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THE SOL eMAGAZINE The SOL eMAGAZINE is produced by the SOL consortium. All articles are written by the SOL partners. The responsibility for all contents and statements made lies with the authors. The eMagazine does not represent the opinion of the European Communities. The project „SOL – Save our Lives“ in the Central Europe Program is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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Picture: FGM-AMOR



A “Strategy for Road Safety” is very relevant

must, as far as possible, be evidence-based,

Welcome to the fourth issue of the SOL project

for all local communities. It must look for-

since “the better the data, the better the

eMagazine. Before this summer, Project Part-

ward and aim to stay relevant for a period of

strategy will be”.

ners carried on a transnational road safety as-

time – around 5 years is usual. The strategy

sessment on their regions:

The data analysis should be as quantitative

tion are most important. The strategy needs

With these data we have now elaborated strategies

as possible and identify the most important

to remember that any interventions must be

and Action Plans for our Communities, supported

risk factors, which then need to be consi-

acceptable to and preferably actively wanted

by all the relevant national, regional and local stake-

dered in terms of solutions and the cost of

by the local communities. Local media can

holders. These should be inspirational, motivating,

achieving the benefits.

be a vital stakeholder in getting local sup-

and will get local commitment for road safety im-

The aim of the strategy is to ensure, as far


provements. In the current issue of the newsletter,

as possible, that the actions proposed are

With the Action Plans PPs can better define

you can also learn more about our Italian Lead part-

part of an optimised road safety interventi-

the content, timing and objectives of their pi-

ner ALOT, the Agency of East Lombardy for Trans-

on programme that gives the best value for

lot projects in each communities. The Action

port and Logistics, created in 2008 by the provinces

money. The strategy must be supported by

Plan set the Risk factor, the main measures

of Brescia, Bergamo, Cremona and Mantova for the

all the relevant stakeholders. It should be

to be carried out, the location and the stake-

improvement of mobility in their territories, and the

inspirational, motivating, and get local com-

holders involved by the pilot and finally the

Pilot Areas of Brescia and Mantova, located in the

mitment for road safety improvements. The

measuring instruments (KPI).

Eastern part of Lombardy Region.

attitudes and behaviours of the local popula-

Enjoy reading

Alberto Milotti Project Manager SOL

D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 1 ISSUE No. 04



Thanks to recent efforts involv‑ ing the media, there is recogni‑ tion by the legislation that soci‑


Road safety is all about people, their attitudes

changing attitudes is the media and it is often

and behaviours. Changing people’s attitudes and

the most underrated road safety measure. Good

behaviours is difficult, but it can be done. Our ob-

press coverage can raise awareness of the road

jective is to make people aware of the dangers

safety problems and energise local communities

and to act more responsibly. Our biggest ally in

to demand something be done about it.

One good example is Slovenia where the national

from stakeholders about high risk roads and pos-

SOL partner AMZS has established an active part-

sible solutions. Now EuroRAP recommendations

ety suffers tremendous losses

nership with the media. They work closely with

have been integrated into the national road safety

when such cases go unresolved

journalists on the national, regional and commu-

programme including very concrete improvement

for years, legislation has been

nity levels. Here they share a common objective

activities. In regards to SOL, the media has helped

changed and discussions are

– the prevention of road crash death and injury

to reach and involve more organisations and peo-

underway to bring court practic‑

in Slovenia. The role of the media partners is to

ple in community road safety efforts. With road

es inline with international good

communicate with the public and mobilise support

victims, the media has helped to mobilise public


for road safety, and they do this with enthusiasm.

support for reducing the amount of time required

Most recently they have extended this partnership

to resolve a case in the court system, in which a

to include cooperation on programmes such as

person was killed or seriously injured. Previously

EuroRAP, SOL and improving the efficiency of the

such cases often took 5-10 years to resolve. Af-

justice system with road victim organisations as

ter involving the media, the legislation recognised

Zavod Varna Pot. The results have been impressive.

that society suffers tremendous losses when such

In EuroRAP, the media partners shared messages

cases go unresolved for years.

MINIS T E R S O F H E A LT H A P P R OV E A CTION PLAN TO REDUC E T R A F F IC I N J U R I E S I N T H E USA Ministers of health of the Americas have ap-

cause of death to children aged 5 to 14 in the

proved a new plan of action on road safety de-

hemisphere and the second-leading cause of

signed to prevent traffic injuries, the leading

death for people aged 15 to 44.

The plan was approved during the 51st Directing

• Implement measures to reduce risk factors

Council meeting of the Pan American Health Or-

including speed; use of alcohol, drugs, and other

ganization (PAHO) this week. It calls on countries

psychoactive substances; and distractions.

to update legislation to address the principal

Recommended measures include speed limits,

risk factors of traffic injuries: excessive speed,

stipulations on the legally allowable blood alco-

alcohol consumption, and the use of seat belts,

hol levels for drivers, and bans on driving while

helmets, and child restraints. Other priority ac-

under the influence of psychoactive substances.

tions include promoting policies on public and

• Increase the use of protective equipment,

nonmotorised transportation, improving pre-

particularly helmets, seat belts, and child safety

hospital care services for the injured as well as


urban and road infrastructure, and encouraging

• Ensure the availability of organized and inte-

industry to adopt technical inspection systems

grated pre-hospital care services for victims of

for all vehicles in circulation to ensure compli-

road traffic injuries.

ance with safety standards.

• Improve the quality of data on road traffic in-

juries. Of these deaths, 39% oc‑

In the USA, 80% of road traffic victims are

cidents to provide better information on victims,

cur among pedestrians, cyclists,

males. Each year, traffic accidents cause some

crash determinants, environmental factors, and

and motorcyclists, while 47%

140,000 deaths and 5 million injuries. Of these

victim outcomes.

are motor vehicle occupants.

deaths, 39% occur among pedestrians, cyclists,

• Improve transit infrastructure to increase

and motorcyclists, while 47% are motor vehicle

safety for all users of urban roads and highways,

occupants. In addition to making victims and

particularly pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcy-

their families suffer, traffic crashes are a major


burden on health services and cause economic

• Create or strengthen a technical inspection

costs for society as a whole. Traffic injuries cost

system for all vehicles in circulation, including

the United States an estimated US$99 million

two- and three-wheel vehicles. At the same

THEandScost O LBrazil W Esome B SUS$10 I T E million an(2005)

In the USA, 80% of road traffic victims are males. Each year, traffic accidents cause some 140,000 deaths and 5 million in‑

time, encouraging industry to bring their safety

nually, representing about 1.2% of the country’s

standards into line with the recommendations of

gross domestic product.

Member States.

The PAHO road safety plan approved this week

PAHO was established in 1902 and works with

proposes a series of actions for countries to car-

all the countries of the Americas to improve the

ry out over the next five years, including:

health and quality of life of the people of the

• Appoint a government advisory committee or

Americas. It also serves as the Regional Office

other lead agency responsible for multisectoral

for the Americas of the World Health Organiza-

coordination of measures to promote road safe-

tion (WHO).

ty, with special focus on national plans for the Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020).


D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 1 ISSUE No. 04

Picture: FGM-AMOR


One of ALOT’s primary objective is to develop new infrastructure and transport services and im‑


ALOT, the Agency of East Lombardy for

the improvement of mobility at all. It has

Transport and Logistics, was founded in

been planned as a developer and manager

2008 by the provinces of Brescia, Bergamo,

of projects for sustainable mobility on a lo-

Cremona and Mantova for the promotion of

cal and European level, through skills and

local infrastructure, logistics and transport

knowledge transfer on a local, inter-regional

services in Eastern Lombardy as well as for

and transnational level.

One of ALOT’s primary objectives is to develop

campaigns in road safety activities as well as

new infrastructure and transport services and im-

the strengthening of relationships with the main

plement effective action plans,

plement effective action plans, through a dialogue

stakeholders in the process of road safety devel-

through a dialogue among Ad‑

among Administrations, industrial/transport com-

opment in East Lombardy.

ministrations, industrial/trans‑

panies and operators.

The main strategic functions are the development

port companies and operators.

The company focuses on the creation of a knowl-

of innovative technological and operative solutions

edge base for freight transport and local mobility

to promote the modal shift and the road traffic re-

and its aim is also to support and release the best

duction; the promotion and diffusion of logistics

initiatives in the field of mobility and transport, in

competences in the four provinces; the realisa-

order to create a real culture in the local produc-

tion of different international projects to achieve

tion area. Road safety is one of the areas of activ-

an increase of knowledge and doing something

ity of ALOT, with specific focus on safety in public

concrete in mobility, safety, environment protec-

transport and on heavy vehicles: main objectives

tion, and other topics connected to transports and

are the increase of the involvement of promotion


THE S O L P I L OT A R E A S : B R E S C I A A ND MANTOVA The Province of Brescia, with a population of

in line with the EU 2010 Objective. In the case

1.100.000 inhabitants, 206 local municipali-

of the Province of Brescia efforts have to be in

ties and six mountain communities is one of

line with a broader vision of the mobility sys-

the largest in Italy and it is also one of the few

tem, focusing on the revitalisation of the public

Provinces that managed to halve road deaths

transport system.

The attention is given to the training of drivers in

reducing road accidents. In order to accomplish

public transport and on increasing the safety of

this objective black spots have been monitored

the bus stops along two test-lines. The campaign

and studied along provincial roads. Interven-

will integrate road safety inspections of bus stops

tions were planned in line with existing provincial

with awareness raising of dangerous situations

plans. The Province has been committed to road

involving different road users in proximity of

safety since many years by means of planning

dedicated bus stops. Issues concerning vehicle

and implementation of pilot actions and aware-

safety (alcohol locks or other devices) and work

ness raising prevention campaigns aimed at

related road safety could also be under examina-

creating a culture of road safety that will raise

tion. The pilot will be focused on infrastructural

users’ awareness of road risks. The Province has

issues and on the safety role that a correct loca-

also undertaken several initiatives of prevention,

tion and design of bus stops and of related pe-

information and enforcement for reducing ac-

destrian ways can play in the whole transporta-

cidents involving heavy good vehicles. Special

tion network.

attention is given to the improvement of truck

The province of Mantua has been characterized

drivers’ behavior and to enhancing road safety by

for a long time by its focus on sustainable mobil-

preventing dangerous situations involving trucks

ity, the transport of goods and the objective of

especially in the surroundings of urban areas.

Picture: A.L.O.T.

Picture: A.L.O.T.

THE P I L OT A R E A S O F T H E P R O J E C T SOL The project SOL shall help to prevent road


crashes, deaths and injuries in the Central Europe

• Poland: Olsztyn, Barczewo, Nidzica

Space (CEUS). In 12 pilot areas of the 7 countries

• Czech Republic: Region of Liberec

Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slo-

• Slovakia: City of Prešov and Region of Prešov

venia, Italy and Austria targeted strategies will be

‑ Selfgovernment County

developed implementing effective programmes to

• Hungary: City of Gyor

build a transnational road safety network. Find

• Slovenia: Tolmin, Kočevje and Maribor

detailed informations to all pilot areas on the

• Italy: Province of Brescia and Mantua

website of SOL:

• Austria: Province of Styria








The SOL Countries


D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 1 ISSUE No. 04

S O L – A C O MPREHENSIVE ROAD SAFETY STRATEGY F O R C E N T R AL EUROPE The main goal of the project is to promote

shift from the private car to public transport.

sustainable mobility and increase awareness

SOL unites some of the most competent RS or-

for safety issues as well as contributing to the

ganisations from CEUS and worldwide, among

achievement of higher quality of living condi-

them the Global Road Safety Patnership (GRPS).


The multi-sector partners from eight countries

The approach of SOL sees Road-Safety within

of CEUS have jointly developed a strategy that

the context of sustainable mobility, i.e. to make

supports the region in catching up with highest

walking and cycling safe and to promote a modal

EU standards in Road Safety.

1 2 P R O J E C T PARTNERS FROM 8 COUNTRIES OF C E N T R A L E UROPE A.L.O.T. Agency of East Lombardy for Transport and Logistics (Italy)

University of Zilina (Slovakia)

Austria Mobility Research FGM-AMOR (Austria)

Global Road Safety Partnership Hungary (Hungary)

Province of Styria – Traffic Department (Austria)

KTI Institute for Transport Sciences (Hungary)

University of Tuebingen, Institute of Geography (Germany)

Automobile Association of Slovenia (Slovenia)

HBH Projekt spol. s r.o. (Czech Republic)

ZAS – The Association of the Driving Schools in the Slovak Republic (Slovakia)

ITS Motor Transport Institute (Poland)

WORD Olsztyn organization (Poland)

Imprint: Texts: Alberto Milotti, A.L.O.T.; Robert Štaba, AMZS Slovenia and Chris Lines, GRSP; WHO,; Volker Hoffmann, FGM-AMOR Design by FGM-AMOR

The project „SOL – Save our Lives“ in the Central Europe Program is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


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