Regional consumer trend updates: India

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The power of plants: Plant protein is something of high appeal to health and sustainably conscious consumers in India Whilst meat consumption per capita has always been lower in India than in many parts of the western world, a greater proportion of consumers are actively making attempts to moderate or avoid intake of meat and dairy products. Often, these consumers can turn to plant-based products to compensate for such dietary changes – especially as this food and drink is high in protein. Consumers are switching to plant-based alternatives because of fears over the environment and health, two areas that consumers often deem to be interlinked. At the same time, it is important that any meat and dairy substitutes are seen to replicate the experience of eating/drinking animal produce from a taste and texture perspective.

How would you describe your diet? (2020)

52% 30% 3% Flexitarian





Vegan diet

Regular meat eater

Reasons why consumers in India do not eat meat on regular basis (2020) Top 5 reasons 90%

I associate eating less meat with being healthier Environmental concerns


Concerns over animal welfare


Price of meat is high


I believe eating meat leads to heart health problems

It is better for the environment


I like the taste of plant-based alternatives better than the regular milk products

78% 73%

Plant-based alternatives are healthier than regular milk products


Plant-based food and drink products are more trustworthy


of consumers in India do not eat meat regularly


Reasons why consumers in India turn to dairy substitutes (2020) Top 5 reasons

It is better for the cows



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of consumers in India say they turn to dairy substitutes

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