Magazine FIESTAS November 2020 Edition has arrived!.

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Frank Mareno

Editor & Chief



FOTO PORTADA Photo by Digital Special final year edition.

Frank Mareno Dirección General Mirna Ruiz Gerente General Johanna Peralta Publicidad Digital

Special final year edition

Julio C. Zilleruelo Periodista Sonia Roca Coordinación Eventos Simon Bechara Andre Azuluza Walter Bartomeus Danilo Balderrama Antonio Terceros Luis Carlos Duarte Lili Iravani Fotografías

Magazine Fiestas Magazine. Fiestas Magazine Fiestas FIESTAS Magazine se publica 4 veces al año por PUBLISHING CAPITAL GROUP Washington DC USA: Todo el material es protegido y todos los derechos reservados. Ninguna parte de esta publicación se puede reproducir sin el permiso escrito de los dueños de los derechos. Todos los precios y datos son correctos al momento de publicación. Las opiniones expresadas en FIESTAS Magazine no asume responsabilidad por contenidos publicitarios. El dueño de cualquier imagen suministrada asume todo el riesgo por la misma.


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Pág. 10

Power is at your fingerprints

Pág. 12-13

The rise of the Digital Age.

Pág. 14-15

Physical Health.

Pág. 16-17

Save Money.

Pág. 19-20 Travel SAFE.

Pág. 21-22

Online Jobs Interview.

Pág. 23-24 Protect your Company.


Pág. 26-27 Fashion pandemic.

Pág. 35-48 Wonder Woman Origen. 8





v Voting



Special Report











1/Learn to lift weights so you can pick up heavy, every day, household objects with ease. Like a big bag of potatoes, move small to medium sized furniture, without asking for help. Or picking up your favorite toddler to hug.



Reasons to stay in shape year round at every age.


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If you need help, you can contact me. I do online consults to point you in the right direction and coaching to help you get started no matter where you live.


4/You look good in pictures. No more hiding behind other people or objects to make yourself look smaller. You not only look good in the mirror but you look good to other people. Compliments are especially nice.


5/ You can try to do things you never cared to do when you were younger, and now you do it with ease. Rope climbing, swim longer distances, jogging or biking.


6/ You can actually eat more. Once you stick to a good, lean, diet plan for awhile, and it’s working for you. You will find you can eat more of the leaner foods. And every so often get away with splurging on something rich and not have it effect your weight. Or, even help you drop weight if you are at a platue. FIESTASMAGAZINE





3 ways to can

By Jazmin Fox













Pandemic Age

By Tara Parker










What Happe York’s Pandemic Fa 26



ened at New s First ashion Show? By Jessica Testak



Jason Wu tests out the runway’s new normal.





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Bolhispania Turismo y Cultura Cbba. El tamarindo Rest. Salvadorian Chamber Selma Moreno design Las Lomas Hostal Carnaval Barranquilla Love Paraguay Rest. Taquito Mexicano GOSS Rest. Universidad Unicen Lopez & Company Festival Argentino Clinica Dental Olivera WRealty Cosmos Travel Lusmary Rest. Dermamedic Oasys Realty Latin Palace Arcos Rest Teatro de la Luna The Library Lounge La Tasca Valparaiso Eterno Yorktown Bistro Victor’s Grill Terra Mare Rest. La Rumba Sport Bar La Rumba Costa Verde Bravo Bravo K.G.B Home Imrovement IMA Academia de Ingles Mariano Claudio Ana Maria Onaga El Tio Rest. Rincon Espanol Eagle Communications EL Sabroso Rest. Dr Super Life Nu Vision Optical DC List Sarita’s Rest DJ Kike

Big Loui La Fianza Sky Gold Café Citron Andres McAlister Rock Bottom OMB Wireless OK Productions El Pique Rest Salsa Fuego Applebee’s Fast Eddie’s F.U.R. Disco Club Teatro Gala La Palapa Grill Ultra Bar San Antonio Rest El Pique Rest El Puerto Rest RR Communications Torino Auto Body Mariachi Aguila DC United Los Rumberos Aguilas del Sur Mariachi Bill Page Honda Cedar Knoll Rest. El Eden Supermercado Caribean Breeze La Vegas Nigth Club Rivera’s Rest. Update Latina Duarte Foto Video A&F Foto Estudio Tu Ayuda Multiservices Fairfax Realty Lollicup Psychic Studio Tremendo Towing Continental Movers El Pollo Rey Grill El Gran Palenque Islas Rest. El Cusco Rest. Estevez Associates Iguana Cantina Psychic Ms Rosa Dancing Whit Grace Llajtaymanta Rest. Lovely Improvements Marvelous Maids Rio Bravo Rest.

Art Portfolio

Photo: Frank Mareno Model: Diana Antelo


Costume psychology and origin Psicología del disfraz y origen

A costume is a clothing that is used to pretend that its wearer is a different person than it really is. In this way, someone can dress up for fun, to play a joke, to perform a theatrical performance or in the context of carnival. In some shows, the costume has a relevant role (for example, in the world of the circus or in the show of transformism). In any of its possibilities, the costume has a playful and entertainment-oriented sense. However, this general trend has some exceptions (there are thieves who disguise themselves as part of the strategy to steal). - The carnival During the carnival the costume takes on a symbolic significance. In the Christian tradition, carnival is celebrated before Lent, a time of purification and spiritual reflection. For some anthropologists this has a meaning: carnival is a time of joy and festivity that precedes the period of recollection. The celebration has its origin in the pagan festivities of antiquity, especially among the Romans who honored the god Bacchus with festive and playful meetings.

tirse, para gastar una broma, para realizar una representación teatral o en el contexto del carnaval. En algunos espectáculos, el disfraz tiene un papel relevante (por ejemplo, en el mundo del circo o en el espectáculo del transformismo). En cualquiera de sus posibilidades, el disfraz posee un sentido lúdico y orientado al entretenimiento. Sin embargo, esta tendencia general tiene alguna excepción (hay ladrones que se disfrazan como parte de la estrategia para robar). - El carnaval Durante el carnaval el disfraz adquiere una significación simbólica. En la tradición cristiana el carnaval se celebra con anterioridad a la cuaresma, un tiempo de purificación y de reflexión espiritual. Para algunos antropólogos esto tiene un significado: el carnaval es un momento de alegría y de festividad que precede al periodo de recogimiento. La celebración tiene su origen en las festividades paganas de la antigüedad, en especial entre los romanos que honraban al dios Baco con reuniones festivas y lúdicas.

From a psychological analysis perspective, dressing up can be understood as more than just a hobby, as it is probably a way of hiding who we are or communicating who we would like to be. It could also be valued as a means of escape or evasion or even as a defense mechanism (someone who is criticized for his homosexuality may decide to disguise himself as a woman in order to adopt a position that counteracts the criticism he receives).

Desde una perspectiva de análisis psicológico, el hecho de disfrazarse puede entenderse como algo más que un simple pasatiempo, pues probablemente es una manera de ocultar quiénes somos o de comunicar quiénes desearíamos ser. Se podría valorar igualmente como una vía de escape o de evasión o incluso como un mecanismo de defensa (alguien que es criticado por su homosexualidad puede decidir disfrazarse de mujer para adoptar una postura que contrarreste las críticas que recibe).

- Since prehistory If one takes into account the way in which our ancestors dressed and camouflaged in prehistoric times, it could be said that they were already using disguises at that time. Even much later there is evidence that the Sumerians already used paintings and masks in order to drive away evil spirits. And that’s not to mention how the Greeks used masks ...

- Desde la prehistoria Si se tiene en cuenta el modo en que se vestían y camuflaban nuestros antepasados en épocas prehistóricas, se podría decir que ya por entonces utilizaban disfraces. Incluso mucho más tarde se tiene constancia de que los sumerios ya empleaban pinturas y máscaras con el objetivo de ahuyentar los espíritus malvados. Y eso por no hablar de cómo los griegos utilizaban máscaras…

However, costumes began to become popular in ancient Rome, since during the celebration of Saturnalia, festivals in which all kinds of excesses were allowed, many citizens - especially those who had to safeguard their reputation - hid behind of disguises with the objective that nobody would recognize them while they gave themselves to all kinds of riot. Un disfraz es una vestimenta que se utiliza para simular que su portador es una persona distinta a la que es en realidad. De esta manera, alguien se puede disfrazar para diver-

Sin embargo, los disfraces comenzaron a popularizarse en la antigua Roma, ya que durante la celebración de las Saturnales, fiestas en las que se permitían todo tipo de excesos, muchos ciudadanos --sobre todo los que debían salvaguardar su reputación-- se ocultaban detrás de disfraces con el objetivo de que nadie les reconociera mientras se daban a todo tipo de desmadres.

Photo: Frank Mareno Model: Diana Antelo

Wonder Woman is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character is a founding member of the Justice League. The character first appeared All Star Comics #8 in October 1941 with her first feature in Sensation Comics #1 in January 194 The Wonder Woman title has been published by DC Comics almost continuously except for a br hiatus in 1986.[3] In her homeland, the island nation of Themyscira, her official title is Princess Dia of Themyscira. When blending into the society outside of her homeland, she sometimes adopts h civilian identity Diana Prince. Wonder Woman was created by the American psychologist and writer William Moulton Marston (p name: Charles Moulton), and artist Harry G. Peter. Marston's wife, Elizabeth, and their life partne Olive Byrne, are credited as being his inspiration for the character's appearance.Marston's comic featured his ideas on DISC theory, and the character drew a great deal of inspiration from early feminists, and especially from birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger; in particular, her piece "Wom and the New Race". Wonder Woman's origin story relates that she was sculpted from clay by her mother Queen Hippo and was given a life to live as an Amazon, along with superhuman powers as gifts by the Greek gods. In recent years, DC changed her background with the retcon that she is the daughter of Ze

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and Hippolyta, jointly raised by her mother and her aunts Antiope and Menalippe. The character has changed in depiction over the decades, including briefly losing her powers entirely in the late 1960s; by the 1980s, artist George Perez gave her an athletic look and emphasized her Amazonian heritage. She possesses an arsenal of magical items, including the Lasso of Truth, a pair of indestructible bracelets, a tiara which serves as a projectile, and, in older stories, a range of devices based on Amazon technology. Wonder Woman's character was created during World War II; the character in the story was initially depicted fighting Axis military forces as well as an assortment of colorful supervillains, although over time her stories came to place greater emphasis on characters, deities, and monsters from Greek mythology. Many stories depicted Wonder Woman rescuing herself from bondage, which defeated the "damsels in distress" trope that was common in comics during the 1940s. In the decades since her debut, Wonder Woman has gained a cast of enemies bent on eliminating the Amazon, including classic villains such as Ares, Cheetah, Doctor Poison, Circe, Doctor Psycho, and Giganta, along with more recent adversaries such as Veronica Cale and the First Born. Wonder Woman has also regularly appeared in comic books featuring the superhero teams Justice Society (from 1941) and Justice League (from 1960).

Wonder Woman embajadora de Naciones Unidas La ONU elige a la superheroína de DC para "luchar por la igualdad y dar poder a las mujeres" La igualdad ha llegado antes al mundo de los superhéroes que a las Naciones Unidas. En 2017, una superheroína protagonizará por fin su propia película: Wonder Woman llegará en junio a las salas con el mismo nivel de puñetazos, efectos especiales y acción a los que tienen derecho sus homónimos masculinos Batman y Superman. La ONU, mientras tanto, sigue sin elegir a una mujer para su puesto más importante: el de secretaria general. Para compensar, la organización internacional ha tenido que dirigirse al mundo de los cómics para hallar a su nueva embajadora animada. Wonder Woman será también quien luche en el mundo real para “lograr la igualdad de género y dar poder a las mujeres y niñas a lo largo del mundo”, anticipa en una nota de prensa de la ONU. El anuncio se hará oficial en una ceremonia el próximo 21 de octubre, fecha en la que la princesa amazona Diana, que también es embajadora de su isla en las viñetas, celebrará, además, su 75º aniversario. Y es que la heroína de DC cómics creada por William Moulton Marston, su esposa Elizabeth Holloway y el dibujante H.G. Peter es incluso más antigua que la ONU. Su inspiración fue entonces ese feminismo todavía incipiente y, en particular, la pionera de los métodos anticonceptivos Margaret Sanger. La heroína tirará de su lazo dorado para que aquellas mismas ideas sobre igualdad se sigan oyendo hoy. Su imagen será distribuida por las redes sociales de Naciones Unidas para promover mensajes contra la violencia de género y a favor de la participación de las mujeres en la vida pública. Algo que precisamente se le ha achacado a la ONU en la elección del ex primer ministro portugués António Guterres como su nuevo secretario general. La ceremonia en la sede neoyorquina contará además de con el secretario general saliente, Ban Ki-moon, y con la presidenta de DC Entertainment, Diane Nelson, con varios “invitados especiales”. Ya se especula con que allí estarán muy posiblemente las dos mujeres reales, estas sí, que han hecho a Wonder Woman famosa entre el público general: Lynda Carter, rostro de la serie de los setenta que ahora se deja ver como presidenta de EE UU en la serie de televisión Supergirl, y Gal Gadot, actriz responsable del personaje actual, que debutó en Batman v Superman y que mantendrá el personaje en Justice League tras capitanear una película propia dirigida por Patty Jenkins y que le acercará hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial. Lo que no sabemos todavía es si llevarán mallas y diadema, ni si viajarán en un avión invisible.

Art Portfolio


During these strange days, a lot has been said and written about the importance –even the necessity– of art amidst this sanitary, social, and economic crisis. A quick reading through newspapers and magazines, both national and international, leads to boastful, demanding, and glib phrases. “The artists are the only ones who cannot be silenced”, “art will save us”, or the headline “The art standing up to Coronavirus.” Furthermore, it is interesting to note that the vast majority of people who make those statements are not artists. How did we get to the point where we demand so much? How did we imagine that a very informal sector could “stand up to” a virus?


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