Transylvania Co. RS responds for a mountain biker on the Bennet Gap Trail with serious injuries.
See story on page 6
Cary firefighters respond to a third floor fire in the Motel 6 on Buck Jones Road.
See story on page 8
Wake County firefighters save a family’s presents at a Christmas Eve house fire.
See story on page 12
Crews respond for a house fire on North Church Street.
See story on page 18
South Iredel VFDtakes delivery of a new Pierce Enforcer Pumper/Tanker.
See story on page 23
Fuquay-Varina’s Tony Maudlin
See story on page 30
Founded 1973
146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY11713
FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher
TIM EDWARDS, Chief Operating Officer
GARYP. JOYCE, Managing Editor
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LYNN SEDLER, Art Director
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CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Kenneth Clouser, Kevin Imm, Mike Legeros, COPYRIGHT2023, THE FIRE NEWS INC., LONG ISLAND, NEWYORK. ALLRIGHTS RESERVED For advertising rates and information, call (631) 776-0500 Press 1
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Thirteen Editions, Sixteen States Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington DC, West Virginia, and Wildwood, NJ
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Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY11713.
Ever since I was a kid, batteries were problematic. Years ago, we used lead acid batteries. The batteries were used to operate all our toys. One problem was that they leaked. I soon learned that to save my toys, I had to carefully wash and dry the battery terminals with baking soda, dried the unit and carefully abraded the terminals to expose the tin metal contacts. Once again, we were good to go!
Nickel Metal Hydride and Pro High Capacity NiMh batteries are common to photographers. They work well and offer little problems. I used rechargeable batteries with little problems, only finding I had to keep track of when the batteries were last charged.
As our electronics became more sophisticated, so did the need for more power. Lithium-ion batteries took over the playing field. I first heard of the problems with these batteries when they were used in laptop computers. Defective batteries could overheat, catch fire, and even explode. This posed a danger when the user charged batteries on beds and under pillows.
So, what is the problem? As technology grew, so did the problems. We soon learned that it was difficult to extinguish fire from Lithium-Ion batteries. It was so difficult that firefighters had to become creative when extinguishing this type of
When you read Fire News, look at the increasing number of Lithium-Ion battery fires. Thanks to our photographers who point out fires in which E-Scooters were removed from the occupancy.
Firefighters are using copious amounts of water to knock down the flames. They are also are using large non-conductive plastic buckets to submerge the E-Bike into, to aid in extinguishment of the fire. Firefighters are making the effort to remove the E-Bikes into the street where they can be fully extinguished. I am also observing that HazMat units are responding to these calls on a regular basis.
I am happy to see firefighters question the violent blue-green arc that is seen more frequently in car fires. As the magnesium yoke around the steering column begins to burn, crews quickly learn that the magnesium yoke can explode. Crews are becoming aware of the importance of switching to a foam operation. If the high temperature of the burning yoke is not extinguished, you risk the high heat condition taking over the car and causing the fuel tank to rupture. It is no fun to watch fuel flow down the street toward a parked car.
Be prepared for the unexpected, we will look
at battery incidents thought the year. Let’s hope that a safer battery is available in the future.
As more and more training classes are provided, look to attend seminars at your local fire academy or trade show, on the Dangers of Lithium-Ion Batteries.
Stay safe and continue to wear your SelfContained Breathing Apparatus!
- DennisOn December28, 2022, Mooresville Fire Rescue and the South Iredell VolunteerFire Department responded to a structure fire on Pink Orchard Drive. Asecond alarm was sounded upon their arrival forheavy fire showing from the two-story home. Shepherds Fire Rescue was also called to the scene. Multiple handlines we re
put into operation. The family was able to get out of theirburning home with one person treated forsmoke inhalation. The home was heavily damaged and the cause was underinvestigation.
- Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
At approximately 1300 on January 21, 2023, the Transylvania County Rescue Squad was dispatched to a report of an injured mountain bikeron Bennett Gap trail. Crews arrived on scene and mobilized three teams. Due to the unknown access the trails might provide, two ATVteams with paramedic support were dispatched and a foot team departed forthe suspected prolonged carry-out. Team 3 made patient contact 3.1 miles from command and began providing care 41 minutes afterdeparting command. They found the critically injured bikerwho was requiring immediate evacuation. He was was packaged and transferred into a Stokes basket. While one team worked to move the patient in the basket, a second moved obstacles and cut downed trees to clearthe path and a third worked ahead rigging systems to belay the litterdown a particularly steep sections of trail. The patient’s riding partners assisted crews managing the litter. Afterreaching the ambulance the patient was transported to a waiting MAMAhelicopterfortransport to a local trauma center.
- Photo courtesy of Transylvania County RS
On Christmas Eve 2022, Pinecroft-Sedgefield Fire units were dispatched in the afternoon hours to Millis Road (Millis and Main Apartments) fora reported structure fire. An activated waterflow alarm triggered a fire alarm response. Several callers were reporting blown waterpipes and alarms going off. One callerreported smoke and the call was then upgraded to a structure fire. Once on-scene it was determined no fire had occurred but ratherjust an issue with broken sprinklerpipes. Responding were Engine: 46 and 23; Engine: 24; Tanker24; Car224 (shift commander), Rescue 24 and Squad 250.
- Fire News photo by Kenneth Clouser
On January 3, 2023, around 1230, the Penderlea VolunteerFire Department, Shiloh Columba VolunteerFire Department, Burgaw Fire Department, Wallace VolunteerFire Department (Duplin County), and Union Rescue and EMS responded to the intersection of Englishtown Road at Crooked Run Road fora commercial structure fire in an old chicken house used forstorage. Command arrived to find a large commercial structure fully involved and a large fast moving field fire, and requested Teachey (Duplin County) and Harrells (Sampson County) forbrush trucks and tankers. Units quickly controlled the field fire and began extinguishment of the structure fire. Afterabout an hourthe fire was brought undercontrol. Afteranotherhourof extinguishing hotspots and salvage and overhaul all units except forPenderlea units cleared. The PenderCounty Fire Marshal investigated.
- Fire News photo by David Miller
On the afternoon of January 8, 2023, Greenevers VolunteerFire Department responded to a fast moving grass and field fire on M and S Mobile Home Park. The fire was quickly extinguished, and kept from reaching several homes in the area.
- Fire News photo by David Miller
On December17, 2022, the Cary Fire Department received multiple calls reporting a fire in a room at the Motel 6 on Buck Jones Road. Engine 2 was first to arrive at the three-story structure, with a working fire in a third-floorroom, facing the street. It was quickly extinguished, and contained to one room. Crews evacuated the adjoining rooms and floors. Ladder3, one of the town’s three tillers, was deployed to the roof forcrews to check forextension. - Fire News photo by Mike Legeros
On May 31, 2022, at 2105, Shepherds Fire-Rescue along with the Troutman Fire Department responded to a structure fire on Judas Road. Arriving units found smoke showing from the single-story structure and stretched a line to the rearof the home. Crews quickly knocked down the fire and stopped it from extending into otherrooms of the home.
- Fire News photo by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
Greensboro Fire units were dispatched on Christmas day to Downing Ridge Court fora structure fire. Initial size up was Engine 10’s “on-scene, with nothing showing.” Battalion 3 arrived shortly afterthat and assumed command. Upon investigation it was determined that a wall outlet had malfunctioned, and firefighters assisted the homeownerin securing the proper breakerso it was no longera hazard. Units where on-scene for roughly 30 minutes before returning to service. This call was in Pinecroft-Sedgefield Engine 23’s first-due area. Engine 23 was on anothercall at the time of dispatch. They cleared that call and added themselves to this call afterthe scene was brought under control.
- Fire News photo by Kenneth Clouser
In the early afternoon of January 8, 2023, the Rose Hill VolunteerFire Department, Teachey VolunteerFire Department, Wallace VolunteerFire Department, Greenevers VolunteerFire Department and Duplin County EMS responded to a structure fire on Pope Road. Rose Hill units arrived and found an outside fire burning beside the structure and pulled an attack line to begin extinguishment. Teachey arrived forwatersupply. Wallace and Greenevers units were cancelled priorto response.
On November24, 2022, JeterMountain (Mountain Meadows Community) and Brevard fire crews along with firefighters from neighboring agencies assisted Little RiverFire Department with a brush fire.
On December15, 2022, the Troutman Fire Department responded to a report of a propane truck leaking on Eastway Drive. The truck, containing 1500 gallons of propane, was located on Perry Street and crews were able to slow the leak. The Mooresville Fire Department’s HazMat Unit was special called to the scene and HazMat techs were able to stop the leak. The incident was brought undercontrol in about an hourand no injuries were reported.
- Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
Recently, the Transylvania County Rescue Squad was requested to provide a team to support North Transylvania Fire Rescue Station 13 in locating a lost fisherman in the Turkey Pen area of Pisgah Forest. The squad responded with a rescue truck, ATVs, and a fiveperson team. An anglerhad contacted 911 unsure where he was. Dispatchers were able to ping the caller’s phone and provide a probable location. Squad members were able to travel just shy of three miles on ATVs before encountering trail too steep and narrow to drive and they proceded on foot. The lost individual was found to be tired, hungry, cold and dehydrated but in good spirits. Dispatchers had instructed the lost person to remain stationary and wait forrescuers and it significantly sped up the rescue process. When in doubt hug a tree and stay put.
- Photo courtesy Transylvania County Rescue Squad
On November20, 2022, Raleigh Fire Department Engine 16 was already on scene at the Hilton Garden Inn-Crabtree Valley fora medical call when a fire alarm activated. They soon received reports of a smoking air-conditioning unit on the fifth floorand found a working fire in one of the guest rooms. Engine 9 and Ladder6 were dispatched forthe alarm, followed by numerous units fora structure fire assignment. As units were arriving, Engine 16 connected to the building’s standpipe and established a watersupply. Second-arriving Ladder14 found flames visible from the south side of the structure. They deployed theiraerial. The fire was contained by the sprinklersystem and was quickly extinguished. Several companies remained on scene forsmoke removal. - Fire News photos by Mike Legeros
On December24, 2022, firefighters in Wake County helped save Christmas presents at a house fire on Heritage Lane. First-arri ving units from Fairview and Swift Creek fire departments found heavy fire in the front of a single-story residential structure. In addition to f ire suppression, crews brought the family’s presents outside and placed th em under protective covers in the front yard. Cary and Garnerfire units were also on scene, along with Wake County EMS.
- Fire News photos by Mike Legeros
Greensboro Fire units were dispatched at 2226 on January 3, 2023, fora reported structure fire. Firefighters from Greensboro and Fire District 13 (Engine 55) responded to the call. Engine 7 was first on-scene advising fire showing and passed command to Battalion 1. No injuries were reported.
- Fire News photos by Kenneth Clouser
On January 29, 2023, at 1124, the Troutman and Shepherds fire departments were alerted fora vehicle fire on StillwaterRoad. Arrivin g units found a vehicle and camperfully involved in the driveway of the two-story home. Firefighters battled cold temperatures and strong winds that extended the fire into the home. Crews, using three hoselines, brought the fire undercontrol in about an hour. No injuries were reported, but the vehicle and camperwere destroyed, and the home sustained heavy damage. The Red Cross was notified to assist the family and the cause was underinvestigation. Mooresville and South Iredell responded to the scene on mutual aid.
- Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
On December23, 2022, at 1056, the Shepherds, Troutman, Mooresville, South Iredell and Wayside fire departments were alerted fora structure fire on Cool Creek Lane. Arriving crews found an exteriorfire on the side of the home and theirquick
response stopped the fire from extending into the attic of the home. Firefighters not only battled the fire but the high winds and cold temperatures. No injuries were reported, and the cause was under investigation. - Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
On January 10, 2023 at 0417, the Monticello, Statesville, West Iredell and Troutman fire departments responded to a structure fire on Crest Ridge Road. Arriving units were met with heavy fire from the carports of the single-story home. The fire had extended to the structure and crews worked quickly to bring the fire undercontrol. Adowned powerline made a dangerous condition forfirefighters while battling the flames. The structure sustained damage and a pickup truck was destroyed. No injuries were reported, the Red Cross was notified to assist the homeowner. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation.
- Fire News photo by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
On August 12, 2022, the Statesville Fire Department responded to a structure fire on Stockton Street. Afire was quickly extinguished and no injuries were reported.
- Fire News photo by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
On January 9, 2023 at 1730, the Mooresville Fire Department responded to a report of a structure fire on North Church Street. Engine 1 arrived to fire showing from a single-story home. Crews quickly stretched a hoseline and knocked down the fire. Additional
arriving units assisted with searching the structure forany possible victims, which was negative. One occupant was treated at the scene forpossible smoke inhalation by EMS. The cause was underinvestigation. - Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
On February 21, 2022, at 1645, Mooresville Fire -Rescue responded to a structure fire on Clay Street. Responding units could see a large headerand arriving units found a fully involved home that was said to be vacant. Mount Mourne and South Iredell were also called to the scene. All searches were negative and no injuries were reported.
- Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
On January 16, 2023, at 1000, the Shepherds Fire Department along with the Troutman Fire Department were alerted fora structure fire on Mills Valley Road. Arriving units had smoke showing and stretched one line to the front door. Asmall fire was quickly extinguished and crews vented the structure of the smoke condition.
- Fire News photo by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
On November11, 2022, the Mooresville Fire Department was alerted fora structure fire at a gas station on South Main Street. Arriving units found fire showing and a heavy smoke condition. They were notified that all occupants were accounted for. Engine 1 was first due and stretched one line to the front doorand quickly knocked down the fire as additional crews opened up the roof and stretched an additional line.
- Fire News photo by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
On January 5, 2023, an MVAin Raleigh on westbound Interstate 440 nearLake Boone Trail resulted in the rupture of a 50-gallon diesel fuel tank on a truck. Raleigh Haz-Mat 3 was returning from a call and was the first fire unit at the scene. They requested additional spill-control resources. In the photo Ladder 14, Engine 16, and one Wake County EMS unit are shown on scene.
- Fire News photo by Mike Legeros
On August 16, 2022, the South Iredell, and Atwell fire departments along with Iredell EMS were alerted foran overturned truck on JuniperRoad. The driverand passengersustained minorinjuries and crews applied drying agent fora fluid spill in the roadway.
- Fire News photo by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
Greensboro Fire units were dispatched at 2022 on January 2, 2023, foran accident with an overturned vehicle. First arriving units (Engine and Ladder10) reported one vehicle off the road on its top in a yard. Firefighters were unable to find the occupant of the carand it was believed they fled the scene afterthe accident. Battalion 3 and Rescue 5 were cleared when it was determined no patients were found.
- Fire News photo by Kenneth Clouser
On the early morning of January 8, 2023, Faison VolunteerFire and Rescue, Sampson County EMS and the North Carolina State Highway Patrol responded to an MVAon Interstate 40 at the exit ramp at the 355 milemarker. Faison units found a single occupant with minorinjuries entrapped in the vehicle. The vehicle was stabilized and the windshield was removed allowing the occupant to selfextricate. The road was briefly closed during the extraction process.
- Fire News photo by David Miller
On December16, 2022, Shepherds and Mooresville Fire Rescue units responded to an overturned van on Tripplet Road. The driverwas uninjured.
- Fire News photo by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
On November22, 2022, the Town of Mooresville held theirannual Christmas parade in Downtown Mooresville.
- Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
On December7, 2022, the Mooresville and South Iredell fire departments along with Mooresville Police and Iredell County EMS responded to an MVAon Golden Valley Road in Mooresville. Acar and a van collided causing the van to leave the roadway and overturn up against the front porch of a home trapping the driverand two dogs. Crews from both departments worked togetherto extricate the trapped driverand dogs. The driverwas transported to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries and the dogs appeared to be okay.
- Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
On December17, 2022, the Wayside and Troutman fire departments responded to an MVAwith pin on Amity Hill Road. Crews used hydraulic tools to free the trapped person.
- Fire News photo by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
On December8, 2022, Troutman Fire Rescue responded to MVAwith pin in at the intersection of the Interstate 77 ramp and South Main Street. Crews performed a doorpop on the passenger’s doorand extricated one person who was transported to the hospital by Iredell EMS.
- Fire News photo by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
Transylvania County RS -Station 3 members spent a recent Saturday morning training on search tactics, digital mapping, ATVops, and hypothermia management. Regularhands-on scenarios are key to integrating new members into the team and keeping skills sharp. Many thanks to North Transylvania Fire Rescue Station 13 members for coming out to train with us and sharing theirskills. We welcome new members year-round. If interested reach out via Facebook formore information.
- Photos courtesy of Transylvania County Rescue Squad
On December1, 2022 the South Iredell Volunteer Fire Department received delivery of theirnew Pierce Enforcercab Pumper/Tankerapparatus. The project started fouryears ago and, aftergetting all the properapprovals, the planning for the layout of the truck began. The truck started being built two years ago to the specs and needs of the department. The new pumper/tankercarries 3000 gallons of waterand is state of the art to betterprotect the community. The new truck replaces two trucks that held 1500 and 1000 gallons of water, they were traded in to offset the purchase price of the new truck. As soon as the truck arrived, volunteers started placing the hose and equipment on it to get it immediately in service. The South Iredell VolunteerFire Department are always looking for
new members that are interested in serving and protecting the community. Contact the South Iredell VolunteerFire Department at 704-664-4030 orSIFRNC.com forinformation on joining the Department. - Fire News photo by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
On January 9, 2023, the South Iredell VolunteerFire Department trained at theirfacility on search and rescue to sharpen theirfirefighterskills. Crews took turns searching the smokey structure for
the human form dummy that weighs over150 pounds and after locating it, removed it from the building.
- Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
On April 21, 2022, the Statesville Fire Department conducted a live burn training on a home that was donated to the department. Firefighters trained forseveral hours before the structure was deemed unsafe and fire was allowed to consume the home.
- Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
Recently, the Durham Fire Department placed the last of seven new Sutphen pumpers in service at Station 1. The dedication ceremony included remarks by Fire Chief Bobby Zoldos. Aftera wetdown of the wheels by children, participants helped push the engine into its new quarters. The new engines were delivered in late 2021, and placed in service during summerand fall of 2022. They featured many updates to the priorengine specification, both operational and cosmetic. The changes include a five-inch inlet and trash line added on the bumper, cross-lays removed and all handlines coming off the back, and company/station slogans added overthe front windshield. Engine 9 is shown afterits dedication in July.
- Fire News photos by Mike Legeros
Five years of service awards went to Bradley Luther(not present). Wyatt Gibson and Duncan Dunavent. Fire Fighter2 certification was achieved by Anna Saxton and Jonathan Teague. Most training hours award was presented to TylerClodfelter. Todd Bowers got most calls answered award presented to Ryan Franklin. Rookie of the Yearaward was presented to Chad Cooley. Randy Jones First Responderof the Yearaward presented to Brittany Loftin. David A.
Cline Fire Fighterof the Yearaward presented to Ryan Franklin. C. Maurice Jenkins Officerof the Yearaward presented to Jonathan Teague. Sonny Johnson Outstanding Service award was presented to Chris Owens. Nine firefighters were recognized for150-hours-plus of training: Wyatt Adkins, Alaina Carper, TylerClodfelter, Chad Cooley, Chrystal Cooley, John Fletcher, Bradley Luther, Chris Owen and Anna Saxton. - Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
The Shepherds Fire Department held theirannual awards ceremony and a special push-in ceremony fortheirnew tanker. Awards were given out to FirefighterEvey Lopez forFirefighterof the Ye ar, FirefighterTimmy Carroll forTop Responder, Hannah Foley for Employee of the Year, Chief of the Department Kelly Robinson for
his 35 years of service to the department and the community, and Captain Shane Sellers forOfficerof the Year(Shane was not present). Afterthe awards were given out the tradition of the department is to push-in theirnew tanker and officially put it into service.
- Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
It is with great sadness that the Fire Engineering/FDIC International and Clarion Events family announces the unexpecte d passing of Chief (ret.) Bobby Halton, Editor-in-Chief of Fire Engineering and Educational Director for FDIC. Chief Halton passed away at his home in Oklahoma on December 19, 2022. Halton served as our editor for the past 18 years. Halton led the editorial team and helped build the FDIC into the largest fire service educational conference in the world.
“We are devastated by the news of Bobby’s sudden passing. Bobby was a larger-than-life personality who dedicated his life to God, family, and the fire service. Bobby spent his life in service of others and his impact serving as VPof Education and Training for Clarion Fire & Rescue, was a source of great pride and personal responsibility. This is a major loss for the Clarion family and the fire service. In this difficult time, we offer our deepest condolences to Marcia, Dean, Ryan, Evan, and the entire Halton family,” said E ric Schlett, Executive Vice President, Clarion Events - Fire & Resc ue.
Chief Bobby Halton was a native New Yorker. He began his career in structural firefighting with the Albuquerque (NM) Fire Department and rose through the ranks to include Chief of Training. Halton was Chief of Operations until his retirement from Albuquerque in 2004. He then became Chief of the Coppell (TX) Fire Department. Halton left Coppell to assume the duties as Ed itorin-Chief of Fire Engineering.
Chief Halton was a graduate of the University of New Mexico, left a member in good standing with the International Associati on of Fire Fighters, was a member of the International Association of Fire Chiefs, and has served on several of the National Fire Protection Association technical committees. He was active with the Nation al Fallen Firefighters Life Safety Initiatives as well as the Fire fighter Cancer Support Network. He was a passionate fire service advocate, speaker, author, and friend to so many.
Chief (ret.) David Rhodes, Atlanta Fire Rescue Department, Content Strategist Clarion Events
“There will never be another Bobby Halton. He defied the odds with cancer and lived his life to the fullest. His passion for history, his love for America, and his understanding of the fire service made him an incredible voice for our profession. He was a trusted friend and mentor who has been a major part of my life for the past 20 years. Working directly with him full-time for the past five months has been a blessing that I will treasure forever. His life was service. I will miss you my friend.”
Captain (ret.) Michael Dugan, FDNY
“Bobby was an iconic individual who left the fire service bette r than he found it. He believed in family, trust and loyalty and there were not many like him.”
Chief (ret.) Rick Lasky, Lewisville Fire Department, TX
“The fire service just lost an incredible fire service mentor a nd leader. I just lost my big brother. He was an incredible man, father and husband. He was one of my best friends and I am so blessed that I just got to spend the weekend with him in Hawaii where my son also spent time with him. Very few people will ever have the im pact on people lives and the fire service as Bobby did. He changed the fire service. His passion and love for the fire service was second t o none. I will miss my big brother so much.”
Glenn Corbett, Technical Editor, Fire Engineering
“Bobby Halton represented the core essence of the fire service. Working with him for years on Fire Engineering magazine, FDIC, and other projects, I witnessed his unwavering devotion and love for firefighters. He always kept firefighters as his focus and mission, making sure that they received the best training possible. He w ove his editorials into philosophical motivators for many readers, encouraging them to think and act. Bobby was a unique firefighter who touched many lives His presence will be sorely missed at Fire Engineering, FDIC, and in the fire service itself.”
Captain (ret.) Mike Gagliano, Seattle Fire Department
“Bobby will never be gone for those who love our calling. His legacy is woven within the fabric of firefighters across the world who pursue our craft with passion and gratitude. No one has impacted how I think about the fireground and firefighting more than my mentor, brother and friend. He believed in you and me in a way that was contagious and inspirational, and I believe still does today. Thinking of him catching up with Bruno and Brennan, swapping stories and laughs makes me happy. This world, and my own personal walk in it, now has a hole that I can’t quite believe and it is terribly sa d. Such is the impact of a true leader, legend and authentic man of faith. Salute my friend. I look forward to the day when our Lord looks at you and says, ‘Well done thou good and faithful servant.’Well done indeed.”
Captain Bill Gustin, Miami Dade Fire Department, Technical Editor, Fire Engineering
“Bobby was such a big part of our lives. He was so talented and passionate. Everyone touched by him is not only a better fire officer but a better person. He has been such a big part of my life. I know he would want us to carry on and keep working hard every day to make each other better.”
On March 14, 2021, multiple departments battled a roaring fire at Crazy David’s Variety Store on Shelton Avenue. The fire took several hours to bring undercontrol and the building was destroyed. - Fire News photos by ImmsterFirePhotos.com
Three condos and one home on Bald Head Island were destroyed aftera fire in November2021. Officials said a strong wind caused the fire to spread to nearby structures and threaten the surrounding area. Fourfirefighters suffered minorinjuries. The Bald Head Island D epartment of Public Safety was assisted by crews and equipment from Boiling Spring Lakes, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Leland, Oak Island, Southport, Sunny Point, Winnabow, and the U.S. Coast Guard. EMS crews from Brunswick County and St. James also responded.
- Submitted by Alan May
On December1, 2022, Fire Chief Tony Mauldin of the Fuquay-Varina Fire Department in Wake County was laid to rest. He had served as chief since 2002 and been a memberof the department since 1990. Following the funeral service at Fuquay-Varina Baptist Church, his casket was carried to Wake Chapel Christian Church Memorial Gardens on the department’s recently restored 1945 Mack pumper. The procession included apparatus and vehicles from neighboring fire departments in Wake and Harnett counties.
The Raleigh Fire Department’s largest recruit class in its hist ory graduated on December 29, 2022. The ceremony was conducted at the Raleigh Convention Center, with retiring Division Chief of Professional Development David Whitley giving the keynote address.
Three awards were given out, recognizing Joseph Harris as Valedictorian, Chase Johnson as Lt. Herman “Greg” Ellis Extra Effort Award recipient, and Adam Peterson as Assistant Chief W. Keith Tessinear Leadership and Integrity Award recipient.
The ceremony opened with a presentation of colors by the Raleigh Fire Department Honor Guard. Assistant Chief of Professional Development Ian Toms presided over the ceremonies. Fire Chief Herbert Griffin administered the oath of office. The 49 new firefighters started their seven-month academy in May.
- Fire News photos by Mike Legeros