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FOTO PORTADA Ralph Lauren model Nacho Figueras

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Pág. 10

Ralph Lauren mod Nacho Figueras.

Pág. 12-13

The rise of the Dig Age.

Pág. 14-15

Physical Health

Pág. 18-19

Reduce Covid 1

Pág. 20-21

Professional Espe

FIESTAS Magazine se publica 4 veces al año por PUBLISHING CAPITAL GROUP Washington DC USA: Todo el material es protegido y todos los derechos reservados. Ninguna parte de esta publicación se puede reproducir sin el permiso escrito de los dueños de los derechos. Todos los precios y datos son correctos al momento de publicación. Las opiniones expresadas en FIESTAS Magazine no asume responsabilidad por contenidos publicitarios. El dueño de cualquier imagen suministrada asume todo el riesgo por la misma.

Pág. 24-25

Montserat Spain

Pág. 26-27

Protect your Comp

Pág. 28-29 Fashion Summer




Fashion Moda








Hot Edition | Spring Summer 2021




NACHO FIGUERAS Full Name: Nacho Figueras Relationship Status: Married to Delfina Blaquier Birthday: March 4, 1977 Biography: Born in 1977, this Argentine polo player is ranked one of the top 100 polo players in the world and is the face of Ralph Lauren’s Black Label line. Figueras is the captain of the Black Watch Polo team and models on the side. He has been playing polo since age 17 and has been asked to donate his polo equipment to the American Museum of Natural History because of his success. Married to photographer Delfina Blaquier, Figueras splits his time between New York City, Palm Beach, Fla., and Argentina.

How Nacho Figueras Became the Most Famous Polo Player in the World - The Sport of Kings Ignacio Figueras was not to the saddle born. Unlike many of his fellow players, he wasn’t raised on a family ranch, but rather on a small farm near Buenos Aires. One of his father’s closest friends was a polo player named Lucas Monteverde. In part that's because Figueras's When young Nacho was nine, he ruggedly handsome visage is began playing polo with Lucas Moneverywhere, in magazines and on teverde, Jr. during weekend visits to bus stops and billboards, as the face the Monteverde estancia. of Ralph Lauren's men's fragrances. (And yes, we are obligated to use the - Becoming the Man in the Logo phrase "ruggedly handsome" when It was in the Hamptons in 1999, during a dinner hosted by Kelly Klein, referring to him.) that Figueras met photographer BruBut Figueras has became far more ce Weber, who shot all of Ralph Lauthan a polo-playing model. He's fa- ren’s campaigns. In 2000, he posed mous enough to sell a line of roman- for his first ad for the company. It’s ce novels; he's been tapped by the an almost uncanny match of face Argentine government to help res- and brand. Lauren, so adept at concue their foundering economy, and juring up an almost-too-perfect fanhe's an international ambassador tasy of a certain way of life, seems to for his sport. In short, he's the David have found the flesh-and-blood emBeckham of polo. bodiment of his rugged (there’s that word again), alpha male ideal. Even if you've never set foot on a polo field and don't know the difference between a mallet and a hockey stick, you've probably heard of Nacho Figueras. In fact, he's probably the only polo player you've heard of.
















Health & Wellness How to Stay Safe this Summer in the Middle of a Pandemic The pandemic has created a lot of stress and fears, and has put summer plans on hold. Dr. Ofir answers some of the more common questions parents may have about summer camp, outdoor activities and traveling.

What questions can I ask to make sure the summer camp is safe and following the proper guidelines? It’s important to consider a lot of factors when it comes to summer camps. Parents should make sure the summer camp is following CDC guidelines, and they should ask questions about their screening protocols before allowing their child to go to the camp. Parents should also make sure all campers and camp staff are wearing masks at all times, do not share objects, that they practice social distancing and enforce handwashing. The camp should also have a strict sanitation protocol of all high-contact areas. It’s also very important to ask about their action plan in case a student or counselor gets sick. Another important factor to consider is the number of children enrolled in summer camp. The smaller the group, the safer it will be for your child. 16


Should I keep my summer travel plans with the family?

Is there other adv should follow dur

It all depends on where you are going, and the mode of transportation you are using. We recommend you look at the CDC website to see if the area you plan to visit is considered a hot spot. There are a lot of places in the country and outside the United States that are still experiencing a lot of COVID cases.

We highly recomme main up to speed w vaccines and contin annual checkups. all over Florida are llow CDC guideline child safe. It is impo creating another ty this pandemic.

Renting a car is considered low risk. You should make sure the vehicle has been sanitized before getting in with your family. The biggest risk to consider with a road trip is rest stops. If you must stop at a rest stop, you should wear your mask and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before getting back in the car.

We want to reassur in line with the new extra precautions w patient care areas constantly undergo to avoid the spread

Air travel has a higher risk because you are confined in the same space with other people and it’s difficult to practice social distancing. If you must travel by plane, always wear a mask, disinfect the areas you are touching, and wash your hands. Is there other advice parents should follow during these times?

If you need more in VID-19 safety, plea gov. If you would li trician, please visit

vice parents ring these times?

end parents rewith their child’s nue to do their Pediatric practices e making sure to foes in keeping your ortant to avoid ype of crisis during

re the public that w protocols and we are taking, our are safe and are oing deep cleaning d of COVID-19.

nformation on COase visit www.cdc. ike to find a pediawww.jacksonheal-

What other outdoor activities are considered safe during the pandemic? As parents, you have the responsibility to outweigh the risks of any activity you decide to do with your family. Although going for walks in the park is considered low risk, while you keep your distance and wear a mask, we do not recommend allowing your child to use the playground. Playground equipment poses a high risk on your child because it has high-contact surfaces like slides, swings, and monkey bars that are not sanitized regularly. Going to the beach is also considered a lower risk activity because it’s outdoors. But you should still make sure the beach is not crowded, and practice social distancing. It’s best to go in a small group, and ensure that your child is next to you at all times. If the beach starts to get crowded, that’s your cue to leave. We recommend that you avoid going to your community pool right now. It is also considered a high-risk area because it attracts larger crowds, and it has high-contact surfaces. If you choose to go to your community pool, make sure to bring your own

How do I get my child to wear a mask? Wearing a mask in the middle of summer is very challenging for adults – and even more so for children. As with any new behavior with children: prepare them, practice and reward them for keeping their mask on. You should explain to your child why wearing a mask will keep them safer. Make a game out of it and put the mask on their stuffed animals or dolls, pretend play and make them masked super heroes. Practice inside your home first for short periods of time. As a parent, you have to be a role model and wear your mask as well. Remember that children under two should not be wearing masks.




Five ways to reduce your risk of COVID-19 over the holiday weekend and beyond.



1. Stay Outdoors Your best bet for reducing the risk of transmission is meeting up outside, say Cinti and Malosh. “It’s also becoming clear the virus transmits most effectively in indoor settings. There, close contact between infected people and inadequate ventilation are more likely,” says Malosh in a recent article for The Conversation. Cinti agrees and says that gathering outdoors with the recommended six feet of distancing between people should be safe. That includes walking and hiking together. SEE ALSO: Keeping Our Patients Safe During COVID-19

2. Pack a Picnic Implementing a bring your own food or drink policy is the safest way to enjoy a meal together, says Cinti. Sharing the usual communal BBQ fare will take a little more finessing. “When serving from a dish of food, use sanitizer before and after fixing a plate. Pass bottles or cans of beer or soda with a napkin. But no sharing of utensils or cups,” he says. Another alternative is to have one person, with washed hands and wearing a mask, pre-portion out plates.

3. Play on the Water Cinti says swimming and other water activities should be low risk. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says there is currently no evidence that COVID-19 can spread in pools or other bodies of water. However, care should be taken when lounging by the pool or on the beach. “Again, outdoor events are ok if socially distanced.” If you can’t stay six feet apart, wear a mask but don’t wear a mask in the water, he adds.

4. Wash Your Hands and Wear a Mask Malosh and Cinti both stress the importance of good hand hygiene and mask wearing, especially since, according to the CDC, up to 40% of transmission may be happening before people feel sick. “Face masks and hand hygiene reduce the effective contact, or the chance the virus is transmitted if there is contact,” says Malosh. Wearing a mask and washing hands are especially important to remember when nature calls. “Bathrooms are places were there can be high amounts of virus on surfaces and in the atmosphere,” says Cinti. He recommends washing hands before and after and spending as little time in the bathroom as necessary.

5. Socialize at a Distance Staying as far apart as is practical is important for reducing the risk of transmitting COVID-19. With that in mind, Cinti views eating or drinking inside a bar or restaurant as a risky proposition. “You have to remove your mask to eat and drink, you’re often inside for more than an hour, and transmission can occur even farther than six feet away.” Outdoor patio seating may be a safer proposition. Both Cinti and Malosh recommend keeping gatherings small and outdoors. As always, anyone who is feeling sick should stay home away from other people. And while people at higher risk of severe disease, such as those over 65 or with a suppressed immune system should be especially vigilant, everyone should do their part. Says Cinti, “The advice I’m giving here is relevant to everyone. We should wear masks, wash hands and keep a distance whether you are young or old.”



professional experts Conferencias de Prensa: cuándo, cómo y por qué organizarlas 7 TIPS PARA SABER CUÁNDO, CÓMO Y POR QUÉ ORGANIZARLAS

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Pandemic Age

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6 Myths About The COVID-19 Vaccine That Aren't True

You can get COVID-19 om the vaccines. This is FALSE.

no live virus in the vaccines, an’t infect you,” says Dr. Cun“Basically, the vaccines make es produce one single protein virus—the protein that infects . By making that protein, we nfection. You might have side ke a headache or chills, but ecause your body is creating ne response, not because you have an infection.”

The vaccines can lead long-term effects. This is FALSE.

accines, if there is going to mplication or side effect (like gic reaction, for example) it r within minutes to hours of the vaccine,” says Dr. Cun“If we’re not seeing serious ts now, we can pretty much will be safe down the road.”

he vaccines can lead ong-term effects. This is FALSE.

ccines, if there is going to plication or side effect (like ic reaction, for example) it within minutes to hours of the vaccine,” says Dr. Cun“If we’re not seeing serious ts now, we can pretty much will be safe down the road.”

By Tara Parker

Myth: I’ve already had COVID-19, so I don’t need to get vaccinated. This is FALSE.

Myth: People with underlying conditions shouldn’t get vaccinated. This is FALSE.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that those who have had COVID-19 get the vaccine. “There is preliminary evidence that the vaccine offers better protection than having had the virus,” says Dr. Cunningham. “Plus, it’s sometimes hard to know whether you actually had COVID-19. People who had COVID-19 in the early days, before we had laboratory testing available, were being diagnosed based upon symptoms and not a test. Also, some

People who have underlying conditions—like diabetes and heart disease, for example— are at a high risk for getting complications from COVID-19, so it’s even more reason why they should get vaccinated, says Dr. Cunningham. Talk with your doctor who is helping you manage the condition if you have concerns.

Myth: The vaccines aren’t safe because they were developed quickly. This is FALSE. “The COVID-19 vaccines themselves were developed quickly, but the clinical trials, which examine safety and efficacy, weren’t rushed at all,” says Dr. Cunnwingham. “Safety was not compromised in any way. What happened quickly was finding the vaccine to test. In the 1980s, it took scientists so long to do this, but thanks to scientific advances we’ve made over the years, we can find viruses so quickly.” Also, he adds, COVID-19 is similar to other coronaviruses we’ve seen in humans, like MERS and SARS, so there was previous research that could be used to speed up the process.






Visit To

"The Trip of a Lifetime"

Felip Roca Máster en Dirección Comercial y Marketing

Montserrat is a spectacularly beautiful Benedictine monk mountain retreat about one hour North West from Barcelona by train.

Montserrat. This page will provide links to more detailed pages on all of the different tourist attractions at Montserrat Monastery: the Black Madonna, the Not only is Montserrat Monastery of Basilica, the Choir, the masses, Montsignificant religious importance but the serrat museums, walks around Montnatural beauty surrounding the moserrat, Montserrat Mountain, the funinastery is simply breathtaking. culars at Montserrat, the restaurants and the shops in Montserrat. Each If you enjoy walking there are also page will give the necessary details some interesting walks through the regarding locations, opening times, mountains where you will experience prices and contact details. magnificent views of some of the most unusual rock formations in the whole Black Madonna of Catalonia. You can take a funicular The Black Madonna statue is one of to the top of the mountain, and from the most important and popular attracthere you can choose a number of tions at Montserrat Monastery. Each different walks, all with amazing views year thousands of pilgrims come to of the Catalonian countryside. Montserrat to pray in front of the disMontserrat Monastery means different tinctive statue. During busy times thethings to different people and this is re are long queues to see the Black all reflected in its tourist attractions. Madonna. She is located in the MontFor many pilgrims to Montserrat it is serrat Basilica, framed in an ornate an entirely spiritual experience - they setting and overlooking the church’s come to see the Black Madonna, altar. attend a mass or visit the cave of Renaissance structure. The basilica Santa Cova. However, if you are not itself, the atrium, the chapels within a religious person you will still find the basilica and the Black Madonna that there is a great deal of interest at (see above) are all of interest from an Montserrat Mountain and Monastery. architectural, spiritual and If you are an active person you can Montserrat Museum is an art museuenjoy the climbs and walks that are mwith a wide selection of works dating available all over Montserrat Mounfrom the thirteenth century right up to tain. If you are a nature enthusiast you the present day. Due to the fact that can learn about and experience first Montserrat is seen mainly as a relihand the flora and fauna in Montsegious destination, many people are rrat’s natural park. If you are a music unaware of the high standard of art lover you will not want to miss Mont- that is on display in the museum. Take serrat’s famous boy’s choir. Fans of a walk around the space and see art will love the works of art that are works from the likes of Picasso, Dalí, on display in Montserrat’s museum. Miró, El Greco and Degas. There is something for everybody in FIESTASMAGAZINE





High temperatures invite you to show off your body. The trichinis with large asymmetric or circular openings, crossed swimsuits and bikini bottoms reduced to the minimum expression. All of them in colorful colors, with floral prints and adorned with subtle accessories. Wide, narrow, horizontal and vertical, the stripes offer a marine halo to the swimsuits. The most requested, white and navy blue, that well used help to stylize the silhouette. Plain swimsuits in one color are also very flattering. This or acidic colors like pistachio green, strong orange, citrus yellow, turquoise blue, deep red, flower green, and fuchsia look perfect in the sun. Patterned or not, triquinis, bikini bottoms and bandannas are adorned with bows, bows, colored beads, sequins and crystals.

Triquinis: the latest fashion

Triquinis: la ltima moda Las altas temperaturas invitan a lucir el cuerpo. Arrasan los triquinis con grandes aberturas asimetricas o circulares, banadores cruzados y biquinis reducidos a la minima expresi0n. Todos ellos en coloresicidos, con estampados florales y aderezados con sutiles accesorios. Anchas, estrechas, horizontales y verticales, las rayas ofrecen un halo marino a los banadores. Las mas solicitadas, blancas y azul marino, que bien utilizadas ayudan estilizar la silueta. Tambien resultan muy favorecedores los trajes de bano lisos, en un solo color. Este a o los colores cidos como el verde pistacho, el naranja fuerte, el amarillo el ctrico, el azul turquesa, el rojo intenso, verde flor, y el fucsia lucir perfeto bajo el sol. Con estampados o sin ellos, los triquinis, biquinis y ban adores se adornar con lazos, lazadas, abalorios de colores, lentejuelas y cristales.


By Jessica Testak

Triquinis: la ultima moda



Andrea Meza

Miss Mexican crowned Miss Universe 2021 28


Who is Andrea Meza? Miss Universe 2021 Mexican Model Andrea Meza Early life and education Meza was born on 13 August 1994 in Chihuahua City to parents Alma Carmona and Santiago Meza. She grew up in Chihuahua City as the eldest of three daughters and has Chinese -Mexican ancestry. After completing secondary school, Meza enrolled in the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, where she studied software engineering.She graduated with her degree in 2017 and subsequently began working in Mexico as a software engineer in addition to her career as a model.

Andrea Meza Pageantry Miss Mexico 2017 Meza began her pageantry career in 2016 after she was selected to represent Chihuahua at Miss World Mexico 2016. This was the first edition of the pageant after the Nuestra Belleza México competition lost its license for Miss World. In the pageant, Meza advanced to the top sixteen, then the top ten, and ultimately the top five. After reaching the top five, Meza was one of the two contestants awarded a crown, being crowned as Miss Mexico 2017. Ana Girault, representing Mexico City, was crowned Miss Mexico 2016 and given the opportunity to represent Mexico at Miss World 2016, while Meza was given the opportunity to represent Mexico at

Miss World 2017 Miss World 2017 was later held on 18 November 2017 at Sanya City Arena in Sanya, China. In the pre-pageant activities, Meza won group sixteen of the Head-to-Head Challenge, which gave her direct entry into the top forty. Additionally, she placed as the fourth runner-up in the talent competition. During the finals of the competition, Meza advanced from the top forty into the top fifteen, top ten, and top five. After reaching the top five, Meza placed as the first runner-up behind winner Manushi Chhillar of India. In addition to her first runner-up finish, Meza was additionally crowned Miss World Americas, placing her within the 2017 Miss World Continental Queens of Beauty.



6828 Old Dominion Dr A McLean, VA 22101 703-893-5000


O 32


One of the hardest things to do For issues your lower extremities, is trying to stay in some kind of work your upper body. Lifting. shape while being injured. Cardio would be harder to do Whether its a broken limb or other but can be done with the hands/ health problem. You have to try to arms. Like battle ropes. For lifting you would do either find ways around it. If possible. lighter weight and higher reps, First off let me say, if you are se- fast. Or heavy weight with more riously hurt, no one should be ju- intensity to help burn calories. dging you, least yourself, about what “body shape” you are in. If you have an issue were you can not exert yourself because of Your priorities should be to heal heart or lung conditions, I would first. Then you can worry about recommend a medium sized weifinding ways to do some kind of ght in a very low rep range. cardio or weight lifting. The more muscle the body has, If you have an issue with an upper no more calories you burn at rest. body part. You could possibly sti- Meaning, just sitting watching TV. ll do some type of cardio or leg Not doing cardio. exercises.

Eating lean ALWAYS he dropping fats and lowerin will help keep the fluff at b you are not able to do as keep fit. But lean proteins ken breast, non oily fish lean beef) with some goo (oatmeal, rice, potatoes, and vegetables, will ke energy levels up and go to building that muscle an gth you want.

Good luck in your recove if you need help you can me at Donnamcginnphy

elps. So ng carbs bay while much to s, (chich, turkey, od carbs , quinoa) eep your straight nd stren-

ery. And n contact ysique@


Donna McGinn

LMT,CPT, IFBB Women’s Physique Pro

If you need help, you can contact me. I do online consults to point you in the right direction and coaching to help you get started no matter where you live.

Staying in Shape While Injured. FIESTASMAGAZINE


International Event


M Fas

MODA shion Minifaldas para combatir el Verano.

El frío, repleto de glamour, belleza y moda, invade las pasarelas de Europa. Pero las bajas temperaturas, la nieve y la lluvia que seguramente lleguen no son un inconveniente para los diseñadores que proponen vestir el próximo otoño­invierno a las mujeres con cortísimas minifaldas, pequeño mini­short, escuetos vestidos, ligeras camisas de tirantes o pantalones pitillos. Al parecer, el ahorro en metros de telas y la ausencia de exceso auguran una época difícil económicamente y llena de interrogantes por el ambiente prebélico. Sobre tacones imposibles de doce centímetros, las tendencias presentadas inicialmente en Cibeles se debaten entre la austeridad y un lujo reprimido, donde el negro se impone por mayoría absoluta y permite compartir su autoridad con una tímida paleta de color. Las pautas adelantadas apuntan siluetas insinuantes y el regreso del pantalón pitillo o recto para cualquier ocasión. Junto a sofisticados tejidos tecnológicos, como el téncel, reaparecen con fuerza las pieles –visón, zorro, napas­y los tejidos naturales como terciopelos, gasas, panas, crepes, fieltro, tweed, viscosa y algodón, en las colecciones de Juan Duyos, Antonio Pernas, Fernando lemoniez, Javier Larrainzar, Miguel Palacio, Elio Berhanyer, Devota & Lomba, Ángel Schlesser, Roberto Torreta, Roberto Verino, Jesús del Pozo y Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada.

¿Qué se lleva? Delicados vestidos plisados, túnicas de aire romano, bermudas con vuelta, faldas con vuelo, saharianas ajustadas, pantalones masculinos, chaquetas entalladas y blusones de seda con generoso escote son las prendas estrellas de la nueva temporada. LO MÁS NOVEDOSO. Para esta temporada, los diseñadores se han inspirado en clásicos diseñadores como Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent o Rochas, al mismo tiempo que han renovado heredados estilos como el bohemio, las túnicas griegas, el “look” safari o el atuendo para salir a navegar, eso sí todos muy femeninos. SÍ SE LLEVA. Las guerreras militares. Los caftanes de algodón blanco. Los bolsos, “tops” y vestidos de ganchillo. Marcar la cintura con lazadas y cinturones. Bolsos de mano. Los gorros de paja. Las bermudas con vuelta. Los pantalones de cintura baja. Las faldas de vuelo tipo años 50. NO SE LLEVA. Los estampados con motivos marineros como anclas, barcos o velas. Las camisas con dibujos geométricos. Las piezas de inspiración oriental. El estilo rockero: cazadoras de cuero con remaches dorados o plata y vaqueros. Los vestidos con flores hawaianas. Los pantalones tipo pijama.

Marcial Vidal +591 77409629

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