Wir glauben, dass es die Details sind, die den Unterschied ausmachen. Jedes Jahr lancieren wir eine Zierkissenkollektion aus erlesenen Fischbacher 1819-Stoffen. Kombiniert mit passenden Akzenten und Farbkontrasten, ermöglichen die Kissen es, neue Stimmungen zu schaffen und Interieurs auf leichte, spielerische Art zu dekorieren. Unsere gemütlichen und raffinierten Plaids sind von höchster Qualität. Sie werden aus den besten Materialien hergestellt und setzen luxuriöse Akzente im Wohn- und Schlafbereich.
Nous croyons que ce sont les détails qui font la différence. Chaque année, nous lançons une collection de coussins décoratifs fabriqués dans des étoffes Fischbacher 1819 de qualité. Combinés avec les accents et les contrastes de couleurs adéquats, ces coussins permettent de créer de nouvelles ambiances et de décorer les intérieurs de façon légère et amusante. Nos couvertures douillettes et élégantes répondent aux critères de qualité les plus élevés. Elles sont fabriquées exclusivement à partir des meilleures matières et créent des accents luxueux dans le salon et la chambre à coucher.
We believe that it’s the details that make the difference. Every year, we launch a collection of decorative cushions featuring a selection of Fischbacher 1819 fabrics. Combined with matching accents and contrasting colours, the cushions make it possible to create new moods and to decorate interiors in an easy, fun way. Our cosy and elegant throws meet the very highest quality criteria. They are made from only the best materials and create luxurious accents in living rooms and bedrooms.
Per noi sono i dettagli a fare la differenza. Ogni anno lanciamo una nuova collezione realizzata con tessuti Fischbacher 1819 altamente selezionati. Caratterizzati da raffinati dettagli e colori a contrasto, i cuscini permettono di creare nuove atmosfere e di abbellire gli interni in modo allegro e semplice. I nostri raffinati e confortevoli plaid sono di primissima qualità. Sono realizzati con i migliori materiali e conferiscono note di eleganza al soggiorno e alla camera da letto
50 x 50 cm
front 37% CO, 6% LI, 50% PC, 7% PES
50 x 50 cm
front 37% CO, 6% LI, 50% PC, 7% PES
back Polaris 80% WO, 20% PA
50 x 50 cm
front 37% CO, 6% LI, 50% PC, 7% PES
50 x 50 cm
front 37% CO, 6% LI, 50% PC, 7% PES
50 x 50 cm
front 37% CO, 6% LI, 50% PC, 7% PES
back Polaris 80% WO, 20% PA
back Polaris 80% WO, 20% PA
50 x 50 cm
front 37% CO, 6% LI, 50% PC, 7% PES
back Polaris 80% WO, 20% PA
* with cushion filling, cotton cover and recycled polyester filling
SAUVAGE 42083 A Col. 307 (incl. cushion filling)*
SAUVAGE 42083 A Col. 317 (incl. cushion filling)*
back Polaris 80% WO, 20% PA
back Polaris 80% WO, 20% PA
SAUVAGE 42083 A Col. 325 (incl. cushion filling)*
SAUVAGE 42083 A Col. 303 (incl. cushion filling)*
SAUVAGE 42083 A Col. 304 (incl. cushion filling)*
SAUVAGE 42083 A Col. 312 (incl. cushion filling)*
Accessoires Accessories
NOMAD YAK ist eine geschmeidig weiche Qualität aus 100% ungefärbter Yak Wolle. Die drei Farbstellungen ergeben sich rein aus der natürlichen Färbung der Wolle. Yak Fasern werden aus dem Unterhaar des Yaks gewonnen, einer Rinderspezies, die v.a. im Himalaya und Tibet heimisch ist. Die Fasern sind außerordentlich wärmend, atmungsaktiv und feuchtigkeitsregulierend.
NOMAD YAK is a supple, soft quality made from 100% undyed yak wool. The three shades on offer are the undyed colours occurring naturally in yak wool. Yak fibres are obtained from the undercoat of the yak, a cattle species native to the Himalayan region and Tibet. They are especially warm, breathable and moisture-regulating.
NOMAD YAK est une qualité souple et douce fabriquée à partir de 100% de laine de yak non teintée. Les trois teintes proposées sont les couleurs non teintées naturellement présentes dans la laine de yak. Les fibres de yak sont obtenues à partir du sous-poil du yak, une espèce bovine originaire de la région de l’Himalaya et du Tibet. Elles sont particulièrement chaudes, respirantes et régulent l’humidité.
NOMAD YAK è un plaid soffice e morbido realizzato al 100% in lana di yak non tinta. Le tre tonalità proposte sono i colori naturali della lana di yak. Le fibre di yak sono ottenute dal sottopelo dello Yak, una specie bovina originaria della regione himalayana e del Tibet, e sono particolarmente calde, traspiranti e regolano l‘umidità.
NOMAD YAK 1024A Col. 407
130 x 200 cm 100% Yak Wool
NOMAD YAK 1024A Col. 417
130 x 200 cm 100% Yak Wool
NOMAD YAK 1024A Col. 406
130 x 200 cm 100% Yak Wool
Accessoires Accessories
SAINT TROPEZ 1025A Col . 515
SAINT TROPEZ 1025A Col . 502
ca. 130 x 195 cm 100% Merino Wool ca. 130 x 195 cm 100% Merino Wool
SAINT TROPEZ 1025A Col . 527
SAINT TROPEZ 1025A Col . 505
ca. 130 x 195 cm 100% Merino Wool ca. 130 x 195 cm 100% Merino Wool
SAINT TROPEZ 1025A Col . 507
SAINT TROPEZ 1025A Col . 517
ca. 130 x 195 cm 100% Merino Wool ca. 130 x 195 cm 100% Merino Wool
SAINT TROPEZ 1025A Col . 503
SAINT TROPEZ 1025A Col . 501
ca. 130 x 195 cm 100% Merino Wool ca. 130 x 195 cm 100% Merino Wool
Col. 904 BISOU 1019A Col. 905 BISOU 1019A Col. 907 127 x 165 cm 100% Cashmere 127 x 165 cm 100% Cashmere 127 x 165 cm 100% Cashmere
Accessories BISOU 1019A
x 165 cm 100% Cashmere
BISOU 1019A Col. 900
BISOU 1019A Col. 902 127
165 cm 100% Cashmere
LAGO 1022A Col. 201
100% CO ca. 280
100% CO
LAGO MAXI 1023A Col. 201 ca.
x 200 cm
x 265 cm
LAGO 1022A Col. 202
ca. 130
200 cm 100% CO ca. 280
265 cm 100% CO
LAGO MAXI 1023A Col. 202
LAGO 1022A Col. 209
130 x 200 cm 100% CO ca. 280
265 cm 100% CO
LAGO MAXI 1023A Col. 209
LAGO 1022A Col. 211
LAGO MAXI 1023A Col. 211
ca. 130 x 200 cm 100%
ca. 280 x 265 cm 100% CO
MAXI 1021A
300 x 265 cm 50% WO, 30% LI, 20% PAN 300 x 265 cm 50% WO, 30% LI, 20% PAN 130 x 200 cm 100%
MAXI 1021A
717 NOBLE 1017A
ol . 707
Baby Alpaca
Col. 701
300 x 265 cm 50% WO, 30% LI, 20% PAN 300 x 265 cm 50% WO, 30% LI, 20% PAN 130 x 200 cm 100% Baby
703 GENTLEMAN 1015A COL. 505
CARRÉ 1016A C ol . 602
CARRÉ 1016A C ol . 605
130 x 200 cm 100% Baby
130 x 200
CARRÉ 1016A C ol . 604
Baby Alpaca
Baby Alpaca
NOBLE 1017A C ol . 702
NOBLE 1017A C ol . 705
130 x 200
130 x 200
NOBLE 1017A C ol . 704
Baby Alpaca
Baby Alpaca
Baby Alpaca
NOBLE 1017A C ol . 700
NOBLE 1017A C ol . 715
NOBLE 1017A C ol . 714
x 200
Baby Alpaca
x 200
Baby Alpaca
x 200 cm
Baby Alpaca
Accessoires Accessories
PURO 1005A Col. 512
PURO 1005A Col. 522
130 x 200 cm 100%
130 x 200 cm 100%
130 x 200 cm 100%
PURO 1005A Col. 507
Baby Alpaca
Baby Alpaca
Baby Alpaca
PURO 1005A Col. 515
PURO 1005A Col. 537
130 x 200 cm 100%
130 x 200 cm 100%
130 x 200 cm 100%
PURO 1005A Col. 517
Baby Alpaca
Baby Alpaca
Baby Alpaca
PURO 1005A Col. 525
PURO 1005A Col. 501
PURO 1005A Col. 511 130 x 200 cm 100% Baby Alpaca 130 x 200 cm 100% Baby Alpaca
cm 100% Baby Alpaca
Col. 504 PURO 1005A Col. 513 PURO 1005A Col. 503 130 x 200 cm 100% Baby Alpaca 130 x 200 cm 100% Baby Alpaca 130 x 200 cm 100% Baby Alpaca
PURO 1005A
PURO 1005A Col. 519
PURO 1005A
Col. 523
130 x 200 cm 100% Baby Alpaca 130 x 200 cm 100% Baby Alpaca 130 x 200 cm 100% Baby Alpaca
PURO 1005A
Col. 533 PURO 1005A Col. 514 PURO 1005A Col. 542 PURO 1005A Col. 552 130 x 200 cm 100% Baby Alpaca 130 x 200 cm 100% Baby Alpaca 130 x 200 cm 100% Baby Alpaca 130 X 200 cm 100% Baby Alpaca
PURO 1005A
Accessoires Accessories
PURO 42041A Col. 112 (excl. cushion filling)
PURO 42041A Col. 122 (excl.
cushion filling)
50 x 50 cm 100% Baby Alpaca 50 x 50 cm 100%
Alpaca 50 x 50 cm 100%
PURO 42041A Col. 107 (excl. cushion filling)
Baby Alpaca
PURO 42041A Col. 115 (excl. cushion filling)
PURO 42041A Col. 137 (excl. cushion filling)
50 x 50 cm 100% Baby Alpaca 50 x 50 cm 100% Baby Alpaca 50 x 50 cm 100%
PURO 42041A Col. 117 (excl. cushion filling)
Baby Alpaca
PURO 42041A Col. 125 (excl. cushion filling)
PURO 42041A Col. 101 (excl. cushion filling)
x 50
50 x 50
50 x 50
PURO 42041A Col. 111 (excl. cushion filling)
Baby Alpaca
Baby Alpaca
Baby Alpaca
CO: Baumwolle | Cotton | Cotone | Coton
CV: Viskose | Viscose | Viscose | Viscosa
LI: Leinen | Linen | Lino | Lin
PA: Polyamid | Polyamide | Polyamid | Polyamide
PAC: Polyacryl | Acrylic | Acrilica | Acrylique
PES: Polyester | Polyester | Poliestere | Polyester
SE: Seide | Silk | Seta | Soie
WO: Wolle | Wool | Lana | Laine
PURO 42041A Col. 104 (excl. cushion filling)
PURO 42041A Col. 113 (excl. cushion filling)
50 x 50 cm 100% Baby Alpaca 50 x 50 cm 100% Baby Alpaca 50 x 50 cm 100%
PURO 42041A Col. 103 (excl. cushion filling)
PURO 42041A Col. 119 (excl. cushion filling)
PURO 42041A Col. 123 (excl. cushion filling)
50 x 50 cm 100% Baby Alpaca 50 x 50 cm 100% Baby Alpaca 50 x 50 cm 100% Baby Alpaca
PURO 42041A Col. 105 (excl. cushion filling)
Accessoires Accessories
70% WO,
BENU CHECK Col. 805 (incl. cushion filling)*
20% PL, 5% PA, 5% PC (back BENU REMIX)
BENU CHECK Col. 815 (incl. cushion filling)*
20% PL, 5% PA, 5% PC (back BENU REMIX)
70% WO,
42072A 40 x 40 cm 42072A 40 x 40 cm 42072A 40 x 40 cm 42076A 50 x 50 cm 42076A 50 x 50 cm 42076A 50 x 50 cm 42077A 60 x 60 cm 42077A 60 x 60 cm 42077A 60 x 60 cm
BENU CHECK Col. 801 (incl. cushion filling)*
20% PL, 5% PA, 5% PC (back BENU REMIX)
BENU CHECK Col. 807 (incl. cushion filling)*
20% PL, 5% PA, 5% PC (back BENU REMIX)
70% WO, 20% PL, 5% PA, 5%
BENU CHECK Col. 817 (incl. cushion filling)*
PC (back
70% WO, 20% PL,
42072A 40 x 40 cm 42072A 40 x 40 cm 42072A 40 x 40 cm 42076A 50 x 50 cm 42076A 50 x 50 cm 42076A 50 x 50 cm 42077A 60 x 60 cm 42077A 60 x 60 cm 42077A 60 x 60 cm
BENU CHECK Col. 827 (incl. cushion filling)*
5% PA,
PC (back
BENU CHECK Col. 803 (incl. cushion filling)* 70% WO, 20% PL, 5% PA, 5% PC (back BENU REMIX)
42072A 40 x 40 cm 42072A 40 x 40 cm
50 x 50 cm 42076A 50 x 50 cm
60 x 60 cm 42077A 60 x 60 cm
BENU CHECK Col. 804 (incl. cushion filling)*
20% PL, 5% PA, 5% PC (back BENU REMIX)
with cushion filling,
recycled polyester filling
cotton cover and
Seit über 10 Jahren überzeugt die BENU® Recyled Kollektion mit Textilien, die u.a. aus recycelten PET Flaschen entstehen.
In einem umweltfreundlichen Verfahren werden für BENU CHECK neue Garne aus Konfektionsabschnitten aus der Modeindustrie gewonnen. Das Material wird nach Farben sortiert, wodurch der energieaufwändige Prozess des Färbens entfällt. Nur die besten Textilfasern werden kardiert und zu einem neuen, hochwertigen Garn versponnen. Durch die Reduktion von Abwasser, Färbemittel und Chemikalien wird die Umwelt geschont und kostbare Energie eingespart
For more than 10 years, the BENU® Recycled collection has been a showcase for impressive textiles made from recycled fabrics and PET bottles.
New yarns are made from cuttings and left-overs of the fashion industry in an eco-friendly process for BENU CHECK. The material is sorted by colour, which eliminates the energy-consuming process of dyeing. Only the best textile fibres are carded and spun into a new, high quality yarn. Reducing waste water, dyes and chemicals protects the environment and saves precious energy
Depuis 10 ans, la collection BENU® Recyled séduit avec des textiles fabriqués à partir de bouteilles PET recyclées.
Dans le cadre d’un processus respectueux de l’environnement, les nouveaux fils pour BENU CHECK sont obtenus à partir de surplus de l’industrie de la mode et de stocks de vêtements usagés. Le matériau est trié par couleur, ce qui permet d’éliminer le processus de teinture très énergivore. Seules les meilleures fibres textiles sont gardées et filées en un nouveau fil de haute qualité. La réduction des eaux usées, des colorants et des produits chimiques protège l’environnement et permet d’économiser une énergie précieuse.
Da 10 anni, la collezione BENU® Recycled è una vetrina per stupefacenti tessuti realizzati con tessuti riciclati e bottiglie in PET. I nuovi filati di BENU CHECK sono realizzati con ritagli e residui del settore della moda utilizzando un processo ecologico. Il materiale viene suddiviso per colore, eliminando così il processo di tintura che consuma energia. Solo le migliori fibre tessili vengono cardate e filate in un nuovo filato di alta qualità. Ridurre le acque reflue, i coloranti e i prodotti chimici protegge l‘ambiente e consente di risparmiare energia.
Accessoires Accessories
cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm
cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm
- 100% ECO Cotton
BENU COTTON Col. 106 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40
42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm * with cushion filling, cotton cover and recycled polyester filling
cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
BENU COTTON Col. 109 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
BENU COTTON Col. 111 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm
BENU COTTON Col. 112 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
BENU COTTON Col. 113 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
BENU COTTON Col. 114 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40
42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm
BENU COTTON Col. 115 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
BENU COTTON Col. 117 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
BENU COTTON Col. 118 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40
42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm
BENU COTTON Col. 121 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
* with cushion filling, cotton cover and
Accessoires Accessories
cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm
cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm
cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
BENU COTTON Col. 132 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
BENU COTTON Col. 134 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40
42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm * with cushion filling, cotton cover and recycled polyester filling
BENU COTTON Col. 135 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
* with cushion filling, cotton cover and recycled polyester filling
BENU COTTON Col. 137 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
BENU COTTON Col. 144 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm
BENU COTTON Col. 147 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
BENU COTTON Col. 157 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
BENU COTTON Col. 167 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40
42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm
BENU COTTON Col. 177 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
BENU COTTON Col. 187 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
42075A 40 x 40 cm 42075A 40 x 40 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42073A 50 x 50 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm 42074A 60 x 60 cm
BENU COTTON Col. 197 (incl. cushion filling)* - 100% ECO Cotton
ESTIVAL 42064A Col. 402
60 x 60 cm 100% PES 60 x 60 cm 100% PES
ESTIVAL 42064A Col. 405
(incl. cushion filling)*
SELVA 42067A Col. 704 (excl. cushion filling)
SELVA 42067A Col. 705 (excl. cushion filling)
50 x 30 cm: 50 x 30 cm: 50 x 30 cm: front 70% CV, 30% PES front 70% CV, 30% PES front 70% CV, 30% PES back 100% CV back 100% CV back 100% CV * with cushion filling, cotton cover and recycled polyester filling
SELVA 42067A Col. 703 (excl. cushion filling)
Mit jedem Kauf des HARIMAU Teppich und/oder DAWON Zierkissen unterstützen wir Save Wild Tigers. Save Wild Tigers ist eine weltweit tätige NGO mit Sitz im Vereinigten Königreich, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, die letzten 3‘900 Tiger in freier Wildbahn vor dem Aussterben zu bewahren. Die immer seltener werdenden wilden Tiger werden durch den illegalen Handel mit Wildtieren und die Zerstörung ihres Lebensraums vom Aussterben bedroht.
With every purchase of the HARIMAU Rug or the DAWON Decorative Cushion we support Save Wild Tigers.
Save Wild Tigers is a global UK based NGO, launched to help save last 3,900 tigers in the wild from extinction. Increasingly rare wild tigers are being driven to extinction by the illegal wildlife trade & habitat destruction.
DAWON 42078A Col. 807 (incl. cushion filling)*
40 x 60 cm 35% CO, 30% LI, 22%
40 x 60 cm 35% CO, 30% LI, 22%
DAWON 4278A Col. 801 (incl. cushion filling)*
CV, 3% PES
Acryl, 10% CV, 3% PES
POPPY 42079A Col. 901 (incl. cushion filling)*
PINKWEEK 42081A Col. 104 (incl. cushion filling)*
x 50 cm: 100% CO 50 x 50 cm: 100% CO 50 x 50 cm: 100% CO
BLOSSOM 42082A Col. 202 (incl. cushion filling)*
IKAN 42080A Col. 109 (incl. cushion filling)*
50 cm:
50 x
100% CO
* with cushion filling, cotton cover and recycled polyester filling
Christian Fischbacher Co. AG, Mövenstrasse 18, CH-9015 St. Gallen Reprinting or any other form of reproduction shall be permitted only with the consent of the publisher. © Christian Fischbacher Co. AG
Headquarter Switzerland
Christian Fischbacher Co. AG
Mövenstrasse 18
9015 St. Gallen, Switzerland
T +41 71 314 66 66
Germany & Austria
Christian Fischbacher GmbH
Simonshöfchen 27
42327 Wuppertal, Germany
T +49 202 739090
Christian Fischbacher S.p.A.
Via Roggia Lubiana, 141 22040 Alzate Brianza Co, Italy
T +39 031 55 78 01
Christian Fischbacher S.A.R.L
20 Rue Du Mail
75002 Paris, France
T +33 1 42 36 97 00
Christian Fischbacher B. V.
Pedro de Medinalaan 11
1086 XK Amsterdam, The Netherlands
T +31 20 647 22 66
Nihon Fisba K.K.
CH Building 2F
2-7-28 Minami Aoyama
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062, Japan +81 3 5775 0607
Showroom Zurich
Christian Fischbacher Co. AG
TMC, Showroom 657 Thurgauerstrasse 117 8152 Glattpark/Opfikon, Switzerland
T +41 71 314 66 66
Showroom Munich
Christian Fischbacher GmbH
Gabelsbergerstraße 9 80333 Munich, Germany T +49 89 51503693
Showroom Milano
Christian Fischbacher S.p.A.
Via del Carmine 9 20121 Milano, Italy
T +39 02 50041664
Showroom London
Christian Fischbacher Ltd.
Design Centre Chelsea Harbour Unit 108-110 First Floor Centre Dome
London SW10 0XE, Great Britain
T +44 20 7351 9332
Showroom Moscow
Christian Fischbacher
Gusyatnikov Pereulok, 11 Office 508 101000 Moscow, Russia
T +7 985 7680841