FINAL REVIEW 2010/2011
Yefim Freidine Soviet Ideology of Preservation: How It Works Today (The Ideology of Preservation)
Soviet ideology of preservation: How It Works today? 1. History: genetic code of soviet ideology of preservation 2. Contemporary situation: mediator is missing 3. Plan for mediacampaign: action in the field
Scientific restoration of Kazan Cathedral on the Red Square (arch.Baranovsky, 1925-1933) Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
Natalya Dushkina (MARHI) Meetings
Alexander Kibovsky (MosComNasledie)
Alexander Margolis (Memorial)
Boris Kirikov (former KGIOP)
Kira Dolinina (European University)
The lecture by Kira Dolinina ‘Great’ St.Petersburg museums: imperial ambitions, territorial expansions, the test for contemporary art. The 7th of March 2011
Vladimir Shukhov ( Experts
Michael Turner (Unesco)
Georgy Evdokimov (Central restoration workshops) 29
Marina Khrustaleva (Archnadzor) Keepers
Grigory Revzin (Kommersant)
Elena Olshanskaya (Lissitsky' printing office)
Yekaterina Karinskaya (Melnikov' house)
Clementine Cecil (MAPS)
Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
Experts http://www.rospres. com/backup/margolis.jpg
genetic code of the ideology of preservation in soviet times
Public organisation International support Professional society Regional network
State Organisation
Public State
VOOPIK All-russian society for protection of historical and cultural monuments
MAPS Russian mansion amateurs etc. DO.CO.MO.MO ICOMOS UNESCO
Academy of Architecture Ethnographers' bureau branches
Ethnographic museums
Central state restoration workshops
Narkompros 1917
Production bureau (group) for protection and usage of historical and cultural heritage
VOOPIK's restoration workshops Central state restoration workshops Regional restoration institutes&workshops Federal center for protection of architectural and urban planning heritage
VOOPIK's restoration workshops
State inspection for protection of monuments
RosSvyazOhranKultura/Federal service for protection of mass media and cultural heritage
Ministry of culture 1947
Office for state protection of heritage
System of protection 2010 >15000
8000 listed monuments 1995 8834 1930 8000
Genetic code
Regional scientific-production center Regional department of culture for preservation of historical and cultural heritage
Ministry of construction 1927
Scientific-production center for preservation of historical and cultural heritage
Regional office of culture
Central state restoration workshops
Comission of Academy of Architecture
Museum department of Glavnauka (Science)
Russian avantguard Archnadzor foundation
Academy of Architecture
Regional inspections for protection of monuments
Gubmusei (regional museums)
Professional restorers
Old Moscow, Old Saint-Petersburg Russian mansion amateurs etc.
1. Heritage as abandoned disfunctional monuments 2. Closed community 3. Opposition to the officials 4. Emotional defense of heritage 5. Public support as part of state system 6. State is the only a mediator of dispute 7. Total restoration 8. Inhabited heritage 9. Activism as way of defending
abandoned builngs as museums 1974 6515
1923 2870 1930Museum of wooden architecture 1947 (Msk) 2000in Kolomenskoe 550
536 (1990)
478 (2000)
115 (1986) Mansion/palace in Archangelskoe as museums
Kazan41cathedral as museum of religious history and atheism (Spb)(2010)
Statistic of monuments in federal lists Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
genetic code of the ideology of preservation in soviet times
Public organisation International support Professional society Regional network
State Organisation
Ethnographers' bureau branches
VOOPIK All-russian society for protection of historical and cultural monuments
Central state restoration workshops
Production bureau (group) for protection and usage of historical and cultural heritage
Russian avantguard Archnadzor foundation
Office for state protection of heritage
VOOPIK's restoration workshops Central state restoration workshops Regional restoration institutes&workshops Federal center for protection of architectural and urban planning heritage
VOOPIK's restoration workshops
State inspection for protection of monuments
RosSvyazOhranKultura/Federal service for protection of mass media and cultural heritage
Ministry of culture 1947
System of protection 2010 >15000
Blasting of the Christ the Saviour cathedral, 1931
1995 8834 1930 8000
1923 2870
Genetic code
Regional scientific-production center Regional department of culture for preservation of historical and cultural heritage
Ministry of construction 1927
Scientific-production center for preservation of historical and cultural heritage
Regional office of culture
Central state restoration workshops
Comission of Academy of Architecture
MAPS Russian mansion amateurs etc. DO.CO.MO.MO ICOMOS UNESCO
Academy of Architecture
Regional inspections for protection of monuments
Ethnographic museums
Museum department of Glavnauka (Science)
Disbanded system
Academy of Architecture
Gubmusei (regional museums)
Professional restorers
Old Moscow, Old Saint-Petersburg Russian mansion amateurs etc.
1. Heritage as abandoned disfunctional monuments 2. Closed community 3. Opposition to the officials 4. Emotional defense of heritage 5. Public support as part of state system 6. State is the only a mediator of dispute 7. Total restoration We have enormous set of architectural and technical media to reject the 8. Inhabited heritage threat of demolition of architectural monuments an enrich city image. Excessive sizes of squares and streets are unprofitable threaten 9. Activism asandway ofto heritage G.Krutikov, protection inspector, 1940 G.Krutikov in 1940 defending
Planning scheme doesn't stop before demolition of one or another monument, if it's on the way of urban development
L.Kaganovich, officer for moscow metro and ÂŤMasterplan of Moscow reconstructionÂť
1974 6515
-75% monuments removed from list
1930 2000
536 (1990)
115 (1986) 1947 550
478 (2000)
41 (2010)
Statistic of monuments in federal lists Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
genetic code of the ideology of preservation in soviet times
Public organisation International support Professional society Regional network
State Organisation Laws 1907
VOOPIK All-russian society for protection of historical and cultural monuments
Old Moscow, Old Saint-Petersburg Russian mansion amateurs etc.
Russian mansion amateurs etc. DO.CO.MO.MO ICOMOS UNESCO
Academy of Architecture Ethnographers' bureau branches Ethnographic museums
Central state restoration workshops
Narkompros 1917
Production bureau (group) for protection and usage of historical and cultural heritage
VOOPIK's restoration workshops Central state restoration workshops Regional restoration institutes&workshops Federal center for protection of architectural and urban planning heritage
VOOPIK's restoration workshops
State inspection for protection of monuments
RosSvyazOhranKultura/Federal service for protection of mass media and cultural heritage
Ministry of culture 1947
Office for state protection of heritage
System of protection 2010 >15000
Nikita Khrushev
Jozef Stalin
Ust'-Ilim Hydropower station 1930 8000
Tower of Ust-Ilim fortress 1995in museum (Irkutsk) 8834 1974 6515
536 (1990)
478 (2000)
15 000 000 members of All-Russian
society for protection of historical and cultural monuments (VOOPIK) 115 (1986)
1923 2870 1930 New Arbat (Kalininsky2000 avenue) in Moscow
Genetic code
Regional scientific-production center Regional department of culture for preservation of historical and cultural heritage
Ministry of construction 1927
Russian avantguard Archnadzor foundation
Scientific-production center for preservation of historical and cultural heritage
Regional office of culture Central state restoration workshops
Comission of Academy of Architecture
Museum department of Glavnauka (Science)
Academy of Architecture
Regional inspections for protection of monuments
Gubmusei (regional museums)
Professional restorers
1947 550
Statistic of monuments in federal lists
1. Heritage as abandoned disfunctional monuments 2. Closed community 3. Opposition to the officials 4. Emotional defense of heritage 5. Public support as part of state system 6. State is the only a mediator of dispute 7. Total restoration 8. Inhabited heritage 9. Activism as way of defending
41 (2010) Suzdal - turistic center and city-reserve
Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
genetic code of the ideology of preservation in soviet times
Gatchina palace was burnt during german occupation of Leningrad suburbs.
Genetic code 1. Heritage as abandoned disfunctional monuments 2. Closed community 3. Opposition to the officials 4. Emotional defense of heritage 5. Public support as part of state system 6. State is the only a mediator of dispute 7. Total restoration 8. Inhabited heritage 9. Activism as way of defending
Postwar Postwar total total restoration restoration
Contemporary state Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
genetic code of the ideology of preservation in soviet times
Genetic code
Heritage Heritage of of XX XX century century
Institute in Sochi (arch.Tshussev) was listed in 1974 (2011)
1. Heritage as abandoned disfunctional monuments 2. Closed community 3. Opposition to the officials 4. Emotional defense of heritage 5. Public support as part of state system 6. State is the only a mediator of dispute 7. Total restoration 8. Inhabited heritage 9. Activism as way of defending
Resort in Sochi (arch.M.Merjanov) was listed in 1974 (2011) Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
contemporary situation in preservation field
Public organisation International support Professional society Regional network
State Organisation Laws 1907
Academy of Architecture Ethnographers' bureau branches
Regional inspections for protection of monuments
Central state restoration workshops
Regional office of culture Central state restoration workshops
Comission of Academy of Architecture
Production bureau (group) for protection and usage of historical and cultural heritage
VOOPIK's restoration workshops Central state restoration workshops Regional restoration institutes&workshops Federal center for protection of architectural and urban planning heritage
RosSvyazOhranKultura/Federal service for protection of mass media and cultural heritage
Ministry of culture
Office for state protection of heritage
Regional scientific-production center Regional department of culture for preservation of historical and cultural heritage
Sergey Polonsky real-estate developer
Marina Khrustaleva activist, journalist, Archnadzor Sergey Gordeev, ex-senator, Russian avanguard foundation
Vladimir Ressin (building department supervisor), Vladimir Putin (prime-minister), Jury Luzhkov (ex-mayor of Moscow)
Grigory Revzin, architectural critic, journalist
Russian avantguard Archnadzor foundation
Scientific-production center for preservation of historical and cultural heritage
VOOPIK's restoration workshops
State inspection for protection of monuments
Ministry of construction 1927
Russian mansion amateurs etc. DO.CO.MO.MO ICOMOS UNESCO Academy of Architecture
Ethnographic museums
Museum department of Glavnauka (Science)
Public International State Private State VOOPIK All-russian society for protection of historical and cultural monuments
Old Moscow, Old Saint-Petersburg Russian mansion amateurs etc.
Gubmusei (regional museums)
Professional restorers
Alexander Kibovsky, head of Moskomnasledie Natalia Dushkina, expert on preservation of modern architecture
Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
Contemporary situation: missing mediator 1. Fragmentation of protection system 2. Replication and preservation as antisoviet politic 3. No preservation/ No development
-90% historical cities list
contemporary situation in preservation field
Kazan cathedral (1936/1989)
Kolomenskoe (1750/2009) Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
Contemporary situation: missing mediator 1. Fragmentation of protection system 2. Replication and preservation as antisoviet politic 3. No preservation/ No development
contemporary situation in preservation field
Contemporary situation: missing mediator 1. Fragmentation of protection system 2. Replication and preservation as antisoviet politic 3. No preservation/ No development
Ruins Preservation Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
Defense of Kadashy (2010, Moscow): new ruins
contemporary situation in preservation field
Preservation Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
Contemporary situation: missing mediator 1. Fragmentation of protection system 2. Replication and preservation as antisoviet politic 3. No preservation/ No development
contemporary situation in preservation field
Mediation Preservation Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
Contemporary situation: missing mediator 1. Fragmentation of protection system 2. Replication and preservation as antisoviet politic 3. No preservation/ No development
media-capmaign in preservation field
Plan for media campaign
world war i
1917 civil war empire collapse
keePer and restorer: sigHt on History
the preservationist community is fairly clannish; it obtains the necessary data from professional publications like the Hermitage magazine and our Heritage and from conference reports. this community is subdivided into two major groups: the keepers of heritage (museum staff, overseeing state functionaries) and the restorers (who actually perform the restoration and “editing” of national history, sometimes reinterpreting and presenting it anew). the exponents of either group are, as a rule, conversant with the history of their profession, adhering to particular schools and certain principles of which their circle possesses quite a few. they can be easily contacted, once you found common ground, and they set great store by the names of their icons. We have chosen two figures—Count Valentin Zuboff and Piotr baranovsky—from the many worthy names. they both started working during the october revolution, but each in his own manner. Zubov gradually came to adopt the attitude of a keeper that he put into practice at the former Palace in gatchina, while baranovsky became a model restorer, working in that official capacity from 1918 until the 1980s. Zuboff was a champion of wholeness, striving to preserve cultural heritage in its context, together with entire historical strata in their transformation. emotional bonding with the object of preservation was very important for him. baranovsky, on his part, valued most of all the genuine look of a monument as it was in its heyday, not its current appearance with possible later additions or subtractions. He found inspiration in research and imaginative reconstruction of history. the two men shared great activity and certain radicalism—in the cause of preservation, they were ready to go to all lengths, ignoring political and economic considerations, as well as state borders. Unfolding my story through the abovementioned figures and demonstrating the controversial nature of the decisions they made, i “cracked”—so to speak—the genetic code of national system of preservation
of historical monuments. i juxtapose the old and new practices and modes of thinking, demonstrating a direct link between them, to prompt the keepers and restorers of today to think about relevant problems in this field. For better or worse, the results of older and more recent renovations are here for all to see. this would involve some degree of responsibility. Would it be right, in this connection, to pursue the old soviet ideology of preserving dead heritage regardless? this article might result in a discussion about preserving historic monuments that are still inhabited which would require working out new strategies of preservation. conferences of keepers of small museums who need additional expertise and opportunities for the development of their institutions under current conditions could be a logical continuation of this trend.
Kazan cathedral on the Red square in Moscow: disclosure, restoration (1925), demolition (1934), replication (1989)
Renovation on new place (in Kolomenskoe, Moscow from Irkutsk region)
modern movement
Kazan cathedral on the Red square in Moscow: disclosure, restoration (1925), demolition (1934), replication (1989)
Professionals chief of moscow deputy branch of сhief
Сollaborator of 1939
our experts in the above-mentioned domain were: igor malakhov, a designer from samara who developed the program for the togliatti museum of flooded cities; georgi yevdokimov, a restorer of the moscow kremlin; yelena olshanskaya, the keeper of the Lisitsky Printing Office, Moscow; Kira Dolinina, an art critic and professor at the european University, st. Petersburg, clementine cecil from moscow architecture preservation society, natalya dushkina, expert on preservation of modernist' heritage. a related event: “re/evolution of avant-guard: life, place, time” meeting of keepers in commemoration of s.o.khan-magomedov at Strelka Institute (14/06/2011, co-curator - Maria Troshina)
old russian style
1940 made a critical report on moscow reconstruction plan and preservation of historic buildings 1928 graduated from ladovsky studio in vkHUtemas with widely known diploma project on future cities.
1940 1946
Comission on protection of monuments in academy of architecture
State inspection for protection of monuments
first >moscultprog tour: church and Palaces of kirillov on bersenevskaya embankment
George Krutikov, konstructivist, under influence of Piotr Baranovsky became keeper, then - head of Moscow system of preservation (1946-56)
khan-magomedov s.o. «g.krutikov»
1. Professional problems 2. General public/ mediator missing 3. Preservation mechanism
Wooden palace in Kolomenskoe Replication after 250 years (1750s/ 2009)
Scientifical restoration on optimal epoche (1940s)
1948 Prepared the list of architectural monuments for moscow 1943 execute documentation on different sites in moscow: krutitskoe podvorie, church and palaces on bersenevskaya embankment
Alisa Bogdonaite, Museum of Russian Architecture
Museum of wooden architecture in Kolomenskoe
Andrey Erofeev, curator, art critic, expert on New Avantguard
Sergey Nikitin, art historian, founder Moskultprog and Velonotte
Interior of Gatchina palace
Elena Olshanskaya, keeper of Lissitsky' printing office
Piotr Baranovsky, restorer, founder of museum in Kolomenskoe, exiled 1934-1936. Vladimir Shukhov, president of Shukhov tower foundation, head of Do.Co.Mo.Mo in Russia
Ekaterina Karinskaya, keeper of Konstantin and Viktor Melnikov' House
Count Valentin Zuboff, art historian, keeper, founder of Gatchina museum immigrated in 1925
Stalin/Tschussev dialogue about future
Krutikov/Kaganovich dialogue about urbanization
in my oPinion tHe decision (demolition of toWer) Was rigHt, i sUPPose, tHat soviet PeoPle coUld create greater and more memorable examPles of arcHitectUre tHan sUkHareva toWer
our society is able to create the beauty, immensely more excellent than all, what could be dreamt about in the past
>15000 (2010)
Planning scHeme doesn't stoP before demolition of one or anotHer monUment, if it'S on the way of Urban develoPment l.kaganoviCh, officer for moscoW moscow general plan curated by kaganovich&stalin 1935
v.lenin, 1918
nowhere people could learn such artistic range as that was done by nobility at its zenith
Sergey Polonsky , real-estate developper
1934 blasting of sukhareva tower by traffic reason (officially)
a.lunacharsky «Why we protect romanov'
We Have enormoUs Set of arcHitectUral and tecHnical media to rejeCt the threat of demolition of arChiteCtural monumentS an enriCh City image. excessive siZes of sQUares and streets are UnProfitable and tHreaten to Heritage g.krutikov, Protection insPector, demolition of toWer is inaPProPriate, if tHe target is adJUstment of traffic, tHe resUlt can be acHieved by otHer medias a.tShuSSev and groUP of arcHitects
the head of 1929
narkompros Commissariat of enlightenment
bombing of moscow kremlin by bolsheviks 1917
Marina Khrustaleva activist, journalist, Archnadzor Sergey Gordeev, ex-senator, Russian avanguard foundation
General Public Preservationist' community
State organisation laws State/private/public 1907 system of preservation
15 mln members (1981)= 3/4 communist party
6 mln members (1971)
established (1966)
voopik all-russian society for protection of historical and cultural monuments
old moscow, old Saint-petersburg russian mansion amateurs etc.
ethnographers' bureau branches gubmusei (regional museums)
2000 (1930)
museum department of glavnauka (Science) narkompros 1917
regional inspections for protection of monuments
production bureau (group) for protection and usage of historical and cultural heritage
Regional office of culture
Public suPPort
Scientific-production center for preservation of historical and cultural heritage
115 (1986)
550 (1947)
Central state restoration workshops
russian avantguard archnadzor foundation
academy of architecture
ethnographic museums
Comission of academy of architecture ministry of construction 1927
mapS russian mansion amateurs etc. iComoS uneSCo
academy of architecture
Central state restoration workshops
in federal lists
professional restorers
voopik: own budget/workshops
al cities
regional network
mln rubleS from sales from State hermitage and other museums' collections
source: osokina «gold for industrialization», Jukov «stalin: operation Hermitage»
Ю.Б. Галай Нормативные акты об охране колоколов и их практическая реализация в Нижегородской губернии
international support professional society
to preServaCtion?
Antiquariat auction trade from museum collections for inustrialisation needs
2870 (1923)
oric listed hist
of cost came back to museum
Recycling of bells by Rudmetalltorg
478 (2000)
archnadzor 6/02/2010 up to 700 participators in protest manifestation
6515 (1974)
of industrialization needs or price of tractor plant in tchelyabinsk
public organisation
8834 (1995)
536 (1990)
of cost came to the budget of city
Natalia Dushkina, expert on preservation of modern architecture
Grigory Revzin, architectural critic, journalist
gostorg in moscow
Alexander Kibovsky, head of Moskomnasledie
rudmetalltorg – office of metall stocking and trade for industrialization needs
Vladimir Ressin (building department supervisor), Vladimir Putin (prime-minister), Jury Luzhkov (ex-mayor of Moscow)
activity. i propose lifting communication barriers between all participants, creating an operational vocabulary of terms and forms of interaction not only within the preservationist sphere but also outside it. the present publication is intended for mass media including the kommersant-vlast’, the russian reporter, the new times, the, the expert, etc. our principal experts in this area were: alexander margolis (memorial, Unesco expert, spb), alexander kibovsky (Head of moskomnaledie), marina khrustaleva (activist, journalist, archnadzor), clementine cecil (maPs, journalist), grigori revzin (architectural critic), tatiana krasheninnikova (deputy director of kremlin museum), boris kirikov (head of saint-Peterburg branch of institute of theory of architecture and Urbanistic, niitag). a related event was our participation in the conference of the niitag raasn titled “Urban Problems of Preservation” (June 9–10, 2011), with a report on the interaction between the old and new city.
history and its heritage. the structural transformation of the protection system itself, the involvement of public support in it became new characteristics of the “state–heritage” situation. it is important that private enterprise which, starting from the 1990s, became part of the system after legalizing the self-financed building projects that had existed unofficially before can no longer be controlled by the state: the entire activity is now contract based. the same applies to the parties renting monuments— they work under contract, on mutually beneficial terms. Who but the state authorities and urban protection movements backed by civil society has the real power over our heritage? for even the owners of historic buildings have no real power to preserve or destroy them. by unfolding the socio-political topic of power and history, by delineating my own map of the world and demonstrating that the old leviathan tears the historical fabric of the city to pieces with appalling efficiency, I try to involve a wide audience in our
Quantity of
PoWer and Heritage
the second target audience of our planned campaign are decisions makers, including state officials, and members of movements protecting urban heritage. the goal of this publication is their serious, nonformal involvement in the sphere of heritage preservation, as well as the definition of the current state and structure of that sphere and an attempt to create an efficient vocabulary for interaction within it. the article is based on a reconstruction of the historical context of current state of dissonance in the sphere of urban development, especially as regards the demolition of historic blocks of the capital. it is important for the parties involved to see one another as parts of the same system, to have a clear perception of the history of their relationship. during the soviet epoch they were all technically the gears of the same governmental clockwork, with each gear acting in the interests of the whole machinery. the dynamics of listing architectural monuments entitled to protection—as regards their number and identity—show the state’s changing attitude to
State inspection for protection of monuments
the third direction of our media campaign suggests a possible strategy of heritage preservation and opens a potential new sphere of activity (or a new sector of market) for professionals like developers and middlemen. the article is based on case studies of the interaction between the processes of preservation and destruction which led to various results, including favorable ones. the transformation of the very hub of that interaction—which took place in bureaucrats’ offices, at architects’ desks and even on building sites—is demonstrated. another aspect of the paper concerns the object of preservation. What will it be: the historical environment, some spatial structure, or some incorporeal, intangible constituent? We have so far two government initiated cases in russia: the pilot project of Block 130 in Irkutsk and the transformation of the gorky Park in moscow. the irkutsk project features traditional wooden architecture of mid-19th century, while the gorky Park basically involves landscape architecture reproducing the czar’s palace and structures of early soviet era. both cases illustrate the interaction between parties previously regarded as antagonists whose conflict of socio-economic and political interests is now resolved beyond the framework of architectural projects. there is an organizational structure suggested for Block 130. The foundation and management company involved in it tried to take into account the interests of all concerned parties: investors, owners, architects, restorers, the state and of course the prospective end users. as regards the gorky Park project, a system of preliminary discussions was put forward. those discussions are supposed to align the attitudes of participants and to define the object of preservation. the extremely diverse range of people (professional architects, landscape designers, keepers, social scientists, investors, art directors, various officials, local residents, etc.) attracted by those discussions all ended up “in the same boat.” Trying to find common ground they discussed various issues sitting literally on the same level, without a central stage. there was a “roomful of kids of different ages,” as fred manson (urban renewal specialist from the United kingdom) described the participants of the gorky Park preservation round table. the object of preservation includes something more than just blueprints, archaeological layers and the remains of buildings from various eras. these are memories and feelings. the object of the project is an extremely subtle combination of various traditions that emerged, relative to the park, in different generations, involving different spaces and scenic effects that express them. the interesting part is that the park becomes a stage for an ever-changing set of actors—ordinary people who visit it and bring to life the preserved
blasting/recycling new moscow 1935
destruction/ future heritage urbanization
socialist ideology& industrialization +present affirmation state regional Professionals PUblic sUPPort
socialist ideology& urbanization +futuristic position state regional Professionals PUblic sUPPort
Restorers, historians, ethnographers + citizens, nimby
traditions and spaces. kids laugh, old men noisily move chess pieces, reenactment aficionados recreate the universe of tolkien or the napoleonic invasion. The just described process of mediation is not unique even in the case of russia—similar models were being used for about 30 years. However, the critical mass of the process of social-oriented design, especially in the sphere of heritage protection, may prove a turning point in architectural history, attracting professionals of all descriptions. our experts were: grigory revzin (architectural critic), mark meerovich (methodologist, architectural historian), alexander margolis (deputy chief of spb “memorial” branch, historian). a related event: “the gorky Park: the Past and the Future,” a round table at Strelka (May 18, 2011, moderated by nikita tokarev).
Mechanism preservation>>>of next Preservation
rosSvyazohrankultura/federal service for protection of mass media and cultural heritage
ministry of culture 1947
Office for state protection of heritage
Regional scientific-production center for regional department of culture preservation of historical and cultural heritage
voopik's restoration workshops Central state restoration workshops 41 (2010) regional restoration institutes&workshops federal center for protection of architectural and urban planning heritage
voopik's restoration workshops
strategy of Preservation
Lenin/Lunatcharsky dialogue about creativity
Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
mansion/palace museums
state regional Professionals PUblic sUPPort
commercialization affirmation of selfidentity
Gorky park in Moscow: from Attack of fountain to New old symbols.
tower of ust-ilim fortress in museum (irkutsk)
megaprojects, ust-ilim hydroelectric power station, 19601980
postwar palace renovation
kazan cathedral as museum of religious history and atheism (Spb)
media&architect +owner
1930(-75%) 1966(+75%) museum of wooden architecture in kolomenskoe (msk)
veracity& veracity& authenticity authenticity +futuristic position +balance old/new
veracity& authenticity +image of the past
state regional Professionals PUblic sUPPort
painters, restorers state + defending of regional religious values Professionals PUblic sUPPort
painters, restorers, state historians, ethnographers regional +tourists, peasants Professionals PUblic sUPPort
recreation of palace in kolomenskoe (model of 1947, application in 1978), demolished in Xviii century
Sukhareva square 1935 new moscow 1924
PUblic sUPPort
History of planning structure
aggressive formulation of the problem for the preservationist community and the breaking of the latter’s restrictive circle; exposure of the current heritage preservation system and the motivations of its participants, with the arrangement of their dialogue in the media; the creation of an adequate vocabulary for such a dialogue; the suggestion of new approaches and mechanisms—all those are but initial steps in the possible transformation of the heritage preservation system based on the study of its ideology which was shaped in the Soviet period.
media-capmaign in preservation field
Plan for media campaign
Count Valentin Zubov Gatchina palace keeper arrested in 1918, 1922 emigrated in 1925
Keeper and restorer. Samples Piotr Baranovsky restorer, activist, official exiled in 1934-1936
Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
1. Professional problems 2. General public/ mediator missing 3. Preservation mechanism
Kazan cathedral on the Red square in Moscow: disclosure, restoration (1925), demolition (1934), replication (1989)
media-capmaign in preservation field
Round table talk ÂŤRe/evolution of avant-guardÂť in commemoration of S.O.Khan-Magomedov june 14,2011 Andrey Erofeev, curator, art critic, expert on New Avantguard curators: Y.Freidin, M.Troshina
Alisa Bogdonaite, Museum of Russian Architecture
Plan for media campaign 1. Professional problems 2. General public/ mediator missing 3. Preservation mechanism
Elena Olshanskaya, keeper of Lissitsky' printing office Nar.kom.fin: art group or residents
Vladimir Shukhov, president of Shukhov tower foundation, head of Do.Co.Mo.Mo in Russia
Ekaterina Karinskaya, keeper of Konstantin and Viktor Melnikov' House Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
media-capmaign in preservation field
International support Professional society
State Organisation
Old Moscow, Old Saint-Petersburg Russian mansion amateurs etc.
Ethnographers' bureau branches
Regional inspections for protection of monuments
Ethnographic museums
Central state restoration workshops
Narkompros 1917
VOOPIK's restoration workshops
State inspection for protection of monuments
Ministry of culture
Ministry of construction
Russian avantguard Archnadzor foundation
Academy of Architecture
Scientific-production center for preservation of historical and cultural heritage
Regional office of culture
Central state restoration workshops
Comission of Academy of Architecture
Museum department of Glavnauka (Science)
Production bureau (group) for protection and usage of historical and cultural heritage
Russian mansion amateurs etc. DO.CO.MO.MO ICOMOS UNESCO
Academy of Architecture
Gubmusei (regional museums)
Professional restorers
VOOPIK All-russian society for protection of historical and cultural monuments
Transformation of protection system
Public organisation
Regional network
Office for state protection of heritage
Regional scientific-production center Regional department of culture for preservation of historical and cultural heritage VOOPIK's restoration workshops Central state restoration workshops Regional restoration institutes&workshops Federal center for protection of architectural and urban planning heritage RosSvyazOhranKultura/Federal service for protection of mass media and cultural heritage
In my opinion the decision (demolition of tower) was right, I suppose, that soviet people could create greater and more memorable examples of architecture than Sukhareva tower
J.Stalin to Joltovsky, Tshussev,
Heritage+power 1934 Blasting of Sukhareva tower by traffic reason (officially)
Demolition of tower is inappropriate, if the target is adjustment of traffic, the result can be achieved by other medias
Statistic Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
Plan for media campaign 1. Professional problems 2. General public/ mediator missing 3. Preservation mechanism
media-capmaign in preservation field
Plan for media campaign 1. Professional problems 2. General public/ mediator missing 3. Preservation mechanism
Demolition <Mediator?> Protection
Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
media-capmaign in preservation field
Architecture/ Masterplans
Media/Activism Building sites Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
Plan for media campaign 1. Professional problems 2. General public/ mediator missing 3. Preservation mechanism
media-capmaign in preservation field
Plan for media campaign 1. Professional problems 2. General public/ mediator missing 3. Preservation mechanism
Irkutsk. Quarter 130 of wooden architecture: management structure Foundation + restorers + investors Concept: Elena Grigoryeva, Mark Meerovich Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
media-capmaign in preservation field
Discussion ÂŤGorky park: past vs futureÂť moderator: Nikita Tokarev may 17,2011 Regional: management
Restorer of landscape (Private)
Plan for media campaign 1. Professional problems 2. General public/ mediator missing 3. Preservation mechanism
Public support Citizens
Professional (Private) Resident (Public) State (Moskomnasledie)
Moscow. Gorky park: dicussion space Dispute+competition+management Concept: Strelka Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
media-capmaign in preservation field
Plan for media campaign 1. Professional problems 2. General public/ mediator missing 3. Preservation mechanism
Mediation on mental level as alternative strategy of preservation Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11
Gorky park in Moscow: from Attack of fountain to New old symbols.
Yefim Freidine Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today?
Thank you for your attention Preservation | Yefim Freidine | Soviet ideology of preservation: how it works today? Final review_28/06/11