Find Geelong May 2023 Edition

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Budget 2023 on Page 06

About the Find Geelong

The Find Geelong is a community paper that aims to support all things Geelong. We want to provide a place where all NotFor-Profits (NFP), schools, sporting groups and other like organisations can share their news in one place. For instance, submitting up-and-coming events in the Find Geelong for Free.

We do not proclaim to be another newspaper and we will not be aiming to compete with other news outlets. You can obtain your news from other sources. We feel you get enough of this already. We will keep our news topics to a minimum and only provide what we feel is most relevant topics to you each month.

We invite local council and the current council members to participate by submitting information each month so as to keep us informed of any changes that may be of relevance to us, their local constituents.

We will also try and showcase different organisations throughout the year so you, the reader, can learn more about what is on offer in your local area.

To help support the paper, we invite local businesses owners to sponsor the paper and in return we will provide exclusive advertising and opportunities to submit articles about their businesses. As a community we encourage you to support these businesses/columnists. Without their support, we would not be able to provide this community paper to you.

Lastly, we want to ask you, the local community, to support the fundraising initiatives that we will be developing

and rolling out over the coming years. Our aim is to help as many NFP and other like organisations to raise much needed funds to help them to keep operating. Our fundraising initiatives will never simply ask for money from you. We will also aim to provide something of worth to you before you part with your hard-earned money. The first initiative is the Find Cards and Find Coupons – similar to the Entertainment Book but cheaper and more localised. Any NFP and similar organisations e.g., schools, sporting clubs, can participate.

Follow us on facebook (https://www. so you keep up to date with what we are doing.

We value your support, The Find Geelong Team.

Geelong The

EDITORIAL ENQUIRES: Warren Strybosch | 1300 88 38 30

PUBLISHER: Issuu pty Ltd

POSTAL ADDRESS: 248 Wonga Road, Wararnwood VIC 3134


GENERAL ENQUIRIES: 1300 88 38 30




The Find Geelong was established in 2019 and is owned by the Find Foundation, a Not-For-Profit organisation with is core focus of helping other Not-For-Profits, schools, clubs and other similar organisations in the local community - to bring everyone together in one place and to support each other. We provide the above organisations FREE advertising in the community paper to promote themselves as well as to make the community more aware of the services these organisations can offer. The Find Geelong has a strong editorial focus and is supported via local grants and financed predominantly by local business owners.


The City of Geelong is one of Victoria’s largest regional capital cities. Geelong had a population of approximately 230,000 as at the 2019 Report which includes 16,000 businesses. Geelong’s location is in strong growth corridor, making it an ideal location for businesses to explore options outside of the capital city.


The Find Geelong acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands where Geelong now stands, the Wadawuarrung people of the Kulin nation, and pays repect to their Elders - past, present and emerging - and acknowledges the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to play within our community.


Readers are advised that the Find Geelong accepts no responsibility for financial, health or other claims published in advertising or in articles written in this newspaper. All comments are of a general nature and do not take into account your personal financial situation, health and/or wellbeing. We recommend you seek professional advice before acting on anything written herein.


Issue of the Find Geelong will be published on Wednesday May 8, 2023. Advertising and Editorial copy
Monday May 1, 2023. Available Sizes: Rates: Double Page Spread (408 x 276mm) $1650 • Full Page (198 x 276mm) $1100 • Half Page Landscape (198 x 138mm) $715 • Half Page Portrait (95 x 276mm) $715 • Third Page (189 x 90mm) $550 • Quarter Page (97 x 137mm) $440 • Business Card Size (93 x 65mm) $275 Ads Smaller than (85 x 55mm) and Below $121 We can create your ad for you. Prices start at $77 for the very first hour and $22 for each hour thereafter. Design Services

Mother’s Day is a special occasion that celebrates the women who have dedicated their lives to raising and nurturing their children. It’s a day to recognize and appreciate the love, sacrifices, and unwavering support that mothers provide throughout our lives.

Mothers are often the backbone of the family, the ones who keep everything together through good times and bad. They are the first to wake up in the morning and the last to go to bed at night, working tirelessly to ensure their family’s needs are met. They give up their own dreams and aspirations to make sure their children have every opportunity to succeed.

But Mother’s Day is not just a day to celebrate biological mothers. It’s a day to honor all the women who have played a motherly role in our lives. This could be a stepmother, grandmother, aunt, or any other woman who has provided love and guidance along the way.

On Mother’s Day, we have the opportunity to show our appreciation for all that these women have done for us. Whether it’s through a thoughtful gift, a heartfelt card, or a simple phone call, taking the time to acknowledge and thank our mothers is a meaningful way to show our gratitude.

But we shouldn’t just celebrate our mothers on this one day. We should make a conscious effort to show our appreciation and love throughout the year. Whether it’s by spending time together, sharing a meal, or simply saying “I love you,” these small gestures can mean the world to a mother.

In a world that can be chaotic and unpredictable, the love and support of a mother is a constant source of comfort and stability. So let’s take a moment to thank the women who have made such a significant impact on our lives.

Mothers make the world go round Happy Mother’s Day

If you would like to have your say, then write your response to


Geelong Column

Inflation pressures are impacting on all corners of the community, and Council is not immune from that.

This has made the task of developing our Proposed 2023-24 Budget a challenge.

While we are spending more on our services and capital works program, rising costs across a number of sectors means our funds aren’t stretching as far as we previously forecasted.

Over the past few months, we have examined all aspects of our operations to maximize efficiencies.

This has been done so we remain financially sustainable, strengthen the funds we can direct to the community, and provide value to all residents of Greater Geelong.

We have now delivered a balanced Proposed Budget, which is out for public feedback.

It is a budget that forecasts a small operating surplus, of $1.28 million, in 2023-24.

And it is one that maintains strong support for a wide range of new or upgraded community assets, through a capital works program worth more than $195 million.

This program focuses on renewing ageing assets in our older suburbs, and providing key infrastructure in new growth areas.

There is significant investment in assets such as our community buildings; roads; paths; skate parks; playgrounds and sports facilities.

There are upgrades across our streetscapes; stormwater management; environmental initiatives; public art projects; public Wi-Fi and many more.

You can see the full list online at

Cost escalations have meant that for now, some identified projects have been placed on hold.

They remain priorities, and we will work hard to secure external funding to see them delivered as soon as possible.

We remain committed to working with the State and Federal Governments to achieve this.

We aim to be a high performing council that provides outstanding value to its community, and this budget has us on the right path to sustainability.

I encourage you to view our Proposed Budget 2023-24 and to provide comment before 5.00pm on Wednesday, 24 May.

Mayor Trent Sullivan 5 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 5 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG

Federal Budget


On the evening of 9 May 2023, the Government delivered its second Budget in the current parliamentary term.

Inflationary pressures, interest rates and escalating costs of living have all had a significant impact on the lives of everyday Australians. The Budget needs to deliver the right balance of spending and savings.

This year’s Budget has a strong emphasis on providing cost of living relief, strengthening Medicare, and investing in a stronger and more secure economy. There were very few surprises and most of the significant announcements had been made prior to the Budget being released.

Importantly, it goes without saying the measures announced in the Budget are not a fait accompli. They will be subject to the successful passage of relevant legislation.



Perhaps the surprise in this year’s Budget was the announcement of a surplus for the 2022-23 financial year of $4.2 billion. This is the first surplus since 2007-08 and represents significant turnaround from the projected $36.9 billion deficit forecast in the October 2022 Budget.

Real GDP growth is expected to be 1½% for 2023-24 before rising to 2¼% in 2024-25.

The unemployment rate in recent years has placed Australia in an enviable position. The currently historically low unemployment rate is expected to increase marginally in 2023-24 and 202425.

Much of the focus of the past year or so has been the rapid rise in the inflation rate. The Government predicts the inflation rate has now peaked and is starting to moderate. The inflation rate for 2023-24 is forecast to be 3¼% and will return to the Reserve Bank’s target band of 2-3% by 2024-25.

The big-ticket items in this year’s Budget include:

• Cost-of-living relief,

• Increased Parenting Payment (Single), JobSeeker, and Youth Allowance,

• Further investment in renewable energy

Now for a more detailed look at some of the key announcements.


The Budget was decidedly quiet on the superannuation front this year. The only measures of any significance were:

Better targeted super concessions

This simply repeats the release made on 28 February 2023 when the Government announced plans to proportionately increase the tax on a person’s total superannuation balance that exceeds $3 million by an additional 15%. The Budget announcement does not depart from the initial proposal despite the measure having been open for public consultation between 31 March and 17 April 2023.

This measure will not apply until 1 July 2025 and is only expected to affect 80,000 individuals, at least in the early stages. However, this is expected to increase as the $3 million threshold is not indexed.

This measure will also extend to members of defined benefit superannuation schemes.

Importantly, most superannuation members have significantly less than $3m in superannuation and will not be affected by this proposal.

Securing Australians Superannuation Package.

Employers are currently required to pay superannuation guarantee contributions for their employees by the 28th day of the month following the end of each quarter. The Budget proposes that from 1 July 2026, employers will be required to pay their employees superannuation guarantee

MAY 2023

contributions on the same day they pay their employees. This initiative will help to counter the underpayment or nonpayment of superannuation guarantee contributions, which remains a significant problem.

The provisions announced by the previous Government covering the NALI provisions as they apply to expenditure incurred by superannuation funds will be amended to provide more certainty.

In particular, the income subject NALI provisions will be limited to twice the level of a general expense. In addition, fund income subject to NALI will exclude contributions.

Perhaps what was more notable from the Budget was what wasn’t mentioned.

Pension drawdowns

For the past couple of financial years, the minimum prescribed income to be drawn from a pension account has been discounted by 50%. Discounting was due to end on 30 June 2023.

The Budget did not include any reference to the current 50% discount being extended beyond 30 June 2023.

Legacy pension amnesty

In its 2021 Budget, the previous Government announced their intention to allow a twoyear window (from 1 July 2022) to allow people with old-style defined benefit income stream products (e.g. lifetime, life expectancy, and market linked pensions) to exit those products without incurring tax or social security penalties. Unfortunately, legislation to implement this opportunity was not passed before the last Federal Election was called.

While it has been hinted the current government will revisit this proposal, the Budget was silent on this.

Transfer balance cap indexation

The general transfer balance cap is scheduled to increase to $1.9 million from 1 July 2023.

While the method of indexation is enshrined in current law, there had been some concern the Government might move to pause or limit indexation.

Again, the Budget was silent on any changes to the indexation of the general transfer balance cap, so we expect the cap to increase to $1.9 million from 1 July 2023.


Like superannuation, the Budget was very quiet on income tax, with a couple of minor exceptions.

Exempting lump sums in arrears from the Medicare Levy

This initiative, due to apply from 1 July 2024, will ensure that low-income earners don’t pay a higher Medicare Levy because of receiving an eligible lump sum payment, such as compensation for underpaid wages. While this is worthwhile for those affected, it is expected to have minimal impact as the cost to the Budget is only $2m over the next five years.

Medicare levy low-income threshold

As occurs most years, the income thresholds applying to the Medicare Levy are to increase from 1 July 2022.

The proposed thresholds are:

Wages to increase by 15%

From 30 June 2023, it is proposed that a 15% increase to award wages will be available for many aged care workers including registered nurses, enrolled nurses, assistants in nursing, personal care workers, home care workers, recreational activity officers, and some head chefs and cooks.

Implementation of Royal Commission initiatives

Over the next 5 years, the Government will provide funding exceeding $300 million to implement recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety including:

• Enhancements to the Star Rating system to improve accountability and transparency of aged care providers,

• The development and implementation of a new, stronger Aged Care Regulatory Framework to support the new Age Care Act which is due to commence from 1 July 2024


To provide continued support to small businesses (those with an aggregate turnover of less than $10 million) the Government has announced a temporary increase in the instant asset write-off threshold to $20,000. This will apply from 1 July 2023 and will continue until 30 June 2024.

Importantly, the instant asset write-off applies per asset so small business may be able to access this opportunity on multiple occasions.


The Government has committed to spending a total of $36 billion on the aged care sector in the 2023-24 year with a focus on increased wages for aged care workers, funding to help improve the quality of care for both home care recipients and those in residential care facilities and additional funding to implement recommendations identified in the Royal Commission into Aged Care.

• Establishment of a national worker screening and registration scheme and the development, monitoring and enforcement of food and nutritional standards.

Improvements to care at home

Funding has been committed to improve in-home aged care by implementing a range of initiatives including the release of an additional 9,500 Home Care Packages and the design, build and implementation of the new Support at Home Program which is proposed to commence from 1 July 2025.


Delivering cost-of-living relief was a key focus for the Government in this year’s budget including reduced energy bills, reduced health costs and increases to Rent Assistance for 1.1 million households.

Energy bill relief

Two initiatives have been announced to help reduce energy bills for eligible Australian households. 7 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 7 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG
STATUS CURRENT THRESHOLD NEW THRESHOLD Single Family Single seniors abd pensioners Family seniors abd pensioners Each dependent child or student $23,365 $39,402 $36,925 $51,401 +$3,619 $24,276 $40,939 $38,365 $53,406 +$3,760

Firstly, the Commonwealth Government in conjunction with state and territory governments will provide targeted electricity bill relief of up to $500 for eligible households. The amount that will be available will depend on which state or territory you live in.

To be eligible for the bill relief, you will be the primary electricity account holder and you must also hold an eligible concession card or receive an eligible government payment in your specific state or territory.

The second initiative announced was the establishment of the Household Energy Upgrades Fund to support home upgrades that improve energy performance and save energy, therefore providing further reductions to energy bills.

Reducing out-of-pocket health costs

From 1 July 2023, a range of measures have been announced to help reduce out-of-pocket health costs including:

• Tripling incentives for doctors to provide bulk billing,

• Investing in more bulk billing Urgent Care Clinics,

• Improving access to medicines, vaccinations and related services delivered by pharmacies.

The Government also proposes to allow 2 months’ worth of certain PBS medicines to be dispensed by pharmacies from 1 September 2023.

Additional support to help combat rental affordability

With rental prices in most Australian locations increasing rapidly over the past decade, rental affordability for many,

including those on Government income support and family benefits, is a major problem.

To assist, the maximum rates of the Commonwealth Rent Assistance will increase by 15%. It is projected that this will support over 1 million households including veterans, pensioners, job seekers, students and those receiving family tax benefits.


Some positive news for those receiving working age payments from Centrelink with an increase to the base rate of payment confirmed. Single parents will also be supported when eligibility rules are expanded for Parenting Payment (Single).

Payments to increase by $40 per fortnight

The Government has announced that the base rate for a range of working age payments will increase by $40 per fortnight from 20 September 2023.

Payments that will benefit from the increase include:

• JobSeeker Payment

• Youth Allowance

• Parenting Payment (Partnered)

• Austudy


• Disability Support Pension (Youth), and

• Special Benefit.

Older JobSeekers

To recognise the barriers that older job seekers often face when looking for work such as age discrimination, the Government is expanding eligibility for

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the existing higher rate of JobSeeker to recipients 55 and over who have received the payment for 9 or more continuous months. This higher rate (which is $92.10 per fortnight more than the standard JobSeeker rate) is currently available to those 60 and over.

It is estimated that this change in age will help around 52,000 eligible recipients.

Eligibility to Parenting Payment for single parents expanded

From September 2023, eligible single parents, 91% of whom are women, will receive Parenting Payment (Single) until their youngest child turns 14. Currently, these parents are required to move to JobSeeker when the youngest child turns 8.

The current base rate of Parenting Payment (Single) is $922.10 per fortnight, compared to the JobSeeker Payment base rate of $745.20 per fortnight. It is hoped that the improved support for single parents will provide wellbeing benefits particularly for single mothers, who are overwhelmingly the recipients of this payment, and their children.

he release date of this document is 10 May 2023. The content of this document is of a general nature only and does not consider your personal objectives, financial situation and/or needs. Accordingly, the information should not be used, relied upon, or treated as a substitute for specific financial advice. While all care has been taken in the preparation of this material, no warranty is given in respect of the information provided and accordingly neither Centrepoint Alliance Limited nor its employees or agents shall be liable on any grounds whatsoever with respect to decisions or actions taken as a result of you acting upon such information.

See on page 53

Sustainability is not ‘woke capitalism’, minister says

The future value of companies is at stake as regulators, companies and governments grapple with sustainability and consumer protection.

Federal Minister for Financial Services

Stephen Jones warned a business audience that sustainable business must start in the boardrooms and in investment decisions, not marketing departments.

“It has to be real,” he told the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors conference in Sydney on Wednesday.

Regulators worldwide are taking aim at greenwashing, which involves making false or exaggerated environmental claims, as companies and superannuation funds try to catch the wave of capital available to combat climate change.

Mr Jones said any doubts about the pace of change were put to bed when the United States passed the Inflation Reduction Act last year to lower energy costs and spur clean energy investment.

“It’s a game-changer in the energy transition project internationally and Australia will be disadvantaged if we’re not on board,” he told the conference.

He said a big agenda was already being rolled out and Treasurer Jim Chalmers would have more to say on budget night on Tuesday.

“I don’t think anyone can be left in any doubt about ambition and about momentum,” Mr Jones said.

However, greenwashing corrodes the credibility of sustainable financial markets, so action has been taken to prevent it, he said.

The federal government recently announced an extra $4.3 million for the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to keep pace with overseas regulators as a tide of green capital is invested to make industry and business clean.

The funding will allow ASIC to increase surveillance of suspected greenwashing by listed companies, superannuation funds and investment managers, and carry out complex enforcement actions.

The minister was also quizzed about socalled “green hushing”, which is when companies avoid making promises about environmental and climate initiatives for fear of being called out for missing the mark – by consumers, investors and regulators.

Cracking down on false claims – or misleading by omission – needs a carefully honed list of definitions, called a taxonomy.

Mr Jones said regulators will go after “egregious” cases as well as putting the work into a taxonomy that give investors more certainty and make it easier to catch more wrongdoers.

The taxonomy is being developed as a critical element of the sustainable finance agenda, as well as companies needing to be up-front about climate risks.

“There’s broad support for mandatory climate disclosure requirements,” he said.

“Our initial view is that mandatory reporting requirements should be phased in over time.”

The most contested issue is whether existing settings in forward-looking financial statements are fit-for-purpose for climate reporting.

He said a decision will be made later this year.

“Those who want to equate sustainable finance and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) responsibilities with some form of woke capitalism need to have a good hard look at themselves,” Mr Jones said.

“Because what we are talking about is the future value of companies.” 9 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 9 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG
(Australian Associated Press)
Tess Ikonomou

ChatGPT may be sued

An Australian Mayor, Brian Hood, elected last November to represent the Hepburn Shire region, 120km northwest of Melbourne, has fired shots over the bow of ChatGPT over claims that he has been defamed, and may proceed with a defamation case against the founders of ChatGPT.

Whislt ChatGPT was not founded by individuals in the traditional sense, it is a product of OpenAI, a research organisation focused on artificial intelligence. OpenAI was co-founded by several individuals, including Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, Ilya Sutskever, John Schulman, and Wojciech Zaremba. However, Musk departed from OpenAI’s board in 2018 due to conflicts of interest, and Altman stepped down from his position as CEO in 2020. Nonetheless, ChatGPT is a product of the collaborative

Helping teenage kids with independent living at home

efforts of many researchers, developers, and engineers who worked on its development and training.

Mr Hood was informed by his local constituents that ChatGPT was providing inaccurate information about Mr Hood. ChatGPT had claimed that Mr Hood served time in prison for bribery. However, it seems ChatGPT might have it slightly wrong. Mr Hood claims that ChatGPT has falsely named him as a guilty party in a foreign bribery scandal involving a subsidiary of the Reserve Bank of Australia in the early 2000s.

Hood did work for the subsidiary, Note Printing Australia, but was the person who notified authorities about payment of bribes to foreign officials to win currency printing contracts, and was never charged

with a crime, lawyers representing him said.

If Hood sues, it would likely be the first time a person has sued the owners of ChatGPT for claims made by the automated language product which has become wildly popular since its launch last year. Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) integrated ChatGPT into its search engine Bing in February.

Given Mr Hood’s reputation as a key official is central to his role, Mr Hood would have a strong case to argue defamation has occurred due to the inaccurate information being disseminated via the OpenAI software.

If this case proceeds it will be a landmark moment as no one has ever sued artificial intelligence before.

(Feedsy Exclusive)
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The Advisor Innovation Summit is back in 2023 with a focus on how advisers can adapt to transform and thrive in the future.

As the advice industry copes with economic uncertainty and generational shifts in wealth management, the highlyanticipated Adviser Innovation Summit is returning this year to arm advisers with the strategies they need to flourish in an ever-changing landscape.

Taking place over two days — 8 and 15 June 2023 — the summit will unpack how advice practices could revamp their business models to succeed even when the market is volatile and deliver cost-effective advice, boost efficiencies, and meet compliance requirements. The IPA conference, also over two days, will provide delegates with key information to enhance their

Warren Strybosch

I am excited to announce that I’ll be speaking at the 2023 Advisor Innovation Summit at The Great Hall - University of Technology Sydney.

technical knowledge, understand emerging management and professional skills and discuss thought-provoking insights on professional and ethical standards.

The summit is aimed at financial advisers, fintech consultants, executives, IT and compliance managers, practice managers, product managers, and decision makers.

The Advisor Innovation Summit will push advisers and accountants to reimagine their operational structures and find new practice efficiencies to provide quality advice.

You can read the full article about the summit here: news/32536-adviser-innovation-summit2023-to-future-proof-advice

Adopt your practice or fall victim to the rapidly changing times

SYD 8 June MEL 15 June 11 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 11 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG

List Your Aged Care Facilities with Find Age Care Services Today

Help the local community know you exist and what sets you a part compared to other aged care facilities, Financial Planners and other providers in the local area.

We have developed Find Aged Care Services (

so you can promote your facilities and services to the general public. You can also place any job vacancies on our website that is available in your facilities.

For more information, please contact us at 1300 88 38 30 or email


Understanding options as ATO action is set to increase

businesses which adopt a “wait and see” approach or ignore the debt.

For businesses that are unable to repay their debt in full they will need to look at one of the many insolvency options available to them. For eligible SME businesses these options can provide for the ongoing trade of the company with a compromise put to creditors through a Small Business Restructure program, which are looked upon favourably by the ATO when dealing with businesses that have a viable operation.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has over $66 billion in uncollected taxation revenue that has been accumulating over many years. Of this amount, the ATO believes $44.8 billion is collectable, with 65% owed by SME businesses. The collectable debt amount has grown by over $18 billion in the last three years.

In 2022 the ATO restarted its debt recovery activity and wrote to approximately 30,000 businesses and 52,000 directors with Director Penalty warning notices advising that they may be facing personal liability for the debts of their company. As of 30 June 2022, these warning notices achieved a recovery of $2.21 billion, with a further 13,000 taxpayers entering into repayment programs.

During 2022 almost 18,500 directors become personally liable for the tax debts of their companies via Director Penalty Notices (DPNs) being issued. The ATO also disclosed nearly 500 businesses to credit reporting agencies as part of its Disclosure of Business Tax Debt program. We anticipate that during 2023 the ATO will take firmer action to recover tax debts leading to an increase in both DPNs being issued and company liquidations.

When dealing with the ATO, proactivity has always been the mantra recommended by Brooke Bird. Those taxpayers who actively engage with the ATO are more likely to be rewarded with additional time to resolve their tax debt issues than those

In assessing the viability of a business many factors need to be considered, including the mental health of the directors.

At Brooke Bird ( au), we regularly meet with individuals and business owners dealing with a wide variety of financially stressful situations. Each meeting has its unique set of circumstances that requires time spent to map out the various possible options available. The solutions to resolving financial distress can be complex, so we encourage individuals and business owners to make contact with us at the earliest opportunity so that their businesses have the best chance of survival.


Australians exposed to data breaches will soon be protected by a dedicated privacy watchdog with extra funding to keep information secure.

It will be the first time a standalone privacy commissioner has been appointed in more than eight years.

There will also be increased funding in the federal budget to tackle privacy issues.

Australian information and privacy commissioner Angelene Falk will continue in the dual role until a replacement is found.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said massive data breaches that happened last year, including on Optus and Medibank, were distressing for millions of Australians.

“The former coalition government left Australia disgracefully unprepared for this challenge by failing to update privacy laws and scrapping the position of a standalone privacy commissioner,” he said.

“The Albanese government takes privacy regulation seriously and has already acted to significantly increase penalties for companies which fail to take adequate care of customer data and give the Australian Information Commissioner improved and new powers.” 13 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 13 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG
(Australian Associated Press) Tess Ikonomou

Labor budget expected to be good for business

The private sector is confident the Albanese government can hand down a responsible budget that will be good for business.

More than two-thirds of mid-sized business owners surveyed agreed the federal budget, due to be handed down next week, would be positive for the business community.

But the RSM Australia survey of more than 300 mid-sized businesses also found almost a third thought their own business would be in a worse position post-budget, with half believing they would be in a better spot and 17.5 per cent predicting no change.

RSM Australia chief executive partner Jamie O’Rourke said small and medium sized businesses were comfortable with the Labor government’s approach to tax reform that’s largely targeted at the big end of town.

But he also said the focus on responsible budgeting that does not fuel inflation would mean little extra support for businesses.

“This doesn’t bode well for new cash injections for businesses or households outside what the government has already promised, such as targeted energy bill relief, and a focus on the disadvantaged,” he said.

Also on Wednesday, the government committed $55.31 billion across the next four years in this month’s budget to make child care more affordable from July.

The signature election pledge will benefit about 1.2 million families nationwide, with more than 400,000 families in NSW, 302,100 in Victoria, and 284,100 in Queensland to receive a boost.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers said cheaper child care was a key plank in addressing the cost of living as he battles to contain high inflation.

“What we’ve tried to do is to provide cost of living relief in a number of areas so that we can make things a little bit easier,” he told reporters in Canberra on Wednesday.

“Cheaper child care will make life easier for a lot of families in a way that doesn’t add substantially to the inflation challenge in our economy.”

Opposition finance spokeswoman Jane Hume said the government needed to rein in spending to curb high inflation following the central bank’s rate hike.

“The RBA put out some signals,” she told AAP.

“We want to make sure that we see a budget that isn’t going to make the inflation situation worse. Getting inflation under control is a team sport.”

The government will also set aside $72.4 million across five years to support the training of early childhood educators and the care sector.

More than 80,000 early childhood educators will benefit from the package, with a focus on regional and remote services, and Indigenous organisations.

Speaking at the National Press Club on Wednesday, Grattan Institute chief executive officer Danielle Wood said Australia will not meet its full potential until the nation makes better use of the capabilities of its highly talented women.

Ms Wood said the government’s commitment to more affordable and accessible early learning and care and increasing parental leave were important steps on that journey but said there was more room for improvement.

She singled out reforming the childcare activity test, which significantly restricts access to subsidised childcare for some families, as one priority, as well as lifting wages for childcare workers.

“The fact that trained workers doing this critical and emotionally challenging work are getting little more than those flipping burgers at McDonald’s or manning the counters a Bunnings, should shock us,” she said.

Tess Ikonomou, Dominic Giannini and Poppy Johnston

(Australian Associated Press)




The ATO is increasing its data matching program to now include residential investment property loans. The ATO will be specifically looking at account details, balances, commencement and end dates, as well as transaction details and property addresses.

The ATO has advised that it will acquire residential investment property loan data from authorised financial institutions under a data-matching program for 2021-22 through to 2025-26.

We anticipate the ATO will be reviewing the data to make sure no personal

transactions had taken place and to confirm the whole loan is related to the investment property. If the ATO finds transactions are personal in nature and this has resulted in the loan being greater than what it should have otherwise been if the debt only related to the investment property e.g., the investment loan has been increased as some funds were used to renovate their owners principal residence, the ATO could potentially treat the whole loan as a personal in nature, deny the interest being claimed as a deduction, and/or claw back previous interest that has been already claimed in past returns.

It is really important when purchasing investments and where a loan is involved, to make sure the investment loan is kept separate to any and all personal loans


and to not increase the investment loan by way of personal transactions.

For those trustees with complex trust structure set ups it is advisable to seek advice from an accountant or lawyer that specialises in this area.

Warren Strybosch

You can call them on 1300 88 38 30 or email


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The founder of the Find Group of companies draws on his diverse background, which ranges from teaching, to serving in the army, to taxation and accounting, to coach and help clients live their best financial lives. A multi-award winner, Warrens’s innovative approach in business means he was a champion of virtual financial advise long before the pandemic. Warren established the Find Foundation, which owns and operates accros Victoria.


The financial advisers featured in this guide are a diverse group: some specialise in responsible investment advice, some provide financial advise to specific professions, and some focus on addressing market gaps, mwith several finding themselves on the list for the very first time. But they all have one thing in common: they all wield influence that can create the blueprint for the future of financial advice in Australia. Not all of them are faniliar names but just because they are not making a lot of noise doesn’t mean they are not making waves. Meet our Power 50. 15 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 15 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG

Why Do Leaders Need Good Decision-Making Skills?


Business leaders have the responsibility to guide their teams to success. To make this happen, leadership requires good decision-making skills that will impact the whole team. Good decisions bring value to the organisation, and wrong decisions can disrupt the company’s workflow.

Let’s discuss how important decisionmaking is for business leaders.

Understanding What Decision-Making Is

Decision-making skills are used by leaders to analyse a situation and identify steps on how a business should move forward. It involves aspects such as understanding the challenges, weighing options, formulating solutions, and implementing the decision.

Making critical decisions is crucial for cases like:

• Creating new policies and development plans

• Implementing organisational goals

• Developing new offerings

• Branding/Rebranding

• Budget allocation

So why else do leaders need good decision-making skills?

1. Implement Effective Action Plans for Unexpected Situations

Leaders are required to make fast and efficient decisions during emergency and challenging situations for damage control. This dictates how the team will operate given the situation. It’s important for business leaders to understand the needs of the business in unexpected circumstances.

2. Builds Trust and Confidence

Implementing effective and efficient decisions helps leaders show their workers that they prioritise the team’s best interests. A leader that devotes time to analysing and providing details of their decisions showcases trustworthiness. This gives employees an idea of what to expect and provides direction for what the business needs to do.

3. Drives Growth

Good decisions help employees move forward with their tasks while saving time and resources. This boosts productivity and drives long-term growth. Decisionmaking begins with planning and calibrating workers to work on projects with the implemented action plans. In the process, the business takes effective steps that bring in desired results.

4. Reduces Risk of Conflict

When a leader leaves the decisions to his or her team, without an outline or direction, chances are conflicts will arise between employees. Uncertainty about the direction may lead to multiple members trying to take over and impose the solutions they have in mind. There is, of course, a time and place for the team to make decisions, but this is certainly a scenario where a leader’s good decision-making skills can prevent feuds while providing reasonable solutions for the business overall.

5. Improves Time Management

Any worker, including leaders, can do more if they can make the most out of their work hours. Making quick and wellcalculated decisions allows the whole team or organisation to implement actions for faster results. This allows everyone to devote enough time to all important tasks.

Essential Factors for Decision-Making

• Critical Thinking

• Leaders are encouraged to utilise their critical thinking abilities to assess the situation and weigh options. Identify the benefits and risks that come with each choice on the table. An effective process is to use a variety of visualisation techniques to foresee the results of every decision.

Image Source:

• Formulating effective solutions requires creativity. Open-minded leaders consider both traditional and out-ofthe-box action plans the team can benefit from. This approach can also lead to results that may exceed the company’s expectations.

• Data-Driven Actions

• One study shows that more than 95% of organisations are dealing with data-decision issues. This holds the company back from using data to implement effective decisions.

• As a leader, it’s important to gather essential data that will help implement educated decisions that can help achieve valuable results.

• Confidence and Self-Awareness

• It’s important to point out that a leader needs to have confidence when making critical decisions. Aside from that, leaders should have the self-awareness that they can commit and have what it takes to lead their team through their decisions. This will motivate the whole

team toward the direction a leader intends to go.

Tips for Good Decision-Making

Understand critical aspects that might affect the results. Great interpretive and analytical skills are important when making important decisions. Identify all factors involved and how they can impact the results. This also helps in determining the issues that should be resolved.

Monitor progress

Create a record of activities in your team and the results each of them brought. This can help you determine which previous actions worked and which ones didn’t. Doing this will help you make decisions that avoid committing the same errors again and again.

Facilitate internal discussions

Encourage your employees to participate in open discussions. This will give you a clear understanding of the unique views of your workers. Organising forums will help you assess where your team is at and how you can lead them to success.


There’s no denying, that being a leader can be challenging at times. People depend on many decisions that you will make, and they trust the steps you propose to produce desired solutions.

In terms of making good decisions as a leader, another option available is to seek insights from experts outside your company. Bouncing ideas, hearing assessments, and having the solution tailored to your needs from an industry professional can greatly assist to help you make efficient decisions that ultimately produce a sustainable outcome.

Team/Leadership Coach Team Resilience Method 17 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 17 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG Leadership and Team Development ...Imagine a team where each individual is so strong in self that their focus is how to move together as one... SERVICES LEADERSHIP COACHING & DEVELOPMENT TEAM COACHING & DEVELOPMENT BEHAVIOURAL PROFILING BUSINESS GAP ANALYSIS IN-HOUSE & ONLINE TRAINING WORKSHOPS/WEBINARS 0490 388 017 Leadership coaching that connects your team and drives results SALLY HIGOE Leaders Resilience Coach Team Resilience Method
• Creativity
Sally Higoe


The amount that you can salary package (also known as salary sacrifice) comes down to the type of organisation that you work for and their Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) status. Basically there are four categories relating to the FBT status of an organisation. These are not-for-profit organisations, charities, public health and all other organisations which include government departments and private businesses. The FBT status of an organisation determines how much an employee can salary package. The amount that you can save through salary packaging depends on your salary and on what sort of Fringe Benefits entitlements you have.

What Are Fringe Benefits?

Fringe Benefits are benefits that employees receive in lieu of their wage or salary. Salary Packaging occurs when an employee exchanges wages for some form of benefit. Depending on your employer’s FBT status, as detailed in the previous section, FBT and Income Tax may not be relevant to what you salary package. Depending on your entitlements through your employer, you may be able to salary package living expenses such as mortgage or rent or meals and entertainment expenses or a motor vehicle lease.

Salary Packaging Caps And Fringe Benefits

Salary packaging caps are determined by the Commonwealth Government based on the FBT status of your employer. This can change from year to year depending on the tax policy and the administration of the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT). The current FBT status by employer type and subsequent caps can be summarised as follows.

Not For Profit Organisations

- Not For Profit (NFP) organisations have the highest salary packaging cap and are entitled to the most benefits. They have an exemption of up to $15,900 in expense value and are exempt from paying FBT up to that cap. NFPs are also entitled to an additional meal and entertainment benefit of $2,650 each year which can be spent on entertainment and holidays. This category is also applicable to a Health Promotion Charity (HPC).


- Charities also have the highest salary packaging cap of up to $15,900 in expense value. However, they aren’t entitled to claim as many benefits as NFP organisations. Charities are not exempt of FBT but receive a rebate on the amount of FBT that is payable.

Public Health

- The Public Health System (including Ambulance workers) has a cap of up to $9,010 in expense value, therefore they are exempt of FBT up to this limit. Employees in this sector are also eligible to an additional exempt cap of $2,650 for meal and entertainment.

Other Organisations

- All other organisations include private organisations and government departments. These organisations aren’t eligible for any Fringe Benefits Tax relief. Some benefits are exempt if they’re work-related, for example, work related electronic devices (laptop or mobile device) and self education expenses.

- As there is no exemption for FBT for these organisations, concessionally taxed benefits such as a Novated Motor Vehicle Lease or additional superannuation contributions are the most common benefits packaged.

- It’s up to these organisations if they choose to offer salary packaging or not to their employees.

Is Salary Packaging Worthwhile?

It depends on your organisation type and the impact that FBT has on the company that you’re employed by. The FBT rate is


determined by the top marginal tax rate, for FY22-23 that’s 47 cents in every dollar. When a company has to pay the full FBT on salary packaging there may not be any benefit, as your tax rate may be less than the FBT rate.

If you are eligible for an exemption from FBT (up to your cap), the ability to pay some of your living expenses from pretax income rather than paying for them from your after-tax pay, the benefits can be substantial.

One thing to consider is that any of these benefits that are salary packaged, are reportable on your annual income statement (previously known as Payment Summary or Group Certificate).

The amount reported on your income statement is considered when the Government calculates the repayment of a HECS/HELP debt and/or any Government benefits that you’re entitled to. The impact of this is best checked with your employer or Salary Packaging provider.

Can You Salary Package Your Whole Salary?

You can salary package as much of your salary as you like, up to your cap. Depending on your industry and depending on if your organisation offers salary packaging. A Not For Profit has a $15,900 expense cap and this could be

used for rent or a mortgage, a novated lease or a combination of things. As long as you’re within the cap you can structure salary packaging however you like.

When setting up your salary package you should also consider how much you will be left with in after tax pay from your employer. This will be important in considering your own budget.

Are there Any Barriers to Salary Packaging?

Eligibility for salary packaging comes down to what type of organisation you work for. When you work for a private or government organisation it’s up to their discretion if they offer it and who they offer it to. For example, some organisations might only offer salary packaging to executives. The Health and NFP sectors may exclude casuals from salary packaging. There’s no regulation requiring employers to offer salary packaging, it comes down to a company’s own salary packaging policy. For organisations that are FBTexempt, you’d think that it’s a no-brainer as to if they offer it or not. The reason they have the exempt FBT status is to assist them to recruit, reward and retain staff from higher paying jobs at private organisations. Their employees can take advantage of a lower taxable income at no tax expense to their organisation.

Salary Packaging means you can pay less tax, use your pre-tax income to pay for everyday expenses and make your salary go further.

Salary Package Today

The biggest barrier that prevents people from taking advantage of salary packaging is education. People tend to have differing ideas about what salary packaging is and isn’t. It’s important to have expert information and advice to get the most out of salary packaging. At The Salary Packaging People, we pride ourselves on taking a complex topic and providing clarity to our customers. If you want to learn more about how you as an employer or employee can get the most out of salary packaging contact us today.

Ready to get started with salary packaging and a novated lease? The Salary Packaging People are experts in both so contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get the car of your dreams. Get in touch with us here or call 03 5229 4200.

Salary Packaging Services

We ensure your staff get the full advantage of their entitlements, because taking care of your staff is our business. 19 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 19 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG
Dan Nicholls Salary Packaging Services Services Call us now • Packaging administration • One-on-one customer service • Staff and organisation resources • Comprehensive and always ontime FBT reporting • Direct to employee claim benefits paid in one working day (03) 5229 4200


Lately, I have been talking about how to make and record your video content yourself. But I understand that there are times when you need guidance, a starting point or someone to do it all for you.

There is a lot to be said about professional videos with a producer who designs the look and feel of the video and runs the shoot plus camera operators who create the style and elegant footage on the day and they have been trained in the art of visual storytelling. They make it look easy.

Just like the film crew, professional voiceover artists are trained to be clear and concise with their inflections, saying names correctly, add emotion and in most cases are also trained actors.

What this means…

You can write a script and there are no umm’s and ahh’s, they read the script and there are no deviations, you know exactly what they are going to say and they can be directed to have more energy, be informative, be less authoritative, sad, angry, happy etc. You can add in phews, deep breathes, pauses…. the sky’s the limit. Oh and added bonus sound effects.

Why use a professional voice-over artist?

What a professional voice-over can do for your videos?

From a brand perspective:

• It shows that you are professional

• Know your stuff and

• Understand the core of your business and what you are trying to sell

From a storytelling perspective:

• A voice-over is easy to edit and film content to match as it is planned out

• As it is scripted everything you want to say… is in the video

• No long-winded responses that you might get from an interview

• You have more control over the tone and feel of the video

From a business perspective:

• Gain more time back for the person who would normally do the voiceovers or videos

• A professional editor will craft the story for you in half the time it would take you

• Professional voice-overs can be costeffective

• Looks great on the homepage of your website and helps your return on investment (ROI)

• A minimal amount of outlay for great visual result

I often recommend professional voiceovers. They are easy to follow, there is no mixed messaging, customers know what they are purchasing and best of all… you don’t have to do the voice-over yourself!

Yes Today Media - Quick Tips:

Using a voice-over artist is a great way to add energy and interest to dry and factual content. It helps to lift people’s engagement and buy-in on the product that you are selling.

If you would like to know more about how Yes Today Media can make your video more professional using a voice-over artist call or send us an email.

899 697
Allison Groot Creative 0403

What is Lead Generation and why is it important?

In today’s digital age, lead generation and funnels are two critical components of digital marketing that go hand in hand. Lead generation refers to the process of attracting and converting potential customers into leads, while a funnel is a visual representation of the customer journey from initial awareness to final conversion. In this essay, we’ll explore what lead generation and funnels are, why they’re essential, and how to create an effective lead generation funnel for your business.

At the heart of lead generation is the idea of identifying and nurturing potential customers. This is critical because it allows businesses to move potential customers through the sales funnel and ultimately convert them into paying customers. There are several ways to generate leads, including content marketing, social media marketing, paid advertising, and email marketing. Each of these channels can be effective in its own right, but the key is to use a combination of channels that work best for your business.

A funnel, on the other hand, is a visual representation of the customer journey. The funnel is designed to capture a broad audience at the top and narrow down to a specific target audience at the bottom. The funnel typically consists of four stages:

awareness, interest, decision, and action. At each stage, businesses need to provide the right messaging and content to move potential customers through the funnel.

Creating an effective lead generation funnel involves several steps. The first step is to define your target audience. Understanding your target audience is critical to creating content and messaging that resonates with them. Once you’ve defined your target audience, the next step is to create a value offer. A value offer is an incentive that you offer to potential customers in exchange for their contact information. This could be anything from a free ebook to a free trial or consultation. The key is to create something that provides value to your target audience and encourages them to take action.

The next step in creating an effective lead generation funnel is to build a landing page. A landing page is a dedicated page that’s designed to convert visitors into leads. It should be focused on a specific offer and have a clear call-toaction (CTA) that encourages visitors to provide their contact information. The landing page should be optimised for conversion, which means that it should be easy to navigate and load quickly.

Once you’ve created your value offer and landing page, the next step is to drive traffic to your page. You can do this

through a variety of channels, including social media, email marketing, and paid advertising. The key is to use a combination of channels that work best for your business and target audience.

Once you’ve captured leads, it’s essential to nurture them through targeted email campaigns and other forms of communication. This will help build trust and keep your business top of mind as they move through the sales funnel. It’s also essential to measure and optimise your lead generation funnel regularly. Use analytics tools to track your performance and identify areas for improvement. Test different elements of your funnel, such as your value offer, landing page, and email campaigns, to see what works best for your business. 21 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 21 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG DIGITAL MEDIA or contact us at Ethan Strybosch



Would you like to see greater benefits both personally and professionally in your business?

Developing a strong Corporate Social Responsibility program for your business can have lasting benefits.

There are 5 key, long and short term benefits to your business.

1. Heightened reputation in the marketplace, customer loyalty

2. Increased brand recognition

3. Access to capital more readily through lending institutions

4. Market credibility leading to increased sales and profit

5. Marketing opportunities

There are also 5 personal benefits.

1. A sense of satisfaction that you are doing business for good.

2. Increased staff engagement, loyalty and productivity

3. Improved opportunities for your chosen charity

4. Increased networking with likeminded entrepreneurs

5. Increased standing in the community

A company can implement four types of CSR efforts: environmental initiatives, charity work, ethical labour practices and volunteer project.

CSR strategies are concerned with protecting the interests of all stakeholders.

These strategies have positive impacts on your customers, suppliers, employee’s and the general community. This can be local, in which business resides or International as suits you and your business. The benefits can range from the treatment of staff, care for the environment, and supporting through philanthropic endeavours, no matter how large or small.

CSR’s can be broken down into five key categories:

1. Environmental impacts,

2. Ethical / social responsibility,

3. Philanthropic endeavours,

4. Financial/ economic responsibilities.

5. Volunteering opportunities

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a voluntary business model which many businesses have adopted from the large corporate sector to SME’s alike. The extent of your CSR will depend on business type and your personal preferences. The idea is to engage your businesses to be socially accountable to your shareholders, customers and indeed the wider community. Setting clear CSR strategies, shows that you accept responsibility for the impact your business has on our society.

A good guide to consider which strategies are best suited to you are born from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which were presented to the United Nations 2012. The objective form this group was to produce a set of universal goals that meet the urgent environmental, political, social and economic challenges facing our world today. For more information on the United Nations Development Program, read en/home/sustainable-developmentgoals/background.html

These 17 Global Goals were developed to address the concerns that face our society now and into the future. They are slowly being worked on through the work of the UN in conjunction with governments and major corporations through various agreements established in different countries around the world. These goals not only work at major corporate level, but in the smallest of businesses.

Which of these 17 goals are you already supporting?

Which goals can you further support in your business?

Many of these we can impact in our own ways, according to our personal preferences and beliefs reflected in our personal lives and the type of business we own. You can put practices into place in your business to show your shareholders, stakeholders and clientele that you really do care about the future of the company and the environment in which we live.

Everything we do impacts in some small way. We may only be able to work on two or three of these, but we can influence the outcome by simply updating some of our habits at work and at home.

Here are just a few examples of practices we can all support easily. Which of these do you already have in your business model:


1. Reduce the number of carry bags

2. Sell and use products that are good for the environment?

3. Use sensor lighting or solar as applicable

4. Recycle as many materials as possible

5. Use water saving measures


global goals For Sustainable

Economic/ financial

1. Plan for usage or sell through of products to reduce waste

2. Form allegiances with businesses to partner with, to utilise the waste

3. Improve labour policies to grow your business

4. Buy locally to support those around you

5. Purchase only fairtrade goods if not available locally

Ethical / Social

1. Be an equal opportunity employer

2. Support the homeless rather than waste food, while reducing greenhouse emissions

3. Support humane charities where possible

4. Volunteer in the community with goods or services

5. Create a great working environment and privileges for staff.


1. Supporting organisations with goods needed2.

2. Supporting charities financially

3. Setting up scholarships orgrants as applicable

4. W

5. weT


1. Supporting organised fundraisers through donations

2. Supplying goods required at the event.

3. Physically supporting by participating in a fund-raising event

4. Support with your presence at the event to ensure smooth running.

5. Support the organising committee.

Statistically the marketing of your CSR strategies around the world is shown to have increased customer numbers resulting in increased sales, profit, basket size and brand awareness.

If every SME provided just 1% of their net profit back into these Goals imagine the impact that would have on each of the three areas, Social, Environmental and Economic growth in our community. 23 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 23 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG
Deb Fribbins Developing Excellence in Business 0400 524 451

By Stacey Dalton

A hydronic heating system (wet system) is dependent on hot water to heat a room or home. The process starts off at the boiler, a pump is sending the water through a pipe distribution system in the house for emanation by using radiators, or the floor itself. As the water cools off, it goes back to the boiler to be reheated. Due to this system, the objects in your household stay warmer for a longer period of time, thus helping to keep warmth in the house and provide Maximum efficiency at a lower cost.

Alternative heating structures that push fan forced air into your home only warm the air, but not the objects in the room, which will make you spend more money on the running costs. The most recent talks in the industry have stated that heating your home from the floor up rather than vice-versa is much more comfortable and effective.

The hydronic central heating is one of the most efficient and economical alternatives of heating your home. This system is preferred in cooler climates given the fact the energy used to achieve the same level of heat is much lower in a hydronic central system than a ducted gas heating system, or solely on a heat pump.

Hydronics have been used extensively in Europe for decades for good reason, where the higher cost of gas and electricity have made homeowners look for the most economical and effective heating options, given how and costefficient they can be. A well-designed and installed hydronic system can be very practical in terms of energy use.

The heat source comprises of a gas condensing boiler, which heats water and circulates it around the system through radiators and pipes by means of a pump.

The convectors that are placed along the outer walls heat the air. This then rises and heats the walls and furniture. Since hot air rises, an air barrier is formed in front of the windows, which keeps the chill off. When the warm air reaches the ceiling, it circulates down towards the floor and is reheated by the convectors. Underfloor heating is also recommended to give a very complete heating system with maximum comfort. The heating pipes in the floor are connected up to a regular pipe system and controlled either manually or via a zone control package for easy control.

If the installation is correct, the natural flow of heat from the hydronic heating system means that the entire living space is wrapped in a comfortable environment, which shuts out draughts and eliminates cold spots.

Experience in this field has shown that even identical households can experience drastically different rates of heat loss based on the types of heating systems built in. Buildings with hydronics have frequently displayed lower energy usage than structures with forced-air heating systems.

In conclusion, more and more viable environmentally friendly technologies have emerged on the market in order to reduce the carbon footprint, and the hydronic heating system is definitely in this category. If you’re thinking about installing such a system, we are here to help you get the best deal there is.

Stacey Dalton


03 5221 0052

What Is a Hydronic Heating System and are they worth the investment?

While enjoying the summer weather, we often don’t want to think of home improvement activities for the colder months. However, if you are considering refreshing a few rooms with a new coat of paint, winter is a good time to do that.


The cooler months are usually the offseason for most professional painters, due to the perception that summer is the time for a house make-over. If you are planning a large interior paint job, you could find that quotes are cheaper. As they may not be so busy with other projects, they may even offer to paint an extra room for free!


The wettest month in the Port Phillip region is in spring (October); conversely, winters can be fairly dry. This translates into ideal humidity conditions for painting the interior of your home. Lower humidity means less moisture in the air and as we don’t have snow, the temperature rarely gets too low, so paint dries faster. It’s true there are fewer hours of daylight, but summer painting is constrained by too many hot hours, so the hours available in the day for painting are probably the same for summer and winter.

From June to August, walls and ceilings are heat conductors. Factor in your heating systems and in some cases, you may discover that your total painting project could be finished more quickly than in summer. However, it is important to check carefully the actual temperature of the interior surfaces you wish to paint. If it turns out that they are in fact colder that the outside air temperature, you can consider using a heat gun or even a hairdryer to warm them up. Do remember to open windows and doors to ventilate the rooms you are painting. Even better, buy wall paints with low to zero VOC (volatile organic compounds) to avoid potentially inhaling toxic fumes.

One other thing to be aware or: if you live near a creek or water course, or if there has been a recent downfall of heavy rain, mould and rising damp may develop. You must spend the extra time to deal with this first before painting. A professional painter can give you a quote on what needs doing and how long it will take.

Better results

If you decide to paint your rooms over winter, here are some tips to get the best results.

Interior painting in winter

Especially when using water-based paints, paint dries quickly in hot or humid weather, meaning more brush marks and overlapping joins. The water content evaporates which increases the likelihood of chalking. Paint in cold weather dries more slowly. This is actually a good thing. Slow drying means you use fewer brush marks and fewer joins which eliminates the need for acrylic paint conditioners and makes for a smoother finish. One great advantage is that washing your brushes out at the end of the day is a breeze as the paint hasn’t baked into them.

Beware, however, if you have not painted interiors much before that paint can become thicker under cold conditions. It is more difficult to paint with thick paint; it might not spread evenly which will leave blotches – not the sheen or texture you were hoping for! If this happens, pop along to your local hardware store and buy an acrylic paint conditioner like Floetrol which will smooth the paint out for you and make it easier to apply.

Whether this is your first go at painting the inside of your home or you’ve done it for years, always store your paint in a warm dry place, and in colder seasons, indoors.

Most of us spend the winter months more indoors than our so winter is ideal to use that time to beautify your home. Painting your home in winter also means that you and your family can enjoy the following spring and summer without the burden of a large chore to do hanging over you.

Start planning now for your new look home!

For more painting advice on cleaning up after painting, contact Dahllof Painting Services at We will be happy to answer all your inquiries. 25 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 25 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG
AND DECORATING Dahllof Painting services 0407
Steve Dahllof

Why Longevity Risk is vital for Retirees


Longevity risk refers to the potential financial risk arising from individuals living longer than expected. Longevity risk can impact individuals who have not adequately planned for retirement and find themselves living longer than expected without sufficient savings or income. Mitigating longevity risk typically involves taking steps to accurately forecast life expectancy and adjusting financial planning accordingly.

A startling analysis by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) conveyed to the Government as part of a key consultation around the objective of superannuation pointed out just how many people are outliving their superannuation balances.

The study found that around 35% of those aged over 75 and 58% aged between 6574 (2019-20) have superannuation. Where death benefits are concerned, the HILDA data showed that 80 per cent of people aged 60 and over, who died between 2014 to 2018, had no super in the period up to four years before their death. For those aged 80 and over, 90% had no super in the four-year period before their death.

The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey is a

household-based panel study that collects valuable information about economic and personal well-being, labour market dynamics and family life.

(Source: https://melbourneinstitute.

The above data shows that most retirees do not have any superannuation monies left at time of death and therefore it is arguable that introducing a $3m concessional cap on superannuation is not something the government needs to introduce in the May budget.

The Government’s argument is that many retirees do not use their superannuation funds in retirement and they should reduce the tax concessions on superannuation balances over $3 million.

Retirees should seek professional advice incorporating longevity risk to ensure they have sufficient retirement funds in place to see them through to life expectancy.

Financial Planning is offered via Find Wealth Pty Ltd ACN 140 585 075 t/a Find Wealth.

Find Wealth is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No 468091) of Alliance Wealth Pty Ltd ABN 93 161 647 007 (AFSL No. 236815). Part of the Centrepoint Alliance group

Warren Strybosch is Authorised representative (No. 236815) of Alliance Wealth Pty Ltd.

This information has been provided as general advice.We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of the advice. You should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and seek the assistance of an authorised financial adviser before making any decision regarding any products or strategies mentioned in this communication.

Whilst all care has been taken in the preparation of this material, it is based on our understanding of current regulatory requirements and laws at the publication date.As these laws are subject to change you should talk to an authorised adviser for the most up-to-date information. No warranty is given in respect of the information provided andaccordinglyneitherAllianceWealthnorits related entities, employees or representatives accepts responsibility for any loss suffered by any person arising from reliance on this information.

1300 88 38 30 |
Warren Strybosch Financial Adviser hosted by Ben Nash

The importance of staying regular


Whilst bowel movements may not be the most lovely topic, they can tell you a lot about your health.

As a naturopath, the digestive system is very important. After all, it is where both the nutrients from food is absorbed and where the majority of waste products and toxins are eliminated. Your stool and how often you pass one gives a good indication of the state of your lower digestive tract (colon).

The problem with constipation

If the body’s waste products and toxins are not eliminated efficiently and are left sitting in the colon, they can be reabsorbed into the body. This can cause a feeling of bloating or fullness and contribute to a number of health issues. These substances include both toxins that have been taken into the body, as well as hormones that are no longer required, and these become reabsorbed creating an imbalance. This can lead to skin issues, hormonal dysregulation, period pain, and reduced immune function. Additionally, the combination of hard stools with straining can cause haemorrhoids or anal cracks.

What is the ideal stool?

Generally, it should look like a sausage, ranging from solid with slight cracks, through to soft with well-defined edges. Medically, constipation is determined as less than 3 bowel movements per week, although this is much less than what is ideal. For optimal health, you should pass 1 -2 bowel movements per day, with little urgency, little to no straining, and a sensation of complete evacuation.

How to improve bowel movements


Firstly, drink lots of water: 1.5L-2L/day. If you like some fizz, drink some soda water, or if you don’t like the taste of water add some lemon juice or mint leaves for flavour. As the weather gets colder, herbal teas are a great way to increase your water intake.

Increase dietary fibre

If you don’t eat a lot of vegetables, this is the best place to start when increasing fibre. Think of ways you can add more vegetables to the meals you already eat. Secondly, if you eat a lot of white flour products such as white bread, pastries, or cakes, switch to a wholemeal flour, and replace your sweet treats with fruit. You can add soluble fibre to your diet, by including ground flaxseed, oat bran,

psyllium husk, slippery elm powder, and pectin.

Support the bowel microbiome

The beneficial bacteria in your colon feed on vegetable fibre. The best way to improve the balance of gut bacteria is to eat a wide variety of fruit and vegetables, covering all the colours of the rainbow. Fermented foods can be a great addition to improve your bowel microbiome. These foods include yogurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, miso soup, and kimchi.


Daily exercise such as walking can help to stimulate the bowels; aim to move your body daily.

When nothing is moving

For extra support, try chamomile tea, bitter green leafy vegetables or prunes to stimulate bowel movement. When all else fails, herbal laxatives are much more gentle than conventional ones, you can get these at a health food shop or from a naturopath.

Whole Naturopathy can help provide you with natural products and dietary advice to keep your bowels moving regularly as well as treating any issues that may arise as a result of constipation.

This advice is general in nature and not intended to be prescriptive. For individualised prescriptive advice, please see a naturopath or other health care practitioner.

BHSc (Naturopathy) 27 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 27 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG


Working from home deduction from 1 July 2022

A Practical Compliance Guideline has been released for taxpayers who continue to work from home after 1 July 2022. Under the guideline, an individual working from home may make a simplified claim for running expenses at a rate of 67 cents per hour worked.

As per the new record-keeping requirements, from 1 March 2023, individuals must maintain an ongoing diary for the hours and days they work from home. Transitional rules on making a claim for 2022–23 income year will apply. For the 2023–24 and later income years contemporaneous records of hours and days worked from home must be kept for the entire income year.


Consultation period(30-Nov-2022)


FBT record-keeping overhaul - simplification of obligations

Proposed legislation will give the Commissioner of Taxation the power to allow companies to reduce their FBT compliance costs by utilising other corporate tax records. This initiative will also reduce the complexity of FBT compliance obligations as employers will be able to rely on other substantiation documents to finalise FBT returns.

Employers may still choose to use approved forms such as employee declarations and the prescribed forms detailing the fringe benefits provided to employees and associates if they wish. In some instances, it may benefit an employer to continue using standard FBT measures.

This measure is currently still at exposure draft stage and will require parliamentary approval. The effective start date for the change will be the first FBT year (1 April) after the bill receives royal assent.

Off-market share buy-backs - a revised tax approach

After first being announced as an integrity measure in the October 2022–23 Federal Budget, the federal government has tabled draft legislation into parliament outlining amendments to the share buy-back provisions for listed public companies. This measure, once enacted, will align the tax treatment of off-market share buy-backs and on-market share buy-backs.

An on-market buy-back generally happens if the share is listed on a stock exchange and the buy-back transition occurs through the stock exchange. Any other type of buy-back is considered an off-market buyback.

This measure will ensure that the buy-back price does not include any dividend payments (potentially frankable) when a listed public company conducts an off-market share buy-back of shares or nonshare equity interests. It will bridge the capital benefit gap created by franking credit offsets received by shareholders. This measure excludes off-market share buy-backs undertaken by private companies and companies that are listed on a stock exchange but are not widely held.





Royal Assent

Date of effect





Royal Assent

Date of effect

Commissioner’s directive - small business tax education courses now obligatory

The Commissioner of Taxation now has new powers to direct a small business taxpayer to undertake a record-keeping education course in lieu of an administrative penalty.

The new directive will be initially limited to small business owners in order to assist them in keeping up to date with tax obligations.

The individual must then provide the Commissioner with evidence of completion of the course in order to avoid financial penalty. The Commissioner will be able to issue a tax-records education direction to an entity from 1 April 2023.





Royal Assent(12-Dec-2022)

Date of effect(12-Mar-2023)


Electric vehicle home charging expenses – compliance guideline

The ATO has released a draft practical compliance guideline to assist taxpayers with calculating electricity costs relating to charging electric vehicles at home. In response to the surge in use of electric vehicles in Australia, provision of electric vehicles to employees or associates was recently made exempt from FBT (conditions applied).

From 1 April 2022 and 1 July 2022 for FBT and income tax purposes respectively, taxpayers can calculate home charging electricity expenses at 4.20 cents per kilometre. This guideline does not apply to plugin hybrid electric vehicles which have internal combustion engines or are not considered low-emission vehicles.

Transitional rules for the 2023 FBT and 2023 income year apply.

A new Property Tax coming for NSW

The NSW state government has released details of its much anticipated revamping of NSW state taxes in the 2022–23 state budget.

From 16 January 2023, the First home buyer property tax option will enable first home buyers to choose between:

• paying an upfront stamp duty, or

• an annual property tax.

Originally, the option was to replace stamp duty with the annual property tax in New South Wales. This announcement came as part of the 2020–21 NSW state budget. The property tax option will be available to first home buyers on purchases of land worth up to $1.5 million, or $800,000 in the case of vacant land. Also, if the first home buyer chooses to pay the stamp duty instead of the annual property tax, other stamp duty concessions may still be available. Transitional arrangements are also available for contracts entered into from 11 November 2022 (date of announcement) and 15 January 2023.


Consultation period

The federal government has announced its intention to change tax concessional treatment of very large superannuation account balances.

From 1 July 2025, superannuation balances over $3 million will have earnings on that portion of the balance taxed at 30%. The 30% tax rate will be the same as the company tax rate and the individual tax bracket of $45,000 to $200,000 in that income year.

This change will require legislative approval, and the legislative process is currently as consultation phase. However, members with large balances currently have 2 years to plan for its inclusion in the tax law.





Royal Assent(11-Nov-2022)

Date of effect(16-Jan-2023)

Large superannuation balances will have tax concession removed

Released Announcement(28-Feb-2023)


Introduced Passed Royal Assent Date of effect

Residential investment property loans - ATO’s data matching program

The ATO has announced the commencement of a data-matching program for property investors to acquire residential investment property loan data from authorised financial institutions. Sample audits conducted under the ATO random enquiry program indicate a net tax gap of $9 billion for the 2019–20 income year attributable to incorrect reporting of rental property income and expenses.

Incorrect apportioning of loan interest costs where the loan was refinanced or redrawn for private purposes has been identified as a significant driver of this gap. In addition to compliance action, the ATO will also be using the data it collects to obtain insights which will help develop and implement treatment strategies to improve voluntary compliance.

This data matching program will run from 2021–22 to the 2025–26 income years.

Announced: 27-Apr-2023

Updated: 27-Apr-2023

Advertise your event for FREE on the following pages G E E L O N G 2 0 2 3 MAY2023 Do you have an up-and-coming event? If so, email your event to and we will place it in the paper for FREE. are you a not-for-profit in or around geelong area?


- the new name for BCYF and Bethany

A new era in community support has begun with the recent merger of Barwon Child, Youth & Family (BCYF) and the Bethany Group to become Meli.

The new organisation brings together two of the region’s leading non-profit organisations with a combined history of more than 150 years serving the local community.

Meli officially launched on 1 April 2023. The organisation’s name was inspired by the word ‘meliorism’: the belief that the world can be made better through human effort.

“At Meli we are meliorists at heart - we believe in social justice, equality, and doing the right thing,” explained Meli CEO Grant Boyd.

“These beliefs, combined with our experience mean we are well placed to fulfill our purpose of supporting people and strengthening communities,” he said.

Meli offers a unique combination of services to support members of our community throughout their lifetime, from early childhood through to adolescence and adulthood.

Everyone faces challenges occasionally, and Meli is here to lend compassionate help, and to take a preventative and early response approach – no matter how big or small a problem.

The organisation strives to be inclusive, to support the whole community, and encourage individuals to get the support they need, no matter their circumstances.

Not For Profit

Of the month

Meli’s vision is for “a fair, safe and inclusive community where everyone can thrive”.

Meli has offices and kindergartens in Greater Geelong, the Bellarine Peninsula, Surf Coast, Winchelsea, Colac, Bannockburn, Warrnambool and Horsham, as well providing outreach services in community settings.

“Supporting people and strengthening communities”

We’re here for all life’s stages

With the goal of strengthening our community through all life’s stages, Meli provides a wide range of community support services, counselling and kindergarten services.

Combining the deep expertise of the former BCYF and Bethany Group, the organisation brings together community support services across the following areas:

• Foster and kinship care

• Family services – parenting programs, family services, playgroups and support

• Family violence programs

• Youth services and supports for people aged 12-25

• Housing support and advocacy

• Alcohol & Other Drugs programs

• Financial support including Gambler’s Help and Emergency Relief

• Individual and family counselling


With 30 kindergartens located throughout Geelong, the Bellarine Peninsula and Colac, Meli is one of the biggest and most experienced providers in the region.

Enrolments are now open for three and fouryear-old kindergarten programs in 2023. See to find a kindergarten near you.

Built on a history of serving

Meli is built on the heritage and expertise of two of the Geelong region’s oldest organisations, BCYF and Bethany, each serving the community for more than 150 years.

BCYF has a history stretching back to 1855 with the opening of Geelong’s first children’s orphanage and grew to become a leading child, youth and family services provider following the 2015 merger of Glastonbury Community Services, Barwon Youth and Time for Youth.

Bethany was established in 1868 as a women’s refuge, then a babies home and later community support services. Geelong Kindergartens Association joined Bethany in 2017, strengthening its proud history of providing quality and innovative services to support children, families and individuals.


Geelong, Colac, as

• Counselling for employees

• Refugee & Asylum Seeker Counselling

At Meli we know that the first years of a child’s life are an important time, which is why we we’re committed to high quality three and four-yearold kindergarten programs.

Meli combines this deep expertise spanning generations, to form one strong organisation with the purpose of supporting people and strengthening communities.

Discover more about Meli here:


The Geelong Animal Welfare Society has launched its Autumn fundraising campaign to provide vulnerable cats with a second chance of a happy, healthy life.

The tale of Astrid, the campaign hero, tells of the vital work involved in caring for an individual cat before becoming someone’s forever pet.

GAWS CEO Helen Cocks said: “At GAWS, we believe every life is precious and worth every minute and dollar invested to nurse them back to good health and prepare them for their forever home.

“Astrid is one of hundreds of vulnerable cats we have cared for this year, ensuring they are given the best opportunity for a happy, healthy future.”

At only a few weeks old, Astrid presented to GAWS as a stray with a severe eye condition caused by a type of cat flu. She arrived in February this year - underweight, dehydrated and covered in fleas. GAWS staff provided Astrid with a warm bed, food and comfort; she was promptly assessed and immediately treated by GAWS vet staff who developed a treatment plan for her.

Astrid was in the GAWS vet clinic for two weeks receiving around the clock care including antibiotics, eye drops, fluid therapy, syringe feeding, and flea and worming treatment. Once given the all clear, Astrid spent time in GAWS’ home based foster program where she thrived. Astrid returned to GAWS for her de-sexing procedure before recovering from surgery back in foster.

After two months of care, medical treatment and time in a foster home, GAWS announced Astrid has ‘graduated to adoption’ this week and is ready to find her forever home.

Astrid’s medical treatments, essentials and care costs have added up to more than $3,000 and as a locally based not for profit organization, GAWS relies on financial donations from our community to continue this type of vital work.

“It is not uncommon for a stray kitten to present to GAWS in poor condition. Astrid is just one cat of many who has arrived needing a unique veterinary treatment and care plan. We hope people can help us as the local animal shelter and contribute to our ‘Purr It Forward’ campaign so we can continue to support vulnerable cats back to good health,” Ms Cocks said.

You can help by asking people you know to ‘pay forward’ a kindness to the animals in need - through the campaign ‘Purr It Forward’. GAWS is inviting cat owners to set up a fundraising page under their own cats name and photo and raise funds, or alternatively to donate directly.

Visit to set up a ‘Purr It Forward’ fundraising page or to donate.


The Power of Words

I still remember the positive words my dad spoke to me as a teenager that encouraged me to continue my studies and that ultimately led me to become a teacher.

Conversely, I still remember the angry and condemning words that I heard as a child, of my neighbours habitually shouting at each other, which led to some very unhappy and troubled individuals.

Our words have the power to build up or to tear down. To support or hinder. To grow positive and healthy states of mind or negative and disturbed ways of thinking.

Children need a steady stream of calm positive words.

When children misbehave it’s important to keep our cool and to speak firmly and kindly. Simply and directly. We need to speak to the behaviour while reassuring children of our love. eg. ‘I love you very much but I don’t like what you did.’

Never underestimate the power of your words whether you’re a father, mother, grandparent, teacher, friend, a significant other or ‘just the neighbour’. I’ll never forget the testimony of a woman, in a parenting course that I ran, who said she had never doubted herself because of the continuous stream of positive words that had been spoken over her by her dad while she was a child.

Some experts suggest that it takes ten positive words to balance out each negative word.

See how many of these you can use in a week:

I love the way you….

I’m really proud of you for…..

I love you.

I loved seeing the thoughtful way you…..

You are really good at…..

It was great to see you…..

You are a beautiful/good looking girl/boy/child.

Thanks so much for….

I love it when you…..

I love your smile.

I loved hearing the kind words you spoke to……

All the best everyone, Rob Hunter, Chaplain LPS 35 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG

What are Thieves Looking for in Your Car?

Most thieves are opportunistic. They will see something in a car and if the car is unlocked or there is no one around – in other words the risk of being caught is low - they will seize the chance to take whatever they can in the hope they can get something worthwhile.

Cars can be broken into for as little as a few dollars in loose change. If an offender puts a good few hours into a few dollars here and there, it can really add up.

In the meantime, you have to fix a broken window, or feel like your personal space/belonging has been invaded. Taking steps to secure your car before leaving it outside at home (which is where most car crime occurs) or parked while out can significantly reduce your chance of having your belongings stolen.

Loose change in the console

Having money visible from outside your car can also make other items in your car vulnerable to theft if a thief breaks in.

Valuables on the backseat

Before your leave your car, make sure anything valuable is hidden from view or put in the boot of your car – the less thieves can see, the less there is to steal. Making sure handbags, gym bags and electronics are out of sight can help reduce the chance of your car being broken into. Having large blankets, jackets or towels draped on your car seats can also create an illusion that there is something valuable to be stolen from your car.

Use the boot – make sure that nothing can be seen if someone is peering into your car.


NEVER leave keys in your car.

Remove keys from the ignition and lock your vehicle wherever it is parked and left unattended, even if it is only for a minute.

Always lock your vehicle and remember to fully close all windows.

Never hide spare keys on or in the vehicle as thieves know where to look.

License Plates

Number plates are the most ‘popular’ item stolen from cars. The rate of number plate theft remains high in Victoria. Not only is number plate theft a hassle for the person whose plates are stolen, stolen number plates are often used to commit further crime.

A simple way of stopping the theft of number plates is to fix one-way, anti-theft screws to your number plates. These screws are easy for you to put on but are hard for thieves to take off, making it harder for thieves to steal.

When it comes to your car – and your home – don’t tempt the opportunistic thief, make the reward look small, and the risk high.

For more crime prevention information, visit Neighbourhood Watch Victoria at

Follow Neighbourhood Watch Greater Geelong on Facebook at or call us on 0418 351 913. 37 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 37 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG


In 1971 a couple of locals, Len Lewis and Kevin Ash had an idea for a bowls club in Leopold. The idea took hold, a committee formed and money raised. A location was needed that would have enough space for two bowling greens and a clubhouse. Finally this was located in Kensington Road, our current location and 5 acres purchased for $8500.

In May 1975 the club was officially opened as a family friendly sporting club by Brian Dixon, the then Minister for Youth, Sport and Recreation.

You can see the results for yourself on visiting our club.

There are so many people to thank over many years for their support, encouragement and voluntary help along with the the original crew that helped established the club.

Leopold Sporties, located in Leopold, Victoria, is a club based on sports. We offer Bowls, both social and Pennant, Golf, Racquet Ball and Squash.


FC Leopold was established in 2016 by Jared Larkins and Mitchell Vials. The club is based in Leopold, Victoria and played its first competitive games in 2017. In our first season we had over 100 registered players and expect those numbers to grow in 2018 and continue to grow into the future as the club continues to develop.

The club aims to provide a positive family friendly enviroment for our members to develop their skills off the field and to also become great people off the field.The club is run solely by volunteers and we are always looking to get members involved in helping the club grow and develop.

We are aiming to become a huge part of the Leopold community and look forward to growing the sport of football (soccer) in our beautiful town.

FC Leopold is a community club that fields senior mens teams, a senior womens team and multiple miniroos and junior teams in Geelong competitions.

FC Leopold are looking for enthusiastic members of the community who would like to contribute to the clubs ethos and family friendly feel - whether that is through being a committee member, volunteer, coach or player.

Like the page to keep up to date with the clubs progress as exciting things are happening with lights and a massive COGG funded pavilion project.


steve dahllof

• Painting and Decorating

• Member of Find Geelong

I have been painting for 38 years now and my love for painting gives me an opportunity to run my own company, Dahllof Painting Services, for 25 years now which is still up and running. I have been doing factory painting, maintenance painting and currently, I mostly do contract painting.

Our business is about making peoples’ houses better either for selling or living. We take pride in everything we do from the little things to the big things. Our services include all general painting, spray painting and glazing of wooden windows. We specialise in high end restoration work but will do anything.

We are happy to help any clients paint their house to improve it as we have a lot of high-end restoration work. No job is too big or too small for us. If you need a reliable painting team that will get the job done in an efficient amount of time whilst making sure it is up to our standards, then give us a call.
council news services events Job and more

Closure of Eastern Beach Children’s Pool

Public consultation is open until 11:59pm, Wednesday 31 May 2023.

“The works have been timed to avoid peak usage in the busy summer period and recent school holidays.

The children’s pool has been enjoyed by families since 1938 and we want to make sure it continues to be safe, clean and well maintained.

The children’s pool at the historic Eastern Beach Reserve will be closed between Monday 15 May and Monday 29 May 2023.

The City will undertake maintenance works to drain the well-utilised pool, pressure clean the tiles and replace broken and missing tiles. The sea baths and promenade area will remain open during this time.

These works are necessary to comply with safety and pool regulations.

Signage around the pool will alert parents and carers of the closure.

We’re updating our 2011 Geelong Waterfront Masterplan and asking the community how we can best plan for the Waterfront’s future, including the Eastern Beach Reserve.

We know that the children’s pool provides a number of health and wellbeing benefits for children and is a drawcard in our region.

We look forward to welcoming eager young swimmers back to the pool when the works are complete.”

Belmont Dog Park set for remediation work

A combination of winter growing conditions, rain and heavy use of Belmont Dog Park Dog has led to the decision to fence off the central grassed area of the popular park from Thursday 11 May until late October 2023.

“The decision to cordon off the grassed area is in the best, longterm interests of the facility.

The City is delighted that the Belmont Dog Park has become such an incredibly popular play space for dog owners and their pets, however the recent rain and cooler weather, combined with the frequent use of the park, has taken a toll on the condition of the grass area in the centre of the park.

It’s important that we take this step to avoid having to close the entire park for more extensive repair work.

I thank the region’s dog owners in anticipation of their understanding through the rehabilitation process.” 43 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 43 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG

The Secret arrives at Boronggook Drysdale Library

Community members are embracing the Bellarine Peninsula’s newly opened state-of-the-art Boronggook Drysdale Library, including a playable sculpture of an abstract female form installed near the entrance.

The City commissioned artist Sanné Mestrom to create The Secret, a curved public artwork of a woman reclining in the grass that becomes both a place of refuge and interaction for the community.

The black concrete sculpture with brass inlay was designed to capture the imaginations of community members of all ages and invite children to play and discover.

Boronggook (pronounced Bo-ronggook) is the traditional Wadawurrung name for the area, which was a place of gathering and connection, and means ‘turf’. The sculpture’s name, The Secret, reflects on how both the historical and contemporary use of the site as a library holds untold stories to share and secrets to imagine.

Boronggook Drysdale Library, which is jointly funded by Council ($8.156 million) and the Victorian Government ($1 million), officially opened to the community on Friday 5 May 2023.

The innovative green roof is the first of its kind in our region, featuring 4,300 plants that are already providing habitat for birds, bees and butterflies.

Born in the Netherlands, Sanné Mestrom moved to New Zealand as a child and now lives in Australia. Her previous public art commissions include Weeping Woman and Loose Variables. As part of an academic fellowship with the Australian Research Council, Sanné researches “Play Beyond Playgrounds: Rethinking the Role of Public Art in Urban Play”. Find out more on the Art/Play/Risk website.

“The Secret is an exciting addition to Council’s collection of more than 300 public artworks, monuments, memorials and industrial objects.

With its circular design and green rooftop, the Boronggook Drysdale Library is already a focal point in the area and The Secret will only attract further attention, invite interaction and foster connection.

The sculpture can be played across, crawled through and sat on, so Council encourages community members to visit The Secret when they come to library, relax on the lawn or pass through Drysdale.”

“Artworks like The Secret add to the sense of community and creativity that libraries do so well to foster.

The Secret is already helping to develop a more cohesive community by being a continuation of libraries through encouraging people to interact with each other about art and creative concepts.

I hope our youngest visitors thoroughly enjoy climbing and having fun on the structure, motivating them to be creative in their play both inside the library and outside.”

“My artwork is intended to be a place where people can create their own stories and build their own histories.

The Secret’s use is completely open-ended: People across all generations can imagine themselves into the curved forms and create their own memories that are unique and personal.

The work is also informed by my own physical transformation through motherhood, where a body becomes a space of shared use, beauty and discovery in response to the needs of a child.”

Mayor Trent Sullivan Councillor Ron Nelson - Chair of the Geelong Regional Library Corporation Board Sanné Mestrom

Boronggook Drysdale Library officially opened

A new $9.15 million public library featuring an innovative circular design, planted roofscape and an amphitheatre, is officially opened.

The Boronggook Drysdale Library (28 Wyndham Street) was opened with a Wadawurrung Traditional Owner Welcome to Country, Smoking and Didgeridoo Ceremony on Friday 5 May 2023, by Mayor Trent Sullivan and Member for Bellarine Alison Marchant MP.

The Council contributed $8.156 million and the Victorian Government $1 million.

Boronggook (pronounced Bo-ronggook) is the traditional Wadawurrung name for the area, which was a place of gathering and connection and means ‘turf’.

The building, designed by Melbourne firm Antarctica in collaboration with Architecture Associates, evolved out of careful consideration of the greater context, including conversations with Wadawurrung Traditional Owners, local residents and key community stakeholders.

The two-storey building references the rich Aboriginal and masonry history of Drysdale’s town centre, while at the same time providing a contemporary reinterpretation.

Library features include:

• Communal multi-purpose spaces;

• Quiet study areas;

• Adult changing places facility;

• Internal courtyard garden;

• City of Greater Geelong customer service point;

• Resource-efficient systems;

• Print and multimedia collections for loan;

• Public Access Internet PCs;

• Free WIFI access for library members;

• Weekly sessions of Story Time, Toddler Time, and Baby Time; and

• Self-checkouts featuring multiple language settings other than English.

The innovative green roof is the first of its kind in our region, featuring 4,300 plants (including 18 different native species) that are already providing habitat for birds, bees and butterflies.

The City also commissioned artist Sanné Mestrom to create The Secret, a curved public artwork of a woman reclining in the grass that becomes both a place of refuge and interaction for the community.

Mayor Trent Sullivan

“I am certain our new Boronggook Drysdale Library will bring people together for lifelong learning for years and years to come. It’s an inspiring building with a unique design.

Continuous learning is so important as it helps to innovate new ideas. Spaces like this help our community to thrive because they foster a culture of learning.”

Geelong Regional Library Corporation Chair, Councillor Ron Nelson:

“Since the library’s soft opening in April, there has been an explosion in membership growth and a very large number of items borrowed. Around 12,400 items have already been borrowed and almost 10,000 people have come through the doors.”

Alison Marchant MP, Member for Bellarine:

“Libraries are a welcoming space for all and I’m so proud we could help deliver the Boronggook Drysdale Library for the community.

The Living Libraries Infrastructure Program enables councils and regional library corporations to deliver new and renewed library infrastructurestrengthening communities and bringing people together.”

Geelong Regional Library Corporation CEO Vanessa Schernickau:

“We’ve had thousands of people through the doors in the first weeks. Public libraries are so much more than books – libraries are a safe, warm place that welcome everyone, libraries can serve as a space to work from home or start a new business, or for children to gather to learn a love of literacy and stories.

Our friendly staff provide assistance with digital literacy, finding your next great read, or connecting community members to the vast, free resources we offer – we can’t wait to see more people through the doors in coming months.” 45 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 45 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG
L-R: Greater Geelong councillors Jim Mason, Stephanie Asher and Melissa Cadwell, Alison Marchant MP, Greater Geelong Mayor Trent Sullivan, GRLC Chair Cr Ron Nelson, Surf Coast

Work to build a new shared trail at Beacon Point in Clifton Springs is underway.

On Friday 5 May, Mayor Trent Sullivan joined fellow Bellarine Ward councillors Jim Mason and Stephanie Asher, and State Member for Bellarine Alison Marchant MP to view the early progress of construction.

Starting at a beach access point opposite Cantata Way, the 800-metre shared trail

Mayor Trent Sullivan:

Construction underway on Beacon Point Shared Trail

will run along the cliff’s edge to Beacon Point Reserve, and then south along the eastern boundary of the reserve to finish on High Ridge Drive.

Featuring magnificent 180-degree views across Port Phillip Bay, the trail will provide an improved connection to the coast and has the potential to be a drawcard for tourists looking to add a walking or bike riding sightseeing experience to their exploration of the Northern Bellarine.

The project is jointly funded by Council ($180,000) and the Victorian Government ($360,000) via the latest round of the Regional Infrastructure Fund 2022-2023.

Designed as part of the Beacon Point Reserve Masterplan, the project aims to enhance the informal use of the area.

Alongside the new shared trail, works will also include associated facilities such as signage and trail information, park furniture, and revegetation of native and indigenous species.

“Projects like this provide many benefits to the community including increasing opportunities for recreation and active travel, as well as improved community health, safety, and wellbeing.

The Beacon Point Reserve has stunning views of our Northern Bellarine coastline, so it’s great to see our shared trails network expanding there.”

Alison Marchant MP, Member for Bellarine:

“The Beacon Point Shared Trail project will create an important connection to the coastline, improving access and facilities for the community and visitors to the Bellarine, making it easier for them to enjoy coastal walks and impressive views across the bay.”

Councillor Stephanie Asher:

“This is a really unique and interesting part of our region, with its mixture of steep cliffs, sandy beaches and rocky outcrops. It will be great to see people putting this lovely area to good use through increasing physical activity and greater connections between our local Bellarine community.”

Councillor Jim Mason:

“The Beacon Point Shared Trail will improve the open community space by making it more accessible to multiple types of users, including tourists who are exploring the breathtaking natural beauty of our Bellarine Peninsula.”

L-R – Alison Marchant MP, Mayor Trent Sullivan, Cr Stephanie Asher and Cr Jim Mason view the construction progress of the Beacon Point Shared Trail.

Opportunities for growth as South Barwon CricketClub unveil new training facilities

The ability to grow its junior and female cricket programs is among benefits to South Barwon Cricket Club following the unveiling of the Swans’ new turf and hard-wicket training nets at South Barwon Reserve on Friday.

The new training facility adjoins Reynolds Oval, one of two feature grounds at South Barwon Reserve, an active sporting precinct within the broader Belmont Common Reserve.

The project was delivered thanks to a City of Greater Geelong commitment of $370,000, along with a $100,000 Sport Recreation Victoria grant.

The developments have seen South Barwon’s hard-wicket facility increase from three nets to four synthetic practice

wickets, while the Swans now have access to a turf table providing for six training wickets up from the previous two.

Along with increasing the number of training nets, the developments incorporate several innovations including:

• full-length run ups

• an off-field location (consistent with Cricket Australia standards)

• wickets brought forward to create more space for wicketkeepers inside the nets

• retractable roof netting on turf wickets

• hard-wired roofing on hard-wicket nets and

• lockable gates to secure the facility, when not being used by the club or public.

The City is delighted to have the opportunity to work with the Victorian Government in delivering facilities that will improve opportunities for these players.”

Councillor Eddy Kontelj - Chair of the Active Spaces portfolio

“The investment in the new training facilities is consistent with the City’s strategy to improve sporting opportunities for all residents, in particular females and juniors.

Council was delighted to support this project because we strongly believe improved sporting opportunities not only leads to improved physical health, but also strengthens social ties and resilience.

“The Andrews Government is proud to support grass roots sporting clubs like South Barwon Cricket Club.

These facilities are what club members need and deserve, providing a safe, first-class training environment that will attract new members, and more women and girls to the club.”

“The new facility will support the South Barwon Cricket Club in providing increased opportunities, particularly for the growing number of females taking up the sport.

The launch of the Barwon Women’s Cricket Competition and Geelong Girls Cricket League has seen the number of girls and women choosing to play competitive cricket increase significantly over recent summers.

Women’s cricket has really exploded in Greater Geelong, and it’s critical that we have the facilities to accommodate the extraordinary growth that the sport is experiencing.

The increased number of training nets will give the club the ability to combine men’s and women’s training, leading to a rationalising of coaching resources and eventually improving outcomes for everyone.” 47 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 47 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG
Christine Couzens - Member for Geelong South Barwon Cricket Nets. Back row, L to R: Jack Hauenstein, President Simon Breuer, Mayor Trent Sullivan, Member for Geelong Christine Couzens and Councillor Ron Nelson. Front row, L to R: Emily Caldow, Felicity Hauenstein, Alexis Hauenstein and Ella Hauenstein. Mayor Trent Sullivan


Museum Explorers

Little hands and feet will have a blast in this relaxing and engaging sensory art play session, inspired by the Museum’s collection and exhibitions.

Throughout the sessions, babies and pre-schoolers will have the chance to play with paint, glitter, paste, sand, clay, slimy spaghetti, chalk, and much more.

Children will be exposed to materials and the environment around them to create art and craft that uses their entire body. Adults and children alike will get messy!

Please note: It is advisable that you and your child wear items of clothing that you are happy to risk getting paint on. Whilst the paint is water based it may stain if not washed out quickly.

Bookings essential

Ages 0 - 5 years (carers free, entry to museum exhibitions is included in the ticket).

22 February 2023 to 31 May 2023

10:30 AM - 11:15 AM

National Wool Museum

Wadawurrung Country, 26-32 Moorabool Street, Geelong 3220



May 2023

Mama’s Market is back for 2023, here is what you can expect:

• Ukrainian food

• Silent Auction

• Bric-a-brac

• Ukrainian goods

• General market items and more...!

No tickets required, gold coin donation upon entry.

Money raised will be used to support women and children in Ukraine, particularly those closest to the war fronts.


Contact Cathy Harper


Phone: +61429197676

Associated organisation: Ukrainian Women’s Association


Follow us:

The Geelong Bay City Swap Meet swap is back on...! Come along to buy or sell your goodies, find a treasure or two.

Interested in a stall...?

• Friday night campsites are available to stallholders only with entry from 5pm and gates close 9pm sharp.

• Outdoor site available at $20 per 10x6m plus per person gate entry fee. No booking required.

• Limited indoor sites. Booking required, contact event organiser for details and availability.

• Area for display and sale of special interest vehicles at $20 per car and gate entry fee.

When 13 May 2023, 07:00 AM - 04:00 PM


Geelong Showgrounds

Wadawurrung Country, 77 Breakwater Rd, Breakwater VIC 3219

Contact Fred Harris


Phone: +61 417 306 177

Associated organisation: Western District Historic Vehicle Club Website: https://www.wdhvcgeelong. com/WDH_swap.html

Follow us: GeelongBayCitySwapMeet

Dine for Pink at Geelong Harness Racing Club

The Geelong Harness Racing Club in conjunction with Breast Cancer Network Australia are hosting an evening ‘Dine for Pink’ to raise awareness within our community and support the vital work of BCNA.

$50 per person for a three course meal, racebook and a spectacular night of racing under lights.

There will be a raffle, auctions and BCNA merchandise available on the night.

To book your seat/table, please contact GHRC on 5275 4880.

We look forward to seeing you at the track and supporting this wonderful cause!

When 31 May 2023, 06:00 PM - 11:00 PM


Geelong Harness Racing Club

Wadawurrung Country, Beckley Park, 40 Broderick Road, Corio Vic 3214

Contact Joe Fiala


Phone: 5275 4880

Associated organisation: Geelong Harness Racing Club

Follow us: GeelongHarnessRacingClub


Tuning in to Kids is a 6-week supportive program for parents of children aged four to 10 years.

The program aims to:

• Help parents teach and support their child/ren to understand and manage their emotions

• Support parents in encouraging children to express emotions appropriately

• Maximise children’s social, behavioural and learning outcomes

Register online now!

When Every Thursday of every week from 04 May 2023 to 22 June 2023

Where Leopold Library

Wadawurrung Country, 31-39 Kensington Road, Leopold VIC 3224

Contact Regional Parenting Service


Phone: 03 5272 4741

Has it been a while since you’ve used Microsoft Word? Would you like to refresh your word-processing skills and discover some Word tips and tricks? This is the session for you!

When 22 May 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Where Newcomb Library

Wadawurrung Country, Corner of Wilsons Rd and Bellarine Highway, Newcomb


This is a free event

Contact John


Phone: 4201 0657

Associated organisation:

Geelong Regional Libraries

Website: event/8149206

Microsoft Word Refresher 51 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 51 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG

Club Italia is more than just a club for people of Italian heritage, it is also a space for functions and events that serve the community on the fourth Friday of January, February, March, October November and December, Club Italia is hosting a Twilight Market

• Food and beverages

• Plenty of stalls to purchase from

• Fresh donuts

• Live music

Come down, have a bite and grab a bargain…! With plenty of parking, free entry and an ATM machine on site.

When Various dates from 28 April 2023 to 15 December 2023, 04:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Where Club Italia

Wadawurrung Country, 515 Bellarine Highway, Moolap VIC 322

Contact Josie Gumina


Phone: +61 3 5250 2349

Associated organisation: Club Italia


Follow us: clubitaliageelong geelonginc

Join us as we dive into the world of War novels and help you to discover your next favourite author.

War novels bring us stories of human survival and endurance during times of conflict. From the age of the sword to the modern battlefield, we explore all that the genre has to offer.

When 15 May 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Where Newcomb Library

Wadawurrung Country, Corner of Wilsons Rd and Bellarine Highway, Newcomb

Contact John


Phone: 4201 0657

Associated organisation: Geelong Regional Libraries


Get to Know: War Fiction


Cyber Security - Live Webinar

This webinar is designed to help small businesses understand the importance of cyber security and how to protect the business from the consequence of an attack.


Understand the fundamentals of cyber security and protection measures to safeguard your business.

The topics covered include:

• What is cyber security?

• The diversity of cyber threats and the importance of data protection

• Passwords, authorisation and authentication

• Internet network and Wi-Fi security

• Security and your personal devices

• Plan cyber security measures for your business

• Understand where to go for additional resources

Music in the City

This webinar is designed to help small businesses understand the importance of cyber security and how to protect the business from the consequence of an attack.


Understand the fundamentals of cyber security and protection measures to safeguard your business.

This webinar is only available for Victorian small businesses and residents.


Although this event is free, bookings are still essential to secure your spot.


18 May 2023, 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Online Event


Phone: +61 13 22 15

Associated organisation: Business

Victoria and City of Greater Geelong Website: learning-and-advice/workshops-andsmall-business-bus/view?id=E24550

Follow us: businessvic/

Bethany Lyall-Green is a indie/folk acoustic singer/songwriter from Tasmania. Beth’s unique eclectic sound is expressed through her craft as she always brings a gentle authentic energy to her performances.

Currently based in Geelong performing in and around The Surfcoast.


25 May 2023, 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM

Where Little Malop Central Wadawurrung Country, Little Malop Street, Geelong between Moorabool and Yarra Streets

Contact Helen O’Beirne


Phone: 03 5272 4804

Associated organisation: City of Greater Geelong Website: 53 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 53 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG
- Bethany Lyall-Green and special guest

National Reconciliation

Week theme for 2023 is Be a Voice for Generations. It is a reminder that everyone can be a voice for reconciliation in their everyday lives.

To support this theme, we will be partnering with Reconciliation Victoria to host an Uluru Statement from the Heart Community Forum entitled The HeartA Shared Journey on Tuesday 30 May from 1-4pm.

The forum will give everyone in the community an opportunity to listen, ask questions and develop a deeper understanding about the journey to referendum, as well as the constitutional changes that will formally recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by establishing a representative body called a Voice to Parliament.

Additional ways to mark National Reconciliation include:

1. City Hall Projections - Featuring a new series of artworks by First Nations artists nightly from 27 May to 3 June.

2. Reconciliation in the Park - A free event, hands on activities and market place in Johnstone Park.


Daily from 27 May 2023 to 03 June 2023



Phone: +61 3 5272 5272

Associated organisation: City of Greater Geelong Website:

Follow us:

Be a hero for dogs in need by taking part in Million Paws Walk. 0418 354 774 Buy tickets now

Do you want to embrace the next chapter of your life with new, local female friends...? Well now you can...!

It’s a free community event and we cannot wait for you to meet the team and learn more about Connected Women. Amazing things happen when women get together and this is a great opportunity for you to make new connections over an afternoon tea with other amazing women.

When 20 May 2023, 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Where Eastern Hub Geelong Wadawurrung Country, 285A McKillop Street, East Geelong VIC 3219

Contact Melissa Cutajar


Phone: +61 418 518 438

Associated organisation: Connected Women

Connected Women Open Day

Geelong Wedding Expo

Geelong’s biggest and longest running wedding expo has changed venues. After 24 exciting years at the Geelong Waterfront (Deakin campus) and throw a pandemic into the mix too we decided to change venues to the iconic Geelong Racecourse located on Breakwater Road.

Every couple through the door will receive a Geelong Wedding Magazine 23/24 never before seen and a chance to win over $15,000 in prizes on the day...!

What’s great about this new venue...?

It’s perfect, not only can you come and meet your vendors to see in person what they can do, now you will be able to sit outside, have a bite to eat and listen to great music. So bring your inner circle and family and make a day of it.

The venue is big enough to now accommodate and include:

• Free parking

• Fashion shows

• Free show bags for VP entries with load of freebies

• A copy of the newly launched Geelong’s Best Bridal magazine

When 21 May 2023, 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM

Contact Kari


Phone: +61 400 124 161

Website: http://www.geelongweddingexpo 55 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG 55 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG
We invite a representative from each Sporting Club to submit team selections, results and any interesting stories relating to your club/sports. For inquiries call 1300 88 38 30 or email the FREE ADVERTISING

YEAR 2023



Religious Groups and Churches

What’s Happening...

ultimate Mother’s Day gift guide for every type of mum Not a Westfield Plus member? You won’t want to miss out!
Kids: New NBA collection No matter Mum’s interest, personality or taste, find the perfect Mother’s Day gifts at Westfield Geelong. Cotton On Kids, Level 1, 24 Apr - 21 May READ MORE READ MORE READ MORE
Cotton On

What’s Happening...



Australia’s favourite and the #1 Award Winning Cookware Brand, Baccarat, has a HUGE RANGE of Cookware and knives on sale. SAVE up to 60%OFF with bestselling ranges from Baccarat such as iD3, Granite, Stone, Le Connoisseur, and so much more.

Valid until 14/5/2023

Shop at House this Mother’s Day for mum’s special gift! Located on the ground floor.
MAY 2023

geelong waterfront

The Geelong Waterfront is one of Australia’s most stunning waterfronts. Having started from humble beginnings when Geelong was founded as a port in 1836, the Waterfront has now attracted a series of prestigious awards.

This cosmopolitan and vibrant area is a hive of activity with restaurants and cafes, beautiful landscaped gardens, attractions and public art, all with amazing views of Corio Bay. It also provides a full events calendar, tourism, education and accommodation services:

Our historic Carousel, Poppy Kettle playground and youth activities area is great for kids of all ages. See Geelong’s famous bollards.

There are plenty of possibilities to explore and view the Waterfront: take a ride on a Harley Davidson motorcycle, ride the trackless train if you prefer a more leisurely look around, check out the view from the air in a helicopter or take a boat cruise along Geelong’s spectacular Waterfront. 67 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG
A visit to Geelong is not complete if you haven’t seen our spectacular waterfront

poppy kettle playground

Situated on the Geelong waterfront, this park is jam-packed with awesome play elements, has beautiful sea views, has picnic facilities, and is a short walk away from cafes and other Geelong attractions. It makes for a beautiful day out for all ages, and is certainly a mustdo in summer.

The interactive play equipment include a multi-coloured tubular slide that winds down the hill, a dragon emerging from the ground, a timber tower, swing, boat (atop the sand pit), bouncers, and a unique pyramid climbing net.

The playground is also well known for the interactive Poppy Kettle water fountains and miniature statues, situated amongst a rock area, which seem to be the main attraction for little ones. In fact, this feature was inspired by a children’s book written by local author, Robert Ingpen, and gives the park a magical quality. During the summer months the slide area has additional water play features.

A trip to this playground can be combined with a walk or bike ride along Geelong’s famous Bollard walk or a visit to The Carousel. Geelong’s Youth Activity Precinct is located a stones’ throw away from the playground, and features basketball ring, seating areas, open multipurpose area, and skate ramps.

This is one of the most perfectly positioned playgrounds for so many reasons.

skate park geelong

Skate parks in Geelong have a variety of facilities available for skate boarders, bladers and BMX bike riders including quarter pipes, handrails, funboxes, vert ramps, pyramids, banked ramps, and stairsets.

We strongly advise the wearing of helmets and padding when using our Skate Parks, and enforce compulsory wearing of helmets at all skate events.

We have more skate parks per capita than any other municipality in Australia.

Looking to get into skating or want to know more about skating in Geelong?

We have more skate parks per capita than any other municipality in Australia.

Young people interested in joining in activities can call the Skate Program Worker on 03 5272 5272. 69 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG

cunningham pier

The Pier Geelong offers uninterrupted bay views stretching from Rippleside to Point Wilson and the Geelong city skyline. It provides a large impressive area catering for small events to up to 800 guests seated or 1000 guests’ cocktail style.

The venue also housed City Quarter Bar a trendy lounge bar on Level 1. With loft ceilings, three decks, comfortable lounges, fireplace, gourmet pizzas and world inspired tapas, CQ is perfect for hosting engagements, birthday parties, hen’s high teas or pre or post event drinks.

Also housed within this iconic building is Wah Wah Gee, a funky Asian-inspired restaurant, offering an extensive menu leaving you feeling satisfied and content in an exciting atmosphere. Enjoy our delicious cuisine with floor to ceiling views of Geelong’s bay - you’ll feel like you’re floating on water

Geelong’s iconic waterfront function venue is perfect for every occasion. Experience the most unique function venue in Geelong.

the old paper mills

Geelong’s best kept secret The Fyansford Paper Mill is set on the Barwon River and overlooks the picturesque Buckley Falls. It was constructed in the 1870s and is one of the oldest paper mills in Australia.

The site is being transformed into a food, beverage, arts and cultural precinct, located within 10 minutes of Geelong’s CBD. With just under 5,000m2 of building space, the Mill is home to over 15 businesses, including a winery, café, gallery, yoga studio, homewares shop and escape room. There are also a number of small independent artists who have private studios across the site.

Visit the Fyansford Paper Mill once of Geelong’s historic places to visits. Discover all kinds of food, arts, activities, as well as our great history, see what’s on in Geelong here.

Fyansford Paper

Mill once of Geelong’s most historic places to visit 71 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG

geelong arts and cultural precinct

The area between Johnstone Park and Ryrie Street to the west of the shopping and business district of Geelong is known as the Geelong Arts Precinct. This area is also home to the Geelong Town Hall, which is the main council offices of the City of Greater Geelong.

Geelong Arts

Centre, formerly the Geelong Performing Arts Centre, is a performing arts, functions, and events venue located in Geelong, Victoria, Australia.

The city is currently seeking funds for a radical overhaul of the precinct where the current facilities will receive a substantial redevelopment. There are also plans for some pretty innovative landscaping and street works which will bring the area into line with the rest of our recently rejuvenated city. This massive renovation will make the precinct one of the best arts and cultural precincts in the state. The scale of the project put the cost of the whole redevelopment in the vicinity of over 130 million dollars.

The Geelong Art Gallery is attached to the Geelong Town Hall, and it houses a magnificent and varied collection of artworks. Two paintings in particular are extremely special to our Gallery, first being the “View of Geelong” which was painted by Eugene von Guerad in 1856. This painting was bought recently by the museum from legendary English musical creator Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber. “A Bush Burial” by Fredrick McCubbin, painted in 1890 is another of the gallery’s most precious works.


western beach

In those days there was an unwritten rule designating Western Beach for men’s bathing and Eastern Beach for women. But some ‘dastardly gentlemen’ would disregard the agreement scaring respectable women away.

Today the area is rarely used for swimming, but it’s still a popular stretch of foreshore connecting Rippleside to the rest of the Waterfront.

Here you’ll find the Boat House restaurant (Geelong’s best spot for fish and chips), the Poppykettle Playground, a designated fishing area, and the marvelous Western Beach Boardwalk.

People have been swimming, boating, fishing, and playing at Western Beach

Geelong since the 1840s.

Curving out over the water the boardwalk has well-placed seats where you can sit back and watch the sea birds duck dive for fish. In the early morning, it’s perfect for watching the sun come up over the bay. 73 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG

ripplesside park

Located on the western edge of the Waterfront, Rippleside Park Geelong is a pretty grass-covered foreshore reserve.

Popular with locals, Rippleside is less well-known to tourists who drive past en-route to more popular areas.

The park has magnificent bay views and is particularly appealing to families with young children who love the adventure playground.

The huge wooden structure has ramps, walkways, steps, and plenty of nooks and crannies to explore.

When the kids tire of the playground the reserve has wide-open spaces to run around in. Don’t forget to bring your footy!

A community built wooden Adventure playground built over six days in 2001 with all the usual ramps, walkways, steps, nooks and crannies to explore.

Tucked in next to the reserve is tiny Rippleside Beach where you can bask in the sunshine or splash around in the water.

Overlooking the whole area is the bright and spacious Ripples On The Bay cafe. This stunning cafe serves excellent coffee and has huge windows with to-die-for water views.

Other amenities include picnic and barbecue facilities, toilets, and plenty of car parking spaces.


steampacket gardens

A path on the northern edge connecting the gardens to the bay has seats where you can enjoy the sea breeze and watch the nearby helicopter toing and froing.

On the eastern side you’ll find the Wharfshed Cafe serving yummy meals and to the west sits the delightful historic carousel.

Located right beside the water Steampacket Gardens Geelong is a big rectangle of lush lawn that’s perfect for a relaxing picnic or a game of frisbee.

There are some interesting art sculptures dotted around the park. Be sure to check out the Volunteer Rifle Band bollards and The Buoys sculpture, a group of former channel buoys that have been turned into a powerful piece of artwork.

The Geelong Waterfront Makers and Growers market (Steampacket Market) is held here on the first Sunday of each month. This popular market offers local produce, beautiful art and handicrafts, and lots of tasty treats. 75 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG

the carousel

One of only a few in the world this beautifully restored carousel is considered by many to be the best that’s still in use today.

Housed in a modern steel and glass enclosure the pavilion has an old-world carnival atmosphere that’s enhanced by a pipe organ playing Dixieland melodies.

A ride on this enchanting carousel is a magical experience for children of all ages and abilities, with a mobility lift that assists wheelchairs onto the attraction.

Entry into the pavilion is free. Tickets to ride the Carousel are $5.00.

The Carousel

Geelong is a rare 1892

ArmitageHerschell handcarved wooden carousel.

The Carousel Pavilion can be booked for wedding ceremonies, wedding receptions, photo shoots, and private or corporate functions.

Housing a beautifully restored Carousel, this competitively priced, exclusive all-weather venue is available for private hire seven days a week from 3:00pm.


old geelong gaol

The Geelong Gaol Museum is housed in the 170-year-old Geelong Gaol, the third oldest prison in Victoria. Opening in 1853 and closing in 1991 it housed male and female prisoners.

Over its history, it has been used as an industrial school for young girls, a hospital gaol and a military detention barracks. It was the site of 6 executions.

Today it houses display illustrating not only the history of the Geelong Gaol but the history of the corrections of Victoria.

It features displays on the Hulks, Colonial Prisons, Executions and Saga Behind the Armour along with some of the prisoner stories who have spent time behind the bluestone walls.

The Geelong Gaol Museum is open on weekends, school holidays and public holidays. 77 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG
A 19th century gaol which operated from 1853-1991 in the same conditions you see today.


Moving into aged care in Australia can be a complex and overwhelming process, but there are several things you should know to help make the transition smoother.

First, it’s essential to understand the different types of aged care services available in Australia, including home care, residential aged care, and respite care. Each type of care has different eligibility criteria, costs, and benefits, so it’s crucial to research and understand which type of care best meets your needs.

Second, you’ll need to undergo an assessment by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) to determine your eligibility for government-funded aged care services. ACAT assessments can take time, so it’s best to start the process early. Third, you’ll need to consider the costs associated with aged care. Depending on your financial situation, you may be required to contribute to the cost of your care. It’s important to understand the costs and fees associated with aged care and explore any available financial assistance options.

One of those fees is the RAD which stands for Refundable Accommodation Deposit, and it is a key concept in relation to aged care in Australia.

When an individual moves into residential aged care, they may be required to pay an accommodation fee to cover the cost of their room and amenities. This fee can be paid as either a lump sum RAD, a daily accommodation payment (DAP), or a combination of both. The price is for residents who are not eligible for Australian Government assistance.

Each residential aged care provider sets their own price for different kinds of rooms. You must publish the prices as:

• a lump-sum RAD amount

• an equivalent daily accommodation payment (DAP)

• an equivalent combination of both

The resident chooses the payment option they prefer.

The RAD is refunded when the individual leaves aged care or passed on to their estate. The amount of the RAD is determined by the aged care provider and can vary depending on factors such as location, facilities, and demand.

Moving into Aged Care – what you need to consider

The RAD is regulated by the Australian Government’s Aged Care Pricing Commissioner, who sets maximum amounts that providers can charge for RADs. The current maximum RAD amount is $550,000, but providers may charge lower amounts (Source: https://www.

It’s important to note that the RAD is different from the means-tested care fee, which is a separate fee based on an individual’s income and assets. The means-tested care fee is not refundable and is used to help cover the cost of care.

Before approaching an Aged Care provider or undergoing your assessment by ACAT, it is important to seek financial planning advice. Seeking advice can potentially save you thousands in fees. There are financial planners who specialise in providing Aged Care advice and in the future they can be found at website.

Finally, it’s essential to choose the right aged care provider for your needs. Research providers in your area, read reviews, and consider factors such as staff qualifications, facilities, and services offered.

Overall, moving into aged care in Australia can be a complex process, but with the right information and preparation, you can make the transition as smooth as possible.

Part of the Find Group of companies

Ph 1300 88 38 30


Financial Planning is offered via Find Wealth Pty Ltd ACN 140 585 075 t/a Find Wealth & Find Retirement.

Find Wealth is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No 468091) of Alliance Wealth Pty Ltd ABN 93 161 647 007 (AFSL No. 449221). Part of the Centrepoint Alliance group Warren Strybosch is Authorised representative (No. 236815) of Alliance Wealth Pty Ltd.

This information has been provided as general advice. We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of the advice. You should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and seek the assistance of an authorised financial adviser before making any decision regarding any products or strategies mentioned in this communication.

Whilstallcarehasbeentakeninthepreparationofthis material, it is based on our understanding of current regulatory requirements and laws at the publication date.As these laws are subject to change you should talk to an authorised adviser for the most up-todate information. No warranty is given in respect of the information provided and accordingly neither Alliance Wealth nor its related entities, employees or representatives accepts responsibility for any loss suffered by any person arising from reliance on this information.

MAY 2023
Warren Strybosch Award winning Financial Adviser and Accountant

Special Tax Return Offer

$99 Returns - PAYG Only

We have made it cheaper and easier for you to get your returns completed & you can do it all from the comfort of your own home.

Here are the steps involved:

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2. A Tax engagement letter will be emailed to you for signing via your mobile (no printing or scanning required).

3. You will be then sent a tax checklist to complete online. Takes less than 5 minutes.

4. We will then require you to upload your documents to our secure portal.

5. Once we have received all your documentation, we will complete the return.

6. We will email you the completed return with our invoices. Once you sign the return and pay the invoice we will lodge the return on your behalf.

1300 88 38 30

INDEX PROFESSIONAL SERVICES • Find Accountant ----------------- 82 • Resillience Coach -------------- 82 • Bookkeeping ---------------------- 32 • Business Coach ------------------ 83 • Salary Packaging Service - 83 • Signwriter ----------------------------- 84 • Video Production --------------- 84 • Digital Media ---------------------- 84 Leadership and Team Development .....Imagine a team where each individual is so strong in self that their focus is how to move together as one.... SERVICES LEADERSHIP COACHING & DEVELOPMENT TEAM COACHING & DEVELOPMENT BEHAVIOURAL PROFILING BUSINESS GAP ANALYSIS IN-HOUSE & ONLINE TRAINING WORKSHOPS/WEBINARS CONTACT 0490 388 017 Leadership coaching that connects your team and drives results SALLY HIGOE Resilience Coach Team Resilience Method Important: This offer is only available new clients to Find Accountant Pty Ltd. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation Accountant Warren Strybosch
81 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG Biscuit Business Services Helpingyourbusinesskeeptrackofyourbickies! MARY-CLEAR SWITZ Bookkeeper BAS Services Bookkeeping & Payroll Services Business Services OUR SERVICES CONTACT 0422 800 012 7A 9A-11 Leather Street, Breakwater VIC 3219 Biscuit Business Services provides professional, confidential and comprehensive bookkeeping, payroll, BAS and administrative solutions to small to medium businesses. We specialise in working with ‘in the cloud’ bookkeeping and document solutions to effectively keep your business up to date and on track. We believe in a strong team approach when working with our clients and their Tax Agents. Salary Packaging means you can pay less tax, use your pre-tax income to pay for everyday expenses and make your salary go further. We ensure your staff get the full advantage of their entitlements, because taking care of your staff is our business. Dan Nicholls Salary Packaging Services Services Call us now • Packaging administration • One-on-one customer service • Staff and organisation resources • Comprehensive and always on-time FBT reporting • Direct to employee claim benefits paid in one working day (03) 5229 4200 SERVICES Mentoring Coaching Master Class Workshops Online Training Strategic Planning DEB FRIBBINS Business Coach DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE IN BUSINESS 0400 524 451 DICOVER MORE ABOUT THE 5D PROCESS CONTACT In-House Training PAGES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES
PAGES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Signarama Geelong West Your local team for quality Signs Services TIM & NARELLE KNOTT Owner • Creative Services • Installation Services • Project Management • Printing • Resources Contact the team at Signarama Geelong West 1300 797 161 Professional sign design, top quality production methods, and expert installation ensure you are in safe hands with your local Geelong signs team at Signarama. SERVICES ALLISON GROOT Creative Director WE MAKE COST-EFFECTIVE VIDEO AND SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT FOR SMALL BUDGETS AND SMALL BUSINESS! CALL: 0403 899 697 | EMAIL: Video Production Social Media Content and Posting Photography Graphic Design Marketing Website Design and Building Copywriting Events TV, Radio, Spotify and Cinema Advertising At Yes Today Media, we make social media and video content with you in mind. EL MEDIA MARKETING Marketing for Small and Local Businesses Digital Media 0418 880 855 ETHAN STRYBOSCH CEO - El Media Marketing
83 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG • Specialist Tree Services • Interior Design • Mowing • Building Inspection • Nursey • Flooring H ome & Garden Do you provide Home and Garden services in the Geelong region? If you have any questions, contact 1300 88 38 30 INDEX PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUSINESSES WARREN STRYBOSCH PAGES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES
DAHLLOF PAINTING SERVICES CONTACT US 0407 365 372 We are lacated in Geelong, Victoria! Stephen Dahllof Painting Services Servicing Geelong and Surrounding Areas OUR SERVICES PAINTING SERVICES INTERIOR PAINTING Concept to Creation - Perfect From Start to Finish PAGES LOCAL TRADIES • AIR CONDITIONING • DUCTING GAS HEATING • HOT WATER SYSTEMS • HYDRONIC HEATING Precision Plumbing Heating and Cooling Services We have the knowledge and expertise needed to ensure that you receive nothing but the best service. Our reputation has been developed through hard work and reliability. Factory 3, 14-16 Birkitt Place, South Geelong VIC 3220 03 5221 0052 Heating and Cooling STACEY DALTON • Painting Services------------86 • Heating & Cooling---------86 • Building Inspection • Nursey • Flooring INDEX Local Tradies TRADIES - FREE ADVERTISING Are you a Tradie? Need referrals? Consider joining the find Geelong Network group. If you have any questions, contact Warren Strybosch 1300 88 38 30
85 MAY 2023 | FIND GEELONG PAGES LOCAL TRADIES Do you provide Health & Beauty services in the Geelong region? 1300 88 38 30 If you have any questions, contact Health & Beauty BUSINESSES WARREN STRYBOSCH • Hair Dresser • Osteopath • Chiropractor • Beauty Therapy • Gym • Massage Therapy INDEX PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Go to to upload your details and we will create this for you. Go to to upload your details and we will create this for you. TRADIES - FREE ADVERTISING TRADIES - FREE ADVERTISING The Dimensions of the Ads are: The Dimensions of the Ads are: If you have any questions, contact the editor on 1300 88 38 30 or Email
you have any questions, contact the editor on 1300 88 38 30 or Email 53 x 98 mm - 1/8 Small Size 53 x 98 mm - 1/8 Small Size 139 x 96 mm - 1/4 Page Portrait 139 x 96 mm - 1/4 Page Portrait Email your artwork to If you wish us to create your ad, we will do this for a minimal cost. Email your artwork to If you wish us to create your ad, we will do this for a minimal cost.
MAY 2023
Birth, Deaths & Marriages Free Advertising is available related to Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Births and Marriages. SEND US YOUR NEWS! For enquiries call 1300 88 38 30 or email


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Order your Find Card directly from us or via your participating organisation. Only Find Cards can be in conjuction with the offers and must be presented to participating businesses.




31 February 2022 - 31 February 2022

Find Coupons & Find Cards Policy

Any changes or updates to these ‘Terms of Use’ of the Find Cards and/or Find Coupons can be found here.


The barter trade, sale, purchase, or transfer of the Find Coupons &/or Find Cards, by any person or entity, including but not limited to business placing offers in the Find Paper, printers, publishers, and distributors of the Find Coupons /Find Card, is strictly prohibited, unless expressly authorized by Find Pty. Ltd. Find reserves the right to make changes to the participants and their offers at its sole discretion. Members will be notified of these changes via email or via the Site.

The Find Coupons and its Offers are intended for the non-profits use of the individual purchaser of the Find Cards &/or Find Coupons. Additionally, the use of the Find Coupons &/or Find Cards or any of the Offers placed in our Find Paper, for advertising purpose, in any form of fashion, is strictly prohibited. Any use of a Offers in violation of these Rules will render the Offer VOID, and violators will be prosecuted. Offers may not be reproduced and are void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Find, will not be responsible if any establishment breaches its contract of refuses to acccept the Find Cards / Offers with in the Find Paper: we will however, use our best efforts to secure compliance, Find, will not be responsible in the events beyond its control. © 2022 Find.

Valid Periods

Find Restaurant, Find Cafe & Find Brekky, Brunch and Lunch offers can be used at participating businesses any time except the following days:

*Christmas Eve *Christmas Day

*Boxing Day * New Year’s Eve *New Year’s Day * Valentine’s Day

*Good Friday *Easter Sunday

*Mother’s Day. Some restaurant/ Cafe/Coffee establishments will have additional terms and conditions on the page where the business is advertising their offer).

All cards will have a ‘Valid End’ date and cannot be used beyond this date. For instance, if the Valid End: 03/24, then the Find Card is NOT VALID from April 2024 onwards.

Present Find Card

You are required to present your Find Card at any participating businesses if you wish to secure the discount or goods/service being offered.

Customer Name/signature and Valid End Date

All Find Cards must display your name and/or signature and be within the ‘Valid End’ date to be deemed VALID. If your Find Cards does not display your signature and the correct ‘Valid End’ date, the business can refuse to provide the discount offer advertised. The business has the right to ask you to provide other Proof of Identity e.g., Drivers Licence, to match up your name/signature on your Find Card. If they do not match, then the business has the right to refuse the discount offer.

Registration of Find Cards

All Find Cards will have individual credit card numbers. All Find Card participants must provide their Name, Email Address and Post Code prior to using the Find Card. Registering your Find Card will enable the Find Team to email you offers directly. Some offers will only be available for one day so it is important to provide your details so you can be informed of these offers and not miss out.










MAY 2023

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