USER AND DE MO GR APHI CS Who is Our Client?
Site context The Juilliard School An internationally renowned college covering drama, music, and dance schools
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Facilities for prestigious cultural organizations such as the Metropolitan Opera or New York City Ballet
Fordham University Lincoln Center John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Restaurant Row Ninth Avenue is noted for many ethnic restaurants and its monthly International Food Festival Cultural | Theaters, Art Galleries, Music
Public Parks
Food and Drink
Higher Education
Demographics and Gentrification of Hell's Kitchen % of total neighborhood population
Development pressures to redefine the negative reputation of Hell’s Kitchen
Rent Burden Rate When a household spends more than 50% of their income on rent
Average rent increase of 5% each year since 2010
6.1% 11.5%
25 - 44 Working Class
65+ Elderly
0-17 Youth
Age range
New high-rise residential blocks transforming the low-rise scale of the neighborhood
Community displacement + closure of small businesses
Income diversity ratio is increasing. From 7.2 in 2006 to 9.7 in 2018 7% of total population uses food stamps 2.6% of total population live in temporary shelters Small, struggling local businesses
Local artists and performers practicing and promoting their work Blue and white collar workers wanting to collaborate and socialise in a community friendly space Educational field trips from nearby schools and colleges Abundance of tourists and statewide visitors in nearby districts
(All data from sources updated in 2018)