FIM Europe MAG 4/2017

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Nr 4/2017 - July-August



FIM Europe Congress in Rome

3 38

Secretaries General Meet at the FIM Headquarters

FIM Europe Road Safety Conference

46 FIM Europe on Motocross Tracks

48 Ă–AMTC supports the campaign #3500LIVES

50 52



Chief Editor: Fiammetta La Guidara Photos: Buonanni & Grandi, Dorna, Youthstream,, R. Pairan, M. Zanzani FIM EUROPE Via Giulio Romano, 18 00196 - Rome Italy E-mail: Ph. +39 06 3226746 FIM Europe MAG #4 July-August 2017 The articles published in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the official position of FIM Europe. The content of this publication is based on the best knowledge and information available at the time the articles were written. The copying of articles and photos even partially is forbidden unless permission has been requested from FIM Europe in advance and reference is made to the source (ŠFIM Europe)

FIM Europe Congress in Rome - Day 1 The FIM Europe Congress kicked off in Rome, Italy, with the scheduled meetings of the Sporting and Non-Sporting Commissions. In the Sporting Commission relevant issues were discussed with the Chairmen of the various Commissions. The reports of the latest activities of all disciplines were analysed at the presence of FIM Europe President Dr Wolfgang Srb, of FIM Europe 1st Deputy President and Chairman of Sporting Council Martin de Graaff, of Michal Sikora, FIM Europe Treasurer. A meeting with the Non FIM Europe Mag 4/2017




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Sporting Commissions was held, to analyse the activities of the latest period in order to share the same level of knowledge of the various issues. It was a good occasion to arouse a brainstorming, so that every chairman could bring his knowhow and enrich the discussion with his point of view. Some of the issues discussed will be further analysed during tomorrow’s Commissions meetings. The whole day the delegates continued to arrive at the Hilton Airport Hotel of Rome, where the Congress is being held, with the organization of the FIM Europe. FIM Europe Mag 4/2017

For Day2, the program foresees the Meetings of the Management Council, Commissions and Panels, the Road Safety Conference and the Meeting with the Secretaries General. The topic of this year’s Road Safety Conference will be: “Sharing the road with Robots: when Motorcycling Meets Automation”, dealing with the development of electronics and technology. As already announced, the Road Safety Conference will be broadcasted for the first time in live streaming from 16.30 on the FIM Europe website 5






The Management Council, with FIM Europe President Dr Wolfgang Srb (at the centre) and, on the left, FIM CEO Steve Aeschlimann and on the right, FIM President Vito Ippolito and FIM Europe 1st Deputy President Martin de Graaff. Below, the accreditation desk, with Silvia Monatti of the General


FIM Europe Congress in Rome - Da y2 The second day of

FIM Europe Congress was held in Rome, Italy. The day ended with the traditional meeting of the Secretaries General, conducted by FIM Europe Secretary General Alessandro Sambuco, where various issues were discussed, and FIM President Vito Ippolito and FIM CEO Steve Aeschlimann did very interesting speeches.



On Day 3 the Congress would live its third day and the program will start with the Sporting and Non-Sporting Council Meetings, followed by the Management Council. In the afternoon the General Assembly would take place and it would be broadcasted in live streaming in FIM Europe website. In the opposite page, from the top, the Management Council, a view of the Road Safety Conference, the Motocross and Snowcross Commission. In this page, from the top, the Drag Racing Commission and the Road Racing Commission


The Motoball Commission

The Medical Panel


The Supermoto Commission

The Vintage Commission


The Trial Commission

The Environment Commission 16


The Enduro Commission

The Public Affairs Commission 17


The Marketing Commission

The Judicial Panel


The Touring Commissionsion

The Track Racing Commission



From the top,a moment of the Road Safety Conference, Jos Driessen Member of the Board of Directors of FIM with Alessandro Sambuco, FIM Europe Secretary General, and Vito Ippolito, FIM President, with Giovanni Copioli, President of the Italian Federation


From the top, the Secretary General Conference: the intervention of Steve Aeschlimann, FIM CEO and, below, Mattia Michelangeli, Alessandro Sambuco, Silvia Monatti and Paola Bianchetti


FIM Europe Congress in Rome - Day3

The General Assembly during the speech of FIM Europe President Dr Wolfgang Srb.

Above, the Sporting Council, below the Non-



The 23rd FIM Europe Congress in Rome finished successfully with the Meetings of the Sporting and Non-Sporting Councils, the Management Council as well as the General Assembly in the afternoon. There were 39 National Federations present and over 250 delegates. Important decisions were taken, among them the approval of the 2016 Balance-sheet and of

the 2017 Budget. Comprehensive reports have been presented about the Sporting as well the Non-Sporting activities. During the General Assembly there were the reports of Martin de Graaff, Michal Sikora, Silvio Manicardi and Laurent Delbroek. The FIM President Vito Ippolito addressed the audience as well as Wim van de Camp, mem-

On top, the Sporting Council, below the Non-Sporting Council


ber of the European Parliament. In his speech the FMI President Giovanni Copioli brought the wishes of CONI President Giovanni Malagò who was saddened not be at the Congress but who wanted to make the audience know that he shares the FIM Europe aims. «I am very pleased with the results of the Congress in Rome, where important decisions have been taken», Dr Wolfgang Srb stated. «The cooperation during all these days was excellent and there was a pleasant atmosphere for all the delegates. Rome was a unique and most beautiful venue and I am sure that we will return one day». The 24th edition of the FIM Europe Congress will take place from 28th to 30th June in Nantes (France).

Above, FIM Europe President Dr Wolfgang Srb with FMI President Giovanni Copioli Below, a moment of the General Assembly, which was broadcasted live




From top, FIM Europe President Dr Wolfgang Srb with FIM President Vito Ippolito, with FMI President Giovanni Copioli and with Wim van de Camp. In the other photos, Ippolito, Copioli and Van de Camp during their speeches.

From top, FIM Europe President Dr Wolfgang Srb with Vice President Martin de Graaff and Secretary General Alessandro Sambuco. Below the audience and a moment of the speech of Vito Ippolito.



From top, some moments of FIM Europe President Dr Wolfgang Srb’s speech. Below, the first row of the audience during the General Assembly, with, from the left, Vito Ippolito, FIM CEO Steve Aeschlimann, FIM Sport Director Fabio Muner, FMI President Giovanni Copioli, FIM Deputy CEO Richard Perret and Jos Driessen, member of the Board of Directors of FIM.


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In the opposite page, from top, the prize-giving for the anniversaries: to Belarusian Federation for its 20th Anniversary, to Deutscher Motor Sport Bund for 20th Anniversary and to Federatia Romana de Motociclism for its 90th Anniversary. At the centre, Silvio Manicardi gives to Wim van de Camp a USB memory stick with some important documents about Road Safety for Motorcyclists. Below, Alessandro Sambuco with Silvio Manicardi and Martin de Graaff with Dr Wolfgang Srb. In this page, above, from the left, Dr Srb and Martin de Graaff with the Russian delegates and with Vito Ippolito. Below, the FIM Europe Management Council at the end of the General Assembly.



After the General Assembly, the Gala Dinner was held at the Terrazza Caffarelli, in the Musei Capitolini. In the photo aside, the Director of the Musei Capitolini Dr Marina Mattei during her welcome speech with FIM Europe President Dr Wolfgang Srb


After the General Assembly, the Gala Dinner was held at the Terrazza Caffarelli, in the Musei Capitolini. In the photo aside, FIM Europe President Dr Wolfgang Srb with FIMI President Giovanni Copioli and with FIM President Vito Ippolito. In this page, some moments of a dancing show during the gala dinner.


During the 23rd FIM Europe Congress, which was held in Rome at the Hilton Airport Hotel, the General Assembly and the Road Safety Conference were broadcasted in live-streaming. The two full videos are now freely available on FIM Europe YouTube Channel at the following links: atch?v=GhEYXYP0ykg for the General Assembly and atch?v=0dDY8UzQ0t4&t=3037s for the Road Safety Conference.

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F I M E u ro pe R o ad S afet y C on f erenc e i n Ro m e

Above, the opening from Silvio Manicardi. Photos ©Buonanni&Grandi



The 23rd FIM Europe Congress in Rome (Italy) hosted the 11th edition of Road Safety Conference, which traditionally deals with the most important and updated topics of the matter. In the latest years, the Road Safety Conference dealt with road accidents, industry responses and initiatives, the systems to improve Road Safety, traumatic injuries and first aid, 2 wheeler behaviour and safety, roadside barriers and crash tests, and devices derived from track, such as airbag for motorcyclists. Last year, the Road Safety Conference dealt with themes related with the development of electronics and technology. All these issues can be seen on FIM-Europe website:

The main focus at this year’s conference dealt with Sharing the road with Robots: When Mo-

torcycle Meets Automation. The theme of this year raised a lot of interest with the presentations of high level experts. The presence of European Parliament Member Mr Wim van de Camp has also been highly appreciated. The conference was held under the auspices of Silvio Manicardi, FIM Europe second Deputy President, and of Jean-Pierre Moreau, Chairman of Public Affairs Commission, who opened the event with a welcome speech. The agenda of the conference foresaw as first speech a brief presentation of a couple of issues that interest the motorcycle world and which under discussion in Brussels by John Chatterton-Ross, FIM and FIM Europe Director of Public Affairs. The first topic he dealt with is the Vnuk case: the case has nothing to do with motorcycle or motor sports. Mr Vnuk

was injured in a fall from a ladder in a farmyard when the ladder was struck by a trailer pulled by a tractor – an industrial accident. The European Court of Justice decided to award Mr Vnuk legal protection by extending the scope of the Motor Insurance Directive. There is no appeal because the ECJ is the highest court in the European Union. In framing their judgment the Justices extended the scope to the point where many other activities (including motorcycle and motorsports) are now affected. The second topic Mr Chatterton-Ross faced with is that of motorcycles clothing for everyday use: from 2018, in fact, there will be a new European law that will control the standard of protective clothes. Mr Chatterton-Ross ended his speech with a special thanks to a


In other page, a view of the audience. Above, the opening speech of Silvio Manicardi

colleague from Norway, Mr Morten Hansen, who is retiring at the end of this year. The conference entered in its hot part with Frederic Soudain, Logos Public Affairs: “5GAA vehicles manufacturers and telecom industry Consortium”. In the future of autonomous mobility communication in between all users of the road will be a major task: 5G will be much more than mobile broadband connectivity, covering a variety of use-cases and industries. One of the most interesting 5G usecases is V2X (vehicle to X), the framework that will allow vehicles to communicate with each other and beyond. The majority of communication and electronic industries are involved in this multimillion project. Hennes Fischer, Senior Advisor, Yamaha, CMC Steering Committee Member talked about “Connected Motorcycling Consortium”: the motorcycle community is worried about the possiFIM Europe Mag 4/2017

ble implementation of autonomous driving cars that cannot properly recognise motorcycles. Hennes Fischer was present, who is part of the consortium that takes care exactly about this aspect and he presented the actual situation that is less worrying than we could expect. Antonio Erario, Head of International Regulatory Affairs, Italian Ministry of Infrastructures, talked about “The Italian position as biggest market of PTW in Europe”. Mr. Erario explained the work of WP29 showing that the target to have full autonomous cars is the very near 2030. A lot of work is done to amend legislations starting from the Vienna Convention to adapt to the new traffic conditions which where not forecasted in the past. In the end, Mr Wim Van de Camp, MEP European Parliament, talked about the “The European Parliament position”. Mr Van de Camp explained all

aspects of the Parliament work that are of interest to motorcycling, including objective and orientation, challenges, sustainability, urban mobility, innovation, trade and road safety. In particular regarding this subject, the Valletta declaration is important, with its target to further reduce the deaths to 20.000 by 2020. The full presentations of the Conference are published on FIM Europe website in “Beyond Sport”/Public Affairs section at the following link:

The video of the live streaming of the conference is available at the following link: =0dDY8UzQ0t4&t=3037s



The speech of Wim Van de Camp.


From the top, Jean-Pierre Moreau, Chairman of Public Affairs Commission, John ChattertonRoss, FIM and FIM Europe Director of Public Affairs, Antonio Erario, Head of International Regulatory Affairs, Italian Ministry of Infrastructures, Mr Wim Van de Camp, MEP European Parliament, Hennes Fischer, Senior Advisor, Yamaha, CMC Steering Committee Member 44


From the left, Manicardi, Frederic Soudain, Logos Public Affairs, Moreau and Van de Camp with FIM Europe President Dr Wolfgang Srb and Alessandro Sambuco, FIM Europe Secretary General.


From the left - Steve Aeschlimann (FIM CEO); Jeffrey Joko Prakoso (IMI) – Indonesia; Julia Walter (DMSB) – Germany; Kurt Ljungqvist (SML) – Finland; Ramon Carreira - FIM Latin America; Alberto Rinaldelli (FMI) – Italy; Vito Ippolito (FIM President); Stijn Rentmeesters (FMB) - Belgium; Per Westling (SVEMO) – Sweden; Andrea Zólyomi (MAMS) – Hungary; Prasad Bhattarai Govinda (NASA) - Nepal; Andreja Prel (AMZS) – Slovenia; Alessandro Sambuco FIM Europe; Jonas Nygaard (DMU) – Denmark; Sébastien Poirier (FFM) – France; Michal Sikora (PZM) - Poland; Richard Perret (FIM Deputy CEO); Poedio Oetojo (IMI); Camiel Van Berkesteijn (KNMV) - The Netherlands; Medya Saputra (IMI) – Indonesia; Françoise Emery (Planning, Projects & CEO office Director).

Secretaries General meet at the FIM Headquarters Over 20 Secretaries General of FIM Affiliated National Federations (FMNs) and FIM Continental Unions (CONUs) from three continents gathered on 13 June 2017 at the FIM HQ in Mies (Switzerland) for a meeting with the FIM President Vito Ippolito and the FIM Management. The objective of the meeting was to explore topics around the FIM Mission and the three pillars of the FIM Strategic Ob46

jectives which are Sport, Beyond Sport and making the FIM a Modern Organisation. Transparency, interactivity, sharing best practices and enriching experiences were the key words of this exchange. SPORT One of the main items addressed was International Meetings and, in particular, the FIM Inter-

national Licences and Calendar. Interesting and constructive discussions also took place on the insurance project which will be implemented as of 1 January 2018 and which will benefit all FMNs. In addition, the participants were given some sporting news such as information on the contracts with promoters currently in the pipeline and electric bikes. Per Westling (SVEMO): «Being

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properly insured is key for our sport. This insurance project was the focus of high expectations and is becoming a reality. I am confident that this project will be a real added-value for our riders and for us, FMNs». BEYOND SPORT Presentations were made on the FIM subsidies progammes and the Road Safety Campaign. The FIM’s intention is to support sound projects whose aims are to develop Motorcycling and which can benefit a large number of FMNs. The Road Safety Campaign, “We, the Riders”, whose objectives are, in concert with the FMNs, to raise the FIM’s profile on road safety issues among target audiences, is expected to contribute to the reduction of accidents on the road as well as to help develop a community around FIM street riding activities. Joko Prakoso Jeffrey (IMI): «I was very enthusiastic to hear more about this Road Safety Campaign which is a very interesting initiative for, by and with street riders. We all share the joy of riding but are also all concerned about safety and being visible on the roads». MODERN ORGANISATION Better serving the FMNs, which are the main core of the FIM, is one of the priority objectives identified. In a fast-moving world, proactivity and efficiency are essential and have to be supported by an appropriate structure for our organisation. In the framework of the Communication strategy, there is a focus on internal communication with FMNs and CONUs. Education is also key, and the FIM Academy, of which FIM seminars for officials are an imFIM Europe Mag 4/2017

portant part, was also among the topics discussed. Julia Walter (DMSB): «It was great to see that communication, and in particular communication with the FIM Family, was addressed and that it is a top priority for the FIM Administration. The new technologies and platforms are great tools for the FIM Family members to keep informed, be consulted and get work done (e.g., ordering licences)». After the meeting FIM CEO Steve Aeschlimann said: «These meetings are very important for the FIM as they provide an opportunity for closer communication with the FMNs and CONUs and are a valuable occasion to discuss the practical aspects of topics that have a direct impact on their activity. This is exactly in line with our new communication strategy for which engagement with FMNs is a top priority». FIM EUROPE I note with great pleasure that every occasion that brings together the colleagues of the administrations of the National, Continental and International Federations marks a step forward in the direction of communication and cooperation”, stated Alessandro Sambuco, FIM Europe Secretary General. «There is always a lot to improve but, as always, once you have achieved a high level of performance, every further increase requires a lot of commitment. I am confident: this joint effort will not fail to give its results».

Per Westling (SVEMO)

Joko Prakoso Jeffrey (IMI)

Julia Walter (DMSB)

Alessandro Sambuco, FIM Europe


ÖAMTC suppor ts the campaign #3500LIVES

The new headquarters of ÖAMTC in Vienna. Photo: Toni Rappersberger

From left: ÖAMTC Honorary President Werner Kraus, Valtteri Bottas, Fernando Alonso, ÖAMTC Director Oliver Schmerold, FIM Europe President Wolfgang Srb, FIA Head of Road Safety Advocacy Niall Carty. Credit ÖAMTC

3500 lives are lost every day worldwide in traffic. ÖAMTC (founding member of FIM as well as FIA) supports the campaign. The kick-off was held at the new headquarters of ÖAMTC in Vienna in the presence of F1 stars Fernando Alonso und Valtteri Bottas. Werner Kraus, ÖAMTC Honorary President and Trustée of the FIA-Foundation stated: «500 children are

killed every day in traffic accidents, and among those from 15 to 29 years traffic accidents are the #1 cause of death. Urgent and global action is needed». ÖAMTC Director Oliver Schmerold added: «Every week eight people die in Austria in traffic accidents; in 2016 eight children were injured every day.

There is a need for urgent action». FIM Europe President Wolfgang Srb: «Road Safety is, beside sport, our second most important pillar, as recently stated at the FIM Europe Congress in Rome. Our experts work together with other organisations like FEMA for more safety on the roads».

Above, FIM Europe President Dr Wolfgang Srb with KTM Sports Director Pit Beirer at the MXGP in Loket, in Czech Republic. Aside, two photos taken at EMX in Lommel. Above, Eric Geboers, 5 times MX World Champion, Stijn Rentmeesters, FMB-BMB Secretary General, Dr. Wolfgang Srb, Patrik Rietjens, 1st Vice President FMB-BMB, Eddie Herd, Chairman of FIM Europe Motocross and Snowcross Commission. Below, Dr. Wolfgang Srb, Olivier Rougraff, FMB-BMB President and Jos Driessen, FIM Board Member.

FIM Europe on Motocross tr acks 50

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Farewell to Gennadij Moiseev

On Sunday July 23rd after a long illness the great athlete, three times 250cc Motocross World Champion Gennadij Moiseev passed away at the age of 79. He was a man of strong, athletic will, inexhaustible

diligence and talent and sports achievements, who inspired all Soviet athletes. The sporting achievements of Gennadij Moiseev brought glory to the Soviet Motorsport in the USSR and abroad. In 1974 he won the first world title for KTM, thereby giving a further development to this Company. After completing his sports career in 2000,

he headed the Russian Motorcycle Federation MFR. FIM Europe, the Russian Motorcyle Federation, athletes and veterans of Motorsport express their deepest condolences and mourn the loss of a great man.


FIM Europe mourns the death of Motocross Legend Hakan Carlqvist

FIM Europe is sad of learning the passing of the two-time FIM Motocross World Champion Hakan Carlqvist.The Swedish rider was 63, a true legend that will not soon be forgotten. Carlqvist won the 1979 250CC Championship for Factory Husqvarna; in 1980, he switched to Yamaha to contest the 500cc motocross world championship. He finished 3rd in 1981 and1982. In 1983, he battled against Honda teammates André Malherbe

and Graham Noyce to claim the 500cc world championship, on a Yamaha. In 1984, an injury stopped Carlqvist from contesting the title again. He raced for Yamaha until end of 1986. He continued the 500 GPs in 1987 and 1988 with a privateer Kawasaki KX500. His last Grand Prix victory was the Belgian Grand Prix at Namur in 1988. It was a season to remember for all his fans, especially when he was leading Race2 in GP of Belgium, in Namur, and at the

last lap he stopped to drink a beer and then won the race. A couple of years ago Youthstream had the chance to write an article on him: 'Hakan Carlqvist the warrior’, which can be found at the folllowing link g/docs/mxgpmag_18_marc h_2015/48 To Hakan Carlqvist’s family and friends, the condolences of FIM Europe.



12+1 time World Champion Angel Nieto succumbed to injuries after a road accident Spanish motorcycling legend Angel Nieto sadly passed away on 3 August, after he succumbed to injuries sustained during a quad bike accident in Ibiza in late July. Angel Nieto Roldan was born on 25 January 1947 in Zamora, Spain. His brilliant career – which would see him clinch 13 World titles – or 12+1, as he used to say for superstitious reasons… – started in the midsixties when he joined the Derbi factory, first as a young mechanic, then as a rider alongside Spaniard José Busquets and Australian Barry Smith. In 1966 he took part in his first World Championship events and finished 9th overall in the 50cc World Championship thanks to a 5th place at the German Grand Prix in Hockenheim. The following year the performance of the Derbi im54

proved a lot and he finished in 4th position, scoring points in four of six races and earning a brilliant second place in Assen. In 1968 he was 4th again, with another second place at his home Grand Prix in Montjuich. 1969 was his break-through year: with his two first wins and three second places, he became World Champion for the first time, just one point ahead of Dutch rider Aalt Toersen. Meanwhile Derbi had prepared to enter the 125cc class, and in 1970 Nieto began to be a leading rider in both 50cc and 125cc for almost fifteen years. That year he took the 50cc title again and finished second in the 125cc behind Dieter Braun and his Suzuki. In 1971, he succeeded in the 125cc class, winning five races, after a great fight with a Suzuki rider called

Barry Sheene! But in the small class he finished second to Jan de Vries and his Kreidler. Then he would get both titles in the same season: 1972 saw him double World Champion, in the 125cc ahead of Swede Kent Andersson, and in the 50cc level on points and results with Jan de Vries – he got the title beating the Dutch rider in the total of the times. In 1973 Angel Nieto switched to Morbidelli, who seemed to have a promising machine; he was 7th in the 125cc Championship, and in 1974, he came back on a Derbi which took him to third place. In 1975 he took the 50cc title riding the very fast Kreidler, against which he had fought all these years: six wins and two second places. In 1976 he went to another Spanish manufacturer, Bultaco:

another title in the 50cc, and a second place in the 125cc. In 1977 he clinched his third consecutive World title in the smallest class, again on a Bultaco, and he then decided to concentrate on the 125cc, as he had lost the battle against the Morbidelli riders, Italian Pierpaolo Bianchi and Eugenio Lazzarini, ending in third. He left Bultaco for another new manufacturer Minarelli in 1978, but after taking only 4 points in six races, he went back to Bultaco and scored 84 points in the last six races. A great performance, but it was not enough for the title, Lazzarini was too far ahead. In 1979 the Minarelli was working well and Angel clinched seven consecutive wins in the first seven races (and one in the last six…) gathering more than twice the points of the second placed rider… It was not the end of his career - yet. After a third place in

1980, the Minarelli became the fastest bike and Angel was back on the top of the 125cc class in 1981 with eight wins and another title. Then he decided to change again, this time to Garelli: the motorcycle seemed to go well, and it did: three more consecutive 125cc World titles in 82, 83 and 84. At this point he decided that the time had come to stop. He became team manager, then TV commentator on Spanish TV. He was a much-recognised figure in the paddock and such was inducted as MotoGP Legend in the Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 2002. «He had been a great champion in motorcycling and also after stopping racing he always maintained his strong passion for the world of motorsport», commented FIM Europe President Dr Wolfgang Srb. «His sons Pablo and Angel jr are both dedicating their talent to motorcycling, too, so as

his nephew Fonsi. To them and to the whole family of Angel Nieto, as well as to his friends, go the deep condolences of FIM Europe. We have lost a real legend of our sport, but he’ll continue to live forever in our memories».

Motocross Tragic accident at EMX85 cc race in Loket On July 22nd, the tragic death of a young rider Igor Cuharciuc from Moldova who was participating in the European Motocross 85cc Championship race in Loket, Czech Republic . Following a fall from his motorcycle during which he sustained serious injuries the race was immediately stopped. Despite the efforts of the event medical team who were immediately at the scene and the attendance of a helicopter medical team he sadly passed away. As a mark of respect, the European Motocross 85 cc race scheduled for tomorrow has FIM Europe Mag 4/2017

been cancelled. The FIM Europe, FIM, YouthStream, ACCR and Motoclub Loket extend their condolences to the family, friends and the team of Igor.



FIM Europe Mag 4/2017

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