I want coffee. DEL BOY There’s some water on the mop. MIKI Thank you very much. JAKOV Where are you going, Miki? MIKI To find coffee. I can’t sleep unless I have one. NECHKO You can get a coffee in a can on the gas station. MIKI Get lost!


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JAKOV Where is Masha? NECHKO I have no idea. DEL BOY Beer? NECHKO Beer!


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5. (Jakov, Masha) JAKOV Everything alright? MASHA Yes, I came back for something. JAKOV Did you find it? MASHA No. JAKOV Let’s look together. (looking)


JAKOV It will be easier if you tell me what we’re looking for. MASHA Never mind. I came back for nothing. The others left? JAKOV Nechko got drunk. Del Boy took him home. He is not sober either. MASHA Two shock-workers. And you, left behind. JAKOV I don’t feel like going home. I am waiting for my folk to go to bed.


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MASHA My mom is already in bed. But she is retired. JAKOV How are you doing? MASHA Same old. JAKOV Nothing changed? MASHA Not a bit. JAKOV Fuck. MASHA Why don’t you want to go home? JAKOV They will ask me to tell them the story about getting the permit again. Is it natural for a man who is almost thirty to live with his parents? MASHA That’s why you’re here alone. JAKOV Obviously not, right? MASHA Ah, sorry. JAKOV Stop, I am joking.


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MASHA Careful, I could break your pussy. (laughs) MASHA Did you start packing? JAKOV You know, when you have apple juice before bed, your dreams become more vivid. MASHA I didn’t know. JAKOV One litre. As much as you can. MASHA I will give it a try. JAKOV You will tell me about your dreams. MASHA Maybe I will dream about the future. JAKOV Stupid word. Future. Isn’t there a better word for it? I don’t know, rduz. MASHA Or nevrm. JAKOV Ragulih.


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MASHA Saparapa. JAKOV Sopok. MASHA Visklif.


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6. (Nechko, Miki) NECHKO This is just not right. MIKI What? NECHKO The rain. MIKI It’s beautiful. NECHKO Have you seen those ponds in the street? MIKI That’s because asphalt needs fixing. NECHKO My old man wants to get me a job. MIKI Where? NECHKO In his firm. Or, if not there, then in his mate’s. Firm. MIKI What would you do? NECHKO Nothing. I can’t do anything. But in ten years I would become a


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co-owner, my man would leave the firm to me and die happy. MIKI It’s a form of security. NECHKO Miki, you know me better than that. I would stand it for two months and would be kicked out from the firm, and the house as well. This way, I have a free place to stay and food to eat. MIKI What does you mom say? NECHKO She is silent. She talked my old man into letting me study philosophy and now she is suffering the consequences. MIKI What are you going to do? NECHKO Maybe enrol in another university department. The entry exams are soon. MIKI Which one? NECHKO Sinology, Indology, Oriental Studies, Slavic Studies… maybe Forestry. MIKI You don’t want any work? NECHKO There is this character, his name is Cioran. He figured it all out and gave up on paid work.


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MIKI And died hungry? NECHKO Died rich and famous. MIKI He figured out my ass.


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7. (Del Boy, Jakov) (raps silently)


I’m beat from all the rain It brings pain to my brain I wish that it would stop And reach its last drop I can’t think straight And I need to plan away Cause I come up with businesses Nearly every day. A million or two That would be my joy Good evening and welcome My name is Del Boy. (to Jakov) I sit and write throughout the day Greeting no one, not even with a: “Hey” I dream of German government, German authority To find work there, that is my priority. A better future awaits for me This is simply not the place to be We’ll meet in Makarska, on the beach I’ll act like a diasporan, out of your reach I’ll think of all of you and the friends we’ve been While I’m waiting for a raise from my boss Nurudin A bookstore or a café, who gives a damn Away from here, out of here, I need to scram!


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JAKOV … I have to leave here immediately! DEL BOY I want to buy you a drink. JAKOV Really? DEL BOY I will offer just once. JAKOV Then I will have a coffee. DEL BOY There’s no tap water. JAKOV Del Boy. DEL BOY I feel stupid saying cheers with coffee. JAKOV I don’t know. A Coke then. DEL BOY I keep forgetting you are still underage. JAKOV How is your Turkish? DEL BOY I switched to Arabic.


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JAKOV How come Arabic? DEL BOY I have a cousin who sold land to some Arabs. I was thinking of suggesting to them to grow quails. I can manage the business. I just can’t speak Arabic. JAKOV Maybe the cousin can. DEL BOY Even his Bosnian is not fluent. JAKOV Maybe they speak English. DEL BOY Of course they do. JAKOV So, what’s the problem? DEL BOY If you speak Arabic they realise you’re into meeting their culture and customs. They are more willing to accept the deal and they pay better. They will buy us all one day. JAKOV What do you know about quails? DEL BOY They lay eggs and their eggs hatch. Enough. JAKOV If you say so. What about that Coke?


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DEL BOY It’s coming. Trust me, this is a winning combination. This time, next year… JAKOV We’ll be millionaires. DEL BOY Why wouldn’t we be? One just needs to try. JAKOV Like the thing with coins? You were looking for old coins. And you only found a mine from World War II. DEL BOY It looked like a large coin. JAKOV You could’ve gotten killed! DEL BOY It was not active. I gave it to a museum. JAKOV Or the cucumbers? DEL BOY Cornichons. They were not pickled well. Too much vinegar. JAKOV The point being that nothing worked so far. DEL BOY You just need to find the right idea.


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JAKOV Fuck it, get real. You will never be a millionaire man, especially not next year. It is a stupid quote from a stupid show. DEL BOY What the fuck is the matter with you? You are pursuing a dream of yours and what? Nobody else is allowed to dream? JAKOV No, it’s just that the dream should be more realistic. DEL BOY And you call yourself an artist. Dream realistically. How do you do that exactly? JAKOV You know what, Del Boy? Forget the Coke. Give me apple juice. DEL BOY Shit, I already opened it. JAKOV Never mind. Cheers. DEL BOY Cheers. See mate, I respect you. JAKOV What? DEL BOY I would like to talk to you. About Masha. JAKOV What about Masha?


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DEL BOY She’s not well. JAKOV Maybe because of her mom. DEL BOY No. You are leaving. We’re all pretending it’s alright. She is pretending it’s alright. But it’s not. You are stalling her off. JAKOV That’s not your business. DEL BOY I am just a friend. JAKOV So, what now? I should stay? For Masha? DEL BOY I didn’t say that. You should go. I am happy for you. Your dream will come true. JAKOV Come with me. DEL BOY You’re fucking with me. JAKOV I am serious. DEL BOY Get lost.


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JAKOV Why not? Because of this hole? Your aunt? Why not? Why? Why? DEL BOY I am not ready. There are things to do. I would have to tell my aunt. I would have to tell the boss. I would need to pack. Besides, I like Sarajevo, I like it here. I am satisfied. JAKOV You are afraid. DEL BOY Stop it. JAKOV Seriously. You are afraid that your dreams will come true there. DEL BOY You are afraid that your dreams will come true here. JAKOV What can come true here? DEL BOY Nothing. JAKOV Let me know if you change your mind.


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8. (Masha, Miki) MASHA I had a dream about my father, Miki. I mean, I did not see his face but I knew it was him, you always know in a dream. I took him over some water, went in front of him, held his hand. I wanted to ask him if he is fine there where he is at and turned around and it was no longer my father. It was Jakov. My feet were cold and I woke up. MIKI And your feet weren’t under the covers. MASHA Right. And the window was open. MIKI Did you tell your mom about the dream? MASHA I stopped telling her things, long ago. I just go home to eat and sleep. MIKI I am sure you have a good reason. MASHA Mom often used to say that I almost died at birth. I was completely blue. She panicked and asked God to save me. I am the living proof of her faith. And her biggest disappointment. MIKI Why?


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MASHA Because I don’t believe in God. MIKI How about love? MASHA What with it. Things will go their way. This nonsense about love dies away until mid-age. You just need to be strong until then. It’s nothing; some twenty years. Burying love consciously, I call that heroism. MIKI Very dramatic. You are enjoying your suffering, in fact. MASHA What else is left for me? My generation is entirely impotent for a revolution. What is left is Germany. MIKI Like Jakov. MASHA Like Jakov. He has this belief in his potential which is shamelessly frank. His escape is an attempt to realise it. But even if he manages to escape, nothing will help him. There are two Sarajevo basins, the one in the head is tricky. Nechko, Del Boy and me are the ship band that played on until the end.


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9. (Masha, Del Boy) MASHA I should not be here at all. DEL BOY Where should you be? MASHA I should be studying. DEL BOY Studying? MASHA School and all. DEL BOY Russian, is it? MASHA Slavic studies. DEL BOY I keep forgetting. MASHA I have an exam in Russian Novel Poetics. I will fail the year again, I feel it. DEL BOY Well, a year more or less, who cares.


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MASHA Explain that to my mother. We already aren’t talking. DEL BOY Take my example. I realised that economics is not my thing. I wasn’t cut out for the system. It killed my creativity. Then I became a freelance entrepreneur. MASHA (laughs) Some entrepreneur we got there. DEL BOY This is just temporary. If you don’t build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs. Bill Gates said that. Did you know that he never graduated from university? The guy just decided one day: I am going to start my business. And bang. He earns the first million, then the second, then the third and so on. The rest is history. He can now give away millions, brag about it; for him a million is like one mark to me. And it all started from a single idea, Masha, a single idea. That’s all I need, just a single idea. (plays music) Come. (silent)



Come. DEL BOY I can’t do this. (they dance)


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10. (Del Boy, Miki) DEL BOY Do you know anything about crystals, Miki? MIKI What crystals? DEL BOY People buy them, crystals, minerals. You are a man of experience. Maybe you know something about them. MIKI That’s what you’d do? DEL BOY Why not? Look at people breeding bees, raspberries, olives, immortelle, lavender, donkeys. They are full of cash. MIKI Would you do anything we could characterise as fair? DEL BOY It is all fair, Miki. It’s capitalism. MIKI Capitalism with a human face. DEL BOY You just need an original idea. Then Del Boy leaves this eminent establishment and opens a pastry shop in the city centre, plants thuja in the garden, they’re in now. Coffee, cake, gentle folk style. No margarine though, just butter. Only organic stuff. Then, you know, I can’t keep eating at my aunt’s forever. Maybe marriage,


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children, you know. Son or daughter, I don’t care at all. But you know, Miki, I don’t know if I am a fair man to the end. Once my aunt talked me into going to Sweden to live off social welfare. And I was into it initially. It can’t really count as being fair. MIKI She came up with that. DEL BOY She did, cross my heart. MIKI And they rejected you. DEL BOY I was too embarrassed to even get to the embassy. (laughs) MIKI You are fair, after all.


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11. (Nechko, Jakov) NECHKO Sit. JAKOV I can’t. NECHKO Why not? JAKOV I just came to… Never mind. NECHKO You really don’t want to be left alone with me. JAKOV It’s not that. NECHKO Then sit. Come on, like we used to. What’s up? JAKOV You know what’s up. I am leaving. NECHKO You want a drink? I am the waiter when Del Boy is not here. JAKOV I will not stay for long. NECHKO Mineral water, maybe.


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NECHKO I am not thirsty with all this water outside. NECHKO I’ll have a beer. JAKOV I was at the cemetery. To see my grandfathers’ graves. Said goodbye, if you wish. It is strange saying goodbye to people you have never met. I told them what I had to say, they didn’t respond. These are some unknown, undocumented lives. Like ours, mine and yours. My grandfather had someone he called “love” or “sugar”, “darling”, “baby”, someone he gave music boxes to, photographs, he had a favourite song or book, he had a handwriting, man, fucking hand-writing. In fifty years, it all goes poof, right into the abyss. Into nothing. It disappears with the people who knew you. NECHKO You had to tell me this. JAKOV I had to tell it to someone. NECHKO And you just happened to find me. JAKOV You know it’s not like that. NECHKO Look at this face, Jakov. JAKOV Your face, what?


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NECHKO This is a face of a man not touched by anything. JAKOV That’s not true. You are just making a drama and seeking attention. NECHKO Well, do I finally have it? JAKOV You do, fuck. Say it. NECHKO Jacob returns from Haran with a flock of sheep ahead of him. JAKOV What does that mean? NECHKO It’s from the Bible. It means you are an asshole. (Jakov takes out a notebook, writes something down and puts it back in his pocket) NECHKO What did you write? JAKOV What do you care. NECHKO Let me see. JAKOV No.


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NECHKO Give it. (they shove each other, Jakov pushes him away) I don’t give a fuck. Everything you write sucks anyways. JAKOV You don’t mean that. NECHKO I do. And that will not change up there. JAKOV You never moved your ass from this hole, how would you know? NECHKO I checked my crystal ball. JAKOV What about really trying? NECHKO What? JAKOV Come with me. NECHKO I will, in case of war. JAKOV I am serious. NECHKO What the fuck should I do up there?


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JAKOV Right. Sit here, take another beer, read Cioran and pity the fact you had been born, while you keep spending your old man’s money. NECHKO I will, you know. JAKOV See you at Double-Trouble.


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12. (Del Boy, Nechko, Masha, Miki) DEL BOY Want coffee? NECHKO You got any alcohol? DEL BOY Isn’t it a bit early? NECHKO I need to straighten up after last night. She slept here? DEL BOY Yes. NECHKO Why? DEL BOY Problems at home, I guess, with her mom. And now this. NECHKO This what? DEL BOY It will be alright. We’ll get used to it. Jakov will come often. We will stay friends. NECHKO We are no friends.


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DEL BOY Did you say that to him? NECHKO What if I did? (bangs Masha’s chair) Good morning! What? You mom kicked you out again? MASHA No. NECHKO What is it then? You two got into a fight? You left demonstratively? You are sleeping in a fucking bar. MASHA Don’t be a dick. NECHKO You know who sleeps in bars? MASHA This has nothing to do with you. NECHKO Is that so? Suddenly, nothing has anything to do with me. DEL BOY Stop it, Nechko, let go. NECHKO You chased Jakov away, your mom too and now you want me gone, don’t you see a pattern there? MASHA What?


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NECHKO We are talking. Did it ever cross your mind that it might be you? That there is a reason people run from you? Mom almost renounced you, for fuck’s sake. Maybe she is right? Maybe you weren’t born for anything. Are you able to see your life as a whole? Where is it heading? What do you want? Fuck, you are a rag. And yes. You cry, I forgot that part. DEL BOY Stop it, Nechko. NECHKO Here is the knight to defend the damsel. A millionaire with monkey’s intelligence. This doesn’t concern you. Or it does, Masha? Maybe it only concerns him. You know why? Because he does not tell you the truth. I am the only one speaking the truth. You are not fine with that so you leave me out. DEL BOY Nobody’s leaving you out, brother, calm down, have a beer. Thinks got disrupted and we are trying to deal with it. NECHKO Nothing got disrupted. Only now we see what kinds of lives you’re leading. DEL BOY It’s enough. NECHKO What are you going to do? You want to hit me? DEL BOY I will not hit you.


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NECHKO Come on, hit me. MASHA Get out. NECHKO Fuck you, both of you. Here is for the beer, keep the change. And clean up this place a bit, it looks like a shack. DEL BOY You have it all and you’re full of shit. If you are pretending to be something you’re not, stop preaching to others. NECHKO When it comes to that, maybe we should stop pretending we’re friends. DEL BOY Then the celebration is off. NECHKO No, no, it’s on. We will celebrate our breakdown.


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INTERMEZZO MIKI Good evening. An Intermezzo was written in this place and I would like to the opportunity to say a few words. In this entire circus I am, as you would put it, the only real character. Miodrag Miki Trifunov, an actor in retirement. So, I am a bit on this side here, and a bit on that side, there. Being retired, I am more on that side. It’s a joke. Let’ get to the point. This little gang around me or, better put, me around them, they are good children. I say children although they may not be by their age, they are children, inside, somewhere deep. Frightened children who cautiously peep behind their frowned faces and cynical smiles. You can see that in the big words they are using, they throw around words such as love, freedom, death, time. Contemplating their huge thoughts, thoughts larger than themselves, about death, soul, past, future. But they are only afraid, of each other, of themselves. And then they hurt each other, hurt themselves. But fuck it. What can you do. Move on. Anyways, nothing much happened in this play, and there is much more not to happen. So, on we go.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS

13. (Nechko, Del Boy, Masha, Jakov, Miki) NECHKO He’s late. MASHA He’s not coming anyway. DEL BOY How do you know? MASHA I know, he’s not. NECHKO He will come. If nothing else, he’ll come for you. MASHA He should come for himself. It’s just that your vain head can’t comprehend that. NECHKO You have a few drinks, the music. The others are drowsy, the lights are dim, he takes your hand and starts the slow dance. He whispers a long-kept thought and you blush. You love him, don’t know how to resist, in any case, you love him. MASHA You are a sadist. DEL BOY Can I say something?


Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS

MASHA What? DEL BOY The man is at the door. JAKOV A full-blown celebration. NECHKO Jacob came down from the hill. No, that was Moses. Fuck it. MASHA Jakov. DEL BOY What? NECHKO It’s from the Bible. MASHA How long have you been standing there? JAKOV Since the sadist. (smile) Del Boy, is he lying?


DEL BOY That’s when he got here. (laughs)


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JAKOV Was there something I was not supposed to hear? MASHA Nechko played Ibrica Jusić. (laughs) JAKOV Happy birthday. NECHKO What is this? JAKOV That’s why I was late. NECHKO Masha though you are not coming. JAKOV No way. This is Double-Trouble. NECHKO Should I open it? JAKOV Open. NECHKO Cigarettes. DEL BOY Cigarillos. Montecristo mate, no joke.


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NECHKO How do you know? DEL BOY My cousin knows this guy who runs a tobacco shop at the airport. NECHKO Thanks, Jakov. JAKOV You’re welcome. DEL BOY What are you drinking? JAKOV Coke. DEL BOY Coke for Jakov. (laughs) JAKOV To Nechko and his birthday. Cheers! ALL Cheers! JAKOV You have to make a toast. DEL BOY No, please. JAKOV There must be a toast.


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NECHKO Well, if there must be. Alright, it all started back in the days when my father was in the Yugoslav National Army… DEL BOY Jakov, fuck man. (laughs) NECHKO No, seriously. I would spare a tear but I have an alarm clock installed instead of a heart. My friends, thank you from the bottom of the heart. Who would I take it out on were it not for you. (applause)


NECHKO But. When we’re at it, there is another reason for this much respected gathering. Jacob, holy Jacob, patriarch Jacob leaves to tilt at windmills, ruffles the destinies and is of diaspora manners. Let us toast to Jacob, who wrestled with God…. MASHA Wait, wait, we have something for you. DEL BOY It’s at the bar. NECHKO Did you sign it? MASHA Yeah.


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NECHKO You Del Boy? Did you put a little X? DEL BOY I will shove a little X up your ass. NECHKO And me. Anyone has a pen? MASHA No. DEL BOY No. NECHKO You don’t have a pen in the bar. How do you write, I don’t know, bills? DEL BOY I remember them. NECHKO Fuck mate, it will have to do without my signature for now. When we come up with a budget for the pen, my name will shine along with these intellectuals. JAKOV Thanks. Thanks, people. NECHKO And now, a toast. Look at that Coke, I will kill myself. So, for Jacob who wrestled with God and…. DEL BOY There’s the old man. Excuse me. An elderly gentleman.


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MIKI Celebrating something? NECHKO My birthday. MIKI Happy birthday. NECHKO Thank you. MIKI Which one is it? NECHKO Twenty-eighth. MIKI Oh, mother. MASHA We are also celebrating Jakov’s departure. MIKI Are departures celebrated? Never heard of it. NECHKO What with the presents, Miki? MIKI As you set out for Ithaka hope your road is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery. Laistrygonians, Cyclops, angry Poseidon—don’t be afraid of them:


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you’ll never find things like that on your way as long as you keep your thoughts raised high, as long as a rare excitement stirs your spirit and your body. Laistrygonians, Cyclops, wild Poseidon—you won’t encounter them unless you bring them along inside your soul, unless your soul sets them up in front of you. Hope your road is a long one. May there be many summer mornings when, with what pleasure, what joy, you enter harbors you’re seeing for the first time; may you stop at Phoenician trading stations to buy fine things, mother of pearl and coral, amber and ebony, sensual perfume of every kind— as many sensual perfumes as you can; and may you visit many Egyptian cities to learn and go on learning from their scholars. Keep Ithaka always in your mind. Arriving there is what you’re destined for. But don’t hurry the journey at all. Better if it lasts for years, so you’re old by the time you reach the island, wealthy with all you’ve gained on the way, not expecting Ithaka to make you rich. Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey. Without her you wouldn’t have set out. She has nothing left to give you now. And if you find her poor, Ithaka won’t have fooled you. Wise as you will have become, so full of experience, you’ll have understood by then what these Ithakas mean.2 Translation by Edmund Keeley: 2


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(applause) Bravo, Miki.


MIKI There, it is a present for both of you. JAKOV Thanks, Miki. NECHKO Thank you, Miki. Bring the man some coffee! To continue with the toast. So. For Jacob, who wrestled with God and won. DEL BOY For Jakov and Germany, the place where Bosnians go when they die. (laughs)


Is there any music? DEL BOY I’ll put some on. Any wishes? NECHKO Only Fools and Horses. DEL BOY How did you come up with that? MASHA Don’t listen to him, Del Boy. DEL BOY I don’t have that one, anyhow. The second wish.


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NECHKO Hookey Street. DEL BOY Mate, that one is unknown even to its authors. Here’s the one. (Something’s Gotten Hold of my Heart by Gene Pitney. Miki dances.) MIKI Cheers! ALL Cheers, Miki! NECHKO Miki, we made a bet on your age. MIKI Are you fucking with me? JAKOV Let’s play a game. MASHA What game? JAKOV It’s called Chinese Roulette. DEL BOY Chinese Roulette, hm. NECHKO Where did that come from?


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JAKOV I saw it in a film. MASHA How do you play? JAKOV We split into two teams. In the film, there were four people in each team, in our case there will be two. Miki, you will be the moderator. MIKI Amen. JAKOV One team selects a person and the second team is trying to guess who it is. They ask questions such as: if that person were a coin or an animal, which one would he or she be. NECHKO For instance, imagine Hitler. JAKOV The person must be in this room. One of us. NECHKO Unbelievable nonsense. JAKOV They all had two questions in the film, that means we have four. And one additional, joint. Nine in all. DEL BOY I like this. Chinese Roulette. MASHA I’m in.


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NECHKO I’m not. DEL BOY Come on, what’s with the attitude. MASHA You dare not? JAKOV He’ll play. MASHA Should we draw the teams? JAKOV No need. Here, me and Del Boy, you and Nechko. And Miki, where is Miki? (laughs) He got bored of us.


DEL BOY He is a giant in human skin, I’m telling you. JAKOV Well, what can be done. Alright, we are thinking of a person. (reaction to the music) JAKOV Let’s start! MASHA What?


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NECHKO You really think this will be a harmless game? MASHA Why not? JAKOV We got it. DEL BOY You can start with the questions. (silent) (silent)


Come on. NECHKO Nothing comes to my mind. MASHA If that person were a unicellular organism. DEL BOY Fuck Masha, I should disqualify myself immediately. MASHA Alright, if that person were a planet, which one would it be? DEL BOY Mars.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS

NECHKO It’s the only one you know. JAKOV Sun. MASHA Sun is not a planet. (laughs) JAKOV That’s the point. NECHKO If that person were a chemical element, which one would it be? DEL BOY You keep insisting on biology. To fuck me. JAKOV Helium. DEL BOY Silver, but the kind that darkens with time. NECHKO I am so bored with this. MASHA If that person were a famous building, which one would it be? JAKOV Leaning Tower of Pisa. DEL BOY The City Hall.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS

NECHKO If that person were a superhero, which one would it be? DEL BOY Wolverine. JAKOV Two Face. NECHKO Wow! MASHA If that person had, but really had to choose one person in this room that will die, who would it be? NECHKO What kind of question is that? MASHA The kind to spice things up. (laughs) JAKOV Jakov. DEL BOY Jakov. NECHKO If that person really badly wanted some other person in this room to die, who would it be? JAKOV Jakov.


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DEL BOY Fuck, I don’t know. NECHKO Del Boy. DEL BOY I don’t know. ALL Del Boy! DEL BOY Alright, Jakov! NECHKO Very interesting. JAKOV Why does it get to you? It’s just a game. MASHA If that person were a colour, which one would it be? NECHKO A stupid question. He wants something else. Would that person want to leave for Germany? JAKOV Yes, certainly. DEL BOY Yes. NECHKO Oh, motherfuckers.


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JAKOV One more question. DEL BOY And the joint one. MASHA Is that person a cunt? JAKOV Definitely. DEL BOY Well, it seems he is. NECHKO You are all scheming against me. JAKOV Clam down. DEL BOY You are being paranoid. NECHKO You want a question? Here is a question. Was this game designed in advance for us to take part in a perversion of some sort which should appear as a version of some truth when in fact it is just a humiliation for all of us? DEL BOY Nechko, you are drunk. NECHKO Answer me, Jakov. I guess it is a rule of the game to give an answer.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS

JAKOV Yeah, it’s mostly as you’ve said. NECHKO You think we are stupid? You think nobody here figured out what you’re trying to do? They all did, but are accepting this and playing fool. Why? Because they’re you friends, for fuck’s sake. A true friend would come, look us in the eyes, and say: fuck it, people, I am leaving, I am sorry. And you are still playing with us. For what? To humiliate us? What makes you different from us? You think you are something special? There is a tonne of those like you where you’re heading. A tonne of more talented, smarter and more special than you. You and your potential. I have potential. We all have potential. Potential is all around and when you accept that, over there will become equally suffocating as this here. In fact, there will be no place on the planet where it will not be suffocating because you will refuse to admit to yourself that you are a mediocrity that only feels a bit more than other mediocrities. MASHA Nechko, it’s enough, stop it. NECHKO Here, the two of you. How long has that been dragging on? There’s the potential, in front of you. You love each other, fuck. We belong together. JAKOV I don’t give a fuck. Do you ever look around yourself? Do you understand where you live? There is no water after midnight, you cannot shit when you want. Around you, villas are emerging of those who have sworn to protect their people while fucking someone else’s and while their brats are running people over in their Audis. The city is full of graduates and intellectuals, while Holy Torabi fills the Olympic Hall Zetra offering his miraculous water. This city is a mausoleum. And you are a part of that mausoleum and you like it. You gave up


Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS

on yourselves. You don’t know what life can be. You are pathetic. You like being dead. You are happy when you feel miserable. That’s us genetically. We enjoy our suffering. We hate the causes of our suffering but they are sacred as they sustain the suffering at such a level that it allows you to be satisfied in it. You are angry at me because I don’t want that. Well, I don’t. I don’t want to rot here with you. NECHKO Jakov, look at me. DEL BOY Nechko. MASHA Don’t. NECHKO Look at me. Don’t go. (silence) Don’t go. Fuck that. (silence). Does it matter so much? That thing, over there? (silence) Don’t go, please. (silence) I love you man. JAKOV I don’t want your love. You have poisoned us all with that love. You would love to stay surrounded by your petrified friends for ages. For us all to end like failures. Like you. (A blow. Del Boy catches Nechko) NECHKO Home. DEL BOY I will take him home. MASHA You chose yourself.


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JAKOV You got that right. MASHA It’s not rocket science. JAKOV Nechko took the bait. MASHA You ruined him. Nechko wanted to hit you. Nechko, to hit you. Now he will keep punishing himself for days. JAKOV He will not even remember. MASHA He fucked up you plan. You did not expect it to fall apart, that’s why you arranged all this, to show us how pathetic we are and how our lives are futile. How dead we are, and you alive. You really think you are the only one boiling something inside? You are blind. You are the biggest cunt here. You are preparing yourself by doing this shit. You are preparing yourself for there by humiliating us. JAKOV I did not want to humiliate you. I wanted to ask you to come with me. MASHA It used to be a peak of happiness to just sit with you like this. You and me. Now I see that it was never about us, only about you. I really loved you. Now you make me sick. JAKOV I’ll make sure I don’t come often.


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14. (Masha, Nechko, Del Boy) MASHA It will flood everything. NECHKO Let the rain fall, wash the insulted souls. DEL BOY I’ve seen some fish jumping around on Titova Street. (laughs)


NECHKO You really arranged me well. DEL BOY Didn’t mean to. NECHKO You don’t have to lie to your folk that you’ve fallen down the stairs. DEL BOY I apologised. NECHKO Will that put my tooth back in place? No. DEL BOY That’s the only reason you’re allowed in this bar. NECHKO I need to find a job.


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DEL BOY A job? NECHKO I need to pay for the dentist. My old man said he will give me no more money. DEL BOY Really? You can’t drink on trust here, just so you know. (laughs) NECHKO The dove seems silent. (silent)


Dove? (silent)


What do I know about love. DEL BOY You say you need a job? NECHKO Not need, want. DEL BOY Why not start the crystal business with me?


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NECHKO What crystals? DEL BOY I told you about it. There are many collectors of those crystals. You can get five or six thousand for a crate. Enough for your teeth. NECHKO It sounds like a Del Boy thing to me. DEL BOY Seriously, mate. They are digging up there close to Fojnica. Ten for the entry to get food and beer. But you must have your own hook. NECHKO What hook? DEL BOY For the crystals. It must be inox. All the regular ones, when they hit a crystal you hear a boom, but the inox one makes a ping. And it does not damage the crystal. NECHKO That’s ultimate nonsense. DEL BOY Buy the hook, you have them in that centre close to the tunnel. We start the day after tomorrow. NECHKO First-class nonsense, but fuck me. I’m in the crystal business. Maybe we get rich. DEL BOY This time, next year, believe me.


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(laughs – exits)


And you? MASHA I can’t hold a shovel. DEL BOY Not that. MASHA Nothing. Graduate. Find a place. (they are silent) DEL BOY Will you go out with me? (laughs)


What’s funny? MASHA (laughs) The lover I have never gotten over goes abroad and leaves me grieving and helpless. And now you want to take his place because my modus is – anything works. DEL BOY It’s not that. MASHA What is it then?


Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS

DEL BOY I am serious. MASHA Wedding, children, etc? DEL BOY What is wrong with that? MASHA Everything is wrong with that. (silent) (silent)


He did not leave. DEL BOY What? MASHA Jakov hadn’t left. Nurudin turned out to be some shady character. He got arrested. Jakov’s permit was revoked. DEL BOY Fucking shit. How do you know? MASHA Doesn’t matter. DEL BOY What is he going to do now?


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MASHA I don’t know. I don’t care. Don’t tell Nechko. He will find out anyways, this is a small town. DEL BOY I won’t. MASHA That’s not the reason I will not go out with you.


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15. (Miki, Jakov) MIKI When I was little, I wanted to fly. I stole an umbrella from my father and climbed the top of a straw stack. Back then, we didn’t have as many umbrellas. When you broke one, you had to get it fixed. So, I took the umbrella up there on the stack, five metres tall, opened it and jumped. And I flew, for three or four second. They hardly fixed me later, I had a hernia surgery plus I got in trouble for the umbrella. JAKOV You took off from the celebration. MIKI The curse of old men is this need to keep intervening. Sometimes, the best thing is to stay away. Did you have fun playing? JAKOV It was a catharsis. MIKI Your friends think you’ve left. JAKOV They will soon find out that I haven’t. But they crossed me out in their heads already. MIKI All of you know a lot about things happening in other people’s heads. JAKOV They gave me Goethe’s Faust. Part two.


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MIKI (laughs) JAKOV Yes. MIKI As far as I remember, there is something about redemption in Part Two. JAKOV Pure rubbish.


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16. (Jakov, Nechko) JAKOV You haven’t signed the book. NECHKO Give it.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS



Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS


Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Benjamin Bajramović was born in 1989 in Zenica. He graduated in 2011 from the Acting Department of the Performing Arts Academy in Sarajevo in the class of Ermin Bravo. His graduate performance 1984 based on the novel by George Orwell was included in the repertoire of Sarajevo War Theatre where it performed until 2014. He worked as a permanent associate of Sarajevo War Theatre for four seasons during which he acted in “It Was a Nice and Sunny Day”, directed by Tanja Miletić Oručević, “The Secret of Raspberry Jam”, directed by Selma Spahić, and “Animal Farm”, directed by Dino Mustafić. In the production of the International Theater Festival – MESS Scene he performed in “What is Europe?” directed by András Urbán, and in Bosnian National Theatre Zenica, he performed in “My Factory” and “Romeo and Juliet”, both directed by Selma Spahić. He took part in the following international co-productions: “Male – Female, Female – Male” authored by Shadow Casters (Croatia), ”Bolero”, directed by Michael Pinchbeck (UK), and “Battlefield Memory” directed by Hans-Werner Kroesinger and Regina Dura (Germany). He is the winner of the best young actor award at the BiH Drama Festival in Zenica for “It Was a Nice and Sunny Day” and co-winner of a number of collective actors’ awards. Ithakas is his first play.


Benjamin Bajramović / ITHAKAS

------------------------------------------------------------------CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji Nacionalna i univerzitetska biblioteka Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo 821.163.4(497.6)-2 BAJRAMOVIĆ, Benjamin Itake / Benjamin Bajramović ; [prijevod na engleski jezik Aida Spahić]. - Sarajevo: Međunarodni teatarski festival - Scena MESS, 2018. - 103, 103 str. ; 19 cm. - (Biblioteka MESS) Nasl. str. prištampanog prijevoda: Ithakas. - Tekst na bos. i engl. jeziku štampan u međusobno obrnutim smjerovima. ISBN 978-9958-506-16-1 COBISS.BH-ID 26678022 -------------------------------------------------------------------


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