MIGHTY Magazine 73nd issue captures the dazzling magic of winter in this expansive edition.

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Interview with Rosita Hurtado The successful designer who has dressed several Miss Universe titleholders. Maria N. Sinnott Fashion designer jewelry S onia Garbarino Beacon of art and style design.
The Invisible Art of Fashion Madrid contemporary fashion and dance.

Evermarine can help you through the entire journey of purchasing a new or pre-owned yacht. Want to upgrade? Evermarine can help you sell your existing boat, too!

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Madrid Fashion Show page. 16-17

CHERRY ZOOM page. 18-19

Luxury Cars page. 22-23

Contributors page. 24-25

Interviews ZoomCherry page. 30-31

Sonia Garbarino page. 30-35

Male Adonis page. 36-39

The Jewelry Captivation page. 45-46 January/February

2024 Edition



Designer: Odette Alvarez

Clothing Brand: www.wearespastor.com

Photographer: @pablopaniagua

Location: @centroculturalcondeduque

Staff FEBRUARY 2024 ISSUE # 73 Frank Mareno Editor in Chief Cleusa Santos Editor/Miami
Griffitt Fashion Writer
McGinn Editor/Proofreader
Dorce Public Affairs Advisor
Manbru Beauty Advisor
Foster Content Specialist
N. Sinnott Asst. Artist Designer
C. Zilleruelo Journalist
White Events New York EUROPE
Lopez Events Madrid - Spain
C. Events Paris- France
MacCloude Events London - UK Photographers Lamine Hamdad Adriana Escalante
Cosing Follow us ! Magazine.Mighty Magazine Mighty Mighty Magazine MIGHTY Magazine is published 4 times a year by Publishing CAPITAL GROUP Washington DC USA: The logo MIGHTY and all the material is protected. All rights are reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the owners of the rights. All the prices and data are correct to the time of publication. The opinions expressed in MIGHTY Magazine are held only by the contributors. MIGHTY Magazine assumes no responsibility for advertising content. The owner of any images supplied assumes the risk. WASHINGTON DC U.S.A

Editor’s Letter

MIGHTY Magazine 73nd issue captures the dazzling magic of winter in this expansive edition. Our magazine will be distributed in Miami with the new editor, Cleusa Santos, and the new team of professionals who will give us the best in fashion, interviews, and lifestyle. Subscribe and let’senjoy the journey! We welcome our sponsors, who help us move forward.@Thematherstysons @beyondstudiousa @evermarine.com @concaly @bmwfairfax @shinyclean @prenzyb @litbitposh @soniagarbarino @donnamcginnphysique.ifbb @theariesrise @jmcabreagui, Elizabeth Realtor Siloe Decorations, Spa World and and www.soniasroyalbeauty.com.

Consider reading “MIGHTY” lifestyle magazine, travel and tourism edition 73 winter deluxe. Our magazine is written for enthusiastic fashionistas, as well as seasonal and year-round travelers. Our reporter, Alessandra Griffitt, has a keen eye for insider information, engaging photography and literary editorial content. MIGHTY staff travel the world in search of must-see remote destinations offering international events in Europe Paris - France, Milan- Italy and Madrid - Spain Fashion Week.

Frank Mareno

Editor & Chief

8 february2024


“The Invisible Art of Fashion”

Photographer: Pablo Paniagua #mypictureyourhistory @pablopaniagua

Fashion Designers: Garcia Madrid @GarciaMadrid Daniel Chog @danielchong_brand

Models: Romeo Morales @Rome_mm

Lucia Olaizola @lucyolaizola

Stylist: Sergio Eiris @bell_oart

Hair: @YosBaute

Make up: @GoyoAcevedo

Location : Madrid - Spain @centroculturacondeduque

This creative concept marks the programming that, with the presentation of the unpublished, reviewed and ongoing collections of 28 designers, will bring Spanish designer fashion to theaters, art galleries, ateliers, squares and representative places.

Cleusa Santos


Sou Cleusa Santos, nasci no sul do Brasil, escolhi os EUA como minha segunda casa, sou apaixonada pela alta costura e pelo mundo da moda, já faz 3 anos que participo do melhor da moda desfiles no sul de Miami e também organizando desfiles de moda com nossa agência JLC Model Management. Nesta oportunidade tenho o prazer de anunciar minha posição como Editora de Moda para a cidade de Mami e todo o estado da Flórida, e tenho o prazer de oferecer o melhor da moda eventos, entrevistas com celebridades, turismo de espetáculos e a melhor gastronomia em cada edição da nossa revista internacional MIGHTY.

I’m Cleusa Santos. Born in the south of Brazil, I chose the USA as my second home. I’m passionate about haute couture and the world of fashion. It’s been 3 years since I’ve been participating in the best fashion shows in South Miami and also organizing fashion shows with our agency, JLC Model Management. In this opportunity I am pleased to announce my position as fashion editor for the city of Miami and the entire state of Florida, and I am delighted to offer the best fashion events, celebrity interviews, show tourism and the best gastronomy in each edition of our international magazine, MIGHTY.

Photographer : Jean Pablo Vialle @jeanpablophoto Fashion Designer : Odalys Marino (@odalysmarino)

Make up : @joice.wo Herreira Fashion Jewelry @herreirajoias

Hair style: Lincoln Cruvinel #LuxxyHair



1.- MM: How do you describe yourself as an artist?

As an artist, I’m versatile because I’m passionate about animation, acting, modeling, and voiceover. I’ve developed and dedicated myself to each of these areas at different times.

2.- MM: How do you feel about your career?

I feel fulfilled because it has brought me so much joy. Through my work, I’ve had the opportunity to visit many countries and meet wonderful people, leading to incredible moments.

3.- MM: How do you feel about being a public figure?

It’s always been a responsibility because many people are watching what you do and emulating the example you set. That makes you have to think carefully about everything you’re going to do or say.

4.- How do you balance your personal and professional life?

It comes naturally to me because my family has always supported me. They understand my world perfectly, and they love it so that makes everything integrate perfectly/seamlessly.

5.- MM: Do you think your success is more due to your talent or hard work? Initially, perhaps it was due to natural abilities. I must confess that many doors opened easily for me because of my talent. However, later on, I realized that to keep growing and advancing; I had to work hard. I have always been committed.

6.- MM: Do you believe beauty is a matter of attitude or appearance?

It’s a whole! I say this with total confidence. I say this firsthand because I come from the world of beauty pageants, and it’s the best stage to understand that physical beauty is useless if you can’t project it. You achieve that with attitude, and once you learn it, it applies to everything in life.

7.- MM: Do you think beauty is important in today’s world?

It will always be important, but beyond the industry and society, I believe it’s crucial individually because beauty increases/ boosts self-esteem and it’s a valuable tool for directing life toward your goals and achievements.

8.- MM: Do you think beauty is a matter of attitude or appearance? Both, it has to be a combination.

9.- MM: What advice would you give to our readers about health and beauty?

I love these two words together because I advocate for achieving or maintaining beauty naturally. While the market offers various alternatives, and some less healthy methods may provide faster results, I recommend natural alternatives that, although taking more time, will care for your health. I think that’s essential.

“Her hard work and perseverance have helped her build her career and success. When you combine your work and your passion, you can’t go wrong.”

“Rosita Hurtado is not only the successful designer who has dressed several Miss Universe finalists. She is much more than a fashion lover she is an inspiring leader, and with that sweet and delicate appearance, she carries within her the strength of a volcano determined to change the destiny of many people.”


1.) MM: How do you describe yourself as an artist?

I consider myself as someone who loves my craft and feel immensely passionate about what I do. Creating clothes is something that comes naturally to me and is just part of my essence.

2.) MM: How do you feel about your career?

I feel extremely accomplished and grateful for my career thus far. I have worked hard to achieve my goals. I have always been clear about where I’ve wanted to end up, trusted my capabilities, and knew that with dedication and hard work, I could achieve whatever I set my mind to.

3.) MM: How do you feel about being a public figure?

It’s nice to be recognized and appreciated for all the hard work. But more importantly for me, being a public figure makes me happy when I can inspire others to follow their dreams.

4.- MM: How do you balance your personal and professional life?

I give different areas in my life different priorities, and can organize myself day-to-day through that structure. At this point, I’ve been doing this for so long that it’s become my life-style and I’ve found a way to make it work with all the different areas in my life, including my personal life.

5.) MM: Do you think your success is more due to your talent or hard work?

Talent can be something that you’re born with or without, but without the hard work, success won’t come to fruition. So hard work is necessary if you have ambitious goals. Both are complimentary to each other.

6.) MM: Which fashion designer and Model do you admire?

More than admiring a particular artist, I have a strong admiration towards women from all walks of life, who never stop until they reach their dreams. Women who, despite all of their adversities, are persistent and strong. And above all, women who have empathy and compassion. These women inspire me the most.

7.) MM: Do you believe beauty is a matter of attitude or appearance?

Beauty is subjective. But I think there is something so powerful about a person who owns their unique self with so much conviction. At the end of the day, owning every ounce who you are is the most attractive thing one can do.

8.) MM: Do you think beauty is important in today’s world?

Yes, beauty is important. Why not? It inspires all of us. Again, beauty is subjective, but without beauty, there wouldn’t much to look forward to.



Founded five years ago in the Riviera Maya by Alejandro López, México Fashion Show, provide opportunities and spaces for designers to establish valuable connections and boost their careers to reach more fashion platforms in the world.

Pothography By Ahmad Ardity

We will be offering all International Fashion Design Platforms around the world.

Zoom Cherry’s Canvas:

Art, Fashion, and Friendship

In the heart of Belgium, amidst cobblestone streets and rich heritage, Zoom Cherry’s journey into the arts began. Born and raised in this picturesque setting, she grew up a shy girl, but discovered her love for art early on, realizing that drawing could be her chosen language.“I started to love and believe that art was my way of life. Drawing was my way to express myself,” Cherry reflected..

Her path led her to the Royal Art Academy of Brussels, a haven where creativity thrives, and individuals seek to unravel the depths of artistic expression. “It was the best time ever, being creative and being surrounded by people who were also looking to find their own way of expressing themselves,” she said with a warmth in her voice that could transport you to those vibrant halls. After graduation, Cherry moved to the island of Ibiza. “Living there gave me the freedom to be more open to my creativity and to myself,” she said.

The carefree spirit of the island seemingly infused a new vitality into her artistic endeavors. As her art bloomed, so did her online presence.

“I started to promote and sell in Ibiza and, of course, online.” It was here Cherry’s creations caught the eye of none other than Patricia Field, the iconic American costume designer, stylist, and fashion designer idol known for her work in Sex and the City, Ugly Betty, The Devil Wears Prada, Emily in Paris and much more. “Patricia Field noticed one of my Instagram posts where I was wearing a coat from my fashion collection in Hong Kong 8 years ago.”

luck, Zoom Cherry found herself working with the Fashion Gallery, culminating in a meeting in 2019 that fueled her desire to create even more. In 2022, Zoom Cherry had the extraordinary opportunity to showcase her collection during a live fashion show with Patricia Field for New York Fashion Week. “What an amazing experience!” she remembered. But the journey didn’t stop there. Cherry’s fashion pieces have since adorned celebrated artists like Barbara Tucker, Mumu Fresh, DJ Tracy Young, and even made their way onto the set of the Netflix series Girls5eva. “One day I will love to make a full and personal collection and show my colorful and funky style to the world,” Zoom Cherry shared, detailing that she still felt like there was more to be accomplished.

Throughout her vibrant journey, Zoom Cherry didn’t just welcome you to witness her artistic evolution; she extended a hand, inviting you to be a part of her world. Her belief that “you can be only happy in life if you put some goals to achieve and believe in them strongly and live fully with what you love to do” became a shared philosophy. Zoom Cherry created a bond that transcends words on paper. When she shared her story and art, you too felt like a woven part of the fabric in her life.

This connection marked the beginning of a dream, a dream to be a part of the Patricia Field ArtFashion Gallery and fashion world. Armed with passion, perseverance, talent, and a bit of

Shop Zoom Cherry’s collection on-line at patriciafield.com or in-person at Patricia Field ArtFashion Gallery located at 200 E Broadway #3D, New York, NY 10002.


“Growing up, my father was a tailor, and I always saw him sewing and creating. Many times I would just reproduce or fix clothing for my friends at school - and I was only 9 years old in 7th grade!” she reminisces, filled with the nostalgia of childhood. “I didn’t have any dolls or toys, so friends would let me borrow their dolls or Barbies for a day or so, and I would get the chance to create clothing and play with them, too. Maybe my love for fashion started here.”

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@ tje.originallyextended
Model:: Tammy Faye

We Introduce

Actor + Model + Writer

JM Biography

He is a Visionary person who thinks in 3 dimensions. This allows him to see everything in motion, create it, and make it come true. His grand passion for design leads him to create everything that aligns directly with his great personality. He places God above all his projects, making it clear that human beings were created by God for a purpose that He himself designed, and that now it is our job to give life to those talents that God planted in us. JM has the particularity of transforming the simple into elegance, the everyday into poetry, the doors into landscapes. Having that ability leads him to be successful in his ideals and dreams. JM is an actor, model, designer, writer, poet, composer, and producer. He has been invited for campaigns and photo shoots with Aylín Mújica, Vivi Castrillon, Paola Cospi and has also worked with the renowned Interior Designer Perla Lichi for Art Basel at Spectrum. JM was nominated at the Gram Awards as Model of the Year 2023.

His company is currently expanding its Cabreagui Line Brand, which includes garments, jackets, sculptures, men’s products for skin and hair and beard. The faithful believe the truth is not what they say about you, but what you believe about yourself. The only barriers are the ones that we allow to limit us and therefore we are the only ones who can break them down.

JM Cabreagui

Designer @davidmason Photographer @jeanpablophoto

Being involved in the entertainment industry, inside the fashion business and having a passion for cars, makes me express the corelation that exists in all of them. They might look apart, but one can’t live without the other one. The automotive and fashion industry have an unsuspected common trait, the concept of limited edition. In fact, creating limited editions of a particular product, whether it is a piece of clothing or a car, going to a casting, increases its desirability, increasing sales and raising the quality of brand value in the consumer’s perception. Many times, then, these worlds collide when particular cars, not necessarily high-end, become an accessory to be exhibited and to be combined with their clothing or being part of a movie scene and vice versa. In other cases, however, fashion brands and cars manufacturers similar to style or reference customers collaborate in creating limited, and sometimes unique, editions of luxury cars.

Peugeot 205 Lacoste (1984)

This is the link between Peugeot and the tennis world in 1984, when he first sponsored Roland Garros, one of the most important international tennis tournaments. It was an important sponsorship that later influenced the Peugeot range. The 205 Lacoste was proposed with a special set-up characterized by different references to the world of tennis.

Lamborghini Murciélago LP640 Versace (2006)

The interior featured seats embroidered with the Versace Greco de sign, a Gianni Versace logo plaque in the seats, and Versace luggage. Only 20 of these cars were ever produced. The seats, the bottom of the dashboard, the doors, the roof and the central console are covered in a refined tassel.

Volkswagen Golf GTI adidas (2010)

The collaboration of two famous brands born in Germany. Adidas has been called to dress this particular supercharged edition of Golf in GTI. It is one of the most successful compact sports cars in Europe for both performance and longevity. The style of the company specializing in sports clothing and accessories has been chosen for the interior, with the design inspired by the famous footwear.

Guide Luxury Car

Talking About Cars

I I will now mention some of the Most iconic alliances that came across to unite these three worlds, the fashion, the automotive business and the entertainment industry. Let’s list some of thealliances that have been amazing examples of collaboration.

Bugatti Chiron Hermès (2019)

This Chiron Hermes is a “one-off”, an edition made in a single model for the Californian real estate magnate and supercar collector Manny Koshbin. He was a great enthusiast and connoisseur of the Bugatti and Hermès brands. Manny had pushed to collaborate these two excellences in the realization of a unique hyper-car. It has custom-made upholstery, details and finishes never seen before, and a transparent glass roof. Those are just some features that embellish this unique specimen.

The Fiat 500, eternally an icon of Italy at the international level, is presented in an evening dress by Gucci. Customized by Frida Giannini, in collaboration with the Fiat Style Centre, it presents numerous accessories and details that enhance its style and elegance.

Maserati Quattroporte Ermenegildo Zegna (2014)

The two Italian ventures come together expertly to celebrate Maserati’s 100 years of success. Luxury and sophistication characterize every detail of the interior of the Maserati Quattroporte Ermenegildo Zegna. The interior is a combination of leather and silk, in delicate shades of greige.The moldings are in root of walnut and there is burnished chrome, in the brass tag placed on the console.



Lamine Hamdad, A.K.A. The Aries Rise brings storytelling and an artistic touch to photography. Every project is an opportunity to artfully present his work.

Lamine Hamdad has been a Washintonian for over 20 years. Very present in the art scene, he has exhibited in a plethora of drawing and photography venues. His background in Fine Art shows in his work. He makes his client feel at ease, he is encouraging and he loves taking on challenging ideas.

You can find him in runways, model castings, birthdays, engagements, lifestyles, portraits, just to name a few. Your special moments deserve to be artfully captured, let the Aries Rise create your everlasting memories.

A native of the DC metro area, Kristina boasts a wide variety of interests that include travel, art, history, literature, theater, music, and - of course - fashion. A fashion blogger and influencer, she has retail experience at Michael Kors and Neiman Marcus in addition to her background in hospitality sales. She has lived in New York and Miami in addition to DC, and has visited Paris, Caracas, Havana, San Jose, Brussels, Madrid, and Barcelona.

Alessandra Griffitt Alessandra reporter and writer for Mighty Magazine, fashion and celebrities is what she offers and delights our readers in each edition. is a Business woman and Fashion Model, residing in the Northern Virginia area with her three beautiful children talking fearlessly about America, Fashion, Food, Rocket Science and Motherhood. IG @Griffittalessandra

Actor ,Model and Writer He is a Visionary person who thinks in 3 dimensions, this allows him to see everything in motion, create it and make it come true, his great passion for Design leads him to create everything that aligns directly with his great personality.

He places God above all his projects, making it clear that human beings were created by God for a purpose that He himself designed, and that now it is our job to give life to those talents that He planted in us.

Multi-disciplinary Haitian/Mexican, American professional with over 20 years of experience in international relations, private sector engagement and intergovernmental relations. Expertise in outreach and engagement, partnership building and strategic planning. Enjoy connecting the dots, advancing U.S. foreign policies and mobilizing diverse resources that revitalize people’s quality of life. Fluent in English, Spanish and French. Has held U.S. Top Secret clearance.

Sonia Mambru is a renowned professional, sought after licensed hair beautician, stylist, and natural hair consultant in the D.C. Metro area. Sonia is the owner of SONIA Dominican Hair Salon, LLC located in Woodbridge, Virginia. She is a native of the Dominican Republic with a strong passion for natural hair care, hair rejuvenation, hair restoration, and holistic therapy for mind and body. Her personal ideology and concentration is based on trichology, which is the study of hair and scalp for natural treatment and care. Sonia has over 31 years in the cosmetologyarena, treating hair for loss prevention, burnout, and damage for environmental exposures.

I am professional stylist for J. Hilburn.

I take pride in helping my clients take their look to a new level. My fashion journey started 20+ years ago as a model, actor in Egytian drama series and movies, and TV host and reporter for sports and entertainment shows. My work includes creating tailored made clothing built on timeless, classic pieces, thoughfully customized for each unique client. Sophistication never goes out in style, and the most fulfilling part of my work is seeing the confidence my clients experience when they discover their potential.

Born and raised in Spain, She is passionate about traveling, writing, reading, exploring, the world of fashion, Interior design and of course good food. With a heart to serve others, she has devoted her career to help business owners and individuals reach their financial goals, expand, achieve work-life balance and find true joy and fulfillment. You can reach Eva at: Scottevamaria@gmail.com

Financial strategist and fulfillment coach.

Alessandra Griffitt Lamine Hamdad Jose Dorce JM Cabrini Kristina Christopher Amr Mandour Eva Maria Sonia Mambru
Mighty magazine European edition delights us with 3 European capitals Paris, Milan and Madrid offer us all the current fashion. @Mighty.Magazine (Europe Edition) | May/June
Exclusive interview with Tarique Tabbani the tailor of the princes of Pakistan.
The legendary Cristina Brice tells us about her career as a celebrity makeup artist
Introducing Saliha Halim, fashion business owner and her select elegant boutique.
In our next edition we interview celebrity photographer Barry Morgenstein, an award-winning photographer with world-renowned appeal.
Enjoy Paris 2024 the Olympic Games with your favorite magazine Follow us ! Magazine.Mighty Magazine Mighty Mighty Magazine MIGHTY Magazine is published 4 times a year by Publishing CAPITAL GROUP WashingtonDC USA: The logo MIGHTY and all the material is protected and all rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the owners of the rights. All the prices and data are correct to the time of publication. The opinions expressed in MIGHTY Magazine assumes no responsibility for advertising content. The owner of any images supplied assume I risk all the same.


Don’t miss our special luxury edition with the best European fashion events and the most romantic places in the European community to travel with your partner!


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Photography by Nasir Rauf
Now you can stay up to date with current fashion trends, beauty tips and tricks, health/wellness, tourism, entrepreneur interviews and international articles with your subscription to MIGHTY Magazine!

Accessory Designer @davidyurman

Content Page Credits: NEW BOLD DC By Production, Stylist creative Director @Valdezmanagement Assistant Laura Barajas
Photographer Nasir Rauf Photographer assistant Jess Clemente
Female model Hannah Morgan
Fashion Designer Sonia Garbarino Atelier
Luxury Car McLaren Sterling

AAs a fashion designer, I’m always thinking of every detail in order to create beautiful and impeccable work. It is very important that my designs will look elegant, sophisticated and sensual for the women that are unique, strong, “valiente” and a fighter. I have created special designs for the opportunity that MIGHTY magazine has given me.


Beacon of Art, Style + fashion.

Villamour House

About the House

“Inspired by the French villas of the Cote d’Azur, Villamour is located outside Washington D.C. in the beautiful rolling hills of Southern Maryland along the picturesque Patuxent river. The estate has been an ever-evolving work of love since 1977, and is now available for select and exclusive private events & getaways.”

Models: @letitgomc | @lillian_lj_modeling

Fashion Designer: @soniagarbarino

Location and Host: @villamour_ | @will_i_am_johnston

Photographer & Creative Director: @theariesrise

Sponsored by: The @mighty.magazine


The Black Capone

The “Black Capone” brings a sense of prom fashion and retro style, outfitters and Gatsby. It is a strapless high-low with handmade applications tailored to the body with an amazing concept of the black shining satin material.


The Sexy & Smashing

Dress is of a high neck design, with a deep halter in the back, sexy and impotent. It has a tulle“multi cape” skirt that has a front split up to the waistline. A short dress adorned with black sequins, a very stylish black hat and strands of handmade necklaces to bring the era and the sophistication back.


The Stylish Black

A beautifully “halter” open back dress highlighted with a soft silky black ruffle garland style. The black skirt has an applique of elegant sequins. It has a very sensual transparency like no other. Avery stylish black hat adorned with feathers and black stone applique added by hand.


The Very Classy

A very classy and “black-tie” formal dress fully decorated with black sequins with an open front split, adorned with very elegant black silky feathers at the end of the sleeves. A beautiful cascade of pearls brings back the well-known era of the 20th century. The classic and elegant black hat is adorned with handmade beautiful appliques.


Male Adonis

Fusion of Cultures

With Cuban roots and now residing in Miami, this beautiful man fuses the essence of his culture with the wonderful energy of the city of the sun! His participation in the world of fashion highlights the inner security reflected in his own and authentic style. Captivating and full of passion, his choice of clothing and accessories not only follows trends but also celebrates diversity and uniqueness. He wears each outfit accompanied by an expression of self-love and certainty of what he wants to achieve for his life and how far he wants to go. Each step on the catwalk illuminates any garment he wears! This fashion story is a reminder of how authenticity, simplicity and inner confidence can be the most dazzling accessories!


Outfits: Miami Clothing Store

Location: Miami Beach

Write By ClaudiaSarmiento photo: @becomeamodel Model: @Santosharya




Madrid Is Fashion, an initiative in charge of opening Madrid Fashion Week and organized by the Association of Fashion Creators of Spain (ACME). Thanks to the support of Madrid Capital of Fashion, the Madrid City Council celebrates from February 12 to 14 its new edition. The plan brings signature fashion to every corner of the capital through the proposal of 28 designers in original events that turn the city of Madrid into the setting for new artistic narratives. Madrid Is Fashion, framed under the umbrella of the municipal program Madrid Capital de Moda, is a project that seeks to value and create business opportunities for Spanish designer fashion brands in union with the values of the city of Madrid. An initiative that the Spanish Fashion Creators Association (ACME) has been developing biannually since September 2015, coinciding with each edition of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid (MBFWM). They want to revitalize the Spanish fashion trade of author and bring the work of creatives and artisans in the sector closer to the final public.

▪️Photography : @pablopaniaguaphoto

▪️Estilyst: @bell_oart

▪️Make Up:@goyoacevedo @narsissist

▪️Hair studio: @yosbaute @schwarzkopfpro.spain

▪️Production: @ulalumeculture

▪️Location: @centroculturacondeduque

▪️Models: @rome__mm @martiinaste @lucyolaizola


The invisible art of fashion, is focused on giving visibility to the high jobs that make fashion possible. A demand to bring them closer, on the one hand, to young people who aspire to dedicate themselves to this industry, and on the other, to consumers, so that they know that each designer garment is much more than a sketch. Professionals who materialize the creativity and imagination of designers thanks to their knowledge accumulated generation after generation.

▪️Photography : @pablopaniaguaphoto

▪️Estilyst: @bell_oart

▪️Make Up:@goyoacevedo @narsissist

▪️Hair studio: @yosbaute @schwarzkopfpro.spain

▪️Production: @ulalumeculture

▪️Location: @centroculturacondeduque

▪️Models: @rome__mm @martiinaste @lucyolaizola

“A woman can always be both… Elegant and Fashionable.”
-Maria Sinnott
44 January2024

The Art of

Maria N. Sinnott

Fashion Designer Jewelry


The Jewelry Captivation

As we embark on a journey into the world of fashion, jewelry should command a premium place among the myriad accessory options. Whether the opulent allure of majestic gemstones or the graceful embrace of nature-inspired designs, there’s always a formula for expressing your uniqueness. For those seeking timeless, elegant, and minimalistic jewelry, The NEVÁREZ Collection will assuredly complement your rare fashion style. “A woman can always be both... elegant and fashionable.”

Maria Sinnott from Lil Bit of POSH introduces a custom design line of jewelry, unparalleled in its variety and uniqueness...“The NEVÁREZ Collection!” Each necklace is christened with its own exclusive name.

Tastefully adorned with high quality semiprecious stones, each piece brings the “bling bling” sure to enhance your every look. Beautiful crystal designs are sure to generate admiration in both casual engagements and those special occasions. Unique, stylish... and remarkably affordable.

Special fashion report

New York Fashion Week

The energy in the room was palpable as the audience filed into the rows of white chairs lined on either side of the shimmering silver runway. As the elite of New York’s fashionistas took their seats, we, the models, were taking pictures against a bright pink backdrop featuring the name of the show, “The Bureau.” One of the most celebrated of the many NYFW shows, I felt very privileged to walk this prestigious stage!

And it was all thanks to Amna Inam, designer of Randhawa Brands. Amnas rise to fame began with the launch of her first online show, Friday Flakes, during the pandemic, which quickly became a hit. She continued her success with her second blockbuster show, The American Dreams. Amna is not just an influencer, but also a successful businesswoman, renowned host, brand ambassador, and community activist. With the launch of Randhawa Brands, Amna has established herself as a leading name in the South Asian fashion industry. Her unique blend of traditional and modern styles in women”s wear has set her apart and inspired countless others. It was a real privilege to help Amna present her latest collection at the New York Fashion Week. So, how did I come to be here? Great question! I never would have imagined that I would ever walk a runway, let alone in NYFW. And yet, my fellow model and good friend, JeanAnne Roberts, suggested to me over lunch one day that I should come and walk for Randhawa Brands. When I protested that I had no experi-

ence (also I am not 5’6” and size 00), she insisted that I have the personality and star power to take the stage. So, here I was, standing behind a huge pipeand-drape in a gorgeous custom gown made to my measurements. A beautiful hue of marigold yellow, with scallop-like detailing across the bust and waist, leading to a full skirt and finished with ruffles at the bottom, the gown perfectly suited my body type and skin tone. Other models were equally elegantly clad in dresses of various shades of yellow, pink, blue, and purple. Some dresses featured full skirts like mine, others were more form-skimming. Some models were adorned with skirts and cut-off tops, paired with ornate veil-like headpieces. After months of preparation, the walk itself went quickly.

Our esteemed model coach, Alexis Renae (of RoleModels808) cued each of us when it was our turn. When I stepped out I realized that the shiny silver runway was quite slippery! I didn’t get to see much of the audience, as I was too focused on my “smize” (smiling with your eyes, a phrase coined by supermodel Naomi Campbell) as well as not falling!

One pose at the end of the runway, walk back, and it was all over – almost. The “flood” (when all the models come back out and applaud the designer) signaled the end of our segment, and the models for the next brand cued up backstage. More photos, both at the location and down by the Hudson at Pier 51, and we all parted ways – for now.


“New York Fashion Week (NYFW), held in February and September of each year, is a semi-annual series of events in Manhattan typically spanning seven to nine days when international fashion collections are shown to buyers, the press, and the general public. It is one of four major fashion weeks in the world, collectively known as the “Big Four”, along with those in Paris, London, and Milan.”

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