Fine Music Magazine - August 2024

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Austria’s Bruckner

Chutney: Klezmer-fusion

Hi Five: Matthew Ottignon

August 2024

Fanny Mendelssohn: Victim of Patriarchy



Ben Adler - violin

Paul Khodor - keyboard/piano

Ralph Marshall - bass/keyboards

Yiss Mill - percussion

Cameron Reid - drums

Ben Samuels - clarinet/saxophone

Photos: Max Goodman

Image manipulation: Brian Acraman

04. Fanny Mendelssohn – Victim of Patriarchy

Michael Morton-Evans

06. Chutney – A rich composite of disparate ingredients

Catherine Peake

08. Austria’s Bruckner – the timid master who dared Rex Burgess

10 Hi Five: Matthew Ottignon –Barry O’Sullivan

12 . The (Big) Band After Swing – Gerry Mulligan

Ken Raphael

15 . Volunteer Spotlight: Sue McCreadie

Laurie Smith 14. CD Reviews 17. Program Guide

44. Composers List 45. Our People 46. Patrons


The truly remarkable Fanny Mendelssohn was neither a furious rebel nor a tragic victim, but as an extraordinarily talented composer and musician, she did have the misfortune to have been born at the beginning of the nineteenth century, a time when gender norms relegated women to domestic roles rather than artistic careers. So argues Michael Morton-Evans, in his appraisal of ‘the other Mendelssohn’, whose creative brilliance is on display in three successive Sunday afternoon programs this month, entitled The Piano Sonata.

Denied opportunities to perform publicly and publish her compositions under her own name, her resilience and creativity paved the way for future generations of female musicians, gradually gaining the recognition she deserved posthumously for her remarkable musical legacy.

To mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Austrian composer Anton Bruckner this month, we will be presenting a series of programs of his music, including all the symphonies and major choral works. Rex Burgess sketches the life of this humble and religious man, explaining that despite his image as the natural symphonic successor to Beethoven, he was a cornerstone for an emerging wave of innovators, such as Mahler and the new generation of composers represented by Schoenberg and the Second Viennese School.

Part of the mission of 2MBS Fine Music has always been a commitment to fostering young emerging talent. One of these fortunate ensembles, the klezmer-fusion music band Chutney, has just released its debut album Ajar, showcasing its work and diverse origins. Merging classical tradition with music from jazz, pop, swing and musical theatre, Chutney’s music has its own character that has led the group to perform, tour, teach and record to an increasingly large audience. Catherine Peake talks with the band’s leader Ben Adler about its influences, work with high-school students, and its plans and projects for the future.


2MBS Fine Music Sydney Studios 72 - 76 Chandos Street St Leonards, NSW 2065

Phone 9439 4777

Frequency 102.5 FM,

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Fanny Mendelssohn: Victim of Patriarchy

God help you if you were brilliant and talented in the 19th century but had the misfortune to be born a woman. Such was the fate of Fanny Cecile Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, elder sister of Felix, and considered by many to be his equal both at the keyboard and at composition, as playing in public and publishing one’s compositions was frowned upon as being wholly unladylike, even sluttish in some quarters. Her father Abraham Mendelssohn made it quite clear to the 15-year-old Fanny in a letter he wrote to her from Paris in 1820: ”Perhaps music will be Felix’s profession, whereas for you it can’t, and must be but an ornament and never the fundamental base-line of your existence and activity.” Well, that was telling her in no uncertain terms that a career in music was out of the question! Happily for us it didn’t stop her dead in her tracks, though it wasn’t to be till just before she died of a stroke at the age of 42 that some of her compositions were finally published. As the music magazine Neue Zeitschrift wrote at the time: “We are surprised that such works could be composed by a woman!”

What do we know about Fanny? What pictures there are of her show her as a rather plain-looking woman, her ripe figure slightly warped by curvature of the spine, although it was said that she had beautiful eyes. She was passionately fond of her younger brother Felix, a love that was fully reciprocated, so much so that it was said that he never loved another woman, even his wife, as much. She grew up in a culturally rich environment, had the best tutors, and, at the age of 11, was baptised into the Lutheran church, her Jewish family having converted to Christianity some time earlier.

At 17 she fell in love with the tone-deaf poet Wilhelm Hensel, the son of a poor Protestant clergyman who was struggling to make a living as a painter. He was not at all what the Mendelssohn family had in mind for their eldest daughter, and it was decreed that he should go and live in Rome for five years. The couple were not allowed to write to each other, though her mother would write to him regularly with the family news. After the five years were up, the couple were still adamant, and so their engagement was announced. However, it had to be kept secret from an aunt who was an ultra-orthodox Jew and would have disapproved strongly. But then the aunt died, and Fanny and Wilhelm were married. In 1831 their only child, a son Sebastian, was born. As a christening present, Fanny

presented the boy with a full-length cantata for SATB, full choir, organ and orchestra, the words based on the Old Testament’s Book of Job

The couple lived in Rome for a year, where Fanny was said to have exerted special musical influence on the young Charles Gounod, but soon afterwards she began to be troubled by recurring nosebleeds. One day in 1847, while playing the piano for one of her brother’s cantatas, she felt her hands go numb, and a few minutes later was felled by a massive stroke from which she died the following day. Brother Felix was to follow her six months later from the same cause, a condition which had previously killed both their parents and their grandfather.

It was only a relatively short time before her death that any of Fanny’s works were openly published, though some of her songs (she wrote 250 of them) had been published under Felix’s name. Her more ambitious pieces had to wait until after her death to see the light of day, and for the next century and a half she was just known as the other Mendelssohn, Felix’s sister.

In short, Fanny was remarkable for her time. She was one of the first pianists to perform from memory, and she wrote large works like piano trios and sonatas that many people in her day thought were beyond the skills of a female composer. In her time she pushed the limits of what women were believed to be capable of doing.

Fanny was remarkable for her

The Piano Sonata, pts 1-3, Sundays 4, 11, 18 July at 2:00pm

Fanny Cecilia Mendelssohn , sister of Felix, married to W. Hensel (1805-1847). Her death was a great shock to Felix Mendelssohn who died a few months later. Image: Alamy

Chutney: a rich composite of disparate ingredients

Catherine Peake discusses the music of the band Chutney with its leader Ben Adler

This recently formed band is one of the groups of emerging artists supported by 2MBS Fine Music Sydney. Chutney has just released its debut album Ajar, showcasing its work and diverse origins. Merging classical tradition with music from jazz, pop, swing and musical theatre, Chutney’s music has its own character that has led the group to perform, tour, teach and record to an increasingly large audience.

Chutney has been described as a klezmer-fusion music band. What have been the group’s main influences and what are the challenges in creating and performing your music?

Chutney was born as a result of pianist Paul Khodor pestering me for years with the repeated suggestion that ‘we should start a klezmer band’. Klezmer is the folk music of Jewish Eastern Europe, which also migrated to the USA and Israel, among other places, in the twentieth century. Paul and I are both classically trained, so our music holds a deep deference to the classical tradition and its harmonic language. Jazz, funk, Latin and gypsy flavours also feature strongly. However, we are Chutney – a rich composite of disparate ingredients – so you may also detect notes of disco, reggae, swing, Dixieland, pop, musical theatre, circus, and film genres!

Our music has been a joy to create and perform, and audiences universally find it engaging, uplifting, and energising, regardless of whether they are Jewish, classically educated, have a background in world/folk music, or are totally uninitiated. Our only challenge lies in convincing people to listen. Our genre-blurring approach to music making can confuse institutions, as it defies easy categorisation. Additionally, the absence of a permanent lead singer can cause audiences raised on pop music to falter.

You have said that music builds bridges and fosters connection like nothing else. Why do you think this is so, and can you tell us how your music is part of this connection?

I have long argued that music at its best is the communication of emotion through sound. Consequently,

it expresses what words cannot – the ‘universal language’. As I wrote with friend and festival director Nawfel Alfaris in opposition to the Sydney Festival boycott two years ago, “how can art not challenge and dismantle the preconceptions of our minds when it speaks the language of our hearts? When everyone in a room feels the rhythm as one, it’s hard to find room for hate.”

Chutney is a Jewish band. We love playing for our own community, but we find special value in playing for other communities. We have performed for a mostly Arab audience at the Sound of Terra Festival in Casula/Liverpool for three consecutive years, and have taught audiences how to dance the hora (traditional circle dance) in towns like Winmalee, Wodonga and South West Rocks. We are proud to provide many of these audience members’ first experience of Jewish culture and people.

Part of your work has been introducing your music to high school students. What does this involve and how do students engage with the music?

We are consistently inspired by students’ energy and openmindedness. I have arranged some of our music for both string orchestra and wind band, so we send the relevant parts to schools a few weeks in advance. When we arrive, they are already sufficiently familiar with the notes that we can delve deeply into stylistic, performative, and cultural/ historical content. We also provide a safe and encouraging environment for every student to improvise a solo on their instrument, many for the first time!

After a couple of hours and a dinner break, we put on a Chutney show for the local community, including the students’ families and friends, and perform the songs we have workshopped side-by-side with the students. Sharing the stage with professional musicians gives students a huge buzz and they invariably leave highly enthused.

Chutney has recently released its first album – can you tell us what to expect?

Ajar is a potpourri of our best 13 tracks, honed across 100 plus shows over the past four years. It is a spicy mix of instrumental and vocal, old and new, fresh arrangements and original compositions. We take you on a whirlwind tour through Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Italy, Austria, Germany, Israel, Egypt, Latin America, and the USA – all refracted through the dual lenses of our cultural identity: contemporary Australia and timeless Jewishness.

The voices of APRA award-winning singer songwriter Ilan Kidron, musical theatre star Doron Chester and soul diva Sarit Michael surmount the unbridled virtuosity of the band, whose members have played with the Australian Chamber Orchestra, Monsieur Camembert, Human Nature and Marcia Hines. From traditional klezmer dance tunes to samba, from the jazz lounge to the concert hall, from Beethoven to Britney Spears (this particular track was recently named by Rolling Stone a Song You Need to Know!), Rimsky-Korsakov to The Godfather, Mozart to Fiddler on the Roof – we’ve left the door ajar for everyone’s tastes!

What are Chutney’s plans and projects for the future?

Having successfully toured our album down to Victoria via Canberra and the Albury-Wodonga region in April, we are looking forward to hitting the road again later this month as support for Melbourne Ska Orchestra in New South Wales and south Queensland. We are planning even bigger shows in Sydney as our audience continues to grow, and look forward to touring internationally in the years to come.


Chutney band members, Ben Adler and Paul Khodor. Photo Max Goodman. Image manipulation Brian Acraman

Austria’s Bruckner: The timid master who dared

Bruno Walter once said that Anton Bruckner had the good fortune to begin by finding God. Sometimes referred to as ‘God’s musician’, Tonerl, as his family called him, was born in Upper Austria near Linz, on September 4, 1824. He grew up a short, nervous man with country ways, was unsuccessful with women and sometimes irritated other people. Inhibited by a natural hesitancy and anxiety, he applied his creative energies to music, countering his sense of inadequacy by endless studying, in order to arm himself with as many qualifications as possible.

He had a fine soprano voice, and on his father’s death he became a choirboy at the nearby St Florian monastery. This then became both his spiritual and physical home, living there initially from 1837 to 1840, later holidaying or retreating there, according to his biographer, Hans-Hubert Schöenzeler: “when the burden which fate had placed upon his shoulders seemed too heavy to bear.”

After completing his schooling, and a further year’s study in Linz, from mid-1841 he spent two unhappy years as assistant teacher at Windhaag, a small village near the Bohemian border. Constantly exploited, as at other times in his life he found solace in music, culminating in him writing the first of his seven Masses. Then in 1845 he was able to return to St Florian as organist, staying until 1855 and progressively honing his composing skills.

It was not until 1864, though, when he was already forty, and only after considerable encouragement from his friends, that he ventured to reveal his true musical capabilities by conducting his D minor Mass in Linz cathedral, where he had been organist for the past nine years. It was well received, prompting a critic to ask why it had taken him so long to achieve such a bold personal style? He replied: “I didn’t dare before.” Seemingly it was his recent introduction to Wagner’s music which finally led to him unveiling his own individuality. As one writer observed:

“Probably no great master ever set out on his path more doubtingly or more timidly than did Bruckner.”

He continued at Linz until 1868, before eventually accepting a professorship in Vienna, where he spent the rest of his life teaching and composing, before dying there in 1896.

The Bruckner oeuvre includes around fifty sacred vocal works, the main ones written mostly by 1868, when seemingly he decided his future was as a symphonist. The exception is his Te Deum, completed in 1884, about which he once remarked: “When God finally calls me and asks, ‘What have you done with the talent I gave you, my lad?’ I will present to him the score of my Te Deum, and I hope He will judge me mercifully.” His own high regard for this work was shared by his devoted pupil, Mahler, who suggested the citation ‘for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, choir and orchestra’ instead should read ‘for angelic voices, for God-seekers, for tormented hearts, and for souls purified in flames.’

Occasionally described as ‘armchair’ works, Bruckner wrote eleven symphonies in all, some having several versions, and each laid out on a large scale, described by one writer as ‘grand designs from archetypal motives.’ With an intended dedication ‘To the dear Lord,’ he started on his final symphony late in 1887, although he made little headway until early in 1891. Even then, progress was painfully slow, with the third movement completed only in October 1894. At this point he reportedly said to a caller: “I have done my duty on earth. I have accomplished what I could, and my only wish is to be allowed to complete my Ninth Symphony … I trust Death will not deprive me of my pen.” Although he lived for a further two years, his deteriorating health made it impossible to flesh out his sketches for the finale, with Death, in the words of Lawrence Gilman, ‘“proving indifferent to his hopes.’”

It has been said that Brahms was the natural symphonic successor to Beethoven. Brucknerites have made the same claim, since he had already written four and was well advanced with his fifth by the time Brahms completed his first symphony, in 1876. That debate now seems academic. What is beyond dispute, though, is that Bruckner’s outlook was far more future oriented. For while Brahms stands

right at the end of the classical tradition, Bruckner was a cornerstone for an emerging wave of innovators, his ideas passing through Mahler to the new generation of composers represented by Schoenberg and the Second Viennese School.

To celebrate the 200th anniversary of Bruckner’s birth, from 1 August to 10 October we will be presenting a series of programs of his music, including all the symphonies and major choral works.

“Professor Bruckner at Home” ANTON BRUCKNER (1824-1896). /nAustrian composer and organist. Wood engraving, American, 1896. GRANGER - Historical Picture Archive / Alamy Stock Photo Image: Alamy

Hi Five: Matthew Ottignon

Saxophonist, composer, and bandleader Matthew Ottignon hails from New Zealand but is now firmly entrenched in Sydney’s vibrant music scene. His schedule brims with tours, soloist work, composing, and educational pursuits, consolidating his status as one of Australia’s most sought-after musicians. He embodies mastery across all musical realms, boasting an undeniable musical lineage. Barry O’Sullivan poses five questions to Matthew about his musical career. When did playing jazz music first enter your life, and who were some of the artists that influenced your style?

I was lucky enough to be born into a very musical family. My dad is a big jazz fan, and I often got into trouble for playing his John Coltrane and Miles Davis records without asking. I was too young to understand how delicate the needle on a stylus is. One of the first records I fell in love with as a kid was Ornette Coleman’s The Shape of Jazz to Come, which I still consider a defining album for me. I also learnt how to play transcribed solos for my high school concerts. One that had a huge impact on me was Cannonball Adderley’s solo on Work Song.

What are your current musical projects?

My current projects are my new quartet with Lauren Tsamouras, Hannah James, and Holly Connor, and my more established sextet, Mister Ott. The quartet has just released our debut album Volant. It has been the fulfilment of a long-standing dream of mine to release a jazz quartet album of my originals. Sextet Mister Ott continues to perform regularly in Sydney and has more of an afrobeat and Ethiojazz sound to it and can bridge the two worlds of serious jazz and dance party bands.

Life as a musician is full of challenges. Name some of the challenges that may have confronted you so far, and how have you overcome them?

Life as a musician is not for the faint-hearted. It is a very physically and emotionally demanding career, and staying on top of my fitness and mental health is the key. Keeping my body fit and healthy is just as important as keeping my musical instruments in good working order. Managing the

working calendar with care is also important because if you say yes too much, you run the risk of burning out. It’s easy to get excited about gigs when they come in, and before you know it, you forget to leave time to take a muchneeded breath before you jet off to the next one.

What are some of your other interests outside of your musical career?

I love exploring this huge country of ours and try to go camping or bushwalking as much as I can, and when possible, I try to find out about the indigenous culture of the area I’m visiting. Learning about Indigenous Australian culture is a constant source of inspiration to me. I also have a weekly community radio show in Sydney that is a way to share some of the music that I listen to. I have a ravenous musical appetite.

You have performed in trios, quartets, and large jazz ensembles. How does each experience differ for you?

This is one of the aspects of being a musician that I love. I play in such a large variety of ensembles that it would be impossible to list, but it means that I am constantly learning new music, being exposed to new genres, and developing new skills on my instrument, whether it be the saxophone, flute or clarinet. The real difference is whether I am performing a lead role or a supporting role in the ensemble. I take equal enjoyment from blending in with a large horn section as I do from blowing a screaming solo out the front of the band. Performing music is a very rewarding experience on so many levels.

Matthew Ottignon
Photo: Barnabas Imre

The (Big) Band After Swing

Ken’s previous article in this series focussed on the importance of pianist and band leader, Stan Kenton, and touched on the issue of racism among white band leaders even as they embraced Afro-American music. In this article, Ken focusses on the role of saxophonist, Gerry Mulligan.

Gerry Mulligan was another of the Claude Thornhill alumni, epitomising the modern jazz all-rounder. A brilliant baritone saxophonist, he also played piano. He was a renowned arranger, and a prolific composer. He ‘invented’ the piano-less quartet with Chet Baker and was a major influence upon Miles Davis’s playing and arranging on the Birth of the Cool and all the live performances of the Davis nonet. He later recreated those moments in The Rebirth of the Cool in 1992. He moved to Los Angeles in 1952 and began arranging for Stan Kenton. The quartet structure remained the core of his groups throughout the 1950s.

In 1960 he formed his first Concert Jazz Band. This group consisted of six brass, five reeds and a piano-less two-piece rhythm section together with bass and drums. The band toured and made five albums for Verve through to the end of 1964. The Concert Jazz Band’s arrangements were known for their intricate harmonies and inventive compositions. In the album Symphonic Dreams (1987), the band teams with the Houston Symphony Orchestra, showing Mulligan’s enthusiasm for expanding the breadth of a jazz ensemble. The Orchestra, under the direction of Erich Kunzel, performs the seven sections of The Sax Chronicles (compositions of Harry Freedman based on Mulligan themes written in the style of a variety of classical composers), two shorter pieces by the classic jazzman (Song for Strayhorn and K-4 Pacific), and a classical work written by Jeru: Entente for Baritone Sax and Orchestra. The music fits the category of third stream and could be called jazzy classical music.

In 1971 he recorded The Age of Steam. The title track is a sprawling work that captures the energy and excitement of the steam locomotive era. It features dynamic shifts in mood and tempo, with driving rhythms and intricate ensemble playing. Mulligan’s baritone sax takes centre stage with expressive solos, while the band demonstrates its versatility and cohesion. Other tracks on the album include Blueport Revisited, after his earlier composition Blueport, and Song for Johnny Hodges, which was a tribute to the legendry alto saxophonist with whom Mulligan had made a seminal album in his Meets series for the quartet. Barbara Graham, who was executed for murder in March 1953, was a devoted fan.

Mulligan appears in the film about Graham I want to live, starring Susan Hayward, which featured music by a jazz orchestra written and led by Johnny Mandel.

Woody Herman had disbanded the Second Herd in 1949, and while Stan Kenton and Duke Ellington managed to keep big bands on the road through the 1950s, Count Basie disbanded his band at the start of the decade, although he did assemble a new one a few years later.

Generally, this was a tough period for large ensembles, although it didn’t dampen the urge for musicians and composers to hear music in large forms and find ways to make it real.

Detail from Gerry Mulligan’s LP cover “Gerry Mulligan Quartet” circa 1953. Image: Alamy
Gerry Mulligan - portrait of the American jazz saxophonist performing at the 1982 Capital Radio Jazz Festival in Knebworth. Odile Noel/Lebrecht Music & Arts. Image: Alamy


Nordic Moods & Baroque


The Marais Project and Sweden’s Duo Langborn/Wendel

Move Records MCD 656



Earshift Music

Recorded in Stockholm, this latest offering from Jenny Eriksson’s The Marais Project takes us on a journey from the baroque era of Marin Marais to two of Sweden’s most famous folk songs, one of which was taken up as the tune of the Swedish National Anthem. Jenny, together with Tommie Andersson and Susie Bishop, join forces with Sweden’s Catalina Longborn and Olof Wendel for this fascinating collaboration of violin, viola da gamba, guitar, theorbo and cimbalom, to produce a range of tonal colours which must surely be unique.

No CD from the Marais Project would be complete without a work from Marais himself; in this case, it’s the instrumental music from Marais’ 1706 opera, Alcione. It sits perfectly

Switching between reeds, the everadventurous musician/composer Matthew Ottignon delivers a great set on his latest outing, enlightened by some audacious compositional ideas aided by his extraordinary improvisational acumen. The leader comes with a new self-titled, all-female ensemble, Volant, creating music that is tight, sometimes ethereal and always inspirationally spontaneous. With bassist Hannah James, percussionist Holly Conner, and pianist Lauren Tsamouros, Ottignon effortlessly juggles timbres on each track as he evokes his vision of harmonic textures. My favourite tracks are the lead-off Moon Rock, channelling the spiritual music coming out of the West Coast

with a short song from Marc-Antoine Charpentier, beautifully sung by the talented Susie Bishop, and Erkisson’s own composition, Anna, written at a time when Jenny feared for a friend’s life. The Father of Swedish Music, Johan Helmich Roman, appears with his Sonata in G minor for violin and continuo. On this track the continuo is provided by Tommie Andersson with that most bizarre looking of instruments, the theorbo, a sort of bass lute. Each of the 15 tracks on the disc has its own distinct flavour, although best listened to a few tracks at a time. Listening to all in one sitting is akin to eating an entire feast on one’s own. Best shared a course at a time with others.

of the USA, Bilpin, which dazzles under the inspirational soulfulness of the baritone sax of the leader with ominous undertones mirroring the resilience of the land in regrowth after the bushfires of 2019, and Murmuring, equally enticing as a result of progressive creativity, changing shape with tensile unpredictability, adorned with exciting saxophone solo moments. Throughout the album, Ottignon enlists the assistance of his very able quartet mates to deliver impressive material that is quirky, uplifting and hopeful, blending traditional jazz elements with his modern flights of fancy.

– Barry O’Sullivan

Volunteer Spotlight: Sue McCreadie

Laurie Smith talks to Sue McCreadie, a presenter of the Classical Guitar Society program on 2MBS Sydney since its inception in 1998.

What got you involved with 2MBS Fine Music Sydney?

The Classical Guitar Society was offered a regular program slot back in 1998 and two society members, Jan Brown and myself, were nominated for training. It seemed like an interesting challenge and a great opportunity for the Society. Other members (Darryl Rule, Dan Sharkey and Jim Mitchell) have shared presenting duties over the years.

Does the Guitar Society get feedback on the exposure it gains on 2MBS Fine Music?

Members value the partnership with the station and the exposure it gives, not just to the Society’s activities but to the many great guitarists in Australia and new works being written here. It’s wonderful to be able to share this music, which might not get airplay elsewhere.

Where does your love of music come from?

Initially from my mother. She loved Debussy and Ravel and had jazz playing constantly on the radio. I bought a guitar when I was 19. I wanted to learn to play popular music, but the teacher said I should learn classical because then I could play anything. That wasn’t quite true, but I soon became captivated by the classical guitar and its Spanish and Latin repertoire. I went to London in my twenties and spent a formative decade there, discovering early music and the twentieth century repertoire.

I play with the Guitar Society’s orchestra which has been going since 1994. The guitar can be a solitary instrument so it’s a wonderful feeling to rehearse and perform with a large ensemble. We are fortunate to have a constant stream of new works and arrangements from Richard Charlton and Janet Agostino.

What do you enjoy most about your involvement with the station?

Curating programs is great fun. Doing a deep dive into a composer or a player and sharing music with an audience that they may not have heard before. And, of course, meeting other volunteers with different specialities and passions.

Musical favourites?

I never tire of Bach. I love Sylvius Leopold Weiss, a German lutenist who was a direct contemporary of Bach. My go- to guitarist for both is Goran Sollscher. From the twentieth century Toru Takemitsu is a favourite. I wrote a thesis on his guitar music and I definitely share his enthusiasm for Messiaen and jazz. The contribution of Cuba’s Leo Brouwer to the guitar repertoire is immense and his music is rewarding to play because it’s so idiomatic. The same can be said of Australian composers Richard Charlton and the late Phillip Houghton.

Do you feel a synergy between your career and your musical interests?

Early in my career I worked for Guitar Magazine in London, at which time career and musical interests merged. In recent decades I’ve worked in film and arts policy for government or guilds, advocating on issues like Australian content or managing funding programs. So, yes, there is a synergy of sorts.

Would you like to share a particularly magic musical memory?

I still remember the first time I heard a guitarist play Bach’s Chaconne. It was in London’s Queen Elizabeth Hall and it was the Venezuelan virtuoso Alirio Diaz. It might not have been ‘historically informed’, but it had a breathtaking momentum. The euphoria it induced was truly memorable.




06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Simon Moore


Romantics, tributes and dedications

Prepared by David Brett

Arne, T. Cymon and Iphigenia (1753). Richard Morton, ten; Parley of Instruments/Roy Goodman.

Hyperion CDA66237 12

Ysaÿe, E. Sonata in G, op 27 no 5. Marc Bouchkov, vn.

Harmonia Mundi HMN 916106 9

Janácek, L. Suite: The beginning of a romance, op 3 (1891). Slovak PO/Libor Pesek. Naxos 8.555245 13

Liszt, F. Reminisences of Don Juan (1841). Joyce Yang, pf.

Harmonia Mundi HMU 907405 18

Theodorakis, M. Love dance, from Three pieces from Carnival, suite-ballet. Philharmonia O/Charles Dutoit.

Decca 475 6130 7

Bruch, M. Eight pieces, op 83 (1910): nos 2 , 5, 6 and 3. Catherine McCorkill, cl; Julian Smiles, vc; Kathryn Selby, pf.

Fine Music concert recording 18


Prepared by Dan Bickel

Stenhammar, W. Suite from incidental music to Chitra, op 43 (1921). Gothenburg SO/ Neeme Jarvi.

BIS CD-476 22

Shostakovich, D. Violin concerto no 1 in A minor, op 99 (1947-48/55). Sergey Khachatryan, vn; French NO/Kurt Masur. naïve V 5025 38

Sibelius, J. Symphony no 7 in C, op 105 (1926). San Francisco SO/Herbert Blomstedt. Decca 478 6787 22

12:00 JAZZ AFTER NOON with Sue Jowell

Featuring swing t0o mainstream jazz with regular appearances from the Great American Songbook


Prepared by Rex Burgess

Bruckner, A. Te Deum (1881-84). Maria Stader, sop; Sieglinde Wagner, cont; Ernst Haefliger, ten; Peter Lagger, bass; German Opera Choir, Berlin; Berlin PO/Eugen Jochum.

Decca 478 3640 22

Ave Maria (1856); Virga Jesse, gradual in E minor (1885). Bavarian Radio Choir/Wolfgang Schubert.

Decca 478 3640 9

Ecce sacerdos magnus (1885). City of Birmingham Ch; Peter King, org; City of Birmingham Wind Ensemble/Simon Halsey. Conifer CDCF 192 6

Os justi (1879); Pange lingua (1868); Christus factus est (1884). Choir of St Bride’s Church/ Robert Jones.

Naxos 8.550956 15


Prepared by Robert Miller

Stravinsky, I. Suite no 2 from The firebird (1919). Budapest FO/Iván Fischer. Hungaroton HCD 31095 20

Cressonnois, J. L’invitation au voyage (1863). John Mark Ainsley, ten; Graham Johnson, pf. Hyperion CDA67523 3

Godard, B. L’invitation au voyage. John Mark Ainsley, ten; Graham Johnson, pf. Hyperion CDA67523 4

Hillemacher, P. L’invitation au voyage. John Mark Ainsley, ten; Graham Johnson, pf. Hyperion CDA67523 2

Duparc, H. L’invitation au voyage. John Mark Ainsley, ten; Graham Johnson, pf. Hyperion CDA67523 4

Debussy, C. Songs for Bilitis (1914; arr. Lenski). Bridget Bolliger, fl; Andrew West, pf. Austriangramophone AG0013 15

Ravel, M. Introduction and allegro for harp, flute, clarinet and string quartet (1906). Osian Ellis, hp; Melos Ensemble.

Decca 421 154-2 10

Boulanger, L. Les sirènes (1911). Amanda Pitt, sop; Andrew Ball, pf; New London Chamber Choir/James Wood.

Hyperion CDA66726 6

Pour les funérailles d’un soldat (1912). Peter Johnson, bar; New London Chamber Choir; Ian Townsend, Andrew Ball, pf (three hands); James Wood, cond.

Hyperion CDA66726 8

Fauré, G. Piano quartet no 2 in G minor, op 45 (1885-86). Lawrence Dutton, va; Beaux Arts Trio.

Philips 434 071-2 35

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Peter Poole

19:00 THE NEW JAZZ STANDARD with Frank Presley

A fresh perspective on modern music contributing to the standard jazz repertoire, with fine jazz interpretations from the world of pop, rock, film and contemporary jazz


Vaughan Williams: Symphony no 3 Prepared by Brian Drummond

Parry, H. An English suite (1921). English String O/William Boughton. Nimbus NI 5366 19

Holst, G. First suite in E flat for military band (1920). Peabody Conservatory Wind Ensemble/Harian Parker. Naxos 8.572242 11

Vaughan Williams, R. Suite in G (1920). Peter Jacobs, pf. TRAC Classique TRXCD 126 15 Stanford, C. Villiers Fantasy no 1 (1921).

Robert Plane, cl; Mia Cooper, vn; David Adams, va; members of Gould Piano Trio. Naxos 8.570416 12

Coates, E. Suite: Joyous youth (1921). BBC PO/Rumon Gamba.

Chandos CHAN 9869 13

Vaughan Williams, R. Loch Lomond (1921). Michael George, bass; Holst Singers/Stephen Layton.

Hyperion CDA66777 4

Symphony no 3, Pastoral (1921). Patricia Rozario, sop; BBC SO/Andrew Davis. Teldec 0630-13139-2 34

22:00 SONG AND SONATA Part 1

Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Beethoven, L. Lieder, op 48 (bef. 1802): Bitten; Die ehre Gottes aus der Natur; Busslied, Jessye Norman, sop; James Levine, pf.

Philips 422 378-2 9

Sonata no 5 in C minor, op 10 no 1 (1796-97). Christian Zacharias, pf. EMI 5 65465 2 18


Ambient and atmospheric music



06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Troy Fil

09:00 DIVERSIONS IN FINE MUSIC Journey through history

Prepared by Anabela Pina

Anon. Ninna nanna alla Napoletana; Ciaccona di paradisio e dell’Inferno. Philippe Jaroussky, ct; Fulvio Bettini, bar, L’Arpeggiata/Christina Pluhar.

Erato 50999 694577 0 8 8

Fiorenza, N. Cello concerto in B flat. Catherine Jones, vc; Van Diemen’s Band/Julia Fredersdorff.

ABC 481 6359 13

Bertali, A. Ciaconna in C. Le Concert Brisé/ William Dongois.

Accent ACC 24260 10

Albrechtsberger, J. Aria de Passione Domine. Monica Groop, mezz; Christian Lindberg, tb; Ann Wallström, vn; Marit Bergman, vn; Olof Larsson, vc; Björn Gäfvert, org.

BIS CD-548 8

Ruge, F. Concerto no 1 in G for transverse flute and strings (pub. 1753). Ensemble Flatus/ Enrico Casularo.

Brilliant Classics 95495 13

Paganini, N. Trio in D (1833). Jean-Jacques Kantorow, vn; Mari Fujiwara, vc; Anthea Gifford, gui.

Denon CO 77069 21

Dvorák, A. Going home (arr. Cohen). Froncysyllte Fron Male Voice Choir/Leigh Mason.

Decca 278 0618 4


Rossini, G. Ballet music from Othello (1816). Monte Carlo National Opera O/Antonio de Almeida.

Philips 422 843-2 20

Elgar, E. Cello concerto in E minor, op 85 (1918-19). Jacqueline du Pré, vc; London SO/ John Barbirolli.

EMI CMS 7 63283 2 30

Mussorgsky, M. Pictures at an exhibition (1874; orch. Ravel). Berlin PO/Herbert von Karajan.

DG 413 588-2 33


Contemporary and modern sounds of ‘now’ in jazz from all corners of the globe with a focus on contemporary jazz from Australia and regular interviews with local and visiting musicians


Prepared by Jacky Ternisien

Offenbach, J. Overture to La vie parisienne (1866; arr. Dorati). Sydney SO/Patrick Thomas.

ABC 476 4565 5

Strauss, J. II Paris polka, op 382 (1879).

Vienna Dance Quartet.

Naxos 8.555689 3

Franck, C. Paris (1870). Tassis Christoyannis, bar; Jeff Cohen, pf.

Palazzetto Bru Zane BZ 2003 7

Williamson, M. Paris, from Travel diaries.

Antony Gray, pf.

ABC 472 902-2 10

Porter, C. I love Paris (pub. 1953). Roberto Alagna, ten; Jean Reno, voice; Paris SO/Yvan Cassar.

DG 477 5569 2

Svendsen, J. Carnival in Paris, op 9 (1872).

Bergen PO/Neeme Järvi.

Chandos CHAN 10693 12

Schmitt, F. Rhapsodie parisienne (1900).

Invencia Piano Duo.

Grand Piano GP730X 6

Ibert, J. Suite symphonique, Paris (1930).

Suisse Romande O/Neeme Järvi.

Chandos CHSA 5168 13

Telemann, G. Quartet no 6 in E minor for flute, violin, viola da gamba (or cello) and continuo, from Paris quartets (1738). Musica ad Rhenum.

Brilliant Classics 94104 19


Prepared by George Nevin

Schubert, F. Eine Leichenphantasie. D7 (1811). Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, bar; Gerald Moore, pf.

DG 477 5765 19

Wagner, R. Wesendonk Lieder (1857-58).

Kirsten Flagstad, sop; Gerald Moore, pf.

LP EMI EX 29 1227 3 19

Schubert, F. Rest, from Winterreise, D911 no 10 (1827). Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, bar; Gerald Moore, pf.

EMI 5 62784 2 3

Bruch, M. Kol nidrei, op 47 (1881). Jacqueline du Pré, vc; Gerald Moore, pf.

Schubert, F. The wedding feast, D930 (1827). Elly Ameling, sop; Peter Schreier, ten; Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, bar; Gerald Moore, pf.

DG 435 596-2 11

Brahms, J. Four serious songs, op 121 (1896). Hans Hotter, bar; Gerald Moore, pf. EMI 5 62807 2 17

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with James Hunter

19:00 FRIDAY JAZZ SESSION with Heathcliffe Auchinachie

A focus on the current Sydney jazz scene mixed with a range of international jazz stars and an occasional guest interview

20:00 EVENINGS WITH THE ORCHESTRA Smyth, Gipps and Glanville Hicks Prepared by Robert Small Glanville-Hicks, P. Three gymnopédies (1934). Sydney SO/Myer Fredman. ABC 442 374-2 9 Etruscan concerto (1954). Keith Jarrett, pf; Brooklyn PO/Dennis Russell Davies. MusicMasters 01612-67089-2 14

Smyth, E. Double concerto (1926). Richard Watkins, hn; Sophie Langdon, vn; BBC PO/ Odaline de la Martinez.

Chandos CHAN 9449 28

Gipps, R. Symphony no 3, op 57 (1965). BBC PO/Rumon Gamba.

Chandos CHAN 20161 37

Oboe concerto in D minor, op 20 (1941).

Juliana Koch, ob; BBC PO/Rumon Gamba. Chandos CHAN 20161 22

22:00 BAROQUE AND BEFORE Spanish baroque

Prepared by Andrew Dziedzic

Soler, A. Fandango in D minor. Jacques Ogg, hpd.

Globe GLO 5060 15

Padilla, J. de Incipit lamentatio Ieremiæ prophetæ. Choir of Westminster Cathedral; Andrew Watts, curtal; Andrew Lawrence-King, hp; Iain Simcock, org; James O’Donnell, cond. Hyperion CDA66330 14

Soler, A. Concerto no 2 in A minor. Bernard Brauchli, clvd; Esteban Elizondo, clvd.

Titanic Ti-152 12

Victoria, T. de Requiem for six voices (1605). Sydney University Chamber Choir/Neil McEwan.

LP ABC/Festival L 38676

Murcia, S. de Suite in D minor (pub. 1732). Barry Mason, baroque gui.


Amon Ra SAR 45 15 FRIDAY 2

EMI CZS 5 68132 2 10

Soler, A. Concerto no 6 in D for two organs (arr.). Elizabeth Anderson, hpd; Douglas Lawrence, org.

Move MD 3078 10

Martín y Coll, A. Diferéncias sobre Las folias. Jordi Savall, va da gamba; Hopkinson Smith, gui.

EMI CDM 7 63418 2 7



06:00 SATURDAY MORNING MUSIC with David Garrett


Our weekly guide to musical events in and around Sydney


Prepared by Anne Irish

Gade, N. Little story (1839). Anker Blyme, pf.

Marco Polo DCCD 9115 5

Schubert, F. Impromptu in B flat, D935 no 3 (1827). Alfred Brendel, pf.

Philips 456 727-2 11

Chopin, F. Barcarolle in F sharp, op 60 (1846).

Dinu Lipatti, pf.

Philips 456 892-2 9

Grieg, E. Lyric pieces, bk 5, op 54 (1891). Leif Ove Andsnes, pf.

Virgin VC 7 59300 2 23


Ravenna Music Festival, Part 3

Prepared by Elaine Siversen Wagner, R. Overture to Tannhäuser (1845). Berlin PO/Claudio Abbado.

Decca 476 2457 14

Bellini, V. Dolente imagine di fille mia (1821); Malinconia, ninfa gentile; Vanne, o rosa fortunata; Bella Nice, che d’amore; Ma rendi pur contento (1829). Luciano Pavarotti, ten; Leone Magiera, pf.

Decca 466 350-2 11

Stravinsky, I. Italian suite, from Pulcinella (1920). Mischa Maisky, vc; Martha Argerich, pf.

DG 477 5323 18

Josquin Desprez. Veni Sancte Spiritus. Hilliard Ensemble/Paul Hillier.

Virgin VER 5 61302 2 8

Glanville-Hicks, P. Etruscan concerto (1954). Keith Jarrett, pf; Brooklyn PO/Dennis Russell Davies.

MusicMasters 01612-67089-2 14

Respighi, O. Deità silvane (1917). Rosa Feola, sop; Iain Burnside, pf.

Opus Arte OA CD9039 D 14


Music that’s band

Prepared by Owen Fisher

Anon. Fantasia on British airs (arr. Barsotti). Various Bands/Alex Mortimer.

LP Decca SKLA 5102 10

Sousa, J.P. March: Belle of Chicago. Royal Netherlands Navy Marine Band.

LP Pacific PACS 128 2

Caerts - Rozenstraten. Viva España. Desford Colliery Band/Ernest Woodhouse.

LP Astor GGS 1480 3

Elgar, E. Nimrod, from Enigma variations. Hammonds Sauce Works Band/Geoffrey Witham.

LP Astor Top Brass GSS 1177 3

Hymn. Nearer my God to Thee (arr. Sousa). Allentown Band/Ronald Demkee. AMP 89111 5


with Leita Hutchings

New, hip, fun and traditional jazz: tons of cool jazz, presented in a chilled and laid-back, lounge style


Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Bruckner, A. String quartet in C minor (1862). L’Archibudelli.

Sony SK 66 251 22

Rondo in C minor (1862). Raphael Quartet. Globe GLO 5078 6

String quintet in F (1879). Guus Jeukendrup, va; L’Archibudelli.

Sony SK 66 251 44

Intermezzo in D minor (1879). Enrique Santiago, va; Melos Quartet. Harmonia Mundi HMC 901421 10


Orchestral grandeur

Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Kraus, J.M. Incidental music to Olympie (1792). New Zealand SO/Uwe Grodd. Naxos 8.570334 21

Schubert, F. Incidental music to Rosamunde, D797 (1823). Columbia SO/Bruno Walter. Sony SMK 64478 20

Grieg, E. Incidental music to Sigurd Jorsalfar, op 22 (1872). Håkan Hagegård, bar; Bergen Vocal Ensemble; Bergen PO/Ole Kristian Ruud.

BIS CD-1740/42 35

Sibelius, J. Incidental music to Scaramouche, op 71 (1913). Petra Vahle, va; Mats Levin, vc; Gothenburg SO/Neeme Järvi.

BIS CD-502 1:04


Folk Federation of NSW with Paul Jackson


Prepared by Paul Cooke

Korngold, E. Excerpts from The Sea Hawk (1940). Ambrosian Singers; National PO/ Charles Gerhardt.

RCA CD87890 16

Benjamin, A. Cantata: The storm clouds, from The man who knew too much (1934). Abigail Sara, mezz; Caerdydd Choir; Rob Court, org; BBC NO of Wales/Rumon Gamba.

Chandos CHAN 10713 8

Ibert, J. Suite from Macbeth (1948). Slovak RSO/Adriano.

Marco Polo 8.223287 31


with Keith Pettigrew

Australian jazz of the 21st century featuring high school jazz combos, tracks from Sydney’s pre-eminent jazz programs at UNSW and ‘The Con’ and new Australian and international jazz releases


Edvard Grieg

Prepared by Frank Morrison

Grieg, E. Suite no 1 from Peer Gynt, op 46 (1874-75). Bournemouth SO/Paavo Berglund. EMI CDM 1 66419-2 16 Piano concerto in A minor, op 16 (1868). Géza Anda, pf; Berlin PO/Rafael Kubelik.

DG 474 838-2 31

Spring, op 33 no 2. Barbara Bonney, sop; Gothenburg SO/Neeme Järvi.

Decca 476 2649 4

String quartet in F (1891). Kontra Quartet. BIS CD-543 20

In the whirl of the dance, from Three piano pieces, op posth. (pub. 1908). Eva Knardahl, pf.

BIS CD-112 5

Symphony in C minor (1864). Malmö SO/ Bjarte Engeset.

Naxos 8.557991 33


Prepared by Di Cox

Berlioz, H. Royal hunt and storm, from The Trojans (1856-58). NSW Conservatorium School of Opera; Sydney SO/Robert Pikler. Chandos CHAN 6587 11

Franck, C. Sonata in A (1886). Christian Ferras, vn; Pierre Barbizet, pf.

DG 480 6655 27

Debussy, C. Petite suite (1886-89). Detroit SO/Paul Paray. Mercury 478 5092 11

Prokofiev, S. Suite from Cinderella, op 87 (transcr. Pletnev). Martha Argerich, Mikhail Pletnev, pf.

DG 474 8172 36

Finzi, G. Clarinet concerto in C minor, op 31 (1948-49). Andrew Marriner, cl; Academy of St Martin in the Fields/Neville Marriner. Decca 476 2163 28



06:00 SUNDAY MORNING MUSIC with James Nightingale


Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Purcell, H. Rejoice in the Lord alway, the bell anthem (c1682-85). Deller Consort; Oriana Concert O/Alfred Deller, ct & dir. Vanguard OVC 8027 9

Croft, W. Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous, a thanksgiving anthem (1720). Choir of St Paul’s Cathedral, London; Parley of Instruments/John Scott.

Hyperion CDA66606 14

Telemann, G. Cantata: In dulci jubilo (c1717). Collegium Musicum 90/Simon Standage. Chandos CHAN 0634 14

Mozart, W. Exsultate, jubilate, K165 (1773). Elly Ameling, sop; English CO/Benjamin Britten.

BBC BBCB 8005-2 16


Prepared by Jacky Ternisien

Boïeldieu, A. Overture to Le calife de Bagdad (1800). New Philharmonia O/Richard Bonynge. Decca 440 844-2 8

Devienne, F. Sonata in C, op 70 no 1 (179899). Peter Bree, ob; Roderick Shaw, fp. Etcetera KTC 1084 14

Sor, F. Six petites pièces, op 47 (c1832). Jeffrey McFadden, gui. Naxos 8.553985 15

Backofen, J. Concertante, op 10 (c1800). Franz Klein, cl; Erwin Klein, cl; Cologne RSO/ Urs Schneider.

Schwann 311 001 19

Giuliani, M. Six arias from verse by Metastasio, op 95 (pub. 1818). Members of Meister Consort.

Jecklin JD 624-2 16

Reicha, A. Sonata in F on a theme of Mozart (c1805). Ivan Ilić, pf. Chandos CHAN 10950 19

Mozart, W. String quartet no 11 in E flat, K171 (1773). Festetics Quartet.

Hungaroton HCD 31443-45 18


with Dave Mac

The early days of jazz and ragtime as recorded during the first 30 years of the 20th century


Whirled Wide

Showcases diverse music from cultures around the world, both traditional and modern, featuring musicians from all corners of the globe, including Australia


Sonatas of Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn, Part 1

Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Mendelssohn, F. Andante and rondo capriccioso in E, op 14 (1824). Roland Pöntinen, pf.

BIS CD-883 7

Mendelssohn, Fanny. Sonata in C minor (1824). Heather Schmidt, pf.

Naxos 8.570825 14

Mendelssohn, F. Capriccio in F sharp minor, op 5 (1825). Benjamin Frith, pf.

Naxos 8.553541 6

Sonata in E, op 6 (1826). Benjamin Frith, pf. Naxos 8.550940 26


Serenade for Archbishop Colloredo Prepared by Anne-Louise Luccarini

Divertimento (c1770-72). Members of Vienna Octet.

Decca 436 222-2


Mozart, W. Ah, lo previdi! ... Ah, t’invola, K272 (1777). Barbara Hendricks, sop; English CO/ Jeffrey Tate.

EMI CDC 7 47122 2 13

Haydn, M. Lied der Freiheit; Monsieur Hans; Rundgesan; Trinklied im Freien. Die Singphoniker.

cpo 999 333-2

Mozart, W. Serenade no 4 in D, K203, Colloredo (1774). Collegium Aureum/ Franzjosef Maier.

Harmonia Mundi GD 77002


Prepared by Jeremy Hall


Muffat, G. Toccata no 9 in E minor (1690). René Saorgin, org. Harmonia Mundi HMX 2908250.79 7

Mozart, L. Regina angelorum, from Litany of Loreto. Siglinde Damisch, sop; Ingrid MayrKuschee, cont; Chris Merritt, ten; Walter Raninger, bass; Salzburg Mozarteum Choir; Camerata Academica/Ernst Hinreiner. Koch 3-1714-2


Haydn, M. Timete Dominum, offertory (1777; reconstr. Baude-Delhommais). St Jacob’s Chamber Choir; Ensemble Philidor; Ulf Söderberg, org; Gary Graden cond. BIS CD-859



Walton, W. Set me as a seal. Choir of Jesus College, Cambridge/Mark Williams. Signum SIGCD370 3

Esenvalds, E. Merton College Service. Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge/Stephen Layton. Hyperion CDA68083 6

Hymn. Glorious things of Thee are spoken. Choir of Wells Cathedral; Rupert Gough, org; Malcolm Archer, cond. Hyperion CDP12101 3

Bruckner, A. Os justi. Voces8. Decca 478 5703 5

Mozart, W. Missa brevis in F, K192. Collegium Cartusianum; Cologne CO/Peter Neumann. Warner Classics 0284582 16

Mendelssohn, F. Verleih uns Frieden. Choir of St Thomas’ Church, Leipzig; Gewandhaus O/ Georg Christoph Biller. Rondeau ROP4029 5

Mealor, M. Ubi caritas. Voces8 Decca 478 5703 4

Bainton, E. And I saw a new Heaven. Choir of St Paul’s Cathedral, London; Andrew Lucas, org; John Scott, cond. Hyperion CDA66519 6


Prepared by Brian Cornish

Nielsen, C. Fantasy piece (c1885). Lars Kristian Holm Brynildsen, cl; Leif Ove Andsnes, pf.

BIS CD-428 4

Nielsen, C. Fantasy pieces, op 2 (1889). Steinar Hannevold, ob; Leif Ove Andsnes, pf. BIS CD-428 6

Kuhlau, F. Sonata in C, op 83 no 2 (1827).

Uwe Grodd, fl; Matteo Napoli, pf.

Naxos 8.555346

Gade, N. String quartet in D, op 63 (1888). Kontra Quartet.


BIS CD-516 23

19:00 JAZZ INTERACTION with Maddy Monjo

Exploring contemporary jazz, covering new releases, contrasting performers, improvisation and the orchestra, all presented with social media presence; Listen, ask, share


Prepared by Rex Burgess Saint-Saëns, C. Ballet music from Étienne Marcel (1879). O Victoria/Guillaume Tourniaire. Melba MR301130 17

Piano concerto no 5 in F, op 103, Egyptian (1896). Duncan Gifford, pf; Tasmanian SO/ Sebastian Lang-Lessing.

ABC 476 192-8 29

Symphony no 3 in C minor, op 78, Organ (1886). Wayne Marshall, org; Oslo PO/Mariss Jansons.

EMI CDC 5 55184 2 36


Prepared by Paul Cooke Zaimont, J. Stillness, poem for orchestra (2004). Slovak NSO/Kirk Trevor. Naxos 8.559619 20

MacMillan, J. ... as others see us ... (1990). Netherlands Radio Chamber PO/James MacMillan.

Challenge Classics CC72638 26

Zebelman, B. Variations on Kol nidrei (1999). Elizabeth Chang, vn; Maureen McDermott, vc; Ben Zebelman, pf.

Madacy KN2 1002 39


Portraits with Eddie Bernasconi

Late night jazz that presents a picture of individual jazz musicians or specific instruments. Listen, engage and unwind



06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with James Hunter


A year in retrospect: 1888

Prepared by Paul Cooke Cilea, F. Sonata, op 38 (1888). Massimo Macrì, vc; Giacomo Fuga, pf. Naxos 8.573141 17

Chabrier, E. Suite pastorale (1888). Suisse Romande O/Ernest Ansermet.

Decca 452 890-2 21

Glazunov, A. Prelude and two mazurkas, op 25 (1888). Stephen Coombs, pf. Hyperion CDA66866 15

Tosti, P. La serenata (1888). José Carreras, ten; English CO/Edoardo Müller.

Philips 416 900-2 3

Nielsen, C. String quintet in G (1888). Academy of St Martin in the Fields Chamber Ensemble.

Chandos CHAN 9258 24


Prepared by Jacky Ternisien

Gassmann, F. Overture to L’amore artigiano (1767). English CO/Richard Bonynge.

ABC 482 1059 7

Mendelssohn, F. Double piano concerto in E (1823). Güher Pekinel, pf; Süher Pekinel, pf; Philharmonia O/Neville Marriner.

Chandos CHAN 9711 29

Tchaikovsky, P. Marche slave, op 31 (1876). Concertgebouw O/Bernard Haitink.

Decca 478 5867 10

Enescu, G. Symphony no 1 in E flat, op 13 (1905). George Enescu State PO/Mihai Brediceanu.

Marco Polo 8.223141 36

12:00 SWING AND BEYOND with Ken Raphael

Featuring bands of the 30s swing era, and post-swing and big bands


George Palmer

Prepared by Julie Simonds

Palmer, G. Excerpt from Ruritanian dances. Cove CO/Stephen Williams.

ABC 476 261-2 2

Concerto for two clarinets, It takes two, mvt 1. Dimitri Ashkenazy, cl; David Rowden, cl; Omega Ensemble.

ABC 481 4667 7

Sunset, from Time out. Shefali Pryor, ob; Jeanell Carrigan, pf.

Navona NV6326 5

To Sergeant Babington; They know I have been wronged, from Letters from a black snake. Barry Ryan, bar; Jeanell Carrigan, pf. Wirripang Wirr 0093 6

Black, white and a little blue. Mark van der Weil, cl; Michael Dussel, pf. 6

String quintet, mvt 3. Katie Chilmaid, vn; Emma Long, vn; Jacqui Cronin, va; Rowena Crouch, vc; David Campbell, db.

Navona NV6326 5

Prologue, will you look at us; One good reason; The river is full of sky, from Cloudstreet. Joanna McWaters, sop; Barry Ryan, bar; Ensemble. 12


Prepared by Rex Burgess

Shostakovich, D. Symphony no 9 in E flat, op 70 (1945). London PO/Bernard Haitink.

Decca 478 2826 26


Prepared by Robert Gilchrist

Stamitz, J. Trio in A for two violins and continuo, op 1 no 2 (1755). Members of Concentus Musicus Vienna/Nikolaus Harnoncourt.

Teldec 8.41062 13

Brixi, F. Organ concerto in D. Jan Hora, org; Prague CO/Frantisek Vajnar.

LP Supraphon 1110 3029 G 17

Biber, H. Serenade, Die Nachtwächter. Simon Grant, bass; New London Consort/Philip Pickett.

Decca 458 081-2 11

Benda, F. Flute concerto in G. Neil McLaren, fl; Cambridge Baroque Camerata.

Amon Ra SAR 52 19

Zelenka, J. Trio sonata no 4 in G minor. Heinz Holliger, ob; Maurice Bourgue, ob; Klaus Thunemann, bn; Lucio Buccarella, db; Christiane Jaccottet, hpd.

Archiv 479 1045 19

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Andrew Dziedzic

19:00 JAZZ ABOUT TOWN with Deborah Evans

A sound gig guide to what’s on in Sydney’s jazz scene over the coming week with music from jazz musicians who are About Town

20:00 STORMY MONDAY with Austin Harrison

22:00 JAZZ AFTER HOURS with Ramsay McInnes

Late night jazz, to listen and engage, and relax




06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Julie Simonds

09:00 DIVERSIONS IN FINE MUSIC Colours of the keyboard

Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Liszt, F. Hungarian rhapsody no 15 in A minor, Rákóczy march (1846-53). Michele Campanella, pf.

Philips 438 371-2

Bach, J. Christian Sonata in G, op 5 no 3 (pub. 1766). Susan Alexander-Max, clvd. Naxos 8.570476 10

Stanley, J. Organ concerto in D minor op 16 no 4 (pub. 1775). Ensemble Pian e Forte; Antonio Frigé, org & dir. Nuova Era 7019 10

Danzi, F. Sonata in E flat, op 28 (1805). Michael Thompson, hn; Philip Fowke, pf. Naxos 8.553570 23

Alkan, C-V. Fantasy in A flat for left hand, from Trois grandes études, op 76 (c1838). Ronald Smith, pf.

Arabesque Z 6604 11

Schumann, R. Kinderszenen, op 15 (1838). Marc-Andre Hamelin, pf.

Hyperion CDA68030 20


Prepared by Paul Cooke

Vanhal, J. Sinfonia in A minor. Umea Sinfonietta/Jukka-Pekka Saraste.

BIS CD-288 12

Josephs, W. Double bass concerto, op 118 (1981). Gary Karr, db; Adelaide SO/Patrick Thomas.

ABC 438 612-2 31

Franck, C. Symphony in D minor (1887-88).

ORTF NO/Jean Martinon.

Erato 2292-45088-2 41

12:00 JAZZ RHYTHM with Jeannie McInnes

An eclectic blending of agreeable rhythm and melody from the New Orleans jazz roots through to recent decades, including many Australian bands


Prepared by Derek Parker

Lully, J-B. Royal march. Maurice André, tpt; Pierre Cochereau, org; Ensemble d’instruments à vent et Fanfare/Armand Birbaum.

Decca 478 4664 3

Couperin, F. Quatrième concert royal (1722). Musica Ad Rhenum.

Brilliant Classics 94489 14

Lawes, W. Royal consort sett no 9 in F. Emily Ashton, tenor viol; Elizabeth Kenny, theorbo; Phantasm/Laurence Dreyfus.

Linn CKD 470 15

Francoeur, F. Suite in D, from Symphonies pour le Festin royal du Comte d’Artois (pub. 1773). Simphonie du Marais/Hugo Reyne. FNAC Music 592287 22


Prepared by Ron Walledge

Haydn, J. Symphony in G, Hob.I:94, Surprise (1791). Vienna PO/Carlos Kleiber. Artists FED 013/14 20

Mozart, W. Piano concerto no 18 in B flat, K456 (1784). Martha Argerich, pf; Bavarian RO/Eugen Jochum.

BR Klassik 403571900701 29

Brahms, J. Alto rhapsody, op 53 (1869). Christa Ludwig, mezz; Vienna Singverein; Vienna PO/Karl Böhm. DG 439 441-2 16

Tchaikovsky, P. Symphony no 4 in F minor, op 36 (1877). American SO/Leopold Stokowski.

Vanguard OVC 8012 42

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Michael Field

19:00 THE JAZZ BEAT with Lloyd Capps

Smooth small group jazz from the 50s on, and with a visit from Miles Davis each week

20:00 JUST IN with James Nightingale

A selection from the latest recordings to arrive at the Fine Music Library


Prepared by Albert Gormley

Glazunov, A. String quartet no 1 in D, op 1 (1881-82). Shostakovich Quartet. Olympia OCD 157 21

Taneyev, S. Sonata in A minor (1911). Ivan Peshkov, vn; Olga Solovieva, pf. Naxos 8.557804 21

Borodin, A. Piano trio in D (1850). Moscow Trio.

Brilliant Classics 94410 22

Prokofiev, S. Sonata in D, op 94 (1943). Manuela Wiesler, fl; Roland Pöntinen, pf. BIS CD-419 23

Glinka, M. Grand sextet in E flat (1832). Alexei Bruni, vn; Mikhail Moshkunov, vn; Andrei Kevorkov, va; Erik Pozdeev, vc; Nikolai Gorbunov, db; Mikhail Pletnev, pf.

Olympia MKM 76 25




06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Stephen Wilson


Rescued from the shadows

Prepared by Gerald Holder

Regondi, G. Introduction et caprice, op 23. Alexandra Whittingham, gui.

Delphian DCD34248 11

Molique, B. Flute concerto in D minor, op 69. John Wion, fl; O/Arthur Bloom. Hart HMP4W91514 21

Pevernage, A. Epitaphe de Christophe Plantin, pleurez muses, à 5. Huelgas Ensemble/Paul Van Nevel.

DHM G010003838957S 7

Campagnoli, B. String quartet no 6 in C. Ensemble Symposium.

Brilliant Classics 95037 17

d’Albert, E. Suite in D minor. Miriam Hyde, pf. Fine Music concert recording 14

Pezel, J. Ceremonial brass music (pub. 1685). London Gabrieli Brass Ensemble.

ASV QS 6013 9


Prepared by Rita Felton

Dvorák, A. Tragic overture (1870). Slovak PO/ Libor Pesek.

Marco Polo HK 8.220420 14

Bach, J.S. Brandenburg concerto no 5 in D, BWV1050 (1720). Suk CO/Josef Suk, vn & dir. Vanguard OVC 7002/03 21 Goldmark, K. Rustic wedding symphony, op 26 (1877). Royal PO/Yondani Butt.

ASV DCA 791 48


with Robert Vale

Focussing on contemporary jazz, often gathered from emerging cultures and Australian

13:00 IN CONVERSATION with Simon Moore

Each week we meet one of the world’s great musicians, singers, composers or conductors, along with up-and-comers and some of the men and women who influence the arts landscape.


Prepared by James Nightingale

Bizet, G. Suite no 1 from L’arlésienne (1872). Ulster O/Yan Pascal Tortelier.

Chandos CHAN 6600 16

Mondonville, J-J. de Psalm 129: De profundis (1748). Les Arts Florissants/William Christie.

Erato 0630-17791-2 23

Haydn, J. Symphony in G, Hob.I:8, Evening (1761). Hanover Band/Roy Goodman.

Hyperion CDA66523 22

Barton, W. Birdsong at dusk. William Barton, voice, did; Kurilpa String Quartet.

ABC 481 0962 12

Rachmaninov, S. The bells, choral symphony, op 35 (1913). Svetla Vassileva, sop; Misha Didyk, ten; Alexei Tanovitski, bass; Mariinsky Theatre Ch; BBC PO/Gianandrea Noseda.

Chandos CHAN 10706 36


with Tom Forrester-Paton

19:00 PLANET JAZZ with Xavier Bichon

A musical journey to different parts of the world where jazz meets other musical traditions, from Africa to Europe, with a slice of Australia


Myths and legends, Part 1 Prepared by Camille Mercep

Martín y Soler, V. Ifigenia in Aulide. Opera in three acts after Luigi Serio, based on the play by Euripides. First performed Naples, 1779.

AGAMEMNON: Leif Aruhn-Solén, ten IFIGENIA: Olga Pitarch, sop

ACHILLES: Betsabée Haas, sop Real Companía Chamber Opera/Juan Bautista Otero.

Harmonia Mundi K617192/2 1:38

During his expedition against Troy, King Agamemnon has killed a deer in a wood sacred to Diana; the goddess punishes this act by sending a storm and forcing the Greek fleet to drop anchor in the port of Aulis. With his ships becalmed, Agamemnon is powerless and consults the soothsayer, Chalcas. He receives the reply that, in order to be triumphant against Troy, Diana demands that he must sacrifice a maiden of royal lineage: Iphigenia, his daughter.

Agamemnon, sends a messenger to Argos to bring his daughter Iphigenia to Aulis on the pretext of approving the marriage to her beloved. Achilles. He orders his wife, Clytemnestra, to remain in Argos to administer his affairs. The queen disobeys him and accompanies her daughter to Aulis, but she has scarcely arrived when Agamemnon forces her to return to Mycenae. When Iphigenia learns the real reason for the summons, she decides of her own free will to sacrifice herself for the good of the Greek people, asking Achilles not to interfere with her destiny. Just as the king is about to sacrifice Iphigenia, the goddess, Diana, takes pity on the girl and envelopes her in a cloud, leaving a doe in her place on the sacrificial altar. The wind begins to blow once more.

Martin y Soler, V. Dolce mi parve un di, from Ino casa rara (1786). Deborah Riedel, sop; Arcadia Lane O/Richard Bonynge. Melba MR30118 3

Gluck, C. A toi, l’objet le plus aimable, from Iphigenia in Aulis (1774). José van Dam, bassbar; English Baroque Soloists; Lyon Opera O/ John Eliot Gardiner.

Erato 4509-98524-2 4


Prepared by James Nightingale

Vidar, J. Ballet: Ólafur Liljurós (1952). Iceland SO/Rumon Gamba. Chandos CHSA 5319 28

Kancheli, G. Piano quartet in l’istesso tempo (1997). Bridge Ensemble. ECM 1767 4618182 26

Vasks, P. Voices: symphony for string orchestra (1990-91). I Fiamminghi/Rudolf Werthen.

Telarc 80457 24

Marazaite, N. I Said. Garth Knox, va d’amore. TNW Music TNWM - 03 7

Rautavaara, E. Autumn gardens (1999). Helsinki PO/Vladimir Ashkenazy, pf & dir.

Ondine ODE 950-2 26




06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Simon Moore

09:00 DIVERSIONS IN FINE MUSIC Romantics, tributes and dedications Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Mozart, W. Divertimento in B flat, K439b no 3 (c1783). Gilles Thomé, bshn; Gili Rinot, bshn; Lorenzo Coppola, bshn.

Pierre Verany PV795021 21

Linley, T. the Elder Invocation: Fly to my aid, O mighty love; Elegy: In thousand thoughts of love and thee. Invocation/Timothy Roberts, hpd & dir.

Hyperion CDA66698 8

Mendelssohn, F. Symphony no 1 in C minor, op 11, mvts 3 and 4 (1824). Gewandhaus O/ Kurt Masur.

Teldec 2292-44933-2 14

Chausson, E. Chanson perpetuelle, op 37 (1898). Jessye Norman, sop; Ronald Patterson, vn; Salvatore Sansalone, vn; JeanPierre Pigerre, va; Lane Anderson, vc; Michel Dalberto, pf.

Erato 2292 45368-2 7

Liszt, F. Vallée d’Obermann, from Years of pilgrimage bk 1: Switzerland (1848-54). Gerard Willems, pf.

Fine Music concert recording 13

Spohr, L. Sonata in C minor (c1805). Sophie Langdon, vn; Hugh Webb, hp. Naxos 8.555364


Prepared by Noelene Guillemot


Lully, J-B. Overture and suite from Amadis (1684). Collegium Aureum/Reinhard Peters. LP Harmonia Mundi HM 20322 23

Beethoven, L. Piano concerto no 3 in C minor, op 37 (c1800). Murray Perahia, pf; Concertgebouw O/Bernard Haitink. CBS MK 39814

Spohr, L. Symphony no 6 in G, op 116, Historical (1840). NDR Radio PO, Hanover/ Howard Griffiths.

cpo 777 179-2

12:00 JAZZ AFTER NOON with Sue Jowell


On the tenth anniversary of his death, 8 August, 2014

Prepared by James Nightingale



Sculthorpe, P. Requiem (2004). Adelaide Chamber Singers; William Barton, did; Adelaide SO/Arvo Volmer.

ABC 481 1293

Sonata for strings no 3, Jabiru dreaming (1994). Australian CO/Richard Tognetti. ABC 481 1293


Prepared by Elaine Siversen



Bruckner, A. Symphony no 00 in F minor (1863). Royal Scottish NO/Georg Tintner. Naxos 8.554432


Brahms, J. Trio in E flat, op 40 (1865). Barry Tuckwell, hn; Brenton Langbein, vn; Maureen Jones, pf. ex libris 6059

Bruckner, A. Symphony no 0 in D minor, Die Nulte (1863-64/69). Saarbrücken RSO/ Stanislaw Skrowackewski.

Brilliant Classics 92084

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Marilyn Schock



19:00 THE NEW JAZZ STANDARD with Frank Presley


Richard Strauss: Symphonia domestica

Prepared by Rex Burgess

Novák, V. Eternal longing, op 33 (1903). Czech PO/Karel Sejna. Supraphon 11 0682-2 21

Debussy, C. La mer (1903-05). Royal Concertgebouw O/Bernard Haitink. Radio Nederland RCO12004 25

Strauss, R. Symphonia domestica, op 53 (1902-03). Vienna PO/André Previn. DG 449 188-2 42

Parergon on the symphonia domestica, op 73 (1925). Gary Graffman, pf (left hand); Vienna PO/André Previn.

DG 449 188-2 21

22:00 SONG AND SONATA Part 2

Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Medtner, N. Winter evening, op 13 no 1 (c1901-04); Day and night, op 24 no 1 (1911); Unexpected rain, op 28 no 1 (1913). Rodion Pogossov, bar; Iain Burnside, pf. Delphian DCD34177 8

Sonata reminiscenza in A minor, op 38 no 1 (1918-20). Nikolai Demidenko, pf. Hyperion CDA66636 19




06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Stephen Gard

09:00 DIVERSIONS IN FINE MUSIC Journey through history

Prepared by James Nightingale

Buxtehude, D. Cantata: Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden, BuxWV47. Emma Kirkby; sop; Suzie LeBlanc, sop; Peter Harvey, bass; Purcell Quartet.

Chandos CHAN 0691 10

Telemann, G. Fantasia in G minor (pub. 173233). Lars Mortensen, hpd. ABC 481 4568 6

Bach, C.P.E. Symphony in F, Wq183 no 3 (1775-6). O of the Age of Enlightenment/ Rebecca Miller.

Brahms, J. Fest und Gedensprüche, op 109 (1886-88). RIAS Chamber Choir/Marcus Creed.

Harmonia Mundi HMC 901591 10 Field, J. Nocturne in B flat (1829). Míceál O’Rourke, pf. Chandos CHAN 9315 4

Smyth, E. Sonata, op 7 (1887). Tasmin Little, vn; John Lenehan, pf. Chandos CHAN 20030 24


Prepared by Derek Parker Walton, W. Overture: Portsmouth Point (1925). London PO/Bryden Thomson. Chandos CHAN 8968 6

Rachmaninov, S. Piano concerto no 3 in D minor, op 30 (1909). Lazar Berman, pf; London SO/Claudio Abbado. CBS MYK 44715 44

Mozart, W. Symphony no 39 in E flat, K543 (1788). Dresden State O/Colin Davis. Philips 410 046-2 31

12:00 A JAZZ HOUR with Barry O’Sullivan


Prepared by James Nightingale

Hahn, R. If my verses had wings (c1890).

Felicity Lott, sop; Graham Johnson, pf.

Hyperion CDA67141/2 2

L’heure exquise, from Seven chansons grises (pub.1893); Les étoiles; L’enamourée, from 12 Rondels (1898-99). Renée Fleming, sop; Yannick Nézet-Séguin, pf.

Decca 485 2089 10

Soliloque et forlane (1937). Charles Stewart, vn; Stephen Coombs, pf.

Hyperion CDH55379 8

Matinée parisienne; Cherubin tragique, from Le rossignol éperdu (1912). Sophia Gülbadamova, pf.

Danacord DACOCD 729 6

Piano quintet in F sharp minor (1921). Alexandre Tharaud, pf; Quatuor Parisii.

Auvidis V 4848 26


Novák, V. South Bohemian suite, op 64 (193637). Brno State PO/Jirí Pinkas.

Supraphon 1110 2486 30

Triebensee, J. Trio in B flat. Marilyn Zupnik, ob; Kathryn Greenbank, ob; Elizabeth Starr, cora.

ASV QS 6192 10

Biber, H. Balletti lamentabili (1670). La Follia Salzburg.

Lyrichord LEMS8017 10

Rosetti, F. Horn concerto in D minor (c1782). Michael Thompson, hn; Philharmonia O/ Christopher Warren-Green.

Nimbus NIM 5018 21

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Julie Simonds

19:00 FRIDAY JAZZ SESSION with Heathcliffe Auchinachie

20:00 EVENINGS WITH THE ORCHESTRA Symphonies of Jean Sibelius, Part 2 Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Sibelius, J. Finlandia, op 26 no 7 (1899/1900).

Helsinki PO/Leif Segerstam.

Ondine ODE 1037-2 9

Tone poem: En saga, op 9 (1892/1901). Lahti SO/Osmo Vänskä.

BIS CD-800 22

Symphony no 2 in D, op 43 (1901). Minnesota O/Osmo Vänskä.

BIS SACD 1986 46


Prepared by Gerald Holder

Benda, G. Sinfonia no 12 in A. Prague CO/ Christian Benda.

Violin concerto in D minor, op 47 (190304). Pekka Kuusisto, vn; Helsinki PO/Leif Segerstam.

Ondine ODE 878-2

22:00 BAROQUE AND BEFORE Zelenka in Prague, 1723


Signum SIGCD395 11

Michl, J. Quartet no 5 in B flat (c1780-89). Ben Hoadley, bn; Hall String Trio. Naxos 8.574054 14

Naxos 8.553409 11

Dvorák, A. From the Bohemian woods, op 68 (1884). Duo Crommelynck.

Claves 50-9106 25

Zelenka, J. Concerto in G à 8 concertanti, ZWV186 (1723). Ensemble Stradivaria/Daniel Cuiller, vn & dir.

Accord 472 232-2 16

Sub olea pacis et palma virtutis conspicua orbi regia Bohemiæ Corona, ZWV175 (1723). Noémi Kiss, sop; Anna Hlavenková, sop; Markus Forster, ct; Jaroslav Brezina, ten; Adam Zduniowski, ten; Ales Procházka, bass; Boni Pueri; Musica Florea; Musica Aeterna; Ensemble Philidor/Marek Stryncl.

Supraphon SU 3520-2 232 1:35


06:00 SATURDAY MORNING MUSIC with Stephen Wilson


Our weekly guide to musical events in and around Sydney


Prepared by Jennifer Foong

Fauré, G. Valse-caprice no 4 in A flat, op 62 (1887-93). Kathryn Stott, pf.

Hyperion CDA66911/4 8

Respighi, O. Notturno, P44 no 3 (1905).

Imogen Cooper, pf.

Chandos CHAN 20235 5

Schumann, R. Davidsbündlertänze, op 6 (1837). Angela Hewitt, pf.

Hyperion CDA67780 37


Paris: Les Apaches, Part 2

Prepared by Robert Miller

Caplet, A. Rêverie et petite valse (1905).

Robert Aitken, fl; Robin McCabe, pf.

BIS CD-184 7

Séverac, D. de To the farmhouse at festival time; Over the pond in the evening, from In Languedoc (1903-04). Jordi Masó, pf. Naxos 8.555855 16

Delage, M. Quâtre poèmes hindous (1912-13). Felicity Lott, sop; Paris Chamber Ensemble/ Armin Jordan.

Virgin 5 22128 2 9

Ravel, M. La valse (1921). Australian Youth O/ Christoph Eschenbach.

ABC 426 478-2 12

Stravinsky, I. Ballet: The rite of Spring (1913).

Sydney SO/David Robertson.

ABC 481 4954 38


Prepared by Robert Small

Vaughan Williams, R. English folk song suite (1923). Royal Northern College of Music Wind O/Timothy Reynish.

Chandos CHAN 9697 15

Grainger, P. Colonial song. Royal Northern College of Music Wind O/Timothy Reynish.

Chandos CHAN 9549 6

Bozza, E. Children’s overture (1964). Royal Northern College of Music Wind O/Timothy Reynish.

Chandos CHAN 9897 5

12:00 URBAN JAZZ LOUNGE with Leita Hutchings

13:00 IN A SENTIMENTAL MOOD with Maureen Meers

Nostalgic music and artists from the 30s, 40s and 50s and occasionally beyond, in a trip down many memory lanes


Prepared by Gerald Holder

Mozart, W. Divertimento no 11 in D, K251 (1776). Amsterdam Baroque O/Ton Koopman. Erato 245 471-2 27


Operetta in the afternoon Prepared by Elaine Siversen

lHahn, R. Ciboulette. Operetta in three acts. Libretto by Robert de Flers and Frances de Croisset. First performed Paris, 1923.

ZÉNOBIE: Collette Alliot-Lugaz, sop

CAPTAIN ROGER: François Le Roux, bar

ANTONIN: Nicolai Gedda, ten

DUPARQUET: José van Dam, bar

CIBOULETTE: Mady Mesplé, sop

Ensemble Choral Jean Laforge; Monte Carlo PO/Cyril Diederich.

EMI 5 66159 2 1:55

At Les Halles, the marketplace in Paris, the courtesan, Zénobie, is flirting with a handsome hussar, Captain Roger. Her protector, the wealthy Antonin, finds out and leaves her. He goes off with the elderly Duparquet, the manager of the markets, to drown his sorrows in champagne and, back at the markets, falls asleep in a barrow. Ciboulette, a market gardener, has been told by a fortune teller that she will find love under a cabbage, after a woman’s hair turns white, and after a message about death has been delivered in a tambourine.

Duparquet has accompanied Ciboulette back to the farm. Ciboulette’s aunt tells her that she has lined up eight suitors in the church square and demands that Ciboulette choose one as her husband. Ciboulette tells Duparquet that she doesn’t love any of them and he decides to become a matchmaker. He devises a scheme to get rid get of the suitors. When Ciboulette discovers Antonin under the unsold cabbages in her barrow, they are immediately attracted to each other. Then Zénobie arrives with Captain Roger. Zénobie insults Ciboulette and the furious Ciboulette empties a sack of flour over Zénobie’s head, turning her hair white. Antonin and Zénobie reconcile, leaving Ciboulette broken-hearted.

A few weeks later, Duparquet hatches a plan to get Ciboulette and Antonin together. Ciboulette, masked and in Spanish costume, is to appear at a gathering of the nobility as the sensational Conchita Ciboulero. Antonin has now overcome his infatuation for Zénobie and realises that he loves Ciboulette. In despair, he writes a suicide note which Duparquet arranges to have delivered to Ciboulette in a

tambourine. Duparquet persuades Antonin to attend the soirée. When Ciboulette finds the note, she reveals her identity to Antonin and they fall into each other’s arms.

Lydia (c1890). Stephen Varcoe, bar; Graham Johnson, pf.

Hyperion CDA67141/2 3

Seraphina (1892). Stephen Varcoe, bar; Graham Johnson, pf.

Hyperion CDA67141/2 2

The swans (c1895). Stephen Varcoe, bar; Graham Johnson, pf.

Hyperion CDA67141/2 4

Three days of vintaging (c1895). Stephen Varcoe, bar; Graham Johnson, pf.

Hyperion CDA67141/2 3

The memory of singing (1899). Stephen Varcoe, bar; Graham Johnson, pf.

Hyperion CDA67141/2 2

The loveliest gift (1917). Stephen Varcoe, bar; Graham Johnson, pf.

Hyperion CDA67141/2 2

Since I’ve pressed my lips (pub. 1921). Stephen Varcoe, bar; Graham Johnson, pf.

Hyperion CDA67141/2 4


Organ Music Society of NSW with Norbert Kelvin


Prepared by James Ranieri

Gibb, B. Excerpts from Grease. John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, voices. 16

Schönberg, C-M. Excerpts from Martin Guerre (1996). Matt Rawle, Juliette Caton, voices; London cast/David Abell. 18

Dudley, A. Excerpts from The full monty. Robert Carlyle, Tom Wilkinson, voices. 19

19:00 EMERGENT JAZZ with Keith Pettigrew


Paul Hindemith

Prepared by James Nightingale

Hindemith, P. Sonata in E flat, op 11 no 1 (1918). Frank Peter Zimmermann, vn; Enrico Pace, pf.

BIS BIS-2024 9

Kammermusik no 1, op 24 no 1 (1922). Konstanty Kulka, vn; Kim Kashkashian, va; Norbert Blume, va d’amore; Lynn Harrell, vc; Ronald Brautigam, pf; Leo van Doeselaar, org; Royal Concertgebouw O/Riccardo Chailly. Decca 433 816-2 15

Excerpt from Scene 7 of Mathis der Maler (1938). Pilar Lorengar, sop; Donald Grobe, ten; Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, bar; Berlin RSO/ Leopold Ludwig.

DG 431 741-2 13

Interlude, Valse; Fugue no 12 in F sharp; Postlude, from Ludus tonalis (1942). Ivo Janssen, pf.

Globe GLO 5044 9

Clarinet concerto (1947). Martin Fröst, cl; Malmö SO/Lan Shui.

BIS BIS-CD-893 24

Sonata (1949). Mikyung Sung, db; Jaemin Shin, pf.

Modus Vivendi Media MVM2301 13 Pittsburgh symphony (1958). BBC PO/Yan Pascal Tortelier.

Chandos CHAN 9530 24


Prepared by James Nightingale

Beach, A. Piano quintet in F sharp, op 67 (1907). Martin Roscoe, pf; Endellion Quartet. ASV DCA 932 27

Bach, J.C.F. Cantata: Cassandra (bef. 1770). Lena Susanne Norin, cont; Das Kleine Konzert/Hermann Max. cpo 999 593-2 57

Graupner, C. Ouverture-suite in A minor for transverse flute, strings and continuo. L’Arpa Festante/Rien Voskuilen, hpd & dir.

Accent ACC 24350 31





Prepared by Paul Cooke Pérotin, Le Grand. Dom sigillum (c1200). Hilliard Ensemble/Paul Hillier. ECM 837 751-2 8

Bach, J.S. Cantata: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV61 (1714). Edith Mathis, sop; Peter Schreier, ten; Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, bass; Munich Bach Choir & O/Karl Richter. Archiv 479 1712 18

Gounod, C. Messe chorale. Ensemble Vocale de Lausanne; Daniel Fuchs, org; Michel Corboz, cond. apex 8573 89235 2 28


Prepared by Gerald Holder

Rossini, G. Sonata à quattro no 1 in G (1804). Haydn Philharmonia Soloists/Ezio Rojatti. Nuova Era 7100/01 14

Bach, C.P.E. Sonata in A minor, Wq132 (1747). Jane Rutter, fl. Fine Music concert recording 12

Haydn, J. Symphony in E flat, Hob.I:103, Drumroll (1795). London Classical Players/ Roger Norrington.

EMI CDC 5 55002 2 28

Schubert, F. The shepherd on the rock, D965 (1828). Jennifer Bates, sop; Nigel Westlake, cl; David Bollard, pf.

Tall Poppies TP011 12 Mozart, W. Sonata in A minor, K310 (1778). Geoffrey Tozer, pf.

Fine Music concert recording 15

Schacht, T. Triple concerto in B flat. Xenia Löffler, ob; Alfredo Bernardini, ob; Michael Bosch ob; Batzdorfer Hofkapelle.

Accent ACC 24388 29

12:00 CLASSIC JAZZ with Dave Mac


Whirled Wide


Sonatas of Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn, Part 2

Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Mendelssohn, Fanny. Sonata or capriccio (1824). Heather Schmidt, pf.

Naxos 8.570825 7

Six melodies, opp 4 and 5 (1825). Béatrice Rauchs, pf.

BIS CD-885 20

Mendelssohn, F. Prelude and fugue in D, op 35 no 2 (1832-37). Benjamin Frith, pf.

Naxos 8.550939 6

Sonata in G minor, op 105 (1827). Benjamin Frith, pf.

Naxos 8.553358 20


Fine Music Showcase with Julie Simonds

A program of live recordings made in the Founders’ Studio at Fine Music Sydney by local jazz and classical musicians.


Prepared by Meg Matthews

Hymn. Holy, holy, holy. Choir of Wells Cathedral; Rupert Gough, org; Malcolm Archer, cond.

Hyperion CDP 12105 3

Sheppard, J. Libera nos, salva nos. Choir of Clare College, Cambridge/Graham Ross. Harmonia Mundi HHM 902270 3

Byrd, W. O lux beata Trinitas. Choir of Clare College, Cambridge/Graham Ross. Harmonia Mundi HHM 902270 5

Stainer, J. I saw the Lord. Choir of Clare College, Cambridge; Eleanor Carter, org; Graham Ross, cond.

Harmonia Mundi HHM 902270 6

Hurford, P. Litany to the Holy Spirit. Choir of Jesus College, Cambridge; Bertie Baigent, org; Mark Willliams, cond. Signum SIGCD409 3

Jackson, G. Hymn to the Trinity: Honor, virtus et potestas. Choir of Clare College, Cambridge/Graham Ross.

Harmonia Mundi HHM 902270 6

Brahms, J. Ave Maria, op 12; Geistliches Lied, op 30. Stuttgart Chamber Choir; Detlef Bratschkke, org; Frieder Bernius, cond. Carus 83 201 10

Goodall, H. Magnificat, from Marlborough canticles. Choir of Christchurch Cathedral, Oxford; David Goode, org; Stephen Darlington, cond.

ASV DCA1028 8

Hymn. I bind myself today, the strong name of the Trinity. Choir of Wells Cathedral; Rupert Gough, org; Malcolm Archer, cond. Hyperion CDP 12105 6


Prepared by Josh Stenberg

Classics from Asia, quintessential recordings from Asian music masters

19:00 JAZZ INTERACTION with Isobel Archer


Prepared by Frank Morrison

Dvorák, A. Czech suite, op 39 (1879). Scottish CO/José Serebrier.

ASV DCA 765 23

Khachaturian, A. Suite no 3 from Spartacus (1943). Armenian PO/Loris Tjeknavorian.

ASV DCA 773 24

Nielsen, C. Symphony no 5, op 50 (1921-22). Swedish RSO/Esa-Pekka Salonen.

CBS MK 44547 37


Prepared by Ben Behnam

Stanhope, P. Three Lorca songs (2012/16). Greta Bradman, sop; Benaud Trio.

ABC 481 7164 15

Spike, K. Wombat dance (2005). Leah Lock, fl; Deborah de Graaff, cl; Kristofer Spike, pf. 8

Smith, M. Sonata (2001). James Kortum, fl; Jeanell Carrigan, pf. Wirripang Wirr 096 14

Smetanin, M. Finger funk (2004). Match. Tall Poppies TP183 8

Spike, K. Elegy for the dying planet (2006). Power of Three.

ABC/Three Bracelets 94504 47232 13

Altmann, L. Prelude to New York (2007). Benaud Trio.

de la Catessen DLC001 11

Billingham, J. From hidden valleys to open sea (2016). Tallowdale CO. Tallowdale Music TMJLB001 14


Portraits with Deborah Evans



06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Robert Small


A year in retrospect: 1910

Prepared by Rita Felton

Bruch, M. Eight pieces, op 83 nos 2, 5, 6 and 3 (1910). Catherine McCorkill, cl; Julian Smiles, vc; Kathryn Selby, pf. Fine Music concert recording 18

Bax, A. Roscatha (1910). Ulster O/Bryden Thomson.

Chandos CHAN 6525 11

Debussy, C. Trois ballades de François Villon (1910). Gérard Souzay, bar; Dalton Baldwin, pf. EMI CDM 7 64095 2 11

Salzedo, C. Ballade, op 28 (1910). Alice Giles, hp.

Tall Poppies TP137 9

Stravinsky, I. Excerpts from The firebird (1910; arr. Gottschick). Sabine Meyer, cl; Alliage Quintet.

Sony 88875190972 20

Seitz, F. Concerto no 8 in G, op 38 (1910). Hyejin Chung, vn; Warren Lee, pf. Naxos 8.573965 10


Prepared by Nina Fudala

Corelli, A. Concerto grosso in F, op 6 no 2 (pub. 1714). Ensemble 415/Chiara Banchini, Jesper Christiansen.

Harmonia Mundi HMC 901406.07 12

Bach, J.S. Double violin concerto in D minor, BWV1043 (1730-31). Itzhak Perlman, vn; Isaac Stern, vn; New York PO/Zubin Mehta.

Sony SMK 66 471 16

Respighi, O. Suites: Ancient airs and dances, no 1 (1917), no 2 (1924) and no 3 (1932).

Australian CO/Christopher Lyndon-Gee.

Omega OCD 1007 54

12:00 SWING AND BEYOND with Jeannie McInnes


The Italians

Prepared by Rex Burgess

Bartolotti, A. Prelude; Allemande; Gavot; Courante; Sarabande; Gigue; Brand. Tommie Andersson, lute.

Musica Rediviva MRCD 003 12

Lanzetti, S. Sonata no 6 in B flat, op 1 (1736).

Francesco Galligioni, vc; Giuseppe Barutti, vc continuo; Roberto Loreggian, hpd. Brilliant Classics 95525 16

Lorenzani, P. Motet for all occasions. Le Concert Spirituel/Hervé Niquet. Naxos 8.553648 11

Rossi, Luigi. Fantaisie: Les pleurs d’Orphée ayant perdu sa femme. Concerto Italiano/ Rinaldo Alessandrini.

naïve OP 30531 3

Somis, L. Sonata in C, op 2 no 7. Alexandre Benderski, vn; Boris Baraz, vc. Arkadia AK 114.1 11

Stuck, J-B. Héraclite et Démocrite. Jennifer Smith, sop; Thierry Félix, bar; Les Musiciens du Louvre/Marc Minkowski. Archiv 449 144-2 26


Prepared by Derek Parker Schumann, C. Three romances, op 22 (1853). Lisa Batiashvili, vn; Alice Sara Ott, pf.

DG 479 0086 9

Er ist gekommen in Sturm und Regen (1841); Liebst du um Schönheit (1841); Warum willst du and‘re fragen (1841). Mary Bevan, sop; Sholto Kynoch, pf.

BBC Music BBCMM396 7

Piano concerto in A minor, op 7 (1835-36). Angela Cheng, pf; Women’s PO/JoAnn Falletta.

Koch 3 7169 2H1 22

Six songs from Jucunde, op 23 (1852-53). Zoe Knighton, vc; Amir Farid, pf. Move MD 3461 15 Trio, op 17 (pub. 1847). Eva Zurbrügg, vn; Angela Schwartz, vc; Erika Radermacher, pf. SRI 002.2 27

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Robert Gilchrist

19:00 JAZZ ABOUT TOWN with Deborah Evans

20:00 STORMY MONDAY with Austin Harrison

22:00 JAZZ AFTER HOURS with Gail Monjo




06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Julie Simonds


Colours of the keyboard

Prepared by Frank Morrison

Galuppi, B. Sonata no 5 in B flat, from A pastime at the harpsichord (1781). Jörg Ewald Dähler, hpd.

Claves 50-603 9

Reinecke, C. Trio, op 188 (1887). James Sommerville, hn; James Mason, ob; Rene Sharon, pf.

Marquis ERAD 157 24

Olsson, O. Piece no 9, Ascension hymn, from 12 Pieces on chorale motives, op 36 (1908).

Sverker Jullander, org.

Daphne 1013 4

Villa-Lobos, H. Suite from Prole do bebe (1918). Artur Rubinstein, pf. RCA RD 85670 11

Schubert, F. Der Winterabend, D938 (1828). Matthias Goerne, bar; Elisabeth Leonskaja, pf. Harmonia Mundi HMC 901988 7

Gambini, C. Memories of Paganini, op 50. Bruno Mezzena, pf.

Dynamic CDS 05 25


Prepared by Anne Irish Nielsen, C. Suite from Maskarade (1904-06). Danish NSO/Thomas Dausgaard.

Dacapo 8.206002


Beethoven, L. Triple concerto in C, op 56 (1803-04). David Oistrakh, vn; Mstislav Rostropovich, vc; Sviatoslav Richter, pf; Berlin PO/Herbert von Karajan.

EMI 5 66902 2 37

Mendelssohn, F. Symphony no 3 in A minor, op 56, Scottish (1831-41). Vienna PO/ Christoph von Dohnányi.

Decca 460 239-2

12:00 JAZZ RHYTHM with Jeannie McInnes


Prepared by James Nightingale

Cawrse, A. Musaic (2007). Melbourne SO/ Kevin Field.


ABC ABCL0084 10

Sainsbury, C. My eye has seen my desire (2004). Laila Engle, alto fl; Ken Murray, gui.


Coelho, T. Forest stories. Andrew Blanch, gui; Emily Granger, hp.

ABC ABCL0081 8

Greenbaum, S. Sonata: A trillion miles of darkness (2016). David Griffiths, cl; Timothy Young, pf.

Lyrebird LB301121 22

Vine, C. Sonata no 1 (1991). Bernadette Harvey, pf.

Tall Poppies TP220 17

Kats-Chernin, E. Torque (2002). James Crabb, accordion; Tamara-Anna Cislowska, pf; Australian CO/Richard Tognetti.

ABC 476 102-6 15


Prepared by Jacky Ternisien

Offenbach, J. Excerpts from Le papillon (1860). London SO/Richard Bonynge. LP Decca SXL 6588 15

Schumann, R. Papillons, op 2 (1829-31). Murray Perahia, pf.

Sony SX4K 63380 14

Sablier, E. Papillons. Élodie Sablier, pf. EL0002 4

Stenhammar, W. Butterfly orchid, from Songs and moods, op 26 (1903-04). Peter Mattei, bar; Bengt-Ake Lundin, pf.

BIS CD-654 6

Fauré, G. The butterfly and the flower, op 1 (1865). Felicity Lott, sop; Graham Johnson, pf. Harmonia Mundi HMC 901138 2

Huie, J. Butterfly lovers trio. Ngarie de Korte, ob; Patrick Murphy, vc; Kristian Chong, pf. Private recording JZH5 11

He Zhan Hao - Chen Kang. Violin concerto, Butterfly lovers (1959). Vanessa-Mae, vn; London PO/Viktor Fedotov. EMI 5 56483 2 27

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Michael Morton-Evans

19:00 THE JAZZ BEAT with Lloyd Capps

20:00 JUST IN with Michael Field

A selection from the latest recordings to arrive at the Fine Music Library


Prepared by Gerald Holder

Poulenc, F. Sextet for piano and wind quintet (1932-39). Athena Ensemble. Chandos CHAN 6543 20

Glinka, M. Grand sextet in E flat (1832). Alexei Bruni, vn; Mikhail Moshkunov, vn; Andrei Kevorkov, va; Erik Pozdeev, vc; Nikolai Gorbunov, db; Mikhail Pletnev, pf. Olympia MKM 76 25

Telemann, G. Sonata no 2 in B flat. Clas Pehrsson, rec; Dan Laurin, rec. BIS CD-334 11

Fossa, F. de Trio no 2 in G, op 18 (1808). Martin Beaver, vn; Bryan Epperson, vc; Simon Wynberg, gui.

Naxos 8.550760 26

Beethoven, L. Quartet no 9 in C, op 59 no 3, Razumovsky (1808). New Budapest String Quartet.

Hyperion CDA66404 31




06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Stephen Wilson


Rescued from the shadows Prepared by Jacky Ternisien

Phalèse, P. Dance suite. Edward Tarr Brass Ensemble.

Christophorus CHR 74562 7

Campra, A. Suite from Tancrède (1702). La Grande Écurie et La Chambre du Roy/JeanClaude Malgoire.

LP CBS SBR 235988 11

Ernst, H. Elegy, op 10 (1840). Ilya Gringolts, vn; Ashley Wass, pf. Hyperion CDA67619 8

Aguado, D. Andante and rondo moderato, from Three brillant rondos, op 2 no 2. Emanuele Buono, gui. Naxos 8.573362 9

Chueca, F. Preludio, Agua, azucarillos y aguardiente (1897); Tango, La gran via; Schottis, La gran via 1886). Teresa Berganza, mezz; English CO/Enrique Garcia Asensio. Ensayo ENY 3407 10

Boëly, A. Suite no 4 in F minor, from Suites in the style of the old masters, op 16 (1854). Stephanie McCallum, pf. Toccata TOCC 0471 15

Assmayer, I. Wind octet in E flat. Consortium Classicum.

Schwann 310 002 H1 18


Prepared by Derek Parker

Fasch, J. Overture in D minor. Members of Accademia Daniel/Shalev Ad-El. cpo 999 674-2 29

Saint-Saëns, C. Piano concerto no 4 in C minor, op 44 (1875). Philippe Entremont, pf; Toulouse Capitole O/Michel Plasson.

CBS M2YK 45624 26

Schubert, F. Symphony no 1 in D, D82 (1813). City of Birmingham SO/Edward Gardner. Chandos CHSA 5265 28

12:00 JAZZ SKETCHES with Robert Vale

13:00 IN CONVERSATION with Simon Moore


Prepared by Jacky Ternisien

Wagner, R. Prelude to Act I of of The mastersingers of Nuremberg (1866-67). Berlin PO/Hans Knappertsbusch. DG 479 1148 9

Brahms, J. String sextet no 1 in B flat, op 18 (1863). Yehudi Menuhin, vn; Robert Masters, vn; Cecil Aronowitz, va; Ernst Wallfisch, va; Maurice Gendron, vc; Derek Simpson, vc. EMI 5 74956 2 38

Mahler, G. Das himmlische Leben, from Youth’s magic horn (1888-89). Anne Schwanewilms, sop; Charles Spencer, pf. Onyx 4103 10

Bruckner, A. Symphony no 1 in C minor (1866/90-91). Berlin RSO/Riccardo Chailly. Decca 421 091-2 54

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Ross Hayes

19:00 PLANET JAZZ with Xavier Bichon


Myths and legends, Part 2

Gluck, C. Iphigénie en Aulide. Opera in four acts. Libretto by Marie François Louis Gand Bailli du Rouillet. First performed Paris, 1774.

AGAMEMNON: José van Dam, bass-bar

IPHIGENIA: Lynne Dawson, sop

ACHILLES: John Aler, ten

CLYTEMNESTRA: Anne Sofie von Otter, mezz

CALCHAS: Gilles Cachemaille, bar

DIANA: Guillemette Laurens, mezz

Monteverdi Choir; Lyon Opera O/John Eliot Gardiner.

Erato 2292-450003-2 2:12

So that he might have favourable winds to drive his ships from Aulis to Troy, King Agamemnon must sacrifice his daughter, Iphigenia, to the goddess Diana, but implores the goddess to choose another victim. Iphigenia is to marry Achilles but Queen Clytemnestra says that he is unworthy of her

daughter because of his infidelities. Achilles swears that he will take her place for the sacrifice but Agamemnon pleads with Diana to take his life instead. The angry Greeks demand that the sacrifice take place so that the goddess may be appeased and the ships sail. Iphigenia is resolved to die but Clytemnestra appeals to Jupiter to intervene. Achilles arrives with a group of Thessalonians to rescue Iphigenia just as the High Priest, Calchas, raises the knife. Diana descends from Olympus and waives the sacrifice because of the piety of the daughter and the tears of the mother. The wedding is celebrated and the Greeks prepare for war.

Cherubini, L. Turbata ai dubbi accenti, from Ifigenia in Aulide (1788). Maria Grazia Schiavo, sop; Auser Musici/Carlo Ipata. Hyperion CDA 67893 5


Prepared by Paul Cooke

Strong, G. Die Nacht, four little symphonic poems (1913). Moscow SO/Adriano. Naxos 8.559048 26

Bax, A. May night in the Ukraine, from Two Russian tone poems (1912). Ashley Wass, pf. Naxos 8.557769 10

Koppel, T. Moonchild’s dream (1991). Michala Petri, rec; English CO/Okko Kamu. RCA 09026 62543 2 19

Stravinsky, I. Apollon musagète (1928/47). London SO/Robert Craft.

Naxos 8.557502 28




06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Simon Moore

09:00 DIVERSIONS IN FINE MUSIC Romantics, tributes and dedications

Prepared by Anne-Louise Luccarini

Mozart, W. Concerto in F for three pianos, Lodron, K242 (1776). Martha Argerich, pf; Paul Gulda, pf; Rico Gulda, pf; Swiss-Italian O/ Alexandre Rabinovitch-Barakovsky. DG 477 9884 25

Schubert, F. Cantata for the birthday of Michael Vogl, D666 (1819). Elly Ameling, sop; Peter Schreier, ten; Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, bar; Gerald Moore, pf.

DG 435 596-2 11

Grieg, E. Wedding day at Troldhaugen, op 65 no 6. Tasmanian SO/Sebastian Lang-Lessing.

ABC 476 4523 6

Wagner, R. Siegfried idyll (1870). Omega Ensemble/Paul Meyer.

Fine Music concert recording 18

Berlioz, H. D’amour l’ardente flamme, from The damnation of Faust, op 24 (1845-46).

Kiri Te Kanawa, sop; Royal Opera House O/ Jeffrey Tate.

EMI CDC 7 49863 2 8

Mahler, G. Where the shining trumpets sound, from Youth’s magic horn (1898). Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, sop; Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, bar; London SO/George Szell.

EMI CDC 7 47277-2 7

Liszt, F. O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst, from Liebesträume, no 3. Leif Ove Andsnes, pf.

EMI 3 41682 2 4


Prepared by Frank Morrison

Kodály, Z. Theatre overture (1927). BBC PO/ Yan Pascal Tortelier.

Chandos CHAN 9811 15

Dittersdorf, C. Double bass concerto no 1 in D (1766). Chi-Chi Nwanoku, db; Swedish CO/ Paul Goodwin.

Hyperion CDA67179 19

Rachmaninov, S. Symphony no 2 in E minor, op 27 (1906-07). Royal Concertgebouw O/ Kyrill Kondrashin.

Radio Nederland RCO 08005 48

12:00 JAZZ AFTER NOON with Sue Jowell


Prepared by Rex Burgess

Bruckner, A. Psalm 114: Thanks for salvation from great perils (1852). Corydon Singers, Roger Brenner, tb; Phillip Brown, tb; Colin Sheen, tb; Matthew Best, cond.

Hyperion CDA66245 9

Libera me (1854). Corydon Singers; Olga Hegedus, vc; Thomas Martin, db; John Scott, org; English CO Wind Ensemble/Matthew Best, Hyperion CDA66177 7

Requiem in D minor (1848-49/92). Joan Rodgers, sop; Catherine Denley, cont; Maldwyn Davies, ten; Michael George, bass; Corydon Singers; Thomas Trotter, org; English CO/Matthew Best.

Hyperion CDA 66245 37


Prepared by Derek Parker

Haydn, J. String quartet in F, Hob.III:73 (1793). Takács Quartet.

Hyperion CDA67781 21

Wolf, H. Italian serenade in G. Takács Quartet.

Decca 476 2802 7

Dvorák, A. String quartet in F, op 96, American (1893). Takács Quartet.

Decca 476 2802 26


Music of Peter Sculthorpe

Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Sculthorpe, P. Earth cry (1986). William Barton, did; Queensland SO/Michael Christie. ABC 481 1909 11

Small town, from The fifth continent (1963). Guy Henderson, ob; Sydney SO/Stuart Challender,. ABC 481 1293 6

Kakadu (1988). Alexa Murray, cora; William Barton, did; Queensland SO/Michael Christie. ABC 476 192-1 16

Island songs (2012). Amy Dickson, sax; Sydney SO/Benjamin Northey. ABC 481 1703 18

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Sue Jowell

19:00 THE NEW JAZZ STANDARD with Frank Presley


Gavriil Popov: Symphony no 1 Prepared by Paolo Hooke

Popov, G. Symphonic suite no 1 (1933). Rimma Glushkova, Alexander Polyakov, voices; Moscow RT SO/Edvard Chirzhel. Olympia OCD 598 18

Shostakovich, D. From The bedbug (192829/77; arr. Solin). Rustem Hayroudinoff, pf. Chandos CHAN 9907 19 Symphony no 4 in C minor, op 43, mvt 1 (1935-36). USSR Ministry of Culture SO/ Gennady Rozhdestvensky. Melodiya/BMG 74321 63462 2 28

Popov, G. Symphony no 1, op 7 (1928-34). Moscow State SO/Gennady Provatorov. Olympia OCD 576 42

22:00 SONG AND SONATA Part 3

Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Grieg, E. One day, my thought, op 48 (1889); A hope, op 26 (1876); I love you, op 5 (1864). Anne Sofie von Otter, mezz; Bengt Forsberg, pf.

DG 437 521-2 7

Sonata in E minor, op 7 (1865). Leif Ove Andsnes, pf.

Virgin VC 7 59300 2 19





06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Troy Fil

09:00 DIVERSIONS IN FINE MUSIC Journey through history

Prepared by Frank Morrison

Bach, C.P.E. Sinfonia in G, Wq182 no 1 (1773). English Concert/Trevor Pinnock. Archiv 415 300-2 12

Schubert, F. Rondo in B minor, D895, Rondo brillant (1826). Isaac Stern, vn; Daniel Barenboim, pf.

Sony SM2K 64528 16

Brahms, J. Theme and variations in D minor (1860). Radu Lupu, pf. Decca 448 129-2 11

Ysaÿe, E. Andante in B minor for string quintet (1893). Vlad Bogdanas, va; Kryptos Quartet. Etcetera KTC 4034 13

Strauss, R. Arabella and Mandryka’s duet, from Arabella (1933). Lucia Popp, sop; Alan Titus, bar; Bamberg SO/Horst Stein. Eurodisc 258938 3

Martinu, B. Quartet (1942). Saskia Lethiec, vn; Karine Lethiec, va; Florent Audibert, vc; Frédéric Lagarde, pf.

Alpha Alpha 143 24


Prepared by Gerald Holder

Telemann, G. Overture in D. Concentus Musicus Vienna/Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Teldec 8.42589 23

Shostakovich, D. Concerto for piano, trumpet and strings, op 35 (1933). James Thompson, tpt; Dmitri Shostakovich, pf; I Musici de Montréal/Maxim Shostakovich.

Chandos CHAN 8357 20

Brahms, J. Symphony no 4 in E minor, op 98 (1884-85). German SO, Berlin/Kent Nagano. Harmonia Mundi HMX 2908401.08 40

12:00 A JAZZ HOUR with Barry O’Sullivan



Prepared by James Nightingale

Hahn, R. Invitation to the journey. Yvonne Kenny, sop; Malcolm Martineau, pf. ABC 476 4991 4

Theme and variations to Lady Lewis. Margaret Fingerhut, pf. Chandos CHAN 8578 2 Études latines (1899-1900) Ian Bostridge, ten; Stephen Varcoe, bass; London Schubert Chorale; Graham Johnson, pf; Chris Gould, pf; Stephen Layton, cond. Hyperion CDA67141/2 24 Piano quartet no 3 in G (1946). Room-Music. Hyperion CDH55379 22


Prepared by Jacky Ternisien

Zamboni, G. Sonata, op 1 (pub. 1718). Edin Karamazov, lute. Decca 478 1077 8

Fiala, J. Divertimento in D sharp. Jiří Krejči, ob; Otto Trnka, ob; Václav Kyzivát, cl; Antonín Myslik, cl; Zdenĕk Tylšar, hn; Emmanuel Hrdina, hn; František Herman, bn; Vilem Horák, bn; Jiří Seidl, dbn; František Kimel, cora; Ivan Séquard, cora; Miroslav Kejmar, tpt; František Vajnar, cond. LP Supraphon 1111 2973G 11

Friedman, I. Frühlingsstimmen (after Johann Strauss II). Piers Lane, pf. Hyperion CDH55238 10

Kurpinski, K. Clarinet concerto. Ludwik Kurkiewicz, cl; Bydgoszcz PO/Zbigniew

Chwedczuk. Concerto 25014 13

Krufft, N. Bey einer Rose; Lebenslied. Christoph Prégardien, ten; Andreas Staier, fp. Teldec 3984-21473-2 6

Milwid, A. Sinfonia concertante. Janusz Banaszek, ob; Bydgoszcz PO/Zbigniew Chwedczuk.

Concerto 25014 22

Juon, P. Sextet in C minor, op 22 (1902). Thomas Grossenbacher, vc; Oliver Triendl, pf; Carmina Quartet. cpo 777 507-2 38

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with James Hunter

19:00 FRIDAY JAZZ SESSION with Heathcliffe Auchinachie

20:00 EVENINGS WITH THE ORCHESTRA In the mountains

Prepared by Dan Bickel

Berwald, F. Reminiscence of the Norwegian mountains (1842). Gävle SO/Petri Sakari. Naxos 8.555370

9 d’Indy, V. Summer day in the mountains, op 61 (1905). French Radio PO/Marek Janowski. apex 0927 49809 2


Hovhaness, A. Symphony no 2, op 132, Mysterious mountain (1955). Royal Liverpool PO/Gerard Schwarz.

Telarc 80604


Strauss, R. An alpine symphony (1911-15). Staatskapelle Weimar/Antoni Wit. Naxos 8.557811 54

22:00 BAROQUE AND BEFORE Bach’s pupils

Prepared by Charles Barton Goldberg, J. Sonata in C. Jörg-Michael Schwarz, vn; Karen Marie Marmer, vn; John Moran, vc; Dongsok Shin, hpd.

Bridge 9478


Prelude and fugue in F minor. Gregor Hollman, hpd.

MD+G L 3318


Homilius, G. Chorale preludes: Christ lag in Todesbanden; Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein. Felix Marangoni, org.

Brilliant Classics 94458 9

Cantata: Hellig ist unser Gott, der herr Gott Zebaoth (c1761). Vasilijka Jezovsek, sop; Anne Buter, cont; Hubert Nettinger, ten; Dresden Kreuzchor; Dresden Baroque O/Roderich Kreile.

Carus 83.183 19

Kittel, J. O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden. Philip Swanton, org.

FSM FCD 96 506/07 XVII 11

Krebs, J.L. Partita in B flat. Gregor Hollman, hpd.

MD+G L 3318 22

Prelude and fugue in C. Jan van de Laar, org. Globe GLO 5079 10

Homilius, G. Cantata: Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen. Vasilijka Jezovsek, sop; Anne Buter, cont; Hubert Nettinger, ten; Dresden Kreuzchor; Dresden Baroque O/Roderich Kreile.

Carus 83.183 15



06:00 SATURDAY MORNING MUSIC with David Garrett


Our weekly guide to musical events in and around Sydney


Prepared by Rex Burgess

Liszt, F. Legend of St Francis of Assisi preaching to the birds, from Legends (1863). Leslie Howard, pf.

Hyperion CDS44512 9

Wagner - Liszt. Solemn march to the holy grail, from Parsifal (transcr. Liszt 1883). Igor Levit, pf.

Sony G0100036852728 11

Liszt, F. Sonata in B minor (1852-53). Daniil Trifonov, pf.

DG 479 1728 30


Milan Conservatory, Part 2

Prepared by Jennifer Foong

Chopin, F. Scherzo no 3 in C sharp minor, op 39 (1839). Maurizio Pollini, pf.

DG 477 8445 7

Puccini, G. O soave fanciulla, from La bohème (1896). Angela Gheorghiu, sop; Robert Alagna, ten; Simon Keenlyside, bar; La Scala O/Riccardo Chailly.

ABC 480 5629 4

Donatoni, F. Marches (1979). Marshall McGuire, hp.

ABC 456 696-2 9

Boito, A. Dai campi, dai prati; Giunto sul passo estremo, from Mefistofele (1868). Ramón Vargas, ten; Budapest SO/Riccardo Frizza.

Capriccio C5165 5

Rota, N. Trio (1973). Paolo Beltramini, cl; Cecilia Radic, vc; Massimo Palumbo, pf. Chandos CHAN 9832 16

Rossini, G. Ecco ridente in cielo, from The barber of Seville (1816). Luigi Alva, ten; Renato Cesari, bar; Ambrosian Opera Ch; London SO/ Claudio Abbado.

DG 459 362-2 7

Grieg, E. Piano concerto in A minor, op 16 (1868). Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, pf; La Scala TO/Alceo Galliera.

Teldec 0630-13303-2 31


Music that’s band

Prepared by Owen Fisher

Weber, C.M. Huntsmen’s chorus, from Der Freischütz. Treorchy Male Choir; Cory Band/H. Arthur Kenny.

LP EMI TWO 1014 2

Powell, T.J. March: The gay hussar. Foden’s Motor Works Band/Rex Mortimer.

LP Polydor 2485 015 3

Mozart, W. Rondo (Allegro), from Horn concerto no 3. David Williams, tenor hn; BMC Concert Band/Harry Mortimer.

LP HMV CSD 3650 4

Barraclough, B. Three lazy gents for cornet trio. Grimethorpe Colliery Band/George Thomson.

LP Saga 8147 4

Sousa, J.P. Excerpts from El capitan. Allentown Band/Ronald Demkee.

AMP 95163 11

12:00 URBAN JAZZ LOUNGE with Leita Hutchings


Prepared by Gerald Holder Sacchini, A. String quartet no 2 in D. Stauffer Quartet.

Arkadia CDAK 141.1 11

Turina, J. Piano trio no 2 in B minor, op 76 (1933). Beaux Arts Trio.

Philips 446 684-2 15


At the ballet

Prepared by Jacky Ternisien Campra, A. Opera-ballet: Le destin du nouveau siècle (1700).

Florie Valiquette, sop; Claire Lefilliâtre, sop; Mathias Vidal, ten; Marc Mauillon, bar; Thomas Van Essen, voice; Singers of the Centre of Baroque Music Versailles; La Tempesta O/ Patrick Bismuth.

Chateaux de Versailles Spectacles CVS061 1:21 Lalo, E. Ballet: Namouna (1882). Monte Carlo PO/David Robertson.

Auvidis V 4677 56


Classical Guitar Society with Sue McCreadie


Prepared by Anabela Pina

Danna, M. Excerpts from Life of Pi. Bombay Jayashri, voice; Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School Choirboys; Studio O/Mike Nowak. Sony 88725477252 16

Badelt - Djawadi. Excerpts from Beat the drum. Unnamed choir; Boyana SO/Djimi Krumbach.

Varèse Sarabande 302 066 787 2 16 Zimmer, H. Suite from The lion king. New Vienna Voices; Pedro Eustache, fl, drums; Luis Ribeiro, drums; Vienna RSO/Martin Gellner. Sony 819075899052 9

Newman, T. Excerpts from Angels in America. Studio O/Thomas Newman.

Nonesuch 7559-79837-2 11

19:00 EMERGENT JAZZ with Keith Pettigrew


Claude Debussy

Prepared by David Brett Debussy, C. Suite bergamasque (1890). Roger Woodward, pf.

ABC 481 1742 18

String quartet in G minor, op 10 (1893). Parisii Quartet.

Valois V 4730 25

Vous ne savez pas où je vous ai menée ... C’est au bord d’une fontaine, interlude, from Pelléas et Mélisande (1902). Colette AlliotLugaz, sop; Didier Henry, ten; Montreal SO/ Charles Dutoit.

Decca 460 805-2 10

Jeux (c1912-13). Royal Concertgebouw O/ Bernard Haitink.

Decca 478 4740 19

En blanc et noir (1915). Jean-Philippe Collard, pf; Michel Béroff, pf.

EMI 5 72376 2 14

La mer (1903-05). Detroit SO/Paul Paray. Mercury 478 5092 22


Prepared by Helen Milthorpe Brahms, J. Trio in A minor , op 114 (1891). Nigel Westlake, cl; Julian Smiles, vc; David Bollard, pf.

Fine Music concert recording 24

Elgar, E. Overture: In the South, op 50, Alassio (1903). BBC PO/Edward Downes. Conifer CDCF 187 22

Mendelssohn, F. String symphony no 9 in C, Swiss (1823). Members of the Australian CO/ Richard Tognetti.

Sony SK 57484 26

Beethoven, L. Piano concerto no 1 in C, op 15 (1797). Christoph Eschenbach, pf; Berlin PO/Herbert von Karajan.

Philips 456 763-2 42



06:00 SUNDAY MORNING MUSIC with Robert Small


Motets old and new

Prepared by Robert Small

Bach, J.S. Motet: Komm, Jesu, komm, BWV229. Monteverdi Choir/John Eliot Gardiner.

Monteverdi Productions SDG 716 9

Monteverdi, C. Motet: Adoramus te Christe (1620). Parsons Affayre/Warren TrevelyanJones.

Fine Music concert recording 3

Rameau, J-P. Motet: Deus noster refugium (1713-15). Véronique Gens, sop; Isabelle Desrochers, sop; Jean-Paul Fouchécourt, hightenor; Hervé Lamy, baritone; Peter Harvey, bass-bar; Marcos Louriero de Sa, bass-bar; Stephan Imboden, bass; Le Concert Spirituel/Hervé Niquet.

Virgin 5 61526 2 25

Poulenc, F. Quatre motets pour un temps de Pénitence (1938-39). Stephen Bennett, bass; Ronald Prussing, tb; Robert Evans, tb; Peter Brosnan, tb; Nigel Butterley, org; Charles Coleman, cond.

Fine Music concert recording 14


Prepared by Frank Morrison

Mysliveček, J. Overture to Romolo ed Ersilia (1773). Orfeo Baroque O/Michi Gaigg. cpo 777 050-2 9

Paisiello, G. Mandolin concerto in E flat. Ugo Orlandi, mand; I Solisti Veneti/Claudio Scimone.

LP Erato NUM 75248 15

Schubert, F. Sonata in A, D664 (1819). Vladimir Ashkenazy, pf.

Decca 443 579-2 22

Mozart, W. Der Frühling, K597 (1791). Peter Schreier, ten; András Schiff, pf.

Decca 430514-2 4

Arriaga, J. String quartet no 1 in D minor (1821-22). Chilingirian Quartet. CRD 33123 30

Beethoven, L. Symphony no 1 in C, op 21 (1800). Vienna PO/Karl Böhm.

DG 479 1949 29

12:00 CLASSIC JAZZ with Dave Mac

13:00 WORLD MUSIC Whirled Wide


Sonatas of Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn, Part 3

Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Mendelssohn, F. Sonata in B flat, op 106 (1827). Benjamin Frith, pf.

Naxos 8.553186 18

Songs without words, bk 1, op 19b (1834). Luba Edlina, pf.

Chandos CHAN 8948/9 18

Mendelssohn, Fanny. Sonata in G minor (1843). Heather Schmidt, pf.

Naxos 8.570825 18


Reynaldo Hahn, born 9 August 1874

Prepared by James Nightingale

Hahn, R. Si mes vers avaient des ailes (1888)

Philip de Groote, vc; Stephen Coombs, pf.

Hyperion CDH55379 2

Massenet, J. Il est doux, il est bon, from Herodïade. Greta Bradman, sop; English CO/ Richard Bonynge.

Decca 481 1894 5

Hahn, R. The loved one (1894). Victoria de Los Angeles, sop; Sinfonia of London/Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos.

EMI 4 76799 2 4

Five songs, from Venezia (1901). Anna Caterina Antonacci, sop; Donald Suzen, pf. Wigmore Hall live WHLive0054 15

Berceuses (1904). Leslie Howard, Mattia Ometto, pf.

Melba MR 301148-49 11

Sonata in C (1926). Charles Stewart, vn; Stephen Coombs, pf. Hyperion CDH55379 20

Piano concerto in E (1931). Stephen Coombs, pf; BBC Scottish SO/Jean-Yves Ossonce. Hyperion CDA66897 28

When this cheeky chap, from Brummel. Patricia Petibon, sop; Lyon Opera O/Yves Abel.

Decca 475 090-2 3

String quartet in A minor (1939). Quatuor Parisii.

Auvidis V 4848 18


Prepared by Neil McEwan

Llibre Vermell de Montserrat. Stella splendens (14th C). Hesperion XX/Jordi Savall.

EMI CDM 7 63071 2 7

Wesley, S.S. Hymn: O Thou, who camest from above. Lincoln Cathedral Choir; Andrew Post, org; Colin Walsh, cond.

Cantoris Records CRCD 2382 3

Tallis, T. Gaude gloriosa Dei Mater (ed. Dunkley). The Sixteen/Harry Christophers. Chandos CHAN 0513 17

Psalm. No 34: I will always give thanks unto the Lord. Choir of Salisbury Cathedral; Daniel Cook, org; David Halls, cond.

Priory PRCD1058 5

Wesley, S. Anthem: In exitu Israel. Choir of St Paul’s Cathedral, London; Andrew Lucas, org; John Scott, cond.

Hyperion CDA 66618 6

Naylor, K. Hymn: How shall I sing that majesty. Choir of Wells Cathedral; Rupert Gough, org; Malcolm Archer, cond.

Hyperion CDP 12101 4

Mondonville, J-J. de Dominus regnavit, from Dominus regnavit (1734). Les Arts Florissants/ William Christie.

MBF 1108 4

Charpentier, M-A. Prelude to Te Deum. Paul Goodchild, tpt; Peter Kneeshaw, org. Walsingham WAL 8020 2 2


Gaetano Donizetti

Prepared by Michael Morton-Evans

Donizetti, G. Sinfonia in D minor for the death of Capuzzi (1818; reconstr. Andreae). Camerata Budapest/Lászlo Kovács.

Marco Polo 8.223701 10

Sonata in F (c1820). Jeremy Polmear, ob; Diana Ambache, pf.

Meridian CDE 84147 10

Piangete voi, from Anna Bolena (1830). Cristina Gallardo-Domas, sop; Munich RO/ Maurizio Barbacini.

Teldec 8573-86440-2 10

Symphony for four hands. Pietro Spada, Giorgio Cozzolino, pf.

LP RCA RL 31441 7

Una furtiva lagrima, from L’elisir d’amore (1832). Juan Diego Flórez, ten; Valencia Community O/Daniel Oren.

Decca 478 0314 5

Da tutti abbandonata ... Ah! Se il mio cor tremò giammai, from Maria Stuarda (1835). Joan Sutherland, sop; Luciano Pavarotti, ten; Bologna Comunale TO/Richard Bonynge.

Decca 475 7981 7

19:00 JAZZ INTERACTION with Isobel Archer


Prepared by Chris Blower

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, M. Overture: The merchant of Venice, op 76 (1933). West Australian SO/Andrew Penny.

Naxos 8.572501 15

Cartellieri, A. Double concerto in B flat (pub. 1797). Dieter Klöcker, cl; Sandra Arnold, cl; Czech Philharmonic CO/Pavel Prantl.

MDG 301 1483-2 27

Fibich, Z. Symphony no 2 in E flat, op 38 (1893). Czech National SO/Marek Štilec. Naxos 8.573157 40


Prepared by James Nightingale

Grabowsky, P. Cythera (c2013). Tasmanian SO/Benjamin Northey. HUSH 013 7

Rojas, D. Sonata (2010). Jane Sheldon, sop; Zubin Kanga, pf.

Phosphor Records PR0003 11

Tabakova, D. Such different paths (2008).

Janine Jansen, vn; Julia-Maria Kretz, vn; Amihai Grosz, va; Maxim Rysanov, va; Torleif Thedéen, vc; Boris Andrianov, vc; Stacey Watton, db.

ECM 2239 476 4826 17

Jančevskis, J. Lignum (2017). Kremerata Baltica/Gidon Kremer.

ECM 2745 485 9850 12

Ni Riain, A. The last time I died (2002). Ben Holland, vn; Tim Williams, perc; Benjamin Powell, pf.

NMC D270 8

Harvey, M.K. Sonata no 7, The sparrow and the mead hall (2021). Michael Kieran Harvey, pf. Move MD 3471 26


Portraits with Maddy Monjo



06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with James Hunter


A year in retrospect: 1906

Prepared by Chris Blower

Harty, H. A comedy overture (1906). Ulster O/ Bryden Thomson.

Chandos CHAN 7035 14

Grieg, E. Hymns, op 74 (1906): How beautiful Thou art; In Heaven. Harald Bjørkøy, bar; Malmö Chamber Choir/Dan-Olof Stenlund.

Simax PSC 1027 9

Coleridge-Taylor, S. Scènes de ballet (1906). Robin Ruys, pf.

Fine Music concert recording 13

Fauré, G. Suite: Dolly, op 56 (1906; arr.). Amsterdam Guitar Trio. Newton 8802093 14

Ravel, M. Introduction and allegro (1906). Egbert Jan Louwerse, fl; Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer, cl; Gwyneth Wentink, hp; Matangi String Quartet. RN Music MCCN120 11

Bax, A. Trio in one movement (1906). Robert Plane, cl; Lucy Gould, vn; Benjamin Frith, pf. Naxos 8.557698 17


Prepared by James Nightingale

Gershwin, G. Symphonic suite from Porgy and Bess: Catfish Row (1935). Cincinnati Pops O/Erich Kunzel.

Telarc 80086 26

Puts, K. Moonlight: Oboe concerto no 2 (2018). Katherine Needleman, ob; Baltimore SO/Marin Alsop.

Naxos 8.559926 23

Rachmaninov, S. Symphonic dances, op 45 (1940). Berlin PO/Lorin Maazel. DG 410 894-2 34

12:00 SWING AND BEYOND with Ken Raphael


Prepared by Derek Parker

Bach, J.S. Prelude and fugue no 24 in B minor, BWV869 (1722). Sviatoslav Richter, pf. Olympia OCD 536B 15

Haydn, J. Andante and variations in F minor, Hob.XVII:6 (1793). Sviatoslav Richter, pf. Stradivarius STR 33343 13

Beethoven, L. Sonata no 32 in C minor, op 111 (1821-22). Sviatoslav Richter, pf. Philips 456 949-2 26


Prepared by Robert Miller

Harty, H. In Ireland (1915). Colin Fleming, fl; Denise Kelly, hp; Ulster O/Bryden Thomson. Chandos CHAN 6583 9

Stanford, C. Villiers Irish rhapsody no 1 in D minor, op 78 (1902). Ulster O/Vernon Handley. Chandos CHAN 7002 14

Berlioz, H. The beautiful traveller; Goodbye Bessy; Origin of the harp, from Ireland, nine melodies after Moore, op 2 (1829). Thomas Hampson, bar; Geoffrey Parsons, pf. EMI 5 75187 2 14

Kuhlau, F. Variations on an Irish air: The last rose of summer, op 105 (1829). Per Øien, fl; Geir Henning Braaten, pf.


Stanford, C. Villiers Four Irish dances: March jig; Slow dance; Leprechaun’s dance; Reel (transcr. Grainger). Piers Lane, pf. Hyperion CDA67279 15

Martin, F. Trio on Irish popular melodies (1925). Eeva Koskinen, vn; Jean Decroos, vc; Danièle Dechenne, pf. Ottavo OTR C28922 16

Harty, H. An Irish symphony (1904/15/24). NSO of Ireland/Proinssías O’Duinn. Naxos 8.554732 31

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Michael Field

19:00 JAZZ ABOUT TOWN with Deborah Evans

20:00 STORMY MONDAY with Austin Harrison

22:00 JAZZ AFTER HOURS with Eddie Bernasconi




06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Robert Small

09:00 DIVERSIONS IN FINE MUSIC Colours of the keyboard Prepared by Jacky Ternisien

Schmitt, F. Feuillets de voyage, op 26 bk 1 (1903-13). Invencia Piano Duo. Grand Piano GP730X 12

Haydn, J. Trio in D, Hob.XV:24. Vienna Piano Trio.

Nimbus NI 5535 13

Bach, C.P.E. 12 Variations in D minor on Folie d’Espagne, Wq118 no 9 (1777). Andreas Staier, hpd.

Harmonia Mundi RD 77025 9

Schubert, F. Cronnan, D282 (1815). Janet Baker, mezz; Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, bar; Gerald Moore, pf.

DG 435 596-2 10

Respighi, O. Symphonic variations (1900). Ferdinand Klinda, org; Slovak RSO/Adriano. Naxos 8.557820 12

Alkan, C-V. Quatrième recueil de chants, op 67 nos 1 to 6 (1868). Stephanie McCallum, pf. Toccata TOCC 0158 23


Prepared by Paul Cooke

Rachmaninov, S. Symphonic poem: The rock, op 7 (1893). Sydney SO/Vladimir Ashkenazy.

Exton EXCL-00018 14

Barber, S. Piano concerto, op 38 (1962). Stephen Prutsman, pf; Royal Scottish NO/ Marin Alsop.

Naxos 8.559133 27

Bomtempo, J. Symphony no 2 in D. Algarve O/Álvaro Cassuto.

Naxos 8.557163 42

12:00 JAZZ RHYTHM with Jeannie McInnes


Prepared by Jacky Ternisien

Bellini, V. Oboe concerto in E flat (pub. 1941). Diana Doherty, ob; Queensland SO/Werner Andreas Albert.

ABC 456 681-2 7

Bach, W.F. Duet no 1 in E minor, F54 (1733-46). Wolfgang Schulz, fl; Hansjörg Schellenberger, ob.

Sony SK 58 965 11

Holland, D. Three signatures (1992). Mark Bruwel, ob.

Jade JADCD 1046 7

Handel, G. Ah! Spietato, Amadigi (1715). Johannette Zomer, sop; Bart Schneeman, ob; Musica Amphion/Pieter-Jan Belder.

Channel CCS SA 29209 5

Beethoven, L. Trio in C, op 87 (1794). Marilyn Zupnik, ob; Kathryn Greenbank, ob; Elizabeth Starr, cora.

ASV QS 6192 22


Prepared by Ron Walledge Delius, F. Brigg fair: an English rhapsody (1907). Thomas Beecham SO/Thomas Beecham.

Naxos 8.110906 14

Kodály, Z. Suite from Háry János, op 35a (1927). London PO/Georg Solti. Decca 478 3706 22

Mahler, G. Symphony no 5 in C sharp minor (1901-02). Royal Concertgebouw O/Klaus Tennstedt.

Radio Nederland RCO11004 1:16

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Andrew Dziedzic

19:00 THE JAZZ BEAT with Lloyd Capps

20:00 JUST IN with Charles Barton

A selection from the latest recordings to arrive at the Fine Music Library


Prepared by Rex Burgess

Haydn, J. Piano trio in A flat, Hob.XV:14 (1789). Trio 1790. cpo 999 467-2 26

Cherubini, L. String quartet no 4 in E (1835). Quartetto David.

BIS CD-1004 30

Nielsen, C. Quintet, op 43 (1922). Bergen Wind Quintet. BIS CD-428 26




06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Stephen Wilson


Rescued from the shadows

Prepared by Jennifer Foong

Benedict, J. Overture to The lilly of Killarney (1862). Victorian Opera O/Richard Bonynge. Somm Recordings SOMMCD 0123 9

Thalberg, S. Grand caprice on themes from La sonnambula, op 46 (1827). Francesco Nicolosi, pf.

Naxos 8.555498 16

Martín y Soler, V. In quegli anni, from Una cosa rara (1786). Matthew Rose, bar; Arcangelo/Jonathan Cohen.

Hyperion CDA68078 4

Hook, J. Trio, op 83 no 4 (c1797). Members of Sydney Wind Quintet. Fine Music tape archive 7

Lanner, J. Mazurka: Sehnsuchts, op 89 (1834). Concentus Musicus Vienna/Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Sony 88697914112 9

Godard, B. Two pieces, op 61 (1882). Mats Lidström, vc; Bengt Forsberg, pf.

Hyperion CDA66888 10

Hänsel, P. String quintet in G. Zurich Chamber Ensemble.

Jecklin 608-2 23


Prepared by Michael Field

Rimsky-Korsakov, N. Fairy tale, op 29 (1879). Moscow SO/Igor Golovchin.

Naxos 8.553513 19

Dyson, G. Concerto da chiesa for string orchestra (1943). Duncan Riddell, vn; Helen Cox, vn; Stuart Green, va; Timothy Walden, vc; Bournemouth SO/David Lloyd-Jones. Naxos 8.557720 19

Schmidt, F. Symphony no 1 in E (1896-99).

Detroit SO/Neeme Järvi.

Chandos CHAN 9357 45

12:00 JAZZ SKETCHES with Robert Vale

13:00 IN CONVERSATION with Simon Moore


Komitas Vardapet and Debussy

Prepared by Paul Cooke

Vardapet, K. The crane (arr. Aslamazian); The apricot tree (arr. Gabrielian c1920). Sergey Khachatryan, vn; Lusie Khachatryan, pf. naïve V.5414


Debussy, C. Jeux (1912). Ulster O/Yan Pascal Tortelier.

Chandos CHAN 8903

Vardapet, K. Six dances (1916). Mikael Ayrapetyan, pf.

Naxos 8.573467



Debussy, C. Sonata for flute, viola and harp (1915). Members of Nash Ensemble.

Virgin VC 7 91148-2


Vardapet, K. Hymn of the baptism of Christ (1915); Hymn for Maundy Tuesday, Holy, holy; Hymn for the beginning of the Mass. Jan Garbarek, sax; Hilliard Ensemble.

ECM 476 3855


Debussy, C. Études, bk 2 (1915). Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, pf.

Chandos CHAN 10497

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Tom Forrester-Paton

19:00 PLANET JAZZ with Xavier Bichon


Myths and legends, Part 3

Prepared by Elaine Siversen


Gounod, C. Sapho. Opera in three acts. Libretto by Emile Augier. First performed Paris, 1851.

SAPHO: Katherine Ciesinski, mezz

PHAON: Alain Vanzo, ten

GLYCÈRE: Eliane Lublin, mezz

PYTHÉAS: Frédéric Vassar, bass

Radio-France Ch; New PO/Sylvain


Gala GL 100.702


In the 6th century BC, the poet, Sapho, loves Phaon who cannot decide whether he loves

Sapho or the courtesan, Glycère. Pythéas teases him for his indecision. At the Olympic Games, Sapho wins the poetry prize, causing Phaon to declare his love to Sapho. In order to win Glycère’s favours, Pythéas gives her details of Phaeon’s involvement in a revolutionary plot to establish freedom and justice on Lesbos. Glycère tells Phaon that she will keep it secret if Phaeon leaves Lesbos without Sapho but she breaks her word and informs the authorities. Sapho does not wish to leave with Phaon who then turns his attentions to Glycère.

As Phaon, Glycère and the conspirators are about to embark on a ship to take them away from Lesbos, Sapho comes to farewell them but Phaon curses her. She forgives and blesses Phaon before leaping into the ocean to end her life.

Ballet music from Faust (1859). London SO/ Richard Bonynge.

Decca 452 772-2 19


Prepared by Dan Bickel

Cherubini, L. Overture to Iphigenia in Aulis (1788). Tuscan O/Donato Renzetti. Europa 350-221 5 Massenet, J. Ballet music from Thaïs (1899). Academy of St Martin in the Fields/Neville Marriner.

Brilliant Classics 94355 23

Schubert, F. Incidental music to Rosamunde, D797 (1823). Vienna PO/Karl Münchinger.

Decca 470 261-2 59




06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Simon Moore

09:00 DIVERSIONS IN FINE MUSIC Romantics, tributes and dedications

Prepared by Robert Miller

Verdi, G. Overture to The Sicilian Vespers (1855). La Scala PO/Riccardo Muti. Sony SBK 89738 9

Mercadante, S. Clarinet concerto. Vincenzo Mariozzi, cl; I Solisti Aquilani/Vittorio Antonellini.

Nuova Era 6910 15

Carulli, F. Les adieux, op 229. Alfonso Baschiera, gui.

Nuova Era 7102 11

Donizetti, G. Sonata in F (c1820). Jeremy Polmear, ob; Diana Ambache, pf. Meridian CDE 84147 10

Bellini, V. Oh! mie fedeli ... Ah! la pena in lor piombò, from Beatrice di Tenda (1833).

Joan Sutherland, sop; Ambrosian Opera Ch; London SO/Richard Bonynge. Decca 421 883-2 10

Verdi, G. String quartet in E minor (1873). Amadeus Quartet.

DG 479 1924 23


Prepared by Jacky Ternisien

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, M. Overture: Antony and Cleopatra, op 134 (1947). West Australian SO/Andrew Penny.

Naxos 8.572500 18

Pierné, G. Poème symphonique, op 37 (1901). Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, pf; BBC PO/Juanjo Mena.

Chandos CHAN 10871 13

Locatelli, P. Concerto grosso in E flat, op 7 no 6, Il pianto d’Arianna (pub. 1741). Munich Hofkapelle/Rüdiger Lotter, vn & dir.

DHM 88875115832 18

Cherubini, L. Symphony in D (1815). Zurich CO/Howard Griffiths. cpo 999 5212 33

12:00 JAZZ AFTER NOON with Sue Jowell


Prepared by James Nightingale

Shostakovich, D. Two pieces for string quartet, op 36a (1931). Borodin Quartet

Decca 478 8205 7

Sculthorpe, P. Prologue, from Quartet no 5 (1959-60/96). Goldner String Quartet.

Tall Poppies TP090 5

Shostakovich, D. String quartet no 8 in C minor, op 110 (1960). Jerusalem Quartet. Harmonia Mundi HMG 508392.93 22 Sculthorpe, P. Quartet no 14 (1998). Goldner String Quartet.

Tall Poppies TP206 18


Prepared by Robert Gilchrist

Smetana, B. The high castle; The Moldau; Sárka, from My homeland (1872-75). Zuill Bailey, vc; Indianapolis SO/Krzysztof Urbanski. Telarc 34030-02 37

Bruckner, A. Symphony no 2 in C minor (1872/77). Gewandhaus O/Andris Nelsons. DG 483 9834 58

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Marilyn Schock

19:00 THE NEW JAZZ STANDARD with Frank Presley

20:00 THE WORLD OF A SYMPHONY Louise Farrenc: Symphony no 3 Prepared by Robert Miller

Farrenc, L. Overture no 1 in E minor, op 23 (1834). Solistes Européens/Christoph König. Naxos 8.574094 7

Offenbach, J. Duet in F, op 49 no 5 (1847). Andrea Noferini, vc; Giovanni Sollima, vc. Brilliant Classics 94475 9

Farrenc, L. Piano quintet no 1 in A minor, op 30 (1839). Quintetto Bottesini. Brilliant Classics 94815 28

Franck, C. L’Émir de Bengador; S’il est un charmant gazon (1847). Véronique Gens, sop; Tassis Christoyannis, bar; Jeff Cohen, pf. Palazzetto Bru Zane BZ 2003 6

Farrenc, L. 12 Études brillantes, op 41 (1853). Maria Stratigou, pf. Grand Piano GP912-13 22 Symphony no 3 in G minor (1847). Metz Grand Est NO/David Reiland.

Palazzetto Bru Zane BZ 2006 35

22:00 SONG AND SONATA Part 4 Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Mozart, W. Cantata: Die ihr unermesslichen Weltalls, K619 (1791). Peter Schreier, ten; András Schiff, pf.

Decca 430 514-2 8

Sonata no 12 in F, K332 (1781-83). Mitsuko Uchida, pf.

Philips 422 115-2 19





06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Stephen Gard

Fibich, Z. Piano trio in F minor (1872). Smetana Trio.


A journey through history

Prepared by Jennifer Foong

Telemann, G. Sonata in E minor for septet. Musica Antiqua Cologne/Reinhard Goebel. Archiv 479 1045 15

Couperin, F. Les dominos ou les folies françaises, from Troisième livre de clavecin, ordre XIII. Charivari Agréable.

ASV GAU 159 13

Danzi, F. Quintet in F, op 56 no 3 (pub. 1821). Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet. BIS CD-552 23

Duparc, H. Phidylé (1882). Stephen Varcoe, bar; Graham Johnson, pf.

Hyperion CDA66248 6

Dohnányi, E. Sonata in B flat minor, op 8 (1899). Péter Szabó, vc; Dénes Várjon, pf. Hungaroton HCD 31552 24


Prepared by Michael Field

Dohnányi, E. Symphonic minutes, op 36 (1933). West Australian SO/Jorge Mester. ABC 438 197-2 13

Bruch, M. Violin concerto no 2 in D minor, op 44 (1878). Salvatore Accardo, vn; Gewandhaus O/Kurt Masur.

Philips 462 167-2 26

Tchaikovsky, P. Symphony no 4 in F minor, op 36 (1877). Leningrad PO/Kurt Sanderling. DG 447 423-2 44

12:00 A JAZZ HOUR with Barry O’Sullivan


Prepared by James Nightingale Greenbaum, S. Études for daydreamers (2006). David Griffiths, cl; Timothy Young, pf. Lyrebird LB301121 8

Meurant, C. Eventide visions (2013). Lisa Osmialowski, fl; David Rowden, cl; Cyrus Meurant, pf.

Fine Music concert recording 10

Glanville-Hicks, P. Concertino da camera (1946). Christine Draeger, fl; Lawrence Dobell, cl; Hamish McKeech, bn; Anthony Fogg, pf. Fine Music concert recording 7

Abbott, K. UndercurrenT (2011). David Howie, pf; HD Duo.

Saxophone Classics CC4002 11

Skipworth, L. Quartet (2020). Diana Doherty, ob; Streeton Trio.

Cygnus Arioso CA004 15


Prepared by Anne Irish Horneman, C. Overture to Aladdin (1864).

Danish National RSO/Michael Schønwandt. Chandos CHAN 9373 11

Nielsen, C. Little suite, op 1 (1888/89). Danish National RSO/Ulf Schirmer.

Decca 452 486-2 16

Svendsen, J. Polonaise no 2 in D, op 28 (1881). Danish National RSO/Thomas Dausgaard. Chandos CHAN 9932 6

Kuhlau, F. Piano concerto in C, op 7 (c1811). Amalie Malling, pf; Danish National RSO/ Michael Schønwandt.

Chandos CHAN 9699 33

Sibelius, J. Symphonic poem: En saga, op 9 (1892/1901). Danish National RSO/Leif Segerstam.

Chandos CHAN 8965 20

Gade, N. Symphony no 4 in B flat, op 20 (1849-50). Danish National RSO/Christopher Hogwood.

Chandos CHAN 9609 22

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with David Brett

19:00 FRIDAY JAZZ SESSION with Heathcliffe Auchinachie


Prepared by Rex Burgess Schumann, R. Paradise and the Peri, op 50. Barbara Bonney, sop; Alexandra Coku, sop; Bernarda Fink, mezz; Christoph Prégardien, ten; Neil Archer, ten; Gerald Finley, bar; Cornelius Hauptmann, bass; Monteverdi Choir; O Révolutionnaire et Romantique/John Eliot Gardiner.

DG 479 1044 1:36

Dukas, P. Ballet: La Péri (1912). Ulster O/Yan Pascal Tortelier.

Chandos CHAN 8852 18

22:00 BAROQUE AND BEFORE English medieval and renaissance gems Prepared by Glenys Eddy

Anon. Sumer is icumen in; Deo gracias Anglia, Agincourt carol. Pastance. Fine Music concert recording 9

Double estampie. Pastance.

Move MCD 071 4

There is no rose of such virtue; There is no rose of such virtue for lute; Lolay, lolay; Nowell, nowell, nowell (c1400). Sinfonye.

Hyperion CDA66685 25

Dunstable, J. Gaude Virgo salutata; Preco preheminencie (c1430). Sydney Chamber Choir/Richard Gill.

Fine Music tape archive 11

Dowland, J. Come away, come sweet love; Come heavy sleep; If my complaints could passions move; My thoughts are winged with hopes; Awake sweet love (1597). Nigel Rogers, ten; Paul O’Dette, lute.

Virgin VC 7 90726-2 15

Tallis, T. Spem in alium (ed. Brett). The Sixteen/Harry Christophers.

Chandos CHAN 0513 9

Dowland, J. Preludium; A fantasie; Mr Dowland’s midnight; The King of Denmark’s galliard (16th C). Dowland Consort/Jakob Lindberg.

BIS CD-390


Cornysh, W. Salve Regina; Magnificat anima mea Dominum (16th C). Tallis Scholars/Peter Phillips.

Gimell CDGIM 014 26



06:00 SATURDAY MORNING MUSIC with Stephen Wilson


Our weekly guide to musical events in and around Sydney


Prepared by Rita Felton

Hanson, R. Sonata, op 12 (1938-40/63). Igor Hmelnitsky, pf.

LP M7 MLF.196 22

Liszt, F. Ballade no 2 in B minor (1853).

Rhondda Gillespie, pf.

LP Chandos ABRD 1042 13

Jadin, H. Sonata in F, op 6 no 3 (pub. 1804).

Jean-Claude Pennetier, pf.

Harmonia Mundi HMC 901189 15


The Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg’s court Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Biber, H. Credo, from Missa Salisburgensis (c1682). Musica Antiqua Cologne/Reinhard Goebel.

Archiv 479 1957


Muffat, G. Concerto grosso no 2 in G minor, from Armonico tributo. Ensemble 415/Chiara Banchini, Jesper Christensen. Harmonia Mundi HMC 901581 14

Mozart, L. Chamber sinfonia in D. Herman Jeurissen, hn; Gerard Hettema, vn; Coen van der Heide, va; Gerrit Oldeman, va; Toshifumi Waki, vc; Ben van Oosten, org; Concerto Rotterdam/Heinz Friesen.

LP Dabringham Grimm MD+G G 1085 13

Haydn, M. Symphony no 6 in C. Slovak CO/ Bohdan Warchal.

cpo 999 152-2

Mozart, W. Piano concerto no 5 in D, K175 (1773). English CO/Murray Perahia, pf & dir.


Sony SX4K 46 442 22


Prepared by James Nightingale

Coxon, D. National emblem (1906). Royal Australian Navy Band/Philip Anderson. Royal Australian Navy RAN-014 3

Lloyd, G. Diversions on a bass theme. Grimethorpe Colliery RJB Band/Peter Parkes. Chandos CHAN 4553 12

Vinter, G. James Cook, circumnavigator. John Foster Black Dyke Mills Band/Roy Newsome. Chandos CHAN 4508 11

12:00 URBAN JAZZ LOUNGE with Leita Hutchings

13:00 IN A SENTIMENTAL MOOD with Maureen Meers

Nostalgic music and artists from the 30s, 40s and 50s and occasionally beyond, in a trip down many memory lanes


Prepared by Gerald Holder

Benda, G. Sinfonia no 1 in D. Prague CO/ Christian Benda.

Naxos 8.553408 10

Kabalevsky, D. Suite: The comedians (1940). SBS Youth O/Matthew Krel. SBS YME-5CD 16


Operetta in the afternoon

Prepared by Angela Cockburn

Sullivan, A. Trial by jury (1875). Operetta in one act. Libretto by W.S. Gilbert. First performed London, 1875.

THE LEARNED JUDGE: Richard Suart, bass ANGELINA: Rebecca Evans, sop

EDWIN: Barry Banks, ten COUNSEL FOR THE PLAINTIFF: Peter Savidge, bar

Welsh National Opera Ch & O/Charles Mackerras.

Telarc 2CD-80404 32

The jury is assembled to hear a case of breach of promise. The defendant, Edwin, tells the jury he became bored with the plaintiff, Angelina, and left her for another woman. The Judge admits to having himself done the same thing but the jury and the public can see no wrong in him. Angelina arrives in her wedding dress instantly capturing the hearts of the Judge and jury. She feigns distress as her Counsel outlines Edwin’s betrayal. Edwin offers to marry both Angelina and his new love. At first the Judge finds this reasonable but then rules that it is would be ‘burglary’ (meaning to say ‘bigamy’). Angelina embraces Edwin to demonstrate her love (but thinking of the huge amount of damages Edwin would have to pay). Edwin counters by proclaiming that he is a smoker, a drunkard, and a bully

when tipsy and the plaintiff would not be able to live with him (thinking of the lesser damages he would pay). The Judge resolves the case by offering to marry Angelina himself, a successful outcome for all concerned.

Princess Ida. Operetta in three acts. Libretto by W.S. Gilbert. First performed London, 1884.

PRINCESS IDA: Elizabeth Harwood, sop

HILARION: Philip Potter, ten

KING HILDEBRAND: Kenneth Sandford, bar

KING GAMA: John Reed, bar

CYRIL: David Palmer, ten

FLORIAN: Jeffrey Skitch, bar

D’Oyly Carte Opera Ch; Royal PO/Malcolm Sargent.

Decca 438 810-2


Princess Ida has founded a women’s university and teaches that women are superior to men and should rule in their stead. Prince Hilarion had been betrothed to Princess Ida in infancy and his father, King Hildebrand, has stated that he will go to war against King Gama if his daughter, Ida, doesn’t appear when they visit the court. Hilarion sneaks into the university with two friends, Cyril and Florian, aiming to collect his bride. They disguise themselves as women students, but are soon discovered. When Ida falls into a stream, she is rescued by Hilarion but she condemns him and his friends to death for breaching the sanctity of the university. King Hildebrand arrives with Ida’s brothers in chains. He tells Ida that if she doesn’t become Hilarion’s wife, he will execute her brothers. Ida mobilises her students to go to war but they are too afraid. Her father, King Gama, says that he has been treated with great luxury by King Hildebrand and suggests that Hilarion and his friends should fight it out with Ida’s three brothers for his right to marry her. Ida is insulted but agrees. Hilarion and his friends are the victors and finally Ida admits that she is wrong, that she loves Hilarion and will marry him.

Overture to Marmion (c1866). Royal PO/ Royston Nash.

Decca 436 816-2


Excerpts from The Yeomen of the Guard (1888). Muriel Harding, sop; Ann DrummondGrant, cont; Leonard Osborn, ten; Martyn Green, bar; D’Oyly Carte Opera Company Ch & O/Isidore Godfrey.

Naxos 8.111311/12 10


Sydney Schubert Society with Ross Hayes


Prepared by Angela Cockburn

Kander, J. Wilkommen, from Cabaret (1966). Joel Grey, voice; Warner Bros Studio O. MCA HIPD-40027 1

Britten, B. Four cabaret songs (1939). Caryl Hughes, mezz; Malcolm Martineau, pf. Decca 478 5364 16

Bernstein, L. Glitter and be gay, from Candide (1956/88). Emma Matthews, sop; Monte Carlo PO/Brad Cohen. DG/ABC 476 3555 6

Coward, N. Nina; Matelot; Alice is at it again. Noël Coward, voice; Peter Matz, pf; O/Carl Hayes. Sony MDK 47253 12

d’Ambrosio, M. Time to say goodbye. Meredith d’Ambrosio, voice; Michael Formanek, db; Keith Copland, drums; Fred Hersch, pf.

Sunnyside SSc 1028D 5

Martinů, B. Three songs for the Red Seven Cabaret (1921). Jana Wallingerová, mezz; Giorgio Koukl, pf.

Naxos 8.572310

19:00 EMERGENT JAZZ with Keith Pettigrew


Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Prepared by Jennifer Foong


Coleridge-Taylor, S. Overture: The song of Hiawatha, op 30 no 3 (1899). BBC Welsh NO/ Rumon Gamba.

Chandos CHAN 10797 11

Ballade in A minor, op 33 (1898). Chineke! O/ Kalena Bovell.

Decca 485 3322 12

Stanford, C. Villiers Two songs, from 50 Songs of old Ireland (1882). Stephen Varcoe, bar; Clifford Benson, pf.

Hyperion CDA67123 4

Coleridge-Taylor, S. They will not lend me a child, from 24 Folksongs, op 59 (1904). Tonya Lemoh, pf.

ABC ABCL0082 4

Gipsy suite, op 20 (1897). RTÉ Concert O/ Adrian Leaper.

Marco Polo 8.223516 13

Impromptu no 2 in B minor (pub. 1911). Isata Kanneh-Mason, pf.

Decca 485 1663 5

Nonet in F minor for piano, strings and winds, op 2, from Gradus ad Parnassum (c1893).

Kaleidoscope Chamber Collective.

Chandos CHAN 20242 26

Concerto in G minor, op 80 (1912). Tasmin Little, vn; BBC PO/Andrew Davis.

Chandos CHAN 10879 32


Prepared by Rex Burgess

Handel, G. Concerto grosso no 5 in D, HWV323 (1739). English Concert/Trevor Pinnock.

Archiv 479 1932 16

Schumann, R. Études symphoniques, op 13 (1834-37). Sviatoslav Richter, pf. Olympia OCD 339 34

Chausson, E. Piano quartet, op 30 (1897). Les Musiciens.

Harmonia Mundi HMX 2908250.79 38

Copland, A. Suite from Appalachian Spring (1943-44). Seattle SO/Gerard Schwarz. Delos DE 3154 24



06:00 SUNDAY MORNING MUSIC with Peter Poole


Prepared by Jacky Ternisien

Mozart, W. Mass no 12 in C, K258, Spaur (1776). Felicity Palmer, sop; Margaret Cable, cont; Philip Langridge, ten; Stephen Roberts, bass; Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge; Wren O/George Guest.

Decca 430 161-2 18

Fauré, G. Messe basse (1881-82/86). Boys of King’s College Choir, Cambridge/Stephen Cleobury. EMI 5 57896 2 9

Sarri, D. Psalm 109: Dixit Dominus (c1720s).

Anja Zügner, sop; Maria Perlt, sop; Annekathrin Laabs, mezz; Andreas Post, ten; Wolf Matthias Friedrich, bass; Saxon Vocal Ensemble; Batzdorfer Hofkapelle/Matthias Jung. cpo 777 726-2 27


Prepared by Di Cox

Mozart, W. Five contradanses, K609 (1791). Eduard Melkus Ensemble.

Archiv 439 964-2 7

Hummel, J. Quartet in G, op posth. (c1839). Micaela Comberti, vn; Jane Rogers, va; Pal Banda, vc; Susan Alexander-Max, fp. Naxos 8.557694 17

Dittersdorf, C. Harp concerto in A (c1779).

Jana Bousková, hp; South West German CO, Pforzheim/Vladislav Czarnecki.

Brilliant Classics 99512 19

Pleyel, I. Clarinet concerto in B flat. Paul Meyer, cl; Franz Liszt CO/Jean-Pierre Rampal. Denon CO-78911 23

Boccherini, L. Sonata in C for piano trio, op 12 no 1. Galimathias Musicum.

Brilliant Classics 94386 14

Haydn, J. Symphony in D, Hob.I:31, Hornsignal (c1765). Canberra School of Music CO/John Painter.

Fine Music tape archive 27

12:00 CLASSIC JAZZ with Dave Mac

13:00 WORLD MUSIC Whirled Wide


Alkan’s only piano sonata

Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Alkan, C-V. Études, op 35 (pub. 1847): no 3 in G; no 7 in E flat. Stephanie McCallum, pf. Tall Poppies TP055 17

Grand sonata, op 33, The four ages (1848).

Marc-André Hamelin, pf. Hyperion CDA20794 39


‘Italy’s Gluck’: Niccolò Jommelli

Jommelli, N. Chaconne; Ma lasciatemi alfin, from Armida abbandonata (1770). Clair Brua, mezz; Les Talens Lyriques/Christophe Rousset. fnac 592326 3

Spezza lo stral piagato, from Tito Manlio (1746). Valer Sabadus, ct; Armonia Atenea/ George Petrou.

Decca 478 8094 8

Bach, C.P.E. Sonata in A minor, Wq49 no 1, Württemberg (1743). Richard Egarr, hpd. Harmonia Mundi HMC 901410 12

Jommelli, N. Giacché mi tremi in seno; Ma qual dotante stuolo s’appressa a me? ... Quanto costa il tuo delitto, from La Passione di Gesù Cristo (1749). Gianni Puddu, ten; Società Cameristica di Lugano/Arturo Sacchetti. Accord 149544 11

Overture; Invan minacci, e credi vincer, from Il Vologeso (1766). Rachel Kelly, mezz; The Mozartists/Ian Page.

Signum SIGCD692 12

Hasse, J. Mandolin concerto in G, op 3 no 11 (1741). Theodoros Kitsos, mand; Armonia Atenea/George Petrou.

Decca 478 6418 8

Jommelli, N. Lamentation for Holy Thursday: Vau; Et egressus est a filia Sion omnis decor ejus (1750). Véronique Gens, sop; Gérard Lesne, ct; Il Seminario Musicale/Christophe Rousset.

Virgin VC 5 45202-2 23 Barbaro, non doletti ... Tradita, sprezzata, che piango!, from Semiramide riconosciuta (1741). Anna Bonitatibus, mezz; Accademia degli Astrusi/Federico Ferri. Harmonia Mundi 88725 47986 2 6

Gluck, C. Grazioso; Allegro, from Orfeo ed Euridice (1762). Tafelmusik/Frieder Bernius. Sony SX2K 48040 5

Jommelli, N. Lo sequitai felice, from L’Olimpiade (1761). Romina Basso, mezz; Venice Baroque O/Markellos Chryssicos. naïve V 5295 10

Symphony in E flat, Periodical overture (1766). Concerto Cologne/Pablo Heras-Casado. Archiv 479 2050 6


Prepared by Stephen Matthews

Lobo, D. Kyrie; Gloria; Credo, from Missa Sancta Maria. Cupertinos/Luis Toscano. Hyperion CDA68306 13

Hymn. I cannot tell why He, whom angels worship. Choir of Salisbury Cathedral; John Challenger, org; Davis Halls, cond. Priory PRCD 1173 5

MacMillan, J. I saw eternity the other night. Tenebrae/Nigel Short.

Signum SIGCD 773 6

Hymn. The God of Abraham praise. Choir of Christ Church St Laurence, Sydney; David Tagg, org; Sam Allchurch, cond. CCSL CD07 4

Haydn, M. Adagio cantabile. Petros Eder, org. CD-N 30261 3

Mozart, W. Laudate Dominum. Elina Garanca, mezz; German Radio PO/Karel Mark Chichon. DG 479 2071 5

Parry, H. My soul, there is a country. Figural Choir, Cologne; Martina Mailander, org; Richard Mailander, cond.

Carus 2 106/99 4

Stanford, C. Villiers O for a closer walk with God. Figural Choir, Cologne; Martina Mailander, org; Richard Mailander, cond. Carus 2 106/99 3

Silvestrov, V. Two sacred songs (2006). Latvian Radio Choir/Sigvards Klava. Ondine ODE1266-5 8


Prepared by Jacky Ternisien

Salzedo, C. Bolmimerie (1919). SHE: Seven Harp Ensemble.

Tall Poppies TP204 12

Dauprat, L. Variations on a Scottish air, op 22. Sören Hermansson, hn; Erica Goodman, hp. BIS CD-648 10

Caccini, G. Amarilli, mia bella. Jane Edwards, sop; Marshall McGuire, hp.

ABC 476 910-8 3

Arbeau, T. Belle qui tiens ma vie, after Arbeau. Andrew Lawrence-King, hp. Alia Vox AVSA 9895 A/F 3

Petrini, F. Duo in E flat, op 30 (c1793). JeanPierre Rampal, fl; Marielle Nordmann, hp. Sony SK 44552 10

Attrib. Bach, J.S. Sonata in G minor (arr. Granger 2022). Sally Walker, fl; Emily Granger, hp. Avie AV2626 12

19:00 JAZZ INTERACTION with Eddie Bernasconi


Prepared by Robert Miller

Joachim, J. Overture: Hamlet, op 4 (1853). Stuttgart RSO/Meir Minsky. Naxos 8.554733 17

Straus, O. Waltz dream (1907). Vienna SO/ Robert Stolz. Eurodisc 258 667 6

Hummel, J. Mandolin concerto in G (1799). Edith Bauer-Slais, mand; Vienna Pro Musica O/Vinzenz Hladky. Tuxedo TUXCD 1026 20

Mozart, W. Ch’io mi scordi di te ... Non temer, K505 (1786). Joan Sutherland, sop; Richard Bonynge, pf; National PO/Douglas Gamley. Decca 475 6302 11

Wolf, H. Symphonic poem: Penthesilea (188385). Paris O/Daniel Barenboim. Apex 0927-49582-2 26


Mary Finsterer

Prepared by James Nightingale

Finsterer, M. Silva (2012). Ensemble Offspring.

Offspring Bites 1 15

Lake ice, missed tales 1 (2013). Kees Boersma, db; Sydney SO/Jessica Cottis. ABC 481 9111 19

Nyx (1996). Pittsburgh New Music Ensemble. ABC ABCL0026D 12

Ether (1998). Geoffrey Collins, fl. ABC ABCL0026D 9

Sequi (2001). Arditti String Quartet. ABC ABCL0026D 15

Soundtrack from South Solitary (2010). Kate Malone, vn; Fiona Ziegler, vn; Louise Johnson, hp; Genevieve Lang, hp; Mary Finsterer, pf midi; Sydney Scoring O/Brett Kelly, Christopher Gordon. ABC 476 3955 12


Portraits with Isobel Archer



06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Robert Small


A year in retrospect: 1866

Prepared by Gerald Holder

Reinecke, C. Sonata no 2 in D, op 89 (1866). Martin Rummel, vc; Roland Krüger, pf. Naxos 8.573727 22

Saint-Saëns, C. Rhapsodie no 2, op 7 (1866). Franz Joseph Breitenbach, Britannic organ. OEHMS Classics OC 846 7

Smetana, B. Excerpts from The bartered bride (1866). Minneapolis SO/Antal Dorati. Mercury 478 5092 19

Demersseman, J. Fantaisy on an original theme (1866). Guido Bäumer, sax; Aladár Rácz, pf.

Odradek ODRCD337 7

Offenbach, J. Nous entrons dans cette demeure, from La vie parisienne (1866). Anne Sofie von Otter, sop; Gilles Ragon, ten; JeanChristophe Henry, ten; Laurent Naouri, bar; Les Musiciens du Louvre/Marc Minkowski. DG 471 501-2 6

Brahms, J. Waltzes, op 39 (1866). Michel Béroff, Jean-Philippe Collard, pf. EMI 5 69311 2 17


Prepared by Paul Cooke

Kuhlau, F. Overture to The elf’s hill, op 100 (1828). Odense SO/Othmar Maga. Unicorn-Kanchana DKPCD 9110 11

Britten, B. Piano concerto, op 13 (1938). Gillian Lin, pf; Melbourne SO/John Hopkins. Chandos CHAN 6580 34

Bruch, M. Symphony no 3 in E, op 51 (1887). Hungarian State SO/Manfred Honeck. Naxos 8.555985 38

12:00 SWING AND BEYOND with Jeannie McInnes


The Europeans

Prepared by Rex Burgess

Huygens, C. Excerpts from Pathodia sacra et profana (pub. 1647). Caroline Stam, sop; Dorien Lievers, cont; Nico van der Meel, ten; Bas Ramselaar, bass; Musica Amphion/Pieter-Jan Belder. Brilliant Classics 95917 12

Froberger, J. Tombeau faict à Paris sur la mort de Monsieur Blancrocher (1652). Gustav Leonhardt, hpd.

Harmonia Mundi GD 77923 5

Muffat, G. Sonata no 5 in G (pub. 1682). Parley of Instruments/Roy Goodman, Peter Holman. Helios CDH55191 17

Fischer, J. Caspar Overture no 4 in D minor. Tasmanian Symphony Chamber Players/ Geoffrey Lancaster.

ABC 472 424-2 11

Telemann, G. Fantasies: no 14 in C; no 18 in B flat, from 36 Fantasies (1732-33). Joseph Payne, hpd.

Centaur CRC 2530/2531 12

Paris quartet no 3 in G (1738). Musica ad Rhenum.

Brilliant Classics 94104 22


Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Schubert, F. The shepherd on the rock, D965 (1828). Jane Edwards, sop; Nicole Harris, cl; Christine Logan, fp.

Fine Music concert recording 11

Mignon’s songs from Wilhelm Meister, D877 (1815). Lauris Elms, cont; Len Vorster, pf. Screenthemes ST5003 16


Prepared by Robert Miller

Kraus, J.M. Excerpts from the ballet: The fisherman. Swedish CO/Petter Sundkvist. Naxos 8.557498 11

Westlake, N. Six fish (2004). Saffire.

ABC 476 261-1 16

Liszt, F. The trout, after Schubert (1846). Stephanie McCallum, pf.

ABC 472 763-2 4

Debussy, C. Poissons d’or, from Images II (1907). Roger Woodward, pf.

ABC 472 170-2 3

Stanford, C. Villiers Irish rhapsody no 4, op 141, The fisherman of Lough Neagh and what he saw (1913). Ulster O/Vernon Handley.

Chandos CHAN 7002 18

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Stephen Wilson

19:00 JAZZ ABOUT TOWN with Deborah Evans

20:00 STORMY MONDAY with Austin Harrison

22:00 JAZZ AFTER HOURS with Gail Monjo




06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Julie Simonds

09:00 DIVERSIONS IN FINE MUSIC Colours of the keyboard

Prepared by Rex Burgess

Mozart, W. Fantasia in C minor, K475 (1785). Mitsuko Uchida, pf.

Philips 422 115-2 13

Byrd, W. Fantasia. Nicholas Parle, virginals. MBS 26 7

Franck, C. Sonata in A (1886). Emily Sun, vn; Andrea Lam, pf. ABC 485 6174 28

Debussy, C. Preludes bk 1 nos 6 to 8. Walter Gieseking, pf.

EMI 5 65855 2 9

Prokofiev, S. Sonata in D, op 94 (1943). Manuela Wiesler, fl; Roland Pöntinen, pf. BIS CD-419 23


Prepared by Derek Parker

Offenbach, J. Overture to Boule de neige (1871). Rouen Opera O/Jean-Pierre Haeck. Alpha ALPHA 553 5

Mendelssohn, F. Double piano concerto no 2 in A flat (1824). Stephen Coombs, pf; Ian Munro, pf; BBC Scottish SO/Jerzy Maksymiuk. Hyperion CDA66567 41

Sullivan, A. Symphony in E, Irish (1866). Royal Liverpool PO/Charles Groves. EMI CDM 7 64726 2 36

12:00 JAZZ RHYTHM with Jeannie McInnes

13:00 FINE MUSIC NOTES with Iris Zeng

Highlights of Fine Music on air for September


Prepared by Stephen Gard

Perry, W. Ophicleide concerto (2012). Nick Byrne, ophicleide; RTÉ National SO/Paul Phillips. Naxos 8.573105 4

Pryor, A. Waltz caprice. Timothy Dowling, tb; Anthony Baldwin, pf. Fine Music concert recording 5

Weber, B. Sextet no 2 in F. Horns of Czech PO. Supraphon 11 0780-2 9

Serebrier, J. Quartet (1955). Australian Saxophone Quartet. ASV DCA 774 11

Penderecki, K. Trumpet concertino ( 2015). Gábor Boldoczki, tpt, flugelhorn; Sinfonietta Cracovia/Jurek Dybal.

Sony 88985361092 11

Vaughan Williams, R. Tuba concerto in F minor (1954). Patrick Harrild, tuba; London SO/Bryden Thomson.

Chandos CHAN 8740 13

Benjamin, G. Three inventions (1993-95). John Wallace, flugelhorn; London Sinfonietta/ George Benjamin.

Nimbus NI 5505 17

McKimm, B. Euphonium concerto (2000). Matthew van Emmerik, euphonium; Janis Cook, pf; Flinders Quartet.

Summit DCD 539 37

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Michael Morton-Evans

19:00 THE JAZZ BEAT with Lloyd Capps

20:00 JUST IN with David Garrett

A selection from the latest recordings to arrive at the Fine Music Library


Prepared by Anne-Louise Luccarini

Beethoven, L. Sonata no 5 in D, op 102 no 2 (1815). Steven Isserlis, vc; Robert Levin, fp. Hyperion CDA67981/2 19

Ferguson, H. Octet for winds and strings, op 4 (1933). Nash Ensemble. Hyperion CDA66192 21

Mozart, W. String quartet no 9 in A, K169 (1773). Festetics Quartet. Hungaroton HCD 31443-45 19

Schubert, F. String quintet in C, D956 (1828). Gautier Capuçon, vc; Quatuor Ebène. Erato 2564 648761 5 55




06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Stephen Wilson


Rescued from the shadows

Prepared by James Nightingale

Bazzini, A. La ronde des lutins, op 25. Sharon Bezaly, fl; Ervin Nagy, pf.

BIS CD-1039 6

Cirri, I. Sonata in A, op 1 no 6 (1763). Massimo Gabba, org. Brilliant Classics 94951 6

Paisiello, G. Harp concerto in A. Jasna Corrado Merlak, hp; European Union CO/ Dmitri Demetriades.

Helios CDH55035 12

Clarke, J. Dic mihi saeve puer. Suzie Le Blanc, sop; Charles Medlam, vc; John Toll, hpd. Linn CKD 008 9

Lhoyer, A. de Duo concertant in A, op 31 no 1. Josiane Rabemananjara, gui, Philippe Spinosi, gui.

naïve OP 30396 12

Brescianello, G. Sonata in C minor. Il Pomo d’Oro/Riccardo Minasi. Il Pomo d’Oro 12

Alyabyev, A. Piano trio in A minor (pub. 1950). Borodin Trio.

Chandos CHAN 8975 20


Prepared by Jacky Ternisien

Wagenaar, J. Overture: Twelfth night, op 36 (1928). Royal Concertgebouw O/Riccardo Chailly.

Decca 425 833-2


Krommer, F. Symphony no 3 op 62 (1808). Swiss Italian O/Howard Griffiths. cpo CPO555 099-2 29

d’Albert, E. Piano concerto in B minor, op 2 (1884). Piers Lane, pf; BBC Scottish SO/Alun Francis.

Hyperion CDA66747 44

12:00 JAZZ SKETCHES with Robert Vale

13:00 IN CONVERSATION with Simon Moore


Prepared by David Brett

Wagner, R. Siegfried idyll (1870). Munich PO/ Hans Knappertsbusch.

DG 479 1148 19

Dvorák, A. Romance in F minor, op 11 (187379). Thomas Zehetmair, vn; Philharmonia O/ Eliahu Inbal.

apex 0927 49517 2


Mahler, G. Songs of a wayfarer (1884/92/96). Thomas Hampson, bar; Vienna PO/Leonard Bernstein.

DG 477 8825 18

Bruckner, A. Symphony no 3 in D minor (1889). Gewandhaus O/Andris Nelsons.

DG 479 7208 1:01

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Robert Gilchrist

19:00 PLANET JAZZ with Xavier Bichon


Myths and legends, Part 4

Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Jommelli, N. Armida abbandonata. Opera in three acts. Libretto by Saferio de’ Rogatis, after Torquato Tasso’s poem La Gerusalemme liberata. First performed Naples, 1770.

ARMIDA: Ewa Malas-Godlewska, sop

RINALDO: Claire Brua, mezz

TANCREDI: Gilles Ragon, ten

RAMBALDO: Laura Polverelli, mezz

DANO: Cécile Perrin, sop

UBALDO: Patricia Petibon, sop

Les Talens Lyriques/Christophe Rousset.

FNAC 592326 3:02

The sorceress, Armida, has bewitched the crusader knight, Rinaldo. The knights, Tancredi and Rambaldo, enter Armida’s dominion to rescue Rinaldo but are bewitched by one of her creatures. Tancredi is imprisoned. A friendly sorcerer gives the knights, Dano and Ubaldo, a magic bough to protect them from enchantment as they try to rescue the other knights. Armida offers pleasure to Tancredi if he will abandon his sacred vows. His violent rejection sends Armida into a fury. She conjures up monsters who attack Tancredi but he is saved by Dano and Ubaldo wielding the magic bough. Tancredi awakens a sense of honour in Rinaldo but Armida overcomes this with her wiles. When Ubaldo and Dano try to persuade Rinaldo to leave Armida, Rinaldo sees his reflection in Dano’s shield, comes to his senses and renounces Armida again. Ubaldo finds the imprisoned Tancredi and frees him from his chains. As the knights are about to embark on a boat to take them across the lake and out of Armida’s dominion, Armida begs Rinaldo to stay but the knights escape on the boat. Armida rages, destroying her palace and summoning the furies to bring her chariot. She swears vengeance upon Rinaldo as winged dragons carry her skyward.

The knights are met on the far shore by warriors bearing a letter from Duke Goffredo. It tells him that, if Rinaldo can lift the spell on the forest, he will be welcomed back. The crusaders need wood to build seige engines to capture Jerusalem. Rinaldo enters the forest and successfully breaks the spell. He prays for forgiveness and is welcomed back to the crusaders’ camp.

Sprezza il furor del vento; Par che di glubiol, from Attilio Regolo (1753). Joyce DiDonato, mezz; Il Pomo d’Oro/Maxim Emelyanychev. Erato 01902 95928469 13


Prepared by James Nightingale

Dean, B. Beggars and angels (c1999). Melbourne SO/Markus Stenz. ABC 476 160-6 26




06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Simon Moore


Romantics, tributes and dedications

Prepared by James Nightingale

Thomas, A. Overture to Raymond or The queen’s secret (1851). Estonian National SO/ Neeme Järvi.

Chandos CHAN 20151 8

Reinecke, C. Sonata, op 167, Undine (1882). Sharon Bezaly, fl; Ronald Brautigam, pf. BIS SACD-1729 18

Hasse, J. Chamber cantata: La Gelosia (1762). Valer Barna-Sabadus, ct; Munich Hofkapelle/Michael Hofstetter. OEHMS OC 830 21

Beach, A. Ballade. Alan Feinberg, pf. Argo 430 330-2 10

Chaminade, C. Trio no 1 in G minor, op 11 (1881). Tzigane Piano Trio.

ASV DCA 965 23


Prepared by Robert Miller

Maillart, A. Overture to Les dragons de Villars. London SO/Richard Bonynge. Decca 440 844-2 6

Castillon, A. Piano concerto in D, op 12 (1871). Aldo Ciccolini, pf; Monte Carlo PO/ Georges Prêtre. EMI 7 63943 2 33

Casella, A. Symphony no 1 in B minor, op 5 (1906). Rome SO/Francesco La Vecchia. Naxos 8.572413 45

12:00 JAZZ AFTER NOON with Sue Jowell


Prepared by Rex Burgess

Bruckner, A. Mass in C (c1842). Ludmila Kuznetzova, mezz; Stanislav Davydov, hn; Alexei Shanin, hn; Ludmila Golub, org. Chandos CHAN 9863 12 Psalm 112 (1863). Corydon Singers, English CO/Matthew Best.

Hyperion CDA 66245 10

Missa solemnis in B flat (1854). Johanna Winkel, sop; Sophie Harmsen, mezz; Sebastian Kohlhepp, ten; Ludwig Mettelhammer, bar; RIAS Chamber Choir; Academy of Ancient Music, Berlin/Łukasz Borowicz.

Accentus ACC 30429 30


Prepared by Derek Parker

Britten, B. Soirée musicales, op 9 (1936). National PO/Richard Bonynge. Decca 478 5364 10

Strauss, J. II Suite from Die Fledermaus (1874; arr. Davis). London PO/Carl Davis. Virgin VC 7 90716-2 27

Tchaikovsky, P. Suite from The nutcracker, op 71a (1892). Vienna PO/Herbert von Karajan. Decca 478 5630 22

Stravinsky, I. Suite from Pulcinella (1919-20). Academy of St Martin in the Fields/Neville Marriner.

Decca 443 577-2 23

Bizet, G. Symphony in C (1855). French National RSO/Thomas Beecham.

EMI CDC 7 47794 2 28

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Sue Jowell

19:00 THE NEW JAZZ STANDARD with Frank Presley


Natanael Berg: Symphony no 1

Prepared by Paul Cooke

Stenhammar, W. Molto appassionato; Molto espressivo e con intimissimo sentimento, from Three fantasies, op 11 (1895). Lucia Negro, pf. BIS CD-554 9

Atterberg, K. Violin concerto in E minor, op 7 (1913-14). Christian Bergqvist, vn; Gävle SO/B. Tommy Andersson.

Sterling 1034-2


Rangström, T. King Erik’s ballads, op 23 (1918). Bo Skovhus, bar; Danish National SO/ Michael Schønwandt.

Chandos 10249


Lindberg, O. Concert fantasia (1914). Ralph Gustafsson, org.

Swedish Society SCD 1081 10

Berg, N. Symphony no 1, Alles endet was entstehet (1914). German State PO/Ari Rasilainen.

cpo 777 324-2

22:00 SONG AND SONATA Part 5

Prepared by Elaine Siversen


Haydn, J. A pastoral song, Hob.XXVIa:27; Pleasing pain, Hob.XXVIa:29; Sailor’s song, Hob.XXVIa:31. Fiona Maconaghie, sop; Andrew Greene, pf.

Fine Music concert recording 9

Sonata no 33 in C minor, Hob.XVI:20 (1771). Mikhail Pletnev, pf.

Virgin 5 45254 2





06:00 FINE MUSIC BREAKFAST with Troy Fil

09:00 DIVERSIONS IN FINE MUSIC Journey through history

Prepared by Paul Cooke

Dittersdorf, C. String quartet no 1 in D (pub. 1789). Franz Schubert Quartet. cpo 999 038-2 14

Bortnyansky, D. Sacred concerto no 10 (1790-95). Russian State Symphonic Capella/ Valery Polyansky.

Chandos CHAN 9783 13

Schumann, R. Overture to Manfred, op 115 (1848-49). Tasmanian SO/Sebastian LangLessing.

ABC 476 773-6 12

Pasculli, A. Fantasia on Poliuto. Céline Moinet, ob; Sarah Christ, hp. Harmonia Mundi HMC 902175 14

Smyth, E. Mrs Waters’ aria, from The boatswain’s mate (1914-15). Eiddwen Harrhy, sop; Plymouth FO/Philip Brunelle. Virgin VC 7 91188-2 9

d’Indy, V. Thème varié, fugue et chanson (1925). Diane Andersen, pf. CIAR CC 012 18


Prepared by Michael Field

Weber, C.M. Overture: Jubel, op 59 (1818). Staatskapelle Dresden/Gustav Kuhn. Brilliant Classics 99935 8

Finzi, G. Cello concerto, op 40 (1955). Yo-Yo Ma, vc; Royal PO/Vernon Handley. Lyrita SRCD.236 41

Herzogenberg, H. Symphony no 2 in B flat, op 70 (1889). North German Radio PO/Frank Beermann.

cpo 777 122-2 35

12:00 A JAZZ HOUR with Barry O’Sullivan


Prepared by Anne Irish

Addinsell, R. Warsaw concerto (1941). Isador Goodman, pf; Melbourne SO/Patrick Thomas. ABC 476 4565 8

Chopin, F. Fantasie-impromptu in C sharp minor, op 66 no 4 (1835). Isador Goodman, pf. ABC 432 179-2 5

Paganini, N. The bell (c1826; arr. Busoni).

Isador Goodman, pf.

LP Philips 6768 327 5

Chopin, F. Étude in A flat, op 25 no 1, Aeolian harp (1836). Isador Goodman, pf.

ABC 432 179-2 2

Strauss, J. II Concert arabesque on The blue Danube waltz (1867; arr. Schulz-Evler 1906). Isador Goodman, pf.

LP Philips 6768 327 9

Schumann, R. Dedication in A flat (1840; transcr. Liszt, Goodman). Isador Goodman, pf. ABC 432 210-2 4

Gershwin, G. Rhapsody in blue (1924). Isador Goodman, pf; Melbourne SO/Patrick Thomas. ABC 464 055-2 16


Prepared by Jacky Ternisien

Planquette, R. Overture to Les cloches de Corneville (1866). New Philharmonia O/ Richard Bonynge.

Decca 466 431-2 5

Triebert, C-L. Fantasy on a Limousin air. Bert Lucarelli, ob; Simon Wynberg, gui. Price-Less D 21062 10

Stern, T. Ceremonial voluntary. Pierre Pfister, org.

Arion ARN 68069 7

Castillon, A. Esquisses symphoniques, op 15 (1872). Monte Carlo PO/Georges Prêtre. EMI 7 63943 2 23

Hillemacher, P. Soupir; Si mes vers avaient des ailes; L’ínvitation au voyage; Ici-bas; Sérénade. John Mark Ainsley, ten; Graham Johnson, pf. Hyperion CDA67523 11

Lhoyer, A. de Duo concertant in A, op 31 no 1. Josiane Rabemananjara, gui; Philippe Spinosi, gui. naïve OP 30396 12

Gallay, J-F. Unmeasured preludes. Richard Runnels, hn; Brachi Tilles, pf. Move MD 3172 8

d’Erlanger, F. Violin concerto in D minor op 17 (1902). Philippe Graffin, vn; BBC NO Wales/ David Lloyd-Jones. Hyperion CDA67838 30

16:00 FINE MUSIC DRIVE with Peter Poole

19:00 FRIDAY JAZZ SESSION with Heathcliffe Auchinachie

20:00 EVENINGS WITH THE ORCHESTRA Australian works inspired by nature and country.

Hill, A. Symphony no 3 in B minor, Australia (1951). Queensland SO/Wilfred Lehmann. Marco Polo 8.223537 27

Edwards, R. Symphony no 2, Earth spring songs (1997-98). Yvonne Kenny, sop; Sydney SO/David Zinman.

ABC ABCL0011 22

Schultz, A. Maali, op 101 (2016). Peter Facer, ob; Allan Meyer, cl; Adam Mikulicz, bn; David Evans, horn; West Australian SO/Simone Young.

ABC 485 5432 29

Sculthorpe, P. Sun music IV (1967). Adelaide SO/David Porcelijn.

ABC 481 1293 9 Barton - Hindson. Kalkadungu (c2008). William Barton, did; Sydney SO/Richard Gill. ABC 476 4834 24


During the Stuart dynasty, Part 1 Prepared by Elaine Siversen

Purcell, H. Ode for the wedding of Prince George of Denmark and Princess Anne: From hardy climes and dangerous toils of war (1683). Gillian Fisher, sop; Tessa Bonner, sop; James Bowman, ct; Jonathan Kenney, ct; Rogers Covey-Crump, high ten; Charles Daniels, ten; Michael George, bass; Charles Pott, bass; King’s Consort/Robert King. Hyperion CDA66456 18

Speer, D. Sonata à 4 for trumpet and three trombones; Sonata for four trombones (1685).

Bengt Eklund’s Baroque Ensemble/Edward Tarr. BIS CD-217


Blow, J. Lovely Selina, innocent and free (1689); Fairest work of happy Nature (1689); Ground in C; Of all the torments, all the cares (1700). John Mark Ainsley, ten; Paula Chateauneuf, theorbo; Timothy Roberts, hpd, org.

Hyperion CDA66646 15

The Lord even the most mighty; O Lord, thou hast searched me. Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford; Stephen Farr, org; Stephen Darlington, cond.

Nimbus NI 5454 14

Prelude in G; Mortlake ground (pub. 1687); Ground in G minor. Timothy Roberts, spinet. Hyperion CDA66646 9

Purcell, H. Ode for the birthday of Queen Mary: Now does the glorious day appear (1689). Emma Kirkby, sop; Evelyn Tubb, sop; Michael Chance, ct; Ian Bostridge, ten; Stephen Richardson, bass; Simon Birchall, bass; Choir of Westminster Abbey; Paula Chateauneuf, theorbo; Martin Baker, Stephen Le Prevost, org; New London Consort/Martin Neary.

Sony SK 66243 24

Suite from King Arthur (1691). Academy of St Martin in the Fields/Neville Marriner.

Capriccio C8001



06:00 SATURDAY MORNING MUSIC with Peter Bell


Our weekly guide to musical events in and around Sydney


Prepared by Jacky Ternisien

Villa-Lobos, H. Childrens’ carnival (1920). Nelson Freire, pf.

Decca 478 3533 11

Fernández, O. Three studies in the form of a sonatina, op 62. Nelson Freire, pf. Decca 478 3533 9

Debussy, C. Claire de lune, from Suite bergamasque (1905). Nelson Freire, pf.

Decca 478 1111 5

Schumann, R. Carnaval, op 9 (1833-35). Nelson Freire, pf.

Decca 478 2826 23


18th and 19th Century Darmstadt

Prepared by James Nightingale

Graupner, C. Ouverture-suite in A minor. L’Arpa Festante/Rien Voskuilen.

Accent ACC 24350 31

Fasch, J. Trio sonata in E minor for oboe, violin and continuo. Members of Epoca Barocca.

cpo 777 204-2 11

Gänsbacher, J. B. Te Deum in D, op 45 (1844). Johanna Winkel, sop; Sophie Harmsen, mezz; Sebastian Kohlhepp, ten; Ludwig Mettelhammer, bar; RIAS Chamber Choir; Academy of Ancient Music, Berlin/ Łukasz Borowicz.

Accentus ACC 30429 4

Weber, C.M. Clarinet concertino in C minor and E flat, op 26 (1811). City of London Sinfonia/Michael Collins, cl & dir. Chandos CHAN 10702 9

Meyerbeer, G. Ich will mein junges Leben, from Jephtas Gelübde (1812; arr. Salvi).

Andrea Chudak, sop; Jakub Sawicki, pf; New Prussian PO/Dario Salvi. Naxos 8.573907 5

Vogler, G. Symphony in D minor (1782). London Mozart Players/Matthias Bamert. Chandos CHAN 10504 19


Prepared by Chris Blower

Sousa, J.P. Overture to Katherine (1879). Central Band of the RAF/Keith Brion. Naxos 8.559729 7

March: Liberty Bell (1893; arr. Langford). Band of the Blues and Royals/E.W. Jeanes. Chandos CHAN 6517 4

Songs of grace and songs of glory (1892). Royal Artillery Band/Keith Brion. Naxos 8.578001-02 8

March: The invincible eagle (1901). Royal Artillery Band/Keith Brion.

Naxos 8.572651-52 5

12:00 URBAN JAZZ LOUNGE with Leita Hutchings


Prepared by James Nightingale

Bach, C.P.E. Symphony in C, Wq174 (1755).

Australian Haydn Ensemble/Erin Helyard. Fine Music concert recording 11

Pleyel, I. Flute quintet in C, Nocturne (1788).

Australian Haydn Ensemble/Skye McIntosh. Fine Music concert recording 23 Bach, J. Christian Cara, la dolce fiamma, from Ariano in Siria (1765; arr. Ross). David Greco, bar; Australian Haydn Ensemble/Skye McIntosh.

Fine Music concert recording 10 Mozart, W. Flute quartet in C, K285b (177879). Members of Australian Haydn Ensemble. Fine Music concert recording 11 Haydn, J. Cello concerto no 1 in C, Hob:VIIb:1 (c1761-5). Daniel Yeadon, vc; Australian Haydn Ensemble/Skye McIntosh.

ABC 481 2806 25


Choral masterworks

Jommelli, N. Vesperæ in Sancto Petro Roma (1749-50). A Sei Voci/Bernard Fabre-Gamus.

Astrée E 8590 1:24

Requiem in E flat (1756). Sandrine Piau, sop; Carlo Vistoli, ct; Raffaele Giordani, ten; Salvo Vitale, bass; Ghislieri Choir; Francesco Moi, org; Ghislieri O strings/Giulio Prandi.

Arcana A477 55


Sydney schools in concert

Prepared by Stephen Gard

Recordings from Sydney schools submitted to the station and curated for your enjoyment

19:00 EMERGENT JAZZ with Keith Pettigrew


Johann Christian Bach

Prepared by James Nightingale

Bach, J. Christian Overture to Adriano in Siria (1765). Academy of Ancient Music/Simon Standage.

Chandos CHAN 0540 7

Bach, J.S. Harpsichord concerto no 5 in F minor, BWV1056 (1735-40). English CO/ Raymond Leppard, hpd & dir. Philips 422 497-2 11

Bach, C.P.E. Trio sonata in B flat for two violins and continuo, Wq158 (1754). London Baroque/Charles Medlam.

Harmonia Mundi HMA1951511 14

Bach, J. Christian No, che non ha la sorte; Vosolcando un mar crudele, from Artaserse (c1760). Bejun Mehta, ct; Akademie für Alte Musik, Berlin/René Jacobs.

Harmonia Mundi HMC 902172 9

Concerto in E flat for harpsichord, two violins and cello, op 7 no 5. London Baroque.

Harmonia Mundi HMX 2908601.30 16

Mozart, W. Keyboard concerto in D, after J.C. Bach, K107 no 1 (1770). Ronald Brautigam, fp; Cologne Academy/Michael Alexander Willens. BIS BIS-2084 13

Bach, J. Christian Magnificat (1760). Joanne Lunn, sop; Elena Biscuola, cont; Georg Poplutz, ten; Thomas E. Bauer, bass; South German Chamber Choir; Concerto Cologne/ Gerhard Jenemann.

Carus 83.347 11

Sonata in G, op 17 no 1 (c1779). Alberto Nosè, pf.

Naxos 8.570361 12

Symphony in G minor, op 6 no 6 (1769). Academy of Ancient Music/Simon Standage. Chandos CHAN 0540 15


Prepared by Rita Felton

Tchaikovsky, P. Serenade for strings, op 48 (1880). London PO/Vladimir Jurowski.

BBC Music MM285 32

Monteverdi, C. Lamento d’Arianna. Collegium Vocale Cologne/Wolfgang Fromme.

CBS M2YK 45622 14

Schumann, R. Symphony no 3 in E flat, op 97, Rhenish (1850). Bavarian RSO/Rafael Kubelik. Sony SBK 48 270 35

Hummel, J. Septet in D minor for winds, strings and piano, op 74 (1816). Melos Ensemble.

Decca 430 297-2


The following composers have works of at least five minutes on the August dates listed

Abbott, K. b1971 23

Addinsell, R. 1904-1977 30

Aguado, D. 1784-1849 14

Albrechtsberger, J. 1736-1809 2

Alkan, C-V. 1813-1888 6,20,25

Altmann, L. b1979 11

Alyabyev, A. 1787-1851 28

Arne, T. 1710-1778 1

Arriaga, J. 1806-1826 18

Assmayer, I. 1790-1862 14

Atterberg, K. 1887-1974 29

Bach, C.P.E. 1714-1788


Bach, J. Christian 1735-1782 6,31

Bach, J.C.F. 1732-1795 10

Bach, J.S. 1685-1750


Bach, W.F. 1710-1784 20

Backofen, J. 1768-1830 4

Bainton, E. 1880-1956 4

Barber, S. 1910-1981 20

Bartolotti, A. c1615-1668 12

Barton, W. b1981 7

Bax, A. 1883-1953 12,14,19

Bazzini, A. 1818-1897 28

Beach, A. 1867-1944 10,29

Beethoven, L. 1770-1827


Bellini, V. 1801-1835 3,20,22

Benda, F. 1709-1786 5

Benda, G. 1722-1795 9,24

Benedict, J. 1804-1885 21

Benjamin, A. 1893-1960 3

Benjamin, G. b1960 27

Berg, N. 1879-1957 29

Berlioz, H. 1803-1869 3,15,19

Bernstein, L. 1918-1990 24

Bertali, A. 1605-1669 2

Berwald, F. 1796-1868 16

Biber, H. 1644-1704 5,9,24

Billingham, J. b1986 11

Bizet, G. 1838-1875 7,29

Blow, J. 1649-1708 30

Boccherini, L. 1743-1805 25

Boëly, A. 1785-1858 14

Boïeldieu, A. 1775-1834 4

Boito, A. 1842-1918 17

Bomtempo, J. 1771-1842 20

Borodin, A. 1833-1887 6

Bortnyansky, D. 1751-1825 30

Boulanger, L. 1893-1918 1

Bozza, E. 1905-1991 10

Brahms, J. 1833-1897


Brescianello, G. c1690-1758 28

Britten, B. 1913-1976 24,26,29

Brixi, F. 1732-1771 5

Bruch, M. 1838-1920 1,2,12,23,26

Bruckner, A. 1824-1896


Buxtehude, D. 1637-1707 9

Byrd, W. 1543-1623 11,27

Campagnoli, B. 1751-1827 7

Campra, A. 1660-1744 14,17

Caplet, A. 1878-1925 10

Cartellieri, A. 1772-1807 18

Carulli, F. 1770-1841 22

Casella, A. 1883-1947 29

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, M. 1895-1968 18,22

Castillon, A. 1838-1873 29,30

Cawrse, A. b1981 13

Chabrier, E. 1841-1894 5

Chaminade, C. 1857-1944 29

Chausson, E. 1855-1899 8,24

Cherubini, L. 1760-1842 14,20,22

Chopin, F. 1810-1849 3,17,30

Chueca, F. 1846-1908 14

Cilea, F. 1866-1950 5

Cirri, I. 1711-1787 28

Clarke, J. 1674-1707 28

Coates, E. 1886-1957 1

Ch & O: Chorus & Orchestra

CO: Chamber Orchestra

FO: Festival Orchestra

NO: National Orchestra

NSO: National Symphony


PO: Philharmonic Orchestra

RO: Radio Orchestra

RSO: Radio Symphony

Coelho, T. b1983 13

Coleridge-Taylor, S. 1875-1912 19,24

Copland, A. 1900-1990 24

Corelli, A. 1653-1713 12

Cornysh, W. 1465-1523 23

Couperin, F. 1668-1733 6,23

Coward, N. 1899-1973 24

Croft, W. 1678-1727 4

Danna, M. b1958 17

Danzi, F. 1763-1826 6,23

Dauprat, L. 1781-1861 25

Dean, B. b1961 28

Debussy, C. 1862-1918 1,3,8,12,17,21,27

Delage, M. 1879-1961 10

Delius, F. 1862-1934 20

Demersseman, J. 1833-1866 26

Devienne, F. 1759-1803 4

Dittersdorf, C. 1739-1799 15,25,30

Dohnányi, E. 1877-1960 23

Donatoni, F. 1927-2000 17

Donizetti, G. 1797-1848 18,22

Dowland, J. c1563-1626 23

Dudley, A. b1968 10

Dukas, P. 1865-1935 23

Dunstable, J. c1390-1453 23

Duparc, H. 1848-1933 23

Dvorák, A. 1841-1904 7,9,11,15,28

Dyson, G. 1883-1964 21

d’Albert, E. 1864-1932 7,28

d’Erlanger, F. 1868-1943 30

d’Indy, V. 1851-1931 16,30

Edwards, R. b1943 30

Elgar, E. 1857-1934 2,17

Enescu, G. 1881-1955 5

Ernst, H. 1814-1865 14

Esenvalds, E. b1977 4

Farrenc, L. 1804-1875 22

Fasch, J. 1688-1758 14,31

Fauré, G. 1845-1924 1,10,19,25

Ferguson, H. 1908-1999 27

Fernández, O. 1897-1948 31

Fiala, J. 1748-1816 16

Fibich, Z. 1850-1900 18,22

Finsterer, M. b1962 25

Finzi, G. 1901-1956 3,30

Fiorenza, N. c1700-1764 2

Fischer, J. Caspar c1670-1746 26

Fossa, F. de 1775-1849 13

Franck, C. 1822-1890 2,3,6,22,27

Francoeur, F. 1698-1787 6

Friedman, I. 1882-1948 16

Froberger, J. 1616-1667 26

Gade, N. 1817-1890 4,23

Gallay, J-F. 1795-1864 30

Galuppi, B. 1706-1785 13

Gambini, C. 1819-1865 13

Gassmann, F. 1729-1774 5

Gershwin, G. 1898-1937 19,30

Gibb, B. b1946 10

Gipps, R. 1921-1999 2

Giuliani, M. 1781-1829 4

Glanville-Hicks, P. 1912-1990 2,3,23

Glazunov, A. 1865-1936 5,6

Glinka, M. 1804-1857 6,13

Gluck, C. 1714-1787 14,25

Godard, B. 1849-1895 21

Goldberg, J. 1727-1756 16

Goldmark, K. 1830-1915 7

Goodall, H. b1958 11

Gounod, C. 1818-1893 11,21

Grabowsky, P. b1958 18

Grainger, P. 1882-1961 10

Graupner, C. 1683-1760 10,31

Greenbaum, S. b1966 13,23

Grieg, E. 1843-1907 3,15,17,19

Hahn, R. 1875-1947 9,10,16,18

Handel, G. 1685-1759 20,24

Hänsel, P. 1770-1831 21

Hanson, R. 1913-1976 24

Orchestra RTO: Radio & Television


RT SO: Radio and Television Symphony


SO: Symphony Orchestra

TO: Theatre Orchestra

alto: male alto

ban: bandoneon

Harty, H. 1879-1941 19

Harvey, M.K. b1961 18

Hasse, J. 1699-1783 25,29

Haydn, J. 1732-1809 6,7,11,15,19, 20,25,29,31

Haydn, M. 1737-1806 4,24

Herzogenberg, H. 1843-1900 30

Hill, A. 1870-1960 30

Hillemacher, P. 1852-1933 30

Hindemith, P. 1895-1963 10

Holland, D. 1913-2000 20

Holst, G. 1874-1934 1

Homilius, G. 1714-1785 16

Hook, J. 1746-1827 21

Horneman, C. 1840-1906 23

Hovhaness, A. 1911-2000 16

Huie, J. 20th C 13

Hummel, J. 1778-1837 25,31

Huygens, C. 1596-1687 26

Ibert, J. 1890-1962 2,3

Jackson, G. b1962 11

Jadin, H. 1769-1802 24

Janácek, L. 1854-1928 1

Jančevskis, J. b1992 18

Joachim, J. 1831-1907 25

Jommelli, N. 1714-1774 25,28,31

Josephs, W. 1927-1997 6

Josquin Desprez. c1450-1521 3

Juon, P. 1872-1940 16

Kabalevsky, D. 1904-1987 24

Kancheli, G. 1935-2019 7

Kats-Chernin, E. b1957 13

Khachaturian, A. 1903-1978 11

Kittel, J. 1732-1809 16

Kodály, Z. 1882-1967 15,20

Koppel, T. 1944-2006 14

Korngold, E. 1897-1957 3

Kraus, J.M. 1756-1792 3,26

Krebs, J.L. 1713-1780 16

Krommer, F. 1759-1831 28

Krufft, N. 1779-1818 16

Kuhlau, F. 1786-1832 4,19,23,26

Kurpinski, K. 1785-1857 16

Lalo, E. 1823-1892 17

Lanner, J. 1801-1843 21

Lanzetti, S. 1710-1780 12

Lawes, W. 1602-1645 6

Lhoyer, A. de 1768-1852 28,30

Lindberg, O. 1887-1955 29

Linley, T. the Elder 1733-1795 8

Liszt, F. 1811-1886 1,6,8,17,24

Lloyd, G. 1913-1998 24

Lobo, D. c1565-1646 25

Locatelli, P. 1695-1764 22

Lorenzani, P. 1640-1713 12

Lully, J-B. 1632-1687 8

MacMillan, J. b1959 4,25

Mahler, G. 1860-1911 14,15,20,28

Maillart, A. 1817-1871 29

Marazaite, N. b 20th C 7

Martín y Coll, A. 1650-1734 2 Martín y Soler, V. 1754-1806 7 Martin, F. 1890-1974 19

Martinu, B. 1890-1959 16

Martinů, B. 1890-1959 24

Massenet, J. 1842-1912 21

McKimm, B. b1941 27

Medtner, N. 1880-1951 8 Mendelssohn, F. 1809-1847


Mendelssohn, Fanny. 1805-1847 4,11,18

Mercadante, S. 1795-1870 22

Meurant, C. b1982 23

Meyerbeer, G. 1791-1864 31

Michl, J. 1745-1816 9

Milwid, A. 1755-1832 16

Molique, B. 1802-1869 7

Mondonville, J-J. de 1711-1772 7

Monteverdi, C. 1567-1643 31

bar: baritone

bshn: basset horn

bass: bass

bn: bassoon

bass bar: bass baritone

cl: clarinet

clvd: clavichord

cont: contralto

cora: cor anglais

ct: counter-tenor

Mozart, L. 1719-1787 24

Mozart, W. 1756-1791

4,6,8,9,10,11,15, 22,24,25,27,31

Muffat, G. 1653-1704 4,24,26

Murcia, S. de 1673-1739 2

Mussorgsky, M. 1839-1881 2

Mysliveček, J. 1737-1781 18

Newman, T. b1955 17

Ni Riain, A. b1974 18

Nielsen, C. 1865-1931 4,5,11,13,20,23

Novák, V. 1870-1949 8,9

Offenbach, J. 1819-1880 2,13,22,26

Padilla, J. de c1590-1664 2

Paganini, N. 1782-1840 2,30

Paisiello, G. 1740-1816 18,28

Palmer, G. b1947 5

Parry, H. 1848-1918 1

Pasculli, A. 1842-1924 30

Penderecki, K. 1933-2020 27

Pérotin, Le Grand. c1160-1225 11

Petrini, F. 1744-1819 25

Pevernage, A. 1542-1591 7

Pezel, J. 1639-1704 7

Phalèse, P. 1510-1573 14

Pierné, G. 1863-1937 22

Planquette, R. 1848-1903 30

Pleyel, I. 1757-1831 25,31

Popov, G. 1904-1972 15

Poulenc, F. 1899-1963 13,18

Prokofiev, S. 1891-1953 3,6,27

Purcell, H. 1659-1695 4,30

Puts, K. b1972 19

Rachmaninov, S. 1873-1943 7,9,15,19,20

Rameau, J-P. 1683-1764 18

Rangström, T. 1884-1947 29

Rautavaara, E. 1928-2016 7

Ravel, M. 1875-1937 1,10,19

Regondi, G. 1822-1872 7

Reicha, A. 1770-1836 4

Reinecke, C. 1824-1910 13,26,29

Respighi, O. 1879-1936 3,10,12,20

Rimsky-Korsakov, N. 1844-1908 21

Rojas, D. b1974 18

Rosetti, F. 1746-1792 9

Rossini, G. 1792-1868 2,11,17

Rota, N. 1911-1979 17

Ruge, F. 1725-1767 2

Sacchini, A. 1730-1786 17

Sainsbury, C. b1963 13

Saint-Saëns, C. 1835-1921 4,14,26

Salzedo, C. 1885-1961 12,25

Sarri, D. 1679-1744 25

Schacht, T. 1748-1823 11

Schmidt, F. 1874-1939 21

Schmitt, F. 1870-1958 2,20

Schönberg, C-M. b1944 10

Schubert, F. 1797-1828 2,3,11,13,14,15, 16,18,20,21,26,27

Schultz, A. b1960 30

Schumann, C. 1819-1896 12

Schumann, R. 1810-1856 6,10,13,23,24,30,31

Sculthorpe, P. 1929-2014 8,15,22,30

Seitz, F. 1848-1918 12

Serebrier, J. b1938 27

Séverac, D. de 1872-1921 10

Shostakovich, D. 1906-1975 1,5,15,16,22

Sibelius, J. 1865-1957 1,3,9,23

Silvestrov, V. b1937 25

Skipworth, L. b1982 23

Smetana, B. 1824-1884 22,26

Smetanin, M. b1958 11

Smith, M. b 20th C 11

Smyth, E. 1858-1944 2,9,30

Soler, A. 1729-1783 2

Somis, L. 1688-1775 12

db: double bass

dbn: double bassoon

did: didjeridu

elec: electronic

fl: flute

fp: fortepiano

gui: guitar

hn: french horn

hp: harp

hpd: harpsichord

Sor, F. 1778-1839 4

Sousa, J.P. 1854-1932 17,31

Speer, D. 1636-1707 30

Spike, K. b1959 11

Spohr, L. 1784-1859 8

Stainer, J. 1840-1901 11

Stamitz, J. 1717-1757 5

Stanford, C. Villiers 1852-1924 1,19,26

Stanhope, P. b1969 11

Stanley, J. 1712-1786 6

Stenhammar, W. 1871-1927 1,13,29

Stern, T. 1803-1886 30

Straus, O. 1870-1954 25

Strauss, J. II 1825-1899 29,30

Strauss, R. 1864-1949 8,16

Stravinsky, I. 1882-1971 1,3,10,12,14,29

Strong, G. 1856-1948 14

Stuck, J-B. 1680-1755 12

Sullivan, A. 1842-1900 24,27

Svendsen, J. 1840-1911 2,23

Tabakova, D. b1980 18

Tallis, T. c1505-1585 18,23

Taneyev, S. 1856-1915 6

Tchaikovsky, P. 1840-1893 5,6,23,29,31

Telemann, G. 1681-1767


Thalberg, S. 1812-1871 21

Theodorakis, M. 1925-2021 1

Thomas, A. 1811-1896 29

Triebensee, J. 1772-1846 9

Triebert, C-L. 1820-1867 30

Turina, J. 1882-1949 17

Vanhal, J. 1739-1813 6

Vardapet, K. 1869-1935 21

Vasks, P. b1946 7

Vaughan Williams, R. 1872-1958 1,10,27

Verdi, G. 1813-1901 22

Victoria, T. de 1548-1611 2

Vidar, J. 1918-2017 7

Villa-Lobos, H. 1887-1959 13,31

Vine, C. b1954 13

Vinter, G. 1909-1969 24

Vogler, G. 1749-1814 31

Wagenaar, J. 1862-1941 28

Wagner, R. 1813-1883 2,3,14,15,28

Walton, W. 1902-1983 9 Weber, B. 1766-1842 27

Weber, C.M. 1786-1826 30,31

Wesley, S. 1766-1837 18

Westlake, N. b1958 26

Williamson, M. 1931-2003 2 Wolf, H. 1860-1903 15,25

Ysaÿe, E. 1858-1931 1,16

Zaimont, J. b1945 4

Zamboni, G. fl 1700 16

Zebelman, B. b1975 4

Zelenka, J. 1679-1745 5,9

Zimmer, H. b1957 17

mand: mandolin

mar: marimba

mezz: mezzo-soprano

narr: narrator

ob: oboe

org: organ

perc: percussion

pf: piano

picc: piccolo

rec: recorder

sax: saxophone

sop: soprano

tb: trombone

ten: tenor

timp: timpani

tpt: trumpet

treb: treble voice

va: viola

vc: cello

vn: violin

Our People


David Ogilvie

Assistant Editor

Catherine Peake


David James

Junior Designer

Iris Zeng


Guide Management Coordinators

James Nightingale

Elaine Siversen

Program Guide Formatter

Peter Bell


Catherine Peake

Laurie Smith

Tony Wallace


Rex Burgess

Michael Morton-Evans

Barry O’Sullivan

Catherine Peake

Ken Raphael

Laurie Smith

AUGUST: Jack Anthony, Heathcliffe Auchinachie, Charles Barton, Ben Behnam, Peter Bell, David Benham, Nena Beretin, Eddie Bernasconi, Xavier Bichon, Dan Bickel, Chris Blower, Veronica Bondarew, David Brett, Lily Bryant, Rex Burgess, Clay Caplice, Lloyd Capps, Vince Carnovale, Ian Carswell, Euan Chaffey, Angela Cockburn, Adam Cockburn, Liam Collins, Paul Cooke, Brian Cornish, Marc Cottee, Di Cox, George Cruickshank, Nick Dan, Brian Drummond, Andrew Dziedzic, Deborah Evans, Rita Felton, Michael Field, Troy Fil, Owen Fisher, Jennifer Foong, Tom Forrester-Paton, Susan Freeman, Nina Fudala, Stephen Gard, David Garrett, Robert Gilchrist, Albert Gormley, Noelene Guillemot, Jeremy Hall, Austin Harrison, Ross Hayes, Jill Hickson, Gerald Holder, Paolo Hooke, James Hunter, Leita Hutchings, Anne Irish, Paul Jackson, Sue Jowell, Norbert Kelvin, Jules Laurent, Ray Levis, Anne-Louise Luccarini, Dave Mac, Ian MacDonald, Christina Macguinness, Linda Marr, Stephen Matthews, Meg Matthews, Sue McCreadie, Neil McEwan, Jeannie McInnes, Ramsay McInnes, Maureen Meers, Camille Mercep, Robert Miller, Helen Milthorpe, Gail Monjo, Maddy Monjo, Simon Moore, Mary Moran, Frank Morrison, Michael Morton-Evans, Richard Munge, Gerry Myerson, George Nevin, James Nightingale, Barry O’Sullivan, Derek Parker, Keith Pettigrew, Anabela Pina, Peter Poole, Frank Presley, James Ranieri, Ken Raphael, Marilyn Schock, Julie Simonds, Elaine Siversen, Robert Small, Josh Stenberg, Garth Sundberg, Jacky Ternisien, Robert Vale, Ron Walledge, Stephen Wilson, Glenn Winfield, Toby Wong, Orli Zahava, Iris Zeng, Claire Yang Zhong

PROGRAM SUBEDITORS Jan Akers, Di Cox, Noelene Guillemot, Elaine Siversen, Jill Wagstaff, Tony Wallace, Teresa White.

LIBRARIANS: Jan Akers, Rex Burgess, Lynden Dziedzic, Peter Goldner, Sal Greco, Phillip McGarn, Judy Miller, Susan Ping Kee, Jacky Ternisien, Ricky Yu.

DIRECTORS: Chair: Simon Moore OAM; Secretary: Pamela Newling; Deputy Chair: Michael Field AM, Deborah Evans, Neil McEwan AM, Mary Moran, Robert Small, John Xuereb.

Appointed Directors: Bruce Hambrett, John Lock

COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Management: Robert Small; Finance: Peter Poole; Jazz: Keith Pettigrew; Library: Sue Ping Kee; Marketing: Robert Gilchrist; Presenters: Michael Field AM; Programming: Chris Blower; Technical: John Xuereb; Volunteers: Laurie Smith; WHS: David Edmonds

STATION OPERATIONS: Transmitter: Max Benyon OAM and John Shenstone; Studio operations: Roger Doyle, Rob Tregea and Stephen Wilson; IT: Peter Bell; Recording Engineer: Jayson McBride

STAFF: Director of Operations: Mona Omar; Operations Coordinator: Michael Guilfoyle; Campaigns Coordinator: Xavier Bichon; Finance Administrator: Miriam Ho

Vice Regal Patron: Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of New South Wales Honorary Patron: Professor The Honourable Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO

ARTISTIC PATRONS: Elena Kats-Chernin AO, Simon Tedeschi, Richard Tognetti AO, Brett Weymark OAM Emerging Artists Patron: Roger Benedict

2024 EMERGING ARTISTS: Artists in Residence: Outback Brass and Mosaic (Jazz); Ken Weatherley Jazz Scholar: Lauren White; Stefan Kruger Scholar: Cassandra Doyle; Young Virtuoso: Teresa Yang

2MBS Fine Music Sydney Patrons

Fine Music Honour Roll (bequests received)

Mr Geoffrey William Anderson, Ms Nancy Kathleen Muir Bell, Mr Hubert Thomas Brown, Mr Ronald Walter Burgess, Dr Alison Burrell, Ms Patricia Mary Conder, Ms Jean Priscilla Deck, Mr Paul Louis de Leuil, Ms Hazel Alice Dunstan, Mr Heinz Georg Gager, Ms Rose Gibb, Mr David Henry James, Mr Trevor Jarvie, Mr Richard Kiltie, Ms Angelika Lange, Dr Valerie Brett Morris, Ms Margaret Helen Ralph, Mrs Jennifer Anne Rampton, Mr John Ralph Selby, Mr Denis Sullivan, Mr Ronald Tinslay, Mr Simon Peter Paul Van Den Beld, Mrs Rose Varga, Mr Philip Magennis Weate, Mr Kenneth John William Weatherley, Mr Colin Webb, Mr Barry Willoughby

Fine Music Circle (known future bequests)

Mr Tim Ball, Mr David Bell, Mr Max Benyon OAM , Ms Ruth Bernard, Mrs Barbara Brady, Mr David Brett, Mrs Halina Brett, Mr Rex Burgess, Mr Lloyd Capps, Mrs Mary Jo Capps AM, Ms Marilyn Endlein, Mr Robin Gandevia, Mr Bruce Graham, Mrs Valerie Haynes, Mr James Hunter, Mr David James, Mrs Sue Jowell, Ms Cynthia Kaye, Ms Merran McLaren, Ms Maureen Meers, Mr Glenn Morrison, Mr Desmond Mulholland, Mr Derek Parker, Mr Tony Peri, Dr Neil Radford, Mr Gregory Sachs, Mrs Elaine Siversen, Mr Bruce Smith, Mr Anthony Tenney, Mr Ron Walledge, Mr John Xuereb, Mrs Robin Yabsley

Titanium Patrons ($50,000 +)

Mr Michael Ahrens, Mr Max Benyon OAM , Mrs Dorothy Curtis, Mr Roger Doyle, Dr Jennifer Foong, Family Frank Foundation, Mr Roger Howard-Smith, Prof Clive Kessler

Platinum Patrons ($25,000-$49,999)

Mr David Brown, The Garrett Riggleman Trust, Ms Jill Hickson AM , Dr Janice Hirshorn, Mrs Sue Jowell, Mr Ron Walledge, Mr Cameron Williams

Diamond Patron ($10,000-$24,999)

Mr David Brett, Assoc Prof Winsome Evans OAM BEM , Dr Thomas Karplus, Mr Colin Prentice, Mr James Roberts

Ruby Patron ($5,000-$9,999)

The Belalberi Foundation Pty Limited, Mr Roger Chapman, Mr Noel Craven, Justice David Davies SC , Mr Peter Kurti, Mr and Mrs Kevin and Deidre McCann, Mr Charles McMonnies, Ms Wendy Trevor Jones

Emerald Patron ($2,500-$4,999)

Dr Anne Amigo, Mrs Barbara Brady, Mr James Cox, Mr Ian de Jersey, Mr Daryl Dixon, Mr and Mrs Tom and Sherry Gregory, Mr Doug Keech, Ms Jeannie McInnes, Mrs Judith McKernan, Ms Susan Ping Kee, Mr Kenneth Raphael, Mr Peter Stinson, Mr Richard Wilkins, Mr Stephen Wilson

Gold Patrons ($1,000-$2,499)

Mrs Susan Berger, Mrs Mary Jo Capps AM , Mr Robert Clark, Ms Louise Diamond, Emeritus Prof Michael Field AM MD, Dr John Gerofi, Mr Nicholas Korner, Ms Annette Lemercier, Mr Melvyn Madigan, Mr Andrew Patterson, Mr John Stevenson, Justice Anthony Whealy KC

Silver Patrons ($500-$999)

Ms Jane Barnes, Ms Brigitte Beck, Ms Ruth Bernard, Mrs Halina Brett, Ms Meredith Brooks, Mrs Alexandra Buchner, Emeritus Prof Michael Chesterman, Mr John Fairfax AO, Ms and Ms Karen and Catherine Fisher and Deakin, Mr Malcolm France, Ms Esther Fuchs, Ms Leona Geeves, Mr Robert Gilchrist, Mr William Hoekstra, Ms Jann Howard, Ms Cynthia Kaye, Dr Carolyn Lowry OAM , Mr Simon Moore OAM , Mr Trevor Parkin, Mr David Routley, Mrs Catherine Ruff

Bronze Patron ($250-$499)

Ms Jacqui Axford, Mr Tim Ball, Mr John Boden, Mr Colin Boston, Mr Hank Brisbane, Ms Ruth Campbell, Ms Wendy Cobcroft, Mr Dom Cottam, Mr Peter Dexter AM , Dr Marie-Louise Dreux, Ms Elizabeth Evatt, Mrs Wendy Ferguson, Mrs Jocelyn Hackett, Emeritus Prof Lesley Hitchens, Ms Ailsa Hocking, Mr C Horne, Mr David James, Ms Ruth Jeremy, Mr Thomas Jones, Ms Josephine Key, Mrs Robyn Ladbrooke, Mr Glenn Leembruggen, Mrs Jennifer Littman-Ferns, Mr Geoffrey Magney, Dr Jim Masselos, Mrs Shirley McEwin, Mr Gordon McLelland, Mr Herbert Menka, Ms Ursula Mooser, Ms Mona Omar, Mr Peter Poole, Mr James Poulos KC, Mr Leslie Renfrey, Ms Mei Wah So, Mr David Somerville, Mrs Elizabeth Terracini, Ms Kathryn Tiffen

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