What was I expecting ? à mes parents à mes enfants
lusine T h Mé ir
à la lune, aux coquillages et aux humains qui m'entourent !
haële Frier p Ra
© 2014, Raphaële Frier et Lirabelle pour le texte. © 2014, Mélusine Thiry et Lirabelle pour les illustrations. Tous droits réservés pour tout pays. Reproduction interdite, quel qu’en soit le procédé, sans autorisation expresse de l’éditeur. Achevé d’imprimer sur les presses de Papergraf (Italie) en février. Dépôt légal à parution.
ISBN 978-2-35878-129-9
Prix en France : 19 €
Monday I found a feather floating in the yolk of my boiled egg.
Tuesday I heard the ocean, the sound of its waves and currents, in Grandad’s seashell.
Wednesday, at the bottom of the garden, behind the thick hedge, I felt with my fingertips something downy, soft and warm.
Thursday I saw herds of sheep, rhinoceros, wispy beards and a witch’s nose, flying in the sky.
Friday I travelled never-ending, wayward paths in the palm of my hand.
Saturday I noticed a suitcase standing in the hall. I tried to open it, but couldn’t.
And then at night, through the attic window, I watched the moon shining in the dark. It was full and lit up the sky, smiling down at me with bright eyes.
Sunday, I placed my ear against Mummy’s tummy. I put my hands there too and felt something moving around inside. It was kicking and splashing!
This morning Daddy and Mummy went away with the suitcase. Grandad held me in his lap and we listened to the sea in the seashell.
I fell asleep on a white cloud rocked by the ocean waves, lit by the moon. A little feather caressed the palm of my hand and from way up high I saw many-coloured flowers growing in my garden.
When Daddy came back, there was a little light shining in his eyes. He smiled at me and took me and the seashell to see Mummy.
Mummy’s eyes are shining too. Next to her, in a tiny bed, I found a treasure‌ I think I was expecting it !