Issue 05 - Fierce Truths Magazine

Page 9

Ge t mo re act ive

Try saying 'Yes' more

You r bod y nee ds to feel adv ent ure , too ! Wh en you get you r bod y mov ing, esp ecia lly whe n you are tr ying new acti vitie s, you will feel a sur ge of adr ena line and end orp hins . Pus hing you r phy sica l bou nda ries can mak e you feel mor e adv ent uro us.

When you are faced with moments of indecisio n when somethin g feels like it could be fun or exciting but you are a little scared or ner vous, tr y to push through those feelings and say ‘yes’ to new experien ces. It will increase your conf idence.

Get closer to nature Sleeping in a tent under the stars can awaken that deep sense of belongin g and oneness with the universe . This awakens our soul and is what adventur es are made of. Visit a forest, swim in a lake, spend a day at the beach. Spending regular time in nature can reset your clock, in a good way.

Seek new know ledge Seek new knowle dge – Activel y challen ge your though ts and beliefs . Look for new perspe ctives. Read about topics that interes t and excite you. Engage in deep conver sations with others about things you feel passio nate about. By keepin g yourse lf open and recept ive to new ideas, you are nur turing the advent urer in you.

Li fe is an ad ve nt ur e. G et ti ng m ar ri ed an d ra is in g a fa m il y is an ad ve nt ur e, bu il di ng yo ur ow n bu si ne ss an d m ak in g a na m e fo r yo ur se lf is an ad ve nt ur e. Ad ve nt ur e, in a nu ts he ll , m ea ns to se iz e op po rt un it ie s w it h en th us ia sm , pa ss io n an d pl ea su re .

Carpe Diem

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