Summer 2022 edition #68 MF is here! I'm so glad we can celebrate summer together!

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• JUNE - ISSUE 68 •


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Luis C.


What We Do

Outreach: MOLA focuses on establishing partnerships, engaging residents in all eight wards, and disseminating information to the District’s Latino residents to increase their knowledge of and access to vital programs and services available to them. Language Access Support: MOLA provides technical support to DC Government Agencies covered by the Language Access Act to ensure that culturally and linguistically competent city services are delivered to the Spanish-speaking residents of the District. Technical Support: MOLA provides development, training, and support for community service agencies to help improve business processes and make it easier for these agencies to serve the Latino population of the District of Columbia.

Start Download Una aplicacion, enfocada para al servicio de la comunidad en general.

Contact Us The Mayor’s Office on Latino Affairs Frank D. Reeves Center of Municipal Affairs 2000 14th St NW, Suite 206 Washington DC 20009, Phone: (202) 671-2825 Email:



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DC Media Academy offers in-person classes/workshops that are designed to give you a complete guide, start to finish, on how to effectively use and grow your personal brand or business using digital marketing, filmmaking, and on-camera acting. Our curriculum strikes a balance between traditional film foundations and the latest production and post-production techniques. Students learn how to master essential visual communication and video production methods for digital photography, HD video production, lighting, audio mixing, and nonlinear editing.

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On the Cover

Photo by Simon Bechara The Magician Thomas Nikramat , Kathryn Elizabeth

Frank Mareno Editor Steve Gonzalez Digital Marketing Ricardo Villalba Exec. Producer Heidi Gumucio Fashion Advisor Lee Monroe Model Coach Kathy Mora Content Specialist Delizabeth Murillo Journalist Marcela Davenport Events Washington DC Jenny Fallutis Events Madrid - Spain

Photographers Simon Bechara Andre Azuluza Walter Bartomeus Danilo Balderrama Fernando Callejas Nazarett Jordan Luis Carlos Duarte

Siguenos en las Redes Sociales! Magazine Fiestas Magazine. Fiestas Magazine Fiestas FIESTAS Magazine se publica 4 veces al año por PUBLISHING CAPITAL GROUP Washington DC USA: Todo el material es protegido y todos los derechos reservados. Ninguna parte de esta publicación se puede reproducir sin el permiso escrito de los dueños de los derechos. Todos los precios y datos son correctos al momento de publicación. Las opiniones expresadas en FIESTAS Magazine no asume responsabilidad por contenidos publicitarios. El dueño de cualquier imagen suministrada asume todo el riesgo por la misma.




Who We Are Experience A Taste of Arabian Adventure With Dune Bashing in Dubai Dubai is quite a glamorous Middle Eastern city. Dubai is a city, in one of the seven emirates in the Arabian Peninsula. It is one of the most travelled cities in the world owing to the warm hospitality meted out to the tourists. Moreover, the city is famous for its deserts, sand dunes, beaches, hotels and malls. Dubai is a thriving business destination, apart from being a cultural hotspot. It can be your perfect beach resort.


Nightlife + i


Contents Pág. 12 Eventos Hibridos

Pág. 13 Coach Rut Elisa

Pág. 14-15

Embajadas Distribucion.

Pág. 16-17 Hip Hop Culture.

Pág. 18-19

Interview DJ Neekola.

Pág. 20-21

Fashion News.

Pág. 22-23

Make up Academy

Pág. 27

Turismo España Avila.


Pág. 30-38 Derby Fashion.

interviews + fun




EVENTOS HÍBRIDOS Virtualidad y Experiencias Vivenciales El nuevo escenario post pandemia



Directora de Data Eventos, desde donde lleva adelante capacitación, organización de eventos y desarrollo de contenidos informativos y formativos para la profesión. Conferencista internacional. Directora de la Productora de Conferencistas. Lic. en Ciencias de la Comunicación.

i bien el evento virtual no ha reemplazado al presencial, ha tenido un acelerado desarrollo a partir del inesperado escenario mundial del Covid 19. Tanto organizadores como asistentes a eventos han tenido que adaptarse a esta nueva modalidad de reunión en el ciberespacio. .

Asimismo, adiestrarse en el lenguaje de las tecnologías de la información ha sido un desafío y una necesidad. Esta nueva modalidad tiene ciertos beneficios: no requiere de desplazamiento de personas, incrementa el volumen del público por la facilidad de acceso, es más económico y hasta menos contaminante para el planeta. Sin embargo, la necesidad de las personas de reunirse sigue latente, por eso la presencialidad no se suplanta sino que se complementa con la virtualidad, y de ahí los EVENTOS HÍBRIDOS. La realidad actual nos enfoca en la realización de eventos cuya presencialidad sea más atractiva y justificada. ¿Por qué asistiría a una sala de Congresos si puedo disfrutar de la conferencia desde la comodidad de mi hogar conectado a una sala de videoconferencia? A no ser que esa presencialidad a la que me convocan esté acompañada de experiencias sensoriales y actividades interactivas motivantes e inolvidables. Y en tal caso, ¿por qué complementaría esa presencialidad casi perfecta con la virtualidad? Porque ésta me permite acercar otros públicos que por distintos motivos, lejanía y demás, no pudieron estar presentes en el lugar y sumar asi otras culturas, enfoques y dinamismo. El público ha incrementado el conocimiento en el uso de estas nuevas tecnologías: salas de videoconferencias, plataformas para ferias y expos virtuales y de streaming y uso más productivo de las redes sociales. El Evento Híbrido no es un invento actual, sin embargo se venía desarrollando como una alternativa y hoy es más bien una necesidad. Virtualidad y presencialidad con experiencias es la dupla necesaria en los eventos de hoy. Y esto es válido para eventos corporativos, institucionales, MICE como artísticos y sociales. Los espacios sedes para el desarrollo de todo tipo de eventos se están equipando con sistemas de iluminación, proyección, sonido, conectividad y streaming de ultima generación para atender estas necesidades. Y los organizadores de eventos apelando a su creatividad para lograr las mejores puestas en escena experimentales para satisfacer a los públicos más exigentes

CAPACITACIÓN Y ASESORAMIENTO ONLINE para la realización de Eventos Profesionales CONTÁCTANOS | WhatsApp (+54 911) 3202 6622




Por: Rut Elisa

Atraes lo que es familiar ¿Eres de los que tal vez te has preguntado, porque atraigo el mismo tipo de pareja? Esta era la pregunta que me hacía constantemente. Porque si soy buena mujer atraigo parejas toxicas. La contestación tal vez no te guste. Es que no tiene nada que ver con ser buena persona y si con ser saludable emocionalmente. Como coach de trauma holsicito me he dedicado en el último año a tiempo completo a mostrar a las personas a sanar las heridas que dejan estos lazos del trauma. Estos patrones se forman desde el subconsciente y se convierten en los códigos que dirigen nuestra forma de elegir pareja.

“El hacernos cargo de nuestra salud emocional es la única garantía de cambio sostenible largo

Los lazos del trauma se adquieren por las experiencias que vivimos en la infancia y la forma en que aprendimos a crear lazos afectivos con otras personas. Nuestros padres y custodios fueron esos modelos por excelencia que nos enseñan a dar y recibir afecto . Cuando crecemos en ambientes disfuncionales o tóxicos ocurre un sin número de reacciones a nivel químico y neurológico. El niño percibe que la forma de relacionarse es mediante gritos, dramas, peleas según sea el ambiente familiar. Esto altera el sistema nervioso central llevándolo a ser uno desregulado o en sobrevivencia. Tu cuerpo se convierte en una máquina de procesar cortisol y adrenalina lo que crea un estado de caos interno que se convierte en lo familiar. Tu subconsciente entiende que este tipo de relaciones es la norma se vuelven en un tipo de reacciones adictivas ya que se basan en recompensa y castigo.

Las personas que padecen de lazos del trauma eligen parejas que sean familiares y les generen esta inestabilidad y caos al que ya se acostumbraron. La adrenalina y el cortisol, las peleas constantes, las amenazas, la violencia todo eso crea una respuesta de estrés que llena y compensa la adicción que se crea al mismo. Nosotros elegimos pareja desde nuestro subconsciente, este es el que se encarga de dirigir el 95% de nuestra vida, decisiones y acciones de las cuales no somos conscientes. Usted nunca elegirá parejas desde la razón siempre será subconscientemente y será dirigido a lo que es familiar para usted. Es por eso que cuando conocemos alguna persona que etiquetamos como muy buena nuestro subconsciente lo repele, lo tacha de “es que es muy bueno “o es que me aburre listo para ponerlo en la fila de “amigo”.

¿Qué podemos hacer para trabajar estos lazos traumáticos? 1- Reconocer que tuvimos patrones poco saludables en la infancia 2- Aceptar que tenemos un problema interno que no entendemos y necesita ayuda. 3- Tomar acción para poder sanar nuestros patrones Las heridas del alma y trauma requieren ayuda de profesionales. No puedes cambiar lo que no sabes. Siguenos en Redes sociales FB; Rut Elisa Página: Metamorphosis Escuela de Vida IG- Podcast- Metamorphosis Escuela de Vida

Claves para lograr el éxito



Real State









Hip Hop Culture



Derby Events







CEO at Studio D’Maxsi Designs INC As a fashion designer, my thought on the industry since the pandemic is a huge shift. Main stream designers are creating more casual looks. As I alway call it, “casual Chic” Now people have more cool Fashion to choose from. But we can’t forget the huge loses that has affected many. That brings me to the effect of the Pandemic on my business as a fashion designer. I still haven’t recovered, even though things are gradually changing. I still have a long way to go. A lot of business are still trying to pick themselves up. Hopefully we will get the help that we all need.

How do you feel about the fashion industry today ?

Simon Bechara Hair Stylist

My career started in fashion. I designed the hair for the models and worked for tv shows, multiple fashion shows and pageants in the DMV area NY and FL. The Fashion industry has changed in the past. I feel that the industry allow people the oportunity to express their individuality and creativity at the same time we can reflect our culture as well as who we are. Fashion is dynamic, always changing , it demands traditional craftsmanship as well as innovation. Fashion is my passion because it’s never boring. The pandemic did effect all of our businesses but we hope better days will come.

Lee Monroe Model Coach /Runway Director/ Professional Photographer



From the loincloth in the Garden of Eden, to the hottest designers on the runway, the fashion industry is constantly evolving and transforming over time. During this pandemic face masks and face shields, normally used as personal protective equipment were implemented as accessories which complemented shoes, neckties, purses, hats, dresses and slacks. A radical movement to purchase clothing online left the brick and mortar stores in the shadows of the past due to the loss of foot traffic. Due to the lack of social events, the need for formal wear decreased, forcing many local specialty stores to close. We have also seen a rise in Chinese e-commerce competition which emulates European fast fashion at a fraction of the cost. The desire for comfort wear increased and were profitable, with the implementation of online yoga and Zumba for those attempting to stay fit in the confines of home. Ultimately, I feel that the industry will rebound as time progresses. Eventually, we will see a rise in social events and new box stores will reemerge and certainly with a strong online presence. In my personal opinion I think that going forward, professional attire will eventually be made from fabrics that are geared towards comfort. Zoom dress shirts, and Skype sweat pants have been the fashion fad for the past two years… maybe the pandemic norm will be implemented in the years to come. Only time will tell.

These 6 experts in world of fashion their op

Model: Han Photo by Le

Dress: Anca Make-up

n this fascinating and beauty give pinion

nah Jordan ee Monroe

a Designs p: Olivia


Marnie Jopp

Print Model and Actress As a fulltime Print Model and Actress, when the pandemic hit I lost most of my acting jobs. Productions shut down as much of the filming industry. As for the Fashion part of it, I missed attending the live Fashion Shows. I did however keep modeling on my own. My boyfriend is also my photographer so as most photographers go he was always watching YouTube and tutorial videos on lighting, styles, fashion, etc. we then would practice some of what we would watch. Fashion has always been a huge part of who I am. I express myself with Fashion and would like to say that my style is what makes me who I am without having to say much. As a woman, If I feel good in it and I love it, then I’ll wear it.

Sarah Bentman

Professional Model / Actress Fifteen years ago I started modeling when I was only 13 years old for local fashion shows and local stores and acting about the same time. I was doing theatre and musicals. I feel like todays fashion world has a lot more representation which I love. Growing up there wasn’t a lot of diversity and one of the biggest things I was frustrated about was not seeing many girls like me out there. The pandemic definitely slowed down business. Fashion shows as well as tv and film were at a long pause but it left time to reflect and practice the craft at home.

Heidi Gumucio

CEO/ Capital Elité Modeling Agency The global modeling industry is finally creeping back into motion after months of lockdown. Our agency was facing slashed advertising budgets, cancelled fashion shows and digital disruption. The situation also extends to makeup artists, hairstylists and photographers who, like models, are considered independent contractors. Now we are pulling more and more of the creative production process knowledge in-house, and we will be focusing on some of the big changes that have been occurring in the Fashion Industry over the last couple of years. But our agency is doing a lot more digitally to get our models work during this time, a trend that will likely continue as the world enters this new, abnormal normal.



Sports bar & grill chain famous for chicken wings served by waitresses in short shorts.

Address: 1235 W St NE 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20018 Hours: Closed Opens 10AM Fri Phone: (202) 910-2738 Appointments: 22





In the makeup world the tendency to be inspired by fashion, pop icons or celebrities is very noticeable, but without a doubt is the fashion designers who, with their collaborations or creations in the fashion industry are changing the game in the beauty industry.

One of the most notorious cases is Victoria Beckham, who launched a beauty line during London fashion week. one of the busiest places in London to launch a makeup line, causing an impressive media call. for fashion designers it becomes a brand extension to collaborate with beauty brands and allow thousands of women around the world who cannot access to her expensive dresses a chance to have something they can afford. In our roll as makeup artists and hairstylist it is important to know in advance the style of the brand that hires us, the models with whom we are going to work the concept of the collection, the location and other production variables. The starting point for inspiration about make-up campaigns is the spirit of the collection and what is to convey through the clothes. Makeup keep this message and

the brand tends to maintain the same style through the seasons: very little makeup, barely corrective or non-existent. It is best to work more on the skin than on a transformation. In some particular cases, something a little more dramatic can be done, but it has to be well done, otherwise it shows inconsistency that affects the credibility the campaign. At AXEL MAKEUP ACADEMY We are a unique and multicultural academy that combines instruction with personalized education. In our beauty programs, you can learn both traditional and modern techniques for making professional looks from start to finish. You can also gain the marketing, entrepreneurial, and creative skills needed to promote your business in the beauty industry. Our programs take hard work, focus, and commitment, but in the end, you’ll be equipped to pursue a career doing what you love.





On the Cover

Photo by Simon Bechara The Magician Thomas Nikramat & Kathryn Elizabeth

Simon Bechara is a creative and highly versatile fashion photographer associated with cutting-edge celebrities in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Born and raised in Lebanon, he brings his international flair to many cities around the world. His photos of him have graced our magazine for over a decade with models, beauty queens and DC socialites! You can see his work on the runways at DC and New York Fashion Weeks and on some of the most beautiful women in town! Once again he rewards us with an image of the famous Magicians Thomas Nikramat & Kathryn Elizabeth who entertain with their shows.






Christi Avila is a beautifully historic city with a population of around 180,000 inhabitants, many located within its perfectly preserved medieval city walls, which are typical of the city’s predominant Romanesque architecture. Avila’s proximity to Spain’s capital city of Madrid (about an hour’s drive away) makes it an ideal destination for those who yearn to taste the traditional, unchanged Spain while avoiding the bustle of the big city. Indeed, Avila within-thewalls has remained mostly unchanged since centuries ago; the atmosphere is solemn and tranquil, just as if you had gone back in time to Medieval Spain. The city has a wealth of monuments and other architectural sites of excellence, such as the cathedral, the mother of all of them, and several smaller churches and basilicas. The city holds a number of festivities, the most important of which is the Fiestas de Santa Teresa; this event takes place

Annual Avila Festivals

every October and lasts the entire month. Avila is the highest provincial capital in Spain, a characteristic that takes a toll on its climate. Winters can be long by Spanish standards and even snowy on occasions, the summers though can still be fiercely hot, fanned by Terral winds. So don’t forget to pack some of those scarves, jumpers and jackets if you plan to visit during the winter months. Your first view of the city is, of course, of its majestic walls, started in 1100 and designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site – it is one of the few cities in the world whose walls fully enclose the city within them; perfect for that panoramic holiday snap. At night, the Walls of Avila are the largest fully illuminated monument in the world – now there’s a treat. It is undoubtedly the stunning city and its’s history which makes visiting Avila something very special. Avila’s prominent and impressive city walls give a special medieval appearance to the whole city. The walls are over

2,500 meters in length with 88 semicircular towers and 9 gates built to defend the city against the Moorish invasion. The spectacular walls impress with their grandeur and size, the most famous gate, the ‘’Puerta del Alcazar’’ was built during the Roman occupation. One of the famous monuments of Avila is the “Puerta de los Leales’, which is part of the contemporary monuments, from the 16th century. It has been rebuilt over time and is now a cultural centre with frequent exhibitions and educational activities. Avila Cathedral attracts the tourists from all over the world, with its particular architectural style, this was home to the ‘first Gothic Cathedral of Spain’. Besides the cathedral there are a number of churches well worth visiting, the most beautiful is the Church of St. Peter of Avila. Inside, the Renaissance elements and the Baroque altar stand out and grab your attention. Nevertheless, what makes this church very special

MARCH: The Holy Week ( Semana Santa ) is one of the main festivals of the year. With religious ceremonies, colour parades and lots of outdoor activities held throughout a week of festivities. JULY: Large outdoor festival held all around the city that includes sporting events, exhibitions and other cultural activities. OCTOBER: Held on the 15th of October each year this festival is held in honour of Santa Teresa the Patron Saint of Avila. Although this is a religious event there are many activities for all the family such as processions, folk events, gastronomy events, kids parties, theatre shows, poetry readings, parades and musical concerts.



Avila is one of Spain’s magnificent fortress cities located in central Spain

Interesting facts about Avila Avila is the capital of Castile – Leon and is 1120 meters above sea level. The city was attacked and captured by the moors in 1714 then recaptured the ians in 1088, the famous protective walls were built to protect the city during the 12th century. The famous walls of the city are around 2.200 metres in length and include ninety heavily fortified granite stone towers. Now a tourist haven, the visitors during medieval times where religious pilgrims visiting the church which was located in the center of the city. Avila was a sacred place to an ancient Celt Iberian culture long before the arrival of the Romans or Christians.


Top Cultural Sites To Visit In Avila The Castle walls 1.-Salvador Cathedral - Catedral del Salvador 2.-Monastery of Santo Tomas 3.-Santa Teresa Convent 4.-Basilica of San Vicente 5.-Los Cuatro Postes 6.-The Santo Tome El Viejo Church. Couple: Alfonzo & Jhannet Location: La Muralla de Avila-Spain Fhotography: Nazarett Jordan FIESTASMAGAZINE








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JUNE2022 MARCH2022

Wearing a hat to the Kentucky Derby is believed to bear good luck! The long-established fashion was started by the women, however, over the last few years, many men have taken part in the tradition as well. Wearing a hat is much like getting into costume, you might be pleasantly surprised to see what type of character you become. From the fantastic to the sublime, there are no rules or limits.

Derby Fashion Get ideas & inspiration to make your Derby party special Summer is all about fun hats and beautiful dresses. There is literally no better way to kick off your summer style than with the Kentucky Derby. Whether you are planning to actually attend the Derby itself or just planning a fun soirée, I’ve got a few looks that are sure to turn heads. Not to mention they are extremely easy to recreate on a budget. So who out there is actually attending the Derby? One of these days I would love to be in the middle of the action but until then I will be glued to my TV watching all of the NBC updates! It’s not only the horses getting all of the attentionit’s the fashion!

BY Kathryn Gregoors In true Kentucky Derby spirit I wanted to make my party looks as realistic as possible. My husband’s mom has a horse ranch out in Dripping Springs with about 65 horses. I immediately started planning out my Derby content and how I would incorporate some of the horses out there! If you are familiar with the challenge of working with horses, or animals in general, you know that all of the long planning kind of goes out the window. I had so many amazing ideas to get on a horse with a gorgeous maxi dress flowing in the wind… Reality check, horses really don’t like anything in their faces, such as a large floppy hat or anything that moves quickly, like a flowing maxi dress. Thankfully, we made it all work and were able to shoot 3 full Derby looks that are easy to recreate. All 3 of these looks are perfect to if you’re wondering what to wear to a Kentucky Derby

party. What I loved about these looks is that each look came from pieces already in my closet. As you’ll see, I didn’t go overboard with crazy hats but still made a subtle statement with each one. I’ve got some great tips if you are like me and have absolutely no idea what to do to create that perfect Derby hat. Grayson and I had planned to attend a Derby event but I literally had 0 hats that looked appropriate enough to fit in with everyone else’s fascinators. I can sure tell you that I have an overabundance of floppy hats. My creative juices started flowing and started throwing different pieces together to create the perfect Derby hat. The first look I opted for a basic straw, floppy hat. I wanted to keep it a little more subtle since the maxi dress has such a busy print with lots of colors.

Photo Courtesy: Everett Collection FIESTASMAGAZINE


Derby Events

Years of Iconic American Style

From fantastic hats and colorful spring dresses to dashing bow ties and seersucker suits, Derby’s display of American style and tradition simply doesn’t exist anywhere else. So whether you’re coming to the track or attending a Derby party, it’s time to start thinking about your Derby outfit because the 148th year of iconic style is right around the corner.




> Women

> Men

One of the truly unique characteristics of the Kentucky Derby, and its sister event, the Kentucky Oaks, is that they are sports parties that showcase the finest in spring fashions. Both female and male attendees pull out all of the stops when selecting their Kentucky Derby and Oaks apparel. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to Derby dressing, in part because what you wear has much to do with where you plan to spend the day. In the reserved seating areas (grandstand, clubhouse, suites and corporate hospitality areas), ladies typically wear spring dresses, pastel-colored suits, or bold separates that coordinate with their Derby headwear and accessories. Dress When selecting your dress for the Kentucky Derby the recommended practice is to keep it simple, so it doesn’t take away from your hat. You can also let the color and excitement of spring inspire you and select a dress full of color, or floral or equine patterns. Vineyard Vines, the official style of the Kentucky Derby, has created a line of dresses just for the Kentucky Derby. And remember to dress in layers, the Kentucky Derby is an outdoor event and the weather can be hard to predict. Shoes No Kentucky Derby outfit is complete without the spring heel or sandal. But remember, Churchill Downs historic grounds can be tricky to maneuver and the day is long, so remember to pack a backup pair of flats, just in case! Jewelry Since the hat is the focus of Derby fashion, there’s not much need for large, statement jewelry. Let your hat be the attention grabber as your primary accessory and keep the jewelry simple. You can also celebrate the day with Kentucky Derby themed jewelry. Bags The Kentucky Derby is a long day, with a lot of walking, so pack accessories accordingly. We recommend a large bag (but be sure to stay within the size limit) to carry a pair of shoes, a bottle of water, your program, sunglasses, sunscreen, a poncho, and anything else you might need during the day. In that bag, pack a smaller clutch or over-the-shoulder bag for your cash, wagers, phone, and essentials that you can grab to go make a wager or snap a quick picture of the celebrities on the Red Carpet. Hats What sets the Kentucky Derby and Kentucky Oaks apart from other sports and entertainment events? Is it the world-class horses? The Hollywood stars? The romantic Twin Spires? Well, first and foremost, it’s the hats! Part Southern tradition, part spectacle, the Kentucky Derby hat parade is much of what makes “The Greatest Two Minutes in Sports” one of the greatest people-watching events in the world! From the fantastic to the sublime, there are no rules or limits when it comes to choosing your Derby hat.



The Kentucky Derby provides a splendid excuse for men to get just as dressed up and decked out as the ladies! The modern Derby man possesses an unparalleled color palette. Sun-drenched, tropical colors in bold stripes or busy plaid and bright pastels steal the limelight. Although, if you want a more polished look, a classic navy or seersucker blazer is always in style Starting with the pants because it is the eye-catcher from a distance, gents should turn to sun drenched pants in vibrant colors like Key Lime, Ocean, Bermuda Pink, and Citron. Any one of these colors paired with the right shirt and blazer will make you stand out like no one else. Now that you have the pants you know that you’re going to have some fun with the shirts. A great dress shirt in a complimentary color will go a long way. Don’t be afraid to grab a fun gingham or striped shirt to turn it up. This is the one day of the year that more is better. One option that is a must for some is the monogram on the shirt! The jacket is what brings everything together and you can’t go wrong with the classic navy blazer. If you want to have a little fun on top though, a nice chalk stripe can really make the ladies’ big hats turn. As far as 2- button or 3-button it’s a person preference but we recommend sporting the 3- button side vent for a more polished look. Next is the tie. Most gentlemen wear a necktie, but a bow tie is always a great option. If you never wear bows, try it out and you may like it. As the official style for the Kentucky Derby, vineyardvines offers an assortment of Derby-themed ties and bowties that will make every man look dapper and distinguished. For shoes, there are many types of horse bit loafers out there and everyone has their idea of who makes the best ones. The most important thing you need to know is that they should be worn sockless. Top it all off with a fedora or bowler hat for the complete Kentucky Derby look. Men’s Derby hats are generally solid in color and inspired by the style from the 1920s. Now you are ready to throw back some bourbon and tie on a bowtie. The most important thing about your Derby outfit for men is to be confident. No matter what you wear, it’s how you wear it gentlemen.

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Sports bar & grill chain famous for chicken wings served by waitresses in short shorts.

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